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Under the Supervision of: Ms. Kavya Salim
BY :
RAKSHIT JOSHI (R450210095)
Table of Contents


Research Methodology
Scheme of the Act
Comparison with the USA Act
Impact and Functioning of the Act


This project analyses the functioning of the Right to information Act, 2005 and
possible amendments required in the Act in light of the recent Criticisms as well as
deaths of RTI Activists
Research Methodology
The present study uses books, internet, articles, reviews, work of various
scholars in the field and therefore is a doctrinal research.

History of the Right To Information Act


It has taken India 82 years to transition from an opaque system of governance, legitimized by the
colonial Official Secrets Act, to one where citizens can demand the right to information. The
recent enactment of the Right to Information Act 2005 marks a significant shift for Indian
democracy, for the greater the access of citizens to information, the greater will be the
responsiveness of government to community needs.
Right To Information is derived from our fundamental right of freedom of speech and expression
under Article 19 of the Constitution. If we do not have information on how our Government and
Public Institutions function, we cannot express any informed opinion on it. Democracy revolves
around the basic idea of Citizens being at the center of governance. And the freedom of the press
is an essential element for a democracy to function. It is thus obvious that the main reason for a
free press is to ensure that Citizens are informed. Thus it clearly flows from this, that the Citizens
Right To Know is paramount.
The Act and its rules define a format for requisitioning information, a time period within which
information must be provided, a method of giving the information, some charges for applying
and some exemptions of information which will not be given.

The Need for the Right To Information

In recent years, there has been an almost unstoppable global trend towards recognition of the
right to information by countries, intergovernmental organizations, civil society and the people.
The right to information has been recognized as a fundamental human right, which upholds the
inherent dignity of all human beings. The right to information forms the crucial underpinning of
participatory democracy - it is essential to ensure accountability and good governance. The
greater the access of the citizen to information, the greater the responsiveness of government to
community needs. Alternatively, the more restrictions that are placed on access, the greater will
be the feelings of 'powerlessness' and 'alienation'. Without information, people cannot adequately
exercise their rights as citizens or make informed choices.
The free flow of information in India remains severely restricted by three factors:
a. The legislative framework includes several pieces of restrictive legislation, such as the Official




b. The pervasive culture of secrecy and arrogance within the bureaucracy; and












The primary power of RTI is the fact that it empowers individual Citizens to requisition
information. Hence without necessarily forming pressure groups or associations, it puts power
directly into the hands of the foundation of democracy- the Citizen.

The Act applies both to Central and State Governments and all public authorities. A public
authority (sec. 2(h)) which is bound to furnish information means any authority or body or
institution of self-government established or constituted (a) by or under the Constitution, (b) by
any other law made by Parliament, (c) by any other law made by State Legislature, (d) by a
notification issued or order made by the appropriate Government and includes any (i) body
owned, controlled or substantially financed, (ii) non-government organization substantially
financed - which, in clauses (a) to (d) are all, directly or indirectly funded by the appropriate

Definition: Information
The Act defines information in sec. 2(f) as any material in any form, including the records,
documents, memos, e-mails, opinions, advices, press releases, circulars, orders, log books,
contracts, reports, papers, samples, models, data material held in any electronic form and
information relating to any private body which can be accessed by a public authority under any
law for the time being in force. Sec. 2(i) defines the word record as including (a) any document,
manuscript and file, (b) any microfilm, microfiche and facsimile copy of a document, (c) any
reproduction of image or images embodied in such microfilm and (d) any other material
produced by a computer or any other device.

Definition: Right To Information

The right to information is defined in sec. 2(j) as a right to information accessible under the Act
which is held by or under the control of any public authority and includes a right to (i) inspection
of work, documents, records, (ii) taking notes, extracts or certified copies of documents or
records, (iii) taking separate samples of material, (iv) obtaining information in the form of
diskettes, floppies, tapes, video cassettes or in any other electronic mode or through printouts
where such information is stored in a computer or in any other device.

Maintenance and Publication of Records

Sec. 4 makes it a duty of public authorities to maintain records for easy access and to publish
within 120 days the name of the particular officers who should give the information and in
regard to the framing of the rules, regulations etc. Subsection (3) of sec. 4 states that for the
performance of subsection (1), all information shall be disseminated widely and in such form and
manner, which is easily accessible to the public.
Sec. 6 permits persons to obtain information in English or Hindi or in the official language of the
area from the designated officers. The person need not give any reason for the request or any
personal details. Sec. 7 requires the request to be disposed of within 30 days provided that where
information sought for concerns the life or liberty of a person, the same shall be provided within
48 hours. Under sec. 7(7) before any decision is taken for furnishing the information, the
designated officer shall take into consideration the representation, if any, made by a third party
under sec. 11.
A request rejected shall be communicated under sec. 7(8) giving reasons and specifying the
procedure for appeal and the designation of the appellate authority. Sec. 7(9) exempts granting
information where it would disproportionately divert the resources of the public authority or
would be detrimental to the safety and preservation of the record in question.

Sec. 8 exempts from disclosure certain information and contents as stated in Sub-clauses (a) to
(j) thereof. Sub-clause (b) exempts information, which is expressly forbidden by any court of law
or tribunal or the dispute of which may constitute contempt of court. Sub-clause (g) exempts

information the disclosure of which would endanger life, or physical safety of any person or
identify the source of information or assistance given in confidence for law enforcement or
security purpose. Sub-clause (h) exempts information, which could impede the process of
investigation or apprehension or prosecution of offenders. Sub-clause (i) exempts Cabinet
It is important to note that the Act specifies that intelligence and security organizations are
exempted from the application of the Act. However, it is provided that in case the demand for
information pertains to allegations of corruption and human rights violations, the Act shall apply
even to such institutions.

Constitutional Avenues Remain Open

Under the Act, where a citizen has exhausted the remedy of appeal or second appeal, the finality
given to the orders of the commissioners and appellate authorities is only for the purposes of the
Act and the citizen has a right to approach the High Court under Art. 226 or where it refers to a
fundamental right, he may even approach the Supreme Court under Art. 32.









The right to information is a fundamental right flowing from Art. 19(1)(a) of the Constitution is
now a well-settled proposition. Over the years, the Supreme Court has consistently ruled in favor
of the citizens right to know. The nature of this right and the relevant restrictions thereto, has
been discussed by the Supreme Court in a number of cases:
In Bennett Coleman, the right to information was held to be included within the right to
freedom of speech and expression guaranteed by Art. 19 (1) (a).
In Raj Narain, the Court explicitly stated that it is not in the interest of the public to cover with
a veil of secrecy the common routine business - the responsibility of officials to explain and to
justify their acts is the chief safeguard against oppression and corruption.

In S.P. Gupta, the right of the people to know about every public act, and the details of every
public transaction undertaken by public functionaries was described.






The United States enacted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) in 1966 and introduced
amendments in 1974 and 1986. This Act is applicable to government agencies. Agencies under
the act include the whole executive arm of the state as well as military department, government
corporations and government controlled corporations and any independent regulatory agency.
The Act begins with the obligation on the government agencies to publish (in the Federal
Register) information about the organization of the agency; functions; procedure; the
persons/officials from whom information can be collected; the availability of forms; the scope of
information available; the substantive rules and statements of general policy or interpretations of
general applicability adopted by the agency and amendments thereof.
The agencies are obligated to provide records not included in the above categories, upon request,
which reasonably describes the record. The right to make a request lies with any person, i.e.,
any legal entity like an individual, private corporation etc. The request has to be in accordance
with the rules in place regarding time, place, fees and procedure to be followed. The regulations
have to be made by each agency and framed pursuant to notice and receipt of public comments
thereon. It must include a schedule of the fees and the guidelines to determine the waiver or
reduction of the fees.
The Act contains minimum tests for fees. Fees have to be limited to reasonable standard charged
for search, duplication and review when requested for commercial use. This is limited to
reasonable charges for duplication only when request is by educational or scientific institution,
for scholarly or scientific research; or by representative of the news media. For any other kind of
request, reasonable standard charges for document search and duplication is the norm.
Time period for compliance with a request is ten (10) days from receipt of the request. Decision
will be notified immediately to the requestor with reasons. In case of refusal, it must mention the
right to the requester to appeal to the head of the agency and the names and titles/positions of the

person responsible for the denial. The time limit is extendable with notice and reason but only for
a maximum of 10 more days. Such extension is allowed for search and consultation time.
The first appeal lies to the head of the agency and has to be determined within twenty (20) days
from the date of receipt of the appeal. From this departmental appeal lies the right of judicial
review by the District Court. The court can be approached directly, in case of no response on the
request within twenty days or if the decision of the departmental appeal is not given within
twenty days. Additional time is given for review of the request by the court after retaining
jurisdiction if the government can show existence of exceptional circumstance and due diligence
of the agency in responding to the request.
The United States like other developed countries enacted laws such as the Freedom of
Information Act 1966, which allow individuals to access records of government agencies in order
to ascertain the proper functioning of such agencies. The Freedom of Information Act like our
own Right to Information Act provides for a specific time period within which applications made
under the act must be complied with. The Freedom of Information of Act provides that only a
reasonable fee for compiling with the request for information shall be levied on the citizen.
Similarly the Right to Information Act also provides for a prescribed fee that will be levied on
the citizen making an application for information.
Freedom of Information Act, which expressly provides for the District courts in the US to
exercise the power of judicial review in case of non-response from the authorities established
under the act or by way of appeal from such authority. The power of judicial review though not
expressly provided under the Act is inherent, as this power has been given to them by the

Impact of the New Law

Now that the statute requires information about the pendency of the applications, reasons as to
why they are not disposed of or the reasons behind the rejection of an application, there is bound
to be improvement in the efficiency of the departments. As of now, the only supervision of
efficiency is supervision that is made by the superior officers at the time of reviewing the

employees work and while recording comments in the annual confidential reports or ACRs. This
process has not proved successful and though it may be continued, still the threat of a Designated
official calling for the relevant information at the instance of a citizen will be a salutary check on
the inefficiency of officers. It also checks lethargy or bad faith or corrupt motives.
Another important aspect is that in India we have not given respect and prominence to the rights
of the individual Citizen. True democracy is impossible until we recognize the majesty of the
individual Citizen. If individual Citizens are empowered to ensure greater accountability and
transparency in governance, it can bring about a major change. There has been no vehicle
available for individual citizens to impact the governance structure. In a system reeking with
corruption and becoming increasingly insensitive to the problems of the disadvantaged Citizenry,
the Right To Information has shown promise of empowering Citizens to get accountability and
act as an enforcer of good governance.
The overall impact of these decisions has been to establish clearly that the right to freedom of
information, or the public's right to know, is embedded in the provisions guaranteeing
fundamental rights in the Constitution. Various Indian laws provide for the right to access
information in specific contexts. Section 76 of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872, contains what has
been termed a 'Freedom of Information Act in embryonic form'. This provision requires public
officials to provide copies of public documents to anyone who has a right to inspect them.
The Factories Act, 1948, provides for compulsory disclosure of information to factory workers
"regarding dangers including health hazards and the measures to overcome such hazards", arising
from their exposure to dangerous materials. While this is an excellent provision, in practice it is
violated with impunity. The Environment (Protection) Act 1986, and the Environmental Impact
Assessment Regulations provide for public consultation and disclosure in various circumstances.

Example Of Use Of The Act

One of the simple and yet very powerful examples of use of the Right To Information (RTI) I
have heard is of a slum dweller that had learnt the use of the Right To Information. When he
applied for a new ration card, he was told that he would have to give a bribe of Rs. 2000 to the

officials to obtain it. Our friend, -a RTI-empowered Citizen, - smiled, and applied for the ration
card without offering any bribes or groveling in front of the officials for pity. Our common
Citizen had decided to personally become the enforcer of good governance. He found out that the
bribe-givers got their ration cards in about four weeks. He waited for an extra four weeks, and
then applied for information under RTI. Using the simple format with an application fee of Rs.
10, he delivered it to the Public Information Officer of the Food and Supply office. He had asked
up to, which date applications for ration cards had been cleared, and the daily progress report of
his application. This shook up the corrupt officials, since the answer would reveal that they had
given ration cards to others who had applied after him, which would be conclusive evidence that
they had no justification for delaying his card. Happy ending: The Ration card was given to him
immediately. Our RTI-empowered Citizen had been able to enforce the majesty of the Citizen by
using RTI. This story has been repeated many thousand times in getting a road repaired, getting
an electricity connection, admissions in educational institutions and so on.

The Act has been criticized on several grounds. It provides for information on demand, so to
speak, but does not sufficiently stress information on matters related to food, water, environment
and other survival needs that must be given pro-actively, or suo moto, by public authorities. The
Act does not emphasize active intervention in educating people about their right to access
information -- vital in a country with high levels of illiteracy and poverty -- or the promotion of a
culture of openness within official structures. Without widespread education and awareness
about the possibilities under the new Act, it could just remain on paper. The Act also reinforces
the controlling role of the government official, who retains wide discretionary powers to
withhold information.
The most scathing indictment of the Bill has come from critics who focus on the sweeping
exemptions it permits. Restrictions on information relating to security, foreign policy, defence,
law enforcement and public safety are standard. But the Right to Information Act also excludes
Cabinet papers, including records of the council of ministers, secretaries and other officials, this
effectively shields the whole process of decision-making from mandatory disclosure.
Another stringent criticism of the Act is the recent amendment that was to be made allowing for
file notings except those related to social and development projects to be exempted from the

purview of the Act. File notings are very important when it comes to the policy making of the
government. It is these notes that hold the rationale behind actions or the change in certain
policy, why a certain contract is given or why a sanction was withheld to prosecute a corrupt
official. Therefore the governments intention to exempt the file notings from the purview of the
Act has come in for stringent criticisms.
The defects of Right to Information Act in mainly seen in the implementation of the Act. There
are several drawbacks in the act itself also. The public authorities generally do not displayed
information about RTI on their departmental or on the notice boards of concerned departments
such as name plates of Public Information Officers (PIO) and Assistant PIOs in their offices. This
is not mentioned in the act which means that the act do not have mentioned to take action for
enforcement rather than to take litigation help if denied, as an example. The act has mentioned to
disseminate the information prescribed under section 4(1) through various means of
communication. However this information is not seen even on the notice boards of public
authorities in Manipur. PIOS do not have any training to deal with RTI applications. This creates
delay in the process of the delivery of the answer of the application. It is mandatory for the
commission to pay levy penalty under the section 20 if the information is not provided within 30
days. In this context commission absolutely no discretion in this regard. Because of such lack of
stringent enforcement in the act government officials do not have much fear. The commission is
supposed to prepare a report on the implementation of RTI Act at the end of every year u/s 25(1).
No report is yet available through Commission came into being on 12.10.205.
The section 27 and 28 of the act empowers State Government and Competent Authorities to
make their own rules, this in many context counters the RTI Act. This provision is grossly
misused by many competent authorities, State governments and the corrupt bureaucracies or
officers. For example, Many State and Competent Authorities have prescribed fee as high
asRs.500 instead of Rs.10 which prescribed in the Act. This is a form of denial of the poor. And
moreover they make the application form and payment mode complicated which is another form
of discrimination of illiterates. For example, in some application form is not available in local
language, rather issued in English only. Therefore, the power granted to the States Governments
and Competent Authorities under section 27 and 28 to frame their own rules should be recalled


and must be under one uniform rule by the Central government. And people from any part of the
country should be enabling to seek information from any other part of the country.
In one of the Supreme Courts judgment the Supreme Court virtually dismantled the penchant of
central and state governments to appoint retiring bureaucrats as Central and State Information
Commissioners. RTI activists have alleged for long that such appointments are made to ensure
that the commissioners favour the state administration in matters of non-disclosure of
It mandated that all Information Commissions must function as two-person benches, with one
person being a judical member possessing a sound legal background. It has also mandated the
State governments and Central government to make rules for proper selection of Information
Commissioners after advertizing the vacancy at least three months before the appointment, and
following a due process.
In this judgment, the SC has at long last taken ownership of Information Commissions as being
quasi-judicial bodies under itself, and not as an extension of the government and administration,
and a post-retirement home for bureaucrats. "We are of the considered view that it is an
unquestionable proposition of law that the Commission is a 'judicial tribunal' performing
functions of 'judicial' as well as 'quasi-judicial' nature and having the trappings of a Court. It is an
important cog and is part of the court attached system of administration of justice, unlike a
ministerial tribunal which is more influenced and controlled and performs functions akin to the
machinery of administration," the judgment remarked.

In addition to the above mentioned drawbacks in the implementation of the act there are some
other grounds on which the act is criticized. The act does not make any emphasis for intervention
in educating people about their right to access information which vital for a country like India.
The act also seems to reinforce the controlling role of the government official who retains wide
discretionary powers to withhold information. Restrictions on information relating to security,
foreign policy, law enforcement and public safety are kept standard.


The act has grown on the ground of right to know but it seems missing to delimitate right to
privacy from right to know. The RTI Act guaranteed only the information which comes wholly or
partially under public authority. But there is also some private information that we need to
know. This private information is those that directly or indirectly affect the governance. In India
almost every politicians and bureaucrats are linked with big businessmen that their relationship
at many cases directly affects the public structure. Therefore, exempting them form the preview
of the right to know is another step needed towards transparency. This idea of Right to Know is
closer to why many state politicians and bureaucrats try to install big industries without proper
clearance and under many hidden communications between them, that comes under private but
need to know to it. Out of many, one example is that of Tatas Radia tape case which do not come
under the Act as it comes almost under private but need to know. So, the Act needs to improve
with clear definition of private and public.
Even though, there are many holes within the act and in the implementation of the Act, RTI Act
is one of the greatest achievements in the history of Indian Democracy. Even when there are
multiple barriers for poor, it is nice to hear the news like a slum dweller got his Ration Card
through RTI. There are such many successful cases also out of many unsuccessful cases. The role
of MKSS in the movement of Right to Information that brought the scene of present day is
incredible. Constraints in implementation are more than that of drawbacks within the Act. Or, in
other language the delivery of this service, which is one most problem of Indian governance
system. The implementation of e-governance or use of technology in wider scale will help solve
many of its delivery problems like delay in the process of the delivery in compliance to the
The present form of the Right To Information Act, 2005 need complete revamping to bring about
the true objective of the Act. By enacting the Right to Information Act India has moved from an
opaque and arbitrary system of government to the beginning of an era where there will be greater
transparency and to a system where the citizen will be empowered and the true center of power.
Only by empowering the ordinary citizen can any nation progress towards greatness and by
enacting the Right to Information Act 2005 India has taken a small but significant step towards
that goal. The real Swaraj will come not by the acquisition of authority by a few but by the

acquisition of capacity by all to resist authority when abused. Thus with the enactment of this
Act India has taken a small step towards achieving real Swaraj.


Books & Journals
(N.K.Acharya, 2014)
(Kumar, 2010)


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