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Republic vs.

[GR 153883, 13 January 2004]
First Division, Ynares-Santiago (J): 4 concur
Facts: Chule Y. Lim filed a petition for correction of entries under Rule 108 of the Rules of
Court with the Regional Trial Court of Lanao del Norte, Branch 4 (Sp. Proc. 4933). She claimed
that she was born on 29 October 1954 in Buru-an, Iligan City. Her birth was registered in
Kauswagan, Lanao del Norte but the Municipal Civil Registrar of Kauswagan transferred her
record of birth to Iligan City. She alleged that both her Kauswagan and Iligan City records of
birth have four erroneous entries, and prays that they be corrected. The trial court then issued an
Order, which found the petition to be sufficient in form and substance, setting the hearing of the
case be set on 27 December 1999, and ordering the publication ofthe order in a newspaper of
general circulation in the City of Iligan and the Province of Lanao del Norte once a week for 3
consecutive weeks at Lim's expense. During the hearing, Lim testified that (1) her surname "Yu"
was misspelled as "Yo"; (2) her fathers name in her birth record was written as "Yo Diu To (Co
Tian)" when it should have been "Yu Dio To (Co Tian)"; (3) her nationality was entered as
Chinese when it should have been Filipino considering that her father (a Chinese) and mother (a
Filipina) never got married; and (4) it was erroneously indicated in her birth certificate that she
was a legitimate child when she should have been described as illegitimate considering that her
parents were never married. Placida Anto, Lims mother, testified that she is a Filipino citizen as
her parents were both Filipinos from Camiguin. She added that she and her daughters father
were never married because the latter had a prior subsisting marriage contracted in China. In this
connection, Lim presented a certification attested by officials of the local civil registries of Iligan
City and Kauswagan, Lanao del Norte that there is no record of marriage between Placida Anto
and Yu Dio To from 1948 to the present. The Republic, through the City Prosecutor of Iligan
City, did not present any evidence although it actively participated in the proceedings by
attending hearings and cross-examining respondent and her witnesses. On 22 February 2000, the
trial court granted respondents petition and rendered judgment directing the Civil Registrar of
Iligan City to make the corrections in Lim's birth records as (1) Her family name from "YO" to
"YU"; (2) Her fathers name from "YO DIU TO (CO TIAN)" to "YU DIOTO (CO TIAN)"; (3)
Her status from "legitimate" to "illegitimate" by changing "YES" to "NO" in answer to the
question "LEGITIMATE?"; and, (4) Her citizenship from "Chinese" to "Filipino". The Republic
of the Philippines appealed the decision to the Court of Appeals which affirmed the trial courts
decision. The Republic filed the petition for review on certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules of
Issue: Whether Lim is a Filipino citizen.
Held: The constitutional and statutory requirements of electing Filipino citizenship in Article IV,
Section 1 (3) of the 1935 Constitution (which provides that the citizenship of a legitimate child
born of a Filipino mother and an alien father followed the citizenship of the father, unless, upon
reaching the age of majority, the child elected Philippine citizenship), and Section 1 of
Commonwealth Act 625 (which provides that legitimate children born of Filipino mothers may
elect Philippine citizenship by expressing such intention "in a statement to be signed and sworn
to by the party concerned before any officer authorized to administer oaths, and shall be filed

with the nearest civil registry. The said party shall accompany the aforesaid statement with the
oath of allegiance to the Constitution and the Government of the Philippines") apply only to
legitimate children. These do not apply in the case of Lim who was concededly an illegitimate
child, considering that her Chinese father and Filipino mother were never married. As such, she
was not required to comply with said constitutional and statutory requirements to become a
Filipino citizen. By being an illegitimate child of a Filipino mother, Lim automatically became a
Filipino upon birth. Stated differently, she is a Filipino since birth without having to elect
Filipino citizenship when she reached the age of majority.

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