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Another name for a companys marketing communications mix is:

the advertising program
the sales force
the image mix
the promotion mix
Which tool of the promotional mix is defined as any paid form of non
personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, or services by an
identified sponsor?
public relations
direct marketing
sales promotion
The _______________________ is the specific mix of advertising, personal
selling, sales promotion, public relations, and direct marketing tools that
the company uses to pursue its advertising and marketing objectives.
value mix
integrated dealer mix
marketing communications mix
marketing control mix
Which tool of the promotional mix consists of short-term incentives to
encourage the purchase or sale of a product or service?
public relations
direct marketing
sales promotion
If a company wants to build a good corporate image, it will probably use
which of the following marketing communications mix tools?
public relations
direct marketing
sales promotion
_________________ is direct communications with carefully targeted
individual consumers to obtain an immediate response.
personal selling
public relations
direct marketing
sales promotion
Although the promotion mix is the companys primary communication
activity, the __________________ must be coordinated for greatest
communication impact.
organizational culture
entire marketing mix
demand mix
profit variables in a company
The shift from ________________________ has had a dramatic impact on
marketing communications.
brand management to value management
media manipulation to media control




mass marketing to segmented marketing

mass marketing to global marketing
____________ fragmentation has resulted in media fragmentation.
Public relations
IMC, as presented in the text and in context with promotion, stands for:
international manufacturing capacity
international monetary consistency
integrated marketing communications
integrated marketing corporations
The concept of ______________ suggests that the company must blend the
promotion tools carefully into a coordinated promotion mix.
public relations
integrated market planning
integrated marketing communications
global cultural imperatives
Which of the following promotional forms is often described as being too
impersonal and only a one-way communication form?
personal selling
public relations
sales promotion

Which of the following promotional tools is thought to be the most
expensive to use? Advertising
personal selling
public relations
sales promotion
The promotion tool that may include coupons, contests, premiums, and
other means of attracting consumer attention is best described as being
which of the following?
personal selling
public relations
sales promotion
15 A ________________ is a promotion strategy that calls for using the sales force
and trade promotion to move the product through channels.
push strategy
pull strategy
blocking strategy
integrated strategy
16 Which of the following strategies is usually followed by B2C companies with
respect to promotion strategy?
push strategy
pull strategy
blocking strategy
integrated strategy
17 The first step in developing an advertising program should be to:

set advertising objectives.

set the advertising budget
evaluate advertising campaigns.
develop advertising strategy.
18 A specific communication task to be accomplished with a specific target
audience during a specific period of time is called an:
advertising campaign.
advertising objective.
advertising criterion.
advertising evaluation.
19 Which of the following WOULD NOT be one of the primary advertising
objectives as classified by primary purpose?
to inform
to persuade
to remind
to make profits
___________________ is used heavily when introducing a new product
Persuasive advertising
Inferential advertising
Reminder advertising
Informative advertising
21 Building selective demand is the objective of which type of advertising?
informative advertising
persuasive advertising
reminder advertising
demand-driven advertising
Keeping consumers thinking about the product is the objective for
which type of advertising?
informative advertising
psychological advertising
reminder advertising.
persuasive advertising.
23 After determining its advertising objectives, a company next sets its
____________ for each product.
advertising strategy
advertising budget
advertising goals
advertising format
24 All of the following are commonly recognized promotion budget formats
the affordable method
the LIFO method
the percentage-of-sales method
the objective-and-task method.
Which of the following budget methods ignores the effects of
promotion on sales?
affordable method
percentage-of-sales method
competitive-parity method
objective-and-task method

Which of the following promotional budget methods wrongly views
sales as the cause of promotion rather than as the result?
affordable method
percentage-of-sales method
competitive-parity method
objective-and-task method
Setting the promotion budget so as to match the budgets of the
competition is characteristic of which of the following budget methods?
affordable method
percentage-of-Sales method
percentage-of-Sales method
objective-and-task method
28One of the arguments that supports the competitive-parity method for
budgeting promotions is that:
it is the fairest budget method
it is generally the cheapest method of allocating funds.
competitors budgets represent the collective wisdom of the
it is the easiest budget method to use on a global basis.
The most logical budget setting method is found in the list below.
Which is it?
affordable method
percentage-of-sales method
competitive-parity method
objective-and-task method
Generally speaking, a department store salesperson that stands
behind a counter is classified as a(n):
order getter
order taker.
creative selling person
missionary salesperson
Selling is most accurately described as being ________________
communication with respect to the relationship with consumers.
nonstructured two-way,
All of the following are among the chief activities of a salesperson
profit analysis
information gathering.
_____________ is defined as the analysis, planning, implementation,
and control of sales force activities.
Sales force management
Sales force strategy

Sales force tactics

Sales force motivation
As mentioned in the text, there are six distinct major steps in sales
force management. Which of the following is the first step in that process?
recruiting and selecting salespeople
supervising salespeople
designing sales force strategy and structure
evaluating salespeople
All of the following are methods by which a company can divide up its
sales responsibilities EXCEPT a:
territorial sales force structure.
pychographic trait sales force structure
product sales force structure.
customer sales force structure.
36 The type of sales force structure in which the sales force sells along
product lines is called a:
territorial sales force
product sales force.
customer sales force.
retail sales force
37 Designing the sales force organization around the needs of individual
buyers is characteristic of which of the following sales force structures?
territorial sales force
product sales force
customer sales force
hybrid sales force
If the field sales force has been supplied with new leads (via
telephone) that have been qualified, they have probably been assisted by:
master salespersons.
sales assistants
technical support persons
The chief reason that telemarketers are increasing in their popularity
versus outside selling is that:
they are better closers.
they are better at relationship selling
they can make more calls at a cheaper price.
they are more knowledgeable the products.
All of the following have been cited in the text as being characteristics
of the successful salesperson EXCEPT:

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