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Equivalent means

Legal Practice Course

This application is for an assessment of the equivalence of professional qualifications and
experience of individuals who are seeking recognition against the SRA specified outcomes for the
Legal Practice Course.
Please use this form if you are a seeking to gain exemption from all of Stage 1, all of Stage
2, or both Stage 1 and Stage 2 of the Legal Practice Course (LPC).
If you are seeking exemption for some part of either Stage 1 or Stage 2, you should apply
directly to your chosen LPC provider before commencing that course.
Please do NOT use this form if you are:

a Barrister qualified in the UK

a fully qualified EU lawyer eligible under the provisions of Directive 2005/36/EC and the Qualified
Lawyers Transfer Scheme Regulations 2011

You should use the QLTS 1 form.

Please do NOT use this form if you are:

an EU, EEA or Swiss national who is partially qualified in another EU/EEA Member State or
a UK national who is partially qualified in an EU/EEA Member State outside of the UK

You should use the Equivalent Means Morgenbesser form.

To qualify as a solicitor the SRA Training Regulations 2014 specify you must complete the academic stage
and the vocational stage of training. For more information on this please refer to the Information for
The aims of the LPC are to prepare you for training and to provide a general foundation for practice. For
more information on the Legal Practice Course you should read the Information for providers of the LPC.
This will also include the detailed outcomes for the course.
This form is designed to enable you to provide us with the necessary evidence of the qualifications and/or
work-based learning you have achieved which are equivalent to the LPC outcomes. This will enable us to
assess it against the outcomes we have specified for the LPC.
We will evaluate the evidence you have provided to establish to what extent you have met these outcomes.
We may decide that you have met all of the outcomes and grant exemption. Alternatively, we may refuse to
grant exemption, and recommend that you undertake further learning or assessment to meet the required
outcomes or apply to an LPC provider for partial exemption.
If you need any help completing this form after reading the guidance, please contact us.

PART A - Guidance on completing the form

Please read the Information on Equivalent Means on our website before you complete this form. This will
explain the key principles which we will apply in assessing your application and the fees that apply.
If you can evidence that you meet the outcomes, you should include this information on the assessment
table (Section 6). There are no restrictions on what evidence you can put forward towards an assessment.
Please also ensure that you read the Legal Practice Course outcomes.


Please do not submit any of your evidence within binders, folders or plastic wallets.
Please provide two copies of your evidence.
All documents must be numbered and referenced to the outcomes listed on the assessment table in
section 6 of this form.
The evidence should be easily separated from your application. One copy will be sent to our
Please provide a certified copy of your marriage certificate, or statutory declaration if your name is
now different from that shown on any of the original documents.
Original copies of references provided by employers, lawyers or judges.

You are strongly advised to go through each element of the indicative content listed for each outcome in
order to show us how you have achieved that outcome through your experience of the practice of the law of
England and Wales.
If you do not specifically claim to have achieved an outcome, then we will assume that you have not met it.

Work experience
Where you are relying on work experience to demonstrate that you satisfy outcomes, you must give details
the duration of your work experience and the number of hours worked (e.g. per week);
the level of employment (e.g. whether employed as paralegal or as qualified lawyer) and how much
responsibility you held and whether your were supervised;
the nature of work undertaken (this should relate to the outcomes specified in the assessment table in
section 6).
All work experience claimed must be supported with references from employers. References must
corroborate the work experience evidence provided and be:

written by a named person who could be contacted for verification if necessary, including your
supervisor where your work was supervised;
recent (within 3 months prior to your application being received by the SRA); and
written for the purpose of this application.

What will happen next?

We will assess your application on the basis of the information and evidence you have provided.
We will look to process your application within 12 weeks of receiving all the evidence. For more
complex circumstances the assessment may take longer.
When we have completed the assessment, you will receive our decision and any recommendations in

PART B - The application form

Section 1. Personal Details

First Name

Middle Name(s)

Last Name

Date of Birth

SRA ID (if applicable)

Telephone (day)

Mobile No.

Email Address


Passport number/identity card number

*Please include supporting evidence of your nationality, for example a certified copy of your passport or
identity card.

Section 2. Home address (this should be your permanent address)

House number / Name

Address Line 1

Address Line 2

Address Line 3





Section 2. (continued) Correspondence address (if different to home address)

House number / Name

Address Line 1

Address Line 2

Address Line 3





Section 3. Degrees and diplomas


Title of qualification

Course start date

Course end date

Section 4. Professional examinations passed and courses attended


Title of qualification

Course start date

Course end date

For Section 3 and Section 4 please continue on a separate sheet if necessary.

Please note we reserve the right to request original or certified copies of certificates

Section 5. Professional experience and employment

Organisation Name

Organisation SRA ID (if applicable)

Address Line 1

Address Line 2





Dated started at organisation

Date left organisation

Organisation Name

Organisation SRA ID (if applicable)

Address Line 1

Address Line 2





Dated started at organisation

Date left organisation

Organisation Name

Organisation SRA ID (if applicable)

Address Line 1

Address Line 2





Dated started at organisation

Date left organisation

Please continue on a separate sheet if necessary.

Section 6. The assessment table

Please provide us with evidence to show us how you have met the following learning outcomes. This is a critical part of your application. Please refer to Part
A for guidance on how to complete this table. We must be satisfied that you have achieved the relevant outcomes. These are the outcomes which you
should have achieved if you had successfully completed the Legal Practice Course. Please ensure that you read the detailed outcomes for the Legal Practice
Course: these describe more specifically the outcomes for each of the subject areas in Stage 1. Further information on the Legal Practice Course Outcomes
2011 is available on the SRA website.

Outcome to be

Knowledge and skills claimed

and how achieved

Areas of law and

practice in which
outcome achieved

Evidence in support
(e.g. letter, certificate,
reference, job

Assessors comments

Professional Conduct and regulation:

The Principles and Code

of Conduct
Understand the key ethical
requirements contained in the
SRA Principles of Regulation
and Code of Conduct and in
particular in relation to:

A solicitors
relationship with 3rd
running of the
the solicitors
relationship with the
duties to others

and understand where these

may impact and be able to
apply them in context

Outcome to be

Knowledge and skills claimed

and how achieved

Areas of law and

practice in which
outcome achieved

Evidence in support
(e.g. letter, certificate,
reference, job

Assessors comments

Able to perform the tasks

required to advance
transactions or matters

Financial Services

Be able to identify the client's

objectives and different means
of achieving those objectives
and be aware of

the financial,
commercial and
personal priorities and
constraints to be taken
into account

the costs, benefits

and risks involved in
transactions or courses
of action

Understanding of the purpose

and scope of financial services
regulation including:

understanding of
the financial services
regulatory framework in
general (including
authorisation), and how
it applies to solicitors

Outcome to be

the ability to
recognise when relevant
financial services issues

the ability to apply

financial services
provisions to the types of
work covered by the
Core Practice Areas

the ability to
identify and find
appropriate sources of
information on financial

Money Laundering

Familiarity with the

legislation, including the
international context;

The ability to
recognise circumstances
encountered in the
course of practice where
suspicion of money
laundering should be
reported in accordance
with the legislation, with
particular reference to
those types of legal work
covered by Stage 1.

Knowledge and skills claimed

and how achieved

Areas of law and

practice in which
outcome achieved

Evidence in support
(e.g. letter, certificate,
reference, job

Assessors comments

Outcome to be

Solicitors Accounts
A basic understanding of the
Solicitors Accounts Rules
2011, including the
requirements to:

keep other people's

money separate from
money belonging to the
solicitor or the solicitor's
keep other people's
money safely in a bank
or building society
account identifiable as a
client account;
use each client's
money for that client's
matters only;
use money held as
trustee of a trust for the
purposes of that trust
establish and
maintain proper
accounting systems and
proper internal controls
over those systems to
ensure compliance with
the rules;
keep proper
accounting records to
show accurately the

Knowledge and skills claimed

and how achieved

Areas of law and

practice in which
outcome achieved

Evidence in support
(e.g. letter, certificate,
reference, job

Assessors comments

Outcome to be

Knowledge and skills claimed

and how achieved

Areas of law and

practice in which
outcome achieved

Evidence in support
(e.g. letter, certificate,
reference, job

Assessors comments

position with regard to

the money held for each
client and trust;
account for interest
on other people's money
in accordance with the
co-operate with the
SRA in checking
compliance with the
rules; and
deliver annual
accountant's reports as
required by the rules.
And able to:

recognise, record
and interpret receipts
into and payments from
office and client
accounts as well as
transfers between office
and client accounts and
between two client
prepare a simple
statement for clients on
completion of a matter.

Wills and Administration of Estates

Knowledge of the content,

format and validity of wills,

Outcome to be

Knowledge and skills claimed

and how achieved

Areas of law and

practice in which
outcome achieved

Evidence in support
(e.g. letter, certificate,
reference, job

Assessors comments

obtaining grants of
representation and
administration of an estate and
should be familiar with the
purpose and general structure
of the relevant documents and
the ability to:

use the legal

knowledge, skills,
procedures and
behaviours appropriate
to the client

identify the client's

goals and alternative
means of achieving
those goals, and deal
appropriately with client

recognise conduct
issues and act within the
Code of Conduct

identify the clients

reasonable expectations
as to quality and
timeliness of service.


Sufficient knowledge of tax law

to be able to understand the

Outcome to be

Knowledge and skills claimed

and how achieved

Areas of law and

practice in which
outcome achieved

Evidence in support
(e.g. letter, certificate,
reference, job

Assessors comments

impact of taxation (Income

Tax, Corporation Tax, Capital
Gains Tax, Inheritance tax and
VAT) on the areas covered by
the course and be able to:

use the legal

knowledge, skills,
procedures and
behaviours appropriate
to the client;

recognise conduct
issues and act within the
Code of Conduct;

identify the clients

reasonable expectations
as to quality and
timeliness of service


Demonstrate their knowledge,
understanding and skills in the
areas of:
Business Law and Practice
Property Law and Practice
Civil Litigation
Criminal Litigation

Have a basic competence in

Outcome to be

Knowledge and skills claimed

and how achieved

Areas of law and

practice in which
outcome achieved

Evidence in support
(e.g. letter, certificate,
reference, job

Assessors comments

the course skills and be able

to use them effectively under
supervision. For more detail
on the skills outcomes you
should refer to the Legal
Practice Course outcomes.
Practical Legal Research

Interviewing and Advising


Knowledge and
understanding and
employ the applicable
skills in the electives
area(s) of law and

be able to use the

legal knowledge, skills,
procedures and
behaviours appropriate
to each client and each
transaction or matter

be able to identify
the overall nature of the
transaction, then plan
and progress that
transaction or matter

Outcome to be
through a series of steps
and decisions including,
where appropriate,
drafting documentation

be able identify the

client's goals and
alternative means of
achieving those goals,
and deal appropriately
with client care

be able to
investigate and identify
the relevant facts,
research and identify the
relevant legal issues,
and advise the client on
the legal consequences

be able to
recognise conduct
issues and act within the
Code of Conduct

be able to identify
the clients reasonable
expectations as to
quality and timeliness of

Knowledge and skills claimed

and how achieved

Areas of law and

practice in which
outcome achieved

Evidence in support
(e.g. letter, certificate,
reference, job

Assessors comments

Section 7. Supporting references for training / work experience

All work experience claimed must be supported with references from employers. References must
corroborate the work experience evidence provided.
References must be:

written by a named person who could be contacted for verification if necessary, including your
supervisor where your work was supervised;

recent (within 3 months prior to your application being received by the SRA);

written for the purpose of this application; and

written on letter headed paper or sent from professional email accounts, wherever possible.

The two referees must be:

solicitors of England and Wales, or

lawyers of an EU jurisdiction, or

previous or current employers.

The referees must not be personal friends or family members.
Please note, we will not write or chase referees for references. It is the responsibility of the applicant to
provide two references and the application may not be processed until two complete references are

Section 8. Declaration
This declaration must be completed in all cases.
Knowingly or recklessly giving the SRA information which is false or misleading, or failure to inform the SRA
of materially significant information, may lead to disciplinary action by the SRA.
We may need to contact third parties, such as education providers, in order to verify the information given
in this form. By completing this declaration you are giving us your permission to do this. All information
provided by you will be treated securely and strictly in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998.
The SRA will revoke any decision if it was granted as a result of error or fraud.
I confirm that:

I am the individual named on this application and have read the guidance notes.
I give permission for the SRA to make such investigations as necessary in the course of verifying
the information given in this form.
I agree to notify the SRA of any other information relevant to the application and inform the SRA
immediately of any changes to the information provided.
I declare that the information I have provided is true and correct.

Full Name

SRA ID (if applicable)

Applicant Signature


If completed electronically please tick to say you confirm the declaration.

Please note if the form is not signed and the fee is not received your application will not be

Section 9. Returning the form

To help us process your application quickly, please check that:
The declaration has been signed and dated.
Any additional sheets are labelled and attached to this form.
Full payment is included. If not paying by cheque, completed method of payment form is enclosed.
Any relevant documentation is enclosed, including a copy of proof of name change, for example
deed poll or marriage certificate.
Please send the fully completed application form and 600 fee via one of the options below:
[email protected] - This facility is only available if paying by bank transfer.
Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA)
The Cube
199 Wharfside Street
B1 1RN
DX720293 Birmingham 47
Methods of Payment form
Please complete the Methods of Payment form attached at the foot of this document. You can pay the full
amount by cheque, postal order, bank transfer or credit card. Please note Diners or American Express
cards are not accepted. Cheques should be made payable to the Law Society.
Please note that we will hold any payment we receive without an accompanying application form for up to
30 days before returning it to the sender.
Bank Transfer payments
If paying directly from your bank account, you must ensure you instruct your bank to pay us, as we are
unable to request the payment for you.
Credit/Debit card payments
If you are paying by credit/debit card, please note we are unable to accept credit or debit card details by
email due to Payment Card Industry (PCI) compliance regulations. For further details please visit the PCI
Once your application has been received and payment cleared, we will aim to make an assessment of your
application within 30 days.

Methods of Payment Form

Please note that any payment received without an accompanying application form will be held for a
maximum of 30 days before being returned to the sender.
Payment may be made using any of the following methods.

Payment by cheque
Please make your cheque payable to the Law Society and put your SRA number on the back of the
We do not accept cheques drawn on non sterling or non UK bank accounts.

Payments direct from your bank

You may pay direct to the Law Societys bank account. All charges must be paid by the remitter and the
remitters name and account number or SRA number must be quoted as a reference.
Please complete the confirmation form and return it with your completed application once you have
instructed your bank to make payment direct. You must ensure you instruct your bank to make the
payment, as our Finance Department is unable to request the payment for you.

Application Type


Date Transmitted


SRA ID (if applicable)

I have authorised payment to be made to:

Account No.
Sort Code
Account Name

Barclays Bank Plc, 54 Lombard Street, London, EC3V 9EX

The Law Society

If payment is made by International Bank transfer, please use the following:


GB90 BARC 2032 2980 5674 93


Please ensure your SRA number/account number is quoted by your bank with the bank transfer.

Credit/Debit card payments

Please note we are unable to accept credit or debit card details by email due to Payment Card Industry
(PCI) compliance regulations. For further details please visit:
All card transactions are subject to a 1.75% handling charge.
We do not accept American Express or Diners.
Value (1.75% will be added to this value)

1.75% Handling Charge

Total to be taken (inc. charge)

Card Type


Card number

Expiry Date


Issue No (if applicable)

Name on Card

Payment reference
(invoice number/GL codes or form type and SRA ID)

Please complete the CV2 number at the bottom of this page. This number is found
on the reverse of your card, it is the last 3 digits displayed on your signature strip.

CV2 Code

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