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12 Major Universal Spiritual Laws

Oct. 23, 2014
by Victoria Shabunin
Spiritual Healer, Psychic Medium & Spiritual Teacher
Our universe runs by the universal laws. There are 12 major universal laws that I would like to share with you here. By applying
these laws consistently into my everyday life, I was able to achieve abundance within and out. These laws work all the time and
every time. All of these laws are equally important.
The 1st universal law is The Law of Divine Oneness.
This law helps us understand that we live in the world where everything and everyone is connected to one another. Everything
that we do, say, think or believe affects everyone and everything in the universe. So try to come from a place of love when doing
things, saying words, thinking thoughts and believing. We are all love, light, wisdom and energy.
The 2nd universal law is The Law of Vibration.
This law teaches us that everything in the world moves and vibrates in a circular motion. Even words, thoughts, feelings,
emotions, desires and wills have their own vibrations. So by raising the vibrations, you will achieve positive results. By focusing
on love and light you will be able to achieve high vibrations.
The 3rd universal law is The Law of Action.
This law states that every action has a reaction. In order for us to manifest things we must apply this law. Make sure to engage in
actions that support your dreams, desires, wishes and your Higher Self.
The 4th universal law is The Law of Correspondence.
This law tells us that the laws of the physical world have their corresponding laws in the etheric world. So in order for you to
achieve abundance in the physical world, you must first achieve it within. In order to manifest things in the physical world, you
must start from within.
The 5th universal law is The Law of Cause and Effect.
This law states that nothing happens by a chance or outside the universal laws. What you send out into the universe is exactly
what comes back to you. So be sure to send out positive energy and high vibrations.
The 6th universal law is The Law of Compensation.
This law helps us understand that our good deeds do not go unnoticed and that we will receive compensation in the form of
blessings. These blessings can come in many forms, some of them are: gifts, money, friendships, love and so forth. There are no
limits to what type of blessing we receive for all the good deeds.
The 7th universal law is The Law of Attraction.
This law demonstrates that we create and attract everything into our lives. Our actions, words, thoughts, feelings and emotions
produce energies that we send out into the universe, which attract like energies. Negative energies attract the negative and positive
energies attract the positive. If you want to attract the best thing into your life then you need to think and speak positively,
visualise and affirm what you want consistently. Whatever you will focus your energy on, is what you will attract.
The 8th universal law is The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy.
This law teaches us that we all have the power within us to change the conditions in our lives. By raising our vibrations we are
able to transform the negative energy into positive energy and the other way around. Dont wait for someone to help you, take
your own life into your hands and start creating the life that you want, since you have the power to do so.
The 9th universal law is The Law of Relativity.
This law helps us understand that all of us will receive a series of obstacles and challenges in life, all for the purpose of growth.
We all have to learn the hard way. Dont think for one second that you are a victim or being punished for something. Having fun,
being at peace, teaches us nothing, this is why our lesson may seem like problems in life. When we do not learn the lessons from
the first time, this is when we create repetition in life and find ourselves in the same situations over and over again. Once you
learn the lesson or overcome a challenge, you will never have to deal with it again and can easily move forward on your journey.
The 10th universal law is The Law of Polarity.
This law shows us that everything has its opposite. Feminine energy and masculine energy, positive energy and negative energy,
light and dark, hot and cold and so forth. The key to becoming a master is to have a perfect balance among these energies.


12 Major Universal Spiritual Laws

The 11th universal law is The Law of Rhythm. This law tells us that everything has a vibration and moves in rhythms. These
rhythms establish cycles, stages, patterns, seasons, birth and death. When the vibrations and energies in the universe change, so
do rhythms. Rise above the negative rhythms of cycles by never giving it too much focus and energy. Dont dwell on the past,
focus on the moment and look forward to the future.
The 12th universal law is The Law of Gender. This law lets us know that everything has its masculine and feminine energies or
the yang and the yin. In order to master these energies, you must find a perfect balance between the two.
By learning, understanding and applying these universal laws, I was able to create the life that I wanted. By being consistent with
these principles and living by these laws, I was able to achieve abundance within, which allowed me to achieve abundance in the
physical world. Believe in you and do whats best for you, cause everything is possible.
Victoria Shabunin

Hello my dear friends. My name is Victoria. I am a Lightworker and an Indigo Child. I am also a Spiritual Healer, Reiki Master,
and a Psychic Medium. I am also a Radio Show Host and a Spiritual Teacher. You can listen to me live on A!R Psychic Radio
Show, every Tuesday at 6pm EST. I was born in Russia & grew up in Ukraine. I moved to Canada in 1995. I have an educational
background in Mediumship, Channeling, Palm Reading, Aura Reading, Reiki, Social Psychology, Drug and Alcohol Counselling
and Early Childhood Education. I also teach spiritual and psychic workshops, write books and work with children with special
needs. My passion in life is: being of service, helping everyone being their happiest and their best, singing, meditating, and being
in the nature.

As a Spiritual Healer, I use the methods of Prayer, Rituals, Meditation and Reiki to heal the mind, body and soul. I have practiced
healing since I was a teen and helped many people all over the world. I am an open channel to receive healing energies from all
sources to help you heal in all ways. I work with all of the Elements, Universe, The Source, Archangels, Spirits, Angels, Guides,
Masters, Doctors, Healers and Light Beings to give you the healing where it's most needed.

As a Psychic, I use many different methods to receive information and to connect. I use all of my senses like clairvoyance,
clairaudience, clairsentience, claircognizance, read the energy, channel information, use intuitive Tarot cards and Oracle cards
readings, connect with Universe, Masters, Teachers, Gods and Goddesses, and the Guides.

As a Medium, I use many different methods to receive messages, to channel information and to bring in Spirits. I connect with
my Guides, Angels, Spirits, I use Trance mediumship, Automatic writing, Automatic Speaking, Automatic Drawing such as
Auragraph and Reading Energies.

Since the day I was born I knew that my life's purpose was to help people in every kind of way, bring the light to people and to be
of service to people and God. I am here for you when ever you need me. Anything is possible if you trust and believe.
Victoria Shabunin
( Vancouver ), Burnaby, BC,
Contact me today to see how I can help you.
Phone: 778 887 5123
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