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Australia is Becoming Americas Bitch! | DANGEROUS CREATION for savants.


"It could be argued that the evolution of human intelligence ceased when the Golden Age of Greece

Australia is Becoming Americas Bitch!

Posted on March 29, 2012 by Dennis M.



Australia is Becoming Americas Bitch! | DANGEROUS CREATION for savants.

The Australian Government, without discussion with Australian citizens, has decided to
seriously consider allowing the Yanks to use our Cocos Islands to become a drone and
surveillance base.
This decision immediately says to China, our major trading partner, that we are an adjunct of
the American Armed Forces, that we a happy to become involved in Americas containment
policy which is aimed at restricting Chinas growth.
It also says loudly that we condone Americas imperialism and its attempt to dominate the
world using its huge Army and its 1000+ military bases and its flotillas of warships and
squadrons of warplanes which patrol the oceans and skies of the world.
Why is the Australian Government fixated on becoming Americas Bitch?
Given our geographical location we should be concentrating on being good friends
all of our neighbours. We should be loudly professing our neutrality, not supporting the
worlds biggest warmonger which is happily killing people all over the world as well as pulling
discordant strings in many, many countries.
Why are our politicians so dumb, so craven, so blind?
Blind Freddie can see what the future is going to hold given the imperialism of the U.S. and
Britain and the determination of China not to be manipulated and contained! And why
should it? Who gave the Yanks the right to attempt to control the world for their own benefit?
I wasnt asked whether I agreed and neither were you.
The conflicting ambitions can only have one outcome: a nuclear war, one which will destroy



Australia is Becoming Americas Bitch! | DANGEROUS CREATION for savants.

the world. The Yanks are too dumb to see that. It would be a Pyrrhic victory to control a
world that was uninhabitable surely. Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) is only feasible in the
minds of madmen!
Citizens of Australia and the world, we must unite to stop the Yanks. They must be
thrown off the soil of every sovereign country in the world, sent packing back to where they
came from. They are endangering the world as well as destroying any chance of achieving
world peace.
Armies and bombs dont achieve peace. They prevent peace and create only hatred and
Wake up, Australians. Your politicians are selling you short. They are numbskulls and fools.
They cant connect the dots. They dont know what independence means! They are too
used to tugging the forelock and kissing bums!
Contact your local member today. Voice your opposition to Australias servility to the U.S.
Demand that Australia becomes neutral before we are sucked further into the evil vortex that
is American Imperialism!

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on March 29, 2012 at 11:44 am said:

The American governments answer to everything is violence. If you dont believe

every lie they tell you, they go postal on you. Postal= when a mild mannered letter
carrier brings his oozy to work for show and tell, and carnage, then for no apparent
reason goes ballistic. Ballistic= either an intercontinental missile, or a total loss of ones
faculties. If your lucky theyll only go Charlie Manson on you. Charlie Manson= an
American folk hero who saw through the thin Vail of the establishments wicked
ways, and decided to kill a bunch of people because of it. But the American
government has all its bases covered. If all else fails, theyve got enough nuclear
weaponry to completely nucleate all life on the planet 800 times over. Theyve also
spent billions of dollars to build underground cities for the government elite to continue



Australia is Becoming Americas Bitch! | DANGEROUS CREATION for savants.

their continuity. The average family gets to fend for themselves until the radiation
poisoning kicks in. Now, there are a bunch of blowhards, liars, cheats, common
criminals, queers, pedophiles, and just plain smelly old men, confined to an
underground prison with nobody to rule over but themselves. Talk about your Karma.

Dennis M
on March 29, 2012 at 12:00 pm said:

Very clever, Joe! And very true!


on March 30, 2012 at 2:13 am said:

I have nothing but contempt for most people in Australia. Theyre a bunch of
ignorant, easily fooled, insular, incredibly selfish, deluded, money-hungry, narcissists
who believe in white western exceptionalism. Our military could be dropping bombs
on kindegartens around the world and they wouldnt give a shit so as long as the
government was giving them a handout they didnt need and there was plenty of
junk television to keep them amused.
Fuck those people.
They probably cant be reasoned with either. Not that would be even possible in the
first place- how do you expose them to alternate ideas when 90% of the media is
corporate owned and spewing the same pro-war, pro-US, pro-corporate message?
For the moment, the US has won. Its created a reliable mini-America in the pacific
whos resources it can extract at will in order to maintain its economic and military
hegemony. Obviously the propaganda designed to justify their presence in OUR
country began last week with the cobblers about North Korea. Gillard was all too
happy to jump on board and help sell it to us. I wonder what cosy job she has been
promised in America once she gets shitcanned from the top job? what an awful



Australia is Becoming Americas Bitch! | DANGEROUS CREATION for savants.

person she is.

But as I write this my disgust and anger with it all eases somewhat as I recall the
sentiment of the late, great Chalmers Johnson that it is inevitable that empire comes
to end. Renewal is a cosmic law that nobody can out-run. Your time is approaching,
America. Lets just hope it happens before you can instigate WWIII with China.
After reading an article from Hugh White, an establishment pro-American hack if ever
there was one, questioning the wisdom of this regional build-up, Im somewhat
hopeful that the public might still be convinced that America is not a country we want
to be involved with.The inevitable crime and environmental degradation that American
forces will bring with them should help with that too.

on March 30, 2012 at 3:57 am said:

Yep! And the US is an Israeli vassal. We are Israels bitch!

Obama has a foreign policy adviser that is.shall we! So we can
see what direction were all heading.
funny how people who comprise 2% of the worlds population can be in control of the
other 98% interest.

on March 30, 2012 at 9:23 am said:

Shocking turn of events, David! You said it, Given our geographical location we
should be concentrating on being good friends all of our neighbours.
Your leaders are part of an international cabal that probably cares nothing for
Australia save for the money they will make out of her. Thats what they do in
America. It is a beautiful country here that has been trashed by these same



Australia is Becoming Americas Bitch! | DANGEROUS CREATION for savants.

Internationals. They do all they do in our names too! They are extremely bold!
Raising awareness seems the best we can do at this time!

on March 30, 2012 at 2:56 pm said:

Well the HYKSOS are at it again. Israel has decided to initiate the FINAL
SOLUTION. More tanks enter into Gaza for another round of genocide. Perhaps the
I can just hear Netanyahu wailing! WAHHHHhhhhh.they threw stick at us and
called us names. We HAVE to protect ourselves.

mr cat
on March 30, 2012 at 7:26 pm said:

I also disagree with this increased U.S presence on Australian soil and will make my
objection known to all my local MPs!.
I read today that already a Chinese think tank has proposed that retaliatory action
against Australia by way of voicing their disapproval, would be to decrease business
and trade with Australia and simply go elsewhere in the world!.
Can you imagine the screams and grovelling the politicians would then exhibit,
especially if China were to articulate clearly why they were withdrawing from
Australian trade out of protest and legitimate censure?.
Its remarkable that a persistant catch cry by yanks and their lackeys revolves
around some implicit threat from Chinas military replacement of clapped out 1950s
and 60s level equipment with more modern technology which by definition is more



Australia is Becoming Americas Bitch! | DANGEROUS CREATION for savants.

Then there is the equally specious claim that we want to understand Chinas long
term aims as if this supposed unknown warrants an aggressive counter by the
American empire.
Well the truth is that weve known for years just what China thinks and the role it
sees for itself, the problem is that mischief makers in the U.S and elsewhere are
deliberately being deaf and forgetful.
Im sure you can guess why!.
Finally, to counter the specious argument that we need the yanks to defend us (Bob
Carrs Lateline argument last week), I point out what self respecting nations actually
subcontracts its national defence out to another country?.
Can you imagine the British contracting the Turks to defend the Falklands for
Anyway Australia could easily become independent in its defence and foreign policy
as for decades the defence crowd fixates on traditional platforms in small numbers
and of limited ability as it tries to show off.
Dont believe the yank lackeys in our midst when they say wed have to introduce
conscription and double the defence budget.
We could be independent and have a potent deterrent by logical alternatives and at
lower cost than today which is structured for alignment with the expensive aggressive
American way of war and defence.
Some simple ideas;
Convert civil container ships (the world is full of them) into
aircraft carriers or battlecruisers using shipping containerised cruise missiles etc for
the latter and metal cladding and a retractable ski jump for the former.
Then operate the carriers as STOBAR types which stands for short take off but
arrested landing with deck wires etc.
I hear the spiffing Russian Mig-29K will outfly the naval F-35 (cancel that $20,000
million waste) and when the Sukhoi T-50 Pak-fa is navalised for the Russian carrier,
well Im sure you can see the rest.
30 years ago after the Falklands war, the British worked out how to convert
container ships into harrier carriers in less than a week and at very low cost (called
Still a good idea and viable today.
Imagine the RAN with 10 aircraft carriers operating Mig-29K or T-50s eventually, and
then tell us we couldnt defend ourselves (or convert then to hospital ships in a crisis
as is now put about by U.S aircraft carrier lackeys).
Thanks for your interest
Mr Cat



Australia is Becoming Americas Bitch! | DANGEROUS CREATION for savants.

on April 3, 2012 at 12:31 am said:

Rupert Mudroch the mouthpiece of the war mongerers is a born citizen of Australia
Australia joined the british and the US in both world wars and they still celebrate
Anzecs day somewhere in April
Ausiies are still british by heart killed aborigines for sport what else will you expect

alex lemas
on April 3, 2012 at 12:15 pm said:

You people are about as dumb as a bag of hammers. We got you to turn yourselves
into a mini-USA. Sports obsessed, drunk, drugged up, while we play you for a bunch
of dim witted cannon fodder. Weve got a bunch of sociopaths in charge of us,
welcome to the party.


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