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David Copperfield : 15 Years Of Miracle Vol I

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1.David Copperfield : Floating table revealed

2.David Copperfield –Laser Cut Body Illusion

3. David Copperfield Flying Rose Revealed

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1.David Copperfield Floating Table Revealed

The Effect:

David invites 8 spectators to come up on the stage. They make a circle around a
round wooden table. David asks them to put their hands on the table their hands
and slowly rise from their knees to lift the table. To surprise of all spectators it
happens. 8 people begin to rise from their knees, touching a surface of the table
only with the tips of their fingers, and the table rises behind them in air. Then
David asks to lift one hand, then another, and then both. But the table continues
to hang in the air. The next moment the table begins to move with the music. It
lasts for a few minutes, then the spectators come back to their seats.

The Secret:

The secret of the trick focus is simple, as well as is ingenious.

Inside the table there are no devices, unless its weight - it's very light. The
secret is in two spectators, who stand against each other at the table. They are
marked on pic.1.

In their sleeves special devices are hidden, which allow to support the table from
below and to take off their palms at the same time. On pic.2 the scheme is
represented, for your convenience the device is very much enlarged; actually it
densely adjoins to the bottom (invisible) part of a sleeve, has the accurate forms,
and automatically goes inside the sleeve, when you unbend the elbows.

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It's very easy to tear a cloth off the table, and here may be lots of variants:
David simply pulls it and the cloth goes out of a clip, or the cloth does not get in

the clip between the device and the table. When the table begins "dance", the
couple, standing against each other, simply conduct it in the necessary direction;
you can see it clearly on the tape - all people simply run after the table, and our
couple drags it (pic.3). If you draw an imagined line between the woman in red,
and the young man against her, you will see, that the table is inclined, precisely
following this line; they simply simultaneously incline it in different directions.

This trick is very amusing. But it's very simple for such a great illusionist. You can
make such a table, take a couple of friends and to entertain people at some B-
day party.

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2.DAVID COPERFIELD –Laser Cut Body Illusion

Did you ever want to be David Copperfield and cut yourself in half and walk
down the street and scare people? Well, now you can at a fraction of the cost.
(And time to build the illusion) Give someone a laser pen and ask if they saw the
Copperfield special. You did? I can do that. Pick up a board "for protection" and
hand someone a laser pen and turn it on. Ask them to slice you across the waist
to be careful not to hit anyone else. The laser cuts through you and the board
and the audience slowly sees your top half SLIDE OFF OF THE BOTTOM HALF!

The Secret:

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The coolest part of this illusion is that you actually cut yourself in half! So, the
next time someone asks if you can cut a person in half you can say, "Yeah, me!"

The gimmick can be made in about ten minutes with stuff you already have
around the house.

Needed: A T-shirt made of strong material. Not just 50/50 cotton and it should
not fit very tight or very lose on you –it should fit you well. You also need:

• A pair of scissors
• A board measuring 20 x24 (or two boards each 20x12 with a hinge) Paint
a line down the center of the 24”dimension and paint one side black and
the other side white.

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To build –Take your scissors and cut a straight line from the base of the sleeve
to the end of the shirt on both sides. The cut should be so that if you we were
wearing the shirt and had your arms straight at your sides, the cuts would be

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PRESENTATION: In presentation, this would be assuming you were performing

street magic and your board was off to the side. You would be wearing a larger
shirt or jacket to cover the cuts in the shirt and your shirt would be tucked in to
prevent “ swinging.”

When you are ready to perform the illusion; grab your board and cover your
mid-drift section. Remove the jacket and un-tuck your shirt (being careful).

Now, stand so that your audience sees your profile (from the left or right) and
hold your board so that the small dimension is covering the slit in your shirt,
wedged right under your arm pit and being held by your hand on the outside.
The board should also be about center on your stance.

Now for the effect, (and this will take slow practice) lean forward so that you
look as though your top half is sliding forward off of your pants. The audience
should see your shirt “swing forward”but to them it will look as though you are
in the shirt coming into view. The two colors of the board will help create an

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optical illusion of your center of gravity and assist your viewers in believing you
are separated.

Be careful not to:

• Slide too far and expose your back leaning

• Tilt or slant your neck –keep it straight with your shoulders.

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Have a good preparation, practice and enjoy.. :)

David Copperfield Flying Rose Revealed

The Effect:

So, in this trick David did his best and proved to be a real man. He chose the
most beautiful girl from the audience. She was simply gorgeous wearing tight
shorts. The only thing that was fishy about her was that nice modest smile which
stayed on her face till the end of the trick, and a very strange cold look in her
eyes. She kept senselessly staring into the emptiness behind the cameras.

However, the trick turned out to be a blast! David took his handkerchief (facial
tissue) out... valid for one occasion only... not very fresh, and gave it to his new
girlfriend, so she could check it for any special devices. The girl carefully wiped it
with her fingers and gave it back. And then came the trick itself. The folded
facial tissue began to move in David's hands: it jumped up, turned over and
stayed up in the air. This joyous scene was very touchy and it was sad when the
time for fullfilling the clauses of the deal, signed by David and a big lighter
company, came. What have you expected? Everyone is trying very hard to make
money and David is not an exception.

So Zippo lighter appeared and it was slowly moving toward a newborn rose,
made out of former handkerchief; the rose was hanging in the air. The lighter's
flame became more and more bright and the girl's smile became more and more
wide. The next moment the rose burned in the flames and there appeared
another rose - it was colorful and seemed to be fresh.

The Secret:


I can understand your confusion, ladies and gentlemen! I was confused by this
trick myself. I spent four months staring at my TV, making up different theories
and there were no positive results in it. It was absolutely clear, that it was done
with the help of some thread. But the whole thing is taking place in the middle of

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the hall and there are 20 meters from the floor to the ceiling. If you lower a
thread down from the ceiling it will be swinging due its very little weight and you
won't be able to achieve such results anyway. I was almost at a loss when I
found myself in the variety-circus college in Moscow at Belorusskaya station. I
got there by chance and while walking in dark and cold halls I noticed a young
man, practicing some card tricks. I came up quietly: I didn't want to disturb him
and prevent him from achieving good results in such a hard kind of arts as
magic. But he noticed me, we talked and I told him about my problem. "Don't
worry, my friend! The truth is out there... You must keep searching and start
thinking in some different way and it will all become clear to you!" - my new
friend said.

"What do you mean by thinking in some other way? How am I supposed to do

it?" - I asked.

"It's easy! You see, if there is a thread, it's not necessarily for it to come from
the ceiling; it may be stretched horizontally. And you are used to the same old
standards in every trick. You can't see it, because a piece of paper weight very
little, so the thread can be very very thin. The next moment the mystic young
man took something out of his leather case and showed me this trick. You can't
imagine how happy I was!


Be very attentive, when reading.

The tissue flies with the help of a thin nylon thread. You can get it in any textile
workshop or use your girlfriend's tights "Levante". You've got to be very careful:
It's very easy to tear or to loose this thread for it's very thin and you won't be
able to see it from the distance more then one step.

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Look how the thread is fixed (pic.1). It's stretched between David and a
microphone that is nearby. It was the girl, who attached the thread to the mike,
holding it with both hands, while introducing herself in the very beginning of the

The height of the flight is regulated by easy moves of David away from the mike
and vice-versa. The further he moves, the more the thread would stretch and
the higher the tissue would go.

The folded tissue is attached to the thread by folding the last into the tissue. And
the second time (when a rose), David puts the thread around the flower as if
doing some magical moves (pic.2,3).

How does the tissue move? There are different ways:

1. You can pull the thread with your finger and the tissue would move.
2. A small motor, hidden in the mike or under David clothes, that looks like a
small LEGO motor. one end of the thread is tied to it. The motor keeps on
vibrating, but the thread isn't stretched and the tissue is on David's palm, it
doesn't move; and when David moves away and the thread is stretching, the
vibration begins passing to the tissue.

How does the real rose appear? When David is preparing to set the paper rose
on the fire he holds a lighter in his left hand and he takes out from behinf his
belt another rose with his right hand. This is and ordinary rose from the props of
any ordinary magician: its stalk and leaves jump out of a bud. During the flash
David changes the roses, holding the fake one in his right hand (pic.4,5).

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That's all, folks! I'd like to mention, that if you watch the trick one more time,
notice, how the rose acts in the air, when David bend toward it.


To be continued to vol II

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About Me
Anissa laylatul Faizah,Cht is a professional magician - hypnotist who entertains
at private parties and corporate events.


Anissa is the author of Eterna School of magic, an online school of magic. She is
also a regular correspondent for the biggest brotherhood
international magician forum and is distributed training in a hypnotism training

She has performed magic for the Calossa birthday and Party events and been a
featured performer at the Stage party..

From Anissa:

“Whether you're a magic fan, a beginner learning your first magic tricks or a full-
time magic pro, I hope that you'll find About Magic & Illusion From This Ebook I
made was off .to be a useful and fun place to be. Please let me know how I'm
doing and feel free to pose story ideas.”

Add my facebook in: [email protected]


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