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6th Floor, Satpura Bhawan, Bhopal

Syllabus & Guidelines

Schedule Serial No. 7

Subject: - Ortho Technician

No. of Admission: - 0-50 Admission per year

S.N. Duration/ Syllabus Teaching Non Library Laboratory Building

faculty with teaching with
Degree/ minimum state equipment
qualification qualification
Diploma/ & experience &
Certificate experience


1. 1 year (12 Appendix Professor of Clerk-2 Fully Lecture H

months) or ‘A’ Orthopaedics Computer equipped 2500sqft
certificate enclosed -1. Associate operator-1 Orthopaedics Demons
Professor Peon-2 Deptt. As per 3 1250 s
Orthopaedics Sweeper-2 MCI norms. Each
-1. Assistant Technician-4
Professor Accountant-1
Orthopaedics Chowkidaar-
-1. 2 Nurse-2
Demonstrator- (B.Sc. N)

Orthopaedic Technician Course

Paper I – 80 markstwo theory papers

Section A – 40 marksof 80 marks each

1. AnatomyInternal Assessment
2. Physiology 20 + 20=40 marks
3. BiochemistryPractical Examination

Section B 100 marks

(1) PathologyGrand Total

(2) Pharmacology 300 marks

(3) MicrobiologyMinimum pass marks

Paper II – 80 marks 50%

Orthopaedics and traumatology


Orthopaedics and traumatology

1. Fractures and Dislocation:


fractures healing,

types of fractures,

General principles of treatment,

Common fractures of upper and lower extremities.

2. General principles of Operative procedures and Orthopaedic


3. Management of acutely injured:

First aid,


resuscitation methods.

4. Operation room techniques:

Reception of patients in OT premises,

scrubbing, dressing,

tourniquet and it’s application,


painting and draping,

OT fumigation and UV lights,

OT table and attachments, autoclaving.

5. Preparation for Anaesthesia:

Reception of patient,


positioning for anaesthesia,

Check out procedure.

6. Sterilisation:


classification of sterilizing agents,

physical methods of sterilization,

importance of sterilization.

7. Maintenance of equipments in Operation Theatre:

Surgical diathermy,

suction machine,

OT table,

various lightening systems,


8. Orthopaedic Instruments:

Handling and care.

9. Sutures:

Absorbable: Surgical catgut, collagen sutures, synthetic

absorbable utures etc. Nonabsorbable: Silks, cotton,
polyamide, polypropylene, stainless steel etc.

10. Plaster and plaster techniques:

History of plaster of Paris,

properties of plaster of Paris,

preparation of plaster of Paris bandages,

different types of slabs and casts,

correct method of Appling slabs and casts,

special plasters – FCB, PTB etc.

plaster removal,

plaster cutter and associated instruments.

11. Dressing and Dressing room techniques:

ntroduction: general environment and cleanliness.

Dressing table and trolley, drums: preparation contents and

maintenance, dressing material: types, preparation, use and

Different types of solutions used for dressing viz hydrogen

peroxide, providing iodine etc.

Medicated dressings viz Sofratulley, collagen etc.

Basic principles of bandaging.

12. Fundamentals of Nursing:


Introduction: general environment and cleanliness.

Proper disposal of ward waste,

Beds: bed making, posturing in bed, special beds viz

pneumatic, waterbeds. Hygienic care: care of skin, care of
hairs and nails, oral hygiene, care of pressure points.
Exercise and activity: Principles of good posturing and body
behaviour, moving and lifting patient, posture changes
assisting patient in attaining ambulatory status.

Promoting urinary and intestinal eliminations: offering urinal,

bedpan, observations of urine and faeces. Maintaining

Maintaining fluid and electrolyte balance.

Maintenance of input/output records.

Oral intake measures.

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