G6 English 3PT

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Palawan Hope Christian School

Manalo Extension, Puerto Princesa City

Name: _____________________________________
Section: ____________________________________

Class No.

Score: _______________
Date: _______________

I. ARTICLES. Fill the blank with an article when necessary. Write N in the blank if it is not
necessary to add an article.
1. _______ good student is one who learns more than what he or she is taught.
2. To have knowledge, you must have reverence for _______ Lord.
3. Be _______ early bird.
4. Let us make _______ house cool with _______ assortment of potted plants.
5. I saw _______ family picture hanging on _______ wall.
6. _______ sandcastle that she made was _______ symbol of her weakness.
7. Where is _______ glass of milk I placed on _______ table?
8. My friend showed me _______ sketch. _______ sketch showed where they lived.
9. We saw _______ airplane crash. _______ airplane did not burn.
10. The boy had _______ insect in a bottle. _______ insect was _______ colorful
A.Supply the missing degree of the given adjectives.




B. Encircle the letter of the best degree of comparison that should go in the sentence.
1. Mary is ______ than Patty.
A. taller
B. more taller
C. tallest
2. Jupiter is the _______ planet in the solar system.
A. larger
B. more large
C. largest
3. Honesty is the _______ policy of all.
A. better
B. more better
C. best
4. These flowers are _______ than those flowers.
A. prettier
B. more pretty
C. prettiest
5. That was the ______ day of my life.
A. worse
B. worser
C. worst
6. This city is ______ than that one.
A. smoggier
B. more smoggy
C. smoggiest
7. The living room is the _______ room in our house.
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D. most largest
D. most better
D. most pretty
D. worsest
D. most smoggy

A. bigger
B. more big
C. biggest
8. The days are ______ in winter than summer.
A. shorter
B. more shorter
C. shortest
9. She is the ___________ student in the whole class.
A. more intelligent B. intelligenter
C. most intelligent
10. He is _________ than his brother.
A. less athletic
B. less athleticer
C. least athletic

D. most big
D. most shortest
D. intelligentest
D. least athleticest

III. S-LV-ADJECTIVE. Fill out the chart with the linking verb, adjective and the word they
modify based on the following sentences.

We feel cold and miserable.

Your voice sounds good.
The picnic proved enjoyable for all of us.
Children grow fast when they are healthy.
I could be adorable when I wanted to.
Linking Verb


Word Modified


IV. Position of Adjectives. Identify the position of the underlined adjectives. Write BF for
Before the modified word, PA for Predicate Adjective, and OC for Objective Complement.
_____ 1. James just bought a racing bike.
_____ 2. King Kong climbed the building holding a young girl in his hand.
_____ 3. The king graciously allowed Sir Reginald to keep the golden chest as his reward.
_____ 4. Gaston had a moose head hanging on the wall of his office.
_____ 5. Rase was a huge dog.
_____ 6. The smell of a spicy beef burrito makes Sally hungry.
_____ 7. Some people like a cold glass of lemonade when it is hot.
_____ 8. Too many poor people are forced to live in rat-infested housing.
_____ 9. The high mountain peaks glistened in the morning sun.
_____ 10. Gertrude collects Victorian furniture.

V. Series of Adjectives. Encircle the letter of the sentence with the best series of adjective for
each number. Please avoid erasures.
1. A. The shampoo model has black silky wavy long hair.
B. The shampoo model has silky wavy black long hair.
C. The shampoo model has long silky black wavy hair.
D. The shampoo model has long wavy black silky hair.
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2. A. My friend would like to borrow two my leather traveling bags.

B. My friend would like to borrow two my traveling leather bags.
C. My friend would like to borrow my two leather traveling bags.
D. My friend would like to borrow my two traveling leather bags.
3. A. We still have several long white linen sheets in the cabinet.
B. We still have several white linen long sheets in the cabinet.
C. We still have long several linen white sheets in the cabinet.
D. We still have long white linen several sheets in the cabinet.
4. A. Mothers my diamond new two rings are missing.
B. My mothers new two diamond rings are missing.
C. My mothers two new diamond rings are missing.
D. My mothers diamond new two rings are missing.
5. A. Old those faded plastic flowers need to be replaced.
B. Old those plastic faded flowers need to be replaced.
C. Those old faded plastic flowers need to be replaced.
D. Those old plastic faded flowers need to be replaced.
6. A. New talented the basketball players were cheered by the audience.
B. The talented new basketball players were cheered by the audience.
C. The talented basketball new players were cheered by the audience.
D. The new talented basketball players were cheered by the audience.
7. A. My father bought my mother new Ford brand a white car on her birthday.
B. My father bought my mother new a Ford brand white car on her birthday.
C. My father bought my mother a new white brand Ford car on her birthday.
D. My father bought my mother a brand new white Ford car on her birthday.
8. A. The lady bought a red king-size silk bedcover.
B. The lady bought a red silk king-size bedcover.
C. The lady bought a king-size red silk bedcover.
D. The lady bought a silk red king-size bedcover.
9. A. I dreamed of buying my parents a gold of pair Rolex watches for their anniversary.
B. I dreamed of buying my parents a Rolex pair of gold watches for their anniversary.
C. I dreamed of buying my parents a pair of Rolex gold watches for their anniversary.
D. I dreamed of buying my parents a pair of gold Rolex watches for their anniversary.
10. A. A boy found rectangular three blue boxes in the storeroom.
B. A boy found rectangular blue three boxes in the storeroom.
C. A boy found three blue rectangular boxes in the storeroom.
D. A boy found three rectangular blue boxes in the storeroom.

VI. Noting Significant Details. Read the selection then answer the questions by encircling the
letter of the best answer.

Aurora Borealis

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Auroras, often called Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis) and Southern Lights (Aurora
Australis), are spectacular light displays most commonly viewed in the polar regions. Auroras
occur because of interactions between Earths magnetic field and solar winds. The solar wind
is a stream of charged particles emitted from the suns corona that travels far into space at
speeds of up to 400 miles per second. Charged particles within the solar winds collide with
atmospheric atoms and molecules when they reach Earths magnetic field. The collisions
cause quantum leaps, which means the kinetic energy within the electrons of the particles are
converted to light. The collisions of different particles result in different colored lights. Atomic
oxygen produces red and green lights, nitrogen produces pink, blue, or violet light, helium
produces purple lights and neon produces rippled orange light. Auroras come in a vast array
of shapes and forms such as arcs, swirls, curtains and glowing shapes. They often appear
to be moving.
Auroras often occur as a result of a geomagnetic storm. A geomagnetic storm is the
temporary disturbance of the Earths magnetic field as a result of an event in space such as a
solar flare or coronal mass ejection (the ejection of charged particles form the suns corona).
In noteworthy geomagnetic storms, Auroras can be seen well south (or north) of where they
usually occur. The famous Great Geomagnetic Storms of 1859 produced what witnesses call
the most spectacular auroras ever seen. Such auroras were seen throughout the United
States, Japan, and Australia. The event lasted for almost a week.

1. Which is NOT true about Auroras?

A. They can appear as curtains, shapes, or swirls.
B. They are most often viewed in the polar regions.
C. They often appear to be in motion.
D. A geomagnetic storm is a permanent disturbance in Earth's magnetic field.
2. Which of the following could be an EFFECT of a geomagnetic storm?
An aurora
The sun
A mass coronal ejection
Earth's magnetic field
3. What is the best definition of the word "emitted" as used in the sentence below?
The solar wind is a stream of charged particles emitted from the suns corona that
travels far into space at speeds of up to 400 miles per second.
A. spun
B. released
C. taken from
D. grew
4. Where would I MOST likely view the Aurora Borealis?
A. Equator
B. South Pole
C. North Pole
D. the sun
5. Which of the following questions about auroras is NOT answered in the passage?
A. What are some reasons auroras occur?
B. How many auroras normally occur in a year?
C. Have auroras ever been seen in Australia?
D. How fast does solar wind travel?

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6. If you were to make a "recipe" for an aurora, which of the following "ingredients" would
be unnecessary?
A. people
B. particle collisions
C. solar wind
D. the conversion of kinetic energy to light
7. The collision of neon particles produces ________ light.
A. blue
B. red
C. purple
D. orange
8. What could be an antonym of the word "commonly" in the sentence below?
Auroras, often called Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis) and Southern Lights (Aurora
Australis), are spectacular light displays most commonly viewed in the polar regions.
A. never
B. lately
C. rarely
D. often
9. If the answer to a question is "the Geomagnetic Storms of 1859," what could be the
A. What was an example of a noteworthy geomagnetic storm?
B. When do charged particles collide?
C. Can aurora be seen away from the north or south poles?
D. What is one way an aurora can form?
10. Quantum Leaps are caused by .....
A. the collision of solar winds with the sun's corona.
B. the collision of solar winds with Earth's winds.
C. the collision of solar winds with atoms and particles within Earth's magnetic fields.
D. the collapse of Earth's magnetic field.
VII. Predicting Outcomes. Encircle the letter of the best answer for each item
1. Maria looked out the tiny window next to her seat. She could hear the plane's engines
warming up. She held on tight as the plane started rolling down the runway. What will
happen next?
a. The will plane land.
b. Maria will get off the plane.
c. Maria will have a snack.
d. The plane will take off.
2. Nikki and Pablo found a good spot in the park. They spread a blanket on the grass.
Then they took lots of food out of their basket. What do the kids probably do next?
a. play softball
b. started twerking
c. eat a picnic lunch
d. take naps
3. Tim is in middle school for his first year. He is learning that he is growing and needs
more food to fill him up. Tim had five candy bars and a Monster for breakfast, three
bags of chips for lunch, and two big pieces of cake for dessert. He skipped dinner last
night . He also drank a chocolate shake for lunch.
What do you think will happen next?
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a. He will get a hug from his mother.

b. He will run outside and play ball.
c. His stomach will hurt.
d. His feet will hurt.
4. Martin was riding his bike. He looked back to see if his friend was still behind him.
Suddenly he heard the crunching of broken glass. Martin had ridden through broken
pieces of a bottle. His front tire began to wobble.
Which clues helped you decide what would happen next in the previous question?
a. He rode through glass and his tire began to wobble.
b. He looked back.
c. Martin was riding his bike.
5. Martin was riding his bike. He looked back to see if his friend was still behind him.
Suddenly he heard the crunching of broken glass. Martin had ridden through broken
pieces of a bottle. His front tire began to wobble.
What do you think will happen next?
a. Martin will leave his friend.
b. Martin's bike will get a flat tire.
c. Martin will race his friend.
6. Paul and Melika always have a date on Friday. Paul picks up Melika at 7:00 p.m., and
they go to at 7:30 p.m. movie. This Friday, Paul has to work overtime and is running
late. When he gets out of the shower, it is already 7:00 p.m.
What probably happens next?
a. Paul calls Melika and tells her he will be a little late.
b. Paul decides to call off the date and stays home.
c. Melika is angry that Paul is late and cancels the date.
d. Paul reads his e-mail and then leaves to pick up Melika.
7. The movie starts at 7:30 pm, but Robert doesn't get off work until 7:45pm. Robert
wants to see this movie tonight! What do you predict Robert will do?
a. Choose a movie time that is later.
b. Ask the manager to hold the movie until he gets there.
c. Ask his boss if he can leave early.
d. Choose a different movie to see.
8. The sheep was shocked. Apparently, the farmer and his wife had been giving him all
that good food just to fatten him up! But this was a clever sheep, and he immediately
came up with a plan. First he ate all the food the farmer's wife had bought. Then he
butted down the door to his pen.
What will the sheep do next?
a. Then he ran away as fast as he could.
b. Then he ate seconds and fell asleep.
c. Then he announced that he was finished to the farmer's wife.
d. Then he came up with another plan.

9. Katie was telling her friends a story about a trick her dog can do. Her friends thought it
was very funny. What do you predict her friends did next?
a. They laughed.
b. They cried out with fear.
c. They got mad.
d. They went home sad.
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10. Matthew is turning 16 this Friday. He can't wait to drive. What do you predict will
happen next?
a. Matthew will ask for an iPad for his birthday
b. Matthew will try and get his driver's license
c. He will get a play station
d. Matthew will ask for new clothes

For a dream comes with much business, and a fools voice with many words.
Ecclesiastes 5:3

Parents Signature

Prepared by: Ellen Grace C. Manzano

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