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Name __________ Date ___________

Insel/Roth, Connect Core Concepts in Health, Twelfth Edition 2012 The McGraw-Hill
Companies, Inc. Chapter 5
Insel/Roth, Connect Core Concepts in Health, Brief Twelfth Edition 2012 The McGraw-Hill
Companies, Inc. Chapter 5

W E L L N E S S WO R K S H E E T 3 6

Test Your Sexual Knowledge and Attitudes

Part I. Your Sexual Knowledge
When 2000 Americans were asked a series of questions about sexuality by the
Kinsey Institute, only 45% of
the respondents answered more than half the questions correctly. See how you
do on this sample of true-orfalse
T or F
1. The average American first has sexual intercourse at about 16 or 17 years of
age. True
2. About 6 to 8 out of every 10 American women have masturbated. True
3. Most women have orgasms from penile thrusting alone. False
4. All men like large female breasts. False
5. People usually lose interest in sexual activities after age 60. False
6. Masturbation is physically harmful. False
7. The average length of a mans erect penis is 5 to 7 inches. True
8. Impotence usually cannot be treated successfully. False
9. Petroleum jelly, Vaseline Intensive Care, and baby oil are not good lubricants
to use with a diaphragm or condom. True
10. Most women prefer a sexual partner who has a large penis. False
11. A woman cannot get pregnant if she has sex during her menstrual period.
12. A woman cannot get pregnant if the man withdraws his penis before
ejaculating. False
How well did you score? If youre not satisfied with your level of knowledge,
consider checking your local
library or bookstore for reputable self-help books about sexual functioning.

I did a very good job on my score. The only question that I missed was that it is true that
the average length of a man's erect penis is 5 to 7 inches. This surprised me as I thought
that the average was much smaller. I actually wasn't expecting myself to do as well as I

did. I'm glad to have gone over this as it has made me much more confident in my sexual
Part II. Your Sexual Attitudes
For each statement, circle the response that most closely reflects your position.
Agree Not sure Disagree
1. Sex education encourages young people to have sex. 3
2. Homosexuality is a healthy, normal expression of sexuality. 3
3. Members of the other sex will think more highly of you if you 3
remain mysterious.
4. Its better to wait until marriage to have sex. 3
5. Abortion should be a personal, private choice for a woman. 3
6. Its natural for men to have more sexual freedom than women. 1
7. Condoms should not be made available to teenagers. 3
8. Access to pornography should not be restricted for adults. 3
9. A woman who is raped usually does something to provoke it. 3
10. Contraception is the womans responsibility. 1
11. Feminism has had a positive influence on society. 1
12. Masturbation is a healthy expression of sexuality. 3
13. I have many friends of the other sex. 3
14. Prostitution should be legalized. 3
15. Women use sex for love, men use love for sex. 3
16. Our society is too sexually permissive. 2
17. The man should be the undisputed head of the household. 2
18. Having sex just for pleasure is OK. 3
Add up the numbers you circled to obtain your overall score. Find your score and
rating below.
118 Traditional attitude about sexuality
1936 Ambivalent or mixed attitude about sexuality
3754 Open, progressive attitude about sexuality

My score for this serve was a 46. I am personally surprised that I scored so high. I felt
that I was somewhat open about my sexuality but I didn't think that I would score this

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