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Assigning your

Lease or
To the Reader
This leaflet is intended primarily for tenants
contemplating assigning their lease or
subletting but it will also interest future
assignees and sub-tenants as well as
landlords, who are all three directly involved in
such a step.

The contents of this leaflet are for information purposes only and do not replace
the legislation.
The staff at the Rgie du logement can inform you of the recourse available to
you for contesting a decision, the applicable procedure before the Rgie and
the deadlines involved. However, our staff cannot inform you of the procedures
applicable before the other tribunals. If you need assistance, contact an
attorney or notary.

you are the tenant of a dwelling which is

used as the family residence and you or
your spouse (married person only) have
notified the landlord of this, unless your
spouse has given written consent to the
assignment or sublet.

" Breaking " the lease

with no Damage Done

Note : In certain cases (such as joint tenancy)

there may be restrictions on the right to assign
or sublet. Ask for information at the Rgie.

Contrary to popular belief, a tenant may not

break his lease with a 3 month notice at any
time during the lease and for any reason.

Assignment, Subletting :
Whats the difference ?

In fact there are only 3 specific situations

where the lease can be cancelled during its
term :
- a tenant is allocated a dwelling in lowrental housing ;
- a tenant can no longer occupy his
dwelling because of a handicap ;
- an elderly person is admitted permanently
to a residential and long-term care centre
or to a foster home.
Other reasons : purchase of a house, divorce,
disagreements between co-tenants, setting up
a new household, the need for a larger
dwelling, financial problems, moving for
employment reasons, etc. do not allow a tenant
to force the landlord to cancel the lease.
The tenant can always try to come to an
agreement with the landlord for the
cancellation of the lease, preferably in
If there is no agreement, the tenant has 2
choices : to assign his lease or sublet the
dwelling to another person.

Before going any further you should be aware
that you cannot assign your lease or sublet
if :
you are a student renting a dwelling in an
educational institution ;
you are a tenant in low-rental housing ;

If you are a tenant who wants to leave a

dwelling, the first question to ask yourself is
whether you may want to return to the dwelling.
If you are leaving temporarily for a trip, studies
or a job for a few months and you wish to avoid
paying rent for a dwelling that you are not living
in, then subletting would be a good solution.
You are still the tenant with all of your
rights and obligations intact. If, on the other
hand, you are moving into a new house or to a
job in another city, you would no doubt prefer
to be released from your lease and its
obligations. In this case it would be best to
assign your lease : you then renounce to
your right to return to the dwelling.

your dwelling, as an assignee or a sub-tenant.

Sign a written agreement right away
(assignment of lease agreement or a sublet
lease) which will be conditional on the landlord
granting consent. Concluding the agreement
will be explained later on.
Next, advise the landlord, in writing, of the
name and address of the interested person :
this information must be given. Needless to say
you may also provide the landlord with further
information as long as you have the consent
of your candidate .
The notice should also include the projected
date for the assignment or the sublet. We
suggest that you use the models of these
notices, which are available at the Rgie.
Make sure that you can prove the date that the
landlord received the notice because he has 15
days from this date to let you know whether he
accepts or refuses the person you have
proposed. If he does not reply, he is
presumed to have accepted.
If he agrees, the landlord has the right to be
reimbursed for reasonable related expenses
(for example, the cost of a credit search).

Assignment and Subletting :


Refusal of Assignment or

Here are the formalities that are identical in

both situations.
the assignor is the tenant who is
assigning his lease, i.e., the person who is
leaving the dwelling ;
the assignee is the person to whom the
tenant assigns his lease, i.e., the one who
will live in the dwelling ;
the sublessor is the tenant who sublets,
i.e., the person who is leaving the
dwelling ;
the sub-tenant is the person to whom the
tenant sublets the dwelling, i.e., the one
who will be living there.

If the landlord refuses the person you have

proposed, he must inform you and give you the
reasons which must be serious.

Notice of Assignment or Sublet

You have found someone who is interested in

For example, unacceptable behaviour by the

person or his inability to pay could be serious
justification for refusal.
So it is a good idea for you to do a complete
reference check before proposing your
candidate !

Recourse in the case of refusal

If the landlord gives reasons which do not
seem serious, you can ask the Rgie to assess
these reasons or to cancel your lease.

If the Rgie determines that the landlords

refusal is unjustified, it can declare valid the
assignment or the sublet. The landlord may
have to pay damages if his refusal has caused
you a prejudice.
When you come to the hearing, bring along all
the documents necessary for your proof. Make
sure that the proposed assignee or sub-tenant
is present by designating him as a witness : his
presence is essential !

Assigning and Subletting :

Assignment and its effects
On the assigning tenant
You hand over all your rights, including the
right to maintain occupancy, to the assignee.
You are freed from all obligations as of the
date of the assignment. Therefore, you do not
have to send a notice of non-renewal of the

On the assignee
The assignee is not a new tenant in the eyes of
the law. Therefore, he does not have the right
to ask the Rgie to set the rent. However, on
becoming a tenant, he acquires all the rights
and obligations of the lease. As he is bound by
all of the conditions of the assigned lease he
should obtain a copy of it from the assigning

On the landlord
Once the assignment takes effect, the landlord
is bound to the assignee. It is to the assignee
that all notices concerning the lease must be
given and from him that the rent must be
collected. The landlord does not sign a new
lease with the assignee.
The assignee takes the dwelling in the
condition in which he finds it or that it was in
when he visited it.

Subletting and its effects

On the tenant (sublessor)
As the tenant who sublets the dwelling, you
remain entirely responsible for all the
obligations of the lease.

As a sublessor, you are obliged to :

deliver the dwelling in good habitable and
clean condition, and in good state of
maintenance and repair in all respects ;
ensure the peaceful enjoyment of the
For example : if necessary repairs are not
completed, the sub-tenant could take recourse
against you, the sublessor. You would then
have to oblige the landlord to respect his
obligations toward you.
ATTENTION : You are still responsible for the
lease. To avoid its renewal you must give the
landlord a notice of non-renewal within the
appropriate time frame.
However, if the dwelling has been sublet for
more than 12 months (whether consecutive or
not), the landlord may put an end to the sublet.
Ask the Rgie for further information.
On the sub-tenant
The sub-tenant is bound by the terms of the
lease he signed with you but he does not have
the right of occupancy since you maintain the
right to reclaim the dwelling at the end of the
You also retain the right to end your lease in
the manner and time period set out in the law.
If you do not renew the lease and if the subtenant wishes to remain in the dwelling, he
should try to sign a new lease with the
NOTE : The sub-tenant is not obliged to leave
the premises unless he has received a 10 day
notice to vacate from the tenant or the landlord.
Ask the Rgie for information on this subject.
In addition, as a new tenant in relation to you,
the sublessor, the sub-tenant has the right to
ask the Rgie to fix the rent if the rent he is
paying is higher than either the lowest rent paid
during the 12 months before the sublet or the
rent fixed by the Rgie.
Therefore, according to the law, you must give
him the Notice to new tenant at the
conclusion of the lease.

Before the sublease is concluded you must

give the sub-tenant a copy of the building
regulations, where applicable. The sublease
must indicate all the main obligations that you
have toward the landlord (e.g., snow removal)
or refer to the obligations.

On the other hand, if the landlord does not

carry out his obligations, the sub-tenant can
exercise the rights and recourses of the tenant
to force the landlord to take action.

In this last case you must give the sub-tenant a

copy of the main lease.

The landlord retains all of his rights and

obligations toward the tenant who has sublet.

On the landlord

If the sub-tenant, by neglecting his obligations

causes serious prejudice to the landlord, other
tenants or occupants, the landlord can ask for

the cancellation of the tenants lease or of the

sublet since this recourse is specified in the

Concluding a lease
agreement : Heres how
The Rgie du logement recommends that you
use the very simple conditional agreement
model which it supplies entitled Assignment
of lease agreement and that you complete it
before sending the notice of assignment to the
Before signing the agreement, give the
assignee all the relevant information in your
possession and let him know if you have
received a notice from the landlord such as a
notice of rent increase.

Concluding a sublet lease :

Heres how
First obtain the mandatory lease form of the
Rgie du logement. In the box for identifying
the parties cross off the words tenant and
landlord and replace them with subtenant and sub-landlord respectively. Of
course the contract is conditional on the
landlords acceptance of the sublet.
Certain conditions of the sublease may be
different from those of the main lease but they
must not come into contradiction with the main
lease so as to give the sub-tenant more rights
than the tenant already has. For instance, if it
is forbidden in the tenants lease to keep an
animal, the sub-tenant cannot keep one. On
the other hand, if an animal is allowed
according to the main lease, the sublease can
forbid it. It would be the same for a parking
space and so forth.
From Monday to Friday
Between 8:30 a.m. and 4: 30 p.m.
Montral, Laval and Longueuil areas :
(514) 873-2245 *
Elsewhere in Quebec :
1-800-683-2245 *
* An automated information service is
available around the clock.
Please have on hand all necessary
documents before making your call.

The Rgie du logement is answerable to the
Minister of Municipal Affairs and Regions.
FI-211 (05-12)

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