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Vector Calculus Applications in Electricity and

Application of vector calculus in electric theory and magnetic
theory is immense. George Green who was a pioneer of theory
of vector calculus, in 1828 published privately An Essay on the
Application of Mathematical Analysis to the Theories of
Electricity and Magnetism which shows the close relationship
of vector calculus with Electricity and magnetism.
1. The study of electrostatics is based primarily on Coulombs
Inverse Square Law which gives the electrostatic force
between two charges. Electrostatic field is a vector which
gives the force acting on an unit charge placed in a vacuum.
For n charges

Since the div(E)=0 , E is a solenoidal vector. Also,

So E is also irrotational and conservative. So these two

important characteristics were identified using vector
calculus. Also the work done by the electric intensity is given
by, the line integral.

2. Maxwells equations and vector calculus

Current is the flow of charge, and it can be
represented by a vector field. At any point, we want the
vector field to measure the strength of the flow. What we do
is put a very small surface into space, and then in a certain
small time interval t measure the amount of stuff that flows
through the bit of surface in that time .In fact, there will at
each point a vector v which measures the transport across
small areas of size A over small intervals of time in the
sense that the flow through A in time t will be

(v n)A t .

In this interpretation, the flux through any surface,

calculated by the integral

Current J is in this
sense the vector field
associated to the flow of charge. The flux through the
boundary must measure the rate of charge on the inside.

where is charge density inside R.

By Gauss divergence theorem,

this holds
for very small

where div(J) is essentially constant, we have

Above equation gives very important facts in electricity,

(1) Current measures the flow of charge
(2) Charge is never destroyed, but only moved around from
place to place.

Gauss Law for Electricity

Coulombs law allows to calculate that the flux of the
electric field through a closed sphere of radius R containing
a charge is equal to 4e, and by applying Gauss
Theorem to deduce that

For this derivation we need vector calculus.

Gauss Law for Magnetism

The same reasoning, together with the fact that there are
no isolated magnetic charges, gives us

where B is the magnetic field.

Faradays Law of Induction

If we move a magnet through a loop of wire, it will cause a
current. Currents are caused by electric fields, and can
depend only on the direction of the electric field in the
direction along the wire.
Thus in a closed wire, we expect the circulation of the
electric field in the wire to depend on the way in which the
magnetic field inside the loop changes. How do we measure
this change?, By integrating the rate of change of the
magnetic field over any area spanning the loop, or in other
words by the flux of the magnetic field through that loop.
This means
Theorem tells
that the circulation of E is also equal to

and since S can be very small and face in an arbitrary

direction we see that

Amperes Law

A steady current in a straight wire which is not depositing

charge at any point produces a constant magnetic field
circulating around the wire, proportional to the current
strength and inversely to the distance from the wire. The
circulation of B through any loop is, by Stokes Theorem, the
flux of the curl of B through the inside of the loop.

If the charge distribution is not steady, then an extra term

has to be added to the last equation.

An electric dipole may be regarded as the limiting case of
two equal and opposite e and e placed at a small distance l
apart, as e
, l
In such a way that their product approaches a finite quantity

If r is the distance measured from O the potential at P

due to the negative charge is e/r and due to positive
charge is,

Therefore the potential due to doublet at p is,

For a number of dipoles potential is given by,

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