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Logistics in 2025: Consider It Done!

A Research Paper
Presented To
Air Force 2025

Ms Jaydee Edgell
CDR S. K. Spangler
Maj G. F. Dragoo
Maj L. W. Jackson
August 1996

2025 is a study designed to comply with a directive from the chief of staff of the Air
Force to examine the concepts, capabilities, and technologies the United States will
require to remain the dominant air and space force in the future. Presented on 17 June
1996, this report was produced in the Department of Defense school environment of
academic freedom and in the interest of advancing concepts related to national defense.
The views expressed in this report are those of the authors and do not reflect the official
policy or position of the United States Air Force, Department of Defense, or the United
States government.
This report contains fictional representations of future situations/scenarios. Any
similarities to real people or events, other than those specifically cited, are unintentional
and are for purposes of illustration only.
This publication has been reviewed by security and policy review authorities, is
unclassified, and is cleared for public release.




Disclaimer................................................................................................................ ii
Illustrations ............................................................................................................. iv
Tables ...................................................................................................................... v
Executive Summary................................................................................................ vi

Introduction ............................................................................................................. 1

Required Capabilities .............................................................................................. 3

System Description.................................................................................................. 8
Acquisition.......................................................................................................... 8
Microchip Purchases (Existing Stock)......................................................... 11
Human Generated Purchases...................................................................... 14
New Acquisition Purchases ......................................................................... 15
Materiel Management....................................................................................... 16
Just-in-Time Logistics.................................................................................. 17
Smart Package Technology/Trans-Actor..................................................... 20
Building up the Foundation.......................................................................... 21
Reverse Logistics......................................................................................... 23
Miniaturization............................................................................................. 26
Virtual Materials Manager ........................................................................... 28
Transportation................................................................................................... 29
Our Feet Are Too Big .................................................................................. 29
Closer Is Quicker ......................................................................................... 30
Think Huge .................................................................................................. 33
Maintenance ..................................................................................................... 33
Improved Reliability and Maintainability .................................................... 35
Modular Design............................................................................................ 36
Lean Logistics.............................................................................................. 36
Locally Manufactured Parts ........................................................................ 37
Robotics Technology ................................................................................... 38
Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence ................................................ 39
Smart Parts................................................................................................... 40




Virtual Reality.............................................................................................. 41
Interface with Combat Readiness Systems.................................................. 42

Concept of Operations........................................................................................... 45
Scenario ............................................................................................................ 45

Recommendations ................................................................................................. 49
A System of Systems ........................................................................................ 49
Technologies..................................................................................................... 50
Integration......................................................................................................... 51
Investment ........................................................................................................ 51
Skills Mix .......................................................................................................... 52
Conclusion ........................................................................................................ 52



Lift Platform Concepts .......................................................................................... 53

Bibliography .......................................................................................................... 56




Logistics Goal, Mission, Core Competencies, and Principles ................................. 6


USAF Aircraft Development Cycles ....................................................................... 9


Battlespace Responsive Agile Integrated Network (BRAIN) ............................... 13


Global Positioning System Constellation............................................................... 21


Pollutant Universe ................................................................................................. 25


Food Pill ................................................................................................................ 27


Titan IV Rocket and PayloadSpaceborne Prepo? ............................................. 32


Conceptual Wing in-Ground-Effect Aircraft ........................................................ 54





Fleet Life Extension .............................................................................................. 34

Executive Summary
Accessibility replaces anxiety in 2025 logistics. Confident that logistics systems will
generate what they need when they need it, commanders of aerospace forces in the year
2025 contemplate strategy and devote their energy to the battle.

The overall goal of

this logistics thinking team was to ensure that commanders of 2025 retain visibility and
control of the resources required to support national security objectives of the United
This paper proposes a system of systems1 to provide a commander total asset
visibility and seamless integration from cradle to grave for all major systems and their
components. Advanced logic built into these systems streamlines the four core logistics
processes discussed.
Acquisition: Acquisition reform and protected access to automated systems allows
machines to procure consumable and durable goods. Human intervention by empowered
employees is required only when defined parameters are exceeded. Critical concepts
and subsystems of this system are communications, artificial intelligence, miniaturization,
and virtual reality.
Materiel Management: Increased reliability and maintainability, purchases directly
from the manufacturer, and on-the-spot manufacturing reduces materiel management
requirements. Advanced miniaturization, communication systems, and computer aided
design and manufacturing, plus recycling concepts deliver requirements when needed.



Airlift is the major constraint in meeting current deployment

objectives. A reduced footprint eases the airlift requirement. Efficient engines requiring
less fuel and miniaturization yield increased lift capacity.

Undersea and spaceborne

prepositioning, and linked communication systems facilitate expeditious transfer of goods.

Maintenance: An aging fleet challenges 2025 maintenance personnel. Improved
reliability and maintainability reduce the overall maintenance requirement.


construction, interoperable parts, lean logistics, and improved diagnostic and visual repair
instructions improve the repair process.
maintenance flexibility.

On-the-spot manufacturing increases

Improved materials, communication systems, computer aided

design and manufacturing techniques, virtual reality, and miniaturization concepts are
critical to streamlined maintenance in 2025.
Alternatives adopted by todays leadership in acquisition, materiel management,
transportation, and maintenance ensure that support is on target and that the 2025
commander is in charge of the mission.


Lt Gen Jay W. Kelley, Brilliant Warrior unpublished paper (Air University,

Maxwell AFB, Ala., 1996), 5.


Chapter 1


Logistics has been a concern for military commanders since the beginning of time.
Any organization, be it military or civilian, consumes resources and requires
replenishment to accomplish its mission. Since merely wishing for supplies and support
does not work, a formal logistics infrastructure is necessary to ensure support for any
In 2025, as today, aerospace commanders may be asked to perform missions ranging
from humanitarian support to total war. This paper proposes a logistics structure that
includes a powerful new system capable of seamlessly integrating all logistics functions.
This system would provide total asset visibility throughout the logistics process by linking
all functions under one automated, intelligent system.
A highly sophisticated system that incorporates artificial intelligence, connectivity of
automated systems, and hardened communications capabilities, it would introduce a
logistics system of systems known as the battlespace responsive agile integrated
network (BRAIN). This system would enable the logistician to efficiently and effectively
manage assets to support the military commander.

This study discusses new technologies to shorten the logistics tail and reduce its
footprint. By using highly reliable and miniaturized parts, we could reduce the amount of
materiel that must be warehoused to support tomorrows force. Additionally, this paper
recommends employment of manufacturing techniques using lasers and advanced
materials to manufacture on the spot at maintenance facilities and in the battlespace.
Such repair reduces the amount of material to be transported. In the future, we expect
self-assessing smart parts that automatically interface with the system to replenish

Such replenishment would reduce the time and efforts required of

maintenance and supply personnel.

In an increasingly austere environment, it is imperative that we get the most bang for
every buck. BRAIN would enable the logistician to assure the commander to consider it
done no matter how large or small the requirement may be.

Chapter 2

Required Capabilities

Regardless of events in the future, the key to air and space logistics capability is to
transition from a primarily push (to the user) to a predominantly pull (at the users
demand) system. The balance between maintaining mission-essential materials for
aerospace commanders and the high cost of storing excess material will not change. The
logistics mission of getting the right thing to the right place at the right time and the
right cost is a bulwark of military effectiveness.
Pull logistics, pressured by a cost-conscious public, will move depot operations to
significantly smaller, decentralized facilities. Once instituted, pull logistics will require
commanders to make a major paradigm shift. They will need to trust the newer system
and decrease their reliance on stockpiling noncritical items.
Operators with pocket computers will load part specifications into computer aided
design (CAD) software; miniature, portable machines with computer aided manufacturing
(CAM) capability will allow operators to manufacture items at or near the point of need.1
Microscopic, multipurpose snap-out chips and diminutive motherboards can be carried in
wallet-sized pouches for on-site repairs. In addition to CAD capability, virtual reality
systems will provide pictorial, oral, and written installation and repair instructions.

Immediate communication links with industry worldwide combined with on-line

credit will become standard operating procedure. As global markets develop, the interests
of Congress will shift to faster, better, and cheaper methods of promoting competition.
Out of necessity, the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) will be streamlined. Rules
place acquisition authority in the hands of a few will be changed to empower a multitude
of users to acquire necessities with minimum bureaucracy. Operators will be empowered
to deal directly with manufacturers for items that are neither in stock nor adaptable to onthe-spot manufacturing. Factory-direct orders will substantially decrease the requirement
for storage and distribution facilities and quick access to goods will allow a significantly
reduced inventory that is collocated with the operator. The commander will have access
to all information and will be able to request information on materiel availability or status
in any form.
One of todays major problems is the lack of interoperability between computer
systems. In 2025, multiple aerospace computer systems must interface with each other.
Additionally, it is critical that those network links are extended to other services, foreign
military units, and industry throughout the world.
Demands for efficient uses of taxpayer funds will result in continuing cost
comparison efforts.

The historic trend toward increased contractor awards will not

Therefore, much of the remaining maintenance, repair, transportation, and

storage facilities will have been privatized. There is much dissent throughout the system
regarding the balance between the need for maintaining an adequate industrial base and
the necessity for ensuring sufficient organic capability for mobilization.

As decentralization becomes reality, the target sets change. No longer are logistics
support facilities (organic or private) centers of gravitythey are small and dispersed.
No longer are communication centers a center of gravityeach person has a personal
small pocket computer/communication tool. No longer are communication transmitters a
center of gravitymultiple communication transmitters provide alternative links in the
event any one link or group of links is incapacitated. Although we have reduced our
centers of gravity, in 2025, everything is a target.
We already know that older forms of warfare do not entirely disappear when newer
ones arise.2 This also can be said of technological advances. As we reach to the future
and find solutions to old problems, those problems will not go away entirely. The old
issues will become increasingly blurred with new problems.
Since the current joint forces definition of logistics is, the process of planning and
executing the movement and sustainment of operating forces in the execution of a
military strategy and operations,3 that definition will not change in 2025.
To that end, we have identified four core capabilities: acquisition, materiel
management, transportation and maintenance. The relationship of these core capabilities
to the logistics goal, mission, and principles is illustrated in figure 2-1.

Commanders Strategy


, Rig
ht Co








, Rig

Responsiveness, Simplicity, Flexibility, Economy

Attainability, Sustainability, Survivability, Agility
Figure 2-1. Logistics Goal, Mission, Core Competencies, and Principles

Although traditionally considered part of logistics, we have excluded base operating

support activities and research and development. We also do not discuss the method of
delivery, air, sea, ground, etc.). We assume an adequate combination of private and inhouse delivery sources. We also assume that delivery systems and delivery ports will be
adequately protected to ensure merchandise delivery in the year 2025.
Furthermore, we do not address communications systems. The scope of that subject
is far too complex for this paper. Therefore, we assume that communication systems will
be hardened and that alternate sources of delivery will be available. For example, if the
BRAIN relies on satellites for communication, we assume that, should a satellite become
inoperable, another satellite or a ground communication system will be available to ensure
uninterrupted data transmission.

We are aware of the potential for logistics to become a joint (multiservice) agency, a
combined (multinational) organization, or one owned and operated entirely by private
industry. Whatever happens, the concepts we discuss could easily be adapted by any or
all of these organizations.


Dr Craig M. Brandt et al., Logistics 2025: Changing Environments, Technologies,

and Processes (Maxwell AFB Ala.: Draft paper for Air War College 2025 study, 1996),
Alvin and Heidi Toffler, War and Anti-War (New York: Warner Books, Inc., 1995),
Joint Publication (JP) 4-0, Logistics, 27 January 1995, I-1.

Chapter 3

System Description

All who study the government acquisition process agree acquisition reform is
necessary. The acquisition system is being suffocated by the weight of the regulations
designed to protect it. The reaction to several incidents of reported price gouging and
cost overruns in the 1980s led to excessive regulatory oversight and control.


In the 1990s, Congress began adjusting the proverbial pendulum by enacting

comprehensive legislation to streamline the military acquisition process. Leading the
storm of reformation, Darlene Druyan, assistant secretary of the Air Force (acquisition),
sparked change in the acquisition community when she issued eight lightning bolt
initiatives on 31 May 1995. The initiatives called for bold and sweeping changes in how
the Air Force runs its acquisition program.
While these lightning bolts shake the very earth on which the acquisition
community stands, Druyan acknowledges this is just the first step in a series of required
reforms. People in the work force really want to do the right thing, she says, we just

need to give them guidance and council [sic]we need to let them know its OK to
remake their own roles in our acquisition system.1 It is essential that the government
further automate the acquisition process and empower the military service user to deal
directly with the supplier more frequently. The inflexible system currently in place is
bureaucratic, redundant, and unresponsive to the needs of those charged with defending
the nation. Development cycle comparison provides a good example.
Figure 3-1 shows that the time required to purchase major weapon systems ranges
from four to 15 years.

Figure 3-1. USAF Aircraft Development Cycles2

With technology development doubling every year, acquisition personnel often end up
purchasing outdated equipment before it leaves the drawing board.

The cost of

modifications made between the time of approval and receipt of the product creates
delay, contributes to user anxiety, and costs millions of dollars.
On a much smaller and more understandable scale, the time required from
identification of need to satisfaction is keeping us a generation behind. For example,
ordering a software package can take five to seven years. This is inefficient and puts our
government in a position of always being several steps behind industry. As technology
progresses, this unacceptable lead time will result in a quantum governmental technology
lag. To survive, the aerospace forces must assume a posture of industrial fusion rather
than lagging separation. If the United States government does not get in step and stay in
step with industry, countries who assume a progressive posture will quickly outpace,
outperform, and, if so motivated, decisively defeat the United States military forces. It is
critical that the United States armed forces be seamlessly integrated with industry.
The ideal way to expedite the acquisition system and achieve seamlessness is to
empower the user and provide those individuals with an automated system. The systems
proposed herein would have sufficient safeguards to ensure that only the proper user has
access to the system and has not exceeded procurement authority. Purchases not meeting
the requesters requirements would not be automatically dismissed, but would flow to a
higher automated or human review.
To avoid excessive training costs, the automated system must be simple and easy to
use. However, the software would by necessity be complex. The user/buyer will not
necessarily be a human being, it would be an inanimate device such as a maintenance
microchip embedded in a weapon system or part. The following section describes how


BRAIN, our concept of a fully automated system, would streamline the acquisition

Microchip Purchases (Existing Stock)

The concept of a chip initiating a purchase to replenish stock presents a revolutionary
opportunity for enhancing the acquisition process. Machines need to talk easily to one
another in order to better serve people.3 For example, a microchip embedded in a
hydraulic pump on an aircraft determines that the pump is eroding and will require
replacement within five weeks. This microchip would transmit through a communication
system, such as a satellite, the need to replace the pump. The requirement would enter
Otto Auditor, the gatekeeper of the system. Otto would automatically query other
systems to determine if a bona fide purchase requirement exists.
First, Otto contacts Red E. Ness. Red addresses the requirement from a national
strategy perspective. Is the jet on which this pump is located going to be in the inventory
when the replacement part is required?

What is the importance of this jet in the

prioritization list? If the requirement passes the need verification, Red sends Otto a
message to proceed.

Otto simultaneously contacts the other resource systems,

Budge-It, Man-Per, and Add-R-Quit Space.

Budge-It assesses the units budget and determines funding availability at the time of
need. This system further makes decisions and performs calculations associated with the
purchase. For example, Budge-It may determine the unit does not have the appropriate
category of funds available to complete a transaction. It may then reallocate money from
one category to another to allow the purchase.


Man-Per addresses the need for someone to perform the work. Are the right skills
available in the appropriate place at the time the pump is scheduled for replacement?
Man-Per contacts all associated support systems to ensure that medical support is
available if someone is hurt while replacing the pump, that a fire station can support an
emergency, and so forth.
Add-r-Quit Space checks to see if the appropriate repair facility is available at the
right location when the pump needs replacement. If all systems are go, Otto contacts
Virt-U-Log who scans the globe to determine if the part is currently available. If this is a
high priority aircraft, a pump may be diverted from another repair site to replace this
pump. Is the system at the right place at the appropriate time? If not, the request would
return to Otto Auditor. Otto would perform a series of decisions. For example, is this
a normal replacement? If not, the system might decide to refer the request to a human
maintenance checker who would determine whether this required further investigation. If
not, the maintenance checker would electronically coordinate and refer the request back
to Otto.
Once the request has been validated, the Budge-It system would then allocate funds
for the purchase. Having coordinated, electronically, Budge-It would send the request
back to Otto. Otto would then execute many decisions to ensure the full coordination of
all concerned functions, processes, or departments. These decisions are processed in
milliseconds, with corrections and reviews made quickly. Human interface would be
required only when built-in systems signaled problems requiring intervention.4 The end
point for complications not remedied automatically would always be a human. This final
human intervention would ensure that nonstandard requests would not be tossed into a


computer trash can. Figure 3-2 graphically depicts the interactions of the future logistics
Human Analyst
Smart Part

New Start

Man Per *



FAR ther


Add R Quit
Red E. Ness

Done Deal



Dispose All

Trans Actor

Human Analyst



* Support

Figure 3-2 Battlespace Responsive Agile Integrated Network (BRAIN)

Upon completing its audit process, Otto would interface with a final Smart Parts
system. Smart Parts would determine if the requested part fulfills the need. For example,
it will determine if the pump fits the specific C-17 that ordered it. After ensuring that the
part to be ordered meets the requirements, the system will identify a supplier and
determine if that supplier proposes the best value.

After SmartParts identifies an

appropriate vendor and determines whether that vendor is able to provide the part at the
right time, it orders the part.
SmartParts would then interface with Trans-Actor. Trans-Actor would arrange to
have the part delivered to the right place at the right time. It would track the item from


time of receipt to time of delivery. Depending on part criticality, the details of tracking
may vary. For example, for highly critical items, the system would know from minute to
minute exactly where the item was. However, for less important items, Trans-Actor
would provide visibility only when the part changed hands. Delivery may either be by
organic or private sources. It would correspond with the aircraft to ensure that it was
going to the designated repair site on the scheduled day of repair. In the event the repair
site or schedule changes, Trans-Actor will reroute the part to a different location or alter
the delivery date accordingly.
The casual observer can quickly see that the key to success is automated, integrated
systems. Due to the global nature of transactions tomorrow, the systems will require
international integration. Provisions for helping less automated, yet otherwise qualified,
suppliers are necessary for the overall success of the bidding process. An on-line home
page, accessible to anyone, would be required to ensure that small businesses and small
countries with high-quality, low-cost items could compete in the system.

Human Generated Purchases

Authority verification for microchip purchases could be embedded in the microchip.
However, the verification for human-generated purchases would be more complex and
would require technology which is not currently used in personal computers. Computers
could be equipped with biologically sensitive computer eyeball printing, a process that

similar to fingerprinting. Humans have distinctive, one-of-a-kind patterns on their

eyeballs, just as they have unique fingerprints. Computers with eyeball printing capability
could verify that the purchaser is who he claims to be. A face recognition verification


system would provide a second check when a dual check system is required. This face
recognition system allows the computer to read the face and chemical makeup of
individuals as they walk in the room.
Once verification is complete, the user would prepare the order. This information
would be transmitted to Otto to ensure that, just as with the microchip, the individual is a
qualified person who has the authority to transact this purchase request.

New Acquisition Purchases

The concept of integrating all functions is as important as the process of buying new
weapon systems. As the acquisition process evolves from oversight to insight, a mental
shift to define what is required rather than how to perform must occur. No longer will
hordes of government engineers review and revise contractor plans. The scenario that
follows demonstrates the potential magnitude of the costs associated with todays
oversight. A notional systems program office could directly employ an average of 165
employees over a 15-year period. Using an average of $34,000 per employee, the salary
costs over the 15-year period would exceed $85M $5.6M per year. This figure does not
include employee benefits, support personnel, cost of travel, redesign, supplies, or
How, then can this be done? Rather than competing for project contracts every four
or five years, contractors would have full authority to manufacture the item and maintain
the system from cradle to grave. Rewards for timeliness, high performance, reliability,
and maintainability would be built into the contract. Likewise, stiff sanctions involving


suitability for future contracts and monetary penalties would be imposed on those who
fail to perform.
The bid solicitation process would be computerized. Before bids are released, all
organizations concerned, such as maintenance, budget, manpower, personnel, and supply,
would simultaneously review the computer generated bid.

Coordination would be

required within hours or days rather than weeks and months. Much of the review would
take place electronically. Again, human interface is only required if problems arise that
are beyond the problem-solving capability of the computer reviewers artificial
Submission of contractor bids would be required within days.
sophisticated bidder, training programs would be available.

For the less

All information and

specifications would be available electronically. Forms for bid submission would allow
bidders to simply and easily fill in the blanks. Standardized bid forms would speed up
evaluation after bid submission. BRAIN would recognize anomalies and they would be
tagged for human intervention.

Calculations will be automatically performed.


simplicity of the new bid system would streamline the workload and might increase

Materiel Management

A primary consideration in the logistics system of the future will be that of increased
reliability of replacement parts.

Improvements in reliability maintainability, and

deployability are indeed challenges to traditional logistics concepts.5 This dynamic is true
regardless of the future threats that aerospace forces will face in the next 30 years. A


magnitude of increased reliability would result in a decreased need for parts in inventory,
storage costs, time, and effort expended in testing for defective components


replacing critical parts. An example of this is cited in New World Vistas:

When a turbine disk is degraded by fatigue in the bore of the component
the whole disk is replaced at a cost of $40K. Considerable savings might
be affected by the use of new materials with improved properties and
production methods that are more reliable. Furthermore, changes in design
to permit replacement of only the degraded part of the component may
also lead to significant decreases in costs. In replacing F-16 damaged
fuselage frames a new alloy, Al-Li alloys, will be used. These new alloys
will be more reliable than the older alloys used originally. Also, these new
alloys have lower densities and hence, result in weight savings which is an
additional benefit.
Greater reliability of equipment and parts would also result in greater ease of monitoring
safety levels of stock.

Just-in-Time Logistics
The core competency of materiel management includes the functions of distribution,
movement, storage, preservation, and disposal.7 Just-in-time logistics capitalizes on the
distribution and movement functions by getting the right things to the end user exactly
when needed or as close to that time as possible. The warehousing function is there by
greatly reduced and the process is made more economical.
The first technology to address the logistics processes relevant in 2025 is that of a
just-in-time logistics system using a worldwide, satellite-based communication system.
The use of broad-band frequency sharing on existing satellite constellations would make
this feasible by eliminating the need for dedicated orbiting platforms. This concept is not

The US currently leases commercial satellites to augment existing frequency



In 2025, critical weapon systems and their supporting components will communicate
with a worldwide logistics system through the use of small integrated circuits.9
Transportation, rather than storage, will become paramount in delivering equipment and
supplies on time to the correct end-user.10 Taken individually, the capability of each chip
may not be great on a relative basis, but collectively these individual chips and the items
they are attached to can be monitored for usable shelf life, current stock status, and
location. Just-in-time logistics, coupled with the technology of parts that communicate
with the logistics system, will significantly reduce the quantities of stock sitting on shelves
awaiting issue.
These smart packages or replacement parts would talk to a new series of
satellites and their corresponding ground communication collection stations.


constellation of satellites would be deployed in groups of four: a


collector/communicator, a transmission-only slave, a constellation backup, and a

countermeasures/self-defense platform. Satellite communications must be enhanced to
support increases in bandwidth demands. This type of satellite-based logistics system
would require more bandwidth sharing.

This, along with other battlespace data

requirements, will place greater demands upon the communications capability of future
satellite systems. However, according to New World Vistas,
Current efforts in fiber networks and laser communications are examples
of areas where spacecraft and ground operations will benefit from
commercial advances. Data compression techniques provide virtual
bandwidth expansion and help minimize uplink requirements. Also,
protocol advances such as the demand assigned multiple access (DAMA)
will further enhance the capability of communication networks supporting
the space mission.11


Perhaps the satellite bandwidth sharing mentioned above will be integrated with the
2025 combat support thinking teams concept of virtual integrated planning and execution
resource system (VIPERS). This system allows the commander to quickly view and
assess the battlespace and, therefore, plan the theater campaign with much more

A fundamental component of VIPERS deals with responding to the

commanders need for the proper types and amounts of supplies and equipment needed to
execute the mission.

VIPERS relies on a constellation of advanced communication

satellites.12 Corresponding ground stations needed to interpret this data would exist
within theater at the headquarters for each service as well as at the unified commander in
chief (CINC) command level.
An example of how this system would work is illustrated by a weapons platform
discharging a precision guided munition.

When the weapon is discharged from the

platform, a computer chip on the weapon automatically and transmits a signal to BRAIN
via satellite. Thus, this munition reports itself as employed and no longer available for
use, and reports that a replacement may be needed in-theater. If the decision is to replace
the asset and there are none on the shelf, the requirement will be referred to the
acquisition process within BRAIN. If the unit has no funding or the system is unable to
complete the transaction for other reasons, the request would be referred to a human
analyst (fig. 3-2) for further consideration.
This concept can also be applied to various other consumable supplies to include
foodstuffs, personnel-related items such as clothing, and degradable medical supplies.
This type of robust capability will allow for more rapid response and logistics cycle times
and, thus, better support for the combatant commander.


Smart Package Technology/Trans-Actor

A derivation of this concept can be applied as a smart package. Large containers
or large parts such as aircraft engines could also be equipped with chips that sense the
packages or parts environment or status.13 When the materiel in the container needs to
be moved to the theater of operations, the Trans-Actor subsystem of BRAIN programs
the chip not only for its correct final destination but also the optimal path for reaching the
field and perhaps even the use to which the items are intended.
When the package or part deviates from its known path or use, or when there is an
unacceptable change in the packages contents, it would communicate this change to
BRAIN through the above-mentioned satellite network. Before releasing its contents, this
smart package would demand authentication from the customer and also tell the customer
the status of its contents and availability for use. Likewise this data would be downlinked
to the satellite network so that logistics headquarters would receive notice of the
packages arrival.
An added dimension of Trans-Actor is the ability to have parts delivered to the right
place at the right time. Trans-Actor would correspond with the delivering vehicle to
ensure that it was going to the designated resupply or repair site at exactly the
predesignated time. If a delivery conflict developed, this system would automatically
reroute the part to a different location or alter the delivery date accordingly.


Building up the Foundation

The developing technologies for truly just-in-time logistics are here now. Our current
system of GPS satellites (fig. 3-3), along with our current mobile satellite tracking station
would have to be upgraded to the next generation of applicable software.

Figure 3-3. Global Positioning System Constellation

A system of radio tags that communicate with each other and to mobile and fixed
terminals is being developed by a California company. These labels could be attached to
containers and/or large pieces of equipment and instantly become inexpensive radio
beacons. These beacons would continually transmit the simple tag number to a smarter
tag actually within the container or piece of equipment. This internal tag would have the


manifest of the contents and directions for its shipping and disposition. These tags could
then be attached to a variety of sensors to measure temperature, tampering, or leaks.
This system would be susceptible to certain countermeasures. The GPS receiver
systems could be jammed or fed false data. Additionally, the receivers could theoretically
be subject to info wars techniques such as the introduction of viruses into their
software. The system would also be vulnerable if the enemy were able to decrypt the
downlinked data at any point in the transmission process. Of course, direct attack of the
satellite constellations by air-launched missiles or ground-based systems may be possible.
Possible counter countermeasures to such a system involves hardening communication
systems and making them more redundant. If one system fails, an alternate satellite
constellation is activated to ensure seamless transmission of data.
This proposed just-in-time logistics system has an inherent advantage of
equally useful in both wartime and peace.


The satellites are always in orbit and

functional the vast majority of the time.

Each theater of operation would, in theory, have a logistics center along with the
supporting satellite ground station. Logistics centers and the supporting ground satellite
centers could be CONUS-based or afloat in prepositioned areas. The potential exists to
use this logistics system on a daily basis to support global business. Our military would
lease or use parts of the system only as needed by our national command authorities. In
the future such sharing and recycling of scarce, expensive resources will help create a
more seamless military-industrial complex relationship.14 This is vital, considering how
unbearably expensive logistics systems have become.


Just-in-time logistics systems will have varying degrees of vulnerability in any level
of conflict. To reduce this vulnerability and provide some measure of redundancy, the
concept of assured delivery must be introduced.

Assured delivery simply acts as a

redundant subsystem of just-in-time to guarantee that emergency stockpiles of critical

items are always available to the war-fighting CINC. These stockpiles are at critical
secure points that could be used should the overall just-in-time system be interdicted or
interrupted. Undersea prepositioning, as described later in this paper, is an example of
one such protected critical point. While not totally invulnerable, assured delivery gives
the CINC some measure of logistical insurance.15
Another potential problem with just-in-time logistics arises from the reliance on just
one supplier or subcontractor to manufacture a needed part or subcomponent. A recent
example of this happening was the March 1996 strike by a General Motors brake
assembly plant in Dayton, Ohio. The shutdown idled a total of almost 167,000 workers
and halted production in 26 of General Motors 29 North American plants.16 To counter
these types of production shutdowns, redundancy should be introduced into the
manufacturing process by providing for multiple suppliers of key components whenever

Reverse Logistics
The idea of environmentally correct warfare will undoubtedly be important in the
future. One of the necessary components of materiel management will involve the proper
disposal and/or recycling of a large number of the items used in the battlespace of the

The materials used by the aerospace power of the future may be significantly


more toxic than those used today.

If so, society will demand their proper disposal.

Sherri Wasserman Goodman, under secretary for environmental security, stated to

Congress in 1994 that, at first notion a green weapon system may seem absurd, but in
reality it is not. Those systems spend most of their lives in a peacetime role and often
remain in the inventory for 30 years or more.

During that time maintenance and

refurbishment performed by contract and at our industrial depots use large quantities of
hazardous materials and generate large quantities of waste.17 This trend will certainly

The materials manager in the year 2025 must learn from the example of

industry and also concurrently develop environmentally benign methods to dispose of

outdated weapon systems and their infrastructures.
A maturing concept that will help in the reverse logistics process of the future is the
life-cycle assessment (LCA). This concept displays an acceptance by manufacturers of
their willingness to share responsibility for the environmental burden of a product from
initial design to final disposal.18
Life-cycle assessment goes beyond mere superficial environmental improvements
targeted at the disposal phase. This process is a snapshot in time of total system inputs
and outputs involved with a weapon system, process, or related activity.


assessment is expensive but is thought to be effective. It is composed of three separate

but interrelated components: life-cycle inventory, life-cycle impact analysis, and lifecycle improvement analysis.19
The pollutant universe that LCA will attempt to deal with is shown below in figure


Figure 3-4. Pollutant Universe

Groundwork for environmentally sensitive systems of the future is being laid now.
The Armstrong Laboratory, specifically the Logistics Research Division, is currently
working on an Aerospace Generation Equipment (AGE) concept called Green AGE.
Once developed, DOD users will have effective AGE equipment with reduced
undesirable emissions.20 Much of this type of green work by the Air Force will have
far-reaching effects well into the next century.


Making items smaller has distinct logistical advantages.

Smaller items such as

micro-MREs (meals ready to eat) and smaller, lighter munitions are cheaper and easier
to store and transport.21 Such items would require a less complex logistics system and
allow greater ease of transportation. In the future, transportation capability will always
be a critical constraint.
Advancements in explosives development may soon allow for weapons with as much
as ten times the destructive force of todays weapons while weighing only ten percent as
much as current weapons.22 The logistics trail of such smart munitions will certainly be
smaller and less complex due to reduced handling requirements and much less space
needed for transportation.
Micro-MREs are self-contained meals the size of a vitamin pill that contain all
essential nutrition and calories to sustain a person for a 24-hour period (fig. 3-5).23 This
would obviously help in battlespace logistics with storage and shipping requirements as
well as a lighter load for the individual soldier, sailor, marine, or airman. Advances in
nutrition and food packaging should make this technology possible by 2025.
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is doing considerable
research on foods for space flights, especially that intended for their extended-duration
orbiter (EDO) missions.24 As expected, weight and volume are critical factors for every
piece of hardware placed onboard the shuttle orbiter. As a result, the weight allowed for
food is limited to 3.8 pounds per person per day which also includes one pound of
packaging material needed for each individual.25


NASAs research to make foodstuffs more weight-and-volume efficient includes

work on rehydratable items that use water made from the orbiters fuel cell system, which
produces electricity by combining hydrogen and oxygen.

Ongoing work involves

thermostabilized (using heat to destroy deleterious microorganisms and enzymes),

intermediate moisture (foods containing 15-30 percent water) and irradiated foods to
reduce the overall bulk of needed meals.26 The logistician of the future will surely be able
to capitalize on these concepts to feed the troops as well as to help reduce the overall
logistics footprint.

Figure 3-5. Food Pill

The only countermeasure to the small smart bomb lies within the development of
new, extremely strong shielding materials.

There are no countermeasures to the

micro-MRE except that they should probably not be used on a routine basis due to morale


Both of these technologies could be employed basically as they are today. The idea
of miniaturization could be applied in both joint and combined environments in peace and
during war. Also, both of these concepts could be easily used in the just-in-time logistics
concept mentioned above. Fewer people would be needed to handle smaller and lighter
equipment and/or supplies. Therefore, a simpler and smaller logistics system could be

Virtual Materials Manager

Visualization technology for the logistician of the future will permit human-centered
aspects of system operation and maintenance to be simulated and fully verified before
hardware is produced.27 The keys to this virtual world are digitization of product and
supply data along with more low-cost computing power.
This technology will allow certain aspects of logistics to be modeled with much
greater realism and larger consequence than ever before. An example might be the
movement of military material through aerial ports that could be simulated graphically to
identify bottlenecks, optimize warehouse space and resource utilization, and manage air
and ground transportation functions. This modeling could also allow logisticians to have
real time pictures of the status of critical cargo items in transit, port and depot operations,
and airlifter/sealifter locations across the globe.
The benefits of the logistician of the future using visualization technology can be
directly tied to logistics planning. The reduction of the weight/volume of logistics support
needed for deployment will be a requirement in more than one alternative future
indicated in the 2025 study. In the past, logistics support was a push phenomenon that


moved thousands of equipment/supply items toward an end user regardless of specified

demand. This ensured a high degree of readiness at a very high cost. Logistics simulation
based on virtual reality will help to develop a more efficient pull process that allows
specific items to be dispatched and tracked separately, that is, just-in-time to be


Transportation plays a crucial role in our efforts to logistically facilitate a

commanders strategy rather than constrain it. Simply stated, transportation is the means
by which we get things from where they are at to where theyre needed.


straightforward is the objective of any transportation system; getting things from where
they were to where theyre needed faster and cheaper-faster because other events or
processes are typically delayed until the arrival of the thing being transported and cheaper
because of decreasing dollars available to support an increasingly transportationdependent military. Three basic drivers of any transportation system are (1) how much
material requires transportation, (2) how far the material needs to be transported, and (3)
how fast a mode of transportation can deliver the material.

Our Feet Are Too Big

Current transportation requirements are based on a prerequisite for large amounts of
personnel, equipment, and consumables in order to employ the military instrument of
power. To the extent possible, this requirement, or dependence, should be reduced.


Regardless of how the future looks in 2025, it is safe to assume that we will benefit from
reducing the amount of people, equipment, and consumables requiring transportation in
order to exert our will.
Reductions in the weight associated with military presence, whether for warfighting
or operations other than war, reduce our logistics footprint and hence the overall
transportation time required. Essentially, reducing the transportation requirement allows
existing transportation systems to achieve both the faster and cheaper objectives.
Actual methods of reducing the weight of the transportation requirement, or reducing
the ton portion of a CINCs ton-miles per day requirement, will not be discussed under
this transportation section. Reducing the weight of the transportation requirement is only
offered conceptually, to underscore the fact that multiple avenues for increasing the
responsiveness of transportation exist.

Closer Is Quicker
To the extent the weight requiring transportation cannot be reduced, we can attempt
to reduce the distance over which the weight must be transported. Reducing the miles
variable in the ton-miles per day transportation metric reduces the time required to
receive equipment and consumables in-theater. Concepts related to reducing the distance
over which the weight must be transported are essentially variations of materiel

Although primarily material management methods, the issues are

addressed here because the deployment and recovery of prepositioned materiel are
dependent upon transportation systems.


The first concept is undersea prepositioned materiel.


Vast amounts of materiel

currently stored afloat prepositioning ships and prepositioned overseas in warehouses

could be stored on the ocean floor off the coast of a region of potential use.


vulnerability of the stockpiled equipment to enemy attack would be reduced compared to

current prepositioning as would the long-term costs of leasing ships and warehouses.
Deployment of the materiel to its underwater location would be done using selfpropelled smart containers capable of guiding themselves to their final destination after
being dropped from their transport system. The drop-off transport service could be
provided by any conceivable mode: ship, aircraft, or lighter-than-air (LTA) craft. In any
case, the actual drop-off would be conducted covertly to guard the location of the
underwater prepo. Ships would be modified to deploy containers internally below the
water line. Aircraft would deploy containers from low altitude or drop stealthy containers
from high altitudes.

Stealthy, heavy-lift, LTA craft could deploy containers and

subsequently recover them for intratheater direct delivery under conditions of air
superiority.30, The containers themselves would become intermodal transportation
systems capable of navigating to their underwater destination using onboard systems and

Upon activation for use, the underwater containers would maneuver to

rendezvous with a recovery platform or transport themselves to a beach or port.

Another variation of propositioned materiel is the use of spaceborne modules
containing light-weight, mission-essential items.31 Energy cells, which could serve as
ammunition or fuel, would be stored and recharged in space using solar panels built into
the container/reentry vehicle. Critical, miniaturized spare parts, medical supplies, and
dehydrated food could be stored in space and arrive directly where needed. Within


minutes of request by the user, BRAINs Otto Auditor and Trans-Actor systems would
react. The containers would be intermodal with space transport systems such as the Titan
IV system shown in figure 3-6. They would be capable of self-guidance and delivery to a
precise location when called upon.

Figure 3-6. Titan IV Rocket and PayloadSpaceborne Prepo?

The space module could deliver its entire contents to one location or direct subdeliveries, depending upon the request. Materials too heavy for transport into space
could be manufactured in space from spaceborne resources or debris and stored in an
orbit which minimizes transit time.32


Think Huge
Beyond reductions in the weight of the materiel requiring transportation and
reductions in the distance over which the materiel must be transported, the transportation
system itself is called upon to move things faster and cheaper.

With respect to

transportation platforms, moving things faster calls for some combination of more
platforms, larger payloads, and reduced transit times. Specific transportation concepts are
not developed under the logistics section since this subject is covered by the air mobility
thinking team. Additionally, the Trans-Actor system would be programmed to arrange
the most efficient combination of transportation modes based upon the situation. Those
transportation concepts that were submitted as part of the 2025 study and were
considered relevant to logistics, are discussed in appendix A.


Considering the guidance contained in Joint Vision 2010, Americas Military:

Shaping the Future, and the current trends, depot-level maintenance will be privatized in
the future. The Air Force supports an amendment to change current legislation (which
requires that 60 percent of depot maintenance be performed in-house) to allow for more
outsourcing. In 2025, most depot-level work will be performed by private contractors.
Base-level or intermediate-level maintenance will remain within the service, with a
renewed emphasis on ensuring that mission-essential systems are maintained in combatready condition.


Given the increasing costs of fielding new aircraft, extending the operational life of
existing weapons platforms will result in retention of aircraft built during the later part of
the twentieth century.

For example, according to the New World Vistas report on

materials for the twenty-first century, the C/KC-135, B-52, and C-130 are projected for
use well beyond 2025 (table 1).33 Maintenance of aircraft of this "vintage," coupled with
the requirement to support new systems for air and space travel, offers unique challenges.
Table 1.
Fleet Life Extension

Number of



















(20 years or older)











Challenges relating to an aging aircraft inventory include the replacement or repair of

damaged components on the aging systems, countering the effects of the deterioration
and corrosion process, and ensuring that the level of maintenance expertise is preserved.
These challenges will be minimized through the use of innovative ways of improving
reliability and maintainability of new and replacement parts.


Additionally, improved

materials, smart systems, and methodology designed to provide the maintenance

technician the most comprehensive and up-to-date database, will be essential.

Improved Reliability and Maintainability

Newly developed aircraft will embody more reliable and maintainable systems and
equipment. Therefore, intermediate-level maintenance should decrease. As a result,
life-cycle costs will become far more reasonable. Aircraft and weapons systems will
require far less supply support for parts, fewer personnel for repairs, and less time out of
service for maintenance.
Since first implemented in the mid-1990s, the Reliability and Maintainability (R&M)
2000 program has resulted in significant reductions in the cost of integrated logistics

This program gave reliability and maintenance the same weight as cost,

schedule, and performance requirements during new weapon acquisitions and

modifications to existing systems.
Under incentive by contracts, vendors have offered more reliable systems and

These contracts have already resulted in reductions in maintenance

requirements for current systems. For example, as a result of modifications and upgrades
under this program, the B-52 mission-capable rate went from 38 percent in the early
1980s to over 81 percent during Desert Storm.34
Along with improved reliability, system designers must emphasize interoperability in
parts and components to further reduce the logistics footprint.

As new systems are

fielded, composite material enhancements must be incorporated into maintenance on the

aging systems to extend their usefulness.


Modular Design
The development of modular aircraft, coupled with highly reliable and easily
maintained systems, will minimize logistics requirements and simplify maintenance needs.
By capitalizing on modular propulsion and, avionics, and weapon-and flight-control
systems, manufacturers will design aircraft that can be easily configured to meet specific
missionseven within the battlespace.35 By standardizing systems as much as possible,
we will realize significant savings through reduced production line retooling.
Another promising concept for streamlining maintenance requirements is a proposed
redesign of AGE using a modular methodology. The AGE would be designed with all
common systems (air compressors, generators, and hydraulics) combined in the same unit.
Systems would be designed as modules that could be quickly and easily removed and
replaced, allowing for rapid repair or reconfiguration for differing aircraft. Two major
benefits of this system are more commonality between bases and less equipment
processing during mobility exercises.36

Lean Logistics
"Lean logistics" is another current initiative that is contributing to an overall decrease
in intermediate maintenance requirements this initiative will prove valuable through 2025.
One of the essential premises of lean logistics encourages the use of current business
practices which have proven successful in commercial application.

For example,

fostering closer partnerships with suppliers results in a smoother pipeline for parts and
support. Today, a benefit of improved relationships has been the move away from
maintaining large inventories of spare parts.


Successes in this area would influence aerospace repair facilities to cease reliance on
mass production methods and to adopt simpler, more integrated production systems.37
The aerospace forces can move away from the costly and redundant just-in-case ideology
to the newer and more practical just-in-time philosophy. However, the concept of lean
logistics does not preclude stocking a safety level of critical items necessary to ensure the
crucial level of readiness required by the Armed Forces.
To fully realize the benefits of a truly lean logistics system, we need to develop both
long-term business relationships with suppliers and a more robust capability to fabricate
replacement parts internally.

Employing CAD and computer-aided manufacturing

(CAM) techniques along with the use of "intelligent" materials which are capable of
adapting themselves for use will be critical to on-the-spot fabrication.

Locally Manufactured Parts

The use of CAD and CAM coupled with new and improved materials will allow
intermediate maintenance facilities to reduce their dependence on the supply system for
parts. A critical component of the acquisition process and subsequent Integrated Logistic
Support provided by BRAIN is the requirement to acquire all data relating to
specifications, materials, and processes associated with the manufacture of parts when
they are initially acquired. This information is subsequently available to the technician
through the Virtu-Log subsystem of BRAIN. Consequently, in 2025, each facility will
have the maintenance history and drawings for each and every part.
Intelligent materials, both composite and plastic, will be used to fabricate parts. A
working group headed by Charles Owen has created computer-generated representations


of uses for "nanoplastics." This material is based on the concept of theoretical fusion of
the traditional field of plastics and that of nanotechnology. The field of nanotechnology
is where microscopic machines and other objects are constructed atom-by-atom.
Computers the size of a blood cell would be contained within nonplastic
material, giving objects enormous processing power ("intelligence").
Sensors and emitters would be constructed to absorb and transmit
pressure, sound, and nearly the entire electromagnetic spectrum. These
would provide nanoplastic materials with the ability to sense their
surroundings and to respond with physical change or the transmission of
sound, light, heat, or other emissions.
The New World Vistas white paper on materials provides another method of
composite fabrication that involves the direct spray-up of molten metal droplets onto a
final shape to provide rapid solidification.39 Further research in these two areas may
significantly enhance the ability of 2025 technicians to fabricate replacement parts

Robotics Technology
Automated, or robotic, systems should streamline maintenance functions. Today, a
robot system called the automated aircraft rework system (AARS) is being used to
remove several types of fasteners on F-15s at Warner Robins AFB.

Designed and

integrated by Mercer Engineering Research Center (MERC), this system locates,

identifies, maps, and removes wing fasteners.

After workers repair or replace wing

panels, AARS drills holes and reinstalls the fasteners. This automated system can do in
one day, what it used to take a team of technicians one week to accomplish.40
A "machine vision system" locates, identifies, and sends data to a control computer.
The computer stores a map of the wing. Using a form of artificial intelligence, the robot


decides whether to unfasten or drill a screw.

A laser system keeps the tooling

perpendicular to the wing. Given the success of this system, similar systems will be
developed in the future to include routine functions such as changing tires, brakes, and
lubrication. The cost of building new aircraft will be significantly affected by this new

Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence

A developing technologyneural networksmay provide a revolutionary capability
for maintenance diagnostics that will significantly affect logistics support. Neural nets
develop diagnostic strategies by learning from past experience with the system. Today,
there is no system capable of accomplishing maintenance using this technology.41
However, in 2025, the maintenance technician will couple his or her own experience with
that of a neural network diagnostic system to cut maintenance time and costs.
Troubleshooting technicians will use programs that analyze the problem and the
maintenance history of the equipment. These programs will then perform diagnostic tests
and make maintenance recommendations to the repair technicians.
The system would assess parts availability and order whatever was needed to repair
the system or component. Each aircraft or weapon system would have a record much the
same as a medical chart. With each visit to the hospital/maintenance facility, any tests,
diagnoses, repairs, or installations of new or reworked parts would be entered on this
record. For each piece of equipment, the record would be available to any technician
anywhere in the world or in space.


Another important area of maintenance at the intermediate and local level is that of
processing engineering and maintenance changes to existing systems. Technicians need
up-to-date information regarding processes, parts, and supply support. The information
system supporting this process should to ensure immediate system response.


changes must be made to all data basesand data must be audited globally for accuracy
and synchronization. Our neural network will integrate automated support tasks such as
those described above.

Smart Parts
Another means of reducing the logistics footprint from maintenance requirements
involves using information systems to analyze existing data to establish spare parts
inventory levels. For example, by using chips in parts (making them smart parts), we
could make each and every spare part a part of the information system.42 Chips could be
used in key components of aircraft to tell us when they have reached a true point for
maintenance needs.
Smart part aircraft would continuously run diagnostics upon themselves. These parts
would have the ability to link into the BRAIN system to assess replacement availability in
the event of pending failure. At any time, even during flight, when the part anticipates a
problem or the end of its useful life, it would report itself as failing and would
automatically "check" the system for replacement. When the system landed, the ground
maintenance personnel would analyze the automated report to determine the health of the
system. In the event of a failure or pending failure, the supply request would already
have been generated and timely repair could be accomplished.


Simple measures, such as total stress or total cycles, would be more effective
measures than today's which made use of airframe or engine hours.

Other useful

parameters are mean time between corrective maintenance actions, mean time to repair,
mean requisition response time, and gross effectiveness.

Proper analysis of these

parameters could result in significant inventory-levels reductions.43

Virtual Reality
Virtual reality (VR) will provide the means to make maintenance technicians
capabilities virtually limitless. With the requirement to maintain aging aircraft as well as
state-of-the-art systems both at home base and when deployed, the maintenance
technician will require an encyclopedic level of knowledge.

Not only will VR be a

valuable training tool to initially train technicians; it will be a valuable tool on the
battlespace when technician could be faced with problems they have never encountered
before.44 By using VR technology, we can make training realistic. It would be the next
best thing to actual "hands-on" experience.
A virtual reality library that contains complete information for every system would
be easily transported to the battlespace. This information would provide a visual 3-D
picture, complete with audio guidance on every platform and system in use. This system
would enable maintenance technicians to assess battle damage by comparing the damaged
component or system to one in perfect working order. Because VR is interactive, the
technician could query the system to learn how to repair or replace things. Virtual reality
will enable every technician in the battlespace to effect repair on any system.


Interface with Combat Readiness Systems

The logistics system of the future will provide a direct link to the system that measures
unit readiness. This system measures unit readiness in many categories and for different
missions (see Combat Readiness white paper). When a system is down for
maintenance, whether routine or emergency, the logistics database will provide the
necessary information to the readiness system. The commander will be provided an
estimated time for repair and notification of any supply support problems that may impact
the process.


News From AFAR 1, no. 3 (June 1995 special): 1.

USAF Scientific Advisory Board, New World Vistas: Air and Space Power for the
21 Century (unpublished draft, the materials volume, 15 December 1995), 24.
Nicholas Negroponte, Being Digital (New York: Vintage Books, 1996), 207.
Ibid., 93.
Lt Col James C. Rainey, Air Force Logistics Management Agency, interview with
authors, 7 February 1996.
New World Vistas, (unpublished draft, the materials volume), 2.
EOS Technologies, Inc, for the Army Space Institute, 1990 Space Support in MidIntensity Conflict, in Maj Pat Battles, ed., Theater Air Campaign Studies, (Maxwell
AFB, Ala.: Air Command and Staff College, 1995), 306.
2025 Concept, No. 900672, Integrated Logistical Sustainment, 2025 Concepts
Database (Maxwell AFB, Ala.: Air War College/2025, 1996).
New World Vistas, (unpublished draft, the space technology volume), 68.
Lt Col Gregory Miller, et al, The Virtual Integrated Planning and Execution
System: The High Ground of 2025, Project 2025 white paper, 21 March 1996.
2025 Concept, No. 200019, Smart Packages, 2025 Concepts Database (Maxwell
AFB, Ala.: Air War College/2025, 1996).
2025 Logistics Thinking Team Briefing to Scientific Advisory Board, 7 February
Dr Paul F. McManamon, Air Force Scientific Advisory Board (Assessors), briefing
to Air Force Scientific Advisory Board, 27 March 1996.




Neal Templin, GM Strike Hits Mexican Output as Talks on Settlement Resume

Wall Street Journal, 20 March 1996.
New World Vistas, (unpublished draft, the materials volume), 38.
Ibid, 44.
Ibid, 46.
Logistics Research Division, Armstrong Laboratory, Wright-Patterson AFB, staff
presentation document, March 1996.
2025 Concept, No. 900510, Micro MREs, 2025 Concepts Database (Maxwell
AFB, Ala.: Air War College/2025, 1996).
2025 Concept, No. 900233, The very small, very smart bomb, 2025 Concepts
Database (Maxwell AFB, Ala.: Air War College/2025, 1996).
2025 Concept, No. 900510, Micro MREs, 2025 Concepts Database (Maxwell
AFB, Ala.: Air War College/2025, 1996).
Food For Space Flight, NASA Facts, (Internet source), NASA home page, http:
Notes, S&T Issue: Visualization Technology For Logistics, Mr. Bertram Creme,
Armstrong Laboratory, Logistics Research Division, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH
2025 Concept, No. 900401, Undersea Prepositioned Material, 2025 Concepts
Database (Maxwell AFB, Ala.: Air War College/2025, 1996).
2025 Concept, No. 200038, Super-Airship Military Transports, 2025 Concepts
Database (Maxwell AFB, Ala.: Air War College/2025, 1996); 2025 Concept, No. 200076,
Very Large, Heavy Lift Transports, 2025 Concepts Database (Maxwell AFB Ala.: Air
War college/2025, 1996)
2025 Concept, No. 900265, Space Storage Modules To Establish Space-sourced
Air Drop Capability, 2025 Concepts Database (Maxwell AFB, Ala.: Air War
College/2025, 1996).
2025 Concept, No. 200225, Spaced Based Manufacturing and Recycling System,
2025 Concepts Database (Maxwell AFB, Ala.: Air War College/2025, 1996).
New World Vistas, (unpublished draft, the materials volume), 29.
Lt Col Michael R. Van House, A Proposal to Restructure the Logistics Group,
Air Force Journal of Logistics, (Summer 1995), 32.
2025 Concept, No. 900380, "Modular Aircraft, 2025 Concepts Database
(Maxwell AFB, Ala.: Air War College/2025, 1996).
2025 Concept, No. 900539, "Aerospace Ground Equipment (AGE) Redesign,"
2025 Concepts Database (Maxwell AFB, Ala.: Air War College/2025, 1996).




I.K. Cohen et al, Lean Logistics, A More Responsive, Robust, and Affordable
System, RAND Report DRR 630-AF, (January 1994).
Kevin McGuinness, NANOPLASTICS-How Intelligent Materials May Change
Our Homes" The Futurist, January-February 1995; 50.
New World Vistas, (unpublished draft, the materials volume), 65.
Staff Writer, "A Robot Wings It, Mechanical Engineering, (April 1995), 3.
Application of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) to Aircraft Diagnostics,
(Internet source), AL/HRGO homepage, Worldwide Web.
2025 Concept, No. 900611, "Smart Parts," 2025 Concepts Database (Maxwell
AFB, AL: Air War College/2025, 1996).
"Readiness Base Sparing Assessment," (Internet source),
Nicholas Negroponte, Being Digital, (New York: Vintage Books, 1996), 215.


Chapter 4

Concept of Operations

Our vision is of a logistics system of systems that provides total asset visibility yet is
transparent to the regional commander in chief by facilitating rather than constraining
strategy. This vision is best illustrated with a notional vignette.


How are my birds tonight, Sue? The second shift of unmanned aerial vehicle
(UAV) flyers were making their way into the control room and Maj Helms was preparing
to take over Sues spot at the controls.
Started with four, ended with four, replied 1Lt Sue Sloan, the Air Forces only
UAV flyer with a confirmed air-to-air kill.
Howd the first flight on the new model go? asked Maj Helms. Those new smart
parts give you any trouble?
Hardly! In fact, theyre the reason youve got a four-ship flight and full coverage
tonight. About two hours into the sortie, I got an ether message from Otto Auditor, the
gate keeper of that BRAIN thing it told me were authorized to manufacture and install a
new wing-form actuator circuit at Samsongs expense. Funny thing is, it was just an info

copy to me, explaining how the bird itself, tail number 2025, had requested the new
circuit, received contractor funding for the warranted part, scheduled the installation, and
arranged for disposal of the old part.
Well Sloan, now I know why they limit our time on the console, because youre not
making any sense to me. I think youve been staring at the old CRT a little too long.
See for yourself, sir. Use the gloves after you authenticate and go virtual. Then
grab the new bird.
Slow down Sue, you know I dont like these virtual reality gloves. Major Helms
grudgingly pulled on the VR gloves and grumbled a terse human factors evaluation, You
cant eat fried chicken with these things on. With the gloves on, and his authentication
complete, Major Helms furrowed his eyebrows and said, All right, theyre on and Im in.
Who are all these people, Sue?
Well, theyre not really people, sir. They represent the systems our new birds been
talking to. Spill the graphical history bucket and you can see everything that happened in
about a one-minute animation. There, see how the smart part detected that the wing-form
actuator circuit was out of spec and reconfigured the card to compensate?
Yeah, its supposed to, isnt it Sue?
Sure, but look what happened next. The smart part tells Otto to come up with a
replacement. Otto, the gatekeeper for the logistics system of systems they call BRAIN,
then validates the smart parts request and talks to Red E. Ness to establish our priority,
Budge-It to see if theres money, Man-Per to ensure weve got the people to change out
the part, and Add-r-Quit Space to see if weve got the facilities to change the part.
Meanwhile, Red talks to FAR-Ther and Done Deal, the acquisition and contracting


systems, and figures out the circuit is still under warranty. Not only that, but our priority
is so high, Trans-Actor says we can make the part in the agile manufacturing unit (AMU)
instead of dropping it in with tonights delivery.

So, Red has Samsong beam the

manufacturing file to the AMU and the part is made in the field at their expense.
Hey, whered the old part go, Sue?
Sir, it dropped out of the bird and into Dispose-All, who arranges for repair, return,
or disposal.
Well all right Sue, so now machines have complete control?
Not completely sir, see that guy over there?
Yeah, whos he, another system represented by one of your people graphics? By
the way Lt Sloan, I think your virtual reality icons are a little too . . .
User friendly sir? Their all within reg, but I can make them more user unfriendly if
you like.
Never mind, just tell me what system that old guy over there looking down on us
Thats not a system sir. He represents the human analysts who oversee the system
and work out conflicts the systems cant solve.
Oh! Well, that seems like a good idea. I suppose you could have asked the analyst
to work your wing doufer problem?
Not likely sir, Otto sent me the ether message summarizing everything that had
happened twelve seconds after the smart part requested the new part. And he wasnt
even sweating.


Yes Sir, the Otto icon sweats if your task uses more than two tenths of a percent of
total throughput . . .
OK Sloan, I get the picture. Now I want to fly jets. Ive got a mission to do, you
know. Major Helms was settling into the console when he shook the sensor-cueing
device and said, Ive got it.
Pardon me, sir? Lieutenant Sloan wasnt sure what the Major meant by that and
she certainly wasnt convinced he had a handle on all the features of the new bird, let
alone the BRAIN it interacted with.
Oh never mind, Sue. Hey, whens all this new stuff gonna make our job any
Consider it done sir! she answered.
This scenario represents a problem that was completely solved through use of the
automated features of BRAIN. Human intervention was not required in this instance;
however, with a minor change to the scenario, we can demonstrate a human interface.
In the revised scenario, the part is no longer under warranty and there are no funds
available to fix or replace it.

At that point, the analyst with logistics oversight

responsibility for Lt Sloans organization would become involved and communicate with
the budgeteer responsible for funding Lt Sloans equipment. If they determined that
the requirement was sufficiently critical, they would reprogram funds to pay for it. The
analyst would update the system and Budge-It would reflect the new funding.


Chapter 5


Despite the changed political, economic, and technical environments of 2025, the
mission of providing logistics support for air and space forces remains constant. What
does change in 2025 is the logistics process for providing that support. The process will
be responsive, automated, and integrated. It will be so routine that it will not present a
persistent worry to the CINC, who may be tasked with missions ranging from
humanitarian relief to total war.
Whether the logistics mission of the future is service-specific, DOD general, or
contracted out is irrelevant. Survival of the logistics process depends on taking advantage
of the technologies discussed and on developing an automated system which provides
instantaneous, automated, cross-talk capabilities among functions.

A System of Systems

The logistics system of systemsBRAINis fully automated.

It seamlessly

integrates all phases of the logistics process. It provides the operator total visibility of all
assets from cradle (acquisition) to grave (disposal). Commanders can rest, assured that all
platforms they require will perform.

They will know that their equipment will be


supported by well-trained personnel who have the necessary parts, equipment, and
facilities readily available. Improved reliability and interoperability of systems and their
replacement parts will reduce downtime and requirements for routine maintenance.


No longer will a requisition fall into the black hole. The excuse, the part is on
order with no specified delivery date disappears. Smart parts will self-diagnose problems
and automatically generate reorders. Smart parts, agile manufacturing, and a just-intime partnership with industry will provide rapid resupply capability.
The foundations for the systems and processes described herein are being explored
today. The BRAIN system relies heavily on advancements in the areas of artificial
intelligence, connectivity of automated systems, and hardened communications

Many initiatives throughout government and private industry seek to

improve these technologies.

Agile manufacturing techniques that use lasers and molecular materials are under
development in military and commercial labs. The ability to manufacture on the spot
provides an added dimension of flexibility and holds great promise for future
employment. Virtual reality is another hot technological commodity. The potential uses
for this capability are being explored on many planes. The amusement industry has
embraced the concept and is providing creative games to stimulate the imagination of
youngsters. The military is already providing virtual aircraft mock-ups to test aircraft



While these technologies are critical to a successful logistics system in 2025,

changing the attitudes within the communities that interface with the logistics community
will be the essential first step.
A fully integrated logistics system will upset many rice bowls. Todays functional
stovepipes create a disjointed and counterproductive logistics process. The success of the
logistics process depends upon a radical change in the way all disciplines adapt to sharing
information and that they accept a different way of doing business. Strong, decisive
leadership is required to break down functional barriers. However, once these barriers
are destroyed, a new road leading to an enhanced logistics process must be paved.


The initial investment will be great, both in terms of changing the hierarchy and the
cost of buying the hardware, software, and training to support the system. The payoff
will be enormous in terms of reduced staffing, costs, and efforts to support the aerospace
forces of 2025. The overall cost can be reduced by delaying implementation of a new
system until after the required technologies have been proven in other areas. By waiting,
we may be able to adapt commercially available systems to a military application. This
must be weighed against the cost of lost opportunity.


Skills Mix

Skills requirements within the aerospace forces will shift substantially.


requirement for hands on contracting personnel is substantially reduced. Most pricing,

bid solicitation, and analysis are performed electronically.

Experienced acquisition

professionals will still be required to solve problems the system cannot address. The
increased use of computers, the need for complex software, problems arising from system
integration, and a greater need for computer security may result in a shift from traditional
logistics disciplines to personnel with skills in the areas of computers, operations analysis,
and communications security. Additionally, staffing levels for materiel management will
allow one person to manage many more items than they can currently manage.


In conclusion, we must develop a computerized system that is fully responsive to

commander needs. We must capitalize on the emerging technologies. We must integrate
all functions in the logistics chain. A commander may have all of the newest technology
to accomplish any mission in the future; however, without an automated, fully integrated
logistics support system, he may be limited by the same challenges he faces today. The
expense of implementation can be minimized by procuring technologies developed by
By integrating the system we have described with the new weapons and aircraft that
will be available in 2025, the Commander will always be able to report to the President,
Consider it done!


Appendix A

Lift Platform Concepts

Additional lift platforms could be acquired through the development of a low-cost,

lighter-than-air craft or a modular, multimission aircraft. As an extension of earlier LTA
accomplishments (such as the US-built dirigible Akron, launched in 1931 with a gross
lifting power of over 200 tons), a modern LTA craft could be designed. It would use
lighter but stronger materials and miniaturized equipment to significantly reduce the
empty weight of the craft and achieve useful lift capabilities of 100 tons.1 Additionally,
the lower cost of the LTA craft, loosely estimated to be one-twelfth the cost of modern
cargo aircraft, would allow for larger numbers of these craft to be acquired for the same
Similarly, the modular medium-lift aircraft concept calls for a multimission-capable,
high-aspect-ratio, flying-wing aircraft. The aircraft would serve as an airlifter, tanker, or
strike platform, as needed, depending on the type of load module installed. Load modules
would be completely intermodal, thus ensuring compatibility with other transportation
platforms. Potentially, the multimission-capable aircraft could allow for an increase in the


number of aircraft apportioned to airlift and refueling during the lodgment and
redeployment phases of a campaign.
Increased transport payloads could be possible through use of wing, in-ground-effect
(WIGE) technology (fig. A-1).3

Figure A-1. Conceptual Wing in-Ground-Effect Aircraft4

The largest known WIGE aircraft was produced by Russias Central Hydrofoil Design


is a





Advancements in materials and engine efficiencies could allow extremely large payloads.
With near-real-time meteorological and sea-state data, these heavy-lift platforms could
skim the oceans surface at very low altitudes and circumnavigate adverse weather


Concepts capable of enabling faster equipment transport include super-efficient

aircraft engines built from advanced materials using endothermic fuels and sophisticated,
intermodal, standoff cargo containers. These advanced engines could provide a
100-percent increase in thrust-to-weight ratio and a 50-percent reduction in fuel
consumption.6 Increasing the thrust and fuel efficiency of aircraft engines would allow
greater cargo loads and reduce the need for enroute refueling. Additionally,
sophisticated, intermodal, standoff cargo containers could eliminate the need for
transportation aircraft to land and unload their cargo. Future containers would be airdroppedand smart enough to navigate to a precise location on the ground.
Additionally, they would be capable of limited self-propelled ground movement, and selfloading on other transportation systems. Their contents could be determined by plugging
an information scanner into the containers data port or by initiating a holographic image
display. By eliminating the need to land the aircraft for unloading at its destination and
reducing the equipment required to handle the containers during aircraft loading and on
the ground, delivery time and costs could be reduced.


Lt Col Donald E. Ryan, The Airships Potential for Intertheater and Intratheater
Airlift, (Maxwell AFB, Ala.: Air University Press, June 1993), 6.
2025 Concept, no. 900499, Large Cargo Hauling Wing-In-Ground-Effect (WIGE)
Vehicles, 2025 Concepts Database (Maxwell AFB, Ala.: Air War College/2025, 1996).
USAF Scientific Advisory Board, New World Vistas: Air and Space Power for the
21 Century (unpublished draft, the materials volume, 15 December 1995), 24.
Jeffrey M. Lenorvitz, ARPA Team To Visit Russia For WIG Vehicle Study,
Aviation Week & Space Technology. (24 May 1993), 25.
New World Vistas, (unpublished draft, the materials volume), viii.


Air Force Scientific Advisory Board, briefing/interview with 2025 Logistics Thinking
Team, Maxwell AFB, Ala., 7 February 96.
Application of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) to Aircraft Diagnostics, AL/HRGO
home page, World Wide Web; Internet.
Bertram Creme, Armstrong Laboratory, Logistics Research Division, Wright-Patterson
AFB, Oh. S&T Issue: Visualization Technology For Logistics, (excerpts from
published works), February 1996.
Brandt, Craig M. (Dr.) et al. Logistics 2025, Changing Environments, Technologies, and
Processes. (unpublished work), Air Force Institute of Technology, WrightPatterson AFB, Ohio, 1996.
Cohen, I.K. and R. A. Eden. Lean Logistics: A More Responsive Robust and
Affordable System", RAND DRR 630-AF, January 1994.
EOS Technologies, Inc, for the Army Space Institute, 1990 Space Support in MidIntensity Conflict, edited by Maj Pat Battles: Air Command and Staff College,
Maxwell AFB, Ala., in Theater Air Campaign Studies, (1995): 306.
Food For Space Flight, in NASA Facts, (NASA home page), (cited 15 March 1996);; Internet.
James C. Rainey (Lt Col), interview by Logistics Thinking Team, Air Force Logistics
Management Agency, 14 February 1996.
Jeffrey M. Lenorvitz. ARPA Team To Visit Russia For WIG Vehicle Study, Aviation
Week & Space Technology (24 May 1993).
Joint Publication (JP) 4-0, Logistics. The Pentagon, Washington, D.C.: 1995.
Kelley, Jay W. (Lieutenant General, USAF). Brilliant Warrior. (unpublished work), Air
University, Maxwell AFB, Ala., 1996.
Lou Johnson (Lt Col), Armstrong Laboratory, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio,
presentation document, 14 March 1996.


McGuiness, Kevin. NANOPLASTICS - How Intelligent Materials May Change Our

Homes The Futurist (January-February 1995): 50.
Miller, Gregory (Lt Col) et al, The Virtual Integrated Planning and Execution System:
The High Ground of 2025. Project 2025 White Paper, Air University, Maxwell
AFB, Ala., March 1996.
Negroponte, Nicholas. Being Digital. New York: Vintage Books, 1996.

News From AFAR, vol. 1, no. 3 (June 1995 special), 1.

"Readiness Base Sparing Assessment,"; Internet.
Ryan, Donald E. (Lt Col). The Airships Potential for Intertheater and Intratheater
Airlift. Maxwell AFB, Ala.: Air University Press, June 1993.
Staff writer. Cargo 54, Where Are You ? The Economist (1995): 73-74.
Staff writer. A Robot Wings It Mechanical Engineering (April 1995): 3.
Tofler, Alvin, and Heidi Toffler, War and Anti-War. New York: Warner Books, Inc.,
USAF Scientific Advisory Board. New World Vistas: Air and Space Power for the 21
Century. Unpublished draft, the Materials Volume. 15 December 1995.


. New World Vistas: Air and Space Power for the 21 Century. Unpublished
draft, the Space Technology Volume. 15 December 1995.

Van House, Michael R. (Lt Col). A Proposal to Restructure the Logistics Group. Air
Force Journal of Logistics (Summer 1995): 32.
The Wall Street Journal, 20 March, 1996.
2025 Concept, no. 200019, Smart Packages, 2025 concepts database. Maxwell AFB,
Ala.: 1996.
2025 Concept, no. 200038, Super-Airship Military Transports, 2025 concepts database.
Maxwell AFB, Ala.: 1996.
2025 Concept, no. 200076, Very Large, Heavy Lift Transports, 2025 concepts
database. Maxwell AFB, Ala.: 1996.
2025 Concept, no. 200225, Spaced Based Manufacturing and Recycling System, 2025
concepts database. Maxwell AFB, Ala.: 1996.
2025 Concept, no. 900233, The very small, very smart bomb, 2025 concepts database.
Maxwell AFB, Ala.: 1996.
2025 Concept, no. 900265, Space Storage Modules To Establish Space-sourced Air
Drop Capability, 2025 concepts database. Maxwell AFB, Ala.: 1996.
2025 Concept, no. 900380, "Modular Aircraft, 2025 concepts database. Maxwell AFB,
Ala.: 1996.
2025 Concept, no. 900401, Undersea Prepositioned Material, 2025 concepts database.
Maxwell AFB, Ala.: 1996.
2025 Concept, no. 900499, Large Cargo Hauling Wing-In-Ground-Effect (WIGE)
Vehicles, 2025 concepts database. Maxwell AFB, Ala.: 1996.
2025 Concept, no. 900510, Micro MREs, 2025 concepts database. Maxwell AFB, Ala.:
2025 Concept, no. 900539, "Aerospace Ground Equipment (AGE) Redesign," 2025
concepts database. Maxwell AFB, Ala.: 1996.


2025 Concept, no. 900672, Integrated Logistical Sustainment, 2025 concepts database.
Maxwell AFB, Ala.: 1996.


Dynamic Response Logistics:

Changing Environments, Technologies, And Processes

A Research Paper
Presented To
Air Force 2025

Dr. Craig M. Brandt
Capt Christopher J. Burke, Ph.D.
Lt Col Karen W. Currie, Ph.D.
Dr. Alan R. Heminger
Maj Terrance L. Pohlen, Ph.D.
Dr. D. Kirk Vaughan
August 1996

2025 is a study designed to comply with a directive from the chief of staff of the Air
Force to examine the concepts, capabilities, and technologies the United States will
require to remain the dominant air and space force in the future. Presented on 17 June
1996, this report was produced in the Department of Defense school environment of
academic freedom and in the interest of advancing concepts related to national defense.
The views expressed in this report are those of the authors and do not reflect the official
policy or position of the United States Air Force, Department of Defense, or the United
States government.
This report contains fictional representations of future situations/scenarios. Any
similarities to real people or events, other than those specifically cited, are unintentional
and are for purposes of illustration only.
This publication has been reviewed by security and policy review authorities, is
unclassified, and is cleared for public release.




Disclaimer................................................................................................................ ii
Illustrations ............................................................................................................. iv
Tables ..................................................................................................................... iv
Executive Summary................................................................................................. v

Introduction ............................................................................................................. 1

Changing Environments .......................................................................................... 5

Military Changes................................................................................................. 5
Business Changes ............................................................................................... 7
Logistics Changes ............................................................................................... 8

Changing Technologies.......................................................................................... 11
Information Technology and Systems .............................................................. 12
Packaging and Battlefield Delivery .................................................................. 17
Integrating Operations ...................................................................................... 23

Changing Processes ............................................................................................... 26

Materiel Requirements ..................................................................................... 27
Asset Maintenance ........................................................................................... 29
Financial Management...................................................................................... 33

Conclusion............................................................................................................. 36
Bibliography .......................................................................................................... 39





Self-Reporting Parts via Smart Chips .................................................................... 16


Self-Repairing Parts via Rerouting Around Damaged Area of Circuit Card......... 17


Combining Packaging with a Catalyst to Produce Fuel or Food........................... 18


Battlefield Delivery System Highlighting the Container Aircraft Concept ........... 21


Container Aircraft Applied to the Agile Base Concept......................................... 22


Mobile Asset Repair Station (MARS) Concept..................................................... 32


Logistics Dynamic Relationships........................................................................... 37




Evolutionary and Revolutionary Concepts ........................................................... 38


Executive Summary
Logistics management is the integrated management of the functions required to
acquire, store, transport, and maintain the materiel necessary to support combat forces.
The task of the military logistician is to establish the appropriate balance among these
functions to achieve the required level of operational support while consuming the least
amount of resources. Future logistics concepts will evolve primarily from recognition of
new environments, technologies, and processes.
The use of self-repairing and self-reporting parts will greatly reduce both the
proverbial logistics footprint and decrease the logistics tail. Multiuse packaging, in
which packaging combined with a catalyst produces either a fuel or food product, will
reduce additional shipments of items into the theater of operations.

The Battlefield

Delivery System (BDS) with a standard shipping container will provide a seamless
transportation system from the commercial vendor to the theater of operations.
The concept of a container aircraft will increase the flexibility of the BDS concept
and become an integral part of the agile base concept, where the container aircrafts
cockpit becomes a command and control center with its engines providing electrical
power to the base. The Mobile Asset Repair Station (MARS) will support the
remanufacture and repair of avionics and components in the theater of operations using a
mobile facility with fully integrated flexible manufacturing systems and robotics systems
linked to commercial manufacturers.

Logistics operations of the future will operate under an integrated, flexible, and
seamless system from vendor to battlefield which will govern logistics decisions and
operational strategya system called dynamic response logistics.


Chapter 1


Logistics, combined with strategy and tactics, will continue to shape command
planning and decisions into the future.

Commanders will continue to have the

responsibility to create, to support, and to employ combat forces.1 Logistics will play a
major role in the command of aerospace forces through the creation and sustained
support of weapons and forces to be tactically employed to attain strategic objectives.2
As Douglas Menarchik states,
Logistics affects military strategy, military strategy affects grand strategy,
and grand strategy affects political outcomes. It raises important issues for
Americas security policy in the post-Cold War era and is worthy of
leadership interest to ensure Americas logistics is in order. America and
the international community need to pay more attention to logistics
infrastructure, doctrine and its effects on strategy, tactics and military3
political outcomes.
A task at hand is to reduce the logistics footprint and decrease the size of the
logistics tail. This statement is easy to articulate but challenging to achieve. The
paramount goal for the military logistician in 2025 is to provide a responsive, agile
logistics system to support military operations in an effective and efficient
mannerdynamic response logistics. A critical requirement for any logistics system in
2025 is that it operate similarly in both wartime and peacetime environments.

Logistics management is the integrated management of the functions required to

acquire, store, transport, and maintain the materiel necessary to support combat forces.
The task of the military logistician is to establish the appropriate balance among these
functions to achieve the required level of operational support while consuming the least
amount of resources. B. S. Blanchard states,
The requirement to increase overall productivity in a resource-constrained
environment has placed emphasis on all aspects of the system/product life
cycle, and logistics has assumed a major role comparable to research,
design, production, and system performance during operational use.4
Air and space missions and the requirement for specific types of logistics support will
undoubtedly change over the next 30 years.

While the future remains uncertain, a

number of trends appear likely to affect the mission and logistics support areas:

more varied, regional operations;

potential for multiple simultaneous operations;
increased privatization and outsourcing;
more tightly integrated operations among the Air Force, Army, Navy, and
Marine Corps.

The military logistician will respond by altering and implementing evolutionary and
revolutionary logistics processes to achieve the required level of support.
Environment, technology, and process changes have enabled military and business
logisticians to significantly increase support while achieving dramatic reductions in total
cost. For example, deregulation of transportation modes in the 1970s and 1980s allowed
organizations to achieve higher levels of customer service through the trade-offs of
inventory and safety stocks for faster, less expensive, and more reliable transportation.
Changes in technology and information management have resulted in logisticians trading
inventory for information and using more timely information to anticipate customer

Process changes have also significantly affected logistics support by


reducing cycle and repair times, reducing nonvalue-added interfaces and transactions
occurring among logistical functions, and more clearly focusing on those activities that
provide the greatest value to the customer.
The environment, technology, and process innovation will continue to act as the
major agents of change within military logistics. The environment will shape logistics
practice through changes in air and space missions, resource availability, and business
logistics practice. Technological changes and improved information management will
allow the logistician to bring state-of-the-art decision making and hardware to bear on
logistical problems. Process changes will streamline the flow of materiel from source of
supply to the ultimate customer. The future logistics structure will be dominated by a
pull process rather than the predominate push process in use today.
These change agents will radically alter the activities employed by the logistician to
support the core competencies necessary for attaining the war-fighting commanders
strategic and tactical objectives. As James Huston states in his 1966 classic The Sinews of
War, it is no use engaging in a dream world strategy divorced from logistical
feasibility.5 Dr. Paul G. Kaminski, undersecretary of defense for acquisition and
technology, states, What we need is vision, leadership, commitment, and stakeholder
engagement on the part of the war fighters, logisticians, developers, and industry.6

Henry E. Eccles, RAdm, USN, Military Concepts and Philosophy (New

Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers State University, 1965), 6782.
Ibid., . 6782.
Douglas Menarchik, PowerliftGetting to Desert Storm: Strategic
Transportation and Strategy in the New World Order, (Westport, Conn.: Praeger 1993),

B. S. Blanchard, Logistics Engineering and Management, 3d ed., (Englewood

Cliffs, N.J.: 1986), 3. Prentice-Hall, Inc.
James A. Huston, The Sinews of War: Army Logistics, 1775-1953, Army Historical
Series (Washington, D.C.: Office of the Chief of Military History, Department of the
Army, 1966), 663.
P. G. Kaminski, The Revolution in Defense Logistics, prepared remarks to the
12th National Logistics Symposium and Exhibition, Alexandria, Va., October 1995.

Chapter 2

Changing Environments

By the mid-1990s, changes in the environment in which military logistics operates are
already blooming. By 2025, the fruits of these changes will transform the current logistics
system into one barely recognizable as a peculiarly military system.
The environment has been especially affected by three significant changes. First, the
end of the cold war has impacted the structure of a military force which had for a
generation been prepared for a global struggle against a powerful adversary, including the
possibility of widespread nuclear war.

Second, commercial business practices have

undergone major modifications as companies have focused on quality, productivity, and

international competitiveness. Finally, as a subset of business, logistics processes have
benefited from greater attention paid to customer service, leaner organizations, and
strategic alliances. All three changing areas will influence military logistics in 2025.

Military Changes

With the disappearance of the Soviet Union as the United States (US) central
adversary, scenarios for future wars will likely focus on ethnically and nationalistically
based regional conflicts rather than global conflicts, with the possibility of simultaneous

regional conflicts. Thus the US must plan for quicker, more intense, and conceivably
more lethal wars. The US may find that higher proportions of logistics needs are related
to various humanitarian missions, interspersed with brief but intense sessions of
supporting battlefield needs.
The US will develop dynamic response logistics support, capable of both rapidly
tailoring logistics support packages to particular circumstances and responding with
standardized kits for shorter, higher tempo operations. As recent US military operations
have shown, there will be more work with and support from allies. However, the US must
be prepared to muster a force independent of that provided by allies, either from
collateral assistance by way of direct support (troops and material) or through indirect
support (basing rights).
The growth of the joint responsibilities for many logistics functionsthe roles of the
Defense Logistics Agency in supply and distribution, the Defense Contract
Administration service in contract administration, and the Defense Finance and
Accounting Service for billings and paymentsdemonstrates an inexorable trend toward
a unified and consolidated military logistics system. Only a systems approach to all
military logistics operations will achieve organizational harmony and interfunctional
integration to work seamlessly across the Department of Defense (DOD).
Because logistics support systems will no longer be service-, or even countryspecific, all US military systems will be supported by a joint logistics system that will also
be designed for compatibility with those systems operated by allies. Interoperability and
interchangeability will be essential not only for major system components, but also for
many of the databases and information systems used to manage materiels.

Business Changes

The environment in which US businesses operate has changed dramatically in the last
decade. A tendency toward government deregulation (especially in the transportation
and communications areas), relaxed enforcement of antitrust laws, giant strides in
telecommunications capabilities, widespread availability of computers, and an
increasingly competitive environment have all had a significant impact on the conduct of
private enterprise. Quality techniques such as value added have led to a reexamination
of business practices and a reengineering of processes. These efforts have led to leaner
and more productive organizations.
The defense industrial base in the private sector has not been spared the effects of
these trends, and downsizing in defense industries has meant the loss of thousands of jobs
since the late 1980s. When coupled with a result of the changed military environment, a
dwindling number of weapon systems are being procured, creating a question of the
viability of the US private sector manufacturing base as private defense production
becomes a riskier business.

Thus, principal contractors are rapidly becoming a

conglomeration of airframe and electronics firms. This diminishing number of principal

vendors of systems and subsystems will affect numerous subcontractors in the US
industrial base, as the make-or-buy decisions of the prime contractors will lead to far
fewer suppliers in the nation for subsystems, components, and spare parts.
Although the demise of many manufacturers has helped solve the problem of
overcapacity in the industry, it is unlikely that weapon systems production will rise to the
levels required to keep even the few remaining factories operating at efficient levels.
Attempts to use foreign military sales to offset US purchases will only slightly compensate

for the decline in US military procurements.

Consequently, there will be greater

competition for any work that may help keep the private industrial base alive. To avoid
an inefficient private defense sector, there will be pressures on the organic depots, which
themselves are already operating at lower levels of productivity, to release work for
privatization and outsourcing. The DOD routinely reports to Congress that outsourcing to
the commercial sector typically lowers costs by 20 percent.1 This 20 percent savings
would free over $3 billion per year for higher priority defense needs, such as those
advocated in this paper for logistics in 2025.2

Logistics Changes

New ways of doing business in logistics in the private sector have already had a
significant effect on military logistics and will continue to do so in the coming years. In a
study of firms rated excellent for their logistics practices, P. M. Byrne and W. J.
Markham observed that logistics excellence is a management imperative for the future.3
The benefits of logistics excellence, according to Byrne and Markham, are improved
quality and service levels, faster cycle times, greater efficiency and productivity, and
improved customer-company relations.4 Practically speaking, this concept has meant
developing win-win relationships with suppliers, carriers, and customers.
Logistical excellence in the future military logistics context will involve these
recurring themes from the above discussion: outsourcing, strategic alliances, flexibility,
focus on customer service, and state-of-the-art information technology. Adopting such a
scheme means that the US must extend the concept of an integrated logistics system
beyond the traditional barriers of the military logistics system to include vendors,

manufacturers, and the ultimate users. Many authors have commented on the need to
form strategic logistics alliances or coalitions.5
Military logistics uses a wide variety of unique systems, data, equipment, and
materiel to support its customers. Examples include inventory management and reporting
systems, military standard requisitioning and issuing procedure (MILSTRIP) formatted
requisitions, specialized equipment such as forklifts and pallets tailored to specific
aircraft, and the need for a variety of spare parts. These systems pose many problems
even during peacetime operations. The unique systems result in redundant information
systems in multiple sectors, additional time and handling of materiel, duplicate bar coding
and item identification, loss of in-transit visibility, and difficulty in identifying equivalent
parts or items due to the conversion from national stock numbers to manufacturers part
numbers. The system in use in 2025 must be fully integrated and streamlined with the
commercial sector. This system will allow the air and space forces to obtain information
directly on the status of inventory items at the commercial supplier.
The application of dual-use technologies will become increasingly critical to future
logistics support due to the costs associated with specialized parts. Some unique military
logistics technologies have proven costly and difficult to field, and pose significant
problems when interfacing with other military services or the civilian sector. The military
has also grown increasingly reliant on business logistics for the movement of materiel, and
logistics processes must be able to plug and play with the civilian distribution systems
to ensure visibility and reduce cycle time and cost.
The use of third-party suppliers of logistics that has become commonplace in the
private sector in the 1990s will continue to be an attractive alternative in 2025. This

concept means turning to private enterprise to provide the logistics services that have
traditionally been an organic part of the military. This movement toward privatization
will affect all military services, and as a common logistics structure will be sought to
support the reduced DOD organizational structure. Cost-based and performance-based
measures will be used as a basis for privatizing specific logistics functions. The increasing
reliance on private carriers for moving military materiel, the use of commercial items, and
the privatization of the depots are the harbingers of future logistics operations.

Office of Management and Budget, Enhancing Government Productivity Through

Competition: A New Way of Doing Business (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government
Printing Office, August 1988); also Center for Naval Analyses, Issues Concerning Public
and Private Provision of Depot Maintenance, Council of Resource Management 9465
(Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, April 1994).
Department of Defense, Directions for Defense: Report of the Commission on
Roles and Missions of the Armed Forces (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing
Office, 24 May 1995), 33.
P. M. Byrne and W. J. Markham, Improving Quality and Productivity in the
Logistics Process: Achieving Customer Satisfaction Breakthroughs, (Oak Brook, Ill.:
Council of Logistics Management, 1991).
D. J. Bowersox, The Strategic Benefits of Logistics Alliances, Harvard Business
Review no. 4 (July-August, 1990),: 3645; also Michael Porter, Competitive Advantage:
Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance (New York,: The Free Press, 1985); also
K. Ohmae, The Global Logic of Strategic Alliances, Harvard Business Review 67, no. 2
(1989), 143154.


Chapter 3

Changing Technologies

Technology advances will drive some of the greatest single changes to logistics in
2025. Technologies, especially in communication and data transmission, will change the
face of logistics and make possible new organizational structures. New technologies will
include many that are already in use in the civilian sector, such as FedExs ability to
monitor the delivery progress at the item level.1 The changes in this area will be so great
as to result in a qualitative difference in the way logistics is applied.
Integrating operations across distribution channels requires flexibility to switch
rapidly from one mode of transportation to another based on availability of transportation
and the need for assets. Inventory will be containerized and kept in motion rather than
stored in a fixed warehouse. Battlefield support of the future will depend upon both
military and commercial transportation built upon a network of standard shipping
containers utilizing automatic





technologies and






communications capability.
A. Braithwaite and M. Christopher discuss the need for global logistics and supply
chain-management strategies, and summarize the central elements of each. They list


several factors as critically important to the development of global supply chains,

including extended supply lead times and uncertain transit times, multiple freight modes,
and opportunities to ship intermediate components for local assembly.

The greatest

challenge, in their view, is to determine what information is needed for a global supply
chain strategy and to use it effectively for planning.

According to Braithwaite and

Christopher, the management of global logistics is in reality the management of

information flows.2

Information Technology and Systems

Perhaps the largest change in technology affecting logistics in 2025 will involve
information technology, bringing major improvements in the management of logistics
operations. Integration of information systems across the DOD will allow integration of
logistics functions and processes across services. The changes in information technology
will enhance the ability to monitor the location and condition of materiel at whatever
level of granularity required for the given items and the situation. Information technology
changes will also permit decreased inventory through increased ability to requisition
materiel quickly as needed, while reducing the number of people to support this vital
function. Standardized, built-in marking of acquired items will be tied to information
technology to support quick identification and routing of items as satellite monitoring of
location becomes routine.

Consolidated information systems will allow real-time

monitoring and routing of items.

Full visibility of the logistics pipeline, or complete supply chain visibility, will be
coupled with more sophisticated capabilities of monitoring logistics needs. This change


will result in direct delivery of needed supplies from stateside suppliers directly to the
point of use.3 The massive buildup of supplies, with a mix of known and unknown
container cargoes and needed as well as unneeded items, as seen in Operation Desert
Storm, will be a condition of the past. Better information will result in tailored delivery of
the right supplies, at the right location, at the right time, and in the right condition. This
concept will be facilitated through the use of flexible manufacturing systems (FMS)
driven by computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM).
Warehouses full of excess, obsolete assets have no place in the logistics system of the
future. This outdated concept of just-in-case inventory control will no longer be
feasible in constrained budgetary climates. Instead, items will be produced on demand
from information stored in databases especially designed to support FMS machine tooling
and set-ups, and free-form manufacturing.4
Innovative applications of the new information technologies in the areas of logistics
management will impact logistics support in 2025 at all levels of the logistics process from
how logisticians are internally organized (micro) to how they interface with other
organizations (macro).

At a macro level the continuing confluence and merging of

computers and communications is changing how organizations are economically

organized. Modern information technology reduces transaction costs and hence makes it
more economical to use market forces rather than internal and organic processes to
acquire and deliver logistics support.
Information technology is also giving rise to new organizational structures referred to
as virtual corporations or networked organizations. Commerce through the Internet is
exploding as the Internet is commercialized and new economic structures (such as


electronic virtual money) are developed to facilitate such transactions.


markets are forming to facilitate the distribution of spare parts in the airline and
automobile industries. Through these developments, a more direct contact between the
units in the field (customer) and the ultimate supplier will be realized.
At the micro level, information technology is revolutionizing how logistics support is
delivered in the field.

Revolutionary technologies, and their equally revolutionary

application, such as virtual reality (VR), genetic algorithms, fuzzy logic, neural networks,
and artificial intelligence robotics, will dramatically change how and where logistics
support is provided. Not only will VR be used to develop and test logistics maintenance
procedures and to train technicians, but when combined with adaptive programs in the
form of artificial intelligence, maintenance will be remotely provided with minimal direct
human involvement. These technologies combined with robotics will make space logistics
truly feasible.
Robots will be placed in space controlled by software that can learn and adapt as it
gains experience.

This capability combined with VR can easily lead to remote

maintenance of satellites. This concept is a further adaptation and refinement of a similar

idea highlighted in SPACECAST 2020.5 Adaptive robots can, on their own, learn to
diagnose and perform most maintenance functions, and this intelligence can also be used
as a buffer (along with VR) for time lags in communications between satellite orbits and
the earths surface. VR would allow maintenance troops on the surface to follow
robotics maintenance actions instead of waiting for direct signals from space to confirm
what actions are taking place.

VR would also reduce bandwidth needed; the only

required signal would indicate actions taken by the robot. Hence, there would be no need


to send visual images, because VR will provide visual realization.

Reduced signal

requirements would in turn mean quicker updates and reduced time lags due to
Through revolutionary advances in information technology, more smart parts will
be developed in the future. Recent work in the area of miniaturization has highlighted the
feasibility of installing smart chips onto components.6 Smart chips built into a part will
track operating hours and current condition, as illustrated in figure 3-1. Not only will
these smart parts diagnose themselves, but they will order their own replacement parts if
the damage cannot be repaired. These self-reporting parts will have the capability to
determine when they are operating in a degraded mode and send a signal directly to the
commercial manufacturer who will build or ship the replacement part on demand. This
system will bypass the traditional aircrew debriefing, maintenance troubleshooting, and
supply reordering scenarios currently in practice. The feasibility of self-reporting parts is
currently being addressed and has been identified in several recent books, one by Bill
Gates, and another by Nicholas Negroponte, in which smart parts are described as active


Smart chip

Aircraft in selfreporting mode

Figure 3-1. Self-Reporting Parts via Smart Chips

New World Vistas also includes a discussion of self-monitoring and self-healing

materials to permit in-flight battle damage repair. While remote diagnoses and sensing
of maintenance problems will be possible, neural nets and parallel processing will allow
systems to reconfigure themselves around defective areas, becoming self-repairing
parts, as illustrated in figure 3-2.

The self-repairing part has the ability to detect

degradation in performance and repair itself by eliminating the failed component from use
or rerouting its circuits around the defective area. This concept will operate as a standby
redundancy system, whereby the spare components or circuits are operated only when
required to keep the part functioning. The maintenance strategy used will be that of
nonmaintained redundancy.

As such, the repair is only commenced when the part


completely fails. It will be more cost-effective to build this self-repair capability into the
parts, even with its redundant circuitry, rather than removing, repairing, and replacing
parts in a cyclic pattern over the useful life of the part.

Damaged circuit
removed from service
Spare circuit brought on-line

Additional spare circuits

on standby mode

Figure 3-2. Self-Repairing Parts via Rerouting Around Damaged Area of Circuit
Packaging and Battlefield Delivery

Packaging material will continue to be a critical concern to future logisticians.

Packaging includes several functions such as protection, ease of handling, information
about the packaged product, stowability, temporary storage, and protection against

Future logisticians will rely on packaging which performs these basic

functions, yet does not generate disposal problems either in a peacetime or wartime
environment. Elimination of the packaging provides a significant cost reduction and the
elimination of an environmental concern.

Future packaging will become more

multifunctional with one or more desirable features. Future packaging may become:


a fuel when combined with a catalyst;

edible when combined with a catalyst;
biodegradable when exposed to water after adding a catalyst;
multipurpose (for example, internal foam or cushion could be remolded to
accommodate different components or itemsused during retrograde
movements); and
part of the component itself (the package and component form a modular unit
which is installed in the weapon system).

Figure 3-3 illustrates two revolutionary options for increasing the usefulness of
packaging as highlighted above. By combining the packaging with a catalyst, which could
be obtained in the particular theater of operations, a fuel or food is produced.





Figure 3-3. Combining Packaging with a Catalyst to Produce Fuel or Food

The heavy reliance on the commercial sector and external drivers for reducing cost
will impact the DODs capability to deliver materiel to engaged units. Forces mobilizing

for deployment and units already deployed will move the majority of their materiel by
strategic sea lift or by the Civil Reserve Air Fleet (CRAF). These mobility components
rely heavily on the use of containerized freight to exploit handling efficiencies and to
maximize space utilization.

A new Battlefield Delivery System (BDS) will deliver

containerized cargo directly to employed forces. The BDS will permit the seamless flow
of containerized materiel from point of embarkation, movement by domestic surface
carriers (rail or motor carrier), port loading, strategic sea lift, port off-loading, and
forward movement by surface or air. Containerization provides several benefits already
enjoyed by the commercial sector, including:

reduced handling of packaged goods;

greatly reduced pilferage and damage;
standardized equipment available worldwide;
movement by motor carrier, sea lift, airlift, and rail;
ease of tracking;
shipment of almost any good including refrigerated;
protection from external elements;
elimination of interior packaging; and
portable warehousing.

The ability to move containerized materiel provides additional benefits to the

military. Containerized freight would:

be modified to serve as temporary facilities (An entire air base could arrive
containerized, fitted with doors, windows, and vents. Once unloaded,
containers would become offices, quarters, shelters, and clinics);
be stored on prepositioned ships until required; and
be fitted to include materiel, fuel, food, vehicles, water, or any other items
within cubic constraints.

One problem faced by the military is rapid movement of materiel away from the
destination port. Arriving containers must move by surface or be unpacked for airlift

Unpacking the containers and loading the airlift adds time, equipment,


personnel, and tracking requirements to the pipeline.

The BDS will eliminate these

requirements by allowing the container to move directly from the commercial supplier to
the point of use.
The BDS will operate within the employed theater and will be composed of an air
and ground element. The air portion of the BDS will consist of an airlifter in which a
standard shipping container, as defined by the International Standards Organization (ISO),
would become an integral structure of the fuselage. Figure 3-4 illustrates the concept of
the container aircraft. The aircraft consists of three main sections: the cockpit, the
wingbox, and the empennage. In its simplest form (short version), the aircraft is capable
of flight by joining the cockpit, wingbox, and empennage directly together. With standard
shipping containers installed between the cockpit and wingbox, and the wingbox and the
empennage, the aircraft would be configured to carry cargo (stretch version). Advanced
flight dynamics, mainly in software control for the stability of the aircraft, would control
the aircrafts flight characteristics in both the short and stretch versions.


Figure 3-4. Battlefield Delivery System Highlighting the Container Aircraft Concept
This BDS concept can be jointly applied to the agile base concept, as illustrated in
figure 3-5. The first wave of container aircraft to arrive in a theater of operations would
be disassembled. The cockpit would form a command and control facility, the aircraft
engines would generate the bases power, the wings would provide fuel storage, and the
containers themselves would provide shelter for troops, supplies, and equipment. The
containers would integrate with the structure 2025 concept being proposed as a portable
base shelter. This concept will provide a mobile base to redeploy as the combat situation


Figure 3-5. Container Aircraft Applied to the Agile Base Concept

The ground portion of the BDS consists of trucks, trailers, and forklifts capable of
handling the containers and moving them to staging areas and then to forward deployed

Development of a truck-trailer with the ability to lift the container without

additional material handling equipment will further streamline the process. This concept
is defined as demountable loads, in which a vehicle can off-load and pick up its own
cargo body bed instead of just its cargo, allowing for rapid vehicle turn-around times. A
smaller version of this proposed truck-trailer is currently in use by most western armies.9
The BDS will allow the DOD to use commercial carriers for strategic sea lift as well
as domestic transportation. The standardized containerized concept allows a seamless
movement from source of supply to the battlefield with minimal handling, reduced time,


and increased visibility.

The BDS provides the same capability whether supporting

employed combat forces or providing humanitarian assistance to remote locations. The

BDS enables all military services to use any combination of the four pillars of strategic
mobilitystrategic airlift, strategic sea lift, domestic surface movement, and
prepositioningto move containerized materiel.

Integrating Operations

As D. J. Bowersox et al. noted, The main strength of logistics results from treating
system components on an integrated basis. . . . A systems orientation stands in direct
contrast to the traditional approach of treating the activities of logistical management on a
separate or diffused basis.10 The cost of supporting complex systems in the future
coupled with a constrained resource environment means that logistics systems must be
integrated. Stand-alone, service-specific logistics systems will be too costly.
Total Asset Visibility (TAV) is a current initiative being developed by the US Army
designed to link all components of the DOD logistics system into a coherent whole using a
comprehensive information management and communications system. The goal of TAV
is to provide real-time information regarding the quantity, location, and condition of DOD
assets anywhere and at any time.11 The commercial concept of TAV is total supply chain
visibility. The difficulties and costs of linking the various information systems operated
by the separate military services prevent the goals of TAV from being achieved in the
near future; however, the need for logistical excellence and continued rapid advances in
information technology in the future will eventually overcome these parochial barriers.
TAV will allow the customer to obtain real-time knowledge of the status of any


requisition in the logistics system. TAV will serve as a high-tech hot line between the
customer and the source of supply.
Knowing the status of any requisition in the system and having confidence in the
accuracy of that status will eliminate the need for duplicate requisitions and a large buffer
stock. In most cases, the requisition will not be initiated by a human worker but will be
generated automatically as previously described as self-reporting parts.

Instead of

maintaining databases on inventory, information systems will conduct a worldwide poll to

find status, location, and quantity on an as-needed basis from the battlefield to the
commercial supplier. The request for a replacement part will be transmitted to the system
node responsible for providing that part, either from inventory or from on-demand
manufactures. It is likely that these supply nodes will be vendor-operated and mobile. In
all instances, successful logistics support will be the product of advanced information
technology, strategic alliances between the government and suppliers, and the flexibility
to meet customer needs.

Fedex,, 11 April 1996.

A. Braithwaite, and M. Christopher, Managing the Global Pipeline, The
International Journal of Logistics Management 2, no. 2 (1991): 5562.
USAF Scientific Advisory Board, New World Vistas: Air and Space Power for the
21 Century, summary volume (Washington, D.C.: USAF Scientific Advisory Board, 15
December 1995), 31.
New World Vistas, (unpublished draft, the materials volume), 69.
SPACECAST 2020, vol. 1 (Maxwell AFB, Ala.: Air University, June 1994), K-15.
Nicholas Negroponte, Being Digital, (New York: Vintage Books, 1995), 146, 210.
Ibid., 209; also Bill Gates, The Road Ahead, (New York: Viking, 1995), 9.
New World Vistas, (unpublished draft, the materials volume), 69.
P. D. Foxton, Powering War: Modern Land Force Logistics (London: Brasseys,
1994), 58.



D. J. Bowersox, The Strategic Benefits of Logistics Alliances, Harvard

Business Review 68, no. 4 (July-August 1990): 3645.
Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Logistics), Total Asset Visibility Conference
Program Brochure (Washington, D.C.: American Defense Preparedness Association, 9
March 1994).


Chapter 4

Changing Processes

In the next 30 years, the processes that are used by logisticians will dramatically
change. These changes will be driven by environmental and technological changes, as
previously described, but will also result from the implementation of revolutionary new
logistics techniques. This section highlights some of the changing processes that will
impact logistics in 2025. B. K. Ellram and M. C. Cooper identified the principal question
of supply chain management as where in the supply chain to hold inventory.


decision is based on timely, accurate flow of information. Clearly, exchanging

information for inventory is central to the supply chain management concept.1
A logistics support system superior to that fielded by the opponent can provide the
difference between success and failure. Superior customer service in the military context
means the logistics system in place supports requirements determination and forecasting
processes that deliver exactly the items required, exactly where and when required. This
concept is called dynamic response logistics. The commander of 2025 will provide the
what, when, and where information to a logistics system which will rapidly respond to
such a request. The future logistics structure will be dominated by a pull process rather
than the predominate push process in use today. However, a combination of the two


processes will be employed. Baseline materiel (for common mission requirements) will be
pushed while specialized material (for tailored mission requirements) will be pulled.

Materiel Requirements

The materiel acquisition system will change dramatically to meet the needs in the
next 30 years. To the extent possible, materiel will be procured on demand with direct
delivery to the user by the vendor. Outside contractors will be an integral part of the
DOD purchasing system and will have direct access to both consumable and reparables
demand information. Visibility into projected requirements provided to vendors through
long-term contractual relationships will allow vendors to manufacture and distribute
components based on projected requirements, current demand history, and repair
capability. Furthermore, commercial carriers will project freight movements based on the
manufacturer's projected production date and DOD need dates.
Coordination will entail improved methods of contracting, especially in the use of
systems contracting or blanket-order agreements.

The trend will be toward fewer

suppliers with longer contract periods, rather than contracting on a single-order basis.
The contracting function of the future will be expedited, requiring much less daily
oversight after the establishment of the initial system between the commercial supplier
and the DOD. In connection with increasing the reliance on local purchase, bases will
procure with blanket contracts negotiated at a wholesale level, thus avoiding a contracting
burden at the local level.
With on-line buying a reality, the contracting officer will receive quotes and place
orders rapidly. Where centrally negotiated blanket-order agreements for large numbers of


items are arranged, it will be possible for the ultimate user to order directly from the
vendor without the intervention of a contracting officer every time an item is ordered.
Currently, orders using MILSTRIP are routed to a source of supply which is normally a
military inventory control point; in 2025, orders will be routed directly to a private
vendor. Building speed into the logistics system refers to the necessity to translate
customer requirements into the completed system or spare parts as swiftly as possible. As
product life cycles continue to shrink, the need to combine concurrent engineering with
advanced information technology becomes more important. New systems will be built
using as much commercial-off-the-shelf and nondevelopmental item equipment as
Further extension of this interface between the commercial supplier and the military
will dramatically reduce the need for the current supply structure. Ultimately, there will
be no clear distinction between wholesale and retail supply operations, and a fusion of the
two systems will occur. Through the process of commercial suppliers using rapid delivery
methods to send parts on demand from direct interface with demand information and selfreporting parts information, there will be a decreased number of line items held in
inventory. Hence, the holding of inventory at depots will be minimized, dramatically
decreasing holding costs. Decreasing inventory will also result in a reduction of the
storage and transportation infrastructure at the base level.

The days of oversized

warehouses, strictly for storing inventory, are quickly passing, and it is likely that the
consolidation of warehouses already underway in the mid-1990s will continue.
New information systems will be needed to cope with these changes. Asset visibility
of materiel held in stock will remain important even as these stocks disappear, while in-


transit visibility requirements will continue to increase. Communication systems will be

integrated with those of private carriers and with suppliers to provide the visibility of
items required. War plans based on major regional conflicts will result in commercial
cargo carriers carrying the bulk of cargo to a hub just outside the conflict zone, with DOD
aircraft responsible for hub-to-battle zone movements. The future of transportation, with
a greater reliance on vendor-to-user shipments of materiel, will decrease the need to
arrange secondary transportation. Hence, the control of secondary transportation will be
greatly eliminated.

However, this same phenomenon will result in greater tracking

difficulties, expanding requirements for in-transit visibility.

Asset Maintenance

The landscape of asset maintenance will dramatically change in the next 30 years.
Over the past several decades, the lead time for new weapon systems has become
increasingly protracted, due to the increasing complexity of modern weapon systems and
the complexities of acquisition procedures. Therefore, weapon systems are likely to
change less than supporting technologies and the ways in which those weapon systems
are used.
The number of uninhabited aerial weapon system platforms will continue to increase.
This feature alone will decrease the number of environmental systems required for
aircrew safety. The use of modular components and the extensive use of softwarecontrolled avionics will require maintenance practices that repair software malfunctions.
The future maintainer will repair weapon systems using maintenance computers talking to
the weapon system computers, rather than using the traditional hardware wrench-turning


methods in use today. Improved reliability of a smaller number of weapon systems means
that fewer repairs will be necessary.

Advances in weapon systems and on-board

equipment will undoubtedly continue to become more reliable, thus consuming fewer
logistics resources.
Improved maintainability, which has resulted from attention to acquisition logistics,
will result in a smaller maintenance burden. Sophisticated test equipment required for
modern maintenance will be more mobile. The Multifunction Aerospace Support System
(MASS) is one design currently undergoing evaluation. MASS is envisioned to replicate
the functions of nine types of current flight-line support equipment resulting in a
substantial reduction in the deployment footprint.2

By outsourcing repairs to the

commercial sector, the base maintenance function will attempt to reduce overhead costs.
Therefore, weapon systems will be designed with two-level repair in mind, and removeand-replace will be the preeminent technique of local repairs. With the advent of selfrepairing parts, and self-reporting parts, component maintenance will be radically
redefined. Due to the decreasing failure rate of parts, repairs and remanufacturing of
failed parts will occur at commercial firms.
The future of depot-level maintenance will be affected by the dwindling number of
weapon systems being procured. Decreasing numbers of weapon systems will mean
decreasing numbers of systems and subsystems. Required maintenance tasks will affect
the viability of the private sector manufacturing base. To keep the remaining contractors
alive, repair work will be consigned to private industry at the expense of organic depots.
The DOD will be unable to afford the infrastructure of trained personnel, specialized
equipment, publications, and data for the relatively small number of repairs that will be


accomplished. Increased use of private firms for logistics support will decrease the
number of DOD personnel associated with logistics.

The DOD annually reports to

Congress that at least 250,000 civilian employees are performing commercial-type

activities that could be performed by competitively selected private companies.3
Self-repairing parts and the evolution of increased reliability will change the nature of
the component repair process. No longer will large quantities of parts migrate back to the
depot for repair. Instead, the commercial sector will process those parts that fail and
require repair or remanufacturing. In wartime, replacement parts will be repaired or
manufactured in the theater of operations for a variety of deployed weapon systems
through the Mobile Asset Repair Station (MARS). MARS, as illustrated in figure 4-1, is a
concept whereby parts can be repaired or manufactured using a mobile facility which can
be land-based or water-based in or near the theater of operations, but out of harms way.
The facility features a set of fully-integrated flexible manufacturing systems and robotics
systems that are linked to the commercial manufacturers. These manufacturers supply
the specifications to the FMS which then produces the part or component. Many of the
required materials necessary for MARS to manufacture the components will be obtained
from local countries.


Figure 4-1. Mobile Asset Repair Station (MARS) Concept

MARS will reduce current repair and manufacture turn-around times by days for a
number of avionics and mechanical components from a variety of weapon systems.
Although the actual logistics tail has not been reduced in length, what flows through the
tail has changed. Instead of transporting failed and serviceable avionics and components
(atoms), information will be transmitted (bits and bytes).4

A drawback to Desert

Express, which transported critical reparable parts daily from the US to the Gulf, was
that it required a significant allocation of scarce airlift, with two dedicated aircraft and
several spare aircraft stationed along the route at various US and European bases.5


Financial Management

Financial management systems within the DOD will certainly change in the next 30
years. Future financial management systems will possess three capabilities:

assignment of direct and indirect costs to specific logistics activities,

translation of management action into the effect on total costs, and
integration of logistics financial information with other logistics and financial
management systems.

Future cost management systems will require the capability to assign direct and
indirect costs to specific logistics functions and subsequently to the product, customer, or
weapon system receiving logistic support. Many financial systems already possess the
capability to assign direct costs to the activities being performed; however, direct costs
will represent a significantly lower proportion of total costs as logistics incorporates more
and more technology-based processes.
As direct costs shrink in their relative importance and magnitude, indirect resources
will continue to grow in total dollars and management focus. Manufacturing firms have
already encountered this phenomenon. Direct labor represented about 85 percent of total
costs when traditional cost management systems were designed in the 1920s. However,
automation and technology applications have replaced direct labor with many indirect
cost functions. Direct costs in many firms today represent only 16 percent of total costs,
but the traditional cost systems continue to use direct labor as the principal means for
assigning indirect costs.6
Currently, using direct costs as an allocation tool creates these challenges for DOD
logistics managers:


Since unit-based allocation suggests costs vary with volume, managers cannot
accurately determine how changes in customer service affect total costs.
There is no reward for reducing indirect cost categoriesbenefits are diffused
across all products.
Although costs appear to be reduced by eliminating direct labor, they really
are not because proportionately the majority of total costs are attributed to
indirect costs.
While overhead costs appear fixed and not affected by management action, in
fact, they can be affected through the application of appropriate management
Rewards, which should be based on cost center performance, become
dependent on total product, customer, and channel profitability.

The assignment of indirect costs to logistics activities will require a means for tracing
indirect labor and other logistics resources to the activities performed. The tracing of
resources provides the total cost of performing individual activities or, by summing
activity costs, the costs of different processes. Future cost management systems will be
capable of tracing indirect labor hours, depreciation, training, supervision, data
processing, information system costs, and other indirect cost categories to logistics
The resulting activity information will provide significant advantages over
conventional cost management systems. Activity-based cost information can:

more accurately determine how changes in logistics service requirements will

affect total costs,
provide ability to trace indirect resources to logistics activities and the cost of
their outputs,
focus on high-cost activities or processes,
translate logistics performance into cost measures or weapon system
provide greater visibility over logistics costsbetter trade-offs within DOD,
simulate changes and impact on logistics costs.

Cost information at the activity level will enable logistics managers to determine the
cost per output of each logistics activity as well as the costs of supporting specific weapon


systems. The ability to accurately determine activity costs provides the cost information
necessary for making smart trade-offs within an integrated logistics system.
Logistics and financial management systems will require significant integration to
better support management decision making. Current systems frequently send conflicting
signals to DOD managers. These systems use different data to report inventory balances
and financial status, do not interface well with one another, and use a large number of
interfaces with numerous support systems with inaccurate or dirty data. The reports
are focused on the expenditure of funds or tracking labor hours rather than on activity
costs or management performance. Future systems will use a single database, capable of
accepting updates from many users. A single, integrated database will eliminate many of
the discrepancies between systems and data inaccuracies. Design of the database and
management systems will be developed with supporting management decision making,
and not financial reporting, as its principal objective.

B. K. Ellram and M. C. Cooper, Supply Chain Management, Partnerships, and the

Shipper-Third Party Relationship, The International Journal of Logistics Management
1, no. 2 (1990): 110.
E. Boyle, T. Matthew and Lt Col D. Smoot, Rethinking Support Equipment, Air
Force Journal of Logistics, Fall 1995, 2831.
Department of Defense, Report on the Performance of DoD Commercial Activities
(Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 30 January 1995), 5.
Nicholas Negroponte, Being Digital (New York: Vintage Books, 1995), 13.
Douglas Menarchik, PowerliftGetting to Desert Storm: Strategic
Transportation and Strategy in the New World Order, (Westport, Conn.: Praeger 1993),
Jeffrey G. Miller and Thomas E. Vollman, The Hidden Factory, Harvard
Business Review, September-October 1985, 142150.


Chapter 5


Logistics in 2025 will operate in a vastly different landscape than exists now.
Changes affecting logistics will occur in environments, technologies, and processes
leading toward the development of dynamic response logistics. Environments will change
in the military, business, and logistics sectors. Technologies will change in information
technology and systems, packaging and battlefield delivery, and integrating operations.
Processes will change in materiel requirements, asset maintenance, and financial
These changes will attest to the fact that the dynamic relationships among logistics
elements, illustrated in figure 5-1, will reshape the future structures of logistics. These
dynamic relationships will be formed through a combination of synergy and balancing
activities among logistics elements. Logisticians recognize that numerous trade-offs will
occur between logistics processes. Rapid transportation allows for frequent inventory
replenishment, thereby lowering inventory levels and reducing the need for fewer and
smaller warehouses.

Precise delivery of information will reduce the uncertainty

associated with inventory and lead to the reduction of safety stocks.


Weapon System







Figure 5-1. Logistics Dynamic Relationships

Table 1 lists the evolutionary and revolutionary concepts developed in this study.
Logistics operations of the future will operate under an integrated logistics system, or
supply chain management, which will govern logistics decisions and operations.
Logisticians of the future will become aware of the entire bench-to-battle sequence of
interactions which will deliver the needed item rapidly and efficiently. Logistics decisions
in one area will be made with a recognition of their impact in other areas as well.
Increasingly, an awareness of the cost of logistics trade-offs will impact logistics decision
making, especially in the notion of trading inventory for information: information is
cheap, while inventory is expensive.

Future cost management systems capable of

accurately assigning costs to logistics activities will permit effective cost trade-offs and
reduce total logistics costs while enabling logisticians to target high-cost activities or
support processes for reengineering action or privatization.


Table 1
Evolutionary and Revolutionary Concepts



Rapid response logistics

Self-repairing & -reporting parts

Privatization & outsourcing

Multifunctional packaging

Stronger military & commercial alliances

Container aircraft

Complete supply chain visibility

Wholesale & retail fusion

Activity-based cost information

Mobile Asset Repair Station (MARS)

The revolutionary concepts developed in this study are within US technological

capability of the next 30 years. The use of self-repairing and self-reporting parts will
greatly reduce both the proverbial logistics footprint and decrease the logistics tail.
Multiuse packaging, in which packaging combined with a catalyst produces either a fuel
or food product, will reduce the additional shipments of those items into the theater of
operations. The BDS with a standard shipping container will provide for a seamless
transportation system from the commercial vendor to the theater of operations. The
container aircraft will increase the flexibility of the BDS concept and integrate into the
agile base concept. The fusion of the wholesale and retail logistics structures will provide
for a streamlined flow of goods and equipment and complete supply chain visibility.
Logistics will move from a just-in-case system to dynamic response logistics.


SPACECAST 2020, vol. 1. Maxwell AFB, Ala.: Air University, June 1994.
Blanchard, B. S. Logistics Engineering and Management. 3d ed. Englewood Cliffs,
N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1986.
Bowersox, D. J. The Strategic Benefits of Logistics Alliances. Harvard Business
Review 68, no.4 (July-August 1990).
Boyle, E., T. Matthew, and Lt Col D. Smoot. Rethinking Support Equipment. Air
Force Journal of Logistics, Fall 1995.
Braithwaite, A. and M. Christopher. Managing the Global Pipeline. The International
Journal of Logistics Management. 2, no. 2 (1991).
Byrne, P. M. and W. J. Markham. Improving Quality and Productivity in the Logistics
Process: Achieving Customer Satisfaction Breakthroughs. Oak Brook, Ill.:
Council of Logistics Management, 1991.
Center for Naval Analyses. Issues Concerning Public and Private Provision of Depot
Maintenance. Council of Resource Management 9465. Washington, D.C.: U.S.
Government Printing Office, April 1994.
Department of Defense. Directions for Defense: Report of the Commission on Roles
and Missions of the Armed Forces. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing
Office, 24 May 1995.
. Report on the Performance of DOD Commercial Activities. Washington, D.C.:
U.S. Government Printing Office, 30 January 1995.
Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Logistics).
Program Brochure.
Washington, D.C.:
Association, 9 March 1994.

Total Asset Visibility Conference

American Defense Preparedness

Eccles, Henry E. RADM, USN. Military Concepts and Philosophy. New Brunswick,
N.J.: Rutgers State University, 1965.
Ellram, B. K., and M. C. Cooper. Supply Chain Management, Partnerships, and the
Shipper-Third Party Relationship. The International Journal of Logistics
Management 1, no. 2 (1990).
Fedex, 11 April 1996.
Foxton, P. D. Powering War: Modern Land Force Logistics. London: Brasseys, 1994.
Gates, Bill. The Road Ahead. New York: Viking, 1995.


Huston, James A. The Sinews of War: Army Logistics, 1775-1953. Army Historical
Series. Washington, D.C.: Office of the Chief of Military History, Department of the
Army, 1966.
Kaminski, P. G. The Revolution in Defense Logistics Prepared remarks to the 12th
National Logistics Symposium and Exhibition. Alexandria, Va., October 1995.
Menarchik, Douglas. PowerliftGetting to Desert Storm: Strategic Transportation
and Strategy in the New World Order. Westport, Conn.: Praeger, 1993.
Miller, Jeffrey G. and Thomas E. Vollman. The Hidden Factory. Harvard Business
Review, September-October 1985.
Negroponte, Nicholas. Being Digital. New York: Vintage Books, 1995.
Office of Management and Budget. Enhancing Government Productivity Through
Competition: A New Way of Doing Business. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government
Printing Office, August 1988.
Ohmae, K. The Global Logic of Strategic Alliances. Harvard Business Review 67, no.
2, (1989).
Porter, Michael.
Competitive Advantage:
Creating and Sustaining Superior
Performance. New York: The Free Press, 1985.

USAF Scientific Advisory Board. New World Vistas: Air and Space Power for the 21
Century, Summary Volume. Washington, D.C.: USAF Scientific Advisory Board, 15
December 1995.
. New World Vistas: Air and Space Power for the 21 Century. Unpublished
draft, the Materials Volume. 15 December 1995.


2025 Aerospace Replenishment:

The Insidious Force Multiplier

A Research Paper
Presented To
Air Force 2025

Lt Col Yoshio Smith

Lt Col Dawn M. Moll
Maj Kent S. Lund
Maj Joseph M. Roeder
August 1996

2025 is a study designed to comply with a directive from the chief of staff of the Air Force to examine the
concepts, capabilities, and technologies the United States will require to remain the dominant air and space
force in the future. Presented on 17 June 1996, this report was produced in the Department of Defense school
environment of academic freedom and in the interest of advancing concepts related to national defense. The
views expressed in this report are those of the authors and do not reflect the official policy or position of the
United States Air Force, Department of Defense, or the United States government.
This report contains fictional representations of future situations/scenarios. Any similarities to real people or
events, other than those specifically cited, are unintentional and are for purposes of illustration only.
This publication has been reviewed by security and policy review authorities, is unclassified, and is cleared
for public release.



Disclaimer ..........................................................................................................................................ii
Executive Summary ..........................................................................................................................vii


Required Capability..............................................................................................................................5
Core Competencies.......................................................................................................................5
Areas For Evaluation....................................................................................................................7

System Description .............................................................................................................................12

Transfer Systems.........................................................................................................................12
Transferring Solids ...............................................................................................................16
Transferring Liquids .............................................................................................................18
Transferring Gases................................................................................................................18
Analysis of MARS and Mothership ......................................................................................23
Space Support System...........................................................................................................24

Concept Of Operations........................................................................................................................30
General Operations.....................................................................................................................30
MARS Operations ......................................................................................................................30
Mothership Operations ...............................................................................................................33
Space Support System Operations ..............................................................................................35

Investigative Recommendations..........................................................................................................37





Energy Transfer Operations..............................................................................................................14


Conventional Weapons Transfer Operations ....................................................................................17


MARS Replenishing Transport Aircraft...........................................................................................21


Mothership Operations .....................................................................................................................22


Space Support Operations ................................................................................................................25


MARS Replenishing TAV ................................................................................................................33


Energy Beaming Operations .............................................................................................................34




Replenishment Materials and Transfer Methods.................................................................................8

Energy Transfer Criteria Ratings......................................................................................................13

Transfer Systems Criteria Ratings ....................................................................................................19

MARS and Mothership Criteria Ratings...........................................................................................24

In the 1920s, the United States government and many others viewed the earliest attempts to replenish
airborne aircraft as a barnstorming technique an aerial circus act. Nevertheless, men like then Maj Henry
Hap Arnold saw great potential in this possibility and endorsed a project to test the limits of flight
endurance. In 1929, the Question Mark mission was announced, planned, and executed. That Fokker C-2,
replenished by a modified Douglas C-1, remained airborne for seven days. The crew of the C-2 received

5,660 gallons of gasoline, 245 gallons of oil, 17 meals, water, batteries, and other supplies.

It may be tempting to scoff at the new concepts and ideas as presented by this, or any of the other white
papers in the 2025 project. The Aerospace Replenishment writing team wishes to honor the visionaries of
the past and appreciates the kind attention of those of the future. Together, we can revolutionize warfare even
more dramatically than that occurring at the beginning of this century.
In this conceptual work, artistic contributions are absolutely essential. This writing team owes much to
Mr. Bill Walmsley, 42d Communications Squadron, Graphics Section, as well as Mr. Mike McKim and Mr.
Nathan Smith, for the drawings in this report.


History of Aerial Refueling, (Videotape), Aerospace Audiovisual Service, Air University, Air
Education and Training Command, Maxwell AFB Ala., (1990).


Executive Summary
Studies examining the future of airpower and space power (such as New World Vistas and SPACECAST
2020) generally have not revealed much in the area of replenishment. Indeed, there is a noticeable tendency
to assume it away with the stated requirement or desire that aircraft should have longer range and loiter
capabilities. Even if this were possible, replenishment should be better exploited to mitigate the effect of
supporting all or most operations from the United Statesa likely prospect in the not too distant future. In
addition, some visionaries continue to insist that investment in satellite replenishment is unwise due to the
constant need to modernize with new and revolutionary satellite systems. This argument fails to convince
when one is open to the possibility that a replenishment platform may also modernize existing satellite
systems, thus delaying obsolescence and replacement.
The objective of aerospace replenishment is to provide air and space vehicles with on-demand
replenishment. To accomplish this, aerospace replenishment must have the ability to project itself both
globally and beyond the earths atmosphere. It must anticipate customer replenishment needs. Finally, it
must have the innate operational responsiveness and flexibility to meet those needs. This paper identifies
current vehicles, uninhabited aerial vehicles (UAV), transatmospheric vehicles (TAV), and satellites as
potential customers in need of replenishment. Anticipated replenishment supplies will include energy, as
well as numerous solids, liquids, and gases.
Clearly, the replenishment needs are vast. One platform cannot do all of the tasks well. Therefore, we
have identified three types of platforms to meet the specialized needs of customers operating in different

A Mothership will meet the replenishment needs of UAVs.

A Multirole Automated

Replenishing System (MARS) will meet the replenishment needs of current vehicles and the TAV. A Space
Support System (SSS), along with space tugs, will support satellites and other vehicles operating in space.
Aerospace replenishment in the year 2025 may be critical in supporting a future presence of US air and
space power forces. This paper describes the continued applicability of aerospace replenishment and


identifies the plausible and credible systems and operational concepts required for the expanded role of
aerospace replenishment in the aerospace operations of 2025.


Chapter 1


The year is 2025. An economic dispute concerning mining rights between Hendi International, a Khanbased corporation, and Pavin Mining, a US-based multinational corporation, has escalated to the point where
tensions now exist between the Khan and US governments. These tensions have increased rapidly and
resulted in Khans veiled threat to use weapons of mass destruction against the US. US intelligence has
confirmed the mobilization of Khan personnel and equipment at a remote site capable of launching an attack
against the US. The president of the United States has authorized a preemptive strike against this facility.
His objective is to neutralize this site within 12 hours. Unfortunately, the president has a significant problem.
In 1996, popular thinking of the airpower theorists was centered on designing systems for autonomous
global power projection thereby dismissing the need for replenishing systems. The fashionable image of fast
and stealthy platforms captivated these theorists. Unfortunately, engineering and production limitations failed
to produce systems capable of independent global power projection by the year 2025. Unable to respond to
the crisis before escalation, the US military failed to meet the presidents objectives. As a result, US military

credibility has suffered a substantial blow.

No one can precisely forecast what the future will hold for the United States and its air and space
forces; clearly, however, air and space exploitation will remain important.

Over the last 30 years,

technological breakthroughs have been successfully exploited to build the strongest and most capable
contingent of air and space power that humankind has ever known. Nevertheless, the future is not the time to
rest on laurels. In the next 30 years, emerging technology must continually be exploited to build upon the vast
capability that exists within air and space forces.

The geopolitical environment of the world requires that the United States continue an active leadership

role in world affairs.

Although previously up to the task, the United States must hone and maintain its

military instrument of power to continue to assert leadership throughout the world. Inherent in this task is the
capability to project power globally. In planning for conflicts in 2025, one must assume a diminishing or
nonexistent overseas US military presence. Some US military operations may be conducted from bases

located within the US and require force projection over large distances.

With this type of situation on the

horizon, the capability to provide aerospace replenishment to mobility and combat forces will become even
more critical in supporting air and space power forces in the year 2025.
Military forces may operate in either the air or space, and only a few will regularly make the transition
between the two. Thus, in 2025, the US may have separate air and space forces. The interactions between
these forces may be substantial, with space-based surveillance and reconnaissance assets routinely fusing
data to air forces. This paper will use the term aerospace to refer to the combination of air and space as
well as their combined forces. In addition, replenishment refers to providing air and space forces with
organic essentials such as energy, fuel, and weapons.
Operational doctrine indicates that aerospace replenishments primary mission is to support other air
and space forces. Aerospace replenishment will extend the performance of these assets; enabling airpower
forces to perform longer missions and travel further through replenishment.

In addition, aerospace

replenishment can save time, money, material, and manpower. Replenishing a weapon system in the air can
enable it to arrive over the target or reattack faster. Airborne replenishment can also reduce the ground
infrastructure necessary to replenish these combat vehicles.

By exploiting weapons replenishment

technology, we may enhance performance of the complete weapon system. Space replenishment could extend
the useful life cycle of satellites, thereby reducing launch costs and satellite replacement costs. There also is
the added benefit of reducing space debris, which results from the growing collection of useless satellites.
Eliminating some of the 3,000 tons of man-made debris will reduce the possibility of satellite damage from


Space presents numerous unique challenges; however, this paper will limit analysis to satellite

replenishment possibilities.

The organization of the paper nudges the reader through the world of 2025 and into the operational
employment of aerospace replenishment forces in that future world.

This journey begins with critical

assumptions to set the stage for the world of 2025. Following the assumptions, chapter two presents a case
for aerospace replenishment; the required capability. This discussion describes the criteria for evaluating
various transfer mechanisms and systems. Chapter three uses these criteria to evaluate the methods of
transferring these organic essentials. After selecting the candidate mechanisms, the required platforms are
described and evaluated. Chapter four presents a concept of operations for the three candidate platforms: the
Multirole Replenishing System (MARS), the Mothership, and the Space Support System (SSS). Finally,
chapter five provides recommendations on ideas that can lead the US from today towards the world of 2025.


The 2025 Alternative Futures study provides the backdrop for this paper.

These alternative futures

cover a spectrum of possible scenarios and include various assumptions. The following assumptions, either
synthesized from the alternative futures study, New World Vistas, or developed by this writing team, are the
most relevant to this papers thesis. For purposes of this study, the following assumptions apply:

US reliance on space-based capabilities will continue to increase.

Supersonic travel is routine.
Transatmospheric dimension has been exploited for military application.
Requirement remains to refuel current aircraft.
The US must be capable of fighting at large distances from its shores.
Some operations may be staged directly from the US.
Bulk of US forces will be based in the US.
UAVs will be a key part of forces.
Foodstuff and fuel replenishment will extend manned space operations.

Aerospace replenishment in the year 2025 may be critical in supporting a future presence of US
airpower and space power forces.

This paper describes the continued applicability of aerospace

replenishment and identifies the plausible and credible systems and operational concepts required for the
expanded role of aerospace replenishment in the aerospace operations of 2025.


Completely fictional scenario tied to 2025 Zaibatsu and King Khan Alternative Futures; developed during
2025 futures development phase.


Joseph S. Nye, Jr., The Case for Deep Engagement, Foreign Affairs, (July/August 1995), 90.
Air Force Scientific Advisory Board, New World Vistas, Summary Volume, (15 December 1995), 5.
Col Thomas J. Hall, Space Debris: A Threat to National Security, (Maxwell AFB, Ala.: Air University
Press), 110.
The On-Orbit Support 2025 study White Paper writing team provides a detailed investigation of other
orbital support operations.
The Alternative Futures White Paper team provides a detailed description.
SAF/CSAF, Air Force Executive Guidance (Washington D.C.: Department of the Air Force, December
1995), 9.
Bill Sweetman, US Supersonic Transport Research Forges Ahead, Interavia, (January 1995), 20-22.
Space Lift, SPACECAST 2020, Volume 1, Air University, Air Education and Training Command,
Maxwell AFB, Ala., (June 1994), H-1 H-58.
Air Force Executive Guidance, 7 ,8 ,11.
New World Vistas, Summary Volume, (15 December 1995), 5.
Jeffrey Record, The Air War, Hallow Victory (McLean, Va.: Brasseys [US], Inc., 1993), 148.
New World Vistas, 8.

Chapter 2

Required Capability

A revolutionary concept, within the 2025 study, would be to put aerospace replenishment out of


While most future weapon systems may attempt to maximize performance and capabilities,

employment of these weapon systems for extended periods of time, at large distances from the US, may
require replenishment operations to fully exploit the complete weapon system. As a minimum, replenishment
capability within US aerospace forces will increase the effectiveness of military options for future
Planning for worst-case scenarios in 2025 dictates planning for unknown threats in unknown
locations. This may entail sustained operations being executed day and night in all weather.

In addition,

the US military may be required to have the capability to rapidly project combat forces globally from the US,
while employing these forces in synchronized aerospace operations. In the Gulf War, The bulk of work
came from much older systems and mundane technologies such as air refueling (which was required for

three-fifths of all combat missions). Aerospace replenishment forces, as part of the global mobility forces,
are required to project and sustain future operations.

Core Competencies

Aerospace replenishment must continue to provide on-demand support and global mobility to the
warfighting commander. These competencies, derived from air refueling core competencies, are built on the

concepts of saving time, reducing cost and manpower, and increasing performancethus providing enhanced
flexibility and responsiveness.
The US Air Force demonstrated in Operation Restore Hope that eliminating land-based refueling would
increase the on-time delivery rate of cargo to Somalia. Through air refueling, C-5s and C-141s were able to
take off with more cargo, thus increasing their cargo carrying performance. Eliminating the en route staging
requirements increased the aircraft's maintenance reliability and reduced the associated manpower costs.

Additionally, eliminating en route ground time reduced the time required to arrive at the destination.

The research questions are how do current core competencies project into future requirements and how
are they synthesized into 2025 aerospace operations? Evolutionary projections of current air refueling
capabilities may lead to the development of possible future aerospace replenishment missions. This chapter
evaluates possible replenishment media and credible methods of transferring the media between platforms
through operational analysis methods. This leads to five candidate transfer solutions, which that are refined
in chapter three.
The aerospace replenishment mission statement for operations in 2025 is to provide on-demand support
to air and space vehicles requiring replenishment. Global aerospace mobility and on-demand support are the
aerospace replenishment core competencies required to support air and space operations in 2025.
Providing on-demand support to air and space vehicles requires global mobility. US air and space
forces must be able to conduct and support aerospace operations throughout the world.


superiority, the ultimate high ground, may remain a vital component of future operations. Aerospace
replenishment will support aerospace superiority operations by extending the range and endurance of the
combat vehicles carrying out this mission. In the year 2025, control of the air and space above the battlefield
may remain a critical factor for our contingency planning efforts. With advances in information technology
and information warfare, 2025 war fighters may need to control the high ground.
systems will become increasingly more essential for effective operations.

Thus, space and space

Much of the military benefit

derived from space comes from satellites and the trend is for smaller, lighter, and cheaper designs. One

2025 lecturer indicated that some future satellites may be small and light enough to be handheld.


Desert Storm, commanders needed satellites moved to strategic locations to obtain more critical data. Yet

using fuel to move satellites shortened the usable life of these satellites. Having the capability to replenish a

satellite with fuel will increase the useful life of space systems, thereby enhancing future campaigns. In
addition to supporting operations around the world, global mobility involves the capability to reach into
space and replenish satellites as well. The mission statement calls for on-demand replenishment. Part of
on-demand replenishment dictates a global aerospace capability to provide this service. Thus, global
aerospace mobility becomes a core competency.
The remaining part of on-demand replenishment dictates providing support to the platforms requiring
services. On-demand support involves providing the customers what they need, when and where they need it.
Global mobility will ensure the where part of this equation is attainable. The what part of the equation
identifies specifically what the receiver platform requires from replenishment operations. By 2025, there
may be an opportunity for a weapons replenishment capability in addition to the current fuel replenishment
capability that exists today. The when part of the equation dictates a need for an integrated command and
control system capable of coordinating required information to both the replenisher and the receiver. This
information system will be capable of providing real time updates regarding timing and requirements
between the various platforms.
On-demand support is comprised of responsiveness and flexibility.

The Prussian strategist Count


Helmuth von Moltke the elder once said, No plan survives contact with the enemy."

Since aerospace

replenishment forces support other aerospace forces, they need to be responsive and flexible. A wellintegrated command and control system ensures exploitation of this flexibility.

Thus, global aerospace

mobility and on-demand support are core competencies in 2025 due to the criticality of aerospace
replenishment support during aerospace operations.

Areas For Evaluation

Geopolitical uncertainty about the future dictates that the US must maintain a military force capable of
projecting power globally, with the bulk of US forces based primarily in the US. The future warfare tempo
may be so rapid that advanced technology weapon systems may be rendered less effective if they cannot
deploy in sufficient time to counter global threats. In 2025, a credible aerospace replenishment capability
enhances the global employment of US aerospace forces. Traditionally, weapons and propulsion fuel have

been the organic essentials required to conduct air operations.

In 2025, an aerospace replenishment

capability may exist for the following organic essentials:


Energy: Lasers, directed energy (DE), and kinetic energy (KE) weapons.
Solids: Bombs and bullets to KE particles and food stuffs.
Liquids: Jet fuel to hypergolic fuel or chemicals.
Gases: Air to plasma.

The next areas to be evaluated are the methods to transfer these materials. A listing of various systems
for transferring these materials follows:

Direct: Materials delivered through physical contact.

Beaming: Atmospheric energy transfer from source to recipient.
Parachute: Lightweight containers that parachute between platforms.
Glider: Pods with wings that fly or glide onto platforms.
Robotic: Arms that install replenishment supplies onto platforms.

To visualize the feasibility of transferring these materials by the various methods, see the matrix of
these materials and methods in table 1. In addition, combinations of transfer methods and transfer materials
are scoredon a scale of zero to tenon the basis of the feasibility of accomplishing the task in 2025. For
example, the direct transfer of electric energy rates a 10, the highest possible score, because it is very
feasible that aerospace forces could accomplish this transfer.

The vertical and horizontal score totals

indicate where the overall research should be centered: in the areas of direct transfer of various materials
and different methods of transferring electrical energy.
Table 1
Replenishment Materials and Transfer Methods























The five highest scoring combinations from this feasibility evaluation are the direct transfers of
electrical energy, liquids, and gases, the beaming of electrical energy, and the robotic transfer of solids. The
systems description section of the paper evaluates these five combinations. Although limited technology
exists to transfer or replenish information, another 2025 writing team will address future information
replenishment capabilities.15 While the paper will further detail these five previously identified
combinations, the evaluation must first validate the applicability of the aerospace replenishment of these
To provide measures of merit, this paper identifies the criteria used to evaluate the effectiveness of the
transfer and platform systems. Analysis identifies eight prioritized criteria for future transfer systems:

Operational benefit: The added capability for the user.

Transferability: Ability to accept various media from other platforms.
Maintainability: Ease of maintenance and reliability of the platform.
Safety: Designed to reduce accidents.
Cost effectiveness: Overall cost minimization from cradle to grave.
Automation: Reduced human interface during the process.
Reload capability: Ability to rapidly reattack or reengage the target.
Environment: Concern for the surroundings.

Analysis identifies 10 prioritized criteria for future transfer platforms:

1. Transfer capability: Ability to provide various media to other platforms.
2. Interoperability: Capability to replenish a variety of vehicles.
3. Operating envelope: Capability to operate at varied speeds and altitudes.
4. Survivability: Ability to prevent or avoid destruction.
5. Storage capability: Ability to store large and various energy media.
6. Automation: Reduced human interface during the process.
7. Cost effectiveness: Overall cost minimization from cradle to grave.
8. Mobility: Worldwide ease of movement.
9. Safety: Designed to reduce accidents.
10. Environment: Concern for the surroundings.
Currently, the only method of aerospace replenishment is the direct transfer of fuel through a boom or
drogue. In order to fully evaluate the benefits of replenishment, this paper explores the complete spectrum of
materials such as energy, solids, liquids, and gases. Directed energy (DE) power sources such as electrical,
gases, and liquids can possibly be transferred; however, the scientific community needs to further explore
storage technology to be able to justify the cost of DE power transfer. This stems from the fact that current

electrical storage technology is not feasible or economical for DE weapons employment.

The development

of storage devices should proceed much faster than DE weapons development due to the commercial use of

storage technologies. Therefore, by the time DE weapons become operational, storage devices should not be
a restriction and the need to transfer energy will remain.
Inflight transfer of solids to include conventional type weapons (such as bullets and bombs) provides
another opportunity to more rapidly employ firepower, thereby overwhelming the enemys ability to react.
Through the use of robotics, it may be feasible to rearm aerospace vehicles with conventional munitions
inflight. A general officer indicated that there was much discussion during past conflicts on the obvious

desirability of accomplishing conventional weapons replenishment.

With advanced technology available for flight guidance computers, automated aerospace replenishment
technology should be pursued. This feature facilitates a low-visibility aerospace replenishment capability,
thereby increasing the effectiveness of our air and space power forces. In addition, automated uninhabited
replenishment platforms eliminate the need for planning crew rest prior to long operations. These automated
vehicles contribute to enhancing the replenishment capability of aerospace forces in 2025.
Based on these required aerospace replenishment capabilities, a multipurpose replenishment system can
possibly accomplish the transfer of energy, solids, liquids, and gases. However, multiple platforms are
needed to satisfy energy transfer needs within the aerospace environment.


Dr. Dennis M. Bushnell, Chief Scientist, NASA Langley Research Center, 2025 Assessor Comment on
2025 First Draft White Paper, February 1996, (Maxwell AFB, Ala.: Air War College/2025, 1996).
New World Vistas, Summary Volume, (15 December 1995), 5.
Eliot A. Cohen, The Mystique of U.S. Airpower, Foreign Affairs, No. 1, Vol. 73, January/February
1994): 112.
Lt Col Yoshio Smith deployed to Moron Air Base, Spain as the KC-135 Operations Group
Commander to coordinate air refueling along the Portuguese Coast, Mediterranean, and Azores.
While the North Vietnamese were able to hide against the might of the US air strikes, the future
space-based battlefield dominant information system could pin point those in hiding against a less
technologically endowed opponent. Of course, an opponent with less technology in their warfare could
possibly counter the technologically superior opponent, perhaps the tempo of warfare may belong to the
information dominant warriors.
New World Vistas, Summary Volume, 11.
Guest lecturer, lecture to 2025 participants, Air War College, Jones Auditorium, December 1995.
Mr. Christopher Whitlock, Operations Support Office, National Reconnaissance Office, interview
with Lt Col Yoshio Smith, Maxwell AFB Ala., 26 February 1996.



Edward S. Miller, War Plan Orange, (United States Naval Institute, Annapolis, Md: Naval Institute
Press, 1991), 333.
John A. Kennedy, Delta airline pilot, during interview with Lt Col Yoshio Smith, stated that Delta
aircraft can receive air traffic control clearances on a computer display within their cockpit without voice
radio transmissions, 22 March 1996. Other 2025 teams are addressing information operations in the
aerospace environment.
Lt Col Brian L. Jones, Chief, 2025 Technology Team, interview with Lt Col Yoshio Smith, Maxwell
AFB, Ala. 7 February 1996.
Dr. Wade Adams, 2025 Assessors comment on First White Paper Draft, February 1996, (Maxwell
AFB, Ala.: Air War College/2025, 1996).
Jones, interview with Smith, 7 February 1996.
Other white papers in 2025 study address information operations.
Verbal feedback on the Aerospace Replenishment Teams Briefing to the Air Force Scientific
Advisory Board, Air University Library, 7 February 1996.
Lt Gen Charles T. Robertson, Vice Commander, Air Mobility Command, comments to Aerospace
Replenishment Writing Team, Air Mobility Command video teleconference, 28 February 1996.


Chapter 3

System Description

The previous chapter presented the aerospace replenishment core competencies and identified transfer
media and platform characteristics.

This chapter will analyze the replenishment mission and explore

plausible technologies of 2025. It will also marry the scientific capabilities with the mission requirements in
order to offer several credible systems for further analysis.
In order to fulfill the required mission capabilities, revolutionary systems are needed. The overall
systems include the transfer mechanisms as well as the platforms that are needed to support those
mechanisms. The transfer systems are those mechanisms employed to transfer the organic essentials: energy,
solids, liquids, and gases.

Transfer Systems

A variety of methods to transfer the energy, solids, liquids, and gases are available.


described were four groups of materials and the feasibility of their transfer via individual transfer methods.
Individual transfer systems would be inefficient; therefore, an integrated system that can transfer everything
may be necessary (e.g., an integrated replenishment boom system).
A key component of the transfer system is a replenishment boom that can accommodate vehicles
operating in 2025. In addition to transferring liquid carbon-based fuels, this system can transfer liquids such
as hypergolic fuels. Transfer of solids, particles, or gases can be accomplished by modifying the boom to a
pressure system where the replenisher selects the amount of pressure required to transfer the different media.
Electrical transfer will utilize the same integrated replenishment boom. The insulated conductive material


located through the center of the boom facilitates electrical transfer while liquid, gas, or solid transfer occurs
outside the conductive core. Therefore, a need exists for a single integrated boom transfer system that can
transfer all four media. In the following sections we will explore such a systems feasibility.

Transferring Energy
The capability of directed energy and kinetic energy weapons in 2025 will extend beyond the
capabilities of todays precision weapons. Already, laser technology has demonstrated the ability to destroy
aerospace vehicles.

Easily envisioned are UAVs used extensively in the high-threat environment with DE

and KE weapons as the standard armament. Will they need an external energy source to sustain operations?
UAVs may be powered by small engines and may not have the generator capacity to energize the large
capacitors or batteries needed for high-tempo operations.

Likewise, the limited carrying capacity will

prohibit extensive internal storage devices for the electrical energy or chemicals. Therefore, the energy will
need to be transferred from either a ground-, air-, or space-based system, each of which has advantages and
disadvantages that must be evaluated (table 2).
Table 2
Energy Transfer Criteria Ratings
































TOTAL (100)






The advantages and disadvantage of each system is further analyzed. For example, in a ground-based
system, size is relatively uncritical and generating capability is maximized. Safety, generating capability, and
cost advantages can be maximized; however, these are countered with mobility disadvantages. Air-based
systems can be placed in numerous vehicles; however, the mobility and flexibility of air assets are offset by
higher risk, higher operating cost, and lower generation capability. Space-based systems to reenergize UAVs
have the advantage of constant availability and tremendous multimission capability.

Unfortunately, the

disadvantages of using a space-based replenishment system seem overwhelming; high cost, complicated
maintenance, and limited generation capability. More important, if space systems had the capability to
energize the UAV capacitors, they might independently destroy the targets. The final area for analysis is a
joint ground and air system. In this joint system, the generating capacity of the ground system could be used
to direct energy to an energy relay system located in-theater. The in-theater air asset could then transfer the
energy to a low-altitude UAV (fig 3-1).

Figure 3-1. Energy Transfer Operations


Synthesis of the ground and air systems will be vital in 2025. If operations occur near friendly territory,
the ground-based system could be deployed with the UAV support system to fulfill energy transfer
requirements. During long-range operations and over extended hostile territory, the ground-based system
could directly reinforce the generating capability of an aerospace vehicle, which could then replenish the
UAV. This energy transfer is necessary if we are to meet the energy requirements of KE or DE weapons.
Directed energy (DE) weapons have great destructive capabilities because a large quantity of energy is
transmitted in an extremely short time. A laser system does this by wavelength absorption. For example, a
laser system can destroy a target by using thermal methods (infrared) to heat the enemy vehicle's surface in an
extremely short period of time.

DE weapons can also destroy objects by impulse methodslike a

microwaveto blow material off the surface. This damage can be accomplished within a fraction of a

second with 200 to 400 joules per square centimeter of energy transferred.

If the infrared or impulse

wavelengths are extended, then nondestructive power transfer is possible.

Electrical energy may be rapidly transferred using lasers or microwave methods. Alternatively, another
method of electrical energy transfer is through the collection and transfer of solar energy. For example, a
satellite away from atmospheric disturbances can collect solar energy at approximately 140 milliwatts per
square centimeter. Converting the suns destructive rays into visible light makes it possible to beam energy
to a lower orbiting satellites photo-voltaic cells. This process can increase the solar energy collection
significantly above the 15 to 18 percent efficiency possible from direct collection by the same low orbiting
satellite. Another solar method is to convert the suns energy into laser energy. The laser would transmit the
energy for absorption to a chemical-type receiver unit that may then turn a hot turbine for propulsion. Well
into the future, exotic methods such as the plasma ball concept may become possible. This method projects a

space-generated plasma cell (like St. Elmos fire) onto a receiving unit. The transfer of energy is critical to
aerospace replenishment of DE and KE weapons; however, the efficiency of the collection, transfer, and
storage of electrical energy requires significant development.


Transferring Solids
Future aerospace campaigns may continue to require massing decisive force in an area and employment
of this force on intended targets. If todays trend towards a knowledge-based society continues, the US may
develop and procure a highly advanced or Third Wave military force. However, the requirement will
remain to fight those forces that counter with an extensive industrial or Second Wave military. In this
scenario, inflight conventional weapons replenishment contributes to an increased operations tempo. This
capability may be necessary for future operations against First or Second Wave adversaries. The use of
robotics could provide this physical transfer of conventional munitions. Robotics provides a substantial
toolbox, including low-cost electronics, servomechanisms, controllers, sensors and communications


While the transfer of conventional weapons appears possible, it is a small niche in the

aerospace replenishment environment.

Unfortunately, this small requirement entails large expenditures.

Therefore, the use of robotics for inflight conventional munitions replenishment offers limited force
enhancement capability (fig. 3-2).


Figure 3-2. Conventional Weapons Transfer Operations

Kinetic energy and particle gun weapons replenishment can be accomplished through compressed gas or
suspension of the particles. Particle transfer systems can employ a mechanism much like that of a BB gun, but
with much lower pressure. If the particles are small, then suspension of the kinetic material in a liquid
medium like water, oil, or jet fuel will be feasible. Once the transfer of the particles to the receiver is
complete, they can be filtered for use in a weapon system.

The suspension medium can be dumped

overboard, used as an energy source, or simply extracted from the receiver vehicle upon landing.
More radical methods of transferring solids would include the use of parachute or glider operations
between the platforms. Despite the fact that C-130s have used parachute recovery methods in the past,

parachute operations appear to provide little benefit except to similarly configured cargo aircraft. Powered
glider operations may prove possible for transfer of large external munitions. In this concept, gliders would
depart from the ground or another vehicle and maneuver to the receiver vehicle. Once in position, the


robotic mechanisms could complete the transfer. Some may consider this a dream but many considered

transferring liquids impossible before the Question Mark.

Transferring Liquids
Future replenishment systems may require the ability to transfer noncarbon-based fuels to propulsion or
laser systems. Hydrogen and chlorine-based compounds can be used as light and heat sources. In the

propulsion system, the heat energy generated from chemical reactions is converted into thrust.
system, the excited molecules provide the light energy needed for laser weapons.


In the laser

Therefore, a system that

can replenish a vehicle with chemicals for propulsion can also replenish the laser system. Political and
environmental benefits result from reduced dependence on petroleum. A UAV with the chemicals for a laser
system can use the same chemicals for the propulsion system. There will be an employment tradeoff between
using the chemicals to remain airborne verses availability of laser-kill shots.


The replenishment systems need to separate liquids for internal use from those designated for transfer.
The transfer of these liquids should not present physical problems; however, storage and safety solutions may
prove difficult. Advanced liquids may have volatility, corrosion, or other problems. These concerns may
force the development of additional systems that are incompatible with the integrated replenishment boom.
Safety may also provide a reason for transferring gases.

Transferring Gases
While most gases liquefy for storage and transfer, some may remain gaseous for safety or material
purposes. The transfer of these gaseous materials would use the same integrated replenishment boom used
for liquid transfers. The chemical processes of these gases may be needed for power, light, or heat. The
transfer entails irrigating or purifying the boom with an inert gas and then begin the transfer. The system
could use a positive pressure transfer as previously described in the solids transfer sections. Currently, fuel
pumps provide the pressure to transfer fuel. On the future transfer system, pumps will pressurize gaseous


Table 1 (page 11) provides feasibility values for each transfer combination. To facilitate systematic
evaluation of the five highest-rated transfer combinations, an expanded matrix of the desired characteristics
of the various transfer mechanisms is provided in table 3. The numbers following the individual criteria are
the maximum scores for that event weighted so that a maximum total score is 100. Weighting these scores
emphasizes the customer requirements that lead to operational capability.
Table 3
Transfer Systems Criteria Ratings





































TOTAL (100)






These eight characteristics are those deemed vital for aerospace operations in 2025. The highest-rated
transfers systems are the direct transfer of electrical energy and liquids. That current systems are capable of
transferring liquids and scoring 89 points indicates that this will continue to be a vital need in 2025. The
direct transfer of electrical energy scored an 84, despite having rated average in the heavily weighted
categories. The beaming of electrical energy is environmentally risky and relatively unsafe due to the flow of
energy through the atmosphere. In addition, this system appears to be costly to both develop and field in the
operational world. However, the beaming of energy is vital to the complete direct transfer system. The
ability to beam energy from a ground or space station is the enabling technology for high-tempo directedenergy transfer operations. The direct transfer of gases would have scored much better, except for its limited
operational benefit.

If the need for inflight transfer of gases becomes necessary, the multipurpose


replenishment boom establishes this capability. The robotic transfer of solids scored lowest overall. The
dangers of damaging the other vehicle or inadvertently releasing a weapon reduce the operational safety
factor. This system appears to be expensivefrom development through testing to operational employment.
Robotic operations also requires the most extensive interface with the platform.


Three generic platforms are required to transfer the various energy, solid, liquid, and gaseous mediums.
These systems are provided to enable a more coherent concept of operations. These platforms are the
MARS, the Mothership, and the SSS.

The MARS supports mobility, combat, and spacelift requirements in the year 2025.
concerns for the MARS (fig. 3-3) are the platform and the transfer system.


The critical

Figure 3-3. MARS Replenishing Transport Aircraft

The MARS must be able to carry palletized cargo and fuel, oxidizer tanks, and electrical energy
generation and storage devices. In order to meet these challenges, a composite material must be developed
that can be light and strong enough to allow a high payload to structure ratio. This vehicle must be able to
take off and land in an austere environment, perhaps on unprepared surfaces and using advanced vertical

short takeoff or landing technology.

Both replenisher and receiver aircraft will be equipped with all

computerized equipment necessary to conduct automatic rendezvous and replenishment operations.


computerized uninhabited MARS uses advanced guidance technology throughout all aspects of the
replenishment operations.
Automated precision air refueling technology is capable of exploitation. This capability can evolve
from current navigation, formation station keeping equipment or SKE, and auto-land systems found on large
military and commercial aircraft. Synthesizing this technology into a system capable of accomplishing the


mission is the next step. The MARS must have the ability to replenish current vehicles with fuel. In addition,
with an integrated replenishment boom, the replenishment of various medium is possible.

The Mothership (fig. 3-4) is designed to provide direct combat support to UAVs engaged in delivering
precision guided munitions (PGM) or providing combat air patrol.

Figure 3-4. Mothership Operations

The Mothership is a large wing-type platform used to replenish numerous UAVs with weapons and
propulsion power. Kinetic particle and directed energy replenishment occurs through the docking pods
located on the lower surface of the Mothership. The Mothership has the ability to collect beamed energy,
gather solar energy, convert and store solar energy, and transfer the energy through physical means or via
beaming. The beamed energy collection antennae is located on the lower surface in order to collect energy
transferred from a ground-based system and on the upper surface for aerospace collections. The Mothership
could possibly serve as the rearming platform for the Fotofighter described in New World Vistas.



The photo-voltaic collection and conversion process requires a revolutionary development to provide
the efficiency needed to support high-tempo operations. The photo-voltaic capability of the Mothership is
adequate during low levels of conflict; however, the need to assist the Mothership becomes vital in a highthreat operation. A combination of a ground-based and space-based directed energy replenishment system
satisfies this need. Storage devices require significant development to reduce the size and weight of the
package. We need to develop the ability to target and destroy vehicles with directed energy. At the same
time, we need the ability to collect and transfer this energy.
Directed energy transfer from one platform to another requires accurate tracking. Some developing

UAVs operate in the 250- to 350-knot range.

While 300-knots is slow relative to the speed of light, it is

still fast enough to cause tracking and aerodynamic problems. The UAVs collection panel either deploys
from the surface or is an integral part of the UAV skin. If the panel deploys, there is less body interference;
however, the mechanics and aerodynamic problems are more challenging. Therefore, a panel that is an
integral part of the fuselage may be required.
Technology for the Mothership concept will require a minimum of 10 years of serious development.


Moreover, synthesis of several technologies will be required to realize this concept. The precision guided
rendezvous capability is at least one generation above the current navigation and formation technology. This
system will need integration with future navigation equipment to improve the accuracy of the current
precision guided tools. The means for energy collection and the transfer of directed energy weapons
warrants research.

In the command and control environment, limited data fusion technology is available

today. With a Mothership supporting numerous platforms, data fusion and coordination between these
weapons systems becomes critical for successful mission accomplishment.

Analysis of MARS and Mothership

Table 4 presents an objective analysis for comparing the current replenishment systems, the MARS, and
the Mothership against ten weighted criteria.

This table addresses the most important criteria for an

aerospace replenishment platform in 2025. A grading scale is provided for each criteria, with the key terms
for the high and low ratings provided in the scale column. A 0 is always the low value and the number
in parenthesis in the weighted criteria column is the weighted high value. The scale provides a weighting,


based on customer requirements, for each of the criteria. For example, a perfect transfer capability system
rates a 16; a minimally capable system rates a 0. The ideal system would score a total of 100 points.
That system is virtually unrealistic, however, due to the contradictory nature of the various criteria. For
example, a large storage capability dictates a large platformwhich degrades the survivability of that
platform. Objective analysis of the data reveals that the Mothership appears to provide the most utility for
operations in 2025. However, because of the various receiver aircraft or platforms, both the MARS and the
Mothership are required to fulfill all replenishment needs in 2025.
Table 4
MARS and Mothership Criteria Ratings

























TOTALS (100)

Space Support System

The need to replenish in space is the basis for development of the SSS. The SSS is a large orbiting
platform that can replenish multiple vehicles. The platforms design enables energy collectors to gather solar
energy, beamed energy from Earth, or beamed energy from other satellites. The SSS is designed to provide


space replenishment to orbital vehicles (fig. 3-5). The multilayered platform increases the ramp space
used to replenish, modify, and refurbish the vehicles.

Figure 3-5. Space Support Operations

The SSS needs to replenish the same media as the MARS and Mothership. However, even with the
ability to replenish energy, solids, liquids, or gases, the key is to provide fuel to satellites. Propulsion fuel is
a limiting factor for space systems because the fuel is used to maintain proper spacecraft orbit or to
reposition the spacecraft for mission purposes. Future commanders will have more flexibility to obtain
needed data if there is a capability to replenish the satellites.
Two critical issues are the affordability and the purpose of the replenishing system. With dwindling
defense dollars, there is a need to keep the satellites in orbit longer. However, cost of launch (currently
about $8,000 to $10,000 per pound of payload) must be such that spacecraft replenishment is more cost17

effective than launching a new satellite.

Historically, satellites are lasting longer than projected. If a fuel

replenishing capability existed, satellites could remain in orbit even longer.

On the other hand, many

satellites become outdated soon after they are placed into orbit because of rapid technological advances


and ground station enhancements. Costs aside, if satellite design incorporates modular components that are
accessible in orbit, then the possibility exists to replenish satellites and upgrade the systems at the same time.
Trade-off studies analyzing modular designs for future upgrades versus a new system are continually
The SSS is similar to the Mothership in that it is a main operating base and other vehicles will provide


One of these vehicles is the TUGSAT, a conceptual orbital maneuvering vehicle capable of

acting as a space tugboat while repositioning satellites into alternate orbits. The TUGSAT can also be
used as a replenisher platform by transferring fuel or energy from the tug to the satellite.

accomplishing this mission could be through refueling satellites.

satellite fuel such as hydrazine and Shell Oil 405.



Another method of

These systems are capable of carrying

Physical contact can be accomplished through a

docking device and transfer system similar to the integrated replenishment boom. Robotic arms and hands
can then replenish the fuel and install upgrades as necessary, reducing the reluctance to move satellites due to
fuel limitations. Satellite-to-satellite refueling will prevent expensive satellites from becoming virtually

worthless after their original fuel is depleted.

Another method of satellite energy replenishment is beamingthe transfer of energy from the ground
to a satellite. The energy beam can provide propulsion for maneuvering the satellite or be used to recharge

the electrical systems.

This may prove difficult, however, because atmospheric effects make beaming into

space much more difficult than from space to earth.

The replenishing satellites and TUGSATs could be permanently stationed in space. The Department of
Defense may have difficulty in funding this expensive program on its own, but industry and international
communities may be interested in making this a joint global venture. It would seem to be in everyones best
interest to increase the life cycle of all satellites via a transfer from a space replenishment platform.
Supporting space superiority will require the assurance that our satellite force will have the flexibility
to contribute to an aerospace campaign no matter where the conflict occurs. In 2025, satellites and spacebased weapons could very well be the primary means of force employment during campaigns. The use of an
SSS to support space superiority may become critical to assure support for our space-based assets.



Aerospace replenishment is increasingly viewed by possible adversaries as a critical soft target.


Indeed, aerospace replenishment forces are considered a valuable center of gravity that is an insidious force
multiplier. With this in mind, the replenishment platforms need to identify threats at as great a distance as
possibleand defend themselves accordingly.
Countermeasures for the replenishing systems evolve from those existing today. Antiaircraft (including
DE and KE) weapons are primary threats; secondary threats entail interference and jamming of the onboard
systems and data links. In addition, the systems must withstand electromagnetic pulse (EMP) and other
possible disturbances.
These countermeasures can be passively mitigated by deploying the systems outside the effective range
of enemy threats, deploying computer security measures, encrypting data signals, EMP hardening, and
employing stealth technology. Active counter-countermeasures include the use of onboard or escort DE or
KE weapons to destroy the threats, since protection against DE or KE weapons appears to be costprohibitive. To prevent the destruction of the MARS or Mothership, the air forces must be capable of
destroying the enemy KE and DE weapons prior to their firing. Due to the high value of the replenishment
assets, employment of all passive counter-countermeasures and escorts should be included in the Mothership
mission package.
The New Worlds Vista study recommended a directed energy self-defense system for air mobility


The key component of this system will be a laser (or high-powered microwave) system that can

be fired to defend the air mobility vehicle. This will provide the vehicles the ability to defeat advanced
surface-to-air and air-launched missiles. There must also be included in the system a means to provide
missile warning, a dedicated high-performance computer to predict the incoming missiles trajectory, and to
establish fire control data for the directed energy device. Such a small, energy-frugal system is estimated to
weigh less than 500 pounds, be packaged in a 3 2 2 space, and be deployable internally or in a pod.
Prime power requirements for the very short-duration laser firing should be less than 150-kilowatts.


With the future trend leaning towards uninhabited combat operations, survivability and safety of
employed platforms becomes an economic issue, rather than a human issue. Combat planners have greater


flexibility when using uninhabited platformsand combat operations are enhanced when replenishment
platforms are employed closer to the battlefield.


Steven Watkins, Service Closes in on an Airborne Laser, Air Force Times, 21 August 1995, 102.
Mr. Darrell Spreen, Director ABL Technology Office, Lasers & Imaging Directorate, Phillips
Laboratory, telephone interview with Lt Col Yoshio Smith, 21 February 1996.
Spreen, 2025 Assessor comment on first White Paper draft, (Maxwell AFB, Ala.: Air War
College/2025, February 1996).
New World Vistas, Summary Volume (15 December 1995) 41. Modified photo to reflect beamed
energy from a ground source.
Spreen, 20 March 1996.
Ibid. Spreen provided the information on solar energy collection, laser transfer, and the plasma ball
concept. St. Elmos fire is a static electricity discharge that can take the form of a fire ball.
Joseph F. Engleberger, Robotics in the 21st Century, SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, (September 1995),
Lt Col William P. Stewart, Jr., Air War College student with extensive C-130 pilot operational
experience, interview with Lt Col Yoshio Smith, 7 April 1996. He stated that recovering satellites using
parachute has not been done since the mid-1980s out of Hawaii.
Office of the Historian, Seventy Years of Strategic Air Refueling, 1918-1988, A Chronology,
(Headquarters Strategic Air Command: Offutt AFB, Neb), 2-3.
Spreen, 21 February 1996.
Ibid. The equation for the chemical reaction is H2O2 + Cl2 HCl + O2*. The excited form of
oxygen, O2*, provides the light and by-products in the form of common salts and heat exhaust in the form of
water and oxygen. Only 25 percent of the energy is mustered in the form of light; the remaining 75 percent is
in the form of heat exhaust.
Stanley W. Kandebo, Lockheed, Pratt Test ASTOVOL Concept, Aviation Week & Space
Technology, (6 March, 1995), 48.
New World Vistas, Summary Volume, 15 December, 1995.
David A. Fulghum, International Market Eyes Endurance UAVs, Aviation Week & Space
Technology, (10 July, 1995), 43.
Anonymous Assessor Comment on 2025 first white paper draft, (February 1996), (Maxwell AFB,
Ala.: Air War College/2025, 1996).
Dr Dennis M. Bushnell, 2025 Assessor comment on second draft White paper, (Maxwell AFB, Ala.:
Air War College/2025, 1996).
Primary concern from a technological point of view is the affordability of space station technologies.
A detailed investigation of orbital and long-term space exploration technologies is also required; however,
as an alternative to the more expensive spacelift operations, the SSS may become attractive. The energy
collection and transfer technologies available in space should be explored to exploit this concept. The
ability to extend operations in the atmosphere is even more important in space due to the high launch costs.
Exploiting this enhancement is the primary purpose of the SSS.
2025 Concept No. 200150, TUGSAT, 2025 Concepts Database, (Maxwell AFB, Ala.: Air War
College/2025, 1996).




Concept submission number 200209, Refueling Satellite, 2025 Concepts Database, (Maxwell
AFB, Ala.: Air War College/2025, 1996).
Lt Col Phillip B. Fitzjarrell, AWC student with extensive missile operations experience, interview
with Lt Col Yoshio Smith, 27 February 1996.
Concept submission number 200123, Satellite to Satellite Refueling, 2025 Concepts Database,
(Maxwell AFB, Ala.: Air War College/2025, 1996).
Spreen, 2025 Assessor Comment on first white paper draft, (Maxwell AFB, Ala.: Air War
College/2025, 1996).
Lt Col Jess Sponable, PL/VT-X, Phillips Labs, interview with the Aerospace Replenishment Writing
Team (Maxwell AFB, Ala.), 6 March 1996.
Tony Mason, The Era of Differential Air Power, (Brassys Inc., 1994), 242.
New World Vistas, Summary Volume, 33.


Chapter 4

Concept Of Operations

Today, laser weapons demonstrations have been carried out on the airborne laser system aboard a
Boeing 747 where over 200 kill shots can be fired.

In 2025 these operations will be carried out by much

smaller and less vulnerable platforms. Determining how to employ these weapon systems is vital.

General Operations

The aerospace replenishment platforms of the year 2025 will have the capability to replenish nearly all
propulsion and weapons systems. All US aerospace platforms capable of receiver replenishment will have
standard replenishment systems. This receiver replenishment system will have an integrated receptacle for
simultaneous fuel, energy, and weapons replenishment. Each platform will maximize its value to future
aerospace operations through multirole capabilities.

MARS Operations

In the year 2025 aerospace replenishment operations will still require a platform-to-platform physical
transfer of energy and weapons. An improvement in operations will be the capability to conduct these
operations simultaneously and automatically. The MARS provides a flexible platform that is capable of
operating in a variety of environments.

The MARS provides rapid replenishment support to combat,

mobility, and spacelift forces. In addition, the MARS will have the capability to replenish itself from other


replenishing platforms. The uninhabited MARS is controlled by a UAV controller operating in a control
room located at the main operating base or in a control pallet aboard a C-17 or future airlifter.
The MARS will be US-based, with a lean logistical structure supporting global deployments and
operational missions. Integrated unit deployment of the MARS logistical structure will support autonomous
operations on a global scale. If we are required to conduct operations at great distance from the actual
battlefield, we must obtain forward operating bases to support MARS operations. With forward operating
bases, the MARS will be capable of off-loading a large amount of weapons and fuel. Operations from the
US provide unique challenges for replenishment operations, but the MARS platform must be designed to
operate effectively in this worst case situation.
Most of the airlift fleet will require replenishment at the same geographic point when undertaking a
large mobility operation. If this point is outside the support range of US replenishment assets, it will be
necessary to obtain a forward operating base for MARS operations. The MARS will have the capability to
replenish various mobility platforms. Once a MARS has expended the fuel set aside for replenishment, it
will return to base and a fully replenished MARS will take its place.
Ideally, aerospace replenishment anchor areas will be set as close to the battle as possible. This will
require replenishment platforms to be equipped with package assets for defense.

Each replenishment

platform will be assigned to an anchor area for a specified period of time. When a combat platform requires
replenishment, it will set a predetermined channel into the auto replenishing mode of the flight data computer.
This will enable the receiver aircraft to automatically identify its replenisher, proceed to it, conduct the
closure, and commence replenishment operations.
Strict preflight coordination will be necessary for future mobility replenishment operations.


strategic airlift mission must let the replenisher know precisely where and when they need replenishment and
how much transfer they require. This is possible through secure command and control channels during the
mission-planning phase. This information will be fused into the replenishment platforms internal flight
computer. The internal flight computer will be connected to the global command and control system, which
will provide the capability for flight planning based on real time and forecast weather conditions.
If diplomatic conditions are positive, a main operating base should be established as close to the
replenishment control point as possible. This will enable use of the air bridge concept to support the


mobility operations. Once a tasking has been received, required information is put into the flight data
computer. Based on input data and weather conditions, a flight plan will be produced. This will provide
required transfer information and takeoff time. The flight plan, codes for the auto rendezvous and auto air
refueling, and transfer data will be transmitted to the aerospace replenisher during preflight operations. After
takeoff, the platform proceeds on its planned route while the controller flight follows the aircraft.
Rendezvous, rejoin, hookup, and transfer will be automatically conducted.
MARS spacelift replenishment operations allow a TAV to take off with less fuel and oxidizer thereby

enabling added lift capability. The MARS provides TAVs with a fuel or oxidizer top-off subsequent to their

entering into orbit (fig. 4-1). Preflight coordination is necessary to provide the required on-demand support.
Each TAV will be assigned a dedicated MARS for each mission. Once a TAV is replenished, the MARS
will return to base or replenish from another MARS and await a follow-on mission.
A primary communication factor in the development of the MARS is its interface with the TAV. The
MARS operations must be highly coordinated efforts, much like the Cold War SR-71 operations. It will lose
a significant mission capability if rendezvous and replenishment are not timely. Thus, a single agency must
coordinate the command and control efforts.


Figure 4-1. MARS Replenishing TAV

The MARS will enhance the capabilities of current aircraft that remain operational in 2025.


addition, it will be the only platform capable of replenishing all future vehicles. Replenishment transfer will
satisfy the energy, solid, liquid, and gas requirements of tomorrows vehicles. As the United States expands
into space, the MARS allows each TAV to carry a larger payload. The benefits to space travel will be as
great as the Motherships benefits to UAVs.

Mothership Operations

The Mothership provides a unique opportunity to project lethal power globally, while operating from
the Continental United States (CONUS). The Mothership requires support from a ground- or aerospacebased system capable of supplying energy replenishment to recharge the Motherships batteries or capacitors.


The Mothership, with numerous UAVs attached, deploys from a CONUS base and, through the use of beamed
energy replenishment, proceeds to any point on the globe (fig. 4-2).

Figure 4-2. Energy Beaming Operations

As the Mothership proceeds on its mission, energy beaming occurs from a ground station or satellite to
the Mothership, recharging its batteries and capacitors. This beamed energy will be used for propulsion and
to replenish the UAVs. The Mothership has the capacity required for extended endurance because it is
uninhabited and can obtain an abundant supply of beamed energy. In a combat scenario, the Mothership will
proceed to a specific geographic point and begin loiter operations.
The UAVs will deploy from the Mothership and proceed to their preprogrammed targets. Once the
UAVs have expended their weapons, they will proceed back to the Mothership. Upon return, the UAVs will
dock with the Mothership and begin replenishment operations. The Mothership will provide UAVs with
energy and weapons replenishment.

When replenishment operations are complete, the UAVs can be


reprogrammed for a follow-on mission or remain in the replenishment dock awaiting further instructions.
Once force employment operations are complete, the Mothership will return to its home base. The capability
to globally project this type of sustained lethal power globally, offers future commanders a wide array of
force application options and add a credible psychological threat to any future adversaries.
The Mothership will be controlled in a manner similar to that of MARS. It will be fully programmable
and will be controlled by a UAV controller in a control room. The control room will integrate all UAVs
involved in air operations, thus ensuring centralized control. The Mothership will be an integral part of any
planned offensive UAV operation; its employment should be centrally controlled and integrated into the
operations plan.
Although the Mothership is a replenisher, there will be times when it receives of replenishment. During
energy transfer operations, a ground- or aerospace-based generation device could generate significant
amounts of energy. This energy could then be transferred to the Mothership for storage and later transferred
to a combat platform. The ground portion of the system should be mobile so that the system is not subject to a
fixed object attack.
Mothership operations can greatly enhance the capability of UAV operations, but future commanders
must have operational control of the Mothership and the UAVs if they are to be used effectively. A key
element in extended duration Mothership operations is the use of space-based energy replenishment. This
replenishment is gained through the integration of the Mothership and the Space Support System.

Space Support System Operations

The SSS mainly supports space power projection. Employment of this system will take many years, and
close coordination with NASA experts will be required.

The SSS will allow for replenishment of

reconnaissance, power projection, and space superiority satellites. Key to this operational concept is that the
SSS uses other vehicles to conduct the individual replenishments. These replenishment stations will allow
the space-based assets to fully utilize their potential while diminishing the need for spacelift support.
The SSS can be placed both in low and high earth orbits to support space-based operations. Enough
systems must be deployed in orbit to ensure adequate and timely coverage of most satellites.



TUGSATs will be used to either reposition satellites or replenish satellites with maneuvering fuel. Once a
requirement is identified, a TUGSAT will depart the SSS, proceed to the identified satellite, and facilitate
repositioning or replenishment operations. In addition, energy beaming operations, similar to the Mothership
operation, can be employed.
The complete replenishment system (consisting of the MARS, Mothership, and SSS) has a variety of
development options, from transfer system to platform. Direct transfer of liquids and energy appears to be
the most valuable. A single platform to replenish everything would be ideal. Unfortunately, due to numerous
concerns, from cost to safety, this is not practical. Therefore, a system comprised of MARS, Mothership, and
SSS will be required for expanded replenishment in the aerospace operations of 2025.


Steven Watkins, Service Closes in on an Airborne Laser, Air Force Times, 21 August 1995, 102.
Space Lift, SPACECAST 2020, Volume 1, H-1.
Ibid. TAV operations detailed replenishment support at approximately 40,000 feet and 0.9 Mach.


Chapter 5

Investigative Recommendations

Probably to a greater extent than any other future concept, aerospace replenishment planning must be
accomplished in concert with receiver platforms. Any system developed to enhance future replenishment
operations must be synthesized with the needs and physical capabilities of the receiver platforms and their
concept of operations. Developing the MARS and Mothership will be of little value unless other platforms
have the physical capability to accept the specific replenishment medium. The following prioritized list of
required improvements needs integration into a future concept of operations.







One standard military system for replenishment operations. Presently, US naval aircraft use a
probe and drogue for refueling operations while US air forces use a boom. In 2025 a
standardized replenishment system will be required for all joint forces.
To increase the effectiveness of combat platforms, research in energy transfer technology is
needed. While the future shows many attractive alternatives, systems costs and funding levels
will dictate the aggressiveness of development programs.
Replenish energy and weapons as well as fuel. If replenishment operations are expanded to
include energy and weapons, the tempo and intensity of air campaigns can be greatly
Capability to support global operations from the US. Present operations require forward
staging bases to support operations far from the US. The battlefield of the future may be
dynamic, and it may require the massing of decisive airpower over any point on the globe.
These operations may be short in duration and may require replenishment to enhance combat
operations. Replenishment platforms with extended range and loiter time demand investigation.
Computerized rendezvous and replenishment system to enhance operations, especially under
inclement weather conditions. Low-visibility replenishment operations will be required to
support aerospace operations in 2025.
Capability to employ replenishers with defensive capability in hostile airspace. Presently, air
refueling platforms have no defensive capability. To enhance combat operations, replenishment
vehicles will be deployed in hostile airspace. Some type of self-defense capability will
increase the survivability of the replenishment platforms.
Increase the operational replenishment envelope. Ideally, replenishment forces should meet
and service customers anywhere, and at any speed, throughout the aerospace regime.
Unfortunately, the propulsion systems required to lift and support operations at high altitudes
and high speeds are extremely expensive.



Replenish multiple receivers at the same time and at a faster rate. A limiting factor for planning
purposes is cycle time on the boom or drogue. If the capability to quickly replenish receivers is
pursued, a synergistic effect can be felt throughout the air campaign.

With the implementation of these recommendations, a fully integrated aerospace system will enable the
expanded role of aerospace replenishment for aerospace operations of 2025. The thesis of this paper was to
(1) describe the continued applicability of aerospace replenishment and (2) identify the plausible and
credible systems and operational concepts required for the expanded role of replenishment in the aerospace
operations of 2025. The capability required to conduct operations throughout the world is the starting point
in proving the continued applicability of aerospace replenishment.

Numerous transfer methods were

presented; however, the research emphasis should hinge on the direct transfer of liquids and energy and on
the beaming of energy. These transfer methods are valid throughout the entire replenishment spectrum.
Unfortunately, a single vehicle is incapable of fulfilling the replenishment mission. Therefore, the
development of MARS, Mothership, and SSS is warranted. With these advancements, aerospace
replenishment can be the insidious force multiplier of 2025 and beyond.


Articles/Books/Magazines/Published Reports
SAF/CSAF. Air Force Executive Guidance. Washington, D.C.: Department of the Air Force, December
Air Force Scientific Advisory Board. New World Vistas, Summary Volume, 15 December 1995.
Cohen, Eliot A. Mystique of US Airpower. Foreign Affairs, vol. 73, no. 1, January/February, 1994.
Engleberger, Col Joseph F. Robotics in the 21st Century. SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, September 1995.
Fulghum, David A. International Market Eyes Endurance UAVs. Aviation Week & Space Technology, July
10, 1995.
Hall, Col Thomas J. Space Debris: A Threat to National Security. Maxwell AFB, Ala.: Air University
Kandebo, Stanley W. Lockheed, Pratt Test ASTOVOL Concept. Aviation Week & Space Technology,
March 6, 1995.
Mason, Tony. The Era of Differential Air Power. McLean, Va.: Brassys [US], Inc. 1994.
Meilinger, Col Phillip S. 10 Propositions Regarding Air Power. Air Force History and Museums Program
Miller, Edward S. War Plan Orange. The US Strategy to Defeat Japan, 1897-1945. Naval Institute Press,
Annapolis, Md., 1991.
Nye, Joseph S., Jr. The Case for Deep Engagement. Foreign Affairs, July/August 1995.
Office of the Historian. Headquarters Strategic Air Command Seventy Years of Strategic Air Refueling,
1918-1988, A Chronology, Offutt AFB, Neb.
Record, Jeffrey. The Air War, Hallow Victor. McLean, Va.: Brassys [US], Inc. 1993).
SPACECAST 2020. Space Lift, Volume 1. Maxwell AFB, Ala.: Air University Press, June 1994.
Sweetman, William. US Supersonic Transport Research Forges Ahead. Interavia, January 1995.
Watkins, Steven. Service Closes In On An Airborne Laser. Air Force Times, 21 August 1995.

2025 Concepts

2025 Concept Number 200150. TUGSAT. 2025 Concepts Database, Maxwell AFB, Ala.: Air War
College/2025, 1996.
2025 Concept Number 200123. Satellite-to-Satellite Refueling, 2025 Concepts Database, Maxwell AFB,
Ala.: Air War College/2025, 1996.
2025 Concept Number 200209. Refueling Satellite, 2025 Concepts Database, Maxwell AFB, Ala.: Air
War College/2025, 1996.


Assessor/Advisor Comments and Feedback

Adams, Dr. Wade. 2025 Assessors comment on first White Paper draft, February 1996, Maxwell AFB,
Ala.: Air War College/2025, 1996.
Anonymous Assessor Comment on 2025 first White Paper draft, February 1996, Maxwell AFB, Ala.: Air
War College/2025, 1996.
Bushnell, Dr. Dennis M. 2025 Assessor, Comment on 2025 first White Paper draft, February 1996, Maxwell
AFB, Ala.: Air War College/2025, 1996.
Bushnell, Dr. Dennis M. Comment on 2025 second White Paper draft, March 1996, Maxwell AFB, Ala.: Air
War College/2025, 1996.
Feedback on the Aerospace Replenishment Teams Briefing to the Air Force Scientific Advisory Board.
Maxwell AFB, Ala.: Air University Library, 7 February 1996.
Robertson, Lt Gen Charles T. Vice Commander. Air Mobility Command, Comments to Aerospace
Replenishment Writing Team, Air Mobility Command video teleconference, 28 February 1996.
Spreen, Darrell. Director ABL Technology Office, Lasers & Imaging Directorate, 2025 Assessor Comment
on first White Paper draft, Maxwell AFB, Ala.: Air War College/2025, February 1996.


Fitzjarrell, Lt Col Phillip B. Interview with Lt Col Yoshio Smith, Maxwell AFB, Ala., 27 February 1996.
Jones, Lt Col Brian L. 2025 Technology Team Chief. Interview with Lt Col Yoshio Smith, Maxwell AFB,
Ala., 7 February 1996.
Kennedy, John A. Delta Airlines Pilot. Interview with Lt Col Yoshio Smith, Montgomery Ala., 22 March
Sponable, Lt Col Jess. PL/VT-X, Phillips Labs. Interview with the Aerospace Replenishment Writing Team,
Maxwell AFB, Ala., 6 March 1996.
Spreen, Darrell. Director ABL Technology Office, Lasers & Imaging Directorate. Interview with Lt Col
Yoshio Smith, Maxwell AFB Ala.: 21 February 1996.
Spreen, Darrell. Director ABL Technology Office, Lasers & Imaging Directorate. Telephone interview with
Lt Col Yoshio Smith, 20 March 1996.
Stewart, Lt Col William P., Jr. Telephone interview with Lt Col Yoshio Smith, Montgomery Ala., 7 April
Whitlock, Christopher. Operations Support Office. Interview with Lt Col Yoshio Smith, Maxwell AFB Ala.,
26 February 1996.


Airlift 2025:
The First with the Most

A Research Paper
Presented To
Air Force 2025

Lt Col James A. Fellows
LCDR Michael H. Harner
Maj Jennifer L. Pickett
Maj Michael F. Welch
August 1996

2025 is a study designed to comply with a directive from the chief of staff of the Air
Force to examine the concepts, capabilities, and technologies the United States will
require to remain the dominant air and space force in the future. Presented on 17 June
1996, this report was produced in the Department of Defense school environment of
academic freedom and in the interest of advancing concepts related to national defense.
The views expressed in this report are those of the authors and do not reflect the official
policy or position of the United States Air Force, Department of Defense, or the United
States government.
This report contains fictional representations of future situations/scenarios. Any
similarities to real people or events, other than those specifically cited, are unintentional
and are for purposes of illustration only.
This publication has been reviewed by security and policy review authorities, is
unclassified, and is cleared for public release.



Disclaimer................................................................................................................ ii
Illustrations ............................................................................................................. iv
Tables ...................................................................................................................... v
Executive Summary................................................................................................ vi

Introduction ............................................................................................................. 1

Required Capabilities .............................................................................................. 3

Customer............................................................................................................. 4
Required Attributes ............................................................................................ 7
Point of Use Delivery and Extraction............................................................ 8
Long Unrefueled Range................................................................................. 9
Total Resource Visibility................................................................................ 9
Survivability................................................................................................. 10
Intermodality................................................................................................ 12
Modularity ................................................................................................... 12
Interoperability ............................................................................................ 13
Responsiveness ............................................................................................ 13
Cost.............................................................................................................. 14
Other Considerations ................................................................................... 15

System Description................................................................................................ 18
Transatmospheric (TAVs) and Hypersonic Vehicles................................... 18
Supersonic Transport ................................................................................... 19
Airships ........................................................................................................ 22
In-Ground Effect Wings .............................................................................. 24
Very Large Aircraft ..................................................................................... 26
Delivery Vehicles.............................................................................................. 28
Unpowered Delivery Systems...................................................................... 29
Powered Delivery Systems .......................................................................... 31
Additional Equipment....................................................................................... 40
Cargo Containers ......................................................................................... 40
Onboard Materiel-Handling Equipment ...................................................... 41




Recommendations ............................................................................................ 42

Concept Of Operations.......................................................................................... 47
In CONUS......................................................................................................... 49
En Route........................................................................................................... 50
In-Theater ......................................................................................................... 51
Aeromedical Evacuation .................................................................................. 53
Survivability...................................................................................................... 54
Presence............................................................................................................ 55
Special Handling Requirements........................................................................ 55

Conclusion............................................................................................................. 57
Bibliography .......................................................................................................... 61




Horizontal and Vertical Problem. ............................................................................ 5


Responsiveness...................................................................................................... 14


Large Cargo Airship .............................................................................................. 23


Conceptual Wingship ............................................................................................ 25


Very Large Aircraft ............................................................................................... 26


Parafoil Delivery System....................................................................................... 30


NAL Jump Jet........................................................................................................ 34




Measures of Capability............................................................................................ 7

Summary of System Options ................................................................................. 43

Required Technologies .......................................................................................... 58

Executive Summary
Power projection is critically dependent on mobility forces. The air mobility system
should be capable of supporting national objectives from humanitarian, nonhostile
operations through armed conflict.

Because of operational constraints that include

evolving threats and reduced external infrastructure, the airlift system in the year 2025
should be independent of theater-basing structure. International political changes will
likely necessitate the basing of most, if not all, US military forces in the continental
United States (CONUS). However, this will not end the requirement for a global US
presence. Although the probability of direct foreign military threats to our interests may
be slight, Air Mobility Command (AMC), the air transportation arm of US Transportation
Command, must be prepared to conduct global air mobility on a daily basis. In addition,
AMC must continue to support humanitarian and peacekeeping missions in both benign
and hostile environments. These expanding requirements demand attention. This paper
proposes technologically feasible concepts to meet the air mobility requirements posed by
probable US national objectives in the year 2025. The employment and integration of
technologies that exist today, along with those that will develop by the year 2025, will
allow the concepts proposed in this paper to meet future needs.
A number of assumptions were made to narrow the focus of this paper. First, the
recommendations herein assume no traditional intratheater airlift capability.


assumption addresses a worst case scenario and drives our requirement of direct delivery


from CONUS to the war fighter. A corollary to this assumption is the belief that the
availability of overseas basing will continue to decline, thus necessitating long unrefueled
ranges, limited materiel on ground, and the decreased utility of Civil Reserve Air Fleet
(CRAF) assets.

Secondly, this paper assumes that any lift capability extraneous to

traditional air-breathing platforms is the purview of other Air Force 2025 projects.
Therefore, our primary concern with other lift assets is the intermodality and
interoperability between systems in an overarching logistics framework.
Considering technologies that should be available in the year 2025, several possible
systems are evaluated for their applicability and usefulness to the airlift mission. Of
these, a combination of large airships and both powered and unpowered unmanned aerial
vehicle (UAV) delivery platforms appear to provide the greatest utility.1 This system,
operating in conjunction with existing airframes, will use a greatly improved command,
control, communications, computers and intelligence (C4I) system to provide clear and
continuous command and control as well as direct communication with the customer. Intransit visibility will provide the user/war fighter invaluable insight and enhance his
operational capability. Communication with the user/war fighter will also provide for the
delivery of personnel and equipment directly where needed within 10 meters of the
target. System costs will adversely affect the development of any new system, therefore,
the Air Force will be required to depend on research, development, and production in the
civil sector.


Throughout this paper the term unmanned will be used vice uninhabited. For
our purposes, vehicles are unmanned.


Chapter 1


No matter how good the armed forces are, they are of no value if they
cannot be in the right place at the right time and in the right numbers to
get results.
Adm James R. Hogg, USN
Reinforcing Crisis Areas
The single biggest deficiency in the Department of Defense is lift.
Gen Ronald R. Fogleman, CSAF
Address to Air Force 2025 Participants
With the successful end of the cold war and the achievements of Operation Desert
Storm, the United States armed forces find themselves firmly established as the worlds
preeminent military force. These successes have led to an increased willingness by the
national command authorities (NCA) to deploy forces throughout the world to meet
national objectives. Plausible future scenarios indicate an increase in this tendency for
involvement.1 A dilemma exists, however, and threatens to undermine Americas military
strength even while the evidence of that strength is undeniable. That dilemma is air
mobility. The current air mobility system will not support the air logistics requirements
we are likely to face in 2025.

This paper addresses this dilemma. Through an analysis of the capabilities required
by the air mobility customer in the year 2025, the required attributes of the air mobility
system are identified. A system and concept of operations are then proposed that will
best meet customer needs while employing systems and technologies currently in
development and those that will be available by the year 2025. Our thesis is that the air
mobility concepts proposed in this paper, in conjunction with the employment and
integration of innovative technologies and systems, will allow the United States to
adequately meet future national objectives.


Lt Col Robert L. Bivins et al., 2025 Alternate Futures, unpublished white paper,
Air University, n.d. This paper outlines possible future scenarios for the 2025 project.

Chapter 2

Required Capabilities

The United States requires an air mobility capability to deploy robust and flexible
military forces that can accomplish a variety of tasks. These tasks include deterring and
defeating aggression, providing a credible overseas presence, countering weapons of mass
destruction, contributing to peace operations (multilateral and unilateral), and supporting
counterterrorism efforts.

This capability will still be necessary in 2025, but the air

mobility system must be carefully developed and nurtured.

In the past, the US military failed to maintain the airlift capability required to meet
identified requirements.1 Even today, concerns remain as to whether our airlift capability
can meet the increasing number of requirements. Military officials admit that even if
they can buy as many C-17s as the Air Force wants, there will still be a need for more
airlift as the US withdraws from bases overseas.2 The pending retirement of the C-5,
C-141, and much of the C-130 fleets, the aging of remaining air mobility assets, and the
requirement to replace the aforementioned in what are likely to be austere economic
conditions, are among the challenges facing the air mobility system.

To meet these

challenges, an analysis of the customers, their needs, and the attributes required of the air

mobility system of 2025 is necessary and serves as the foundation upon which any future
airlift system should be built.


The military airlift system supports attaining national objectives continuously through
all levels of conflict. The primary responsibility [sic] of Americas military is to deter
potential adversaries or fight and win wars decisively.3 To meet these responsibilities,
the airlift system supports the following: US military and civilian agencies, allies, friendly







organizations, private volunteer organizations, and other entities deemed necessary to

support national objectives. Due to the unique air mobility capabilities of the United
States, it is often the only option for meeting these customers air mobility needs.4
In meeting the needs of the customer, the airlift system must address two primary
problems. The first is the horizontal problem of getting personnel and materiel from their
locations to the theater of operations in a timely fashion. The second is the vertical
problem of transferring personnel and materiel between the airlift platform and surface
mediums. It will be imperative for war fighters to access an efficient system to have
materiel delivered directly to the battle area in a time-sensitive manner.




Figure 2-1 Horizontal and Vertical Problem.

The airlift system is composed of internal systems including airlift platforms,

infrastructure, and payload operations control. These systems must merge with both
commercial and military land, sea, and space lift systems to provide continuous mobility
support. In providing this support, airlift operations will employ a variety of platforms. To
best serve the airlift customer, it is imperative that these platforms be part of a seamless
mobility system capable of operating throughout the spectrum of conflict.
History has frequently shown the need for deploying forces in a timely fashion over
great distances and in sufficient numbers to achieve a credible numerical advantage.
Currently, personnel and materiel are not only deployed to theater staging bases but are

also transshipped to the employment locati on. In the past, the US has been able to create
a safe theater transshipment infrastructure.

However, it is a slow, labor-intensive

process to move personnel and materiel from the strategic to tactical cargo movement
mediums for delivery to final destination. Even today, we cannot meet the battlespace
demands of immediate and direct delivery of personnel and materiel.5
By 2025, due to the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction as well as the high
potential for a worldwide revolution in military affairs, there will be a drastic increase in
the speed, efficiency, and lethality of battle.6 Concomitant with these increases is the
need for rapid support to the war fighter. Modern conflict has complicated this problem
by creating a rear battle area that is much more vulnerable, thereby denying the assurance
of a safe transshipment infrastructure.

According to Dr. Eliot A. Cohen, rear area

security may no longer be possible in as few as 20 years due to the precision revolution,
the emergence of alternative forms of air power (such as UAVs, cruise missiles, etc.), and
the changing nature of platforms resulting from the increased use of stealth, range, and
information power.7 These wartime challenges are compounded by the need to respond
to natural and man-made disasters, nation assistance, and additional operations other than
war. Meeting our nations complex air mobility needs in time of both conflict and peace
requires a flexible and responsive system designed to enhance the abilities of the user.
Recognizing the evolving battlefield requirements and mobility constraints, the US
Army is adapting to improve its capabilities while reducing the impact of mobility

Force XXI will be a more resource-efficient Army, with capabilities

enhanced through information age technologies. It will allow us to project power into any
area of the world more quickly, more effectively, and with greater efficiency as part of a

joint effort.8 However, Army modernization cannot overcome many inevitable

constraints. The Army of 2010 will be based primarily in the continental United States.
While we will continue to maintain a minimal forward presence in some parts of the
world, we will depend on a combination of airlift and sealift to execute the Nations
strategy.9 If the war fighter is to succeed, the airlift system must address the customers
needs and not expect the customers to sacrifice their capabilities for the sake of
eliminating air mobility constraints.

Required Attributes

The air mobility system of 2025 will provide three basic functions: personnel
delivery, cargo delivery, and aeromedical evacuation (AE). To accomplish its mission,
the following air mobility system capabilities are proposed.
Table 1
Measures of Capability
Point of Use Delivery
Long Range
Total Resource Visibility

within 10 meters of designated target
12,500 miles unrefueleda
Near-real-time information
Standardized containers
Standoff range of 150 milesb
Threat detection/defeat within 150 miles
Less is better

Notes: a. Based on no in-theater basing and multiple delivery points.

b. 150 miles provides over-the-horizon protection up to 20,000 feet.

Point of Use Delivery and Extraction

The giant airbases of today will become the bomber cemeteries of a future war.10
Although the world envisioned in 1958 by General P. F. Zhigarev has altered
dramatically, the projected lack of established bases for transshipment and the
vulnerability of forward bases to diverse threats will require the capability for airlift
systems that can provide direct delivery from CONUS to the point of intended use, and
direct extraction from those operational sites without the availability of an established
support infrastructure.
Precision airdrop is a critical Air Force capability.11 Personnel and equipment
must be delivered with essentially pinpoint accuracy. Aircraft security can be greatly
enhanced if the airlifter can perform its delivery mission while remaining at standoff
range from the hostile battlespace. To best serve the war fighter, delivery accuracy of 10
meters from the intended target is required. The delivery system can be either powered
or unpowered, such as a parasail or rigid-winged glider/container (a smart box that
directs itself to a specific destination). Current systems continue to be highly inaccurate,
are susceptible to wind and altitude variances, and require the cargo aircraft to fly
through or above the threat airspace, increasing the aircrafts vulnerability to hostile fire.
Although grossly exaggerated, a Pentagon source highlighted the need for increased
precision by stating that when Dropped from altitudes of 10,000 ft, to stay above antiaircraft fire, the parachuted supplies would be lucky to hit Yugoslavia.12

In fact,

accuracies achieved during Operation Provide Promise were significantly better than this
estimate and showed improvement throughout the operation.

These improvements

however, were more in line with the 350 yards from target (when dropped from 1,100

feet) required by Air Force air-drop standards.


These standards will not be sufficient

for operations in 2025.

Like delivery, extraction of cargo and personnel could occur in hostile and austere
environments with no runways available. Proposed extraction systems will allow the
airlift platform to recover personnel and materiel without landing.

Because most

operations dictate retrograde at a lower rate than the actual deployment, not every
mobility platform would be required to accomplish direct extraction.

Long Unrefueled Range

Due to projected CONUS force basing in 2025, the United States may lack
established airfields in-theater for transshipment points.

To project power globally,

strategic lift platforms will need an unrefueled round-trip range of at least 12,000 miles.14
This will allow deployment from CONUS bases directly to the theater of operations and
return without refueling. Air refueling will still be a requirement to increase the flexibility
of the air mobility system and allow changes to occur en route.

Total Resource Visibility

Total resource visibility (TRV) will provide visibility of all resources from acquisition
through employment to all command and control elements. Additionally, it will allow
cognizant authorities to redirect in-transit cargo and troops as needs dictate. Although
several improvements are underway, current in-transit visibility (ITV) systems can
identify in-transit payloads only by specific aircraft and mission number, and are limited
in their ability to adapt to rapidly changing situations.15 During Operation Desert Shield,

the time-phased force and deployment data (TPFDD) could not identify the impact of
altering the sequence of deployment on military operations and led to detrimental
decisions without comprehensive analysis.16

The TPFDD and other Joint Operation

Planning and Execution System databases are projected to be incorporated into systems
such as the Global Command and Control System (GCCS) which will merge it with other
databases.17 Although the GCCS as currently designed will greatly enhance existing
capabilities, it will be insufficient for future TRV needs.

Air mobility planners have not adequately considered the first principle of logistics of
the former Soviet Union, The organization of the rear must reflect the character of the
war and the nature of the fighting.18 Along with this concept, current air doctrine states
that Logistics capabilities must be designed to survive and operate under attack; that is,
they must be designed for combat effectiveness, not peacetime efficiency.19 Through
the year 2020, the notional strategic cargo airlift capability calculations to support
national objectives rely exclusively on large, conventional airlift platforms.


platforms incur substantial constraints resulting from weapon system vulnerability,

infrastructure requirements, material handling equipment (MHE) needs, and other

In addition, the projections do not account for unanticipated platform

attrition, airframe gentrification, or significant forward-basing restrictions.

Increased reliance on the civil reserve air fleet (CRAF) for mobilization and
expanded commercial transport support could result in the costs of CRAF mobilization
exceeding those that are acceptable and in preventing the projection of US military




In addition, over-reliance on CRAF could hinder effective response by military

forces, resulting in interests vital to the United States being compromised. Although this
may be a very stressful scenario, it must be considered.
In an effort to address the above limitations, the airlift system must be able to project
forces into the forward battlespace. Our vital intereststhose interests for which the
United States is willing to fightare at the endpoint of highways of the seas or lines of
strategic approach that stretch from the United States to the farthest point on the globe.21
Lacking secure rear areas of operation, the airlift platforms must be survivable under
potentially hostile circumstances.
Depending on the sophistication of the threat, the hostile environment could extend a
considerable distance from the actual battlespace.22 The size and importance of airlift
platforms present a very lucrative target to both ground and air threats. To be effective,
they must be able to detect and counter these threats either by direct active measures or
by avoidance. Also, support systems and equipment must be able to survive in hostile
environments to include those contaminated by nuclear, biological, and chemical agents.
In order to help counter the above threats, airlift platforms, direct delivery systems,
and unmanned combat aerial vehicles (UCAV) must incorporate technologies such as
low observables, multispectral sensors, and directed energy weapons.23 According to
the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), advances in coatings, materials, and
design will lead manufacturers away from radical designs like the F-117 and B-2 shapes.
The future will see smaller, more subtle changes and aircraft designers will be able to treat
less different airframes and get equivalent performance (to todays stealth shapes). It will


be a healthy competition between materials and coatings, at least among US


Intermodality is a basic requirement for airlift systems. Cargo must be configured for
direct transfer between air, land, sea, and space lift systems and operational use at
delivery destination. Because we anticipate the requirement to transport military cargo
on commercial carriers of all mediums when possible, military payload configuration must
comply with national and international standards.

Through cooperative international

development, these configurations also allow direct synergistic support among operational
allied, coalition, and US forces.

The platform payload interface will allow selected payloads to provide diverse
mission capabilities to the airlift platform.

The airlift platform will be capable of

passenger, cargo, and aeromedical evacuation configurations. Additional payloads, such

as power generation, information support, or maintenance systems will primarily enhance
the airlift platform. Other payloads may include special mission configurations, such as
reconnaissance, or auxiliary capabilities such as offensive and defensive weapon systems.
Also, many special purpose operations such as psychological operations, aerial spraying,
fire fighting, and developmental test and evaluation can be supported through modular
configuration of airlift platforms. Since the airlift platform will be supporting these types


of users, it must be equipped with very robust power, oxygen, and communication
systems in the event of simultaneous taskings.

Interoperability is the capacity to seamlessly interact with all airlift system customers
and operational partners. The US mobility system will operate with commercial systems
globally and conduct multinational operations. The airlift system components will be
designed to maximize compatibility with airlift system components and payload
configurations of other government and private organizations.
universal standards and compatible



The development of

international transportation

organizations should eliminate most interoperability problems due to equipment and


At the outset of war, time is the supreme factor. Do not let us forget that
the aggressor is also concerned with the time factor; he is ready,
otherwise he would not have provoked armed conflict; he inevitably
hopes and plans for a quick decision, since no one would wish for a long
war if it could be avoided; moreover he wants a decision before his
opponent has had time to turn his capacity into the new activities which
war calls for.
Lord Tedder
Responsiveness alludes to timeliness.

It is the ability to deliver personnel and

materiel exactly when and where the user requires them. Although speed from point A to
point B is important, it is of little use if arrival time at the battlefield is delayed by
repackaging or transshipment. In light of this, airlift needs a faster shipment system as


much or more than faster aircraft (Fig. 2-2). Other enhancements such as the ability to
change the place of delivery while the personnel or materiel are en route will also
improve responsiveness.
Sea lift












Responsiveness - time for cargo to move from point of origin to point of use in days.
Except for airships with UAVs, all cargo must be moved from point of origin to airfield
(approximately 24 hours).
C-5s and airships with UAVs deliver to point of use; cargo moved via other systems
must be transshipped in theater (approximately 24 hours).
Times do not include airlift platform preparation times.
In-flight times based on 6,000 miles one way.

Figure 2-2. Responsiveness

To be effective in 2025, the airlift system must meet airlift requirements throughout
the airlift operational spectrum.

These missions have vastly different operational

requirements such as responsiveness, volume, and defensive capabilities. Given a finite

supply of labor, energy, and materiel, the United States should field an airlift system that
considers cost factors in determining the mix of airlift platforms and support systems.
Also, cost factors should be considered when determining policy, particularly when vital
interests are not at stake.25 These costs, while primarily monetary, also involve the
expense of political capital as it relates to the mobilization of reserve and CRAF assets.


Therefore, the airlift system will be composed of both technologically evolutionary and
revolutionary systems that optimize capability and costs within the constraints of the
timeframe considered.

Other Considerations
Airlift platforms will most likely be required to employ systems that comply with
international environmental restrictions and eliminate existing negative effects.
Propulsion systems should reduce to acceptable limits or eliminate negative
environmental effects from hypersonic systems. The capability will exist to engineer
systems to eliminate noise pollution.

These include managing boundary effects to

eliminate sonic booms. Materials technology will be able to produce structures composed
of compositions that eliminate the requirement for scarce resources. Airlift direct transfer
and short takeoff and landing/vertical takeoff and landing (STOL/VTOL) systems can
eliminate requirements for extensive concentrated terminal facilities and materials
handling and storage infrastructure, thus reducing resources demand, urban development
congestion, and air traffic congestion.
The need for airlift support can also be reduced significantly through other efforts.
System designs should incorporate the capability to perform multiple functions and use
electronic transfer to allow these systems to repair and update capabilities. These options
will eliminate extensive logistics support and airlift requirements. In addition, active
search methods will identify alternate sources of materiel in the theater of operations,
determine acquisition options, determine support operations, and eliminate many airlift
requirements. At the operations-other-than-war end of the airlift spectrum, air mobilitys


ability to show the flag will continue to demonstrate government-to-government and

military-to-military relations. These can be much more visible to a population and usually
much less threatening to a populace than the naval presence of a carrier battle group.26
The required capabilities of the air mobility system in 2025 have been identified as
follows: point of use delivery and extraction, long unrefueled range, total resource
visibility, survivability, intermodality, modularity, interoperability, responsiveness, and
cost. Each serves an integral purpose in a synergistic whole. If the air mobility tasks
required to meet national objectives in 2025 are to be accomplished, each of these
capabilities must be present in the air mobility system.


Lt Col Duane C. Johnson, Strategic Airlift and Sealift: Both Have Long Suffered
from a Capabilities Versus Requirements Disconnect. What Is the Prognosis? (Maxwell
AFB, Ala.: Air War College, 1990), 89.
Close the U.S. Strategic Airlift Gap, Aviation Week & Space Technology 141, no.
17 (24 October 1994): 66.
Sheila E. Widnall, Secretary of the Air Force and Gen Ronald R. Fogleman, Global
Presence, 1995 (Washington, D.C.: Department of the Air Force, 1995): 3.
Lt Col Marcel Duval, Canadian Armed Forces, How To Improve the Response
Time and Reduce the Costs of UN Operations Through A Better Use of the Worlds Air
Assets, (Maxwell AFB, Ala.: Air War College, April 1995), 12.
Lt Gen William G. Pagonis, Moving Mountains: Lessons in Leadership and
Logistics from the Gulf War (Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 1992). This book
outlines the six-month logistics build-up phase required to prepare personnel and materiel
for Operation Desert Storm.
Togo D. West, Jr., Secretary of the Army and Gen Gordon R. Sullivan, Force XXI:
Americas Army of the 21st Century (Fort Monroe, Va.,: Office of the Chief of Staff,
Army, 15 January 1995): 818.
Dr Eliot A. Cohen, Long Range Air Power and US Military Strategy, address to
Congressional staffers, Washington, D.C., 7 March 1996.
West, 9.
Ibid., 31.
Charles M. Westenhoff, Military Air Power, The CADRE Digest of Air Power
Opinions and Thoughts (Maxwell AFB, Ala.: Air University Press, 1990), 126.



Sheila E. Widnall, Secretary of the Air Force and Gen Ronald R. Fogleman, Air
Force Executive Guidance, December 1995 Update (Washington D.C.: Department of
the Air Force, 1995): 15.
Frederick Painton, High-Altitude Help, Time 141, no. 10 (8 March 1993): 37.
MCI 10-202, Aircrew Training Programs: Policies, Organization, and
Administration, vol. 1, 15 October 1995, 49.
USAF Scientific Advisory Board, New World Vistas: Air and Space Power for the
21 Century, summary volume (Washington, D.C.: USAF Scientific Advisory Board, 15
December 1995), 10.
John L. Cirafici, Airhead Operations--Where AMC Delivers: The Linchpin of
Rapid Force Projection (Maxwell AFB, Ala.: Air University Press, 1995), 8081.
Pagonis, 8993.
Users Guide for JOPES (Joint Operation Planning and Execution System), 1
May 1995, 1419.
Maj Gen Julian Thompson, The Lifeblood of War: Logistics in Armed Conflict,
(London: Brasseys, 1991), 302.
Air Force Manual 1-1, Basic Aerospace Doctrine of the United States Air Force,
vol. I, March 1992, 15.
Not only would it cost the US a great deal to provide incentives to Civil Reserve
Air Fleet (CRAF) carriers, but modifications to civil aircraft are not cost effective in all
cases. Some CRAF carriers have elected to not renew their CRAF contract agreements
after Operations Desert Shield/Desert Storm due to the loss of routes, traffic, and market
share. It may not be possible for the US government to pay the costs of an effective
CRAF fleet in 2025.
John H. Dalton, Secretary of the Navy, Adm J. M. Boorda, and Gen Carl E.
Mundy, Jr., Forward...From The Sea (Washington, D.C.: Department of the Navy, 1994),
New World Vistas, summary volume, 9, 12.
David A. Fulghum, International Market Eyes Endurance UAVs, Aviation Week
& Space Technology 143, no. 2 (10 July 1995): 40.
Lt Col Ronald L. Bean, Air Mobility--Pivotal Non-Lethal Capability: Where are
we going with Peacekeeping?, (Maxwell AFB, Ala.: Air War College, April 1995): 1.
Currently, airlift aircraft show the flag worldwide on a daily basis.


Chapter 3

System Description

The following platform options were evaluated in light of required capabilities to

determine their place in the Air Mobility system of 2025. They include transatmospheric,
hypersonic, and supersonic vehicles, airships, in-ground-effect wings, very large aircraft,
and unpowered and powered delivery systems using both manned and unmanned
technologies. In addition to platform options, additional equipment such as standardized
cargo containers and on-board materiel handling equipment required to operate these
platforms are described below and the technologies required are indicated. The required
capabilities identified in Chapter 2 will determine the best mix of options.

Transatmospheric (TAVs) and Hypersonic Vehicles

There have been two noteworthy attempts to develop a transatmospheric vehicle
(TAV) to provide an airlift platform that meets the rapid in-transit response criteria for
high-priority payloads.1 The advantages of TAV systems include decreased vulnerability
due to the lack of en route infrastructure and support facilities. It is intended that the
TAV incorporate the environmental support systems to meet crew, system, and payload
needs while employed in exoatmospheric operations, including the capabilities for crew


transshipment infrastructure or platform replenishment support.

The TAV allows

transport of cargo to any location globally within one hour from departure.
Unfortunately, the projected TAV technological requirements and operating
parameters make this aircraft infeasible for most military payload requirements. Although
TAV sorties could reach any location on earth in one hour, payload size would be limited
to 10,000-to 30,000-pound capacity.

In addition, typical TAV requirements include

conventional runways of at least 11,500 feet and extensive specialized support

infrastructure as well as an extensive turnaround time to prepare the vehicle for another
mission (anticipated to be approximately five days).2 TAVs should have the capability
however, to deliver limited payloads quickly once the vehicle is prepared and the cargo
loaded. While certainly suited for small, notional six-man team delivery, this vehicle is
unlikely to be used for movement of moderate to large payloads.

Supersonic Transport
Force projection depends on delivering personnel and/or materiel where they are
needed in the shortest time possible. The best military strategies and tactics are of little
value if the right soldiers, weapons, and supplies cannot be in the right place at the right
time. Consequently, the movement of personnel and equipment at supersonic speeds is
alluring. Two possible options for supersonic airframes are the standard Concorde SST
(supersonic transport) design and the unique oblique flying wing design.
While Europes Concorde has logged more than 100,000 supersonic flight hours
(more than all the military services combined) in its 20 years of commercial service, its
100-passenger capacity is much too small for military transport use.3 However, in addition


to the US, both Europe and Japan are spending significant time and money researching
supersonic transport vehicles that will carry up to 300 passengers, a size that could have
military applications. In addition, market research for supersonic travel has shown that if
the price of a ticket could be brought to within 10-to 20 percent of current subsonic fares,
there would be a substantial market. Studies show a potential high speed aircraft market
of 315,000 passengers per day by the year 2000, and 600,000 per day by 2020. To meet
this demand, 500-1,000 high speed civil transports would be needed.4 This current civil
attention is advantageous since the cost of research and development for aircraft design is
prohibitive for the Air Force. At an estimated cost of $15-20 billion to bring a new
supersonic transport to market, it is imperative that the Air Force depend on the civil
sector for overall design.5
Unfortunately, even civil sector attention is no guarantee. Large leaps in technology
are required to build an environmentally safe supersonic airlifter at a price the struggling
airlines could afford. Although some scientists are confident that environmental barriers
can be overcome and noise reduction ideas for takeoff and landing will work, there is
much work to do in the development of advanced materials. Needed are ceramic matrix
composites that can withstand the prolonged high temperatures in the new engine
combustors, and lightweight, durable composites and super alloys for the airframe and
engine components to hold down the airframes weight and fuel consumption.6 Even the
application of military sensor technology replacing windows with computer displays to
reduce weight is still in its infancy. Though new designs will have longer ranges than the
Concorde, they still come far short of the desired 12,000 mile unrefueled range. Current
SST designs have a range of 5,500-6,000 nautical miles and require 4,000 meter (13,000


feet) long runways.

This obviously places a restriction upon how far it could go and

where a military SST would be able to operate. The need for a truly long-unrefueledrange aircraft is unlikely to be met by a supersonic transport by the year 2025.
Oblique wings may provide more efficient supersonic flight. Preliminary studies
indicate in direct comparison with the Boeing 747, that the oblique wing may be 16-30%
cheaper to fly.8

Like the standard Concorde design, for an oblique wing to be

practical there must be a need to carry a large number of passengers. A passenger or

cargo carrying wing would have to be about 7 feet thick to allow people to stand, and this
in turn dictates a 50 foot chord and 500 foot wing span. Such an aircraft would be able to
carry more than 500 passengers.9 The vehicle would fly about a 60-degree angle at top
speed of between Mach 1.6 and 2.0 but rotate to about 30 degrees for takeoff and

While the oblique wing concept is slightly slower than other designs, its

advantage is that it is very efficient. Initial wind tunnel tests indicate that the oblique
wing would have a very good lift to drag ratio (as high as 30:1), and subsequently low
thrust requirements even for takeoff and acceleration.10 The low power requirement
advantage is obvious when considering the continually stiffening noise restrictions
surrounding US airports.
There are two impediments to the development and use of an oblique wing design.
First, though feasible, the technology to produce and fly such a design may not develop
because of a lack of interest at the civilian level. Even though a flying scale model has
been developed, research shows little interest in pursuing further development has been
demonstrated by civil aviation manufacturers.11 Unless the public sector decides such a


unique design is safe and passenger friendly, there is little hope such a craft will be
developed regardless of its advantages.
Secondly, significant support problems hinder the development. Not the least of
these is the extensive and costly renovation of existing infrastructure to accommodate an
aircraft nearly twice as large as any currently in existence.

Individually, these

impediments might be overcome. Together, they represent a commitment of resources

inconceivable, given the projected availability of future funding. For these reasons, we
believe the costs outweigh the benefits of such vehicles.

Since the Hindenburg catastrophe in 1937, airship development has taken a backseat
to aircraft development. Because of this, opportunities exist for tremendous
advancements in design and capability with the application of technologies that are
common in the aircraft industry. The application of probable 2025 technologies to airship
design could yield tremendous increases in overall capabilities with substantially
decreased delivery times at a fraction of current per-mile costs for air cargo movement.
Current airship development efforts have concentrated on the application of
materials technologies to the airship structure. These efforts include the introduction of
composite framing and high strength-to-weight fabrics. Additionally, developments in
engine technology have increased speed and controllability while decreasing the
manpower-intensive nature of previous airship operations. These developments have
reinvigorated inquiry into the future role of airships. They have not, however, expanded
the capabilities of the airship beyond those achieved before World War II.12


Air mobility requirements in 2025 will demand a substantial increase from existing
airship capabilities. These include a 500-ton useful lift capability, maximum airspeed of
250 knots, maximum range at maximum gross weight of 12,500 miles, and a
defensive/stealth capability. Although substantially slower, the airlift capacity of this
notional airship would be nearly six times that of our largest airlift platform, the C-5B.13
Even with the difference in delivery time (approximately a 2-to-1 advantage over the
C-5) the airship would still have three times the effective ability of the C-5B (Fig. 2-2).
Cost of airship production is also low since cost per unit produced could be approximately
one-third that of the C-5B.14 In addition, with the integration of UAVs and airships, the
capability exists to deliver personnel and equipment directly to the user (point of use
delivery), thereby, eliminating transshipment time and

reducing infrastructure

requirements and costs.

Technologies that will have a
great impact on the development
of Airship 2025 include: future



modeling capabilities

from which structural analysis and

Source: William J. White, Airships for the Future (New York:

Sterling Publishing Co., 1978): 127.

Figure 3-1. Large Cargo Airship

inexpensive test flights can be
conducted, and nanotechnology innovations that will decrease the weight and size of
onboard systems. Additional developments in stealth/low observables technologies will
make what is already a low-signature target (due to its composite structure) more
survivable. The development of stand-off delivery vehicles (UAVs) will also increase the


airships survivability by allowing the airship to loiter well outside the battlespace threat
area while the UAVs provide point of use delivery to forward deployed units.
The possible commercial applications of airships are numerous.

Commercial air

carriers are currently pursuing larger-capacity aircraft to increase the efficiency of air

The substantially cheaper per-unit cost of airships, combined with their

superior capacity, hold great promise for long-range passenger and package delivery.
Additionally, civilian adoption of airship operations similar to those proposed in this paper
could usher in a new era of innovation in the commercial air freight industry where direct
delivery of goods is the baseline product.

In-Ground Effect Wings

Wing-in-ground effect vehicles (or wingships) are another type of platform design
that could provide the size, weight, and volume of lift required in 2025. Wingships are
hybrid sea/air vehicles capable of very heavy lift over extremely long ranges. They do so
by taking advantage of the ground effect phenomena to provide a significant increase in
lift capability over what conventional aircraft are currently capable. Because of these
phenomena, it is technologically feasible to build vehicles that are at least three times
larger and 10 times heavier than the largest airplane currently built.15 Developed initially
by the Russians in the 1960s, the first wingship (named the Caspian Sea Monster) was
capable of lifting 540 tons and cruised at 310 miles per hour.16 This vehicle took off and
landed on the sea and held a steady altitude of 10 feet above the surface. Current
wingships have the capability of flying between 20 and 90 feet above the surface of the
sea and can cruise at 400 knots. Higher altitudes are possible when necessary to transit


small land masses or avoid shipping or other obstacles, but these altitudes cause a
significant decrease in fuel efficiency. Because of their shallow draft, these vehicles are
able to load and unload in shallow and/or undeveloped ports where deep-draft vessels are
unable to go.
Developments in lightweight structures and materials have made it technologically
feasible to construct a wingship capable of lifting 5,000 tons, although the engines
required to power it are still a long way off. The Advanced Research Projects Agency
(ARPA) of the Department of Defense (DOD) recently analyzed a wingship that was able
to transport 1,500 tons over an unrefueled range of 10,000 nautical miles at a cruising
speed of 400 knots.17 Even with this kind of lift and the potential ability to attain
altitudes of almost 10,000 feet, the most significant challenge is designing engines that
can produce the enormous power to break free of the water and maintain the required
power levels for an extended period of time at low altitudes where temperatures are
relatively higher than those experienced by conventional aircraft. Other technological
problems include stability problems as well as the difficulty of flying over turbulent

These problems could potentially be solved by using enhanced computer

processing to assist in wingship control.

In addition to these technological
drawbacks, the wingship cannot provide
the direct delivery and extraction required
in 2025 since they are confined to
waterways only and are susceptible to Reprinted from Popular Mechanics, (May 1995).
interdiction in narrow passageways such as

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All Rights

Figure 3-2. Conceptual Wingship

the Suez and Panama Canals.

They also require an infrastructure outside of the

continental United States, even though that infrastructure does not have to be extensive
or large. While the wingship could conceivably deploy and recover UAVs, the UAVs
would all have to be powered, driving up the cost of the air mobility system. Ultimately,
the wingship is unable to provide a seamless point of use delivery capability to the war
fighter without another form of transportation (rail, truck, etc.) to get the cargo and
equipment to the battlefield. Because of this, we believe it is not a good platform for the
air mobility system of 2025.

Very Large Aircraft

Commercial aircraft manufacturers, in concert with
governmental agencies, are currently showing a great
deal of interest in the development of very large
aircraft (VLA).

Shelby J. Morris, head of a

NASA/Langley engineering group brainstorming the

Reprinted from Popular Mechanics,

(March 1995). Copyright The Hearst
Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Figure 3-3. Very Large


concept, states that largeness is a virtue up to a point,

but were not sure of how large is large enough and how large is too large.19 These
developments are reliant on the extensive existing infrastructure of the United States and
other developed First World countries and are pertinent to operations in these areas.
Current VLA concepts include expanded conventional transports, blended wing
bodies, and a variety of other designs.

These concepts propose maximum payloads

ranging from 300,000 to 1,000,000 pounds with wingspans as large as 330 feet.20 Such
designs are problematic, as their sheer size vastly increases the infrastructure required to


support them. Possible solutions to this problem include the creation of landing piers
along lakeshores.21 Cost and environmental problems associated with this idea greatly
undermine its feasibility and serve to highlight similar problems associated with the
renovation of existing structures.
These infrastructure problems are even more daunting when one considers the lack
of infrastructure available to military forces deployed abroad. Future VLAs are likely to
face the same problem inherent with our current very large aircraft, the venerable C-5B.
This problem is the requirement for an extensive supporting infrastructure unavailable in
a high-threat, forward deployed military operation.
The VLA exhibits a high profile during operations. Even if the adversary lacks
sufficient capabilities to directly contest air superiority with the United States, the VLAs
conventional operating procedures induce reliance on a fixed infrastructure.


infrastructure represents an extremely vulnerable center of gravity, as it can be targeted

by a variety of standoff air-to-surface and surface-to-surface weapon systems to ensure
airbase denial.22 In addition, man-portable antiair weapon systems enhance the capability
to infiltrate and target US theater insertion capability.

The VLAs most significant

advantage is its increased lift capability. However, the operational and infrastructure
requirements to service this increased capacity present two key vulnerabilities: the need
to fly into the battlespace thus presenting a high-value target and the need to
offload/transship its cargo at a suitable in-theater airfield, itself a center of gravity in the
highly lethal and fluid environment of 2025.
In the final analysis, the main problem with VLAs is that they remain an evolutionary
change in airlift capability and have failed to adequately evolve to meet mission


requirements to survive and support operational needs in a threat environment. In other

words, VLAs are doing the same old thing, the same old way, with new/larger equipment.
The VLA has utility in supporting nonthreat operations such as humanitarian assistance,
but it is a system that complements airlift operations, without providing the necessary
capabilities to support potentially hostile operations in 2025.

Delivery Vehicles

Since the air mobility system of the future may not have operationally supportable
access to airfields (large or small) or transshipment infrastructure outside of the
continental United States due to political, environmental, threat, and/or infrastructure
considerations, there must be a method to deliver personnel and equipment directly from
the large airlifter to the precise location requested by the war-fighting commander. The
current airdrop capability of the US Air Force raises some tricky problems, most notably
hitting small targets from high altitudes (above 10,000 feet), the requirement for large
drop zones, and the necessity of having personnel on the ground to monitor weather
conditions during the actual drop.

As mentioned previously, during the recent

humanitarian airdrop into Bosnia, there was significant concern over the ability to find
and hit small, obscure drop zones while at night and/or in poor weather.23 The war
fighters of the future will need to place equipment and personnel within 10 meters of the
intended target during all weather conditions and in any type of terrain as well as during
potentially hostile situations. This precision capability will be required not only during the
initial insertion of forces but also during the following resupply and sustainment efforts.
Several unpowered vehicles currently in development show promise in this respect.

Unpowered Delivery Systems

One of the most promising unpowered delivery vehicles is an autonomous system
that can deliver heavy payloads to within about 30 feet of the intended target. This
system, called the Guided Parafoil Aerial Delivery System (GPADS), uses a parafoil that
is 49 feet long, 8 feet deep, spans 150 feet, and weighs 1,600 pounds. The guidance
package utilizes a global positioning system (GPS) receiver, compass, pressure altimeter,
air speed indicator, and a computer to sense and correct in real time for changes in wind
speed and direction and compensates for movement of the payload and canopy.
Designed to guide a total load of 42,000 pounds from an altitude of 25,000 feet and 12
miles away from a target, an airborne division would require a mix of 450 heavyweight
and medium-weight parafoils in addition to 450 parafoils that could deliver 1,200 pound
loads.24 Even if the war fighter of 2025 requires less overall weight to deploy, parafoils of
the future would need to carry significantly heavier loads and be capable of delivering
them from farther away.
Another system that is complementary to the GPADS is being developed by NASA
as a method for returning cargo and crews from space in an autonomous mode. Termed
the Spacewedge, it allows cargo to be deployed from an aircraft up to 20 miles away from
the intended landing zone and potentially brought within 100 feet of the target. To fly at
about 20 miles per hour with a sink rate of 10 feet per second, this system uses a
parachute and a guidance package composed of a GPS receiver and antenna, an uplink
receiver, an altimeter, and electronic compass as well as a 80196-based flight control
computer. It is not as accurate as the GPADS. The objective of this program is to be able


to deliver a full-scale space vehicle to a soft landing at a sink rate of about 2.5 feet per
A parafoil system that combined the best characteristics of these two systems would
provide precise delivery of personnel and equipment to the war fighter. The ability to
drop heavyweight loads would allow the war fighter to insert most, if not all, of his heavy
equipment within 10 meters of the intended target.

This ability would allow


advantage of surprise and also would be very difficult to

defend against since the choice of landing site increases
significantly. The ability to drop the load from approximately
150 miles away also enhances surprise (not to mention aircraft
survivability) by not announcing the location of the drop zone.
In addition, several loads could be dropped simultaneously in
opposite directions, allowing the greatest amount of coverage if
Source: Robert W. Rodier,

required by the situation. Finally, personnel could be dropped et al., Master Plan for



in containers, reducing the parachute training required for Natick TR-91/037L (Natick,
individuals and allowing more concentration of troops in a
particular area. If the psychological aspects of lack of control

Mass,: US Army Research,

Development & Engineering
Center, June 1991): 35.

Figure 3-4. Parafoil

Delivery System

warrant adjustments, a man-in-the-loop option for control of

the container can be developed for dealing with emergency contingencies.
A disadvantage of this parafoil delivery system is that it relies on a GPS link that
could be either disrupted by the enemy or used by the enemy to locate the delivery
system and either shoot it down or otherwise compromise the attack. Use of an internal
guidance package (such as a micro-internal navigation system device) that did not need


external links to determine its location would take care of this problem. The package
would still need to receive data about wind direction and speed but as long as it did not
send out signals it could retain its stealthy characteristics. Another disadvantage of a
parafoil system (or any unpowered system) is that the large parafoils and containers could
potentially become excess material on the battlefield. While soldiers traditionally use
most available materials in combat, any excess material could be difficult to dispose of,
becoming an environmental issue once the war or conflict was terminated.

In a

special-operations-type scenario, this debris could indicate the presence of troops that
were attempting to operate in a covert mode. Advances in materials technology might be
able to produce materials that rapidly degrade or reconfigure for alternative uses. Finally,
the main disadvantage to an unpowered parafoil system is that while it can deliver cargo
and personnel very accurately from high altitudes and significant distances, it cannot
extract the troops once the mission is complete (or during a fighting withdrawal). Also,
these systems are vulnerable to severe local weather conditions that may degrade
performance significantly.

Powered Delivery Systems

Powered unmanned aerial vehicles show enormous potential for direct delivery and
extraction of cargo and personnel to and from the customers desired location. The use of
UAVs in this role would minimize the risk to humans by removing the transport pilot from
the battlefield and would also maximize the payload of the UAV by not having to lift
additional crew members. UAVs showed recent success in Operation Desert Storm and
are currently being used in the operations in Bosnia, although in exclusively


reconnaissance-type missions. Currently these aircraft are small and are able to carry
only small sensor/communications payloads. Future technological advances (such as
more powerful propulsion units, more versatile airframe designs, lightweight but strong
materials, etc.) may allow the development of a UAV that will be able to lift and
maneuver a standard cargo container carrying personnel and/or equipment.


accomplish these tasks, a UAV must have the capability for full or near full autonomous
flight to make round trips from the airlifter to an unimproved location and back while
surviving in a potentially hostile environment.
The requirement to deliver cargo and personnel wherever the user needs it demands
that a UAV be capable of taking off and landing vertically or at the very least in a very
short distance, allowing the combatant commander maximum flexibility in placing troops
and equipment. Four powered vehicle designs could potentially fill this requirement: a
helicopter-type vehicle, an x-wing design, a jump jet, and an ornithographic vehicle. A
helicopter-type vehicle already exists that is capable of fully autonomous vertical takeoff
and landing and can land on slopes of up to 15 degrees, with indications that landings on
greater slopes are possible.26 Also, in the late 1980s, a Canadian firm built a remotely
piloted helicopter capable of horizontal speeds up to 80 miles per hour, altitudes up to
10,000 feet, and hovering maneuvers.27 The vertical takeoff and landing capability of
these types of vehicles reduces the space required for cargo unloading (and loading during
extraction operations) and allows landing at unimproved sites, which gives much more
flexibility to the war fighter in placing troops and equipment. Because of this almost
unlimited capability to place troops where and when required, the US can retain or


achieve the advantage of surprise, at least until the UAVs are deployed from the mother
ship and potentially until they are making their final approach at the landing site.
Among the drawbacks to the use of helicopters are that they generally require more
power than equivalent fixed wing aircraft and are adversely affected by high altitudes and
hot temperatures. Significant advances in propulsion design and fuels would be required
to solve or at least minimize this problem. Helicopter UAVs are also more complex but
the use of adaptive neural networks could eventually be used to control these types of

Also, although helicopter UAVs currently have limited maneuverability,

genetic algorithm could be useful in increasing their maneuverability enough for effective
use in an airlift role in a hostile environment.
The final disadvantage of unmanned helicopter vehicles in the airlift role is that their
in-flight performance is significantly less than conventional fixed-wing aircraft.

solution to this is the development of an x-wing or stopped-rotor type of aircraft. This

design combines the vertical takeoff and landing characteristics of a helicopter-type
vehicle with the forward speed of a conventional fixed-wing aircraft. A rotor would be
used to enable vertical takeoffs and landings and then would be stopped in flight to serve
as wings for forward flight at speeds in the high subsonic region.29
As mentioned, x-wings retain the vertical takeoff and landing characteristics that are
necessary for maximum flexibility in the direct delivery and extraction of cargo and
personnel to and from the battlefield. The capability to transition to forward flight would
allow greater forward speed, potentially into the high-subsonic range, which would
enhance the survivability of the aircraft in a hostile environment since it is harder to hit a
fast moving target.30 Also, this capability to transition to forward flight would increase


the vehicles range and would enable the mother ship to remain farther from the
battlefield without delaying the time required to deploy a unit to the field. Like the
helicopter UAV, the x-wing design would incorporate fully autonomous flight control and
navigation using an internal miniature inertial navigation device preprogrammed by the
airlifter flight crew, and would be capable of landing and taking off from an unimproved
site. Among the disadvantages of x-wing UAVs are the difficulties in overcoming the
transition from rotors to fixed wings and the development of an appropriate powerplant
that could provide power to the rotor as well as supply thrust for fixed-winged flight.
While these challenges were being addressed as early as the late 1980s, technological
advances in propulsion, as well as in circulation control for the critical transition phase
between rotor-powered flight and fixed-wing flight, should enable the use of an x-wing
unmanned vehicle by the year 2025.31
A similar and perhaps more promising
aircraft is another vertical takeoff and landing
vehicle capable of forward flight, the so-called
jump jet or hoverjet being developed by the
National Aerospace Laboratory (NAL) in
Tokyo. The design of this transport helps ensure
stability in the low, forward-speed range and Reprinted from Popular Mechanics, (June
during vertical flight and is powered by three

1993). Copyright The Hearst Corporation.

All Rights Reserved.

Figure 3-5. NAL Jump Jet

aft-mounted turbine engines that power a
unique system of lift fans and cruise fans. During forward flight, the air trapped from the
compressors would be routed to two cruise fans. For vertical flight, this same high-


pressure bleed air would be routed to six rotors, made of single piece carbon fiber
composites, encased in the wings and shielded by louvers on both the upper and lower
sides. The transition from vertical to horizontal flight is accomplished by gradually
redirecting the air from the rotors to the cruise fans.32
Although this particular vehicle is designed to transport more than 100 passengers at
0.8 Mach with a range of 1,600 miles, the basic technology could be converted into an
unmanned aircraft that could be launched and recovered from a much larger mother ship
as discussed in the preceding paragraphs. One of the biggest design challenges for NAL
has been the development of a powerful and reliable lift fan. In addition to advances in
power plant design, the success of aircraft of this type also depends on advances in
composite materials and manufacturing processes.

Even more than the previously

mentioned UAV designs, this hoverjet would require significant progress in adaptive
neural networks and genetic algorithms to achieve autonomous control of the vehicle.
Finally, since cargo containers would be carried inside the aircraft instead of being slung
beneath it like the helicopter and x-wing UAVs, this type aircraft would require some type
of material handling equipment to off-load or on-load equipment.
The jump jet design, however, offers some advantages that the helicopter and xwing UAVs do not.

Like them, this aircraft takes advantage of both vertical and

horizontal flight. Its size and design would be attractive to the commercial market where
it could be used in the short-range passenger market as well as short-haul cargo routes.
Major disadvantages, in addition to the requirement for on-board cargo handling
equipment, are the increased infrared signatures resulting from the high heat and pressure
generated from the engine compressors and the fact that this type of design would


probably be much more expensive than the previous two, resulting in fewer overall
numbers and a greater reluctance to send it into a hostile fire zone.
A potentially less expensive airlift UAV would be an ornithographic vehiclean
engine-powered aircraft that flies by flapping its wings. The worlds first successful
engine-driven ornithopter flew in September 1991 for a grand total of two minutes and 46
seconds.33 While this vehicle was not large (only four kilograms and a three meter
wingspan), it did achieve flight and demonstrated this method of propulsion does work.
The creators of this modern-day Icarus believed they could build an ornithopter that
could carry a single person by 1996.34

With advances in propulsion systems and

lightweight but strong materials, a UAV could be designed that would be no more than a
frame with a power plant and wings with a generic attachment for a cargo container. The
powered wings would allow for a controlled glide to the unimproved landing zone,
adjusting for winds and avoiding detected threats. The wings would also enable a soft
landing in a small area by rotating into the wind just above the ground in the same manner
as birds alighting on a nest or a tree limb. A design of this type would provide an
additional measure of stealth since the use of flapping wings would be significantly
quieter than a rotor-equipped vehicle. Also, if the wing materials were inexpensive
enough and the power plant and control package were small, the UAV could be virtually
disposable on the battlefield. (Containers would also have to be disposable or useable by
the war fighter.)

Additional technologies such as very short-term (within days),

biodegradable materials would enhance the disposability and help prevent discovery of
personnel operating in a covert mode. This capability would be greatly beneficial to


special operations personnel or any other unit operating in a covert mode in hostile
territory and not wanting their operations revealed by the presence of a delivery vehicle.
An obvious disadvantage of an ornithopter UAV would be the inability to lift large,
heavy containers without revolutionary breakthroughs in propulsion, materials, and
aeronautical design. Without the capability of lifting large, heavy containers, another
vehicle would be necessary to provide the direct extraction of cargo and personnel.
These powered vehicles, however, would be more expensive to develop and operate than

Since retrograde often occurs at a much lower rate than deployment,

ornithopters (or other unpowered vehicles) and powered lifting vehicles could be used in
conjunction (at a ratio of 3 unpowered UAVs per powered UAV) for less cost. Another
disadvantage is that this type of flapping wing design would be relatively slow moving,
exposing the vehicle to enemy fire longer and allowing for an easier targeting solution for
the enemy. This disadvantage however, could be overcome by employing other stealth
technologies in the design (i.e., stealthy materials, a cloaking mechanism, etc.).
A more feasible delivery vehicle would be based on the Angels Wings concept
developed for the Army by Dr. Lowell Wood.

The original concept would be

implemented as a helicopter-type personal lift device individuals would be able to strap


With auto-folding and unfolding composite rotating wings, a GPS-updated

microprocessor, and a 50-horsepower internal combustion engine, this device would be

able to deliver the twenty-first century warrior to the battlefield in an unpowered mode,
using flywheel energy to provide last-minute braking. Liftoff would be provided either
from the energy stored in the flywheel (modern flywheels have the capability to store
enough energy to lift their own mass up to 10,000 kilometers) or from the 15,000


revolutions per minute engine. Although designed for only one person, increasing the
swept-circle diameter of the rotating wings as well as increasing the engine thrust would
provide capability to lift much heavier payloads.35
Delivery vehicles of this type are relatively simple, allow rapid retrograde, and
provide significant mobility across the terrain for ground forces.

With the engine

shrouded and using ducted fan-cooling design, the vehicle and payload would have
minimal signatures across the spectrum. Disadvantages include the size of the rotating
wings to lift heavy payloads and the resulting increase in platform signatures.

It is

doubtful the useful payloads could be increased to provide enough lift capability without
having to use a significant number of vehicles or increase the platform signatures beyond
acceptable levels. If used as an individual lift device, the soldier would need some sort of
protection from the elements particularly if deployed from a mother ship located 100-to
200 miles from the battlefield. Finally, the speed of these vehicles would be relatively
slow, which would increase their exposure to hostile fire. The concept in its current form
is available using commercial off-the-shelf components and technologies. However, to
decrease weight and reduce detection signatures while increasing range and lift capacity,
advances in structural composites, engine design (to include minimizing noise output), as
well as in microminiaturization of communications, sensors, and navigation packages are
Other potential delivery vehicles are ballistic and cruise missiles. Ballistic missiles
have the capability to provide the most rapid in-transit delivery vehicle for small,
high-priority payloads, can be configured to ensure payload survivability and extreme
accuracy, and are technologically feasible. However, there are many negative aspects to


consider. First, the delivery system resembles the delivery characteristics of weapons of
mass destruction. Since ballistic missile designers are developing capabilities to alter intransit flight profiles to counter antiballistic missile systems, any flight profile that vaguely
threatens potential enemies could provoke a preemptive strike against what is in reality a
cargo transfer. Not only could this system destabilize a developing crisis, it would also
result in the loss of a high-priority payload that was important enough to get to the user
extremely quickly. Also, ballistic missiles have high profiles that could eliminate the
element of surprise for most payloads.

In addition, the cost of expendable launch

vehicles is extremely high and few payloads, except for highly critical ones, would
warrant such costs. The system would also require the retention of a complete weapon
system support infrastructure to support a small quantity of payloads. Furthermore, the
infrastructure for ballistic missile launch does not coincide with the logistics support
infrastructure, requiring payloads to be delivered to remote launch facilities, incurring
additional time for transit from point of origin to point of embarkation.
Cruise missiles can transfer 500 pound payloads over 1,500 miles while maintaining a
low-observable profile, autonomous control, and precise point of delivery.


development of containers for supporting diverse cargoes, cruise missiles can be

developed to rapidly deliver payloads to users without reliance on infrastructure between
points of origin and delivery. Evolutionary changes such as improvements in composites
to strengthen airframes while reducing weight, increasing engine efficiencies and output,
and using low observables technology to decrease probability of detection, can improve
range, payload, and mission effectiveness. With development of the capability to recover
cruise missiles used for cargo delivery in a mission-capable condition and to ensure


proper en route identification, cruise missiles can provide direct delivery and extraction
support for cargoes meeting weight and volume constraints. This capability is significant
in high threat environments and operations in niche theaters such as support of forces
ashore by naval units in littoral areas. Operating as an autonomous UAV, the cruise
missile provides a lower cost, less vulnerable platform than most airlift vehicles. The
main problems with cruise missiles are significant volume and weight constraints,
differentiation between strike and airlift cruise missile operations by friendly, neutral, and
hostile forces, and constraints on making changes to cargo while en route. Due to its
capabilities, the cruise missile provides a possible component of the overall airlift system,
but its limitations constrain its useable mission profiles and the amount of cargo that could
be delivered.

Additional Equipment

Equipment that is not platform specific but which is required for the mobility system
of 2025 includes cargo containers and onboard materiel-handling equipment. Additional
equipment/subsystems such as robust communications, targeting computing, stealth/low
observables, and so forth, are not airlift specific and should be the same systems that are
used on other aerospace platforms.

Cargo Containers
Containers will be standardized between US military and commercial aircraft and will
also comply with international standards to improve compatibility with potential allies and
coalition partners. Modular units, such as those used for medical evacuation units, will

use these standard-size cargo containers without modification in size and/or dimensions to
enable transport via the most effective means, regardless of whether it is by aircraft, ship,
railroad car, or truck. Use of these standardized containers, miniaturization of many
components and weapons, and the possible transition from projectiles to directed energy
weapons will result in less weight and volume to be transported to the theater and will
eliminate most, if not all, of the current air cargo categories such as oversize and outsize.
In addition to ease of handling during transshipment, standardized containers will
provide protection during climatic extremes, allow information about the internal contents
to be transmitted to the user, allow for quick download at destination (in minutes), all
while not generating disposal problems in either a peacetime or wartime environment.36
If made of strong lightweight materials that are fire retardant, vermin-resistant, and
waterproof, the containers will be able to provide the protection required without adding
significant weight to the payload carried by the delivery vehicles and the mother ship.
The containers must also allow extremely rapid unloading (within a minute or less) if
delivery into a hostile zone is required. Finally, the containers must be built to allow the
attachment of delivery vehicles (either powered or unpowered) to form an integral unit
and eliminate the problems of slung loads.

Onboard Materiel-Handling Equipment

The cargo bay of the mother ship must have some robotics-based, materielhandling equipment capable of shifting the cargo containers and other equipment while in
flight to ensure the center of gravity is maintained within flight limits, as well as
optimizing personnel and equipment for rapid offload at the destination. This robotic


system will be controlled by the flight crew through the onboard computer systems and
will act semi-autonomously. Payload configuration systems will analyze payload and
mission profiles to configure the payload to maximize volume and mass, minimize airlift
system operational requirements, and facilitate cargo upload and download needs.


The Scientific Advisory Board has recommended five primary areas for airlift system
improvement: mobility information dominance, global range transports, precision guided
airdrop, directed energy defensive systems, and virtual reality military applications.37
However, as discussed earlier, additional considerations are necessary and include the
need for direct delivery and extraction and the ability to operate in hostile,
infrastructure-deficient environments.


Table 2
Summary of System Options

Very Large
Jump Jet

Point of



Very High

Very High

Very High



Very High

Very High

Very High


to High

Very Lowb

Very Lowb




Very high

Very high






Very High

Very High







Very Low











Very Low
to Low


Notes: a. Deployment/recovery of containers from/to extremely high speed aircraft is improbable.

b. Only if point of use is port or beachhead.
c. Would require launch structure in field and additional recovery apparatus on mother ship.
d. Powered altitude capability unknown.

Each of the systems described above were evaluated for their ability to provide the
capabilities required in 2025 that were discussed earlier in this paper. Since one of the
major assumptions of this paper is that the air mobility system will not have access to
airfields outside of the CONUS, the system chosen must have an extremely long range
and be capable of direct delivery and extraction. The system must also be survivable in a
hostile environment and be responsive to the customers needs by getting all the users
personnel and equipment to the required location in time to accomplish the war fighters


mission. Because some of the alternate futures postulate significant to severe budget
restrictions, the platform must not be cost prohibitive. Other capabilities required in 2025
such as Total Resource Visibility, intermodality, modularity, and interoperability, are not
platform dependent but must be included in whatever platform is selected. A review of
the evaluated systems and their contributions to the air mobility system of 2025 is shown
in table 2.
When the described systems are compared against the capabilities required by the air
mobility system of 2025, airships, used in conjunction with unpowered and powered UAV
delivery platforms (primarily vertical takeoff and landing or VTOL vehicles), are the best
matches for the air mobility system of 2025. Although the airship is not as fast as modern
jet aircraft, its high-cargo capacity (both in weight and volume) allows the delivery of
more materiel to the battlefield sooner than a much larger and more expensive fleet of jet
aircraft, ultimately supporting the war fighter sooner than todays air mobility system.
Additionally, the standoff capability of the airship/UAV system provides much greater
survivability than existing and proposed systems. A fleet of C-17s will still be in the Air
Force inventory and will be able to provide the same precision delivery capability for
small, light forces using the described delivery systems.

If transshipment bases are

available in or near the theater of operations, the C-17 can also be used to support
intratheater lift. Direct extraction capability will be provided by the combination of the
VTOL UAV and the airship. Chapter 4 describes how these futuristic air mobility systems
will operate.


Douglas A. Fulmer, Sanger: Germanys Black Bullet, Ad Astra 4, no. 2 (March

1992): 1416.
Gilbert G. Kuperman, Information Requirements Analyses for Transatmospheric
Vehicles, AL-TR-1992-0082 (Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio: Armstrong Laboratory, Crew
Systems Directorate, Human Engineering Division, June 1992): 2431.
Johan Benson, Conversations, Aerospace America 3, no. 2 (February 1995): 16.
William B. Scott, NASA Aeronautics Budget Fuels High-Speed, Subsonic
Research, Aviation Week & Space Technology 138, no. 19 (10 May 1993): 61.
Benson, 16.
Pamela S. Zuner, NASA Cultivating Basic Technology For Supersonic Passenger
Aircraft, Chemical & Engineering News 73, no. 17 (24 April 1995): 11.
Tokyo, JAL Business Routes Require Longer Range Than Offered by Current SST
Plans, Aviation Week & Space Technology 137, no. 7 (17 August, 1992): 57.
Breck W. Henderson, NASA Ames Resumes Effort to Develop Supersonic,
Oblique Wing Aircraft, Aviation Week & Space Technology 136, no. 3 (20 January
1992): 54.
John D. Busick and Bill Siuru, Future Flight: The Next Generation of Aircraft
Technology, 2d ed. (Blue Ridge Summit, P.a.: Tab Books, 1994), 157.
Oblique Flying Wing Is Airborne, Aviation Week & Space Technology 141, no.
15 (10 October 1991): 19.
The maximum gross weight of the Hindenburg was 242.5 tons with a range of
6,250 miles.
Air Mobility Command, 1996 Air Mobility Master Plan (Scott AFB, Ill.: Air
Mobility Command, 1995). C-5B maximum gross weight ranges from 70 to 120 tons
depending on range requirements. A 100-ton average was used for comparison.
Lt Col Donald E. Ryan, The Airships Potential for Intertheater and Intratheater
Airlift (Maxwell AFB, Ala.: Air University Press, 1993), 44.
Bradley Lohrbauer Olds, The Impact of Wingships on Strategic Lift (Monterey,
Calif.: Naval Postgraduate School, September 1993), 17.
Craig Mellow, When Ships Have Wings, Air and Space Magazine 10, no. 5
(December 1995/January 1996): 53.
Olds, 2.
Stacey Evers, US Wingship Pursuit Keyed to ARPA Study, Aviation Week &
Space Technology 141, no. 8 (22 August 1994): 55.
Gregory T. Pope, Titans of Transport, Popular Mechanics 172, no. 3 (March
1995): 54.
Ibid., 55.
Dr Eliot A. Cohen, Long Range Air Power And US Military Strategy, address to
Congressional staffers, Washington, D.C., 7 March 1996.
Frederick Painton, High-Altitude Help. Time 141, no. 10 (8 March 1993): 36
James T. McKenna, Team Tests Parafoil for Heavy Payloads, Aviation Week &
Space Technology 142, no. 25 (19 June 1995): 57.


James R. Asker, Space Autoland System Shows GPS Wide Uses, Aviation Week
& Space Technology 139, no. 16 (18 October 1993): 54.
J. P. Bott and D. W. Murphy, On the Lookout: The Air Mobile Ground Security
and Surveillance System (AMGSSS) Has Arrived, Internet, Fall 1995, available from
Busick and Siuru, 140.
Stanley W. Kandebo, Waverider to Test Neural Net Control, Aviation Week &
Space Technology 142, no. 14 (3 April 1995): 79.
Busick and Siuru, 126.
Ibid., 129.
Jonathan Beard, Magnificent Flight with Flapping Wings, New Scientist 134, no.
1826 (20 June 1992): 21.
Dr Lowell Wood, Visiting Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University,
telephone interview with author, 1 Mar 96.
Judy L. Edgell et al., Logistics in 2025: Consider It Done, unpublished white
paper, Air University. Standardized containers and the associated communications
equipment are integral to the logistics system of systems.
Air Mobility Command, 1-331-34.


Chapter 4

Concept Of Operations

No matter how futuristic or innovative weapon systems may be, they will be of little
or no use if they adhere to yesterdays operational concepts. The following concept of
operations using the systems mix recommended in Chapter 3 represents what we believe
to be a revolution in systems use and operations that will exponentially increase the
efficiency of the war fighters in 2025.
The basic mission, goals, and objectives of air mobility will likely remain as they are

The airlift operational tasks of cargo airlift, passenger airlift, aeromedical

evacuation, and special operations airlift will continue. The core support processes of
information resources management, C4I systems, information warfare, intelligence,
logistics, training, security, operations support, medical, cargo and passenger handling,
and base operating support will be crucial.1 However, new technical and operational
parameters will change the look of airlift platforms. Air cargo in 2025 will no longer be
categorized as bulk, oversize, outsize, rolling stock, and special, as standardized cargo
containers are integrated into the airlift system.
The future air mobility system will utilize both commercial and military resources to
execute the missions of 2025. Future worldwide commercial infrastructure may be able


to handle a large portion of the routine airlift requirements but will be unable to provide
military unique requirements. The military airlift system will be able to overlay on the
commercial system to provide direct delivery and extraction from unimproved and remote
areas, the capability to operate in hostile environments, and the extreme range required to
operate around the world solely from bases located in the continental United States. This
overlay will be seamless, using standardized cargo containers as well as a total resource
visibility (TRV) system to provide interoperability between commercial and military airlift
platforms. As previously described, the air mobility system will include both the C-17
and long-range airships as strategic lift platforms, and both unpowered UAVs (primarily
parafoils attached to cargo containers) and small powered UAVs as delivery vehicles.
The civil reserve air fleet (CRAF) will still be used in 2025 to complement organic
passenger and cargo capabilities.
The described TRV system, part of the DOD-wide logistic system, will identify and
track cargo and personnel from origin to final destination and return. This system will
have the capability to notify simultaneously the transportation system and the supported
unit. The required transportation assets will be automatically generated by the same
system once timing and flow decisions have been directed by the NCA. The large airlifter
will deploy with sufficient parafoil delivery systems and powered UAVs to accomplish the
assigned mission.

Since any type of retrograde will occur at a slower rate than

deployment, there will normally be one powered UAV for every four parafoil delivery

(If the capability exists to manufacture biodegradable materials, the vast

majority of the parafoils will be unpowered with just enough powered UAVs to support


aeromedical evacuation and retrograde operations to include noncombatant evacuation



When a unit has been notified of an impending deployment, it will load cargo and/or
personnel into standard cargo containers. These containers, in addition to those few selfpowered vehicles that can not be loaded into containers, will be moved via land to the
nearest airfield (most likely a commercial airport) and loaded onto strategic lift platforms.
For those forces with less than 48 hours from departure to required delivery time, C-17s
will be the platform of choice. Airships will be used to directly deliver the remaining
required equipment and personnel and the majority of self-powered equipment. Since the
cargo containers are wheeled they will require minimal handling. Equipment no more
sophisticated than that currently used (trucks, C-17 MHE) will handle remaining
requirements. Self-powered equipment that is not loaded in a cargo container will have
standard attachment points to enable easy loading and securing of cargo in the cargo bay
of the airship.
If deployment time constraints require, the airship also will be able to embark a unit
and its equipment directly from the units point of origin. The mother ship with UAVs
(both parafoils and powered UAVs) would be flown from its home base to the pickup
location where the powered UAVs would pick up the cargo containers. Once within
range of the users location, the powered UAVs would be deployed from the airship and
flown to the pickup location where the containers (or self-powered equipment) will be
attached to the powered UAVs by the users. Once the container or piece of equipment is


attached, it will fly back to the mother ship for recovery. The cargo will be detached by
the aircrew and the UAV will repeat the process for as many trips as required. If space
exists on the mother ship, other units will be loaded either sequentially or simultaneously.
Robotic material-handling equipment in the cargo bay of the mother ship will be able to
move containers around as required to ensure the proper center of gravity is maintained
and to facilitate quick offload at the various drop zones.

En Route

Throughout the en route phase of operations, users will maintain communication with
their command and control components.

To facilitate communication, the users

command modules will be linked to the mother ships power and communications systems
using standard connections. If a change to the final destination, payload configuration, or
force package is required, the data will be passed to both the crew of the mother ship and
the users on board by the appropriate command and control facilities. These updates will
be entered into the system and will reflect the changes in near real time. Users will be
able to interconnect with the aircraft cargo computers to input desired offload sequencing
of their cargo containers and the target locations. This will enable the cargo bay robotics,
as directed by the flight crew, to move containers and/or other equipment within the
cargo bay to optimize offload sequencing while maintaining the required center of gravity.
These robotics will also marry up the appropriate UAVs (either the parafoil assemblies or
powered UAVs) to the cargo containers for offload.
Due to extended en route times, aircrew management and composition will be
significantly different from those that are currently practiced. Increases in crew size (i.e.,


using two or more crews in sequence) and use of performance-enhancing substances are
possible solutions. Personnel will also be required to assist the robotics and provide
necessary maintenance. Crew work/rest cycles will require sleep facilities on board the
aircraft for the entire crew.


Once in the theater of operations, two options exist for delivering personnel and
equipment. If intratheater bases are available (as well as in-theater transportation), the
airship or other aircraft (e.g., C-17, CRAF vehicles, etc.) can land and offload. If the
intratheater bases are not available or the cargo must be delivered quickly to the
battlefield, the personnel and equipment can be delivered directly to the desired location
using the guided parafoil delivery systems.

Immediately before to their release, the

airlifter cargo crew will ensure the guidance packages are programmed with the desired
drop zone locations, known winds, and threat areas to be avoided, and other data
necessary to ensure they arrive at the target location.
The parafoils (and other powered UAVs) will be released/deployed once the airlifter
is within range of the drop zone. Once released, the UAVs will guide themselves to
within 10 meters of the target. The containers, which have been configured by the users
to enable expeditious unpacking at the drop zone, will be unloaded by the users. If the
parafoils or cargo containers were not biodegradable or for other reasons required return
to the airlifter, the powered UAVs will be used. Once en route to the airship, the UAVs
will request and receive a burst transmission from the airlifter giving it return instructions
and locations. The powered UAV would fly back to the airship and directly into the cargo



Due to the high-operational risk, particularly when recovering personnel, the

process will incorporate some degree of human intervention either via remote control of
the UAV by an aircrew member or through positive control of the UAV/robotic recovery
system. Once aboard, the contents of the containers will be unloaded by the cargo bay
crew who, with the help of the robotic system, will recycle systems as required for future

The airship would either remain in place to continue delivery and reception

operations or proceed to the next drop zone as required. Since the C-17 will be able to
deliver a significantly smaller amount of cargo, it will usually service a single location and
then either return to CONUS or recover at an intratheater base if available.
Special operations requires airlift support for insertion and extraction of operational
forces and equipment. The airlift system components are capable of supporting special
operations requirements. However, the VTOL airlift vehicle must incorporate sufficient
low-observable profiles to both active and passive detection to lower the probability of
detection and interception to levels sufficient to allow mission effectiveness.


standard VTOL airlift vehicle will incorporate low-observables technology within

resource constraints. In addition to these technologies, the special operations VTOL
airlifter will incorporate active and passive offensive and defensive systems to support
mission needs. It is important to note that these systems will not require development of a
unique airframe or substantial infrastructure to support special operations needs.
Once all personnel and equipment have been delivered, the airship will remain in an
orbit area to recover casualties and/or remove the inserted forces. If the duration of the
operation were to exceed 48 hours, the airship would begin the return trip to CONUS only
after being replaced by another airship with aeromedical evacuation capability.


Aeromedical Evacuation

Medical evacuation in the year 2025 will use the same airship platform that is used
for transporting cargo and personnel. Before departure from its CONUS base, one or
more portable, modular medical units will be loaded into the airlifters cargo space.
These units will contain medical supplies and life support equipment as needed to care for
expected casualties for the duration of the flight to and from home station.


appropriate types and number of medical technicians deemed necessary will accompany
the medical units and remain with the airlifter. These medics will be in addition to any
field medics that may be deploying with the ground units. In addition, a small number of
cargo containers will be designated solely for the evacuation of battlefield casualties.
These vehicles will be equipped with either autonomous life-support systems much like
the neonatal units in use today (although significantly larger) or will provide seating for
one or more medical technicians to care for the evacuees.2
Launch and recovery of these medical units would be in the same manner as
delivering or extracting cargo and personnel, and would provide relatively quick
transportation of casualties from the battlefield to a place where long-term care is
available. No special medical equipment other than the autonomous life-support systems
and medical supplies would be required for these units since transport time should be
relatively brief. Most care could take place on board the mother ship (in the modular
units) with the medical technicians using communications links with CONUS to consult
appropriate experts. On return to home base, patients would be offloaded either by
stretcher or within the modular units themselves.

While this concept of operations

increases the turn time at home station and decreases the amount of cargo and personnel

deployed to and from the battlefield, it deletes the requirement for an additional airlifter
and uses all of the same components of the cargo and personnel delivery system. It also
removes casualties from the battlefield as soon as they can be placed into the dedicated
medical UAVs and airlifted directly to the modular medical units on board the airlifter,
reducing complications and resulting in decreased morbidity and mortality rates.


Because commercial airlift operations do not incorporate the offensive and

defensive systems necessary to survive in a high-threat environment, airlift operations will
require military aircraft to support requirements in hostile areas. Expected threats include
ground, sea, and air launched missiles as well as enemy attack aircraft. To counter these,
military airlift platforms should be configured with directed energy weapons coupled to
multi-spectral sensor packages enhanced with state of the art computational capability.
With the proliferation of threat technology, these platforms could provide an offensive
capability to employ weapon systems for operations ranging from rear area sustainment in
a low-threat environment to operational power projection in high-threat environments.
Possible offensive capabilities include standoff aerial bombardment and the employment
of combat UAVs in support of ground operations.
Many missions, such as diplomatic and humanitarian assistance, may require airlift
platform configurations lacking active offensive and defensive weapon systems.
Therefore, the airlift platform must be configurable to support these missions as well.
Modular weapon system packages will provide this system flexibility and will enable the
employment of the airlift platform throughout the spectrum of conflict.



Military airlift platforms directly support power projection and presence.

When this nation responds, mobility forces are no longer merely support
forces. We use these aircraft to project influence. When those aircraft are
sitting on a ramp in some far away country with that American flag on the
tail they are not representing the United States of America, they are the
United States of America.
When the government wishes to de-emphasize involvement, commercial carriers are
acceptable unless payload prohibits their use. Because official United States aircraft
reflect national commitment and power, military airlift platforms provide political
dividends that can exceed the benefits of cost savings achieved through commercial
carriers. The media does not turn out to highlight commercial cargo but even one military
transport can gain global attention when properly managed. Media coverage of any
future wars will by necessity weigh heavily in determining the level of national resolve,
the degree of commitment, and the complexion of the response. . . . As the old adage
goes, pictures dont lie, and quite literally they speak louder than words.4

Special Handling Requirements

The military airlift network also transports payloads requiring special security and/or
special-handling requirements. These payloads include: high-profile dignitaries, weapons
of mass destruction, research, developmental test and evaluation materiel, hazardous
materiel, equipment supporting compartmentalized operations, and international
assistance programs. These operations support the military, other governmental agencies,
and foreign governments. Additionally, oversized payloads, security, hazardous material,


environmental control cargo requirements, and special-handling needs may also arise.
Although many of these activities may be supported by commercial carriers if proper
measures are implemented, the potential loss of control, conflicts of interest, security
aspects, and political effects will make retention of military airlift support preferable.
The melding of airships and UAVs with the concept of operations recommended
above will enhance the entire spectrum of air mobility operations. Most importantly, the
revolutionary point of use delivery and extraction capabilities will enable the war fighter
to aggressively and decisively prosecute the field of battle. Additionally, this concept
shows potential for use by the commercial sector to enhance the cost effectiveness of
cargo movement.


Air Mobility Command 1996 Air Mobility Master Plan. Scott AFB, Ill.: Air
Mobility Command, 1995, 111 to 122.
Maj Barbara Jefts, USAF, NC, interviewed by author, Maxwell AFB, Ala., 2
February 1996.
Widnall and Fogleman, Air Force Executive Guidance, December 1995 Update.
Washington D.C.: Department of the Air Force, 1995, 12.
Marc D. Felman, The Military/Media Clash and the New Principle of War: Media
Spin, Maxwell AFB, Ala.: Air University Press, June 1993: 2425.


Chapter 5


The realization of an air mobility system as extensive as that recommended in this

paper demands the development and integration of a wide range of technologies (table 3).
With the exception of low visibility enhancement and directed energy, each of the above
technologies is currently being developed and validated in the commercial sector.
Because of this, and given the continued paucity of defense research and development
funding, we believe it is necessary that any new air mobility system evolve from the
application of civilian technologies to the problem of airlift. Conversely, any system
conceived and implemented by the military would ideally have some commercial
applicability. If the military could demonstrate the technological feasibility of a concept
and the civilian sector could demonstrate the feasibility of commercial applications of that
technology, both sectors would benefit from the operation of common systems and any
complementary infrastructure. This close cooperation would also enhance air mobility
operations by providing sufficient resources to the commercial market for inclusion in a
future version of the CRAF.


Table 3
Required Technologies

Power Plants

Aircraft Control


Lighter Weight, Higher Useable
Stronger Structures
Lighter Weight, Higher Useable
Stronger Structures
Self Repair
Operating Parameters
Light Weight/Small Components
Boundary Layer Control
Higher Speed
Greater Fuel Efficiency
Articulating Design
Allows Use In High Wind Gusts
Allow Higher Temperatures At
Lighter Weights
Greater Thrust
*Advanced Fuels
Greater Efficiency
*Computer Processing
Maintenance Of Weight And
Balance During On- and Off-load
Wind Gust Control
*Enhanced Semi Autonomous
Self Repair
Navigation Reduction Of Weight And Space
Lift Gas Processing
Pressure Stabilization Throughout
Flight Regime
Handling Robotics
Reduced Crew Workload


Total Resource Visibility


*Lightweight Materials

Directed Energy (w/enhanced
computer processing)
Computer Processing

Lighter, Stronger Structures

early identification of threats
*All Weather Operations
Defense Against Threats

Allow Near Real Time Updates

To Command And Control
Communications Across Known Communications Security
Electromagnetic Spectrum
Multiple Users

* - applicable to UAVs


The physical aspects of the air mobility system recommended in this paper are
evolutionary. It proposes systems that, with a modicum of technological development,
could be in service by 2025. The concept of operations proposed for the air mobility
system of 2025 is, however, revolutionary. It represents the application of technology to
the capabilities we believe will be required to meet the logistics needs of our military at
that time.

These capabilities include responsiveness, point-of-use delivery, direct

extraction from point of use, interoperability, intermodality, survivability, and long

unrefueled range.

While some of these activities are possible today, they are not

performed at the level and with the consistency that must exist in 2025.
For the concepts proposed in this paper to become a reality, two events must occur.
First, the ever widening gap between airlift requirements and airlift capability must be
acknowledged. Advanced war-fighting systems are of little utility if the warrior is unable
to sustain, or even join, the fight. Second, emphasis must be placed on those systems that
best solve the problems future conflicts present. Adherence to the adaptation of archaic
systems and ideas to the problems of the future (as the French did before World War II)
only serve to delay the inevitable: the catastrophic failure of a system in the face of
requirements it was never capable of addressing.
The systems presented in this paper address our future air mobility concerns. It is our
hope that what we propose will stimulate a debate that will lead to the development of
innovative solutions to the air mobility problems before us.


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Spacelift 2025
The Supporting Pillar for Space Superiority

A Research Paper
Presented To
Air Force 2025

Lt Col Henry D. Baird
Maj Steven D. Acenbrak
Maj William J. Harding
LCDR Mark J. Hellstern
Maj Bruce M. Juselis
August 1996

2025 is a study designed to comply with a directive from the chief of staff of the Air Force to examine the
concepts, capabilities, and technologies the United States will require to remain the dominant air and space
force in the future. Presented on 17 June 1996, this report was produced in the Department of Defense school
environment of academic freedom and in the interest of advancing concepts related to national defense. The
views expressed in this report are those of the authors and do not reflect the official policy or position of the
United States Air Force, Department of Defense, or the United States government.
This report contains fictional representations of future situations/scenarios. Any similarities to real people or
events, other than those specifically cited, are unintentional and are for purposes of illustration only.
This publication has been reviewed by security and policy review authorities, is unclassified, and is cleared
for public release.



Disclaimer ..........................................................................................................................................ii
Executive Summary


Required Capabilities ...........................................................................................................................6

Definitions ....................................................................................................................................7
High Specific Impulse Propulsion ................................................................................................9
Modular Mission Packaging .......................................................................................................11
Economical Mass Fraction .........................................................................................................11
Streamlined Infrastructure...........................................................................................................13
Operational Simplicity................................................................................................................15

National Spacelift System Capabilities...............................................................................................19

2025 System Characteristics.......................................................................................................19
Primary Systems .........................................................................................................................20
Multipurpose Transatmospheric Vehicles................................................................................... 21
First Generation MTVs .........................................................................................................21
Structural Materials ..............................................................................................................22
Modular System Packaging ...................................................................................................23
Operational Infrastructure .....................................................................................................23
Second Generation MTVs.....................................................................................................25
Structural Advances..............................................................................................................26
Modular Payloads.................................................................................................................27
Orbital Transfer Vehicles ...........................................................................................................27
First Generation OTV ........................................................................................................... 28
Second Generation OTV .......................................................................................................28

Concept of Operations ............................................................................................................................32

A Plausible 2025 Scenario .........................................................................................................34

Recommendations ...............................................................................................................................36




Propulsion Advances ..........................................................................................................................41

A Pivotal Technology .................................................................................................................41
First Generation Propulsion Alternatives ...................................................................................41
Second Generation Propulsion Options ......................................................................................42
Third Generation Propulsion Possibilities..................................................................................46
Orbital Transfer Vehicle Propulsion...........................................................................................47
Combined Cycle OTVs...............................................................................................................47
Third Generation OTV Propulsion Systems................................................................................48




Mass Fraction Reduction Baseline ...................................................................................................12


Reusable MTV Maintenance Requirements......................................................................................14


Commercial Launch Potential...........................................................................................................16


Impact of Flight Rate on per Flight Cost of an MTV.........................................................................17


Conceptualized operations for the MTV...........................................................................................24


Artists Rendering of 1st Generation Spacelift Wing........................................................................25


Launch Costs.....................................................................................................................................39


A Basic Nuclear Thermal Rocket.....................................................................................................44




MTV Systems Attributes...................................................................................................................20

OTV Systems Attributes ...................................................................................................................20

Qualitative System Comparison........................................................................................................29

Executive Summary
The US spacelift system in 2025 focuses on routine operations. The research and development (R&D)
mentality of past spacelift programs is replaced by the aircraft-like operations of a fully reusable spacelift
system, operated by both commercial industry and a US spacelift wing. Though developed primarily as a
practical and affordable alternative for orbital access, the multipurpose transatmospheric vehicle (MTV) is
expanded into force-enhancing missions like intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR), global
mobility, and strike.

MTV becomes the strategic strike platform of 2025. It can be flown manned or

unmanned, depending on mission requirements, but it is primarily used in the unmanned mode. With the
capability to accomplish the earth-to-orbit (ETO) mission as well as these other earth-to-earth (ETE)
missions efficiently, the MTV is a flexible platform which strengthens all air-and space-core competencies.
MTV is complemented by the orbital transfer vehicle (OTV) for space orbital missions. After MTVs park
satellites in low orbits, OTVs provide the additional thrust needed to push the payloads into higher energy
orbits. OTVs also facilitate the maintenance of satellites in orbit by retrieving existing platforms for repair,
refueling, or rearming.

Finally, OTVs give the spacelift system a rapid orbital sortie capability for

deterrence, space control, reconnaissance, counterspace, and force application.

This paper recommends Air Force support for NASAs X-33 transatmospheric reusability
demonstration and investment in a follow-on military MTV and an initial OTV using todays technologies.
Once routine operations are institutionalized with these first generation reusable systems, propulsion and
material technology should be infused to provide a more capable system. This paper recommends avid
support of R&D funding needed to provide these technological advances. The technology push should not
end with the initial incorporation of advanced propulsion and lightweight materials into second generation
systems, as third generation revolutionary concepts like fusion and antimatter promise even greater
capability. Finally, the paper recommends development of innovative missions for the 2025 spacelift system
which enable it to strengthen all

air-and space-core competencies. The incremental approach outlined in

this paper provides the best opportunity to field an operable system which supports all customers.


Chapter 1


Space started in an R&D mode; it has difficulty moving to an operational mode.

Gen Ronald Fogelman, CSAF

Spacelift is the key supporting pillar of the space superiority core competency. Without the support of
spacelift, other platforms do not make it into orbit to execute space superiority operations. Space superiority,
along with global mobility, information dominance, air superiority, and precision employment, are the US

air-and space-core competencies. Since losing spacelift capability would have a devastating effect on US
ability to achieve space superiority, spacelift is the strategic center of gravity for all space operations.
Moreover, spacelift in the year 2025 is more than just a critical supporting pillar for space superiority,
because affordable, reusable spacelift also is an effective force enhancer for the other air-and space-core
The focal concept of spacelift in the year 2025 is routine operations to, through, and in space. The 1994
Space Launch Modernization Plan advocates a shift away from a launch mentality to an operations


This operations mentality is vital to building a 21st century space architecture, which the Air

Forces New World Vistas study envisions as a survivable, on-demand, real-time, global presence that is

Without affordable access to space, the rest of the space missions are difficult to accomplish.

There simply is not enough funding available to develop innovative space-based capabilities while
continuing to employ brute force methods of getting to orbit.

Routine operations are more affordable,

because they eliminate the large standing armies required by the research and development (R&D)
processing philosophy of current expendable systems. Affordability can be improved further through the

infusion of revolutionary, evolutionary, and commercial advances in technology, particularly propulsion and
materials. These advances lead to reusable, single stage to orbit (SSTO) spacelift vehicles, capable of
satisfying all spacelift requirements.

These vehicles allow aircraft-like routine operations to occur in

In the year 2025, spacelift is the conduit to the high ground of civil, defense, and commercial space
operations. To maximize the operational advantages of space, the US has established a composite spacelift
wing composed of vertically launched, SSTO, fully reusable, and maintainable multipurpose
transatmospheric vehicles (MTV). These MTVs responsively deliver light-to-medium payloads into and
through low earth orbit (LEO). In addition, the Department of Defense (DOD) maintains a squadron of
orbital transfer vehicles (OTV), attached to the international space station infrastructure.

These are

employed to move satellites between orbits, thus minimizing initial lift requirements for the MTVs. OTVs
also add life to satellites by refueling, rearming, and resupplying them, as well as protecting the US space

This MTV/OTV combination provides any theater with rapid response, all-weather

surveillance and sortie capabilities in less than an hour.

Heavy lift is a joint government and private commercial venture for scientific and commercial purposes
with military mission augmentation capabilities. To expand scientific knowledge and economic opportunity,
NASA, DOD, and industry pursue intersolar system exploration as a joint international venture. DOD is the
space traffic control manager. They also lead the international planetary defense system (IPDS) and operate
a directorate on board the space station. In the commercial sector, spacelift ventures are based on average
launches per day and safety records comparable to the airline industry of the 1990s.
Using a flattened organization with technician-level maintenance, spacelift operations are routine.
Space launch corporations have transformed several closed Air Force bases into space ports.


remoteness of these bases provide added safety buffer zones. Advances in computer diagnostics provide
real-time, on-the-pad systems checks with self-repair and automated rerouting of vital space vehicle

Seeking to protect and modernize their space architecture, some nations and multinational

corporations pursue the space debris environmental cleanup, which is a multimillion dollar business. Spacebased antisatellite weapons, antiballistic missile weapons, and precision guided munitions (PGM), including
lasers, particle beams, kinetic weapons, and nonlethal weapons, are the DODs primary arsenal for space

control and force application deployed from standardized modular packages. MTVs contribute to global
mobility by inserting small, highly equipped, armed teams of the US Space Special Operations Forces or
critical cargo anywhere on the globe through LEO. Air Force global reach is felt anywhere in the world in
less than an hour

Intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) and capable MTVs provide almost

immediate situation awareness of any trouble spot, and strike-configured MTVs add force application
capability. The US Spacelift Wing is the primary deterrent force of 2025.
The above spacelift concept in the year 2025 is derived using the horizon mission methodology, which
channels creative thinking by envisioning missions and desired architecture in the future then projects them
backward toward the present to provide the evolutionary and revolutionary progress needed to achieve that

Using this methodology, the key attributes of the 2025 spacelift system are routine operations with

reusability, high-thrust/energy propulsion, modular mission packaging, lower mass fraction (a combination of
structure materials and fuel), streamlined infrastructure, and operational simplicity. The combination of these
attributes provide affordability. This paper addresses these solution characteristics, describes the spacelift
system, details the concept of operations, and gives recommendations that expand the options presented in the
Space Launch Modernization Plan, SPACECAST 2020, and New World Vistas. In the year 2025, routine
spacelift operations into, through, and in space will strengthen air-and space-core competencies.


Air Force Strategy Division;, Air Force Executive Guidance, Office of the Secretary of the Air Force
(Washington D. C.: Government Printing Office [GPO], 1995), 2.
Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Technology, Space Launch Modernization Plan,
Office of Science and Technology Policy (Washington D. C.: GPO, 1995), Executive Summary, 1417.
USAF Scientific Advisory Board, New World Vistas: Air and Space Power for the 21st Century,
summary volume (Washington, D.C.: USAF Scientific Advisory Board, 15 December 1995), i.
Lt Col Jess Sponable, Advanced Spacelift Technology (U), Phillips Laboratory, PL/VT-X, briefing,
Air University Library, 2025 Support area, 6 March 1996. (Secret) Information extracted is unclassified.
John L. Anderson, Leaps of the Imagination Using the Horizon Mission Methodology, Ad Astra,
January/February 1995, 37.

Chapter 2

Required Capabilities

The cost of spacecraft has come down an order of magnitude in dollars per band width
during the last decade. The cost of launch is $10,000 a lb. We want $1,000 a lb.
NASA Administrator Daniel S. Goldin

The 2025 spacelift system is a dedicated, responsive, reliable, and affordable operation that supports
DOD space superiority missions. The Air Force Executive Guidance, December 1995 update, describes
space superiority as a core competency for the future.

The 2025 spacelift system employs a combined

concept of lift from earth-to-orbit (ETO), earth-to-earth (ETE), and space-to-space (STS) to support
movement of US assets. The ETO spacelift is the routine operation of sending payloads into LEO. The ETE
spacelift focuses on transferring cargo globally through space and executing global-presence missions using
space as a transit medium. Finally, the STS spacelift is transferring, positioning, or maintaining payloads in
orbits using a reusable orbital vehicle to operate within the space environment.
Commercial industry has driven the responsiveness of spacelift toward routine operations in 2025.
Advances in computing, composite materials, and energy generation has lowered payload weight for most
routine satellite requirements, spurring the proliferation of medium and light lift systems.

With launch

schedules measured in minutes instead of months, the commercial markets are dominated by the most capable
systems and the most responsive providers. Deep space exploration, lunar economic expeditions, and space
station support still require a small percentage of heavy lift capability, but this operation is performed by a
combined corporate and government venture.

In 2025 power is defined by information. Information dominance is maintained through a combination

of ground, air, and space sensors that feed an extensive data-fusion system. Responsive spacelift supports
this system. With events transmitted at the speed of light, the response time to a global crisis is minutes.
Spacelift system responsiveness is assured by assets already positioned in space and by ground-based space
assets, which can be launched rapidly from several locations. The 2025 space forces are the global presence
deterrent with rapid response launch capability to support a myriad of space missions, which includes space
control, force application, space maintenance, counter space, command, control, communications, computers,
and intelligence (C4I), and research. These assets include planetary defense and intersolar system travel. In
the ETE mode, any global point must be accessible from CONUS base in less than an hour.
The 2025 spacelift system is characterized by reusability, high-thrust/energy propulsion, modular
mission packaging, economically designed mass fraction, streamlined infrastructure, and operational
simplicity. The above solution characteristics, coupled with routine sortie operations, drive the affordability
of placing a payload into orbit. With the resulting lower cost per pound to orbit, market demands for
exploiting the medium increase. This in turn drives costs even lower.

Once the system demonstrates

affordable spacelift, innovative ETE missions are pursued. The following are expansions of the above
solution characteristics, starting with some definitions.


Specific Impulse (ISP): the standard measure of propulsion efficiency. Simply defined, Isp is the

number of seconds a pound of propellant produces a pound of thrust . ISP is a measure of fuel efficiency for
comparing propulsion systems, similar to octane measurements for automotive gasoline.
Mass Fraction:

In this paper, mass fraction refers to that portion of the vehicle weight that is

propellant (propellant mass fraction).

Cryogenics: Liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen propulsion systems common to many current spacelift
systems, including the space shuttle and the Centaur upper stage. Cryogenic propellants must be kept cold to
remain in a liquid state. This complicates the storage and operations. However, cryogenics are much more
environmentally friendly than other current chemical propellant alternatives.

Generations: A method used in this paper to identifying broadly system characteristics that relate to
capabilities instead of time. The three generations of spacelift in this paper are:

First Generation: initial operable system based on current technology;

Second Generation: first generation modified and infused with propulsion and material
technology currently in development; and
Third Generation: second generation upgraded with revolutionary propulsion system.

Margin: the portion of systems performance that remains unused and is kept in reserve to ensure
reliability. Current spacelift systems leave little margin. Propulsion systems are pushed to their maximum.
This is analogous to driving a car at maximum revolutions per minute all the time. With the high cost of
expendable spacelift, users want to use the largest possible payload, so only minimum safety margin is
maintained. By running the propulsion system below its maximum and thus maintaining margin, maintenance
is reduced, reliability is increased, and costs are decreased.


Reusability in 2025 refers to routine aircraft-like operations. The system does not require standing
armies of engineers to check and double check each system prior to a launch. Instead, MTVs and OTVs are
flown and reflown with minimal maintenance between most missions.
The concept of a reusable vehicle is not new. The shuttles original premise was complete reusability,
but its ballooned infrastructure, zero-defect safety requirements, and R&D processing mentality prevented its
use in the truly routine operational sense. One of the main tenets of the X-33 space plane is proving the

operational reusability concept.

The Space Launch Modernization Plan states that solving current

technology limitations are critical. These limitations excessive reliability/failure demands, large
infrastructure costs, and the lack of institutionalized launch program oriented towards standardized

requirements, metrics, and goals.

Further, the Presidents National Space Transportation Policy

demonstrates the complementary nature of the reusability concept with military requirements. This includes
vehicles maintained in flight readiness-style, incorporated autonomous diagnostic design, flight vehicle
support, ground support facilities, support logistics controlled by automatic interactive scheduling, and
airplane-like operations. This pattern results in short turnaround with comparable safety requirements.

Another advantage of reusability is increased responsiveness. The 2025 spacelift system is responsive
in minutes with a fleet of MTVs continuously ready for launch missions. The MTV fleet is supported by a
technician-based preventive maintenance system, with planned periodic overhauls for modernization.
Advances in computer capabilities and artificial intelligence provide real-time and on-the-fly diagnostics and
automated systems rerouting, while improvements in high temperature thermal conductors and fiber-optics
integration reduce power requirements. Innovative thermal and radiation protection extend product life
cycles, allowing reusable systems to last longer. Light-weight structural components are improved for
longevity and resistance to cyclic failure. Overall, required system redundancies are minimized and a softabort capability is integrated to allow a return to launch site (RTLS) capability. Each of these advances
contributes to MTV responsiveness.
Reusability is essential for routine operations, but some expendable systems still launch in 2025. A
small portion of heavy lift is accomplished by the evolved expendable launch vehicle (EELV), but emerging
third generation propulsion holds promise for NASA and commercial reusable heavy lift capability. The
remaining heavy payloads are adapting to the standardized MTV requirements to avoid the excessive cost and
environmental concerns associated with expendables. Eventually, all spacelift will be accomplished using
reusable vehicles, but MTV performance increases are required to capture the entire spectrum of missions.

High Specific Impulse Propulsion

To satisfy all MTV performance requirements in 2025, high ISP propulsion is a primary solution
characteristic. The 2025 commercial industries dominate the conventional solid and cryogenic rocket launch
market. These corporations and nonstate actors have developed reliable launch schedules with safety
records similar to that of the airline industry, standardized chemical propulsion systems, decreased payload
volumes and weights, and streamlined infrastructure costs.

Foreign governments, unconstrained by

environmental considerations and zero-defect requirements, use 1990s space technology for attracting
commercial enterprises to satisfy their own national objectives. Though these systems optimize expendable
technology, they cannot compete with a high Isp , reusable MTV.

In 1994, Lt Gen Jay W. Kelley, chairman of the SPACECAST 2020 study, tasked the faculty of the Air
Force Institute of Technology (AFIT) to investigate unconventional approaches to solving national spacelift


One of the identified problems was the current limitations of Isp. Conventional chemical

propulsion is reaching its maximum ISP of 450 seconds. This conventional chemical limit, analogous to the
sound barrier, suffices in propelling payloads to LEO, but does not give the propulsion margin to enable true
mission operability in space. Unconventional approaches are necessary to break through the chemical
propulsion limits and meet the flexible operational requirements of 2025 spacelift.
Propulsion, coupled with structural mass fraction improvements, continue to drive technology in 2025.
Presently, the cost of placing mass in orbit is $20,000 per kilogram (approximately $10,000 per pound), and
this cost is proportional to the dry-vehicle weight of the lift vehicle to payload, the supporting structure, and

the energy of the fuel.

New World Vistas also advised research into the computational design of energetic

materials, lighter satellite payloads, and lighter lift vehicular materials coupled with lower mass-to-fuel
ratios and compact computer diagnostic/control systems, which support the 2025 spacelift solution

characteristics. Lower mass fraction and streamlined infrastructure are discussed later in this chapter.
High- ISP technology advances enable the 2025 spacelift system to consist of versatile, vertical launch
and combined vertical or horizontal landing recovery operations.

The 2025 MTV employs a second

transitioning to third generation propulsion system, which generates both high ISP and high-thrust. Highefficiency ion drive systems (solar and nuclear electric powered) are primary maneuvering systems on
satellites and OTVs. These systems maximize ISP without requiring the high-thrust needed to reach escape
velocity in the ETO mission. The development of future unconventional fuels are a synergistic DOD, NASA,
and commercial effort, which requires extensive sharing of information to spur the technology push required
for reliable, high-energy, high-thrust propulsion.
Presently, the Space Launch Modernization Plan states that the current and projected funding is
insufficient to support even a meaningful core space launch technology research program.

To create a core

technology research base for furthering only current spacelift concepts (projected to 2013), which includes
existing cryogenic and solid fueled upgraded launch vehicles, evolved expendable launch vehicles, and
evolved reusable launch vehicles, the study recommended funding be increased from the current $45 million

to $120 million.

The final plan lacks any revolutionary propulsion concepts and, therefore, does not

provide the futuristic outlook needed for 2025. It recommends evolved expendable rocketry, increased
cooperation with Russia for advanced engine technology and performance data, and pooling resources of the
international community, rather than the strategic pursuit of unconventional propulsion alternatives. For
achievement of routine spacelift operations, the US needs a strategic vision that drives propulsion technology
towards unconventional solutions to achieve high ISP. Revolutionary and evolutionary propulsion advances,
which have the potential to achieve a third generation on-demand propulsion system, are required to
provide the full spectrum of MTV capabilities.

Modular Mission Packaging

Modular mission packaging is also not a new concept, but one derived from the X-33 concept of
launching modularized payloads, which include satellite constellations, weapons deployment, logistics, and,

even personnel.

Using encapsulated payloads with standard vehicle interfaces, mission flexibility, and

responsiveness are enhanced, and ground operations are streamlined. The payloads are deployed from the
payload bay singularly or in an integrated package. Moreover, the payload package is delivered and stored
hours, days, or months in advance. The pilot of the vehicle can fly virtually from the ground, or fly in the
manned mode if required for strike, surveillance, or mobility missions. The manned mission package has
less residual capability, since the modular crew compartment uses some of the volume and performance
normally dedicated to payload.

Economical Mass Fraction

Coupled with the decreased mass fraction due to propulsion technology pushes 2025 spacelift takes
advantage of continued advances in light weight composites. Figure 2-1, disregarding the space shuttle main
engine (SSME) performance, demonstrates the improving relationship between the dry vehicle weight, mass
fraction, and specific impulse as technology advances over time. The upper lines demonstrate that the
heavier structure increases propulsion design risk (e.g., a 20 second ISP shortfall can double the vehicle dry
weight requirements). Conversely, given the baseline shown in the graph, one sees the immediate benefit of


even 20 percent lighter future structural composites. Even a large change in engine performance does not
significantly add to the dry weight of the vehicle.
The applications of light weight composites to structural materials continue to be integrated into air12

breathing systems as demonstrated by the B-2 and the MV-22 Tiltrotor aircraft projects.
also reduce the size and weight of many payloads.

These advances

Most satellite systems, deployed in distributed

constellations, display trends toward weights in the 10s to 100s of pounds, driving most lift into the medium
and light categories.












$9(5$*(63(&,),&,038/6( 6(&

$6&(173523(//$170$66)5$&7,21 30) 

Source: Lt Col Jess Sponable, Advanced Spacelift Technology (U), Phillips Laboratory, PL/VT-X, briefing,
Air University Library, 2025 Support area, 6 March 1996. (Secret) Figure is unclassified.
Figure 2-1. Mass Fraction Reduction Baseline

The 2025 spacelift uses ultralight composite materials, which include structural composites, high/low
temperature resistant materials, and revolutionary manufacturing technologies (singular crystal structures,
automatic winding, and thermopultrusion.


Light-weight electronic systems employ fiber-optic technologies with adaptive commercial electronics
(such as guidance) and self-diagnostics with expert systems, automated self-repair and reroute, computer

programming advances (autocoding, molecular storage), and artificial intelligence.

Moreover, advances in

high-temperature superconductors reduce friction requirements, produce more efficient power generation and
engine systems, and reduce the component size of equipment. The above technologies help to reduce the
MTVs dry weight, which, in turn, improves mass fraction.
This technology push utilizes and develops lightweight structural components with a long-design life
and resistance to failure within reasonable engineering criteria. The combination of high Isp propulsion and
light dry vehicle weight results in economical mass fraction. MTVs low-mass fraction and high-energy
propulsion give it the performance needed to satisfy all customers.

Streamlined Infrastructure

The 2025 spacelift infrastructure consists of small, modular general purpose facilities and a minimal
processing/operating team. The 1995 NASA report of shuttle ground operational efficiencies noted that the
life cycle cost triangle of flight hardware, processing facilities/GSE, and headcount must be dramatically

and radically reduced to pursue an affordable operational tempo.

Additionally, the direct failure and

opportunity costs experienced by the current space program must be eliminated.


Total Maintenance Manhours Per Mission

(General Support + Inspect + Unsched Maint.)


SR-71 z
1210 hrs



1st gen



2nd genz


C-5 (360K)




F-14 z




z F-4
z F-15











Aircraft Empty Weight (1000s lbs)

Source: Phillips Laboratory, Advanced Spacelift Technology (U), 1996. Provided current airframe
maintenance data only. (Secret) Figure is unclassified.
Figure 2-2. Reusable MTV Maintenance Requirements
The 2025 spacelift is a streamlined organization using the technician-level maintenance structure
coupled with civilian technical advisors. The armies of technicians employed to launch rockets in the 1990s
are no more. Figure 2-2 proposes first generation MTV maintenance requirements. Using the above solution
characteristics, the 2025 Spacelift system pushes spacelift maintenance requirements toward todays fighter
maintenance levels. Reliability is ensured through standardized operation programs augmented by real-time,
continuous diagnostics and artificial intelligence (AI) driven self-repair and rerouting. Standowns due to
failures are limited locally to specific MTV squadrons and do not necessarily ground the entire spacelift
system. While investigations are conducted, operations are not normally impeded.
The 2025 spacelift system combines easy maintenance and engine access with interactive computer
diagnostics and fault tracing.

Ground operations use common equipment and modular component

replacement with post-repair-two-level maintenance (2M) capability. Modular command and operations
centers, coupled with vertical launch characteristics, enable a smaller physical infrastructure and basing
requirements. Virtual pilot control operations lead to larger cargo payload deliveries without human life
support concerns. Modular payloads generate generic loading operations and real-time mission flexibility.


The composite nature of the missions reduces pilot specialization requirements. To mitigate the risk of an
enemy targeting MTVs, the modular organizational concept provides mobility for flexible orbital access from
numerous launch facilities.
Current launch operations in the 1990s are concentrated at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida
and Vandenberg Air Force Base (AFB), California.

In 2025 physical spacelift infrastructure is more

dispersed to include operations at higher altitude locations, closer to the equator for greater orbital access
and more remote for increased public safety. Primary MTV locations include Peterson AFB Colorado, and
Holloman AFB New Mexico. Clear launch pads, free of massive towers and other support facilities,
provide simple ground operations and easy access maintenance.

Encapsulated cargo reduces payload

processing facility requirements. The resulting infrastructure is less expensive to maintain and facilitates

routine operations.

Operational Simplicity

The 2025 spacelift system exploits advances in reusability, propulsion, and materials to meet spacelift,
ISR, strategic strike, and mobility requirements with a single platform. Complex operational solutions to
such reusable vehicle performance as a mothership, refuelable craft, or magnetic rail accelerated vehicle
proved too costly. Each of these operational solutions work around to the propulsion challenge required
extensive additional infrastructure and industrial base support.

concept was touted in the SPACECAST 2020 study.

The Black Horse refuelable spacecraft

With the added development, operations, and support

costs of a mothership, an oxidizer transferring airframe, or a complex, inflexible rail launch site, these novel
approaches to increasing performance could not compete with the low life-cycle cost of a SSTO MTV


By employing the combination of these solution characteristics in an operational environment, spacelift

becomes affordable. Figure 2-3 demonstrates the commercial flight-rate potential as MTV launches become


operational and cost per pound is driven toward $200/lb. Further, history shows that the introduction of new
operational transportation systems opens new markets, which, in 2025, include space exploration, space
economic resource exploitation, hazardous waste disposal, rapid response commerce, and space settlement.
For the military, the 2025 spacelift system results in rapid response supporting core competencies at an
operationally affordable cost. The initial driver of cost reduction is reusability. Other drivers include
decreased personnel overhead and improved reliability. The remaining solution characteristics described
above contribute to further cost reductions.
Life-cycle costs for an MTV wing is comparable to current bomb wing requirements adjusting for
inflation, but the utility of the vehicle makes it more affordable than maintaining separate mission platforms.
AS figure 2-4 illustrates, the combination of the solution characteristics (assuming nominal operating costs)
and operational sortie rate (150-200 sorties/year) has the real potential to achieve $200 per pound payload
cost for a third generation MTV.

Source: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Space Propulsion Plan (Draft), Marshall Space
Flight Center, 22 January 1996, 8.
Figure 2-3. Commercial Launch Potential


Source: Lt Col Jess Sponable, Advanced Spacelift Technology (U), Phillips Laboratory, PL/VT-X, briefing,
Air University Library, 2025 Support area, 6 March 1996. (Secret) Figure is unclassified.
Figure 2-4. Impact of Flight Rate on per Flight Cost of an MTV


Air Force Strategy Division, Air Force Executive Guidance, Office of the Secretary of the Air Force
(Washington D. C.: Government Printing Office [GPO], 1995), 2.
Dr. Robert Zurbin, A Question of Power, Ad Astra, November/December 1994, 40.
Lt Col Jess Sponable, Advanced Spacelift Technology (U), Phillips Laboratory, PL/VT-X, briefing,
Air University Library, 2025 Support area, 6 March 1996. (Secret) Information extracted is unclassified.
Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Technology, Space Launch Modernization Plan,
Office of Science and Technology Policy (Washington D. C.: GPO, 1995), Executive Summary, 23-29.
The RLV Operations Concept Vision, Summary of the Presidents National Space Transportation
Policy. on-line, Internet, 7 February 1996, available from file:///C/-2025/tav/rlvhtp1a.htm.
Air Command and Staff College, SPACECAST 2020 into the Future (Maxwell AFB, Ala.: Air
University Press, 1994), section 5, 1.
USAF Scientific Advisory Board, New World Vistas: Air and Space Power for the 21st Century,
summary volume (Washington, D.C.: USAF Scientific Advisory Board, 15 December 1995), 44.
Ibid., 4445.
Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Technology, Space Launch Modernization Plan,
Office of Science and Technology Policy (Washington D. C.: GPO, 1995), Executive Summary, 14.
Ibid., 14-17.
Sponable briefing.




National Aeronautics Space Administration, NASA, Shuttle Ground Operations

Efficiencies/Technology Study (Washington D. C.: GPO, 1995), volume 6, NAS 10-11344.
Sponable briefing.
Air Command and Staff College, SPACECAST 2020 into the Future (Maxwell AFB, Ala.: Air
University Press, 1994).


Chapter 3

National Spacelift System Capabilities

No one can predict with certainty what the ultimate meaning will be of the mastery of
space. (It may) hold the key to our future on earth.
President John F. Kennedy

Using the horizons mission methodology, the 2025 spacelift architecture is an emerging third generation
system that has take advantage of technology advances since the early 1990s. The systems characteristics and
core competency missions are described in the 2025 environment, and notional progress is shown from first
through second generation systems. Propulsion is described in detail in the appendix, because it is the
pivotal technology push required for success of the system. The progress to 2025 occurs in three distinct
steps: a first generation system exploiting current propulsion technologies, structural composite advances,









evolutionary/revolutionary advances in conventional chemical propulsion, technological advances in

structures and computers, and refinement of the first generation operational system; and, finally, an emerging
third generation system performing all required lift and mission requirements with refinements in second
generation propulsion, compact fuel storage, and vehicle

dry-weight reductions.

2025 System Characteristics

The 2025 spacelift system is derived through incremental application of technology and operational
enhancements. This system description analyzes the progress toward 2025 based on the characteristics
outlined in tables 1 and 2. Table 1 compares the attributes of a notional X-33 demonstrator and first through

third generation MTVs against todays systems. Table 2 compares the attributes of notional first through third
generation OTVs.
Table 1
MTV Systems Attributes

Isp (seconds)
Weight (lbs)
(lbs to LEO)




not applicable
up to 50,000


2/3 MTV
Mach 15 (can
pop-up small
Days (Demo

1st Generation

2 Generation

3 Generation

X-33 + 20%

450 - 800


(up to 28,000
with pop-up &
Hrs to a Day

20,000 SSTO

up to 30,000



Table 2
OTV Systems Attributes

Weight (lbs)
Response Time
Primary User

1st Generation OTV

30,000 - 40,000

2 Generation OTV

3 Generation OTV
Fusion or Antimatter

Primary Systems

The primary spacelift systems are divided into medium/light lift and heavy lift. The third generation
MTV supplies 100 percent of all medium/light lift missions up to 30,000 pounds in the ETE and the ETO

The small market of heavy lift is accomplished by EELV, but the second generation

commercial MTV and emerging third generation systems are rapidly consuming the market. As MTV proves
its economic viability, more large payloads downsize.

In the US, the advanced MTV spacelift wing

strengthens air-and space-core competencies through a standardized modular command structure, modular


and interchangeable payloads and weapons bays, technician-level maintenance, and on-demand
responsiveness. In the STS environments, the OTV operates in conjunction with the international space
station and/or the cislunar space defense station. Commercial OTVs perform satellite placement from LEO,
satellite and station repair, research, and space debris removal. The DOD maintains a squadron of armed
military OTVs for counterspace, force application, deterrence, and space-denial missions. Additionally, the
military OTVs perform routine satellite maintenance, defense satellite positioning, and satellite repair on the
national space architecture. They are attached to the space station defense directorate, which also performs
the international space traffic control mission.

Multipurpose Transatmospheric Vehicles

The 2025 emerging third generation MTV is a high Isp (greater than 1,000 seconds), medium-lift vehicle
that integrates composite materials, advanced computer diagnostics, fiber-optic and superconductor
technology for compact energy generation systems.

It also integrates a modularized infrastructure for

maximum responsiveness and flexibility. The propulsion system is an accelerator class engine combining
laser pulse detonation (LPD) and magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) fan-jet principles, as outlined in the
appendix. The emerging fusion and antimatter technologies hold promise for a strategic application of the
MTV with unlimited range enabling Space Command (CINCSPACE) to finally possess a planetary area of
responsibility (AOR). The following data describes the vehicle design advances required through first
generation and second generation vehicles.

First Generation MTVs

The X-33 program generated the first reusable demonstrator, which proved the potential for routine
operations. The first generation follow-on military MTV is 20 percent larger than the X-33 demonstrator.
The MTV space system retains 20 percent propulsion capability margin to enhance operational reliability.
The MTV, a vertically launched, single stage ETO and ETE system, capitalizes on current technologies. The
vehicle uses cryogenic fuels in the X-33-developed integrated powerhead rocket engine (see appendix) to
achieve orbit. For lift missions greater than 10,000 pounds, the MTV uses the X-33 demonstrated satellite


pop-up and refly capabilities. In the pop-up mode, the payload is deployed in the upper atmosphere and
uses an expendable upperstage to place it in LEO. For the refly mode, MTV deploys small reusable
aerodynamic platforms for both ETE and ETO missions. These small winged vehicles are capable of making
drastic orbital plane changes in the upper atmosphere by using aerodynamic forces on their wing surfaces.
The MTV performs space superiority missions through tailored, standardized, modular mission payloads and
satellite refly. Additionally, in the transatmospheric ETE mode, the MTV demonstrates force application and
a rapid response ISR capability.

Structural Materials
The current advances in composite technologies and thermal protection systems (TPS) are incorporated
into a structure that is 20 percent larger than the X-33 but only 10 percent heavier, which should allow
significant operational cost reductions. The TPS uses advances in current carbon-carbon (C-C) and carbonsilicon (C-Si) systems and thermoplastic pultrusion technologies derived from enhanced computer modeling
of structural fluid dynamic solutions.

These thermoplastic pultrusion manufacturing techniques produce

tougher mechanical properties with longer life cycles. Additionally, the process requires no chemical curing,
so production rates increase lower lengthy production costs.

Cryogenic fuel storage builds on current

aluminum-lithium (Al-Li) technologies. Electrical components and computers take advantage of advances in
high-temperature superconductors and first generation AI, and the vehicle uses fiber-optics for all control
systems. Superconductors are manufactured to operate at 250 degrees Kelvin (-23 degrees Celsius), which

currently seem viable by 2002.

This enables order of magnitude smaller control and pump motors using

current refrigeration systems allowing either more payload or fuel to be carried. Third order of magnitude
increases in computing power and advances in AI enabled the vehicle to incorporate a real-time, self3

diagnostic system with automatic self-repair and reroute capability.

The system contains an interactive

interface for technician fault isolation, rapid identification, and component replacement and enables a much
smaller operational launch team.


Modular System Packaging

The MTV can be a manned or unmanned vehicle, depending on the mission. The vehicle in the manned
mode uses a two-person crew: a pilot and a mission specialist, which can be a counterspace specialist,
weapons officer, logistics specialist, or a satellite-deployment specialist. The integration of fiber-optics,
superconductors, and advances in space life support science produces a smaller modular crew life support
system, which is removed to increase payload size in the unmanned mode. Virtual piloting is conducted from
a modular command center and is accomplished by way of integrated satellite link using current computer
technology advances and the improved global navigation capability. Payloads are encapsulated for both
ETO missions and ETE. Modular payload and weapons deployment is successfully tested by the X-33


Human life support for special operations forces (SOF) deployable modules are in the test

phase for the second generation vehicle.

Operational Infrastructure
The US Spacelift Wing uses an organization analogous to the 1995 Air Force wing structure plus a
commercial technical assistance division.

The military MTV takes advantage of commercially driven

material technologies with investments in propulsion advances to deploy space-based weapons, lasers,
counterspace technologies, and logistics. The spacelift wing is located in two main operating aerospace
bases, but the command structure is modularized for rapid deployment to any US Air Force base. Figure 3-1
shows a conceptualized operational turn around for a potential MTV-type design. Relying heavily on vehicle
self-contained diagnostics, a common facility is used for automated preflight and payload operations.


Source: Lt Col Jess Sponable, Advanced Spacelift Technology (U), Phillips Laboratory, PL/VT-X, briefing,
Air University Library, 2025 Support area, 6 March 1996. (Secret) Figure is unclassified. (Secret) Figure is
Figure 3-1. Conceptualized operations for the MTV
Preventive maintenance and preflight are standardized procedures for technicians employing a bluesuit concept. The civilian technical assistance group handles major technical problems. Components are
line replacement units (LRU) with separate two-level maintenance system outside of the preflight facility.
Average turnaround time is less than six hours, including refueling, but a priority aerospace mission sortie
turn around of less than three hours is possible. Prior to launch approval, on-pad alert MTVs perform a 15minute diagnostic check, yielding a global response time of less than one hour.


Source: Dr. Dick Mueller, Washington Strategic Analysis Team, Global Response Aerospace Sortie,
briefing, 6 March 1996.
Figure 3-2. Artists Rendering of 1st Generation Spacelift Wing
The base additionally contains hydrogen/oxygen generation and storage facilities.

The command

structure consists of a communications building, which performs administration and is tele-linked to the
space traffic control center in the space stations defense directorate, and the virtual command center, which
holds the pilot control system and mission briefing areas (secure video-teleconference capable). Figure 3-2
is a conceptualized picture of an operating spacelift wing employing one possible vehicle configuration.

Second Generation MTVs

The second generation MTV integrates revolutionary propulsion into an improved first generation MTV
aerospace frame. Dry-vehicle weight is reduced another 5 percent.

The propulsion system is a first

generation laser pulse detonation and magnetohydrodynamic accelerator class engine with laser air spike
technology (see appendix). This propulsion system is designed to operate each engine variant in its most


efficient mach regime. To increase engine thrust efficiency in the laser detonation cycle, the cyrogenic

propulsion system uses a boron additive.

The increase in Isp to greater than 600 seconds has rendered the

satellite pop-up maneuver obsolete, since most payloads can be directly inserted into orbit. Propulsion
margin of 20 percent is easily maintained. A commercial heavy lift MTV demonstrator is being tested, and a
commercial passenger MTV is on the drawing board.

The second generation MTV is the joint

bomber/logistics transport capable of contributing to air-and space-core competencies.

Advances in

artificial intelligence and superconductors are incorporated into a fully self-contained preflight and
diagnostic system with real-time self-repair and reroute. Additionally, these advances have reduced required
personnel for refueling and maintenance support.

Structural Advances
Thermoplastic protrusion technologies are commercially adopted, and thermosets are past history.
Research at Sandia National laboratories has developed powder metallurgy with high-gas atomization, which

is now in production. The MTV is an all-composite design with Al-Li cryogenic storage tanks. Composites
continue advances in C-C and C-Si with titanium derived alloys to lower structure weights 20 percent below


These manufacturing technologies are commercially derived and provide an economical space

frame with 20 percent lighter materials, long life cycle, and high strength, to further reducing life cycle costs.
Additionally, the structure is supported by a commercial as opposed to military industrial base.


arrangement should spread spare and replacement costs across a larger group. It also should provide larger
basing opportunities. To reduce control system weight, the system employs buckytubes (molecular-level
electrical materials with AI) which are the electrical information carriers for the self-diagnostic system.

They also manipulate micromechanical devices in the MTVs control systems.

The MTVs surface is

monitored by first generation shape memory alloys, which use piezoelectric actuators and fiber-optic sensors
to transmit MTV control surface information to the real-time diagnostics that allowed personnel reductions.


Superconducting quantum interference devices (SQUIDS) detect and measure the earths magnetic field and
are integrated into the MHD (an engine which uses the earths magnetic field to generate energy) control

portion of the accelerator class engine.

A zero-degree Celsius superconductor has revolutionized the


pump and motor industry, leading to a four-fold reduction in weight and size and again improving payload or
fuel capability.

These realistic electrical advances reduce heat dissipation requirements, lower both

structural and volumetric weight requirements, and enable the development of real-time diagnostics and
control systems, which improve reliability and operability.

Modular Payloads
The improvements in propulsion negate the pop-up requirement for satellite movement to LEO, but
modular payloads remain important. The SOF deployment system is tested successfully and scheduled for
production. Space special operations forces are being trained for future transatmospheric insertion. The
MTV has assumed all strategic bombing missions.

Continued advances in materials, computing, and propulsion, lengthen mean time between overhauls.
Commercial advances continue to be exploited by the military, and the volume of spacelift guarantees a
robust industrial base. The self-diagnostic capability has reduced technician support. Pilot specialization is
not required, because the same crew performs all missions. Turnaround time is less than three hours, with a
potential to drop to 90 minutes for a priority sortie. Real-time diagnostics enable five minute alert status on
the pad. Deployment of the US Spacelift Wing to anywhere in the US is less than 24 hours for a limited time
depending on mission and orbital access required.

Orbital Transfer Vehicles

The emerging third generation military OTV is powered by a revolutionary engine supplemented by
emergency high-density hydrogen fuel cells.

While this system is in the demonstration mode, OTV

requirements are met with first and second generation OTVs. The OTV squadron is supported by the
international space station defense directorate, which incorporates the space traffic control system, or is part
of either a cislunar or a orbital space defense station. The OTV carries out the routine operational missions
of satellite deployment, repair, refueling, rearming, and reconnaissance. Further, the OTV is armed for

counterspace, space denial, and space force application missions.

The advantages of this system are

economical space architecture maintenance, rapid response positioning of assets and global reach missions
for space superiority. The vehicle is a single piloted vehicle (F-16 sized), unmanned and controlled virtually
in the defense directorate control center. Structure advances and diagnostic computer advances are identical
to the MTV systems. The following are the advances required from first through second generation vehicles.

First Generation OTV

The OTV system capitalizes on the satellite capture demonstrations from the shuttle program. Research
into magnetic satellite capture is on-going. The OTV is considered an integral part of the IPDS. The
propulsion system is solar-electric ion drive; the low thrust is supplemented by emergency fuel cells during
national contingencies. For ion drive, solar energy is used to ionize an inert gas and extract it through a
nozzle to produce thrust (see appendix). The infrastructure is attached to the defense directorate and, in
national emergencies, is operationally chopped to the US Spacelift Wing. The OTV demonstrates the first
space laser satellite destruction. Composite technologies and unknown orbital trajectories make the vehicle
stealthy. Maintenance of the OTVs is accomplished by modular repair coupled with MTV similar built-in
diagnostics, automatic preflight, and technician-level maintenance. The first generation OTVs are attached to
the international space station infrastructure or capitalize on a dedicated cislunar or orbital defense space
station, and financial investment recapitalization occurs within seven years (similar to emerging industries).
Overhauls of the OTVs are conducted on Earth every two years.

Second Generation OTV

Nuclear-electric ion drive propulsion is incorporated with higher thrust. The nuclear energy generates
a higher degree of ionization generating more thrust and range. These attributes enable the military OTV to
meet the mission flexibility and responsiveness requirements. Satellite capture using magnetic fields is a
demonstrated capability. The spacelift infrastructure has expanded to include OTV overhaul in space.
Structure composites and computer advances are identical to MTV development. Communication advances
enable OTVs to be permanently part of the US Spacelift Wing with the defense directorate as the on-scene



The MTV missions and the OTV missions enable space superiority and global force

application. Fusion and anti-matter propulsion technologies hold promise for the third generation OTV in a
strategic role. CINCSPACE finally possesses a planetary AOR defined by the earth-moon system, which is a
sphere inscribed by the moons orbit.


The stealth characteristics of the MTV are its high speed (>Mach 25), large portion of composite
structure, and unpredictable orbital position.

Counterspace devices on satellites, ground-based laser

devices, and direct attack on launch facilities are the greatest threats. The long range of weapons deployment
and rapid sortie ability cause unpredictability and standoff capability. Rapid deployment of the launch
infrastructure prevents effective strategic targeting. The OTV is stealthy by nature, but it is susceptible to
international sabotage at the space station and counterspace satellite defense weapons. The OTVs orbital
unpredictability and speed are its greatest assets. Internal defense on the station is a requirement. More
powerful lasers, kinetic weapons, and particle beams give extended standoff for force application roles. The
OTV also is capable of nonlethal satellite blinding and deception.

Table 3
Qualitative System Comparison
Capability (lbs
to orbit)
Soft abort
Cost ($/lb to

Black Horse

Single Stage

2-Stage with

Magnetic Rail
launched TAV
























The MTV/OTV system performs two basic space deployment tasks: lifting payloads to orbit and
transferring payloads between orbits. The utility of systems performing these functions is measured in terms
of weight to orbit, volume to orbit, civilian surge capability, system responsiveness, and reusability for
MTVs. OTV utility is measured in terms of timeliness and reusability. In addition to the spacelift tasks, the
MTV is used for airlift, strike, and ISR tasks. The MTV reaches anywhere on the globe in less than an hour,
so it can perform vital missions rapidly. For example, airlift systems are employed to move a brigade of
troops to a theater, but MTV can provide rapid SOF insertion for squad-sized units. These Air Force
Institute of Technology derived utility measures are used to determine which weapons systems in the Air
Force 2025 study hold the most promise. The following is a more detailed qualitative comparison using
required system attributes.
The MTV/OTV system was selected from a variety of systems that addressed the spacelift mission
(table 3). Each of these systems provided enough capability to meet the bulk of mission requirements, but the
EELV was chosen initially by other studies, because it was the only system with low-development risk and
because it captured the entire current mission model. While EELV provided a needed initial cost reduction,
it was the only expendable system; so, it did not offer the promise of routine operations. A reusable system
was destined to take center stage. Two stage systems and the single stage MTV had medium risk while the
magnetic rail and oxidizer refueling systems presented some unique new technical challenges. A magnetic
rail similar to the EELV was tied to extensive infrastructure, which reduced its flexibility as a multipurpose
system. The major discriminator between MTV, Black Horse, and two stage to orbit vehicle was operational
simplicity. The Black Horse concept required added development and maintenance of a tanker capable of
refueling oxidizer at high speed in addition to the basic vehicle. This additional infrastructure increased
logistics requirements, reduced flexibility of deploying the system, and complicated responsiveness. Similar
concerns existed with the mothership in the two stage to orbit concept. This state left the MTV as the best
choice to provide simple routine operations capable of satisfying all existing and potential customers.
The first-generation MTV system acquisition cost was $1.7 billion, and the prototype vehicles were
scheduled for fielding in 2003. The first functional vehicle was declared operational for 2010. With routine
operations already proven, second-generation costs were held to under $1 billion, and the system was
declared operational in 2020. Third-generation systems are still in development.




Basil Hassan et al., Thermophysics, Aerospace America, December 1995, 19.

Paul C. W. Chu, High Temperature Superconductors, Scientific American, September 1995, 128

Douglas B. Lenat, Artificial Intelligence, Scientific American, September 1995, 62-64. Lenat
describes current ability for computer systems to reason and projects near future abilities to incorporate into
commercial applications.
Lt Col Jess Sponable, Advanced Spacelift Technology (U), Phillips Laboratory, PL/VT-X, briefing,
Air University Library, 2025 Support area, 6 March 1996, (SECRET). Information extracted is unclassified.
Bryan Palaszewski, Propellants and Combustion; Aerospace America, December 1995, 46.
Hassan, 19.
George M. Whitesides, Self-Assembling Materials, Scientific American, September 1995, 116.
Kaigham J. Gabriel, Engineering Microscopic Machines, Scientific American, September 1995,
Craig A. Rogers, Intelligent Materials, Scientific American, September 1995, 123124.
Chu, 130-131.


Chapter 4

Concept of Operations

Our destiny in space has always been inextricably linked to our launch vehicles.
Astronaut Buzz Aldrin

Spacelift operations in 2025 will be primarily commercial. The market began transforming from one of
reliance on national space programs and international consortiums to one driven by private industry in the

As commercial markets continued to expand, the cost of launch decreased, as more and more

commercial innovations capitalized on inexpensive access to space. Many commercial spacelift providers
specialize in operations leaving manufacturing to someone else, much the way airlines have run commercial
air operations for decades. Large corporations capable of building, launching, and operating space-based
systems sell such services as communications and imagery instead of selling hardware and launches. A
spacelift reserve fleet (SRF) of commercial MTVs, analogous to the commercial reserve aircraft fleet
handles wartime spacelift surge requirements.
The DOD operates a wing of dedicated MTV vehicles to ensure spacelift responsiveness, global
presence (ISR), and global power (strategic attack). These vehicles give commanders a flexible spacelift
option and facilitate other ETO missions, like ISR, a small unit or troops, and/or equipment deployment,
rapidly to a remote part of the world. The MTVs fly from a main operating base, such as Peterson AFB,

Colorado and Holloman AFB, New Mexico, but are capable of operating from sites.

Operating bases are

selected according to public safety, elevation, and proximity to the equator, but the system is capable of
operating at any airfield to maximize flexibility.


The operating base consists of minimal facilities.

A central operations center houses the virtual

cockpits employed to fly the preponderance of unmanned missions. Fuel storage, maintenance, and a cargoready area are also sited with the vehicles. The crew for a mission consists of a pilot and a mission
specialist, plus a ground-based crew chief and technician support.
The system requires minimum support in terms of a maintenance crew. It is capable of flying 100
missions without a major overhaul. The routine turnaround time is measured in minutes instead of days and is
performed by technicians instead of engineers. Tech data is developed using AI and approved prior to
operations to facilitate this capability.

The MTVs expendable rocket predecessors were operated in

accordance with a set of procedures developed or revised before each mission by an army of engineers. This
R&D mentality led to many of the inefficiencies of spacelift in the last century. Built-in-test and fault
tolerance streamline both operations and maintenance. Extensive use of the AI tech data and LRUs all but
eliminates the need for a depot. The manufacturer serves in what little depot role is left.
The 2025 MTV incorporates standard interfaces for its modular payload packages. Though primarily
an unmanned system, the MTV packages can contain crew compartments, satellites, weapons bays, or refly
modules. MTVs are used in both the ETO and the ETE mission areas. The same crews are capable of space
support missions, force enhancement and force application. The standard interfaces provide a baseline for
the development of tech data and facilitate the mission rates required to realize economies of scale. The
large number of missions using the same multipurpose vehicle reduces the cost per pound to orbit by
allowing development costs to be amortized over a greater number of flights.
While most satellites have evolved into smaller networks of distributed satellites, some heavy-lift
requirements remain. Space station resupply and some reconnaissance satellites still need heavy lift, since

some of them could not be shrunk while maintaining the quality of products.

Given the long-development

timelines, the big satellites have not yet capitalized on the small reconnaissance technology now available.
As a result, operational EELV heavy lifters still operate out of Vandenberg AFB and Cape Canaveral.
In the STS area, OTVs have commercial, civil, national, and defense missions as well. Operating like
harbor tugs, commercial OTVs fall under the same SRF arrangement as MTVs with the military owning
several dedicated units. OTVs dock at the international space station or the DOD defense station as a base of
operations. From there, they push new satellites into higher energy orbits and retrieve satellites needing fuel,


maintenance, or retrofit. Replenished satellites are then returned to their operational orbits. While the
civil/commercial OTV is powered by solar-electric propulsion, the military version uses a nuclear-ion drive
to give it a more rapid response time. The following is a notional scenario employing the operational aspects
of the US spacelift system for illustration purposes.

A Plausible 2025 Scenario

The high-demand 2025 space lift system is incorporated into second generation fleets of
MTVs transitioning to third generation. With a spacelift wing consisting of more than 40
operational MTVs and a squadron consisting of 10 OTVs, all US aerospace missions are
obtainable. The US Spacelift Wing is the deterrent force with rapid response to anywhere
in the world in less than an hour.
EELVs are being phased out in favor of the NASA/commercial cooperative heavy-lift
MTV incorporating the accelerator class engine. The medium lift MTV operates with
excess performance margin with a reliability record greater than 0.99.
Mission 45. The 45th mission of MTV #3 is scheduled for launch. This mission is
preceded by systems check in the preflight facility, which checks structural integrity and
interfaces with the vehicles self diagnostics. A satisfactory check at the 45 sortie point
historically indicates that 100 launch criteria will be met prior to overhaul. Finally, the
modular payload is inserted into the cargo bay. The vehicle is delivered to the erection
and launch area and refueled. Time elapsed is two hours. Previously, MTV #3 has
boosted two medium-lift payloads to LEO for repositioning by the standby OTV to GEO in
the last 36 hours. The unmanned, virtually piloted, MTV #3 has enabled the
accommodation of increased payload.
MTV #6 is sending a human payload of six space technicians to the space station for the
first phase expansion to an OTV overhaul facility. MTVs #7 and #8 have recently
positioned modular components for the space station in LEO.
In the past 60 days, 39 missions have been flown including a record 11 launches in two
days by three MTVs. Spacelift wing projects four missions per day average by 2026. The
MTV success has generated funding for 22 third generation MTVs and two, third
generation propulsion demonstrators using a Penning trap in a microfusion/antimatter
propulsion system. Estimated cost per pound to orbit is $200/lb with projections to
$100/lb in the next 10 years.
Perhaps the most remarkable aspect of the MTV/OTV system is that, with a wing of 100
vehicles and two squadrons of OTVs, if just 30 percent of the wing is mobilized at a sortie
rate of two launches per MTV per day, a four day launch schedule would yield 10.8
million pounds of lift for $ 4.3 billion. This is equivalent to the entire US spacelift in the
20th Century. During one year, it is possible to sortie each vehicle 70 times including
maintenance periods. A wing of 100 MTVs would put 315 million pounds into orbit at a
cost of $ 126 billion. The weight is equivalent to putting three aircraft carriers in space! If
the space shuttle were used, it would take 20 times as long at a cost of $ 4 trillion.
With the miniaturization of PGM weapons and reusable carrying capacity, space control
enthusiasts once again claim that space superiority can by itself win wars and that space is

the truly joint environment. The costs of conducting a seven day hyperwar with MTVs and
OTVs would run about $ 10 billion excluding payload weapon costs. Decisive force is
brought to bear within 40 minutes of the NCA decision. OTVs conduct routine refueling of
the satellite constellation and rearming of the ABM defenses. Next week is a combined
joint exercise in counterspace force application against a fictitious enemys satellite



Marco Antonio Caceres, Space Market Shifts to Private Sector, Aviation Week, 8 January 1996,

Lt Col Jess Sponable, Advanced Spacelift Technology (U), Phillips Laboratory, PL/VT-X, briefing,
Air University Library, 2025 Support area, 6 March 1996. (SECRET). Information extracted is unclassified.
Joseph C. Anselmo, Shrinking Satellites, Aviation Week, 26 February 1996, 64.


Chapter 5


A hundred years from now people will look back and wonder how we ever managed our
affairs on this planet without the tools provided by the space program . . . a world
without spacecraft is as hard to imagine a world without telephones and airplanes.
Wernher von Braun

Spacelifts center of gravity is ROUTINE OPERATIONS. A paradigm shift in strategic thinking from
the specialized R&D space focus to mission accomplishment in national security and national economic
growth must be accomplished.

The following passages summarize the requirements to develop an

operational system based on incremental long-range technological and operational art advances.
As US spacelift transitions into an environment dominated by commercial providers, it is unlikely that
the DOD will continue to support its own separate industrial base.

At the October 1995 Air Force

Association convention in Los Angeles, Secretary Sheila Widnall stated, It is clear this nation can only
afford a defense industrial base in those areas where there is no commercial activity.

A key aspect to reducing the cost of spacelift is enlisting industry support in the commercial sector for
the development of new systems. NASA administrator Dan Goldin is attempting to build such a partnership
with the private sector to reusable launch vehicles. After experiencing an order of magnitude reduction in
satellite cost per bandwidth over the last decade, NASA is teaming with industry to realize a $10,000 per

pound to $1,000 per pound reduction in the cost of launch.

Looking a generation beyond the $1,000-per-

pound barrier, the $200-per-pound mark further enables commercial uses of space into such areas as
entertainment and space tourism.


Given the magnitude of spacelift challenge, no magic solution can resolve all of the issues
instantaneously. Instead, the problem must be attacked incrementally.

The first step is to address the

crippling cost issue. The Space Launch Modernization Plan outlines how the country will change one of the
current expendable launch vehicles into a family of vehicles capable of satisfying the myriad of lift
requirements facing the country, from medium payloads to heavy payloads. The resulting EELV system
requires sustainment of one system infrastructure versus the three systems currently maintained for Titan,
Atlas, and Delta. But this right-sized infrastructure, combined with more reasonable processing timelines,
is only the first step in controlling the cost of launch. Concurrent with the DOD expendable effort, NASA is
pursuing a truly reusable spacelift system, the X-33. Capitalizing on the advances of the X-33, the first
generation, reusable MTV must provide responsive operations with airline-style operations.
This first generation space MTVs primary focus will be routine operations with an expanding mission

It will provide aircraft-like operations, improved reliability, technician-level maintenance, and

simplified infrastructure. The system will remain cryogenically powered and will demonstrate operable
spacelift operations without requiring revolutionary technology.
The next step will expand on the lessons learned with the initial MTV by pushing propulsion and
material technologies toward leading edge evolutionary technologies, including combined-cycle engines
using laser pulse detonation, magnetohydrodynamics, and higher energy propellants.

Combined with

advances in reduced vehicle dry weight due to advances in materials and lighter weight fiber-optic avionics,
the second generation MTV will see large improvements in performance. Finally, the third generation MTV
will incorporate a high-energy propulsion system capable of producing an Isp of greater than 900 seconds.
Combined with further structural advances in materials, which decrease the dry weight of the vehicles, and
increased sortie rates, this resulting generation of MTVs will possess a lower mass fraction and will provide
an order magnitude improvement in cost per pound to orbit.
The key to realizing these leaps in spacelift performance is to protect the seed money for a variety of
technologies while the initial steps take place. Propulsion and material technologies drive the development
of MTV systems. Early reductions in the cost of launch from EELV and first generation MTVs are gained by
directing investment in these key technologies. The DOD must form partnerships with NASA and the
commercial sector to provide synergy in achieving this goal. Stovepipe efforts create stovepipe systems


which can no longer be afforded. National Space Strategy must be examined and revised every couple of
years to ensure the efforts of all sectors are properly orchestrated with the DOD as lead agent to ensure that it
is in concert with the National Security Strategy.
Once the ETO problem is mitigated, the funds required to assure access to space can begin to address
the problems of assured access through space (ETE) and assured access in space (STS). These ETE frontier
spacelift missions enable spacelift as a true force enhancer. The ETE mission is a natural outgrowth of an
affordable and efficient,

high-energy MTV. Once the system becomes plausible, the military is just one of

many customers in line to take advantage of the leap in capability. The military MTV must be developed as
the future strategic war fighting vehicle.
STS missions will benefit from some of the same technological advances that facilitated the high-energy
reusable vehicle. High-efficiency, low-thrust solar ion propulsion systems will provide inexpensive orbital
transfer for those customers able to wait weeks for their satellite to reach programmed orbit. Military
customers requiring a quicker route to orbit will use a nuclear ion propulsion system on a similar vehicle
bus. To best utilize the expanded spacelift mission area of 2025, the DOD will need to refine the concepts
and define the entire spectrum of missions now!
The overriding factor to the spacelift problem is routine operations, which ultimately leads to
affordability. Combining solution characteristics described in this paper, affordability become the outgrowth
of increased sortie capability and reusability. Given the increasing pressures of lower cost foreign goods
(fig. 5-1), the motivation to lower costs is common to all sectors of the US space launch community.
Commercial providers cannot regain market share at $10,000 per pound while facing a European trend of
$8,000 per pound and Russian and Chinese trends towards $4,000 per pound. While a $1,000 per pound
MTV does not capture all of todays market, it does provide the motivation to lower the weight of any cargo
to the point where such reduction is physically possible.


Titan IV




"Price" ($M)

Titan III


Ariane Goal

Ariane 44L
Atlas IIAS

Ariane 5

Atlas IIA
Atlas II





China and Russia

Trend $4K/LB

Delta II

Goal: $1K/LB


9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Payload to GTO (Klbs)

Source: Space Launch Modernization Study
(except TAV goal)

Source: Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Technology, Space Launch Modernization Plan,
Office of Science and Technology Policy, 1995.
Figure 5-1. Launch Costs
Implementing the incremental approach outlined above provides a safe, realistic path from space launch
to spacelift operations. It lowers the cost of the current system while providing a spacelift capability to meet
the national defense requirements at any time during the incremental development. The ETO mission remains
the cornerstone of spacelift operations. Once cost improvements are realized in the ETO area, expansion into
ETE and STS missions becomes a reality.
To reach this 2025 spacelift vision, the initial effort must begin now. First, true reusability must be
demonstrated in a first generation MTV. While NASA has the lead in the reusability track, DOD must stay
engaged by supporting technology, ensuring the system meets military as well as civil/commercial
requirements, and developing operational mission uses for the initial system, including pop-up and refly
satellite options. Second, investment in propulsion technology must be pursued aggressively. The total DOD

launch technology investment has atrophied at about $45 million per year. A portion of investment dollars
must be used to pursue such revolutionary propulsion systems





magnetohydrodynamics, the accelerator class propulsion concept, high density fuels, and ion propulsion.

This propulsion development must take advantage of commercially derived advances in composite
technology and manufacture (including thermopultrusion), metallurgy, and computers. The propulsion system
must be able to power the MTV through all conceived mission profiles. Finally, development of innovative
missions for a future MTV/OTV system must be studied relative to air-and space-core competencies. To
become a viable foundation for global presence, planning for information dominance, precision employment,
and space superiority, must begin now!


John A. Tirpak, The Air Force Today and Tomorrow, Air Force Magazine, January 96, 22.
Daniel S. Goldin, Viewpoint, Aviation Week, 26 February 1996, 74.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Space Propulsion Plan (Draft), Marshall Space
Flight Center, 22 January 1996, 8.
Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Technology, Space Launch Modernization Plan,
Office of Science and Technology Policy (Washington D. C.: Government Printing Office, 1995) Executive
Summary, 1995, 1417.
USAF Scientific Advisory Board, New World Vistas: Air and Space Power for the 21st Century,
summary volume (Washington, D.C.: USAF Scientific Advisory Board, 15 December 1995), 45.


Appendix A

Propulsion Advances

A Pivotal Technology

In 2025 spacelift sees second generation propulsion employment advances toward third generation
propulsion systems. The MTV is a combination of revolutionary and evolutionary technology. The vehicle
incorporates a vertically launched, single stage-to-orbit, accelerator class propulsion system.


propulsion system produces greater than 300 times the thrust (at less than Mach 6) of current systems with a
specific impulse greater than 800 seconds. The fuel storage is dense, contained, or compact and contributes
to lowering mass fraction. This propulsion system is derived from the evolutionary second generation,
reusable launch vehicle, which incorporates evolved combined rocket/air breathing engine cycles employing
an accelerator class laser pulse detonation and magnetohydrodynamic propulsion system for atmospheric
transport to orbit. Each engine cycle is optimized for a specific portion of the ascent profile. The second
generation vehicle is derived from current propulsion systems based on the first generation military and
commercial/NASA version of the space plane. The following are the notional advances required from first
through second generation propulsion systems.

First Generation Propulsion Alternatives

Technical Considerations. Physics dominates spacelift, and Newtons third Law, stacked heads true
time which purports that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, holds. To achieve orbital

velocity, sufficient momentum (mass x velocity) must be generated to counteract the earths gravitational pull.
Launch vehicles expel expended fuel mass with velocity to propel itself through the atmosphere in the
opposite vector. Translated, the thrust (the rate of change of momentum) required for propulsion is the mass
flow rate times the velocity of the fuel. The primary measure of thrust-producing efficiency is the ISP, which
is measured in seconds as the impulse provided per unit weight of fuel expended.
X-33 Demonstrated Performance.

Using the lower mass fraction available due to composite

development and the additional payload capability made possible by the pop-up maneuver and refly options,
the use of current cryogenic propulsion systems of low ISP (less than 400 seconds) continue to execute heavier

medium-lift missions from the upper atmosphere.

Employing an X-33-developed integrated powerhead

rocket engine, a cryogenic propulsion system provides 250,000 pounds of thrust, yielding a 28-second

improvement in ISP and a thrust-to-weight ratio greater than 75:1.

The X-33 primarily provides the proof of

concept for reusability and operational tempo. Further advances in cryogenic fuels are spurred through
international pooling of information, including Russian engine and fuel pump technologies. The second
generation systems take advantage of evolutionary advances in propulsion technology.
Other Current Propulsion Options. The Blackhorse (as outlined in SPACECAST 2020) propulsion
technology spin-off is hydrogen peroxide propulsion with the combined monopropellant storage. Low ISP of
hydrogen peroxide inhibits extensive development of this fuel source for a rapid response ground-to-orbit
vehicle. Lockheed Martin reusable launch vehicle research is working toward to a linear airspike engine,

which would improve Isp through atmospheric flight using cryogenic propulsion.

Second Generation Propulsion Options

Laser Pulse Detonation and Magnetohydrodynamic Fan-jet. Pulse detonation is laser induced, high
frequency, sequenced detonations of fuel in a closed tube with a nozzle on one end in lieu of conventional
combustion. High efficiency, greater thrust is produced through the use of rapid energy release of detonation
as compared to controlled burning of current cryogenic systems. Pulse detonation provides the best option
for a revolutionary technology push in conventional rocketry using unconventional physics. The system
produces 15 percent higher ISP than conventional cryogenic systems with 40 times the decrease in feed pump

pressure, which contributes to weight reduction and increased operational efficiency.

This system also

provides an alternative to chemical propulsion by using air-breathing technology where feasible as the
vehicle transitions to orbit.

These accelerator class engines transition the subsonic, supersonic, and

hypersonic regimes to mach 25 with each engine variant operating within its most efficient regime.


laser technology, the LPD engine can transition to the electric MHD fan-jet engine in the final push to orbit.

This propulsion system uses the earths magnetic field to produce energy for ionization of gases in the upper
atmosphere or in an onboard propellant and accelerates these gases through a hypersonic fan jet for thrust
generation. The MHD engine theoretically produces 6,000-18,000 seconds of ISP for acceleration to velocity
greater than March 25. Technology pushes in high-temperature superconductors, laser wave detonation, and
compact, light-weight, high-energy generation devices are required.
High-Density Fuels. This program, currently titled the High-Energy Density Materials Program
(HEDM), is a concept to increase the energy content in conventional chemical bonds of non-nuclear fuels.

For example, a 5 percent boron additive to solid hydrogen is projected to produce a 107-second Isp
improvement in efficiency, and other additives such as titanium and boron/titanium composites show

promising results. This trend results from the continuation of study suggested by New World Vistas. This
program possesses high potential in the search for metastable fuels, which are reasonably stable and
practical. Future environmental considerations must be factored into their feasibility. This increase in Isp,
due to higher chemical release over the chemical maximum of 450 seconds, could result in a payload
increase of 22 percent. Currently, the most promising research is in metallic hydrogen/oxygen propellants.
The synthesis of these highly energetic propellants is the technological challenge, but the rapid increase in
computational modeling could drive the concept toward reality without large capital investment in research
and development.
Nuclear Fission. This concept has been developed extensively through the 1960s and 1970s. It has the
advantages of Isp greater than 1,500 seconds, and the fuel mass fraction is much smaller with an associated
compact fuel geometry due to high-fuel density. Moreover, it works easily in space, because the reaction
requires no atmosphere. In nuclear thermal propulsion, a propellant gas is heated as it flows through the core
of a reactor and is then expanded and expelled through a nozzle (fig. A-1). The reactor core can be solid,
liquid, gas, or plasma. The last two approaches can produce high temperatures and greater efficiency but are

limited to space orbital applications due to the expulsion of radioactive gases. Project Rover directed by
Los Alamos National Laboratory produced a solid core engine that produced 200,000 pounds of thrust with

9,500 kilogram reactor mass and an ISP of 845 seconds.

Therefore, the concept has been proven in theory

and practice. Further, dual-use designs can be developed which provide electrical generation and ion drive
maneuvering power after the propulsion phase is complete. Finally, the technician-driven infrastructure is
proven since Naval Reactors has trained personnel to operate reactors with automatic controls at the bluesuit level safely for years with a well-established training and maintenance record. Recent NASA research
on the lunar-augmented nuclear thermal rocket combines a scramjet with near-term nuclear thermal rocketry

and demonstrates the utility of this concept.

Source: Air Command and Staff College, High Leverage Space Technologies for National Security in the
21st Century (Maxwell AFB, Ala.: Air University Press, 1995).
Figure A-1. A Basic Nuclear Thermal Rocket
The largest obstacles to nuclear rocketry are both political and environmental. Radiation shielding is
required for human and payloads and adds significantly to the vehicle mass fraction. There is some inherent
fuel erosion due to the velocity and hot temperature of the propellant, which ejection of fission products into
the exhaust. Improvements in metallurgy since 1973 could correct this problem by using improved cladding,
different propellant gases, or more efficient fluid regimes (detected through computer-aided design). Finally,
uncontrolled reentries or launch failures result in nuclear material entering the environment either intact, in
pieces, or dispersed as fine particles. Offsetting this problem is the fact that the reactor mass is small by


comparison and would result in little or negligible environmental impact, and remote launch sites could
further reduce the risks.
For reusable vehicles, disposal of spent fuel adds to the commercial problem. Current commercial
reactor designs have significant safety features built into them; nuclear reactors do not exchange by-products
with the environment, and the integral fast breeder reactor technology, demonstrated by Argonne Laboratory,
is inherently safe and utilizes plutonium and by-products as fuel.


The spent fuel is the largest storage

problem due to long-lived radiation products. Recent technological advances could make this problem a
non-issue. These include permanent subterranean/seabed storage in stable geological formations in glassencapsulated canisters, Argonne Labs nuclear transmutation, which reduces long-lived radioactive isotopes
to less radioactive ones through high-intensity nuclear bombardment, and shooting the waste into the sun, the

moon, or deep space, which could expand the launch market.

With over 200 years in Uranium resources and as the worlds largest consumer of energy, the US may
intensify its commercial nuclear industry by 2025 and educate Americans regarding benefits. Realistically,
this scenario is remote currently or in the future.

Moreover, public disposition would not allow the

development of a nuclear fission space propulsion system which is used within the earths atmosphere.
Conversely, satellite history has demonstrated the application of nuclear power in space-based vehicles.
Fusion. In the realm of plasma physics, nothing dominates it as the quest for commercial-fusion power.
For propulsion, the laser-fusion concept, which is compressing a deuterium-tritium fuel pellet with
symmetrically positioned lasers for a few billionths of a second until the nuclei fuse gives off the heat, is the
most promising. In magnetic fusion, the fuel plasma is suspended in a magnetic field and heated until
temperature and densities are achieved for the nuclei to fuse. Sustained reactions of one second have been
demonstrated, but nuclei reactions with contaminants, lack of

plasma-heating technology, and beam

constraints have prohibited commercial application. If the technological difficulty of being able to vector the
energy can be achieved or the energy can be harnessed in a working fluid, a propulsion engine without the
long-lived radiation of fission could be designed for space applications. Recent research at the University of
Michigan conceived a simple magnetic mirror confinement system to create a high-plasma density, which

theoretically could produce a propulsion system with an Isp of 100,000 seconds.

Continued advances in

computer technology for plasma modeling, high-temperature superconductors, and charged particle beams

could provide the technology leap to produce a self-sustaining fusion reaction by 2025. Current projections
place commercial fusion applications at the year 2045.


This application of fusion to a propulsion system is

a third generation system, which opens the solar system to an operationally strategic area.

Third Generation Propulsion Possibilities

Antimatter Drive. Early in the HEDM program, matter-antimatter annihilation was considered a
possible propulsion fuel source. The theory is simply that antiprotons and positrons would be slowed,
trapped, and recombined to form a charged anti-hydrogen cluster.
bipropellant fuel and the other ordinary hydrogen.

This cluster forms one part of the

The antimatter cluster is reacted with the ordinary

hydrogen and is almost completely converted to energy. Similar to nuclear reactions, the antimatter reactions

swap rest mass energies, releasing energies 1,000 times greater than nuclear reactions.

The concept is

simple, but practical implementation is beyond current technologies, since any fuel must be able to be
produced in quantity, stored, reacted in a controlled manner, and energy vectored in a useful form. While
small quantities of antimatter have been produced, the current capability is 12 orders of magnitude below
required production. Recent research at Pennsylvania State University demonstrates a promising propulsion
system based on antiproton catalyzed microfission/fusion, with their recent completion of a portable Penning
Trap, which captures antimatter particles for storage them. This propulsion system uses the energy release
from the antimatter reaction as the catalyst for a controlled microfission detonation (small vectored nuclear
explosions) to produce thrust. The Penning Trap is being transferred to Phillips Lab at Kirkland AFB New

Mexico for use in demonstrating microfission in late 1997.

The radiation and environmental considerations

are less than nuclear fission propulsion, but the high temperature would require sophisticated magnetic
containment (similar to fusion) to avoid a meltdown catastrophe. A technology leap in particle physics and
magnetic containment is required to implement this technology.
Quantum Fluctuations/Space Drive. Recent theorists have proposed a particle theory for inertia and


This theory proposes that space is not empty but a cauldron of seething energies, known

technically as quantum fluctuations or Zero Point Energy, which have been detected but not tapped. Arthur C.
Clarke points out that the potential impact on civilization would be incalculable, because the fuel source

would be available to all infinitely and all fuel technologies and concerns over environmental impact would

be obsolete.

Harnessing this technology requires the same technology leap in particle physics as

antimatter and is considered remote by 2025.

Orbital Transfer Vehicle Propulsion

The 2025 military OTV employs second generation combined propulsion systems. A nuclear-electric
ion drive combined cycle enables high maneuverability with maximum time to refueling. Commercial OTVs
use solar-electric ion drive for economical maneuvering and thrust, augmented by improved fuel cell
technology for minimum high-thrust requirements.

Combined Cycle OTVs

Nuclear/Solar Electric Ion Drive. Solar energy is infinitely available in space, but its energy density
is small compared to other earth-born sources. It dissipates exponentially as one travels outward from the
solar system. Consequently, its required space and mass fraction is large even for electrical generation.
Nuclear thermal reactors have large-generating potential, but carry radiation, environmental, shielding, and
public support problems. The space-based application of nuclear power has the history to overcome these
difficulties. The use of nuclear or solar power for electrical generation enables a propulsion system that
ionizes a nonreactive gas, in which the positively charged ions are pulled out of the engine, forming a jet that
impels the craft forward. This way, unlike chemical propulsion, the energy generation and momentum are
separated. It has the advantages of speed, efficiency, and economy as the current laws of physics allow.
Refuelable fuel cells and thermionic reactors augment the power source requirements during high demand.
Current research on Russian Express spacecraft with stationary space thrusters and on the Hughes Galaxy IIIR communications satellite are the first tests of ion drive principles.


Moreover, NASAs millennium


program for interplanetary exploration is proposing use of solar-electric ion drive.

Nuclear ion drive

enables responsive orbital maneuvering (with adequate thrust-to-weight ratio not available from solar
energy) required for space mission accomplishment.


Third Generation OTV Propulsion Systems

Magnetohydrodynamic and Laser Propulsion. Magnetohydrodynamics has the immense potential of

Isp in the range of 10,000 seconds. It derives its energy by using space magnetic field energy and converting
it to electricity to drive a laser-propulsion system on the vehicle.

Current research tested a

magnetoplasmadynamic thruster on the Japanese Space Flyer Unit, and it should promise.


The major

disadvantage is the large mass fraction of the vehicle to provide power for thrust requirements of major
propulsion. A technology leap in superconductors and plasma physics are required before this technology is
practically feasible. Laser propulsion is similar to ion drive, but a

ground-based laser imparts energy to a

working fluid (hydrogen) at a high Isp (1,500 sec). A technology leap in laser physics with regard to
atmospheric compensation is required. Further, the system requires a large ground-based infrastructure for

vehicle tracking, a complicated design, and a large power generation requirement.


Lt Col Jess Sponable, Advanced Spacelift Technology (U), Phillips Laboratory, PL/VT-X, briefing,
Air University Library, 2025 Support area, 6 March 1996. (Secret) Information extracted is unclassified.
Notes, Dr Dave Bushnell, NASA, subject: 2025 Assessor Comments on Pulse Detonation Propulsion
Systems, 29 February 1996.
L. N. Myrabo, L. N. and T. D. Strayer, Analysis of Laser-Supported Detonation Waves for
Application to Airbreathing Pulsejet Engines (New York.: American Institute of Aeronautics and
Astronautics, 1995), 12.
L. N. Myrabo et al., Hypersonic MHD Propulsion System Integration for a Manned Laser-Boosted
Transatmospheric Aerospacecraft (New York.: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 1995),
Air Command and Staff College High Leverage Space Technologies for National Security in the
21st Century, SPACECAST 2020: Into the Future, (Maxwell AFB, Ala.: Air University Press, 1995),
section 5, 3-5. A general discussion of HEDM attributes.
Bryan Palaszewski, Propellants and Combustion; Aerospace America, December 1995, 46.
Mohamed S. El-Genk, A Critical Review of Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion 1984-1993 (New
York: American Institute of Physics, 1994), 269288.
S. K. Borowski and B. N. Cassenti, Nuclear Thermal Propulsion, Aerospace America, December
1995, 49.
Invention, Discovery Channel, 27 February 1995. Program was a special on the Argonne
Laboratory nuclear programs. Focused on the radiation storage problem, the radiation transmutation program



to reduce have lives of long lived radioactive products, and the extraction the integral fast breeder reactor
inherently physics designed safety feature preventing meltdown.
Disposing of Nuclear Waste, Scientific American, September 1995, 143.
G. Emanuel and D. A. Guidice, Plasma Dynamics and Lasers, Aerospace America, December
1995, 15.
Harold P. Furth, Fusion, Scientific American, September 1995, 140142.
High Leverage Space Technologies, section 5, 57.
S. K. Borowski and B. N. Cassenti, Nuclear Thermal Propulsion, Aerospace America December
1995, 49.
Arthur C. Clarke, Space Drive: A Fantasy that Could Become Reality, Ad Astra,
November/December 1994, 38. Derived from Doctors Haisch and Putoff published theories in Physics
Review in 1994.
Andy Hoskins, Electric Propulsion, Aerospace America, December 1995, 47.
G. Emanuel and D. A. Guidice, Plasma Dynamics and Lasers, Aerospace America, December
1995, 15.
Lt Col T. S. Kelso et al., Unconventional Spaclift, SPACECAST 2020, briefing, Air University, 25
March 1994.


Articles/Books/Magazines/Published Reports
Air Force Strategy Division, Air Force Executive Guidance, Office of the Secretary of the Air Force
Washington D. C.: Government Printing Office, December 1995.
Anderson, John L. Leaps of the Imagination Using the Horizon Mission. Ad Astra. January/February 1995.
Anselmo, Joseph C. Shrinking Satellites. Aviation Week. 26 February 1996.
Caceres, Marco Antonio Space Market Shifts to Private Sector. Aviation Week, 8 January 1996.
Clarke, Arthur C. Space Drive: A Fantasy that Could Become Reality. Ad Astra. November/December
El-Genk, Mohamed S. A Critical Review of Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion 1984-1993. New York,
New York.: American Institute of Physics, 1994.
Emanuel, G., and Guidice D. A. Plasma Dynamics and Lasers. Aerospace America. December 1995.
Goldin, Daniel S. Viewpoint. Aviation Week and Space Review. 26 February 1996.
Hassen, Basil, et al. Thermophysics. Aerospace America. December 1995.
Myrabo, L. N., and Strayer, T. D. Analysis of Laser-Supported Detonation Waves for Application to
Airbreathing Pulsejet Engines. New York, New York.: American Institute of Aeronautics and
Astronautics, 1995.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NASA. Shuttle Ground Operations Efficiencies/Technology
Study. Washington D. C.: Government Printing Office, 1995, vol. 6, NAS 10-11344.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Space Propulsion Plan (Draft). Huntsville, Ala.: Marshall
Space Flight Center, 22 January 1996.
Technologies For The 21st Century. Scientific American. September 1995.
Tirpak, John A. The Air Force Today and Tomorrow. Air Force Magazine. January 1996.
Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Technology, Space Launch Modernization Plan, Office of
Science and Technology Policy. Washington D. C.: Government Printing Office, 1995, Executive
USAF Scientific Advisory Board. New World Vistas: Air and Space Power for the 21st Century, Summary
Volume. Washington, D.C.: USAF Scientific Advisory Board, 15 December 1995.
Zurbin, Robert. A Question of Power. Ad Astra. November/December 1994.
Assessors/Advisor Comments And Feedback
Bushnell, Dave, subject: assessor comments on 2025 Spacelift and pulse detonation technologies. Maxwell
AFB, Ala.: Air War College/2025, 29 February 1996.


Lectures/Speeches/Videos/Internet Sources
Inventions. Discovery Channel, subject: special on the Argonne Laboratory nuclear programs. Aired 27
February 1995.
Kelso, T. S., Lt Col USAF, et al.. Unconventional Spacelift. SPACECAST 2020, briefing. Maxwell AFB,
Ala.: Air Command and Staff College, 25 March 1994.
Mueller, Dick. Washington Strategic Analysis Team. Global Response Aerospace Sortie, briefing. Maxwell
AFB, Ala.: Air War College/2025, 6 March 1996.
The RLV Operations Concept Vision. Summary of the Presidents National Space Transportation Policy.
On-line internet, February 1996, available from file:///C/-2025/TAV/RLVHP1A.HTM.
Sponable, Lt Col Jess. Phillips Laboratory, PL/VT-X, Advanced Spacelift Technology (U), briefing.
Maxwell AFB, Ala.: Air University Library/2025 Support area, 6 March 1996. (Secret) Information
extracted is unclassified.


On-Orbit Support in 2025

A Research Paper
Presented To
Air Force 2025

Lt Col Bill Bradley
Maj Carl Block
Maj Rich Chavez
Maj Phil Simonsen
Maj Tim Zadalis
August 1996

2025 is a study designed to comply with a directive from the chief of staff of the Air Force to examine the
concepts, capabilities, and technologies the United States will require to remain the dominant air and space
force in the future. Presented on 17 June 1996, this report was produced in the Department of Defense school
environment of academic freedom and in the interest of advancing concepts related to national defense. The
views expressed in this report are those of the authors and do not reflect the official policy or position of the
United States Air Force, Department of Defense, or the United States government.
This report contains fictional representations of future situations/scenarios. Any similarities to real people or
events, other than those specifically cited, are unintentional and are for purposes of illustration only.
This publication has been reviewed by security and policy review authorities, is unclassified, and is cleared
for public release.



Disclaimer ..........................................................................................................................................ii
Executive Summary ..........................................................................................................................vii


Required Capability..............................................................................................................................3

System Description ...............................................................................................................................6

The War fighters Requirements ...................................................................................................6
On-Orbit Processing ...............................................................................................................8
Artificial Intelligence..............................................................................................................9
Archiving Data........................................................................................................................9
Data Compression.................................................................................................................10
Command, Control, and Communications ...................................................................................10
SpacenetThe Internet Deploys to Space ..............................................................................11
Advances Required for Spacenet.......................................................................................... 14
Advances in Earth-to-Space Communication Links ..............................................................16
Advances in Satellite-to-Satellite Cross-links......................................................................17
Driving Satellite C2 into the 22d Century..............................................................................22
Satellite Design...........................................................................................................................26
Microsatellites ......................................................................................................................26
Reusable Microsatellites ......................................................................................................28
Disposable Microsatellites ...................................................................................................29
Multimission, Maximum Longevity Satellites .......................................................................29
Radiation-Hardened Electronics...........................................................................................31
Satellite Disposal..................................................................................................................34
Satellite Security.........................................................................................................................35
Limiting Factors....................................................................................................................37
Roles and Missions...............................................................................................................38
Defensive Philosophy ........................................................................................................... 39
Threats .................................................................................................................................. 41
Summary .....................................................................................................................................45

Concept of Operations ........................................................................................................................50

Investigation Recommendations..........................................................................................................53
Measures of Merit.......................................................................................................................53
Ground Survival....................................................................................................................54



Integrate ................................................................................................................................55
Monitor .................................................................................................................................56
Space Survival......................................................................................................................59
Timelines for Development ........................................................................................................60
Serving the War Fighter ........................................................................................................62
Communication Systems Development..................................................................................62
Space-Qualified Computer Development.............................................................................. 63
Common Subsystems Development.......................................................................................64
Defensive Systems Development ..........................................................................................64
Conclusions ................................................................................................................................66





Observe, Orient, Decide, and Act (OODA) Loop ..............................................................................4


The Impact of Spacenet on the US OODA loop. .................................................................................7


Spacenet Telecommunications Links ................................................................................................18


Combining Laser Communication and Optical Computers................................................................24


Calculation for Area of an Antenna ..................................................................................................25


Camera On A Chip ...........................................................................................................................27




Space "Tug"......................................................................................................................................31


"Spacecraft Compactor" ...................................................................................................................35


Roles and Typical Missions of Aerospace Power............................................................................39


Typical Satellite Constellation ......................................................................................................... 44


Typical Satellite Defensive Capabilities..........................................................................................46


Advances in Fielded C3 Systems ......................................................................................................62


Technological Advances in Satellite Crosslinking ...........................................................................63


Advances in Satellite Computer Technology....................................................................................63


Timeline for System Standardization................................................................................................64


Advances in Satellite Defensive Systems.........................................................................................65



C4 Principles and Criteria versus Spacenet ......................................................................................12

Similarities of Terrestrial Internet and Spacenet .............................................................................. 13

Throughput for 1996 Satellite Systems .............................................................................................15

Throughput for 1996 Terrestrial Communication Systems................................................................15

EHF System Advantages...................................................................................................................17

Data Capabilities at Various Frequencies ........................................................................................21


Executive Summary
In 2025, on-orbit support will be vital to employing space assets as an instrument of national power.
Four areas of on-orbit support need to be developed over the next three decades to ensure that the US
maintains space dominance. These four key areas together form the Spacenet 2025 system. This white paper
examines these four areas in the context of supporting space assets, not the particular missions the satellites
may accomplish.
First, support to the war fighters will be the priority of the military space program. The theater
commander requires reliable, timely support from space to utilize all war fighting assets. This space support
includes communications, navigation, weather, missile launch warning, and data transfer.


intelligence is not addressed in this report, on-orbit support provides sufficient processing, storage, and
transmission capability to fully support the intelligence architecture. In essence, the war fighters in the field
will not need to worry about overloading voice or data channelsthe required capacity will be available
Second, the satellite command, control, and communication (C3) system must be responsive enough to
position satellites in the correct orbits to support the theater commander. This requires: C3 systems to
control satellites over the horizon from the ground control station; automatic, redundant switching to ensure
that a particular satellite receives the correct commands; and flexible, secure, and mobile ground stations.
Satellite autonomy is the ultimate goal, however, when required, ground control is minimized.
Third, satellite design is critical. Improved design lowers cost, increases flexibility, and enhances

Key design considerations include satellite size, longevity, power and propulsion

requirements, radiation-hardened electronics, satellite autonomy, and satellite disposal. Quantum leaps in
information systems technology will lead the design environment, but adapting system capabilities to operate
in space is a major stepping stone to achieve Spacenet 2025 capabilities.


Finally, space assets must be survivable in a hostile space environment and immediately replaceable if

Satellite security employs both passive and active defenses to counter manmade and

environmental threats such as space debris, antisatellite (ASAT) systems, or meteorites.

These four areas of on-orbit support are the pillars of the Spacenet 2025 system. This internet in
space depends on the four pillars to provide timely data and support to war fighters worldwide, seamless
C3, and carefully designed satellites that are survivable and secure.

The Spacenet 2025 system

synergistically builds capabilities so the whole Spacenet 2025 system is greater than the sum of its parts.
Spacenet 2025 may become the ultimate force enhancement and projection system, ensuring that the US
remains the worlds sole superpower throughout the 21st century.


Chapter 1


Alfred T. Mahan recognized the importance of lines-of-communication (LOC) in the vastness of the
earths oceans.

One of the Navys missions was to protect merchants traveling those sea LOCs.

Additionally, The government by its policy can favor the natural growth of a peoples industries and its

tendencies to seek adventure and gain by way of the sea.

US airpower and space power doctrine should follow a policy favoring the natural growth of space
industries and promoting the security and safety of these commercial ventures. Research and development,
policies, and guidance of a large-scale satellite C3 backbone system, used by both commercial and military
sectors, will enhance the safety of the LOC for spaceborne platforms.
In 2025, space operations will be a vital instrument of national power. On-orbit support will help
determine the effectiveness and efficiency of space operations. This paper describes the desired operating
methods of on-orbit support to ensure the US remains the dominant space power in 2025 and beyond.
Specifically, the scope of on-orbit support in this paper begins with satellite release from the launch vehicle
and ends with satellite disposal at mission termination. Launch operations and specific missions of space
assets are the subjects of other papers in the 2025 research project and are referenced in this paper but are
not specifically addressed there.
Two assumptions form the essential basis of this report. First, the US will be a dominant world power
in 2025. Second, space assets and operations will increase in importance both militarily and commercially.
In fact, commercial enterprises will lead the development of some space technology. As DOD continues

downsizing, virtual presence from space will replace troops as the vehicle for forward presence. On-orbit
support is the enabling function for the global awareness necessary to maintain US space dominance.
Four pillars describe the Spacenet 2025 on-orbit system.

The first pillar is the war fighters

requirements. The second pillar is command, control, and communications (C3) of space assetsthe method
of satisfying the customer. Spacecraft design is third with a focus on satellite size, service life, power and
propulsion requirements, radiation-hardened electronics, autonomy, and satellite disposal. The final pillar is
satellite security in the context of manmade and environmental hazards.
The end-state goal is for on-orbit support to be transparent to the user: responsive, effective, and
unobtrusive. The Spacenet 2025 system will meet the challenge.


Alfred T. Mahan, The Influence of Sea Power Upon History (New York: Dover Publications Inc.,
1987), 82.

Chapter 2

Required Capability

The roles of the US military in 2025 will likely span the entire conceivable spectrum, from internal
security and deterrence of major conflict to military operations other than war. The alternate futures of 2025

may find the advancement and growth of technology either constrained or exponential.

Even with

constrained growth in 2025, technological advancements in the next 30 years will be significant. If the US
military hopes to remain the worlds premier deterrent and fighting force in 2025, it must take advantage of
technological advancements to improve on-orbit support.
In 2025, war fighters will operate in an information rich-environment. Both commercial and military
sources will provide this abundant information and adversaries will probably exploit the commercial
information opportunities.

This trend is readily visible today with the commercial sale of 10-meter

resolution imagery from the French system probatoire d'observation de la terre (SPOT) satellites,


explosion in commercial communications ventures, and worldwide commercial use of global positioning
system (GPS) navigation signals.
Space will be the medium of choice for information collection and dissemination in 2025. The unique
capabilities to operate freely at any point above the earth, communicate with other satellites and ground
personnel over the horizon (using satellite crosslinking), and near simultaneous dissemination of
information to numerous users make space systems the premier force-enhancement capability.
If space force enhancement data is widely available commercially, will there be parity between
nation-states or groups with enough money to buy and exploit this data? Absolutely notthe key will be to
quickly gather huge masses of information, assimilate it, and act accordingly.

On-orbit support is a key requirement to deliver the core competency of space dominance. Within onorbit support, four areas provide the basis for investigating required capabilities for satellites in 2025:
support to the war fighter, C3, satellite design, and satellite security.
To support the war fighter of 2025, satellite systems must tighten the USs observe, orient, decide, and

act (OODA) loop (fig. 2-1) to stay well ahead of the adversarys capabilities. This does not mean simply
supplying truckloads of data to whomever has time to read it; the war fighters of 2025 need information that
is critical to the particular mission and they need it at the optimum time. In a high technology environment the
dangers of information overload are real. Information overload must therefore be avoided.



Figure 2-1. Observe, Orient, Decide, and Act (OODA) Loop

Satellite C3 is another required capability.

C3 must be simple, cost-effective, and robust.

Communication from earth-to-space or earth-to-earth using satellites is another key to tightening the OODA


Additionally, increased weapon lethality and miniaturization necessitates the designing of more

survivable satellite C3 systems.

Satellite design is another key link to achieving space dominance. Space systems must be smaller, more
cost-effective, and more responsive to the customers needs. Todays limitations of propulsion fuel and
satellite electrical power and the susceptibility of electronic components to space radiation, satellite
autonomy, and satellite disposal require revolutionary directions to fully operationalize space. Solutions
to these satellite limitations should also drive costs down so that more money can be spent on the shooters,
rather than their supporting platforms in space.
Given the criticality of space support to the war fighters of 2025, the proliferation of commercial
satellites, and other nations playing the space game, satellites become increasingly high-value targets.
Satellites in 2025 must employ inherent countermeasures to ensure US space dominance. The solution is not
to give satellites armor like M-1 tanks, but to employ active and passive countermeasures where they make

If all else fails, plan for attritionand for recovery of lost capabilities with timely satellite

On-orbit support is the linchpin to maintaining US space dominance in the 21st century. Aggressive
developments in war fighter support from space, satellite C3, design, and security will form the building
blocks of the Spacenet 2025 system to meet the requirements and solidify US space dominance in 2025 and


Air Force 2025. Alternate Futures white paper. 2025 database, (Maxwell AFB, Ala.: Air War
College/2025, 1996).
1Lt Gary L. Vincent, In the Loop in Command and Control, Airpower Journal, Summer 1992, 1718.

Chapter 3

System Description

A coming information revolution and its impact on the battlefield is a popular topic for military

theorists today. Many considerate it a revolution in military affairs (RMA) while others simply consider it
an evolutionary change that exploits information with technology. Whether the emerging information systems
are revolutionary or evolutionary is a subject for debate. What is not debatable is the fact that war fighters
and peacekeepers of the future will operate in an information-rich environment and must possess the technical
means to obtain and exploit information in near real-time.

One Chinese defense expert described future

wars this way: In hi-tech warfare, tactical effectiveness no longer depends on the size of forces or the extent
of firepower and motorized forces. It depends more on the control systems over the war theater and the

efficiency in utilizing information from the theater.

The War fighters Requirements

The need for accurate information is critical to war fighters and peacekeepers. War fighters must obtain
accurate information faster and immediately employ it with decisive results. Accurate information helps
penetrate the fog of war and decreases the risk. Fighting and winning in 2025 will hinge upon accurate and
timely assimilation of vital information from space.

War fighters will operate in an information-rich

environment as countless terabits (1012) of information will flood the theater of operation. Some of this
information will be critical and some of it useless. The key will be separating the wheat from the chaff
quickly to facilitate a good decision.

The availability of data from both commercial and military sectors can and will place information in the
hands of adversaries, potentially disrupting or denying US objectives. This data will serve as a catalyst,
allowing adversaries to shrink their OODA loop.
In 2025, the amount of observed data may reach parity between opposing forces, making the observe
step of the OODA loop a dead heat. However, through exploitation of the orient step (via on-orbit and
in-theater processing), the US OODA loop can tighten well inside that of any potential adversary (fig. 3-1).
With the critical information identified first, US war fighters can decide and act well before adversaries
can remove the chaff.

Information Parity

Act Act



Spacenet Advantage

Enemy OODA Loop

Photo from Microsoft Clipart Gallery 1995 with courtesy from Microsoft Corporation
Figure 3-1. The Impact of Spacenet on the US OODA loop
History has shown even the most accurate information is useless if not given to the war fighter in a
timely manner (just-in-time) or on-demand. A prime example of accurate intelligence with negligible results
was the SCUD hunting missions during Operation DESERT STORM. In all, coalition forces launched 2,493

sorties against an estimated 225 SCUD transporter-erector-launchers (TEL).

To date, there is no evidence

that any TELs were destroyed. Evidence confirms the destruction of decoys, trucks, and objects with SCUDlike signatures despite the fact that space-based assets immediately detected launches of Iraqi SCUD


Within minutes of a detected launch, theater commanders were notified and an aircraft was

scrambled or diverted to the missile launch site. By the time the alert had been processed and communicated
to the personnel, the TEL had vacated the launch site. Authorities estimate that an Iraqi missile crew could
launch, drive off, and conceal a TEL in five minutes.

In future battles involving chemical, biological, and

nuclear weapons, these minutes could be the difference between victory and defeat. In 2025, time-critical
information will have to travel the shortest possible distance, directly from the satellite to the war fighter.
A war fighting commanders goal for information is to have it in the right hands at the right time, ondemand. Delays for processing are unacceptable. In 2025, war fighters will rely heavily on preprocessed,
archived data, and rapid dissemination of new or custom information.

On-Orbit Processing
The keys to controlling information are the quantum increases in the speed and capacity of informationprocessing systems and the ability to move processing and correlation functions into space.
important is the integration of hardware, software, and information from the commercial sector.


processing of data and the resulting rapid distribution of critical information to the individual war fighter,
just-in-time or on-demand, is a vital step in maintaining land, air, and space dominance. As technology
advances, the feasibility of automating data collection, fusion, and distribution becomes a reality. Recent
events, such as the bombing of the World Trade Center in New York City and the federal building in
Oklahoma City, show some of the vulnerabilities of fixed ground facilities. Satellite control facilities may be
better protected, but are only somewhat less vulnerable. The combination of technological advances and
vulnerabilities will necessitate dispersing many information processing functions to the next high ground
In order to increase the speed of dissemination, information from space-based assets must be available
to all levels of friendly combatants. Every war fighter, from the joint force commander (JFC) to the soldier
in the field, must have access to critical information on-demand and in near real time. Advances in computer
processing speed, artificial intelligence software, data storage, and power supplies will enable on-orbit

processing. Direct links from the satellite sensor to a cockpit, a foxhole, or a warhead are a n

ecessity in

Exploitation of information at the lower levels will require user-friendly, battlefield savvy systems that
allow the company commander, the squad leader, the pilot, or the officer at the helm to access and assimilate
critical information quickly. These man-portable systems will interface directly with on-orbit assets and
with mobile theater control centers. Predetermined information requirements based on the need-to-know will
allow in-theater and on-orbit archiving and updating of pre-packaged, fused information. Wide bandwidth
transmissions that allow two-way communications are a necessity. Additionally, the user must have the
option to request modified data in near real time as the battlefield situation changes, enabling operations well

within the enemys OODA loop. Several emerging technologies will make on-orbit processing feasible.

Artificial Intelligence
The heart of any processing system is the software.

There will be a fundamental shift from

programming computer actions to allowing computers to serve as a thinking agent, anticipating needs based
on preprogrammed criteria and real-time inputs from the war fighter. These new programs or software
agents are a major step toward artificial intelligence.


2025 software will adapt and evolve just as


organisms mutate in order to adjust to environmental changes.

Individual war fighters will be data-linked

to a space-based processing center and their every action will be recorded by software agents. These agents
will use these real-time inputs to analyze, anticipate, and predict what the war fighter will need. The
software agents will then coordinate in cyberspace with spaceborne collectors and ground-archived dataprocessing nodes to prepare a fused information package for the war fighter. Time-sensitive information will
be pushed to the war fighter. The software agents will also have the ability to update archived data to ensure

Archiving Data
Information-processing in space will require tremendous leaps in the storage capacity of "hard drives,"
not to mention a reduction in their weight. Just 10 years ago, a 10-megabyte personal computer hard drive

cost approximately $2,500; today, 100 times more memory costs less than $300. Todays research indicates
that the future of information storage is in optical systems. Budding technologies such as holographic data
storage systems (HDSS) will exponentially increase the ability to archive and retrieve data. HDSS has
several key features that make it ideal for space and field applications: it is lightweight, has tremendous

capacity for storage, allows exponential increases in throughput, and has no moving parts.

possibility of storing trillions of bits of information on a disk the size of a small coin.

HDSS offers the

The system employs

lasers and an optical data-storage medium. These high-capacity, high-bandwidth storage devices can be

accessed in parallel, achieving throughput rates approaching one gigabyte per second or maybebetter

by 2025.

With this storage capacity on-orbit and in-theater, archived information is available when needed

by the war fighter.

Data Compression
To further multiply the value of HDSS, new technologies in data compression are being researched.
For example, imagery products require a large amount of storage space and are ideal for compression. When
imagery is decompressed, however, it loses resolution relative to the amount of compression it underwent.
Fractal compression research offers high compression rates and high resolution after decompression. This

new technology converts imagery to mathematical equations and then looks for redundancy in the equations.

By noting these mathematical similarities, the data is then compressed and decompressed accurately. Initial

compression rates from 20:1 to 50:1 are possible with no appreciable loss of resolution.


compression has one additional benefit; imagery will update itself as it skews, moves, or rotates.

This will

enable near real time detailed video updates.

Command, Control, and Communications

The missions of air power and space power in 2025 will still be to win wars. The primary reason for
maintaining a military establishment will remain the same as it is today: to protect vital interests and provide
security. To maintain air and space dominance over the next three decades of shrinking budgets, the New


World Vistas Study recommends the military outsource capabilities that are not considered core
Telecommunication is one area the New World Vistas Study recommended for commercial


Military telecommunication using commercial systems is a trend underway today. AFSPC

currently leases commercial communications satellites, aptly named Leased Satellite Communications System

(LEASAT) by their owner, Hughes Communications.

AFSPC uses LEASAT to transmit satellite command

and control (C2) information, along with mission data, from remote satellite tracking stations to the satellite
control facilities at Falcon AFB, Colorado, and Onizuka AFS, California. Army Special Forces units will
begin operational use of commercial mobile satellite communications technology starting in 1997.



Navy uses commercial communications satellites such as International Maritime Satellite Organization


for communications with ships at sea. As this trend grows, it will affect communications on

earth and in space.

Communications systems will be a vital force multiplier for war fighters.

The fiber-optic

backbones that MCI, Sprint, and AT&T are installing in the 1990s have advantages for heavy-volume pointto-point traffic, whereas satellites will continue to be cost-effective for multipoint and thin route services.


Translated into military terms, terrestrial communications work well in-garrison, but satellites provide less
expensive communication to fast-moving mobile units.
Communication satellites currently provide a significant portion of DOD communications.
Additionally, the 1996 draft Air Force Executive Guidance assumes that US reliance on space-based
capabilities will continue to increase and the number of national and non-national entities utilizing spacebased assets to gain advantage will increase.


SpacenetThe Internet Deploys to Space

Given the trend towards using space-based commercial telecommunications and its impact on the war
fighter, the Air Force should maximize use of commercial systems to meet military requirements. To focus
the research and development required, the Air Force should encourage the development of Spacenet, a


generic spacecraft command, control, and communications (C3) system to meet C3 needs and enhance
interoperability in 2025.
One component of spacenet is a backbone communications system that allows scaleable, survivable,
and flexible response to user needs. The concept of operations for the backbone is similar to that of orbiting
internet nodes. Orbiting communications spacenet nodesswitches in spacetransmit information packages to
other communications switches. Multiple orbiting switches route packets efficiently by tracking the different
paths available to the final destination. Paths to destinations can be through other orbiting switches or
terrestrial communications links. The network of orbiting switches expands easilynew switches identify
themselves to switches already in the network, and their address is passed throughout the network. As
orbiting switches degrade or die, operating switches detect the failure and route packets around the
problem switch. Packets receive appropriate priorities for transmission based on priority tables uploaded by
ground controllers.
Spacenet strongly supports the principles of command, control, communications, and computers (C4)

(table 1).

The backbone communications system is flexible enough for spacecraft C2 and transfer of

mission data into and from space. The system must have sufficient capacity to take control of all essential
space assets during a contingency.
Table 1

C Principles and Criteria versus Spacenet

C4 Principles and Criteria

Spacenet Support for the Principles


A backbone communications system, providing

interoperable space and terrestrial communications
Communication anywhere in the solar system; expanding
as humanitys reach expands
A reliable and redundant method of communication
Available anywhere in the solar system (as the Spacenet
is expanded) through mobile terminals
Provides control methods to prioritize communications
Multiple interconnected nodes allow graceful degradation
if nodes fail
Financed primarily through commercial ventures


The analogy of an internet in space extends beyond technology into the concept of operations. The
internet was originally developed as a military system, called the Advanced Research Project Agency


Network (ARPANET) for survivable communications in a nuclear environment.

Spacenet provides a

survivable communications architecture for space systems. The internet has grown because of commercial
use; it is more cost-effective to hook into internet than to lay dedicated data-communications lines. Spacenet
will grow with commercial use because it will be more cost-effective for commercial entities to hook into a
large, flexible C3 system for spacecraft rather than build another C3 system. The military benefits from the
commercial growth of spacenet because the larger system provides more communications capacity and has
more survivable nodes. Similarly, the military utility of spacenet will grow through commercial additions.
Table 2 compares todays internet with the 2025 Spacenet.
Table 2
Similarities of Terrestrial Internet and Spacenet

1996 Internet

Military Use

Originally developed by DARPA for

Cold War communication

Commercial Use

Commercial terrestrial information

Easily expanded, using industry
standard protocols

Hub/Spoke Architecture

Concern with Results, not


1996 user does not need to know

internet communications
architectureit just works

2025 Spacenet
Developed for cost-effective,
survivable, mobile communications
solar system- wide
Commercial solar system-wide
information transfer
Architecture allows expansion with
new nodes to add capacity or reach
other parts of solar system
2025 user does not need to know
spacenet architecture

A fundamental question to answer is: why have an internet in space? The terrestrial internet can reach
most locations on earth that have telephone access. However, the terrestrial internet system does not extend
out to space assets. Current US space operators communicate with space assets through a limited number of
fixed, vulnerable ground antennas.
Another reason for spacenet is that the world of 2025 may need to support remote information users in
the air and in space. Just like the transoceanic telephone system communicates on Earth, space-based users
will need a communication system to send information to or get information from the earth. Several of the
2025 systems, including those proposed in the Counterair paper and the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle paper,
call for using a space-based C3 system. Spacenet fills the C3 void as an inexpensive, standardized system for
providing communications to a multitude of terrestrial, airborne, and space-based military systems.


Spacenet complements the terrestrial communications system as a more cost-effective alternative to

provide connectivity for remote and mobile users. Fiberoptic costs per circuit-mile are high for low
utilization but decline rapidly as the number of circuits increases; satellite costs per circuit-mile are lower at

low utilization but decline more slowly.

Advances Required for Spacenet

The operational environment in 2025 could pose a number of obstacles that a robust space-based C3
system must overcome. Current technologies must grow to meet the requirements of the 2025 operational
environment. Emerging systems must mature and improve.
Tables 3 and 4 compare the increase in data throughput of terrestrial versus space-based
telecommunications transmissions media. In 1996, terrestrial telecommunications transmission capabilities
have out-stripped the capabilities of satellite systems. In 2025, satellites may still only carry a fraction of the
total solar systems telecommunications traffic, but that fraction must provide more throughput than possible
SPACECAST 2020 proposed that information needs in the future will be driven by user demand, pulling
information from the source when needed as opposed to pushing information at a constant rate. Users will
require high data transfer rates to support demand for large quantities of information. Current technologies
do not support the data rate required by future users. In 2025, a mixture of extremely high-frequency (EHF)
broadcast radio communications and high-bandwidth pinpoint laser communications will meet the need for
higher data transfer rates.


Table 3
Throughput for 1996 Satellite Systems

Throughput Rate

MILSTAR II Satellite
Defense Satellite Communication System


Advanced Communication Technology Satellite


Tracking and Data Relay Satellite


Capt Michael L. Figurski, Milstar Engineer, 4th Space Operations Squadron, telephone interview by Maj
Carl Block, 23 February 1996.
1Lt John Giles, Squadron Defense Satellite Communication System Engineer, 3rd Space Operations
Squadron, telephone interview by Maj Carl Block, 23 February 1996.
Andrew Wilson, ed., Janes Space Directory, Eleventh Edition 1995-1996 (Alexandria, Va.: Janes
Information Group, 1995), 361.
Table 4
Throughput for 1996 Terrestrial Communication Systems

Throughput Rate

Fiber Distributed Data Interface

100 MB/sec

Asynchronous Transfer Mode

622 MB/sec

Fiber Channel

1064 MB/sec

Fiber Distributed Data Interface Follow On

1250 MB/sec

Source: Nathaniel I. Durlach and Anne S. Mavor, eds., Virtual Reality Scientific and Technological
Challenges (Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press, 1995), 366.
Current radio-based communications systems interfere with each other if not closely coordinated. For
example, the super high-frequency (SHF) Air Force satellite control network uplink and downlink
frequencies are protected by the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) in the US, but these frequencies

are allocated to commercial satellite systems in Europe.

The EHF band is relatively empty compared to

the clogged SHF communications band. Moving to EHF reduces the interference problem for the short term.
However, when EHF frequencies become standard, interference may affect EHF bands as well.

The US currently has only three antennas used to control deep space satellites.

These antennas are

barely able to support current deep space projects; they will certainly be unable to support the large number


of future satellites which will be used in other parts of the solar system. These deep-space satellites may
come as commercial asteroid mining ventures or military satellites patrolling the solar system.



if a planetary defense system is developed, the current C3 system clearly cannot support it.


requirements demand an upgrade to the current satellite communications backbone. The current satellite C3
infrastructure will not meet future demands of satellites in earth orbit or beyond.
The satellite communications backbone must be capable of handling large fleet operations from the
post-launch phase through satellite disposal. The system must provide for C2 of the spacecraft, in addition to
transmission of mission data back to the user. Additional capacity could be used to transfer information
packets from one terrestrial user to another. The backbone needs to operate with spacecraft in earth orbit or
orbiting elsewhere in the solar system. Depending on deployment, the backbone will allow C2 of spacecraft
anywhere in the solar system.
Fiscal reality is a limiting factortherefore the system needs to be scaleable. Pieces of the system
should fit into an interoperable architecture that allows incremental increases in the communications
backbone. This allows implementation to meet the needs of the users and remain within budget. At the same
time, it provides a framework for growth to ensure that previous investment is not lost when demands expand
(the system can grow with the demand).
The system will operate with both commercial and military satellites, allowing cost sharing to minimize
overall expense and encourage commercial development.

Economies of scale will reduce the cost of

common components. Opening the system to commercial users also makes upgrades less expensive since
many users share the costs.

Advances in Earth-to-Space Communication Links

As the requirement to move more data through satellite communication channels increases,
communication links will change from the current SHF frequency band to the higher EHF frequency band for
communications between satellites and earth. In 1996, the DOD has two Military Strategic and Tactical
Relay (MILSTAR) satellites using an EHF uplink and an SHF downlink.
benefits to both commercial and military customers (table 5).



EHF frequencies provide several

Laser communication systems are a poor choice for communications between satellites and individual
earth stations because of the laser signal attenuation caused by clouds or fogbanks. However, a number of
spatially distributed earth stations, connected by high-speed terrestrial datalinks, could allow for laser
communications between satellites and earth. With three to five sites, 99 to 99.9 percent probability of a

cloud- and fog-free line of sight to at least one station is possible.

Table 5
EHF System Advantages
Small Antenna
Highly Directional Signal
Large Available Frequency

Advantages To General Users

Decreased susceptibility to
Increased data throughput

Specific Military Advantages

Low probability of intercept

Low probability of intercept and

decreased susceptibility to
Source: N. E. Feldman and Sharlene Katz, Earth to Satellite Communications above 8 GHz, Features of
Importance to the Military(U) (Washington, D.C.: Defense Communications Agency, 1977), 46-47.
(Secret) Information Extracted is UNCLASSIFIED.

Advances in Satellite-to-Satellite Cross-links

Relay satellites will become the norm for satellite control. By using relay satellites, the controller
is not required to have the target satellite in view. NASA currently operates Tracking and Data Relay System
(TDRS) satellites to demonstrate this concept. TDRS allows NASA to maintain communication with the
space shuttle when it is out of view of the main NASA ground antennas. A more advanced constellation of
relay satellites will allow users of spacenet anywhere in the world, or in the solar system, to contact an
operational satellite. The relay satellite can then cross-link the signal to any other relay satellite to deliver
the message to the intended operational satellite anywhere in the solar system (fig. 3-2). The constellation
may use a packet-switching technology to ensure that appropriate signals are relayed to the correct satellites.
A constellation of relay satellites provides for graceful degradation if one or more of the relay satellites fail,
avoiding a single point of failure. Network control software distributed to each relay satellite will allow the
network to adjust automatically to outages, rerouting information around degraded satellites and maintaining a
constant level of service to operational satellites.


Constellation of
Mission Satellites
EHF Earth-to-Space Links

Laser Crosslinks
with Mission Satellite
Constellation not required

Photo from Microsoft Clipart Gallery 1995 with courtesy from Microsoft Corporation.
Photo from Federal Clip Art 1995 with courtesy from One Mile Up, Inc.
Figure 3-2. Spacenet Telecommunications Links
To minimize costs of launching and maintaining large numbers of satellites, standardized
communications packages will be developed to interface with the spacenet. A limited number of models of
standard communications packages will meet the requirements of large and small satellites. Limited models
of the standard communications package allow simple, standardized interfaces between satellites. A simple,
standardized interface makes troubleshooting easier as well.
The standard configuration package will use lasers for satellite cross-links. The communications laser will
automatically evaluate the satellite systems orbital geometry and redirect information to the best satellite.
For emergencies, the standard package will include an EHF radio transceiver to communicate directly with
earth stations. The system also includes an emergency beacon to alert satellite controllers of a system failure.
Hardware and software onboard the standard communication package will provide automatic
reconfiguration services, depending on the needs of the satellite.


Communications automatically travel

through the appropriate transceiverlaser or radiodepending on final destination. Intelligent materials will
facilitate some hardware changes required to meet the on-orbit needs of the satellites communications
Lasers will provide high-bandwidth communications capability between vehicles in space. Lasers have
high data throughput and small transceivers. Since lasers provide line-of-sight communication, their signals

will be difficult for an enemy to intercept.

The Air Forces Defense Support Program experimented with

laser crosslinking between satellites in the 1980s. Unfortunately, the experiment failed because laser aiming
techniques were immature. Subsequent systems such as the Air Force MILSTAR and GPS satellites use

radio cross-links between spacecraft.

Accuracy of laser aiming will improve with time, allowing laser communication between satellites by
2025. The Phillips Laboratory is working on phased arrays of laser diodes to steer lasers electronically. An
experimental phased array is flying on the technology for autonomous operational survivability (TAOS)
satellite today. However, improvements in aiming are required because the experimental package has a

limited steering angle.

The commercial market has been busy tackling the problem of stable spaceborne laser-aiming
platforms. The Thermo Trex Corporation of San Diego, California, has introduced a new system called


Lasercom uses laser transceivers approximately the size of a bread box to communicate

between satellites. Thermo Trex claims to have solved the problem of aiming spaceborne lasers by using
beacons. The company plans to launch Lasercom onboard a military satellite in 1997.
In a system trying to avoid detection by enemies, beacons are clearly unacceptable. However, given the

probable advances in phased array, laser-aiming technology and microscopic machinery,


stabilized platforms and laser-aiming systems should be feasible without using beacons by 2025.
Laser communication between satellites on orbit presents a number of opportunities. Lasers provide
higher data throughput than todays radio frequency satellite cross-links. Lasers are directional and can aim
at the intended receiver without fear of intercept. Wayward signals (known as side lobes) produced by
radio-frequency antennas on todays satellites would be eliminated.

Laser communications are easily

manipulated by optical computers which are immune to electro magnetic pulse (EMP) effects.


Higher frequency lasers can increase available bandwidth for transmitting information in 2025. Future
satellite communication systems will use visible light lasers.

However, moving towards ultraviolet or

possibly even X-ray lasers will increase the data transmission capability of the communications package.
X-ray lasers present special opportunities that warrant the extra effort to achieve this technology by
2025. X-ray lasers were first demonstrated at the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory in 1984. First-generation
X-ray lasers were room-sized or larger. Slowly, the size of X-ray lasers is decreasing. Jorege Rocca, a
physicist at Colorado State University at Fort Collins, Colorado, reports building an experimental table-sized

soft X-ray laser in 1994.

Given the trend of electronics miniaturization combined with more sophisticated

power supplies, there may be an operational X-ray laser small enough to fit on a satellite by 2025.
High-frequency lasers are ideal for satellite C3 because of the vast increase in data-throughput on a
single channel versus SHF band communication channels. A visible light laser has the potential for a
thousandfold increase in data transfer capability over SHF communications. An X-ray laser has the potential
for a millionfold increase over the communications capability of visible light lasers, giving the X-ray laser a
billionfold increase over 1995 satellite communications capabilities (table 3-6).
Economies of scale ensure that standard communication packages will be less expensive than the
custom communication packages used today. Some small moves towards standardization are now occurring.
The International Telecommunications Union, a committee of the United Nations, allocates the frequencies
used by satellites


in earth-to-space communications. Additionally, the Air Force Satellite Control Network

uses standard communications channels for satellite communications.

However, more than just frequency standardization is required. To make systems less expensive and
take advantage of economies of scale, hardware must also be standardized. As satellites move towards
increasingly reusable parts, the communications package will become more standardized.


Table 6
Data Capabilities at Various Frequencies
Common Name

Ultra High Frequency

1995 Communications Use

Maximum Data
Transfer Capacity

1.5 x 109 BPS

Approximate Frequency

300 x 106 -

3 x 109


Terrestrial Microwave

Super High Frequency


15 x 109 BPS

3 x 109 - 30 x 109

Extremely High


150 x 109 BPS

30 x 109 - 300 x 109

Infrared Radiation


150 x 1012 BPS

300 x 109 -

3 x 1014

Visible Light

Fiber Optic

400 x 1012 BPS

3 x 1014 -

8 x 1014

Ultraviolet Light


15 x 1015 BPS

8 x 1014 -

3 x 1016

Soft X-rays


1 x 1018 BPS

3 x 1016 -

2 x 1018

Hard X-rays

Not Used

2 x 1018 -

2.5 x

12 x 1018 BPS



Sources: Ovid W. Eschbach and Mott Souders, eds., Handbook of Engineering Fundamentals (New York:
John Wiley & Sons, 1975), 1057.
William Stallings, Data and Computer Communications (New York: Macmillan Publishing Company,
1988), 43.

One method of standardizing communications packages may be the combined use of micro-miniature


with intelligent materials to automatically adapt standard antennas to specific needs. Micro-

miniature machines and intelligent materials can modify the physical properties of an antenna as needed for
different frequencies or different transmission characteristics. Satellites requiring wide-beam broadcasting
or a narrow pinpoint beam for data security can use the same antenna design.
Modification of antennas and optical lenses on-orbit to conform to the needs of the communication
package requires the capability to build and modify on-orbit materials without human intervention. Intelligent


materials offer the hope of building modifiable materials to meet the changing needs of systems. In 1995,
NASA used electroactive materials to modify the optics on the Hubble space telescope.


Future advances

should allow intelligent materials to be more useful in self-repair of on-orbit systems.

In those areas where intelligent materials are not sufficient or appropriate to modify equipment on-orbit,
self-assembling materials built into the original communications package may provide the capability to
regenerate damaged systems or create new systems. Self-assembly techniques were used in 1995 to build

crystal semiconductor memories in an experimental environment.

Advances in self-assembly technology

may allow on-orbit repair or replacement of degraded systems without human intervention.
Communication system repair could use self-assembling materials to refurbish parts on orbit. Selfassembling materials could continuously repair systems on-orbit, keeping the system fully mission capable.
Should catastrophic system failure occur beyond the repair capabilities of the self-assembling materials, the
system is replaced using black-box technology, where the entire system is simply pulled out and replaced.


Driving Satellite C2 into the 22d Century

The trend towards a multitude of satellites clogging earth orbits continues.


communications entities will launch over 100 satellites before the turn of the century: Motorola plans to

achieve initial operational capability of its Iridium system with 66 satellites in 1997;

first of a 12-satellite constellation Odyssey system in 1998;


system with 48 satellites in 1999.

TRW launches the

Loral plans to complete its GLOBALSTAR

As the new century starts, the Teledesic Corporation plans to launch a


constellation of 840 small satellites to transmit video starting in 2001.

These large constellations of

satellites push the current state of the art in satellite C2. Survivable mobile C2 nodes with simple-to-use
three-dimensional (3D) interfaces could greatly improve satellite control.
As a military system, spacenet must be survivable throughout the spectrum of conflict. The space and
ground segments need to be survivable, since one is useless without the other. To enhance survivability of
ground controllers, the system should not require line-of-sight communication with a mission satellite. Any
uplinks or downlinks should have electromagnetic signatures that avoid disclosing the location of the ground
controller or the mission satellite.


Survivable ground stations in 2025 will be mobileboth on and off the planet. To enhance mobility,
systems must be small. This requires the computer used in the ground station to be small. It also requires a
portable antenna to communicate with the satellite. The small mobile ground station should require a
minimum of setup time to ensure all necessary operations begin immediately upon deployment.
To ensure maximum flexibility, the small mobile ground stations should not tie satellite controllers to
large groups of satellite engineers. They should instead allow independent ground-control operations. The
knowledge necessary to perform the satellite control mission will be resident in the mobile C2 computer,
avoiding the need to contact engineers to make decisions about satellites.
Software will replace the team of satellite controllers, orbital analysts, and engineers.

The vast

majority of routine operations will occur without human intervention. Human intervention is only needed for
nonroutine operations and anomaly resolution. Artificial intelligence software will also aid nonroutine
operations and anomaly resolution.
Breakthroughs in artificial intelligence software combined with vast databases of information will help
model the knowledge required to fulfill the nonintervention requirement.

Improvements in knowledge

representation, along with vast amounts of encoded knowledge, will make these capabilities possible.
The world of computer science has continually progressed towards larger databases. The primary
technical constraint is storage media capacity. Capacity is growing at an exponential rate and is continuing to
growmore and more data can fit in the same space. In the 1980s, magnetic storage media was common. In
the 1990s, light-based storage using CD-ROMs is the trend in some terrestrial computers. The DOD is
testing space-qualified optical disks on the STEP M3 (space test experiments platform) satellite and on STP1 (space test payload 1) aboard the space shuttle.


In the future, budding optical technologies such as


holographic data storage systems may provide even greater storage capacity

in both terrestrial and space-

based C4 systems.
Knowledge representation has vexed computer scientists for years and continues to be a major
constraint to fielding operational artificial intelligence systems. However, new schemas for knowledge
representation are continuing to grow in strength. Formal computer methods such as Z improve the ability

to model reality.

Trainable computer neural networks offer new methods of gathering and storing

knowledge. Optical computers, combined with neural network technology (fig. 3-3), promise to provide


extremely fast knowledge-base searches by exploiting the vast numbers of parallel interconnections that an

optical computer could support.

Laser Communication Optical Computers

Major Advantages:
High data throughput
Protection from EMP
Exploits interconnectivity of neural networks

Photo from Microsoft Clipart Gallery 1995 with courtesy from Microsoft Corporation.
Figure 3-3. Combining Laser Communication and Optical Computers
To enhance portability, antennas for contacting the satellite will be tiny. This will allow ease of
transportation, rapid setup, and increased concealment in a hostile environment.

To further enhance

autonomous operations, antennas should not rely on off-site orbital analysts (engineers) to provide satellite
location data for antenna pointing. The portable ground station will maintain its own information for pointing
to the satellite.
Antenna size is a function of the wavelength of the signal, antenna gain, and aperture efficiency (fig. 351


Advances in several engineering disciplines will combine to make antennas smaller. The antenna size

required to transmit to a satellite will decrease with higher frequencies and smaller wavelengths. Advances
in signal processing electronics will permit lower gain requirements, also decreasing antenna size. Finally,
as new antennas are designed, relative antenna efficiency will increase.


Antenna area

G 2/4


Antenna gain
Aperture efficiency

Source: Timothy Pratt and Charles W. Bostian, Satellite Communications (New York: Jon Wiley & Sons,
1986), 81.
Figure 3-4. Calculation for Area of an Antenna
The system must be seamless and transparent to the end users to allow them to concentrate on the
mission. User interfaces must be intuitive, requiring a minimum of operator training to cut costs and
implementation times.
User interfaces for C2 of satellite systems are constantly improving. In the early 1980s, the Air Force
fielded the satellite C2 software system based entirely on mainframe technology using character displays.
The Air Force upgraded it in the late 1980s to more advanced mainframe technology, but it still used
character displays. The Air Force intends to move to a graphic computer interface in 2000 with the

introduction of the Common Telemetry Tracking and Commanding System (CTT&C).

To control large

constellations of satellites in 2025, it will be beneficial to have a 3D display of satellite locations, orbits,
and the targets for mission packages.
Commercial companies built primitive, yet realistic 3D computer displays in 1995. GTE Corporation
advertised the Collaborative Three Dimensional System (C-3D) for teleconferencing. An article in Signal
magazine stated the system makes people at distant locations appear to be in the same room, seated at the
end of the conference table. When a ball was tossed by one of the distant users, it seemed so realistic that the

editor involved reached to catch it.

More advanced 3D displays are in research and development. Autostereoscopic displays require no
viewing aids such as 3D glasses or head-mounted displays. Autostereoscopic displays offer the possibility of
operationalizing 3D displays in future scenarios, since no more equipment is required beyond a display
monitor. Texas Instruments is working on 3D autostereoscopic displays using slice stacking technology. In
the same manner that a spinning line of lights looks like a plane, a rotating plane of lights appears as a 3D

image. Texas Instruments is using vibrating micromechanical mirrors to produce this effect.




Institute of Technology has created holographic 3D computer displays in the laboratory.

The University of

Washingtons Human Interface Technology Laboratory is working on technology to paint a 3D image on a

persons retina using microlaser technology.


Given the growth in computer technology expected in the next 30 years, advanced 3D computer displays
should be common by 2025. The commercial market will push the technology for these displays. Already,
the entertainment industry is interested in the technology for telecomputer and interactive video games in the


The trend toward home use will help decrease 3D display costs.

Satellite Design

Satellite design directly affects the simplicity or complexity of on-orbit support requirements. Design
philosophies for space systems in 2025 should simplify or minimize on-orbit support requirements and
ensure the space system does not create debris problems on-orbit once it is defunct.
Design goals in 2025 may move toward distributed small microsatellite (microsat) systems, reusable
microsat systems, or disposable microsat systems, as well as retaining some large, maximum longevity space
Space systems should be almost entirely autonomous for both mission (payload) execution and C2. The
war fighter should have a pull system and get only the data needed, when needed, and in a format quickly
assimilated. The war fighting environment of 2025 will be more complex for the battlefield commander, so

the US must avoid the biggest risk to future combatantsinformation overload.

Todays space operations

mission control complex is staffed with several hundred operations and engineering support personnel.
Space systems in 2025 must be able to fly with minimum human intervention.
Finally, proliferation of space systems in 2025 requires investigation of disposal issueswhat to do
with space systems when they no longer function.

Current space system design practices focus on maximum longevity to avoid costly replacement of
the space system as well as associated launch costs. Redundancy of critical components or subsystems


minimizes the chances of single point failures. New smallsat designs for single- or dual-purpose satellites
are several hundred pounds with a body the size of a three-foot cube. Advancements in electronics and
miniaturization have sparked concept work on microsatsapproximately shoebox-size and weighing
between 20 and 30 pounds.


The Micro-Devices Laboratory within NASAs Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) has focused on
developing miniaturized space instruments (figs. 3-5 and 3-6).

Source: NASA JPL, New Millennium Program Brochure, Internet Address:
Figure 3-5. Camera On A Chip

Source: NASA, JPL New Millennium Program Brochure, Internet Address:
Figure 3-6. Microseismometer


Engineers at JPL are also working on ways to reduce spacecraft to the size of a frisbee.


In early

1995, NASA launched its New Millennium Program at JPL. New Millennium envisions a 21st century
program of affordable, frequently launched missions where numerous small and micro spacecraft will

travel outward in armadas to study the earth, the solar system, and beyond.

Throughout the galaxy, these

probes will feed information back to earth via telecommunication links to create a virtual human presence

throughout the universe.

At this time, the technology to produce microsats is not mature, mission capabilities are limited, and
production is expensive. Within the next 30 years, miniature electronic components should be tested and
demonstrated in space environments, driving microsat costs down to thousands of dollars, compared to
todays tens of millions of dollars or even much higher for many DOD satellites. With miniaturization, the
new features of todays systems like crosslinking, autonomous operation, and reprogrammable onboard
computers will help bring systems of microsats to reality. It should be feasible for a commander to order the
immediate launch of microsats to cover a theater to perform communications, weather, surveillance, and
reconnaissance missions.
Distributed systems of on-orbit microsats in 2025 could deliver seamless mission capabilities to the
war fighters.
True distributed satellite systems increase performance at a rate which is faster than linear
with the number of systems deployed. For example, a single satellite can perform
processing tasks for a large number of special purpose satellites if an on-board
communication link is smaller or lighter than a dedicated processor. A central processor
reduces the processing requirements of individual satellites in the constellation.
Operators in theater may be able to task the microsats payloads to gather and deliver mission data
directly to the war fighters. The more ambitious goal is total control of the microsats and their payloads intheater (sufficiently behind the forward battle area), providing maximum responsiveness to the war fighters
without the armies of engineers of todays systems.

Reusable Microsatellites
By 2025, an alternate power source for space systems may be possible, thereby eliminating the solar
arrays and associated hardware. The satellites would be much cleaner on the exterior, making it possible


to shield enough of the satellite from heat in order to facilitate reentry into the earths atmosphere. This will
make recovery possible and facilitate building and operating reusable satellites that can be launched for a
tactical purpose. When the mission is complete, the satellite flies or parachutes to earth or is recovered by a
transatmospheric vehicle and returned to earth for subsequent reuse.

Disposable Microsatellites
Very-low-cost and launch-on-need tactical microsats could be employed to support a theater
commander for a limited amount of timepossibly only several months. These disposable microsats are
exclusively owned and controlled by the theater commander. When the commanders mission is complete,
the microsats are simply discarded.

Multimission, Maximum Longevity Satellites

Some large, multimission satellites with maximum longevity may still be necessary in 2025. The factors
limiting space system longevity are electrical power, propulsion fuel, and radiation hardening of internal
electronic components.

Evolutionary improvements continue in each of these technologies.


improvements will benefit both multimission, maximum longevity satellites and microsats.
Spacecraft Power. Current satellite components are electrically powered by solar cells or from
storage devices like batteries when sunlight is blocked from the solar cells. Solar array size and efficiency,
battery capacity, and the amount of power required by the satellites are the limiting factors. Todays silicon
solar cells provide 11 to 12 percent efficiency, but development is underway on gallium arsenide cells with

up to 20 percent efficiency.

Battery technology has moved from nickel-cadmium to nickel-hydrogen.

According to New World Vistas, previously hard applications become easy and new applications become
possible if power is not an issue.
Revolutionary improvement is required to make a leap to fully capable microsats in 2025. Possible

revolutionary solutions are nuclear power,

laser power beaming, or electrodynamic tether systems.


Nuclear-powered satellites have been demonstrated, but political and environmental unpopularity have
limited research and development. A laser power beaming system would employ a space- or ground-based


high-power laser system to propagate a laser beam to a satellites collection and conversion device. One
possible system would use solar array-like devices to collect the laser beam and convert it to electrical


The Tethered Satellite System aboard space shuttle mission STS-75 was intended to demonstrate

electrodynamic system technology using a 20.7-km-long tether to generate approximately 5,000 volts.


tether broke while deploying the satellitethe capability remains untested.

Spacecraft Propulsion. Propulsion fuel is another limiting factor for space systems because it is used
to maintain proper satellite orbit and to reposition the spacecraft for mission purposes. A propulsion system
with minimal or no expendable fuels is the goal. Possible solutions are electric, nuclear, or laser propulsion,
satellite refueling, or a space tug.
Arcjets, plasma engines, and ion engines are three possible electric propulsion technologies.



technologies could provide high energy with much less weight than current systems.
A nuclear propulsion system could, theoretically, more than double the specific impulse energy output
of todays current liquid propulsion systems using a solid-core thermal reactor engine with liquid hydrogen


Once again however, research and development has been limited because nuclear propulsion

systems are politically and environmentally unpopular.

A laser propulsion system may use a ground, airborne, or orbiting laser to transmit energy through an
optical window on a spacecraft to heat a fluidlike a hydrogen/cesium mixture, for example.


Another possible solution for spacecraft propulsion is on-orbit refueling via another satellite or
transatmospheric vehicle.


Figure 3-7 depicts another solutionmoving the satellite with a space tug.


The Tethered Satellite

System aboard space shuttle mission STS-75 was also intended to demonstrate this Space Tug concept.


Photo from Microsoft Clipart Gallery 1995 with courtesy from Microsoft Corporation.
Photo from Federal Clip Art 1995 with courtesy from One Mile Up, Inc.
Figure 3-7. Space "Tug"

Radiation-Hardened Electronics
Miniaturized electronic components contain more and more circuitry in smaller areas on silicon chips,
making the chips more vulnerable to single event upsets, latchups, and degradation due to total dose (longterm exposure) radiation from the natural space environment or from nuclear counterspace threats.
The level of natural radiation a spacecraft endures depends on its orbit. Low earth orbit (LEO) systems
encounter relatively little, geosynchronous (GEO) systems encounter somewhat more, and medium orbit
systems like the NAVSTAR GPS satellites are exposed to significant radiation because they orbit at 10,900
milesin the heart of the Van Allen radiation belts.
Radiation hardening of spacecraft electronicsparticularly random access memory (RAM)is a
limiting technology for computing power in medium- to high-orbit systems today.
measures include shielding the electronics with tantalum, aluminum, or lead.
sapphire semiconductor technology that is upset-resistant is in development.



Current preventive

More elaborate silicon-on-

There are only a handful of companies in the world that manufacture these space-qualified or Class
S parts to meet DOD specifications because the business base is very small and the parts are very difficult
and expensive to manufacture. Chips for these purposes do not double their speed and capacity each 18
months like chips for personal computers. The largest RAM chips flying in an Air Force satellite today are
16-kilobyte (k) chips in the MILSTAR spacecraft.


GPS Block II replenishment satellites will contain 64k

chips. Some Hughes commercial communication satellites in high orbits today contain commercial grade

64k chips.

A commercial grade chip is not tested as rigorously and specifications are not as strict as for

DOD Class S parts. Motorolas Iridium spacecraft (in a very low earth orbit) will reportedly attempt to use

one-megabyte commercial RAM chips.

Until recently, DOD and NASA missions drove the advancement of space electronic technology. The
explosion of commercial space use now drives the state of the art. Two things must be considered, however.
First, some DOD space missions like GPS require medium orbits with high inherent radiation. Commercial
ventures are unlikely to drive solutions as quickly for these missions. Second, commercial satellites are not
designed to withstand radiation from hostile counterspace threats like ASAT weapons. Future DOD space
systems must have a countermeasuresystems either designed to withstand the radiation threat or planned
for satellite attrition and timely replenishment.
Space systems in 2025 must operate with minimal C2 from much smaller operations crews. The New
World Vistas team recommended automation to reduce the number of people involved in launch and mission
control by at least a factor of ten.


Automation of some tasks like satellite thruster firings, attitude

adjustments, and health and status monitoring can reduce operations crew size and minimize requirements for
C2. Autonomous operation designs will also allow 2025 space systems to continue seamless mission support
to the war fighters if ground control capability is interrupted.

The current NAVSTAR GPS Block II

replenishment spacecraft requirement is to operate for 180 days without ground control while still
maintaining mission requirements for navigation and timing accuracy. Crosslinking and GPS-augmented
guidance should allow 2025 space systems to perform a preprogrammed mission independently for several
years. NASAs JPL predicts that future satellites will have extraordinary navigational precision.
Imagine a basketball shot from Washington, D.C., toward a hoop in Moscow, Russia
with the ball passing straight through the hoop, not even touching the rim. This accuracy is


equivalent to NASA launching a basketball-sized satellite to rendezvous with a speeding

One key technology to enable ambitious automation and autonomy goals is onboard computing power.
These autonomy goals require larger onboard volatile and nonvolatile memory to increase overall computing
Fiber optic or light-based computing technology could dramatically improve computing power for earth
and space applications in 2025. Computers perform two basic functions: switching and communications.
Optics do a good job with communication functions and are widely employed today for high-data-rate
terrestrial communications. Switching functions however, generally require some material or device to
facilitate photon-to-photon interaction.
The switching function in todays electronic computers works because electrons are
massive, charged particles that are easily manipulated with electric fieldsthus the
electronic transistor. The challenge of using optics for the computer switching function
stems from the fact that photons are massless and chargeless so there is a difficult
asymmetry in their properties and switching uses.

Nonlinear optical materials may offer some possibilities.

One of the most promising approaches uses


a device known as a self-electrooptical effect device (SEED).

The interim step to optical computing in

2025 is using optical preprocessing modules to operate in conjunction with existing electronic hardwarein
effect, doing the communication portion of computing with optics and the switching portion with electronics.
This interim approach can provide performance improvements over todays entirely electronic approach.


Further, more simple and efficient software designs should employ commercial techniques to minimize
costs and increase commonality with other space systems. New World Vistas recommended the Air Force
drop the mandatory use of the Ada programming language and stop development of compilers and rely on

commercial solutions.

Space system reliability must be improved as well. Current space systems undergo significant factory
and prelaunch testing to meet reliability requirements. They rely heavily on redundant systems to reduce risk
of the most serious single point failuresthat is, if a critical component is lost, the mission capability is
lost. Space systems in 2025 should employ more robust designs, maximum use of common and commercial
components, and improved manufacturing methods to ensure the highest possible reliability from piece-parts
up through the component and subsystem levels.

Improved fault detection methods will also improve


autonomy and automation. Onboard computers should be able to precisely trace most problems to the root
cause and correct or compensate for them, ensuring minimum mission downtime and optimum system
longevity. In 2025, electron tagging methods may be employed to determine precisely where errant
commands came from or what caused a component to malfunction.


Satellite Disposal
If space system disposal issues continue to languish, debris strikes will be a serious issue in 2025 and
beyond. Space systems fielded in 2025 should have a disposal scheme inherent in the design. Depending on
the orbiting altitude of the space system, several options are feasible. LEO satellites can be maneuvered or
allowed to naturally reenter the earths atmosphere and burn upsmaller space systems have little to no
chance of any debris surviving reentry. GEO space systems can be send away from earth by using a final
allocation of fuel. Medium-orbit satellites like GPS orbit at 10,900 miles and present a greater challenge;
propulsion fuel requirements to reenter the atmosphere and burn-in or jettison to outer space could be
prohibitive without refueling or using a space tug.

Environmental concerns for outer spaceor for

political correctnessmay prohibit the burn-in or jettison options.


A potential solution is a spacecraft compactor vehicle,

adaptation (fig. 3-8).


possibly a transatmospheric vehicle

Source: Lockheed Martin Missiles and Space Corporation. Public Affairs Office, Internet, 5 April 1995.
Available from:
Figure 3-8. "Spacecraft Compactor"
This remotely controlled spacecraft compactor could orbit the Earth, maneuver, and retrieve defunct
hardware or other space junk. The compactor must contain hardware designed to avoid debris breaking
loose, and it should compact the hardware to maximize onboard capacity. The contained, compacted blocks
may then be jettisoned to outer space, burned into the earths atmosphere, or returned to earth for subsequent
recovery and disposal.
Necessary for this capability are affordable spacelift to get the spacecraft compactor into space, a very
strong, lightweight containing structure to hold the debris, and a propulsion system that is either refuelable or
uses onboard unexpendable sources like nuclear power.

Another concept would use an adapted

transatmospheric vehicle.

Satellite Security

Successful military operations in 2025 will rely heavily on space-based systems to provide timely and
accurate information on demand.

These systems will enable planners, operational commanders, and

personnel in the field to access critical information for making the right decisions. These right decisions


will allow operations tempo control through a broad spectrum of operations from war to military operations
other than war. Technologically advanced systems such as spacenet, GPS, MILSTAR, and other satellites
allow the exploitation of gathering and dissemination of information via space-based systems. Utilization of
these spaced-based assets will drive new military doctrine designed to best exploit these capabilities. As
reliance on these systems increases, it will become more important to protect them from hostile intent and to
regenerate the system or the capability if satellites are destroyed.
Information collection and dissemination by space-based systems (satellites) will become a vital center
of gravity and a high priority target for adversaries. US national security will depend on keeping the space
lines of communication open.

As the military continues to compensate for numerical superiority with

technology, information collected by satellites will increase in importance. Hence, satellites are a vital force
multiplier in the information age and beyond. Uninterrupted, timely, and accurate information is critical to
the war fighter and planner of future campaigns and operations.
The USs commercial and military space-based systems target value increases proportionally as the
militarys dependence on information from space increases. In the future, the military will rely increasingly
on commercial systems to collect and disseminate information to aid in operational planning and execution.
The proposed satellite defense systems utilize a variety of countermeasures to protect these vital space-based
Defensive systems will be employed on all satellites to ensure that information on demand is not
interrupted by incidental or intentional force. Since both commercial and military systems are vulnerable to a
variety of threats, cooperation between these two sectors will be mutually beneficial in many ways. First,
standardization will increase interoperability between systems. This will facilitate connectivity to and from
information transfer media by establishing common coding, equipment, and procedures. Second, standardized
designs will ensure that satellites fit onto launch vehicles without costly modification to the launch system or
the satellite itself. Finally, standardized defense systems will ensure uninterrupted information flow which
translates into profit for the commercial sector and security for the military sector. Defensive system funding
for research and development and employment will be the responsibility of the military.


Limiting Factors
International law places many restrictions on the use of space-based weapon systems, whether intended
for defensive or offensive purposes. There are two options to ensure that satellite defensive system designs
are lawful. First, systems may operate within the intent of the existing laws by limiting the lethality of the
weapons employed. For example, systems would not utilize weapons of mass destruction to negate a threat.
Second, current laws, treaties, and agreements may be amended by the signatories to allow deployment of
space-based weapon systems. The US must move cautiously, since other nations may use these amendments
to deploy previously prohibited systems to counter the US advantage in space. Amendments should not
promote the proliferation of weapons or ignite a space arms race.
Public opinion regarding nuclear-powered vehicles launched into space will have a significant impact
on the type of security technologies employed. If capsules containing nuclear materials cannot be designed to
maintain integrity in the event of catastrophic failure, significantly improved satellite propulsion and power
systems will be extremely limited. Propulsion and electrical power systems are key to many satellite
defensive capabilities.
Economics will determine the types and to what extent defensive systems will be employed. The
assumption is that it is more cost-effective to employ small single- or dual-mission satellites than large
multimission satellites. These large satellites with defensive system capabilities are not cost-effective for a

number of reasons. With launch costs approaching approximately $20,000 per kilogram,

they are far too

heavy to be launched economically. Also, if one of the onboard systems fails or is destroyed, there are two
options; replace the capability by launching an identical multimission satellite or do without the capability.
The latter could have a catastrophic impact on military operations and readinessit is simply unacceptable.
The principles of mass, economy of force, and simplicity are the foundation for a viable defensive
strategy regardless of the mediumland, sea, air, or space. These principles can be exercised in deploying
microsat constellations of single- or dual-purpose satellites, which could be launched at substantial savings.
The redundancy provided by numerous constellations of single-purpose satellites would ensure no loss or
degradation in capability if a single satellite is destroyed. Since readiness and operational capabilities
would not be degraded or compromised, it would decrease the urgency to replace the satellite. The satellite
will be replaced as soon as practical.


Cost-effectiveness will be further enhanced by the ability to build and deploy replacement systems
quickly, economically, and en masse. Advances in miniaturization and development of durable materials
will enable the production of small, lightweight satellites that are more economical to launch. Prompt
replacement of obsolete or disabled satellites is vital to sustain defensive system capabilities.
Simplicity of design has at least three distinct advantages. First, fabrication and construction costs are
kept at a minimum since cost per item is driven down by volume. Given budgetary constraints and swings in
funding, it is not economically feasible to manufacture large, complicated, easy-to-detect systems that are
vulnerable to destruction. The second advantage is speed of production. Simple, standardized systems
require minimum production time. Plug-and-play technology already exists and is incorporated into many of
todays satellites. As next-generation hardware becomes available, it is simply plugged into existing bays
with no need for structural modifications. Third, simple can be made small. Miniaturization of components
is practical only if they contain few moving parts and complex structures.

Roles and Missions

The objective of satellite security is to employ a space-based defensive system that is reliable,
economically feasible, and timely to produce, maintain, and deploy in the quantities necessary to protect US
space lines of communication. A successful security system ensures uninterrupted, timely, and accurate
information from space.
Satellite security in 2025 will depend on a robust defense system with roles and missions having
foundation in todays operational philosophies. Air Force Manual (AFM) 1-1, Basic Aerospace Doctrine of
the United States Air Force, was the primary source for establishing strategies for satellite security:

specifically, the Principles of War;


Roles and Typical Missions of Aerospace Power,

and the Tenets of


Aerospace Power.

The defensive system supports several roles and missions (fig. 3-9). The counterspace mission will
ensure the friendly use of space by employing interdiction to disable or destroy threats. The defensive
systems will be supported by spacelift for launch and by on-orbit support for sustainment or replenishment.


Supporting Roles & Missions

Space Control
Force Application


Supported Roles & Missions

Force Enhancement
Force Support

On-Orbit Support

Source: AFM 1-1, Basic Aerospace Doctrine of the United States Air Force; vol. 1, March 1992, 7.
Photo from Microsoft Clipart Gallery 1995 with courtesy from Microsoft Corporation.
Figure 3-9. Roles and Typical Missions of Aerospace Power

Defensive Philosophy
Given the vastness of space and the multitude of threats, no defensive system can be devised to make
satellites invincible. The proposed satellite defense system will not counter 100 percent of all threats, but
will reduce the systems vulnerability.

It is more cost-effective and operationally feasible to replace

damaged satellites than it is to expend limited budgetary funds in an attempt to make them invincible.


multimission satellite with operational mission systems and equipment coupled with a vast array of offensive
systems is economically impractical. Single- or dual-purpose satellites must be the rule rather than the


However, this does not preclude incorporating some defensive capabilities like shielding,

detection, and maneuver into each satellite.


Space-based systems, by their nature, are protected against all but the most technologically advanced or
economically well-off states capable of deploying or purchasing ASAT systems. To date, only Russia has
pursued ASAT technology. However, it is prudent to assume that ASAT technology is available on the open
market. As states or groups hostile to the US increase their treasuries through the sale of petroleum, arms, or
advanced technologies, they will be in a position to purchase ASAT capability by the year 2025.
Strategies and systems described in this section are designed to counter manmade and environmental
threats that interfere with the operation and transmission of data to and from satellites. Since their potential
for destroying space-based systems is approximately equal, both threats were given equal weight when
countermeasures were developed. Countermeasures were intentionally designed to overlap in order to
provide redundancy and ensure effectiveness.
Since space debris and radiation are potential threats to all satellites, defensive systems should not
exacerbate the problem. Countermeasures employed will not add to the amount of debris or radiation clouds
already in space. Offensive weaponry will employ systems that eliminate debris from the environment and
will not employ nuclear detonations with lingering radiation. To do this, the systems will totally vaporize the
object or deflect it into a trajectory that will cause it to burn up in the atmosphere.
The ability to employ OODA loop logic will be a vital software capability. Software programs will
perform threat analysis and will take appropriate countermeasures autonomously. This capability will rely
on artificial life


software programs that react to a dynamic environment with the appropriate force or

action. This defensive capability will be incorporated into all satellites regardless of intended purpose.
Satellites will use their unique capabilities to negate the threat and reduce satellite vulnerability.
Once a threat is detected, OODA loop logic will direct passive and/or active defense mechanisms
onboard the satellite to counter the threat. The appropriate countermeasures may be maneuver, activation of
shields, or manipulation of satellite exterior surfaces. On ASAT platforms, offensive countermeasures such
as activation of directed energy (DE) or kinetic energy weapons will be initiated by artificial life software

Passive identification friend-or-foe systems (encrypted) will hasten detection of friendly

Survivability will be enhanced by designing energy-absorbent materials into the exterior surfaces of the
satellites. These materials will serve two purposes: (1) defense and (2) power regeneration. Energy (solar,


laser, radar) will be absorbed by the external materials and converted into energy to power the satellites
operating defensive systems. If not needed immediately, the energy would be stored in batteries for later use.

Satellites face two potential threats in space: (1) environmental (meteors, asteroids) and (2) man-made
(space debris, offensive weapons). Approximately 2 million kg of man-made material orbits within 2,000

km of earth.

Add to this another 200 kg of meteoroid mass the same distance from earth and the probability

of damage from impact is high.

Environmental Threat. Environmental threats include solid debris resulting from the disintegration or
decomposition of celestial or man-made materials. Countermeasures will have to nullify the effect of kinetic
energy expended from particles traversing space and impacting the satellite. Projectiles traveling through
space reach ultra-high velocities, making even the smallest particle a potential threat to satellites. Tiny
particles act like sandpaper eroding external surfaces whereas larger particles are capable of totally
destroying a satellite.
Radiation from any sourceenvironmental or man-madealso poses a significant threat. Unlike kinetic
energy damage, the effects of radiation are not always instantaneous. Like corrosion, radiation decomposes
material in space, erodes surfaces, and undermines the integrity of the structures. The insidious nature of this
erosion makes degradation difficult to detect until the damage is severe.
Manmade Threats. This category includes deliberate actions taken against a space-based system for the
purpose of disabling or degrading the satellite. Typically, these threats are designed to destroy or disable
instantaneously. Their targets will have to be replaced. DE weapons are one example of a man-made threat
employed to inflict an instantaneous effect or an insidious effect. Regardless of the speed with which they
act, these threats must be countered. Any loss or delay in information transfer to the end-user will impose
serious consequences on operational capabilities.


To ensure optimum effectiveness, defensive strategies will be developed to exploit the synergistic
effect of passive and active defense mechanisms. Most satellites will employ predominantly passive systems
with the exception of the ability to maneuveran active measure. Utilization of these strategies will facilitate
simplicity of design and allow for a smaller physical cross-section, which in itself provides a defense
mechanism. Passive defense can provide great benefits due to the amount of energy saved from not having to
maneuver or activate offensive systems.
Using the single-purpose design philosophy, offensive strategies will be executed only by hunter killer
(HK) and decoy satellites. These HKs are designed to employ offensive systems and their only function is
constellation defense. Decoy satellites which morph the physical attributes of other satellites will be
deployed to add a degree of deception to the overall defensive system.
Passive Defense. This concept relies on three strategies for all satellites: low detectability, shielding,
and ultra high orbits. These strategies are incorporated into the structural design of the satellite and are
primarily defensive in naturethey require no energy expenditure from the satellite itself. The strategy is to
reduce vulnerability, not eliminate the threat.
Low Detectability. Visibility equals death. Low satellite detectability may be achieved via three
technologies: (1) energy absorbent materials, (2) non-reflective surface design (also referred to as energy
diffusion design), and (3) energy refracting and/or reflecting material. Each technology is designed to defeat a
specific detection medium (acoustic, energy, or optic sensor). These materials will double as a component of
the satellites energy conversion system, which will convert hostile energy into a potential satellite power
Shielding. This strategy will provide some defense against kinetic energy and radiation threats.
Defense against kinetic energy threats will take the form of reactive armor designed to absorb and dissipate
the inertia of projectiles traveling at ultra-high velocities. Behind the reactive armor, the satellites external
structures and surfaces will be set at acute angles to deflect projectiles should they penetrate the reactive
armor. Because of the ultra-high velocity of objects traversing space, it is impractical to defend against all
kinetic energy threats. Total protection would make satellites too cumbersome and expensive.


Ultra High Orbits. These orbits enhance defense and operational capability. Defense is enhanced, since
satellites are simply out of reach of most ASAT systems. If an ASAT system is employed, it will have to
travel great distances to maneuver into an offensive position. While the ASAT travels this extra distance, the
satellite may activate defensive countermeasures or move out of the threat area. These orbits enhance
operational capabilities by providing a better vantage point for some information collection.
Active Defense. This strategy will employ distributed satellite systems, detection, maneuver,
deception, decoys, and HK satellites. In keeping with the single-purpose philosophy, only Decoy and HK
satellites will possess an offensive capability.

Distributed Satellites.

This strategy uses several constellations of single-purpose satellites. Each

constellation will work together to provide operational support and defense from specialized systems.
Constellations will be deployed in a defensive formation similar to that used by the Navys carrier battle
groups. Each constellation is comprised of several mission satellites surrounded by HK and decoy satellites
to provide fire support to counter threats (fig. 3-10).
Numerous constellations provide redundant capabilities and make it impossible for an adversary to
totally incapacitate a specific capability. This redundancy will ensure continuous information transmission if
one constellation is permanently or temporarily disabled.
Detection. Mission, decoy, and HK satellites will posses detection capabilities to identify hostile
threats in space or on the ground. Space-based threats will be identified as friend or foe through use of
transponders fitted to all friendly commercial and military satellites.

Ground threats, identified after

initiation of hostile action, will be targeted and destroyed or temporarily incapacitated by utilizing onboard
systems. Detection systems would utilize laser radar (LIDAR)


to detect changes in atmospheric conditions

or IR sensors to detect heat signatures from hostile platforms. Once a hostile threat is detected, each satellite
takes the appropriate action based on capabilities. For example, mission satellites maneuver, decoy and HK
satellites take offensive action.


Hunter Killer


Mission Satellites


Hunter Killer

Photo from Microsoft Clipart Gallery 1995 with courtesy from Microsoft Corporation.
Figure 3-10. Typical Satellite Constellation
Maneuver. This strategy includes nonstandard or irregular elliptical orbits.

Maneuvers will be

programmed into the artificial life software options available in the OODA loop process. Nonstandard
orbits will make the targeting equation more difficult by eliminating satellite orbit predictability. Satellites
will possess limited capability to maneuver over vast distances. Added weight and size of propulsion
systems increase the cost of production and launch.
Deception. All satellites will be designed to look similar, regardless of function. Solar panels provide
electricity on mission satellites and will also function as threat detection antennas on decoy and HK
satellites. It will be difficult for sensors to detect the differences in satellite function, thus complicating an
adversarys targeting problem. To eliminate or impede a capability, it will be necessary to target the entire
constellation. This will be time-consuming and may require more assets than the adversary is willing to


Another idea for deception is to design satellites that look like asteroids or space debris. Synthetic
surfaces could be designed to act as functioning surfaces for the collection or transmission of data.
A projected virtual image (VI) capability can be incorporated into decoy and HK satellites. This
system will project a holographic image into space to deceive optical sensors. Once a hostile weapons
platform takes action, the VI projecting satellite will target and destroy it with one of its weapons.
Decoy Satellites. Decoys will look similar to mission satellites, but instead will possess the ability to
maneuver and impact (ram) hostile platforms. They will be fitted with detection and propulsion systems to
facilitate their mission.
HK Satellites. HKs will be the fighter escort of the satellite system.

They will be deployed

specifically as an offensive weapon platform employing DE weapons (these include speed-of-light weapons,
high-power microwaves, and laser). These satellites will identify hostile platforms (in space or on the
ground) and destroy or disable them.
Figure 3-11 shows each type of satellite in a constellationand its capabilities. Each satellite in the
constellation provides functions so the whole spacenet constellation is more capable and secure than the
sum of the parts. The spacenet satellite security system will ensure that uninterrupted, timely, and accurate
information is delivered to the war fighter without fail.


The four pillars of the spacenet 2025 system are support to the war fighter, C3, satellite design, and
satellite security. Each pillar contributes synergistically to the spacenet system capabilities. The spacenet
system ensures that the US maintains space dominance well into the next century. The next chapter will
outline the spacenet concept of operations and show how each pillar fits into the system. A notional scenario
will show some of the routine spacenet uses and capabilities in 2025 and beyond.


Virtual Imagery
Directed Energy
Virtual Imagery
Kinetic Impact
Photo from Microsoft Clipart Gallery 1995 with courtesy from Microsoft Corporation.
Figure 3-11. Typical Satellite Defensive Capabilities


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Jeffery R. Barnett, Future War, An Assessment of Aerospace Campaigns in 2020 (Maxwell AFB,
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Concept Database (Maxwell AFB, Ala.: Air War College/2025, 1996); 2025 concept, no. 200134, Debris
Removal System (C083U), 2025 Concept Database (Maxwell AFB, Ala.: Air War College/2025, 1996);
2025 concept, no. 200142, Space Debris Collector/Zapper (C093U), 2025 Concept Database (Maxwell
AFB, Ala.: Air War College/2025, 1996); 2025 concept, no. 200183, Space Waste-Buster ASAT
(C131U), 2025 Concept Database (Maxwell AFB, Ala.: Air War College/2025, 1996).
National Aeronautics and Space Association, FY95 Budgetary Report, Internet, 15 March 1996,
available from
AFM 1-1, Basic Aerospace Doctrine of the United States Air Force; vol. 1, March 1992, 1.
Ibid., 7.
Ibid., 8.
New World Vistas, summary volume, 13.
Ibid., 43.
Maes, 68.
Joseph C. Anselmo, In Orbit, Aviation Week and Space Technology, 11 March 1996, 65.
New World Vistas, summary volume, 20.
Joseph C. Anselmo, Lidar Reads Air-Drop Winds, Aviation Week and Space Technology, 12
February 1996, 94-96.


Chapter 4

Concept of Operations

As a potential crisis is identified, a theater commander requests space support for an area of
responsibility (AOR). Space support in 2025 will include a few large, national, multimission platforms that
collect information from the AOR and distribute processed data through centralized channels. Priority and
control of these national assets remains with the National Command Authority (NCA).
The majority of space support comes from large numbers of microsats in distributed constellations.
Some microsat systems continuously orbit the earth as part of established space support. Existing systems
provide immediate force enhancement and force multiplier support, but do not adequately provide the eyes
and ears for the theater commander in 2025. However, more constellations of reusable and disposable
microsats are launched within four hours of the execute order. These systems provide tailored, optimized
support to the commander and forces. These assets and the operators are owned by the theater commander
and are fully responsive to the needs of the forces in the AOR. Constellations are a robust mix of single- and
dual-purpose satellites performing communication, navigation, weather, reconnaissance, and defensive
The combat satellite operators near the AOR will deploy from their garrison to remote locations. Once
in place, they will command satellites into position to facilitate force support in an impending deployment or
conflict. Satellite operators easily carry their equipment with them on the deployment and require almost no
additional logistics infrastructure to move their equipmentin some cases, it is stuffed in a side pocket of
their rucksack. This portability is a result of extraordinary miniaturization of electronics and the ability to
process and distribute force enhancement data from space in 2025.


Upon reaching their locations, the satellite operators immediately set up small C2 systems, gain control
of assigned satellites, and begin employment activities necessary to meet the information needs of the theater
commander. Coordination with orbital analysts is not necessary since each small ground-control station
immediately and automatically tracks the correct satellite. Anomalous conditions on the satellite are brought
to the attention of the operator along with a list of recommended options to fix the anomalythe operators do
not need to refer to any engineers to solve most problems.
Satellite operators are difficult for the adversary to detect because their transmitters emit very narrow
directional signals. In addition, the adversary has difficulty searching for the satellite operators, since they
are not required to be anywhere near the AOR or the commanded satellite. If the enemy should get lucky and
detect one of the satellite operators, the operator immediately grabs the portable equipment and moves to
another location. If the operator is neutralized there is no emergencythe satellite continues its mission
autonomously until another fully-trained and capable operator takes over.
Operators control some microsats dedicated to the theater or military operationcontrol is not shared
with other users and satellites may be reconfigured or maneuvered to support the theater commander.
However, other operators are responsible for transmitting mission requirements for national multimission
assets to the respective control center to satisfy the theater commanders requests. The commander gets
immediate feedback when support will be delivered.
Operators anywhere on earth or in space directly uplink signals to spacenet and the signals are routed
between orbiting assets to the intended satellite. Spacenet is a seamless, invisible system because it
operates with reliability and efficiency that even terrestrial utility companies try to emulate in 2025.
Extraordinary amounts of data are exchanged nearly instantaneously through laser cross-links between space
The commanders forces in the AOR easily pull the data they need from the space systems. Artificial
intelligence and smart software ensure that the tank drivers, infantry, sailors, pilots, and commanders in
2025 get the data they needwithout the reams of accompanying chaff. Enemy forces have access to much
of the same information through commercial means, but the US OODA loop is tighter, enabling reactions well
inside enemy capabilities and maintaining military superiority.


The satellites themselves are a mixture of technological masterpieces (a few national, multimission
systems) and many small, cost-effective, and reusable or disposable microsat systems. These small, costeffective, 30-pound spacecraft of 2025 parallel the unexciting but highly efficient six-dollar pocket
calculators of the 1990s. The space systems of 2025 do not suffer from limits of electrical power and
propulsion fuel like space systems of the 1990snuclear power and electric propulsion eliminated such
limitations. Further, optical computers onboard the spacecraft are highly resistant to radiation and provide
colossal computing power and data throughput. This computing power enables maximum satellite autonomy.
Preprogrammed missions require no human intervention from start to finish unless changes are required.
Standardized changes are commanded using macrosand more elaborate one-of-a-kind changes take a few
more keystrokes from the operator.
In 2025, space-capable adversaries cannot negate US space forces. Microsat constellations provide
inherent defensive capabilities. A constellation may include several operational, single mission microsats,
two HKs and two decoy microsats.

Both passive and active defenses are employed through low

detectability, shielding, autonomy, detection, maneuver, deception, and HK offensive systems. When an
adversary takes out a few US microsats, an execute order is issued for a four-hour response launch for
replenishment microsats.
At the end of the conflict the large, multimission satellites continue their mission of global awareness
and global presence. The distributed microsat systems continue normal operations. The cost-effective, single
mission reusable satellites launched specifically for this operation are de-orbited to their recovery base in
the Mojave Desert where they will be refurbished and prepared for the next operation.
Satellites reaching the end of their service life, particularly the disposables, are later collected by an
orbiting spacecraft compactor. This transatmospheric vehicle (adapted to a cleanup mission) collects
defunct hardware, compacts it into small, dense cubes, and jettisons them deep into space.


Chapter 5

Investigation Recommendations

The effectiveness of the spacenet 2025 system is best examined by grading it against measures of
merit relevant to the alternate futures of 2025. The spacenet 2025 system is highly effective, according to the
measures of merit. Next, the paths to achieve the key technologies of the system are outlined. These require
an evolution of space systems and related technologies with some technological revolutions as springboards
to evolution at the system level. The spacenet system is achievable within 30 years.

Measures of Merit

Examination of measures of merit for the spacenet 2025 system proves its military value in the alternate
future worlds. Starting with the three tenets of Air and Space Superiorityawareness, reach, and powerthe
AFIT operational analysis team and the 2025 white paper teams derived over 100 force qualities and
associated measures of merit to evaluate the 2025 white paper concepts. When the spacenet 2025 system
was analyzed against all force qualities, the results showed 29 measures of merit from nine categories as
valid measurements for this system

Ground Survival
Space Survival
Maintenance in Space


Ground Survival
First, the ground survival category measures performance of the ground portion of the spacenet 2025
systemspecifically the small, portable C3 devices used to operate the satellites.
Detection. Spacenet 2025 will use small, mobile communications devices in the field to communicate
through spacenet for C2 of spacenet satellites. The mobile terminals should be as small as todays handheld
cellular phones. Focused beam EHF signals minimize the probability of signal intercept. Large frequency
ranges available in the EHF band allow spread spectrum communications to make signals blend in with
everyday radio-frequency background noise. Packaged switched technology enables burst communications
minimizing the time of radio transmissions, reducing the probability of detection.

EHF communications can use very small antennas, possibly only inches in

diameter. Miniaturization of electronics should yield handheld space communication devices by 2025.
These communications devices allow instant mobility, minimizing the probability that the user will be hit by
an adversary if detected.
System of Systems. Spacenet accommodates many simultaneous users, giving spatial distribution so
it is impossible to hit all system users. The war fighter in the field has multiple paths to transmit or receive
information, since transceivers can be distributed anywhere in theater or the world. Loss of as many as 10
percent of the satellite C2 nodes should not impact the spacenet system since multiple nodes can be spatially
distributed anywhere on the earth.

Further, the small, portable communication devices are relatively

inexpensive and easily replaced. If some field devices are neutralized, replacements are easily deployed.

The identify category measures spacenets ability to accurately recognize situations of interest to the
war fighters, including possible natural or man-made threats against spacenet.
Tempo. Spacenet 2025 provides global coverage for the war fighter. With eyes and ears and
efficient data processing in space, war fighters receive critical information from spacenet on demand.
Spacenet 2025 provides the earliest possible sensing, detection, and data delivery to maximize war fighters
operations tempo. Indications and warnings delivered by the spacenet system allow the war fighter to


anticipate some enemy actions in advance. Further, spacenet can detect, identify and engage hostile ASAT
systems before they can attack.
Traceability. Spacenet uses package-switched digital technology to transfer information between
satellites and users. Package-switched technology provides an address of both the intended recipient and the
original sender with each package that flows through the spacenet system. These addresses give users the
ability to trace all information through the spacenet system.
Accuracy. Spacenet systems will be highly accurate. Increased multispectral sensing capabilities and
onboard computing power will enable spacenet to correlate data with great certainty. This correlated data
could be force enhancement data for war fighters or information about hostile threats to the spacenet system
itself. Spacenet will use onboard databases and intelligent software to compare real-time data with stored
threat information to maximize accuracy of processed information.
Resolution. Technological advances in multispectral sensing will improve resolution to levels not
possible today. Miniaturized, distributed spacenet systems in low earth orbit can collect multiple data sets
and synthetically combine them to improve resolution and fidelity. An example is multiple missile warning
systems detecting an event, exchanging information through cross-links, and computing the solution for
improved geolocation. These same sensor and computing advances will also provide enhanced resolution in
identifying counterspace threats.

Next, the integrate category measures spacenets ability to integrate data into a coherent picture to
support the war fighter and help negate threats against the spacenet.
Battle Space View. Co-orbiting spacenet systems will provide excellent overview of any battlespace
area on or near the earth. Large numbers of microsatellites in LEO can provide continuous coverage of an
AOR. When proximity to the AOR is not critical, a few satellites in geosynchronous orbit can see the
entire earth and space theater out to 22,000 miles. Spacenet is designed to be modular, and is easily
expanded to cover different AORs as priorities change.
Tempo. Spacenet 2025 provides global coverage for the war fighter. With significant data processing
using intelligent onboard software, spacenet will rapidly integrate data in the least possible time and transmit


it to the users on demand. With unparalleled coverage of the earth from space, the spacenet system integrates
and provides critical data to war fighters in advance of hostile enemy actions, maximizing the operations

Using onboard databases and knowledge modeling, spacenet satellites and their

accompanying defensive satellites will have access to historical information about missions, targets, and
threats. Spacenet will make maximum use of historical data to correlate and process raw or real-time data
and communicate the conclusions to the war fighters that need the data. The onboard computers know who
needs particular data, and they filter information to avoid overload.

The monitor category measures the ability of the spacenet system owners to track and control
spacenet resources.
Resources. The spacenet is a self-monitoring system. Spacenet communication nodes keep track of
other nodes and terrestrial users to route communications traffic via the most efficient means, routing traffic
around degraded or destroyed nodes. Further, the spacenet system can provide health and status data of any
satellite in the system to the appropriate ground controllers worldwide. The spacenet system ensures the
theater commander and individual ground controllers know the status of all theater space resources. The
spacenet system does its own battle damage assessment. If a spacenet satellite or ground terminal is alive,
the users will know it; appropriate operators are immediately notified if an asset is killed.
Forces. Spacenet can track satellite controllers on the ground by locating controllers when they contact
the spacenet. Protocols can poll the spacenet to ensure that in-theater controllers check in at selected
times. Thus, we know that they are still alive and controlling their space assets. If a controller has not
checked in, a replacement controller deploys immediately.

Next, the plan category measures how spacenet prepares for upcoming situations.


Effective. The goal of spacenet is to provide timely, global, and secure communication of force
enhancement data to war fighters on the earth, in the air, or in space. War fighters identify the targets and use
the spacenet system to get the information needed about the targets. Spacenet system priorities will be set at
the appropriate levels. Theater commanders set priorities for spacenet assets they own (like the tactical,
disposable microsats).

National authorities establish priorities between theaters for shared spacenet

systems. The internet in space feature of the spacenet system ensures instant connectivity and maximum
flexibility to change goals, targets, or priorities.
Efficient. The spacenet system is efficient in many aspects, ensuring reduced operations costs and
minimum logistics support. Common spacecraft components ensure maximum connectivity at the lowest cost.
People, aircraft, unmanned aerial vehicles, or other satellites can use small lightweight communications
devices for standardized communication with the spacenet and other systems that communicate with the
spacenet. Nuclear systems, laser power beaming, or electrodynamic tether systems may provide costeffective, efficient power for spacenet satellites. Nuclear or electric propulsion systems provide a nearly
unexpendable energy source to maneuver spacenet satellites. Inexpensive, disposable microsats may provide
optimum support for short, tactical missions.

The decide category measures spacenets capability to use information to make a decision and the
overall quality of the decision made.
Decision Basis. The spacenet system uses optical devices to store the information needed by onboard
computer systems for decisions. Optical systems will store orders of magnitude more data than todays
electronic systems, providing a solid foundation for the decision-making software. Optical storage could
come in the form of holographic data storage. Knowledge for decisions could be represented in advanced
formal data models such as Z.
Quality. To avoid information overload, it is important for the spacenet to make high-quality decisions
about traffic routing, data delivery to users, spacenet defense, and autonomous operations.


intelligence will help ensure high-quality decisions. Genetic algorithms can adapt themselves to changing
situations to improve their actions. Neural networks perform pattern-matching to choose optimal courses of


action for a given situation.

Highly capable computers onboard spacenet satellites enable complex

calculations to ensure the highest quality decisions.

The communicate category measures spacenets communication abilities.
Capacity. Spacenet is partly a communications system. Spacenet provides communication capacity to
terrestrial, aerial, and space-based users. Those users could be people, autonomous sensors, or unmanned
vehicles. System capacity depends on the communications medium in 2025, and on data compression
improvements. Spacenet will transfer data at 400 gigabits per second for a single visible light laser
(expected not later than 2010). If technology moves beyond visible light lasers by 2025, data transfer rates
could exceed 15 terabits per second for ultraviolet lasers, or 1,000 terabits per second for soft X-ray lasers.
Each of these data throughput rates may improve from 20 to 50 times, through use of advanced data
compression schemes such as fractal compression.
Connectivity and Interoperability. The spacenet digital communications scheme will connect to many
standard systems. Spacenet must connect to many systems since it will use both civilian and military spacebased communication nodes.

Spacenet also provides connectivity to users without direct spacenet

transceivers through terrestrial internet compatibility.

Security. Spacenet will ensure that unauthorized users cannot tamper with its internal configuration.
Improved data encryption units and authorization codes will protect vital information. This security also
prevents tampering with onboard packet routing information, prioritization, and defensive tracking and
targeting information. Spacenet must also protect friendly communications and data from unauthorized
users. Small encryption units on authorized military spacenet transceivers provide this security.
Cryptographic key codes will change regularly to deny enemy use of captured spacenet transceivers.
Encryption protects satellite cross-links, uplinks, and downlinks. Laser cross-links take advantage of laser
pinpoint accuracy to minimize probability of signal intercept. EHF uplinks and downlinks provide narrow
footprints on the earth, making it more difficult to intercept signals.

Spread-spectrum, short-burst

transmissions also make spacenet uplinks and downlinks difficult for unauthorized receivers to detect and


Data Accuracy. The communications channel provided by spacenet should follow commercial
standards for data accuracy. Advanced error correction encoding or error detection and retransmission
technology ensures data accuracy.
User Friendliness and Human Interaction. The Spacenet 2025 system will use 3D computer displays
to ease the human-computer interaction.

Space Survival
The space survival category measures spacenets survivability in the harsh space environment.
System of Systems.

Spacenet consists of many different orbiting communications, mission, and

defensive satellites. The distributed design of the system ensures that the spacenet will still be able to
accomplish the mission and route communications traffic to other nodes if some of the satellites fail.
Ultimately, the user will nearly always get the data desired.
Countermeasures. The satellite security section defines active and passive countermeasures available
in spacenet to counter threats to individual satellites and the system as a whole. The system is able to counter
both natural and manmade kinetic and radiation threats.
Detectable. The satellite security section defines three possible low-detectability technologies
incorporated into military spacenet satellites: energy diffusion surfaces, energy-absorbent materials, and
energy-refracting or -reflecting materials. Each technology defeats a specific detection medium. To keep
costs low, civilian spacenet satellites will not use low-detectable materials.
Vulnerability. Spacenet is primarily many small, distributed microsatellites, each providing an
independent mission, communications, or defensive function. A weapon or a natural object impact could
destroy these satellites because they are small. The relatively low cost and easy replacement of spacenet
microsatellites offsets this vulnerability.

Finally, maintenance in space measures the maintenance aspects of the spacenet system.


Maintenance Footprint. Spacenet has no need for separate system maintenance in space. Spacecraft
are self-maintained by well-designed systems.

These systems use intelligent materials and some

microminiature machines for small-scale subsystem repair. If an entire satellite fails, the spacenet system
knows to bypass it until a replacement satellite arrives.

When they break, the relatively inexpensive

microsatellites are thrown away and replaced. Unexpendable propulsion sources minimize any refueling
or space tug requirements. The spacenet 2025 maintenance footprint should approach zero.
Reliability. Spacenet satellites will have a high mission capability rate from simplicity and the ongoing
self-maintenance scheme of each subsystem provided by microminiature machines and intelligent materials.
Onboard computers and autonomy ensure maximum mission availability. Satellite designs in 2025 minimize
satellite failures caused by the harsh space environment.
Security. To avoid tampering with the internal system functions of spacenet, security measures and
procedures protect each spacenet satellite from the time it leaves the factory until launch. Once on orbit,
active and passive security systems ensure continuous protection against enemy threatsboth physical and
signal-intercept threats.
Storage Volume. Spacenet microsatellites are small and made of common parts. The common parts
make the satellites quick to assemble. This avoids the need to have a large number of spacenet satellites
built and awaiting launch. Should a spacenet satellite fail, a replacement will be assembled in a few hours
from the common parts and launched into orbit the same day. Since the satellites are small, they will not take
up much room if stored, nor will they occupy significant space in the launch vehicle payload fairing.

Timelines for Development

Future timelines described in this section were developed using the Horizon mission methodology. The
Horizon mission methodology starts with a given end-state, then describes those changes that must occur to
achieve the end state. The methodology works back from the future to the present, until it describes the
current generation of technologies.
Improved war fighter support begins with todays initiatives, like Technical Exploitation of National
Capabilities (TENCAP), to connect the sensor to the shooter. Evolution of these systems, combined with


some revolutionary improvements in information processing and storage and intelligent software for use on
earth and in space, will lead to a highly efficient user-pulled system in 2025. The key to success is to ensure
a continuous partnership between the users and the war fighters in the development process from requirement
identification to demonstration, validation, and production.
Improved C3 for the spacenet 2025 system also requires a stepped approach. First is todays initiative
to minimize on-site personnel at satellite remote tracking stations, resulting in unmanned, global, fixed
satellite command and control. The next step requires miniaturization of electronics and computing power to
enable these same systems to become portable. High-rate, robust earth-to-space and space-to-space data
transfer must evolve in parallel. Laser cross-links and other technologies co-developed by the commercial
and military communities will make the spacenet a reality by 2025.
The road to microsat constellations in 2025 begins with todays miniaturization initiatives by DOD,
commercial entities, and NASAs New Millennium program. There is probably one generation of medium
sized 500-700-pound satellites between now and the 20-to-30-pound microsats of 2025. Revolutionary
leaps in spacecraft power, propulsion, and computing power are required, along with evolutionary growth in
autonomy capabilities, to implement the spacenet 2025 system. Leadership by the commercial space world
and integration of capabilities into military uses is also vital.
The world of 2025 may include several space-capable nation-states. To ensure that the US maintains
space dominance, countermeasures must minimize the perceived natural and hostile threats to US space
assets. A defensive strategy could include passive and active defensive measures and fast, cost-effective
satellite replenishment.
The general progression to spacenet 2025 starts with todays demonstration systems like Clementine
and TAOS, that are proving the concepts of autonomy, miniaturization, and simplicity. The US should
aggressively lead a forum to share lessons learned between military, civil (NASA), and commercial space
programs. Once proven, the medium-sized satellites will replace todays large, multimission platforms.
These medium systems open the door for the spacenet 2025 system of microsats that ensures US control of
space throughout the 21st century.


Serving the War Fighter

The true measure of spacenet is its ability to get critical information to and from the war fighter in near
real time. This information may come in human-readable form, or machine-readable form for controlling
devices such as unmanned aerial vehicles or sensor systems. This real-time information capability will
require the development, refinement, and integration of numerous systems with the spacenet (fig. 5-1).









Increasingly Sophisticated Man-portable 2-Way Units

Connectivity Allowing User to Pull Information

Data Fusion through Artificial Intelligence

Trend Towards:
- Increased Throughput
- Increased Connectivity Allows Control of More Systems
- Fused Data Available On Demand
Figure 5-1. Advances in Fielded C3 Systems
Although portable satellite communications systems exist now, they will continue to become more
transportable while providing more throughput. Connectivity will increase as more systems adopt standard
protocols for data transmission. This will occur as space communications become more commercialized.
Finally, as the information explosion grows, consumers will demand improved methods to avoid drowning in
a sea of data. Data-fusion technologies will grow, dependent upon increases in artificial intelligence.

Communication Systems Development

In 2025, high-speed cross-links between satellites will be used to interconnect mobile and remote
forces (fig. 5-2). The move towards satellite cross-links, already started in 1996, needs to continue for
satellites to provide communications capabilities needed in 2025. Moving towards higher frequencies will
come naturally as the commercial satellite market provides more throughput.










UHF & SHF Crosslinks

EHF Crosslinks

Optical Laser Crosslinks

Radio Based Links

Beyond Optical Laser Crosslinks (UV or X-Ray)

High-Capacity Laser-Based Links

Figure 5-2. Technological Advances in Satellite Cross-linking

Space-Qualified Computer Development

Several systems outlined earlier require advances in computer processing and storage. Commercial
computer and satellite markets will push these advances. As the commercial satellite market grows, morecapable space-qualified computers will emerge (fig. 5-3). As communications technologies increase in
speed, space-qualified systems will become faster, driving towards optical computing technology.








GPS Block II 64K Chips

Iridium 1 Megabyte Chips

Optical Preprocessing Modules

Electronic Computing

Full Optical Computing

Optical Com puting

Figure 5-3. Advances in Satellite Computer Technology



Common Subsystems Development

In 2025, satellites will use common subsystems, making them less expensive than those of 1996 (fig. 54). Common systems are just starting in the commercial space industry, with the Hughes standard satellite
bus series 600. Given a standardized bus, standardized subsystems such as power, propulsion, and attitude
control are the next step. The final step is to make components from different manufacturers standardized in
much the same manner as interchangeable personal computer components today.









Proprietary Unique Systems

Standard Proprietary Bus

Standard Proprietary Subsystems

Standard Nonproprietary Systems

Mostly Proprietary
Move Towards Nonproprietary
Figure 5-4. Timeline for System Standardization

Defensive Systems Development

Active and passive satellite defenses will increase the survivability of a satellite system in 2025 (fig. 55). As more and more civilian satellites are launched, civilians will protect their investments by making
their satellites more survivable in the natural space environment. The military will need to pursue defenses
against man-made attacks.










Hardening Against Natural Environment

Satellite Autonomy

Active Satellite Defenses: Decoys, Maneuver

Active Satellite Defenses: Hunter/Killers

Improved Passive Defense: Low Detection & Shielding

Focus on Passive Defense

Increased Focus on Active Defense
Figure 5-5. Advances in Satellite Defensive Systems


Government and the commercial sector must leap forward harmoniously to maximize synergy and
continue on course to achieve the common long-term goals: US economic prosperity and continued US space
dominance throughout the next century.
Three categories of recommendations are worth consideration. First, the commercial sector should lead
advancement in some technologies. These will be evolutionary and natural progressions, and they should
directly enhance growth and profitability in the commercial sector.
Second, the Air Force/US Government should provide incentives in some technology areas that are not
necessarily in the commercial evolutionary path or that may involve high risks and DOD-unique
requirements. The Air Force should fund technology programs in this category to reduce risk, and they
should provide incentives to the commercial sector to take over.
Finally, technologies that the Air Force/US Government should lead are very broad-based activities
requiring overarching leadershipat least to get started. The US Government should lead the spacenet C3
system architecture development just as it did in the early days of the internet. Other technologies in the final
category are most clearly DOD-unique requirements or high-risk, and expensive development programs.


Technologies the Air Force should expect the commercial sector to lead:

Computers and data storage (both terrestrial and spaceborne)
Software and artificial intelligence
Miniaturization (electrical and mechanical)
Common/standard space subsystems and components

Technologies the Air Force/US Government should provide incentives for:


Radiation-hardened electronics
High-bandwidth communication capabilities (laser cross-links)

Technologies the Air Force/US Government should lead:


Space-based, common C3 system

Satellite defensive measures (active and passive)
Revolutionary propulsion (nuclear, electric, laser)


The spacenet system meets or exceeds the applicable measures of merit relevant to the alternate futures
of 2025. The paths are feasible to achieve the key technologies of the spacenet 2025 system. These paths
require an evolution of some technologies and some technological revolutions as catalysts to lead the system
evolution. Three categories of recommendations suggest ideas that the Air Force should consider to stay on
track to achieve the spacenet system by 2025.


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Procurement in 2025:
Smarter Ways to Modernize

A Research Paper
Presented To
Air Force 2025


Lloyd Leavitt, Lt Gen, USAF, Ret

August 1996

2025 is a study designed to comply with a directive from the chief of staff of the Air Force to examine the concepts,
capabilities, and technologies the United States will require to remain the dominant air and space force in the future.
Presented on 17 June 1996, this report was produced in the Department of Defense school environment of academic
freedom and in the interest of advancing concepts related to national defense. The views expressed in this report are
those of the authors and do not reflect the official policy or position of the United States Air Force, Department of
Defense, or the United States government.
This report contains fictional representations of future situations/scenarios. Any similarities to real people or events,
other than those specifically cited, are unintentional and are for purposes of illustration only.
This publication has been reviewed by security and policy review authorities, is unclassified, and is cleared for
public release.


Illustrations ....................................................................................................................................................................iv
Preface ............................................................................................................................................................................ v
Setting the Stage .............................................................................................................................................................. 1
Whats Wrong With Procurement Today? ....................................................................................................................... 4
Changes That Are Occurring: Use Commercial Practices .......................................................................................... 6
Changes That Should Occur: Flatten the Procurement Chain ....................................................................................... 8
Changes That Should Occur: Minimize Investment In Plant and Equipment ............................................................. 10
Changes That Should Occur: Attack Oversupervision.............................................................................................. 11
Changes That Should Occur: Outsource Depot Repair ............................................................................................. 13
Changes That Should Occur: Speed and Simplify..................................................................................................... 14
Changes That Should Occur: Reduce Classification Costs....................................................................................... 15
Conclusion .................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Bibliography ................................................................................................................................................................. 17





A Typical Production Arrangement .................................................................................................................. 8


Contract Management by Prime Contractor..................................................................................................... 10


The changes suggested in this paper reflect personal experience in military requirements while serving in the Air
Force and personal experience in manufacturing after retirement from the Air Force. My civilian experience includes
two years as general manager of an aircraft plant that had over 8,000 employees and both military and civilian
contracts. Presently I am a parts manufacturer for several well-known companies. Whatever biases appear in this
paper stem from 45 years spent in these occupations.

Executive Summary
Defense spending, lacking the threat of general war, is unlikely to grow between now and 2025. The onrushing
balanced budget era spells even more trouble for defense. Annual debates over personnel costs, readiness, operation
and maintenance (O&M), and procurement will increase heat but offer little light. In an austere environment, our
current procurement practices will either saddle the Air Force with outmoded systems or cause us to swap force
structure for increasingly expensive new systems. Neither outcome serves our nation well.
The defense industry has changed since the Cold War ended. Large firms have absorbed smaller ones. Other
large firms have merged with former competitors. More consolidation seems inevitable. This shrinkage reflects
economic realitythere are too few procurement dollars to support the cold war defense industry. Presumably,
surviving firms are the fittest; and national security demands a healthy defense industry to protect vital industrial
The Air Force expects the aerospace industry to produce weapon systems that touch the outer limits of
technology, that are sustainable within the Air Force logistics system, and that have reasonable prices. Given that the
aerospace industry had to downsize, it is not clear what effect downsizing will have on procurement policy. Nor is it
clear how downsizing will influence weapon system performance, sustainability, and pricing. One thing is clear
unless procurement policies change, dissatisfaction will continue to exist.
Present procurement practices are too costly, too highly supervised, too cumbersome, too slow, and too
secretiveand these five dissatisfactions interact. For example, the last four drive the first upward. DOD must
radically change procurement practices to reduce these dissatisfactions.
The following pages discuss changes that should occur. The way major contracts are awarded tops the list.
DOD should award only design, engineering, and final assembly contracts to aerospace firms.

The remaining

contracts for most parts, subassemblies, and systems should be awarded directly to firms in the cost-effective,
commercial sector. Computer aided design/computer aided manufacture (CAD/CAM) technology makes outsourcing a
practical, low-cost method for manufacturing. DOD needs fresh faces from nondefense industriesand a better
comprehension of modern industrial practicesin order to institute these changes.


The cost burdens associated with oversupervision, overinspection, excessive paperwork, and unreasonable
security are correctable. DOD imposed some of these burdens; others resulted from congressional overview and
intervention. In every case, solutions are possibleand the future Air Force will suffer if present procedures continue
without change.


Setting the Stage

In order to look ahead 30 years, one makes assumptions that seem plausibleat least to this author. These
assumptions provide a venue for examining tomorrows policies. Lacking credentials as a soothsayer, the author
recognizes that his specific assumptions may fail the test of time. Nevertheless, most of the changes recommended
should benefit future procurement policies.
A balanced budget era will occur, sooner or later, and its impact will increase the tension between social
entitlements and military requirements. Defense spending in constant dollars will not exceed present levels unless
there is general war. Regional wars and excursions may briefly raise the budget threshold, but the additional money
will be largely spent on operating costs. The Air Force budget will be tight(er), and internal debate over personnel
costs, readiness, operation and maintenance (O&M), and procurement will increase. One positive affect of internal
debate will be the realization that radical change is necessary in order to accomplish current and future missions.
Organizations that dont change, die!
Air Force procurement for weapon systems between now and 2025 will struggle with conflicting factors. New
technology will appear, and it will be attractive.

However, tradeoffs between force structure and weapon

effectiveness could push the Air Force into becoming too small for the worldwide mission or too obsolete to meet
then-current requirements. Naval Air Force experience in the Gulf War is a recent example of the latter outcome.
Nevertheless, Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) inclination will be to protect force structure from further
drawdown. Making do with old systems will be the name of the game unless lower-cost procurement becomes
Economies of scale that were possible in the past will virtually disappear from the weapon system procurement
process. The F-16 may be the last Air Force weapon system to enjoy a large production run. The C-17 may be the
last transport between now and 2025. The B-2 may be the first weapon system that dies because, among other
reasons, Congress and the public do not understand economies of scale. Before this thought is rejected by advocates
who see thousands of F-22s and joint advanced strike technologies in their procurement gunsights, let me suggest that
their optimism will quickly die unless ways are found to dramatically reduce procurement costs.

The defense industry we have known will disappear except for a few corporations. The transformation of
several firms into what is now Lockheed Martin serves as a classic example The nuptial arrangements between
Boeing and McDonnell Douglas were recently disrupted by the timely arrival of a new suitor (Uncle Sam) with a large
C-17 contract. But the shrinking process is well underway and the end is not in sight.
Remaining defense firms will be scaled back, will lack the flexibility offered in the past, and will have
conflicting interests because of financial opportunities in the much larger civilian market. Corporate mergers and
fewer military orders will cause skilled engineers and machinists to migrate to civilian industry where their long-term
interests are better served. A worrisome analogy is the dominant position the US once held in nuclear power. When
nuclear power became politically incorrect and career opportunities shrunk, bright young college students avoided
nuclear physics and nuclear engineering. Today, world leadership in nuclear power lies elsewhere. Are potential
Kelly Johnsons of the future turning away from aeronautical engineering as a career?
The international market will keep the US aerospace industry alive. Boeing remains the dominant commercial
aircraft manufacturer in the world because of orders from foreign airlines and resurgent US airlines. McDonnell
Douglas stays in the fight for second place despite subsidized Aerospatiales best efforts. Many nations, particularly
third world, still prefer American military aircraft and associated weapons for a variety of good reasons: proven
performance, excellent parts support, competitive price, available training, political pressure, and so forth. Will this
benign relationship with foreign purchasers help the future United States Air Force (USAF)?
The answer is a complex one. Regional alliances are strengthened when allies use common weapon systems that
minimize logistical, training, armament, communication, and planning problems. When production lines in the US can
stay open by building aircraft for other nations, the manufacturer is able to maintain facility, production lines, work
force, and profitability. This ongoing production offers a relatively inexpensive source for US replacement aircraft
and spare parts.
Serious limitations remain, however. Political and economic pressures make it extremely difficult to discontinue
production, even though the aircraft being produced has long since been overtaken by newer developments.
Meanwhile, inside the facility, machines grow old and outmoded. Engineers are unchallenged while marketing creates
briefings to convince Congress and the Pentagon that their sows ear really is a silk purse.

Without significant new development and production programs, the outlook will not be bright for the military
side of US aerospace. Cold war money provided the impetus for developing and building the best military aircraft in
the world. But the military side of US aerospace, now leading the world, may lose its dominance as programs
dwindle, talent disappears, and technology drifts overseas.
A rough analogy may be the pre-World War II (WWII) era, circa 1941: excellent technology in US commercial
aircraft, mediocre technology in US bombers, and mediocre-to-poor technology in US fighters. In regard to technology
drifting overseas, we are whistling in the dark if we do not recognize that business and government policies which
send our technology overseas in exchange for current business will eventually hurt the weakest members of the
aerospace industry. If military contractors become the weakest members of our aerospace industry, then we should
expect Europe, Japan, China, Israel, and Russiausing proven American technologyto overtake our lead in military
The recent skirmish over maintaining air logistic centers (ALC) or privatizing repair was only a partial victory
for the ALCs. Political factors obviously weighed heavily in the final decision process, with ALCs being closed in
California and Texas. However, the argument that manufacturing skills and expertise could be retained in the
aerospace industry through privatization of aircraft repair was exaggerated. There is little commonality between
repairing an old aircraft and manufacturing a new one. Manufacturing skills are minimized in a repair facility. To
illustrate, imagine the different process used to manufacture and assemble an aileron for an aircraft in serial
production and the process used to repair the aluminum skin on one aileron. Yet, despite the obvious distinctions
between these capabilities, future battles over privatization of the Logistic Centers will favor private industry because
of costs and political pressures. Once this conversion has run its course, the Air Force should not assume that
Aerospace Company Xs repair facility can quickly become a production facilityand vice versa.
Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC) will continue to consolidate and shrink as the Air Force realizes the huge
burden it places on the procurement process. The first sign of this shrinkage will occur when AFMC decentralizes
control by moving system program officers to the centers. (Air Training Command [ATC] successfully decentralized
years ago.) The Air Force will finally pay more than lip service to the term empowerment and follow industrys
example. Communications and computers have eliminated the need for many administrative positionspolitely called

middle management in civilian industry. The ax will also fall on the remnants of systems command because most
technical work will be privatized. Once privatized, the oversight function should be performed by a smaller staff.

Whats Wrong With Procurement Today?

Criticisms abound, and many solutions have been offered by Congress, Pentagon officials, the media, whistleblowers, and so forth. In my opinion, many criticisms have been shallow and ill-founded. Many solutions were
therefore inadequate. But the five basic criticisms persist and are probably correct. They are repeated here: high
cost; too highly supervised; too cumbersome; too slow, and too secretive.
The number one deterrent to modernization is high cost. In the McNamara era, the services accused OSD of
using the following rationale for killing most weapons system proposals: One, we dont need it. Two, even if we
need it, it wont work. Three, even if we need it and it works, it costs too much. Except for a brief period in the
80s, the third reason still dominates the decision process. Measuring school lunch programs against new bombers
may not be logical but it rings a sympathetic bell with John Q. Public. The net affect of constantly escalating
procurement costs has been a steady decline in force structure. All of the assumptions listed earlier suggest the
upward spiral will continue unless radical change occurs.
Defense procurement is oversupervised from top to bottom. Congress, reacting to $600 toilet seats and similar
minutiae, has imposed a bureaucratic nightmare of reviews, regulations, and policies. OSD, not to be outdone, layers
programs with excessive review and more regulations. In turn, the secretaries of the Air Force impose themselves and
their staffs into the supervisory role. The air staff and major commands expend increasing resources and time on
program management, answering/asking questions, and telling Air Mobility Command (AMC) personnel how to do
their job. AMC links the entire supervision chain with industry and is a sinkhole for even more money spent on
supervision. And finally, at plant level, military inspectors inspect the already inspected. The defense industry
maxim, Give em the parts, charge em for the paperwork! reflects industrys attitude toward this bureaucratic
Procurement costs in the defense budget do not include the costs of government supervision for specific
programs. If government supervisory costs were allocated as program overhead, individual program costs would be

significantly higher. It would be a real eye opener to include a rough estimate of all these hidden, supervisory costs in
any big program. Start with the average hourly wage of the government workers (blue suit, civilian, congressional
OSD, administrative), add fringes and overhead, multiply by man-years, then add the total to program overhead. This
number would show Congress and senior defense officials the unhealthy contrast between the extremes of Sam
Walton-type management and military pyramid management. A healthy, cost-conscious system would eliminate most
intermediate supervision..
The entire procurement process is too cumbersome and complex. Businesses hesitate to seek government
contracts, even when production levels are reasonably high. Philip Odeen, President and Chief Executive Officer of
BDM International, Inc., and Chairman of the Defense Science Boards task force on privatization, makes this same

When production levels are lowthe norm in future yearsmore businesses will avoid government

contracting. The reason for avoidance is simple: commercial business is more profitable and has fewer headaches,
often leaving bottom fishers competing for the few government contracts available.1
Military procurement is too slow by any reasonable standard. Weapon systems take too long to get approval; too
long to build; too long to test; and too long for any company, except within the subsidized defense industry, to accept
the risk involved in making a profit. The advanced manned strategic aircraft, AMSA, a.k.a. B-1, is the classic
example. First postulated as a requirement in 1962, it was studied throughout the 60s, prototyped in the 70s, killed
by President Carter in 1977, resurrected by President Reagan in 1981, produced in the 80s, and finally reached
limited combat utility in the late 90s! Meanwhile, Air Force determination to hang in there with the B-1 has caused
alternative proposals based on better technology to be placed on the back burner.
The procurement of new weapons is too secretive. Secrecy costs big money and big time. Secrecy denies the
American public the opportunity to become aware of the merits of an expensive project during development when
political support is badly needed. Secrecy prevents the military from defending projects which are attacked by media
On the other hand, publicity about big projects can produce salutary affects. When President Lyndon Johnson
disclosed the SR-71, the public response was enthusiastic and supportive. When President Carter disclosed (to the
dismay of the military) the stealth fighter, public response was once again positive. The Strategic Defense Initiative,
labeled Star Wars by the media, may or may not have been an effective weapon system but the economic

consequences of competing with SDI overwhelmed Soviet leaders. The sad news about our efforts to maintain
secrecy during procurement is that leaks and compromises usually result in premature disclosure anyway.
The notion that every production worker on a major weapon system has to have a secret or higher clearance
should be critically examined, then discarded as nonsense. As a starting point, workers on parts and subassemblies
are unable to determine performance or system characteristics because of their limited exposure to the entire project.
Once a weapon system begins production, enough lead time has been established over copy-cat foreign systems so that
the cloak of secrecy could be removed, costs reduced, and production simplified. Let the manufacturer worry about
disclosures to competitive US firms.

Changes That Are Occurring: Use Commercial Practices

Manufacturers that depend upon government contracts do not compare in efficiency with commercial
manufacturers in the same industry. Defense contractors blame their inefficiencies on a blizzard of government
regulations and policiesan excuse that is not without merit. Red tape costs both time and money; it partially
explains why overhead can be two or three times higher than overhead in comparable commercial companies. Large
corporate staffs, low worker-productivity, excessive salaries, generous retirement benefits and other fringes, and
restrictive union work rules all add to the problem. These systemic inefficiencies accelerate costs and can jeopardize
major programs. Early Air Force audits of C-17 production nearly caused program termination; a bad situation
corrected only after McDonnell-Douglas made major management changes.
Arcane language and excessive detail make government contract proposals a real challenge to the uninitiated
contractor. Too often, contractors shy away from bidding because of their unfamiliarity with complex government
regulations and policies. And those who do bid often feel compelled to hire consultant teams to translate requests for
proposals and to prepare bids.
Simplifying the process should begin with defining the military requirement. The Air Force should clearly state
overall objectives, but avoid describing detailed specifications. Commercial engineers contend daily with the state of
the art; military planners do not. Therefore, commercial engineers can optimize the requirement if given some latitude.
This is particularly true with fast-changing electronics and information systems.

The regulation and policy problem is perpetuated by high-ranking DOD civilians who are appointed to public
office from defense industries. They are appointed because they know the ropes of defense contracting. Without
accusing these officials of intentional wrongdoing, it seems obvious that the culture which provided their experience is
the same culture that needs to be replaced. DOD needs fresh faces from nondefense industries.
If procurement costs are too high under the present procurement process, then change the process. Various
efforts are already underway to improve contracting with private industry. Among the first is a directive to adopt
common processes by contractors in lieu of multiple, unique DOD standards and specifications. 2
Secretary William Perry, on 6 December 1995, recognized that while, it is generally not efficient to operate
multiple, government-unique management and manufacturing systems within a given facility, there is an urgent need to
shift to facility-wide common systems on existing contracts as well.3 Secretary Perry directed Under Secretary
Kaminski to promulgate guidance to the Directors of Defense Agencies to carry out his instructions.4
Give DLA credit for good intentions. However, the devil is in the details. The memorandum requires the
contractor to convince the government that implementing the common process in lieu of milspecs and standards on
existing contracts will be advantageous to the government, will encourage the use of advanced practices, will
eliminate non-value added requirements, and so forth.5

The common processes initiative will become as

objectionable as existing Mil standards if the government sits as judge and jury on how to make a product. The
government must learn and practice the leadership maxim: Tell them what to do, but not how to do it. Nevertheless,
the SecDef directive is a sign of progress.
Todays American manufacturers compete worldwide for contracts. This highly competitive marketplace forces
survivors to control costs while constantly improving quality.

Successful manufacturers have newer machine

technology, better engineers, experienced machinists, efficient factories, lean-and-mean staffs, motivated managers,
and low general and administrative (G&A) costs. Absorbing more production is relatively inexpensive in such a
company and results in manufacturing economies of scale.

Companies fitting this description want government

contracts only if government experts do not tell them how to run their business. If the government insists on telling
such companies how to operate, thus continuing the bureaucratic nightmare, potential cost savings will disappear.

Changes That Should Occur: Flatten the Procurement Chain

Weapon system contracts are normally awarded to a prime contractor who typically includes other major defense
contractors as part of the team. The prime and majors then turn to subcontractors for major components. The
subcontractors then outsource part of their responsibility, and so on down the food chain. At each layer, the process
includes oversight, inspections, paperwork, and profit. Figure 1 illustrates this multi-layered arrangement.




SUB #1

SUB #1

SUB #2

SUB #3

SUB #2

SUB #3





Figure 1. A Typical Production Arrangement

The compounding effect that multilayered procurement has on costs is very significant. Consider an example
where the gross profit at each stage of production is 20 percent and there are only five stages of production. Assume

the part is an ejector that costs $640 for the parts supplier to make. Component supplier buys the ejector for $800,
assembles the part in a thruster assembly, then sells to sub #1 for $1,000. Sub #1 builds and sells the engine chamber
to a major subcontractor, the ejector representing $1,250 of the price. Major subcontractor attaches the engine
chamber to the complete engine assembly and sells the entire propulsion system to the prime contractor for $1,562.
Prime then sells the weapon system to the Air Force, the ejector representing $1,952 of the total price.
Now imagine a streamlined, alternative procurement system as depicted in figure 2. In this system, the prime is
paid for engineering design and contract management. Design includes the selection of all major components and
subsystems. Computer aided design/computer aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) is the common denominator used in
all these production arrangements.

It allows the prime contractor to work directly with major and secondary

subcontractors, thus eliminating at least one markup. Subcontractors can work directly with component suppliers, and
parts suppliers using CAD/CAM and eliminating, at least one more markup. Final assembly should be outsourced as a
specialized function. Selection criteria would emphasize the requirement for an existing plant, machinery, and work
This flattened procurement system would work because CAD/CAM works.

It eliminates the error-ridden

dependence on blueprints. When fed directly to three-, four- and five-axis computer numerically controlled (CNC)
machines, precision parts are the result. Quality is improved and inspection costs are reduced. When the major
components are ready for assembly, they fit and meet all specifications.



SUB #1


SUB #2








Figure 2. Contract Management by Prime Contractor

Another way to reduce the effect of progressive markups is to limit the amount that contractors can markup their
purchases from subcontractors. Take the ejector example. A cap of five percent at each stage after the initial sale
price of $800 would reduce the cost of the ejector to the Air Force from $1,952 to $1,033. Some companies are
already following this procedure voluntarily.

Changes That Should Occur: Minimize Investment In Plant and Equipment

DOD wastes procurement dollars by including the costs for new plants and machines in a major program.
Building and equipping plants at Palmdale and Pico Rivera were major cost factors in the B-2 program. Rockwell

had to rebuild for the B-1 program. Now that downsizing has hit defense procurement, scarcely a week goes by
without some defense manufacturer auctioning machines and other equipment at fire sale prices. Most items are
vintage 1980s or older, purchased for procurement in the cold war and outmoded in modern factories.
Bureaucrats may find comfort in clichs that dismiss this waste: sunk costsbefore my watchwater over
the damspilt milk. But, there is little excuse for building a defense plant, buying new machines, hiring and
training new workers, and so forth, when existing manufacturers can produce the same article by using or augmenting
existing facilities. Separating design and contract management (prime contractor) from assembly (major contractor)
will minimize this waste.
In most cases, contractors should use their own facilities. In other cases, Air Force assembly plants could be
leased at minimum cost to contractors for aircraft assembly; for example, the contractor pays only utilities, insurance,
and leasehold improvements. The assembly contract award should be heavily influenced by comparisons regarding
depreciation, utility costs, availability of production workers, adequacy of machinery, jigs, and so forth. Separating
assembly contracts from design and program management contracts would avoid situations where there is a mismatch
between performance requirements (design) and production capabilities (plant and machinery). The Air Force should
also avoid the notion that sharing a facility with commercial production is a no-no. Sharing facilities can create major

Changes That Should Occur: Attack Oversupervision

Mentioned earlier are descriptions of procurement oversupervision by Congress, Secretary of the Air Force,
OSD, the Air Staff, AMC and other MAJCOMS, DLA, the SPOs and plant representatives. All this staffing means
time and money, as well as delayed decisions and immense overhead for contractors.
What to do? Change Congress . . . too tough. Change OSD . . . not unless you believe the tail can wag the dog.
Change DLA . . . some progress might be possible if SecDef approved. Change Air Forcereal change is possible.
The 1997 proposed defense budget allows the Air Force about $9 billion for procurement and $9.7 billion for
research and development. Together they comprise 31.7% of the $58.9 total Air Force budget. Defense News stated,
on 4 March 1996, defense officials point to expenditures planned for 1998 through 2001, when procurement funding


is slated to increase by 40 percent.6 (Reminiscent of the check is in the mail!) Nevertheless, the dollars available
for procurement, and research and development (R&D) have been drastically reduced from the recent past. Air Force
needs to stretch the remaining dollars to cover essentials. Oversupervision is expensive and unnecessary. It wastes
dollars that could be better spent on essentials.
The Air Force recently combined responsibilities for procurement and research and development within one

The next steps should restructure this command by separating line and staff and oversight

responsibilities. Start with R&D. How many civilian and military persons are actually involved in research? Would
consolidation of Air Force labs reduce overhead? Would substituting civilian contracts for Air Force labs reduce
tail and allow more tooth? How many staff and oversight people are required to manage R&D?
Imagine for a moment that one-half ($4.8 billion) of the R&D budget is spent in Air Force labs or working on
projects that require blue suit scientific and engineering skills. The Air Force should compare costs with a $5
billion civilian company engaged in high-tech research and development. Does Air Force R&D require more people
than the commercial R&D company? If so, why?
Switch to the other half of the R&D budgetthe oversight responsibility for contracting, programming, and
project monitoring. Is it reasonable to spend this much (pick your favorite number) on staff activities? Once again, the
commercial model with similar sales is worth examining.
Procurement is proposed at $4.5 billion for 1997. Since most of the money goes to contracts, the problem boils
down to reducing costs by reducing contractor overhead. This means fewer reports to the government, fewer meetings
between company staff and government officials, fewer audits and inspections, and fewer government directives.
Insistence on sensible warrants and guarantees would offset the reduction in government supervision.
Overinspecting has been another irritating, time-consuming and costly aspect of government procurement. There
was a time, circa 1950-75, when most US factories were oblivious to modern quality techniques. To protect itself, the
government subjected major purchases to an elaborate inspection system involving both commercial and government
inspectors. Quality management has changed dramatically in the past twenty years. The Deming revolution, first felt
in the Japanese auto industry, has now migrated to the United States and Europe. The notion that one could inspectin quality is dead. Instead, todays emphasis is build it right the first time.


The problems with overinspecting are at least threefold: (1) costs too much; (2) shifts responsibility from the
worker to the inspector; and (3) doesnt solve systemic problems. Successful quality now depends upon statistical
process control, worker empowerment, CAD/CAM, CNC machines, worker training, raw material verification and
traceability, vendor qualification, modern calibration equipment, reliability testing, and so forth.
A universal quality standard called ISO 9000 has been created. Companies qualified under ISO 9000 must
meet certain quality standards that are respected worldwide. The drawback to ISO 9000 is that it emphasizes
bureaucratic procedures and documentation over product quality. To oversimplify, ISO 9000 qualification means that
a company is actually doing what it says it is doing and can prove it with paperwork. In most cases, companies that
adhere to their ISO 9000 procedures will have quality products. But the Air Force should proceed with caution
before Mil standards are discarded in favor of ISO qualification certificates.

Changes That Should Occur: Outsource Depot Repair

Using DOD employees, USAF depots in 1994 accomplished approximately $2.6 billion in repair and
maintenance work. Commercial companies accomplished another $1.3 billion. About 85,000 DOD workers were
employed for repair and maintenance work in 1995. The number will shrink to about 80,000 DOD employees in
1999. John White, Deputy Secretary of Defense, stated on 16 October 1995, that outsourcing to defense contractors
should shrink the expenditures on overhaul and maintenance by 15-20 percent.
Several factors support Whites opinion. Defense contractors would probably be more efficient than government
facilities, so the estimate is not unreasonable. Start with Air Force Logistic Center (AFLC) management. The Air
Force selects excellent major generals to run these large facilities. Sometimes they are experienced logisticians who
have spent years in supply and maintenance. Others come with a background in operations and operations staff work.
To the best of my knowledge, neither the logisticians nor the operators have managed a production facility with
thousands of employees before commanding an AFLC. Usually they serve two or three years in this job and then
move. These excellent officers are a mile wide and an inch deep in technical know-how. They are assisted by
other officers with similar credentials. Intermixed are career civilians who honed their skills in the civil service and
provide institutional memory that keep the AFLCs on even keel.


The contrast at the top between AFLCs and commercial factories is apparent. Chances are that top managers in a
commercial factory have spent years learning their business. They tend to be an inch wide and a mile deep in
technical know-how. They are comfortable in a corporate culture where the emphasis lies on the bottom line.
Survivors of their selection process know how to cut production costs, know when a project is in trouble, understand
balance sheets and income statements, and know that plant performance will determine their future livelihood. Would
you pick an excellent general or an excellent plant manager to run your factory?
We need not dwell on comparisons of direct laborers to recognize that job stability in the commercial world
suffers in comparison to government employment. The downside of instability is that commercial workers are less
loyal to their employer. The upside is that productivity standards can be set higher for commercial workers. (Dont
produce, get fired.)
Granted, the above comments are largely subjective. One additional comment is not subjective, however: the
profit motive. Air Force Logistic Centers operate on a budget. Success is staying within the budget while meeting
maintenance and repair objectives. The commercial facility also operates on a budget and must meet maintenance and
repair objectives. Failure means the commercial contract is canceled or not renewed. The final measure of success in
the corporate world is profitability. Contract termination hurts profitability. This emphasis on profitability stands
behind most commercial decisions and is an economic discipline not evident in government. White is right; the Air
Force should expend its talent and resources on the tooth and not the tail except when operational necessity dictates.

Changes That Should Occur: Speed and Simplify

The American judicial branch of government recognizes and respects the importance of precedence. However,
the American legislative and executive branches ignore precedence when it comes to defense issues. With little
regard to past program authorizations and appropriations, next years authorizations and appropriations are stretched,
altered, changed or deleted by Congress and/or the Executive branch. Previously mentioned was the 35-year saga of
the B-1 from inception to almost combat-ready. The inevitable results are higher costs and a weapon system old
before its time.

Multiyear authorizations make good business sense and would partially correct the problem.

However, persuading Congress or OSD to keep hands off previously approved programs is not for the faint of heart.


Changes That Should Occur: Reduce Classification Costs

Classification costs can be reduced. Whether they will be reduced depends upon the Pentagon. Most future
procurement for the Air Force begins its life cycle in the Pentagon. There is very little reason for Air Staff action
officers to minimize classification.

Top secret and secret papers seem more important than confidential or

unclassified papers. When in doubt, the staff overclassifies. Once anointed, the overclassification usually sticks.
Classification costs a lot of money over the life of a program. The most effective control mechanism in the Air
Force is the budget. The air staff should establish a hard-nosed colonel with a small staff who computes the lifetime
costs for security of classified programs. These costs should be clearly identified and only then approved as budget
items. Enhancing visibility will force logical tradeoffs.
Many years ago, the Air Force realized that it was impractical to impose maximum security on all aspects of a
military base. Instead, we relaxed security measures in areas where the risk of compromise or sabotage was low and
tightened security in areas where valuable assets were stored or where war plans could be compromised. The same
attitude should prevail when we are dealing with security at defense plants. Most industrial facilities are careful
about security (badges, fences, inventory audits, proprietary disclosure statements, safes, passwords for computers,
etc.). These self-imposed security measures are adequate for nearly all plants that could manufacture military systems.
As mentioned previously, piling government security measures on top of these existing measure costs too much and
severely restricts manufacturing operations.


The twentieth century began with the invention of flight. It ends with aircraft and space vehicles being the
dominant military force. As sure as grass is green, the revolution in warfare will continue. The Air Force must grasp
the future with one hand while reaching for its wallet with the other. It must convince an unsure nation that it is able
and willing to pay the modernization bill that accompanies the twenty-first century. Modernization by 2025 begins by
changing procurement policies now.



Interview with Philip Odeen as reported in Defense News (4-10 December 1995): 45.
Adoption of Common Processes at Defense Contractor Facilities memorandum from Major General Robert
W. Drewes to Defense Contract Management Commanders and the Commander, Defense Contract Management
Command International (11 December 1995): 1.
Common Systems/ISO-9000/Expedited Block Changes memorandum from Secretary William J. Perry to the
Military Department Secretaries, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Under Secretary of Defense for
Acquisition and Technology and other addressees (6 December 1995): 1.
Single Process Initiative memorandum from Paul G. Kaminaid to the Military Department Secretaries, the
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) and other addressees (8
December 1995): 1.
Adoption of Common Processes at Defense Contractor Facilities memorandum from Major General Robert
W. Drewes to Defense Contract Management Commanders and the Commander, Defense Contract Management
Command International (11 December 1995): attachment 2, page 2.
Critics Question Adequacy of DoD Weapon Funding. Defense News (4 March 1996): 37.


Critics Question Adequacy of DoD Weapon Funding. Defense News (4 March 1996): 37.
Drewes, Major General Robert W. Adoption of Common Processes at Defense Contractor Facilities.
Memorandum, 11 December 1995.
Kaminaid, Paul G. Single Process Initiative. Memorandum, 8 December 1995.
Odeen, Philip Philip Odeen: President, Chief Executive Officer BDM
International Inc. Defense News (4-10 December 1995): 45.
Perry, Secretary William J. Common Systems/ISO-9000/Expedited Block Changes. Memorandum, 6 December


Aerospace Sanctuary in 2025:

Shrinking the Bulls-Eye

A Research Paper
Presented To
Air Force 2025

Col M. Scott Mayes
Maj Felix A. Zambetti III
Maj Stephen G. Harris
Maj Linda K. Fronczak
Maj Samuel J. McCraw
August 1996

2025 is a study designed to comply with a directive from the chief of staff of the Air Force to examine the
concepts, capabilities, and technologies the United States will require to remain the dominant air and space
force in the future. Presented on 17 June 1996, this report was produced in the Department of Defense school
environment of academic freedom and in the interest of advancing concepts related to national defense. The
views expressed in this report are those of the authors and do not reflect the official policy or position of the
United States Air Force, Department of Defense, or the United States government.
This report contains fictional representations of future situations/scenarios. Any similarities to real people or
events, other than those specifically cited, are unintentional and are for purposes of illustration only.
This publication has been reviewed by security and policy review authorities, is unclassified, and is cleared
for public release.


Disclaimer ..........................................................................................................................................ii
Executive Summary


Required Capabilities ...........................................................................................................................6

Todays Air Base..........................................................................................................................6
Assumptions About Aerospace Bases in 2025..............................................................................8
Low-Observable Base ................................................................................................................10
Shielded Base .............................................................................................................................11
Self-Healing Base.......................................................................................................................13
Mobile Base ...............................................................................................................................13
Core Entity Migration .................................................................................................................13

System Description .............................................................................................................................16

Integrated System........................................................................................................................16
Advanced Sensors ......................................................................................................................17
Nanotechnology ..........................................................................................................................18
Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) ................................................................................ 19
Artificial Intelligence/Neural Nets .............................................................................................21
Defensive Weapons ....................................................................................................................21
Super Quantum Interference Devices (SQUID)...........................................................................23
Advanced Materials....................................................................................................................24
Holography .................................................................................................................................25
Power .........................................................................................................................................26

Concept of Operations ........................................................................................................................30

Day-to-Day Operations...............................................................................................................31
Low-Observable Base ................................................................................................................34
Shielded Base .............................................................................................................................34
Self-Healing Base.......................................................................................................................37
Mobile Base ...............................................................................................................................39
Phase IDeployment............................................................................................................39
Phase IIForce Beddown....................................................................................................41
Phase IIISustainment .........................................................................................................42



Phase IVRedeployment .....................................................................................................42

Investigation Recommendations..........................................................................................................45
Results ........................................................................................................................................48
Summation ..................................................................................................................................53




Migration of Core Entities..................................................................................................................3


Roles and Missions Revision .............................................................................................................9


Defense/Core Entity Tradeoff.............................................................................................................8


Targeting Chain of Events.................................................................................................................10


Concept of Operations Pictorial--2025 ............................................................................................30


Average Technology RatingGraphic Depiction ............................................................................50


Development Cost Sharing ...............................................................................................................52




Reducing Core Functions..................................................................................................................14

Applicability of Technologies to Concepts ......................................................................................27

Average Quality Ranking Matrix ......................................................................................................46

Average Technology Ratings Matrix ................................................................................................49

Executive Summary
There is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to conduct, or more certain in
its success than to take the lead in the introduction of a new order of things.
Niccolo Machiavelli
The Prince

Future technologies may allow a direct reduction of core entities or centers of gravity on an operating
air base. Reducing the core entities has a direct impact on base defense. As fewer things become critical for
sustained operations, defending them becomes easier. Further, there is a direct synergism in operability and
defense. The same technologies that improve operability by making it easier to complete the mission or by
reducing the cost of doing business also reduce the number of core entities, thereby reducing defense
On the air base of 1996, there are many core entities. Degrading or destroying any of the ascribed core
entities could degrade mission accomplishment. For the aerospace base of 2025, very few things should be
core. This paper identifies the concepts to use emerging technologies that have the potential to create a land
base that may be considered an integrated system which provides a sanctuary; capable of sustaining
operations regardless of threat, location, environmental condition, or type of mission.
First, the base can be harder to find and therefore target. This situation is accomplished by reducing the
number of people, assets, buildings, spare parts, and so forth on the base. Reductions are possible for several
reasons: an increase in the reliability and maintainability of everything on the base; the use of robotics for
tasks not requiring human inputs; and a reduction of bomb dump size as munitions get smaller. Ambient
temperature superconductivity could allow redundant, dispersed power generation, eliminating exposed
power grids.

The structures that remain could take advantage of material advances provided by

nanotechnology and microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) to mask or reduce external infrared, radar,
and visual signatures. These technologies could offer improved hardening to reduce damage should an
adversary successfully prosecute an attack.


Second, the future base can be guarded by a ground-based multispectral sensor system integrated with
and augmented by air and space sensors. Information from these sensors could be fed into an integrated
command and control system which also controls or directs the bases response to an attack. Response could
come from ground-based directed energy weapons, smart mines, enhanced human response teams with
lethal and nonlethal capabilities, and armed unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV). The base could also be
covered by a microwave energy shield able to translate the kinetic energy possessed by inbound weapons
and use it to repel those weapons. The end result is a self-contained, self-protecting aerospace base.
If the base is actually damaged, the next concept envisions structures, runways, and taxiways able to
determine the level of damage and initiate their own repairs. Chemical or biological contaminants could be
detected and cleanup started using enzymes or catalysts resultant of advances in biotechnology.

It is assumed that the US may still need to deploy to forward bases.

The final concept draws upon

advances in nanotechnology, MEMS, biotechnology, and methods of power generation which could allow the
deployment, buildup, sustainment, and redeployment of an aerospace base including runways, buildings, and
defenses with an order of magnitude less lift. In this vision of the future, runways could be created anywhere
with air-dropped materials, while precision air-dropped structures self-erect or are organically grown onto a
previously emplaced skeletal frame.
All of these concepts portend a revolutionary way of viewing aerospace base operability and defense.
Todays air base is a necessary evil. It is expensive, large, and hard to defend. The aerospace base of 2025
will still be required; however, it should cost less, be much easier to operate, and be self-defending. The
ability to position airpower assets anywhere in the world- based only on a set of coordinates instead of being
tied to preexisting infrastructure- makes the aerospace base of 2025 a force enhancer rather than the mere
force supporter of todays Air Force.
The conceptualization of (aerospace) basing as enhancing rather than merely supporting may foster a
renaissance in thinking about the way the US applies military power. Todays forward operations are
restricted by basing requirements, that is, water and runways. With the advances identified in this paper, air
and ground power can go anywheretogether if desired. This, in turn, may offer unparalleled opportunities
to improve the organization of joint operations or even the services themselves.



Dr. Karl P. Magyar, Conflicts in the Post-Containment Era, in Earl Weaver et al., eds., War and
Conflict Textbook, vol. 1 (Maxwell AFB, Ala.: Air Command and Staff College, August 1995), 15. Dr.
Magyars Security Levels of Interest Model has been adopted by the team to represent the core, intermediate,
and peripheral components or entities of an aerospace base to correspond to the respective components or
entities functional importance to sustainment of the aerospace base mission. This concept is explained in
detail in chapter 1.
Jeffery R. Barnett, Future War: An Assessment of Aerospace Campaigns in 2010 (Maxwell AFB,
Ala.: Air University Press, 1996), xxv. The author directly infers that the United States will continue to use
the military to respond to varying types of overseas contingencies. Peacekeeping, humanitarian, and disaster
relief operations are examples which seem to be part of the United States charitable ethic and will demand
the maintenance of a capability to deploy forward.


Chapter 1


Petty geniuses attempt to hold everything; wise men hold fast to the key points. They parry
great blows and scorn little accidents. There is an ancient apothegm: he who would
preserve everything preserves nothing.
Frederick the Great
Instructions for His Generals

In 2025, dominance in aerospace is possible, if and only if, the aerospace base is specifically designed
to be a sanctuary for aerospace operations. Yet, with aerospace dominance enabled by networked, brilliant,
multispectral sensors, no adversary can hide. Ill intent or aggressive action is met by near immediate
response. Manned and unmanned air and space systems target and attack with unrelenting precision.
Thus, adversaries could target the key infrastructure that enables aerospace dominance. The United
States (US) will potentially . . . face threats from one or more sources: a successor state to the former
Soviet Union armed with a large, diverse, and advanced long-range nuclear arsenal; a second-rate nuclear
power with strategic forces resembling those now possessed by Britain, France, and China; or a developing
state deploying a moderate number of ballistic missiles capable of hitting the United States.

A military

peer or niche adversary could potentially attack the US with advanced weapon systems, including precision

guided munitions or directed energy weapons based from airborne or space-based platforms. The network
of commercial, space-based, multispectral sensors, with the capacity to identify and pinpoint high-value
assets and low-cost global positioning system guided missiles to attack them, could be available to anyone
willing to pay the commercial fee.

Conversely, the US could remain vulnerable to low-technology attacks

on aerospace bases in 2025 by an inferior adversary attempting to negate its overwhelming technological


Even today, post-Gulf War analysis by some third world countries has led to this conclusion.

Indian brig Vijai K. Nair hypothesized that enemy special forces raids against United States Air Force
forward bases and logistics concentrations, though sure to be costly, could produce disproportionately

significant results.

The relevant question is whether to even have forward operating bases in 2025 given the
disproportionate effects of an attack by a determined adversary? While air and space force projection will
predominately be continental United States (CONUS) based, the US could still require the use of forward
airfields for reasons related to its position as a world power, its charitable ethic, conflict containment, and

coalition force considerations.

These are factors which demand a physical presence, especially those

related to peacekeeping, humanitarian, and disaster relief, and do not readily conform to operations based

exclusively from CONUS.

Assuming that not all forward deployed operating areas will have suitable

facilities, the requirement to maintain a force deployment and beddown capability could be essential to air
and space force projection.

This requirement entails forward deployed aerospace bases to be fully

automated and integrated facilities, similar to CONUS bases, with the added attribute of mobility.
Forward operating bases will not be able to rely on distance from the forward edge of the battle area,

or its equivalent in 2025, as the principal means of protection from attack.

The base (including CONUS

bases) will have to defend itself against a broad spectrum of threats. The nature of the challenges posed by
the 2025 threat environment require a redefinition of operability and defense.
In 2025, operability and defense is the ability to mount and sustain aerospace operations regardless of

the nature of threat, level of conflict, environmental conditions, and/or geographic location.

A key aspect

of operability is the defense of those components or systems deemed critical to support of the aerospace
bases mission. This analysis will demonstrate that by capitalizing on specific emerging technologies, the
capability to enhance aerospace operability and defense is attainable by significantly reducing the number of
aerospace base core entities, and thereby increasing the bases survivability, if targeted and attacked.

Core is defined as the central, innermost part of anything, the most important part,


that has definite, individual existence in reality or in the mind; anything real in itself,

and entity is a thing

hence the derivation

of core entity(ies). Accordingly, and within the context of this thesis, a subordinate function will be to

define those core entities which are most crucial to operability and potentially the most likely targets of an
adversary. The analysis will also identify, but to a lesser degree, those elements of the aerospace base which
are defined as intermediate and peripheral entities (i.e., nondecisive points or components). The end result
of this identification process will illustrate the technological means to migrate those entities presently
categorized as core entities outward into the intermediate and peripheral categories (see figure 1-1).
Reducing the number and dispersing the key base functions, that if attacked, would halt operations, could
reduce base vulnerability, and increase operational effectiveness.

Said another way, by substantially

reducing the number of core entities present on an aerospace base, the defense required to protect those
remaining core entities is scaled proportionately. However, there is a resultant trade-off between defense
and the number of core entities. It may be technically feasible to reduce the number of core entities but is
economically infeasible. The converse is true, it may be expensive and difficult to reduce the number of core
entities, but necessary because it may be even more difficult or more expensive to protect them.

Figure 1-1. Migration of Core Entities
Today, operability and defense is considered a force support mission, similar to logistics and combat


The role of force support is to . . . support and sustain the aerospace combat roles of aerospace

control, force application, and force enhancement.


In 2025, improvements in the survivability, reliability,

adaptability, defensibility, and mobility of an aerospace base could transform operability and defense into a

force enhancement mission. As shown in figure 1-2,

this conversion elevates aerospace base operability

and defense to the level of airlift, aerospace replenishment, special operations, and information operations
force enhancerswith the capability to . . . increase the ability of aerospace and surface forces to perform

their mission.
























Figure 1-2. Roles and Missions Revision

Although the full ramifications of this concept are not completely clear, its fulfillment signifies a
tremendous expansion in the capability of airpower force projection. Completion of the aerospace base
metamorphosis will involve a counterbalancing trade-off between the migration (reduction) of core entities
and increasing defensive capabilities. Whichever objective the cost/benefit analysis supports, the ability to
operate and the necessity of defense are inseparable and leverage many of the same technologies anticipated
to be available in 2025. The following chapter identifies the capabilities required to operate and defend an
aerospace base of 2025.


Institute for National Strategic Studies (INSS), Project 2025 (Norfolk, Va.: National Defense
University, 6 May 1992), 45.
Jeffery R. Barnett, Future Wars: An Assessment of Aerospace Campaigns in 2010 (Maxwell AFB,
Ala.: Air University Press, January 1996), 2728, 7677.
Ibid., 1.
David A. Shlapak and Alan Vick, Check Six Begins on the Ground, Responding to the Evolving
Ground Threat to U.S. Air Force Bases, RAND Report NR-606-AF (Santa Monica, Calif.: RAND, 1995),
Brig Vijai K. Nair, War in the Gulf, Lessons for the Third World (New Delhi: Lancer International,
1991), 22528.
INSS, 46-47.
Ibid., 47.
USAF Scientific Advisory Board, New World Vistas: Air and Space Power for the 21st Century
(unpublished draft, the mobility volume, 15 December 1995), 37.
Barnett, xxv.
Team-derived definition of operability and defense for purpose of thesis development.
Websters New World Dictionary of the American Language, 2d ed. s.v. cores
Ibid., entity.
AFM 1-1, Basic Aerospace Doctrine of the United States Air Force, vol. 1, March 1992, 7.
Ibid., vol. 2, 285.
Department of the Air Force, Cornerstones of Information Warfare, n.d., 11. This publication,
signed by Gen Ronald R. Fogleman, Air Force chief of staff, and Secretary of the Air Force Sheila E.
Widnall, updates the previously established AFM 1-1 Roles and Missions breakout to take into account
changes brought on by the rising preeminence of information warfare. The Cornerstone model, shown in
modified version, is being used as the baseline Roles and Missions model for the 2025 Project.
AFM 1-1, vol. 1, 7.

Chapter 2

Required Capabilities

The secret of success is to have a solid body so firm and impenetrable that wherever it is
or wherever it may go, it shall bring the enemy to a stand like a mobile bastion, and shall
be self-defensive.
Comte de Montecucculi
Principes de lArt Militaire


This chapter initially reviews operability and defense at todays air base, then enumerates the
assumptions which bound the scope of this paper, and defines the worst-case operating considerations in
2025. Lastly, the requirements for a 2025 base will be defined and distributed under the categories of lowobservable base, shielded base, self-healing base, and mobile base.

Todays Air Base

Currently, aerospace operations are conducted from three types of aerodromes. The first type is a main

operations base (MOB).

MOBs are characterized by highly developed infrastructures and support

architectures, mostly stateside. The MOB represents an extreme of operating environments and by far the
most capable operating infrastructure. The second type of base is called a collocated operations base


A COB is typically owned and operated by an ally and characteristically varies in its state of

accessibility and readiness. The final type of base is referred to as a forward operations base (FOB).


FOBs are extremely austere with little to no infrastructure. When an infrastructure does exist, it is usually

poorly maintained or inadequate in some other regard. For the purposes of this paper, the discussion will be
confined to the antipodes of operating bases: MOBs and FOBs. Both types of operating bases contain a large
number of core entities, including aircraft, runways, aircrews, support personnel, and command post. Current
air base defense operations are nested in the overall rear area defense and are the responsibility of the land

component commander (LCC) in a theater of operations.

Locating air bases in the rear area enhances

security as it uses geographical separation from the enemy to ones advantage. Traditionally, rear area
defense is a low priority concern, as the LCCs attention is typically focused at the front and the enemy main.
Rear units are then expected to provide their own security, and as a result, air base defense commanders are

essentially on their own. Consequently, this leads to an imbalance in the relationship between the number of
entities needed to be protected and the level of protection available as represented by figure 2-1. The
objective is to seek a more measured balance between the core entities of an aerospace base and its
defensive capabilities. In order to achieve this objective, the aerospace base of 2025 must be defined with
respect to the platforms it must support and sustain.

But first, formulation of logical and reasonable

assumptions regarding the dimensions of the requirement with respect to the most-demanding-to-support or
worst-case scenario must accomplished.

# of Core

Figure 2-1. Defense/Core Entity Trade-off

Assumptions About Aerospace Bases in 2025

Aerospace bases in 2025 could assume many varying forms and sizes and support numerous
differentiated types of forces. It is then with a focus on the worst-case scenario that the assumptions, in terms
of operability and defense, are derived. Three considerations germane to operating and defending a base are
size, location, and priorities of the resources on the base. The worst-case scenario is one which requires a
runway of fixed-dimensions for horizontal takeoffs and landings and security of high-priority resources in a
high-threat environment. This seems reasonable and plausible, since many of the airframes which may be on

the ramp in 2025 are either on the ramp today or are in near-term production.

It is most likely that a greater

number of manned and unmanned aerospace platforms in 2025 will have vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL)
and short takeoff and vertical landing (STOVL) capabilities.

Presuming that the basing (launch and

recovery) requirements for VTOL/STOVL platforms are substantially less than horizontal takeoff and landing

platforms, hence easier to sustain and defend, they will not be addressed specifically because they do not
meet the worst-case scenario criteria.
As introduced in the preceding chapter, a derived requirement of the 2025 aerospace base is to reduce
the core entities required to support the mission. Given this requirement, several assumptions are critical to
the analysis. Although not all bases will be the same, the worst-case and possibly the most likely case is that
base infrastructure will still include the equivalent of a North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) standard
runway (7,500 feet 125 feet), fuel, ordnance, operators, and maintainers. Supporting this primary force
element will be personnel and equipment providing command and control, power generation, water and
sewage handling, administration, billeting, medical/dental services, security, and other necessary
infrastructure maintainers and systems. Although the number of people, types of systems, and the methods
used may change, the necessity to perform these functions should still exist. On CONUS bases of 2025, it
may be necessary to protect high-value assets at a near-zero attrition rate, while operating under the
constraint of reduced operating budgets. Correspondingly, there may still exist the need to project airpower
from FOBs with like capabilities of a CONUS base, using minimal assets for setup and sustainment. All
aerospace bases present significant defense challenges in terms of retention of operability owing to the

lethality and nonlinear attributes of the battlespace in 2025.

Predictions concerning the future battlefield suggest that a theater of operations could well constitute
and encompass the globe owing to space-based and intercontinental, surface-based strategic platforms
(weapons and sensors). Thus, the idea of a close engagement . . . will fade and disengaged conflict, a war

fought from a distance that proceeds without massing of troops and weapons may be possible in the future.
There may be no front line, it may be difficult to have secrets and bases in CONUS and abroad may be
equally lucrative and vulnerable targets.

Successful targeting of an aerospace base can be pictured as a long chain of events (see figure 2-2).

Increasing the level of uncertainty or difficulty in completing the associated tasks of a given link in the chain
correspondingly increases the probability of error and thereby decreases the potential for effective targeting.
The potential adversaries of the US in 2025 could presumably still use this targeting methodology or a nearfacsimile thereof but operate at a much faster tempo than currently possible. Essentially, anything that sits


still longer than a few minutes in 2025 is a viable target,

but not necessarily one that is always targetable

and destructible.

Penetrate Outer

ID Base

Penetrate Base

Step 1.

ID Target

Penetrate Target
Hit Target


Figure 2-2. Targeting Chain of Events

Given the worst-case assumptions of a FOB in a high-threat environment with high- value resources, a
runway of fixed-dimensions, and a high operational tempo, aerospace base requirements are distributed
under the following four major categories: low observable base, shielded base, self-healing base, and
mobile base. Irrespective of the category, the overarching concern is focused on reducing the number of core
entities and protecting those that remain.

Low-Observable Base

Presently, bases are very large and easily identifiable. Base structures are fixed and typically laid out
in symmetrical patterns organized around runways of at least 7,500 feet in length. Most MOB structures are
categorized as soft targets with little or no attempt to conceal their physical identity. All air bases have


visible control towers, runway and taxi lights, large fuel storage tanks, and flight line lighting. Adversaries
can attack indirectly, using target coordinates, or directly, by target recognition, using any one of several
spectral means. To survive and operate in 2025, aerospace base structures will have to be harder to discern
and locate. Accomplishing this requires a combination of things to occur: (1) reduce the number of people
and structures on-base, (2) increase the margin for error in threat system target acquisition, and (3) eliminate
or blend all conspicuous aerospace base markings into the surrounding background. The concept is to
stretch or completely break links two and four in the targeting chain of events previously denoted in figure 22.
Several technological advances need to be considered when developing this concept. Aircraft in 2025
could manifest dramatic improvements in reliability and maintainability when compared to their 1996

counterparts. It is feasible to expect a decreasing mean-time-between-failures rate.

characterized by graceful degradation


Systems could be

with most hard failures requiring only the replacement of common

circuit boards. Aircraft could be essentially self-contained for all normal operations and most maintenance


The ramp population of aircraft ground equipment could be virtually nonexistent and what

remains may only be used for abnormal equipment maintenance (engine removals). The explosive yield in
conventional munitions could increase at least tenfold.


With added improvements in fusing and bomb case

design, one or two bomb designs could conceivably replace todays myriad of cluster and conventional

munitions, with a resultant smaller munitions storage area.

The improvements in systems reliability and

munitions capabilities could reduce the number of people tied both directly and indirectly to the airfield.
There may also be a resulting synergistic reduction in the number of storage buildings, houses, chow halls,
and other facilities needed to be maintained in peacetime or protected in war, making the low- observable
aerospace base less detectable.

Shielded Base

Should an attacker identify the location of an aerospace base, the next step in the successful attack chain
is to prosecute an attack against the specific target(s). The adversary could threaten with a full range of
attack methodsfrom sniping, to the use of precision guided munitions, to the use of a ballistic missile


loaded with chemical or biological agents. Even directed energy attacks from space are plausible. The base
commander will need a base that defends across the full attack spectrum if any modicum of operability is to
be retained. The requirement then becomes to negate or interfere with the completion of steps three and five
of the targeting chain of events denoted in figure 22. The aerospace base responds to the specific threat with
a combination of autonomous and human-initiated self-protection mechanisms to defend itself.

A defense mechanism is any self-protective physiological reaction of an organism.

For an aerospace

base, the self-protective reaction can be either to respond directly to defeat the threat or to mitigate the
potential for damage. To actively respond to the threat, the base commander needs access to a nearly
seamless defensive system with integrating intelligence and defense assets. The thrust is that no matter what
the level of attack, the base commander will have a tiered defensive capability to prevent successful
penetration of the aerospace base domain. Should the attacker penetrate the outer defensive tiers and
successfully attack a structure or system, the aerospace base must be able to minimize the damage to the
assets contained therein.
The aerospace base will also have to employ passive defensive techniques and technologies. This
includes reducing the number of core entities, hardening the remaining structures, proliferating redundant key
operating systems, and using advanced camouflage, concealment, and deception techniques. Power sources
must be efficient and robust, allowing for uninterrupted operation for extended periods. Facilities must have
an independent power supply with a reduced spectral signature to prevent adversarial targeting.
Operational control of defensive systems by the base commander could be accomplished through
enhanced situational awareness. Enhanced SA, as defined for the purpose of this paper, is the enabler which
permits the human-in-the-loop to correlate, decipher, and react appropriately to various simultaneous
aural, visual, and electronic sensor inputs with greater rapidity and assuredness. This means the commander
will need full and unfettered access to all levels of information. Lastly, and to facilitate joint and combined
operations, sensory and communication capabilities must be survivable, redundant, and interoperable with
allied nations and sister services.


Self-Healing Base

The final option in breaking the targeting chain of events is to recover quickly from a successful attack.
The desired result is to place the enemy back at step one in the attack chain, as depicted in figure 2-2. In
2025, seconds may be a decisive factor in deterring, defeating, or withstanding an attack. The aerospace
base will have to recover quickly from any disruptive attack with minimal, if any, external support. Quick
recovery first requires being able to recognize the extent of damage. Recovery may then take the form of
repairing or replacing the structure or system or just absorbing the damage and operating with a minimal loss
of capability. Todays air base uses huge stockpiles of material for postattack recoverythe aerospace base
of 2025 should not.

Mobile Base

The need for forward presence will not be eliminated in 2025; however, the manner in which forward
presence is executed is expected to change. Therefore, at a minimum, a very definite requirement could exist
to provide a versatile and mobile force packaging capability in order to accommodate forward presence
requirements. As it stands now, the ability to select FOB sites is severely constrained by several limiting
factorsthe need for a NATO standard runway, water, fuel, ammunition, people, and supplies are among the
most prominent. The FOB represents the most difficult operating environment. To meet the challenge of the
operating environment of 2025, FOBs have to become smaller, reaching the point where each can be
deployed, set up, and sustained entirely by air. The goal is to be able to select an aerospace base location
using only a cursory map survey and selecting map coordinates for precision siting.

Core Entity Migration

Table 1 depicts, arguably, the most important entities relevant to todays operability requirements and
their current status as either core, intermediate, or peripheral entities. Additionally, the table depicts those
same requirements and their envisioned status (core, intermediate, or peripheral) in 2025 with regard to
meeting the aforementioned operability requirements.


Table 1
Reducing Core Functions



























Operators (Crews)

























Civil Engineers















Command, Control,
Computer, and
Intelligence (C4I)





The denotation of core, intermediate, and peripheral does not necessarily correlate to importance but
more appropriately to the entitys survivability or replaceability. For example, runways today are extremely
difficult to construct and repair.

Because severe cratering degrades sortie generation, runways are

designated a core entity and require a high-level of protection. In 2025, the requirement for a runway will
exist, but due to technological applications, it should be easier to construct and repair. Runways should
require a much lower-level of protection and contribute to the reduced effectiveness of adversarial bombing
due to their ease of repair. Conversely, aircrews of manned aircraft, a core entity today, could remain a core
entity in 2025, largely due to the inability to quickly replace a trained aircrew.
As derived from table 1, the number of core entities in 2025 is significantly reduced from that of 1996.
Core entities are reduced from 11 at a MOB and 12 at a FOB in 1996, to four for both the MOB and FOB in
2025. The accompanying net reduction in core entities provides a more equitable balance between the
number of core entities and the defense required to protect them. Knowing the desired end-state, the task then


devolves to defining those emerging technologies which could provide the means to achieve the desired
balance between core entities and self-defense means of the mobile aerospace bastion.


Department of Defense (DOD), Joint Publication 1-02, Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms,
23 March 1994, 224.
Air Force Pamphlet (AFP) 93-12, Contingency Response Procedures, vol. 2, n.d., I-3.
DOD, Joint Publication 1-02, 154.
David A. Shlapak and Alan Vick, Check Six Begins on the Ground: Responding to the Evolving
Ground Threat to U.S. Air Force Bases, RAND Report MR-606-AF (Santa Monica, Calif.: RAND, 1995),
USAF Scientific Advisory Board, New World Vistas: Air and Space Power for the 21st Century
(unpublished draft, the materials volume, 15 December 1995), 29.
USAF Scientific Advisory Board, New World Vistas: Air and Space Power for the 21st Century,
summary volume (Washington, D.C.: USAF Scientific Advisory Board, 15 December 1995), 32.
Evaluation Division, Warfighting Vision 2010: A Framework for Change (Fort Monroe, Va.: Joint
Warfighting Center, 1 August 1995), 3, 5.
Gary Stix, Fighting Future Wars, Scientific American, December 1995, 94.
The targeting chain of events is a team-derived construct developed to visualize and discuss the
general events associated with target acquisition and desired effects.
Institute for National Strategic Studies, Project 2025 (Norfolk, Va.: National Defense University, 6
May 1992), 37.
Dr. Craig M. Brandt et al., Logistics 2025, Changing Environments, Technologies, and Processes
(Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio: Graduate School of Logistics and Acquisition Management, Air Force Institute
of Technology, n.d.), 2728.
Adm William A. Owens, A Report on the JROC and the Revolution in Military Affairs, Marine
Corps Gazette 79, no. 8 (August 1995): 51.
Brandt et al., 27.
New World Vistas, summary volume, 9.
Ibid., 37.
Websters New World Dictionary of the American Language, 2d ed., s.v. defense mechanism.


Chapter 3

System Description

The first stage is the formulation of a felt want by the fighting Service. Once this is clearly
defined in terms of simple reality it is nearly always possible for the scientific experts to
find a solution.
Winston Churchill

Integrated System

The aerospace base of 2025 is a dynamic and integrated system, providing warfighters with a seamless
and robust base of operations. Gone are the stovepiped, manpower-intensive systems of 1996. They have
been replaced with a ubiquitous architecture linking personnel, facilities, utilities, defense, and logistics into
a seamless information net which is self-monitoring and accessible to all personnel, from headquarters to the

lowest-ranking airman on the base.

The movement of core entities to the intermediate and peripheral

categories (see table 2-1) through the application of technology has made them more survivable, more rapidly
repairable, and so pervasive they are virtually indestructible. This then provides a survivable base to the
warfighter, irrespective of the threat environment.

Prolific ground sensor fields cover and surround the base

providing complete situational awareness to command and defense personnel. Overhead, a fleet of unmanned
aerial vehicle (UAVs) provide additional sensor capability, exchange information with satellites, as well as
function collaterally as standoff weapon platforms for base defense.

Enumerated below are selected technologies and applications that, if developed, could facilitate the
movement of aerospace base core entities to the intermediate and peripheral categories, reduce defensive
requirements, increase survivability, and ultimately achieve the reality of an aerospace sanctuary. They offer


but one possible combination for the attainment of the concept of operations delineated in this paper. (A
more complete picture of aerospace base operations in 2025 follows in chapter 4, Concept of Operations.)

Advanced Sensors

Aerospace base operational and defensive requirements necessitate continuous, near -real-time sensor
coverage. Diverse sensor capabilities increase accuracy and identification probabilities and correspondingly
lowers false alarms and error rates. Additionally, they are pervasive, aboard UAVs, on satellite

constellations, and on the ground. These staring and scanning sensors could produce multispectral and
synthetic aperture radar images and light detection and ranging returns that could have a resolution of a few


The UAVs [could] deploy low-altitude or ground-based chemical sensors for accurate

discrimination of chemical and biological agents.

These same sensors could be remotely interrogated,

allowing them to have reduced size, weight, power, and vulnerability.

Fusing the sensor-derived

information into the overall aerospace base communications architecture could give the commander a realtime view of the security status of the aerospace base and the surrounding area of interest. Approaching
threats could be identified quickly and accurately. Integrating sensor information into a stand-off weapon
system could permit accurate targeting at increased distances from the aerospace base, increasing security

and in turn making adversarial targeting more difficult.

Countermeasures. Presuming advanced sensor technology will be widespread, advances by the United
States (US) may be negated unless the technology is more skillfully deployed and employed. Care should be
taken to seriously consider nontraditional methods and means of deploying sensors in order to retain some
level of superiority.

Additionally and given a wide-spectrum of sensor capabilities, weather,

electromagnetic pulse (EMP), or other interference may sufficiently degrade aspects of the capability and
necessitate a return to visual observation means.



Use of robotics can synergistically increase effectiveness by reducing manpower, infrastructure, and
other support systems typically required for 24-hour operations on the flight line, in the bomb dump, and
around the base. Todays robot is a mere infant compared to what may be available in 2025. The present
advantages of implemented parallel processing in robots allow rudimentary cognitive skills.


combined with the limited motor sensory skills available today, robotic structures are able to perform limited

inspections on aircraft. By 2025, robots could be designed as advanced tools with the capability to fully

inspect, diagnose, and maintain aircraft, as well as most other base systems for day-to-day operations.

Robots could be expected to perform refueling operations, buildup, transport and loading of weapons,
security functions, and even explosive ordnance disposal. The large computing capacity expected to be
available in 2025 suggests that a single robot may be capable of alternating among the aforementioned tasks
for every aircraft on the flight line, including those of our allies. Each robot could be engineered to be
resistant to varying types of environmental extremes to retain its functionality; that is, ultraviolet rays,
precipitation, cold and heat, EMP, and chemical/biological attacks.

Although constructed to withstand EMP and other destructive measures, the

possibility still exists for mechanical and/or software failure. Lack of on-scene personnel to effect repairs
may well cause a significant drop in work productivity until restoration occurs, backup systems are activated
or additional personnel arrive.


Nanotechnology is a process whereby matter can be constructed from the atomic level up. When fully
deployed, nanotechnology may create a new industrial revolution, for lack of a better descriptor. Current
estimates project 2030 years for this technology to mature.


Nanotechnology starts with atoms and uses

molecular-sized machines to put them together in predetermined configurations.


technology could mean thorough and inexpensive control of the structure of matter.

Maturation of this
Nanotechnology infers

materials and, thereby, structures can be manufactured to whatever specification is requiredchange colors,


adapt to ambient temperatures, flex with stresses and strains, counter harmful vibrations or resonance, and
even self-erect.
Nanotechnology also has important ramifications for aerospace defense in 2025. One of the earliest

predicted applications of nanotechnology is in the area of sensors.

This technology could produce sensors

which are extremely lightweight, energy efficient, and inexpensive to mass-produce. Efforts are under way to
produce sensor capabilities that include chemical and virus detection.


Cheap, mass-produced, highly

sensitive sensors could convey the capability to cover the base and perimeter area with very accurate sensing
devices that require only small amounts of energy for functioning.


Adaptations of nanotechnology can

reasonably be extended to provide multispectral sensing such as; heat, acoustic, optic, olfactory, and seismic
capabilities that give a sensitized and near-real-time picture of the base and its surroundings. In the area of
smell, sensors could be used to detect individual human pheromones for positive identification of personnel
approaching the base. The sensor system could provide an accurate identification, friend, or foe (IFF)
capability that could be deployed throughout the base proper, as well as outside the perimeter. The sensor
systems multispectral capability may provide an all-weather, day/night operational capability, as well.
Heat, acoustic, optic, and seismic inputsfused with the other characteristics previously definedmay
enable precise identification of what or who has penetrated the sensor area, thereby eliminating false alarms

but, more importantly, enable the appropriately tailored security response.

Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS)

MEMS are the products of combining miniaturized mechanical and electronic components in sizes no

larger than postage stamps.

MEMS could potentially afford increased capability, hence greater operability,


while simultaneously reducing the volume required to deploy the specified capability.

For example,

Westinghouse Science and Technology Center has reduced a 50-pound bench top spectrometer to the size of a
calculator. Application of this type of technology could result in inexpensive nuclear, biological, and

chemical contamination detection on the battlefield.

Small, mass-produced sensors may make biological

and chemical detection affordable, easy to deploy, and difficult to counter.


Nanotechnology and MEMS could be merged for use in environmental cleanup, including cleanup after

a biological or chemical attack.

Professors at the University of California at Berkeley are working on a

chemical factory on a chip. When activated by an electrical charge, chemicals move down to a reaction
chamber on the chip. Added heat assists the chemical reaction, and the resulting chemical is discharged.


The end product could very well be an antidote to a toxic substance propagated by adversaries or a lethal or
nonlethal chemical designed to control crowds or halt intruders.
Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have invented robots, similar to ants,
that exhibit certain limited aspects of intelligence and differentiated specialization such as avoiding shadows

and staying away from each other. They are cheap and easy to reprogram.

Thirty-five years from now,

analogous small, lethal, sensing, emitting, flying, crawling, exploding and thinking objects may make the
battlefield highly lethal.


Exploiting this capability by incorporating intelligence and IFF within our

sensors could provide a smart minefield that extends as far from the installation as deemed necessary. This
smart minefield could be programmed to automatically react/self-detonate to certain stimuli or be
programmed to report findings and be command-detonated remotely by security forces.
Additionally, MEMS can make a material into a smart system. Researchers are making great strides in
the area of intelligent materials. It is possible to animate otherwise inert substances through the application
of a variety of devices: actuators and motors that behave like muscles; sensors that serve as nerves and
memory; and communications and computational networks that represent the brain and spinal column.


Basically, intelligent materials allow structures to adapt to their environment, understand what is happening
to them (cognizant of external forces or stimuli), and even record and report what they experience.

materials are currently in use.



Additionally, this technology could enable self-erecting buildings which are

environmentally adaptive and self-aware.

Countermeasures. Overwhelming the sensor field with massive inputs, masking odors, or severe
weather conditions may adversely affect sensor capabilities. The requirement for near-perfect accuracy may
permit spoofing.

In smart materials, complete destruction could obviously render the self-report and

reconstruction capability nonfunctional.


Artificial Intelligence/Neural Nets

The principal technologies required to enable smart sensor networks to provide fused, intelligent
information to the decision makers and enhance their situational awareness are artificial intelligence and
neural net technologies. To enhance situational awareness it is necessary to fuse . . . multivariate data from

multiple sources which in turn can be retrieved and processed as a single entity.

Artificial intelligence

and neural networks integrate sensor signals from various parts of the electromagnetic spectrum
simultaneously and recognize more sophisticated patterns.


Efforts at the Machine Learning and Inference

Center at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia, in working with pattern recognition, using large

relational databases, are progressing remarkably well.

Advances in this research area may allow the

development of applications which identify threats by using machine-learning algorithms to find patterns and
associate the discerned threat with the learned pattern. Additionally, while exploiting artificial intelligence,
smart nodes may be able to collect information from sensors and perform a variety of functions, including

analysis and redistribution of the information.

Organizing the processing systems for these sensors into

distributed systems should produce a robust and more survivable system, with no obvious targetable strategic


Hierarchical architecture, signal processing, and action occurring several levels away from the

central processor are areas being looked at for intelligent materials and may be the answer for the sensor


Countermeasures. Artificial intelligence has proved more elusive than originally thought.
Programming even commonly understood concepts is extremely difficult. Deception ploys by an adversary
may be so unique, so completely unanticipated, and not contained within the software capability that the
system can be spoofed.

Defensive Weapons

Nonlethal capabilities include but are not limited to the following: acoustical weapons, chemical

disablers, low-frequency electromagnetic wave generators, and supercaustics.

The focus of these types of

weapons is to preclude or mitigate the loss of human life. They are appropriate for peacekeeping operations


or civil unrest scenarios. Given the wide-range of possible scenarios from operations-other-than-war



full-scale war, flexibility in weaponry employment is deemed an enhancement to overall capability.

The Air Force Scientific Advisory Board in New World Vistas, Air and Space Power for the 21st
Century: Summary Volume, states that speed-of-light weapons with the full-spectrum capability to deny,
disrupt, degrade, and/or destroy will leap past and could eventually replace many traditional explosive35

driven weapons and self-protection countermeasure systems.

They identify five innovative technologies

for energy-frugal, practical directed energy weapons and recommend the Air Force pursue them. These
technologies are large, lightweight optics; high-power microwave antennas using thin membrane fabrication;
high-power short-wavelength solid-state lasers; high average power phase conjugation; new approaches to
adaptive optics and phased arrays of diode lasers.

Application of these technologies to base defense


weaponry could significantly increase options and improve capabilities to repel attacks in 2025.

Additionally, use of a propagated microwave field could create a protective energy dome effect over
the base. Functionally, this protective energy dome could detect incoming projectiles, convert their kinetic
energy, and use the converted energy to repel the projectiles, including those as large as an aircraft or as
small as a bullet. Counters to an adversarys use of microwave or laser weapons include the use of a pulsed
plasma jet to ionize the air, which could effectively blunt the effectiveness of these types of offensive



Microwaves, lasers, and beam weapons, in general, require a robust power

source. Unless significant advances are made in power generation and consumption, power remains a core
entity, and if successfully damaged or destroyed,

it could leave the base defenseless.


defensive weapons must include a range of alternative power source derivatives to eliminate single-point


The threat of chemical and biological weapon usage has the decided potential to become increasingly

widespread as more countries develop and acquire this capability.

Decontamination efforts will have to

address reduced manpower, ease of handling/disposal, and cost considerations. Advances in biotechnology


may permit the development of enzymes, (MEMS), or a synthesis of the two technologies which could either
neutralize the contaminant or absorb it.

Additionally, advances in Doexyribonucleic Acid (DNA)


modification could result in the development of DNA-altering substances that neutralize contaminants.

A new generation of materials, most probably composites, designed after principles of hierarchical
structures in nature (biomimicking), manufactured at least in part by incorporation of biological selfassembly principles and processes (bioduplication), may result in materials having the behavioral properties
of biological systems: durability, flexibility, responsive to change, reactive to internal injury (self-repairing),

and/or damage tolerant.

It may be possible to genetically produce organically similar substances whose

rate and consistency of growth could be used to grow materials and structures. The underlying concept
adapted from these cited technologies is to be able to rapidly construct rudimentary structures, such as tents
and paved surfaces, and expediently repair minimally damaged facilities.

DNA advances could allow the development of new, possibly more lethal,

compounds. Developing antidotes or DNA restructuring to neutralize new agents will be critical but time

Introduced mutations or weed killer-like substances could alter normal growth patterns.

Hardiness and resistance to nefarious attempts to alter original designs will need to be bioengineered in the
early developmental stages.

Super Quantum Interference Devices (SQUID)

If a human must remain in the loop (and the presumption is that one must), the human also must be
enhanced to avert mental paralysis due to information saturation. Enhancements to increase the cognitive
capacity of future warriors would presumably improve information assimilation, information correlation, and
decision-making processes; that is, situational awareness.

One means by which improvement in these

processes could be achieved is via bioelectronic enabling technologies. Envisioned is the placement of an
embedded microprocessor in the brain, which is designed to increase the efficiency in the way information is

received, stored, correlated, and retrieved.

A complementary feature of bioelectronic enhancement would

be the ability to interface/communicate directly with an external computer system, thus mitigating or

eliminating the necessity for physical or mechanical interfaces.


Neurocompatible interface efforts to date

have affirmatively demonstrated the capability to produce an image directly in an individuals mind via
surgically invasive methods. Alternatively, related research at the Media Laboratory of MIT is directed
towards the development of a surgically non-invasive, wearable computer which maintains a continual
communications interface with the human host.


Irrespective of the method used to bioelectronically

enhance a human, the resultant increase in mental agility and capacitycombined with the capability to
interface directly with computerscould exponentially decrease the potential for confusion and
disorientation in highly taxing and stressful situations.


Countermeasures. Countermeasures are death or surgical removal of the embedded microprocessor

or spoofing by insertion of disinformation. Implementation of this capability would require a change in US
social values, as this form of human adaptation is not presently, nor universally acceptable.

Advanced Materials

A promising area of technology involves the development of advanced materials. Todays composites
are substances made of fibers spun from carbon, glass, and other materials, which are then fused into a matrix
of plastic, ceramic, or metal. Composites can provide the same structural strength as steel, but, at only onefifth of the weight. Many believe costs may fall below that of steel as the demand increases over the next few
years. Consequently, many future systems and structures could be constructed with composites because of the
economical efficiencies gleaned from the weight versus performance ratios. The transportation, electronics,
and medical industries are the major users of this technology today.

The transportation industry uses

composites in the manufacture of aircraft and automobiles. The electronics industry uses composites for the
manufacture of components like resistors and insulators while the medical industry uses composites for
prosthetics, including dental ware. The latter application is an area of particular interest and potential utility.
Dentists apply an enamel-like substance that bonds with existing surfaces and becomes superhard when
exposed to a certain wavelength of light. Expanding the application of this technology to wearing surfaces
such as roads, building exteriors, and runways may be feasible, providing a capability to easily construct,
resurface, or repair the particular worn surface.

Should this technology become feasible, then the


overarching requirement to defend these elements of the aerospace infrastructure at all costs against damage

or destruction would be eliminated.


Advances in holographic imaging, combined with infrared signature generators and radar reflectors,
could give the base commander the ability to project false targets designed to deceive the adversary. This
capability could allow the projection of false targets and signature modification of actual structures or could
enable defenders to completely hide a structure. Holography is deception 2025 style, intended to prompt a
potential adversary to question the effectiveness of his reconnaissance systems and ultimately designed to
impede or negate his targeting ability.
Visualization of intelligence supporting three-dimensional analysis is a project aimed at assisting

analysts in visualizing and manipulating complex, changing three-dimensional intelligence data.

Technicians use a cylinder approximately one meter in diameter and one-half meter high in which they
project a three-dimensional, transparent spinning ball to recreate a three-dimensional tactical scenario. This
image can be viewed from any side. Applied to aerospace base defense, a three-dimensional view of the
battlespace could be generated encompassing the base proper and as far outside the perimeter as the sensor
field extends. With near-real-time refresh capability, the commander can have an unobstructed view of the
battlespace from a secure location. Projecting this picture to remote locations via the fused command,
control, communications, computers, and intelligence (C4I) base architecture could give base defenders a
three-dimensional depiction of their assigned sector. Should technological advances allow the projection of
images without the use of a cylinder container, false images could be projected at will to various locations to
deceive adversaries.
Countermeasures. Unless the hologram is used in conjunction with other spectral deception means,
adversaries probing with broad spectrum systems could uncover the ruse, rendering this capability only
useful against unsophisticated target acquisition systems.



The technological focus is to reduce cost to generate, transmit, distribute, operate, and maintain power
generation systems. There is a great deal of potential for improvement over todays power generating

Currently, the power industry offers evolutionary improvements: high reliability components;

smaller, high efficiency motors; automatic diagnostic and control systems; and multifuel generating
equipment, to name a few. While alternative power sources, such as biomass, solar with photovoltaic
receptors, geothermal, and wind all show promise, all suffer from the inherent problems of relatively low
efficiency (conversion from source to useful distributed power) and lack of storage. Many of these systems
require highly visible production systems. However, one truly revolutionary advance could change the entire
concept of power generationthat technology is superconductivity.
Superconductivity is the ability to conduct electricity without resistance.


While application of this

technology is not feasible outside of a carefully controlled laboratory environment, there has been recent

progress achieving superconduction at higher temperatures.

Increased interest among the scientific

community indicates that this capability has a reasonably good chance of coming to fruition. Assuming a
breakthrough does take place, power generation equipment could be made considerably smaller; because it
would no longer have to produce excessive amounts of energy to overcome the problem of line loss due to
the heat associated with resistance encountered in existing conducting materials. The potential exists, with
the advent of nanotechnology, to assist the process along by permitting a material that is superconductive to
be built upward from the molecular level.
Achieving superefficient power usage could permit the use of marginalized power generation sources,
such as solar or photovoltaic. This may then eliminate the requirement for certain electrical power grids. As
such, each building could be equipped with its own combination of standard and independent power

generation sources,

making power ubiquitous, easy to maintain, and pushing it from a core entity to a

peripheral entity.
Table 2 summarizes the applicability of each technology to the aerospace base concepts postulated in
this paper. There was no attempt to quantify the payoff for each technology, this is covered in chapter 5.
This table identifies whether the technology was applicable to the concept. As shown, the two most versatile


technologies are MEMS and advanced power generation. As the final column portrays, most technologies
applicable to meet the first three concepts are leveraged to provide mobility. The application of each
technology is discussed in the Concept of Operations (chap. 4).
Table 2
Applicability of Technologies to Concepts

Application to Concept

Advanced Sensors
AI/Neural Nets
Defensive Weapons
Advanced Materials

Shielded Base

Self-Healing Base

Mobile Base










Finding and exploiting new technologies is only one-half of the equation. Employing the technologies
in innovative combinations to create a synergistic effect is at least as important, and one way of staying ahead
of adversaries in a world of proliferating, inexpensive technology. The following chapter paints such a
picturea fully integrated, technologically enhanced, aerospace base in 2025. Thus, having formulated what
is wanted and defined those wants in terms of simple reality for the experts to solve, the remaining step is to
articulate the concept of operations for the aerospace base integrated system.


Lt Col Gregory J. Miller et al., Virtual Integrated Planning and Execution Resource System: The
High Ground of 2025 (Unpublished white paper, Air Command and Staff College, n.d.).
Lt Col Bruce W. Carmichael et al., StrikeStar 2025 (Unpublished white paper, Air Command and
Staff College, n.d.).
USAF Scientific Advisory Board, New World Vistas: Air and Space Power for the 21st Century,
summary volume (Washington, D.C.: USAF Scientific Advisory Board, 15 December 1995), 22.



Institute for National Strategic Studies (INSS), Project 2025, (Norfolk, Va.: National Defense
University, 6 May 1992), 36-39.
Roger Lewin, Birth of a Human Robot, New Scientist 142, no. 1925 (14 May 1994): 26.
Andrew Kupfer, A Robot Inspector for Airplanes, Fortune 127, no. 9 (3 May 1993): 93.
Dr. Craig M. Brandt et al., Logistics 2025, Changing Environments, Technologies, and Processes
(Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio: Graduate School of Logistics and Acquisition Management, Air Force Institute
of Technology, n.d.), 27-28.
Robert Langreth, Molecular Marvels, Popular Science, May 1993, 110. However, Col (Ph.D.)
Tamzy House, Air War College faculty member, believes this technology will not advance to this stage of
capability until beyond the year 2025.
John L. Petersen, The Road to 2015 (Corte Madera, Calif.: Waite Group Press, 1994), 58.
Robert Langreth, Why Scientist Are Thinking Small, Popular Science, April 1993, 75.
Langreth, Molecular Marvels, 75.
USAF Scientific Advisory Board, New World Vistas: Air and Space Power for the 21st Century
(unpublished draft, the sensors volume, 15 December 1995), 146.
Ibid., 150151.
Kaigham J. Gabriel, Engineering Microscopic Machines, Scientific American 273, no. 3
(September 1995): 118.
USAF Scientific Advisory Board, New World Vistas: Air and Space Power for the 21st Century
(unpublished draft, the materials volume, 15 December 1995), 125.
Ibid., 121.
Barbara Starr, Super Sensors Will Eye the New Proliferation Frontier, Janes Defense Weekly 21,
no. 22 (4 June 1994): 92.
Gabriel, Engineering Microscopic Machines, 121.
INSS, 36.
Craig A. Rogers, Intelligent Materials, Scientific American 273, no. 3 (September 1995): 122.
Ibid., 123125.
Smart Structures Dampen Motion, Increase Stability, Signal 8, no. 8 (April 1994): 20.
Department of the Air Force, SPACECAST 2020: Operational Analysis (Maxwell AFB, Ala.: Air
University Press, June 1994), 56.
INSS, 37.
Peter Wayner, Machine Learning Grows Up, Byte, August 1995, 63.
INSS, 39.
Ibid., 39.
Rogers, 125.
2025 Concept, No. 90026, Commanders Universal Battle Display, 2025 Concepts Database
(Maxwell AFB, Ala.: Air War College/2025, 1996).
Department of Defense, Joint Publication 3-07, Joint Doctrine for Military Operations Other Than
War, 16 June 1995, I-1.




New World Vistas, summary volume, 60

Mark Lehr, Phillips Lab, Kirtland AFB, N. Mex., telephone interview, February 1996. AFIT
technologists and 2025 assessors expressed skepticism regarding the invulnerability of the energy dome, as
well as the associated energy consumption requirements.
INSS, 45.
Daniel E. Koshland, Jr., ed., Molecule of the Year: DNA Repair Works Its Way to the Top,
Science 266, no. 5193 (23 December 1994): 192627.
USAF Scientific Advisory Board, New World Vistas: Air and Space Power for the 21st Century
(unpublished draft, the human systems and biotechnology volume, 15 December 1995), M-1113.
2025 Concept, No. 900523, Chip in the Head, 2025 Concepts Database, (Maxwell AFB, Ala.: Air
War College/2025, 1996).
2025 Concept, No. 900246, The Borg, 2025 Concepts Database (Maxwell AFB, Ala.: Air War
College/2025, 1996).
Peter Thomas, Thought Control, New Scientist 149, no. 2020 (9 March 1996): 4142.
2025 Concept, No. 900702, Implanted Tactical Information Display, 2025 Concepts Database
(Maxwell AFB, Ala.: Air War College/2025, 1996).
Advanced Composites, Scientific American 273, no. 3 (September 1995): 126127.
Robert Ropelewski, Making Sense of Sensor Data, Interavia Aerospace World, September 1993,
Paul C. W. Chu, High-Temperature Superconductors, Scientific American 273, no. 3 (September
1995): 128.
Ibid., 130.
Independent power generating sources may include any combination of following: solar collectors,
photovoltaic collectors, high-power lithium batteries, and standard electric power generators. The particular
combinations will be highly dependent upon the required use, as well as, the geographic location.


Chapter 4

Concept of Operations

It is a doctrine of war not to assume the enemy will not come, but rather to rely on
ones readiness to meet him; not to presume that he will not attack, but rather to
make ones self invincible.
Sun Tzu
The Art of War

Source: Microsoft Clipart Gallery 1995 with courtesy from Microsoft Corp.

Figure 4-1. Concept of Operations Pictorial2025



The pictorial on the preceding page is a symbolic representation of the aerospace base of 2025. The
eyes, ears, and noses represent the pervasiveness of the all-knowing sensing attributes of the aerospace
base, fused with and augmented by varying types of airborne sensor platforms. The nondescript depiction of
the aerospace base (runways, buildings, and so forth) represents its inherent capacity to blend into its
surroundings, thus making it nearly undetectable to an adversary. Lastly, the facial silhouette overlying the
aerospace base symbolically represents the shield which surrounds the base with its complementary active
and passive self-defense capabilities. The ensuing chapter paints a word picture that makes the graphic more
meaningful and illustrates the plausibility of the concept.
This concept of operations (CONOPS) provides a multifaceted approach to operability and defense
circa 2025. It includes five distinct capabilities which national decision makers can pursue based on
international and domestic policies, military requirements, and economic capacity. The five capabilities are
day-to-day operations, low-observable base, shielded base, self-healing base, and mobile base. Although
the capabilities provide optimum operating conditions when employed together as an integrated system, any
one or combination thereof will still improve operability and defense. Each of the following sections will
present possible methods of applying the previously described emerging technologies to improve the ability
to operate and defend bases in the future.

Day-to-Day Operations

Base operations in 2025 may occur in a manner radically changed from that of today. Overall base
infrastructures may be smaller due to a reduction of services or functions currently provided at todays bases.
The Department of Defense may no longer maintain base operating support (BOS) activities such as medical,
financial, base maintenance, housing, and morale and welfare functions on federal installations.


services could migrate to the civilian sector and be subsumed by commercial interests in the adjacent civilian
communities. However, many of the same functions required today to support aerospace activities may still
be needed in 2025, the difference being the way they are accomplished.


Technological advances in

computers and information networks, robotics, highly reliable systems and components and vastly improved
power sources may enable highly effective and efficient base operations.
The information available to all base personnel should be incredible. At the touch of a finger, future
commanders could have immediate access to such information as aircraft and base status, mission scheduling,
intelligence reports, and even the number of box lunches ready at the chow hall. In fact, anyone on base with
a need to know could have that same information just as easily.
All of the systems on base, whether they be aircraft, environmental control, or sanitation, could be
dramatically more reliable. This should permit a tremendous reduction in the size and scope of logistics and
maintenance required to sustain base operations. Robots could be used extensively to replace humans in
many of the repetitive, human-intensive functions on the flight line, at the munitions storage areas, and
throughout the rest of the base.
In 2025, our main operations bases (MOBs) should, by necessity, function at the same operating level
regardless of the threat condition.

During normal operations, a MOB may be a veritable beehive of

activitybut not to the naked eye with all base entities functioning as one integrated system. Operability
would be a function of synergistically interconnected intelligent systems. The aerospace base would operate
largely hands off. Base systems would monitor and report on themselves through an interconnected
artificial intelligence or neural net architecture.

The routine health and status of the base would be

monitored, controlled, and operated by this extensive computer system. The system would have multiple
nodes, each more than capable of assuming overall direction, coordination, or control should any of the other
nodes be incapacitated.

Personnel would only be required to respond to complete outages, major

malfunctions, and life/safety concerns such as accidents, fires, or other disasters. Facility and infrastructure
maintenance personnel would rarely interface with base systems at all except for annual maintenance
requirements owing to an expected and dramatic increase in systems reliability and improved building
Base facilities, to include airfields, would be retrofitted with or constructed from stronger, more
durable, and damage-resistant materials or composites. Most buildings, particularly the critical ones, would
be capable of monitoring their own conditions. The placement of various types of sensors and intelligent
materials would give new meaning to the term building systems. Routine facility condition inspections


would be minimized to only those circumstances when the facility notifies the maintenance personnel of a
condition warranting their attention.
Runways and other airfield pavementsall pavements for that matterwould be capped or constructed
with extremely durable and minimal-to-no-maintenance type materials without any overt markings. The era
of repainting, resurfacing, or replacing pavements every five to 10 years would be long gone.
Similarly, a combination of improved space-based global positioning capabilities that work with
enhanced aircraft guidance systems would eliminate the need for ground-based visual approach and airfield
lighting systems. In fact, control towers would be nothing more than distant memories of earlier aviation
The remaining airfield operations would be automated and fine tuned specifically to accommodate a
combat turn type of ramp function. On approach, aircraft would automatically report their status to the base
system through an unmanned control center. The control center would distribute the data throughout the base.
The distributed information would include tasking specified support functions. For instance, fuels would
know how much fuel is required. Munitions storage would know which armaments to select and transport to
the aircraft for loading. Aircraft maintenance would know whether they need to respond to the aircraft to
conduct system checkouts, repair, or replace components, and exactly what they need to bring with them. The
base would be totally coordinated in supporting the aircrafts next mission. The aircraft would be directed to
a specific location on the airfield where all support functions would automatically converge. The entire
operation would be handled predominantly by robots. Delivery and loading of munitions, refueling, and final
system checkout would all be automated. The only humans involved in the operation would be those
necessary to perform high dexterity operations and to visually supervise the activities.
These automatic sortie generation and aircraft/base maintenance capabilities could improve
efficiency and timeliness of support, as well as, reduce overall costs due to fewer required personnel. The
key to the success of this type of operation is to limit the opportunities for outside interference or disruption
from potential adversaries. One possible solution could come from technology, as it may provide the
defensive capabilities to make the core entities less detectable.


Low-Observable Base

The threat posed to our bases is certain to include precision munitions and the use of space-based
reconnaissance and surveillance systems by potential enemies. This threat capability may mandate the
employment of enhanced defensive deception capabilities.
With the application of specific technologies, it could be considerably more difficult to identify the
most critical base structures in 2025. All external structural surfaces (skins) could be covered by a
cloaking film or paint which would provide an active means of camouflaging buildings, runways,
equipment, and so forth. These skins would be capable of blending into the surroundings in chameleon1

like fashion.

This may include changing both color and temperature to negate electro-optical and infrared

reconnaissance and targeting systems. At a minimum, any materials used to cover new facilities or recover
existing facilities should be tinted to better match or blend in with the existing environs.
Projection of multispectral holograms could mimic real targets, confuse targeting systems, and foil
attacks requiring visual target acquisition.

Radar reflection enhancement devices could modify the

electromagnetic picture. Commanders may also have the option of effecting the weather to further hide the

base from several sensor detection spectrums.

Essentially, buildings, runways, vehicles, or even people

would become virtually invisible. Weapons acquisition systems would then be unable to accurately discern
desired targets or aim points with any reliable degree of certainty. Furthermore, future structures could be
fully independent and redundant. However, hiding a base may not be sufficient to thwart attacks.

Shielded Base

Defense of the base, regardless of whether a MOB or forward operations base (FOB), may vary in
degrees, but not capability. The base system could coordinate and assimilate a multitude of active and
passive defensive systems scattered throughout and beyond the base boundaries. This defensive system may
consist of varying types of sensors and weapons systems, all interconnected to enhance the commanders
situational awareness and reaction capability.


Encompassing and controlling all of the defensive sensors, countermeasures, and intelligence-gathering
systems is a redundant, dispersed, situational awareness system. This neural net type C4I system could
integrate the incoming information from all data sources, positively identify the threat, and automatically
coordinate a response. This ability to rapidly and precisely discern what the threat is, and then recommend
an appropriate response would be a significant attribute of the system. If the object is human, the system

would be able to identify who it is by cross-checking the human pheromone database.

Additionally, the

neural net system could have the ability to produce a near-real-time, three-dimensional or holographic sand

table image. Any individual with a receiver device could be able to receive the entire picture modified to
their particular requirements. For example, if a view of avenues of approach without the trees or the
buildings is desired, they are deselected, enabling an unobstructed view.
The base and its surroundings could be seeded with multispectral sensors to detect both air and ground
threats accurately and consistently, far enough from the base to allow engagement without degrading the
mission. Airborne and ground-based sensors could

be widely dispersed, redundant with overlapping

coverage, and extremely difficult to counter. Because of the sensor systems redundancy, elimination of one
or more sensors would not eliminate the entire detection capability. The system should be designed to
degrade gracefully and have enough power to operate for sustained periods without maintenance.

Collectively, the sensors should provide a brilliant grid for threat detection and identification throughout

the entire spectral range.

The ability to detect and combine a wide range of signals from acoustics and

pheromones, to motion and infrared, should allow highly accurate threat identification.

Simultaneously, an overhead fleet of stealthy, extremely high-endurance, solar-powered UAVs could be

positioned to orbit the base for months at a time. This fleet could have the ability to detect both airborne and

ground threats and relay their location to remotely controlled fire control units.

Deployed in great numbers,

the UAVs could also have the capability of providing standoff weapon support to security forces and serve
collaterally as communication relays. The UAVs could be capable of receiving and relaying information
from other sensor platforms, such as satellites and Airborne Warning and Control System.
The holographic projection of security personnel to challenge unidentified intruders may permit
resolution of a potential situation without an actual physical response. For instance, should an intruder not
respond to the holographic warning, the standoff weapons capability of the UAVs could be brought to bear

without jeopardizing the safety of security personnel. If a physical response is required, security force
personnel could respond in small, environmentally controlled, self-contained hovercraft equipped with a
variety of nonlethal and lethal weapons.
Another advantage of the sensor field would be its capacity to detect nuclear, biological and chemical

agents and respond autonomously.

Positive detection could automatically launch a decontamination missile

programmed to detonate at a required altitude or signal selected UAVs to respond with neutralizing systems.
Such systems could employ cleanup bugs or bioengineered enzymes. Application of the neutralizers could
be accomplished via aerosol dispersal in quantities sufficient enough to form a suppression cloud or fog
over the affected area. As the suppression cloud falls, the bugs remove and/or the enzymes react with the
contaminants in the air and on the ground, rendering the area clean without any harmful residue.
aircraft, vehicles, and the like could



be treated with a catalytic/enzymatic decontaminating coating to


neutralize contaminants not affected by the aerosol dispersed enzymes.

Improved sensor capabilities could also benefit buildings, no longer remaining dormant targets for
adversaries. The most critical buildings could be outfitted with a combination of sensor-activated, reactive
armor systems and advanced lightweight hardening materials that would make them less vulnerable to many
types of munitions.
A final measure of passive protection is to be an energy field, covering the base like a dome. The
energy field could detect airborne threats attempting to penetrate it. As the airborne object collides with
the energy field, the kinetic energy produced by the collision could be transmitted down to the energy fields
source ground station. If the object is determined not to be friendly, the ground station could retransmit that
energy, multiplied, back to the front of the object, effectively stopping or deflecting it, much like a force field.
Other active capabilities to defeat or deter a threat to the base could incorporate lethal and nonlethal
systems. Beginning with the lethal variety, directed energy weapons (DEW) are requisites for base defense.
The ability to neutralize or destroy fast-moving or hardened threat platforms mandates the need for a highly
accurate and reliable weapons platform(s) with superior lethalitythese systems should

provide that

capability. DEWs could be mounted on ground-based platforms; long-endurance, high-orbit UAVs; spacebased killer satellites; or a combination thereof. Point target lasers with a rapid recycling rate to allow
multiple missile engagement, coupled with directed energy weapons could comprise the principle means for


close-in defense.

UAVs loaded with scatterable intelligent mines would be on-call for dispersal against

ground attacks should the need arise.


Lastly, robotic insects could be released to swarm and defeat


preprogrammed targets.

While this interconnected and layered passive and active defensive system may provide as close to an
impenetrable fortress as possible, there always remain the possibility of an opponent discovering a way to
penetrate or defeat the systems. Therefore, a capability to recover after an attack must be considered.

Self-Healing Base

The ability to sustain damage and recover while continuing to operate could

be crucial to base

operations, particularly during war. In 2025, postattack damage recovery could be nearly automatic with the
level of human involvement much reduced from what it is today. Postattack actions include airfield and
facility bomb damage assessment (BDA), explosive ordnance reconnaissance (EOR) and disposal (EOD),
rapid runway repair, decontamination (DECON), and bomb damage repair (BDR). The difference between
today and 2025 may be the nature of response and timeliness of recovery operations. There may no longer
be the need to dispatch the hundreds of vulnerable civil engineering troops to recover the base.
Recovery typically begins with EOR and BDA. These tasks could be conducted in a number of ways,
depending on the nature and extent of damage. Robotic sniffers and MEMS, working in concert with existing
sensor systems, could locate and identify unexploded ordnance (UXO) and damage. UAVs equipped with
very high resolution multispectral imaging devices could assist with BDA while combat engineering
personnel oversee the entire process. Once initial reconnaissance is accomplished, recovery teams could
begin preparations to conduct RRR and BDR activities. However, the risk to personnel and equipment from
any UXOs must first be minimized. This EOD phase of recovery could be accomplished using MEMS to
seek and destroy, robots to disarm and remove, and/or portable tower-mounted directed energy weapons to
blast away individual UXOs or more densely covered areas, like bomblet or mine fields, that pose extreme
While chemical or biological agents may be neutralized as previously discussed, some personnel may
still be required to operate temporarily in chemical/biological environments.

When that is the case,

personnel could don new chemical-resistant battle dress uniforms (BDUs)


and vastly improved gas masks

with improved filtration, comfort, and visibility. The commander may have the option of enhancing the local
weather to minimize or negate the effectiveness of many chemical and biological agents. Once the level of
risk to recovery teams is deemed acceptable, full-scale recovery and repair operations could commence.
RRR could be accomplished by small teams of personnel and robotics equipment. Equipment could be
compact and versatile, very much like the bobcat tractors used around todays construction sites, only these
may be remotely controlled or programmable. The teams could push eject (pavements and substrate material
displaced due to bomb penetration and explosion) back into craters.

Next, they could apply chemical

compounds or bioengineer catalysts that would penetrate and harden the material pushed back into the crater.
The third step would involve the placement of expanding and self-leveling foam which would harden
sufficiently to preclude the need for crater hole compassion. Finally, the teams resurface the crater holes
with a remotely controlled machine, not unlike the systems currently used to resurface ice skating rinks. The
machine could place materials which can either harden rapidly on their own or use a chemical or lightinduced hardener. Use of this type of machine could ensure rapid repairs within the required roughness
criteria for the pavements effected. This capability may enable crater repairs to be conducted by one person
with a couple of pieces of equipmenta significant improvement over the 2530 men per crater and multiple
pieces of large construction equipment required today.
At the same time, facility BDR could be under way. Small teams of personnel and equipment would
perform necessary repairs. Critical facilities and systems would sense and report the extent of their damage.
Based on the reported information, certain capabilities or functions could automatically transfer to other
facilities or systems until repairs are completed. Repair teams could be automatically tasked by the base
system to respond to damaged facilities and systems in accordance with preestablished priorities. However,
in some cases, depending on the type and scope of the damage, some facilities would be able to repair
themselves. Facilities and systems could self-repair using MEMS or other specially embedded capsules.
Repair teams would respond to effect more involved repairs.

Robots could be capable of applying

expanding and self-hardening foams to cracks, crevices, and holes in walls and roofs. Additionally, teams
could employ organic materials that would grow rapidly once a catalyst is applied, or sheets of composite
materials which could be cast in place on-site. Regardless of the damage (not withstanding complete and


utter destruction), each structure, runway, taxiway, or system is easily and rapidly repaired or replaced with
minimal, if any, significant effect on base operations.

Mobile Base

FOBs may be required to support operations throughout the contingency continuum which may include
everything from peace operations and humanitarian/disaster relief to major regional contingencies.
Unfortunately, there may not always be access to suitable base facilities in the most desirable or optimal
locations. What follows is a CONOPS, nicknamed Harvest Geronimo, for rapid power projection in
2025a capability to rapidly deploy necessary forces along with the ability to establish and easily sustain
forward bases virtually anywhere we want them. In essence, it describes a mobile base system that is light
on its feet.
The nickname is a hold over from the 1980s line of United States Air Force transportable bare base
support systems in the vein of Harvest Bare, Eagle, and Falcon. It recalls the nomadic tendencies of early
Indian tribes that set-up camps wherever it was most suitable to their needs. It also draws reference to the
traditional cry of paratroopers, who yelled Geronimo upon aircraft exit during paradrop operations.
Harvest Geronimo is a self-contained, completely airmobile, air-droppable, self-erecting base support
system with relatively small mass to the resulting volume of utility and employment.
The employment of the mobile base would always involve the following four phases: deployment, force
beddown, sustainment (which includes preattack preparations and postattack recovery operations), and

Phase IDeployment
It all starts with mobility. A significantly improved fleet of long-range, heavy-lift aircraft could enable
this CONOPS. Potential locations could be derived from varying intelligence means with the selection of the
most suitable land area determined from a more advanced version of photogrammetryessentially, virtual
surveying. Should airfield facilities (runways, taxiways, and parking aprons) be required, commanders


would have the option of improving substandard airfields or creating new ones.

For the purpose of

illustrating potential capabilities, establishment of a new airfield on a barren piece of land will be described.
First, the selected location could be secured by a rapid deploying force of one or more unmanned
combat UAVs or StrikeStars


and an air base defense team. Cargo UAVs precision air-drop or disperse

the weapons and sensor systems previously discussed in the section entitled shielded base. The air base
defense team facilitate system setup and checkout. Once the desired location is secure, an airborne base
establishment team proceeds to the site to create the required airfield.
The next step of the operation is accomplished largely via airborne platforms. A specially equipped
aircraft begin operations by making a few overhead passes to spray a polymeric soil cement-type substance
that penetrates and hardens the soil to bearing capacity strengths commensurate with 1,000 pounds per square
inch concrete. The application does not have to follow an exact geometric pattern, although application must
be relatively consistent. Subsequent passes involve the aircraft spraying self-leveling foam-like compounds
to fill in grade inconsistencies. This achieves desired flatness criteria without earth-moving, cut and fill
operations. The foam would harden rapidly into an expansive crystalline type composite with adequate
structural capacity. The final step would be to surface the airfield. Here, the aircraft sprays a self-leveling,
polymeric composite material which reacts with certain light wavelengths to bond and harden, using an
airborne laser system (ABL). The ABL scans the prepared surfaces at the desired wavelength and dwell
time to complete the job. The landing surface is then ready for use, with one notable exceptionit looks
more like a puddle than a runway. Incidentally, parking aprons and taxiways are simply extensions to the
puddle, constructed in the same fashion.
An alternative approach to airfield establishment may be the use of organically similar materials which
apply the concepts of bioduplication or biomimicking to essentially grow airfield surfaces. The airfield
surface structural sub-bases would be established in much the same way as with the preceding method. In
this case, materials would be placed in desired areas and treated with catalysts or reagents that would spur
rapid growth and hardness. Once again, the airfield would not take the standard geometric shapes of today.
An added advantage of organic airfields, from a camouflage, couccalment, and deception (CCD) standpoint,
would be their similarity to the surrounding environment.


Phase IIForce Beddown

This phase begins with precision guided airdrops, thereby avoiding the need for large-scale, cargohandling operations on the ground. Facilities, equipment, and personnel would be precision air-dropped into
the cantonment area or point-of-use.


Upon contact with the ground, troops depart their air-dropped

personnel carriers and facilitate base setup and system checkout. The air-dropped facilities then self-erect.
Deployed personnel create a 2025 version of tent city, albeit far smaller than what is currently required. To
accomplish this task, personnel would use rapid biological growth kits which involve the erection of
lightweight skeletal structures to serve as growth frameworks. Troops would then simply apply, most likely
by spraying, organic materials, and catalysts to grow the facilities. The resulting facility would take the
requisite shape by following the previously erected structure and provide a shelter no less stable (perhaps
more so) than the tents used today. Other facilities self-erect by mechanical processes or inflation. Such
facilities could be used to shelter the more critical functions and systems.
The power infrastructure would consist of extremely efficient sources that will be simple to set up and
maintain. Advances in superconduction to enable near-zero resistance at ambient temperatures may enable
the installation of small distributed and networked power generation systems requiring less fuel as a result of
their ability to transmit electricity without having to overcome excess requirements due to line losses. Some
of the smaller sized units may use an alternative fuel, such as nitrogen (an extremely prevalent and
inexpensive fuel source) for power conversion.

Even batteries could have far greater life spans and

approach the capability of miniature power plants.

All ground-based command, control, communications, computers, and intelligence (C4I) will be small,
extremely powerful systems that take advantage of the same superconductive materials and computer
advances discussed in previous sections. Some C4I systems may be in the form of manpacks, used by security
and other operations personnel, differing only in the quality and quantity of information available to the users.
The entire system would be fused to ensure complete and near-real-time situational awareness.


Phase IIISustainment
The sustainment phase of operations would be essentially the same as at a main operations base (MOB)
and perhaps even less manpower intensive. It would involve standard base operations as well as preattack
and postattack activities.
Standard base operations would be a function of logistics. Logistical systems would be minimal and
most likely just-in-time. Resupply could be accomplished via airdrop. High reliability and low maintenance
systems lead to very few support personnel and a reduced logistics tail. Further, the probability of extending
the mean-time-between-maintenance for up to 60 days will make logistics simple and manageable. Munitions
and fuel could remain as the only continuing logistical concern. However, efficiency of delivery and loading
operations on the ground could be enhanced greatly by all-terrain versions of the robotic systems employed at
Preparation for attack would actually be coincidental to the initial turn-on of base functions. As much
as possible, hardening, CCD techniques, and systems would be designed into the self-erecting structures and
deployed systems. Many aspects, like false signal emitters, would simply be unleashed. Much like the
concept of the low observable base, the FOB would become an extremely difficult target to acquire and
Since there are no guarantees against successful attacks, forces must be prepared and capable of
recovering damaged facilities and airfields. The same systems employed at the MOB would be suitable for

However, repair may actually be more a function of replacement due to existing expedient

construction techniques and airlift improvements.

Operations would continue to follow these general

processes until the mission is complete.

Phase IVRedeployment
The final aspect of mobility operations is redeployment. Only the high-tech, smart facilities (selferecting) would be repackaged for shipment back home. Many, if not most of these items, could be aerially
extracted via a fleet of UAVs. Depending on the location of the FOB, the UAVs could either deliver the
items to a staging base or directly back to the point of origin. The organic facilities, including the airfield
surfaces, could be disposed of in-place. They could be sprayed with biodegradable enzymes or other

corrosive substances to effectively disintegrate right where they were initially emplaced. This capability
could negate the use of such facilities and/or locations by potential adversaries. Redeployment would be as
efficient and expedient as deployment, and all systems immediately available for reuse at another location,
should it be required.


These capabilities could enhance the ability to project power, regardless of location, by essentially
creating a sanctuary from which the US, and her allies, may pursue national objectives. The real challenge is
in determining investment paths and priorities. Acquisition of these capabilities may not be cheap, but the
derived benefits most certainly outweigh the associated costs.


2025 Concept, No. 900605, Active Cloaking Film/Paint, 2025 Concepts Database (Maxwell AFB,
Ala.: Air War College/2025, 1996).
Lt Col Brad Shields et al. Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025,
(Unpublished White Paper, Air Command and Staff College, n.d.)
2025 Concept, No. 900573, Dielectric Materials for Stealth, 2025 Concepts Database (Maxwell
AFB, Ala.: Air War College/2025, 1996). (PROPRIETARY)
2025 Concept, No. 900567, If I Can Smell You . . . , 2025 Concepts Database (Maxwell AFB, Ala.:
Air War College/2025, 1996).
2025 Concept, No. 900206, Commanders Universal [Order of] Battle Display, 2025 Concepts
Database (Maxwell AFB, Ala.: Air War College/2025, 1996).
2025 Concept, No. 900368, Land Identification, Friend or Foe, 2025 Concepts Database (Maxwell
AFB, Ala.: Air War College/2025, 1996).
2025 Concept, No. 900508, Magnetic Detection of Aircraft, 2025 Concepts Database (Maxwell
AFB, Ala.: Air War College/2025, 1996).
2025 Concept, No. 900518, Electronic Grid Throwaway Sensors, 2025 Concepts Database
(Maxwell AFB, Ala.: Air War College/2025, 1996).
2025 Concept, No. 900953, Multi-Sensor, High Altitude, Long Endurance UAV, 2025 Concepts
Database (Maxwell AFB, Ala.: Air War College/2025, 1996).
Chemical and biological agents will be candidates for cleanup by advanced enzymes or catalysts;
but, radiation hazards will still require time to decompose in accordance with their respective half-life.
2025 Concept, No. 900388, Smart Bugs, 2025 Concepts Database (Maxwell AFB, Ala.: Air War
College/2025, 1996).
Larry M. Sturdivan et al., Chemical and Biological Defense for the New Century, Army Research
Development and Acquisition, July-August 1995, 28.




2025 Concept, No. 200009, Pyrotechnic Electromagnetic Pulse, 2025 Concepts Database
(Maxwell AFB, Ala.: Air War College/2025, 1996).
2025 Concept, No. 900350, Aerial Mines, 2025 Concepts Database (Maxwell AFB, Ala.: Air War
College/2025, 1996).
2025 Concept, No. 900612, Bumble Bee Bombs, 2025 Concepts Database, (Maxwell AFB, Ala.:
Air War College/2025, 1996).
Sturdivan et al., 2728.
Lt Col Bruce W. Carmichael et al., StrikeStar 2025 (Unpublished White Paper, Air Command and
Staff College, n.d.).
USAF Scientific Advisory Board, New World Vistas: Air and Space Power for the 21st Century,
summary volume (Washington, D.C.: USAF Scientific Advisory Board, 15 December 1995), 3132.


Chapter 5

Investigation Recommendations

We should base our security upon military formations which make maximum use of science
and technology in order to minimize numbers of men.
Dwight D. Eisenhower

No single technology or system will bring the operability and defense concepts to fruition. In and of
itself, the 2025 aerospace base is an integrated system dependent upon advances in a number of fields and
disciplines. A subjective rating system was developed in an attempt to rank the technologies introduced in
chapter 3.

This limited evaluation provided a single-weighted score for use in comparing all of the

technologies against each other based on a set of qualities defined by the research team.

Each team member

ranked the qualities from one to eight (eight most important) to derive an average quality weighting factor.
Table 3 shows final average ranking for the qualities used to rate the technologies. The top three are
enhance operability, enhance survivability, and cost-effectiveness.


Table 3
Average Quality Ranking Matrix

Total Ranking

Operability Mobility

Average Quality 7






Other Military

Maximum Possible Ranking = 8

Each member then rated individual technologies against the quality criteria as defined below. The
scores were summed up and multiplied by the weighting factor to arrive at a final weighted score. The
qualities used to score the technologies follows.

Enhance Operability

Will the technology enhance aerospace base operability as defined in chapter 1? Sample attributes to
consider include technology effects on sortie generation rate, base systems reliability, manning levels, and
sustainment needs. Scale is from one to five (5 = revolutionary enhancement; 3 = significant enhancement; 1
= modest enhancement).

Enhance Mobility

Will the technology enhance aerospace base mobility?

Factors include enhancements to airlift

deployment requirements, ease of setup for forward deployed bases, and redeployability. Scale is from one
to five (5 = revolutionary enhancement; 3 = significant enhancement; 1 = modest enhancement).

Enhance Survivability

Will the technology enhance aerospace base survivability from all levels of attack? Attributes to
consider include ability to prevent or minimize damage from the full spectrum of attacks, ability to degrade

gracefully, and ability to improve base self-defense effectiveness.

Scale is from one to five (5 =

revolutionary enhancement; 3 = significant enhancement; 1 = modest enhancement).

Enhance Recoverability

Will the technology enhance aerospace base recoverability after an attack?

Attributes include

minimizing downtime after attack, ability to reopen runways, and ability to clean up unexploded ordnance and
residual contaminants.

Scale is from one to five (5 = revolutionary enhancement; 3 = significant

enhancement; 1 = modest enhancement).


To what extent does the technology improve aerospace base operability and defense compared to the
cost of implementation by the military? This is the most subjective of the quality measurements. A high
score implies a high benefit to cost ratio. This can be the case either because the military absorbs the full
cost and gets a tremendous return, or the commercial sector pays for the development and the military only
pays for conversion. Scale is from one to seven (7 = significantly cost-effective; 5 = moderately costeffective; 3 = neutrally cost-effective; 1 = not cost-effective).


What is the probability that technology will advance enough in key areas to provide the capability
described in the concept by 2025? Scale is from one to five (5 = very high feasibility, 3 = moderate
feasibility; 1 = low feasibility).


Commercial Applications

To what extent does the concept have technology spin-offs which have application within the
commercial sector? A high score implies that there could be significant cost savings in the development or
production costs due to commercial interest.

Scale is from one to five (5 = extensive commercial

applications; 3 = moderate commercial applications; 1 = minimal applications).

Military Applications

To what extent does the technology have other military applications?

A high score implies that

development costs will be leveraged across numerous military development programs. Scale is one to five
(5 = significant number of other military applications; 3 = moderate amount of other military applications; 1 =
minimal amount of other military applications).


Table 4 shows the average ratings for each of the technologies. The maximum possible total score for
any technology is 25. The last column shows the total score for each technology as a percentage of the
maximum possible score. These percentages are also shown graphically on figure 5-1.


Table 4
Average Technology Ratings Matrix







Commercial Other Military Total

Application Applications Weighted

% of


















Power Sources










AI/Neural Nets 4.2






















































Sensor Fields












































Maximum Possible Score = 25

As the data shows, most of the technologies are grouped within a 12 percent band.

Only three

technologies, SQUID, holography, and directed energy weapons seem to drop out of contention. The top two
technologies, superconductivity, and MEMS, standout from the rest of the group while alternate power
sources and artificial intelligence/neural nets round out the top four.


Alternate Power Sources
Artificial Intelligence /
Neural Nets
Advanced Materials
Advanced Sensor Fields
Defensive Weapons


Percentage of Maximum Score



Figure 5-1. Average Technology RatingGraphic Depiction

Although the results are limited by their subjective derivation, they indicate a distinct predilection for
technologies that directly improve operability and indirectly improve base defense and correspondingly
reduce the core entity ring. Two of the top four technologies are related to revolutionizing the way base
systems generate power, taking power generation from a key core entity to the intermediate or peripheral
entity categorythese are synergistic technologies. As ambient temperature superconductivity becomes
possible, the use of alternate power generation methods becomes more cost- and performance effective. The
broad applications of MEMS for use in low-observable facilities, battle damage repair, and self-erecting
structures have the potential to also move several additional entities out of the core entity category. Finally,
artificial intelligence offers the potential to provide the synergism needed at the base level to integrate and
operate all of these capabilities. The low scores for directed energy weapons, holography, and SQUIDs are
a reflection of their applicability to only the defense side of operability and defense.


The capabilities envisioned for the aerospace base of 2025 could become available incrementally with
a combination of commercial and government investment in diverse technologies.

For many of these

technologies the driving factor will be the development costs. Figure 5-2 shows an estimate of the relative

development cost sharing for each technology area discussed above.

On a positive note, the top technologies recommended by the research team have significant commercial
applications and investment potential which may be readily leveraged by the military. Some of the cited
technologies are further from reality than others; however, the facilities they would effect are being built
today. Consideration on how to effect the transition which will enable the application and use of these new
capabilities is strongly recommended. As an example, we spend a great deal of money and effort improving
the human factors of base systems and aircraft maintenance. Consideration should begin with regard to

making systems suitable for robotsrobonomic.

New construction and facilities modifications should, at a

minimum, consider the need for future low-observable retrofits and modifications for hardening or use of
reactive armor.

Ongoing environmental cleanup and the increasing threat of biological and chemical

contamination strongly suggests a continuing need to consider the means to take advantage of biotechnology
for contaminant cleanup.


Alternate Power Sources
AI/Neural Nets
Advanced Materials
Advanced Sensor Fields
Defensive Weapons
Level of Government

Level of Commercial

Figure 5-2. Development Cost Sharing

None of the technologies and concepts discussed above is singularly important to operability and
defense. Together though, they provide a quantum synergism that can greatly increase the effectiveness and
survivability of the 2025 aerospace base. In the year 2025, operability and defense will not and cannot be
mutually exclusive. Day-to-day operations will have to consider the potential for instantaneous transitions to
combat footing. This applies to CONUS-based MOBs and FOBs. Reducing the number of core entities
provides an obvious improvement in base defense since the number of entities that have to be protected at
all costs goes down. There is a corresponding, though less obvious, improvement in day-to-day base
operability. The steps taken to reduce core entities include improvements in base systems reliability,
decreases in base manning levels, and use of reliable, low-cost power generation, among other things. All
are steps which combine to simplify day-to-day operations and even reduce the operating costs. The upshot
is that most of the technologies identified in this research paper have civilian applications or military


applications in other areas.

The downside is that todays base infrastructure is typically tomorrows

infrastructure, so implementation of these concepts will need to start today.


The issue of operability and defense in the year 2025, and as presented in this paper, is not one based
exclusively on arguments for the development or advancement of a specific technology or technologies. Nor
is the issue of operability and defense focused narrowly on developing a singular system which will permit
the aerospace base of 2025 to function and sustain aerospace power projection, despite actual or attempted
disruptions. The integrated system inherent to the aerospace base of 2025 denotes a major revolution in
operability and defense because of its force enhancement qualities of adaptability, defensibility, mobility,
reliability, and survivability. Within this construct, vulnerabilities of the integrated system resident at an
aerospace base have not been discounted but considered in terms of their elimination. Successful attacks on
the whole or parts of the system, by a determined adversary, have not been discounted either but addressed in

terms of building in robustness and redundancy, allowing for graceful degradation. Reduction of the number
of core entities, so vital to the functioning of the aerospace base, has been presented as a viable means to
preserve the functionality of the base to support its designated mission.
So it is, that the five force enhancement qualities of adaptability, flexibility, mobility, reliability, and
survivability are integrated throughout the aerospace base infrastructure. In the end, the overarching vision
for the integrated aerospace base of 2025 is not derived from the objective of developing an impregnable
fortress. The vision articulated in this paper is focused on providing a sanctuary for aerospace dominance
through the creation of a low-observable, shielded, self-healing, and mobile aerospace base. This vision
includes reducing and dispersing core functions, thereby reducing the consequences of attack. Finally, by
using new technologies to accomplish this, and by creating a sanctuary, the aerospace base becomes a source
of energy and replenishment that enhances aerospace power.



The evaluation qualities can be viewed as two categories; functional qualities related to how well the
technology enhances aerospace base operability and defense, and implementation qualities which provide
insight into the likelihood of the technology being affordable or doable. However, all eight qualities were
ranked as one group since any future development program will have to trade off cost, performance, and
schedule qualities as necessary to decide which technologies to pursue.
This is a subjective assessment derived from each team members impressions of each of the
technologies researched. As such, the assessment only provides a very rough idea of the split between
government and commercial funding for development. Thus, subsequent investigation should refine and
validate these findings.
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