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AutoCalculator Easy

AutoCalculator Easy
Short instruction

In the following, we will give you the most important information about the use of the Schletter AutoCalculator Easy.
This short instruction has been created to help you to use our AutoCalculator in the most efficient way.
You can also activate the auto-calculator on your desktop or in the windows menu.



1. Create an account

2. Start a new project

2.1 Specify the roof

2.2 Compile the mounting rack

2.3 Layout plan

2.4 Calculation

2.5 Finish the project

3. Problem solving

AutoCalculator Easy

1. Create an account


First, please enter your personal data for the web shop and the online load calculation.

After that, adjust the proxy settings as far as required.

2. Create a new project

For this purpose, please click the button "New Project".


Short instruction Schletter AutoCalculator Easy

The calculator works chronologically. Thus, the items at the left must be processed first. Only after that, you can move
on to the next tab on top of the page, for example from Project to Configuration.
A red point means that there is still information missing.
The yellow warning triangle shows that there is an auto-completed entry that still has to be checked and maybe corrected.
A green hook shows that everything has been entered correctly.
With an on-line connection of your computer, you can mark the item Calculate loads with a hook so that the loads
are calculated automatically. If you are off-line, for example on the building site, you can also create a quick quantity
calculation. In this case, please remove the hook for the load calculation by clicking.

After entering the Zip code and the Height above sea
level, please click the OK button to send the data to
our server. Thus, you will get the respective load values
for your installation site.

Short instruction Schletter AutoCalculator Easy


AutoCalculator Easy

2.1 Specify the roof


Using the tab "Building" you define the roof that is to be equipped with solar modules.
Starting from the roof type up to the roof covering, you can enter all relevant data here. The roof dimensions also
have to be specified here.
By clicking the OK button, the data are entered and you can go on tho the next step "Configuration".

2.2 Compile the mounting rack

Under the menu item "Configuration" you can compile
the mounting rack.
Also here, you will be guided through the individual steps.
Only when all items are marked with a green hook, you
can move on the menu item "Calculation".


Short instruction Schletter AutoCalculator Easy

When selecting the rail, you can see the structural utilization ratio and change your selection, if the rail is overloaded.

These options are also available for roof hooks and module clamps.

There are two possibilities to create a layout plan.

You can enter manually how many modules and rows
you want to install on the roof or you can also create a
module layout plan.
When choosing the option "manual entry" you can
see how many modules and rows can be placed on the
configured roof.
You can activate the second option with the button
"Roof layout": Click once and a new window opens up.

Short instruction Schletter AutoCalculator Easy


AutoCalculator Easy

2.3 Layout plan

By holding the left mouse button and dragging the mouse at the same time, you can create a new module field.
Troublesome areas (New Intersection/New Obstruction)) can be integrated and modules can be removed. You can
shift the module field and add a dimensioning. With a click of the right mouse button, you can duplicate or delete the


With bigger module areas, you can zoom in on individual areas.

After that, press the OK button to get to the menu item "Calculation.

2.4 Calculation
Here you will find a compilation of the roof areas.


Short instruction Schletter AutoCalculator Easy

At the left, the roof area that is currently processed

is shown.
If several roof areas are entered, the total of active
roof areas is shown at the right

2.5 Finish the project

The tab "Print" offers several options.

Individual piece list (Bill of materials)

Total piece list (Print price) for several projects
Piece list with and without prices
Loads report

Moreover, the order can also be sent directly to our web

shop if you have a web shop account.

3. FAQ

Get the FAQ

directly on your
smart phone

System requirements for the AutoCalculator Easy

Windows operating system (recommendation: Windows 7 or newer version)
NET framework 4 or higher
about 60 MB free hard disc storage space
An internet connection is required to use the software
Up-to-date browser (recommendation: Windows Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome)

What if the Auto-calculator does not work or only works to a limited extent?

Please check if one of the following items applies and do something about it if required

The domain has been blocked by the firewall as not trustworthy.
The port 80 is blocked by the firewall
The connection to the internet is created by a proxy server. The time-out of the proxy is less than 6 seconds.
The load assumption version is outdated. Current version (as of 21.02.2014)
The virus scanner blocks the domain

You will also find further help at:

A remote connection to the internet is used

Short instruction Schletter AutoCalculator Easy


... do you already know our

Schletter Configurator?

We are available from 7 am to 5 pm

to give you comprehensive and competent advice.

Schletter GmbH
Alustrae 1 | 83527 Kirchdorf/Haag i.OB

AutoCalculator Easy
Product sheet

Subject to changes and/or technical modifications.

Schletter GmbH, 2014, I400340GB, V1

Technical Advice and Inquiries

Tel.: +49 8072 9191 201
Fax: +49 8072 9191 9201
E-mail: [email protected]

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