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Anthropogenic hazard

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Anthropogenic hazards or human-made hazards can result in the form of a human-made disaster. In this
case, anthropogenic means threats having an element of human intent, negligence, or error; or involving a failure of
a human-made system. This is as opposed to natural hazards that cause natural disasters. Either can result in huge
losses of life and property as well as damage to peoples' mental, physical and social well-being.

1 Sociological hazards
1.1 Crime
1.1.1 Arson
1.2 Civil disorder
1.3 Terrorism
1.4 War
2 Technological hazards
2.1 Industrial hazards
2.2 Structural collapse
2.3 Power outage
2.4 Fire
2.5 Hazardous materials
2.5.1 Radiation contamination
2.5.2 CBRNs
2.6 Transportation
2.6.1 Aviation
2.6.2 Rail
2.6.3 Road
2.6.4 Space
2.6.5 Sea travel
3 Costs
4 See also
5 References

Sociological hazards

Crime is a breach of the law for which some governing authority (via the legal systems) can ultimately prescribe a
conviction which will carry some form of penalty, such as imprisonment or a fine. At least in the view of the
legislators, the criminal act will cause harm to other people. Each legal jurisdiction may define crime differently.
While every crime violates the law, not every violation of the law counts as a crime: for example, breaches of
contract and of other private law may rank as "offenses" or as "infractions". Modern societies generally regard
crimes as offenses against the public or the state, distinguished from torts (offenses against private parties that can
give rise to a civil cause of action).
In context, not all crimes constitute human-made hazards.
Arson is the criminal intent of setting a fire with intent to cause damage.
The definition of arson was originally limited to setting fire to buildings,
but was later expanded to include other objects, such as bridges,
vehicles, and private property. Arson is the greatest recorded cause of
fire. Some human-induced fires are accidental: failing machinery such as a
kitchen stove is a major cause of accidental fires.[1]

Civil disorder
Civil disorder is a broad term that is typically used by law enforcement to
A building damaged by arson
describe forms of disturbance. Although civil disorder does not
necessarily escalate to a disaster in all cases, the event may escalate into
general chaos. Rioting has many causes, including large-scale criminal conspiracy, socioeconomic factors
(unemployment, poverty), hostility between racial and ethnic groups and mass outrage over perceived moral and
legal transgressions. Examples of well-known civil disorders and riots are the Poll Tax Riots in the United Kingdom
in 1990; the 1992 Los Angeles riots in which 53 people died; the 2008 Greek riots after a 15-year-old boy was
fatally shot by police; and the 2010 Thai political protests in Bangkok during which 91 people died.

Terrorism is a controversial term with varied definitions. One definition means a violent action targeting civilians
exclusively. Another definition is the use or threatened use of violence for the purpose of creating fear in order to
achieve a political, religious, or ideological goal. Under the second definition, the targets of terrorist acts can be
anyone, including civilians, government officials, military personnel, or people serving the interests of governments.
Definitions of terrorism may also vary geographically. In Australia, the Security Legislation Amendment (Terrorism)
Act 2002, defines terrorism as "an action to advance a political, religious or ideological cause and with the intention
of coercing the government or intimidating the public", while the United States Department of State operationally
describes it as "premeditated, politically-motivated violence perpetrated against non-combatant targets by sub
national groups or clandestine agents, usually intended to influence an audience".[2]


War is a conflict between relatively large groups of people, which

involves physical force inflicted by the use of weapons. Warfare has
destroyed entire cultures, countries, economies and inflicted great
suffering on humanity. Other terms for war can include armed conflict,
hostilities, and police action. Acts of war are normally excluded from
insurance contracts and sometimes from disaster planning.

Technological hazards
Industrial hazards
Industrial disasters occur in a commercial context, such as mining
accidents. They often have an environmental impact. The Bhopal disaster
is the world's worst industrial disaster to date, and the Chernobyl disaster
is regarded the worst nuclear accident in history. Hazards may have
longer-term and more dispersed effects, such as dioxin and DDT

September 11 attacks, which are in

multiple categories of human made
disaster: terrorist attack, air disaster,
arson, and structural collapse

Structural collapse
Structural collapses are often caused by engineering failures. Bridge failures may be caused in several ways, such as
under-design (as in the Tay Bridge disaster), by corrosion attack (such as in the Silver Bridge collapse), or by
aerodynamic flutter of the deck (as in Galloping Gertie, the original Tacoma Narrows Bridge). Failure of dams
was not infrequent during the Victorian era, such as the Dale Dyke dam failure in Sheffield, England in the 1860s,
causing the Great Sheffield Flood. Other failures include balcony collapses or building collapses such as that of the
World Trade Center.

Power outage
A power outage is an interruption of normal sources of electrical power. Short-term power outages (up to a few
hours) are common and have minor adverse effect, since most businesses and health facilities are prepared to deal
with them. Extended power outages, however, can disrupt personal and business activities as well as medical and
rescue services, leading to business losses and medical emergencies. Extended loss of power can lead to civil
disorder, as in the New York City blackout of 1977. Only very rarely do power outages escalate to disaster
proportions, however, they often accompany other types of disasters, such as hurricanes and floods, which
hampers relief efforts.
Electromagnetic pulses and voltage spikes from whatever cause can also damage electricity infrastructure and
electrical devices.
Recent notable power outages include the 2005 JavaBali Blackout which affected 100 million people, 2012 India
blackouts which affected 600 million and the 2009 Brazil and Paraguay blackout which affected 60 million people.

See also Category:Fire disasters involving barricaded escape routes.

Bush fires, forest fires, and mine fires are generally started by lightning, but also by human negligence or arson. They
can burn thousands of square kilometers. If a fire intensifies enough to
produce its own winds and "weather", it will form into a firestorm. A
good example of a mine fire is the one near Centralia, Pennsylvania.
Started in 1962, it ruined the town and continues to burn today. Some of
the biggest city-related fires are The Great Chicago Fire, The Peshtigo
Fire (both of 1871) and the Great Fire of London in 1666.
Casualties resulting from fires, regardless of their source or initial cause,
can be aggravated by inadequate emergency preparedness. Such hazards
as a lack of accessible emergency exits, poorly marked escape routes, or
improperly maintained fire extinguishers or sprinkler systems may result in
many more deaths and injuries than might occur with such protections.

An active flame front of the Zaca Fire

Hazardous materials
Radiation contamination
When nuclear weapons are detonated or nuclear containment systems
are otherwise compromised, airborne radioactive particles (nuclear
fallout) can scatter and irradiate large areas. Not only is it deadly, but it
also has a long-term effect on the next generation for those who are
contaminated. Ionizing radiation is hazardous to living things, and in such
a case much of the affected area could be unsafe for human habitation.
During World War II, United States troops dropped atomic bombs on
the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. As a result, the radiation
fallout contaminated the cities' water supplies, food sources, and half of
Chernobyl nuclear power plant
the populations of each city were stricken with disease. In the Soviet
Union, the Mayak industrial complex (otherwise known as Chelyabinsk40 or Chelyabinsk-65) exploded in 1957. The Kyshtym disaster was kept secret for several decades. It is the third
most serious nuclear accident ever recorded. At least 22 villages were exposed to radiation and resulted in at least
10,000 displaced persons. In 1992 the former soviet union officially acknowledge the accident. Other Soviet
republics of Ukraine and Belarus suffered also when a reactor at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant had a
meltdown in 1986. To this day, several small towns and the city of Chernobyl remain abandoned and uninhabitable
due to fallout.
The Goinia accident was a radioactive contamination accident that occurred on September 13, 1987, at Goinia,
in the Brazilian state of Gois, after an old radiotherapy source was stolen from an abandoned hospital site in the
city. It was subsequently handled by many people, resulting in four deaths. About 112,000 people were examined
for radioactive contamination and 249 were found to have significant levels of radioactive material in or on their
bodies.[1][2] In the cleanup operation, topsoil had to be removed from several sites, and several houses were
demolished. All the objects from within those houses were removed and examined. Time magazine has identified
the accident as one of the world's "worst nuclear disasters" and the International Atomic Energy Agency called it
"one of the world's worst radiological incidents"
Another nuclear power disaster that is ongoing is Fukushima Daiichi.

In the 1970s, a similar threat scared millions of Americans when a failure occurred at the Three Mile Island Nuclear
Power Plant in Pennsylvania. However, the incident was resolved and the area fortunately retained little
The Hanford Site is a decommissioned nuclear production complex that produced plutonium for most of the 60,000
weapons in the U.S. nuclear arsenal. There are environmental concerns about radioactivity released from Hanford.
Two major plutonium fires in 1957 and 1969 at the Rocky Flats Plant, located about 15 miles northwest of Denver
was not publicly reported until the 1970s.
A number of military accidents involving nuclear weapons have also resulted in radioactive contamination, for
example the 1966 Palomares B-52 crash and the 1968 Thule Air Base B-52 crash.

(burn) of chin
from vapors of
mustard gas

CBRN is a catch-all acronym for chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear. The term is
used to describe a non-conventional terror threat that, if used by a nation, would be
considered use of a weapon of mass destruction. This term is used primarily in the United
Kingdom. Planning for the possibility of a CBRN event may be appropriate for certain highrisk or high-value facilities and governments. Examples include Saddam Hussein's Halabja
poison gas attack, the Sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway and the preceding test runs in
Matsumoto, Japan 100 kilometers outside of Tokyo,[3] and Lord Amherst giving smallpox
laden blankets to Native Americans.[4]

An aviation incident is an occurrence other than an accident, associated
with the operation of an aircraft, which affects or could affect the safety
of operations, passengers, or pilots. The category of the vehicle can
range from a helicopter, an airliner, or a space shuttle. The world's worst
airliner disaster is the Tenerife crash of 1977, when miscommunications
between and amongst air traffic control and an aircrew caused two fully
laden jets to collide on the runway, killing 583 people.

The ditching of US Airways Flight

1549 was a well-publicised incident in
which all on board survived

A railroad disaster is an occurrence associated with the operation of a

passenger train which results in substantial loss of life. Usually accidents
with freight (goods) trains are not considered disasters, unless they cause substantial loss of life or property. One of
the most devastating rail disasters occurred in 2004 in Sri Lanka when 1,700 people died in the Sri Lanka tsunamirail disaster. Other notable rail disasters are the 1989 Ufa accident in Russia which killed 574, and the 1917
Modane train accident in France which killed 540.

See also the list of train accidents by death toll.

Traffic collisions are the leading cause of death, and road-based pollution creates a substantial health hazard,
especially in major conurbations.

Granville-Paris Express
wreck at Gare Montparnasse
on 22 October 1895

Space travel presents significant

hazards, mostly to the direct
participants (astronauts or cosmonauts
and ground support personnel), but
also carry the potential of disaster to
the public at large. Accidents related to
space travel have killed 22 astronauts
and cosmonauts, and a larger number
of people on the ground.

Accidents can occur on the ground

Disintegration of the Space Shuttle
during launch, preparation, or in flight,
due to equipment malfunction or the
naturally hostile environment of space itself. An additional risk is posed
by (unmanned) low-orbiting satellites whose orbits eventually decay due to friction with the extremely thin
atmosphere. If they are large enough, massive pieces travelling at great speed can fall to the Earth before burning
up, with the potential to do damage.
The worst space disaster to date occurred on February 15, 1996 in Sichuan, China, when a Long March 3B
rocket, carrying the Intelsat 708 telecommunications satellite, suffered a guidance system failure two seconds after
liftoff and crashed into a nearby village. The Chinese government officially reported six deaths and 57 injuries, but
some U.S. estimates run as high as 200 deaths.
The second worst disaster was the Nedelin catastrophe which occurred in the Soviet Union on October 24, 1960,
when an R-16 intercontinental ballistic missile exploded on the launch pad, killing around 120 (best estimate)
military ground support personnel. The Soviet government refused to acknowledge the incident until 1989, then
claiming only 78 deaths.
One of the worst human-piloted space accidents involved the Space Shuttle Challenger which disintegrated in
1986, claiming all seven lives on board. The shuttle disintegrated 73 seconds after taking off from the launch pad in
Cape Canaveral, Florida.
Another example is the Space Shuttle Columbia, which disintegrated during a landing attempt over Texas in 2003,
with a loss of all seven astronauts on board. The debris field extended from New Mexico to Mississippi.
Sea travel

Ships can sink, capsize or crash in disasters. Perhaps the most infamous sinking was that of the Titanic which hit an
iceberg and sank, resulting in one of the worst maritime disasters in
history. Other notable incidents include the capsizing of the Costa
Concordia, which killed at least 32 people; and is the largest passenger
ship to sink, and the sinking of the MV Doa Paz, which claimed the lives
of up to 4,375 people in the worst peacetime maritime disaster in history.

Some human-made disasters have been particularly notable for the high
costs associated with responding to and recovering from them, including:
Deepwater Horizon oil spill, 2010: Between $60 and $100

The capsized cruise ship Costa

Concordia with a large rock lodged in
the crushed hull of the ship

September 11 attacks, 2001: $20.7 billion;
Chernobyl disaster, 1986: $15 billion estimated cost of direct loss. It is estimated that the damages could
accumulate to 235 billion for Ukraine and 201 billion for Belarus in the thirty years following the accident;
Three Mile Island, 1979: $1 billion;
Exxon Valdez oil spill, 1989: The clean-up of oil spill cost an estimated $2.5 billion; recovery for
settlements, $1.1 billion; and the economical loss (fisheries, tourism, etc.) suffered due to the damage to the
Alaskan ecosystem was estimated at $2.8 billion;
AZF chemical plant explosion, 2001: 1.8 billion[6]
The costs of disasters varies considerably depending on a range of factors, such as the geographical location where
they occur. When a disaster occurs in a densely populated area in a wealthy country, the financial damage might be
huge, but when a comparable disaster occurs in a densely populated area in a poorer country, the actual financial
damage might be relatively small, in part due to a lack of insurance. For example, the 2004 Indian Ocean
earthquake and tsunami (although obviously not human-made) with a death toll of over 230,000 people, cost $15
billion,[7] whereas the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, in which 11 people died, the damages were six-fold.

See also
Existential threat
List of wars and anthropogenic disasters by death toll

Wikimedia Commons has

media related to Humanmade disasters.

Dark tourism

1. ^ "Disaster Preparedness Planning" ( . Conservation
OnLine. Retrieved 2012-01-29.

2. ^ "The Definition of Terrorism CM 7052" ( (PDF). Retrieved 2012-01-29.

3. ^ "V. Crimes of the Cult - A Case Study on the Aum Shinrikyo"
( . Federation of American Scientists. Retrieved
4. ^ "Amherst and Smallpox" ( .
Retrieved 2012-01-29.
5. ^ Mark A. Cohen. "A Taxonomy of Oil Spill Costs" ( . Retrieved 2012-11-12.
6. ^ "Nuclear industry: Face your demons - towards full liability for nuclear power plant operators | Friends of the
Earth Europe" ( .
2007-10-01. Retrieved 2012-07-21.
7. ^ Schonhardt, Sara. "Costs beyond measure" ( . Retrieved 2012-01-29.

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Categories: Hazards
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