American Dissident Prince Judge Matthew

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Justice4Humanity is an independent grass-roots coalition of human rights advocates supporting The Arbitration

Court of International Justice (ACIJ), to institute meaningful enforcement of international human rights law.

The Untold Story Behind The Arbitration Court of International Justice,
the First Licensed Peoples Court for the Enforcement of Human Rights Law
by Michael Henry Dunn
January 27, 2015

Is Enforcement Really Possible Against the Corrupt Plutocracy?

The Unused Back Door of International Human Rights Law
The Illegal and Unconstitutional Defamation Campaign Launched by a US Army
Counter-intelligence Agent Against the ACIJs Principal Spokesman
The Making of an American Dissident Prince - Genius-level Aspergers
Autistic, Veteran Federal Agent under Vladimir Putin, Archaeologist,
International Judge and Grand Master of the reborn Knights Templar

Post-Snowden, post-Wiki-leaks, in an era when a former top US Intelligence advisor recommends the wholesale
reversal of the secrecy paradigm in the name of open-source intelligence (giving up the trillion-dollar covert
industry in favor of basing policy on what everyone can find and see) in this bewildering time the spinners
of the world are gradually waking up to the fact that the best spin is the transparent absence of heavy-handed
spin (or even light-handed spin), in favor of the disorienting practice of open-hearted candor.
Yet still one wants to tell ones story which will inevitably be a kind of spin, markedly different from the
story being advanced by the opposition. However, in this time of deep cynicism toward both mainstream and
alternative media, those in the freedom movement have learned to have their spin-detectors set to maximum.
Those who have set the dial to paralyzed nihilism will, of course, find liars and pretenders everywhere, and
true-hearted freedom workers nowhere.
With that preamble done, I am here to tell you the open-heartedly candid story of the creation of The
Arbitration Court of International Justice (ACIJ), and its supporting campaign, Justice4Humanity.
Or, as Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid famously put it, Who are those guys?


Recognizing the Facts through the Fog

The core of the story is simple: Certain individuals (fortuitously placed and trained to do something about it)
saw that massive human suffering and ever-increasing trampling of essential human rights are largely due to
systematic violation of international human rights law by what may loosely be termed corrupt oligarchic and/or
plutocratic forces. They saw that these forces work their will through governments, covert operations, private
groups, and financial institutions; that they manipulate public opinion through illegal propaganda via media
conglomerates owned by these same forces all in the service of an agenda which is blatantly self-serving and
hostile to the welfare and freedom of humanity. The plutocratic creation and control of the central banking
system are clearly the key to their power requiring a virtual financial revolution to defeat the implementation
of their agenda.
And these individuals recognized that existing international courts were inherently limited (to some extent, by
design), and had proven themselves entirely unequal to the task of effectively protecting humanity from these
systemic violations.
Some of the codified international laws which go unenforced include the following:
(An excerpt of chapter titles from The Judges Manual for Enforcement of Human Rights Enforcement, copyright
Ignita Veritas University, 2015, all international rights reserved)

Illegal Extra-Territorial Jurisdiction

False Arrest and Prolonged Detention as Persecution

Unlawful Travel Restrictions for Persecution

Torture Any and all forms which violate human dignity

Unlawful Interference or Restriction of Communication

Banking Violations: Unlawful Blocking of Use of Private Funds

Violation of Equal Protection of Law by Selective Enforcement

Propaganda Violations as Covert Operations

Propaganda for False Justification of State Aggression

Propaganda for Destabilization and Covert Warfare

Illegal Violation of Nation-State Sovereignty

Subversive Destabilization and Covert Warfare


Genocide by Implementation of Systemic Policies

A quick scan of these violations will bring dozens of instances to mind for well-informed persons which
exemplify how the corrupt plutocracy runs rough-shod over human rights as a daily business of maintaining
Knowing the inescapable truth that only an alliance of nations under the rule of law based on shared human
values could possibly accomplish the enormous task of reversing this bleak downward slide, the men and
women of Justice4Humanity set about to see what they could contribute to such a movement, knowing that
many thousands of others shared the same realizations, and were also struggling for a viable solution.

The Unused Back Door of International Human Rights Law

To begin with, the creation of an international court of justice possessing effective jurisdiction has hitherto only
been accomplished by lengthy negotiations between nations indeed by a process that was inter-national.
In this case, a major new legal institution was created by a handful of committed human rights advocates,
international judges, and lawyers with the significant factor that the institution derives its legitimacy from
decades of existing agreements between nations, relying on provisions of international law that had simply
never before been utilized.
(And since the question on nearly every readers mind will be regarding the enforceability of such a court, let us
dispense with that upfront at this link.)
The authority and the jurisdiction are therefore statutory triggered by fulfillment of existing international
statutes, binding on all U.N. member nations. The law is clear. The licenses are real. The standards of due
process required are in place. This part of the story is straightforward.
The human story behind the creation of the court, however, is more complex. Anthropologist Margaret Mead
famously advised us to never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world;
indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." This is certainly
true of the ACIJ.

Personalities and would-be saviors

have been paraded, celebrated,
debunked and vilified, leaving the
people emotionally exhausted and
hopeless. Caution is well-advised.


Reality Check Why Should We Trust These Guys?

While its true that the Law is not about personalities, and that the ACIJ is designed to be a permanent
institution of social justice for the people, the documented reality is that infiltration, disinformation, and
controlled opposition are common tools by which meaningful change has long been blocked. Personalities
and would-be saviors have been paraded, celebrated, debunked and vilified, leaving the people emotionally
exhausted and hopeless. Caution is well-advised.
Some who once had hope may now suffer from semi-permanent jaded cynicism. This project is not addressed
to them. To those who believe that justice is possible, that human freedom is possible, and who are willing to
accept responsibility to take action (rather than waiting around for the Big Rescue and the Magic Currency
Reset) I will simply offer suggestions about how to tell the disinformation agents and agitators from genuine and
effective human rights advocates:

If they are promising an overnight transformation by means of Secret Good Guys doing all the work for
us, releasing heretofore Hidden Trillions for mass distribution this is not real.

If they are focusing primarily on fear mongering trumpeting the heinous crimes and all-powerful
tentacles of the Bad Guys without offering practical, real-world solutions this is not helpful.

If they trigger friction and hostility among freedom-movement figures, and engage in mud-slinging and
character assassination this is a serious warning sign.

If they suggest violent tactics or strategy (except for justifiable self-defense) expose and denounce it.

If they denounce religion as merely a system of control, beware genuine spirituality and interfaith
harmony are our greatest assets in achieving freedom.

If they consistently offer supposed inside information which only paints a picture of a world
completely controlled by the all-powerful ultra-elite in which we are all helpless slaves or puppets
ignore them. Seize and use the freedom you have, and it will expand.

You are reading an article which was created by an alliance of genuine human rights advocates working in the
Middle East, California, the UK, India, and the US East Coast. Justice4Humanity is made up of passionately
committed volunteers who believe the human familys best hope for peace and freedom is for a global alliance
to peacefully enforce international human rights law.
Impunity must end. If impunity ends, many grievous violations will be greatly lessened. Suffering will be greatly
lessened. Freedom will be enhanced. Hidden systems of oppression will be disabled. It will not be easy and it
will not happen overnight. But we believe it is the only way.
Right. Sounds good. And again, who are those guys?


Ill tell you in a moment. First, one more important caveat:

Ahem, Ahem, Ad Hominem

If no such flaws or scandals can be found,

they can be (and frequently are) cunningly
createdThe only reasonable option under
such circumstances is to preemptively expose
the exposers, and tell the unvarnished truth
(as Lincoln didnt actually say), warts and

Courts of law are not about personalities. International

institutions designed to last centuries and anchored in
binding agreements between nearly all the sovereign
nations of the world do not rise or fall based on the
virtues or flaws of the comparative handful of men and
women who labored to bring them about.
Or, as the humble founders of the Twelve Step
Recovery movement put it, principles before

The first point of attack for opponents who wish to distract people from the principles which threaten their
wrongdoing is to search out and expose the personal flaws, scandals, or even the mildly unsavory details from
the earlier years of the messengers or advocates of those threatening principles. They then proceed to parade
these supposedly fatal flaws in sensational fashion, as demonstrated by the now well-known and blatant use of
tabloid press by the Rupert Murdoch media conglomerate to selectively punish politicians who dared to oppose
its power. This is known as the logical fallacy of ad hominem rebuttal an attack on the person rather than
on the principles in question.
If no such flaws or scandals can be found, they can be (and frequently are) cunningly created, as we shall see. It
is documented that US and UK counter-intelligence forces devote considerable resources to the defamation and
career destruction of political dissidents. The only reasonable option under such circumstances is to
preemptively expose the exposers, and tell the unvarnished truth (as Lincoln didnt actually say),
warts and all.
Thus, the best offense being a total absence of defense (in the new transparent paradigm), I will now proceed to
expose and share the virtues, flaws and supposed scandals of the key movers behind the campaign for the
independent ACIJ but only in the course of telling the essential story with no distracting tangents.

Daring to Name It A Prominent US Intelligence Expert Expects Revolution

In the late summer of 2013, in the course of free-lance journalistic work, I began a series of Skype conversations
with an American-born international judge who was working in Egypt. Our conversations focused on the
inadequacy of the current international justice system to uphold human rights and national sovereignty.


Credible evidence exists to convince many intelligent observers that a behind the scenes war has been raging in
recent years between what is generally termed the Cabal and an alliance of benevolent forces in the military
and intelligence communities of various nations which had recognized the corrupt nature and appalling agenda
of the plutocratic elite. An end-game appears to be underway, in which the stakes are enormous. Exposure of
the actual history and nature of the Cabal would mean (in the best case scenario) disgrace, poverty, and prison
for some of the worlds most eminent families. Their best option to prevent such defeat remains the one they
have resorted to for centuries: create chaos and upheaval, and then impose an ever more restrictive order on
the chaos they themselves had triggered.
At this writing, the danger of worldwide global financial collapse is being trumpeted even by corrupt mainstream
media. The only questions remaining would seem to hinge on timing and control: when does it happen? And
who controls the end-game and reset? Does the Cabal emerge triumphant, having imposed draconian control in
the wake of global financial chaos? Or will the Alliance acquire the strength to step in at a key moment,
asserting the essential human values of cooperation and the rule of law to give mankind a fresh start?
Meanwhile, the aforementioned former US Intelligence Advisor, Robert Steele, has recently observed that
classic conditions which are precursors to revolution are now present in the United States and Britain. But what
kind of revolution might unfold? If revolution and financial collapse are in fact imminent, will the human family
unify in cooperation under international law, or descend into chaos and war?
Even mainstream media outlets such as The Huffington Post are now daring to articulate the need for a peaceful
revolution, as when prominent spiritual leader and best-selling author Marianne Williamson wrote in an op-ed
in December of 2014:
Our democracy is dyingIt's time to say it: we need a peaceful revolution in America. In the words of President
John F. Kennedy, "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable." The
American people have simply got to stand up now
It has become apparent that only a global alliance operating under international law with the broad consent of
the world community can ultimately bring to justice the corrupt plutocratic faction which has come to dominate
and control the nominally democratic governments of NATO (and their formidable military forces) to further
their agenda.
So long as these corrupt factions retain control via the fiat currency system in the network of central banks, so
long as they manipulate a faade of democracy to use the NATO military forces to violate national sovereignty
so long, in other words, as they enjoy impunity from their massive violations of international law so long will
the implementation of their agenda of greed and oppression gain momentum.


Restoring Human Rights and the Rule of Law

But what international court can possibly take on these forces? What venue can be trusted? And even if lawful
judgments against human rights violators are made, on what basis can enforcement take place? The use of
military might to further the goals of the moneyed elite is among the oldest and bloodiest tragedies known to
mankind. The banking families who control the G7 are hardly likely to surrender meekly and peacefully.
What court of law can possibly hope to impact the hard geopolitical realities? I refer you again to the words of
Margaret Mead regarding the history of small groups of thoughtful committed citizens who changed the world.
This is the story of one such group.

Enter Prince Judge Matthew of Thebes

You may look him up under that
name on LinkedIn, where his profile
is very detailed as to
accomplishments, but limited (as is
typical for the professional usage of
LinkedIn) as to personal
information. Given his fifteen years
of service to the Russian Federation
as a veteran national security
lawyer, his careful online profile
which respects the confidentiality
of others is understandable
federal law enforcement agents are
not in the habit of broadcasting
their personal information all over
the internet.
But now we are sharing the story of how the first legitimate international court of human rights for the people
came into being. And since the alliance of human rights advocates who have collaborated to found the ACIJ
have asked Prince Matthew to be a spokesman for the Court, he has consented to a greater level of
transparency in this article.
(Note: Prince Judge Matthew is not an adjudicating judge of the ACIJ Court itself, but is an independent judge
accredited for other governmental and international Courts. As a temporary part-time volunteer supporting
ACIJ, he has agreed to be an external spokesman.)


Prince, Archaeologist, Judge, Veteran Federal Agent, Genius-level High-Functioning

Autistic, and Grand Master of the Knights Templar
Lets begin with the title. The status of Prince is legitimately used by recognized descendants of royal houses
(both ruling and deposed), and by those who have been ennobled by the fons honorum (literally, source of
honor) powers traditionally vested in recognized kings under customary international law. Prince Matthews
status was earned for merit, officially bestowed by fons honorum of HRH King David of Mann, of the
Independent Kingdom of Mann (a non-ruling royal house legalized and recognized by Queen Elizabeth II), the
direct descendant of the original founder and first Royal Patron of the 12th century Knights Templar (as proven
by official genealogy records of the Anglican Church). This was granted in 2013, as a necessary part of installing
Matthew as the Grand Master of the direct continuation of the original Templar Order, because such Orders
traditionally have a Prince Grand Master (e.g., the Sovereign Military Order of Malta).
The remarkable story of the restoration of the Sovereign Magistral Order of the Temple of Solomon (as it is
properly called) is a tale unto itself, which is given in detail on the Orders Web Page "Restoration" . (As of 2015,
the Templar Order signed a treaty of full independence with the Kingdom of Mann, so it is not dependent on nor
influenced by any other sovereign entity.)
As to the designation of Thebes which follows his name, this correctly follows chivalric rules of nobility titles, by
which the person must have established a knightly commandery or monastery in the place for which they hold
the designation. Prince Matthew founded a Templar Commandery in Luxor, which is ancient Thebes, where he
regularly pursues archaeology, restoring the full authentic heritage of the Templar Order. I would later learn
that the modern Templar Order encourages a revival of the ancient concept of nobility as being a responsibility
of greater service to humanity rather than a badge of bloodline superiority. A Templar nobility title turns out to
be recognition of service and a call to greater service, all based on egalitarian meritocracy.
NOTE: Those who have read recent historically inaccurate accounts which misidentify the Templars as an
earlier version of the Cabal may wish to know that the historical record demonstrates that the infamous 1307
persecution of the Templars was ordered by King Phillip IV of France, a brutal tyrant whom historians identify as
the founder of the modern centralized authoritarian state. Then as now, the Templars were Human Rights
champions they were instrumental in the creation of the Magna Carta (the first civil rights and foundation of
individual freedom in the West) and were inter-faith mystics who shared sacred knowledge with their
Muslim enemies.
The reality is that the ideals of Chivalry have been making a quiet comeback for the last thirty years (thank you,
George Lucas, for the Jedi Knights). Service to humanity, reverence for women, communion with the Divine
Source, willingness to defend the oppressed and combat evil, a commitment to a disciplined moral life these
are the ideals of the thousands of knights and dames in genuine chivalric movements worldwide.
The ACIJ is not a Templar project. But there are Templar knights and dames who have chosen Human Rights as
their mission and are supporting this effort.


Judge whether they are for real by the unequivocally humanitarian tangible work which they contribute. By
their fruits ye shall know them.
When I was introduced to Prince Matthew in Indonesia in the spring of 2013, he had volunteered legal expertise
to a human rights group there out of a desire to further the anti-globalist, pro-national sovereignty cause. I
learned that Matthew was an international judge who had worked with the old-school mentors of President
Vladimir Putin, and assisted the Russian Presidential Administration in cleaning up the Russian mafia in the years
following the resignation of Boris Yeltsin.
My contact then mentioned in passing, Oh yeah, hes also the Grand Master of the Knights Templar.
I did not follow up that intriguing item for many months. In the course of my research, I had heard rumors that
some lineal remnant of the Templars had survived and was active in the alliance against the Western banking
elite. I had learned to disregard rumors. We needed expert help on international law.
This led to several lengthy Skype conversations between me and Prince Matthew, exploring these issues. We
quickly discovered a remarkable affinity on multiple fronts, from the political to the esoteric, and became
collaborators in several projects. We decided to do an article on the viability of a new kind of international
human rights court, exposing the flaws of the current global courts, and proposing an alternative.
Yes, reader, the candor thing again he is now a close friend. I have collaborated with Prince Matthew since
then on multiple projects related to human rights advocacy and interfaith harmony.
Over the course of many months, the following facts emerged about this remarkable man:

A lifelong Egyptology hobbyist, he eventually completed a doctorate in archaeology, among other

graduate degrees

He was a Druid High Priest in New England at age twenty-three. He worked his way through college by
playing piano and guitar (his own compositions) at restaurants and cocktail bars and doing psychic
readings at New Age bookstores.

He lives on the edge of the Sahara Desert with his beloved Great Dane, Raissa (Arabic for Lady
President), and enjoys a close relationship with the Village Elders of the ancient culture of the region.

His brain functions at an abnormally high, super-computer level, due in part to his extraordinarily highfunctioning Aspergers autism.

He is able to process information and generate doctoral-level historical research and legal documents at
phenomenal speed in uninterrupted work sessions which often go as long as 24 to 36 hours.

He exhibits classic symptoms of Aspergers autism noted by medical specialists, in which he tends to be
compulsively obsessed with facts (i.e. encyclopedic data), virtually missing the part of the brain which
can invent non-factual falsehoods.



He is an accredited international judge licensed by a ministry of justice and a bar association of

international judges.

His primary function representing sovereign countries was to assist as a Special Envoy in their efforts to
improve relations with the United States.

He endures an extremely high level of nearly constant pain resulting from multiple factors, including
nerve pain from the symptoms of Autism; post-traumatic stress disorder from his years in national
security; and the after-effects of a nearly fatal motorcycle crash at 140 km/hr (on a government

Although his motorcycle crash fractured multiple bones and required a year and a half of excruciating
physical therapy, he worked on a notebook computer from a hospital bed with only one working arm,
and surprised doctors by willing himself out of a wheelchair to walking in a record 3 months.

Since he now walks with a cane, his fellow Templar Knights tend to call him Sir Limps-a-lot

He witnessed both of Egypts recent revolutions first-hand as they unfolded.

He is at once a man of deep faith and a formidable intellectual.

As an American political dissident, he has been the focus of a well-orchestrated smear campaign by
elements of the US intelligence community.

It is this last fact which, in part, prompts this article. Prince Matthew would really much rather remain behind
the scenes, and let the institution he helped to bring into being represent itself by its own authority and impact.
A man does not generally choose to live alone on the edge of the desert engaged in high-level research out of a
desire to be a famous freedom-fighter (nor do veteran federal agents usually splash their personal histories all
over Facebook).
And while his high-functioning Aspergers autism is virtually undetectable in ordinary conversation (as he enjoys
a high degree of normal affect, with a razor wit and a gleeful laugh), he has warned this writer not to expect
finesse in people skills from him, much less an ability to schmooze in society. On one level, Michael, Im just
a Rainman whos learned to put on a show
This is a very private man.
By sheer force of will, he has overcome extraordinary challenges to carve out a unique niche, freely contributing
accomplishments which would proudly fill out the resumes of a dozen lesser men. As a Templar Knight he has
done this quietly, in keeping with the Orders ancient motto, Non nobis, Domine, sed Nomine tuo da gloriam (not
unto us, O Lord, but to Thy Name be the glory).
But because searchable traces remain on the internet of the documented criminal defamation efforts led by a
US Army counter-intelligence officer, we must set the record straight, so that those who have cause to fear the


impact of an effective international court of human rights will not be able use the deception of ad hominem
attack, which is the last refuge of the morally corrupt and intellectually destitute.
When it comes to systematic violation of human rights, Prince Judge Matthew of Thebes can speak from
personal experience.

From New York to Moscow to Thebes: the Making of a Dissident American Prince
My relationship to Matthew began with him being in the position of a mentor. My job was to absorb and distill
the information he shared, and produce useful, anti-globalist articles on human rights law to be disseminated on
the web. I would learn his life story only gradually. One feature of autistic brain-function is the ability to follow a
logical thread down an endless trail of consequences and potentialities with an exhaustive focus which leaves
ordinary brains in the dust. While this can result in a dizzying amount of information being imparted in a single
conversation, it seldom leaves room for ordinary small talk or personal tangents. Perceiving his preference for
privacy, I learned to keep to the subject at hand.
As an inveterate storyteller and tangent-enthusiast, this was a hardship to which I had to become accustomed.
Rather like Dr. Watson in his early months of acquaintance with Sherlock Holmes, I had to pick up Matthews
history largely by inference and analysis.
Tidbits leaked out over the months. He had been fascinated with ancient Egypt from the age of eight. He
developed an early interest in Wicca which led to his involvement with a community of covens in upstate New
York in his early twenties, where he achieved the status of high priest, learning angelic languages and
practicing traditional spirituality (he recently shared that it was Wicca which led eventually to his passion for
Catholic Christianity). His highly developed extra-sensory abilities led to making extra income as a psychic at
New York and Pennsylvania area New Age bookstores.
Autistics can be extraordinarily sensitive to their environments, as their ability to process information is so acute
that painful overload is a constant risk. Matthew found in his early twenties that he was painfully allergic on a
psychic level to American urban culture. Seeking his Russian family roots (multiple lines of anti-Bolshevik Tsarist
Cossacks), he established himself in Moscow shortly before the end of the regime of Boris Yeltsin a time of
corruption and chaos in which organized crime was ruining the country.
His Russian was never great. He speaks Russian, so he tells me, with an absolutely horrible American accent.
But it is at least intelligible to Russians, with a specialized technical vocabulary. And it provided, at one point in
his career, a perfect cover for his law-enforcement work.


I will jump forward here: after he trained with
the Federal Security Service (FSB) and was
working as an undercover agent during Vladimir
Putins crackdown on the Russian mafia, his
barely passable American-accented Russian
allowed him to blunder into mafia-owned bars
in the persona of a stupid American tourist. His
handler the veteran agent who
accompanied him played the role of an
exasperated taxi-driver who was keeping him
company. Together they would case the joint,
noting who was there and who was meeting
whom, while Matthew distracted the crowd by taking over the piano when the Mafioso pianist took a break.

He openly wore an FSBs officers uniform to

a meeting with US Embassy officials in
Moscow, while presenting his report for
Secretary of State Madeline Albright on
behalf of Russian agencies, just to make sure
that the US State Department understood
that he was an American citizen who had
chosen to openly and lawfully represent the
Russian Federation.

On one such occasion, he took the mafiaso pianists favorite tune the theme from The Godfather (of course)
and improvised dazzling New Age-style variations on it. Seeing the crowds enthusiasm, the house player
grew jealous (with his boss angrily demanding that he show up the Americanski or else!), and a battle of
dueling Godfathers went back and forth for an hour.while useful intelligence was quietly being gathered.
But the bulk of his work was as a Special Envoy, serving the effort to improve Russian-American relations. This
work was not secret. He openly wore an FSB officers uniform to a meeting with US Embassy officials in
Moscow, while presenting his report for Secretary of State Madeleine Albright on behalf of Russian agencies,
just to make sure that the US State Department understood that he was an American citizen who had chosen to
openly and lawfully represent the Russian Federation.
This does not serve to endear one to American counter-intelligence forces especially those factions which are
controlled by the corrupt financial elite.

The Court, the Research, the License, the Mission

My first collaboration with Prince Matthew produced an article on the shortcomings of existing international
courts and the need for a licensed court to which ordinary people could go for justice when their rights were
violated by governments, corporations, or private groups. As I was gradually taken into his confidence, I
learned that such a court was not merely hypothetical: the legal infrastructure was already being put in place
and an academic institution had been founded: Ignita Veritas University or IVU), with full licensing, to host the
emerging International Law Centre in which The Arbitration Court of International Justice (ACIJ) would be
housed. A team of international judges and attorneys at a prominent law center in Egypt had presented the
research on which the Centre would be based, and obtained licenses from various government agencies to
legally perform the functions listed below (an excerpt from the universitys website):


IVU is internationally licensed and accredited by the Ministry of Education as a university educational
institution, with lawful authority to grant a full range of academic degrees. It maintains advanced
academic and scholarly research programs in international law, relevant specialties of ancient and
medieval history as related to geopolitics, and other areas of importance to the stability of civilizations.
IVU is also internationally licensed by a Ministry of Education and Ministry of Scientific Research as an
educational accrediting agency, with lawful authority to accredit other universities and their academic
programs, including the management of transfer credits between institutions.
IVU is internationally licensed as a law centre, authorized to provide expert legal consultation and
strategic or transactional legal work for private, governmental or intergovernmental organizations.
Combining its law centre and university aspects in the context of international law, it also functions as a
geopolitical research institute. As a United Nations NGO institution, it is authorized to assign delegates
to contribute to UN events and to provide advisors and technical experts to assist UN projects, allowing
the university to effectively contribute to applied geopolitics.
Under its licensed authority from the Ministry of Justice and also statutory authority of international law,
IVU serves as the host NGO institution for the autonomous Arbitration Court of International Justice
(ACIJ), a UN-level Court of Law with full judiciary authority. The international licenses of the host NGO
empower the ACIJ Court to serve as an independent judiciary body for binding commercial arbitration,
and also as a non-governmental Court of Justice for the adjudication and enforcement of international
It gradually dawned on me that this could actually happen. The need for such a Court is dire. The timing of its
emergence seemed to be highly fortuitous. The statutory authority appeared capable of surviving the inevitable
challenges, scorn, and likely attack of corrupt plutocratic elements.
Clearly, we would need to begin familiarizing the public with the potential of the ACIJ, since funding would not
come from governments (as with the existing treaty-based courts), but must come from the people themselves,
with the aim of establishing a permanent endowment.

Getting the Word Out the Founding of The Alliance Journal

For this purpose, The Alliance Journal was founded as a scholarly academic journal, folded into the IVU, to serve
the needs of the anti-globalist, pro-national sovereignty cause:
The Alliance Journal celebrates the existence and continued development of a meaningful and functional
alliance of intellectuals, academics, independent journalists and researchers who define themselves as AntiAgenda and Anti-Globalist, who thereby support the network of allies of the NAM-BRICS Alliance in defense of
human rights and individual freedoms.


The Court would need experienced international judges. A relationship was established with a bar association of
international judges, based in the prestigious Ain Shams University in Cairo, giving the ACIJ access to more than
12,000 judges in Europe and the Middle East. Alliances with sympathetic barristers in the UK also came into
being over the many months during which the groundwork for the court was accomplished.

The Magnitude of the Task and the Need for Careful Strategy
Two crucial elements remained to be decided: funding and strategy.
Those of us working to help launch the first licensed Peoples International Court of Human Rights did not (and
do not) kid ourselves about the magnitude of the task nor of the formidable vastness and corruption of the
forces arrayed against it. Two courses of action presented themselves:
a) A go slow approach could be pursued, in which the court would quietly build up a record of enforcement,
processing low-profile cases as plaintiffs came forward, utilizing existing fast-track enforcement mechanisms
under existing international law to attach assets or seize bank accounts to enforce monetary awards of
damages, looking to eventually win public recognition and support in careful, gradual steps, or
b) A full-press public campaign for recognition of the Courts legitimacy and potential global impact could be
mounted, aiming to create a broad popular movement which might swiftly bring the Court the funding and
support required to quickly move into large-scale processing of human rights cases.
The decision was made to pursue the latter course, as it became clear that in the absence of funding and
support, the Courts momentum would slow to a crawl. As the global crisis deepened over the months, we were
also aware that the behind-the-scenes war was entering a crucial and possibly decisive phase in which the need
for a non-tainted, legitimate court of human rights would be acute.

The Campaign, the Launch and Refuting the Defamation

Preparing to launch the campaign, the ACIJ was strengthened by the creation of Justice4Humanity, a US-based
team of talented social media consultants who would design the campaign and advise on strategy. Immediately
the question arose what are the weak points? Where might the ACIJ be vulnerable to the inevitable ad
hominem attacks which would ensue once the campaign began in earnest? How could the campaign preemptively assert the truth in the face of anticipated false defamation?
Prince Judge Matthew had let me know early in our acquaintance that he had been targeted for defamation by
US counter-intelligence forces and that he had taken vigorous action to defend himself. In the course of his
service to the Knights Templar Order, he consistently shared with new associates the fact that he had been so


targeted, so that they might come to him to establish the truth behind any lingering online traces of the
defamation campaign.
A decision was made to vigorously expose this illegal defamation upfront at the launch of the Justice4Humanity
campaign, and to present the truth of Prince Matthews life and work.
This centralized and illegal defamation campaign was spearheaded by a supposedly former US Army CounterIntelligence officer who had been transferred to the US Department of Commerce (DOC). Six FBI criminal
complaints were filed by Prince Matthew, including 3 FBI complaints directly against the DOC. These caused 2
major federal investigations, by the Office of Inspector General in Washington DC, and a national security
investigation by the US State Department. The legal departments of 8 major corporate Internet providers agreed
with the evidence of criminality, shutting down all accounts and banning all users of the defamation group.
As a result of the criminal complaints, the ring-leader of the racketeering group was transferred from DOC to
USAID, suspended for 10 months, then expelled, barred from government work in Washington DC or New York,
given a severe demotion to a sub-department of the Highway Administration in his small home town, and
eventually pushed out of government service permanently.

The Documented History of Illegal Defamation Directed

at Political Dissidents by US Government Agencies
The following academic proof of illegal defamation against political dissidents (meaning anyone at all who
disagrees with the Western governments) comes from an early draft of the much anticipated Judges Manual for
Enforcement of Human Rights, being developed by Prince Judge Matthew as a university textbook:
The reality that the US government does in fact persecute political dissidents, specifically by discrediting and
legal harassment, is proven by evidence of the FBI CoIntelPro (counter-intelligence program) [1] which
continues as an unofficial program [2] of routine methods [3] which were proven by a US Federal Court to be
ongoing [4]. The primary method is legal harassment with false testimony and fabrications for abuse of
process leading to false defamation [5], to discredit any person who does not agree with current US geopolitical
The American illegal program or methods are directly mirrored in the United Kingdom CONTEST program,
revealing the connection to military intelligence. The UK program targets any political dissent with grievances
about government violations of civil rights or human rights [6], often driven by Defense Advisory Notices from
the military [7], resulting in secret Control Orders to prevent, restrict or disrupt the lawful activities of
dissidents [8], often through legal harassment and false defamation.
The European Commission Directorate General for Justice Freedom and Security proved that the CONTEST
program was uniformly implemented throughout the NATO alliances [9]. The UN Human Rights Council


condemned those proven methods as illegal political persecution of any person who powerful entities do not
like or agree with [10].

The Targeting of Prince Judge Matthew for Illegal Defamation

by the US Government
As an American-born, highly-qualified international lawyer who had chosen to openly and legally work with the
Russian government in anti-Agenda, anti-Globalist projects, Matthew was clearly a prime target for such illegal
The primary ring-leader of the racketeering group from the US Department of Commerce against whom
Matthews complaints were filed, eventually admitted to four years of active service in the US Army Office of
the Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence, specializing in Counter Intelligence and other intelligence
operations as an Intelligence Officer. This was combined with 13 years of computer experience with
systems for IT news distribution (closely related to information warfare capabilities, especially Internet
publication of state-sponsored disinformation campaigns such as false defamation against political dissidents).
The flagship inflammatory accusation in the aggressive campaign of unlawful false defamation by the US
Department of Commerce was the claim that Judge Matthew was disbarred, and supposedly admitted to
wrongdoing. As with all the other fabricated defamation, this claim has been proven to be false. Indeed, the fact
that he is now a registered accredited international judge proves that he was vetted by a full panel of accredited
judges (representative of the international judiciary profession), and in fact holds the full credibility, authority
and weight of the Rule of Law itself in his hands.
(In the Appendix attached to the conclusion of this article, detailed evidence is provided of Prince Matthews
successful effort to defend himself against the politically-motivated illegal defamation campaign leveled at him.)



Conclusion The Need for the ACIJ is Dire

Ironically, this proven campaign of illegal defamation by US Government agencies against a prominent AntiAgenda, Anti-Globalist international judge provides a powerful example of the need to support the ACIJ as a
viable, legitimate Court to which individuals may appeal to enforce international human rights law against the
corrupt oligarchic factors which trample on the law as a daily method of doing business.
Only an international court with statutory authority, funded by non-governmental public support, upholding the
highest standards of due process and with robust and energetic enforcement mechanisms in place, can reverse
this deadly trend.
Given that Prince Matthew and myself (in my capacity as Senior Editor of The Alliance Journal and a member of
Justice4Humanity) have been asked by our team of human rights advocates to serve as spokespersons for the
ACIJ, we know that we will be targets, and we are both willing to endure the scrutiny and inevitable attacks that
come with the territory of mounting a serious challenge to the corrupt financial elite. It should be carefully
noted that we will be energetically assertive in invoking the Rule of Law against any illegal, unconstitutional false
defamation attacks such as were leveled at Prince Matthew.
Influential allies are coming forward. Extensive networks of support are being activated. Major developments
are forthcoming shortly. This institution is for real, and will be a permanent institution of real social justice, with
global jurisdiction, and vigorous enforceability.
We therefore invite those who recognize the crisis to explore cooperation with the ACIJ and Justice4Humanity at
the earliest opportunity.
Michael Henry Dunn
Senior Editor, The Alliance Journal
-------------------------------------------------------------------CITATIONS TO SOURCE REFERENCES: List After Appendix (Below)

(A law firm certified package of the relevant documentary evidence will soon
be available upon request):
The following verified facts about the state-sponsored campaign of illegal defamation against
Prince Matthew are adapted from a certified Barristers Opinion from a licensed UN NGO
international law center:
In December 2007, an international law firm for which Matthew was a figurehead President,
was targeted by a low-level Business Development Specialist (here called Ringleader), in the
US Department of Commerce (DOC) Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA) in New
York. Using as an excuse two potential clients (who never actually hired the law firm) referred
by DOC, in retaliation for the law firm refusing to accept the clients (both rejected for fraud),
DOC engaged in aggressive and persistent criminal extortion and racketeering, making illegal
demands enforced by a relentless campaign of governmental pressure and threats, especially by
false defamation, aggravated by victim and witness intimidation all federal crimes.
This organized criminal activity from DOC was conducted under false color of official authority,
with Ringleader illegally claiming to be a federal agent, despite the fact that DOC is merely an
administrative agency with no law enforcement authorities. The attacks consisted of continually
inventing knowingly false and inflammatory accusations, intended solely for the purpose of
sabotage. Despite the fact that the law firm had 40 executives and 6 offices in 5 countries, all
accusations and defamation were personally directed at Matthew as its figurehead President.
In January 2008, within only two weeks after threats of sabotage by DOC, the website and
database servers of the law firm were shut down, blocking all access to client files. This caused
interruption of work for all clients, creating discontent among clients of the firm.
On 12 January 2008, Matthew filed an FBI criminal complaint with the Internet Crime Complaint
Center (IC3) division, which resulted in local police causing the servers to be restored in
Florida, and yielded evidence indicating the servers were shut down at the request of a
government agency such as DOC abusing its authority. Evidence in the case file proves that an
online defamation campaign by Ringleader under DOC in 2009 admitted possession of a 2007
internal document which could only have been stolen from those private servers during that


On 12 March 2008, Matthew filed a 1st FBI criminal complaint against DOC, with full evidence of
all violations. This FBI complaint was joined by two victim-witnesses who signed affidavits, both
brokers targeted by DOC extortion and defamation merely for referring clients to the law firm.
On 03 December 2008, Matthew filed a 2nd FBI criminal complaint against DOC, with full
evidence of all continuing violations. This FBI complaint was joined by another two victimwitnesses who signed affidavits, both executives of an independent Savings & Loan financial
institution targeted by DOC extortion and defamation merely for being a client of the law firm.
Both federal complaints were referred to the FBI Public Corruption Squad C-14 in New York,
which investigated and referred to an Office of Inspector General in Washington DC, but the FBI
did nothing to intervene to stop the escalating organized criminal attacks against the law firm,
which was fully in good standing.
On 08 December 2008, Matthew also filed a 3rd federal complaint against DOC with the US
Department of State, with evidence that the racketeering ring was abusing US Embassy
functions to extend the reach of their federal crimes in violation of international law, proving
that military methods officially recognized as information warfare were being used as illegal
In February 2009, Ringleader was removed from DOC and transferred to an information
technology division of USAID (related to information warfare capabilities), apparently to
deflect pressure and scrutiny away from DOC as the subject of 3 federal criminal investigations.
Without any law enforcement intervention, despite federal investigations, the persecution by
DOC accelerated into a prolonged campaign of criminally false defamation on the Internet. All of
it was personally directed at Judge Matthew, and all postings were proven to be coordinated
among the same group of state-sponsored criminal perpetrators connected to DOC.
On 16 December 2009, in retaliation for his removal from DOC caused by multiple criminal
complaints against him, Ringleader created a dedicated blog for false defamation against
Matthew and his former law firm, under a branded campaign name (here called Defamers).
Beyond false inflammatory disinformation, the campaign included manufacturing forged
documents pretending to be third parties, and even fake lawyer review websites (listing very
few names probably fictitious except for Matthews name, and not allowing any positive
comments). False claims about the law firm were apparently used as an excuse for the primary
purpose of persecuting Matthew individually as a political dissident.
On 31 January 2010, Matthew filed an FBI complaint against Defamers with the IC3 division of
the FBI National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C). In retaliation for this criminal complaint,
the branded Defamers blog site immediately began illegally using the logos of NW3C itself, and


of another FBI government contractor, the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE), to
describe the groups identity.
On 03 February 2010, Matthew filed another FBI complaint against Defamers for fraudulent
misuse of the NW3C and ACFE logos, and illegally impersonating federal agents to misrepresent
the source of the false defamation campaign. This caused both FBI contractors to support
intervention for removal of the campaign from all legitimate and lawful online sites.

Eight Major Internet Service Providers Agree to Shut Down

Criminal Defamation Websites Directed at Judge Matthew
A subsequent audit of Investigations & Enforcement Results verifies that the DOC ring-leader of
the criminal defamation campaign was eventually sanctioned and neutralized by federal and
even national security agencies. It presents evidence that the legal departments of 8 major
corporate internet service providers agreed that the campaign was flagrantly criminal and shut
down all accounts and banned the users of the operation.
The law firm had no relations with or obligation to DOC, and DOC has no administrative or
regulatory authority over any law firm. The racketeering operated by and through DOC used a
modus operandi of referring potential clients (the same few fraudulent supporting actors) to a
firm, as a pretense for abuse of authority as extortion, enforced by false defamation under
exaggerated color of official authority.
The facts that the ring-leader was a career Army counter-intelligence officer, and that counterintelligence is the primary source of state-sponsored persecution of political dissidents, indicate
that DOC was used as a vehicle for special operations against dissidents. DOC is a prominent
feature of US Embassies worldwide, and commerce is a convenient sphere to attack dissidents
globally by depriving them of the basic human right to practice their profession or make a living.
In 2009, Judge Matthew had a political conflict with a State Bar association in the United States.
He had held only inactive Associate Membership status, which is not a license, and thus never
used it, instead practicing law under foreign law licenses and authorizations.
One year after he had left the law firm of which he was the figurehead President, two clients
breached their commercial transaction contracts with that law firm, by fraudulently
misrepresenting their projects and failing to provide their documents for the law firm to work
Both clients filed complaints with the local State Bar against Matthew personally, although he
was never assigned to their cases and had already left the firm a full year earlier, claiming a


license violation for not refunding their retainers. However, nothing was owed to them, and
by their breach of contract they in fact owed substantial penalties to the law firm.
Documents in the case file indicate that the State Bar did not follow many of its own rules and
procedures providing for fair defense against false claims. It disregarded evidence of the foreign
law licenses of both Matthew and the law firm, which would prove that the Bar had no
jurisdiction. It also ignored extensive documentary evidence proving every point in both
complaints to be knowingly false.
The Bar disregarded evidence which had been accepted by the FBI, establishing that both clients
were being coordinated by a non-client organized crime group supported by the US Department
of Commerce (DOC), which was using their false complaints to perpetrate criminal extortion to
demand tens of millions of dollars from the firm, enforced by a campaign of unlawful false
defamation online. It also ignored the fact of prior criminal complaints with the FBI against that
same group, and that such complaints had been accepted and referred to a specialized Public
Corruption division, indicating that they were taken seriously.
Review of the case file by defense lawyers revealed that the State Bar appeared to be politically
persecuting him, primarily discriminating against his living exclusively in foreign countries and
relying on foreign licenses. Such multinational lifestyle was apparently perceived as an insult to
their authority and a threat to their relevance with all international lawyers from their local
Matthew insisted upon resigning from the local State Bar, since it was not a license, was never
used, and never needed. Furthermore, he would have had to pay approximately $100,000 for a
full trial type litigation, only to defend a non-active non-license of no benefit to him, which he
now saw as merely an instrument of sabotage by abuse of authority. The Bar had already
demonstrated persistent and escalating violation of his due process rights, and highly politicized
persecution. Thus, politically motivated bias and prejudice were evident, and no fairness or
lawfulness could be expected.
As the only way to be allowed to resign, he was forced to sign a standardized Voluntary
Revocation document stating that he admitted to the charges as stated. However, in that
document, no actual charges were stated, as nothing was stated that would be a violation
under the Rules of Conduct.
He only admitted out of context the isolated fact that the firm did not give a refund, but the
document was not permitted to mention the overriding legal fact that by binding enforceable
signed contracts breached by both clients, no refund was owed. He did not admit anything that
would constitute wrongdoing, and certainly did not admit anything for which any lawyer would
be disbarred.


The voluntary resignation form also officially stated that it could not be used for any other
purpose, but yet was aggressively used for every other imaginable illegal purpose, all as an
instrument of persecution of a political dissident.
The clients never filed any civil lawsuit against Matthew or the law firm, apparently because
they knew the evidence proved their complaints false, and a Court would most likely make them
pay the penalties owed to the firm for their breach of contract. In the entire history of the law
firm, not one complaint was ever filed against its own foreign international law license, of which
all clients had a copy.
Months after Matthews resignation in protest, direct documentary evidence emerged,
revealing the active and prominent involvement of the DOC in driving and coordinating the
entire State Bar process. (The DOC had no standing in the case, had conflict of interest as the
subject of 2 prior FBI criminal complaints against it, and has no authorized function or any lawful
purpose for interfering in the legal profession.)
The following key pieces of evidence (provided to qualified persons upon request) prove that
the State Bar process was politically motivated, criminally corrupted, knowingly violated
jurisdictional limits, and was intentionally abused for unlawful persecution as a dissident:
2007 Membership Cards in State Bar & American Bar, proving that the local State status was
merely inactive Associate membership, which cannot be considered a license, and does not
constitute being at Bar, such that using the term disbarred is a false portrayal intended only
to be inflammatory and defamatory. That the Associate card was issued in 2007 proves that
this inactive non-license status was held for 2 years before the State Bar investigated the false
2006 Certification by Panama Bar Association, issued in 2009 by the National Lawyers
Association of Panama, proving that the law firm was registered with the Bar as a Professional
Association since 2006, and was thus internationally licensed from the exclusive jurisdiction of
Panama. This proves that any personal law license from Matthew was irrelevant, not used and
not needed, as the firm had its own license. The 2006 registration date proves that this law firm
license was held 3 years before the false complaints to the local State Bar.
All clients of the firm were given copies of the full Panama license before being allowed to hire
the firm, proving that the complaints to the local State Bar were intended solely as a direct
personal attack against Matthew as an individual, and were not part of any legitimate dispute.
2006 Notarized Affidavit of Founding Partners of Law Firm, issued in 2009 by one of several
managing partners, evidencing that Matthew was only the figurehead President (by power of
attorney) of the international law firm, and proving that the firm was in fact managed by
multiple founders and partners Lawyers registered at the Panama Bar Association, a
description which does not include Matthew.


2008 Notification to American Bar & State Bar, entitled Urgent Request for Support in
Defense of Legal Profession, issued by Matthew in March 2008, notifying the American Bar
Association and local State Bar of a direct attack on the legal profession, and a wrongful
deterrent to the provision of necessary legal services, with a lawyer and law firm in good
standing being persecuted by the DOC. It requested to defend the integrity of the legal
profession and to uphold the rule of law, as An honest [lawyer] should not be disadvantaged
against or subordinated to a corrupt official of any agency.
This proves that both Bar associations were given a copy of the 1st FBI complaint against DOC,
highlighting evidence that DOC had the declared intent of having the firm and all its lawyers
disbarred throughout the whole world, for corrupt and illegal purposes, a full year before the
one-sided State Bar process against Matthew. Both Bar associations did nothing.
2008 Emails Proving DOC Arranged the State Bar Process, a string of emails between an
Investigator of the local State Bar and Ringleader of DOC, dated December 2008, obtained by
a private investigator. It evidences the aggressive targeting of Matthew as a private person by
DOC, prompting the Bar to reply that his alternate address is personal information and shall not
be disclosed, revealing the political motivations for illegal harassment unrelated to the false
The emails prove that the Bar had full knowledge of the fact that Associate status was inactive
and was not a license at all, as the Investigator quoted a State Bar statute that Associate
Members may not practice law. This proves that the process was advanced with knowledge
of lack of jurisdiction, and that the later statements wrongfully describing voluntary revocation
of license as disbarred were knowingly and intentionally false, and thus could only be
intended as defamation for persecution.
The emails prove that DOC was actively reaching out to clients of the law firm and referring
them to the local State Bar, thus abusing color of authority to encourage anybody to make any
possible complaints, admitting I have passed on your information to our clients, and
volunteering assistance to identify other involved parties. (The FBI C-14 division noted that
it is highly illegal for any government official to refer to our clients indicating bribe-taking for
personal gain by abuse of authority.)
Outrageously, the State Bar Investigator wrote, I will give Mr. Vertman a call and coordinate
with the Assistant Bar Counsel overseeing this matter. This is a major admission, proving that
the DOC Chief Legal Counsel named Vertman was directly coordinating the entire process with
the higher level of the Bar, thus flagrantly prejudicially corrupting the process by illegal abuse of
authority. This is direct evidence of the federal crime of victim retaliation by DOC, as Vertman
was in charge of defending against the 2 FBI criminal complaints filed by Judge Matthew, and
was legally responsible for disciplining Ringleader, not aiding and abetting the organized
criminal campaign of persecution.


Judge Matthew has been independently verified through informal communications with official
channels, with successful confirmation of all claimed credentials, experience and qualifications,
and validation that all statements in his curriculum vitae and public biographical profiles are
truthful and accurate.
He is genuinely a highly decorated national security veteran, former independent Presidential
advisor, and accomplished international lawyer and diplomatic special envoy. He has been
entrusted with tens of billions and occasionally trillions of dollars in a trustee and fiduciary
capacity, and appears to have been entrusted with national security command decisions
affecting potentially millions of lives, as well as entrusted with real military force.
For no serious complaints to have happened, no civil lawsuits, no criminal violations, and no
liabilities nor adverse consequences resulting from his highly sensitive activities, over so many
years, is statistically surprising. This indicates that he is diligent, loyal, reliable, trustworthy,
follows missions to completion, and does not make mistakes under pressure.
The only real adverse information touted by his political opponents are two regulatory events,
which were pushed forward by American local agencies which lacked jurisdiction, solely by
means of unlawful abuse of power in violation of due process of law. Those wrongful
accusations are proven by voluminous documentation to be knowingly false, made for the
primary purpose of politically motivated and unconstitutional persecution against him.


[1] Allan M. Jalon, A Break-In to End All Break-Ins: 1971 Stolen FBI Files Exposed Governments
Domestic Spying Program, Los Angeles Times, 08 March 2006.
[2] Ward Churchill & Jim Vander Wall, The COINTELPRO Papers: Documents from the FBIs
Secret Wars Against Domestic Dissent, South End Press, Boston (1990), pp.xii, 303.
[3] Tim Weiner, Enemies: A History of the FBI, Random House, New York (2012).
[4] Bud & Ruth Schultz, The Price of Dissent: Testimonies to Political Repression in America,
University of California Press (2001).
[5] Brian Glick, War at Home: Covert Action Against US Activists and What We Can Do About It,
South End Press, Boston (1989); Ward Churchill, Agents of Repression: The FBIs Secret Wars,
South End Press, Boston (2002).
[6] UK Prime Minister & Home Secretary, The United Kingdoms Strategy for Countering
International Terrorism, HM Government, March 2009, pp.14, 80, 83, p.44.
[7] Defense Press and Broadcasting Advisory Committee, Defense Advisory Notice System (DANotice System), Official Website (, Home page, as of January 2014.
[8] UK Prime Minister & Home Secretary, The United Kingdoms Strategy for Countering
International Terrorism, HM Government, March 2009, pp.67, 69.
[9] European Commission Directorate General for Justice Freedom and Security, Acquis of the
European Union, Section: Terrorism, October 2009, pp.34-35.
[10] Frank La Rue, Report of the Special Rapporteur on the Promotion and Protection of the
Right to Freedom of Opinion and Expression, UN Human Rights Council, A/HRC/17/27 of 16 May
2011, Summary, Articles 26, 34.

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