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The theme is based on the simple funda of:"

What is the Physics of Business????? The idea was to bring an element
of fun to the table....keeping in mind the context of the event.
Another factor in favour of this theme was the underlying funda of
business...Balance and Link
We present to you the events under the theme....
1. Ether: Ether is an all encompassing entity is
finance....hence proved!
2. Gravity: Are you game to marketing challenges that come your way?
Can u "attract" ppl to you..ur product...ur concept..dats ur
gravity quotient.
3. e=mc^2: [Entrepreneurship=Managmnt N Communication]..This would
test ur mettle...can you b innovative? Can u cm up wd ur own ideas fr
business?? Are u our new einstien of the business world????
4.F=ma [Future=Mergers & Acquisition]: This event would b highlighting
the newest mantra in corporate world..M&As
5. Impact: This would be the H.R event..can u make a positive impact
on the ppl ard u?
6. Fusion: This would be our small attempt to gv back to the creating a fusion of our event with csr......
7. Momentum: an you cope with the force...can you build enough
momentum to last through our challenging B-quiz...hope so....
8. Velocity: Last but not the least would be the time to let ur hair
dwn n freak out..a
jam session perhaps???
"EQUATE" is our challenge thrown out to other b-schools...

hi all,
this is regarding regarding the abhyudaya theme, although the original idea presented was
"prism" but probably the name has been used by some othr college fest so i've changed it
2 "SPECTRUM". The basic idea behind the theme is abhyudaya which gives sunlight,it
passes through prism n the splits into spectruim of rainbow colors n this signifies not only
divesity of india but also managing diversity in corporate world.
Coming to the events, since the basis lies in light n its splittingthe names of events
proposed is also based on properties of light.Events proposed:

1.REFLECTION:is the coming back of light on same angle as it struck the

surface,basically reflectin the trueselves;so an personality or hr quiz prog can be
conducted to show the true selves n true managerial personality.
2.REFRACTION:is the change in path of light as it passes from one medium to
another,so basically a paer presentation to signify adaptability in changing phase of
market scenario and handling tactfully the various stakeholders.
3.INTERFEARANCE:is basically change in the wavelength of 2waves of light which
interfere each other. This can be an online game to handle the competion in market.
4.CRESTS AND TROUGHS:is the highest and lowest point of the wave of light, so
basically it can be a case study where in you have to form goups and find soln.for a
company going rigorously in troughs n the best practical soln will be winner.
5.WAVELENGTH:is unique for each color so it can be a mock stock bidding to check
how much correct ur wavelength is.
6.FREQUENCY:is the number of waves passing through 1 point in 1 second,so we can
have a similar game as elevator pitch proposed by srikant.
7.QUANTUM OR PHOTON:are the small packets of light,so we can have paper
presentation on microfinance.
8.SCATERRING:is the scattering of its particles when they hit somehard object, india we
have a large unorganised sector so we can have a game on it as well.
9.SPLITTING:is the phenomenon of split in colors through prism, so basically lots of
color so we can have an admad show including creative capabilities
10.VISION:is the capability to see things so it can be a business plan presentation
the plan is flexible n open to change , a color will be attachd to each event with diagram
in background.
ive attached few files just go through them

IBL (Indian Business League)

Having started making their footprints in the world market and going global the Indian
Business League is really on the lead in the business world. Acquiring and merging with
companies around the world Indian companies have begun to scale up and started to
prove their worth inside India as well as outside. Hence, IBL can be a suitable theme for
the forthcoming Abhyudaya with a current relevant purpose and continuance with the
past themes.
There are many characteristics in the Indian Business League similar to that of the Indian
Premier League and those can be associated with various events as follows.

Foreign players FDIs FIIs etc

Grooming up local players Development of Rural markets, Microfinance
BCCI ruling Regulation
Warnes Leadership, Slapgate issue, Bangalore Royal Challengers problem
Cultural differences, Organizational issues, Leadership
Cheerleaders Entertainment, Cultural impact of business
Logos, Team songs, Icon players Branding, Marketing, Ad making
Blue Cap Stock market
Orange/Green/White cap CSR, Environmental issues
Teams lineup , match strategy Operations, Strategy

Hi ppl,
In order to come up with a theme, I would like to suggest "BlazON" which basically
means an announcement or declaration. One way I would like interpret it is that in
continuity with last years theme BODMAS we can say that now that the Mergers and
Demergers have been done it's time to announce the same and move on or rather not just
move on but Blaze ON!
Also, as Gunjan suggested that relating the theme to abhyudaya would be nice, I feel the
Rising(Blazing) Sun "Abhyudaya" needs to Blaze on or in short BlazON! We can also
include Gunjan's Emerging India Idea to say "BlazON Emerging India" or even simply
"BlazON India!"
I have attached the poster also for your comments.


The theme of a business school event is based on the sentiment prevalent and applicable
in the present business scenario .Apart from imparting novelty; a theme also gives a bschool event a factor of marketability.
I would suggest the theme of achtung which when translated from German means to be
on the lookout. Again as a noun the above word also refers to being attentive and alert.
Thus the above theme when extended to business scenario implies that one has to be
constantly alert to spot change and with it any potential new opportunities. If one loses
track of events then he is out of the game. There is no substitute for hard work but a little
bit of achtung can make some of the hard work smart. For instance Sabeer Bhatia
was achtung to spot an opportunity and achtung to recognize the right time and right
person to sell it off and make a fortune
Again , Abhyudhya meaning the rising sun , further implies the dawn of a new age again
emphasizing the need to be alert (achtung ! ) .The same theme can extend to a host of
events which would involve a bit of trick here or there to gauge a persons alertness and
Some events suggested are:
1. Blitzkrieg (lightning war) an event which would involve marketing a unique business
plan within 2 minutes
2. Coup De Corporate: the dawn of the corporate, dealing with finance related issues
3. Bottom of the Pyramid: are you alert and smart to make money by building a
sustainable rural development plan (CSR and DSF related)


I would like to suggest the theme for ifmr b-fest as the mahayuddha with the
tagline as the battle of survival, as todays corporate situations are a perfect mimics of
the ancient wars wherein big corporate guns are fighting with each other to ensure that
they are in the business , through m&a, business . Strategies, CSR, innovative business
practices, forming business partnerships etc.
Based on this theme we can have following events:

1.:- EKLAVYA:- in mahabharat when eklavya was denied formal education by

dronacharya he practiced dhanurvidya on his own and was regarded as best archer on
earth hence this will be an event wherein the participants will be asked to come up with
their innovative business models and the best one will be chosen as Eklavya.
2:- KUTILNITI:- in todays world businesses need to form extensive business
partnerships with other players in industry and suppliers, and this event will emphasize
this importance by inviting SPEECHES or DEBATES on this issue
3:- RAJYAVISTAR:- this event will focus on Expansion by businesses through M&A,
participants can be asked to have write-ups or quizzes
4:- ARTHANITI / ARTHSPARDHA:- finance quizzes, online treasure hunts can be held
under this event name
5:- VYUHRACHNA:- this will be a case study based contest wherein participants will be
asked to come-up with their own case studies or Chakravyuh which will be solved by
other participants and 2 awards will be there one for constructing the best chakravyuh
and other for solving the case study in the best possible way
6:- DHARMA:- write ups on corporate social responsibilities (CSR) can be invited under
this event .

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