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D. Garg and M. K. Rai / IJECCT 2012, Vol.

2 (4)


CMOS Based 1-Bit Full Adder Cell for Low-Power Delay

Deepak Garg1, Mayank Kumar Rai2

ECE Department, IIMT Engineering College, Meerut, U.P., India

ECE Department, Thapar University, Patiala, Punjab, India
[email protected]
[email protected]

Abstract: The 1-bit full adder circuit is one of the most

important components of any digital system applications.
The power-delay product is a measurement of the energy
expanded per operational cycle of an arithmetic circuit.
This paper presents a new low power full adder based on
a new logic approach, which reduces power consumption
by implementing full adder using 3T XOR module and
2-to-1 multiplexer, with 8 transistor in total, named
CBFA-8T. An eight transistor full adder has been
designed using the proposed three-transistor XOR gate
and its performance has been investigated using 0.18m
technologies. Compared to the earlier designed 10, 12,
16, 28 transistors full adder, the proposed adder shows a
significant improvement in silicon area and power delay
product. Here Simulation results are performed by
TANNER-EDA with 2.3 supply voltage based on 0.18
m CMOS technology. The results show that the
proposed circuit has the lowest power-delay product with
a significant improvement in silicon area and delay than
recently proposed full adders in the literature.
Keywords Full- adder; MUX; XOR; Low-power;
PDP; High performance; Very Large Scale
Integrated Circuit



With the explosive growth in laptops, portable personal

communication systems, and the evolution of the
shrinking technology, the research effort in low-power
electronics has been intensified. Today, there are an
increasing number of portable applications requiring
small-area low-power high throughput circuitry.
Therefore, circuits with low-power consumption become
the major candidates [1][3] for design of systems.
Technology trends show that circuit delay is scaling down
by 30%, performance and transistor density are doubled
approximately every two years, and the transistors
threshold voltage is reduced by almost 15% every
generation. All of these technology trends lead to higher
and higher power consumption in circuits. Higher power
consumptions raise chips temperature and directly affect
battery life. A higher temperature directly affects circuit
operation and reliability; complicated cooling and
packaging techniques are required. In addition, higher
current density either shortens battery packs [4].

Addition is the most commonly used arithmetic operation

in microprocessors and DSPs, and it is often one of the
speed-limiting elements [5-6]. Hence optimization of the
adder both in terms of speed and power consumption
should be pursued. During the design of an adder we have
to make two choices in regard to different design
abstraction levels. One is responsible for the adders
architecture implemented with the one-bit full adder as a
building block. The other defines the specific design style
at transistor level to implement the one-bit full adder.
There are several issues related to the full adders. Some of
them are power consumption, performance, area, noise
immunity and regularity and good driving ability [1].
Several works have been done in order to decrease
transistor count and consequently decrease power
consumption and area [1, 7, 8, 10].
In some designs, reducing transistor count has been
resulted in threshold loss problem that causes non-full
swing outputs [7, 9, 12], low speed and low noise
immunity especially when they are used in cascaded
fashion. Some of them has threshold loss problem that
cause non-full swing outputs, the sentelow speed and low
noise immunity. However, usually they have less power
consumption in comparison to full adders with full swing
outputs. Not full swing full adders are useful in building
up larger circuits as multiple bit input adders and
In Integrated Circuits mainly two types of full adders
(Static & dynamic) are used. Static full adders commonly
are more reliable, simpler and lower power than
dynamic ones. However, dynamic full adders are faster
and some times more compact than static full adders.
Dynamic full adders suffer from charge sharing, high
power due to high switching activity, clock load and
In this paper, we propose a new hybrid low-power based
1-bit static full-adder, named CBFA-8T.


The aim to design the system for low power is not a

straight forward task, as it is involved in all the ICdesign stages.
There are several sources of power consumption in
CMOS circuits:
1) Switching Power: Due to output switching during

D. Garg and M. K. Rai / IJECCT 2012, Vol. 2 (4)

output transitions.
2) Short Circuit Power: Due to the current between
VDD and GND during a transistor switching.
3) Static Power: Caused by leakage current and
static current.
Researchers have been found many ways to reduce
power consumption in CMOS full adder circuits. The
summery are some considerations to design of full
adders [4].
1) Output and input capacitances should be low
to reduce dynamic power. Therefore, fewer nodes
should be connected to SUM and COUT signals.
2) Avoid using inverters will reduce switching
activity and static power.
3) Avoid using both VDD and GND simultaneously
in circuit components. It can reduce short circuit and
static power.
4) Using Pass transistors usually lead to low
transistor count full
adders with
consumption. However, sometimes pass transistor full
adders have not full swing outputs due to threshold loss
problem. PMOS cannot pass logic 0 and NMOS cannot
pass logic1 completely. Uncompleted swing reduces
dynamic power but some times increases leakage power,
because transistors do not turn off completely by poor
5) Most important components of the power
consumption in full adders are the XOR and XNOR gates.
Therefore, more work should be done to reduce
transistor count and power of these components or
completely omit them [8].
6) Reducing number of transistors usually lead to
reduce the power in full adders. However, sometimes it
does not improve PDP. Therefore, reducing transistor
counts does not always lead to reduce in PDP or power


The full-adder function can be described as follows:

Given the three 1-bit inputs A, B, and C, it is desired to
calculate the two 1-bit outputs SUM and COUT, where
SUM = A B Cin
Cout= Cin (A B) +AB
These outputs can be expressed in many different logic
expressions. Therefore, many full adder circuits can be
designed using the different expressions. There are three
main components to design a full adder cell [12]. Those
are XOR or XNOR, Carry generator and SUM Generator.
In [7] different components have been combined to make
41 new 10- transistor full adders. Each full adder that uses
more than one logic style is called hybrid full adder [12].
There is a variety of full adders in the literature for
example there are 41 full adders only in [7]. Many of
them use XOR and XNOR as intermediate signals [13].


There are full adders based on only multiplexers or

The conventional CMOS [14] adder cell using 28
transistors based on standard CMOS topology is shown in
fig.1. Due to high number of transistors, its power
consumption is high. Large PMOS transistor in pull up
network result in high input capacitances, which cause
high delay and dynamic power. However, using inverters
on the output nodes decreases the rise-time and fall-time
and increases the driving ability. It functions well at low
power supply voltages because it does not have threshold
loss problem.

Fig. 1: CCMOS full adder circuit [14].

SERF full adder is implemented by 10 transistors, as

shown in Fig. 2, uses energy recovery technique to reduce
power consumption [1]. SERF use energy recovery
technique to decrease the power consumption. Energy
recovery logics reuse charge. Therefore, it consumes less
energy than the other full adders. There are some
problems in this circuit. First SUM is generated from two
cascaded XNOR gates (group1) which lead to long delay.
Second, it cannot work correctly in low voltage. As
shown in Fig. 3 in the worst case, when A=B=1 there is
2Vtn threshold loss in output voltage. Therefore, logic 1 is
becomes equal to VDD-2Vtn in this case. The suitable
operating supply voltage is limited to VDD> 2Vtn+|Vtp|.
Second, there are five gate capacitances on node X. It
causes to long delay in generating of intermediate A B
signal and finally delay in generating SUM and COUT.
This problem also increases the power.

Fig. 2. Energy recovery full adder -SERF full adder circuit [1].

D. Garg and M. K. Rai / IJECCT 2012, Vol. 2 (4)


Fig. 3. Worst case of threshold loss problem in SERF full


MB12T [15] has been implemented using six multiplexers

and 12 transistors. Each multiplexer is implemented by
pass-transistor logic with two transistors. As shown in
Fig. 4, there is no VDD or GND connection in this circuit
and there are some paths containing three serried
transistors. It causes to increase delay of producing SUM
signal. The size of each transistor in mentioned path
should be three times larger to balance the output and
optimize the circuit for PDP. Therefore, the area of the
circuit is increased.

Fig.6. 16T full adder [17].

A full adder in form of centralized structure is made by

ten-transistor-10T [10] is shown in Fig. 7. As shown in
Fig.7 SUM and COUT are generated using two double
transistors multiplexers. 3T XOR and XNOR consume
high energy due to short circuit current in ratio logic.
Maximum serried transistors here are two transistors
while in MB12T are three transistors.

Fig.4. Multiplexer based full adder (MB12T) [15].

An improvement from 14T [16] is shown in Fig.5. It has

simultaneous XOR and XNOR signals. Feedback
transistors provide rail-to-rail outputs in XOR-XNOR
module. However, they prompt high delay.
Fig.7. 10T full adder use two three-transistor XOR-XNOR.

Outputs have threshold loss problem due to non-full

swing output of XNOR and XOR circuit and pass gate
multiplexer output stage. By adjusting proper sizes for
transistors, acceptable swing can be achieved. In term of
intermediate nodes and capacitances, each XOR and
XNOR circuits drives two gates. Input C drives two
transistor gates.

Fig.5. New version of 14T [16].

Fig. 6 shows another improved version from 14T, which

is called 16T [17]. It is the same as New-14T in terms of
the output modules. However, the XOR-XNOR module
has been modified to reduce delay and power
consumption. The XOR-XNOR modules does not have
full-swing outputs thus, the transistors which have been
connected to this module are turned on or off slowly.


A. 3T XOR Module
The design of the full adder is based on the design of the
XOR gate. The proposed design of full adder uses three
transistor XOR gates [18]. The design of a three transistor
XOR gate is shown in figure 8.

D. Garg and M. K. Rai / IJECCT 2012, Vol. 2 (4)


Fig.10. Logic Circuit of the full adder

Fig.8. Design of 3T XOR gate.

The design is based on a modified version of a CMOS

inverter and a PMOS pass transistor. When the input B is
at logic high, the inverter on the left functions like a
normal CMOS inverter. Therefore the output Y is the
complement of input A. When the input B is at logic low,
the CMOS inverter output is at high impedance. However,
the pass transistor M3 is enabled and the output Y gets the
same logic value as input A. The operation of the whole
circuit is thus like a 2 input XOR gate. However, when
A=1 and B=0, voltage degradation due to threshold drop
occurs across transistor M3 and consequently the output Y
is degraded with respect to the input. The voltage
degradation due to threshold drop can be considerably
minimized by increasing the W/L ratio of transistor M3.
B. 2-to-1 Multiplexer Circuits
For our proposed full adder circuit, the possible circuit
design for the 2-to-1 multiplexer [11] illustrated in Fig. 2.
In this, pass transistors are used in lieu of the transmission
gate to reduce the circuit complexity. The price to pay is
the degraded output voltage swing.

The circuit diagram of the eight transistor full adder is

shown in fig.11. The sum output is basically obtained by a
cascaded exclusive ORing of the three inputs in
accordance with equation (1).The carry output is obtained
in accordance with equation (2). The final sum of the
products is obtained using a wired OR logic.
The W/L ratios of transistors M1 -M6 are same as the
corresponding ones in figure 8. The W/L ratios of
transistors M7 and M8 are taken as 5/1 [18]. It is quite
evident from fig.10 that two stage delays are required to
obtain the sum output and at most two stage delays are
required to obtain the carry. The voltage drop due to the
threshold drop in transistors M3 and M6 in fig.11can be
minimized by suitably increasing the aspect ratios of the
two transistors. However, the threshold voltage drop of |
VT,p| provided by the pMOS pass transistor M3 when
a=0 and b=0 is used to turn on the nMOS pass transistor
M8 and therefore we get an output voltage equal to
|VT,p|-VT,n , where VT,p is the threshold voltage of the
pMOS transistor and VT,n is the value is very close to
0V. Similarly, the threshold drop of the transistors M7
and M8 can be minimized by suitably increasing the
aspect ratios of transistors M7 and M8.

Fig.9. 2-to-1 multiplexer circuits.




In this paper, the design of proposed full adder is based on

three transistor XOR gate and 2-to-1 multiplexer with 8
transistors in total. It acquires least silicon area. The
design of 3T XOR gate is shown in Fig.8. The heart of the
design is based on a modified version of a CMOS inverter
and a PMOS pass transistor. With this design a significant
improvement in delay. The Boolean equation for the
design of the 8T full adder as follows:
SUM = A B Cin
CARRY= Cin (A B) +AB
The logic circuit of the full adder is shown in figure 10.
The OR gate can be realized using a wired OR logic.

Fig.11. Schematic Model of 1-bit Full-adder cell using 8Transistor (CBFA-8T).




The layout of the proposed 8T full adder has been

designed and simulated. The designed layout using 0.18
m technology using Tanner EDA is shown in fig 12.

D. Garg and M. K. Rai / IJECCT 2012, Vol. 2 (4)


Table 1. Comparative Studies of Power-Delay Product of Different


Types of









A comparative study of the silicon area of the proposed

adder with the earlier designed adders10 transistor full
adder [14] is shown in Table 2.
Fig.12.Layout design of the proposed 8T full adder (CBFA-8T).

The post layout simulation of proposed eight transistor

full adder has been carried out with all combinations of
inputs. The output waveforms show small voltage
degradation for some input combinations as shown in
fig.13. However these degradations can be minimized by
use of CMOS inverters as level restorers at appropriate
places in the circuit [11]. All the net lists have been
simulated using HSPICE in 0.18m bulk technology.
Such type of level restoring logic is required in a long
cascading chain of adders so that the penalty paid in
silicon area for introducing two transistors of the CMOS
inverter is minimal. The proposed full adder has been
found to operate faithfully at an input voltage as low as
0.17V when using the 0.18 m technology.

Table 2. Comparative Studies of Power-Delay Product of Different


Types of



From table 2, it is evident that the proposed 8T full adder

occupies the minimum silicon area on chip amongst all
the full adders reported so far. The small silicon area of
the proposed full adder makes it potentially useful for
building compact VLSI circuits on a small area of chip.

Fig.13. Simulation results of 8-T transistor full adder (CBFA8T).

Comparative studies on the different adders found in

literature have been done using the 0.18 m technologies.
Studies have been done with 28T, 12T, 10T and the
proposed 8T full adders. The results have been shown in
Table 1.
The results of the comparative study show that the
performance of the 8T full adder is somewhat poorer than
the 10T full adder proposed in [11], in regard to its
average power dissipation. However, the delay of the
proposed adder is much less compared to any other adder
shown in the table 1. The net effect is that our proposed
8T full adder shows a much better power-delay product
(PDP) compared to any other adders mentioned in

In conclusion, in this paper, we have presented a 1- bit

full adder design using as few as eight transistors per bit.
The design adopts 3T-XOR designs to alleviate the
threshold voltage loss problem and to enhance the driving
capability foe cascaded operations. The proposed 8T full
adder has been designed and studied using 0.18 m
technologies. Using XOR gate an eight transistor adder
has been realized using the conventional the equations of
the full adder circuit. The designed adder is found to give
better performance that most of the adders mentioned in
literature so far as the power delay product is concerned.
It successfully embeds the buffering circuit in the full
adder design, so the transistor count is minimized.
Enhanced driving capability also facilitates lower voltage
or faster operations, which lead to less energy
consumption. If a specific input pattern is applied, the
standby power dissipation can be further minimized to
leakage components only.
The layout of the proposed full adder has also been
designed and simulated. The proposed full adder can
operate at low voltages, yet giving quite a good speed.

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