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The contents of this book are included for educational purposes only to provide helpful
information on the subjects discussed. This book is not intended to be used and should
not be used, to diagnose or treat any medical condition. For diagnosis or treatment of
any medical condition, consult your health care provider. You are responsible for your
own choices, actions, and results regarding any health concerns that may require
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negative consequences from any action, application, treatment or preparation, to any
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Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium Carolyn Dean MD ND


Introduction to Invisible Minerals
What Science Says
What is Magnesium?
Mineral Partners
Magnesium Begins with Children

Excess Calcium Depletes Magnesium
Magnesium DeBiciency Conditions
Magnesium for Muscles
Magnesium and Heart Disease
Why Didnt Tim Russert Take Magnesium?
Magnesium for Anxiety and Panic Attacks
Magnesium for Asthma
Magnesium for Blood Clots
Magnesium for Bones
Magnesium for Bowel Disease
Magnesium for Cystitis
Magnesium for Depression
Magnesium for Detoxication
Magnesium for Diabetes
Magnesium for Fatigue
Magnesium for Hypertension
Magnesium for Insomnia
Magnesium for Migraine
Magnesium for Nerve problems
Magnesium in Obstetrics and Gynecology
Signs and Symptoms of Magnesium DeBiciency
100 Factors That Indicate Magnesium DeBiciency
Where Has All the Magnesium Gone?
Why Medicine Ignores Magnesium
Different Forms of Magnesium

Common types of magnesium

Magnesium oxide
Magnesium citrate
Chelated magnesium
Plant-based magnesium
Magnesium oil
Magnesium gel, Magnesium cream
Angstrom magnesium
Pico-Ionic magnesium - ReMag
Magnesium Dosage
Completement Formula Protocol

Detailed ReMag Dosage

Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium Carolyn Dean MD ND

ReMag Spray Facts

ReMag Spray Dosing
ReMag Facial Hydration

Magnesium Testing
When Magnesium Makes Me Worse
Magnesium Content of Common Foods
Calcium Dosage
Calcium Rich Foods
Magnesium Supplementation Contraindications
Magnesium Miracle Stories

ReMag and Atrial Fibrillation

Switching from IV Magnesium to ReMag
Pico-Ionic Magnesium and Dialysis

Pico-Ionic Magnesium and Lung Whiteout
Loving Pico-Ionic Minerals
Effects of Pico-Ionic Magnesium
Pico-Ionic Magnesium and Arthritis
Pico-Ionic Magnesium and Migraines
Pico-Ionic Magnesium: Short Testimonials
Magnesium and Janes Top Ten Improvements
Magnesium and Alcohol
Magnesium and Anxiety
Magnesium and Arrhythmia
Magnesium and Asthma
Magnesium and Back Spasms
Magnesium and Blepherospasm
Magnesium and Esophageal Spasms
Magnesium and Carpel Tunnel Syndrome
Magnesium and Chest Pain
Magnesium and Diabetes
Magnesium and the Elderly
Magnesium and Heart Palpitations
Magnesium and Insomnia
Magnesium and Kidney Stones
Magnesium and Laryngospasms
Magnesium and Healthy Nails
Magnesium and Neck Pain
Magnesium and Orgasm
Magnesium and Perimenopause
Magnesium and Sciatica
Magnesium For The Athlete

Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium Carolyn Dean MD ND

Muscle Cramping
Medical Treatment of Cramping
Magnesium and The Athlete Stories
How Magnesium Instantly Made Me A Better Athlete Ben GreenBield
No Magnesium in the NFL
No Magnesium and Lots of Aspartame
Chalk It Up To Magnesium

Magnesium Q & A
Magnesium Product Recommendations
Learning More and Asking Questions
Appendix A: Manufacturers Words on ReMag and ReLyte

Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium Carolyn Dean MD ND


This eBook was originally called How to Change Your Life with Magnesium and it has
evolved into an introduction to a type of magnesium that I personally researched,
formulated and recommend. Its a Picometer-Ionic Magnesium called ReMag.
ReMag is a form of magnesium thats small enough in size that it acts at the
cellular level and is ionically charged to allow it to be attracted to the cells that
require it. Mineral ions are readily available in a liquid base but not in tablets or
capsules. The Bluid disperses the mineral compounds into its two ionic forms.
NOTE: If you want to immediately skip to the section that tells you how much
ReMag to take, go to Detailed ReMag Dosage on page 42. To Bind out how to take all
the Completement Formulas go to Completement Formula Protocol on page 40.
Magnesium chloride is the base mineral compound used to make ReMag. The
company that manufactures ReMag buys 99.98 - 99.99% pure magnesium ingots.
The current source is from San Bernardino Co., California, mined as Dolomite. These
ingots are then broken down into picometer ionic liquid soluble minerals. Thus
there are as little as 0.01 - 0.02% impurities in our magnesium chloride. This
compares very favorably to high quality versions of magnesium citrate that are 98%
pure, or magnesium chloride from salt lakes that are 96% pure. The key is that
99.98-99.99% pure is 99.98- 99.99% pure, no matter the source. ReMag is GRAS and
is free of heavy metals on rigorous testing.
Magnesium chloride is a mineral salt crystal in its dry state and breaks down
into magnesium ions and chloride ions when dissolved and dispersed in liquid.
Thats usually all it takes to create ions. However, ions only represent the electrical
charge of a mineral.
Proprietary processes are used to break magnesium down into a picometer
size. Ill explain more about picometers shortly. You can read my manufacturers
works about the process used to make ReMag and its companion multimineral,
ReLyte, in Appendix A on page 113.

Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium Carolyn Dean MD ND

For personal reasons, Ive been actively seeking a form of magnesium that is

fully absorbed at the cellular level and does not have any laxative effect.
Let me explain the laxative effect with this mineral. Magnesium has a
wonderful failsafe mechanism that prevents it from building up in the body the
laxative effect. Whats not absorbed into the bloodstream and into the cells after a
dose of magnesium goes through the kidneys into the urine and also through the
intestines as loose stool. My problem is that any form of magnesium in pills or
powder gave me a fairly immediate laxative effect. This means Im unable to get
enough magnesium into my blood and cells to effectively Bight my magnesium
deBiciency symptoms before it explodes out the other end!! Sorry, a bit dramatic, but
thats what happens to a certain percentage of magnesium users.
When I began using the right type of magnesium I Binally found relief for
most of my magnesium deBiciency symptoms (heart palpitations, charley horses,
insomnia, muscle twitching) with no laxative effect. Initially, when I encountered
this type of magnesium, it was in a form called angstrom magnesium. Angstrom is
simply a word that stands for a unit of measurement. One angstrom equals one-
tenth of a nanometer (0.1nm); or 100 picometers; or 1/10,000,000,000 (one ten
billionth) of a meter (11010 m). It even has its own symbol, which is , in honor of
the Swedish scientist Anders Jonas ngstrm who Birst named it.
According to Wikipedia, angstrom, as a measurement, is used in the natural
sciences and in technology to express the size of atoms, molecules and microscopic
biological structures, the lengths of chemical bonds, the arrangement of atoms in
crystals, the wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation and the dimensions of
integrated circuit parts.
I chose to call the form of magnesium that I now recommend Pico-Ionic to
bring it into the better known scientiBic metric system and to stay away from the
word nano which has become synonymous with nanotechnology that many people
consider potentially invasive.
Pico-Ionic magnesium came out of my search for a more concentrated form
of angstrom magnesium. The form I was using had

Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium Carolyn Dean MD ND

3,000 ppm (parts per million) at a dosage of 45mg per Tbsp and came in
32oz. bottles. I had to choke back six Tbsp two to three times a day to get what I
required to keep my symptoms under control.
To make this form of magnesium more accessible, I spent two years working
with various forms of magnesium to Bind one that was 100 percent absorbed and
could Bit into a capsule.
I still havent found it and it may not be possible since minerals require a
solution in order to dissolve into an ionized state. In the meantime, the Pico-Ionic
form I use is 60,000 ppm (instead of 3,000ppm) and comes in 8oz. bottles at a
dosage of 300 mg per teaspoon. Do the math and you Bind that Pico-Ionic
magnesium is 20 times more powerful than angstrom.
Back to my story.
I learned about angstrom magnesium immediately after the publication of
the second edition of The Magnesium Miracle (2007). So I wasnt able to write about
it in that book edition but I did put it in the 2014 edition supporting its use with
glowing testimonials.
Pico-Ionic magnesium is not a patented product and thus doesnt have the
funding from either government or the drug industry for large clinical trials. But
what it does have is a mounting array of clinical cases that speak to its tremendous
ability to reverse magnesium deBiciency and suffering. There is incredible clinical
evidence of its amazing therapeutic properties. People are able to switch from IV
magnesium to Pico-Ionic magnesium and double their magnesium blood levels.
What Science Says
In the past few years physicists have determined that the mineral ion channels that
are the gateways through which minerals enter cells are only 400-500 picometers in
Ion channels are composed of proteins that form pores through a cell
membrane. These specialized proteins help establish and control the voltage
traveling across the cell membranes by allowing ions to Blow along a particular

Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium Carolyn Dean MD ND

gradient. That may not make a lot of sense to you but these ion channels are crucial
components of the membranes that surround all biological cells.
When I was Birst introduced to picometer mineralsand picometer
magnesium in particularI met Dr. Terry Wood, a veterinarian, who was also
researching highly absorbable forms of minerals. Dr. Wood was looking for a way to
save animals suffering from pneumonia that really needed minerals but their lungs
would drown if you gave them the necessary minerals in intravenous (IV) Bluids.
When Dr. Wood began using picometer minerals, he found his answer. Either
the animal patient lapped up the minerals in a water solution or Terry syringed
them down their throats and found they worked even better than IV mineral
Dr. Wood realized these minerals are almost completely absorbed in the face
of a maldigestion and/or malabsorption as they completely bypass the gut and they
do not have to be attached to carrier protein molecules that must be digested before
the mineral is absorbed.
Dr. Wood told me that another huge point in favor of picometer minerals is
that their available surface area is extremely large. If you take a certain amount of a
mineral and calculate the surface area, by the time it is broken down into picometer
size, the surface area is increased by millions and millions of units. This means there
is more mineral surface area available to do its job. This is why just a few parts per
million (ppm) of a molecular mineral can do a better job than hundreds or
thousands of milligrams of the same mineral in a non-picometer form.
One piece of science that helps validate the efBicacy of angstrom and Pico-
Ionic minerals is the electron microscope. A university professor was asked to view
the various stages of these minerals, as they were processed, under a microscope
and found that at the Binal stage, his viewing Bield was blank. The minerals were
such a tiny size that they could not be seen.
The professor verbally conBirmed that this Binding meant that such minerals
would be absorbed 100 percent at the cellular level. However, he was unwilling to
sign off on this observation for fear of a backlash from his peers. More experiments

Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium Carolyn Dean MD ND

are underway to gain validation of the size of picometer minerals as well as their
efBicacy in treating magnesium deBiciency states.
Because picometer-sized minerals are absorbed directly into cells, they
improve cell function immediately. The Pico-Ionic form does even better because
with the ionic charge, the minerals are magnetically attracted to the cell ion
channels and the picometer size means they just slide in without impedance.
If minerals dont properly get inside cells, because they are too large, then
non-mineralized water Bloods into the cells and the large-sized minerals stay
outside. All forms of edema, including brain edema, are caused by Bluid and
electrolyte imbalance at the cellular level. Brain edema is more common than you
think. The troops in the Middle East sweat out gallons of water and most of their
electrolytes: sodium, potassium and magnesium. When they just replace their losses
with highly sugared and salted water, they are subject to brain edema and the errors
in judgment that are losing lives in the Bield.
Pico-Ionic minerals are small enough to enter cells where they are most
needed. Minerals are responsible for the 70-90 millivolts of energy that creates
intracellular communication. A body can only be as healthy as its cells.
Another important aspect about Pico-Ionic minerals is that people who suffer
from IBS-diarrhea, Crohns and colitis can use Pico-Ionic magnesium without
causing a laxative effect.
What is Magnesium?
Magnesium is a necessary cofactor utilized by 700-800 enzyme systems that
perform vital metabolic functions in the body. It took me a whole book, The
Magnesium Miracle, to describe the intricacies of magnesium physiology. After
reading that book youll agree that miracle is the most suitable word to describe a
mineral that treats acid reBlux, adrenal fatigue, angina, anxiety, atrial Bibrillation,
high blood pressure, high cholesterol, constipation, depression, diabetes type 2,
Bibromyalgia, headaches, heart attacks, IBS, insomnia, kidney stones, migraines,
muscle spasms, nerve twitches, osteoporosis, PMS, seizures and more.


Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium Carolyn Dean MD ND

Ive just listed many chronic conditions that people are suffering today, yet
has your doctor ever told you to take magnesium? Probably not. Thats because
nutrient therapy is not taught in medical school. Magnesium is not regarded as a
Birst-line therapeutic agent in hospitals or doctors ofBices and its not a patentable
drug. For all these reasons, mainstream medicine remains blind to the extent of
magnesium deBiciency that is reported to be present in 70-80 percent of the

In this book, Ill give you an overview of magnesium and how to use it, some

magnesium miracles stories and answer many of the questions that my clients and
readers have had over the years. Lets get started.

Mineral Partners
Before I go any further I want to assure you that even though magnesium is the most
important mineral in my universe, its not the only one.

As soon as ReMag became a reality, I began working on a mineral formula

using the same picometer-ionic process. Just like ReMag, these minerals are not
chelates or colloids or anything youve ever heard about before. Using a proprietary
process the minerals are broken down into a soluble form that is the same size as
the minerals absorbed through plant rootlets and the same size as cell mineral ion
channels. Direct absorption into our cells does something quite extraordinary it
bypasses the gut.

We hear a lot about faulty gut absorption (called leaky gut) these days. Some

practitioners even counsel their patients to not bother taking nutrient supplements
until their gut is healed because they wont absorb them anyway. Besides the fact
that they have no way of knowing if thats true you cant heal your gut without the
right nutrients.
In my experience, a yeast-free diet, ReMag, ReLyte and a good probiotic like
Prescript Assist help treat gut malabsorption and leaky gut. And the beauty of
picometer-ionic minerals is that they dont rely on an intact gut for absorption.


Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium Carolyn Dean MD ND

I began creating ReLyte as an electrolyte replacement but it grew into much

more. It includes 12 minerals that go far beyond any electrolyte solution on the
market and help solve many of the chronic disease problems that Ive been seeing
over the past three decades.

Minerals are inorganic substances that your body cant make. You must obtain

minerals from the food you eat or as pills, capsules, or preferably, as liquids.

Ive written extensively about the mineral depletion in the agricultural soil

where our food is grown. Therefore food has become the least effective way to
obtain your minerals. A normal diet 100 years ago netted you 500 mg of magnesium.
Today, you are lucky if you get 200mg.

Water is supposed to carry the minerals that we require but the many forms of

Biltration that we put in place to remove toxic chemicals can also remove important
Even before medical school, I read everything I could about natural health.
After over 45 years of study, Im convinced that mineral supplementation is the
most valuable healing tool you can use. Its the easiest to implement, the most cost
effective and the most valuable for your health.
However, successful mineral therapy all depends on the bioavailability of the
minerals you use. If a mineral is not absorbed directly into the cells it cannot
participate in cellular functions and is therefore useless. Or it can be harmful as you
will see below where I write about the problem with excess calcium in the diet and
in supplements.
I dont call ReLyte and my magnesium formula, ReMag, supplements, I call
them Completement Formulas because they complete the body by providing the
right minerals in the proper form for optimum function. My Completement
Formulas are the culmination of over 45 years of studying the safest, most effective
and revolutionary therapies that are at least 20 years ahead of their time.
Ill explain more throughout this book, and in my ReLyte book. BrieBly, the
conditions plaguing the patients I consult every day often have a basis in hormone
imbalance. Thyroid, adrenal and sex hormones are increasingly drained in our


Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium Carolyn Dean MD ND

stressed-out society. The best treatment is not hormone replacement; it is mineral

replacement. You can obtain a free copy of my ReLyte book, Invisible Minerals Part
II: Multiple Minerals in the FAQ link on the RnA ReSet website. While youre on the
site, you can read about my other amazing products, RnA Drops and ReAline. In a
1. ReMag is 100% absorbed at the cellular level, and is non laxative. It
successfully treats heart disease, anxiety, muscle pain and spasms, nerves
problems and much more.
2. ReLyte is a combination of 12 minerals that are picometer in size and also
fully absorbed at the cellular level balancing the thyroid, adrenals and sex
3. ReAline is a very powerful, yet gentle, detoxiBier because it promotes
glutathione production.
4. And the most amazing product is RnA Drops. Its made from barley sprouts
(but its Non-Gluten). RnA Drops make perfect cells and uncover our hidden
5. ReNew is a skin serum that is 25X the concentration of RnA Drops and it's
doing miraculous things for scars, wrinkles and all types of skin conditions.
Im happily amazed at how my Completement Formulas are changing
peoples lives, especially when they are taken together. You can hear testimonials
about the Completement Formulas on my radio show, Live! with Dr. Carolyn Dean
on Achieve Radio, Mondays at 4pm PST. Or you can click on Studio D on Achieve
Radio and listen to Live! with Dr. Carolyn Dean archives, 24/7. On 2012RnARadio
there is printed list of show topics from May 2013 when the show began. You can
search for the topics that interest you the most.


Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium Carolyn Dean MD ND

Magnesium Begins with Children

Magnesium was not a topic in my two hours of nutrition classes during my four
years in medical school and it never came up in my clinical work in the hospital.
Except once. In my third year, I was observing in obstetrics and a young woman was
about to deliver twins. But her blood pressure was rising, she was bloated with Bluid
retention, and she was convulsing with Bluid building up in her brain. I wondered
what they could give her to stop the seizures, bring down her blood pressure, and
get rid of the edema and not harm the baby.

Before I knew it, the attending physician ordered an IV bag of magnesium to

drip into her veins and shortly after her blood pressure came down; she stopped
having seizures and started eliminating Bluid. It was a monumental experience for
me knowing that the mother and baby were safe and it was due to magnesium!
Since I was already studying nutrition on my own I also began wondering why
magnesium wasnt the Birst line of therapy for Bluid retention, high blood pressure
and seizures for everyone.

Magnesium is a vital component of a healthy pregnancy and delivery. Having

enough magnesium during pregnancy can improve the health of our children from
day one. But the need for it begins before birth. Magnesium can prevent premature
contractions, eclampsia and greatly reduce the risk of a child suffering cerebral
palsy and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Magnesium in effective dosages
should be a required supplement for pregnant women.

There are magnesium deBiciency symptoms in pregnancy and childbirth that

are thought to be normal: constipation, leg cramps, backaches, Bluid retention,

irritability, and insomnia to name a few. Its not normal to have these symptoms;
instead it means that these women are not taking enough magnesium.

Magnesium can even help women with fertility problems because it relieves

fallopian tube spasm that can prevent egg implantation!

So, the requirement for magnesium begins from day one of conception and

continues through life. Lets explore the reasons we arent getting enough of this


Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium Carolyn Dean MD ND

important mineral and what we can do about it.

Excess Calcium Depletes Magnesium

A picture is worth a thousand words. Take a look at the following video explaining
the crucial balance of magnesium and calcium. Its on The Nutritional Magnesium
Association website (where I am on the Medical Advisory Board). The video is called
A Look Inside the Cell by Andrea Rosenoff PhD. (When you get to the site, click on
videos and scroll down.)

Were living in a calciBied world and Ill tell you why. Magnesium controls

electrical cell-to-cell communication allowing the correct amount of calcium to enter

a cell to create cell contraction. This may be one of the hardest tasks set for
magnesium because the level of calcium outside our cells can be tens of thousands
of times the safe level allowed inside the cell. Magnesiums job is made even more
difBicult because so many people take extra calcium in supplement form and ingest it
in dozens of fortiBied foods and drinks. They dont realize they need equal amounts
of magnesium in the body to bring calcium into proper balance.

See more about calcium dosage in my book on ReLyte called Invisible

Minerals Part II Multiple Minerals.

Magnesium DeOiciency Conditions
In The Magnesium Miracle, I listed over twenty conditions that are scientiBically
proven to be associated with magnesium deBiciency. These conditions affect both
sexes but women seem to suffer more from magnesium deBiciency than men.

When I wrote The Magnesium Miracle, Drs. Burton and Bella Altura, two world-

renowned magnesium researchers who wrote the foreword in my book went over
this list and approved it. Together they have produced over 1,000 research papers
on magnesium. The Alturas are scientists who had never written a foreword for a
popular press book. However, when I approached them, they said that in spite of
their enormous body of research, the message about rampant magnesium deBiciency


Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium Carolyn Dean MD ND

in the population has never translated into clinical application and they wanted the
message to get out. They especially wanted to alert women to the dangers of
magnesium deBiciency that can begin in the womb.

Magnesium and Muscles

Magnesium relaxes muscle cells and calcium contracts them. Magnesium allows a
small amount of calcium into a cell and then forces it out. Its a simple dynamic that
occurs in our bodies every millisecond of every minute. And its via the muscles that
most people learn about magnesium.

We have muscle spasms, muscle twitching, painful charley horses that turn our

calf muscles into rocks when we stretch, muscle aches and pains. We learn to live
with them. Then we read about magnesium or hear about it from a friend or a
chiropractor and use Epsom salts in a bath or take a magnesium pill and our
muscles sigh in relief.

Magnesium is to plant chlorophyll as iron is to human hemoglobin. In our

body, chlorophyllwith its gift of magnesiumsupplies the means to create life-

giving energy in our cells. On a practical level, this means that magnesium provides
oxygen to our muscles. Also, our cells utilize energy packets called ATP (adenosine
triphosphate) with the help of magnesium. Animal studies proved that decreased
exercise capacity could be an early sign of magnesium deciency. When given
magnesium, their endurance was restored. Most human studies conBirm that any
form of exercise depletes magnesium. We sweat it out and stress it out and need
extra magnesium to neutralize lactic acid.

In fact, it is the most important nutrient for athletes to enhance performance,

prevent lactic acid build up, and shorten recovery time. Overworked muscles
produce free radicals, however, magnesium aids in the production of glutathione,
the bodys super antioxidant. If muscles are deBicient in magnesium, they become
irritated and on edge, developing tics, twitches, and outright spasms. If you are
feeling generally irritated and on edge, magnesium deBiciency may be the cause.


Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium Carolyn Dean MD ND

When you have sufBicient magnesium, your muscles are relaxed and your whole
body becomes calm.

Many of my clients are former athletes who have sweated out and not fully

replaced their magnesium stores in years. Even though they are strong competitors
and stars in their Bield, they become anxious and suffer panic attacks as their bodies
develop a level of tension and irritability that they cant decipher. Taking their
symptoms to a doctor, they are usually given a prescription of Xanax for anxiety,
Prozac or Wellbutrin, and an antipsychotic. Or in some cases they are given all three.

Musicians are often as active as athletes in their work. Muscle cramps,

anxiety, insomnia, focal dystonia, fatigue, migraines, insomnia, and stress can plague
even the most accomplished musician. And the treatment is magnesium.

In my experience, Bibrositis, bromyalgia, chronic neck and back pain may be

caused by magnesium deciency and can be relieved with magnesium supplements,

to a great extent.
Magnesium and Heart Disease
Magnesium deciency is very common in people with heart disease. In hospitals
where doctors understand the important of magnesium, it is administered for acute
myocardial infarction and cardiac arrhythmia. Like any other muscle, the heart
requires magnesium. Magnesium is also used to treat angina, or chest pain.

The epidemic of heart disease in women may have its origins in the excessive

intake of medically prescribed calcium. In fact, several studies in the BMJ recently
proved that very thing. Women who take calcium supplements have a higher risk of
heart disease as calcium deposits in their arteries.

When heart muscle cells have too much calcium on the inside, they can go into

a life-threatening spasm that we call heart attack. When they have enough
magnesium, the heart muscle cells relax. The prescription medication to prevent
calcium build-up is called a calcium channel blocker. Natures calcium channel
blocker is magnesium; its the guardian angel of the heart. The most commonly used

Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium Carolyn Dean MD ND

drugs in high blood pressure are diuretics. The irony of using diuretics is that they
deplete the body of magnesium.
In June 2008, Tim Russert, a well-known and respected journalist died
suddenly and unexpectedly of a heart attack. I wrote a version of the following
article shortly after his death. I think its an important overview of the current
position of modern medicine on heart disease and its inability to make headway in
treating this condition.
Millions of people around the world are in the same position as Russert
with high cholesterol, high blood pressure and on several medications to avoid
having a heart attack. Yet the treatments for high blood pressure, high cholesterol
and high blood sugar all deplete magnesium and cause worsening of these three
very common conditions.
Many of you will see yourself in this picture and now you know what steps
you can take to prevent yourself from becoming a statistic.
Why Didnt Tim Russert Take Magnesium?
The death of Tim Russert struck a deep cord in the hearts of millions of
Americans who await the seemingly inevitable visit to a cardiac ward.
Lets look at the facts of Russerts death. He was known to have high
blood pressure, high cholesterol and asymptomatic coronary artery disease,
which means he had calcium/cholesterol plaque building up inside the
arteries of his heart but no chest pain. He was on drugs for hypertension,
which have a known side effect of draining the body of magnesium. He was
also on statin drugs for high LDL and triglycerides, and low HDL.
On medication, his good cholesterol (HDL) rose from the 20s to 37,
which, according to his doctors was an "acceptable lipid proBile. Russert also
had minimally elevated blood sugar but did not have diabetes (yet) and
wasnt on drugs for diabetes (yet). Apparently, Russerts stress test in late
April 2008 was normal so his heart was thought to be in good shape. Two
months later, he was dead.



Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium Carolyn Dean MD ND

The Birst question is: why did Russert die if he was in the capable
hands of medical experts and on FDA-approved drugs for his condition? And
why, with all their expertise and all their medical education, did his doctors
neglect what the heart and body really needproper diet and supplements.
Modern medicine thinks its smarter than the human brain and body.
It theorizes that the heart muscle is getting too much calcium and gives it a
calcium channel blocker, when what it needs is magnesium. Modern
medicine thinks the body has too much Bluid, so it prescribes a diuretic to
lower blood pressure but ends up Blushing out magnesium and potassium,
causing a vicious cycle of mineral loss. It thinks cholesterol is the bad guy and
the cause of all our ills (which it is not) and gives drugs that knock out the
bodys ability to make cholesterol while causing numerous side effects.
In my 200 hours of biochemistry in medical school I learned, and
every other doctor who stayed awake in class learned, that every one of the
thousands of metabolic functions in the body absolutely requires one or
more vitamins and minerals in order to proceed to the next biochemical
reaction. Its very simple and very basic and very much forgotten by most
Yet, instead of learning about the bodys needs, we were taught to
diagnose disease and treat disease symptoms with drugs or surgery. Thats
our mandate and in the past 100 years, no other system of health care has
been powerful enough to suggest any other approach to disease.
However, everyone wants good health. Health is not just the absence
of disease. But health involves the intake of natural vitamins and minerals
that are, for the most part, absent from the soil. If theyre not in the soil then
they are absent from our food and especially absent if we eat fast foods and
drink artiBicially-sweetened beverages. Besides giving us the necessary
building blocks for a healthy body, these nutrients, especially magnesium,
can protect us from high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and high blood
sugar. Why wait until you are symptomatic to take a drug when you can


Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium Carolyn Dean MD ND

prevent the condition in the Birst place?

Magnesium is a natural statin
Magnesium acts by the same mechanisms as statin drugs to lower
cholesterol. 1 Every metabolic activity in the body depends on enzymes.
Making cholesterol, for example, requires a specic enzyme called HMG-CoA
reductase. Magnesium slows down this enzymatic reaction when it is present
in sufBicient quantities. HMG-CoA reductase is the same enzyme that statin
drugs target and inhibit. The mechanisms are nearly the same; however,
magnesium is the natural way that the body has evolved to control
cholesterol when it reaches a certain level, whereas statin drugs are used to
destroy the whole process. This means that if sufBicient magnesium is
present in the body, cholesterol will be limited to its necessary functions
the production of hormones and the maintenance of cell membranesand
will not be produced in excess.
Its only in our present-day circumstances of magnesium-decient
soil, little magnesium in processed foods, and excessive intake of calcium and
calcium-rich foods without supplementation of magnesium that cholesterol
has become elevated in the population.
Magnesium is also responsible for several other lipid-altering
functions that are not even shared by statin drugs. Magnesium is necessary
for the activity of an enzyme that lowers LDL, the bad cholesterol; it also
lowers triglycerides and raises the good cholesterol, HDL. Another
magnesium-dependent enzyme converts omega-3 and omega-6 essential
fatty acids into prostaglandins, which are required for heart and overall
At least 18 human studies have veried that magnesium supplements
can have an extremely benecial effect on lipids. In these studies, total
cholesterol levels were reduced by 6 to 23 percent; LDL (bad) cholesterol
Rosanoff A, Seelig MS, Comparison of mechanism and functional effects of magnesium and statin
pharmaceuticals. J Am Coll Nutr, vol. 23, no. 5, pp. 501S505S, 2004.

Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium Carolyn Dean MD ND

were lowered by 10 to 18 percent; tryglycerides fell by 10 to 42 percent; and

HDL (good) cholesterol rose by 4 to 11 percent. Furthermore, the studies
showed that low magnesium levels are associated with higher levels of bad
cholesterol and high magnesium levels indicate an increase in good
Do statins prolong life?
The New York Times in January 2008 asked the question on everyones lips
Do statins prolong life? 2 The answer for most people with heart disease is
No, they do not.
Dr. Mark H. Ebell, a professor at the University of Georgia, deputy
editor of the American Family Physician says, Patients at low risk beneBit
very little it at all. We end up overtreating a lot of patients.
Doctors are still trying to decide why that is the case. They prescribe
statins because they lower cholesterol and some want these drugs to be used
as a preventive measure for the whole population. One thing they tend to
ignore is that the accumulated side effects are worse than the cure. They
are too busy treating the cholesterol and not the patient. Its like the old
medical jokeThe surgery was a success but the patient died.
The Times reported that a 2006 report in The Archives of Internal
Medicine was an analysis of seven statin trials in nearly 43,000 patients,
mostly middle-aged men without obvious heart disease. In that analysis,
statins did not lower mortality. The same results were found in a misnamed
study called Prosper, published in The Lancet in 2002, which studied statin
use in people 70 and older. A third 2004 review in the Journal of the
American Medical Association looked at 13 studies of nearly 20,000 women,
both healthy and with established heart disease and found no beneBit. Yes,
the cholesterol may go down but that doesnt guarantee longevity.
The other measure of success with a drug is if it improves a persons
quality of life. Statin critics say there is no evidence that statin users have a

Parker-Pope Tara. "Great Drug, but Does It Prolong Life?" New York Times. January 29, 2008.



Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium Carolyn Dean MD ND

better quality of life. In fact the quality of life may be worsened by statins
because most doctors continue to ignore or dont recognize the side effects of
statins and treat them with other drugs. Muscle pain is treated with anti-
inBlammatories, impotence with Viagra, and mood symptoms with
antidepressants. All these drugs have their own side effects.
The decline of Coenzyme Q-10
A major cause for concern about the use of cholesterol lowering drugs;
antihypertensives such as beta blockers and hydrochlorothiazide diuretics;
and diabetes drugs is that they all inhibit the production of Coenzyme Q-10
(CoQ-10). Let me explain with the help of Wikipedia why all these drugs
cause heart disease.
CoQ-10 is a vitamin-like substance that is present in most human cells,
inside mitochondria, the energy factory of the cells. Mitochondria provide the
assembly line where the bodys energy is produced. In human cells, food is
converted into body energy in the mitochondria with the aid of CoQ-10 and
Ninety-Bive percent of all the human bodys energy requirements
(ATP) is converted with the aid of CoQ-10. Therefore, those organs with the
highest energy requirementssuch as the heart, the lungs, and the liver
have the highest CoQ-10 concentrations. And thats why drug destruction of
CoQ-10 leads to muscle weakness and wasting, which means failure of the
heart muscles.
There is an epidemic of heart failure and nobody seems to know why.
But if they looked at statin use and its destruction of CoQ-10, the answer
would be obvious. The drugs that are being taken to supposedly prevent
heart disease are actually causing heart disease.
Since many heart patients and diabetics are taking all three classes of
drugs statins, antihypertensives, and oral diabetic drugs, they are all
potentially low in CoQ-10. More and more of these drugs are being
prescribed because drug companies are advising doctors to put patients on


Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium Carolyn Dean MD ND

all these drugs preventively, with no studies to prove this assertion. The
end result will be a higher incidence of heart disease, hypertension, high
cholesterol, diabetes and drug side effects in people on this experimental
triple therapy.
Not in accord with our bodies
A diabetes trial called ACCORD was halted because people on intensive triple
drug treatment were dying. 3 The trial was designed to test the effects of
intensive blood glucose control, intensive control of blood lipids, and
intensive control of blood pressure. Intensive in this trial meant high-dose
medications. Not exercise, not diet, not supplements, just medications.
After four years, 257 participants in the intensive treatment group
had died, compared with 203 in the standard treatment group. The study
was halted because the treatment was killing people.
Heres a very common story I hear from my clients (lets say its Jack).
Jack is 60, he goes to his doctor for his annual checkup and his blood
pressure is a little high (probably from stress and low magnesium levels) and
he is immediately put on a diuretic drug. When he comes back the next time,
his pressure is higher. The doctor doesnt know why, but its because Jacks
magnesium is driven even lower by the diuretic. His doctor just thinks hes
caught Jacks blood pressure early and has to get more aggressive. The doctor
puts Jack on a second antihypertensive drug. A month later, seemingly out of
the blue, but because of lower levels of magnesium, his cholesterol levels are
elevated and the doctor puts Jack on a statin drug.
Another month passes and his blood sugar level is starting to climb.
Without anybody even questioning why, Jacks doctor puts him on a diabetic
drug. One of the agreed upon signs of diabetes is low magnesium. But thats
not even considered. By now, Jack is on four drugs to treat an underlying
magnesium deBiciency, all of which are causing severe magnesium deBiciency.
Major diabetes trial halted after deaths: 257 patients died after intense therapy to lower blood
sugar, NIH reports. Associated Press. Feb. 6, 2008.


Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium Carolyn Dean MD ND

Jack is also scared to death that he has heart disease and is afraid to come off
their drugs.
In this whole sixth-month scenario, magnesium levels are never
tested. But even if some bright young resident runs a magnesium test, it will
be the wrong one because only one percent of the bodys magnesium is in the
blood. Magnesium in the blood is crucial and the amount is guarded by
powerful feedback mechanisms so it will usually look normal unless the
levels in the tissues are dangerously low. Because magnesium levels always
seem to be normal its not even a routine test in most hospitals. A more
accurate test is RBS magnesium, which measures 40 percent of the bodys
magnesium. The best test is still only available as a research tool, an ionic
magnesium test.
Magnesium, is natures calcium channel blocker 4 ,5 ,6
Calcium enters the cells of the heart by way of calcium channels that are
jealously guarded by magnesium. Magnesium in the cells is kept at a
concentration 10,000 times greater than that of calcium. It allows only a
certain amount of calcium to enter cells to create necessary electrical
transmissions, and then immediately ejects the calcium once the work is
done. Why? If calcium accumulates in the cell, it causes hyperexcitability and
calcication, and disrupts cell function, leading to angina, high blood
pressure, and arrhythmia, asthma, or headaches and even heart attacks.
Lets do the obvious
Intensive drug therapy, in case you havent heard, is not working. It didnt
work for Tim Russert and it may not work for you. Wouldnt it make sense to
Levine BS, Coburn JW, Magnesium, the mimic/antagonist of calcium. N Engl J Med, vol. 310, pp.
12531255, 1984.

Iseri LT, French JH, Magnesium: natures physiologic calcium blocker. Am Heart J, vol. 108, pp.
188193, 1984.

Seelig MS, Cardiovascular reactions to stress intensied by magnesium decit in consequences of

magnesium deciency on the enhancement of stress reactions; preventive and therapeutic
implications: a review. J Am Coll Nutr, vol. 13, no. 5, pp. 429446, 1994.


Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium Carolyn Dean MD ND

have a study that compares people on drugs with people on a proper diet,
supplements (like Coenzyme Q-10, magnesium, Bish oils), and exercise?
However, most clinical trials are funded by drug companies and simply
compare people on different drugs. So, its up to you to take care of your own
health by studying the natural treatments of heart disease, starting with
Magnesium for Anxiety and Panic Attacks
Magnesium deciency can produce manifestations of anxiety that include anger,
anorexia, apathy, apprehension, confusion, eye twitches, fatigue, insomnia, muscle
weakness, nervousness, poor concentration, poor memory, racing heart, and
trembling. Ive seen formerly accomplished and competent people melt into puddles
of tears when they develop anxiety and panic attacks.

One of the main triggers creating panic attacks is low blood sugar. Heres how

it happens. Youre late for work and you grab a coffee and donut. Your blood sugar
and adrenaline soar and propel you into your day. But on the drive to work your
blood sugar crashes. When that happens your adrenal glands are triggered to
release adrenaline to break down sugar stored in your liver to keep your brain from
starving and sending you falling to the Bloor in a faint. However, the adrenaline
surge makes your heart race and your palms sweat in a Bight or Blight response.
Sitting at the wheel of your car, you cant run off the feeling, so your mind starts
racing instead, spinning into a cycle of worry and panic. If youre crossing a bridge at
the same time, you can even develop a phobia of bridges and high places. A trip to
the doctor, who probably wont ask you what you had for breakfast, will net you a
prescription for Xanax and a diagnosis of panic disorder. Your life will never be the
same because you feel your mind has betrayed you and you cant trust yourself

If your doctor asks you if youve felt down lately, have trouble sleeping and feel

you are under too much stress, you may be offered an antidepressant like Prozac.
See the section Magnesium for Depression for more information on serotonin and

Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium Carolyn Dean MD ND


Magnesium for Asthma
Both histamine production and bronchial spasms increase with magnesium
deciency. Magnesium helps reduce histamine levels. And it relaxes the smooth
muscles lining the bronchial tract. Breathlessness, wheezing, sweating are stressful
activities; asthma, itself, is a major stress and all that adds up to more magnesium
being lost and increased symptoms.

Weve probably all had the experience of laughing ourselves to the point of

wheezing. Wheezing is a mechanical function of the bronchial tubes going into

spasm. A lack of magnesium can make muscles cramp and go into spasm. We cant
see it happening directly but we feel it when our bronchial tubes react. If you inhale
a substance to which you are allergic, your nose tries to sneeze it out and your lungs
try to cough it out. If you are magnesium deBicient, your bronchial tubes start
spasming after a certain amount of coughing and gasping for air.

The mechanical aspect of asthma can be treated with magnesium. Its that

simple. Its not going to stop you being allergic but your lungs will be stronger and
not go into spasm so easily. Youll be able to take those deep breaths that you need
to expel the allergic substance without your lungs cramping and shutting off your
air supply.

Ive been getting reports of people using two ounces of ReMag in their

nebulizers. I havent recommended or prescribed that usage but people who decide
to do this on their own say it has stopped their asthma attacks! I guess we are
breathing in so many nasty things, why not breathe in something that will help!
Magnesium for Blood Clots
Magnesium has an important role to play in preventing blood clots and keeping the
blood thinwithout any side effects. In The Magnesium Miracle I talk about the
importance of balancing calcium and magnesium in the body. Theres a simple
experiment you can do to show this. Stir a half-teaspoon of calcium powder in a



Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium Carolyn Dean MD ND

glass of water. Youll see that it wont fully dissolve. Then add a half-teaspoon of
magnesium powder and miraculously the magnesium dissolves immediately and
makes the calcium Blakes disappear.

Well, the same thing happens in your blood stream. Calcium doesnt dissolve in

the blood and its a well known fact that it promotes blood clotting. However,
magnesium dissolves calcium along with the unnecessary blood clots that calcium

Of course blood clotting is a necessary function when you get injured or need

to heal from surgery, and calcium initiating clotting is only one of the factors
involved. So, if you are on magnesium it will never mean that you wont clot
anymore. However, having enough magnesium will prevent abnormal clotting.

Plavix works on another aspect of blood clotting. It inhibits platelet

aggregation. What you arent told is that platelets are activated by calcium. This
drug stops platelets from functioning when the simplest thing to do would be to cut
back on calcium supplements and balance extra calcium with magnesium.

Plavix, which was only approved by the FDA in 1997 for minimal use in

unstable angina and people who had heart attacks, had its indications expanded
very broadly only a few years ago in 2002. Its now on the long list of drugs that
anyone with any sort of heart problem is prescribed. Patients are being told that it
will prevent stroke and heart attack.

However, the post marketing surveillance has Binally caught up with it. The

side effects, which number over 80, and the drug interactions, are adding up. The
FDA in November 2009 warned that many drugs interfere with the action of Plavix.
These drugs, so far, include Nexium, Prilosec, Tagamet, Prozac, Sarafem, Symbyax,
Luvox, Ticlid, DiBlucan, Nizoral, VFEND, Intelence and Felbatol.

Its the perfect time for the FDA to announce that taking magnesium could

probably do as good a job as Plavix without the side effects. But thats a dreamscape
scenario and will never happen. Modern medicine is wedded to the standard
practice of medicine: drugs and surgery. And unfortunately for unsuspecting
millions of patients, supplementing with magnesium has no part in that fantasy


Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium Carolyn Dean MD ND

Magnesium for Bones
Use of calcium with vitamin D to enhance calcium absorption without a balancing
amount of magnesium causes further magnesium deciency, which triggers a
cascade of events leading to bone loss. Yet, every woman past 45 is told that in order
to prevent osteoporosis she should take massive amounts of calcium, and is not
offered magnesium. If calcium is the solution, why do we still have an epidemic of

Magnesium deciency causes an unhealthy balance of phosphorus and calcium

in saliva, which damages teeth.

Magnesium and Bowel Disease
Magnesium deciency and calcium excess cause the muscles of the intestines to
contract and not relax. Contracting and relaxing of the intestines is the way that food
moves through from mouth to anus. If the intestines are stuck in the contracting
phase, the bowels slow down and cause constipation. The symptoms of constipation
include malabsorption of nutrients, abdominal pain and toxicity symptoms like
headache, fogginess, dizziness, fatigue and depression.

However, its not all about constipation. Painful bowel spasms common in

IBS-diarrhea and colitis can also mean a magnesium deBiciency. But the type of
magnesium used for those symptoms must be a non-laxative Pico-Ionic magnesium
Magnesium for Cystitis
Bladder spasms are made worse by magnesium deciency and can make a bladder
infection feel like a medical emergency. The lining of the bladder has smooth
muscles similarly affected by magnesium as any other muscle. Lack of magnesium
doesnt cause a bladder infection but if these muscles are cramping it can actually
make you think you have a bladder infection and you may not. One woman in her


Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium Carolyn Dean MD ND

late seventies reported that after 3 months on magnesium she was able to throw out
her adult diapers, she was no longer incontinent. She praised magnesium for
dissolving what she thought was calcium in her bladder making it too rigid to hold
urine properly.
Magnesium for Depression
Prozac is a serotonin reuptake inhibitor. A fancy way of saying, it stops the
breakdown of serotonin, the brain chemical that enhances mood. However, taking
Prozac can actually give you levels of serotonin that are too high, which is not
beneBicial. The good news is that serotonin depends on magnesium for its
production and function. So, if you have enough magnesium, chances are you have
enough serotonin.

A magnesium-decient brain is also more susceptible to allergens, chemicals,

and other foreign substances that may cause symptoms similar to mental illness.
Magnesium for Detoxication
Magnesium is crucial for the removal of toxic substances, heavy metals such as
aluminum and lead, and excess minerals like calcium from the body. DetoxiBication
doesnt mean a visit to the Betty Ford Clinic; its a necessary body activity. The liver
has several detoxiBication pathways and they depend on magnesium for their proper
Magnesium for Diabetes
Magnesium deBiciency is a risk factor for diabetes. Magnesium enhances
insulin secretion. Without magnesium, insulin is not able to transfer glucose into
cells. In diabetes, glucose and insulin build up in the blood, causing various types of
tissue damage. Magnesium also facilitates sugar metabolism helping simple and
complex carbohydrates to break down.
Medically, magnesium deBiciency is a sign of diabetes but most doctors are


Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium Carolyn Dean MD ND

not aware of this association. However, many of my clients report that when they
start taking magnesium their blood sugar levels stabilize with no other intervention.
Magnesium for Fatigue
Fatigue is one of the most common complaints that people have. We all seem to
want more energy. If you go to your doctor and say, Im tired, whats wrong with
me? Your doctor may check your blood and tell you youre Bine but maybe youre
depressed and offer you an antidepressant. However, if you take magnesium, you
may Bind that its not depression at all but a lack of ATP!

An early symptom of magnesium deciency is fatigue. Magnesium-decient

patients commonly experience fatigue because dozens of enzyme systems are under
functioning. The most important one is the ATP system. ATP stands for adenosine
triphosphate, the basic energy molecule in our body. Magnesium attaches to ATP,
stabilizing it, and making it available for use. If you dont have enough magnesium,
then ATP is not properly produced.
Magnesium for Hypertension
All our blood vessels are lined with smooth muscle. When magnesium is in short
supply the blood vessels can go into spasm. The decreased diameter of the blood
vessel caused by this constriction and spasm can automatically cause the most
common type of high blood pressure. The only way to relax that spasm is with
magnesium. Taking diuretics to lower the amount of Bluid in the bloodstream
doesnt address the real underlying cause of the problem. Cholesterol build up in the
arteries of the body can also decrease their volume and cause increased blood
pressure. And, wouldnt you know it, magnesium helps lower cholesterol as well!
See Magnesium for Cholesterol.
Magnesium for Insomnia
There are many causes of insomnia, several of which can be triggered by low
magnesium levels. Low magnesium creates muscle tension and cramping. Going to


Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium Carolyn Dean MD ND

bed with tight muscles is more conducive to a restless night than a deep sleep. Also,
stress and anxiety can cause the adrenal glands to misBire and be trigger-happy. You
know youre in that category when you jump at loud noises and your heart starts
racing. If thats the case, an exciting dream can speed up your heart and wake you
up. And, even worse, without enough magnesium your sleep-regulating melatonin
production is disturbed and its difBicult to get to sleep or stay asleep.
Magnesium for Migraine
In medical school I learned that migraines are incurable and can only be
symptomatically treated with strong pain medications. We were also told that
migraine patients walked a Bine line between becoming addicted to their pain meds
and having some control over their pain. In my medical practice I remember
patients telling me that if they could catch their migraine soon enough with enough
drugs, they might be able to stop the pain. However, they said they felt zonked out
for a day or two after because of the drug side effects.
Even with all our medical advances we still dont know what causes
migraines. They are thought to be due to an imbalance in brain chemicals that can
lead to inBlammation. This low-grade inBlammation can cause brain blood vessels to
swell and irritate nearby nerves and cause pain. However, what the researchers are
not considering is that magnesium deBiciency will make the smooth muscles of
blood vessels more irritable and susceptible to inBlammation. The same thing
happens with nerves. In magnesium deBiciency, nerve cells become more irritated. It
all makes sense if you consider magnesium deBiciency as an underlying trigger to
migraines. And as you read in the magnesium miracle stories below, magnesium can
help you get rid of migraine headaches forever.
Serotonin production is magnesium-dependent and deciency of serotonin
can result in migraine headaches and depression. But its a toss up whether the
serotonin reuptake inhibitors like Prozac actually cause headaches or cure them.

The list of triggers for migraine read like my list of 100 magnesium deBiciency

factors which are below on Pages 30-31.


Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium Carolyn Dean MD ND

Aspartame (NutraSweet and Equal)
Food Additives (nitrates, MSG (monosodium glutamate), tyramine, (found in
aged cheeses, soy products, sausages, smoked Bish, and Chianti wine)
Hormonal changes
Skipping meals
Sleep imbalance (too much or too little)
Strong sensory stimulation (bright lights, loud noises, strong odors)
Stress and anxiety
Weather changes
Magnesium for Nerve problems
Magnesium alleviates peripheral nerve disturbances throughout the body, such as
headaches, muscle contractions, gastrointestinal spasms, and calf, foot, and toe
cramps. It is also used in treating central nervous system symptoms of vertigo and
confusion. Diabetic neuropathy is a very painful aspect of diabetes. Research shows
that magnesium can relieve some of the symptoms of this condition.
Magnesium for Obstetrics and Gynecology
Magnesium helps prevent premenstrual syndrome and dysmenorrhea (cramping
pain during menses), is important in the treatment of infertility, and alleviates
premature contractions, preeclampsia, and eclampsia in pregnancy. Intravenous
magnesium is given in obstetrical wards for pregnancy-induced hypertension and to
lessen the risk of cerebral palsy and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).
Magnesium should be a required supplement for pregnant women.

Signs and Symptoms of Magnesium DeOiciency

The most frequent questions Im asked about magnesium are: How do I know I

Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium Carolyn Dean MD ND

need more magnesium? and Should I take magnesium supplements? I have come
to the conclusion that everyone could beneBit from extra supplementation.

The following 100 Factors That Indicate Magnesium DeOiciency (The

Magnesium Miracle (2014) can help you recognize a possible magnesium deciency.
If you have any additions to this list, please let me know. For example, a client
recently told me that her chronic hiccoughs went away when she started
supplementing with magnesium. Theres no way of knowing how many factors
correlate with any one persons magnesium deciency, but if you Bind yourself
ticking off more than a dozen, you may want see how many of your symptoms
improve when you take magnesium supplements.


Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium

1. Alcohol >7 drinks per

c. Gestational

i. Cholestyramine


20. Fibromyalgia

j. Synthetic estrogens

2. Anger

21. Food intake

37. Memory impairment

3. Angina


38. Mercury amalgam

4. Anxiety

a. Limited in green leafy

dental llings

5. Apathy

vegetables, seeds, and

39. Menstrual pain and

6. Arrhythmia

fresh fruit


7. Asthma

b. High protein

40. Migraines

8. Blood tests

22. Food cravings

41. Mineral supplements

a. Low calcium

a. Carbohydrates

a. Calcium without

b. Low potassium

b. Chocolate


c. Low magnesium

c. Salt

b. Zinc without Mg

9. Bowel problems

d. Junk food

c. Iron without Mg

a. Undigested fat in stool

23. Gagging or choking

42. MVP

b. Constipation

on food

43. Muscle cramps or

c. Diarrhea

24. Hand Tremor


d. Alternating

25. Headaches

44. Muscle twitching or

constipation and

26. Heart disease



27. Heartrapid

45. Muscle weakness

e. IBS

28. High BP

46. Numbness of hands

f. Crohns

29. Homocysteinuria

or feet

g. Colitis

30. Hyperactivity

47. Osteoporosis

10. Brain trauma

31. Hyperventilation

48. Paranoia

11. Bronchitis, chronic

32. Infertility

49. Parathyroid

12. Caffeine (coffee, tea,

33. Insomnia


choc), > 3 /day

34. Irritability

50. PMS

13. CFS

35. Kidney stones

51. Polycystic ovarian

14. Cold limbs

36. Medications


15. Concentration

a. Digitalis

52. Pregnancy


b. Diuretics

a. Currently pregnant

16. Confusion

c. Antibiotics

b. Pregnant within one

17. Convulsions

d. Steroids


18. Depression

e. Oral contraceptives

c. Peeclampsia or

19. Diabetes

f. Indomethacin


a. Type I

g. Cisplatin

d. Postpartum

b. Type II

h. Amphotericin


Carolyn Dean MD ND


Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium

e. Have a cerebral palsy

59. Startled by noise

66. Transplants


60. Stressful life

a. Kidney

53. Radiation therapy

61. Stroke

b. Liver

54. Raynauds syndrome

62. Sugar, high intake

67. Water Additives

55. Restlessness


a. Fluoride

56. Sexual energy

63. Syndrome X

b. Chlorine


64. Thyroid hyperactivity

c. Calcium

57. Short of breath

65. Tingling of hands or

68. Wheezing

58. Smoking


Where Has All the Magnesium Gone?

Even though magnesium is the most important mineral in our body, farming
practices have depleted the soil of magnesium, making our food and our bodies
magnesium-deBicient. One hundred years ago you could obtain 500mg of
magnesium in your diet per day. Now that Bigure has been reduced to 150mg.
Most farmers do not remineralize their soil but mainly just use fertilizers that
add nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium. But the good news is that some farmers
do. I read about one such farm in the online magazine Organic Connections. Its
called SEER Center: Scotlands Remineralized Oasis.
Medicine may have advanced technologically, yet its not technology that
were lacking. We are lacking basic nutrients and building blocks that power our
bodies and our cells and give us health. We can eat foods that contain more
magnesium but if its not in the soil its not in the food. Since we dont get enough
magnesium from our diet, most people have to rely on magnesium supplements.
Why Medicine Ignores Magnesium
When asked why doctors dont know more about magnesium and recommend it for
all the conditions I talk about, the answer is simple. Doctors primarily learn how to
diagnose disease and treat disease symptoms with drugs or surgery.
We dont learn about nutrients in medical school, presumably because drug
companies support medical education and patented drugs, not unpatented
nutrients. Vested interests have made nutrient supplementation seem unscientiBic

Carolyn Dean MD ND


Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium

and unnecessary. The common refrain of doctors is that you get all the vitamins and
minerals you need in your diet.
Also, as I mentioned earlier, magnesium is its own worst enemy because its
found in such low concentrations in the blood that its hard to get an accurate
measurement of total body magnesium. Only one percent of the magnesium in the
body is found in the blood. That level is rigorously maintained at the expense of
magnesium stores in the muscles and tissues, therefore most magnesium blood tests
will usually be normal. So, if you dont look at the clinical picture, dozens of
conditions and symptoms related to a simple magnesium deBiciency are missed.
Without a test to show doctors that magnesium is necessary, the whole
topic is shelved, patients symptoms are shelved, and patients suffer the
In decades past, in France, magnesium was used effectively to treat infection,
polio, epilepsy, alcoholism, prostate inBlammation, cancer, and arthritis.
Unfortunately, much of this research has been lost or ignored. Present-day use of
magnesium in chronic fatigue syndrome, Bibromyalgia, detoxiBication, and anti-aging
protocols is also being overlooked. It remains that an educated public is the best
defense against magnesium deBiciency.
Different Forms of Magnesium
Most of the questions I get from people are about what kind of magnesium and
calcium to take and how much to take. Ive already stated my magnesium preference
above, and its my own product called ReMag. But there are many other magnesium
products out there so, Ill address the whole topic here.
The Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for magnesium is between 350
and 400mg per day, which is just enough to ward off outright deBiciency. But for
optimal health and for the conditions that are triggered by magnesium deBiciency it
is perhaps twice as much.
The RDA for calcium in the U.S. is 1200-1500 mg. In the UK and at the WHO
(World Health Organization) the RDA is a more realistic 500-700 mg, which most
people can obtain from their diets because calcium is far less volatile and fragile.
Carolyn Dean MD ND


Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium

Ill go into magnesium dosage details on page 42 under Detailed ReMag
Dosing and information on how to get enough calcium on page 50 under Calcium
Many people who approach me for consultations or advice have read my
Magnesium Miracle book and realize they are deBicient in magnesium. Often they are
already taking magnesium before we talk but want to make sure they are taking the
best form. And there are many.
They ask me for a more in-depth description of the pros and cons of the
many types of magnesium on the market. Ill do my best, but everyone is different in
their magnesium requirements and sometimes you have to seek advice from your
naturopath or have a telephone consultation with me for Bine-tuning.
Id also like to say, again, that Im very much limited by the lack of research
on the absorption of minerals. The absorption rates that are given for minerals
usually refer to absorption into the blood stream. However, we want to know the
cellular absorption because minerals like magnesium and calcium work at the
cellular level. That is another reason why I promote Pico-Ionic magnesium because
it is 100 percent absorbed at the cellular level.
Common types of magnesium
1. Magnesium oxide
2. Magnesium citrate
3. Magnesium chloride
4. Magnesium chelates: Amino Acid Chelate, Fumarate, Gluconate, Glycinate,
L-Aspartate, Lactate, Lysinate, Malate, Orotate Dihydrate, Ornithine
Ketoglutarate, Pyroglutamate, Succinate, Taurate
5. Plant-based magnesium supplements
6. Magnesium oil or Magnesium gel
7. Magnesium in angstrom form
8. Magnesium in Pico-Ionic form

Carolyn Dean MD ND


Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium

Magnesium oxide
Magnesium oxide is the cheapest form of magnesium but its only four percent
absorbed, the rest goes right through the intestines making it a fairly powerful
laxative. It is used in many bowel-cleansing products for its purging effect.
Be very careful when taking magnesium oxide because it can cause diarrhea.
Be wary of having more than two bowel movements a day especially if they are very
loose. Magnesium Blushing through the intestines in this way can pull out beneBicial
nutrients because your small intestines dont have enough time to absorb those
nutrients. Flushing of stool contents through the large intestine can remove vital
beneBicial bacteria.
Magnesium citrate
Magnesium citrate powder is the most commonly used form of magnesium. Mixed
with water, either warm or room temperature, it is better absorbed than in pill or
capsule form. I regularly use a powdered form of magnesium citrate called Natural
Calm when I travel to avoid the constipating effect of travel-dehydration and
Biberless foods!
Magnesium chloride
Magnesium chloride is much like magnesium citrate, but in the powder form, it has a
very strong taste and some companies use a lot of sugar to camouBlage the
Chelated magnesium.
Magnesium can be chelated, or bound to, many amino acids. The most common are
glycinate, taurate, malate, and dimagnesium malate. Chelated minerals became
popular when plant scientists found that minerals in plants are chelated which
means they are bound to a protein that supposedly makes them more readily
absorbed by the animals and humans that eat them. So the supplement formulators
decided to mimic nature.

Carolyn Dean MD ND


Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium

Chelated are said to have a less laxative effect than magnesium citrate or
magnesium chloride. However, I learned from mineral expert Dr. Parris Kidd that
only a few percentage points of absorption can be obtained from chelating a
Plants naturally chelate minerals but those minerals are already picometer-
size, broken down by soil bacteria, erosion and water. Plant rootlets are size-
dependent and only absorb picometer-sized minerals. And most importantly, as I
mentioned earlier, the size of the ion channels allowing minerals entrance into a cell
are between 400-500 picometers in diameter. If you take a larger sized mineral and
just add an amino acid chelating agent, you havent really enhanced its absorption at
the cellular level.
There is one company that has taken dimagnesium malate and put it in a
sustained release formula that slows down the transit time of their product making
it much less laxative and better absorbed. Its a good product for many people, but it
still gave me the laxative effect!
Magnesium malate has been studied in Bibromyalgia and found to be helpful
for some people with this condition. Magnesium taurate is a good supplement for
heart disease, the taurine provides support for the heart. I can only tell you to try
them for yourself and see if they help you.
Plant-based magnesium
Plant-based magnesium supplements are usually created by growing one-celled
plant organisms in a medium of magnesium. As mentioned above, plants wont
absorb minerals unless they are small enough to pass through their rootlet or cell
walls. So these supplements do have an absorbable form of magnesium. The
supplements are usually low potency but since they are highly absorbed the average
person may only need 200mg to 400mg per day.
However, for the magnesium deBicient person, you may have to take a dozen
tablets200mg tablets per day.
Ive personally experienced the laxative effect from plant-based magnesium
supplements before getting the dosage I required to eliminate my magnesium
Carolyn Dean MD ND


Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium

deBiciency symptoms. So, I know its not 100 percent absorbed.
Magnesium oil
Magnesium oil is in a liquid form that can be sprayed on the body and absorbed
through the skin. Those who want no laxative effect whatsoever use the oil. Its not
actually oil at all; its magnesium chloride evaporated from seawater and then its
supersaturated in distilled water.
The magnesium oils that Im familiar with contain about 3,000mg of
magnesium per teaspoon. And there are about 40 sprays in one teaspoon. We dont
know the exact absorption of this form of magnesium but many people get relief of
their magnesium deBiciency symptoms when using it.
Magnesium gel, Magnesium cream
Magnesium gel and Magnesium cream are formulations of magnesium oil mixed
with substances that make the oil easier to massage into the body.
Angstrom Magnesium
I thought angstrom magnesium was the last word in magnesium products but I was
wrong. In my search for a more concentrated form I found
Pico-Ionic Magnesium ReMag
Pico-Ionic Magnesium is a form of magnesium thats small enough in size that it is
fully absorbed at the cellular level and is ionically charged to allow it to be attracted
to the cells that require it. It has no laxative effect.
Joseph B. Marion in Anti-Aging Manual (1999) says Most minerals (from
food) are 8-12% absorbable, chelated minerals are 40% absorbable, and liquid
Angstrom minerals are 99% absorbable, being 7,000 times smaller than Red blood
cells, 1 million times smaller than a colloidal mineral, smaller than ionic, with
negative-charge for added absorption.
Angstrom and Pico-Ionic minerals are similar in size, which means they are
99% absorbed at the cellular level. The difference between angstrom magnesium
Carolyn Dean MD ND


Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium

and ReMag is in concentration. Angstrom minerals are concentrated to 3,000ppm.
ReMag is vastly more concentrated at 60,000ppm.
Some supplement companies are selling colloidal minerals and claiming they
are fully absorbed. However, colloidal minerals are, by deBinition groups of mineral
molecules suspended in a liquid held together by their own natural electrical
properties; the mineral molecules cluster together making them into a larger
molecule that may not get through the mineral ion channels easily. Again, we are
lacking the science behind these minerals that will tell us the cellular absorption
rates. In fact, minerals absorption usually refers to absorption into the bloodstream
where a serum blood test measurement is done. A more accurate test would be an
ionized test.
Also, ionic minerals on their own merely have a particular charge and there
is no reference to their size. Thats why a Pico-Ionic mineral is most effective
because it is the right size and has the right charge.
Our Pico-Ionic magnesium, ReMag, contains 300 mg per 5 mls (1 tsp). I
personally have very high requirements for magnesium. I take a dosage of 300 mg
two or three times daily, pouring the liquid into the 1 tsp measuring cap on the
My body feels much more balanced with high doses of magnesium 2-3 tsp a
day. Some people may only require 1 tsp of ReMag sipped daily in 1 liter of water to
eliminate their symptoms. Everyone is different. Thats why I recommend using the
100 Factors For Magnesium DeBiciency in Appendix 1 to help pick the right dosage
for you and then following your symptoms to make sure you are taking enough.
NOTE: ReMag is 100% absorbed at the cellular level and there is No Laxative Effect.
However, if you take 3-4 times the recommended amount, you can trigger diarrhea,
which is magnesiums failsafe to remove magnesium from the body when its not
Magnesium Dosage
The RDA for magnesium is about 400mg of elemental magnesium. However, many
Carolyn Dean MD ND


Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium

people need much more than that. Im one of them. If I dont take about two to three
times the RDA, I get heart palpitations, leg cramps and twitchy muscles. My main
challenge was that most forms of magnesium give me a laxative effect. It got so bad
that I was losing weight and nutrients while trying to take enough magnesium.
NOTE: The magnesium RDA for children is as follows. Because ReMag is so well
absorbed, you can follow this dosage and add more under a doctors supervision.
80 mg/day

1-3 years
4-8 years

130 mg/day

9-13 years

240 mg/day

When I began using angstrom magnesium I was about 80% better but I
needed 3 ounces per day to treat my symptoms. Then Binally I had a much more
concentrated form made called ReMag and I only need to take 2 tsp per day and it
relieves all my magnesium deBiciency symptoms, with no laxative effect.

When taking magnesium powders and pills, the average dosage is from

400-800mg per day of the elemental form. It may seem like a wide range but
everyones requirements are different and usually you just have to gauge your
magnesium deBiciency symptoms and take magnesium until they disappear. See
Appendix 1.
Dont take your magnesium all at once; spreading it out and taking it with
meals will slow down transit time through the intestines and enhance absorption.
Some doctors still to tell people that they will know if theyve had enough
magnesium when they get the laxative effect from it. But thats not an accurate way
to follow your magnesium intake at all. I know that method does not work for me or
for any other people who have slightly sensitive intestines and reach the laxative
effect long before the therapeutic effect. I tell people to go by their symptoms to
know if they had enough magnesium and if possible get the Magnesium RBC test
that you can read about below under Magnesium Testing.
Completement Formula Protocol

Carolyn Dean MD ND


Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium

This eBook is about ReMag and although magnesium is the most important nutrient
you can take there are other minerals and nutrients that play a huge role in your
health. I Bind that people do so much better when they take all the Completement
Formulas: ReMag, ReLyte, ReAline, RnA Drops and topical ReNew. So, Im combining
the ReMag dosing schedule in with the Completement Formula Protocol to give you
a better perspective of the complete health program that works for my clients.
1. While waiting for your Completement Formulas to arrive, begin hydrating
your body by increasing your water intake and adding sea salt or Himalayan
Water Intake Guidelines: Drink your body weight (in pounds) in ounces of
water. If you weigh 150 lbs, you will drink 75 ounces.
Sea salt or Himalayan salt: Add - tsp to every quart of drinking water
to one of those bottles you will later add ReMag and ReLyte.
2. When the products arrive, begin ReAline capsules to assist in detoxing/
taking out the trash. Dosage: 1 per day with or without meals for 1 week then
take 1 capsule twice per day.
3. After 4 days of ReAline, add ReMag Start with tsp per day in a quart of
water and sip through the day. Every 2 days add another tsp. Work up to a
therapeutic dose of 2-3 tsp a day if you are trying to overcome a health
condition, if you are on medications or otherwise have magnesium deBiciency
4. After a week of slowly building up ReMag, slowly add ReLyte into the same
quart of water and sip through the day. Every 2 days add another tsp.
Work up to 1 -2 tsp. The ReMag and ReLyte bottles each contain 8 ounces
= 48 tsp.

Carolyn Dean MD ND


Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium

5. After 2 weeks of ReAline, ReMag and ReLyte (from day one of ReAline) add
RnA Drops. Dosage: 1 drop under the tongue twice a day. Add 1-2 drops
every week until you reach 10 drops twice a day, which is the average dose.
Of course, you can begin with RnA Drops alone or add it at any time in your
Completement Formula protocol. However, some people like to do things in
Note: ReLyte contains 12 minerals several of which support the thyroid: Iodine,
Selenium, Zinc, Molybdenum, Copper and Magnesium. When you take ReLyte it can
wake up your thyroid and improve your metabolism. But be aware that if you are
on thyroid medication, you may Bind yourself a bit hyperactive because you no
longer need as much thyroid medication as you are taking. Be sure and check with
your doctor about reducing your medication. You can read more in my eBook
Invisible Minerals Part II Multiple Minerals, which is all about ReLyte.
Remember: You can follow your magnesium saturation with a blood test that you
can order online without a doctors prescription. See the section below called
Magnesium Testing for full instructions.
ReMag Spray Facts
1 ml = 8 sprays: 5 mls in a tsp: 1.25 ml in a tsp = 11 sprays
11 sprays 4 times a day would be a good dosage to start with.
ReMag can be sprayed anywhere face arms, legs, belly, back.
Children who refuse ReMag can beneBit from ReMag Spray.
ReMag Spray Protocol for local injury, arthritis, muscle pain or joint pain
Put ReMag full strength in a spray bottle.
Spray ReMag lightly and dont rub in, just let it sit and dry.
After a few minutes, spray again and do that 4-5 times and let the layers build.
Do this 2-3 times a day for painful injuries to help heal deep tissues.
Facial Skin Hydration
Mix full strength ReMag and ReLyte in a spray bottle and spritz it on you face and
you will notice the beneBits of superior skin hydration.

Carolyn Dean MD ND


Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium

Detailed ReMag Dosage
If you just want to take ReMag and nothing else in the beginning, here are more
detailed instructions. On the ReMag label the maintenance dose is tsp twice a day.
However, many people who gravitate to ReMag are suffering magnesium deBiciency
conditions and require therapeutic doses, which can be 2-3 tsp per day. Some
individuals who used to require several IV magnesium injections per week Bind they
do best on 4-5 tsp of ReMag a day.
I recommend that everyone start slowly when they begin ReMag (or any
other drug or nutrient). You may be toxic from taking medications or from yeast
overgrowth so I recommend starting on a very low dose of ReMag. When ReMag
enters a cell, it tends to kick out heavy metals and toxins. Therefore if you
immediately start taking large amounts of ReMag you can experience detox
symptoms or you can wake up your magnesium-deBicient body in ways youre not
used to or ready for. Read the section When Magnesium Makes Me Worse to
understand what is actually happening.
I have very speciBic magnesium deBiciency symptoms heart palpitations
and severe Charlie horse, leg cramps so I use them to gauge my magnesium
dosage. When I moved to Maui in June 2008, with all the extra beach-walking and
sweating and swimming, I began to develop leg cramps while snorkeling. I realized I
was sweating out and working off more magnesium than in New York, so I upped
my intake of ReMag and all my symptoms disappeared.
Magnesium Testing
You can ask your doctor for an RBC magnesium blood test to see if your levels are
low or low normal. Its a more accurate test than the serum magnesium test. You can
even order your own test without a doctors prescription at Request A Test for only
$49.00. Running this test every 3-4 months allows you to follow your magnesium
levels and reach for the optimum level of 6.0mg/dL in the lab range of 4.2-6.8mg/
Perhaps a little more accurate than an RBC test is the ExaTest. Naturopaths
and chiropractors are more familiar with this test than medical doctors. A scraping
Carolyn Dean MD ND


Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium

from under the tongue is sent to a lab where it is stained with special dyes and
viewed under an electron microscope. The amount of magnesium, calcium,
potassium, sodium, chloride, and phosphorus is measured with this test. However,
this test can be prohibitively expensive costing up to $500.00.
The best test is the ionized magnesium test but its only available as a
research tool. Below is an edited excerpt from my book, The Magnesium Miracle
describing this test. Presently there are 5,000 blood testing labs in the U.S. and only
140 of them carry out the ionized magnesium test. Most of them are hospital or
university research labs. This is a test that we should demand from our doctors who
in turn should demand it from their labs.
The blood ionized magnesium test, pioneered and tested extensively at the
State University of New York Downstate Medical Center in Brooklyn by
magnesium researchers Bella and Burton Altura, is the most accurate and
reliable magnesium blood test available but presently limited to research
The Alturas have researched the health effects of magnesium since the
1960s and did the original research for the test in 1987. To date, they have
authored and co-authored 1,000 papers on magnesium!
The ionic magnesium test is a very reBined procedure, backed up by
results on many thousands of patients with over 22 different disease states
and published in dozens of journals, including Bive papers in Science and
papers in the prestigious Scandinavian Journal of Clinical Laboratory
Investigation and ScientiSic American. To determine the efBicacy and efBiciency
of the new test, research included a comparison of magnesium levels found
with the Alturas ionized magnesium test to levels found in various body
tissues using expensive and sensitive digital imaging microscopy, atomic
absorption spectroscopy, and the magnesium Bluorescent probe. The blood
ionized magnesium test came through as a highly sensitive, convenient, and
relatively inexpensive means of determining magnesium status in healthy or
ill subjects.
Heres how it works. Magnesium exists in the body either as active
Carolyn Dean MD ND


Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium

magnesium ions bound to nothing or as inactive magnesium complexes (such
as magnesium citrate) bound to proteins or other substances. A magnesium
ion is an atom that is missing two electrons, which makes it search to attach
to something that will replace its missing electrons. Magnesium ions
constitute the physiologically active fraction of magnesium in the body; they
are not attached to other substances and are free to join in biochemical body
Most clinical laboratories assess only total serum magnesium, which
includes both active and inactive types. Since there is only one percent of the
bodys magnesium in the blood, however, the test samples only that one
percent. With the blood ionized magnesium test it is now possible to directly
measure the levels of magnesium ions in whole blood, plasma, and serum
using ion-selective electrodes that gives an accurate accounting of the actual
magnesium at work in the body.
For example, ionized magnesium testing on 3,000 migraine patients
shows that 90 percent of those with low magnesium ion levels improve with
magnesium therapy. In 85 to 90 percent of all patients tested, low
magnesium ion levels match tissue levels of free magnesium and accurately
diagnose magnesium deBiciency found in asthma, brain trauma, coronary
artery disease, types I and II diabetes, gestational diabetes, eclampsia and
preeclampsia, heart disease, homocysteinuria, hypertension, tension
headaches, posttraumatic headaches, ischemic heart disease, liver transplant
patients, renal transplant patients, polycystic ovarian disease, stroke, and
syndrome X.
In many of these conditions, low magnesium ion levels exist in spite of
normal serum magnesium levels, making the ionized magnesium test more
reliable for magnesium deBiciency.
Make sure you ask your doctor to look into the ionized magnesium
test. Maybe you live near a university hospital that might have access to
magnesium electrodes for ionized magnesium testing.
Carolyn Dean MD ND


Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium

However, until the ionized magnesium test is available and affordable use the
Magnesium RBC test and you can also judge how you feel to know if you need more
magnesium. Ive tried to make it easier for you with the 100 Factors For Magnesium
DeBiciency. You can Bind the list on a single page in Appendix 1.
Print out this page, check off the symptoms that you are experiencing and the
conditions that apply to you. Having a dozen of those symptoms or conditions
qualiBies you as magnesium deBicient.
Then you can perform your own Oral Clinical Trial, which simply means,
take some magnesium and see how you feel! Youll be doing a scientiBic study with
yourself as the only subject. After your symptoms improve, stop taking magnesium
and see if they come back. If they do, then you have your proof.
Remember, if your symptoms come back, it doesnt mean you are addicted
to magnesium. You cant be addicted to magnesium. Magnesium is like food; its
necessary for the body. In the beginning of treating magnesium-deBiciency
symptoms, you might need more magnesium. However, as your symptoms improve
and your magnesium stores build up, you will actually require less magnesium.
Likewise if your body has been missing magnesium for years and you begin
to take it, you may experience a reawakening of hundreds of enzyme systems in
your body that make stir up symptoms. I discuss this occurrence in a blog called
When Magnesium Makes Me Worse that Ill excerpt here.
When Magnesium Makes Me Worse
When people take a drug or a supplement they take it with the expectation that it
will make them feel better. We know thats not always the case with drugs but what
about supplements? Because so many people are reading my book and hearing
about magnesium more people are taking magnesium than ever before and a few
people are wondering why it makes them feel worse.
Heres how one reader put it. My obvious magnesium deBiciency symptoms,
cramping, muscle aches, headaches, etc., are worsening slightly rather than getting
better. Anxiety is the only thing that has gotten better. Is this normal? Im using

Carolyn Dean MD ND


Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium

magnesium oil and magnesium citrate but not yet able to tolerate more than
200-300mg without getting diarrhea.
There are ten main reasons why you might feel worse after taking
magnesium. (Ive added to this list since Birst published.)
Actually its usually not magnesium thats making you worse but just the way
you are taking it or other things you are or arent taking along with it.
1. Youre not taking enough: When people feel worse with magnesium, I believe that
the 700-800 enzyme systems that require magnesium just get jump-started and
They Want More! (I used to write that magnesium was necessary in 325 enzyme
systems but now, according to many and documented by Dr. Andrea Rosenoff, that
number is more than twice what we previously thought.
In the above statement, my blog reader said she couldnt take more that
200-300 mg. But all 800 enzyme systems want a piece of the action once theyre
been woken up! And with each enzyme system pumping away they are using up the
little magnesium you gave them and, like I said, They Want More!
This doesnt mean that youll increase your magnesium ad inBinitum! You will
reach a saturation point of your magnesium stores and actually be able to decrease
your magnesium intake. However, my blog reader isnt going to get anywhere near
the amount she needs if she keeps getting the laxative effect on 200-300mg. Thats
one of the main reason I decided to create and promote Pico-Ionic Magnesium,
ReMag. Its absorbed 100% at the cellular level and has no laxative effect. So you can
take as much as you require to eliminate all your magnesium deBiciency symptoms.
To determine your magnesium saturation point, get a Magnesium RBC test through
Request A Test. The range is usually given as 4.2-6.9 mg/dL; the optimum level is
between 6.0-6.5mg/dL.
2. Youre taking too much: You can also feel worse on magnesium if you take too
much, too soon. This usually happens if you have fatigue and weakness from
magnesium deBiciency. Anyone in this category should start very slowly on any new
supplement or drug. If you take a high dose of magnesium right from the start its
Carolyn Dean MD ND


Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium

like taking muscles that powered a bicycle and expect them to power a jet. Your
body might just be so weak that revving up 800 enzyme systems all at once makes
you feel jangled and even anxious because you dont know whats going on. Start
with one quarter of the recommended dose of magnesium and work up as your
body adapts.
3. You have low blood pressure from long standing magnesium deBiciency and
adrenal fatigue. You may have heard that magnesium can lower your BP so you
worry about that happening when your BP is already low. For magnesium deBiciency
and adrenal fatigue you must also begin supplementing sodium as you slowly build
up your magnesium dosage. I recommend tsp of sea salt with in every pint of
drinking water. The other minerals offered in the multiple mineral, ReLyte, are also
important to support the adrenals and thyroid and improve potassium levels.
4. Youre on heart medications and as your health conditions improve, your meds
are becoming toxic. Thats because you may not require them anymore! Check
with your doctor when you are using magnesium to treat health conditions and
want to wean off your meds. For example, magnesium helps lower blood pressure. If
you continue to take the same amounts of BP meds, your BP might get too low. This
is not a side effect of magnesium. Its a side effect of taking drugs when you dont
need them. Magnesium balances blood pressure. If you have low BP to begin with
and are not on meds, start magnesium very slowly because, as I describe in #2, you
want your body to slowly adapt to a mineral you may have been deBicient in for a
long time.
5. Youre on Bluoridated medications that bind up your magnesium and make you
deBicient even when youre taking magnesium. See a list of Bluoridated medications
at the Fluoride Toxicity Research Collaborative.
6. Youve started taking iodine (in doses above the RDA) that speeds up your
metabolism giving you heart palpitations that has nothing to do with magnesium
Carolyn Dean MD ND


Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium

deBiciency. However, high dose iodine will cause you to become even more
magnesium depleted.
7. Youre taking too much Vitamin D: Heres what happens. You feel great on your
magnesium and then you begin to magnesium deBiciency symptoms after adding a
high dose Vitamin D supplement. Magnesium is required to transform Vitamin D
from its storage form to its active form and for many other aspects of Vitamin D
metabolism. That means if you take the extremely high doses that allopathic doctors
are now recommending you can plummet into magnesium deBiciency and not know
what the heck is happening. In general, I dont recommend more than1,000-2,000 IU
of Vitamin D daily for this reason. And never take Vitamin D without magnesium.
8. You are taking too much calcium and its pushing out your magnesium: Read Why
I Hate Calcium to understand why the most prescribed mineral is actually
dangerous because its causing heart disease in women.
9. Youre just taking magnesium and becoming dehydrated because you dont take
any other trace minerals. Read The Solution for Dehydration and take 1/8-1/4 tsp of
sea salt in every pint of water you drink. How much water per day? Half your body
weight in ounces of water. My new ReLyte, mineral and electrolyte formula is the
next step in proper mineral balance and an improvement on just using sea salt for
mineral supplementation.
10. Magnesium is getting into your cells and detoxifying chemicals and heavy
metals. Sometimes you can have a healing reaction and develop signs and symptoms
like skin rashes and itching. Thats why with Pico-Ionic magnesium, ReMag, which is
100% absorbed at the cellular level, I recommend that you build up your dosage
slowly as the cells detoxify and are Binally able to work efBiciently.
NOTE: If you believe a magnesium product is not working for you or stirring things
up or if you are very toxic, take ReMag more slowly. You can put an ounce or two in
Carolyn Dean MD ND


Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium

a small dropper bottle and begin taking 5 drops a day to allow your hypervigilant
body to get accustomed to it. Put the drops in a liter of water and sip through the
day. That may seem drastic, but 1 drop of ReMag is equivalent to 2.5 mg and even
that amount can trigger biochemical reactions. Increase by 5 drops every few days
to reach the maintenance amount of ReMag (1 tsp a day) and then the therapeutic
amount (2-3 tsp a day).
Magnesium Content Of Common Foods (Source The Magnesium Miracle pg 230)
Magnesium in mg per 312oz. (100g) serving.





Wheat germ




Wheat bran







Yeast, brewers 231



Brazil nuts






Pea nuts




Wheat grain


Pecan nuts


English walnuts




Calcium Dosage
Im not a big fan of taking calcium supplements that are not fully absorbed. And
recent research supports my caution. Several studies have shown that women who
take calcium supplements suffer a higher incidence of heart disease. And the
supplements, which are supposed to help build stronger bones dont even do that.
The reason for all those side effects with a high intake of calcium is that magnesium
is lost from the body and calcium builds up in soft tissues (arteries) and not in our
Often clients and readers are taking lots of calcium and, unknown to them,
its driving up their magnesium requirements. We ingest much more calcium in our
diet than we do magnesium, making magnesium relatively deBicient. Magnesium
Carolyn Dean MD ND


Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium

makes calcium work better so people do not need as much if they are just taking
calcium alone.
There is a problem of sorting out mineral dosage based on elemental versus
the amount sometimes listed for the magnesium compound. Let me explain. The
adult RDA recommendation for calcium is 1,200-1,500 mg of the elemental form.
Calcium carbonate has 40 percent elemental calcium and calcium citrate has 20
percent. Therefore in order to get 1,000mg of elemental calcium you would have to
take about 2,400mg of calcium carbonate and 4,800mg of calcium citrate. Based
solely on numbers, calcium carbonate looks like the better choice but its basically
chalk and very difBicult to digest.
There is also a problem in deciding how much and what form of calcium to
take because it is so badly absorbed. And unlike magnesium, it doesnt Blush out of
the body with a loose bowel movement. Instead it can solidify in body tissues and
cause constipation.
I have great concerns about the high intake of unabsorbed calcium
supplements. Most women I consult with are on maximum doses of calcium and
zero magnesium. Their symptoms reBlect this imbalance and they are textbook cases
of magnesium deBiciency. The more calcium you take without the balancing effect of
magnesium the more symptoms of magnesium deBiciency and calcium excess you
have. Yes, Im talking about osteoporosis that we are being told is a calcium
deBiciency condition. Also about heel spurs, kidney stones, gall stones,
atherosclerosis, Bibromyalgia and breast calciBication. These are all symptoms of
calcium excess that can be overcome with the right balance of magnesium.
A book written by Dr. Robert Thompson and Kathleen Barnes called The
Calcium Lie goes beyond my list of the dangers of taking too much calcium. They
make a case for calcium being involved in poor protein digestion, sodium pump
failure, weight gain, thyroid and adrenal malfunction, hypothyroidism, and excess
problems in pregnancy, childbirth and menopause.
Also, two recent studies reported in the British Medical Journal proved that
women taking calcium supplements have a higher risk of heart disease.
Whats the answer? If we could get all our calcium from plants that would
Carolyn Dean MD ND


Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium

solve the problem of calcium build-up in the body. Plants have a unique way of only
absorbing picometer-sized minerals into their rootlets, chelating minerals with
certain proteins, and making them available for direct absorption by animals.
Attaching a chelating protein to a large-sized mineral doesnt enhance absorption
For all these reasons, I recommend daily intake of smoothies made from
collards, kale, Swiss chard or food-based/plant-based supplements or Pico-Ionic-
sized magnesium. Actually the best plan would be to incorporate all three.
Calcium Rich Foods: in Milligrams (from Hormone Balance-Dean 2005)
Sea Vegetables

Collards - 1/2 cup cooked = 110

Hijiki - 3.5 oz. = 1,400

Kale - 1/2 cup cooked = 103

Wakame - 3.5 oz. = 1,300

Beans, cooked (white, kidney, soy) - 1

Kelp - 3.5 oz. = 1,099

cup = 95 to 110

Kombu - 3.5 oz. = 800

Spinach - 1/2 cup cooked = 88

Nori - 3.5 oz. = 260

Baked Goods


Corn mufBin - 1 medium = 96

Brick cheese - 3.5 oz. = 682

Whole wheat bread - 1 slice = 50

Yogurt - 3.5 oz. = 121


Milk - 3.5 oz. = 119

Sardines w bones - 3.5 oz. = 443


Oysters - 20 medium = 300

Rhubarb, cooked cup = 200

Salmon w bones can (220g) =284

Blackstrap molasses - 1 Tbsp = 140

Scallops 6 = 115

Vegetables and Beans

Clams - can = 62

Dry wheat/barley grass - 3.5 oz = 514

Nuts and Seeds

Bok choy - 1 cup = 252

Hazelnuts - 3.5 oz = 209

Broccoli stalk - 1 medium =158

Almonds - cup =175

dandelion green - cup cooked=147

Brazil nuts - cup = 128

Turnip - 1 cup cooked = 126

Macadamia cup = 119

Broccoli - 1/2 cup cooked = 72

Sesame seeds - cup = 76

Beet greens1/2 cup cooked = 70

Carolyn Dean MD ND


Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium

Before I knew about Pico-Ionic minerals my recommendation for calcium
and magnesium was about 500mg of the elemental form of each. Then I discovered
the huge discrepancy in the amount of calcium and magnesium in foods. There is
more calcium in the soil and therefore in foods, and much more magnesium than
calcium is lost when you cook and process foods. I began to realize that a diligent
person could get enough calcium in their diet but probably not enough magnesium.
Magnesium Supplementation Contraindications
1. Kidney failure
2. Bowel obstruction
Magnesium is eliminated from the body through the bowel and bladder when
there is excess. Thus the Birst two contraindications reBlect a persons inability
to eliminate magnesium. However, since low potency Pico-Ionic minerals are
absorbed at the cellular level they may not have a negative effect on the
kidneys or bowel. This is an important aspect of mineral supplementation that
needs to be thoroughly studied.
3. Myasthenia gravis (MG)
IV magnesium could accentuate the muscle relaxation that comes with MG and
collapse the respiratory muscles. However, Ive received reports from people
with MG who swear that magnesium was helpful in their recovery, especially
when their MG was caused by mercury toxicity.
4. Excessively slow heart rate
Slow heart rates can be made even slower, as magnesium relaxes the heart.
Slow heart rates are often due to an electrical imbalance in the heart and
require an articial pacemaker.

Carolyn Dean MD ND


Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium

I know magnesium works, it works for me and it works for my patients, clients and
readers. After taking magnesium supplements, many people have contacted me
describing the reversal of their PMS, painful periods, improvement in symptoms of
chronic fatigue and Bibromyalgia, depression, anxiety, muscle spasms, and greater
enjoyment of sexual activity.

It would be nice to take the top 20 chronic diseases and give you a miracle-

healing story from my Biles but thats not possible. You see, when people have been
depleted in magnesium and begin to take it for one ailment or another they quickly
Bind it has an impact on many other areas of their lives.

Ill begin with a few Pico-Ionic magnesium (ReMag) miracle stories.

ReMag and Atrial Fibrillation

My name is Steve. At age 57, I was diagnosed with Atrial Fibrillation in October
2013. I am writing my story four months later.
My symptoms included an irregular heartbeat, shortness of breath, anxiety,
and lack of strength. I was unable to walk up a short Blight of stairs without my
symptoms kicking in. Up to this point I had been a very healthy person that did
regular workouts and ate extremely healthy. My second month after diagnosis
consisted of a cardioversion and numerous visits with electrophysiologists and
doctors. I was put on 3 different prescription drugs and told I would need a catheter
ablation. During this time, my condition did not improve.
I kept reading and researching AFib and noticed that while my doctors could
never give me a reason for my symptoms, Dr. Dean wrote that it could be due to a
lack of magnesium. I contacted her and she recommended ReMag (1 tsp twice a
day), ReLyte (1/2 tsp three times a day).
She told me to start slowly on them at tsp a day and working up by tsp
every 3 days. She also had me take a Magnesium RBC blood test, which conBirmed
my magnesium was low.
I started to feel more energized shortly after taking the ReMag and ReLyte,
although I was still taking my prescription drugs. I was seeing improvement, but my
Carolyn Dean MD ND


Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium

pulse was still irregular and anytime I did something physical, my AFib symptoms
came back.
During this time, I continued to watch videos and read articles by Dr. Dean.
She mentioned that some drugs can block magnesium from working in your body. It
was at that time that I decided on my own to stop taking my prescription drugs
because I decided it was the magnesium that was making me better.
I asked Dr. Dean how to wean off my prescription drugs, which she said to do
one at a time by cutting the pills in half and then in quarters and reducing every 3-4
I noticed great improvement after getting off the prescription drugs. It was
the breakthrough I had been hoping for. My pulse has been steady; my energy is
great; and all my symptoms disappeared. I am back to doing physical activities;
walking on the treadmill, jumping rope, and shoveling snow!
Getting off the prescription drugs, I feel, allowed my magnesium to work. My
follow up RBC test shows that my magnesium level is back up where it should be. I
feel better and better each day!
After numerous doctors told me I needed prescription drugs and catheter
ablations, it was Dr. Dean who guided me back to health.
An additional improvement occurred several months later when I Binally took
Dr. Deans advice to put tsp of sea salt in each pint of my drinking water and to
drink my body weight in ounces of water each day. She also suggested I put my
days ReMag and ReLyte in a liter of salted water and sip through the day. That
regimen kept me from running to the bathroom every hour and gave me more
I cannot express in words how thankful I am for all that Dr. Dean has done for
me. Thank-you, Dr. Dean for giving me a life back that allows me to do all the things I
desire and enjoy!

Carolyn Dean MD ND


Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium

Switching from IV Magnesium to ReMag
Thank you Dr. Carolyn Dean and ReMag! My name if Lynn. My husband, Dana has
hypomagnesemia. He is 50 years old and he was diagnosed with malabsorption at
the Mayo Clinic. He loses magnesium through his bowels, therefore oral magnesium
was never an option. We have been told by 40 well known specialists that all they
could give him was IV magnesium.
Dana had a PICC line for over 7 years and required 4 grams of IV magnesium
3 times per week up until September of 2013. In the past 2 years he has had 3 life
threatening events as a direct result of the PICC line (blood infection and on 2
different occasions, blood clots). When the PICC line stopped working the next step
was to put in a permanent PORT Line in his chest.
In September the PICC line came out for good as a result of another blood
clot. We took a giant leap of faith against all of his doctors advice and he started on
ReMag under the guidance of Dr. Dean. The results were immediate, his magnesium
levels are testing higher on ReMag than they did on weekly IV infusions. The best
way to take the ReMag is by putting 4 tsp a day along with 1.5 tsp of ReLyte in a
designated water bottle that he sips through the day. He also drinks about half his
body weight in ounces of water with added sea salt ( tsp in every pint).
We are forever grateful to Dr. Carolyn Dean and her commitment to helping
others. My husband now has a quality of life he was told was not possible! And we
Bind it quite amazing that ReMag does not affect his bowels and cause a laxative
effect like every other oral magnesium he has tried.
We still do weekly labs because we have no room for error with his condition
but we know we soon wont need to do them because his blood levels are
consistently normal, especially since he began sipping his minerals throughout the
We have paid out of pocket for a home health nurse weekly for over 7 years
to take care of his PICC line. Our insurance would not cover the expense unless he
was homebound and disabled. We have both primary and secondary insurance
however, we still paid a small fortune annually for home health, labs, supplies,

Carolyn Dean MD ND


Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium

medicine etc. But a one-hour consultation and a couple of emails with Dr. Dean
forever changed the course of our lives.
The timing of all of this coming together is no coincidence either. Our phone
call with Dr. Dean was one week prior to the unexpected issue with the PICC line.
Had I not spoken with her on that particular day and things fallen into place like
they did, my husband would have a PORT and be sitting in a hospital infusion center
3 times a week. I still can't believe the answer was so simple. I have given Dr. Deans
book to several of his doctors. I wonder how many people are not as lucky as we
The PICC line was his lifeline to magnesium however it also almost cost him
his life more than once. I refused to believe that was his path and that is how I found
Dr. Carolyn Dean. Dr. Dean not only gave him a better quality of life, there is no
doubt that she saved his life! As the Holidays approach and I think of the things I am
most grateful for, it would be the answer to Prayer and many hours of research - Dr.
Carolyn Dean!
Pico-Ionic Magnesium and Dialysis
The following story I have included in my Future Health Now! Online Wellness
Program. It illustrates the importance of absorption versus consumption. One client
(I'll call her Susan) is a dialysis patient. Her kidneys have failed completely. She
requires a machine to clean her blood. She barely urinates.
Dialysis machines, however, are very poor at cleaning out excess minerals.
Dialysis patients usually go on a strict diet where they limit their intake of
potassium, sodium and phosphates to avoid build-up in their bloodstream. No
dietary restrictions, however, are given about magnesiumbecause there is so little
available in our diet its difBicult to overdose.

(Just to clarify: If your kidneys function properly, dietary overdosing on

magnesium is usually not a problemyou will simply urinate it out or it will be

eliminated by having increased bowel movements.
Susan started taking magnesium citrate before she consulted me. She took
about 700mg a day because she had classic magnesium deBiciency symptoms. She
Carolyn Dean MD ND


Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium

quickly began to feel welcome relief once she went on the magnesium citrate. A
week later, however, her condition worsened. She started to become very weak,
nauseous, sleepless and suffered horrible headaches. She felt awful.
Her nurse ran a blood test and found that her magnesium levels were
dangerously high. (Again, if your kidneys work Bine, this will not happen to you.
Magnesium is one of those minerals that will be released by your kidneys and your
bowels when there is too much.)
But Susan wasnt really taking all that much magnesiumonly 700mgless
than she probably needed. When she consulted me, I suspected that her body cells
were not absorbing all the magnesium citrate. The rest was left circulating in the
blood stream, unable to pass through her kidneys into her bladder. I immediately
took her off the magnesium citrate. All her symptoms went away in a few days.
We then tried Pico-Ionic magnesium. This type of magnesium has been
broken down to 5 billionth of a meter in width. Several days later she felt much
better, had no more magnesium deBiciency symptoms and a week later her blood
work showed that her magnesium levels were Bineno excess build-up.
In Susans case, at least, the Pico-Ionic magnesium absorbed a lot better than
the magnesium citrate. The evidence (albeit in this one anecdotal case) is in the
blood work and in how she feels.
Pico-Ionic Magnesium and Lung Whiteout
A manufacturer of Pico-Ionic minerals has a friend whose wife came down with
H1N1. She had a night-time fever and a dry cough and within a few days, she was in
intensive care on life support. On Friday her chest x-ray showed her lungs were
completely Billed with Bluid. Its called whiteout. The Bluid was partly from the virus
but mostly from the IV Bluids Billed with electrolyte minerals that werent getting
into the cells. This is common in human and veterinarian medicine because the size
of the minerals keeps them outside the cells and a person can be cell dehydrated but
have tissue edema. They didnt expect her to live. Her liver and kidney blood tests
showed that they were beginning to fail.

My friend suggested that some Pico-Ionic magnesium rubbed into her feet to

Carolyn Dean MD ND


Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium

might make her more comfortable. Her husband massaged a teaspoon of
magnesium liquid into her feet every hour. The next day she seemed to be doing
better and they x-rayed her lungs again. The Bluid had diminished by 35 percent and
her liver enzymes started stabilizing. On the second day after beginning the Pico-
Ionic minerals her doctors agreed she was recovering but it would take two weeks
to a month or more before she could breathe without the ventilator. However, on
day Bive after beginning the Pico-Ionic minerals, she was taken off the ventilator. All
her vital signs had leveled out and her lungs were clear, and she was sitting up and
talking to people.

My veterinarian friend, Dr. Wood tells me that he clears pig lung whiteout

within hours just by using Pico-Ionic minerals. I tell this doctor that he is providing
the animal research that shows the beneBits of these minerals.
Loving Pico-Ionic
I just picked up my Pico-Ionic magnesium and calcium. I took a dose of each. A
couple of hours later I felt my shoulder muscles (my stress area lately) relax and felt
more energetic. I thought this was impossible, wishful thinking. I phoned the
company to ask and the owner laughed. He said yes because it enters the cell
directly. I am going to love this.
Effects of Pico-Ionic
I have been using Pico-Ionic magnesium for only Bive days and I am so impressed
with it. I could feel it acting within a couple of hours. Im more alert, less tense in my
muscles, more relaxed, sleeping better, falling asleep faster, waking up less, sleeping
sounder. Magnesium taurate
made a lot of improvement in my sleeping but this liquid is 10 times better. I am still
taking magnesium taurate 625mg, plus Pico-Ionic magnesium. My Mom is 89 and
she is more alert during the day and sleeping even better at night, not getting up
much at night. Dr. Dean, this is the best thing for us. Thank you so much for telling us
about it.

Carolyn Dean MD ND


Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium

Pico-Ionic Magnesium and Arthritis

I am 68 years old. I was having a great deal of muscle pain and joint discomfort. I
began taking pill forms of magnesium and calcium supplements. For the Birst month
I could not handle the calcium but the magnesium helped lessen my discomfort.
Then I found out about Pico-Ionic minerals. Still thinking I needed calcium, I took it
and my symptoms worsened. Then I just took magnesium and it only took about two
months to see a remarkable difference. I now take about two to three times more
magnesium than calcium. I realized I had so much calcium built up in my system
that when I took more calcium it made me worse. And I believe Im getting more
calcium than magnesium in my diet anyway.
Pico-Ionic Magnesium and Migraines
I have had bad migraines for a numbers of years but when I began taking Pico-Ionic
magnesium it fully takes them away. Other times it will reduce the migraines so I
can function and make it through the day. Every day I take 75mg and sometimes up
to 150mg. This has become a daily routine for me. Its a lot cheaper than the
medication I had been taking.

Pico-Ionic Magnesium: Short Vignettes

a. Because Pico-Ionic magnesium is more concentrated than other liquid minerals,
they are less expensive and you end up with more for your money. For someone
who hates swallowing pills, its a godsend.
b. We see the results far more than with the capsules we used to use.
c. I couldnt believe how much better I felt; it gave me energy almost immediately.
No question it has improved the quality of my life.

Carolyn Dean MD ND


Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium

d. "I have more energy and feel fantastic! I have tried everything for my chronic
fatigue and this is the answer to my prayers!
e. After a few days my energy level was up considerably. My sleep is deeper and I
have fewer headaches. Due to a car accident and whiplash, I had pain in my neck for
12 years and now it has improved.
f. I am 80 years old and I have suffered from aching muscles and stiff, sore joints for
a few years. I just thought it was old age so I didnt bother going to a doctor and was
becoming a grouchy old couch potato. Then my son talked me into trying Pico-Ionic
magnesium. Before I knew it, I was bending down and stooping whenever I needed
to without grunting. My wife was so impressed she started taking it too and its
helping her.
g. Within two weeks of taking this magnesium, I felt a difference in my energy level.
In the past Ive tried multi-vitamins, exercising and getting enough sleep. But now
there is a noticeable difference and I am able to stay up on weekends till midnight.
My skin is even glowing and I feel great! I got my mother taking it and her arthritis
aches and pains are gone.
h. Pico-Ionic minerals give me more energy during the day and it the best nights
sleep! How cool is that? Im in my 40s and was experiencing chronic low energy and
disrupted sleep but not anymore.
i. Friends told me to try Pico-Ionic magnesium but I thought their results were too
good to be true. But I was pleasantly surprised that I really feel good. Im on my feet
all day at work and by lunch Im usually tired but now Im feeling energized all day.
j. Im amazed at how clear my mind is and my niggling aches and pains seem to be
diminishing. Im really impressed.

Carolyn Dean MD ND


Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium

k. As a senior citizen I was becoming resigned to being housebound because it was
exhausting and painful to even go out shopping. The Pico-Ionic minerals have made
me feel like a new person. I not only shock my friends that Im out shopping but I
recently went to a party where I danced and sang.
l. "As a professional athlete, Pico-Ionic minerals give me a serious competitive edge;
its really quite amazing.
Magnesium and Janes Top Ten Improvements
One woman in her early 50s, well call her Jane, Billed out her client symptom survey
and scored 275. A healthy person would have no symptoms or maybe a score of 10.
After three months on magnesium citrate Jane sent me her top 10 improvements.
1. Less knee pain.
Our knees take the brunt of our weight. The knee is just a simple ball and socket
joint that is held in place by the thigh and leg muscles. If those muscles are tight or
in spasm, that alone can cause slight displacement of the knee that over time can
turn into what medicine calls knee arthritis. However, instead of immediately
going on pain medication or undergoing knee surgery to clean out the joint,
magnesium is the treatment of choice.
2. Carbohydrate/sugar cravings down from 90 to 5on a scale of 100.
Magnesium is a necessary cofactor in the proper metabolism of carbohydrates. It
also helps insulin work properly to put sugar inside cells where it belongs and not
leave it in the bloodstream where it can continue to cause sugar cravings.
3. Facial wrinkles and crevices diminishing.
Jane is a very observant lady and Im sure others are receiving the beneBit of
magnesium in this way but arent taking note. Its likely to do with tissue integrity,
hydration, and cell health, all of which are important effects of magnesium balance.
4. Dramatic reduction in migraines.
Carolyn Dean MD ND


Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium

Migraines can cause the most severe pain known to humans. They are debilitating
and said to be incurable. Life-long pain medications seem to be the only option that
doctors can offer. However, Jane and thousands of other readers of my Magnesium
Miracle book have found relief from migraines and headaches with using
magnesium. In the book, I talk about also using the herb feverfew and some Vitamin
B6 (25mg twice a day) if magnesium alone doesnt give full relief.
5. Periods went from dark to bright red; from severe clots to minimal.
Magnesium works in several ways in lessening the intensity of menstrual Blow. It
oxygenates the blood and detoxiBies it changing from a dark toxic Blow to bright red.
It also thins the blood naturally, breaking up clots.
6. Able to exercise intensely for the Birst time in years.
Prior to this, Jane would be exhausted for at least three days after any exercise.
See the section on magnesium and muscles to understand the effect of exercise on
magnesium. In Janes case, it was probably a combination of things. She likely didnt
have enough magnesium to neutralize the lactic acid she was building up and
instead got aches and pains. Also, one of the Birst symptoms of magnesium
deBiciency is fatigue. When you lack ATP, the energy packets that are formed with
the help of magnesium just doesnt have the oomph that you want. For some,
exercise gives them energy, but they have to have enough ATP to give them that
7. Sleep has improved from minimal to poor and restless all night.
When your body is magnesium deBicient, its as if your cells and nerves are all on
edge. They are tight and contracted and ready to snap. If you lie down in that state
your body cant relax, your mind cant relax and you toss and turn. Simply having
your muscles relax with the proper amount of magnesium turns off that tension and
allows you to slip into sleep.

Carolyn Dean MD ND


Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium

8. Able to keep going to some extent past 6:30pm at night.
Without enough magnesium the necessary energy the body gets from ATP is
diminished and people have no staying power.
9. Less sound sensitivity/hypersensitivity.
Studies done in the cockpit on pilots showed an increased sound sensitivity in the
face of magnesium deBiciency. Once on a radio talk show a woman phoned in and
asked about her son who was in a rock band. I had been talking about tics and
spasms being a sign of magnesium deBiciency. She said that her son had developed a
tic below one eye and wondered if it could be magnesium deBiciency. I said it
absolutely could.
10. Better able to concentrate when someone is speaking to her.
Janes concentration would be hampered especially if there was a lot of background

Poor concentration is not something you will Bind in a magnesium deBiciency

list. However, it makes sense that if your body is tense and irritable and you are
sound sensitive, then you can have trouble concentrating.

All in all, the list that Jane provides lends great credibility to the beneBits of

magnesium. Clinical medicine is based on cases like Janes, where she is a one-
person experiment. Many of my clients have said that they have proven the beneBits
of magnesium over and over because when they run out of their supplements, their
symptoms return. Someone critical of taking supplements may say that these people
are addicted to magnesium. My response is that magnesium is a vital nutrient that
we cant live without and unfortunately, because of the lack in our diet and our
stressed-out lifestyle, we do have to supplement with this mineral.

Often, its not until you read something about your speciBic problem that you

put two and two together. For example, many people dont know that choking can
be an indication of a muscle spasm in your esophagus. One of the most dramatic
magnesium stories I ever heard became a popular post on my blog. See the entry:
Magnesium and Esophageal Spasms.
Carolyn Dean MD ND


Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium

Magnesium and Alcohol

Shauna wrote about something she said was downright weird.
I like wine, and, gee, almost any kind of alcohol. I cook a lot garlic, butter,
salmon, crab cakes, etc. and [Bind it] hard to drink a glass of water with good food. If
its Mexican food, I prefer a beer. Some nights as much as a half bottle of wine, but
most of the time just a glass or two. And being the type A that I am, and with the
muscle tension, I really looked forward to that 5 oclock hour for that drink to bring
me down.
I was pretty sure I wasnt an alcoholic, that it was just a bad habit one I
needed to break. So for the past few weeks I would tell myself that was the week I
would be alcohol free but never stuck to it. In fact, I was getting a little nervous that I
could not have that drink!
Enter magnesium. After, I guess, about two weeks on magnesium, I told my
husband that this was the week I was going to quit. So out of the past eight nights, I
have had only a beer on Valentines when we went to a barbeque house. Seven
nights alcohol free for the Birst time in four years. So good for me. But the weird
thing is, I dont even want a drink, and Saturday night I made homemade pizza and
thought I should open a bottle of red wine (which I really love) but I popped a non-
alcoholic beer instead, not as many calories as pop, and not as bland as water. The
weird thing is that I do not even want a glass of red wine. Im beginning to think the
magnesium has altered my body chemistry to the point where I dont have a taste
for it. Either that or my husband had me hypnotized without my knowing it. Have
you heard of this phenomenon? Thanks.
As Shauna said herself, shes a type A and was using alcohol to relax her
body. When you have magnesium to do the relaxing, you dont need alcohol.
Magnesium and Anxiety
Anxiety is an enormous problem for many people. I address this condition in my
Magnesium Miracle book and receive many emails from people who have managed
to overcome their problem and get off addictive medications with the help of
Carolyn Dean MD ND


Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium

magnesium. Veronica wrote about her symptoms and wanted reassurance that they
would be eliminated by magnesium.
I recently purchased The Magnesium Miracle and must begin by telling you
that this book has begun to answer some questions about my health. My symptoms
have included stress, anxiousness, sweating, mild depression, and spasms all over
the body, often during the course of the day. I was diagnosed as a child with IBS, and
the associated symptoms have only increased as I passed into adulthood. I have
been to several doctors who have told me that the problem is not a physical one (I
have had a colonoscopy, which was clear).
Nonetheless, the symptoms cause me great difBiculty, making it very difBicult
for me to work, or to interact socially comfortably. In reading your book I have
noticed that all of these symptoms are related to the lack of magnesium.
Magnesium and Arrhythmia
Nancy wrote a very long story to me, some of which Ill include here to highlight the
use of magnesium in abnormal heart rhythm.
Dr. Abram Hoffer told me about your to-be-published book last fall. I could
hardly wait for your book to come out.
A year ago my cardiologist had me wear a Holter for 24 hours to determine
what kinds of arrhythmia I had. I had been taking more potassium and B6, which
seemed to relieve the arrhythmia. Then I began to suspect that I might be losing
potassiumthat maybe I was losing it almost as fast as I was taking it. So a
nutritional MD ordered a 24-hour urine test to check excreted minerals, and [found]
I was passing large amounts of magnesium, potassium and lithium. While the larger
amounts of magnesium and potassium could have come from my supplements, I
was not taking any form of lithium.
To look into it further, I had a White Blood Cell test for magnesium and a Red
Blood Cell test for potassium. I was low in magnesium, not potassium! And, as my
doctor pointed out, magnesium is needed for metabolizing potassium.
The moment your book was available, I picked up a copy and read it as well
as an article by you in the Natural Health magazine, in which you wrote about your
Carolyn Dean MD ND


Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium

water fast in the morning. I began making changestoo numerous to list hereand
with those changes I noticed a sudden increase in energy, veriBied by counting my
RPMs on our reclining exercycle while recording my pulse and pedaling at the same
This week my cardiologist ran a treadmill test and said he could Bind no
abnormalities in my heart rhythm! In fact, just a couple of weeks ago after I gave
him copies of pages from your book focusing on arrhythmias, he ordered a copy of
your book and plans to include information from it in a lecture he will be giving.

Magnesium and Asthma

I have many stories about magnesium and asthma. Ill include three here to give you
an idea of the miraculous power of this mineral.
a. Charles wrote about a relative who probably needs more magnesium.

A relative of mine (lady in her 70s) suffered from asthma all her life. Had to

have the ambulance on a number of occasions. Now diagnosed with COPD (chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease). She had tinnitus about twice a week too. I got her
to take 150mg of Magnesium Citrate every day. Her breathing has greatly improved
and her tinnitus has now completely gone.
I take 400mg per day. No more laryngospasms and no more leg cramps. My
wife takes 200mg, no more cramps and no more insomnia!
I know a number of people, including my wife and myself, who eat a well
balanced diet of fruit/vegetables/Bish/meat etc. If food contained all that our bodies
required, we would not need to take magnesium supplements to cure our spasms/
b. Violet wrote her husbands story about his history of asthma. They mostly
use magnesium oxide, which I dont generally recommend. But it obviously
seems to be working for them. Some of us cant tolerate magnesium oxide,
because its only four percent absorbed and the other 96 percent Blushes
Carolyn Dean MD ND


Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium

through the intestines like a laxative. I told Violet that if thats not the case
and its working for her symptoms, please continue but dont go beyond two
to three bowel movements a day so she doesnt lose valuable nutrients.
My 62-year-old husband is a severe asthmatic or rather he WAS, until he
found out about magnesium. We take pure powdered magnesium oxide and
sometimes magnesium chloride in water. The Birst tastes better.
Before that, two years ago, our medical doctor told him he was in danger of
dying from 1) asthma, 2) heart attack and 3) high blood pressure. The doctor
prescribed blood pressure and asthma meds.
He had leg cramps that night that woke him up. He prayed and asked the
Lord why. He heard the words, low magnesium. We studied this on the Internet,
bought your book and before it arrived started taking magnesium oxide.
He also took apple cider vinegar (ACV), at least a dessertspoon full, with
crushed garlic and thyme added every day, drank 10 10-ounce glasses of water a
day with tsp of sea salt with every four glasses. We also eat lots of cayenne pepper
(a vasodilator) and take homemade Haw sauce daily. Haw sauce is also a vasodilator
and strengthens the heart.
In 10 days his blood pressure dropped so low he was having fainting spells.
He called the doctor who shouted, Stop taking the blood pressure meds! Now he
takes no blood pressure meds at all and is off all meds except one for asthma
prevention, Flixotide. His health has changed so dramatically for the better the
doctor has changed his attitude about natural health.
If there is an asthma attack, which is very rare these days, he can stop it
within minutes by taking two glasses of water and a tsp of sea salt and a tsp of
magnesium oxide as well as Ester C and calcium. The only time he has relapses is
when he doesnt take enough magnesium in a day.
His condition may have started because we used to drink six to eight mugs of
coffee a day and hardly any water. Dr. Batmanghelidj said that asthma starts as a
dehydration disease, coffee is a diuretic, and taking water and sea salt corrects the
condition. We add that magnesium deBiciency is a major contributor to asthma.

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Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium

Medical doctors err by prescribing drugs that further dehydrate the patient,
like the diuretics for blood pressure! Magnesium relaxes the lungs, improves air
Blow and dissolves the calcium which is laid down in the soft tissues while being
magnesium deBicient. Magnesium balances calcium.
We have a friend who had severe gout over many years. We suggested some
of the above and gave him a bottle of magnesium oxide. He called 18 hours later to
say Thank You because his symptoms had disappeared completely.
Also I gave magnesium oxide to my neutered cat that suffers with Feline
Urinary Syndrome (FUS), which are crystals in the urinary tract. He was cured
permanently in three days. I keep magnesium oxide in a saltshaker now and put it
over the dog and cat food. It also calms down horses, including our thoroughbreds,
which are supposed to be Blighty but arent really. Its just magnesium deBiciency.
(Note: Flixotide is a drug that has Bluoride inserted into the compound to
make it stronger. Fluoride is very damaging to magnesium, binding it up and making
it unavailable to the body.)
c. Heres another asthma story that I highlighted in one of my blog posts. Its from
Bill, an asthma sufferer, in Florida. The boys he refers to are two new kittens he
adopted recently.
I was having so much allergy/asthma trouble, I was sure I would have to
give these boys back to the shelter. That was making me sad.
Since beginning the magnesium supplements, I have had very little trouble. A
bit snifBley some days, but no asthma troubles at all. Among the worst things that
happen when you experience allergic symptoms that develop into an asthma attack
is the anticipationmoment to momentof what will happen with the next breath.
For me, my lungs can close up in a matter of a few breaths. Very scary stuff. It gets to
where your entire existence is all about each breath, literally. Nothing else matters
then. And my lungs can close up in a matter of a few breaths.
I am happy to say I wont have to deal with that any more and I will be able to
keep these kittens! This is making me very happy! Thanks so much for the
suggestion. I cant believe this is real. I need to do something to make other
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Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium

asthmatics aware of this. It is amazing!
The reason magnesium helped Bill was most likely because it relaxed the
muscles in his bronchial tract so they dont close down.
Magnesium and Back Spasms
Ive received many stores about the relief that people get from taking magnesium
either in Epsom salts baths or from oral magnesium. Ill highlight Sarah, who wanted
to share her magnesium miracle story, which reads like another top 10.
A year-and-a-half ago I had a back spasm that wouldnt quit. Three
chiropractic adjustments and a massage would not make it let go, so the
chiropractor gave me some magnesium citrate powder to take. Fifteen minutes after
taking a teaspoon of the powder, the spasm started to relax. I immediately went to
the Internet to do some research on magnesium deBiciency and I bumped into
myself. All the little cramps, the eye tic, the mitral valve prolapse, the high blood
pressure, the pre-eclampsia of pregnancy, and the PMS seemed to be related to one
thinga need for magnesium. Also, I realized I was over-dosing on calcium, which
exacerbated the magnesium deBiciency.
Supplementation has made such a difference in my life that I only wish I had
known about it 25 years earlier when my child was born. Then in August your book
came out and I was amazed all over again. Nobody believes that such a simple thing
has such far-reaching implications. However, a friend who is a competitive long-
distance runner has gotten relief from her migraine headaches after I told her about
Thank you for your informative book. It explained so much. Truly a miracle.
Magnesium and Blepherospasm
A woman dentist from Mexico actually had 20 symptoms that have improved with
magnesium but the most dramatic is her incurable eye blinking.
Hello Dr. Dean. I'm a Mexican dentist, 42 years old. In June 2002, I started
feeling sand in my eyes and went to an ophthalmologist whose diagnosis was
allergic dermatoconjuntivitis and [was] prescribed some ointments and drops for
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Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium

my eyes. They didnt work so I went to see another four ophthalmologists and they
changed the diagnosis to keratitis. In the meantime I started to develop eye
blinking that got worse and worse until it became a severe spasm that I couldn't
open my eyes. I also started having tetany. From the Birst doctor until this point, two
months had passed. Needless to say that I was desperate and very depressed. I
couldn't work, drive or even walk! Then I went to see a neuro-ophthalmologist who
gave me the terrible diagnosis of essential blepharospasm: essential, because this
means that they don't know what causes it and of course there is no cure. He also
told me that this was known as Meige Syndrome and he offered me three options:

To take neurological prescriptions (sedatives for life) that had

to be changed every three months because they lose their


Botox injections, with the risk that the eyelid could drop.


A facial nerve blockage (the motor part) in my face (its a

horrible treatment where they give you shots all around the
forehead and eyelids with an alcohol-derived substance; the
injections goes to the depth of the bone.

He recommended that I try number 3 Birst, so I accepted the

treatment. This was in August 2002. Let me tell you that it was a HORRIBLE
experience. My face was swollen at least Bive times the normal size and he
deBinitively did something wrong because he left me with facial paralysis on
the left side. So, my right eye couldnt close and my left eye was still closed
because it didnt respond to the shots. He prescribed me cortisone and told
me that we had to wait and see what happened. I was feeling miserable.
And then, the miracle happened: I needed something to be Bixed in my
kitchen so the person who came to do the job brought this book about
magnesium and it caught my attention because I had started to take a
calcium/magnesium supplement because someone told me that it was very
good for stress. By this time I couldnt read because the eye drops I was using
caused mydriasis (excessively dilated pupils). I asked him to lend me the

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Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium

book so I could make a copy to read it later.
The next day he arrived with my copy, and since I could do absolutely
nothing else, I made a huge effort and started to read the book, line by line.
As I got further and further, I realized that almost everything that I was
reading was about the health problems Ive had my whole life, so I started to
take magnesium.
I got magnesium chloride in drops, I started to take it in November
2002 and began to improve week by week. Four weeks later the paralysis
was gone and the blepharospasm was improving beautifully. Then I started
research on the Internet (thats where I knew about your book). In
December, I went to US and bought magnesium glycinate and started taking
600mg per day in three doses. And besides the blepharospasm and paralysis
these are all my other symptoms that are diminishing day by day:
1. Blepharospasm
2. Paralysis
3. Chronic fatigue syndrome
4. PMS syndrome
5. Excessive emotional stress
6. Joint pain
7. Back and neck pain
8. Constipation
9. Anxiety
10. Nervousness
11. Arrhythmia
12. Cystitis
13. Colitis
14. Bad circulation

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Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium

15. Cold hands and feet
16. Feeling disoriented in space and time
17. Depression without apparent cause and unable to cope with
everyday things
18. Flatulence
19. Mood swings
20. Hormonal imbalance
My symptoms are not all 100 percent gone but almost!!!!!!!! The
incurable blepharospasm has almost disappeared and I feel that it will very
soon be gone completely.
I wanted you to know my story because if someone has had the same
diagnosis, I want them to know that there is hope that IS CURABLE with the
Miracle of Magnesium. Thank you very much!!!
Magnesium and Esophageal Spasms
This was a story that I sent out in my blog with the title A Magnesium Miracle: Man
Saved from Gagging.
The moment the waiter served the meal, Jeff jumped up from the table and
ran for the restaurants emergency exit. Jeff could feel the little bit of appetizer hed
eaten backing up into his throat causing tremendous pressure. Jeffs brother, Chris,
quickly followed him into the back alley. Lucy, Jeffs wife, explained to the other
guests that her husband had a long-standing problem with his gastroesophageal
junction (the stricture where his esophagus meets his stomach) clamping shut.
Usually he can feel it coming on and drink some water and it goes away, she
Chris found his brother outside vomiting. Jeff couldnt even swallow his own
saliva. Go back in and Binish your dinner, Jeff said, Ill be okay. Chris went back
inside. When Jeff didnt return, Lucy went out to the back alley. She found Jeff
choking. Do you want to go to the hospital? she asked. No, he gagged.
Lucy gave him water. He just choked it back up. She started massaging his
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Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium

chest. When that didnt work she began pounding and pushing his chest against
handrails. They even tried handstands. (None of these treatments, I recommend.)
Nothing helped. The stricture above his stomach wouldnt relax. Thats when Lucy
suddenly remembered: My sister swears magnesium has helped so many times
whenever there was a weird body problem. Magnesium might work, Lucy told her
friends, too bad we don't have any. The magnesium angels, however, were with
Jeff that day one of Lucys friends remembered she had a bunch of magnesium
citrate powder packets in the trunk of her car.
Lucy grabbed the magnesium, added water, and made a super-
concentrated serving. She went out and found Jeff gagging on his spit. Hold this in
your mouth, Luca said. Don't worry about swallowing. Jeff sipped a mouthful
holding the drink in his mouth. About a minute later his face relaxed. Spitting it out,
he said, I want to try swallowing some. It's pretty concentrated, Lucy warned.
Jeff took the glass and swallowed a gulp. In two minutes he smiled and walked back
into the restaurant to Binish his meal.
I sent out this post in two parts. While waiting for the second part I had a
contest to see who of my blog readers knew what was happening to Jeff. Who but
my blog readers would even know that he was choking due to muscle spasms
around his esophagus/stomach junction? And many who wrote in gave that answer.
Any muscle or nerve problem can be caused or worsened by a magnesium
One of the most in-depth answers was:
Magnesium relaxes the involuntary muscles including the bowel (which is why
overdosing causes diarrhea) and magnesium deBiciency could block the esophagus.
Holding magnesium in the mouth will cause it to be absorbed sublingually.
Magnesium chloride would be absorbed faster, but tastes bad. Magnesium oxide will
work in water and is tasteless. Further, sheep farmers give sheep magnesium blocks.
Animals that are magnesium deBicient become aggressive and hard to handle, just
like over-active kids. Kids should have magnesium, not Ritalin. Racehorses get a
shaking disease if they are deBicient in magnesium. The answer is to add
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Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium

magnesium, not meds.
One gentleman wrote about magnesium/calcium physiology: Magnesium is
a muscle relaxant and calcium is a muscle contractor, this is very important to a
normal heartbeat. All heartbeat irregularities start with a magnesium deBiciency.
Magnesium is the ion responsible for muscle relaxation. When calcium gets into
empty magnesium channels, you get a contract (calcium) / contract (calcium) signal
instead of a contract (calcium) / relax (magnesium) signal. If there is a deBiciency of
magnesium any muscle could contract and magnesium will relax it as the body
comes back into a balanced state. This is why Jeffs esophagus relaxed after the
magnesium treatment.
Another reader said, I would guess that Jeff was also having anxiety about
the situationthe magnesium also calmed his nerves.
A reader took the opportunity to share her story about esophageal spasms.
I am very interested in this article. I have had similar experiences (have
probably left hundreds of tables) over the years. My remedy was always to drink
gallons of water to force food down. I would have loved to have known about this
instead I had some major surgery, which has caused other problems, for which I
refuse to take medication. I think the magnesium probably relaxes the muscles in
the throat. I discovered magnesium for my restless legs and have never had a
problem with my throat or legs since. Thank youam looking forward to your book
on magnesiumI do think it is a miracle!
Most fascinating about this whole story was how Jeff saw fast results simply
from holding the magnesium drink in his mouth. When your body needs something,
it knows how to get it. It must have been absorbed through the pores of his tongue
and the interior of his mouth. His bloodstream transported the desperately needed
mineral straight down to his esophagus. Once absorbed into the muscle cells, the
gastro-esophageal junction could relax.
Magnesium and the Elderly
Here is a short burst of excitement from one of my blog readers.
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Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium

My 89-year-old mother and I, every day, are taking 1375mg of magnesium;
650mg magnesium taurate and 750mg Pico-Ionic magnesium. Our sleep is fantastic,
we have no more cramps, good bowels, no wheezing, more relaxed and because of
all that we are much happier!
Another reader had the following experience with her mother.
As a retired Registered Nurse, I have always appreciated your writings. The
life-saving advice regarding magnesium is priceless. My mother had suffered for
years with COLD, hurting legs. I had a battle ROYAL with the nursing home
physician, but FINALLY convinced her to TRY magnesium taurate. It not only
stopped the leg cramping, it lessened the heart arrhythmias. I believe it lengthened
her life.
I call this wonderful email The Zest for Life. This gentleman writes to me like a
long-lost friend exuding conBidence and energy that is palpable. He praises
magnesium as a major factor in his new way of living.
I loved your informative article! You are a godsend! Fortunately, Ive been using
magnesium for a few months now, and I've beneBited immensely.
Unexpectedly, my toxic peripheral neuropathy is almost completely gone. I
no longer need to take ALA and acetyl l-carnitine at all.
My irregular heartbeat is no longer pounding like a Swiss watch.
My lower back and joint pains are gone, and I can work out in the Bitness
center to my heart's delight, despite being 67 years old.
Even my eyesight has sharpened.
I do focus on my bone health by balancing my alkalinity levels (with diet and
bicarbonate of soda) to maintain 7.5 more or less. (Checking with litmus paper.)
I take calcium and other minerals in early morning, and strontium citrate
before bed. I imagine strontium and magnesium are synergistic. If I had my
druthers, I'd take strontium over calcium.
I stick to what I call my caveman diet, avoiding sugar, dairy, and wheat,
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Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium

especially baked goods. I also avoid restaurant foods because of soy-derived
chemicals, among other things, and prefer a simple diet cooked from scratch.
My exercise program includes 50 miles of mountain bike riding and Ive had
a resting heart rate of 45 for a couple of years. Actually, my cardiologist insisted I
might have some hidden heart problems, and talked me into another nuclear stress
test last February.
My health was nearly Blawless before the test, but it took me eight months to
recover from a return to heart rhythm irregularity, painful joints and lower back
pains. It was so bad I quit working out at the Bitness center, though my muscles were
unaffected and remained strong. I couldnt have muscular strength adding stress to
my painful joints.
With my rather simpliBied health program, I was surprised to Bind that my
bodys natural alkalinizing processes have kicked back in, and I rarely check my
alkalinity levels with the litmus paper. I also have been skipping the baking soda
supplementation since now I'm feeling as Bit as a Biddle!
Despite the disconcerting nuclear stress test setback, Ive come through it a
better man since I found it necessary to uncover health breakthroughs in order to
meet the challenge.
Now I call my approach my new way of living program. People are always
asking me how Ive done it, but when I tell them, I sense that theyre predestined to
remain entrenched in their old ways.
Like the old saying goes, you can lead a horse to water, but you cant make
em drink". Nonetheless, I still continue to champion magnesium, strontium, alkaline
balance, exercise, and a simple diet prepared from scratch.
Love ya.
Magnesium and Heart Palpitations
I have just purchased your book and cannot wait to read it. For months I had
foot and toe cramps, anxiety, my body was nervous and tense. (My doctor
commented on how wired I was.) I wanted to unzip my skin and jump out. I
thought it was my age of 52. I then developed PVC heart palpitations and was told to
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Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium

live with them. Finally, I hit a wall and could not sleep! I found magnesium citrate
powder and have been on it for two weeks. The heart palpitations went Birst, then
the foot cramps. I still have night-time awakenings but it is getting better. I take the
magnesium three times a day for a total of four teaspoons. I just ordered the
magnesium oil. I forgot to mention I was under intense stress for three months. I
think I really depleted any magnesium I had in reserve!
Magnesium and Kidney Stones
George emailed the following story about his painful bout with kidney stones.

Last Fall, I was passing stones almost on a daily basis. All the usual

recommendations did not help. In desperation, I bought your book about

magnesium because it had some information about kidney stones. I started taking
250mg of magnesium and 50mg of B6 daily. The stones stopped the day after I
started taking magnesium and B6. The last stones I passed were on 10/31/06. Since
then, no more stones have passed. I am hoping that this amazing health
improvement continues. Keep up the good work.
Kevin emailed me about his experience with kidney stones.
About 20 years ago, I passed a kidney stone which stuck in the urethra halfway
between the kidney and the bladder. The consultant recommended plenty to drink.
No movement of the stone. He then suggested an operation to remove the stone. At
this time, I had a book, Lets Get Well by the American nutritionist, Adele Davis, in
which she had a chapter entitled, How to dissolve kidney stones in which she
recommended magnesium and vitamin B6.
I wrote to the consultant to see what his reaction was, which was to call the
treatment positively dangerous and I should come in for an operation immediately. I
ignored his advice, and started on the magnesium and B6. Three weeks later, whilst
urinating, I passed a spherical kidney stone. I made an appointment to see the
consultant, and presented him with the stone. There was no comment, except a
stony silence. He was not happy.

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Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium

I expect he was thinking that it was not in his interest to follow that course of
treatment with his patients, as he would soon be out of a job.
Since then, I have recommended magnesium and Vitamin B6 to people who
have had kidney stones, but they seem very dubious about the treatment, and only
want to have orthodox medical treatments.
I notice that there is a lot more publicity now to the alternative treatment,
and, hopefully, people will listen.
Magnesium and Carpal Tunnel
At one point a friend said he wondered if I was writing too many magnesium stories
in my blog. Many readers probably found my blog through my magnesium book. He
thought they must be saturated with magnesium information. But when I did the
statistics, I found that every time I blogged about magnesium, readership went up
up 30-50 percent with people forwarding the post to friends and family.
I told him, its like watching ads for something you already ownit
reinforces how smart you are to have purchased that product but even then it
doesnt mean you take the advice.
A short while later he said in passing, My left wrist is really hurting. Too
much work on the keyboard, I guess.
Don't forget to put magnesium oil on it, I automatically replied. Itll help
stop the muscles from cramping.
I hadnt even thought of that, he said. I guess you still need more
magnesium stories after all.
Even though you may know enough about magnesium to write your own
book, are you using it for all the possibilities?
Magnesium and Chest Pain
Nell wrote about her husbands chest pain experience.
I am writing to you today because I have just Binished reading your very
informative new book, The Magnesium Miracle. One month ago, my husband was
having all of the symptoms of a heart attack. He had chest pain, arm pain, jaw pain,
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Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium

was sweating and could hardly take a breath. He was rushed to hospital and they
immediately started doing tests on him. They kept him for two days and could Bind
nothing wrong with him other than a small lesion on one of his heart vessels after
performing a catheter. But they said it was nothing to worry about. They released
him while he was still having chest pain and told him to take an aspirin a day and
also to continue his blood pressure medicine.
Needless to say, I was not satisBied with this whole situation (what if he had
another attack?), and I started to do my own research on the Internet. I knew that
magnesium was a relaxant for muscle spasms and so I started looking at the beneBits
of magnesium and the heart. I then came upon your book and ordered it and was so
pleased with it being the wealth of information that it is.
I started my husband on a chelated calcium/magnesium supplement and
within a few days, he was no longer having spasms. He also told this to his family
doctor and his doctor agreed that a lack of magnesium was most likely indeed the
problem. Now with all of the technology and other tests that they did on my
husband, why could they have not ordered a simple ion magnesium test? Why did
they send him home without this simple test? I think that every doctor in America
needs to read your book and become educated on the miracles of this vital mineral.
It could beneBit so many people!
I would also like to add that we do eat a very healthy diet with a lot of raw
fruits and veggies and brown rice etc, but I believe that we also do need to take
supplements because our soils are so depleted here. Thank you for writing this book
and I hope that your email box becomes Blooded with other success stories! In good

Magnesium and Diabetes

Harriet wrote about her discovery of magnesium for her symptoms.
Dear Dr. Dean, I have been taking calcium, magnesium and zinc in
combination for years with time off for bad behavior. I rediscovered this miracle
when I was diagnosed with diabetes. Im 62 and have been diabetic for

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Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium

approximately seven years. When the neuropathy hit my feet I was reading
Maureen Salamans book, All Your Health Questions Answered and noticed that
magnesium was mentioned as beneBicial in almost all of the chapters, even though
she does not have a chapter on neuropathy. It was quite obvious that magnesium is
a mineral for all nerve-related problems. While doing some research on vitamins
and minerals, I came across your Magnesium Miracle book and immediately bought
a copy. It is fascinating. I Birst became interested in vitamins in the 70s when I read
Linda Clarks book, Know Your Nutrition, so Im not new to the subject.
The calcium, magnesium and zinc combination has greatly helped my
neuropathy. And without it, I wouldnt be able to sleep. Neuropathy gets so much
worse when I lay down. I have been on the Neuropathy Association message boards
touting its beneBits. I am a believer, believe me.
Magnesium and Laryngospasms
This story follows along the lines of Jeffs esophageal spasms. Laryngospasms occur
higher up in the chest.
I have read your website and you may Bind my story interesting. About four
years ago I suffered three laryngospasms within about 12 months. The last two
were within six weeks of each other. I was then referred to the hospital clinic. A
doctor there said my laryngospasms could be caused by my goiter and the only
advice given was to breathe in slowly during an attack. Not a cure.
I quickly found on the Internet that calcium deBiciency can cause muscle
spasms so I asked my doctor to check my calcium level. It was okay but as a
precaution, I started to take calcium anywaytaking just of the RDA (400mg).
Very, very fortunately for me, the supplement I bought, in addition to calcium
and vitamin D, also contained magnesium, copper, boron and zinc. I had no further
attacks for nearly three years. But after about 2 years I began to purchase most of
my supplements in supermarkets. The one I found contained calcium and vitamin D
but no magnesium. Approximately four months after using mostly that supermarket
supplement, I had three very slight, short attacks within about a four-week period.
Foolishly, I ignored them. Five days after that third attack I had a full frightening
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Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium

laryngospasm. Immediately I returned to taking my original supplement and Binally
realized it contained magnesium.
I have not suffered any further laryngospasms. The RDA for magnesium for
the older man is about 400mg. Im Binding that foods containing the most
magnesium are not those eaten every day, if at all, by most people. (Halibut,
Almonds, Soybeans, Spinach) So to absorb 400mg RDA may be quite a task for me to
achieve, being 75 years of age.
Magnesium deBiciency can cause muscle spasms and cramps etc. Although I
may not be deBicient, I believe that my voice box muscles are being kept relaxed
simply by taking the RDA and this prevents laryngospasms. Also an occasional
early morning leg cramp seems to have abated since taking magnesium.
I have started to write to ENT specialists etc, found on the Internet, trying to
get them to consider magnesium when patients present to them. So far I havent had
any replies, except from Dr. Dean, of course!
BUT, I wrote to my own doctor and he found my magnesium cure,
interesting and would consider this when his patients present with muscle cramp
problems. So I have made a tiny, tiny start to get the magnesium message over.
Every time I meet someone now, I ask if they suffer from either leg/muscle
cramps of any kind or tinnitus. I do get odd looks, but if they do suffer, I tell em
what to get!
Magnesium and Healthy Nails
Joan is taking very low dose magnesium supplementation but still Binds that its
helping her in interesting ways.
Thank you Dr Dean for all of your information. I began taking more
magnesium after reading that it may help Fibromyalgia. I am not sure that I have
that actually but with Type 1 Diabetes for 40 years, I do have stiffness that I thought
might be remedied somewhat by it. I take 200mg of magnesium oxide, citrate,
gluconate and another 100mg with my chewable calcium. An unexpected outcome:
my nails are growing like wildBire! They have been brittle for years and I am sure it
is from the magnesium. I think I can safely assume that my internal organs are
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Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium

beneBitting also. Thank you for the conBirmation and for your excellent work and
Magnesium and Insomnia
I have been reading from your book The Magnesium Miracle. For years I
have been troubled with insomnia. I have absolutely no sleep in me at night and I
cant sleep even during the day. I have tried lots of home remedies like melatonin,
valerian, all the B vitamins, tryptophan, calming teas, all to no avail. Ive done
exercise and read a lot about relaxing and did it all. I had been on sleeping pills to
get maybe three to four hours sleep at night. But they have had side effects that
made me nervous.
So I stopped the Ambien (and at one time was on Lunesta) the Birst of
February 2009. I have been taking a multi-mineral formula with boron since the
middle of February 2009. This has 1,000mg of calcium and 500mg of magnesium,
plus iron and other things. Im already able to sleep at night. Every night is getting
better. Now, about four days after I started taking 600mg. of magnesium a day I
really am enjoying sleep. It is so wonderful to just fall asleep. I still wake up every
two hours or so, but I can fall back to sleep again. Before magnesium, I hadnt been
sleeping without the aid of Ambien. Thank you for the good news about magnesium.
Wish I had read your book sooner.
Magnesium and Neck Pain
Sophie got a new lease on life when she discovers magnesium.
I started feeling different two days ago when I noticed the pain in my neck
was gone. This had to be a miracle. I was buying everything for neck pain and
nothing was working I didnt know magnesium would help this problem but I was
just trying it to help my high blood pressure. I have started using magnesium oil and
ordered magnesium supplements. I got up with so much energy, I thought
something was wrong. I feel young again and very different, very calm, nothing
bothers me. Im sleeping better. This is so amazing. Im going online and ordering
your book for my friends with high blood pressure.
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Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium

I don't see how this is not on Oprah or mainstream TV. I feel like I have been
handed a new life. I cant wait until spring with all this energy and see what I get
done. And Ive discovered something else that is blowing my mind. We go out to eat
every Saturday night with family. This time I noticed that all they were saying was
how tired they were and I felt like a million dollars. I almost felt like I was with the
wrong group. Im 61 and my husband is 65, and they are two and three years older
than us.
I watched them and they walked slow and ate slow. I have also noticed I am
not as hungry but the thing is in my mindIm sitting in this restaurant and I am so
happy and loving everybody and just want to talk to everyone. Other times I just
want them to give me my food and leave me alone. But last night I was actually
laughing with the waitress and other people at the restaurant. I feel so different.
How can this be from one thing, magnesium?
My husband said, Give me some of that stuff you are taking; he could see a
difference in me. I am so happy and feel so good, so I spray him with the oil when he
gets out of the shower and put the gel on his feet and then give him the magnesium
supplement. Thank you so much for your work and your book.
Magnesium and Orgasm
One amazing story was sent to me since the release of The Magnesium Miracle. A
woman says its helped her overly active gag reBlex, insomnia, irritability, and
chronic muscle aches, which magically disappeared. She says its also responsible
for her being able to reach orgasm! But after the fourth time she was convinced it
had to be the magnesium. And this could be true because magnesium is a natural
muscle relaxant!
I discovered magnesium two weeks ago and there is a beneBit that you may
not have even discovered. I had severe TMJ (tempromandibular joint syndrome)
and it seemed to spread to my whole body and I ached all over. I was miserable. I
was on Paxil to keep my sanity but I wanted to lose weight and I pulled out my
college nutrition textbook, Introductory Nutrition, Guthrie, Pennsylvania State, 1971.
This book devoted more than three pages of Bine print to the need for magnesium.
Carolyn Dean MD ND


Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium

Here are some of the things Guthrie published about magnesium in 1971.
Low serum magnesium levels are associated with irritability, nervousness -
adequate magnesium may increase the stability of calcium in tooth enamel
- alcohol increases the rate of magnesium excretion
- the absence of magnesium deBiciency symptoms in the American
population, which apparently consumes too little to meet its needs, may be
explained by the fact that it experiences a very slight deBicit that becomes
signiBicant only when a condition of stress is superimposed. Such situations
may be the increased excretion that occurs with alcohol consumption, the
impaired absorption accompanying the increased use of diuretics.
My TMJ writer continued.
I am skeptical of diet books, but I am not skeptical of university research. I
immediately went to the Internet and began magnesium research, and then I went
to the health food store. They did not have Slow-Mag or the magnesium chloride (for
insomnia) recommended in the Internet articles, so I picked up two different
magnesium supplements, one with malic acid, and one with calcium and Vitamin D.
Both bottles prescribed about six tablets a day, but I calculated out the
magnesium in each and took about 500mg. the Birst few days. My muscle aches
magically disappeared except for my sore jaw, which I suspect will take a while to
heal. I feel better than ever. Not only does my body feel better, I am smiling more
and being friendlier in those grocery store situations. And this in only two weeks. I
have cut my Paxil in half, down to 5mg a night, and now will try taking them every
other night to wean myself from them and see if I see a change. If I need the Paxil, I
will continue, but I suspect that the magnesium will do the trick.
This week in my continuing research I found your book listed on Amazon and
went down to my local independent bookseller to order it. The good news for you is
that it was actually on the shelf !!!! I bought the book, have underlined parts and will
be loaning and recommending it to my friends. My cousin suffers from Bibromyalgia
and panic attacks, another friend is frustrated in Binding an answer to her migraines,
Carolyn Dean MD ND


Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium

and a male friend suffered a heart scare a couple of years ago, and I think
magnesium might be beneBicial for all of them as well. My father died at the age of
50 from a heart attack. He was a guy who loved life, but was very uptight, often
barked at us for stupid reasons, used to get the same gagging reBlex I had problems
with, had become increasingly anxious and insecure, and used alcohol as a relaxant
at the end of his day not an alcoholic, but deBinitely a regular user. Magnesium
might have saved his life as well.
And now for the undocumented side effect, perhaps a surprise to even you. I
am sure this has to do with the muscle relaxation, but for the Birst time in my life I
am having orgasms every time !!!! Well, at least four in a row and still counting.
Yes, this is embarrassing, but it is also amazing and I think you should know.
After a week on magnesium I had an 'easy' orgasm. I never know whether I am
going to go 'over the top' or not. Second time, I think, ' Gee, this is nice. ' Third time, I
think, ' This is weird. ' Fourth time,' Its the magnesium!!!!!!!'
And I am on my third alcohol-free day, breaking a very bad habit. I feel
great!!! And it all happened so quickly. Spread the word, Dr. Dean Magnesium is a
Magnesium and Perimenopause
Rita almost couldnt believe it. She had been suffering heart palpitations for 10 years
along with hormone imbalance. She was amazed that her palpitations were gone in
a few days.
When I started reading your Future Health Now! module on magnesium, I
could clearly see the vicious cycle. Along with perimenopausal palpitations, I started
to have retinal migraines as well as eye twitching. When I read your information a
light bulb went on its all related to a magnesium deBiciency.
I see it this way: you have too little magnesium, your adrenals drop, which
triggers hormones to go out of whack, and now were unable to handle stress;
suddenly your heart starts palpitating, which only adds more stress. Now you cant
sleep, which all prompts magnesium to get even more depleted, .around and around
it goes. Wow.
Carolyn Dean MD ND


Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium

Its fascinating. I went on the forums at Power Surge and the amount of
women in premenopause or in menopause having adrenal rushes, palpitations,
tremors, shaking, is epidemic. To think it may be possible that this simple use of
magnesium could help prevent this . . . is incredible.
And youre right, I do think the form matters. I cannot take most magnesium
as it gives me diarrhea so I've avoided it. The transdermal and also glycinate in a pill
form are really doing the trick perfectly.
I'm SO relieved to see these enormous health beneBits. Its really frightening
to have your heart beating abnormally, which then sets off a whole chain reaction
with stress, adrenals, hormones, etc, etc!
I think it criminal that the medical community is not informing their
patients of this simple mineral supplement . . .or that they are not even up to speed
on this vital information. I just want to say to you again, Dr. Deanthank you from
the bottom of my heart. Literally! :-)
Magnesium and Sciatica
Annie shared the following story about her experience with magnesium.
My name is Nancy and I have had a lot of trouble with the sciatic nerve
which included my foot. I felt like my foot was swollen and many times I needed to
remove my shoe. I had been to a foot doctor plus have had physical therapy but
nothing seemed to help. I see a chiropractor on a regular basis.
It was my chiropractor who got me started on calcium/magnesium in
powder form. I started taking it slowly, the amounts that were listed were one
heaping teaspoon twice a day. But with my chiropractors advice, I started with a
half teaspoon and gradually added more until I was taking the amount that was
recommended. I couldnt believe that it had helped the pain I was having with the
sciatic nerve as well as the pain in my back, arm and shoulder area.
My husband was also having a lot of pain in his arm and shoulder area from a
separated shoulder he had had surgery on many years ago. I started him on the
powder and his pain went away. He couldnt believe how much better he felt. My
husband is 67 years old and Im 60. I recently ordered your book, The Magnesium
Carolyn Dean MD ND


Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium

Miracle and have started reading it. I Bind it very interesting in the fact that so many
problems can occur from the lack of magnesium.

Carolyn Dean MD ND


Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium

When you read about famous athletes from the past, you dont get the sense that
they were following a healthy diet and lifestyle. Living large as a celebrity often
means eating, drinking, and partying to excess eat, drink, and be merry seemed
to be their ultimate goal. Adding to the abuse on the body, intense competition led to
the use and abuse of steroid drugs. In my consulting practice, I see the aftermath of
years of steroid useadrenal fatigue, obesity, diabetes and heart disease.
The age of processed food made some athletes more aware of the lack of
whole foods in their diet. Were still in the middle of the whole foods movement and
all manner of diets are now promoted to enhance athletic performance. The
supplement industry, which is only about 30 years old, also became involved in
promoting products to athletes. I dont know enough about all the ins and outs of
sports supplements to say yea or nay but I do know about magnesium. Its the
starting place for enhancing athletic performance.
Magnesium is a simple mineral that is often overlooked for the more
sensational, sexy and expensive supplements. A chiropractor, Dr. David Pascal, was
interviewed in Organic Connections magazine in the Jan-Feb 2009 issue. He was
a gold medalist in the 1983 World Games for the 1,500-meter run and has been in
private practice since 1987. His clients include athletes at two Olympic Games, three
World Championships and 25 US Championships. Dr. Pascals Beijing athletes won
20 medals: 10 gold, Bive silver and Bive bronze.
Dr. Pascals secret weapon is nutrition and a hefty dose of magnesium. His
program is individualized, of course, but magnesium is the key nutrient that he
recommends. Pascal says:
Magnesium is actually the stress mineral and is needed for about 350
different chemical processes within the body. By stress mineral, I mean that
a body uses a lot of magnesium to handle physical stress, chemical stress
and mental stress. Of course, athletes are under a tremendous amount
of physical, chemical and mental stress, and so magnesium is absolutely vital
for them to perform at their best.
Carolyn Dean MD ND


Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium

Muscle Cramping
What do you Bind if you search for information about muscle cramping? Symptoms
can range from a slight twitch, a joint pulled out of place, bruising on the skin, and
may require manual stretching to help release its hold. The most common cramping
is found in the calf and the thigh.
Finding the cause of muscle cramping is still in the theoretical stage. Current
theories include:

Neuromuscular control imbalance

New activity

Muscle fatigue


Electrolyte depletion or imbalance

Poor conditioning
Of course, I know that muscle cramping in athletes is mostly due to a lack of

magnesium and so does Dr. Pascal. As I mentioned earlier, magnesium is not

recognized as an important electrolyte that needs to be replaced when there are
losses due to stress, sweat, and poor diet. There is no accurate blood testing method
to properly measure magnesium. Its not even recognized as a life-and-death factor
in heart attacks, which are an extreme cramping of the heart muscle.
Presently, altered neuromuscular control (causing muscle fatigue and
disruption of muscle coordination and control) is the prime candidate for the
research funding in cramping. Dr. Martin Schwellnus, in an extensive 2009 literature
review of muscle cramping, says that evidence supporting both the electrolyte
depletion and dehydration hypotheses as the cause of muscle cramps is not
convincing. 7 Its not convincing because there just isnt enough research available.
Unfortunately, Dr. Schwellnus, who wrote The Olympic Textbook of Medicine in Sport,
is considered a sports expert and his review will continue to prevent doctors and
coaches from exploring magnesium for the prevention and treatment of muscle
Schwellnus M.P. Cause of Exercise Associated Muscle Cramps (EAMC) altered neuromuscular
control, dehydration or electrolyte depletion? British Journal of Sports Medicine 2009; 43:401-408.

Carolyn Dean MD ND


Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium

In the meantime, Dr. Pascal, myself and thousands of other doctors and
athletes are convinced that magnesium works.
Each day we do experiments on our own bodies and prove its effectiveness.
When I moved to Maui and started walking 1 hours a day along the beach and
swimming for a half hour to 45 minutes, I started to get calf cramping and heart
palpitations that were previously under control with magnesium supplementation. I
realized I was utilizing more magnesium with my extra activities and sweating more
in the hot climate. I immediately increased my levels of magnesium and my
symptoms were gone overnight.
Medical Treatment of Cramping
If youve suffered cramping, youve probably been told that:
1. They go away on their own,
2. Stop your activitybut it may have already thrown you to the Bloor,
3. Gently stretch out or massage the affected muscle.
But if youre an athlete who has fallen during a competition due to muscle
cramping, thats not good enough. Its not good enough to be told that since we dont
know the true cause of cramping we just dont know how to treat it.
Stretching and warm ups arent going to improve your magnesium stores,
only magnesium can do that. Dr. Pascal says that many of the athletes that come to
him have a history of muscle cramping. For him its the Birst clue that they are
deBicient in magnesium. And because he addresses the problem with magnesium,
none of his clients suffer from cramping issues. Dr. Pascal says, When I was
in Eugene, Oregon, this summer for the Olympic Trials, I treated 40 of my athletes.
One of the things I really had to be concerned about was the heat and muscle
cramping, and so I used magnesium preventatively. Take your magnesium. Thats
the Birst thing I said when I saw the athletes in the morning and the last thing I told
them at the end of the day. None of my athletes had muscle crampsbefore, during
or after their races. Many others did. Its the worst thing that can happen to an

Carolyn Dean MD ND


Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium

athlete and can result in muscle tears that can take them out of competition for a
Dr. Pascal is aware that Heat affects you because you will be sweating more.
As you sweat, youre going to be losing magnesium, which is water-soluble. In
addition, youll be sweating out electrolytes, and, of course, water too. These losses
mean that the ratio of calcium to magnesium will be changing in the body:
the percentage of calcium will increase; and since calcium is a muscle contractor,
the muscles cramp and thats it. You may sweat out a tiny bit of calcium but you
sweat out much more magnesiumthats where the problem lies.
When you consider that water losses can be one to two liters per hour when
training intensely in the heat, you can lose enough sodium, potassium and
magnesium that your clothes are encrusted with minerals. In military postings in
the Middle East soldiers talk about their T-shirts drying hard as boards with all the
minerals they sweat out.
Any information on sweating just seems to focus on the salt losses. But its
not just about replacing water and sodium and sugar, which is the content of most
sports drinks. You also have to look at magnesium and potassium as being necessary
elements in electrolyte replacement.
Dr Pascal discusses the importance of minerals in general. He says, most
people think that they have a problem with heat due to the high temperature
or humidity. This isnt true. Heat builds up in the cells primarily because there are
not enough minerals and electrolytes to carry the heat out of the cells. If there are
enough of these elements along with water, it wouldnt matter how hot it was
the cells would never overheat and people would never get heat stroke, because
the minerals would transfer the heat out of the cells.
SpeciBically, Dr. Pascal uses Natural Calm Plus Calcium from Peter Gillhams
Natural Vitality. I like to use the Calm Plus Calcium because it has 600 milligrams
of magnesium and 400 milligrams of calcium in a water-soluble form. Youre getting
50 percent more magnesium, which is good because most athletesand most
people in generaltend to have a high amount of calcium in their diets and not
enough magnesium. It also has other elements, such as potassium, vitamin D3,
Carolyn Dean MD ND


Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium

vitamin C and boron, to increase its assimilation. Best of all, Natural Vitalitys unique
formulation has a high bioavailability so the body can actually use what it is taking.
My sources of magnesium are in the section Different Forms of Magnesium.
Magnesium For The Athlete Stories
The following is an inspiring magnesium story contributed by Ben GreenBield - MS,
CSCS, C-ISSN. Ben is one of the top Bitness, triathlon, nutrition and metabolism
experts in the nation and hes fallen in love with magnesium. See Ben at his website
Ben Green Fitness.
How Magnesium Instantly Made Me A Better AthleteBen GreenOield
I must admit that I was skeptical during the spring of 2009, when I Birst heard that
more than half of American adults are deBicient in magnesium, and even a greater
percentage of athletes are deBicient.
I was also skeptical when it was pointed out to me that a good number of
cardiovascular incidents during exercise could be traced back to a magnesium
deBiciency, and that muscular fatigue, failure and cramping during exercise are not
only related to sodium sweat loss or low calcium levels, but are just as a much a
function of magnesium deBiciency.
After all, aside from using magnesium to produce brightly glowing Blames
during my undergraduate chemistry classes, my chief experience with this mineral
had been glancing at the nutrition label of my vitamins and supplements, and seeing
that the sparse 50-100mg I was consuming would be close to 100 percent of my
daily needs. Therefore, I must be getting enough magnesium.
No matter that myself and the large number of endurance athletes who I
coach were frequently experiencing severe post-workout soreness, problematic
muscle cramping during endurance events, and increased tightness, spasms and
injury by the end of a long triathlon or marathon season. Sadly, none of my sports
nutrition certiBications, coaching certiBications or classes had placed any amount of
emphasis on the fact that magnesium may be one of the contributing factors to these
issues. All that was ever mentioned was sodium and water.
Carolyn Dean MD ND


Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium

It wasn't until nearly a dozen of the nation's top natural physicians, sports
nutrition experts, and alternative medicine practitioners, including Dr. Dean,
consistently mentioned magnesium during my interviews with them on my online
Bitness blog and podcast that I began to pay closer attention. If this many respected
medical experts were singing the praises of this miracle mineral, and warning of the
deBiciency dangers, then could there perhaps be an actual beneBit of introducing
magnesium into the nutrition protocols of myself and my athletes?
So, in the beginning of the 2009 race season, via topical application and oral
supplementation, I gradually began to gradually increase my magnesium intake to
400-500mg/day, and recommended this change to each of the athletes that I coach. I
began taking magnesium baths after the more difBicult workouts, and especially
focused on increasing magnesium consumption during my high volume and high
intensity training in the hot summer months.
As the 2009 season progressed and September approached, I personally
came to the realization that I had not experienced a single muscle cramp in any race
during the entire summer season. In contrast, previous years had seen me nearly
withdraw from competition with severe calf and thigh spasms during longer
competitions in the heat. Myself and my athletes who practiced my magnesium
intake recommendations began to bounce back day after day for difBicult back-to-
back workouts that we never would have been able to accomplish. We were even
sleeping better!
My most powerful realization of the importance of magnesium occurred at
the end of the 2009 race season, when I literally laid it all out on the line in my Binal
race, and crossed the Binish line completely drained of all energy. This was the
hardest I had ever worked in any competition during the entire year. My breath
began to come in short spurts, and my heartbeats felt irregular. My eyesight was
blurry, and I was both nauseous and dizzy. I was scared. My single goal suddenly
became to Bind a medical tent and IV as quickly as possible.
It was at this point that I remembered that in my race bag was my bottle of
topical magnesium, which I typically only had applied prior to competition. I
stumbled to my bag, found the bottle, and immediately began rubbing the solution
Carolyn Dean MD ND


Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium

onto my chest and across all my extremities. Within just 90 seconds, I could feel my
body re-stabilizing and my energy returning. Just Bive minutes later, I was
completely restored. The following day, my soreness was minimala very atypical
feeling after having spent nearly Bive hours of high-intensity triathlon with my heart
rate near 90 percent of maximum values!
Given magnesiums vital role in energy production and metabolism, it only
makes sense that my performance and recovery instantly soared after I began
magnesium supplementation. Fortunately, I stumbled upon this magic mineral early
in my athletic career, and I can now look forward to many successful years of
drawing upon magnesium as one of my secret weapons. To whoever is reading this
personal anecdote: I encourage you to increase your magnesium intake prior to and
after athletic competition. I guarantee that it will instantly make you a more
successful athlete.
No Magnesium in the NFL
Simon was a body builder before he became an NFL football player. He was
sidelined because he began experiencing disabling muscle cramping. When I Birst
began to see him as a client he had transferred his high stress athletic career to
business. He probably experienced the same amount of stress in his executive
position, with two teenage sons and a hectic travel schedule. He still had frequent
muscle cramping as well as high blood pressure, obesity, and headaches.
I explained the importance of magnesium in stress and intense athletic
performance that involves a lot of sweating. Simon said he sweated buckets playing
sports and still does. Simon understood intellectually what I was telling him but he
said he had seen some of the best doctors and coaches and nobody could help him. I
think he had trouble believing someone he could bench press with one arm had the
answer to his life-long problem. When Simon took magnesium he become a believer.
A good regimen of food-based supplements, Pico-Ionic magnesium and Pico-Ionic
multiple minerals got rid of his cramping, headaches and high blood pressure. Of
course, he wondered what would have happened if hed learned about magnesium
when he was still playing ball.
Carolyn Dean MD ND


Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium

No Magnesium and Lots of Aspartame

Marjorie was a research scientist, a former athlete, and a very sick woman. Her
previous athletic activity included running marathons and training nearly every day.
Almost 15 years later, she came to me as a client with daily migraines, constant
painful muscle cramping and chronic paresthesia (a sensation of tingling, pricking
and numbness in her legs).
I explained to Marjorie about magnesium and she got the picture. But from
her history I found out she was drinking quarts of aspartame-sweetened iced tea
every day. Because she sweat so much she got used to drinking lots of liquids and
now thought she was addicted to aspartame. I told her about the neurological
damage that can result from aspartame so she stopped it immediately and began
taking a homeopathic aspartame remedy.
Marjories doctors told her she had a rare neurological condition and would
need to take strong medications to see if the symptoms could be controlled. There
was no guarantee that the medications would even work so she decided to do an
ExaTest to check her levels. Marjorie did have very low levels of magnesium and
high levels of calcium. As soon as she began taking magnesium, her migraines
improved. Next her muscle cramping stopped and more slowly, her paresthesias
began to heal.
Chalk It Up To Magnesium
Sid sent me a brief history of his success with magnesium and I found it so
fascinating I asked for the whole story.
Basically, I had insomnia for about 15 years and was painfully tired for
about 350 days/year. I remember in 1972, I was Most Valuable Player all-around
gymnast and in perfect health. In 1976 I was the A+ top Organic Chemistry student
out of about 300 students in my class. About that time I quit gymnastics to
concentrate more on my studies. But I started to develop insomnia and often felt
very tired. In the 80s my insomnia became severe and I tried everything to sleep,
but nothing Bixed the problem.
Carolyn Dean MD ND


Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium

I always thought my body needed that gymnastics-type workout. So,
whenever I had enough energy, I would work out for hours. I tried medicine,
vitamins, and improved my diet, but nothing cured the insomnia. After six sleep
clinics, I became the so called 1 percent that cant be cured.
After trying almost every medication available, my favorite sleeping meds
were Remeron 30mg and a very low dose of Seroquel 25mg. Actually, they work
pretty good but have some minor side effects. Like Remeron makes you want to eat
the bark off a tree so youll gain weight. However, it feels like these meds only
partially Bixed the problem and partially masked the problem. I just wished I was
healthy like when I did gymnastics.
A couple years ago, when I went for my 50-year colonoscopy, the
anesthesiologist told me he had to give me more anesthetic because of the sleep
meds I was taking. He also told me he had insomnia for years and cured it with
magnesium. Then I remembered years ago a chiropractor recommended a very high
dose of magnesium for my insomnia, but the next days diarrhea put an end to that
suggestion. I threw that magnesium powder in the trash.
After my colonoscopy, I googled about magnesium and insomnia, and found
people had success with approx 300mg three times/day. I tried a variety of
magnesium tablets, capsules and powders. My sleeping improved within two days
and I didnt mind suffering through a little diarrhea. Then my sleep kept improving
and I just couldn't believe it! I could sleep. I had energy. I could work out like I was
18 again. I increased my workouts to include a rigorous regime of weightlifting,
aerobics, karate, running and a variety of other exercises. I just wished I could Bind
access to gymnastics equipment.
Recently, one of my friends opened up a gym for tumbling. I picked up a nice
pair of wooden rings on eBay and we hung them up in his gym. Of course we needed
chalk so I got online and ordered a few blocks of gymnastics chalk.
I ordered three pounds of premium grade, Taiwanese magnesium carbonate
white chalk, which comes in soft cubes that are easily crushed to make powder.
Suddenly, I knew the rest of the story - OMG gymnastics chalk is magnesium and
that magnesium powder in health food stores is just like gymnastics chalk.
Carolyn Dean MD ND


Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium

So why was I so healthy when I was a MVP gymnast? Was it the great
gymnastics workouts or was it the chalk or both? I remember inhaling that stuff for
hours on end during my gymnastics workouts. My black hair, my clothes, hands,
feet, eyes, everything was covered with a thin layer of powdered chalk. I ate snacks
with chalk on my hands; I just got so used to the daily smell and taste of gymnastics
For about 30 years, I thought my insomnia was partially due to the lack
gymnastics. But now I know; my insomnia was due to the lack of gymnastics chalk!!
Im chalking up all the time now!!

Carolyn Dean MD ND


Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium

1. Can magnesium make low blood pressure even lower since it can relax muscles and
blood vessels?
Answer: In the 10 years that Ive been researching and writing about magnesium,
Ive had two young female athletes tell me that they felt faint after beginning to take
magnesium. One woman, after taking one of her Birst doses of magnesium, went to
the gym to work out. She said she experienced light-headedness and faintness.
When one of the trainers took her blood pressure it was 90/60. Her normal blood
pressure is 100/70. She was sure the low blood pressure and faintness were from
the magnesium.
Id like to hear if any other people have had this experience. As I mentioned,
it doesnt seem to be a common experience. Doing a Medline search for magnesium
and low blood pressure brings up studies that show the beneBits of magnesium in
people with high blood pressure. In my experience, people with low blood pressure
are sensitive to Bluid intake, supplements, changes in their diet and medication. So,
when beginning any new supplement, go slowly. With a supplement like magnesium
that affects all the muscles in the body, it was probably not a good idea to take a
dose and work out without knowing the bodys reaction. However, magnesium is a
necessity for athletes. The stress of athletic activity, sweating, and muscle exertion
can cause magnesium depletion.
As a practical solution for people with low blood pressure, I recommend
taking magnesium and calcium together or taking magnesium oil instead of an oral
magnesium to minimize the immediate relaxing impact of magnesium in the blood.
2. In the Sirst edition of your book, Magnesium Miracle" you say not to take
magnesium with a meal. My bottle of magnesium (as magnesium oxide) tells me to
take it with a meal. What is the correct thing to do?

Carolyn Dean MD ND


Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium

Answer: Magnesium oxide is only four percent absorbed. Therefore 96 percent of it
Blushes through the intestines as a laxative. The suggestion to take it with a meal will
slow it down somewhat so more can be absorbed. However, I dont normally
recommend magnesium oxide in the amount you have to take in order to get enough
magnesium absorbed to take care of symptoms will usually give you a laxative
effect. That may be beneBicial to someone with constipation but having two to three
loose bowel movements a day can Blush out other nutrients.
3. I have a question about magnesium oil: the only place I can spray it where it doesnt
sting more than I can stand is on the soles of my feet but when I do this I break out in
an itchy rash all over my upper legs and abdomen. Even when I dilute the oil several
times, I get this response. It calms down after several hours but Im wondering if I
should I be concerned about this or is this normal for someone who is apparently
very (based on what Ive read in your book and in other sources) magnesium deSicient?
Answer: Magnesium oil isnt oil at all. Its magnesium chloride (from sea water)
supersaturated in distilled water. The concentration of this oil can be up to 3,000mg
per teaspoon. Thats pretty concentrated; its like salt brine. And it can sting like a
very strong salt solution. When people have this reaction they may have to use 10
parts water to one part magnesium oil to see if its just the concentration thats the
problem. Getting an itchy rash away from the soles of the feet on the thighs and
abdomen is very unusual. An itchy rash implies an allergy but it can also be the
detoxiBication of heavy metals or yeast overgrowth caused by magnesium.
I dont think Ive seen any allergic reactions to magnesium but the human
body is so amazing, anything is possible. What most people experience with
magnesium is often an immediate (within 48 hours) improvement in one or more
symptoms. And other improvements often continue. However, there can be detox
reactions or healing reactions that occur such as the following:
1. If a person has mercury Billings, its possible that magnesium is detoxing
mercury from mouth tissues and that can show up on the skin but should be short
lived (one to two weeks). An individual can hasten the detox by using magnesium oil
Carolyn Dean MD ND


Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium

or having salts baths and taking oral bentonite clay to absorb toxins.
2. If a person has acne or acne rosacea for which they are taking medication,
the skin could react with rashes and itching as the skin is acting as a detox organ.
3. In a more general sense, magnesium can start revving up the bodys
motors in all the 325 enzyme systems for which magnesium is the ignition key.
When that happens, things can look very rosy for a short time, then the body can
slump because it actually wants more and more magnesium.
4. If you take more magnesium but get loose stools from it, you can be losing
as much as you take. At that point you should cut back on oral magnesium and add
ReMag, which you can take orally and use transdermally as a spray.
5. If after a few months you feel a slump or some twitching or cramping
comes back, that can be an indication of a need for calcium. Then you should add a
calcium magnesium product that has more magnesium than calcium.

4. Hi Dr. Dean, I bought your book and have started taking a magnesium citrate
powder this past week. I am also taking a prescription for Pristiq, for anxiety. Is it safe
to be taking the magnesium with the Pristiq since both are supposed to produce
serotonin? Id love to stop taking the Pristiq, but as you know you cant suddenly stop
taking it. Thanks.
Answer: When I looked up Pristiq in an online drug manual it is an SSRI (serotonin
reuptake inhibitor) antidepressant with an off-label indication for anxiety. About 90
side effects are listed.
Magnesium helps in the production of serotonin only when it is needed.
Magnesium and serotonin work on a feedback mechanism so serotonin is not made
if there is already enough in the body.
SSRI drugs kill the enzyme that breaks down serotonin, allowing it to build
Carolyn Dean MD ND


Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium

up in the body. If an SSRI drug causes an elevation of serotonin, magnesium wont
make more because of the feedback loop. The same cant be said for the SSRI.
Magnesium does many things beyond helping to make serotonin to balance your
mood. It supports the adrenals, slows down the nervous system and creates muscle
relaxation. Magnesium is very beneBicial for someone with anxiety - on or off drugs.
5. Can children and pregnant women take the mineral magnesium?
Answer: This is a great question. Magnesium is absolutely necessary for a healthy
pregnancy. It should be a requirement like folic acid, which prevents spina biBida.
Magnesium prevents constipation, Bluid retention, high blood pressure and all the
symptoms of eclampsia. Midwives used to call magnesium the salts. They probably
used Epsom salts in baths. However, its not safe to take Epsom salts by mouth; its
not food grade and can be contaminated with heavy metals. For children, you can
put to 1 cup of Epsom salts in a bath or if you want a completely pure source of
magnesium use 1-2 ounces of magnesium oil in a bath. The magnesium in Epsom
salts and magnesium oil will be absorbed through the skin.
6. I recently read your book The Magnesium Miracle and began implementing
magnesium oil supplementation. Huge change! I feel great, my energy levels are much
higher and I have an overall feeling of wellbeing. Thank you. Just had a quick question
though. Would magnesium chloride (in powder form) absorb in the skin the same way
magnesium oil does? Just trying to think of creative ways to give magnesium to the
kiddo. Maybe Ill add it to the baby powder.
Answer: For children, its probably best to put magnesium in a bath. Powder on the
skin is not likely to be absorbed.
7. I have a question. Can taking magnesium (about 200mg) two hours before bedtime
cause insomnia at Sirst? I have had a real difSicult time falling to sleep the last two
nights since I began taking magnesium citrate in a powder form.
Carolyn Dean MD ND


Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium

Answer: If magnesium has been deBicient for some time, when you begin to take
magnesium it can start can start revving up the bodys motors in all the 325
enzyme systems for which magnesium is the ignition key. If you take your
magnesium at night hoping for sleep, it might give you more energy as the 325
enzyme systems are activated as your body is trying to slow down for sleep. But that
will pass.
8. I was told if I take Ativan (half a .05 pill a day) that I cannot take magnesium
because it will interact. Is this true? I would like to take magnesium.
Answer: I looked up Ativan in my online drug book and searched three sections:
Doses, Uses and Warnings; Detailed Monograph; and Patient Handout. Nothing was
said about an interaction between magnesium and Ativan. I did see a list of 56 side
effects however.
The only possible interaction I can see is that if you take magnesium with
Ativan you would end up needing less Ativan. And hopefully you would eventually
need no Ativan if you take magnesium to calm anxiety and nervousness.
9. In February I was given a prescription for a heartburn medication that has made me
anxious and ill eversince. I thought I was losing my mind. Until yesterday I had no idea
that it could be related to the medication. I purchased your book and I was searching
for information online and stumbled across many people struggling with the same
symptoms. I believe that due to the medicine (a proton pump inhibitor) my body has
not been properly absorbing vitamins and minerals, including magnesium. I also
suspect I have yeast because of taking lots of antibiotics. It could be the culprit for the
heartburn Ive been experiencing that the medication was supposed to correct in the
Sirst place. I have struggled with panic attacks off and on since I was a teenager and
Im not in my early thirties. Off and on through that time I was taking some sort of
prescribed stomach medication. Could these drugs be making me anxious?
Answer: Ive had more clients in their twenties and thirties consulting me for
Carolyn Dean MD ND


Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium

symptoms of anxiety and panic attacks. Their stories include years of antibiotics,
antacids and proton pump inhibitors that have thrown their bodies completely off
balance. At this stage it takes more than just a few doses of magnesium to undo the
damage. Proton pump inhibitors shut down the acid-making ability of the stomach.
Without acid, the stomach contents dont get digested properly. The food begins to
ferment in the stomach and causes reBlux and heartburn. Minerals arent properly
converted to an absorbable form in the absence of stomach acid, so the deBiciencies
begin. Symptoms worsen when drugs are used to treat more symptoms as most of
these young people end up on antidepressants and anti-anxiety medication.

On top of all that most of the commonly prescribed drugs contain Bluoride to

try and make the drug stronger. It may do that but it also binds up magnesium
making it unavailable to the body! You have to take much more magnesium in order
to overcome the losses caused by these prescription drugs.
10. Ive started using magnesium oxide capsules and I could not keep my eyes open. It
made me tired all day.
Answer: Ive gotten many variations of this question throughout the last 10 years. I
think that people who really need magnesium, as shown by their symptoms and
checking off several of the magnesium factors, can have such a deBicit that in the
beginning its like they cant get enough of it.
However, taking magnesium oxide, which is only four percent absorbed is
like teasing your body. Its not going to get as much as it wants without causing a
laxative effect. You begin to prime the pump with magnesium oxide, you turn on the
700-800 magnesium enzyme systems, the body starts gearing up, but then there
isnt enough magnesium being absorbed to follow through on all the jobs you just
started. See the various forms of magnesium in the section Types and Forms of
Magnesium. Taking magnesium citrate powder in water throughout the day will give
you a higher absorption. Taking Pico-Ionic magnesium will give almost 100 percent
absorption and should help break through the initial tiredness as your magnesium
stores build up.
Carolyn Dean MD ND


Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium

Another way to look at initial tiredness with magnesium is that since its a
detoxifying cofactor for the liver, you could be going through a natural healing
reaction phase. As your body is eliminating toxins you feel tired and just want to
sleep. The best way to handle this type of reaction is to sleep as much as possible,
drink lots of water, and encourage detoxiBication through the bowels by using
psyllium seed powder and food-grade bentonite clay.
11. Ive developed an arrhythmia. My doctor started me on Bystolic for my blood
pressure and [is] suggesting Coumadin. I usually take magnesium with my calcium.
Ive started taking a magnesium supplement separately. Do you think it will help with
the arrhythmia? What do you think of the Bystolic and Coumadin? Bystolic is lowering
my blood pressure, but not helping the arrhythmia. Any input would be appreciated.
Answer: Although I cant answer personal health questions, I will give some general
answers. Bystolic is a beta blocker that slows the heart rate and decreases the
muscle contractility; it also relaxes blood vessels and is mostly used for blood
pressure. Magnesium does all these thingsand more. Magnesium should always be
the Birst line of treatment for arrhythmia and blood pressure. At the Nutritional
Magnesium Association, you can view the video called The Balance Between Calcium
and Magnesium at When there is too much
calcium relative to magnesium, the heart gets irritable and can produce an irregular
Coumadin is the treatment doctors use to prevent blood clotting. Magnesium
also works on this level by detoxifying the blood to keep it from becoming too
thick. It is also a mild blood thinner, but doesnt work the same way as Coumadin,
so people can take both without side effects.

12. Im writing about my husband. He has all the symptoms of being magnesium
deSicient and I would like to have him start taking it. My concern is the medicine he is
Carolyn Dean MD ND


Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium

already taking for his problems. The doctors say he has heart failure, which was
diagnosed two years ago. He is diabetic (insulin dependent) and has always had a lot
of Sluid retention in his legs. These are the medications he is taking: Protonox,
Furosemide (lasix), Digoxin, Diovan, Potassium, Coreg CR, Simvastatin, Coumadin,
Aspirin, Insulin Humalin and Humalog. I wish you had a practice here in our area so
we could go and talk with you.
I wrote to you about my sleep problem
three weeks ago.
Hope to hear from you about my husbands dilemma with all the meds he is taking.

Answer: Im sorry to hear that your husband is having such a hard time and on
almost a dozen medications. If someone is taking potassium then they surely need
magnesium. They are both kicked out of the body by diuretics like Lasix. You notice I
say someone. I cant diagnose or prescribe in my writing but I do know that
magnesium is a very safe mineral and a life-saving mineral. Its as safe as taking
potassium. Its probably safer than potassium, actually, because if you take too much
magnesium orally, then your body gets rid of it by giving you loose bowel
movements. When people are on so many meds they start taking magnesium very
slowly and then Bind their doctor can lower their drug intake. As you know from
reading my book, magnesium can strengthen the heart, lower blood pressure, lower
blood sugar, lower cholesterol, and thin the blood. Since it can do all those things,
people who are on so many meds should inform their doctor that they are going to
take magnesium to help their body and help reduce their drug intake.

13. Please remind me of the physiologically desirable ratio of calcium to magnesium.

Most people are consuming drinking water that comes from either surface sources
which are relatively depleted in both calcium and magnesiumor deep groundwater
sources which tend to contain too much calcium (depending on the geochemistry of
the speciSic bedrock unit) or too much sodium from the exchange of both calcium and

Carolyn Dean MD ND


Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium

magnesium that takes place in water softeners and that is harmful to the heart.
Answer: Many of the epidemiological studies about the beneBits of magnesium come
from studying peoples health and what kind of water they were drinking. In areas
where the water is high in magnesium, there is less heart disease. In areas where
calcium is high, there is more heart disease. As for the best ratio for the intake of
calcium and magnesium, the jury is still out. There are so many factors involved that
its very difBicult to set a standard ratio. As I wrote in The Magnesium Miracle,
magnesium comprises about two percent of the earths crust and 1.14 percent of
seawater. Calcium makes up three percent of the earths crust but only 0.05 percent
of seawater. So, right there we know that calcium is a much harder mineral because
it doesnt dissolve in seawater nearly as readily as magnesium. Ive made the point
many times that calcium doesnt dissolve in the bloodstream without the help of
Magnesium makes up about 0.05 percent of the bodys weight but the
proportion is much larger for calcium at two percent. The amount of
magnesium in bone is only 2-2.5 percent.
Approximately 70 percent of bone weight is accounted for by calcium
phosphate crystals. Calcium constitutes a larger proportion of the body
weight (about two percent) than does any other of the inorganic elements.
It is very unevenly distributed in the body; over 99 percent of the total
amount being in the bones.

14. Thank you, Carolynyou are truly an inspiration! I am learning so much

where else can one Sind such valuable information and be able to trust it? I
started several years ago taking magnesium chloride for restless legs (believe it
or not a doctor recommended it) and realized it was also a good laxative so
have continued taking it (they grind it at my drug store). Everyone seems to
refer to magnesium oxide so Im wondering if this is a good idea to continue
taking this form?

Carolyn Dean MD ND


Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium

Answer: Magnesium chloride is a very good source of magnesium, much like
magnesium citrate but the taste is stronger so its not used as much as
magnesium citrate in the US.
A doctor friend of mine in Peru has a magnesium company and he
uses magnesium chloride in his products exclusively.
Magnesium oxide is only absorbed about four percent. Magnesium chloride
and citrate, about 15 percent. Whats not absorbed becomes laxative.
When people get too much of a laxative effect, I recommend oral
ReMag and ReMag spray. Because its 100 % absorbed at the cellular level it
has no laxative effect. More research should be done on the absorption rates
and percentages of all the forms of magnesium. But thankfully people are
hearing about magnesium and using it and Binding out about its health

15. I think I used too much transdermal oil last night for the Sirst time. I could
not fall asleep. I did not have this problem with magnesium citrate powder. I
took them both together last night. I have not taken calcium in a while. I
thought maybe that I had taken too much magnesium without calcium so I
took 300mg calcium citrate. I woke up with a leg cramp! That has not
happened in weeks. Should I just get my calcium from food for now?

Answer: Read the section When Magnesium Makes Me Worse and read my ReLyte
book for the food list that will show you how to get all the calcium you need from
your diet. My ReLyte book is called Invisible Minerals Part II Multiple Minerals and
is available as a free download under the FAQ section at RnA Reset.
16. Thanks for a great book. I have read it over and over to make sure I dont miss a
thing. I am a little confused on when to add calcium after starting on magnesium. In
your book you recommend to start calcium after three months on the magnesium. I am
afraid to take calcium. Last week I took two antacids (a calcium carbonate), not
Carolyn Dean MD ND


Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium

realizing the high dose of calcium, and my feet and legs cramped for days. Could you
please give me advice on introducing calcium again. And can they be taken together?
For now I have been trying to do eat food sources with calcium and keeping a log.
Answer: Calcium and magnesium intake is very individual and there hasnt been
enough research on this or on the various rates of absorption of magnesium from
foods and supplements to give a deBinitive answer.
Also, in our diet we obtain much more calcium from foods than we do
magnesium. In produce, calcium and magnesium are found together, so I dont hold
to the notion that as supplements they should be taken apart.
You can check lists of calcium-rich foods and get an estimate of how much
you might be getting in your diet. Its usually in the order of 500mg per day for
calcium in a good diet but only about 150mg per day for magnesium. Thats why I
often recommend that people start by taking a magnesium supplement and just eat
enough calcium-rich foods to meet their calcium requirements of 500-700 mg per
Its very difBicult to judge symptom relief when you just take calcium; when
you Birst begin to take it you can actually feel its helping your magnesium deBiciency
symptoms because, to keep a balance, the extra calcium is forcing magnesium out of
storage. However, after a few months on magnesium alone, if you dont feel you are
getting enough calcium from your diet, you can start taking calcium but in a ratio of
two to three parts magnesium to one part calcium. I mainly recommend angstrom
calcium in an effort to avoid the build-up of calcium that can occur with other forms.
17. Magnesium seems to bother my stomach, giving me diarrhea. I mostly use
magnesium malate. I tried magnesium gel, but it is sticky and doesnt feel like it
absorbs. I was diagnosed with ulcerated colitis and before that any NSAID bothered
my stomach. MSM is the only pain supplement that helps. Any suggestions for another
Answer: Personally, I have a problem with oral magnesium causing loose stools.
Carolyn Dean MD ND


Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium

Also, when I was researching for my book, IBS for Dummies, I realized I had to Bind
some form of magnesium that would not cause a laxative effect. I found magnesium
oil applied to the skin to be a non-laxative product and wrote about it in the second
edition of The Magnesium Miracle. Then I discovered Pico-Ionic minerals. You can
read about these two non-laxative forms of magnesium in the section Different
Forms of Magnesium on page 35.

18. I came across your book and website and started taking magnesium
(250mg x 2 per day). However, one of the side effects that I am getting is a
Slushing and redness of my face. Is that normal? Will this go away?
And a similar question:
I just Sinished reading your book, The Magnesium Miracle and loved it. I started
taking magnesium citrate powder but after the second day, my face got red and
blotchy. Nowhere in the book could I Sind any information on possible negative
or allergic reactions to magnesium. On a good note, my foot cramps and
twitching are gone!

Answer: I dont know speciBically whats causing the Blushing/redness of

your face with magnesium but I do know that when Ive had IV magnesium, I
get that reaction and many people do. When Blushing is speciBic to a certain
body part, I wonder if its the magnesium Blushing out toxins from that
particular area. The face is often targeted because of old dental anesthetic
stored in tissues or dental amalgams with mercury.

19. I have read a lot of information lately about the importance and beneSit of
taking malic acid with magnesium for Sibromyalgia. You havent mentioned it
in your blog. What is your comment on malic acid?

Carolyn Dean MD ND


Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium

Answer: I speak about the magnesium malate studies in my book. The malate part
of the compound is derived from malic acid, which comes from apples or can be
made in a lab. Malic acid is a chemical that is involved with energy production. It
seems to be helpful to some people but Ive never seen great improvements in
Bibromyalgia in patients using malic acid as a supplement. Whereas I have seen great
improvements when people are taking enough magnesium.
20. Please comment on the effects of magnesium stearate as a Siller in so many
Answer: Magnesium stearate is a compound created by combining stearic acid (a
product of coconut oil or palm oil) and magnesium. Its a white substance and just
like coconut oil it melts at about 88C. Its regarded as entirely harmless, is not
absorbed and really has no effects on the body in the small amounts that are
present. Magnesium stearate is used for its lubricating and no-stick properties to
prevent manufacturing ingredients from sticking to equipment during the process of
compressing of solid tablets. So, youll often see the name on your supplement
22. I have a question relating to magnesium citrate powder. A friend is going though
thyroid balancing with her doctor. She would like to take magnesium but was told not
to have any mineral supplements until the thyroid was balanced. Why would it matter
if she does?
Answer: I cant think of any reason why a person on thyroid medication should be
denied minerals. However, in spite of the epidemic of iodine deBiciency and
hypothyroidism in the U.S. and possibly around the world, doctors seem to be afraid
of iodine. So her doctor may have wanted to warn her against iodine but cast his net
over all minerals, instead.

23. My question is, I have a mom that is in the nursing home and her doctors dont
Carolyn Dean MD ND


Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium

believe in supplements, much less fungus in the intestinal tract, even though after
being scoped the doctor said she has yeast all the way down her esophageal tract. My
question is: would it be okay to give her olive leaf extract, grapefruit seed extract,
garlic, Sish oil, probiotics etc? She takes meds for numerous health issues, diabetes
which is out of control and the doctor says its Sine in the 200s and 300s! She [also]
has heart problems, angina, and anxiety. She takes Paxil, Zantac, and Remeron. Whoa,
right!! She also takes Digoxin and Mylanta and drinks Pepto like its going out of style.
And takes Advair because she cant breathe. She currently is being treated for
Clostridia. Her stomach really hurts. I think all the meds and intestinal fungus are to
blame. I tried to get her doctor to prescribe Nystatin but he wont. Any suggestions?
She needs help. I really think they are trying to kill her. She is 78 years old.
Answer: Most people in nursing homes need magnesium, iodine (Iodorol), and the
antifungal Nystatin. I cant tell you whether it will be okay or not to use the
supplements you suggested with your Mom. Even with all the meds, be prepared to
be accused of causing side effects when you start taking natural supplements.
Magnesium is the safest and most beneBicial supplement to introduce Birst and you
can use the transdermal magnesium oil or gel. When family members are put in this
terrible position, I just tell them to go slowly and watch improvements happen and
try to get the doctors to cut back on your prescription medications.

24. I take my magnesium citrate at mealtimes with my food. Is this the best way to
take it to receive the maximum absorption?
Answer: Magnesium citrate is probably best taken with meals because being
combined with food slows down its digestion and therefore absorption, so more
gets absorbed into your tissues and less stays in your intestines to cause a laxative
25. Last and least, Id like to address a critique from the comment section on
Carolyn Dean MD ND


Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium
This book offers only weak anecdotal evidence and interlaces it with medical studies
which are outdated. Very few of the references are from reliable sources.
Answer: The Magnesium Miracle is a book that can easily be read by the layperson
with its many case histories. A case history is a clinical trail of One and is a perfectly
valid way for a person or a doctor to assess treatment. I also include over 400
references all from peer-reviewed journals with all the scientiBic backup that may be
required by a health practitioner to understand the importance of magnesium. The
forward to the book is written by The Top Two magnesium researchers in the
world. together they have written 1,000 scientiBic papers about magnesium. Their
work is cited throughout. I dont think you can ask for anything better than that.
Companies and products change, sometimes overnight. In March 2014, my
distributor stopped carrying my products but within 6 weeks I had a new
FulBillment House, a new website and complete control over my Completement
Formulas. You can always Bind updated product recommendations on my Dr.
Carolyn Dean website under Resources. Pico-Ionic magnesium - ReMag and its
companion product, ReLyte, are found at the RnA Reset website.
Every day I learn more that Id like to share about ReMag. I will keep updating the
book; this is Version 5. For more on ReMag as well as ReLyte, RnA Drops, ReAline
and ReNew join me on Live! with Dr. Carolyn Dean for my weekly two-hour radio
show. Its on Mondays at 4pm PST on Achieve Radio. Listen for the best way to use
these products and hear amazing personal testimonials. You may even become an
amazing testimonial yourself!

You can search the archives of my radio show on 2012 RnA Radio and Bind

complimentary copies of the ReMag and ReLyte books at RnA Reset under the FAQs.

Carolyn Dean MD ND


Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium

Carolyn Dean MD ND


Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium

Manufacturers Words on ReMag and ReLyte
To understand how ReMag and ReLyte are created requires a basic knowledge of
the chemistry of ions, ionization, ionization potential and mineral absorption. Some
basic Google searches using the above key words will provide the necessary
background information.
ReMag magnesium and ReLyte minerals are in the same form as found
naturally in our food. All these minerals are liquid, ionic, monatomic (individual ions
of minerals in solution) and can be described as picometer in size. There is no
nanotechnology involved. Picometers are units of measurement, nothing else.
(There are one quadrillion, 1,000,000,000,000 picometers in a meter.)
ReMag and ReLyte are not just ionic solutions. Ions are a charge, not a size.
Ions in solution can still form large complexes or lattice structures, which increases
their size beyond that of an individual ion. They also have the tendency to bond with
hydrogen and oxygen to form magnesium oxides and hydroxides, both of which act
as antacids neutralizing stomach acid. They are also laxatives and difBicult to digest,
requiring digestive energy to be absorbed.
Our technology ensures individual ions in solution remain individual
(monoatomic) and thus we distinguish them from weak complex ionic solutions by
calling them picometer minerals. The size of an individual ion, when ionic and not
bound as a compound or to other ions, falls in the picometer units of measurement.
The size of the individual ion is determined by the nature of the element in question
and its atomic weight. An ion of magnesium for example can only be as small as is
allowed by the laws of Mother Nature. For example, we cannot make a single atom
of magnesium smaller; we can only ensure that the atom does not combine with
other atoms to form larger groups of atoms. Its the same with ions. The size of a
single monoatomic ion of magnesium is approximately 86 picometers. Our process
ensures magnesium stays picometer-sized for maximum absorption.
The real secret of our process is that we control all the factors in the
ionization process so that the Binished product is a monoatomic picometer-sized
ionic form of magnesium (as absorbed by roots systems of plants, released in our
Carolyn Dean MD ND


Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium

digestive system and absorbed into cells). The ionization process itself is complex
but is no different than what occurs in nature every minute of the day.
To repeat, we dont allow the ions to bond into complex ionic groups or
compounds that required digestive energy to break down.
How does nature provide minerals to the human body? When we eat food
(the ideal most natural source of minerals) minerals are released from our food by
the action of hydrochloric acid and gastric juices in the stomach. Essentially the
digestive juices ionize the minerals in the food forming individual ions, not chelates
or compounds or large clusters of ions. Ions are the basis of biological energy and
It is only after the ions are freed from food, that ionized minerals, which
carry a positive electrical charge, will attach themselves to a very strong negatively
charged carrier, via chelation, or a carrier protein. They are then either passed
through the body or absorbed by the protein sites. Or they can pass into the
intestine as unattached, positively charged mineral ions for absorption by ionic
receptor sites.
An ion is any atom or group of atoms that holds a positive or negative
electrical charge. Positively charged ions are known as cations (minerals form
cations) while negatively charged ions are called anions. Ions are formed by the
addition of electrons to, or the removal of electrons from, neutral atoms or
molecules or other ions. It is generally known that in order for a body to effectively
and completely absorb minerals, they must have an electrical charge attached in
order to penetrate cellular barriers. We want the mineral to be absorbed into the
cell, not just into the blood stream.
This electrical charge exists surrounding the atom because the atom is either
missing an electron or has additional electrons within its surrounding area. This
charge causes the ions to interact, attracting or repelling each other in a search for
another ion to contribute or remove additional electrons. It is the charge on the
particle that allows minerals to activate the many functions they carry out within
the body. But remember, an ionically charged mineral can still be in a complex that
makes it too big to enter into cells.
Carolyn Dean MD ND


Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium

Minerals are fundamentally catalysts, (reaction starters) and cofactors in
metabolic processes because of their electrical charge. The Bluid surrounding our
cells is saturated with both cations and anions, as is the Bluid inside our the cells.
Because of this separation of atoms with speciBic electrical charges, an electrical
gradient, or current, is formed across the cell membrane. Because of this current
that charged mineral IONIC particles can Blow more easily across the cell membrane.
The mineral must be in an ionic state for this to happen!
Ionic monoatomic minerals, of picometer size, are already have a charge and
size that the body recognizes and understands so they can be easily assimilated
through the selectively permeable cell membranes from head to toe. Ionic
monoatomic minerals are also easily transported across the highly selective cell
membranes of the human digestive tract. Because ionic minerals are charged, the
body has to employ less energy in order to absorb these minerals. However, some
ions are bound to carrier proteins, or chelated, or complexed to amino acids and
must be dismantled into smaller parts and obtain an electrical charge in order to
cross the intestinal membrane.
The electrical (charged ions) gradient allows for the easy Blow of ionic
minerals from an area of higher concentration (digestive tract from mouth to
intestines) to an area of lesser concentration (cells of the body).
The body absorbs monoatomic picometer ionic minerals with greater
efBicacy than other forms of minerals, as most other minerals must undergo the
complete processes of digestion into smaller charged particles. In fact, the
membranes lining our digestive tract maintain their own speciBic electrical charge in
the form of ionic receptors. The body maintains this charge on the lining of
membranes in order to facilitate the absorption of nutrients. Different receptor
areas maintain different charge qualities, allowing for the attraction of the
multitudes of nutrients that pass through the digestive tract.
It is our belief that supplying the body with minerals in the form that is
equivalent to minerals in food makes the most sense since the stomach makes ionic
minerals from food.

Carolyn Dean MD ND


Invisible Minerals: Part I Magnesium

Meet The Doctor of the Future

Dr. Dean is a medical doctor, naturopath, herbalist, acupuncturist, researcher and
formulator. Shes authored and co-authored over 33 books including The Magnesium
Miracle, IBS for Dummies, Hormone Balance and Death by Modern Medicine and 108 Kindle
books. Dr. Dean is on the Medical Advisory Board of the non-proRit Nutritional Magnesium
Association. She maintains an active Wellness Telephone Consulting Practice.
Dr. Dean won The Arrhythmia Alliance Outstanding Medical Contribution to Cardiac
Rhythm Management Services Award 2012 presented at The Heart Rhythm Congress
organized by the Heart Rhythm Society (HRS), Sept 23-26, 2012. In September 2014 she
received an Excellence in Integrative Medicine Award at the Sacred Fire of Liberty Awards
in Washington.
You are invited to receive a free subscription of Dr. Deans Doctor of the Future Newsletter
and join her online wellness program Completement Now!
Disclosure: Dr. Dean has an economic interest in the innovative products RnA Drops,
ReNew, ReAline, ReMag and ReLyte. They can be found at RnA ReSet.

Carolyn Dean MD ND


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