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March 16, 2015

The Honorable Gina McCarthy

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20460
Dear Administrator McCarthy,
In the four decades since the Clean Air Act was signed into law, our states have
driven unprecedented improvements in air quality. We have done so while adhering to the
core principle that meaningful environmental measures can and must coexist with free
market policies that promote job growth and economic freedom. Your agencys new
proposed change to the National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) for ground-level
ozone jettisons these free market policies in favor of an onerous, job-crushing standard. As
chief protectors of our states economies, we oppose this proposed change to the NAAQS for
ground-level ozone.
The proposed NAAQS is so extreme that even some of our pristine national parks
may not be able to satisfy it. It goes without saying that most cities and counties have no
chance of attaining this standard. Indeed, many areas of our states have background levels
of ozone at or near the levels you are proposing. According to an estimate by the
Congressional Research Service, EPAs power-grab could plunge anywhere from 76% to
96% of the counties currently monitored for ozone into nonattainment.

Nonattainment is an economic penalty box so severe that needed economic growth is

stunted. In nonattainment areas, any growth is predicated on successfully navigating a
bureaucratic maze of federal and state regulators. New development resulting in any new
ozone emissions in the area must be offset with emission reductions elsewhereturning
economic development into a zero-sum game. Some businesses will be forced to employ
costly control measures. Some will likely scrap existing facilities and equipment altogether.
The end result, of course, is that the costs will be passed on to hard-working Americans.
Millions of Americans could be affected in a much more direct and devastating way: it is
estimated that the proposed standard could cost the equivalent of 1.4 million jobs annually.
Nonattainment also jeopardizes needed transportation infrastructure projects.
Roads that would add desperately needed capacity in nonattainment areas would be subject
to review by multiple federal agenciesdespite the fact that many of these projects may
actually reduce ozone emissions by relieving congestion. This additional level of oversight
is sure to both delay needed transportation projects and make them more expensiveif not
thwart them altogether. Its no wonder many are calling this the most expensive
regulation ever.
All of this says nothing of the dozens of massive new regulations put in place or
proposed by your agency over the past several years: regulations like the Mercury and Air
Toxics Standards, the Boiler MACT, fuel economy standards for cars and trucks, regional
haze rules, the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule, Tier 3 tailpipe emissions standards, and of
course the Clean Power Plan. Taken together, these regulations impose billions of dollars in
new costs on our states and our citizens. Moreover, these regulations collectively work to
lower ozone emissions already. Piling on the additional burden and expense of a lower
ozone standard simply isnt necessary. In fact, many of our states have seen a dramatic
decrease in ozone levels over the past decade under the current, more flexible standard.
Our states resources are not infinite. At a time when we should be focusing on
growing the economy and creating jobs, the EPA is imposing a steady stream of complex,
expensive new regulations that require an army of policy and technical experts and lawyers
to decipher, respond to, and ultimately implement. The proposed NAAQS for ozone is the
most onerous and expensive yet. We ask you to instead keep the current standard of 75
parts per billion (ppb) in place.

Governor Asa Hutchinson


Governor Nathan Deal


Governor C.L. Butch Otter


Governor Michael R. Pence


Governor Phil Bryant


Governor Greg Abbott


Governor Bobby Jindal


Governor Mary Fallin


Governor Scott Walker


Governor Paul R. LePage


Governor Nikki Haley

South Carolina

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