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Ruling God


Beeja Mantra
Om Hreem
Ek Mukhi Ukar
Ko Barne

1 Mukhi



Om Namah
Do Mukhi Surya
Chandra Ko

2 Mukhi

Major Benefit
The One Mukhi Rudraksha is the symbol of UKAR i.e. which is
formless, depthless, shadow less, Godhood, Supreme Truth
and Attainment of Eternity who has created this entire world. It
belongs to Shiv UKAR and keeps the balance of the entire
"U" can also be understood as Hiranya-Garbha, ShankarTejam, Yoga-Darshan and vast (boundless). The wearer of this
Rudraksha should meditate on the symbol of "Om". The person
who leaves the world while meditating on "Om"; liberates and
finds the best destination after death. He gets the opportunity to
have darshan of Lord Shiva. This Rudraksha if worn after
proper Sidhhi (method of purification & charging with Mantra);
undoubtedly all desires of the wearer will be fulfilled. It is useful
in Meditation and gives highest results. It also keeps the mind
cool due to its property. It is best suited for Saints and can also
be worn by all others. Any followers of Lord Shiva who is poor if
wear the one Mukhi Rudraksha; achieves prosperity and all his
wishes are fulfilled.
Symbol of ArdhaNareeshwara, a joint image of the Lord Shiva
and Goddess Parvati (Shakti). Being capable of getting riches
and virtuous off springs by wearing two faced Rudraksha.
The 2 Mukhi Rudraksha is the symbol of Chandra and Surya
(Swar ie; left and right Naadi). The person who wears this
Rudraksha after proper Sidhhi (method of purification &
charging with Mantra) will always accompanied by two Deva i.e.
Surya Deva and Chandra Deva. The wearer of this Rudraksha
get Punya (meritorious act) of donating 108 Cows. He is able to
control two Indriya (senses) of his body. This Rudraksha gives
control of Swar (ancient and hidden knowledge of Breathing to
know past present and future).
The wearer of this Rudraksha will never remain lazy and get
always the blessing of Lord Shiva and in the end of life get the
Moksha (liberation). One who starts the New work by wearing
this Rudraksha; always get the success.





Om Kleem
Teen Mukhi Teen
Devo Ko Barne

Symbol of Three Deva i.e. (Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesha).

Best for those who have fallen prey to inferiority complex or fear
stricken and suffer from self hatred or mental strain.
The person who wears this Rudraksha after proper Sidhhi
(method of purification & charging with Mantra) will always get
the blessings of three powers and accompanied by three Deva.
The wearer of this Rudraksha no longer remains an ordinary
man since three power remains with the wearer always which
help him to get success in all of his works.
The person who wears such Rudraksha has no difference of
opinion in saying, thinking and doing in practical. The
Rudraksha takes all the miseries and sorrow from the life of the
wearer and makes the life full of happiness and comforts.


Symbol of four Veda. The power of Brahma exists in its whole

effectiveness and Divinity. It increases wit and intelligence. In
mythology it represents Goddess Saraswati and Brahma.
The person who wears this Rudraksha after proper Sidhhi
(method of purification & charging with Mantra) will get the
knowledge of four Vedas. This Rudraksha removes laziness,
excess sleeps, and problem of unwanted dreams. The wearer
of this Rudraksha never accept his defeat and remain firm on
his words.
This Rudraksha help in getting success in every field. This
Rudraksha also represent four directions. Therefore the wearer
gets success in all works in all the direction. This Rudraksha
helps in winning each and every task of the wearer and in the
end provide Moksha (liberation).


3 Mukhi


Om Hreem
Char Mukhi Char
Vedo Ko Barne

4 Mukhi

Kalaagni Rudra


Om Hreem
Paanch Mukhi
Paanch Pandao
Ko Barne

5 Mukhi


Om Hreem Hum
Chah Mukhi
Chah Darshano
Ko Barne

6 Mukhi

Symbol of Five Pandava. It is the form of Rudra named

Kaalagni. Controls five elements i.e. Agni (fire), Jal (water),
Vaayu (Air), Aakash (sky), Prithvi (Earth) in the body of the
wearer; therefore kills all diseases in all the weathers. This
Rudraksha is to be worn on Thursday after Siddhi.
The person who wears this Rudraksha after proper Sidhhi
(method of purification & charging with Mantra) will become
extraordinary in all field i.e. Intelligence, strength, business,
money, devotion to shiva, beauty, smell, touch, words, devotion
to parents, wife, sons, truthful, love etc. This Rudraksha keep
the wearer always on the path of Truth and makes him wealthy.
This Rudraksha provides all types of Bhoga(leisure and
comforts) to the wearer of this Rudraksha. 5 Mukhi Rudraksha
is equivalently auspicious & suitable to Sadhu (saint) and
Grihasta (family man). Thousands of enemies have to kneel
down in front of the wearer of 5 Mukhi Rudraksha; it is said by
Dattatreya Maharaj in the meditation of Lord Shiva.


Related to Six Darshan. It keeps the anger, jealousy, excitation

under control in the body of the wearer. It increases the
nutritious elements of the Body resulting in the creation of new
cosmic powers (Devi Shakti).
The person who wears this Rudraksha after proper Sidhhi
( method of purification & charging with Mantra) will have
Darshan of six Deva in his Body. This Rudraksha give the
knowledge of Soul to the wearer.
The person who wear this Rudraksha become calm and quite
like the Moon. It keeps the anger, jealousy, excitation under
control in the body of the wearer. This Rudraksha increases the
nutritious elements of the Body resulting in the creation of new
cosmic powers( Devi Shakti). This Rudraksha is the provider of
results for the hard workers and increases the sperm. It
provides success in all assignments.
The Goddess Laxmi resides in Six Face Rudraksha therefore
provides wealth and prosperity. One should meditate on Yellow
colored Goddess Mahalaxmi daily after wearing this Rudraksha.
It opens the opportunity of money for the wearer of this
Rudraksha and always remains with him. It is the provider of
every comforts and happiness and increases the Business. This
Rudraksha is to worn on Monday before sun-rise.





Om Hum Namah
Saat Mukhi Saat
Saayaro Ko

Related to Seven Seas. Symbol of Anang Shiva. It represents

Goddess Maha Laxmi. Good health and wealth is blesses to
him who wears Seven Faced Rudraksha.
The person who wears this Rudraksha after proper Sidhhi
( method of purification & charging with Mantra) will remain
contented like the seven seas. He does not desire for more and
runs each and every work in his available resources. This
Rudraksha provides such an immense knowledge to the wearer
that he proves incomparable in group discussions in the
meeting. he remains firm on his wordings and speaks always
the Truth.
This Rudraksha is best suitable for ministers, kings, writers,
speakers etc. This Rudraksha is to worn on Monday after


It is like eight mountains and has power of mountains. It is the

second form of reflection of the first son of Lord Ganesh and is
one who is worshipped prior to other gods.
The person who wears this Rudraksha after proper Sidhhi
( method of purification & charging with Mantra) become free
from the sorrow of all the eight Prahar ( 24 Hrs of the Day is
divided in eight portions called Prahar) and get all the
Happiness. This Rudraksha is highest among the seven Power
i.e. Sumeru. The wearer of this Rudraksha get success in all of
the ventures.
If this Rudraksha is used with two mercury balls; it will increase
the wit and open the new opportunities for the wealth and
money. It can be worn on either Monday, Amavasya, or


7 Mukhi


Om Hum Namah
Aath Mukhi
Aaath Kuli
Parvato Ko

8 Mukhi




Om Hreem Hum
Nau Mukhi Nau
Kuli Naag Ko

9 Mukhi



Om Hreem
Dus Mukhi Dus
Avtaaro Ko

Related to Nau Kuli Naag (Nine Cobra). It is the form of the

Goddess Durga (Shakti). It contains the power of Nine Deities.
By wearing nine faced Rudraksha the man gets blessings from
Durga Shakti, the Supreme Mother.
The person who wears this Rudraksha after proper Sidhhi
(method of purification & charging with Mantra) get all the fronts
open for him in the passage of success. This Rudraksha
belongs to nine powers and also nine Naag (snake, Cobra)
resides in it. It cures snake bite, for this cure the 9 Mukhi
Rudraksha is dipped in the water filled in the copper vessel. The
water than is to given to the such patient is surely saved from
This Rudraksha removes the Kaal Sarp Yoga effect. It is said by
Lord Datta Treya Maharaj. The person who face too many
obstacles or feel unlucky should wear 9 Mukhi Rudraksha. It
opens the Luck factor. This Rudraksha removes every sin and
create new Devi Powers in the body of the wearer of this
Rudraksha. No evil can never have any effect on the wearer of
this Rudraksha. This Rudraksha is considered to be very
auspicious for every work. 9 Mukhi Rudraksha controls the nine
senses of the body. This Rudraksha removes all sins and
provides all comforts and happiness.
It is related to Laxmi Narayana and represents all the ten
embodiments of him. It helps the wearer to overcome difficult
times and ensures that the wearer and the family of the wearer
is protected.
The person who wears this Rudraksha after proper Sidhhi
(method of purification & charging with Mantra) get power of all
the ten embodiments of Lord Narayana. Lord Narayana
removes all sins and the provider of comforts and happiness in
life. Narayana lives in the heart of the wearer of this Rudraksha;
there is no doubt about it. This Rudraksha gives good nature,
wealth, prosperity to the wearer.



10 Mukhi




Om Hreem Hum
Gyaraha Mukhi
Gyaraha Rudra
Shankar Ko

This Rudraksha belongs to Eleventh Rudra i.e. Lord hanumaan

ji and has power of mountains. It destroys thousands of
enemies and protects the wearer from all tantric effects.
The person who wears this Rudraksha after proper Sidhhi
(method of purification & charging with Mantra) will never get
affected by Saturn malefic effects like Saturn Sade Saathi. The
wearer of this Rudraksha have the blessing of Hanumaan ji.
This Rudraksha destroys thousands of enemies and protects
the wearer from all tantric effects.
This Rudraksha has eleven Shakti in it. If any person does not
get success in his works; he should wear this Rudraksha for
Siddhi. The wearer of this Rudraksha should go to the temple of
Hanumaanji on Tuesday and Saturdays and should not use hair
oil on Saturdays. This Rudraksha kill all evil powers, every sin,
and provides all kinds of comforts and happiness.


Belongs to Twelve Panth. It is the Centre of Brilliancy and

Luster and Radiance and Strength of 12 forms of the God The
In actual it was originally 12 and a half path initially. The world is
run by Terah Mukh i.e. four faced Brahmma, Tri (three) Mukh
Vishnu, Chah (six) Mukhi Shankar. The wearer of this
Rudraksha get all the blessing of the above deities and get the
Darshan of all of them. All these powers remains with the
wearer of this Rudraksha. This Rudraksha removes all the sins.
The person who wear this Rudraksha get Punya equivalent to
the donating 108 cows.


11 Mukhi


Sraum Raum
Surya Namah
Barah Mukhi
Barah Pantho Ko

12 Mukhi




Om Hreem
Terah Mukhi
Terah Ratno Ko

Belongs to Thirteen Ratna (Gems). The wearer of this

Rudraksha becomes intelligent, powerful, free from diseases,
good spouse, sons and daughter.
The wearer of this Rudraksha get the thirteen Ratna (Gems) by
the blessing of Lord Shiva. This Rudraksha removes all kind of
Diseases from the Body of the wearer of this Rudraksha. This
Rudraksha possess the power of thirteen Sant (Saints). The
wearer of this Rudraksha becomes intelligent, powerful, free
from diseases & gets a good spouse, sons and daughter. The
Person lives the life of King; it is said by Bhagwan Dattatreya.
This Rudraksha is to be worn on Monday before sunrise.


Belongs to Fourteen Vidhya (Art or skill). Wearer of this

Rudraksha get success in all of his works. It makes the wearer
sharp and intelligent.
This Rudraksha opens the opportunity of fourteen Vidhya to the
wearer of this Rudraksha. It removes all the sins and the wearer
get the Moksha (liberation) in the end. This is said by Bhagwan
Datta Treya in the meditation of Lord Shiva.


13 Mukhi


Om Namah
Chaudaha Mukhi
Vidhyaa Ko

14 Mukhi


Lord Pashupati


Om Namah
Pandraha Mukhi
Tithiyon Ko

15 Mukhi


Om Namah
Solah Mukhi
Solah Kalaaon
Ko Barne

16 Mukhi

Related to fifteen tithi (i.e.; Indian calendar dates). Wearer get

success on all the seven days of the week in his all ventures.
He attains power and success in all of his works.
The wearer of this Rudraksha has strong wit and intelligence.
He talks with different people and at different places as per the
place and opposite person with his Brains and intelligence and
wins the discussions. This Rudraksha increases the Sperm in
males and makes him very strong. The person who wear this
Rudraksha he gains all the comforts and happiness in his life.
This Rudraksha is considered to be very useful for the person
who is engaged in the Business of Iron and Chemicals (all
chemical process). He get success in his Business like anything
and gains in every field; there is no doubt about it. This
Rudraksha is considered to be absolute in itself in all respect.
It is believed that when Lord Vishwakarma made all the deadly
weapons for all the Devta; he prayed to Lord Shiva prior to that
for the blessing for success. He in result got the fifteen Mukhi
Rudraksha from Lord Shiva as Blessing.
Related to Sixteen Kala (i.e.; attainments and Siddhi). Invokes
16 Kala of Moon in the wearer and opens the passage of 16
attainments. He attains 16 Siddhis and attainments. The person
who wears this Rudraksha after proper Sidhhi (method of
purification & charging with Mantra) will get success in his all
the ventures.
The wearer of this Rudraksha becomes devotee of the almighty
God and live his life on the passage of Satya (Truth) and gains
the Punya of 7 birth. It is the form of 16 Shakti (Power). It is said
that Arjun strike the Eye of fish while wearing this Rudraksha.
The wearer of this Rudraksha no longer remains an ordinary
person; he will become a powerful person. This Rudraksha
gives all comforts and liberate the wearer from all the sins.
This Rudraksha is a powerful fruit for all humans. It Rudraksha
give success in all works. If this Rudraksha is worn without
reciting Mantra or Siddhi he will be considered as done sin of
killing 108 Cows.






Om Namah
Satraha Mukhi
Sita Satvanti Ko

Related to Mother Seeta. Gives the wearer all kind of comforts,

leisure and happiness. It provides the wearer with Gold. The
wearer of this Rudraksha should pray to the mother Goddess
Seeta. The wearer of this Rudraksha gets Moksha (liberation)
and get success in all of his ventures.
This Rudraksha removes all sins done in the life time and
provide liberation in the end.

related to Eighteen types of Vanaspati (herbs) in the Body.

Protects the wearer from all kinds of evils and problems and
removes laziness and excessive sleep.
The person who wears this Rudraksha after proper Sidhhi
(method of purification & charging with Mantra) will never get
any disease in the life time and get all kinds of happiness and
comforts in his life. This Rudraksha can be worn on Monday or
This Rudraksha helps in Ayurveda, chemical process, cloths
etc. This Rudraksha gives all kind of Bhoga (comforts and
leisure) to the wearer. It removes all kind of sins and in the end
liberate the wearer in the end of life. It helps in attaining all kind
of attainments.
It is a very powerful antidote for Saturn miseries and provides
miraculous cures to several ailments. Recommended to be
worn on chest as a necklace , on forehead on third eye region
or on right arm.


17 Mukhi
Mother Earth


Om Namah
Atharaha Mukhi
Atharaha Bhaar
Vanaspati ko

18 Mukhi


Lord Narayana


Om Namah
Unnis Mukhi Shiv
Parvati Ganesh
ko Barane

19 Mukhi

Vishwasu Sadhu
& Narayan


Bees Mukhi
Vishwasu Sadhu
ko Barane

Related to Lord Shiva, Goddess Parvati and Lord Ganesha.

This Rudraksha provides comfort of money, wife, sons and
daughters. The person who wears this Rudraksha after proper
Sidhhi (method of purification & charging with Mantra) will never
get any disease in the life time and get all kinds of success,
happiness and comforts in his life.
The wearer of this Rudraksha should go to the temple of Lord
Shiva and should offer milk, curd, water and Bilva patra to the
Lord Shiva, Goddess Parvati and Shree Ganesha regularly to
get their blessings.
This Rudraksha have Lord Shiva residing in it. Shiv Shankar is
very Merciful to his devotees and shower all kind of mercy and
comforts to his devotees. Lord Shiva made this nineteen
faceted Rudraksha which is priceless and has magical powers;
therefore it makes the life of the wearer complete with every
comforts and free from all kind of troubles.
This Rudraksha have mother Parvati also residing in it. Who is
very merciful to her devotees. Mother bless all his devotees to
become free from all kind of troubles and provides with every
comforts and happiness. mother loves her children very much
so make their lives very comfortable.
Lord Ganesha is the provider of all kind of Riddhi and Siddhi
(attainments). Every work is started with the Ganesha Puja and
by remembering Lord Ganesha. Lord Ganesha converts every
trouble in to comfort.
Related to Vishwasu Sadhu Prani. Lord Shiva opens the power
of truth for his words. It is a very powerful antidote for Saturn
miseries and provides miraculous cures to several ailments.
The person who wears this Rudraksha after proper Sidhhi
(method of purification & charging with Mantra) will involve
deeply in Bhakti.
This Rudraksha reaches to the Sadhu, saints and Brahmins by
the virtue of their devotion for Lord Shiva. Lord Shiva bless
them with 20 Mukhi Rudraksha and removes their sins. It
provides Moksha (liberation) in the end.
Recommended to be worn on chest as a necklace , on forehead
on third eye region or on right arm.



20 Mukhi


Ek Alakh Niranjan
that is Omkar


Ikkis Mukhi Ek
alakh ko Barane

Related to Ek Alakh Niranjan. It is called Ek Alakh King; the

Omkar (Om) itself. It is the creator and do preservation of the
universe and it is the past, present and future itself.
The person who wears this Rudraksha after proper Sidhhi
(method of purification & charging with Mantra) will involve
deeply in Bhakti.
This Rudraksha belongs to each and every Shakti (power). Lord
Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh along with all other God and
Goddess live in this Rudraksha. The wearer of this Rudraksha
gets all the comforts, leisure and happiness and in the end get
the Moksha (liberation).


Two naturally joined Rudraksha called Gauri Shankar is

regarded as the form of Shiva & Parvati. It is so much full of
influence that it causes the development and expansion of
universe due to its being the unified and identified form of the
Lord Shiva and the Goddess Uma. This form becomes the
cause of expansion of the universe providing fertility. It makes
the husband and wife identify each other. Therefore it is
regarded the best thing for peace and comfort in the family.
If a man worships Gauri Shankar at his worshipping place, the
pain and suffering and other earthly obstacles are destroyed
and the peace and pleasure of family are increased. In Puranas
the bead of Gauri Shankar is regarded the best for happy family
life. A sannyasi wearing a garland or Kantha of 32 beads of
Gauri Shankar Mukhi Rudraksha, becomes Lord Shiva
incarnate, it is believed.
Recommendation of the Gauri Shankar for peaceful family life is
perfect. It can be worn or kept at the place of worship. Mantra is
"Om Gaurishankaraya Namah".
When any recommendation is in need of a synergistic
enhancement to accelerate the effects of the Mala design it is
acceptable to recommend the Gauri Shankar and to be added
directly on the back of the neck over the spine where the
Kundalini flows.


21 Mukhi
Shiva & Parvati


Om Shree Gauri

Gauri Shankar


Lord Ganesha


Om Gam
Namoh Namah
Om Ganeshaya
Om Hum Namah

Ganesh Rudraksha

Parvati and


Om Shree Gauri

There is kind of Rudraksha which bears Trunk like elevation as

is seen on the face of Lord Ganesha, the son of Lord Shiva. It is
called Ganesh Rudraksha. It provides the wearer perfection in
every sphere in life and the grace of Lord Ganesha is received
by him. The Ganesh Rudraksha Bead is really special due to
the way it grows the thorny protrusions of the outer surface of
the Bead.
The Ganesh Rudraksha can be kept at the place of worship and
should be daily worshipped to gain the blessings of "RiddhiSiddhi Dayak" Sri Lord Ganesha.
A man who wears a garland including beads of Rudraksha from
one to fourteen faces and the rest five faced Rudraksha which
count hundred eight beads in all, is a god incarnate himself.
According to Puranas if a man wears Rudraksha in definite
number at special points on the body, he becomes like Lord
Shiva himself.
The Ganesh rudraksha can be kept at the place of worship and
should be daily worshipped to gain the blessings of "RiddhiSiddhi Dayak" Sri Lord Ganesha. It should be worn as a
They represent Lord Ganesh and mother Parvati. It is the
recommended for women who suffer problem in conception and
also for good relations between mother and child.
Benefit of wearing this rudraksha is awakening of divine love
and unification.



Garbh Gauri


Rudraksha word is related to Hindu Religion. Rudraksha tree and seed both are called Rudraksha. In Sanskrit Rudraksham means Rudraksha fruit as well as Rudraksha
One who removes darkness or ignorance Rudraksha meaning-the eye of Rudra [Shiva] is considered to be the most potent manifestation of the Cosmic Force. Hence
Rudraksha is the object of veneration and also the source to reach the higher self. Rudraksha is often believed to symbolize the link between the earth and the heaven. These
beads are the seeds of the Rudraksha fruit obtained from Rudraksha trees. The Rudraksha tree is botanically known as ELAEOCARPUS GANITRUS ROXB. Its English
From ancient times, the power of Holy Rudraksha beads have been scripted in various religious texts like ShivmahaPurana, Shreemaddevibhagwat, Padma Purana, ling
Purana etc.
For thousands of years Rudraksha beads have been worn by mankind for good health, religious attainment through Japa and Shakti (power) and for fearless life. Saints and
sages roaming in forests have lived healthy, fearless and a full life by wearing Rudraksha and its Mala. There is no saint, God incarnation, who can be identified without these
vibrant Rudraksha beads or Mala. Since ages Rudraksha have been tested and worn by Yogis and Saints and they found these beads to be very useful for excellent health
and spiritual attainments. The power of Rudraksha is felt quickly and effectively by the persons who are devoted to religion, have strong belief in God and surrender to
complete Vedic life style. Others who are Gurumukhi (blessed by Spiritual master) feel the Rudraksha effects very quickly and effectively. The common mass can get best
results if they tend to adopt the Vedic life style and do regular Japa Practices.
Rudraksha, which is a divine form of Lord Shiva, has enormous hidden power and can be invoked by Yogic Practices and Mantra power. This Rudraksha is closest to Shiva's
heart. It is extremely sacred. It is said that by the virtue, touch and worshipping of Rudraksha brings about destruction of all evils.
Rudraksha is a fruit, which is covered with pulp and a thin outer skin. The skin is green in color like banana skin. But when plucked from the tree and allowed to remain, as it
is, the colors of the skin become blackish blue. The diameter of the seed is up to 1 inch (2.54 cm) and is nearly round in shape. There are clefts called Mukhi on the surface of
the beads. The number of Mukhi on the surface of a Rudraksha beads helps in determining its quality. According to the number of Mukhi the Rudraksha bead ranges from
single face to a several faced bead. Asians have used Rudraksha beads traditionally. Asian Yogis and Monks found that merely wearing the Rudraksha beads gave them
astonishingly tremendous amount of tranquility, concentration that helped them meditate for a long period of time with spectacular control over their mind.
Rudraksha as per Ayurveda strengthens the body constitutions. It removes the blood impurities, bacteria inside as well as outside human body. Rudraksha cure headache,
cough, paralysis, blood pressure, heart disease and maternity problems. Rudraksha invokes a power in the body which fights against all disease, so it improves overall health.
Rudraksha rosary is used for Japa which increases spiritual power and confidence to move successfully in all directions of life. Therefore Rudraksha seed are found useful
both for health and spiritual attainments.
Rudraksha subsist by the tear of lord Siva. According to the religious text Devi Bhagwat Puran there was a Demon known as Maya who was very strong and had divine
energy and power. Due to these qualities he became proud and started to trouble deities and sages. No one was able to defeat this strong demon in war. He built three towns
of three different metals. Towns were built by gold, silver and iron. These towns were non-destroyable and known as Tripur. After ruling these towns by him and his two
brothers he was known as Tripurasur. He started crusade against gods and easily own battle against god's king Indra. He looted angles, power and treasure of god and ruled
Eden. Being helpless and powerless Indra and other gods went to beg help from Bramha. Lord Bramha gave advice to them that he could not beat Tripurasur and went to beg
help from Lord Vishnu. Lord Vishnu also told them that he also cannot beat Tripurasur and suggested them to beg help from god's god Shiva. All gods including Bramha
Vishnu went to beg help from lord Shiva to destroy Tripurasur and his non-destroyable towns.
Bramha, Vishnu and all gods started to state their grief to lord Shiva and prayed to ruin Tripurasur and his towns. Shiva as always ready to help his devotees reveal all gods
that he will ruin Tripurasur. He ordered to build a special chariot to executed demon Tripurasur. Chariot was made of earth; wheel was made of sun and moon, Lord Vishnu
himself became arrow of Shiva's arch and the lord Bramha drove chariot.
After the completion of the chariot Lord Shiva lead with Bramha, Vishnu, Indra and all gods to battle and destroy Tripur. He reached the place where he can destroy Tripur by
one arrow. In that time Shiva took Rudra (anger) pose. When he was ready to burst the arrow all gods became so happy and start to pray. Lord Shiva execute arrow and ruin
Tripur and demolish all devil.

After the demolition of Tripur lord Shiva, Bramha, Vishnu, Indra and other gods went to Himalayas to get rest. Lord Shiva closed his eyes and
meditated for some time. When he opened his lotus shaped eyes tears fell from them on the earth. Those tears decent over Sitsail hill.
Sometime after those tears became rudraksha trees. The fruits that grow on this tree are known as Rudraksha Beads.
Rudraksha as Found in Nature
Rudraksha is a large evergreen broad-leaved tree which grows in the area from the Gangetic Plain to the foothills of great Himalaya and middle
area of Nepal. Rudraksha seeds are covered by an outer shell of blue color when fully ripe, and for this reason are also known as blueberry
beads. The blue colour is derived not from pigment but is structural. It is an evergreen tree that grows quickly. Rudraksha Tree starts bearing
fruit in three to four years. As the tree matures, the roots buttress rising up narrowly near the trunk and radiating out along the surface of the
Identify Rudraksha
There are no definitive tests to test the authenticity of a Rudraksha except the discerning eye of an expert. When looking at the bead carefully, you'll find various deep dug
lines separating the various faces of the Rudraksha bead. Ironically, humans have known to use their 'extreme skill' and try to 'carve' lines into the Rudraksha or 'wipe' them
off, in order to change the faces or 'Mukhis' of the bead... i.e. 'alter' it according to their demands. It is extremely difficult to tell a genuine and a spurious Rudraksha apart, but
the discerning eye of an expert can spot these 'manual interventions' and declare whether or not the Rudraksha has been tampered with.
But even within different Rudrakshas, there are some which are far more powerful than others. The criterion of selecting the right bead is not a simple one. It is a definite "
Kriya " which the saints used to do to find out powerful Rudraksha and then they use it for Energizing. Experts must examine each bead and find the right ones. Then each
bead must be purified thru' ancient rituals and definite kriya which lasts for around 41 days. After purification, one can wear it on a very auspicious day.
Q: What is Rudraksha ?
Rudraksha word is related to Hindu Religion. Rudraksha tree and seed both are called Rudraksha. In Sanskrit Rudraksham means Rudraksha fruit as well as Rudraksha
tree. Rudraksha tree grows on mountains and hilly region of Nepal, Indonesia, Java, Sumatra and Burma. Its leaves are green in colour and the fruits are brown in color and
sour in taste. The Rudraksha fruits also adorn the human beings because of spiritual values.
Q: Why it is so important ? What is its relevance ?
Found in Ancient Indian Scriptures and texts: From ancient times, the power of Holy Rudraksha beads have been scripted in various religious texts like ShivmahaPurana,
Shreemaddevibhagwat, Padma Purana, ling Purana, Ashtamalikopnishad, Nirnayasindhoo, Mantramaharnava, Mahakaal Sanmhita, Rudrakshajabalopnishad,
Vrihajjabalopnishad, Shivaswarodaya and Sarvollastantra.
As per ancient Indian scriptures mentioned above Rudraksha is evolved from the eyes of Lord Shiva hence, it's called Rudraksha. Rudra means Shiva and Aksha means
eyes. Aksha also means a group of alphabets in Sanskrit called Varna). As per details found in Halayudh Kosha(Ancient Scripture) letters from A to ksha that is 51 letters
are called Aksha . Therefore, Rudraksha can be called as a seed in which a group of Sanskrit letters called Varna reside.
Q: What is Mukhi or Multifaceted Rudraksha ?
As per details found in the Purana there are fourteen kinds of Rudraksha, which are called Mukhi or faceted Rudraksha. Mukhi or faces of Rudraksha are deep lines found
on the surface of the Rudraksha from bottom to the top hole. The number of these lines decides about the type or Mukhi Rudraksha. For example, if a Rudraksha has three
such lines it is called 3 Mukhi or 3 face Rudraksha.Other handwritten Scriptures found with various saints narrate the properties of 1 to 21 Mukhi Rudraksha. It is believed
that these beads were available in the ancient time from 1 to 108 Mukhi. Now they have become most rare Natural thing.

Q: What is Mala or Rudraksha Rosary ?

Rosary made out of Rudraksha Beads in the auspicious numbers like (108+1, 54+1, 27+1) is called Rudraksha Mala. The +1 bead is called as Sumeru(it is not crossed
while chanting) which is considered as boundary for returning in reverse direction for further counting. Mala is used for wearing as well as for purpose of Japa (Chanting
Mantra for Spiritual attainments). It is used to count Mantra in the above figure (108,54,27). The same Mala is not used for wearing as well as Japa. Mala rests on ring finger
and middle finger is used for Japa. Index and smallest finger are considered as inauspicious for touching the Mala during Japa process. Rudraksha Rosary is considered as
the only Rosary, which can be used for Japa of all kinds. The details found in the scriptures say that Rudraksha rosary should be worn after proper sanctification with
Q: Is it for me ? Its advantage for human ?
Perfect for Body, Mind & spiritual gains: Rudraksha evokes power in the body, which fights against diseases hence improving overall health. As per Ayurveda, Rudraksha
strengthens the body constitutions. It removes the blood impurities and strengthens the body substance. It removes the bacteria inside as well as outside the Human Body.
Rudraksha removes the headache, cough, paralysis, and blood pressure, heart disease and maternity problems. Wearing of Rudraksha brings glow on the face, which
results in calm and charming personality. Rudraksha rosary is used for Japa. The process of Japa increases spiritual power and self-confidence to move in multi direction of
life. Therefore, Rudraksha seeds are found be useful for providing health benefits as well as helps in gaining spiritual success. Wearing Rudraksha results in the destruction
of sins from previous birth that cause difficulties in the present life. The men who are Mlechchha, chandaal (impious and inhumane) or full of all kinds of vices can get the
form of Lord Rudra by wearing Rudraksha. This helps in getting rid of all the sins and gets him to attain the supreme goal of his life.
Q: Does it have any Zodiac significance or relation ?
As per the modern Astrologers; Rudraksha is used for removing malefic planetary effect. There are twenty seven Constellations. Each has control of one of the Nine
Planets. Each constellation is controlled by some related Rudraksha. Therefore according to these constellations, various multifaceted Rudraksha are worn (Control planets)
and is found useful in multidiscipline. The Multifaceted or Mukhi Rudraksha which has various planets residing on it, always receive energy from related planet. Its power of
receiving energy is tremendous and it works like a reservoir. It not only receives energy, it is also known for emitting energy continuously. We have never come across any
ancient authentic text which describe any relation between Rudraksha and planets; of course it is very clear that these Beads are above and beyond the control of any
planetary effect or power.
Q: Is it spiritual or removes evil and negative effect ?
Rudraksha is considered to be a spiritual bead. Used since ancient time for increasing the spiritual power, self confidence, courage and for building a positive attitude in
multidiscipline area. As per the ancient Indian scripture like Purana, it is well known that Each Rudraksha is linked with Particular deity. This Positive Power in terms of Deva
or Devi always protects the wearer from Negative Powers and enmity and provides a powerful shield against all negativities.
Q: Why it is considered as important for success in meditation ?
The word Rudraksha has great importance as far as Indian culture as well as Hindu religion is concerned. This is due to its relation with Lord Shiva who is lord of all
Deva( so called Mahadeva) and its role in meditation and spiritual attainments.
Q: Do the Rudraksha Really work ?
Rudraksha definitely works unless it is Genuine, Not broken from its head and tail. It must be purified, sanctified and energised with the help of its Mantra. Otherwise it is as
good as any other fancy Jewelry Pendant. Rudraksha becomes even more powerful and effective if more power is inserted through regular Japa and Hawan and through

the ongoing process of retaining its power and sanctity.

Q: Are there any definitive tests ?
Unfortunately, no. There are no definitive tests to test the authenticity of a Rudraksha except the discerning eye of an expert. When looking at the bead carefully, you'll find
various deep dug lines separating the various faces of the Rudraksha bead. Ironically, humans have known to use their 'extreme skill' and try to 'carve' lines into the
Rudraksha or 'wipe' them off, in order to change the faces or 'Mukhis' of the bead... i.e. 'alter' it according to their demands. It is extremely difficult to tell a genuine and a
spurious Rudraksha apart, but the discerning eye of an expert can spot these 'manual interventions' and declare whether or not the Rudraksha has been tampered with.
Q: Do all the Rudraksha have the same power ?
Every Rudraksha has unique properties and different power from other beads. Each has different deities residing in it depending upon the faces of the Bead. If the
Rudraksha acquired is a Genuine Bead of good quality and it is properly sanctifies and energised with ancient technique of rigorous Mantra recitation and Hawan. It must be
than safely reach to the person who intends to wear himself. The power is to be than maintained by the person himself following regular chanting of Rudraksha Mantra and
practicing regular Hawan.
Q: How to get the maximum from my Rudraksha ?
Now that you have got a Rudraksha that is empowered, you must try and maintain its power and get the maximum benefit from it. To get the maximum benefit from
Rudraksha, you must have total belief and faith in them, and treat them as holy and sacred objects of worship and not as mere beads and understand their sanctity.
One should follow certain rules for maintaining its power and sanctity. The Rudraksha is a spiritual Gift from Lord Shiva; one should recite the Rudraksha Mantra daily after
taking Bath in the morning and before going to bed in the night. One should not take the Rudraksha to inauspicious place e.g. Funeral place, cremation ground, where new
born baby get birth.
We are pleased and proud to say that we now are providing Rudraksha plucked from our own trees at Nepal. The most genuine beads.
Rudraksham select only top grade Nepalese Rudraksha beads to ensure that beads could correctly charged and purified to provide maximum power.
Rudraksha which are provided by us are Empowered by Great Yogis and Sadhak of Siddh tradition of Nath Cult with the blessing of our Great Guru.
We follow strict discipline of meditation and maintain the Spiritual power and further spreading for the benefits of needy.
We believe in spiritual power of Siddh tradition and spread the same and do not recommend and spread any scientific analysis of these great spiritual beads.
Rudraksham believe in 100% results of Rudraksha and is not merely in the business of selling with maximum profit making targets to achieve.
Unlimited spiritual powers are hidden in the Rudraksha which can be opened only by the Great Siddhi and Yogis. We claim to be the followers of this Great tradition and
any other person on the same spiritual track can be benefited by us immediately. Rest who does not believe in spiritualism feels lesser degree of results.
Choosing your Rudraksha Combination
Rudraksha have been worn since times immemorial due to properties of the specific beads of different mukhis. The best way to choose rudraksha is by reading the properties
of the beads and selecting the ones that closely match with what you desire. One bead may be worn or multiple beads of the same mukhi may be worn or multiple beads of
different mukhi may be combined together. Beads may be strung in silver/gold or simply in red/black/white thread and are strung either in same direction or face-face and tailtail direction as specified in Srimaddevibhagawad. Beads may be attached to thread, silver/gold chain or small five mukhi beads or sphatik beads or tulsi beads or gems or a

combinations of these. Rudraksha beads work by touch, sight (darshan), possession and worship. So you may choose to keep them in your altar or carry with you in pocket or
wear them.
1. Choosing Rudraksha by Astrological Recommendation
We design Rudraksha combinations for you, specific to your problems or specific purpose and your birth chart details. Fill in the form below, for FREE Vedic astrology
recommendations to be sent to you. Rudraksha combinations are designed using birth chart details and your specific purpose. Rudraksha have no side effects of any kind,
and any Rudraksha maybe worn by anyone for their special property.
2. Choosing Rudraksha by Purpose
Power Pendants and Power Malas Section have been designed by combining the rudraksha of similar properties that solve a particular purpose and have been tested by
feedbacks from the people to be very effective.
Power Combination


Saraswati Pendant for Students

2 Nos. of 4 Mukhi + 1 No. of 6 Mukhi

For Unity of family (Family Bliss Pendant)

2 Nos. of 2 Mukhi + 1 No. of Gauri Shankar

For every sort of Business

6 Mukhi + 8 Mukhi + 12 Mukhi

For Iron, Chemical Process and Clothes Business

6 Mukhi + 8 Mukhi + 15 Mukhi

For Females in Business

6 Mukhi + 8 Mukhi + 9 Mukhi

For Attraction of Wealth and Prosperity

2 Nos. of 6 Mukhi + 13 Mukhi

For Early Marriage

2 Mukhi + 5 Mukhi + 7 Mukhi

For Politicians

8 Mukhi + 12 Mukhi + 16 Mukhi

For Administrators

3 Mukhi + 4 Mukhi + 16 Mukhi

For Advocates

4 Mukhi + 6 Mukhi + 8 Mukhi

For Doctors and Surgeons

4 Mukhi + 9 Mukhi + 12 Mukhi

For Meditation and Yoga Practices

1 Mukhi + 9 Mukhi + 11 Mukhi

For Protection (Males)

2 Nos. of 3 Mukhi + 11 Mukhi

For Protection (Females)

9 Mukhi

Power Bracelet for Power, Protection and power of Speech


3 No. of 4 Mukhi

For opening Intution power and 6 sense

2 Nos. of 3 Mukhi + 14 Mukhi

For perfect Health (Health Power Pendant)

3 Nos. of 3 Mukhi + 2 Nos. of 5 Mukhi + 12 Mukhi

For Marketing Persons (Marketing Power Pendant)

7 Mukhi + 8 Mukhi + 12 Mukhi

For Power of 3 Deva (Siddha Kavach)

4 Mukhi + 5 Mukhi + 10 Mukhi

For Kaal Sarp removal (Kaal Sarp Pendant)

2 Nos. of 8 Mukhi + 9 Mukhi


For Saturn Sade Sati removal (Saturn Sade Sati Pendant)

2 Nos. of 7 Mukhi + 11 Mukhi

For Nav Griha (9 Planets) Pacification

2 Mukhi to 9 Mukhi + 12 Mukhi

Siddha Mala
3. Choosing Rudraksha by Therapy

1 Mukhi to 14 Mukhi + Gauri Shankar + Ganesh Rudraksha



Heart, spine, diaphragm, thymus, blood, veins, eye sight

1 Mukhi, 12 Mukhi

Stomach including gastric processes, breasts, lymphatic and non blood fluid systems, perspiration and saliva and sympathetic
nervous system

2 Mukhi

Hands, arms, lungs, sensory organs, thyroid glands, brain disorders

4 Mukhi

Throat, neck, kidneys, sex organs, thyroid glands

6 Mukhi, 13 Mukhi

Sex glands, adrenal glands, red blood cells, stomach disorders, blood pressure disorders

3 Mukhi

Liver, gallbladder, posterior lobe of the pituitary related to growth and thighs, blood pressure disorders

5 Mukhi

Spleen, skeletal system including cartilage, skin, lower leg from the knee to the ankle and anterior lobe of the pituitary gland

7 Mukhi, 14 Mukhi

Skin problems, body pain

9 Mukhi

Sleep disorders

8 Mukhi

Nervous system disorders

11 Mukhi
4. Choosing Rudraksha by Zodiac Signs
Rashi/Zodiac Mala, Pendants, Wrist Bands and Bracelets are worn for general purpose and self empowerment as they contain rudraksha and gems according to ones ruling
planet and auspicious planets.
There is NO wrong combination, and No side effect of any kind, so one needs to go ahead and select his own rudraksha. These facts can be verified by reading our ancients
texts that state that all rudraksha may be worn by all irrespective of caste, sex and religion. No ancient scriptures mention astrology references with rudraksha. All rudraksha
have properties of bringing tranquility of mind, fearlessness and self empowerment. They bring auspiciousness in all that you do and brings grace of the divine upon you. They
are the ancient Vedic beads of Power.
Rules to Wear
Someone desire seriously to come out of unwanted habits and live a life of purity can wear Rudraksha's and may find themselves free soon after wearing it. This has
happened to many. It may happen to you also, if you will strongly.
Rudraksha power is more than any gems, yantra, tantra, mantra and Jantra. In general the wearer and the worshipper of Rudraksha is blessed with prosperity, peace and
health. Yet there are certain precautions to be taken to avoid the gain of sins. These precautions are such as:
The Wearer of the Rudraksha should chant related Rudraksha Mantra along with Rudraksha Utpatti Mantra (Mantra for the Rudraksha Origin) daily at least 9 times while
wearing and removing in the night before going to sleep.


Rudraksha must be worn after Sidhhi (method of purification & charging with Mantra), performing the prayers and ritual rites for its sanctification and Hawanet etc. It
should be worn on auspecious day, Monday or thursday.
Rudraksha Mantra and Rudraksha Origin Mantra is to be chated daily 9 times while wearing in the morning and after removing before going to bed. Rudraksha must be
removed before going to sleep and must be kept at the puja place.)
Rudraksha can be worn in the morning after having Bath. It can be worn after reciting the mantra as above and inscence/ ghee lamp etc must be used. It must not be
touched before bathing. One should clean his hands properly after using toilet.
The wearer of the Rudraksha should not eat non vegiterian food and should not take alcohol. He should speak truth always and must go to Lord Shiva temple for his
Rudraksha must not be taken to the cremation grounds and funerals. Also it must not be taken to the place while visiting a new born baby.
NEVER wear the Rudraksha while having sex.
WOMEN must not wear the Rudraksha during their menstrual cycle.
ALWAYS keep your Rudraksha clean. Dust and dirt can settle in the pores of the bead. Clean these as frequently as possible with something with soft, fine bristles. If the
thread becomes dirty or worn out, change it. After cleaning, wash your Rudraksha with some blessed holy water. This helps maintain its sanctity.
ALWAYS keep the Rudraksha oiled... After regular cleaning, oil the bead and treat it with incense. This is of UTMOST importance. especially when not using the bead for
sometime, or storing it for a while.
Many get confused with the shape and size. One should not seriously worry about it. Just see that the Mukhi is well defined, corns and contours are natural, and there are
no cracks near the central hole. Normally the buyer gets a feel when Rudraksha is kept in the palm. He/She feels that this is the one which was wanted.
Rudraksha is hot in nature. Some people just can't wear it. Their skin shows signs of allergy. They can never wear any gold, silver or thread chain. So better not to use.
Keeps the beads in Puja room and offer daily Namaskars.

Rudraksha Utpatti Mantra :

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Akal Sakal Sumeru Ki Chaayaa, Shiv Shakti Mil Vriksh Lagayaa | Ek Daal Agam ko gayi | Ek Daal Uttar ko gayi | Ek Daal Paschim ko gayi | Ek Daal Dakshin ko gayi | Ek Daal
Aakash ko gayi | Ek Daal paataal ko gayi | Usi Ped ke fal lagaa Rudraksha Kaa |
Ek Mukhi Rudraksha Ukaar ko Barane | Do Mukhi Rudraksha Surya Chandra ko Barane | Teen Mukhi Rudrakhsa Teen Devo ko Barane | Chaar Mukhi Rudraksha Chaar
Vedo ko Barane | Paanch Mukhi Rudraksha Paanch Paandavo ko Barane |Chah Mukhi Rudraksha Chah Darshano ko Barane | Saat Mukhi Rudraksha Saat Saayaron ko
Barane | Aath Mukhi Rudraksha Aath Kuli Parvato ko Barane | Nau Mukhi Rudraksha Nau Kuli Naag ko Barane | Das Mukhi Rudraksha Das Avtaaro ko Barane | Gyaarah
Mukhi Rudraksha Gyaarah Rudra Shankar ko Barane | Baarah Mukhi Rudraksha Baarah Pantho ko Barane | Terah Mukhi Rudraksha Terah Ratno Ko Barane | Chaudah
Mukhi Rudraksha Chaudah Vidyaaon ko Barane | Pandrah Mukhi Rudraksha Pandrah Teethiyon ko Barane | Solah Mukhi Rudraksha Solah Kalaaon ko Barane | Satrah

Mukhi Rudraksha Sita Satvanti ko Barane | Atthaarah Mukhi Rudraksha Atthaarah Bhaar Vanaspati ko Barane | Unnis Mukhi Rudraksha Shiv Parvati Ganesh ko Barane |
Bees Mukhi Rudraksha Vishwasu Muni Saadhu ko Barane | Ikkis Mukhi Rudraksha Ek Alakh ko Barane|
Haath Baandhe Hatnaapur ka Raaj Paave, Kaan ke Baandhe Kankaapur ka Raaj Paave, Kanth gale ke Baandhe Saat Dvip ka Raaj Paave, Mastak ke Baandhe Kailaashpuri
ka Raaj Paave | Nahi jaane Rudraksha Jaap Athattar Gau ka laage Paap, baandhe Rudraksha jaane jaap janm-janm ka paap samaapt ho si | Rudraksha jaap samaapt hua
Shiv dhyaan me Dattatreya Maharaaj ne kahaa |
Rudraksha Shabar Mantra :

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Sat Namo Aadesh | Guru ko Aadesh | Om Guruji | Mukhe Brahma Madhye Vishnu Ling Naam Maheshwar Sarvadev Namaskaram Rudrakshaay Namo Namah | Gagan
Mandal me Dhundhukaraa Paataal Niranjan Niraakaar | Niraakaar me Charn Padkuka, Charn Padkua me Pindi, Pindi me Vaasuk, Vaasuk me Kaasuk, Kaasuk me Kurm,
Kurm me Mari, Mari me Naagfani, Alash Purush ne Bail ke Sing par Raai Tharaai | Dheeraj Dharm ki Dhooni Jamai | Vahan par Rudraksha Sumer Parvat par Jamaaiye usme
se fute Chah Daali |
Ek gaya Puva, Ek gaya Dakshin, Ek gaya Paschim, Ek gaya Uttar, Ek gaya Aakash, Ek gaya Paataal, usme laagyaa Ek Mukh Rudraksha, Shri Rudra par chadaaiye | Shri
Omkar Aadi Nath ji ko | Do Mukhi Rudraksha Chadaaiye Chandra Surya Ko | Teen Mukhi Rudraksha Chadaaiye Teen Lokon ko | Chaar Mukhi Rudraksha Chadaaiye Chaar
Vedo ko | Paanch Mukhi Rudraksha Chadaaiye Paanch Paandavo ko | Chah Mukhi Rudraksha Chadaaiye Shat Darshan ko | Saat Mukhi Rudraksha Chadaaiye Sapt
Samundro ko | Asht Mukhi Rudraksha Chadaaiye Asht Kuli Naago ko | NavMukhi Rudraksha Chadaaiye Navnaatho ko | DashMukhi Rudraksha Chadaaiye Dash Avtaaro ko |
Gyaarah Mukhi Rudraksha Chadaaiye Gyaarah Rudra ko | Baarah Mukhi Rudraksha Chadaaiye (Surya) Baarah Panth ko | Terah Mukhi Rudraksha Chadaaiye Teitees
Devtaaon ko | Chaudah Mukhi Rudraksha Chadaaiye Chaudah Bhuwan (Chaudah Ratno) ko | Pandrah Mukhi Rudraksha Chadaaiye Pandrah Teethiyon ko| Solah Mukhi
Rudraksha Chadaaiye Solah Shringaar ko | Satrah Mukhi Rudraksha Chadaaiye Shri Sita Mata ko | Atthaarah Mukhi Rudraksha Chadaaiye Atthaarah Bhaar Vanaspatiyo ko |
Unnis Mukhi Rudraksha Chadaaiye Alash Purush ko | Bees Mukhi Rudraksha Chadaaiye Vishnu Bahgwan ko | Ikkis Mukhi Rudraksha Chadaaiye Brahmand Shiv ko |
Nirmukhi Mukhi Rudraksha Chadaaiye Nirakaar ko | Itna Rudraksha Mantra Sampoorn bhayaa | Shri Nathji ke Charan Kamal me Aadesh | Aaadesh |

Shiv Mahapurana
First of all, Sage Shaunak expressed his desire to Sutji about knowing the means, which could help a man in this era of Kali to attainment lord Shiva, by cleansing all the
impurities of his mind and rectifying his inherent demonic tendencies. Sutji then described about Shiv Mahapuran - the supreme of all the puranas, which was narrated by

Lord Shiva himself and which was later on retold by Sage Vyas with the permission of Maharshi Sanatkumar, for the benediction of common man. Sutji said, "By
understanding the mysteries of Shivmahapuran and singing its praises, a man attains greater virtues than that which could be attained by being charitable or by the
performance of all the 'yagyas'. Contemplating on the subject matters of Shivmahapuran give auspicious fruits just like a 'Kalpa-taru' (A mythological tree which fulfills all the
wishes). Shiv Mahapuran contains twenty-four thousand shlokas and Seven Samhitas which are as under:1. VIDYESHWAR SAMHITA
The 25th Chapter of VIDYESHWAR SAMHITA describe about the glory of Rudraksha - The Holy Beads.
Vidyeshwar Samhita which is classified into twenty five chapters, has a narration in its first chapter which goes as follows:Once upon a time, the sages were performing a yagya at Prayag kshetra. Sage Sutji came to know about this and arrived there. All the sages were very pleased to see him.
They requested:"Lord! Though we have heard many tales from you regarding the man's benediction, but today we want to listen to something special. Because in this present era of Kali,
when all the castes have forgotten about their respective duties we want to know is there any way to prevent the deterioration in the human values?"
Sutji replied:"O Great men! Your enquiry has great relevance in this era of Kali. I will certainly tell you about the way by the help of which a man can achieve benediction. Shivmahapuran
contains the essence of Vedantic philosophy, which gives worldly pleasures as well as Salvation. Mere remembrance of it destroys all the sins of a man. One who studies the
Rudra-Samhita attentively, his gravest of sins are destroyed instantaneously. One who studies Rudra-Samhita' silently, sitting in front of Bhairav-idol, all of his aspirations are
fulfilled. A man gets liberated from the sin of killing a brahmin, if he studies Rudra Samhita while circulbulating around a Banyan tree."
"Kailash Samhita is even Superior than Rudra Samhita, as it elaborates upon the meaning of Omkar. Shivmahapuran is created by lord Shiva Himself. It contains twelve
Samhitas which are - Viddyeshwar, Rudra, Vinayak, Uma, Matri, Ekadash-rudra, Kailash, Shat-rudra, Koti-rudra, Sahastra Koti, Vayaviya and Dharma."
"Initially it contained one lac shlokas but it was precised to twenty-four thousand shlokas by sage Vyas. The present ShivPuran is the fourth one which consists of seven
Samhitas. The earlier three Shivpuranas are unavailable. The scientific analysis of the Vedantic mysteries are the main subject of this divine Shivpuran. The study of
Shivpuran helps a man to attain Dharma, Artha, Kaam and Moksha."
Hey Shonak ! You possess great intellect and wisdom. I am going to describe in brief the glory of Rudraksha, which is a divine form of Shiva.(1)
This Rudraksha is closest to Shiva's heart. It is extremely sacred. It is said that by the virtue, touch and worshipping of Rudraksha brings about destruction of all evils.
Firstly, Lord Shiva's desire for the benefit of mankind, he described the glory of Rudraksha to Devi Parvati.(3)
Hey Maheshani ! Listen to the power and glory of Rudraksha. Because of your love, I say this for the welfare and benefit of devotees.(4)
Hey Maheshani ! Long ago, while practicing self-restraint and meditation for thousands of years my mind was agitated.(5)
Therefore Hey Parmenshani ! For the preservation of entire universe I closed my eyes tightly.(6)
As a result a few drops of water fell down from my eyelids. Trees were born from these tears (on earth), which were named as "Rudraksha" trees.(7)

To oblige the devotees, these Rudraksha trees became inanimate. On account of the devotees of Vishnu and the four castes these Rudraksha tress originated in
'Gaurdesh'. These trees were grown forcefully to eradicate the evil groups at Shiva's favorite places, namely, - Mathura, Ayodhya, Lanka, Malaya, Kashi, and ten other
countries.(8 to 10)
The Brahmins, Kshatriya, Vaishya and Shudras have originated be many orders. Rudraksha found on earth also have the above four caste. Bhadraksha is also a
species of Rudraksha.(11)
Intellectuals have differentiated Rudraksha into four groups according to their color, namely, - White, red, yellow and black. Humans should wear Rudraksha
according to their caste.(12)
Those men who desire wealth, passion and salvation (moksha) should wear the Rudraksha in the order of their of numbers. Specially, the devotees of Shiva should
wear Rudraksha to get the blessings of Shiva.(13)
Rudraksha the size of an Ambla is of best quality. Rudraksha the size of a fruit of jujube tree is considered to be of moderate quality.(14)
Rudraksha the size of a gram seed is of inferior quality. Hey Parvati !, I am telling you for the benefit of devotees with love, hear carefully the supreme knowledge of
its process which is beyond the range of perception.(15)
Hey Maheshwari ! Rudraksha the size of a fruit of jujube tree is enough to bring about happiness and prosperity in the world.(16)
Rudraksha the size of a fruit of an Ambla can destroy all kinds of evil and viscous effects. Rudraksha the size of a wheat grain is provider of all kind of success.(17)
The smaller the size of a Rudraksha, more are its benefits, as said by the saints.(18)
Rudraksha is worn for the purpose of destroying all sins. Wearing of Rudraksha is most important for the accomplishment and fulfillment of ones purpose.(19)
Hey Parmeshwari !, in this world the Rudraksha Rosary is incomparable. No other Rosary is as divine and beneficial as the Rudraksha Rosary.(20)
Plain, smooth, tough, big and thorny Rudraksha are considered beneficial. Rudraksha bestowed with the property of providing accomplishment of all desires and
moksha (salvation). (21)
Rudraksha, which are bitten by insects, without thorns, cracked and not round are not acceptable.(22)
Rudraksha with a natural hole is of best quality. Rudraksha with a hole made by human efforts is of medium quality.(23)
Wearing of Rudraksha destroys all sins. A person who wears 1100 Rudraksha on his body becomes equivalent to the Lord Rudra (Shiva).(24)
The benefit of wearing these 1100 Rudraksha cannot be described even in hundred years.(25)
Any devotee, who wears 550 Rudraksha in a correct manner in the form of a crown, is also benefited.(26)
Making three folds of 360 Rudraksha and wearing it as a 'Yajno Pavita' worn over the left shoulder and hanging down under the right), with devotion will also give
immense results.(27)
Hey Maheshwari ! Three Rudraksha should be worn on the 'Sikhs' (the top knot of the Hindus). Six Rudraksha should be worn in each ear.(28)
101 Rudraksha around the neck, 11 in each arms, 11 in each wrist and Karpur Dwar should be worn.(29)
Three Rudraksha as 'Yajno Pavita' and five around the hips should be worn by the humans devoted towards Lord Shiva.(30)
Hey Parmeshwari ! One who wears Rudraksha according to the following numbers becomes 'Divya' and laudable. In this manner he gains resemblance to Mahesh.
Any one who watches a person sitting on a mat, wearing Rudraksha and he who pronounces the name of Shiva in a monotone gets released from all evils.(32)
This is the procedure for wearing 1100 Rudraksha. In the absence of this procedure, I will tell you some other ways of wearing Rudraksha, which are beneficial.(33)
One in Sikha, 30 on the fore head, 50 around the throat, 16 each on both the arms is the number of Rudraksha, which should be worn.(34)
12 on each of the wrist, 5 on the shoulder and 108 in the form of 'Yajno Pavita' are the number of Rudraksha beads to be worn.(35)
One who is determined and wears 1000 Rudraksha in this way becomes equivalent to Rudra and all Gods bow in front of him.(36)

Whoever wears one in the Sikhs, 40 on the forehead, 32 on the throat, 108 on the heart, then 6 each in both the ears, 16 each on the arms, 12 or 24 on the hands,
Rudraksha in a holy way becomes a devotee of Shiva and is worshipped and adored by everyone like Shiva, whenever they are watched by others. (At that moment
person wearing Rudraksha becomes adorable). (37 - 39)
The use of "Ishan Mantra" for the forehead, "Tatpurusha Mantra" for the ears, and "Aghor Mantra" for the throat and heart is recommended for wearing Rudraksha.
Wise man should wear Rudraksha on hands chanting Aghor & Seed Mantra and on stomach 15 Rudraksha chanting Vaamdev Mantra.(41)
On the other organs of the body 3, 5 or 7 rosaries can be worn chanting "Panch Brahma Mantra" or by chanting "Seed Mantra".(42)
The use of alcohol, non-veg, garlic, onion etc is prohibited for the person who wears Rudraksha.(43)
Hey Uma ! According to the caste Brahmins should wear white, Kshatriya should wear red, Vaishya should wear yellow and Shudras should wear black Rudraksha.
People of all caste can wear Rudraksha. Wearing a Rudraksha takes a person closer to God whereas relinquishing it takes a man to hell. Rudraksha smaller than the
size of an Ambla, broken, without a hole and eaten by insects should not be worn by people who are taking part in auspicious deed. Rudraksha the size of gram seed
is praised. Rudraksha is comparable to a Shivling. It is both exquisite and praise worthy, as is said by Shiva. (45- 46)

VIDYESHWAR SAMHITA -The Glory of Rudraksha (25th Chapter)

Soot ji said: Brahmins in all Ashrams (there are 4 in all), all the castes, male and female and Shudras can wear Rudraksha as ordered by Shiva. It is also instructed by Shiva that a
devotee has abandoned the world should wear a Rudraksha by saying 'OM'. (47)
Wearing a Rudraksha during the day destroys all evils done during the darkness of night. Wearing a Rudraksha during night destroys all evils of the morning, afternoon and
Tripundadhari (three horizontal lines made by the ashes in the forehead by the followers of Shiva), an ascetic, and a person wearing a Rudraksha never go to hell.(49)
A saint who wears one Rudraksha on the head together with a 'Tripunda' and japs the "Panchakshara Mantra" should be worshipped. (50)
A person who does not have Rudraksha in his organs, does not have a "Tripunda" on his forehead and does not recite the "Panchakshara Mantra" from his mouth should be
taken to hell. (51)
A person with Bhasma (Tripund) and Rudraksha should never be taken to hell, as a compensation of his deeds. (52)
"Yamraj" (The God of Yamas) gave this order to his subordinates. Hearing this they went into a shocked silence. (53)
Therefore, Hey Mahadevi ! Rudraksha destroys all evils. Even if an evil person wears a Rudraksha he is purified. He becomes equal to Shiva and becomes dear to be.(54)
A person who wears a Rudraksha on hands, arms and forehead becomes inviolable and he roams on this earth as an epithet of Shiva. (55)
Saints and Demons worship him. For them he becomes an evil destroyer and equivalent to Shiva. (56)
Those who wear Rudraksha without meditation and knowledge are also freed from all evils and attain 'Moksha'. (57)
Praying with a Rudraksha Rosary gives multifold benefits. Wearing Rudraksha gives 10 times more benefit to the humans.(58)
Hey Devi !, as long as Rudraksha is on the body of any living person, till then he never dies prematurely. (59)
Prepared with a 'Tripunda' and shining with a Rudraksha (not only does a Rudraksha gives spirituality and fulfillment, it also increases the beauty of the body. Rudraksha is
also an ornament). Whomsoever japs the "Mahamritunjaya Mantra" by his virtue we gets the fruits of the virtue of Shiva. (60)
Rudraksha is beloved by the 5 Gods (Shiva, Parvati, Ganesh, Sun and Vishnu). It is also dear to all the other Lords. Hey beloved ! All mantra japs are possible on a
Rudraksha Rosary. This has been ordered for the devotees. (61)
There is no doubt that even the devotees of Vishnu should wear Rudraksha. For the devotees of Shiva Rudraksha is always wearable. (62)
Rudraksha are of different types. I will give a description of their different types. Hey Parvati ! Listen to the nature of the providers of wealth, passion and salvation.(63)
One faced Rudraksha is similar to Shiva and provides wealth and salvation. Its virtue destroys the evil of the murder of a Brahmin. (64)
Where this Rudraksha is worshipped, wealth never goes away. All kinds of turmoil are pacified and all desires are fulfilled. (65)

Two-faced Rudraksha is Lord Vishnu himself. It awards all desires and profits. This Rudraksha especially destroys evils incurred from the murder of a cow.(66)
Three-faced Rudraksha always awards all kinds of resources. Due to its effects all types of attainment are acquired. (67)
Four-faced Rudraksha is Lord Brahma himself. It destroys the ill effects obtained by killing a man. The virtue and touch of it awards all the four human pursuits, namely;
virtue, wealth, sensual enjoyment and salvation immediately. (68)
Five-faced Rudraksha is Shiva himself. It is also known as the fire that is to destroy the world (Kalagni). It provides all kinds of wealth and passion together with fulfillment of
all desires. (69)
The five- Faced Rudraksha saves from the sins incurred from eating and visiting placed which are restricted.(70)
Six-faced Rudraksha is the form of Kartikeya. On wearing a six-faced Rudraksha on the right arm, destroys all sins incurred from killing of a Brahmin. (71)
Hey Maheshani ! Seven-face Rudraksha is Kamdeva (the lord of God) himself. On wearing this rudraksha even a poor person becomes like God. (72)
Eight-faced Rudraksha is Shiva in the form of "Bhairava". On wearing it a person lives his entire life and after death attain the form of Shiva. (73)
Nine-faced Rudraksha is a form of "Bhairava" and "Kapilmuni". It is controlled by Devi Durga who herself is a form of nine Goddesses. (74)
Wearing a nine faced Rudraksha by those who are devoted, on the right hand, becomes supreme and equivalent to me. There is no doubt in this statement. (75)
Hey Maheshani ! Ten- faced Rudraksha is equivalent to "Lord Vishnu". One who wears this Rudraksha attains all his desires. (76)
A wearer of eleven-faced Rudraksha becomes equivalent to "Lord Shiva" in the form of 'Rudra' and becomes all round victorious. (77)
One who wears twelve-faced Rudraksha on the hair becomes equivalent to the 12 forms of 'Sun'. (78)
Thirteen-faced Rudraksha is equivalent to "Vishwadeva". On wearing this Rudraksha the wearer attains all kinds of desires, good luck and blessings. (79)
Fourteen- faced Rudraksha is equivalent to Supreme Shiva. On religiously wearing this Rudraksha on the head the wearer gets rid of all sins. (80)
Hey, the daughter of king of mountains ! I have described all these Rudraksha on the basis of the differences of their faces. Now listen with love the mantras of all these
Rudraksha in their order. (81)
On wearing these Rudraksha with devotion and faith, after anointing them with the following mantras all desires and wealth are attained. (82)
Om Hreem Namah
Om Namah
Om Kleem Namah
Om Hreem Namah
Om Hreem Namah
Om Hreem Hum Namah
Om Hum Namah
Om Hreem Hum Namah
Om Hreem Namah Namah
Om Hreem Hum Namah
Om Krom Kshoum Rowm Namah
Om Hreem Namah
Om Namah
A person who wears a Rudraksha without anointing it with mantra, goes to hell for 1000 yugas or 4,320,000,000 years. (83)
On seeing a person wearing a Rudraksha Rosary all ghosts, spirits, demons, witches, 'Shakini' (female demon attendant of Durga and Shiva) and any other hostile elements
and all effects of black magic are removed. (84- 85)
Hey Parvati ! On seeing a person wearing a Rudraksha Rosary the five Gods namely, Shiva, Vishnu, Durga, Ganesh and Sun, and all other Gods are pleased.(86)
Hey Maheshwari! On understanding the glory of Rudraksha it should be worn in an accurate manner by the use of mantras and with devotion for the cause of increasing
In this manner Lord Shiva discussed the glory of Rudraksha and ashes (Bhasma) in front of Parvati, which provides accomplishment of all desires and salvation. (88)

One who wear Rudraksha and uses Bhasma becomes very dear to lord Shiva. There is no doubt that the effect of just wearing them fulfills all desires and provides salvation.
Rudraksha and Bhasma users are called devotees of Shiva and those who chant "Panchakshar Manta" on Rudraksha live close to Lord Shiva and become complete. (90)
Worshipping without the use of Bhasma, Tripund Rudraksha Rosary does not provide the desired results by Lord Shiva. (91)
Hey Munivar ! Now I have replied to your queries. By the glory of Bhasma and Rudraksha all desires are attained. (92)
Those who listen to this glory of Rudraksha everyday and show their devotion and affection towards Rudraksha and Bhasma, they attain all desires. (93)
They are blessed with all kinds of comforts and luxury with sons and grandson in this Loka. They attain Moksha (salvation) in the company of Lord Shiva and become very
dear to Lord Shiva. (94)
Hey Sages ! This "VIDHYESHWAR SAMHITA" is told by me to all of you by the order of Lord Shiva. It always provides all Siddhies and Salvation.(95)
Choose an auspicious day and time for blessings.
Blessings may be done by the wearer, his Guru or a priest.
After bath, with a pure mind and body arrange the items for blessings.
Punchgavya - Mix of Cow's dung, urine, milk, ghee and curd. In absence use Punchamrit which is mix of unboiled milk, honey, sugar, ghee and curd.
Water mixed with Ganges water in a achamani pot with Kusha grass for sprinkling and a spoon.
9 leaves of peepal tree arranged on a plate.
Plate for offerings to be placed during Puja.
Dhoop, Incense sticks.
Camphor and lamp.
Sandal paste , Aromatic oil.
Rice grains mixed with asthagandha.
Ghee lamp (one wick).
Offerings - Cloth, Flower, Fruit, Betel nut - Pan, Coconut.
Sit on an Aasan facing east.
Wash Rudraksha with Punchgavya or Punchamrit.
Then wash with water mixed with Ganges water.
Place Rudraksha in a plate with 9 leaves of Peepal tree. Place an empty plate in front of this plate for offerings.
Chant 3 times: "Om Namah Shivaya"
Sprinkle water over yourself and all items of Puja.
"Om Apavitrah Pavitro Va Sarva Vastan Gatopi Va
Yah Smaret Pundari Kaksham Sa Bahya Bhyantarah Shuchih"
Translation: (May all things unholy become holy, may all lower tendencies depart, just as soon as we transcend may within and without be purified!)
"Om Gurubhyo Namaha
Om Ganeshaya Namaha
Om Kula Devatabhyo Namaha
Om Ishta Devatabhyo Namaha
Om Mata Pitribhyam Namaha"

Translation: I bow to guru I bow to Ganesha I bow to the family deity I bow to my personal deity I bow to my parents.
Place water on right hand with spoon of Achamani and sip after each of these 3 mantras :"Om Keshavaya Namaha
Om Narayana Namaha
Om Madhavaya Namaha"
Place water on right hand and pour on ground:
"Om Govindaya Namaha"
Do three short rounds of pranayama breaths.
"Om Pranavasya Parabrahma Rishihi Paramatma Devata
Daivi Gayatri Chandaha
Pranayamae Viniyogaha"
Sprinkle water on Rudraksha with Kusha grass from Achamani.
"Om Sadyojaatam Prapadyaami Sadyojataajava Namo Namaha
Bhave Bhavenaati Bhave Bhavasvamaam Bhavodbhavay Namaha"
Take a flower and dip in Sandal paste and aromatic oils and touch on the beads.
"Om Vamdevaya Namah, Jyeshthaay Namah, Shreshthay Namah, Rudraay Namah,
Kaalay Namah, Kala Vikarannaay Namah, Bal Vikaranaay Namah, Balaay Namah Bala
Pramathanaay Namah, Sarva Bhoot Damanaay Namah, Manomanaay Namah"
Offer Dhoop to the rudraksha beads.
"Om Aghorebhyo Ghorebhyo Ghor Ghor Tarebhayaha Sarvebhya Sarva
Sharvvebhyo Namaste Astu Rudra Roopebhyaha"
Again take a flower and dip in Sandal paste and touch on beads.
"Om Tatpurushaaya Vidmahe Mahadevaay Dheemahi Tanno Rudraha Prachodayaat"
Chant Eeeshan mantra.
"Om Eeshaanah Sarvavidyaanam Eeshwar Sarvabhootaanaam Brahmaadipati
Brahmanaadhipati Brahma Shivome Astu Sadaa Shivom"
Chant Pranpratishtha mantra (Life giving mantra). Offer rice to plate before rudraksha while chanting this.
"Om aam hreem krom yum rum lum vum shum shum sum haum hum sah asya malaya prana eha prana
Om aam hreem krom yum rum lum vum shum shum sum haum hum sah asya malaya jeeva eha sthitha
Om aam hreem krom yum rum lum vum shum shum sum haum hum sah asya malaya sarveindrayani vagmansyachakshu shodragranapadani ihevagatya sukham chiram
thithantu swaha"
Chant these next mantras and give the offerings or give rice to the plate in front of Rudrakshas:
(Offering ____ to the lotus feet of Shiva Maha Devaya, I bow)
Invocation : "Avahanam Samarpayami Sri Shiva Maha Devaya Charana Kamalebhyo Namaha"
Seat : "Asanam Samarpayami Sri Shiva Maha Devaya Charana Kamalebhyo Namaha"
Cloth : "Vastram Samarpayami Sri Shiva Maha Devaya Charana Kamalebhyo Namaha"

Sandalwood or Scent : "Chandanam Samarpayami Sri Shiva Maha Devaya Charana Kamalebhyo Namaha"
Rice : "Akshatan Samarpayami Sri Shiva Maha Devaya Charana Kamalebhyo Namaha"
Flower : "Pushpam Samarpayami Sri Shiva Maha Devaya Charana Kamalebhyo Namaha"
Dhoop : "Dhupam Samarpayami Sri Shiva Maha Devaya Charana Kamalebhyo Namaha"
Ghee Lamp : "Deepam Samarpayami Sri Shiva Maha Devaya Charana Kamalebhyo Namaha"
Water drink : "Achamaniyam Samarpayami Sri Shiva Maha Devaya Charana Kamalebhyo Namaha"
Fruit : "Naivedyam Samarpayami Sri Shiva Maha Devaya Charana Kamalebhyo Namaha"
Water drink : "Achamaniyam Samarpayami Sri Shiva Maha Devaya Charana Kamalebhyo Namaha"
Betel Nut - Paan : "Tambulam Samarpayami Sri Shiva Maha Devaya Charana Kamalebhyo Namaha"
Coconut : "Shri Phalam Samarpayami Sri Shiva Maha Devaya Charana Kamalebhyo Namaha"
Burn Camphor and circle it clockwise 3x in front of plate and chant:
"Karpura Shivam Karuna Vataram Samsara Saram Bhujagendraharam
Sada Vasantam Hridaya Ravinde Bhavam Bhavani Sahitam Namami"
Translation: White as camphor and kindness incarnate, the very form of Brahman consciousness, you Shiva ever dwell in my heart. I bow to you.
Chant Gayatri mantra 3 times:
"Om Bhur Bhuvah Swaha Tat Savitur Varenyum
Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi Dhiyo Yonaha Prachodayat"
Chant Surya (Sun) mantra 3 times:
"Om Bhu Om Bhuvaha Om Swaha Om Maha Om Janaha Om Tapaha Om Satyam"
Repeat and touch each after each mantra, right eye, left eye, forehead:
"Om Apo Jyothi
Raso Amtritam
Brahma Bhu Bhuvaha Swarom
Chant Mahamrityunjaya mantra 5 times and offer rice to a plate before rudraksha after each round:
"Om Haum Joom Sah Om Bhur Bhuvaha Swaha
Om Triambakam Yajamahey Sungandhim Pushti Vardanam
Urvar Ukamiva Bandhanan Mrityor Muksheeya Mamritat
Om Swaha Bhuvaha Bhu Om Sah Joom Haum Om"
Chant Beeja mantra 9 times each:
"Om Namah Shivaya"
"Om Hreem Namah"
"Om Namah"
"Om Kleem Namah"
"Om Hreem Namah"
"Om Hreem Hum Namah"
"Om Hum Namah"
"Om Krom Srom Rom Namah"
Bow or supplicate, then chant this last prayer:
"Om Purnamada purnamidam purnath purnamudyachite
Purnasya purnamadaya purna mevaya shishyate
Om Shanti Shanti Shanti"

The different parts of the Physical Body are governed by specific planetary principles. For example the knees, spleen and skeletal system are strongly influenced by the
planet Saturn.
In Astrology they say that these parts of the body are " governed" by the Saturn principle.
To better know the principals behind Rudraksha Physical Therapy Recommendations here is how various organs are related to celestial bodies, along with their appropriate
Rudraksha and Mantra that have the greatest influence on that part of the body.
Although different people will experience effects at different times a 40 day Discipline is a required minimum to properly feel the effects of Rudraksha Therapy.
Heart, spine, diaphragm, thymus, blood and veins
Om Sri Suryaya Namah
1 & 12 Mukhi
Stomach including gastric, processes, breasts, lymphatic and non blood fluid systems,
Om Shri Chandraya Namaha
2 Mukhi
perspiration and saliva and sympathetic nervous system
Hands, arms, lungs, sensory organs, some thyroid gland influence
Om Sri Budhaya Namaha
4 Mukhi
Throat, neck, kidneys, secondary connection with sex organs and feet, some thyroid gland Venus
Om Shri Shukraya Namah
6 & 13 Mukhi
Sex glands, adrenal glands, red blood cells
Om Shri Angarakaya Namah
3 Mukhi
Liver, gallbladder, posterior lobe of the pituitary related to growth and thighs
Om Shri Gurave Namaha
5 Mukhi
Spleen, skeletal system including cartilage, skin, lower leg from the knee to the ankle and
Om Sri Shanaishwaraya Swaha (For persons 7 & 14 Mukhi
anterior lobe of the pituitary gland related to body type
aged 29 and older)
Om Shanaishcharaya Namaha (For persons
under age 29)


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