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Just Sharing an Edgar #Cayce Reading 4 #Easter

M 33 (Lawyer, Protestant)
This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at 1867 Kalorama Road, Washington, D.C., this 21st day of
February, 1935, in accordance with request made by the self - Mr. [826], new Active Member of the
Ass'n for Research & Enlightenment, Inc.
Present: Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. Mr. [826] and Mr. [816]. Born
March 2, 1901 [Exact hour see 826-8, Par. 3-A, 4-A.], on a farm near Pattonsburg, Missouri. [9:12
Time and Place: 11:15 to 12:10 A. M. Eastern Standard Time. ..., Missouri.
(Life Reading Suggestion)
EC: Here we have a variation in the physical birth and the soul birth, of some hours.
In giving that which may be helpful to this entity in the present experience, it is well that the entity
consider the experiences in the earth in the varied environs that make for urges in the present
And the periods of those sojourns in other realms than in the earth are all as one, when considered from
soul development.
And in consideration of those things that may be given, it is well that these be viewed from that
viewpoint with THIS perspective in view;
that these may be helpful, then, in making for that greater at-oneness of the soul - that which is
continuous in its existence and in its experience.
For this is the purpose for which a soul comes into manifestations in or out of materiality; that it may
be one with, in companionship with, the Creative Forces we call God.
For this purpose has there been given, then, the opportunity for man, for a soul, to manifest that it may
show forth in itself by application and experience, that which is constructive ever, as the motivative
influence in its experience under any and all characters of environment.
For one must show forth one's works by the deeds done in the body, whether the soul-body or in a
material and elemental body as of the earth.
To be sure, those of the earth are earthy when considered from materiality alone; yet the will of the
Father is that none should perish but that all should show themselves as acceptable unto Him in their
relationships with their fellow man.
It is not, then, what one knows that counts, but what one does with that one does understand and

And if the use of the knowledge is that there may be gained the advantage of another, or that they may
lord it over another, that they may indulge in the gratifying of only self alone, what must be the end of
such an entity or soul that allows self to be led in such a way?
In the astrological aspects we find the entity coming under the adverse influences of Jupiter, yet WITH
those influences in Uranus, Saturn, Venus, that are innate within the entity - and which planets are in a
conjunction in the coming year and years.
These should in the next ten years make for the greater advancement for the entity, in the material
positions, the trust by others that will be placed in the entity, material power that is not only given by
position but by worldly means.
Yet these must necessarily, with such opportunities, carry with same that same period of test.
And unless they are motivative by the spirit of truth, the spirit of service, the desire to show forth the
glories of the Lord rather than of self, the glories of help, aid, understanding, brotherly love, good
fellowship, faith and hope in the minds and hearts of individuals, they must come as to naught in the
latter portion of the experience in this sojourn.
But if these opportunities, that begin within the present year, are used in that way and manner as to
make for the greater developments in the minds and hearts of others, then may the entity find that
peace, harmony, love, understanding in the earth as the Lord hath given,
"He that loveth me and keepeth my commandments may ask in my name, believing, and it will be done
unto him."
For, "As ye do it unto the least of my little ones, ye do it unto me.
Enter thou into the joys of thy Lord; for as thou hast been faithful over the few things thou shalt be
made lord over many."
And greater and greater may be the opportunities of the entity in this experience to do good unto his
fellow man; not only in high places, not only in material conditions and experiences but in all walks, in
all ways of man's experience in the earth.
For these have made as these innate in the experiences of the entity, that must become manifested in
one way or another.
And the entity stands at the threshold, as it were, of those admonitions that were given long ago:
"This day, now, there is set before thee good and evil, life and death. Choose thou."
Think not as to who will ascend into heaven to bring him down, who will bring a message down that ye
may hear or know, or who shall go to the ends of the earth that ye may have the greater understanding,
or who shall descend to the depths to bring up a message; for lo, it is in thine own heart!
THERE thy God, in thy temple, has promised to meet thee.

Then, study to show thyself approved unto the God within. For thy body is the temple of the living
Then show forth in thy works among men that ye will honor thy God in thy dealings with thy fellow
Let this thy watchword be in thy going in and thy coming out among thy fellow man:
"Lord, guide, guard and direct. Let the meditations of my heart be in accord with that Thou would have
me be, that I may show forth in my dealings with my fellow man the fact that THOU hast walked and
talked with me."
Then, these are the attributes that we find made in this entity's experience:
One of high mental abilities, with opportunities for good AND evil before others.
One that will find many changes here and there in the social life, in the political life, in the economic
life, in those phases of associations bringing the varied opportunities as for the relationships with the
fellow man.
One naturally endowed with the abilities for the evaluations of activities in the experiences of others,
yet being naturally an exponent without the application
- other than in the material things of life of taking advantage of the psychological moment in the affairs of self and of others.
Yet one necessarily that must oft make quick decisions, quick choice. And both the good and the bad
will be presented, as it were, at once.
One whose natural interest will be in those things pertaining to the influencing of states and nations,
groups and masses, classes and those of the estate that are ever dependent upon a leader.
The entity may become a national or international leader, if the choice is set in those directions and if
the service of self is kept as guided by the spirit of brotherly love.
As to the appearances in the earth, then, and those that influence the entity in the present:
Before this we find the entity was among those of the Virginia land that pushed forward to the settlings
of the lands, and seeking for those things that were begun to being counted as the mediums of exchange
between groups and classes and masses, and those things that would bring
- though gained under hardships the command over others, the command for the life of luxury or ease.
Or seeking for gold did the entity push towards the western lands, and the hills and mountains in the
land of the entity's present nativity became a place of dwelling, a place of activity.

And there the entity found much of those things that satisfied, that gratified the self, for the immediate
Not so well did the entity use these in the beginnings.
And again did the entity push onward - onward - and on to those hills about that which later became
known as the Silver City did the entity gain in the strength of that, in the latter portion of that sojourn,
which made for the entity becoming as one well known, in the name Ernest Austen.
In the experience the entity passed through many periods when from the material angle gains came,
from the mental and the spiritual angle gains and losses came to the entity.
Yet in the latter portion many called the entity blessed for the opportunities it gave to others for the
For, as He has given, he that gives a cup of cold water in His name shall in no wise lose his reward.
Not in mighty deeds of valor, not in those things that may bring fame or fortune alone.
Not in those things of high estate may the greater soul development come to an entity, but rather in line
upon line, precept upon precept, here a little, there a little may the growth come that will bring indeed
the true knowledge and the true understanding of the purposes of an indwelling in the earth.
Before that we find the entity was in that land now known as the Grecian, during the periods when
there were the turmoils and the strifes which arose through the conquest of the Romans upon many of
the eastern lands during those experiences.
The entity was among the recorders or those that kept the counsels with those who made the
associations and activities in other lands.
THEN the entity was what would be termed today, in common parlance, a pacifist of no mean estate; in
the name then Pluenon.
In the experience the entity gained throughout.
Not merely because of the attempts to bring peace and harmony among the nations or the peoples that
strove one with another, but rather in that the entity carried forward that which was innate in the
experience from the previous development.
That, unless that which is meted is for the greater good for the whole it must eventually fail.
THIS was the message carried even into those lands where there were the turmoils and the strife for the
Son of man who walked in the earth.
And the entity then became in those experiences as one that had been sent to make for peace in the
The entity coming under the influence of Joseph of Arimathea, and Nicodemus, came to know much of

those tenets that had made for the moving forces among those in powers of the Sanhedrin,
of those that carried the influences in those activities in the Roman empire when the teachers were sent
hither and yon by those who espoused the cause of the lowly Nazarene [See 826-2 Reports].
Hence those things that bespeak of proclaiming the acceptable day of the Lord must ever stand as the
influences that would prompt the actings, the motivative influences of the entity in its associations, in
its activities among its fellow man.
From those experiences there comes the ability of the entity to WRITE, especially in certain fields; as
would be in that which may take the lowly man and show how through such spiritual environs
- though it may arise from the soil, from the city or from those in higher places there is the motivation in the experiences as to carry such a person, such an individual, to a place where
he (the individual) may become as a light to many; though such power used for self-aggrandizement
must bring SPEEDY activities that bespeak of selfishness.
In this may the entity give out much, may the entity rise to one in these fields of activity that may
become well known. And to the entity may come much of this world's goods from such activities.
In the one before that we find the entity in that known as the Arabian and Persian land, during those
periods when there were the comings of those to the city in the hills and the plains,
to the leader in those experiences to many that brought a new hope, a new vision of brotherly love in
the earth or in those environs about that place.
The entity was the one who came to be the right hand man of the leader Uhjltd, coming from his own
peoples, HEALED by Uhjltd in body but strong in the activities to make for not only the material but
the mental and spiritual gains to many.
Many were they that attempted to supersede or to bring about crosses between that leader Uhjltd and
the entity, then Esdena, of his mother's own peoples;
for Esdena, TOO, was among the initiates of Egypt that came to an understanding with those activities
that were begun there; came as from among the initiates in the land where there had been those
trainings for many of those teachers in and throughout the earth.
The entity gained during that experience.
Again the abilities, the inclinations that have been hindered in many ways, to become a recorder of fact,
a writer of fiction, a writer of those things that may be worth while, may be aroused in the experience
of the entity as well as those abilities to judge among its fellow man.
These come from that experience.
Before that we find the entity was in that land now known as the Pervian, in those days when there
were the establishings of the peoples that had been as sojourners in the land from the Atlantean land.

The entity was among those that rose in power from the associations or connections with those peoples
from Atlantis and the natives in the Peruvian lands.
And it led towards those activities that were later established in what is now Central America,
especially in those temple buildings.
The entity became as a ruler, as a king, as a monarch, as one to whom many bowed; gained much, lost
Yet in the latter experience realizing that which has been and must ever be the tenet:
Unless those activities among men are the aid for the greater number, rather than for the class or the
few, they must eventually fail.
The name then was Omri.
As to the abilities of the entity in the present, then, and that to which it may attain, and how:
First, as has been given, the WAY is before thee. Thou knowest the way. Do not close same.
For ye may enter into the holy of holies and there be shown, as even the pattern in the mount, as to
ways and manners and means.
But when thy day is come, be thou faithful unto that prompting which has so oft given thee power,
authority, fame and fortune in the earth.
For the Lord loveth whom He has chastened; the Lord purgeth those that are given the opportunity and
turn same to self-indulgences.
Keep the faith.
Ready for questions.
(Q) Is sexual intercourse outside of marriage injurious morally and spiritually?
(A) This must ever be answered from one's own inner self. Those attributes of pro-creation, of the proactivity in individuals, are from the God-Force itself. The promptings of the inner man must ever be the
guide; not from ANY source may there be given other than, "Study to show thyself approved unto the
God that thou would worship." As ye would have men do to you, do ye even so to them. In the light of
thine own understanding, keep thy body pure, as thou would have others keep their bodies pure. For thy
body is the temple of the living God. Do not desecrate same in thine own consciousness.
(Q) Should I marry, and if so, at what age?
(A) At thirty-seven.
(Q) What type of girl would be most suitable, and where can I find her?
(A) Look within. When those periods come when there is the natural call for the choosing of that one
which should ever be as a helpmeet, not as one that would lord over any, but that answers first to that
call from within self of the spiritual uplift, be guided by thine own inner conscience. One that would be

dark of hair. One that would be not beautiful of form, but LOVELY of form. One that would have those
purposes as motivative influences for the greater good for the greater number of mankind, and the love
of God as directing the life.
(Q) Are any wives of my entity with whom I lived happily in former sojourns now living, and where
can I find them?
(A) When the right time comes ye will find them! These may best be found by seeking those in thine
own acquaintance and those that may come into thine acquaintance. Ye have met several. Remember,
you had several wives in some!
(Q) Should I remain in my present position, or seek employment elsewhere?
(A) In the present, for the present remain; but begin with those abilities that are lying somewhat
dormant. WRITE!
(Q) What subjects could I study with the greatest benefit?
(A) The history as related to the activities of peoples in groups, in states, in masses, as to how these
may be applied in thine own writings and thine own seekings.
(Q) Would I be successful as a writer of books on health, finance, economics, or other subjects?
(A) On any or all of these subjects. But, as indicated, that which is the motivative influence from the
spiritual ANGLE would be the first. Take in thine own self, take the farmer in thine own environ, thine
own surroundings. Build him as to a power in the earth from his application of the spirit of truth and
life that is in the light of that which is prepared and builded for the building of the more perfect bodies,
the more perfect activities of thought; and that these are not as shams that may be builded from drugs
that are even made from the synthetic and not the pure and true! Build these into those things about
thine men or thine characters in same. WHEAT! call the book.
[See 826-4, Par. 21-A.]
We are through for the present.
Copy to Self
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