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COMES NOW John-Q; Public, the affiant, who is of lawful age and sound mind, who is a competent witness and
is telling the truth, voluntarily relating the following first hand knowledge of the facts and stating that these facts
are true and represent the best of my knowledge.
I herby revoke my signature, for good cause, off of the Form SS-5, Application for a Social Security
Card, which was signed in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred eighty one when I applied for benefits provided
by the Social Security Administration located at 1800 Chicago ave s Minneapolis, Minnesota [and off of the Form
SS-5, Application for a Social Security Card signed in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred ninety seven in
Orlando, Florida or any other replacement card FormSS-5, Applications .Because the application for a replacement
card depends on the validity of the first application and was signed under mistake and economic duress, the
application for a replacement card/cards is also null and void.]
The original Form SS-5 contract/ instrument was entered into when I was fifteen years of age , which means the
contract/ instrument is null and void by Minnesota statute 502.66 which says, any donee , except a MINOR
who would be capable of conveying the property covered by the power may exercise a power of appointment.
Because a contract/instrument is only valid if entered into knowingly and voluntarily, all
contracts/instruments are null and void because of coercion through misinformation, disinformation, misdirection,
and threats of economic duress.
Because fraud vitiates contracts/instruments and even judgments , these contracts are null and void through
various elements of fraud
This document is the preparation of the undersigned.
Before the Almighty God and under His statutes, I declare that the foregoing is the truth in accord with the
best of my knowledge on this second day September in the year of our Lord two thousand two.
John-Q; Public, Sui Juris

Signed this day, ____________________,at ___________________, _________________

My commission expires on : ______________________________

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