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True Meaning OF Jihad In

There are a lot of misconceptions going on
around about the word Jihad now a day. The Zionist
controlled Islamophobic western media shows it as
a tool to prove Muslims a cruel nation filled of
terrorists and Islam as a religion as a religion of
insane people which allows bloodshed of innocent
people, Nauzubillah. Some so called Islamist or
Islamic Revolutionist groups misinterpret it to
pollute the minds of poor young minds and use it
to their advantages. The activities of such people
have very intense bad effects on the reputation of
Islam and Muslims and anti-Islamic and
Islamophobist activists use it for blasphemy of
Islam and Islamic Countries.
Now whenever the word Jihad is mentioned, the
scenes of AK firing, people slaughtered, suicide
bombing and women desecrated punished or
victimized, comes to the mind of many people. It
comes to the mind of these people that Jihad
means some holy war, terrorism or strong acts of

violence especially those who are easily influenced

by the media or have been the victim of those so
called Muslim Mujahideen.
But it is the color of glass that is red not the drink
in it. We will be putting some light on the truth in
the darkness. Here we will clarify through proofs
logical and from Quran and Sunnah, how Jihad
does not always mean the violent action or holy
war (as the term used by western media and antiIslamic activists who try to cause haterd against
Islam and Muslims) and all of this Islamic terrorism
is a propaganda put by those people.

Islam The religion of peace:

Starting with, lot of people have misconceptions
about Islam non-Muslims and those ignorant of it.
They think that Islam orders such violent behavior
with its disbelievers. Lets first demonstrate what is

Literal meaning of Islam: The word Islam is

derived from two main root words i.e Isteslama (
)meaning to surrender and As-Salam ( )(meaning the

If only the name has meaning peace then it

will be very irrelevant or contradictory for such a

religion to allow bloodshed or violence without any

reason especially of innocent people. About its
other meaning submission/surrender, it means to
submit before Allah and accept him as the Most
Superior Power. Other religions also contain such
terms for their respective lords so it is hypocrisy
that they use this meaning of Islam for wrong
meanings and wrong interpretations of it, trying to
pulverize Islam. Combining both the meanings
submission and peace, the meaning we can
logically derive according to the structure of Islam
is as:
Islam is an agreement between a believer
and Allah in which the believer surrenders
his/her will and selfish desires before Allahs
will and desire and gets peace and protection
in return.

Teachings of Islam: Nowhere in Islam, the

bloodshed of innocent people or law undertaking
without the permission of Islamic State, is allowed.
In fact killing one innocent human is considered
killing the whole humanity; strong warnings and
punishments are for those who unlawfully or
unjustly harms someone. Any kind of individual
suicide is not allowed, suicide bombing is a whole
different story. It is strongly forbidden to trample

dead bodies. The use of violent action is only

allowed in severe cases where it becomes
inevitable to stay humble and that too only against
the transgressors and under certain specified
limits. Anyone to cross those limits is intensively
warned and is liable to get punished under Islamic
The only lord we all Muslims follow is Allah
Almighty who is very merciful. According to Islam,
the start of everything should be started with
Tasmiah i.e. (( ) In the name of Allah, the
most Gracious and the most Merciful). Will such a
graceful and merciful Lord allow the oppression of
weak and killing of innocent people? Will such a
religion allow such? And the most pious Prophet to
which it was revealed, will He bear it? No, Never.
Allah is in no need to force anyone to obey Him or
he/she will be killed. He has already so many
angels to praise and obey Him. If He wished, He
could make man so from the start and He doesnt
need any one human to kill another one. He just
wills and it happens. So there is no clue Islam is a
religion promoting violence. Instead if we look
there are countless games, TV shows, music,
movies and programs that are being developed,
produced or hosted by the Media promoting violent

behavior. The so called Islamic activists,

revolutionists and Mujahideen are too funded by
the anti-Islamic groups at state level.

Literal Meaning of Jihad:

Before saying anything else about Jihad, lets first
look at its literal meaning as the literal meaning
often gives the basis of the main idea to which it is
related. The word jihad is derived from its root
words Juhd ( )meaning struggle or effort and Ijtihad (
)meaning diligence.
So by general literal meaning, we can conclude that
Jihad is simply the struggle for a specific purpose or aim of
life and since by theme it involves resistance too so to
resist or endure any kind of hurdle and all the pain to
come in the way.
By religious terms, it means to struggle for the cause of
Islam, Fi Sabili-llah (in the path of Allah Almighty); to resist
whatever factors that prevent from it (in a justified way)
and endure the difficulties that come in the way.

Jihad in Islam -by basic collective


Islam meaning submission and peace while jihad

meaning struggle/resist we can conclude by
combining the meaning of two as:
Jihad in Islam, hence mean to struggle
or resist in the path of Allah with complete
submission towards his orders ,keeping
peace and balance to the extent possible
What type of struggle and resistance? In what
way? For what purpose? What kind of balance?
Subhan-Allah, we have Quran and Sunnah to
completely answer all such questions. Focusing on
our topic as The True Meaning of Jihad in Islam,
we will be presenting how its not for supporting
violence and is for the purposes of peace, justice,
freedom and to maintain the word of Allah through
Quran and Sunnah, giving references from Ayah of
Quran and Ahadithe Sahih.

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