Instructional Objectives

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Guide to Writing Instructional Objectives

in a Standards-based System

Behavioral objectives, learning objectives, instructional objectives, and performance objectives

are terms that refer to a description of observable student behavior or performance. In a standards
based system, describing student behavior or performance is necessary in order to determine
accurately whether or not a student has met the standards. At some point, almost every teacher,
especially new teachers and student teachers, must deal with writing such objectives. Here, such
objectives are referred to as instructional objectives. Writing clear measurable objectives that are
tied to a specific standard is a skill that requires practice, feedback, and experience. Over the past
30 years or so, the emphasis on, and attention paid to instructional objectives has waxed and
waned as different ideas change about how best to express instructional intent. In a standardsbased system, instructional objectives provide detail and specificity to the knowledge and skills
that students must acquire to meet the standards.
Instructional objectives are about curriculum, not instruction. This is a key point. Many tend to
confuse instructional objectives with objectives a teacher may have that relate to student conduct
or behavior in a classroom. Instructional objectives are learning objectives; they specify what
behavior a student must demonstrate or perform in order for a teacher to infer that learning took
place. Since learning cannot be seen directly, teachers must make inferences about learning from
evidence they can see and measure. Instructional objectives, if constructed properly, provide an
ideal vehicle for making those inferences. They also guide the development and planning of the
instructional activities.
The purpose of an instructional objective is to communicate. Therefore, a well-constructed
instructional objective should leave little room for doubt about what is intended. A well
constructed instructional objective describes an intended learning outcome and contains three
parts, each of which alone means nothing, but when combined into a sentence or two,
communicates the conditions under which the behavior is performed, a verb which defines the
behavior itself, and the degree (criteria) to which a student must perform the behavior. If any one
of these three components is missing, the objective cannot communicate accurately.
Therefore, the parts of an instructional objective are:
1. Conditions (a statement that describes the conditions under which the behavior is to be
2. Behavioral Verb (an action word that denotes an observable student behavior)
3. Criteria (a statement that specifies how well the student must perform the behavior).
An instructional objective is the focal point of a lesson plan. It is a description of an intended
learning outcome and is the basis for the rest of the lesson. It provides criteria for constructing an
assessment for the lesson, as well as for the instructional procedures the teacher designs to
implement the lesson. Without an instructional objective, it is difficult, if not impossible to
determine exactly what a particular lesson is supposed to accomplish.

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Instructional objectives are derived from the standards. In order to write an instructional
objective, one should begin with an understanding of the particular content to which the
objective will relate. Understanding in more than one way the content to be learned should be a
goal of teachers as well as students. This implies that teachers or others who prepare objectives
as part of lesson plans or curriculum documents and guides should have more than superficial
knowledge of the appropriate content. The standard provides a body of content in which a series
of objectives can be written that define how a student will demonstrate mastery of the standard.
Instructional objectives deal only with what the student will know or be able to do. They have
nothing to do with what the teacher will do during the instruction. Below you'll find a description
of the parts that make up instructional objectives.
The Conditions
The conditions part of an objective specify the circumstances, commands, materials, directions,
etc., that the student is given to initiate the behavior. All behavior relevant to intended student
learning outcomes can best be understood within a context of the conditions under which the
behavior is to be performed or demonstrated. The conditions part of an objective usually begins
with a simple declarative statement such as the following:

Upon request the student will (this means the student is given an oral or written request to do
Given (some physical object) the student will (this means the student is actually given
something that relates to performing the intended behavior).

Notice that in the examples above, there is no mention of the description of the instruction that
precedes the initiation of the behavior. The instruction that leads to the behavior should never be
included in the actual objective. Instruction that leads students to accomplishing an objective is a
separate issue. Here, we want to concentrate on describing only the conditions under which the
desired student behavior is to be performed.
The Verb
We all learned in elementary school that a verb is an action word. In an instructional objective,
the verb is also an action word, but it is also a special kind of action word. The verb in an
instructional objective is an action word that connotes an observable behavior. For example,
although we as teachers all want our students to appreciate one thing or another, it is impossible
to see when a student "appreciates" something. Understand is another noble word that connotes
something we want our students to do, but we cannot see "understanding." The best we can do is
make inferences that a student appreciates or understands something based on what the student
does or says in a controlled situation.

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What then are instructional verbs? The answer is quite simple. An instructional verb is a word
that denotes an observable action, or the creation of an observable product. Verbs such as
identify, name, and describe are behavioral because you can observe the act or product of
identifying, naming, or describing. Some verbs are embedded in a phrase that gives them a
specific behavioral meaning. Examples are state a rule and apply a rule. In this case the behavior
is contextual, and the context is the rule in question.
There are many verbs that qualify as behavioral. For a list of these verbs, and their definitions,
see the table below or some of the examples used in language arts, mathematics, science, and
social studies below.
The Criteria
The criteria are a set of descriptions that describe how well the behavior must be performed to
satisfy the intent of the behavioral verb. Usually, criteria are expressed in some minimum
number, or as what must be, as a minimum, included in a student response. For example an
objective might be of the form: Given a list of the first 100 numbers arranged in ascending order
(conditions), the student will identify (verb) at least nine prime numbers (criteria). Notice that the
objective doesn't specify which nine numbers, and sets a floor of at least nine as a minimum.
Also, the method by which the student identifies the minimum nine prime numbers is not
specified; that is determined in the actual assessment. The student could circle the numbers,
highlight them, draw line through them, etc. It is also implied that the student will be correct if
he identifies more than nine correctly, but does not specify whether it is acceptable to identify
nine correctly and one or more incorrectly. According to the objective, it would be acceptable to
circle the following numbers and still meet the intent of the objective: 1-3-5-7-11-13-17-19-2324-26, because he got nine correct, and two (24-26) incorrect. If the student must identify only
prime numbers, then the objective would need to be modified to include that provision.
Putting it all together
Well-written instructional objectives are the heart of any lesson plan or unit of study. If the
objectives you compose are "fuzzy" and difficult, if not impossible to measure, the rest of the
lesson plan you create that is based on the objective is likely to be flawed. Before you begin to
write an objective, spend a little time thinking about what you are describing, and remember to
make the student behavior observable. You will find this process helps you to clarify what you
intend, and you will be better able to communicate that intent to your students, regardless of their
grade level, age, or subject. Instructional objectives clearly communicate the intended learning
Any time you write an instructional objective for a standard, ask yourself these questions, "Does
this objective clearly communicate and describe the intended learning outcome? Is the learning
outcome clearly tied to the content identified in the standard?" If you can find exceptions or
loopholes as a way of meeting the objective, then the objective should be rewritten.

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Definitions of Instructional Verbs

Instructional verbs are the heart of learning objectives and lesson plans. They are, if used
effectively, the best way to indicate, and communicate to others, specific, observable student
behavior. Instructional verbs describe an observable product or action. Inferences about student
learning can be made on the basis of what a student does or produces. The following verbs and
their definitions can be helpful when composing instructional objectives. These are general
definitions that describe only the observable behavior and do not include linkages to any specific
content. These definitions are provided for those who seek a basis for a technical vocabulary
regarding student performance.
APPLY A RULE: To state a rule as it applies to a situation, object or event that is being analyzed.
The statement must convey analysis of a problem situation and/or its solution, together with the
name or statement of the rule that was applied.
CLASSIFY: To place objects, words, or situations into categories according to defined criteria
for each category. The criteria must be made known to the student.
COMPOSE: To formulate a written composition in written, spoken, musical or artistic form.
CONSTRUCT: To make a drawing, structure, or model that identifies a designated object or set
of conditions.
DEFINE: To stipulate the requirements for inclusion of an object, word, or situation in a category
or class. Elements of one or both of the following must be included: (1) The characteristics of the
words, objects, or situations that are included in the class or category. (2) The characteristics of
the words, objects, or situations that are excluded in the class or category. To define is to set up
criteria for classification.
DEMONSTRATE: The student performs the operations necessary for the application of an
instrument, model, device, or implement. NOTE: There is a temptation to use demonstrate in
objectives such as, "the student will demonstrate his knowledge of vowel sounds." As the verb is
defined, this is improper use of it.
DESCRIBE: TO name all of the necessary categories of objects, object properties, or event
properties that are relevant to the description of a designated situation. The objective is of the
form, "The student will describe this order, object, or event," and does not limit the categories
that may be used in mentioning them. Specific or categorical limitations, if any, are to be given
in the performance standards of each objective.
DIAGRAM: To construct a drawing with labels and with a specified organization or structure to
demonstrate knowledge of that organization or structure. Graphic charting and mapping are types
of diagramming, and these terms maybe used where more exact communication of the structure
of the situation and response is desired.

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DISTINGUISH: To identify under conditions when only two contrasting identifications are
involved for each response.
ESTIMATE: To assess the dimension of an object, series of objects, event or condition without
applying a standard scale or measuring device. Logical techniques of estimation, such as are
involved in mathematical interpolation, may be used. See MEASURE.
EVALUATE: To classify objects, situations, people, conditions, etc., according to defined criteria
of quality. Indication of quality must be given in the defined criteria of each class category.
Evaluation differs from general classification only in this respect.
IDENTIFY: To indicate the selection of an object of a class in response to its class name, by
pointing, picking up, underlining, marking, or other responses.
INTERPRET: To translate information from observation, charts, tables, graphs, and written
material in a verifiable manner.
LOCATE: To stipulate the position of an object, place, or event in relation to other specified
places, or events. Ideational guides to location such as grids, order arrangements and time may
be used to describe location. Note: Locate is not to be confused with IDENTIFY.
MEASURE: To apply a standard scale or measuring device to an object, series of objects, events,
or conditions, according to practices accepted by those who are skilled in the use of the device or
NAME: To supply the correct name, in oral or written form for an object, class of objects,
persons, places, conditions, or events which are pointed out or described.
ORDER: To arrange two or more objects or events in accordance with stated criteria.
PREDICT: To use a rule or principle to predict an outcome or to infer some consequence. It is
not necessary that the rule or principle be stated.
REPRODUCE: To imitate or copy an action, construction, or object that is presented.
SOLVE: To effect a solution to a given problem, in writing or orally. The problem solution must
contain all the elements required for the requested solution, and may contain extraneous elements
that are not required for solution. The problem must be posed in such a way that the student that
the student is able to determine the type of response that is acceptable.
STATE A RULE: To make a statement that conveys the meaning of the rule, theory or principle.
TRANSLATE: To transcribe one symbolic form to another of the same or similar meaning.

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Different instructional verbs are used for specific levels of knowledge. See the chart on the next
page for examples of verbs used with the different levels of Bloom's taxonomy.

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Bloom's Taxonomy of the Cognitive Domain




Student recalls or
Information, ideas,
and principles in the
approximate form in
which they were
Student translates,
comprehends, or
interprets information
based on prior






Student selects,
transfers, and uses
data and principles to
complete a problem or
task with a minimum
of direction.
Student distinguishes,
classifies, and relates
the assumptions,
hypotheses, evidence,
or structure of a
statement or question
Student originates,
integrates, and
combines ideas into a
product, plan or
proposal that is new to
him or her.

Student appraises,
assesses, or critiques
on a basis of specific
standards and criteria.


The student will
define the 6 levels of
Bloom's taxonomy of
the cognitive


The student will

explain the purpose
of bloom's taxonomy
of the cognitive


The student will

compare and contrast
the cognitive and
affective domains.



The student will

design a
classification scheme
for writing
objectives that
combines the
cognitive, affective,
and psychomotor
The student will
judge the
effectiveness of
writing objectives
using Bloom's

The student will

write an instructional
objective for each
level of bloom's

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Examples of Activities: English Language Arts

APPLY A RULE: In response to the question, "Is cttn an English word?" the student would reply,
"No, because it has no vowels. All English words must have at least one vowel."
CLASSIFY: The student could be asked to classify the words of given sentences into categories
of parts of speech. He could be asked to literary forms according to style (novel, drama, poetry,
COMPOSE: The student could be asked to compose a limerick.
CONSTRUCT: From the description provided in the text, the student could be asked to construct
a model of the frontier settlement described in Singing Wheels, fourth level reader.
DEFINE: The student could be given a number of words and be asked to figure out ways that
similar words could be grouped. His response might include statements such as, "The words that
tell about color could be put into one group. Those that tell about the feelings of people could be
put into another group. Those that don't ell about anything could be put in another group. NOTE:
Defining is not memorizing and writing definitions written by someone else - it is creating
DEMONSTRATE: The student could be asked to demonstrate with a percussion instrument, the
rhythm (meter) of a poem by Edgar Allen Poe.
DESCRIBE: The student could be asked to describe the procedures of a formal debate.
DIAGRAM: The student could be asked to diagram the stage settings for Man and Superman by
G.B. Shaw.
DISTINGUISH: Given a list of pairs of nouns and pronouns, the student could be asked to
distinguish between the two.
ESTIMATE: The student could be asked to estimate, within twenty-five pages, the page number
where any given word would be found in a 475 page dictionary.
IDENTIFY: The student could be asked to identify all the consonants in the alphabet. He could
be asked to identify a sonnet from among several examples of poetry.
INTERPRET: The student could be asked to interpret any passage of literature that is given to
LOCATE: The student could be asked to locate, in time, the English Romantic Period.

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NAME: The student could be asked to name the parts of speech. He could be asked to name five
authors of the Early American Period. He could be asked to name three literary works of
Americans who are also Black.
ORDER: Given a series of scrambled paragraphs, the student could be asked to order them to
conform with short essay style.
STATE A RULE: The student could be asked to state a rule covering the use of "ei", "ie"
combinations in the spelling of words.
TRANSLATE: Given a passage from a Shakespeare play, the student could be asked to translate
it into modern American English.
Examples of Activities: Science
APPLY A RULE: The student could be asked to explain why a shotgun "kicks" when fired. His
response would include a statement to the effect that for every action there is an equal and
opposite reaction (Newton's Law of Motion), and that the "kick" of the shotgun is equal to the
force propelling the shot toward its target. The faster the shot travels and the greater the weight
of the shot, the greater the "kick" of the gun.
CLASSIFY: Given several examples of each, the student could be asked to classify materials
according to their physical properties as gas, liquid, or solid.
CONSTRUCT: The student could be asked to construct a model of a carbon atom.
DEFINE: Given several types of plant leaves, the student could be asked to define at least three
categories for classifying them. NOTE: Defining is not memorizing and writing definitions
created by someone else -- it is creating definitions.
DEMONSTRATE: Given a model of the earth, sun, and moon so devised that it may be
manipulated to show the orbits of the earth and moon, the student could be asked to demonstrate
the cause of various phases of the moon as viewed from earth.
DESCRIBE: The student could be asked to describe the conditions essential for a balanced
aquarium that includes four goldfish.
DIRGRAM: The student could be asked to diagram the life cycle of a grasshopper.
DISTINGUISH: Given a list of paired element names, the student could be asked to distinguish
between the metallic and non-metallic element in each pair.
ESTIMATE: The student could be asked to estimate the amount of heat given off by one liter of
air compressed to one-half its original volume.

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EVALUATE: Given several types of materials, the student could be asked to evaluate them to
determine which is the best conductor of electricity.
IDENTIFY: Given several types of materials, the student could be asked to identify those which
would be attracted to a magnet.
INTERPRET: The student could be asked to interpret a weather map taken from a newspaper.
LOCATE: The student could be asked to locate the position of chlorine on the periodic table.
NOTE: To locate is to describe location. It is not identification of location.
MEASURE: Given a container graduated in cubic centimeters, the student could be asked to
measure a specific amount of liquid.
NAME: The student could be asked to name the parts of an electromagnet.
ORDER: The student could be asked to order a number of animal life forms according to their
normal length of life.
PREDICT: From a description of the climate and soils of an area, the student could be asked to
predict the plant ecology of the area.
SOLVE: The student could be asked to solve the following: How many grams of H2O will be
formed by the complete combustion of one liter of hydrogen at 70 degrees C?
STATE A RULE: The student could be asked to state a rule that tell what form the offspring of
mammals will be, i.e. they will be very similar to their parent organisms.
TRANSLATE: The student could be asked to translate 93,000,000 into standard scientific

Examples of Activities: Mathematics

APPLY A RULE: Given a pair of equations such as 2 + 4 + 7 = 13, and 7 + 2 + 4 = ___, the
student could be asked to apply a rule that would give him the solution to the second equation of
the pair without adding the factors. His response should include a statement to the effect that the
same numbers are to be added in each equation, but in different order (analysis) and that the
order of addition makes no difference in the solution of the equations. Therefore, the sum of both
equations is the same.
CLASSIFY: Given a series of numbers drawn at random from 1 - 1000, the student could be
asked to classify them into categories of even divisibility by 2, 3, 4, and so on.

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CONSTRUCT: Given a straight edge, compass, and paper, the student could be asked to
construct an equilateral triangle.
DEFINE: Given an assortment of various kinds of coins, the student could be asked to define
some categories into which the coins could be classified. His response would include definitions
such as, "All of the pennies, all of the nickels, all of the dimes, etc., could be put in separate
piles. Or all the coins containing silver could be put in one pile and those that don't into another
DEMONSTRATE: Given a sufficient number of concrete objects and an equation such as 3 x 4 =
12, the student could be asked to use the objects to demonstrate that multiplication is repeated
addition. His response would include placement of twelve objects in three groups of four each, or
four groups of three each. He may also be asked to describe how the demonstrations show
repeated addition.
DESCRIBE: The student could be asked to describe a method of determining a number of groups
of five objects in a collection of 45 objects. The response would include a statement that groups
of five members would be counted out and then the number of groups could be counted. The
student may also be asked to demonstrate the process he described.
DIAGRAM: The student could be asked to graph the equation y = 2x2 - x + 3.
DISTINGUISH: Given pairs of numbers, one number of each pair a prime number, the student
could be asked to identify the prime number in each pair.
ESTIMATE: Given multiplication examples with three-digit numerals in both the multiplier and
multiplicand, the student estimates the products to the nearest thousand.
IDENTIFY: The student could be asked to point to the numeral ninety-four on a numeration
INTERPRET: Given a bar graph showing the per unit cost of food products when purchased in
various size packages, the student interprets it by stating the lowest and highest per unit cost and
by describing the relationship between increased package size and per unit cost of the product.
LOCATE: The student could be asked to locate a particular desk in his classroom by stating the
row it is in and the ordinal position from the front of the room. "John's desk is the fourth one
from the front, in the second row, from the east wall."
NAME: What is the name of this collection of objects? Answer: "A set." What is the name of this
type of equation? Answer: "A quadratic equation."
ORDER: Given a number of objects of different lengths, the student orders them from lesser to
greater length.

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PREDICT: The student could be asked to predict the next term in an increasing arithmetic series
such as 2, 5, 9, 14 ____.
SOLVE: The student could be asked to solve the following: 2 + 3 = ____. In this example, the
type of operation is clearly indicated. Or, he could be asked to solve the following: "Jimmy,
John, Bill, and Sam each had three marbles. John gave Bill two of his marbles. How many
marbles did Jimmy and Sam have together then?" In this example, the operation to be performed
is not specified, and extraneous factors are introduced.
STATE A RULE: In response to the question: "Why is the sum of two numbers no different if the
order of adding them is reversed?" The student answers: "Because of the commutative principle,"
or "Because the order makes no difference in addition."

Examples of Activities: Social Studies

APPLY A RULE: Given population data that illustrates the principle that the standard of living
decreases if population increases without corresponding increase in production, the student could
be asked to analyze the data to tell and tell how he is able to determine what effects changing
population will have upon the standard of living.
CLASSIFY: Given photographs of various people and definitions of racial classes, the student
could be asked to classify the photographs according to the races of the people portrayed.
CONSTRUCT: Given appropriate materials, the student could be asked to construct a model of a
city water system.
DEFINE: Given a filmed or taped situation in which several forms of communication are
portrayed, the student could be asked to define several categories of communication. His
response could include definitions for verbal, non-verbal, pictorial, visual, auditory, or any of
several other classes or categories of communication.
DEMONSTRATE: The student could be asked to demonstrate the use of calipers to determine
the measurements for obtaining cephalic indices. Or he could be asked to demonstrate use of a
compass to determine direction.
DESCRIBE: The student could be asked to describe the culture of a particular Indian tribe.
DIAGRAM: The student could be asked to diagram the steps involved in the passage of a bill
though the legislature.
DISTINGUISH: Given the names of ancient Greek and Roman gods paired according to
function, the student could be asked to distinguish between them.

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ESTIMATE: Given the day of the year and the latitude, the student could be asked to estimate
the length of daylight at a particular place.
IDENTIFY: Given the name of one of the U.S. presidents, and photographs of several, the
student could be asked to identify the picture of the one which was named.
INTERPRET: Given a bar graph that shows production of steel in the U.S. during the last fifty
years, the student could be asked to interpret the graph. His response could include references to
times of production increases or decreases, total amount of decreases or increases, and
differences in production between the years.
LOCATE: The student could be asked to locate, in time, the first battle of the American
MEASURE: Given a string and a globe with a scale of miles, the student could be asked to
measure the scaled distance between any two given points.
NAME: The student could be asked to name the factors that contribute to natural population
ORDER: Given the names of the declared wars in which the U.S. has engaged, the student could
be asked to order them according to the time of occurrence.
PREDICT: The student could be asked to predict the type of economy that could be supported in
described geographic regions.
SOLVE: Given tables of prices and costs, the student could be asked to solve problems related to
the law of diminishing returns.
STATE A RULE: In response to the question: "What controlled the inheritance of family
property in the European Middle Ages?" the student would respond with a statement that
indicated that property was inherited by the eldest son.
Adapted from "Writing Behavioral Objectives", Dr. Robert Kizlik

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