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Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first
sentence. Write between two nd five words.

1.- We gave my dad a surprise party on his fortieth birthday.

My dad ________________ a surprised party on his fortieth birthday.
2.- After the play, they introduced us to all the actors.
After the play, _____________ to all the actors.
3.- They have caught the person who stole your bike.
The person who stole your bike _______________ caught.
4.- No one had told me that Jill was coming!
I ______________ that Jill was coming.
5.- Our English teacher and our German teacher are husband and wife.
Our English teacher ________________ our German teacher.
6.- A neighbour is feeding our dog while we are away.
Our dog _____________ a neighbour while we are away.
7.- My parents dont let me watch much television at home.
I ____________ to watch much television at home.
8.- They are going to invite over a hundred people to the wedding reception.
Over a hundred people ________________ to the wedding reception.
9.- Will they send the letters first class?
Will __________________ first class?
10.- Im not sure if they eat pizza in China.
Im not sure if ___________________ in China
11.- Someone told me that they dont make cars in the UK anymore.
Someone told me ___________________ in the UK anymore.
12.- Do they usually feed the animals twice a day?
Are ________________ twice a day?

13.- Mr Isla is ill, so he wont give us an english test today.

Mr Isla is ill, so ______________________ an english test today.
14.- Did they take your aunt to hospital in an ambulance?
Was _____________________ to hospital in an ambulance?
15.- I think John has taken my camera.
I think my camera ____________________ John.
16.- You should cook the meat for at least one hour.
The meat ________________ for at least one hour.
17.- They are showing that film at the cinema in town.
That film __________________ at the cinema in town.
18.- One of the hotel staff took our luggage to our room.
Our luggage ________________ to our room by one of the hotel staff.
19.- Two or four players can play tennis.
Tennis _________________ by two or four players.
20.- The coach chose her to play her first game when she was only twelve.
She _______________ to play her game when she was only twelve.
21.- Last year, someone asked him to audition for a TV advertisement.
Last year, _______________ to audition for a TV advertisement.
22.- The police found some very clear fingerprints on the table.
Some very clear fingerprints __________________ on the table.
23.- The school gave Mr. Richards a gold watch when he retired.
Mr. Richards ______________ a gold watch when he retired.
24.- A burglar stole my laptop.
My laptop ___________________.
25.- Somebody will meet you at the airport.
You ___________________ at the airport.
26.- Archaelogists have discovered a new tomb in Egypt.
A new tomb _________________ by archaelogists in Egypt.

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