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A Report on SME Loan and

Deposit Product Features of

BRAC Bank Limited

Submitted By:
MD. Asif Iqbal
ID# 08104079

Supervised By:
Muhammad Intisar Alam
Senior Lecturer
BRAC Business School
BRAC University

Date of Submission
March 06, 2013

Letter of transmittal
March 6, 2013
Muhammad Intisar Alam
Senior Lecturer
BRAC Business School
BRAC University
66, Mohakhali C/A, Dhaka.

Subject: Submission of Internship report

Dear Sir,
I am very glad to submit the report on A Study on SME Deposit and Loan Product
Features BRAC Bank Limited this report is an outcome of the internship program, has
undergone by me. It gives me immense pleasure to complete my Internship successfully and
submit this report on the analysis I have conducted during this period.
Working in BRAC Bank Limited, was an inspiring experience for me. I feel the immense
knowledge and experience will facilitate me a lot in my future career life. With my limited
knowledge, I have tried my level best to prepare the report worthwhile.

Your acceptance and appreciation would surely inspire me. For any further explanation about the
report, I will be gladly available to clarify the ins and out.

Sincerely Yours,
-----------------------------Md. Asif Iqbal
ID: 08104079

During Internship Program, I have been fortunate to get the support, assistance and
encouragement from a number of individuals. Firstly, I would like to express my grateful
appreciation to the almighty Allah for enabling me to complete this report successfully.
I would like to convey my heartfelt respect and cordial thanks to Muhammad Intisar Alam, my
internship supervisor in BRAC University, for his encouragement, guidance, advice and valuable
supervision. I am very lucky for getting the opportunity to prepare this report under his
supervision and guidance. Without his instruction, it was impossible for me to complete this
report successfully.
I also articulate my heartiest appreciation to Arif Kibria, the senior Manager of financial
reporting and Tanjib Rubayat, the associate manager of financial reporting of BRAC Bank to
direct and guide me under a working schedule and enabling me doing my job in a favorable
environment in my internship program period. I also admire all the personnel of BRAC Bank, for
their co-operation and cordial assistance to me. I am grateful to the financial reporting team of
Finance Department of BRAC Bank for granting me the opportunity to make my internship
program in this organization.
I am grateful to all the employees for providing me with valuable information for my report.
Though I was unknown to them, they have helped me by fulfilling my internship program. Their
valuable information allows me to find out real information and complete my report successfully.

Executive summary
A bank is a financial institution whose main aim to bring money and earn profit for the
organization. No doubt that it plays a vital role in forecasting the economic and social condition
of a country. The Banking sector of Bangladesh is passing through a tremendous reform under
the economic deregulation and opening up the economy. This banking sector is becoming
extremely competitive with the arrival of multinational banks as well as emerging and
technological infrastructure, effective credit management, higher performance level and
customer satisfaction currently. A Study on SME Products Features and development of BRAC
Bank Limited is the main theme of this internship report. BRAC Bank Limited is a scheduled
Commercial Bank in Bangladesh that established under the Banking Companies Act, 1991 and
incorporated as Private Limited Company on May 20, 1999 under the Companies Act, 1994. The
journey of its operation started on July 4, 2001 with a vision to be the market leader through
providing all sorts support to people in term of promoting corporate and small entrepreneurs and
individuals all over the Bangladesh. BRAC Bank Limited is the first local commercial banks that
providing online banking service to its customers from the very beginning of its starts. It also
starts providing loan facilities to small and medium trading, manufacturing and service oriented
enterprises all over the country for the first time among local commercial banks. BRAC Bank
Limited presently focuses on Small & Medium Enterprises or SME which play a huge role in the
economic development of any country. The reason behind focusing on SME is the management
of BRAC Bank Limited has realized that to the economic contribution of the country this sector
is playing a huge role and by ignoring the SMEs the economic growth of the country is not
possible. At present, the employment generation of BRAC Bank Limited by SME is 60% and
SME contribution to GDP is 25%. Currently BRAC Bank Limited is the fourth largest SME
bank globally. However, This internship report is organized into different chapters. At first in
organization part, I have discussed about the company profile, its foundation and growth,
networks and also include the SWOT analysis. In job description part, I have discussed about the
work experience, daily work that I had to do during my internship period at BRAC Bank limited,
different aspects of job performance and lastly observation and recommendation. And lastly in
the project part, I have discussed the total analysis over SME product features and development
of BRAC Bank Limited.

Serial No.
Part One

Part Two

Part Three



Page No.

Organizational Part


Foundation and growth

03 - 06

Branches and networks








SWOT analysis

09 - 15

Job Description Part

Work Experience


Daily Work


Different aspect of job performance

19 - 21

Observation and recommendation


Project Analysis Part



Origin Of the report






Literature Review

28 - 40

Loan Products


Deposit Products


Marketing Terms




















49 - 58

Organizational Part

1. Introduction
Banking Industry is one of the most promising industries of our country. Generally by the
word Bank we can easily understand that, the financial institution that deals with money.
There are different types of banks that provide service to customer like: Central bank, State
owned Commercial Bank, Private Commercial Bank or Merchant Bank, Foreign Commercial
Bank, Agricultural Bank, Industrial Bank, Saving Bank & Exchange Bank, etc. But when we
use the term Bank it generally mean the Commercial Bank, the primary contributors to the
economy of a country. It helps to flow funds from surplus unit to deficit unit and through this
it facilitated the efficient allocation of the resources as well as accelerated economic growth.
But the new thing is that how it operates and presenting its activities for the purpose of
serving customer requirements to increase their well being in the sense of wealth. Banks also
provide many services for client to make their life easy in this busy life. In this competitive
environment in todays world, the entire bank increases their facilities in favor of their
customers to retain them and capture more share of the market to be leader. Therefore it can
be said that the interest rate is one of the main factors in attracting customers. BRAC Bank
Limited is a scheduled commercial bank in Bangladesh. It was established in Bangladesh
under the Banking Companies Act, 1991 and incorporated as a private limited company on
May 20, 1999 under the Companies Act, 1994. Its operation started on July 4, 2001 with a
vision to be the market leader through providing all sorts support to people in term of
promoting corporate and small entrepreneurs and individuals all over the Bangladesh. BRAC
Bank, for the first time among local commercial banks, started providing loan facilities to
small and medium trading, manufacturing and service oriented enterprises all over the
country. In this competitive banking industry BRAC Bank is trying to differentiate them
through their service and banking features. BRAC Bank tries to provide service to its
customers and gain the customers trust.

2. Foundation and Growth

2.1 Profile
BRAC Bank Limited is a scheduled commercial bank in Bangladesh. It established in
Bangladesh under the Banking Companies Act, 1991 and incorporated as private limited
company on 20 May 1999 under the Companies Act, 1994. BRAC Bank will be a unique
organization in Bangladesh. The primary objective of the Bank is to provide all kinds of banking
facilities of business. At the very beginning the Bank faced some legal obligation because the
High Court of Bangladesh suspended activity of the Bank and it could fail to start its operations
till 03 June 2001. Eventually, the judgment of the High Court was set aside and dismissed by the
Appellate Division of the Supreme Court on 04 June 2001 and the Bank has started its operations
from July 04, 2001.
The importance of financial intermediaries in the development of the overall economy of country
cannot be described in short. From the inception of the civilization the banking sector dominate
the economic development of a country by mobilizing the saving from the general people and
channeling those saving for investment and thus economic development and growth. In ancient
time, the importance of commercial banks after the ravage of the liberation war to develop a
better economy was severally needed and it is needed now and will be required in future also. In
time-to-time Government of Bangladesh agreed to permit the private commercial banking in the
country. BRAC bank will be knowledge-based organization where the BRAC Bank professionals
will learn continuously from their customers and colleagues worldwide to add value. It will
work as a team, stretch, they will innovate and break barriers to serve customers and create
customers loyalty through a value chain of responsive and professional delivery. The bank
promotes broad-based participation in the Bangladesh economy through the provision of high
quality banking services. BRAC Bank will do this by increasing access to economic
opportunities for all individuals and business in Bangladesh with a special focus on currently
under-served enterprises and households across the rural urban spectrum. BRAC Bank believes
that the pursuit of profit and developmental goals is mutually reinforcing.

Increasing the ability of under served individuals and enterprises to build their asset base and
access market opportunities will increase the economic being for all Bangladeshis at the same
time; this will contribute significantly to the profitability of the Bank. BRAC Bank intends to set
standards as the Market leader in Bangladesh. It will produce earnings and pay out dividends that
can support the activities of BRAC, the Banks major shareholder. Development and poverty
alleviation on a countrywide basis needs mass production, mass consumption and mass
BRAC Bank goal is to provide mass financing to enable mass production and mass consumption,
and thereby contribute to the development of Bangladesh. BRAC Bank intends to set standard as
the market leader in Bangladesh by providing efficient, friendly and modern fully automated
online service on a profitable basis aiming at offering commercial banking service to the
customers door around the country, BRAC Bank limited established 71 branches ATM booth
200 SME units are 320 up to this year.
This organization achieved customers confidence immediately after its establishment. Within
this short time the bank has been successful in positioning itself as progressive and dynamic
financial institution in the country. It is now widely acclaimed by the business community, from
small entrepreneur to big merchant and conglomerates, including top rated corporate and foreign
investors, for modern and innovative ideas and financial solution. Thus within this short time it
has been able to create an unique image for itself and earned significant solution in the banking
sector of the country as a bank with a difference. The emergence of BRAC Bank Limited is an
important event in the countrys financial sector at the inception of financial sector reform. The
authorized capital of BBL is Tk. 1000 million and paid up capital of the same bank is Tk. 500


2.2 Shareholding Structure

As on December 31, 2010
Name of Shareholder

% of Shareholding



International Finance Corporation


Shore Cap International Limited


Others (Founders & Directors)


General Shareholders






Board of Directors

Share Division

Managing Director

Audit Division

Deputy Managing


Deputy Managing
Director (HRD)

Foreign Trade

Accounts Division

Human Resource

Treasury Division

Credit Division

Recruitment and


General Banking

Training and


BBL Fund

Compensation and


3. Branches and Networks:

BRAC Bank Limited is growing in tremendous way. At present , BRAC Bank Limited has 154
branches and more than 300 ATM Booths and 30 Cash Deposit Machines across Bangladesh.
Moreover new branches will open up in the coming year and all branches will provide Real Time
On-line (RTOL) banking services to its customers simultaneously BRAC Bank Limited has also
approximately 430 unit offices dispersed throughout the country and those units are providing
services to the customers. In addition, BRAC Bank Limited will open up three Sales Booths in
the major area of the city and Kiosk in the shopping malls, which will cater the needs of the
customers where branches are not in close areas to provide service to the customer. BRAc Bank
Limited is one of the most IT enabled bank in Bangladesh and since its inception the bank has
particularly emphasized on IT as a cutting edge advantage over competitors and also plans to
continue as a major IT driven bank in the years to come.

4. Vision
Building profitable and socially responsible financial institution focused on Market and
Business with Growth potential, thereby assisting BRAC and stakeholders to build a just,
enlightened, healthy democratic and poverty free Bangladesh.**

5. Mission
Sustained growth in Small & Medium Enterprise sector.
Continuous low-cost deposit Growth with controlled growth in retail assets.
Corporate Assets to be funded through self-liability mobilization. Growth in Assets
through syndications and investment in faster growing sectors.
Continuous endeavor to increase non-funded income.
Keep our debt charges at 2% to maintain a steady profitable growth.
Achieve efficient synergies between the banks branches, SME unit offices and BRAC
field offices for delivery of remittance and Banks other products and services.
Manage various lines of business in a full controlled environment with no compromise on
service quality.

Keep a diverse, far flung team fully motivated and driven towards materializing the
banks vision into reality. **

6. Objective
The objective of BRAC Bank Limited is specific and targeted to its vision and to position itself
in the mindset of the people as a bank with difference. The objectives of BRAC Bank Limited
are as follows:
Building a strong customer focus and relationship based on integrity, superior service.
To creating an honest, open and enabling environment
To value and respect people and make decisions based on merit
To strive for profit & sound growth
To value the fact that they are a member of the BRAC family committed to the creation
of employment opportunities across Bangladesh.
To work as a team to serve the best interest of our owners
To relentless in pursuit of business innovation and improvement
To base recognition and reward on performance
To responsible, trustworthy and law-abiding in all that I do
To mobilize the savings and channeling it out as loan or advance as the company
To establish, maintain, carry on, transact and undertake all kinds of investment and
financial business including underwriting, managing and distributing the issue of stocks,
debentures, and other securities.
To finance the international trade both in import and export.
To develop the standard of living of the limited income group by providing Consumer
To finance the industry, trade and commerce in both the conventional way and by
offering customer friendly credit service.
To encourage the new entrepreneurs for investment and thus to develop the countrys
industry sector and contribute to the economic development. **


Company at a glance (SWOT analysis)

The comparison of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats is normally referred to as a
SWOT analysis. It helps the organization to identify how to evaluate its performance and scan
the macro environment, According to me Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats of
BRAC Bank Limited are-

Quick Service



Quick Service
Reliable Service
Strong and dedicated Customer
Relationship Officers
Sales team
Different types of services according
to customer demand
Huge number of service providing
Strong management
Strong IT support


Lack of product knowledge by

Time management
Service charge quite high


Can extend service for rural area

Internet based banking system
Global banking
Can arranged skilled service
provider for each point


Number of competitors is very high

Some other banks provide better
service package
Customers have so many choices in
terms of investment

At present BRAC Bank Limited is the one of the largest SME bank in our country. So the
deposit and loan unit of SME division tries to provide the best service by fulfilling customers
needs. The staffs of deposit and loan unit know that potential SME customers do not like to
waste their time for any process that takes time. Therefore the employees of deposit unit always
try to provide quick service to the customer s to fulfill their expectations of quick service.

Reliable Service
BRAC Bank limited is successful to create a brand image among potential customer minds. By
providing the best service to the potential customer and by offering the SME deposit customers
attracting interest rate BRAC Bank has achieve todays position. So as a result at present BRAC
Bank Limited is the one of the largest SME bank in the country. More over as the bank
management provides the attractive interest rate on maturity of deposit or term deposit amount so
BRAC Bank limited is successful enough to create an image of reliability among SME

Strong and Dedicated Customer Relationship Officers

The Customer Relationship Manager (CRM) or Customer Relationship Officer (CRO) is those
dedicated employee of BRAC Bank who always want to provide the best service to customers. In
deposit and loan unit of SME division of BRAC Bank Limited, there is always Customer
Relationship Manager (CRM) or Customer Relationship Officers (CRO) to fulfill deposit
customers deposit needs and loan customers loan needs. Sometimes Customer Relationship
Officers provide extra or special service to the desire customers. Moreover to manage customer
relationship there is always available a Customer Relationship Manager (CRM) or Customer
Relationship Officer (CRO) for every individual customer in deposit portfolio. However CRO or
CMR is responsible for dealing with those customers of his/her contacts. There job is to offer the
deposit and loan services to the customers. Sometimes Customer Relationship Manager (CRM)


or Customer Relationship Officer (CRO) physically visit to customers place for several issues of
deposit and loan related. Sometimes they manage and maintain clients over phone or E-mail too.

Sales Team
In deposit and loan unit of SME there is also sales team to offer customers about deposit and
loan products. Under sales team of SME there are several staffs are appointed. It is the
responsibility of sales team to offer customers about deposit and loan products. They always try
to attract customer by the attractive features of deposit and loan product and interest rate of term
deposit and loan products. Moreover the staffs of sales team are always there to help to solve
their problems.

Different types of services according to customer demand

At present BRAC Bank Limited is the one of the largest SME bank in the country. But
establishment of a bank faces hard time to make them competitive. Today SME deposit unit of
BRAC Bank has achieved this position by providing the best service to customers time to time.
Time to time employees of BRAC bank tried to provide different types of service according to
customers demand. As example; Nonstop banking service, 24 hours call center etc.

Huge number of service providing points

BRAC Bank has huge number of service providing point over the whole country. BRAC Bank
has 154 fully operational branches, which ensures convenience and regular banking facilities to
the customers for deposit collection and payment transfer of money, almost in everywhere of
Bangladesh. Moreover that, BRAC Bank has more than 300ATMs along with 30 Cash Deposit
Machines in different locations of the country, which ensures wider range of accessibility across
Bangladesh. So it can easily say that service providing point of BRAC Bank is really strong.

Strong management
The management of BRAC Bank Limited specially the SME unit is strong enough and so that
BRAC Bank Limited is the one of the largest SME bank in the country. The performance of
whole SME division specially the deposit unit is regularly monitor by the management of BRAC
Bank and takes necessary initiatives for further progress of the bank.

Strong IT support
BRAC Bank is successful to establish strong IT (Information Technology) division. So it is
possible to give support and best service to the customers. As a result almost every type of
problems has been solved by the IT unit of BRAC Bank. It is the It unit who tries to provide the
best service to the customers, specially the SME deposit customers time to time. Moreover it is
the IT service that provides the facility to transfer fast fund faster among the branches of BRAC

Lack of product knowledge by customers
BRAC Bank always tries to offer the best service to customers. Though sometimes there is lack
of product knowledge among customers. Moreover sometimes customers are not aware about the
product features and interest rate of deposit and loan products. And for that reason they cannot
find their desired term deposit and loan products. It happens for the lack of publicity of the


Sometimes Technological difficulties occur

The IT division of BRAC Bank always tries to provide their best service for the target customers.
Especially IT helps to provide the immediate service for the customers. Though sometimes for
the technological problems the server does not work properly. On that case customers face
several problems for technological difficulty.
Time management
Sometimes customers face problems for the time management of the employees though SME
deposit and loan unit tries to provide proper service to customers through several Customer
Relationship Officers. As example: sometimes CRO say to customer they would open their new
account within one day. But that not possible for the Banks verification process and takes more
time. On that time customers face problem for the lack of commitment of CRO and banks

Service charge quite high

SME deposit and loan unit tries to offer different products features with extra service to
customers. For these issues and internal purpose sometimes the service charge seems quite high
for the customers in compare with competitor banks.

Can extend service for rural area
BRAC Bank has a large number of service providing points over the whole country. But most of
those points are limited in different place of unban areas. SME Deposit unit has the potentially to
extend their service in rural areas as bank can get potential customers in rural areas as well.


Internet based banking system

In this modern era internet is the easier solution for any problem. Similarly internet based
services are also used and available. Moreover, the customers are too busy in their daily life so
they do not have that much time to go in any branch for their banking need. BRAC Bank
provides Real Time online facility for customers as well. In Real Time online facility of
BRAC Bank the deposit and loan update instantly with the deposit and loan procedure.
Customers not need to visit any specific branch. No need to visit any specific branch and they
can move for any branch of BRAC Bank in the country and enjoy the benefits of on-line banking
facility. But still all the services is not possible to provide by using internet service. As example:
to convince customer for the new term deposit products is not possible yet by using internet. But
as the IT of BRAC Bank is strong enough so SME deposit unit of BRAC Bank has the
potentiality to attract customers by pretending the product features in a eye-catching way.

Global banking
BRAC Bank Limited has achieved satisfactory progress in areas of its operations and earned an
impressive operating income over the previous years. Moreover SME department of BRAC
Bank is quite successful to attract SME customers. On the other hand BRAC Bank has many
potential deposit and loan customers all around in Bangladesh. So it can easily predict that SME
deposit and loan unit has huge potentially in global banking sector. Moreover as BRAC Bank has
a brand image, in near future BRAC Bank would make a global network through global banking.

Can arranged skilled service provider for each point

BRAC Bank has wide distributional channel over the whole country. BRAC Bank has 154 fully
operational branches, which ensures convenience and regular banking facilities to the customers
for deposit collection and payment transfer of money, almost in everywhere of Bangladesh. So to
provide better service to customer BRAC bank can arrange skilled provider for each point
especially for SME employees. BRAC Bank can arrange different training programs to train the

internal employee and to enhance their skill and efficiency. So that at each point of SME
deposits and loan banking facilities the skilled employee will available.

Number of competitors is very high
The service of SME deposit and loan unit is quite satisfactory. But number of competitors is very
high in SME banking sector. Moreover those competitors are offering different products with
different features and attracting interest rate to take grab customer and as well the market shares.
So those competitors are the threat for deposit and loan unit of SME division of BRAC Bank.

Some other banks provide better service package

BRAC Bank Limited is the one of the largest SME bank in our country. Moreover SME division
is quite successful to maintain potential SME customers of our country. But there is huge number
of competitors in SME sector and they are offering better service package to attract the potential
SME customers from market. It is a threat for SME division of BRAC Bank.

Customers have so many choices in terms of investment

BRAC bank is one of the largest SME bank in Bangladesh. But there is a large numbers of
competitors are available and they are offering several products with attractive interest rate. As a
result customers have so many choices available in market to invest. And that become a threat
for SME banking of BRAC Bank Limited.


Job Description Part


1. Work Experience:
BRAC Bank limited is one of the leading private banks of Bangladesh where I got the
opportunity to conduct my internship program. As I got the opportunity to work in real life
scenario at banking sector for four months, it really has increased my experience level and I
have learnt so many things about the real banking sector.
During my internship, I got the opportunity to work with regulatory reporting team of finance
department of BRAC Bank Limited. I have worked here for three months with an extension
of one month. All the works were absolutely new to me as it was my first experience of
working in banking sector. However, the working environment of BRAC Bank Limited is
very inspiring. All the permanent and temporary employees were very much friendly with me
and gave me support all the time. They really helped me a lot to learn each and every work
that I was assigned to do. The finance department consists of four different teams including
treasury, regulatory reporting, financial reporting and tax issues. There were 10 members in
regulatory reporting team with whom I have worked and during my internship period I have
learned a lot from them. But for some restrictions from the administration and for some
security purposes of BRAC Bank Limited, I couldnt work with all sections of this
department. BRAC Bank Limited follows the centralized banking process. All types of data
that come from the transactions of each n every branch of BRAC Bank Limited, BRAC EPL
and all other departments are sent to the finance department. These data are kept by finance
department and based on these data finance department makes different types of reports
according to the requirement of different branches, departments and most importantly
Bangladesh Bank. After preparing those reports finance department send the reports to them.


2. Daily Work:
As I got the opportunity to do my internship at BRAC Bank Limited, I have worked with the
regulatory reporting team of finance department of BRAC Bank Limited. The main concern
of the regulatory reporting team is the Bangladesh Bank which is the central bank of our
country. We all know that central bank of a country has the authority to regulate all the banks
and other financial institutions of a country. Like other countries, Bangladesh Bank as the
central bank has an authority to regulate BRAC Bank Limited like any other banks and
financial institutions. Bangladesh Bank requires different types of reports in order to regulate
banking activities so that any bank couldnt do business by their own wish. So based on their
requirement they demand different types of reports to the BRAC Bank Limited and based on
their requirement the regulatory reporting team of finance department of BRAC Bank
Limited prepare reports n send to the central bank. Among the ten members of the regulatory
reporting team two of them deals with the Foreign Exchange Policy Department (FEPD) of
Bangladesh Bank, another two deals with the Department of Statistics (DOS), one of them
deals with the Banking Regulatory and Policy Department (BRPD) of Bangladesh, two of
them deals with Credit Information Bureau (CIB) of Bangladesh Bank and other two of them
deals with the Off-site supervision Department of Bangladesh. I was the tenth member of the
regulatory reporting team. The daily work starts with E-mails that comes from different
departments of Bangladesh. When any department of Bangladesh bank needs any report, they
send us their requirements through E-mail and after getting the E-mail we had to start
preparing reports based on their requirements. For each reports Bangladesh Bank has their
own format. So we had to prepare reports according to their format. As I mentioned before
that BRAC Bank Limited is following the centralized banking system. So all data that we
need for preparing the reports for Bangladesh bank are actually come from different branches
and other sources of BRAC banks Limited. There are also other reports for weekly, monthly,
quarterly and yearly too that we had to send to the central bank. All the work we had to do is
computer based using MS-Excel worksheet.


3. Different Aspect of Job Performance:

Preparing quarterly SME loan disbursement report for 47 branches
Preparing report of loan size classification for 47 branches
Assigning sector codes and purpose codes against account holders at SBS file
Preparing CL worksheet details for different branches
Branch summary of loan classification and provision as on 30th September, 2012

Preparing quarterly SME loan disbursement report for 47 branches:

As I got the opportunity to work in real life banking sector for four months as an intern, I have
learnt about many types of report and the process of preparing those reports within these four
months. Preparing the quarterly SME loan disbursement report was one of the tasks that I had to
do on a regular basis. I had to prepare this report for 47 branches of BRAC Bank Limited
according to the requirement. The report is about the number and the amount of SME loan that
has been disbursed to different sector for any specific quarter of the current year. There are two
columns for quarterly and yearly disbursement and one column for total outstanding till the
quarter. There are three rows for three different sectors including service, trade and industry.
Again each of the rows has two sub rows. One is for man enterprises and another is for women
enterprises. The whole report is divided into two parts. One is for small enterprises and another is
for medium enterprises with a same format of rows and columns. There is a file named SME
Dump file where all the data of different branches and other sources are stored in an organized
way. We took data that required for preparing quarterly SME loan disbursement report from this
SME Dump file.


Preparing report of loan size classification for 47 branches:

During my four months of internship at finance department of BRAC Bank Limited, I had to do
many types works. Among them preparing report of loan size classification is also included
which I had to do on a regular basis. I had to prepare this report for 47 branches of BRAC Bank
Limited. The report is for classifying the loans of a particular branch based on the size of loans.
There are some particular ranges of the amount of loans for classifying the loans. They are:
below 50k, 50k to 1lac, 1lac to 5lac, 5lac to 50lac, 50lac to 1c, 1 to 5c and lastly above 5c. The
number of loans and the total amount of loans for each class are shown in this report. For
preparing this report I had to use the SME Dump file in order to collect data that is necessary for
preparing the report.

Assigning sector codes and purpose codes against the account holders at SBS
Assigning sector codes and purpose codes against the account holders was another task that I had
to do during my internship period at BRAC Bank Limited. For each types of business enterprise
there are specific sector codes which are given by the Bangladesh Bank. The sector codes are
given by categorizing different types of business enterprises. Purpose is the code that tells that
any specific business enterprise that taking loans for what specific reasons. Any business
enterprise can take loans for different purposes such as buying raw materials; manage production
cost, development of factories, import goods or export goods etc. To assign the sector codes at
first I had to check the name of the business enterprises in order to identify the types of that
business enterprise. Then I had to match the loan scheme that whether the loan is revolving
working capital or its a non-revolving loan which is other then working capital. Then matching
the sector code with the name of the business enterprises along with the loan scheme I had to
decide the purpose code. There book of sector codes and economic purpose code which is


provided by the Bangladesh Bank. I had to relate the above information with the codes given in
this book in order to assign the sector codes and economic purpose codes.

Preparing CL worksheet details for different branches:

CL stands for Classification of Loans which is a very important issue in banking sector.
According to BRAC Bank Limited, all loans are divided into part. One is unclassified loans and
another one classified loans. Unclassified loans are of two kinds. They are Standards (STD) and
Special Mention Accounts (SMA). Classified loans are of three kinds. They are Sub Standards
(SS), Doubtful (DF) and Bad Loans (BL). Some borrowers do not follow discipline of payment
of their loans and default. Despite persuasion loan becomes stuck-up and for this reason bank
actually classified loans. The classifications are done based on the time range of recovery period
by the borrowers of the loans. My task was to prepare a CL worksheet details for different
branches of BRAC Bank Limited. To prepare the report, I had to use a CL-Raw file where the
whole information regarding CL is stored.

Branch summary of loan classification and provision as on 30th September,

Among so many reports I had to do prepare during my internship period at BRAC Bank Limited,
Branch summary of loan classification and provision was another one. I had to do the report for a
specific date which was for 30th September, 2012. The report was a branch summary that shows
the number and the amount of loans are there for each classification ST, SMA, SS, DF and BL
along with the amount of total provision till that specific date that is 30th of September, 2012.


4. Observation and Recommendation

During my internship period at BRAC Bank Limited, my responsibilities were very significant.
That was totally beyond my expectations. The works I asked to do along with regulatory
reporting related works were important and confidential as well. For me it was a great pleasure to
work with the permanent staffs of BRAC Bank Limited. They created scope for me to learn
something new and at the same time helped me to do many new works which I had not done
before. They also helped me to learn corporate culture, writing strategy papers, maintain good
relationship among staffs, manner and etiquette and upon these depends how a person become
successful in Banking career. I am very much hopeful that all of these will play a vital role to
build my future career.


Project Analysis Part:


BRAC Bank Limited is one of the leading private commercial banks of Bangladesh. BRAC
Bank Limited BRAC Bank limited is serving customers by fulfilling customers needs and by
providing the best service. Therefore the management of BRAC Bank ltd. has established
different division with the aim to fulfill all the banking needs of customers. The management of
BRAC Bank Ltd. has realized that there also exits the missing middle sector, and that is known
as SMEs (Small & Medium Enterprises), which play a huge role in the economic development of
any country. As a result in BRAC Bank presently focus on Small and Medium Enterprises as the
management has realized that, to the economic contribution of the country this sector plating a
huge role and by ignoring the SMEs the economic growth of the country is not possible.
Therefore, BRAC Bank Limited decided to give emphasis on this Small & Medium Enterprises
(SMEs) sector and to fulfill the banking needs of SMEs customers especially. BRAC Bank has
SME department that maintain the customer relationship with SMEs sector and serving them and
fulfill SME customers day to day banking needs. However, SME department is mainly based on
two purposes and it depends on SME customers demand. One of the purposes is asset or deposit
of money and another purpose of SME is liability or Loan of money. Those SME customers who
feel the need of deposit their money, SME department of BRAC Bank offers them deposit
facilities and different term deposit facilities through deposit or liability unit. On the other hand
those customers who feel the need of money SME department of BRAC Bank offers them Loan
facilities through Loan or asset unit. This is how the process of SME department works. BRAC
Bank Ltd. has a huge coverage through the country wide and the network of 154 Branches and
more than 300 ATM Booths and 30 Cash Deposit Machines across Bangladesh. Moreover that,
BRAC Bank has 429 unit offices and 1850 committed staff and therefore is has been
successfully possible for SME banking division to bring smile on 200,000 SMEs customer with
funding of BDT 90,000 million. However SME division has further achieved superiority in
serving the SMEs with complete banking solutions through 30 SME Sales & Service Centers.

Apart from ensuring and fulfilling the banking need, the SME division has generated around
600,000 employments across the country. At present SME division maintains a portfolio of
122,000 SMEs with BDT 33,143 million. Different products are having been offered to the SME
customers, some of those are deposit products and some of the loan products. As a result SME
Banking Division does not only attempt to offer SME products and services to SME clients but
also educates them and make them aware of modern banking. That is why it is easier for the
SME clients to adapt themselves with the ever changing business world. The vision of SME
banking division of BRAC Bank is to achieve a double bottom line by targeting its SMEs
customers. The SME division has also taken the initiatives to build a profitable organization by
contributing to the society as well as the economy through creation of an entrepreneur class in
the society eventually eliminating poverty from the country. However, SME banking division
specially the deposit unit offers doorsteps service to small and medium enterprises involved in
different business sectors and located countrywide and in different parts in 64 districts of the
country. It is the SME division of BRAC Bank has long been serving the fund or loan product
and deposit product requirements of traders, manufacturers, importers, suppliers & distributors,
women entrepreneurs and other service providers like medical institutions & educational
institutions. To provide the deposit requirement and develop expertise of Small and Medium
Entrepreneurs through technical assistance, SME Banking Division has established different
business wings for different market niche customers. Moreover Deposit unit has also developed a
range of deposit products. The deposit product ranges are from transactional account to fixed
deposit accounts.SME Banking Division has set its aims to satisfy both the funded & non funded
facilities and deposit product requirements of Small & Medium Enterprises (SMEs). The funded
facilities include term deposit, single payment, revolving loan and the non-funded or Loan
facilities include Letter of Credit, Payment against Document, Loan against Trust Receipt.
Especially for the valuable customers of SME division BRAC Bank is providing huge branch
banking over Bangladesh, nonstop banking service, 24-hours call centre, Cash deposit machine,
ATM booth facilities, Internet banking and SMS banking facilities and etc. As a result BRAC
Bank Limited has successfully proved in global SME financing sector by becoming one of the
four most profitable and sustainable SME banks in the world.


1. Origin of the report

I am assigned for preparing a report on the activities that I have done during my internship
period at BRAC Bank Limited for the period of 12 weeks with an extension of one month that is
16 weeks in total starting from October 7, 2012 to February 7, 2013 as a part of internship
program of Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) course requirement. I was assigned at
regulatory reporting team of finance department of BRAC Bank Limited.

2. Objective
The internship is a way to relate practical knowledge with the theoretical knowledge. The
basic objective of the internship is to get practical knowledge about the realistic banking
sector and the service that provides to customer. Having an opportunity to get involved in
such work environment enhance the knowledge and gives an experience.

Board Objective
Explore the overall product features and development of deposit and loan products of SME
division of BRAC Bank.

Specific Objective

To know the feature of deposit and loan products which make customer to choose the

To know the various interest rates for different categories of deposit and loan products
and maturity period of those products.

To know the terms and conditions and necessary documents required for Account

To have an idea about the strengths, opportunities, weaknesses and threats about the
deposit and loan unit of SME division by working in such banking environment

3. Scope
As I was in BRAC Bank Ltd, Head office, the scope of the study is only limited to this office.
The report covers its overall activities, function, structure and performance. To conduct a
study on Deposit and loan products of SME, I have gathered valuable information from Head
office of BRAC Bank Ltd. I have also got some information from website. Moreover, I have
collected information from other staffs of BRAC Bank Ltd.


Literature Review

SME of BRAC Bank Limited:

BRAC Bank Limited is proud to be the pioneering and largest SME bank in Bangladesh, The
reason behind focusing on SME is the management of BRAC Bank Limited has realized that to
the economic contribution of the country this sector is playing a huge role and by ignoring the
SMEs the economic growth of the country is not possible. At present, employee generation of
BRAC Bank Limited by SME is 60% and SME contribution to GDP is 25%. Total outstanding
loan in SME portfolio is BDT 88670.25 crore and approximately 7700 employee are working in
SME sector. BRAC Bank limited has successfully developed an examined and successfully
model in SME financing in Bangladesh. Years of market knowledge and understanding,
committed resources, countrywide coverage and well aligned strategies have made the bank an
expert in SME financing.
BRAC Bank limited is following two bottom line approaches as its operation1) Making profit by mobilizing fund from urban to rural areas.
2) Performing social responsibility by creating an entrepreneurial class.
SME banking division of BRAC Bank Limited is also actively working in creating awareness
and imparting knowledge to SMEs about financial record keeping, dealing with modern banks
and industry best practices in SME operation along with Small and Medium Enterprise
financing, SME banking division arranged informative campaigns and road shows for SMEs
located across the country in an attempt to ensure customer awareness and to strengthen the
relationship with customers


SME products of BRAC Bank Limited:

Loan products

Deposit Products










Loan Product

1) Anonno:
Anonno is a loan facility for small enterprises involved in trading, manufacturing, service,
agriculture, non-firm rural activities, agro-based industries and many other acceptable sectors
spread all over Bangladesh marketed through BRAC Banks SME unit offices or branches/SME
branches/ Krishi branches across the country.

Entrepreneurs aged between 21 to 60 years
Entrepreneurs with minimum 3 years experience in the same line of business

A business which must be a going-concern with more than 3 year in operation

Minimum amount
From minimum BDT 2lac up to maximum of BDT 10lac for 12, 18, 24, 30 & 36
months and minimum BDT 6lac up to maximum of BDT 10lac for 48 months

Loan without mortgage
For excellent borrowers who have paid or paying in due times, we offer discounted
Quick, quality banking throughout the country
Potential women entrepreneurs will also get the facilities of this loan

2) Apurbo
In order to help our SME borrowers for financing working capital or to purchase fixed assets,
BRAC Bank Limited offers APURBO. It caters to the need of entrepreneurs who are operating in
trading, manufacturing, service, agriculture, non-farm activities, agro- based industries and other
sectors of our economy.

Entrepreneurs having a minimum of 3 years of some business activities
A business which must be a going concern for 3 years
Age minimum 21 years and maximum up to 60 years

Minimum amount
Starting from BDT 10lac to maximum of BDT 100lac

Simple loan processing for expanding your business
Quick disbursement

Disbursement in one or two installment

Flexible monthly repayment loan

3) Durjoy
An unsecured loan facility for small and medium sized trading, manufacturing, service,
agriculture, non-firm rural activities, agro-based industries

Entrepreneurs having a minimum of 3 years of some business activities
A business which must be a going concern for 3 years
Age minimum 21 years and maximum up to 60 years

Minimum amount
Starting from BDT 3lac to maximum of BDT 25lac

The loan facilities will be term loan for regular businesses that are not subject to
significant volatility in sales due to seasonality
Loan tenor is 12 months to 60 months with an interval at 6 months
Equal monthly installment facility and overdraft facility

4) Prothoma
Prothoma is a loan facility for the business that must be owned by women entrepreneur in case of
proprietorship. For partnership/ limited companies, if omen hold 51% or more share, it will be
considered as women run business.

Entrepreneurs having a minimum of 2 years of some business activities in the
same line of business
A business which must be a going concern for 2 years

Age of proprietor/ partner/ guarantor minimum 21 years and maximum up to 60


Minimum amount
Starting from BDT 2lac to maximum of BDT 10lac (12, 18, 24 30 & 36
Starting from BDT 6lac to maximum of BDT 10lac (48 months)

Equated monthly installment loan facility
Single installment loan facility
Loan tenor for equated monthly installment: 12 months, 18 months, 24 months,
30 months, 36 months, 48 months
Loan tenor for single installment is 3 months to 9 months

5) Shamolima
A loan facility for Sharecropper/ Small farmers/ vegetables growers/ fruits growers/ dairy firms/
poultry/ fishery/ shrimp hatchery or fish processing unit in order to manage working capital/
purchase livestock or birds or fish big/ light machinery or establishment/ tractor or commercial

Entrepreneurs having a minimum of 1 years of some business activities in the same
line of business
A business which must be a going concern for 1 years
Age of proprietor/ partner/ guarantor minimum 21 years and maximum up to 60

Minimum amount
Starting from BDT 50 thousand to maximum of BDT 10lac

Loan tenor for term loan is 3 months to 2 years
Loan tenor for bullet payment is 3 months to 1 year
No processing fee is needed
Repeat/additional loan can be offered only after l2 months of taking a loan.

6) Shohoj
Entrepreneurs dont need to have any previous business experiences in the same line
of business
A totally new established business can get the loan facilities
The proprietor/ partner must be Bangladeshi by nationality.

Minimum amount
Minimum amount is 2lac but there is no limit for maximum amount

Meet the emergency cash needs of business
Tenor for overdraft facility renewal after 12 months
No processing fee for BRAC Bank Limited
No rescheduling fee

7) Shokti
Entrepreneurs having a minimum of 3 years of some business activities in the
same line of business
A business which must be a going concern for 3 years

21 years to 60 years at the time of application. In case of Private Limited

Company age range is 18 to 70 for Chairman, Director & MD

Minimum amount
Starting from BDT 10lac to maximum of BDT 75lac

Equated monthly installment loan facility
Processing fee is 1% of loan amount plus VAT
Loan tenor for 10 lac to below 20 lac is 12 to 48 months
Loan tenor For 20 lac to 1 Crore is 12 to 60 months

Deposit Product

1) Prachurjo
SME Fixed Deposit (Prachurjo) is a term deposit product for SME clients.

Minimum amount
Minimum amount to open any Prachurjo account is BDT 50,000 tk.

All sole proprietorship business
Upper ceiling will consider for Prachurjo account
The minimum tenor for Prachurjo is 1 month
The maximum tenor for Prachurjo is 36 months

2) Prapti
PRAPT Current Account has been designed to encourage small and medium entrepreneurs to
enter into the wide range of modern banking facilities of BRAC Bank Limited. Prapti current
account is an interest bearing current account for SMEs. This account ensures the profitable and
easy transaction facilities for business concerns.

Prapti has been designed to fulfill business transactional requirements
Opening balance for Prapti Account is BDT 2000 for welcome package with
0% interest rate
No outstation cheque fees
Prapti account has designed for unlimited transaction, no restriction

3) Probriddhi
SME Fixed Deposit (Probriddhi) is a term deposit product designed for SME clients with the
intention of maximizing the return for the customer at a given and specified rate of interest.
Probridhdhi is a term deposit product, where interest will calculate in compounding method. In
Probridhdhi interest credited monthly to the FD A/C and adds to the principal amount for the
next month.

Minimum amount
Starting from minimum BDT 5,000,000


Any organization with a transactional current account of BRAC Bank Limited
can open this FD in the name of the organization
Any organization unwilling to open a transactional current account in BRAC
Bank Limited also can open this FD in the name of the organization by
providing the required documents.
No fee or charges applicable
Minimum tenor 3 months & maximum tenor 12 Months

4) Shonchoy
Shonchoy is a monthly deposit plan for entrepreneur in the case of emergency and business
contingencies. Shonchoy is basically a monthly installment based loan and a habit to pay
montyly to the bank. Banks are reducing installment size by reducing interest rate, increasing
tenor, and/or by removing uncompetitive features.

Shonchoy is a monthly contributing deposit scheme that, dominated local
currency ,a customer can use for building up future saving through a regular
monthly deposit and interest accrual on the deposit amount.
There is no cheque book will be issued to the account holder or debit card
The account may be opened at any date of the month and subsequent
installment will be realized on the same date of the every month.

A concern can open more than one account


Marketing Terms: Relates to SME product of BRAC

Bank Limited:
Marketing plays a role in helping to accomplish the overall strategic objectives within each
business unit. Basically marketing strategic plans define the organizations overall mission and

Market Segmentation
For any organization, market consists of many types of customers, products and needs and the
organization has to determine which segments offer the best opportunity for achieving company
objectives. The market for SME products of BRAC Bank limited is segmented into three
categories. They are trading, manufacturing and service. In trading business, there are different
kinds like retailer, wholesaler, food business, general stores etc. In manufacturing business, there
are mills, bakery, press business etc and also except purchasing manufacturer organization also
take loans to meet the working capital requirements. In service business, there are pathology,
hospitals and satellite business. Most of the demands go for trading business as in our country
there is not much manufacturing organizations.

Small and Medium Enterprises




Whole sell









Departmental stores


Fast food

Figure: Market Segmentation of SME Products


Developing Marketing Mix for SME Products of BRAC Bank

There are four groups of variables known as the four Ps for developing marketing mix. The set
of these controllable tactical marketing tools are product, price, place and promotion that the
organization blends to produce it wants in the target market.


Target Consumer



Figure: Marketing Mix for SME product of BRAC Bank Limited


Goods and services are the combination of a companys offer to the target market. The SME of
BRAC Bank Limited has two types of products that they offer for which the Customer Relation
Officer (CRO) provides quick and quality services to clients. Here customer service is another
element of product strategy. Short term products mean 3, 6, 9 or 12 months loan and midterm
products mean 15, 18, 24, 30 or 36 months loan.

Price is the amount of money customers have to pay to obtain the products. The SME clients of
BRAC Bank Limited have to pay a certain amount of processing fees and stamp costs to get the
loan. This is one of the factors that affect the companys own pricing moves. At present, BRAC
bank SME interest rate is 24% which is a little bit of costly by the competitive edge. But the
clients get this loan within very short period of time. In this situation client cannot think about
the interest rate because at the right time they get the loan,

Place is the tool of developing marketing mix that make the product available to target
consumers. SME of BRAC bank limited is trying to reach each and every small business
enterprise to meet clients demands so that they have already spread out their unit offices around
the country. Management must make channel decision carefully which is one of the most
important decision that management faces. SME of BRAC bank already has 429 unit offices
through the country. So they have everywhere in Bangladesh to serve all respective clients.


The marketing activities that communicate the merits of the product and persuade target
customers to buy it is called promotion. Advertisement is one of the major elements of
promotion. SME of BRAC Bank Limited is focusing customers by printing various leaflets,
magazines and showing banners in front of their respective unit offices. The SME of BRAC
Bank Limited also follows two additional strategies for promotion. They are-

1) Door to door service- it is a door-to-door customer services to clients. Customer

Relationship Officer (CRO) knocks the door of the business enterprise whether the
client has required any loan or not.
2) Market to non-Bank people- Some clients does not maintain any account in the
bank. They are dealing by cash. By providing BRAC bank loans, these sorts of
clients can be attached with the banks. In addition, they can understand more about
banking and can have a good relationship with them.



Study Design:
The study was fully descriptive in nature. The study was conducted using the participatory
method. To know the in-depth information, the topic was discussed with the expert professionals
related to bank for several times and review of record of BRAC Bank Limited and other related
secondary information. The purpose was to get an idea about the whole activities of SME deposit
and loan unit. Statistical data and other relevant information were gathered from secondary
sources including several journals and booklets.

Data Collection Method:

Data have been collected from two sources. These are as under:
Primary source
Secondary source

The Primary sources of data include the followings:

Face to face conversation with the bank officers and staffs
Study of different files of different sections of the bank.
Official records and observing practical work.
Practical Deskwork.

The Secondary sources of data include as under:

Published Booklet of the Bank

Website of BRAC Bank limited

Various published documents


In SME sector of Bangladesh, BRAC Bank Limited actually plays a vital role. SME is the main
profitable product of BRAC Bank Limited as they have taken different strategies for the
development of this sector. As a result, BRAC Bank is the pioneer of SME loan sector. Within
the four months of internship and by the survey analysis this report found some shortfalls of
SME sector of BRAC Bank Limited. The findings are given below Based on the survey analysis, BRAC Bank limited is serving customers by fulfilling
customers banking needs and by providing the best service to the customers.
Competitors are providing better term deposit package to their clients. As a result, clients
have so many choices which results to the lack of commitment among clients.
According to the respondents of the survey, BRAC Bank Limited has a huge number of
service providing points for which it is possible to extend banks service to the rural area.
SME clients are not satisfied with the interested rate provided by the bank. Because from
the survey we can see that the mean of the respondent is 1.8 and the standard deviation is
.65. That means that most of the clients are disagree with the statement in the questioner.
Providing training programs BRAC Bank Limited could arrange skilled service provider
for their different service providing points. It will help the service providers to develop
their skills and knowledge.
The IT system of BRAC Bank Limited is not strong enough to give proper support to all
division and specially the loan and deposit unit of SME division. Most on the respondents
are disagreed with the performance of IT system. Sometimes technical difficulties occur
and clients face troubles regarding their account details update.
Most of the respondents agreed that they dont have good knowledge about the product
features provided by the SME of BRAC Bank Limited. That means the management of
deposit unit of SME division is not aware about their product features marketing
activities or publicity in compare with competitors.


BRAC Bank Limited has several dedicated Customer Relationship Officers (CRO) who
are actually trying to provide their best service to maintain customer relationship with
According to the respondents, the number of employees in sales team is comparatively
low. For this reason, time management problem sometimes occur and immediate service
to the clients is not always possible.



There are some limitations of the report and therefore it may lack some crucial data. In preparing
the report I faced some problems, which are as follows:
The main constrain of the study was insufficiency of information, which was required for
the study. There are various information the bank employee cant provide due to security
and other obligations.
Due to time limitation many of the aspects could not be discussed in the present report.
Learning all the related procedure and stuffs of deposit within 90 days is really tough.
Since the bank personnel were very busy, they could not provide enough time. Lack of
opportunity to visit to other branches rather than Head office and communicate with them
was another obligation of this study.
As Bank is a sensitive financial institution I was unable to get much information. Some
information was unveiled to me as those are confidential.
I did not get chance to interact directly with the customers due to the rules of banks.

At present the BRAC Bank Limited is one bank which has the largest SME Bank division in the
country. In addition BRAC Bank is the 4th largest SME Bank in the world in terms of
outstanding loan amount. So we can say that, SME Banking division of BRAC Bank holds
highest asset volume among the business divisions of the Bank (SME Banking, Retail Banking,
Corporate Banking, and Probashi Banking). On the other hand, as the name signifies, it provides
lending facilities and deposit and loan solutions as well as value adding services to the clients of
small and medium size businesses within the country.



As we all know BRAC Bank Limited is one of the leading private commercial banks of our
country. At present BRAC Bank Limited is the one of the largest SME bank in the country. As a
result, from my little knowledge it is quite hard to give recommendation to such a well
established bank. Still from my learning and observation, I am giving following recommendation
to follow:
The BRAC Bank should do more marketing activities to improve their presence in the
minds of the potential SME (Small and Medium Enterprises) Customers. Because
sometimes promotional activities help to develop brand image stronger among the
customers, which will help to bring more deposit funds. As we see that, Media coverage
of BRAC Bank Limited is not so strong. So to attract new customers, they should go for
mass media coverage like TV, Radio etc.
New account opening process of SME deposit product sometimes is quite high compare
to their competitors because of verification of necessary documents for example new
Prapti Current Account opening process sometimes takes quite high time for the
necessary documents verification issue. So, to attract new customers as well as to retain
existing clients, they have to make the process fast.
Deposit unit of SME division of BRAC Bank should launch more products, specially the
term deposit products with attractive interest rates. Because there are some competitors
who are offering different term deposit products with attractive interest rates to SME
customers. So, to exist in the competition BRAC Bank should launch more SME deposit
products with more product features.

Head of SME deposit should take more initiatives to launch more opportunities to
motivate internal employees, specially the back office staffs, who are not directly related
with front office or deposit unit of SME division. So to bring more funds from back

office staffs and to motivate them by providing incentives Head of SME should launch
and run a number of Campaign programs at a time.
The deposit staffs and officers should be more aware regarding the modern customer
service. For example, the sales team of deposit unit needs to expand more to hire more
staffs in deposit unit of SME division to provide the best and modern service to compete
in the competitive banking field.
For opening any new deposit account of SME division customers need to have
references, but sometimes they failed to do that. On that case Bank loose the potential
deposit customers. In this regard bank could make some policies to hold those potential
As the salary structure of competitive banks is higher than BRAC Bank Limited, so
sometimes the bank stuffs become de-motivated. So to motivate the internal employee
the bank management should increase employee salary structure according to their
designation to motivate employees more so that bank staffs always try to provide their
best service to customers.
SME deposit of BRAC Bank should give emphasis on global banking so that they could
bring fund from foreign potential SME customers and can build a strong network
BRAC Bank Limited should update their system regular basis so that customers can not
occupy and delayed service.



Despite stiff competition among banks operating in Bangladesh both foreign and local, BRAC
Bank Limited has achieved satisfactory progress in areas of its operations and earned an
impressive operating income over the previous years. However, establishment of a bank faces
hard time to make them competitive one and also provide their performance in the market. The
success of a commercial bank depends largely in the quality of service provide to the clients.
Quality of service depends in the competence and the quality of the employee of the
organization. SME division of BRAC Bank has a very qualified and dedicated group of officers
and staffs, who provides friendly and personalized services. After doing A Study on SME
deposit product features and customer relationship management of BRAC Bank one thing can be
easily said that, BRAC Bank is trying their best to serve the customers by offering different
products according to customers demand and by maintaining a good relationship with customers
through time to time. At present BRAC Bank Limited is the one of the largest SME bank in the
country. Moreover, SME (Small and Medium Enterprises) banking division holds the highest
asset volume among the business division of the bank(SME banking , Retail banking, Corporate
banking and Probashi Banking). BRAC Bank Limited provides both lending and deposit
facilities as well as value adding services (payment reminder, payment notification etc) to the
customers specially to small and medium size business within the country. From current scenario
of SME division of BRAC Bank Limited it can be said that, deposit unit is trying to make their
service more available to customers by maintaining a sales team and trying to attract customer by
introducing eye-catching term deposit with different features and attractive interest rate. I hope
that BRAC Bank Limited specially the SME division of BRAC Bank will expand more quality
assurance and wide range of branches all over the country.



Annual Report of BRAC Bank Limited 2010

Annual Report of BRAC Bank Limited 2011

Other short notes provided by BRAC Bank.



Thank you for participating in my survey on SME clients opinion of BRAC Bank Limited. I
have prepared a list of questions for you to answer. Please evaluate how you feel and what is
your opinion about the SME of BRAC Bank Limited by expressing your agreement and
disagreement with the following:
1 = strongly disagree
2 = disagree
3 = not sure
4 = agree
5 = strongly agree
Q-1: Is BRAC Bank Limited is providing the best service to their SME clients?

Q-2: Is BRAC Bank Limited successfully fulfilling their SME clients banking needs?

Q-3: BRAC Bank has huge number of service providing point as a result it is possible to extend
banks service to the rural areaAns:

Q-4: Are the SME clients of BRAC Bank Limited are satisfied with the interest rates provided by
the bank?


Q-5: Is BRAC Bank Limited providing the best SME term deposit package other then the

Q-6: By providing training programs BRAC Bank could arrange skilled service provider for their
service providing pointsAns:

Q-7: The IT system of BRAC Bank is strong enough to give proper support to all division and
specially the deposit unit of SME divisionAns:

Q-8: Do you have proper knowledge about the product features provided by the SME of BRAC
Bank Limited?

Q-9: The Customer Relationship Officers (CRO) of SME department are successfully
maintaining customer relationship with SME clients:

Q-10: There are a sufficient numbers of employees in sales teamAns:

Please share ant other comments you have-


Analysis of the survey:

For my survey on SME clients opinion of BRAC Bank Limited, I have chosen 15 clients
randomly and did the survey on them. After the survey, I got some results. For question no. 1, 6
persons choose option 4 and 9 persons choose option 5. For question no. 2, 3persons choose
option 3, 5persons choose option 4 and 7persons choose option 5, For question no. 3, 11persons
choose option 4 and 4persons choose option5. For question no. 4, 8persons choose option 2,
5persons choose option 1 and 2persons choose option 3. For question no 5, 3persons choose
option 1, 7persons choose option 2, 3persons choose option 3 and 2persons choose option 4. For
question no 6, 1persons choose option 2, 5persons choose option 3, 5persons choose option 4 and
4persons choose option 5. For question no. 7, 3persons choose option 1, 5persons choose option
2, 2persons choose option 3, 3persons choose option 4 and 2persons choose option 5. For
question no. 8, 3persons choose option1, 4persons choose option 2, 2persons choose option 3,
4persons choose option 4 and 2persons choose option. For question no 9, 4persons choose option
3, 7persons choose option 4 and 4persons choose option 5. For question no 10, 3persons choose
option 1, 7persons choose option 2 and 5persons choose option 3.

Calculation of Mean and Standard Deviation:

The formula of Mean=

Where, X= each value in the sample

n= the number of sample
The Mean of A-1:
X=69, n=15
Therefore, the mean =

= 4.6


The Mean of A-2:

X=64, n=15
Therefore, the mean =
The Mean of A-3:


X=64, n=15

Therefore, the mean = =4.27

The Mean of A-4:

X=27, n=15

Therefore, the mean = =1.8

The Mean of A-5:
X=34, n=15

Therefore, the mean = =2.27

The Mean of A-6:
X=57, n=15

Therefore, the mean = =3.8

The Mean of A-7:


X=41, n=15

Therefore, the mean = =2.73

The Mean of A-8:
X=43, n=15

Therefore, the mean = =2.87

The Mean of A-9:
X=60, n=15

Therefore, the mean = = 4

The Mean of A-10:
X=32, n=15

Therefore, the mean, = = 2.13

Standard Deviation:
Standard Deviation is a measure of how spreads out numbers are. It is the square root of the
The formula of Standard Deviation :



Where, = the Standard Deviation

X= each value of sample
= the mean of the values
n= the number of sample


The Standard Deviation of A: 1

The mean =

= 4.6

() (.6)+(.6)2 +(.6)2 +(.6)2 +(.6)2 +(.6)2 +.4+.4+.4+.4+.4+.4+.4+.4+.4



Therefore = .49

The Standard Deviation of A: 2

The mean =



(.) +(.) +(.) +(.) +(.) +(.) +(.) +(.)+.+.+.+.+.+.+.


Therefore =.77

The Standard Deviation of A: 3 (4 => 11persons, 5 => 4persons)

The mean = =4.27



(.) +(.) +(.) +(.) +(.) +(.) +(.) +(.) +(.) +(.) +(.) +.+.+.+.


Therefore =1.71

The Standard Deviation of A: 4

2 => 8persons, 1 => 5persons, 3 => 2persons

The mean = =1.8




.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+(.) +(.)

Therefore =.65

The Standard Deviation of A: 5

1 => 3persons, 2 => 7persons, 3 => 3persons, 4 => 2persons

The mean = =2.27



(1.27)+(1.27)2 +(1.27)2 +(.27)2 +(.27)2 +(.27)2 +(.27)2 +(.27)2 +(.27)2 +(.27)2 +(1.73)2 +(1.73)

Therefore =.87

The Standard Deviation of A: 6

2 => 1persons, 3 => 5persons, 4 => 5persons, 5 => 4persons

The mean = =3.8




Therefore =.91

(.) +(.) +(.) +(.) +(.) +(.) +.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.


The Standard Deviation of A: 7

1 => 3persons, 2 => 5persons, 3 => 2persons, 4 => 3persons, 5 => 2persons

The mean = =2.73



(.) +(.) +(.) +(.) +(.) +(.) +(.) +(.) +.+.+.+.+.+.+.

Therefore =1.34

The Standard Deviation of A: 8

1 => 3persons, 2 => 4persons, 3 => 2persons, 4 => 4persons, 5 => 2persons

The mean = =2.87



(.) +(.) +(.) +(.) +(.) +(.) +(.) +.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.

Therefore =1.36

The Standard Deviation of A: 9

3 => 4persons, 4 => 7persons, 5 => 4persons

The mean = = 4



() +() +() +() ++++


Therefore =.73

The Standard Deviation of A: 10

1 => 3persons, 2 => 7persons, 3 => 5persons

The mean, = = 2.13



(.) +(.) +(.) +(.) +(.) +(.) +(.) +(.) +(.) +(.) +.+.+.+.+.

Therefore =.7


BRAC Bank: At a glance

Name of the organization: BRAC Bank Limited (BBL)

Location Head Office: 1, Gulshan Avenue, Gulshan-1, Dhaka-1212
Logo of BRAC Bank Limited:


Management of BRAC Bank Limited:

Board of Directors: (Organ gram of BRAC Bank Limited)

Mr. Muhammad A. (Rumee) Ali - Chairman

Mr. Shib Narayan Kairy Director
Mr. Quazi Md.Shariful Ala Director
Ms. Nihad Kabir - Director (Independent)
Dr. Hafiz G.A. Siddiqi Director
Mr. Mark A. Coffey (Nominated by Shore Cap International Limited) - Director
Ms. Tamara Hasan Abed Director
Mr. Syed Mahbubur Rahman - Managing Director and CEO


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