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<> sRI vwihgurU jI kI Pqh ]

pwiqswhI 10]
God is one,
All victory is the victory of God.
Paatsahi 10

kbXo bwc bynqI] cOpeI ]

hmrI kro hwQ dY r`Cw ]

(O God!) give me Your Hand and
protect me.

pUrn hoie icq kI ie`Cw ]

Kindly fulfill all (my) mind’s
qv crnn mn rhY hmwrw ]
May my mind remain ever
attached to Your feet.

Apnw jwn kro pRiqpwrw ]1]

Treat me as Your own and cherish

hmry dust sBY qum Gwvhu ]

Destroy all my enemies.

Awpu hwQ dY moih bcwvhu ]

Give me Your Hand and save me.

suKI bsY moro pirvwrw ]
May my family-members live in

syvk isKÎ sBY krqwrw ]2]

May my servants and sikhs live in
peace. O God.

mo r`Cw inju kir dY kirXY ]

Give me Your Hand and protect

sB bYrn kOo Awj sMGirXY ]

Destroy all my enemies today.

pUrn hoie hmwrI Awsw ]
May my (this) hope be fulfilled,

qoir Bjn kI rhY ipXwsw ]3]

The thirst for repeating Your
Name continues to exist

qumih Cwif koeI Avr n iDXwaUN]

May I not forsake You and may I
not meditate on anyone else
except You.

jo br cwhOoN su qum qy pwaUN ]
May I obtain You, whatever gifts
I want

syvk is`KÎ hmwry qwrIAih ]

Kindly make my servants as well as
my disciples to swim (the world

cuin cuin sqR hmwry mwrIAih ]4]

Kindly kill my enemies after
singling them out.

Awpu hwQ dY muJY aubirXY ]
Kindly give me Your Hand and save

mrn kwl kw qRws invirXY ]

Kindly destroy from within myself
the fear of the time of death

hUjo sdw hmwry p`Cw ]

May You ever remain on my side.

sRI AisDuj jU kirXhu r`Cw ]5]

O God, there is Sword on your
Banner, protect me.

rwiK lyhu muih rwKnhwry ]
O Great Preserver, preserve me.

swihb sMq shwie ipXwry ]

Dear God, You are the Master and
Helper of the saints.

dIn bMDu dustn ky hMqw ]

You are the Friend of the poor;
(You) are the Destroyer of

qum ho purI cqurds kMqw ]6]
You are the Master of the
fourteen worlds.

kwl pwie bRhmw bpu Drw ]

Brahma obtained a body (as
ordered by God) at proper time.

kwl pwie isvjU Avqrw ]

Shiva was born (as ordered by
God) at proper time.

kwl pwie kr ibsn pRkwsw ]
Vishnu was born (as ordered by
God) at proper time.

skl kwl kw kIAw qmwsw ]7]

All this is the play of God.

jvn kwl jogI isv kIE ]

God created Shiva Yogi at proper

byd rwj bRhmw jU QIE ]

God created Brahma as the King
of Vedas.

jvn kwl sB lok svwrw ]
He fashions the entire world.

nmskwr hY qwih hmwrw ]8]

I salute Him (such God).

jvn kwl sB jgq bnwXo ]

God created the whole world.

dyv dYq j`Cn aupjwXo ]

God created demi-gods, demons
and yakshas.

Awid AMiq eykY Avqwrw ]
God is the only incarnate, from
the beginning to the end.

soeI gurU smiJXhu hmwrw ]9]

All should know that He (such
God) is my Guru.

nmskwr iqshI ko hmwrI ]

I salute Him alone.

skl pRjw ijn Awp svwrI ]

He Himself creates all His

isvkn ko svgun suK dIE ]
He bestows happiness and divine
virtues on his slaves.

s`qRün ko pl mo bD kIE ]10]

He instantaneously destroys the

Gt Gt ky AMqr kI jwnq ]
God knows what is passing in every

Bly bury kI pIr pCwnq ]
God knows the sufferings of good
and bad people.

cItI qy kuMcr AsQUlw ]

From the ant to the huge

sB pr ik®pw idRsit kr PUlw

God casts His glance of favour on
all and gets pleasure.

sMqn duK pwey qy duKI ]
God is pained to see His saints in

suK pwey swDn ky suKI ]

God is happy, when His saints are

eyk eyk kI pIr pCwnY ]

God knows sufferings of

Gt Gt ky pt pt kI jwnY ]12]
God knows the innermost secrets
of every man’s heart

jb audkrK krw krqwrw ]

When the Creator projects

pRjw Drq qb dyh Apwrw ]

His creation is created in
countless forms.

jb AwkrK krq ho kbhUM ]
When He draws His creation
within Himself.

qum mNY imlq dyh Dr sBhUM ]13]

All living beings are absorbed in
jyqy bdn isRsit sB DwrY ]
All living beings, who have taken
different bodies in this world.

Awpu AwpnI bUiJ aucwrY ]

Describe God’s virtues according
to their understanding.

qum sB hI qy rhq inrwlm ]
(O God), You live apart from

jwnq byd Byd Aru Awlm ]14]

Only the learned and wise persons
(try to) know the secret (of the
above phenomena).

inrMkwr inRibkwr inrlμB ]

O Formless God, You are free
from sins and You do not seek any

Awid AnIl Anwid AsMB ]
You are the Primal Being, most
pure, without beginning and self-

qw kw mUVH aucwrq Bydw ]

Only a fool boasts that he knows
the secrets of God.

jw ko Byv n pwvq bydw ]15]

Whose secrets are not known even
to the Vedas.

qw kO kir pwhn Anumwnq ]
The great fool thinks that God is
a stone.

mhw mUVH kCu Byd n jwnq ]

But he does not know the
difference between the two.

mhwNdyv kO khq sdw isv ]

He continues calling Shiva as the
Eternal God.

inrMkwr kw cInq nih iBv ]16]
but he does not know the secrets
of the Fomless God.

Awpu AwpunI buiD hY jyqI ]

(People) according to their
different intelligence,
brnq iBMn iBMn quih qyqI ]
Describe God differently.

qumrw lKw n jwie pswrw ]

God’s limits and extent cannot be

ikh ibiD sjw pRQm sMswrw ]17]
How the world was fashioned for
the first time (cannot be know).

eykY rUp AnUp srUpw ]

God has only one Form, without
any parallel.

rMk BXo rwv khI BUpw ]

God Himself manifests as a poor
man, a lord or a king at different

AMfj jyrj syqj kInI ]
God has created life from eggs,
wombs and perspiration.

auqBuj Kwin bhuir ric dInI

God has created mines of

khUM PUil rwjw hÍY bYTw ]

Sometimes God sits joyfully as an

khUM ismit BXo sMkr iekYTw ]
Sometimes God sits as a Yogi,
detached (from all).

isgrI isRsit idKwie AcMBv ]

His whole creation unfolds
miraculous things.

Awid jugwid srUp suXMBv ]19]

God, the Primal, is from the
beginning and self-created.

Ab r`Cw myrI qum kro ]
(O God!) give me Your protection

is`KÎ aubwir Ais`KÎ sMGro ]

Protect my disciples and destroy
my foes.

dust ijqy auTvq auqpwqw ]

(O God!) destroy the enemies, who
create mischief.

skl mlyC kro rx Gwqw ]20]
And destroy all infidels on the

jy AisDuj qv srnI pry ]

(There are) men, who seek Your

iqn ky dust duiKq hÍY mry ]

Their enemies meet miserable

purK jvn pg pry iqhwry ]

Persons who fall at Your feet.

iqn ky qum sMkt sB twry ]21]
You remove all their troubles.

jo kil ko iek bwr iDAYhY ]

Those, who meditate on You, even
for once.

qw ky kwl inkit nih AYhY ]

Cannot be approached by death.

r`Cw hoie qwih sB kwlw ]

All of them will get protection for

dust Airst trYyN qqkwlw ]22]
Their troubles and enemies will
finish instantaneously.

ik®pw idRsit qn jwih inhirho ]

Upon whom God casts His
favourable glance.

qw ky qwp qnk mih hirho ]

Become free from the troubles

ir`iD is`iD Gr mo sB hoeI ]
Such persons possess all wordly
and spirtual pleasures, while
sitting in their homes.

dust Cwh CÍY skY n koeI ]23]

Enemies cannot touch even their

eyk bwr ijn qumY sMBwrw ]

One, who remembers You even for

kwl Pws qy qwih aubwrw ]
Will be protected from the noose
of death.

ijn nr nwm iqhwro khw ]

One, who repeats Your Name.

dwird dust doK qy rhw ]24]

Will be relieved from poverty and
saved from attacks of foes.

KVgkyq mY srix iqhwrI ]

I seek shelter of God, Who has
the sword on his Banner.

Awpu hwQ dY lyhu aubwrI ]
O God, give me Your own Hand and
protect me.

srb TOr mo hohu shweI ]

O God, kindly become my Helper
at all places.

dust doK qy lyhu bcweI ]25]

And protect me from the foes and
evil doers.

ik®pw krI hm pr jg mwqw ]
You (Oh God) the mother of all
creatures have blessed me

gRMQ krw pUrn suB rwqw ]

I was able to compile this granth
with great speed and fervor.

iklibK skl dyh ko hrqw ]

Reading this Baani eliminates all of
body’s sins.

dust doiKXn ko CY krqw ]26]
Recitation eliminates our demons
and evil-wishers.

sRI AisDuj jb Bey dieAwlw ]

Only because the honourable all
powerful Lord was merciful to me;

pUrn krw gRMQ qqkwlw ]

did I complete this granth with
such speed.

mn bWCq Pl pwvY soeI ]
Whoever recites this baani with
full intent will attain the fruit of
their inner desires.

dUK n iqsY ibAwpq koeI ]27]

No pain can even come close to

AiV`l ]
Arril - Verse

sunY guMg jo Xwih su rsnw pwveI ]

If a mute (person) listens with the
utmost attention and love they will
attain the gift of speech.
sunY mUV icq lwie cqurqw
If an imbecile, senseless person
listens with concentration and
consideration of the meanings
then they will become incredibly

dUK drd BO inkt n iqn nr ky
rhY ]
No physical or mental pain can
inflect that person;

ho jo XwkI eyk bwr cOpeI ko khY

(oh my friends) the one who
recites this Chaupee Sahib baani

Chaupai: verse

sMbq s~qRh shs Bix~jY]

The year (in Bikrami years) was

ArD shs Puin qIin kih~jY]

Add half of one hundred (50) and
then three years.
Meaning 1753 Bikarmi (1696 A.D.)

BwdRv sudI AstmI rivvwrw]
In the month of Bhaadro (mid-
summer) on a bright Sunday
morning and the eighth day of the

qIr squ~DRv gRMQ suDwrw ]29]

This Baani (Chaupee Sahib) was
completed on the banks of the
Sutlej river.

sÍYXw ]
Savaiya- Verse

pWie ghy jb qy qumry qb qy koaU

AWK qry nhI AwnÎo ]
(O God) since I have fallen at
Your Feet, I do not care for
anybody else.

rwm rhIm purwn kurwn Anyk khYN

mq eyk n mwnÎo ]
I do not follow the religious ways,
preached by various religions,

believing in Ram, Mohammad,
Puran or Quran.

isMimRiq swsqR byd sBY bhu Byd khYN

hm eyk n jwnÎo ]
The Simritis, Shastras and the
Vedas lay down different
doctrines, but I do not recognise
any of these.

sRI Aispwn ik®pw qumrI kir mY n

khÎo sB qoih bKwnÎo ]
O God! (You have sword in your
Hand) I have written these

(hymns) with your grace and
kindness, all that has been said, is
in fact spoken by You.

dohrw ]

sgl duAwr kau Cwif kY gihE

quhwro duAwr ]
I have abandoned all doors
(shelters) and I have come to your
door, My Lord.

bWih ghy kI lwj As goibMd dws
quhwr ]
O God (Gobind), kindly protect the
honour and grasp my arm, I am
Your humble servant.

vwihgurU jI kw Kwlsw ]
vwihgurU jI kI Pqh ]


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