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Physical Address:

Postal Address:

Sandhaven Office Park

14 Pongola Crescent
Eastgate Ext. 17, Sandton
South Africa, 2199
P.O. Box 5803
Rivonia, 2128

(the Merchant)
Physical Address:

Postal Address:



Setcom and the Merchant have entered into a Subscription Agreement in terms
of which Setcom offers e.commerce services to the Merchant.


In respect of the transaction referred to in Annexure A hereto, the Merchant

received notification via the e.commerce services, that the Customer had effected
payment to it, however, the monies were not transferred from the Customers
bank account into the Merchants nominated bank account.


Notwithstanding that Setcom has not provided the Merchant with any warranties
or representations regarding its use of the e.commerce services and has not
accepted liability for any loss or damage suffered by the Merchant relating to the
e.commerce services, Setcom, in this particular instance, is prepared to pay the
Merchant the amount that should have been transferred from the Customers
bank account to the Merchants bank account in respect of the transaction (the
Transaction Amount) on condition that the Merchant cedes all its rights, title and
interest in its claim against the Customer for payment of the Transaction Amount
to Setcom.


The parties have recorded the terms and conditions applicable to the above in
this Agreement.


Within 45 days from the date of signature of this Agreement by the last signing
party, Setcom shall pay the Merchant the Transaction Amount.


Such payment shall be in full and final settlement of all claims that the Merchant
may have against Setcom arising from or relating to the use of the e.commerce
services in respect of the transaction or against the Customer arising from or
relating to the transaction.


The Merchant hereby acknowledges that Setcoms payment to it in terms of this

Agreement is not a waiver or a novation of any of Setcoms rights in terms of the
Subscription Agreement or of any of the provisions of the Subscription Agreement
and, more particularly, by this settlement Setcom shall not be construed as
having made any representations or given any warranties to the Merchant
regarding the e.commerce services or undertaken any liability for any other loss
or damages that the Merchant may sustain as a result of its use or
implementation of the e.commerce services.


The Merchant hereby cedes, assigns and transfers to and in favour of Setcom all
of its rights, title and interest in and to its claim against the Customer for payment
of the Transaction Amount.


The Merchant hereby grants to Setcom, with full power of substitution, the power
and authority to recover from the Customer in its name or in Setcoms own name
the Transaction Amount and, if so determined by Setcom, to institute action in the
Merchants name or in Setcoms own name against the Customer for recovery of
the Transaction Amount and to retain the proceeds recovered in the exercise of
such powers on account of and in reduction of the settlement amount that
Setcom paid to the Merchant and all costs and expenses incurred by Setcom in
the exercise of such powers.


In the event that the Customer effects payment of the Transaction Amount to the
Merchant after Setcom has paid the settlement amount to the Merchant, the
Merchant shall immediately: -



notify Setcom in writing of such payment; and


pay the Transaction Amount to Setcom.

The Merchant warrants that: 3.4.1

prior to signing this Agreement, it has not disposed of its rights, title and
interest in and to its claim against the Customer in respect of the


the Merchant is entitled without notice to the Customer to cede its claim
against the Customer to Setcom;


the Merchant will deliver all contracts and documents relating to the
transaction to Setcom on date of signature hereof;


the Merchant has not made any representations, warranties or

undertakings to the Customer other than those specifically contained in
the contracts and documents relating to the transaction;


the transaction was in all respects valid and complied fully with any law
applicable to the goods that were sold and delivered or the services that
were rendered by the Merchant to the Customer in terms of the


the goods or the services that are the subject matter of the transaction
have been properly sold and delivered or properly rendered by the
Merchant to the Customer;


at the date of signature hereof, the Merchant will not be in breach of any
of its obligations in terms of the transaction; and


prior to signing this Agreement, the Merchant will have disclosed to

Setcom in full all information relating to the Customer and the transaction.



The Merchant hereby indemnifies Setcom for any loss that Setcom may incur
and/or for any claim that may be made against Setcom in respect of any dispute
raised by the Customer relating to the transaction.


The Merchant hereby indemnifies Setcom and holds it harmless against any
claim, loss or expense arising out of or in connection with or which may be
sustained or incurred by Setcom as a direct or indirect consequence of any
breach by the Merchant of any of the terms, conditions, warranties,
representations or undertakings of the Merchant in terms of this Agreement.


The laws of the Republic of South Africa shall govern the validity, interpretation
and performance of this Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the whole
agreement between the parties relating to the subject matter hereof and no
alteration or addition to or variation or waiver or cancellation hereof shall be of
any force or effect unless reduced to writing and signed by those parties.


The parties hereby choose their domicilium citandi et executandi at their

addresses set out on the first page hereof where all notices or processes may be
validly delivered to or served upon it. Any party may change its domicilium by
notice in writing to the other party and such change shall take effect on the 7
day after the addressee has received such notice.


No latitude, indulgence or failure to act in terms of this Agreement at any time by

any party shall prejudice in any way the rights of that party, nor shall it create new
rights nor be construed as a waiver.


Any provision in this Agreement, which is or may become illegal, invalid or

unenforceable shall be treated pro non scripto and severed from the balance of
this Agreement so that the remaining provisions of this Agreement remain valid
and enforceable.

SIGNED BY SETCOM AT _____________________ ON THIS THE _________ DAY OF

___________________ 20____: AS WITNESSES:




For and on behalf of Setcom (Proprietary)
Limited, he being duly authorised hereto

SIGNED BY THE MERCHANT AT _____________________ ON THIS THE _________ DAY

OF ___________________ 20____: AS WITNESSES:




For and on behalf of ___________________
_________, he being duly authorised hereto

DETAILS OF THE TRANSACTION: Full name of the Customer
Physical Address of the Customer

Postal Address of the Customer

Telephone number of the Customer

Cellphone number of the Customer
ID Number or Company registration number
of the Customer
Contact person of Customer
Bank account details of the Customer

Account Number:
Branch Code:

Details of the goods or services that were

sold and delivered by the Merchant to the
The date/s on which the goods were sold and
delivered or the services were rendered to
the Customer
The amount that Customer agreed to pay the
Merchant in respect of the goods or services
(the Transaction Amount)
The date on which the Transaction Amount
was payable
Details of all attempts that the Merchant has
made to collect payment of the transaction
amount from the Customer
A list of all documents that relate to the sale
and delivery of the goods or the services
Documents that must accompany this Agreement: 1.

copies of all documents that relate to the sale and delivery of the goods or the
services rendered by the Merchant to the Customer;


the notification that the Merchant received via the e.commerce services reflecting that
the Customer had effected payment to the Merchant;


proof that the Merchant has not received this payment.

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