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Oracle Support Certification Test Question and Ans

Oracle Exadata Database Machine 2014 Support Specialist and Oracle

Exalogic Elastic Cloud 2014 Support Specialist

1. The following information is included in the Technical Support Policies ans

A description of Oracles technical support levels/ Both 1 and 3
Severity Level definitions

2. Oracle Customers can access the Oracle Lifetime Support Policy PDF via (select one or more
answers) My Oracle Support /
3. What is the best description of the Customer User Administrator (CUA) role? The CUA is the
individual identified by the Oracle Customer to manage User access requests for each of the
Customers Support Identifiers in My Oracle Support
4. Is this an accurate use case? An Oracle Customer is using Oracle E-Business Suite Release
12. They would review the Lifetime Support Policy document for Oracle Applications to look
up the GA date, Premier, Extended, and Sustaining support dates that apply to this release.
5. Which of the following statements regarding our value proposition to our Partners for Oracle
Collaborative Vendor Support (OCVS) is NOT true? Provides a consistent support process for
all of a Partner's support needs, regardless of a Mutual Customer's involvement
6. Which of the following are support challenges at multiple vendor computing
environments? All of the above /Complexity of MVS environments/Rising Multi-Vendor
Support Activity/Expanding call Resolution Times/Prohibitive Training Demands for technical
7. As an active OPN member, you can automatically take advantage of the OCVS benefit. False
8. By participating in OCVS as either a TSANet or OPN member vendors are required to enter
into time consuming or costly support or legal agreements. False
9. OCVS can be used as a replacement for supportFalse
10. Can you identify the features available to you via your Oracle Single Sign-on (SSO)
account? racle Store, Oracle Support, Marketing events, Oracle Partner Network
11. A best practice when conducting a patch search in My Oracle Support is to "uncheck" the
'Exclude superseded patches' option. True
12. Identify the data repositories that are accessed when using the search feature in Mobile My
Oracle SupportKnowledge base and bug database
13. If the Support Engineer working on your Service Request is located on the opposite side of
the world, in a remote location causing long delays between responses your best course of
action is to/Make a request to have your Service Request reassigned to another Support
Engineer who is located closer to your time zone.
14. My Oracle Support portal is not customizable False

15. The Knowledge Base in My Oracle Support is used exclusively by Oracle Customers to
research and update Service Requests and improve knowledge content False
Knowing how to find Knowledge content in My Oracle Support is important for Users. If you
wanted to review Alerts and Recently Updated information, where would you look?
Review the Knowledge Articles region on the Knowledge Base tab

16. Customers can use My Oracle Support to Get Proactive for their installed products. What
are the most common ways to access? Users can access rom the My Oracle Support
Knowledge tab (Knowledge Links) or by typing Get Proactive in the search knowledge base
field in the tab row
17. The minimum requirements to access My Oracle Support are: A valid email address, valid
Support Identifier (SI), and SSO account (*
18. You initiated a product search using the Knowledge Base search in My Oracle Support. Your
search results included an information center. What is an information center? A knowledge
object that organizes key information for the User in one place such as Alerts, New
Knowledge Documents, News, and Troubleshooting (
19. A User needs to locate product information in My Oracle Support (i.e., specific error
message) and wants to use filters (i.e., exact error string) to narrow down the search results
to a specific information target. This User shouldUse search refinement techniques
20. You are a manager with responsibility for several different product teams logging service
requests in My Oracle Support. Would it be possible to create individual team PowerView
filters for easy visibility into the activity for each team? True
21. As a User in My Oracle Support, I can add only one filters to a PowerViewFalse
22. When a customer is monitoring their Service Requests, the most desirable status is
'Automatically Closed/Closed Initiated' False
23. Consider a scenario where your Company wants to implement a new product with a specific
operating system. Would it be appropriate to conduct a certification search in My Oracle
Support based on this combination to ensure it has been tested and certified to work
together?/ True
24. One of your responsibilities is managing the patch strategy for your company. What is the
most effective approach to finding patch information? (Select all that apply) Use Knowledge
Base search to look for a Patch advisor information center/nstall Oracle Configuration
Manager and make use of the Patch Planner for the system/target you are interested
in/nstall Oracle Configuration Manager and make use of the Patch Planner for the
system/target you are interested in
25. If I need help, I can find a Customer User Administrator (CUA) for my company byChoosing
Settings > Account & Privileges in My Oracle Support.
26. A best practice when creating new Service Requests is to provideA comprehensive problem
description including loss of functionality, sequence of events, known workarounds, and
business impact
27. Oracle Web Conferencing allows you to do the followingAll of the above
28. Your system must meet the following requirements to be able to run Oracle Web
Microsoft Virtual Machine (VM) or Sun JRE (*)
Internet Explorer 5.5 or later (*)

Pop-up blocking must be disabled in your browser (*)

1024 x 768 screen resolution (*)

29. Oracle Collaborative Support uses industry standard Secure Socket Layer, or SSL, with 128bit encryption for transmitting encrypted data securely. True
30. If you wish to escalate further up the Oracle Management chain what must you have in
place?Escalation contacts further up your internal organization
31. You should consider escalating an SR when/you encounter a critical roadblock/you are
dissatisfied with the resolution or response to a Service Request /Project deadline is within
10 days
32. Which of the following statements are true and will make happy customers more happier.
(Select all that apply) Strive toward making your relationships with you/Keep track of the
things you have done in th/Most customers gladly will accept any documentation or
mat/Understand your customers plans for future uti/Provide your customers with new
33. Mastering and achieving great customer service and communication skills with your
customers will build Customer LoyaltyTrue
34. Customer Loyalty propels your company forward increasing sales and profitability; True
35. Understand the difference between what your customers want and what your customers
need helps provide positive customer experience. Providing targeted information and advice
they can use them to focus more on what they need than on what they think they want.:
36. Benefits of Customer Soft-Skills training program will enable partners to: Choose all correct
answersIt is good communication practice to train staff to shield customers from internal
issues maintain professionalism and confidence when in front of customer if internal
roadblocks are encountered. True

1. Copies of the Technical Support policies can only be requested from your Premier Support
rep? False
2. Which response is the best description of Oracle Software Technical Support Policies?
Documentation used to communicate Oracles software support policies, including Oracles
software support terms and support levels
3. How many stages are included in the Lifetime Support Policy? Three
4. Which of the following statements regarding enrollment in Oracle Collaborative Vendor
Support (OCVS) is NOT true? A partner should wait to enroll in OCVS until they encounter a
multi-vendor support i
5. Which of the following statements reflect the value proposition to our Mutual Customers as a
result of Oracle Collaborative Vendor Support (OCVS)? Provides enhanced support value for
multi-vendor implementation/Improves response by having all parties involved in the
collaboration/ Strives to prevent the frustration of finger-pointing betwee
6. To support a mutual customer, an OCVS vendor must use customer's CSI to log SR to Oracle
to ensure that the customer is a current Oracle support customer:Fals
7. You create a number of Service Requests in My Oracle Support and want to monitor Service
Requests from other Users in your organization to make sure there are no duplicate issues.
You added the Service Requests region to your Dashboard. What other step can you take to

simplify this task? Add the Service Requests region twice to the Dashboard. Leave one as is
and filter the other by Created by
8. What products can make use of the Patch Recommendations region in My Oracle
Support? All products supported by Oracle Configuration Manager
9. A User needs to locate product information in My Oracle Support (i.e., specific error
message) and wants to use filters (i.e., exact error string) to narrow down the search results
to a specific information target. This User should: Use search refinement techniques
10. You want to customize My Oracle Support and have selected regions to add to your view by
selecting Customer Page. What else can you do to personalize your view for your needs? All
of the above
11. The search engine allows you to find your product by typing in any one of a number of
known "aliases." True
12. Consider a scenario where your Company wants to implement a new product with a specific
operating system. Would it be appropriate to conduct a certification search in My Oracle
Support based on this combination to ensure it has been tested and certified to work
together? True
13. If you are unable to get traction and progress your service request your best course of
action is toInitiate an escalation
14. You recently completed a search in Mobile My Oracle Support and found a knowledge article
that will likely solve a problem you have. You can mark it as a 'Favorite' using your Smart
Phone and then easily find this solution to review the next time you log into My Oracle
Support. True
15. What is the best definition of a PowerView? An extensive set of filters in My Oracle Support
that allows
16. What is the best definition of Mobile My Oracle Support? My Oracle Support web-based
application optimized for mobile device
17. You found an issue with your installed product and want to log a new Service Request. What
access do you need in My Oracle Support? Create & Update
18. To join a web conference - while the Conference ID is the same as the SR# - the Conference
Key is yourCSI ( Customer Support Identifier)
19. If you encounter issues in installing Oracle Web Conference Console, you shouldTroubleshoot
using New User Tes
20. The most effective way to escalate a SR is toUpdate SR in My Oracle Support and then call
21. Superior Ownership Experience is all about relationships, trust, commitment,
communication, doing the right thingTrue
22. Not having answers or know how to obtain information in a timely manner contribute to
customer frustration. True
23. The primary difference between making unhappy customers happy and making happy
customers even happier is the point of initiation. With unhappy customers, even if you did
not know why they were unhappy before speaking with them, you can be certain that you
soon will learn the reason for their unhappiness. Once you know why they are unhappy, it is
relatively easy to plot a course of action to convert them into a happy customer. True
24. Effective Communication skills are NOT essential in developing satisfied customers. False
25. To define the difference between mediocre companies, Market Leaders: ll correct answers

26. Your Support Identifier (SI) is? A unique number that identifies you, your products, and your
Companys level of suppor
27. An Oracle best practice for the Customer User Administrator role is to:? Have a minimum of
two CUAs identified
28. Which of the following statements are Partner requirements for collaboration in Oracle
Collaborative Vendor Support (OCVS)? Partner must provide and maintain standard contact
and escalation/ Partner must provide the Mutual Customers support identification number
when collaborating with
29. A "Mutual Customer" under Oracle Collaborative Vendor Support (OCVS) must have an
active support contract with BOTH Oracle and a participating Partner: True
30. You have created a new PowerView for the E-Business Suite product line and Solaris
platform. What limitations (if any) apply to this PowerView when propagated within My
Oracle Support? Not all regions respond to possible PowerViews. User needs to view the filter
in a specific region to see which a
31. A best practice when creating new Service Requests is to provide: A comprehensive problem
description including loss of functionality
32. If the Support Engineer working on your Service Request is located on the opposite side of
the world, in a remote location causing long delays between responses your best course of
action is toMake a request to have your Service Request reassigned to another Support Engi
33. Which response is the best definition of certification? A combination of Oracle products,
third-party products, and operating systems that Oracle has tested
34. Once a PowerView has been created, it permanently changes your results in My Oracle
Support True
35. What options are available in My Oracle Support for finding the latest patch sets? It depends
on the product. Some products require you to access the quick links to specific product
36. When a customer is monitoring their Service Requests, the most desirable status is
'Automatically Closed/Closed Initiated' False
37. Identify the data repositories that are accessed when using the search feature in Mobile My
Oracle Support Knowledge base and bug database
38. A user can quickly customize their My Oracle Support view based on job function. Which
proactive view do you think an experienced technical support engineer with Create & Update
access for service requests would choose? Knowledge Base and Service Requests at the top
of the Dashboard
39. My Oracle Support is: A central portal that provides access to knowledge, community,
patching, certification
40. When you enroll for a free eSeminar, the Conference Key is sent through a confirmation
email. True
41. You can expect the following after requesting for a Service Request escalation All of the
42. Select ALL important points to consider to ensuring a productive relationship with your
customers. :all correct answers
43. Customer Loyalty propels your company forward increasing sales and profitability. True
44. High Customer Satisfaction means: Reducing the number of service req/ Reducing the time
to resolv/ Lowering the number of esc
45. A great deal of customer escalations can be prevented by awareness of customer on
knowing what to expect.. True

46. What feature(s) do all the stages of Oracle Lifetime Support share in common? All of the
47. Under the OCVS model, a customer calls a vendor for a technical problem. While the support
analyst decides involvement from another vendor, he will log an SR to the other vendor,
then customer follows the other verndor's SR process :False
48. You want to log a new Service Request on My Oracle Support. To do this, you would log into
My Oracle Support, and go to 'Update SR' from Service Requests tab.: False
49. you are in My Oracle Support Community and see a lengthy thread with a title that suggests
the content is relevant to your need. Where is the best place to start reading this
thread? Read the reply marked as Correct first, then any replies marked Helpful, and then
continue with other replies as needed
50. You have been actively reviewing and updating a specific product thread in My Oracle
Support Community. A recent posting has successfully answered your question. How do you
mark this answer Correct? lick Correct Answer directly on the appropriate reply
51. When you submit a Service Request. It is immediately assigned to an available Support
Engineer who possesses the best level of expertise to resolve your issue.
52. My Oracle Support is: A central portal that provides access to knowledge, community,
patching, certification and service requests
53. Oracle Collaborative Support is accessed via which of the following: My Oracle Suppor
54. A Customer should ensure the following before requesting for a Service Request
Escalation All of the above
55. What the customers want? Customers want and expect the following from Oracle and its
partners. Select all that apply. all correct answer

1. Oracle Technical Support Policies include details around support contracts and renewals
2. A new IT manager from an Oracle Customer is responsible for a team of support engineers


who actively log tickets with My Oracle Support. This manager needs to understand the
basics of technical support fees, support period, licenses, technical contacts, and program
updates. You should refer them to:
One of your responsibilities is managing the patch strategy for your company. What is the
most effective approach to finding patch information? (Select all that apply)
Why do some replies in My Oracle Support Community have a green background?
Which of the following are the benefits of using Oracle Collaborative Support ?
In the OWC Toolbar , click on the following to enable Desktop Sharing
Escalation Process should be used for
Which of the following statements are true and will make happy customers more happier.
(Select all that apply).

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