The Reality of Sihr - JInn p2 by DR Yasir Qadhi

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The Reality of Sihr (Black Magic) , Exorcism & Jinns

(PART 2) by Yasir Qadhi

The Jinn are created from Energy (according to Quran and Sunnah) from Fire that is free from
Smoke - (Quran Surah 55, Vers 15) :"And He created Jinns from fire free from smoke"

The Topic of Sihr (Black Magic) is related with the Jinn, you cant understand what the Jinns
are, without understanding Sihr, what is Sihr - linguisticly it means that which is hidden, that
you dont understand why, in Arabic you call the darkness of the night because it is dark,
you dont know what is happening, thats why when you eat in the night that is called
because you are eating eat the darkness of the night, the term of suhur (or sehri we called in
urdu) ist actually from the same root as sehr, because there is any sehr and suhur, suhur is
eaten at a time of darkens, the darkness is called sahr, that darkens means you dont know
whats happening, otherwise called sahr, that means it takes places and you dont know, why
its taking place, that is really the linguistic meaning, as from a theological form a islamic
standpoint sehr is to invoke the eat of the jinn, to do something that appears to be from our
world supernatural, so the jinn will cause something to happen and because we cant see the
jinn, it seems to be we dont understand, but we understand, for those who dont learned it
will it appear that "how this is happen" , and that is why sirh is called sihr,

now there are 2 main story there we are concentrate on, before we get to the topic, and this
stories are introduction of the reality of the sihr, both of them are quranic stories about the

The 1st story is the story of (the most famous story of magic in the quran) MUSA; and there are
multiple narrations in the quran, multiple ayaat about the realitiy of Magic, some of them for
example, Allah (swt) says that in Surah 20 (Taha), Vers No 56:

(And We certainly showed Pharaoh Our signs - all of them - but he denied and refused, )

Go on Surah 20 (Taha), Vers No 57:

(He said, "Have you come to us to drive us out of our land with your magic, O Moses?)

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And Surah 20 (Taha), Vers No 58:

(So Musa (a.s.) said: "Let us Set a Time, when we all come together")

Surah 20 (Taha), Vers No 59:

(Musa (a.s.) said: "Your appointment will be on on the Day of Festivities" they most have an
Eid, they must have an Major calibrations so very day that everybody is coming together
(youmuzina) that is the Day we have going to have our showdown, im gonna bring what I have
a and you goanna bring what you have, people would be all over there, and the people gather
at the time of Doha (early morning, 9 a.m. , 10 a.m), that time there will all gather together,

Surah 20 (Taha), Vers No 60:

So Firawn gather together his plans, and he came back, so Surah Taha i am quoting you, now in
an other Surah (i dont know which one) Allah tells us, what Firawn do (cant find the verse
here) :

Firawn send cryes throw all of egypt,

Surah 7 (Al-Araf), Verse No 112:

Who will bring you every learned magician - Every knowledgably sahir, not a mediocre sahir, he
wanted the cream of the crop, he wanted the experts to come,

Surah 7 (Al-Araf), Verse No 113:

And the magicians came to Pharaoh. They said, "Indeed for us is a reward if we are the

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In this is in the palace of Firawn and it is understood form the story, that the Magician wood
have make a plan, they get together their magic, and the magician says to firwan,

(Same Ayat) And the Magician says to Firawn," are we going get some price if we win",

So the Magician, even tough they are talking to Firawn, the most powerful man alive, that want
to know, what is in for us, where we are going to get, so Firwan says yes indeed you will get
some price, you will be

Surah 7 (Al-Araf), Vers No 114:

(I make you close to me) meaning there meight be more opportunities later on, pass this you
will get what you want and you will get a high possision,

So the Magician come in front, on one side are the Magician and on one side is Musa (a.s.),
Then Musa says to the Magicians:

Surah 20 (Ta-Ha), Vers No: 61:

(Moses said to the magicians summoned by Pharaoh, "Woe to you! Do not invent a lie against
Allah or He will exterminate you with a punishment; and he has failed who invents [such

And the Magicians gather together and said. "Which one of us is going to go 1st" , So Musa said
"Bal Alqu" you go ahead, do what you want,

Surah 26 (Ash-Shura), Vers: 44

(The Magicians throw their sticks and ropes, and they said: "By the Izzah of Firawn" you are
going to win)

So, they not invoke Allah (there is an another point), the Magician dont invoke Allah, the
Magicians invoke somebody another then Allah, they invoke in this case somebody other then

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Allah, a false God, because what did Firawn says he is, Firwan says he is god himself, they
invoked a false god,

In an another version In Surah 7 (Al-Aaraf) Vers 116: Allah says:

(He said, "Throw," and when they threw, they bewitched the eyes of the people and struck
terror into them, and they presented a great [feat of] magic.)

This shows us, in some occasion magic is not actually real, its an illusion, because according to
this ayyat (Surah 7 (Al-Aaraf) Vers 116) the ropes where not moving, (Saharu Ayunan Nas)
they bewitched the eyes of the People and in an another vers, they made it appear, thruw
their magic, that the ropes are wiggling and therefore the ropes dont actually wiggling,

So Musa converted his staff, to an actual snake, a real life snake, and firawn saw this and the
minister saw this, the magicians didnt see the miracle, their magician where told he can make
is staff appears like a snake, so the magicians says, we can do the same as well, dont worry, so
they throw their ropes, they didnt actually forget to converting them into snakes, the ropes
didnt even move, but the Sehr, made it appear to the eyes of the people that they had moved,
so when Musa saw all of this ropes moving, around, he himself became worried, that can I
match this or not, Sura 20 (Taha), Verse 67:

(And he sensed within himself apprehension, did Moses.)

Musa himself was scared,
That shows us that magic is so powerful, that even believers in Allah and even Prophet (like
Musa) can feel trepidation at it, Musa know its not true, he doesnt believe in Magic, but it is
so powerful that he, himself is wondering,

Surah 20 (Taha), Vers 68:

(Allah said, "Fear not. Indeed, it is you who are superior.)

Sura 20 (Taha), Vers 69:

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(Allah says: Throw what you have in your hand, it swallow up and destroy, what they have
done) ,

And so, when Musa throw his staff, it just dont pretend to wiggle, it became a massive, live
python, a massive snake, a living, breathing snake, now, the most amazing thing happen, that
when the sahirs saw that live snake, instiantaniasly,

Sura 20 (Taha), Vers 70:

(So the magicians fell down in prostration. They said, "We have believed in the Lord of Aaron
and Moses.)

So when they saw this massive snake, the Sahirs instiantaniasly, the magicians, who are the
experts in this craft, when they see, what Musa is coming with, they realize, this is not magic,
this is the real deal, and that is the creation of life, and form being the worst of the worsts they
convert to the best of the best and firawn is of course humiliate,

Imagine, these are the whole cream del crame of the Egyptian society of magicians, and btw,
the art of magic reached one of the zeniths in the time of ancient Egypt, ancient Egypt was
immersed in sehr at this time, and can you imagine, (it is my hypothisies) i cant see anything
else, that would have done this, my hypothesis is that never ever in the history of humanity
such a large group of magicians (sahara) collaborated together for a project, of such a high
quality even, egypt was none for its magic and genuinely speaking, Sahara dont cooperate
together, such as mafia, each one is happy, what he is doing, they dont wanna cooperate, now
they have a higher power (firauwn) who is willing to pay them big bucks to cooperate, so he
gets the team, of the best specialist in the world, of a society who is nown to this day that they
excelled in sehr, and they are all cooperating, and so this is what they can bring forth, and low
and behold in front of firwan, the height of humiliation the all reject firawn, and they say we
believe in the god of musa, and so firawn did what he can only do, he is a tyrant, he said: "I kill
you" and look at the Imaan of this people, literally in one seconds, how it is gone, from where
to where, in 1 second, they said: do what you want, this is the real god, who had made this,
and we are goanna go back to him, we would believe in the RABB of MUSA;

Firwan says: in
Sura 20 (Taha), Vers 71:

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[Pharaoh] said, "You believed him before I gave you permission. Indeed, he is your leader who
has taught you magic. So I will surely cut off your hands and your feet on opposite sides, and I
will crucify you on the trunks of palm trees, and you will surely know which of us is more
severe in [giving] punishment and more enduring."


"im goanna crucify you on datepalms"

"Waala Taalamuna" and you gonna see, who amongst us is the more powerful, so they said:
"La dayr" rabbahu annee maghloobun " - "Go ahead, in the end of the day, we were goanna
back to him (Allah) not you (mean Firwan), our Soul go back to him, not you,

So what this really shows us, that magicians and magic is some type of illusion that in reality
magic does not cause, something that is supernatural, so I explain this, dont misunderstand
me, what the jinn and magicians do is something that might appear supernatural to us, but it
is reality it is not competing with allahs power, anything that the jinns and the magicians do is
something, utterly trivial compare to the actual power of Allah (swt),

One we understand what Sihr and Jinn is then Walahi we are not going to scared over it at all,
and one of the goals of this class, (every time I teach i says this) one of the goals of teaching
what the reality of sihr is when you studied you are goanna no longer be terrified of it, you
would be as terrified of it, as you are terrified of some type of a snake or a Predator, its gonna
be a natural fear, not that you dont understand that (supernatural) that fear dont come than
from the heard of an actual believer,

We learn for the story of Musa, that there is something called Sehr and one type of the Sehr is
beveled of the eyes of the people, this doesnt mean, that sehr is not something that is happen
actual, maybe a another type of fear is causing to move, we can says that causing to move stick
seems to be very trivial, the big deal was not in the rope moving, the big deal was bewildering
and bewitching the eyes of millions of people, thats the quantity of sihr that was done, indeed
some type of sirh is much more powerful, that a rope to move, but what was powerful about
this group, they did a masse illusion, over 100.000 maybe millions of people, and that was the
power, that they hade, but they dont actually create real live, so when they saw a real lfe,
instiantaniasly they accepted Islam,

The 2nd story is actually more relevant to us and that is the Story of Sulaiman (a.s.), and this is
Surah Al-Baqarah (2), Vers 102, - And this is the most explicit reference of Sehr in the whole
Quran, and thats why we need to discuss it in detail, (that Allah (swt) says,

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I recited the whole verse, because it is very very important, we would break it up and
understand what each phrase says,

The Verse before this Ayyah - 2:101, , Allah (swt) says that the Yahud throw away the book of
Allah and they instate of following the book of Allah, what did they follow, so Allah says:

"When the Book came with the Prophet they knew, they threw away this Book behind their
backs and they rejected their Prophet even tough they knew that this is the Prophet, so they
did not follow the Book, what did they follow, "

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Instate of following the Book of Allah, they follow that which the Shayateen recited during the
time of Sulaiman (a.s.), so what it that receition of the Shayateen, what would they reciting, we
have many opinions but, to Summaries, (they are 4 or 5), what appears to have been the case
is that the, Jinns, and the Shayateen during the time of Sulaiman (a.s.) or maybe after his
death, they claim to have the knowledge of Sulaiman (a.s.) or according to one interpretation
they claimed to discovered the secrets of Sulaiman (a.s.) (no pause here), what secrets of
Sulaiman - How he controlled the Jinn and the Animals, we all shoud know, (those of us who
studied all lil bit of Islam) that Sualaiman was given something that nobody else was given, we
know this, and thats the Dua he made to Allah "Rabi Habli Mulkan Ya Ahadiman Baadi" "Oh
Allah give me a Power, control, (mulq) that no one after me will have, so Allah says, because of
his Dua - "We gave him the Power of the Wind" "Fasakh karnalahu Riha" - We gave him the
Power of Shayateen and in other verses "We gave him the Power to speak to Animals" "Wa
Hishiran Sulaimanu Wa Junuduhum, Wa Jinni, Wal Insi, Wat Tayr," and all of the Armies of
Sulaiman from the Jinn and the Ins and the Birds - All of this are the Armies of Sulaiman - so
Sulaiman (a.s.) was give the Power to control the Jinn and even the Animals and the Wind. It is
said that after Sulaiman (a.s.) died (or according to 1 opinion while he was alive) the Shayateen
claimed to unlocked his power, what was the power according to the Shayateen? The
Shayateen said: "Sulaiman knows Black Magic" so he is controlling the Jinn thruw Sihr, threw
Black Magic, so Allah is saying this group of People (in the time of Prophet Mohammad (saw),
rejected the Quran and instat to follow the ramblings of the Shayateen during the Time of
Sulaiman (a.s.) then Allah defends Sulaiman (a.s):

"Sulaiman did not commit KUFR, rather it was the Shayateen who committed Kufr",

Now the Verse is very difficult to understand without context, so I will take a step back and
simply explain everything, that you can understand it,

The Story goes as follows: And this is one interpretation but again we dont have the time to go
in verious of interpretations. It is said, that during the time of Sulaiman (a.s.) for 6 months or
longer the Jinn somehow managed to get rid of Sulaiman (a.s.) temporarily, this is one of the
Israelites and many Muslim scholars also accept this opinion, and they started slandering and
spreading rumors about him, so that People lose respect for Sulaiman and of the things that
they said was that Sulaiman was a Magician and that he controls the Jinn threw Sehr and Allah
says: "Some of the modern Yahud, belive this as well", and instad of following the Quran, they
follow this rambling of the Shayateen, than Allah defends Sulaiman (a.s.): "Sulaiman was not a

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This shows us, that practicing magic and believing in it, makes you a Kaafir, because the Jinns
accuse Sulaiman of being a magician, not being a kafir and Allah defends Sulaiman by saying
that "Sulaiman did not commit Kufr" and from this the Scholars have derived that practicing
Magic and believing in Magic is disbelief in Allah, clear, right,

How did they Shayateen committed Kufr?
"Wayuallimunal Nasa Sihr" - They where those who teaches the Mankind Sihr, - so what is the
origin of Sihr, Shayateen teaching Man, not Sulaiman, Sulaiman (a.s.) did not controls the Jinn
threw Magic, Allah gave Sulaiman that power.

These People are also following, what was revealed to the 2 Angels in Babyl - Babyl is Babylon
and these 2 Angels are called "Harut and Marut" - Pause here,

So this Ayyah, is a very dense Aayyah, so much information is pact in it, so we have to go, bit by
bit, Pause here,

What is Babyl and what is Harut and Marut? They are again a number of opinions, some of
them goes back to what Jews and Christian says and we found that in our literature as well,
some of our scholars have narrated that but this is not true, I would tell you that opinion,
because you fill find it in almost every book of tafsir, this opinion goes back to a Biblical Story,
the Biblical Story, its very common for us, almost every Christian know it, because is of the
standard part of their bible, that (according to the Bible) 2 Angels mocked the existence of
Man, they said "Look at Man, how evil they are and we can do a better job", so Allah (legendy,
we dont believe this story) said to this Angels "If I would make you Man, send you down, give
you the temptations of Man, What do you think you would do", So they say: "We would do a
much better job, We would be worshipper, we would not do any sin", So (according to the
legend) Allah sends 2 Angels in a form of Man and they where Man i.e. they would
transformed into Man, they would called Harut and Marut, and then they saw a beautiful lady
and they could not control themselves and they committed all of the Sin and Zina and Sharab
and every thing they committed, - according to the bible and Israelite, they would transformed
in sometime of star and being punished and that Star we see according to the Israeli traditions,
actually the Angels are being punished, - the Star is the VENUS STAR,

The point is that we find this story not in the Quran and it is not in the Sunnah of Prophet
Mohammad (saw), rather it is in the Biblical Literature, some scholars have taken it from that,
we dont believe that any angels was transformed into a human, but the Quran clearly says
that 2 Angels came down and they would called, Harut and Marut and they came to the city of
Babylon, these 2 Angels Harut and Marut, so what was revealed to this Angels in Babyl (this is
IRAQ) - Babylon is set to be the ancient city - there was not city like Babylon at that time to

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that level, the first real civilization was Babylon, so we are going back, pre ibrahim (a.s.) to the
earliest of times, way before Musa (a.s.) and way before Sulaiman (a.s.) so Allah is telling is
when did Magic began, this is the story, Allah is telling is the origin, what is Sehr,

And this Yahud are following what revealed to the 2 Angels of Babylon,
What was revealed to this Angels?

So a number of opinions here (there are really 2 Opinions that I really thing a plausible the
other just ignore, the first opinion, that I think is plausible (there are more than 2 again), these
2 have some legitimacy the 1st opnion is that as follows: Allah send down 2 Angels, with the
knowledge to how to control and access the Jinn, (which is magic) and this Angels where send
to the city of Babyl (Babylon) and this Angels are allowed to teach anybody who want to study
with them (the "Art of Magic"), but this Angels also becalmed with a big disclaimer, and this
Disclaimer was (Inama Nahnu Fitnatun Fala Taqfur)

The Angel said to anybody who came to them "We are a test from Allah, so do not commit Kufr
by studying with us" yet if somebody instate they thought him, - is that clear ? So the Angels
are a test, they say they are a test, they only teach somebody after they tell them, "if you study
this, you will become a Kafir" but they where still there, so Allah says,

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"Faytaallahuma Minhuma" The People studied from 2 of them "Ma Yufariquna Bihi Baynal
Mari Wazaiji" that cause a husband and a wife to fall apart (problems and whatnot)
"Wahahum Bi dharina bhi Minahdi Biiznillah" and they could never harm anybody unless Allah
wild it," Magic is not as powerful as Allah, if Allah wants to he can prevent it, and
"Waya Taalamuna Ma Yaduruhum Wala Yanfauhum"They studied that which only harm them
and there is no benefid (so Magic has Zero benefit, unlike Alcohol , Khamr has some benefit,
thats in the Quran, but the harm awaits the benefit) and for Sehr there is no benefit, its only
Evil, and "Walaqad Alimu" and the Angels thought (told) the Men "lamanischtarahu" However
got this knowledge from them "Malahu Filakhirati Min Khalaq) they would have no share of the
next world, you can literally purchase this world than expanse of the next "Wala Bishara
Sharaubihi Anfusam" And What a evil price they solved themselves for "Lauqanu Yalamun" if
they only understood,

So thats the 1 opinion,
So they Angels thought the reality of Sihr, (what is the reality of Sihr? - we come to it in few
minutes) but the Angels thought them, how to commit Sihr and the Angels claimed with a
disclaimer, if you study this, you are not a Muslim and Allah has send us to test you, but
Obviously the People of Babylon, insisted and they studied it, so those who studied it became
the 1st Magicians (of this Humanity) and all Magic that is existent today, somehow goes back
to Babylon, (thruw their own Isnads), and they are different Madhahib of Magic as well (btw)
its not just one Madhab, (different Arts and Ways) they all originate at Babylon and the
knowledge that was taught (1 opinion) directly from the Angels to the Mankind,

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2 Opinion is a slightly modified version of the 1 opinion, its really in essence the same but
slightly modified, - also narrated from Ibn Abbas and also narrated in At-Tabarris Tafisr and
this is perhaps the easer one to understand) and Allah knows which of this 2 is Valid, both of
them have their weight,

Ibn Abbas said: "That the Angels themselves did not teach Magic" but rather the Angels taught
Mankind, of a group of Jinn (outside of the City of Babylon) who would teach their Magic if
they went there, so the Angels taught them the location of the Tribe of Jinn, and the Angels did
not teach them "the Manjushay" of Magic, rather the Angels say "Look we are a test from
Allah, rather they is a Place you can learn Magic from" and that Place is where the Jinn reside,
"if you go there, you are a Kafir", so we are warning you, dont go there, but if you insist, you
can go over there, you will become a Kafir and you will learn, what is harmful to you and you
would sell yourselves to the devil and you have no share of the hereafter, the only different in
the Opinion A and Opinion Be is - Did the Angels directly teach Magic or Indirectly ? OK, this is
the Only difference, The Essence tough the Angels came down as a Test, whether they directly
thought or indirectly thought , this is very explicit in the Quran, the Angels came down as a
test, Harut and Marut are send down to the city of Babylon and they where a test to the
people of Babylon, and they said to the People of Babylon "This is a Fitna, do not commit Kufr"
so btw this also show us that Allah will test us, as he said to Bani Israel, "Do not work on
Saturday" and what did the Quran tell us "Allah tested the group of Bani Israel by the Fish (the
Fisherman) he tested them, to how sincere they where, after telling them they know to work
on Saturday, so for a number of weeks, the fish would only come on Saturday, (this is in the
Quran, right) and therefore infect that the Angels of Harut and Marut testing mankind
(somebody can say, why this is happening, we would say this life is a test, and all of us have
easy access to sin living here, so the fact that sin is accessible is not an excuse, Allah is testing
me and you right know, we are surrounded by temptations and Allah tested the people of
Babylon with even bigger temptation that what we have here), that is actual Magic, whether
the Angels taught it directly or indirectly the fact of the matter is that, that the beginning of
Magic, goes back to Babylon, it goes back to Angels telling them and teaching them, the realitly
of magic, from this verse we gain most of benefit most importantly for our lecture today,
studying, practicing and believing in Magic is all tent amount to KUFR; you cant be a Muslim
and practice and believing in this, because "kufr" is mentioned multiple times in that verse,
firstly Allah negates Kufr fom Sulaiman, than he affirms it to the shayateen (for doing what? )
because they where teaching mankind magic, TEACHING SEHR makes you a KAFIR; and then
the Angels say, this is a Fitna, do not study and become a Kafir, so imagine teaching and
studying is Kufr, how about practicing and believing, if mirrorly teaching and studying actual
sihr is Kufr how about practicing and believing and therefore the correct opinion, the one who
practice and believe in this dark art is not a Muslim he is a Idol Whorshipper he is a pagan, -
thats the 2nd story in the Quran,
So Allah says Sulaiman (a.s.) was not a Magician, Sulaiman did not commit Kufr" rather you
wanna know where Magic started, Shayateen where teaching Magic, and Shayateen goes back
to what Harut and Marut thought to the People of Babylon, (whether directly or indirectly) one
Hadith, then we move on to the gist of what exactly is Magic:

(This one Hadith brings allot of Issues and Problems but its obviously benefits for us, some
are confused and many people denie this but this Hadith is "Mutafaq Allahi" Bukhari and
Muslim and that is that our Prophet Mohammad (saw) himself was the Subject of Sihr, that
something that Ahle Sunnah believes other groups denies that (mutasilah and progressives
denies this, and some people in our times denies this) but we are the people of tradition , Ahle
Assar, we believe that the textbook say it, the Isnad (chain of narration is authentic) we believe
this so there are numerous narrations (in Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim), that our Prophet
Mohammad (saw) Sihr was done against him and Aisha (r.a.) narrated that: "Sihr was done on

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the Prophet (saw) and he began to imagine he done something, that i hadnt done it," now this
is Aysha very diplomatic, appropriate and we learn form the other books what was the issue,
the issue was that that the Prophet (saw) would wake up in the Morning, believing that he
need to do a Ghusl, (maze he was intimate) but he was not been intimate, so Shayateen loved
to play this area of sexuality, (btw as a side point that why a dreams of a sexual nature,
whether a man or women sees, what we called a "Wet Dream" - Ejaculation accurse or not, all
dream of a sexual nature, this is emanate from shaytaan, and that is that the prophets cant
have this types of dreams, the prophets cannot have this dreams, that comes from Shaytaan,
(shaytaan plays with our minds) its not sinful, so in this case our Prophet (saw) didt have a
dream, but he thought that he did something wrong between husband and wife, and aysha is
telling that there is no need for you, so this was the Maximum Effect of the Sihr, the Sihr did
not go beyond this, it did not effect the wahi, not his religion, not channel the between him
and allah, all that could effect was the most powerful sahir alive at that time, his name is Labid
Ibn Al Asam, (we come to it) - if that type of sihr would done to a another human, it would
killed him, but on prophet (saw) that effect was so minimum, that he assumed that he done
something that was halal, and he haddend done it,

The people say be mashur (sehr done) well, read and understand, the max effect was that he
think that he done something haram, Aisha says that he made Dua to Allah and made Dua and
made Dua, then he said to me (hes speaking to Aysha) "I feel that Allah has inspired me how
to cure myself, because I saw a dream, that 2 Angels came, one of that sat at my head and the
other sat at my feet and the 2 began having a conversation, so to 1st Angels said: "What is the
Problem of this Man?" the 2nd Angel respondad "he has been Mashur, Sehr is been done on
him" the 1st says: "Who has done that Sehr", the 2nd said: "Labeed Ibn Asam" (he was the
Sahir of Madinah, the most powerful Sahir that everybody come to, one of the tribes in
Madinah, he was well known for his Sihr") the first Angel said: "How did he do it?" the other
one replied "He used a calm and the hair that been gathered on that calm and the outer skin of
the plain, of the outer date palm" (the male organ of the date palm) a shell and he put some
type of sehr in this shell, the first one (Angel) said: "where is the Sihr" the 2nd one said: "It is in
the well of Darwan" so prophet Mohammad (saw) went to the place of darwan and he
returned and said to Aysha (r.a.): "The Date Palms of this Well (anhu ur usu shayaateen) are
like the heads of devils and the water of the well is dark and bloody ", Aysha said: "Did you take
out this magic, which is Sihr is done" and the Prophet (saw) responded:( in one narration) "No,
for Allah has cured me and Im afraid that if I take it out, it my caused more harm if the people
see it " and so the Well was ordered to be destroyed and covered up. So we learn many things
from this narration, first and foremost, Imaan and Taqa in and at itself nececerly 100% protect
you from Sehr, rather it can minimize the effects of Sehr, so someone, like the Prophet (saw)
(how can he) yani he is the Symbol of Imaan, nobody come can even close to him and yet for a
wisdom that Allah knows he oued our Prophet (saw) to feel the Effects on Sehr, that shows us
that Imaan and Taqwa In and Off themselves might not be a 100% effective mechanism to
protected from Sehr, the defiantly minimize the impact of Sehr, so the general rule, the more
Imaan you have, the less the Impact of Sihr on you, your Imaan acts like a barrier between you
and Sihr and the stronger your imaan the less the impact of the sihr, in the case of our Prophet
(saw) we clearly see this, what was the max impact of the Sirh on him, the max was that he
woke up and thinking halal wasnt happen, its just bother some on a trivial level right ? There
is no physical pain, there is no element, there is no haram imagination, for our prophet saw its
just like a trivial irritation, that "we have to take a ghusl" Aisha says: "we dont have to take
ghusl, everything is fine, why are you thinking this" that was because of the Sihr,

We also learn from this occasion, that most magic accurse of using some types of body parts of
one upon the magic is done, (you not goanna cut something of) common things are used is:
HAIRS and NAILS , (that the most common thing used and also clothing item, these are
typically used, but not neccecerlery, you cant do do without them,

Jinn and Reality of Sihr by Dr. Yasir Qadhi,p2,


We also learn, one of the main things to combed Sehr is thrue DUA to ALLAH, because Aysha
says: "He capped on making Dua, He capt on making Dua", Fadaa Thuma Daa, Thumaa Daa, we
also learn from this that it is behelpfull to know from where the Item is, because the Angel told
him, the Item is in the well, Aysha said: "Why you didnt get the well out and destroy it" that
means for must of us its very beneficial to get to the iteam and destroy it and we also learn it
not necessary to destroy and eliminate the Sihr, (because the Prophet (saw) did not destroy or
eliminated rather he says Allah has cured me and covered up the well and the whole are was
demolished, according to a n another Hadith the Angels recited Surah Al-Falaq and Surah An-
Nas and according to an another narration and Surah-Al-Falaq and Surah An-Nas was reveled
because of that occasion, and both Falaq and Nas talkes indirectly about Sihr, - (its in Surah
Al-Falaq it the word Nafas - Nafas is the Female that is Blowing) - Uqad means Knots, what
they would do - one of the type of Sihr is to take some iteam make some notes on it, do you
incantation do your (like the vodo dolls) - and Allah says, i seek refuge in you from the evil that
is doing that Sehr, - Surah an Nas - is the general Dua for seeking refuge from the Jinn, that
cause of Sihr,

That are this 3 storys - Musa (as), Sulaiman (as) and Prophet Mohammad (saw) , from this we
learn that Sihr is reality, you cannot deny it, is explicit,

The Question arises what exactly is Sihr?
Before we get to the Sirh, let us make clear, what is not Sihr, when i say Sihr, we are not talking
about the tricks that entertainers do in our times, the types of trickery that entertainers do on
the street or on television and they called themselves magicians, this is not the Sihr that we are
talking about, that entertainment deals with illusions, optical illusions, slighter hand (the ball is
in the one hand in reality it is in the another hand) , basically the type of magic that you see on
television, which is entertainment, this has nothing to do with actual Sihr, a real Sahir is not an
entertainer on television, even if he wants to appear like this, thats not Sihr, that illusion,
lighter hand, most of them are using state of the art technology, like Hudini, the audience is
stages, they are paid, REAL SIHR DOES NOT ACCURE AS ENTERTAINMENT; - some of our
scholars are very strict and say that all of that is haram, but i dont think that is haram, because
its just entertainment but its not a stepping stone of devil worship, that just entertainment,

We are talking about Black Magic - DARK ART? The Types of Sihr that the Quran talks about is
the Sihr of the Jinn, that types of Sihr is of course prohibited, if we understand the reality of
the Jinn we would understand the reality of Magic, we are talking now about actual Sihr,
because you cannot have the Sihr without the Jinn, the Jinn intrinsically go with Sihr, there is
no such thing Sihr without Jinn, every Sihr has to have Jinn involved, because in the End of the
Day how does something happened, the Magician has no power (thats why Musa accesses
them you are Frauds, you dont have any power and you know that you are lying, the Magician
pretends that they have power, in reality the power of the Magician is in reality the physical,
natural services of the Jinn, so if we understand what the Jinn are naturally capable of, and we
understand that the Jinn have for some reason, (what that reason is we talk about know) to
help the Magician, that magician is nothing other than what the Jinn are naturally capable of
doing, there is no supernatural, there is no mystical, there is no seamy divine, the Jinn are not
super powerful, rather he has given them strength that he not given us, and he have given us
strength that he not givens them, so when the magician, utilizes the strength of the Jinn, we
dont have to astonished and amazed, how did he do that, rather just like we can see a man
galloping on horse, like 40 or 50 miles an hour, so imagine we can see the horse, the man going
that fast (laughter) we would be pretty freaked out right ?? But one we understand, its just
the jinn doing it nothing supernatural, for the Jinn its not supernatural, for our world ist
supernatural, for the jinn is totally natural, if we understand the physical and sycologial nature
of the jinn, we would understand magic, completely, and we would know fear it anymore,

Jinn and Reality of Sihr by Dr. Yasir Qadhi,p2,


because it is ignorance that causes us to fear this, fear would not fear it at all anymore that we
fear a predator, yes, its bewildering for us, because we can not see the jinn, thats why its
throws confusion, our fear because mystical, sometimes the fear of shirk (that it becomes a
problem, )

My hypoticy is that the Jinn are made of Energy, and smokeless fire, in light of modern science,
(that not quran and sunnah) quite literally they can go the speed of light (if it is energy) they
travel at the speed of light, if there are energy, do physical structures block them, NO, like
radio waves or the mobile phones are working, in that room, the waves are coming and going,
the physical structure has nothing to do with them, and this also talks about some peoples says
what are the original form of the jinn? Who told you that they have a original form, who told
you that? Most likely they dont have an original form, they can change shape, Allah created
them, they are made of smokeless fire and because of that they are invisible to us, this also
they have the capacity to (that from Quran and Sunnah and our own experiences) they have
the capacity to transfer from one energy to another, so they can become physical, they can
bee seen to us, when they want to, they simply shift into the color spectrum of light waves,
because whats for us the only energy that we can sense and feel, the very very small windows,
the colors of the spectrum ,

They have the capacity to project their voice, we can hear the energy of the sound, but its all
energy, that a part who they can be, they are invisible, and Allah say in the Quran, Inhau
Juraquan Whuwa A Qabialahu Min Haytu La Tarunahum, - Iblis and his tribe can see you from
places you can not see them, so in this regard they have the upper hand, they can see you but
you can not see them, they can make their presence know to you, you don have the clue,
where there are here or not,

see them, so in this regard they have the upper hand, they can see you but you can not see
them, they can make their presence know to you, you don have the clue, where there are here
or not,

Also that we know, that the Jinn are physically stronger then men, this doesnt mean that they
have infinite power, only Allah has infinite power, it just means that an average jinn is stronger
than an average man, just like an average man is physically stronger than a average women,
therefore some jinns are weaker than average people, average strength of a jinn is stronger
that average strength of a man, this doesnt mean that they are all powerful, it needs 3, 4, 5
people to hold a body (where the jinn is) to hold down, lets say, it dont mean that they are
all powerful, only Allah (azawajall is the almighty) - if you understand that your fear become
natural, rather that supernatural

another thing that we learn from the story of Sulaiman and sheba, (bilqis ) the queen of
sheeba, the jinn have a unique power that is truly bizarre, we Muslims should really marvel at
this, to transform matter into energy and back into matter again, and thats something we are
trying to figure out how to do, E=MC2 (Energy and Matter are related) you know this, the jInn
have the power to do this, how do we know this, form the throne, the throne of bilqis, the
queen of Sheeba, that that Thorne from Yemen to Jerusalem, (qala ifritum minal Jinn) - the
Ifrid is the most evil, the most powerful, the ifrid are (what western literature calls the demons
of the jinn, these are the worst of the worst) so the ifrid said i can bring you the throne, before
you even stand up, what makes total sense, physical speaking, if the jinn can go and come back
at the speed of light and this one jinn is so powerful - again this is my 2 sense: this is as Allah is
saying this is the max that a jinn can possibly do, because Sulaiman (a.s.) had the control over
all the jinns and one of them said just one, which means the rest, they dont have that power,
so we need to put things into perspective, the jinn are not all of them so powerful, the fact that
only one says that it means that rest is not qualified to do that, that was the strongest and the

Jinn and Reality of Sihr by Dr. Yasir Qadhi,p2,


best, its a physical strength , what is supernatural to us, to transport it and is well known, the
throne is goanna be insight the palace, if he would take the throne, is not flying in the air,
rather it would disappear their, and appear in front of Sulaiman, that means E= MC2 (Einstein)
Beam Me Up Scotty - rather we would have that power, i would say never, but what do we
learn from that is somehow the jinn, have that power, somehow the jinn have that power to
take matter, transformed into energy take it all the way back and reproduce it, and btw that is
well known Mutawatir from the storys whats happening, it is possible for a magician to
produce and item which h is lost, or looking into crystal ball, and you can see things in there
and these are the jinns playing around and what not, so all of this it is possible, we know this
form our own experiences in humanity, so

Therefore what is magic, the magician said to the jinn, that do the tricks, what are the tricks,
what are these tricks, answer: whatever the magician have paid to do, somebody come to the
magician and say: "I want this mans business to go bad" "I want their marriage to fail"," I want
them to have no children" these are the common reasons, so the magician get the jinn, to go
and do things, wherever the jinn does it is physical and natural for the jinn, not for us, not for
the jinn, these are waswas the jinn is putting in (whispering) or some physical calamity is
happening, that is inexplicable - for example the business owner is just walking and slips and
you are asking him, how that happened in the middle of the day, i dont know, i just put my
foot .... - , in other words the jinn physically pushed him, and multiple slips, (because he does
not understands whats happening) - we are not talking about - (jumping the gun here) if you
can understand why things are happening - basically cartoon strip, there is a banana right
there, you slip on the banana, there is no magician involved in that, OK, Im being stereotypical
here, but you get the point here, if you see a physical cause, if you have a bad product and
nobody is buying it - thats not sehr (laughter), rather if its incixpliciblae,

Standard example for real Sihr is, not having children, that miscarriages all the times, one after
the other, and the doctors are scratching the head, (you are normal, you are normal, we did
the test, everything is normal) one after the another, - of course it could be physical, the jinn
quite literality, i dont know - doctors can say, whatever, - some type of physical thing the jinn
can do, right, know - if the doctors say we see the problem there, if the doctor can see it and
analyze it ,if it is a diagnosable problem, it dont can be Sihr, -

Because Sihr means, (you dont can understand it) anytime the cause is physical, its not Sihr,
but from the jinns perspective is natural, - but the jinn is not saying "Qun Fayaqoon" - Only
Allah has that power, the jinn not has what we called: genuine supernatural power, thats
divine power, that im trying to tell you , because jinn can enter the body, and jinn can enter
the blood as the prophet (saw) said that the Jinn runs in the blood, right, but thats physical for
the jinn, not supernatural, - all sehr is that the jinns are doing there tricks, - clear,

Now the next Question, We understand what Sihr is, thats the Jinn doing there tricks, the
Question therefore is - why would the Jinn do it? Why would he do it, understand whats going
on, but the Question is, Why would he do it, ?? And this is where Im going to destroy of the
most incorrect myths about black magic that is absolutely death wrong - we need to get this
out of our mind completely, the might is that the Magician controls the Jinn - this is a myth -
this is a lie - this is completely wrong , the myth is that the magician is powerful and the
magician has somehow trapped the jinn - somehow made the Jinn his servant and so the
magician portraits himself - why is this myth popular because thats what the Magician say ,
thats what the Magician want to point out - that we are the ones in control the reality thing
could be further from the truth rather (listen to this) the Magician is a servant to the Jinn, and
the magician is a worshipper and humbling himself in front of the jinn - the Jinn is Lord and
Master of the Jinn - the other way around -
of course the magician doesnt want to tell you that and thats why he portrait himself as a

Jinn and Reality of Sihr by Dr. Yasir Qadhi,p2,


master, but the fact of the matter is the opposite is true and therefore whatever the jinn does,
it does because its wants to do it, because the magician has forced him, that a key point we
believe, none could control the jinn other than Sulaiman (a.s.) to claim that a Sahir controls the
Jinn you are saying that the Sahir has the same power that Sulaiman (a.s.) did, and thats what
Allah is saying - Wama Qafara Sulaiman Surah 2, Verse 102:

Sulaimans controll oft he Jinn was not thrue magic Allah gave him the Power and the
Shayateen said: Sulaiman controlls us thrue magic aswell, to smear him, so anybody who
says that Magician controls the Jinn is sayying that the Magician has the same power as
Sulaiman (a.s) thats dead wrong so why then would the Jinn do soemething for the Magician
? Here is where we get to the point of Magic that Sihr is a bartering, a transaction between
the Magician and the Jinn Sihr is a business transcation, literally, is like you go to a shop gave
money and you purchase soemthing, its a business, a deal and the magician give something to
the Jinn and the Jinn give something back to the Magician and the both of them need each
other but the more powerfull of them is the Jinn, not the Magician, just like we need each
other in business transactions right? I need to go to your restaurant, your carshop your this,
you need my money, I need your services, this is the reality, we need each other, so the society
functions, but in Sehr there is not an equal, in Sehr the more powerfull is the Jinn and the less
powerful by far is the Magician. The Magician gives something to the Jinn, basically what want
the Jinn wants, it doesnt want you American Express Number, doesnt need you Cash,
doesnt need you credit, doesnt even need you food, what does the Jinn need what was the
fundamental problem of Iblis when Adam (a.s.) was created ? He felt he was overlooked, Im
better than you Ana Kharo Minhu so the Jinn feal infiriar, we can quite literaly say that Sihr
comes from an infriorety complex of the Jinn, quite literaly we can say this, the Jinn feel
inferior, because they know we are better know hold on a second Why would we (Human)
better, because all of the thing are given to them and not to us? Because Allah gave us the
most powerful thing he didnt gave to the Jinn and that is Akl (Knowledge and Intelligence) We
are more knowledgable and Intelligent than the Jinn and Knowledge is power and thats why
even in our society what do we value more the Intelect or the strong Man ? Who gets paid the
most the CEO or the Wrestler? (laughter) Well these Days OK? Even if you say, the Wrestler
how long is gonna get paid? For what? - OK, Let me put it these way? Who get paid more? The
Office Worker or the Manual Laber , eventough who does more physical work, obviously,
Imean you can hire somebody at minimum waighe to build and to carry, what not and The
Point is who gets paid more- its the Intelect, the People of Intelect not power, and in the
End of the Day Allah gave us what he didnt give the Jinn, we are smarter than the Jinn and we
have knowledge and the Jinn dont have that knowledge, we have Prophets amongst us and
the Books are revelaed to us, so the Jinn all fear inferiour, what do they want from man, they
wanna feel We are the Boss what do they do, they trade, just like the manual laber give you
his sweat, I dont have the power that he has, Im not gonna build bricks and what not, you
have the power, you have the time and I have money, so what did the jinn have, the pyhsical
power, he has the speed, the hidden, he can transform knowledge he can do this and that,
giving you his manual laber, what do you gonna pay him back? Your divorcion, your dedication,
your whorship, you will literally prostate yourself and band over backwards and do whatever
the Jinn wants and humiliate yourself to pleased the Jinn, and thats one reason theh Jinn do
it, of course the another reason is number 1 it makes them feel and number 2 missguidance,

Jinn and Reality of Sihr by Dr. Yasir Qadhi,p2,


because the jinns know then you gonna whorshipp another then Allah then takes you out of
Islam, khalas they won, cause one of the goals of the Jinns are what? Misguidance , the
Misguide you, So the Jinn tells the Magician: You want my services, this is my Price and what
does he ask him to do? I dont want to tell you too much detail, Allhamdulilah, shoud I ? You
know, Horror Movies that all of us see or what not, the fact of the Matter is Elements of Truth
that Humanity is that put it into that Horror Movies, some thing that they know, they know this
form our culture, what does the Magician do? Sacrilegous things, right, things that are just
disgusting, things that are evil, blood sacrifice right? Or even in childrens book so what are
the magic recipe made of? Touds, the Eye of a Nagt and a Leg of this and that, you know we
laugh at this, there is a Element of truth here, meaning what? Imagine if you have a list as
ridiculous as this Get the Bone of a Dog, Eye of this and you have to go around for Days getting
things, how do you thing, that the Jinn is gonna feel, watching you in humaliation, this is giving
the Jinn what? A Boost, a thrill, right? And he would say: Go to the Graveyard in the Middle of
the Night and do this and do that So the Magician will go along and do it all, in reality who is
more incharge? The Jinn is more incharge not the Magician, cause the Magician, in realitiy the
Magician needs the Jinn more, than the Jinn needs the Magician, so the Magician would literaly
sell himself to the Jinn, when you sell yourself to the Jinn, you not gonna be a Whorshipper of
Allah (swt). And that is why, It is very common for the Magician to actually do blatent Kufr,
things that are absolutely disgusting I dont wanna even mentions that in Masjid that - but it
involves disonering the Signs of Allah, it involves Najas, it involves humiliating his own body,
yani sacrilegous vulgar , I dont wanna give examples, but Wallahi the whorste of the whorste
things, that even a person who is bad dont do what the Magician does? You will have thiefs,
you will have murders, they have a limit what they maintain themselves, magician have not
depth of depravitiy that they not gonna down to. Doing stuff that even an agnostic atheist feel
disgustat at doing, I dont wanna give any examples but, anything you can think of, wallahi the
do whorste than that and I speak with my own experiences doing exorcism, they do much
whorste than this, anything that you can think of, they do much whorste than this. And why
did they do it, again from the perspective of the Jinn, thrill looking at you, humiliating yourself,
Najas on yourself, doing this doing that, look at the thrill that you are giving the Jinn, right? And
in the return, the Jinn just gonna slape somebody and come back, he is more happy to do that,
that you gonna gravel somebody, right? In this is the reality of what Sihr is, that the Magician is
giving the Jinn some boost and misguiding himself by becoming away form Islam, whorshipping
an another thatn Allah (swt) literlaty, they say that you selling yourself to the Devil, literlaty
that is what you do, literllay that is what you do, its not even a figure of speech here, you sell
yourself to the Shaytaan, ask me to do what do you want and I will obey you.

What therefore happens here? What happens is that, why would the Magician do this? What is
the motivation of the Magician? Money, the main motiviation of the Magician is money and
what did they Firawns magician say? Qalu Ainalana La Ajran Whats init for us? Right? So
Magician, what do they gain, money, from whom, from people that they come to them, its a
profession, its a job, a job that gives them power aswell, it makes fell them, above other man,
but not above the Jinn, because they are the Servant of the Jinn, they have to Humiliate over
themselves infron of the Jinn, infront of the other people it makes them feel like imagine who a
massive bodybuilder would feel, walking around like that, that type of boost, I got the Jinn,
they gonna help me, Arroganz, that arronganz is giving to the Magician no daught about it, that
feels that he has a weapon that you cannot abose, what Allah says: Wamahuma Darrina Illa Hi
Biiznillah, The can never harm somebody exept of the permission of Allah (swt), to then
summerys very briefly What exactly is, how this is happen? , The man who wants to do this
evil deed and become a magician, they learn and study this Art from somebody who is already
trained and this person tells him.: You need to do this, this and this Again this is filtering
down to the horror movies, but there is an element of truth, Sit here and 3 a.m. , facing this
direction, in the middle of the pentagon, you draw it out and you must have this color light and
you most have this and that There are signals giving to the Jinn world, that Im willing to

Jinn and Reality of Sihr by Dr. Yasir Qadhi,p2,


enter so this is in really exatly what happens, that there are signals that are giving to the Jinn
world, that this is what the Babylon Jinn where thought, how do you communicate with us,
how do you get intouched with us, form that it been develped as we say in our madhahib, the
point is so the Magician does that, so he would sit there and sit there, Subhannal I interviewed
number of these People before and after their Tauwbah sometimes after and yes this is
exactly there reality, that they would say that we did this and every day nothing happened,
nothing happened, so the Jinn is seeing if you are seriyous or not and one Day they see
something, a power or a presence, or a voice, whatever, they are told Do this a upper noch,
if you are serious that do this, so then there is direct communication, they would go and do it
and then the relationship begans. And than this Jinn that they contact, typically and I say this
with my own experience that I have (I dont know in the Quran and Sunnah that support this
but nothing negates that aswell) from my own experience what I have found, the Jinn that
communicate with the Sahir, is not typicall that Jinn that goes and Irritates and does the harm,
rather that Jinn have indeed have minions, servants, here is the point, the myth is that, that
the Magician controls the Jinn, I have asked people with what ? Chains, Whips, How, what you
gonna use to control the Jinn? How, You can even see it, how do you control it ? But, cannot
the stronger Jinn controll the Weaker Jinn? In their own world, yes, because that their world
and quite literaly the Jinn are some type of Mafia, with the Boss, the Godfather right? And theh
Magician contacts one of the upper guys, one of the Henchman, maybe even the Boss Himself,
than his work is supcontracted out, literaly, tell one of the lower guys, you have to go do that,
right? Minimum weight, Outsourcing it - laughter - (But Not To Indian, Dont Worry Big
Laughter in the Audience) Having said that there is a lot of them in India and Pakistan,
unfortunatly, thats realiy isnt it ? The Point is that, (and this is my own experience Allah
knows best) - Ahh, I dont wanna tell to many storys here, so I have asked a number of Jinns
why are you doing this, (big confusion) Jinns, ya, when Im doing the exorcism, (ahh, few
times) Im asking him, what are you getting out of this, whats in it for you? Now I had multiple
responses, we dont belive nessecerliy the Jinn but the responses to me seems to be
leigitimate at a time, because of the surcum stances, I have asked, let me not say that, It has
been said that a number of them said, so one of them said If I dont do this, I beeing punished
by (they dont mentioning Iblis) by the bigger guys, (because look, when you are performing an
exorcism and you are reciting quran, the Jinn is beeing tourched, so in that stage you asked this
Jinn, you can leave rather that you been tourched here, why dont you leave, because you are
definantly not enyoing this, just leave, the Jinn says: If I leave, I will face that type of torchure,
Ive be shreded to bits and what not and one of them say Rather I die in this way then what
they would do So whatever it is, I dont know, In one instance it said that I do it because Im
hounored when I commit the deed When I do this, they give me (the Big Guys) now what is
that honor, its not mony but, (just like we are motivated by money, the Jinn have their
internal motivations) - so this is that subcontracting out, right? , Something is given to this
entitiy that makes it feel very big, that Im willing to get this that permossion or whatever or
the reward or whatever, and on one occasion the Entity said that its beyoned my control,
that they have bound me, physically, (whatever that is) and I cant leave the body, I cannot
stop doing this, its like I dont have any choise here because they have physically bound me
and I kept trying to get out how, how how, but It wouldnt tell me and again we dont know if
this is true, but to hearing all of this there are multiple motivations for the Jinn, sometimes its
threat, sometimes its brive, and sometimes it seems to ba slave master going on, that I cant
help, its just happening, but genuanly speaking, the Jinn that is going to communicate with the
Magician is not that ends up doing the deed and of course, one of the deed that terryfies is is
that the quantity of the Jinn are far more numerous than the quantity of Men, because Jinn
procuriates by thousand and every Jinn have thousands and Jinns live for 100s of years if not
1000 years, so when you have jinn that are billions of billions of billions, its easier to get cheap
labour basically, sucontracted out and get it done.

Jinn and Reality of Sihr by Dr. Yasir Qadhi,p2,


We must skip over many things, the Ahadith about Magic, the Types of Magic, Astrology and
this relation, Let get us to to the point that we really understand, I dont want to delay this to
part 3, maybe we have a another part 3 about those tings, lets finish this about talking about
How can we dedect magic? When do we know It is actually magic? And this is one of the
biggest problems that our Muslim community has, that many people, specially our sisters,
blaime everything on Magic, (laughter) slightest problem - Jadoo, Sehr, Ayn, Nazar, (laughter
in the audience and at doctor), and this is a psychological problem, wallahi its a problem, In
my own humble experience, Im not very specialist, I Just double in exorcism, I would say, 95%
of the time that people come to me, that is mental sehr (laughter in the audience) , wrong up
here, OK, 95 % of the time, they wanna just blaime something, like I said, the classic example,
if you have food and the byriani is supstandard and nobody is buying dont blame sihr, you
have to incrase the taste of the byriani, (laughter) right? here is the point, if you having
problems in your business, in your marriage, relationship and this and that, before you jump to
Sihr, before you think something is wrong supernaturaly realise there are problems all the
time, do you think every business is gonna be successful, everyone who startet business knows
that 9 out of 10 business are failures, this is just the rule of dhumb, right? Every Marriage has
its ups and downs, every couple has his fighting, even Prophet (saw) had issue with his wife,
from the Quran we get this, so every the people fight, the wife things this is Jadoo Im so
perfect, my husband would never scream at me, - Im sorry sisters, but it goes 2 ways, that
the realiy, subhannallah this is the problem, how than do you know, its actually Sihr or not,
there are certain symptomps and signs, if something is supternatural, you dont must go do the
list, or what not,if somebody is flying in the air, then you can preety much rule out (laughter in
the audience) -or if you literaly see a shayataan, yani , or you hear it f.e. , we are not talking
about that is self evidende, how do you know ? so you will always have some symptoms and
the most common symptome when ruqhya is done, quran is recited, adhan is heard, then
sometype of action will accur, this ist the most commond way to dedect if sehr is been done,
that constant quranic recitation, constant listening to the adhan, should have some inpact, if is
then the whorste magic, their more immidiatly inpact, OK the most the sihr, to immidiate the
reaction to this, and the more slight the sihr, the more prolonge, there are many types of sihr,
there are sihr that is so trivial, that you hardly even now it and it takes weeks, to figure out its
their and there is sihr that you simply bring the person infront of the ruyhia, you see infront of
your eyes, that this person is freaking out, not even saying bismillahirahmannirrahim not
even saying anyting, the person reaction just by seeing it, because it knows that you gonna
receite on it, its going bizzare, the point is you can tell, by quranic recitation, by adhan and
seeing the inpact, another way to tell is that inexplicibal symptomps, i.e. beyoned
understanding, for example: a person is tripping multiple times, he is mashallah 30, 40, 50
years old, not a very old man and for no reason he is falling on the stairs, he is falling in the
street, and he is like I dont undestand and he says I feel something, so a normal person, who is
helping and what not, is not gonna slipping and tripping, he says: as if somebody pushed me
so there is something supernatural, something beyoned understanding, and I also giving the
example that going to the doctor and the doctor is scratching the head, that everything seems
normal, we dont understand why ? no for example, there is a pain, its typically in the
stomach - the doctors is saying we are doing the mry, we are scanning, nothing is there, so any
time the docotr has a diagnosible desease it can not be Sihr, so the jinn can you give cancer,
cancer is a desease, the jinn can not create microbs or viruses and thru it in the body, if the
doctor says, he has this virus, there is no jinn involved,

For Sihr it must be above and beyoned our regular roum, many of us and doctors also had to
do with this cases, they just dont understand why this is happening,

Also specially when it comes to marriage, because the most common type of Sihr is breaking
up a marriage, and this is by the testymony of the quran (Surah 2, Verse 102):

Jinn and Reality of Sihr by Dr. Yasir Qadhi,p2,


So couples having intimacy problems that doctors doesnt undertand why? Everything is normal,
except when the man is come to his wife suddenly he feels wired, he feels headache or many times
there is a physical push, literally a push back, there is nothing you can see there, these are also
supernatural symptomps that docotrs says you has nothing wrong with you,

Also another sign is anger and depression that is extreme and whas not common before a certain
incident, now some people have bad tempers, if they had bad tempers their whole life, there is no
sehr, but some people are mashallah dabarakallah very calm, very good, then instiantaniasly they
just flip and for the last year or 2 years, there seems to be a different person, thats very common, if
you here somebody says: He seems to be a different person, we went to our homecountry (thats
very common) ever since we came back, he seems to be a different person - That warning goes in
my head, when I hear this, OK, that this is not the regular habit of this man, that we said some
people have dempraments, if the person is none to be a evil demprament, OK, that the way some
people are, but if somebody have a change, that is over night, it must be instiantaniase, Sihr is always
instiantaniase right? Extreme depression, extrem anger, (these are the main sympotms in therms of
scycologial , than we can diagnose further and read quran.

Another sign of Sihr is unnatural aversion to a specific person or place, that not had been typical
been there and again, Sihr is done between 2 People, if Sihr is done between 2 People, the marriage
was a mediocre, most marriages are OK, Allhamdulilah, instiantaniasly, the wife notices that my
husband has never ever nice to me, around me, wants to be away from me, he wasnt like this, 10
years of the marriage, and always in a bad mood, always angry, always cursing and yet he seems to
be normal not in my wasinaty, if this is an instiantaniase change, I m onost with you that sometimes
the husband doesnt like his wife and things go sour, they go down south, but we are talking about
an an instiantaniase change, that the key point here, that everything seems to be normal, then
somebody visited, then we went somewhere, now the 2 of them are not getting along and again it
seems unnatural the wife is saying : I didnt do anything or the Husband is saying (the other way) I
didnt do anything that my wife is just, for some reason for years now - and again 1 incidant dont
thing to sihr, that is everybodys marriage right? Continues stream that never has an acception, i.e.
always there is gonna be a problem, for months and months and months, then we can think about
sihr, and also there will be always other symptoms, of thoese symptoms also aswell is change in
sleeping habits and eating habits, again this is a sudden change, so f.e. he used to like heavy foods,
no suddenly he doesnt wanna eat rice or meat or he now eats vegetables, right`there will be a big
change for me (for example) laughter in the audience, give up all meat (lahaulaquata Illa Billah)
andn just become a strikht, vegan, without reason, he is not talking about, he is gonna lose weight,
obviously we are talking about inexpliciabl change,

One of the most important sympotms is dreams, it is rare very rare, to meet a person that has sihr,
ho doesnt have bizaare dreams, this is one of the biggest warning signs, when I hear it, one of the 1st
questions I asked What are your dreams?, Tell me about your Dreams, the one who are the most
acuaourd, the most embaricing the most vivid, dont tell it publicaly, tell it to me because I must have
a diagnose, as a person who is doing, you hear the most vulgar, the most bizarre, the most
frightening and specially I say this we must differenciate between our imagination and between
reality, so when I say this tonight you have this dream, then this is you imagination, Im beeing very
blunt here, to fell as if there is a pressure on your chest, you cant breath at night, to see yourself
beeing attacks by snakes, scorpions, dogs, lions to feel as fixiated, to feel a presence (you know the
6th sense as they say) , that I can feel there is somebody there, but there is nobody here, these are
all sympotms that are pretty common, one it comes to sihr and again there more then this symptoms
than that, that takes. If you dont have any of these symptomsp you just have a bad business lack,

Jinn and Reality of Sihr by Dr. Yasir Qadhi,p2,


bad streak of marriage dont thing on sihr, think of improving the marriage by making the biryani
good, I dont know.

The Problem comes when we want an easy solution, someone else did it, no, everyone of us, have
our issue, ups and down, businesses , all of us, unless you see some clear symptoms, that are just not
in this list that you dont understand, than do not jump to that issue of, Sihr, if you feel that is Sihr
involved, than start reading quran and see the effects, you can do that yourself, extra quran, giving
adhan in your house, praying and and see that is an effect, if there is no effect at all, nothing
changes, then there is no sihr,

Is every case is involving possession no, cause posseison is real, there are evidences in the Quran and
SUnnah theiy are talking about Possession, that can not been denied, the Jinn sometimes overtake
the body and the person looses con consciousness himself, the person becomes the Jinn, and
sometimes the person loses controll but not consciousness, so the Person can see himself if he is in a
dream, but he cannot control himlsef, and sometimes the person never loses control and
consciousness but nows that the Jinn is inside him, there are many levels of possesions, does every
sihr involves possession, NO, Poessions only occurred in the whorste type of Sihr, much Sihr occures
without any possession, lets called it Jinn Irritation so the jinn will simply assign to you to make
your business fail, to give you no child, so its not living inside of the body, but it just accompaning,
and remember a jinn has a 1000 years to live, what is he cares about your 60 or 70 years, for them
that is like a day, or a week, for them they got the punishment and that is not a problem, for them
thats a fraction, no big deal for them, and they are casses of Jinns that are passing down
generations where somebody has sihr for multimple generatiosns, so the father have it, then the
son, then his son, and so on and so forth, and the jinn is doing that, because he can live much longer
than you, there are many caseses that dont involved possession, the jinn will be just around in you
vacinity, maybe even come back and forth in your life, to monitor the situation and this is the most
difficult type of sihr to battle, he is infacting in you life, harming your life, meaning the less the jinn is
in your life the less you feel the sihr, right? The Sihr of the Jinn just come one in a while, just
monitoring, lets say your business, or you giving you a pain, headache, the jinn doensnt have to live
in you, every few weeks, that is difficult to combad, by cause he is not there, that is even possible
that you read quran nothing will happened, the jinn is no there, that why we says: You must be
inhabit if reading Quran, one the jinn is there, than the jinn will reaced, becaause it must reaced of
the Quran, and the whorste type of sihr is when the Jinn is inside of you, living and as we say it dont
must be posseison, it could be a part of your body whater is the stomach, its the back, there will be
extra pain, or tingeling, spiny sensation, or pins and neadles, in the back, or heat, HOT and COLD, for
no reason, and again, doctors says, everyting is fine here, so

In the Horror Movies there is an element of truth, in and you are dealing with this pearson and that
person is not that you knew, a different person, that is the stage that the jinn is taking over,

Combad magic,

Remember you are reaching out to a another world, the world of the jinn, you dont have the
physical strength to combad the jinn, you only have one power, that is Lahaula Wala Quata Illah
Billah, Allah has the power over the jinn, the only way to combad Sihr is reach out to Allah (swt),
because thats a different world, because Allah kill the Sihr, like he did it to our Prophet (saw) and
the power of the Quran is the most affective to iliminating the Jinn, Jinns literlay Burns when they
hear the Quran, literaly they Burn, so the 1 way is the thrue the Quran, especially the Surahs that
our Prophet (saw) told us are

Jinn and Reality of Sihr by Dr. Yasir Qadhi,p2,


Last Verses of Surah Al-Baqarah,
The Entire Surah Al-Baqarah, (linked to combad SIhr says Prophet Mohammad (saw)

You dont need to go to a specially, a Raqi we called them, but it is edvaisable, because you are
not knowledageble to do this, it is better to do that that you go to a specialsist, but make clear
that he is correct theology, because most of the people invovled in combating magic are himself
magician, most, not the minority, when you pay them the money, they will contact other jinns
to kick the 1st jinns out, whats the problem, the other one takes you, literaly there is a mafia
going out there, I ma telling you, I have duld with multiple cases , the Sihr that im dealing with is
acutally the 2nd level, not the 1st level, that the person that im reading over is actually effected by
the guy that wanted to help him, and backfight, along the the first case, Never ever fight magic
with magic, becaseu you only get you more magic.

What the Raqhi wants you to do, (money is not a criteria), even rightous people ask you money,
end of the day, the quran teacher is also asking money, so asking money in at at itself doesnt is a
sin, the quran teacher have to say that, so a ligitimate Raqhi can also say, that I can charge you
per sessin, that is not an indication that he is right or wrong, what is an indication, what is he
doing and what is he asking you to do, that the indication, if he is doing that is something mambo
chambo bizarre, wired, super stitions, you know telling you to sacrifice the chicken and take the
blood, thats very common right, anything that is sounds that this is pagan, this is burry
something in the middle of the night, if an raqhi ask you for an item of clothing, or hair of what
not, if (thats a an another sign) if he ask you for you mothers name (the mothers name the one
that you are treating) when he asks that you must know that this rakhi himself is a magician,
doesnt matter how long the beard and big the belly (big lauther), look if you come to me, it
doesnt matter what you fathers/mothers name is how is that relevant to me there is a case
right, just like the doctor is go to, your mother name will not help you to cure you, its nothing,
why did they ask, because in the world of the Jinn they need to know your mothers name,
because Allah (swt) says call them by your fathers) and the Shayateen wanna disobey Allah, so
they will call them by your mothers , Allah say OdAAoohum liabaihim that is in (Surah 33 Al-
Ahzab, Verse 5) :
And the Shayateen is doing the opposite, you eat with the
right, they eat with the left, we do this, they do that, so anyone who asks you what is the name
of the mother of the person, anyone who asks you for clothing, for hair, anyone who without
examining the patient saying something about the patient, tells you the status of the patient, and
thats very common aswell you go to the moulvis saab, the peer saab back home, pay him the
money, and say Ah, my cousin, is he afflicted or not and he (theh Sahir) does his Mambo
Jambo, closes his eyes and say Yes, there is Sihr done on him how did this man now, sitting in
timabkh 2 now your cousin here in Memphis, when he said tell me about his symptoms, then you
come to me, eventhen, but when you say that to me (I dont do very often that) I will say to you
that bring the patient to me, I will never pronounce a judgment just second hand, anybody who
without examniing the patient simply by knowing his mothers name, simply by getting some
clothing item, says he is doing a analyses on this person know that this person is also contacting
the jinn, 110% there is no dought about that, because there is a aura of religiosity, he might even
be the sheikh of a masjid, it doesnt matter becaseu there has to bee a perseption if
rightousness, with the business customers, right? , Anybody who is asking you for clothing iteam,
for the name of the mother or asking you to do something paganistic, that person is a magician,

Jinn and Reality of Sihr by Dr. Yasir Qadhi,p2,


It doesnt matter what fasad he has painted, its imposible that a person who is a mumin, ask you
about the name of the mother, they are calling out the jinn themlseves,
How do you know its legitiems. If he (Raqhi) asks you to

read more Quran
to pray often
to do Zikr
give the Adhan
to come close to Allah (swt)
to Pray tahajjud,
to follow the sunnah
in other words, standards stuff, if the only thing that he is doing is reading quran and the aszkar, then
you person is legit and thats the main criteria to seperating the rightous from those who are not

some things are OK to do, to wright the Quran, (it must be the Quran, words, phrasese) and put it
into the water to drink, there is not a problem inshallah, to blow the quran on soemthing and give it
to you, again if is it the quran, there is no problem aswell, even wright quran aslong it is quran and
put it on the body, but you have to read it - that it must be entirely quran, otherwhise anytime
somebody gives you a paper, an iteam, that has symbols, boxes and squares, wired garbage here and
there, suqless and lines, pentagons and what not , numbers, (so you have grids with numbers, that s
very common) anytime a person is doing this, he is not following the quran and sunnah, this is
numerology and this is a method to communicating with the Jinn, now these types of papers a
typicaly surrounded by lil bit of Allah and his Messenger here and there, to say Ali Lal Mim Qaf, Ain,
Bismillah, in the box are nothing but numbers, right? But if you mix Tauhid and Shirk what the next
result? SHIRK, so dont be confused that there is one ayyah, just because its allahs name, even the
mushrikoon belive in allah , that doesnt mean anything, all of it has been quranic or azkaar, then we
can say its permisibble, but when it is wired stuff, that you don t understand, language that you
dont undestand, scribes and symbolds, numbers, boxes, grides, all of this communicating with the
shayateen, and it is not a part of our religion ISLAM, to conclude the point is that Magic is not
something to be terrified of, anymore that you are terriefied of a natural calamity and magicians are
evil people who has quite literaly sold themselves to the shayateeen, and in return the shayateen do
their tricks, the only way to combad is to turn to allah (swt) the more religious and rightous you are
the the less the impact of sirh is on you when it is done, even the most rightous man can be afflicted
with sihr, the only cure is extra religiousity, turningn to allah (swt), the easyiest way is to get to the
iteam of sihr and to destroy it so the effect of sihr is liffted up, but typically not the common way,
becaseu it is diffcult to get to the iteam, but if you are able to than this is the easiest way to do it,
otherwhise you dont need to get to the iteam, because our prophet (saw) curred it simply by Surah
Al-Falaq and Surah An-Nas,

Make Allah (swt) make us of those who are protected from Sihr, and shayateen do not harm, we ask
allahs protection, we seek Allahs protection, from the evil of those who are blow on to knotes, from
the evil of the Jinn and the Shayateen, to protect us and our families,

END at 2:02:44

Jinn and Reality of Sihr by Dr. Yasir Qadhi,p2,


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