English Elementary Scope and Sequence

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Basics 1 p6
Basics 2 p8


Functional language


International English; Numbers 110; Introductions 1 & 2; Alphabet


Classroom English 1 & 2; Colours; Days of the week;

Numbers 11100; Things around you

1a The new person p12

Verb to be affirmative
Possessive adjectives

Objects 1

1b Personal application p14

Verb to be negative &


Countries & nationalities

1c Personal possessions p16

1d In person p18

This, that, these, those

Objects 2

0 Language reference p10

Drinks & snacks

Saying hello & goodbye

Offers & responses

1 Language reference p20

2a The expat files p22

Present simple affirmative

& negative

Common verbs 1

2b Typical friends p24

Present simple questions

& short answers

Common verbs 2

Word stress 1

2cStill at home p26

Wh- questions
Possessive s

The family

Final -s

2d Tour group p28



Prepositions of place

Places to live

There is/there are

How many

Parts of a house

Avenue p34

3c My first flat p36

A, an, some & any


Describing people

2 Language reference p30

3a Houseswap p32
3b1600 Pennsylvannia

3d Shopping mall p38

Ordinal numbers


Collocations have, go & get

Telling the time

The date

3 Language reference p40

4a MetroNaps p42
4b A day off p44

Prepositions of time: in, at, on


4c Do the housework! p46

Frequency adverbs & phrases

Verb collocations (housework)

4d Im on the phone p48

Vowels 1

Vowels 2

On the phone

Phone numbers

4 Language reference p50

5a High-speed trains p52


5b Cross Canada trip p54

Past simple was/were

5c Travel essentials p56

Past simple regular verbs

5d Bed & breakfast p58

The weather

Past simple
regular verbs
Asking for permission

5 Language reference p60


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(in the Workbook)

Dialogues: the first day at a new job

Guided dialogue: introductions

A phone call to a language
Dialogues about possessions

Making a phone call to a language school

Did you know? The world of social networks
Game:Whats this in English?

An email from a tour company

Dialogues at a welcome party

Roleplay: offering and responding at a

welcome party

The Expat Files: an article about

A Briton talking about living

Talking about life as an expat

Britons living abroad

A radio interview about men,
women and friendship

Talking about things you do with

your friends
Did you know? The family in Britain

An Englishmans home: an article about a

Completing a form

A personal e-message

man who lives with his parents

A phone call describing people
arriving at the airport
Houseswap: a website describing houses

Communication activity: describing famous

faces past and present
Game: Class Houseswap

A documentary about the White


Giving a short presentation of your home

Did you know? 10 Downing Street

Dialogues at the information

Communication activity: finding differences

between two rooms
Roleplay: giving directions in a building

A dialogue about a new flat

Giving directions

desk of a shopping mall

MetroNaps: an article about a nap service
An interview about Nothing Day

Dialogues about special days

A radio phone-in about

Communication activity: Talking about

daily routines
Talking about adding an extra national
holiday to the calendar
Survey: Life and work at home

Three phone dialogues

High-speed trains: an article about

Phone messages

Roleplay: phone calls

Did you know? Phone facts: Canada and
the US
Talking about languages

fast trains
People talking about holiday
A dialogue about holiday preparations
Two advertisements for hotels

Dialogues at a hotel

Talk about holiday photos

Did you know? Top destinations for
Canadian tourists
Talking about things to take on holiday

Describing a holiday

Talk about a past holiday

Roleplay: at a hotel

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6a Celebrations p62
6b Actor! Author! p64

Past simple irregular verbs


Past simple irregular verbs

Past time expressions

Films & books

Past simple irregular


6c They cry easily p66

Adverbs of manner


Word stress 2,
intonation 1

6d Im not crazy about it p68

Adjectives of opinion

Functional language


Talking about likes & dislikes

6 Language reference p70

7a Miracle diets? p72

7b Rice p74
7c Fussy eaters p76
7d Eat out p78

Countable & uncountable nouns

Some, any
How much/how many

Food 1


Describing food

Food 2
Eating out

Word stress 3
In a restaurant

Word linking 1

7 Language reference p80

8a I hate flying p82

8b Traffic jam p84

Verb + -ing


Present continuous

Action verbs

8c Follow that car! p86

Present simple vs present continuous


8d Lets take the bus p88



Intonation 2

8 Language reference p90

9a A good impression p92

9b Body moving p94





9c Never forget a face p96

Possessive pronouns


9d Not feeling well p98

Health problems

Final -e

Asking/saying how you feel

9 Language reference p100

10a Its illegal p102


Places in a city

10b Life in the capital p104



10c Best of the best p106


go + verb + -ing

10d City souvenirs p108

Size & colours

Word stress 4

In a shop

Word linking 2

10 Language reference p110

11aWorking behind the

Question review


11b The future of work p114

11c 16 before 60 p116
11d In the workplace p118

Predictions (will)

Describing work

Going to

Collocations make & do

/w/ /v/ /b/

scenes p112

Phrasal verbs


11 Language reference p120

12a Music fans p122

Present perfect 1 affirmative

12b A public life p124

Present perfect 2 questions

& negative
Verb forms (review)

12c English in your life p126


Irregular past

12d The end p128


12 Language reference p130

Communication activities p132

Audioscripts p140

Unit reviews p147


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(in the Workbook)

Blogs about celebrations

Talking about a celebrations

Actor! Author! A TV quiz programme

Communication activity: films

Game: Actor! Author!
Did you know? The Big Read: favourite books
Game: The Dialogue Game

Dialogues about likes and dislikes

Talking about things to do in London

Talking about likes and dislikes

Exposed: A TV programme about


Inventing your own miracle diet

Crying good for your health: an article

about men and crying

An article about rice

Eating out: a survey

Communication activity: food

Dialogues about eating habits

Dialogue: complaining about food

A dialogue in a restaurant

Survey: eating out

Guided dialogue at a restaurant
Did you know? Restaurants by numbers in
the US

Fear of flying: an article about flying

A dish for you

Questionnaire and talking about travel

A traffic report on the radio

Tracy Dick P.I.: detective story

Dialogues about crossing a city
A website about first impressions
Health: an article about sitting at work

A card for a special


Game: In Traffic
Did you know? Londons Congestion Charge
Communication activity: a normal day and
a special day
Dialogue: suggesting things to do

An invitation

Talking about making a good impression

Exercise instructions
An interview about how people
remember faces
Dialogues about feeling ill

An article about strange laws

People talk about life in the capital city of their country
Best of the best: an extract from a
guide book about Cape Town
A dialogue in a souvenir shop

Survey: health
Giving exercise instructions
Memory test
Did you know? Faces on coins
Roleplay: not feeling well
Making classroom laws
Did you know? Banning smoking in India
Talking about living in the capital
Communication activity: moving to another
Talking and giving advice about the best
things to do in a city
Roleplay: in a souvenir shop

Behind the scenes: a TV

programme about jobs

Talking about work

Game: Guess The Job
Did you know? The NHS
Talking about your future working life

16 before 60: an article about healthy living

People talk about future plans

Talking about plans for the future

Signs in the workplace

Dialogues in the workplace

Dialogue: invitations

An article about the future of work

The music fans: an article about people

who love music

Giving advice

A city guide

A job for the summer

Talking about music and musicians you like

Interviews about speaking in

Questionnaire about speaking in public

Did you know? Person of the Year
A short presentation

Dialogues at the end of an event

Game: Travel with English

English in your life: brochure for a

language school



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