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Sihon’s and Og’s Overthrow

-By Steve Quayle-

Late winter of their fortieth year in the wilderness found the Israelites
encamped at Eziongeber, a small port town on the Gulf of Elath (modern
Aqaba). As the time to invade Canaan approached, over two million men,
women, and children began a two-hundred-mile trek north toward ancient
Jericho. For all the hardship it brought, that earlier mission of the twelve spies
to search out Canaan had served one good purpose. As a result of his later
debriefings of the twelve, Moses now had a far better idea of the land’s
physical features, the strength of its occupants, and the logistical problems
and other obstacles that the invading Hebrews would encounter. From their
intelligence reports, he learned, too, that many giants occupied the south
country, but that not many now lived in the lands east of the Jordan River. So
central Canaan seemed to him the most vulnerable place to attack. He
therefore decided that the Hebrew legions should strike first from across the
Jordan, near Jericho.

Their long march toward this well-known city of the giants took the Hebrew
multitude through Edom, Moab, Gilead, and Bashan. Some four hundred
years earlier, many Rephaim, Horim, Emim, and Zamzummim giants had
possessed these lands. Then came Chedorlaomer and his Babylonian cohorts.
On their punitive raids throughout Transjordan and Edom they slew many
giants and wasted their cities. An unknown number managed to escape
Chedorlaomer’s sword, but their once-firm hold on those countries was
forever broken. The “land of the Rephaim,” so-called because the giants had
so completely dominated it, was no more. In later times, the Rephaim that
still lived in Transjordan and Edom were defeated by the numerous
descendants of Lot and Esau. This interesting bit of history appears only in
Moses’ journal. In his account of the He-brews’ wearying march toward
Canaan’s eastern border, the great lawgiver included several entries--written
parenthetically--that tell us how the Gibborim mongrels that survived
Chedorlaomer’s onslaught were finally dispossessed.

After leaving Elath, the Israelites first passed beyond the sons of Esau, who
lived in Seir. This country, Moses wrote, was formerly occupied by the tall
Horites, but the “sons of Esau dispossessed them and destroyed them from
before them and settled in their place.” Writing of their passage through the
wilderness of Moab, he also noted: “The Emim lived there formerly, a people
as great, numerous, and tall as the Anakim. Like the Anakim, they are also
regarded as Rephaim, but the Moabites call them Emim.” When they came
opposite the land of Ammon’s descendants, Moses gave orders that they not
be provoked, explaining that the Lord God had given that country to the sons
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of Lot for a possession. “It is also regarded as the land of the Rephaim,” he
added, “for Rephaim formerly lived in it, but the Ammonites call them
Zamzummim, a people as great, numerous, and tall as the Anakim, but the
Lord destroyed them before them. And they dispossessed them and settled in
their place, just as He did for the sons of Esau, who live in Seir. . . . And the
Avvim, who lived in villages as far as Gaza, the Caphtorim who came from
Caphtor destroyed them and lived in their place.”167

Thus, in Transjordan, only a remnant of the Rephaim survived. But the

Israelites still faced a considerable threat there. For many Amorites now
inhabited that same vast territory. They stood not quite as tall as the
Rephaim, Horim, Emim, and Zamzummim. But biblical records and ancient
monuments still represent them as a people of great size and strength. The
prophet Amos, in a later reference to this campaign, describes them in these
words: “Thus says the Lord,’... It was I who destroyed the Amorite before
them, though his height was like the height of cedars and he was strong as
the oaks.’”168 The cedar, of course, denotes the Amorites’ exceptional
tallness. The oak symbolizes their great might. Some monuments discovered
by archaeologists bear out Amos’ description. On these, says historian Philip
Hitti, the “Amorite stature appear tall and martial. Their size and culture must
have so impressed the primitive and short troglodytic inhabitants of southern
Syria that legends grew that a giant race came and intermarried the
daughters of men-- legends which were passed on to the Israelites.”169

Over these Transjordanian Amorites reigned two giant kings, Sihon and Og.
Moses refers to them as remnants of the Rephaim. Og later became the most
famous of the two, because of his great bedstead. But from what records we
have, Sihon appears to have been the most powerful and probably posed the
greatest threat to the advancing Hebrews’ plan of attack. Having completed
their long, hard march across Edom and Moab, Moses’ legions now waded the
Arnon, which formed the border between Moab and Sihon’s kingdom. That
night they pitched camp on the Bamoth plateau in the mountains of Abarim,
not far from the famed peaks of Pisgah and Nebo. From this plateau the
Israelites got their first view of the land promised to them. Only Sihon now
stood between them and their resolve to enter and possess it. War with the
giant king and his tall warriors thus seemed unavoidable. As a courtesy,
Moses sent messengers of peace to Sihon, saying: “Let me pass through your
land. We will not turn off into field or vineyard; we will not drink water from
wells. We will go by the king’s highway until we have passed through your

In their day, Sihon and Og commanded wide respect as great and mighty
monarchs.171 Although Sihon is not described in scripture as a giant, as Og
was, other sources definitely place him among the Rephaim. Rabbinical
literature, for instance, identifies him as Og’s brother. The ancient rabbis
likewise list both kings as grandsons of Shamhazai, a fallen angel (Niddah
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61a), who evidently was of the Nephilim. Sihon, they further write, resembled
Og in stature and bravery (Midrash Agadah, Hukkat, ed. Buber, p. 130a).
These old writings also identify him with Arad the Canaanite (Numbers 21:1),
who was called Sihon because he resembled the foals in the desert for
swiftness.172 Accordingly, the rabbis sometimes referred to him as “the
Canaanite,” claiming that he was overlord of that land and had over there
many vassal kings who paid him tribute. The five Midianite kings later slain
by the Israelites (Numbers 31:8; Joshua 13:21) came under his suzerainty.
Sihon, himself, when the Israelites asked permission to pass through his
territory to enter Canaan, advised them that he was in that land only to resist
their attack upon his Canaanite kings (Tan., Hukkat, 52, ed. Buber, p. 65a).173

That he came primarily to defend his Canaanite territories, and not his
Transjordan kingdom, sounds reasonable. For Sihon could not have viewed
the Hebrews as much of a threat to his eastern domain. Experts who have
visited this area say that if the king had retained his troops in the various
cities of his Transjordan realm, the Israelites would have been able to take
them only with the greatest difficulty. But as suzerain over several kingdoms
west of the Jordan, Sihon apparently felt some obligation to protect them.
Most likely he was also moved by arrogance. These small-statured desert
nomads, he believed, could not possibly stand before his much taller, better-
armed Amorites. He therefore denied Moses’ request for passage. Then,
mustering a great army, he marched out to check Israel’s advance toward
Canaan. At Jahaz, a small town on the plains of Moab, he led a charge against
the Hebrews. What he thought would be an easy battle for his mighty
Amorites against the puny Israelites suddenly turned into a rout of the
Amorites. On that day at Jahaz the giant king and all his sons fell, mortally

Giving a fuller account of this important battle, Josephus writes: “As soon as
the Hebrews saw them giving ground, they immediately pursued them close;
and when they had broken their ranks, they greatly terrified them, and some
of them broke off from the rest, and ran away to the cities. Now the Hebrews
pursued them briskly, and obstinately persevered in the labors they had
already undergone; and being very skilful in slinging, and very dexterous in
throwing of darts, or anything else of that kind, and also having nothing but
light armor, which made them quick in the pursuit, they overtook their
enemies; and for those that were most remote, and could not be overtaken,
they reached them by their slings and their bows, so that many were
slain.”175 Even many who had earlier managed to escape, according to
Josephus, were later slaughtered as they crowded, in an agony of thirst, into
the bed of a cool mountain stream.

Following up their stunning victory over Sihon at Jahaz, the Hebrews seized
Heshbon, his capital. It lay about twenty miles east of the Jordan River, on
parallel with the northern end of the Salt Sea. After wandering forty years in
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the wilderness, these former slaves and sons of slaves now owned, by right
of conquest, a piece of land. On that day they must have looked with
exhilaration beyond the smoldering ruins of Heshbon to the surrounding
countryside. Westward from where they stood on the crown of this low rocky
hill, the Hebrews had the land of Canaan before them. Turning northward,
they saw an elevated land crossed by well-wooded mountain ridges with
broad fertile valleys intervening. Eastward they beheld a wide expanse of
fruitful, rolling plains that extended unbroken to the desert. Beyond that
distant wasteland rose a range of purple-fringed mountains. Greatly
encouraged by their successes on the battlefield, they next besieged and
captured the walled cities of Nophah, Medeba, and Dibon, putting all their
lofty inhabitants to death. The rest of Sihon’s towns and villages, being
without protecting walls, soon afterward fell. The whole rich country situated
between the Arnon to the south, the upper Jabbok to the north, and the
Jordan to the west, along with its cities, crops, and cattle, thus came into the
Hebrews’ immediate possession.

“The wanderers were now masters of a wide region of splendid upland

pastures, intersected by numerous fertile valleys, and abounding in streams,”
relates historian Cunningham Geikie. “The crossing of the Arnon and the
digging of the first well had already kindled the poetry of the camp;176 but
such a conquest as this was still a more worthy theme for their inspiration.
The vast tent city of the host, therefore, soon resounded with songs in praise
of the conquerors, now returning to camp in triumph. Taunts and derision of
their foe mingled in these strains, of which one has happily come down to
us.”177 Around their campfires that night, the ballad singers, as if calling to
the vanquished Amorites, sang:

Come back (will ye not) to Heshbon!

Build again and restore the city of Sihon!
For there went forth fire from Heshbon,
A flame from the stronghold of Sihon;
It has consumed the city of Moab;
And the lords of the heights of Arnon!... The balladeers, telling of the final
victory of Israel, then jubilantly proclaimed:
We have hurled them down! Heshbon has perished even to Dibon!
We have laid them waste even to Nophah
(We have laid them waste) with fire, to Medeba.178

Through Heshbon ran the main north-south highway that connected Edom
and Moab to Bashan. From here the road westward ribboned rapidly down
into the Jordan Valley, past Abu Shittim and the Meadow of die Acacias, to the
fords opposite Jericho. This way to the promised land now lay open to them.
But the Hebrew legions looked north. That way lived the giant King Og and
his cedar-tall Amorite warriors. They remained a threat.

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When Gilead’s King Sihon marched out against Israel, Bashan’s King Og, for
some reason, made no move to join forces with him. He, like Sihon, probably
viewed Israel as not much of a threat. He perhaps thought Sihon could, with
his own forces and without much trouble, check the Hebrew invasion. Time
and distance also could have been factors. Bashan was situated some sixty
miles up the Jordan River from the point where Israel planned to cross over
into Canaan. So Og may not have had enough time to prepare for such a
distant campaign. Or, he may have been at odds with his brother. At any
rate, for whatever reason, he remained at home. Being that far away, he now
stood in no position to stop Israel’s invasion. But Moses still regarded the
enormous Amorite ruler as a most dangerous foe, and unwilling to have such
a powerful enemy at Israel’s back, he placed Jair and Nobah, chief men of the
tribe of Manasseh, at the head of two divisions and ordered them to carry out
strikes against the north country of Gilead and all Bashan. 179 While Nobah
and his men marched toward Kenath in Gilead, Jair’s army made haste
toward Og’s capital of Edrei, a strange city cut out of rock in the upper
Yarmuk River valley.

An exceptional giant, Og ruled a country with sixty strongly fortified cities

(see Argob’s Sixty Cities of the Giants). His kingdom, extending from the
Jabbok River to Mount Hermon, enjoyed a good, year-round climate. Bashan
was also blessed with an exceedingly rich soil that yielded abundant crops,
and its lush pasturelands produced many choice cattle. Consequently, in
ancient times it became a byword for fruitfulness. The lord of this ideal land,
according to Josephus, stretched to a colossal height and possessed great
strength. “Now Og had very few equals, either in largeness of his body or
handsomeness of his appearance,” he writes. “He was also a man of great
activity in the use of his hands, so that his actions were not unequal to the
vast largeness and handsome appearance of his body; and men could easily
guess at his strength and magnitude when they took his bed at Rabbath, the
royal city of the Ammonites; its structure was of iron, its width four cubits,
and its length a cubit more than double that size.”180

Og lived not at Edrei but at Ashtaroth, his principal capital. So, when he
heard the stunning news of Israel’s crushing defeat of his brother Sihon, and
that Jair and his army were marching on Edrei, a few miles southeast of
Ashtaroth, he rushed to that city’s defense. As Jair approached from the
south, Og marshaled his forces on the plain outside Edrei to oppose him. This
move has long baffled military experts, for Edrei “was in ordinary
circumstances almost unassailable, since it was, strange to say, built in a
hollow artificially scooped out of the side of a hill, which the deep gorge of
the Hiero-max or Yarmuk isolates from the country round.”181

In other words, had he stayed put inside his subterranean city, which lay
about seventy feet below the surface of the hill, “it would have been
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impossible, humanly speaking, for the Israelites to have conquered him,”
declares Cyril Graham. “The only hope they would have had of taking the
place would be by a long siege, and that would hardly have been possible to
maintain, because they could not, without great difficulty, invest the city. The
western side, next the plain, they might watch, and cut off all supplies from
that quarter--the most fruitful, indeed, in that part of Bashan; but to reach
the eastern side of Edrei they must have penetrated some distance among
the rocks; and not only would this have been too dangerous a work to
attempt, but, even were they able to watch ever so well on that side, the
people of Argob, knowing all the winding ways within the rocks, could always
have managed to bring pro-visions to the city without being seen. The only
real hope of taking the city was by drawing the Rephaim out into the plain.
Whether some ruse was employed to entice the people from their stronghold,
or whether Og, in full confidence of his great strength and invulnerability,
planned a sudden attack, or, as we should now say, a sortie, on the Israelites
as they lay before the city, we are not told. Either would be difficult. It would
require no small amount of skill to entice these people from behind walls; and
it is more improbable that such a people should of their own free will risk a
battle in the open plain.”182

Of course, Og’s full confidence in his great strength and invulnerability, could
have moved him to his fatal, colossal blunder. But Graham prefers to believe
that “some almost miraculous interference in favour of the Israelites”
occurred.183 He believes this interference was huge swarms of hornets that
providentially drove Og and his Amorites out of their underground stronghold.
For his evidence the historian points to Joshua 24:11-13. In this little noticed
passage, Joshua reveals that these highly combative insects with their
powerful stings played an important role in this and many of the Israelites’
later campaigns.184

Thus discomforted and driven out of their unusual city by an army of angry
hornets, Og and his Amorites divisions confronted Jair and his smaller men on
the plains. In the ensuing battle, the Hebrews slew the giant king and his
sons, slaughtered most of his army, and took possession of Edrei. In
subsequent battles in the Argob, Jair captured some sixty cities that were
fortified with high walls, gates, and bars, “besides a great many unwalled

The battle deaths of Sihon and Og wrote a finis to the story of the Transjordan
giants. We know little else about them except that they were warlike, even
amongst themselves; that they possessed phenomenal strength; that some
of them were men of good intelligence and ability, like Sihon and Og. Just
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how tall they were we do not know. But we may get some idea from Og’s
bed. The Ammonites, following behind the Hebrew army as scavengers,
found the iron bed in Og’s sleeping quarters at either Edrei or Ashtaroth.
They took it to Rabbath, the royal city of the Ammonites. There it became a
famous “museum piece.” It drew curious crowds for many centuries,
probably even down to the time of the Babylonian captivity (c. 586 B.C.). This
great bed, reports the chronicler of Deuteronomy, measured “nine cubits long
and four wide, according to the common cubit,” i.e., thirteen-and-a-half feet
by six feet.186

“Allowing the bedstead to have been one cubit longer than Og, which is
certainly sufficient, and allowing the cubit to be about eighteen inches long,
for this is perhaps the average of the cubit of a man, then Og was twelve feet
high,” says Adam Clarke. “This may be deemed extraordinary, and perhaps
almost incredible, and therefore many commentators have, according to their
fancy, lengthened the bedstead and shortened the man, making the former
one-third longer than the person who lay on it, that they might reduce Og to
six cubits; but even in this way they make him at least nine feet high.”187

Deuteronomy 2: 8-12, 19-23 NASB.
Amos 2:9 NASB.
Philip Hitti, History of Syria (New York: Macmillan, 1951), p. 195.
Numbers 21:21-22 NASB. Until Sihon came and took it from them, this
land east of the Jordan was possessed by the Moabites.
See Psalm 136:17-22, where they are spoken of in the same breath with
To get some idea of how fast giants could run, see Maximinus.
See The Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. 11 (New York: KTAV Publishing House,
1901), p. 335.
Deuteronomy 2:33.
Josephus, Antiquities, 4.5.2.
See Numbers 21:16-18, for an account of the first well the Hebrews dug
and the song they sang.
Geikie, Hours with the Bible, Vol. 2, pp. 400-401.
Ibid., adapted from Numbers 21:27-30.
See Numbers 32:41-42; Deuteronomy 3:14.
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Josephus, Antiquities, 4.5.3.
Geikie, Hours with the Bible, Vol. 2, p. 402.
Cyril Graham, “The Ancient Bashan and the Cities of Og,” Cambridge
Essays (1858). Quoted by Jamieson, Fausset and Brown, Commentary on the
Old and New Testaments, Vol. I, p. 628.
After their conquest of Canaan, Joshua reminded the tribes of the help
they had received from the hornets. To the people gathered before him, he
said: “This is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: ‘... The citizens of Jericho
fought against you, as did also the Amorites, Perizzites, Canaanites, Hittites,
Girgashites, Hivites and Jebusites, but I gave them into your hands. I sent the
hornet ahead of you, which drove them out before you--also the two Amorite
kings. You did not do it with your own sword and bow. So I gave you a land on
which you did not toil and cities you did not build; and you live in them and
eat from vineyards and olive groves that you did not plant.’”
Deuteronomy 3:4-5, 14.
Deuteronomy 3:11.
Adam Clarke, Clarke’s Commentary, Vol. I (Nashville, TN: Abingdon Press,
1977), a reprint of the 1851 edition, pp. 744-745.

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