Syllabus LS3 Spring 2015 FINAL

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Instructor: Fuyu Tamanoi, Ph.D.
Lecture: Mon / Wed 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM (LaKretz 110)
Office Hours: Tuesdays / Thursdays 4:00-5:00PM (2610 C Molecular Sciences Building)
Midterm I: April 21, 2015

5:00 6:50 pm

Midterm II: May 12, 2015 5:00 6:50 pm

Final: 11:30 2:30PM Thursday, June 11, 2015

Course Objective:
In this course, we introduce the basic concepts in biochemistry, molecular biology and molecular
genetics (e.g. protein structure and function, DNA structure and replication, transcription, RNA
processing and translation, recombinant DNA technology). LS3 integrates many different areas
of science, from physics and chemistry to biology, and places special emphasis on experimental
approaches to understanding molecular biology.
General Information:
Lecture Text: Molecular Biology by Robert F. Weaver5th edition
Copies of lecture slides will be posted before the class.
We will use clickers during the class starting from the second week. The clicker
participation counts towards your point.
Discussion sections
Teaching assistants (TAs) lead the discussion sections. They are responsible for
clarifying important points from the lectures/readings/labs and for answering any
questions you may have about the course material.
You are expected to attend your assigned discussion section
Dr. Tamanoi's Contact Information
Please contact Dr. Tamanoi: [email protected]
Office: Molecular Science Building 2610C
Please put "LS3 STUDENT" in the subject heading of all e-mails. E-mails without this
subject heading will be deleted. NOTE: E-mail is not an appropriate medium for long,
technical questionssave those types of questions for discussion section or office hours.

TA Contact Information
Morgan Caswell
Jeffrey Heard
Jennifer Kim
Danielle Miroha
Xiao Song

[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

Reading Assignments & Exams

You must take exams on the scheduled dates. Please check your calendars
NOW to make sure that you don't have conflicts!
Check exam room assignments.
Administrative Issues**
For enrollment, scheduling, etc., please email the Life Sciences Core Curriculum Office
at [email protected] or stop by their office located at 222 Hershey Hall.
Your grade in this course will be determined as follows:
Total points: 500
Discussion portion: 20 points
Class participation: Clicker participation: 50 points
Exam portion:
Midterm (The better of the two midterms) = 160 points
Final Exam = 270 points
TOTAL = 430 points
Letter grades are established from a normal curve of total points following standard UCLA
The distribution varies from year to year, but in general at least the top 20% have received A+, A,
or A-, and next 30% received B+, B, or B-.
Regrading Policy:
Presumed grading errors may not be discussed with teaching assistants.
If you feel that there has been a simple addition error during the grading of your exam:
1. Write a note on a separate piece of paper explaining the error. Attach that note to the
front of the exam.
2. Turn it your exam with the note to the LS Core office within one week of the date the
graded exams were returned.
3. Keep a photocopy of the exam for your own records and for studying.
4. These exams will be regraded ASAP. During this process the entire exam will be
reevaluated to look for errors. Thus, your score may increase or decrease.
Please note that when exams are graded, they are photocopied. Every year we have one or two
students who add to their answer before turning in their exam for regrading.

Class Expectations:
Be courteous and on time.
Silence cell phones and other electronic devices. Do not answer the phone during class.
Class participation.
LS Peer Learning Program
The Life Sciences Department offers free learning support to currently enrolled undergraduate
students through the Life Science Peer Learning Program. The Peer Learning Program is aimed
at developing academic skills, critical thinking, and independent learning to help students
enrolled in LS1, LS2, LS3, or LS4 with their subject. The Peer Learning Program is staffed by
carefully selected and trained undergraduate Peer Learning Facilitators, who are chosen for their
academic excellence and communication skills.
Once enrolled in the Peer Learning Program, you are committed to attending a free 1 hour and 20
minute session once each week from Week 2 to Week 10. Some Peer Learning Facilitators may
offer additional review sessions before exams. Please note that the cap for enrollment in this
program is limited, and it can only accommodate students on a first-come first-serve basis for the
available sessions.
For more information about the program, please visit: You
can sign up for peer learning through MyUCLA beginning on Thursday, April the 2nd at
8:00am by clicking on the "Academics" tab on the top menu and selecting "Peer Learning," or
using this link:
Other Helpful Information:
You are strongly urged to attend class. If you miss a class, obtain notes from a classmate,
as test material will be stressed during lectures.
The lecture topics are somewhat flexible (depending on the pacing of the class) and
maybe subject to change at my discretion. Accordingly, it is your responsibility to find
out if and when exam dates have been changed.
Discussion is welcomed during lecture, so please feel free to ask any questions, seek
clarification, etc. If you need extra help or if we are pressed for time during class, please
see me during office hours.
Attend discussion section regularly.
The midterm and final questions are mainly conceptual rather than factual.

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