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EE505 Electrical Engineering Lab.

Spring 2008

Lab 2. DC Motor Control Using a Microcontroller

1. Purpose
The main purpose of this experiment is to design and implement a DC motor position control
system using a microcontroller, especially, to design an elevator position control system. Experimental
steps include a sequence of development stages composed of getting acquainted with a
microcontroller development system, actuating a DC motor with PWM (Pulse Width Modulation)
switching amplifier, obtaining position feedback signal using optical encoder, designing and
implementing a suitable feedback position controller for elevator. Students can establish a firm
concept on control system implementation, which is one of typical design examples with judicious
combination of both hardware and software.

2. Problem Statement
Problem 2
Design and implement an elevator position control system for 6-story building using a
DC motor and a microcontroller. Given a DC motor, design and implement a suitable
elevator position feedback control system using a microcontroller as a digital controller,
H-bridge PWM amplifier as an actuator, and an optical encoder as a position sensor.
Overall block diagram is shown in Fig. 1.



Elevator Control System






Fig. 1. Block diagram of an elevator control system




3. Lab Overview
1) Microcontroller
Microcontroller is a VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration) chip, which contains CPU (Central
Processing Unit), memory, and input/output devices. In this experiment, a microcontroller named
ATmega128 will be used. It is available from Atmel Co. Ltd., and has features of 8-bit RISC (Reduced
Instruction Set Computer) CPU, program memory of 128 Kbytes, data memory of 4 Kbytes, and has
many input/output interface devices. It is a typical small-but-powerful microcontroller. By integrating a
suitable hardware and installing a suitable software program, one can implement a desired target
system. Detailed documentations including datasheet on ATmega128 can be found at
In this experiment, for rapid and convenient implementation, a PCB board including
ATmega128will be utilized. The ATMega128BK3 board from Interboard Co. Ltd is selected. This board
includes an ATmega128 microcontroller, SRAM (Static Random Access Memory) of 32 Kbytes, a RS232C driver, a 16 MHz crystal oscillator, a reset switch, and also an ISP (In-System Programming)
connector. Detailed documents and circuit diagram can be found at
Note that the 2-pin connector at the bottom-center is the power connector (5V Red, Ground
Black), and the 10-pin connector at the top-left is the ISP-232 connector.

Fig. 2. ATmega128BK3 board

2) Cross Development System

Cross development system is a software development system for developing software which is to
be executed in the target embedded board. As a suitable hardware, a general-purpose computer is
necessary including a keyboard and display for user input/output, and also a disk for program storage.
Since vast amount of PCs (Personal Computers) are widely available, a PC can be utilized as a
development system (sometime called a host computer or a host development system). Suitable
cross-development development software should be installed and utilized, which includes an editor, a
compiler, a linker, and a debugger. The compiler here does not generate Pentium binary codes, but
generates ATmel binary codes. Hence this compiler is called a cross compiler, and the system is called
a cross-development system. Software for development system is often called development tools.
(1) Assembler
An assembler performs a conversion function from an assembly language program to a machine
language, the latter is often called an object code. A typical and useful assembler is the AVRASM,
which can be freely downloaded from ATmel.
(2) C compiler
A C compiler performs a conversion function from a C language program to a machine language
program (or an object code). The AVRGCC, which is freely downloadable from Gnu has good
performance. In the AVRGCC package, a linker is also included, which combines multiple object codes
and suitable libraries, and then generates an executable code. We will use the AvrEdit package, which
contains the AVR GCC as well as a graphic user interface.
(3) ISP program
The ATmega128BK3 board supports ISP (In-System Programming), which is a function to write
the executable code into the program memory (or flash memory). A representative program, the
PonyProg2000 with version of V2.06C, will be used.
In this case, a suitable hardware to connect the PC and the MTmega128 microcontroller is
necessary. The ISP232-2 board from Interboard Co. Ltd. as shown in Fig. 3 will be used.
The top-right connector of the ISP board and the top-left connector of the ATmega128BK3 board
should be connected with 10 pin flat cable. Two left-side 3-pin connectors of the ISP board are used
for serial connections to the COM ports (COM1 and COM2) of the development PC. Only one serial
connection (from the bottom-left of the ISP board to the COM1 port of the PC) is sufficient in this Lab.

Fig. 3. ISP232-2 ISP board

Overall flow of the development process is illustrated in Fig. 4.

C language file
C compiler
Assembly language file
Object code

Object code



Executable code in the host


Executable code
in the target

Fig. 4. Program Cross-Development Process

3) RS-232C Serial Interface
Communication between the microcontroller and the development PC are mainly performed by a
serial communication, specifically named as RS-232C serial interface.
In the serial Interfaces, a data is transmitted along one wire (for each direction). Bits of the data
are sent one after the other. Less data wires are required in the cable but it is slower since many bit
transmission time is required.
In most cases, any device you connect to the serial port will need the serial transmission converted

back to parallel so that it can be used. This can be done using a UART (Universal Asynchronous
Receiver Transmitter). On the software side of things, there are many more registers that you have to
attend to than on a Standard Parallel Port (SPP).
RS-232C/V24 is an Asynchronous Serial Interface with the following features:
z Early (1970s) asynchronous serial interface used for slow printers.
z No transmitted clock signal.
z Character orientated.
z Transmits in units of one fixed sized binary word (5-8 bits).
z Transmission starts with a 0-level start bit, followed by the data, and terminating with one
(or two) 1-level stop bits.
z Multiple characters sent in this format.
z Any time may elapse between end of one character and beginning of next.
RS-232/V24 Timing is shown in Fig. 5. We can use 1, 1 , or 2 stop bits, and 10 to 11 bits/1

Fig. 5. One character timing in RS-232C

Hardware properties of Serial interface are as follows.
z Two categories:
DCE (Data Communications Equipment): modem, TA adapter, plotter etc.
DTE (Data Terminal Equipment): Computer or Terminal.
z The electrical specifications: the EIA (Electronics Industry Association) RS232C standard.
A "Space" (logic 0) will be between +3 and +25 Volts.
A "Mark" (Logic 1) will be between -3 and -25 Volts.
The region between +3 and -3 volts is undefined.
z An open circuit voltage should never exceed 25 volts (In Reference to GND).
z A short circuit current should not exceed 500mA. The driver should be able to handle this
without damage. (Take note of this one!)
z The EIA RS232-C standard: maximum baud rate of 20,000 BPS!
z A new standard, RS-232D has been recently released.
z Two "sizes
D-Type 25 pin male connector and
D-Type 9 pin male connector.
Connection signals for the RS232C are described below.
D-type 25 pin

D-type 9 pin




Transmit data


Receive data


Request to Send


Clear to Send


Data Set Ready


Signal Ground


Carrier Detect



Data Terminal Ready



Ring Indicator

4) DC Motor Plant
The plant to be controlled in this experiment is a DC motor. A general-purpose DC motor with gear
will be used, and an external encoder for position sensing will be designed and attached to the DC
5) PWM Amplifier
A variety of DC motor requires driving voltage from 3 to 400 V, and driving current from 1 to 50
amps, and hence 5V logic voltage is insufficient to drive them: A power-driver as well as a suitable
power-supply is required. Also in order to provide rotation both in the clockwise and counter-clockwise
directions, positive and negative voltages should be applied. For variable speed for rotation, a power
amplifier with variable voltage output is required. The power loss in the power amplifier is not
In order to resolve these disadvantages, switching amplifiers as shown in Fig. 6 can be usually
used. Fig. 6a shows a switching amplifier. For clockwise rotation, a PWM signal is applied to the base
of Q1. The rotational speed is proportional to the width of on-cycle of the PWM. For counter-clockwise
rotation, a PWM signal is applied to the base of Q2. Main disadvantage of this switching amplifier is
that it requires two separate power supplies +Vs and Vs.
An H-bridge type switching power amplifier is shown in Fig. 6b. For clockwise rotation, a PWM
signal is applied to both bases of Q1 and Q4, where the rotational speed is proportional to the oncycle of the PWM. For counter-clockwise rotation, a PWM signal is applied to both bases of Q2 and Q3.
Although it requires 4 power transistors, it requires a single power supply only. In most applications,
H-bridge switching power amplifier is used. In this experiment, a commercialized H-bridge IC will be

Fig. 6. (a) Switching amplifier with dual power supply, (b) H-bridge switching amplifier

6) Optical Encoder
Principle for the optical encoder is to detect the disk rotation via slotted disk and utilizing a light
transmitter and a light sensor, ash shown in Fig. 7. In order to detect the rotational direction also, two
sets of light transmitter and sensor are utilized and located to get 90 degree phase difference. Fig. 8
shows two light sensor signals A and B for this configuration. Also a marker pulse, usually denoted as
Z, may be obtained to detect a certain position in the disk rotation in some encoders.
By detecting both rising and falling edges in both signals A and B, one can obtain the accuracy
improvement of 4 times.

Fig. 7. Principles of Encoder

Fig. 8. Encoder signal A & B

By installing two sets of IR diode and IR photo-detector, we can implement an encoder. A sensor
accuracy up to 4 times the number of slots can be obtained.
7) Digital Controller
A microcontroller functions as a digital controller. The reference input x_d is obtained from the
development PC via RS-232C serial port. Here, the unit of degree is used. The current position x is
sensed via encoder logic, which os fed by encoder signals A and B. The position error e = x_d x is
computed, and a suitable PID controller algorithm is programmed to compute the controller output u.
The PID control action in analog controllers is given by

u (t ) = K [e(t ) +


e( )d +T e&(t )]

where K is the proportional gain, T_i is the integral time, and T_D is the derivative time. The PID
controller has three terms and can be converted into discrete form as follows.

Continuous vs. Discrete

Proportional control: u (t ) = Ke(t )
u (k ) = Ke(k )
K t
Integral control: u (t ) = e( )d
u (k ) = u (k -1) + Te(k )
Ti 0
Derivative control: u (t ) = KTD e&(t )

u (k ) =

[e(k ) e(k 1)]

Hence the analog controller can be transformed into discrete form as

u (k ) = u (k 1) + K (1 + + D )e(k ) (1 + 2 D )e(k 1) + D e(k 2)

The value of u(k) is converted into a PWM signal and transferred to the PWM generator. These
sequences should be repeated for each sampling interval T, which is equal to 5 ms. The sampling
interval T can be generated by the timer 0 in ATmega128.

4. Preparation
1) Pre-Report
Week 1
(A) Hardware Circuit
Design a PWM amplifier and encoder detection logic circuit for the Problem 2. Understand the
required electronic parts (components) as listed in section 3) below. Using these components, design
the circuit. For the PWM generation, read carefully the section on counter in the datasheet of
ATmaga128, and devise how to utilize the counters.
For the actuation of the DC motor, use the counter 2 in the ATmega128 to generate a PWM
signal. The PWM signal is transferred to the H-bridge switching amplifier. Design the circuit for the Hbridge amplifier.
Encoder detection logic may be devised as follows. Use counters 1 and 3 in the ATmega128.
Counter 1 can be used as an up-counter, and counter 3 can be used as a down counter. Using a
program, the difference of up and down counters can be calculated, which results in the position of
the motor. Using this method, a separate up/down counter is not necessary, and can simplify the
overall circuit.
Hence we require up clock and down clock fed to the microcontroller. In order to obtain the best
resolution available, we require detecting every rising and falling edges of the A and B signals from
the encoder. Design a sequential circuit for this encoder detection as follows:
Input: A and B signals from the encoder
Output: Up and down clocks to the microcontroller
Function: Detect every rising and falling edges from A and B signals from the encoder, and
generate up and down clocks to the microcontroller.
(B) PWM Test program
Design and write a PWM test program which constantly generates 10kHz PWM wave with 60%
duty cycle. In order to generate PWM output, refer a PWM generator program in the Appendix.
(C) PWM & encoder test program

Design and write a PWM and encoder test program which gets two inputs from up and down
counters and accumulates. Transmit the count output to RS-232C each 1 sec. The result can be seen
in the PC display via hyperterminal.
Week 2
(D) PID position controller program (week 2)
A controller program for the PI position controller can be implemented using the C language. The
values of PID gain values, and the value of reference input, x_d, are assumed fixed in the program.
The overall algorithm may be structured as follows
Step 1. Initialize the microcontroller including timers and serial interface RS-232C.
Step 2. Loop for the PID position controller
For each sampling time t=kT (T = 5 ms), do
If ( (k mod 200) <= 100 ) then x_r = x_d else x_r = 0.
Obtain the motor position x(k) from the encoder counter readings A and B.
Compute the error e(k) = x_r x(k)
Compute the controller output u(k)
Output u(k) to the 10 kHz PWM amplifier
Wait for the next sampling time
In order to generate 5 ms sampling time, refer a timer interrupt program in the Appendix.
(E) Elevator position control system program (week 2)
An elevator position control system program can be implemented by extending the above PID
controller. Again, the values of PID gain values, and the value of reference input, x_d, are assumed
fixed in the program.
The overall algorithm may be structured as follows
Step 1. Initialize the microcontroller including timers and serial interface RS-232C.
Step 2. Loop for the elevator position control system
Accept the desired floor for the elevator from the user via keyboard.
Step 3. Loop for each sampling time t=kT (T = 5 ms) until the elevator reached the desired floor:
Obtain the motor position x(k) from the encoder counter readings A and B.
Compute the error e(k) = x_r x(k)
Compute the controller output u(k)
Output u(k) to the 10 kHz PWM amplifier
Wait for the next sampling time.
When the elevator reached the desired floor, stop the elevator, and go to Step 2.
2) Lab Equipments



IBM PC with Windows XP

ATmega128BK3 microcontroller board
ISP232-2 programmer board

3) Electronic Parts Required



2V DC motor gear encoder unit with stand

H-bridge PWM amplifier chip (TI)
IR LED diode
IR photo transistor
Logic ICs

5. Lab Experiment
Week 1
1) Implement the hardware using parts and wire connections on the breadboard.
2) Install the development software in the PC.
Install an assembler AVRASM. Download the AVR studio file named aStudio4b401.exe from Decompress the file, and install by running the setup.exe program. The
installed directory is usually set to the directory C:AtmelAVRTools. Since we do not utilize the
assembler, this installation step is optional.
Install the AvrEdit program,, which includes AVR GCC and graphic user
interface from You may download the English version if desired.
Decompress the file, and install by running the setup.exe in the Disk 1 folder. The installed directory is
usually set to C:AvrEdit.
As an ISP (In-System Programming), download the PonyProg2000 V2.06C named from Decompress the file, and install by running
3) Using the AVR edit software, edit and compile the serial output program in the Appendix. An hex
file will be generated. Download the hex file using the ponyprog program into the flash memory inside
the ATmega chip. Using the hyper-terminal program in the PC, be prepared to display the input and
output of the serial interface. Pressing the reset switch in the ATmega board starts execution of the
downloaded program. When a message appears on the hyper-terminal, the installation of the
development software is a success!
However, a minor modification of the program is required for correct display. Hint: Check the
frequency of the crystal clock in the ATmega128BK3 board.


4) Edit, compile, and download the prepared PWM test program. Check if the motor rotates smoothly.
Repeat this step with 40% duty cycle. Observe the operation of the motor.
5) Test the encoder interface using the prepared PWM and encoder test program. Repeat this step
with 40% duty cycle. Observe the operation of the encoder.

Week 2
6) Edit, compile, and download the prepared PID position controller program. Test the program with
various PID settings. Serial output may be used for debugging. When the program in the ATmega
microcontroller generates a character string, we can see the string on the hyper-terminal in the
development PC.
7) Edit, compile, and download the prepared elevator position control system. Serial output may be
used both for user input as well as for debugging. Test the program with various user requirements of
desired floor. Here, assume that the desired floor f and the motor position p has the relation as
p (in degrees) = (f 1) * 60
Let the p (in degrees) denote the clockwise angle from the top position.
8) Improvement of the system performance: The elevator position controller is required to reach the
desired floor as fast as possible, as smooth as possible with no overshoot. How can you tune the
system for the best performance? Using a suitable microcontroller program, measure both the settling
time and the overshoot when the elevator is commanded to move from the first floor to the 6-th floor.
9) Demonstration: When a successful performance of the elevator position control system is observed,
demonstrate the experimental result to the TA.

6. Discussion
In the Section of Discussion and Conclusion, discuss the following:
1) Search for several commercial encoders. Compare and discuss the resolution, accuracy, price of
several encoders.
2) Search for a product with motor, gear, and encoder assembly. What is the main advantage of
these products?
3) Is the PID position controller better than the PI position controller? Justify your answer.
4) Investigate a suitable algorithm or method to adjusting the PID controller gain.
5) Two DC motors with encoders are to de driven using one ATmega128 microcontroller. How can
you implement this? You may add some (minimum) hardware in order to implement.


6) In the actual elevator, there are up/down buttons on each floor, and many desired floor buttons
inside the elevator cart. How can you get inputs from that many buttons, and how can you
manage user commands in total?

Discuss how the BLDC motor is driven. What is the difference between the DC motor and the
BLDC motor.

7. References
ATmega128 Users Manual,
Datasheets: ATmega128(L) Complete (389 pages, revision M, updated 11/04)
AvrEdit Users Manual,
ISP users guide,
, AVR ATmega128 , Ohm , 2004. (in Korean)

8. Appendix
1) RS-232C serial test program
AVR-GCC test program #4 for the STK200 eva board
Author: Volker Oth
Purpose: Uses the UART to communicate with a terminal program on the pc.
The "tranceive complete" interrupt is used to send the string
"Serial Data from AVR receiced###" continuously to the pc.
When a byte was received from the pc, the "receive complete"
interrupt is called, which outputs the byte to PortB where the
LEDs visualize the 8 bits it consists of.
UART format: 9600 baud, 8bit, 1 stopbit, no parity needed
Software: AVR-GCC to compile needed
Hardware: ATS90S8515/8535/2313/mega(?) on STK200/300 board
To contact me, mail to
[email protected]
You might find more AVR related stuff at my homepage:
#include <io.h>
#include <interrupt.h>

#include <signal.h>
#define F_CPU
16000000 /* For 16MHz crystal
/* 115200 baud */


typedef unsigned char u08;

char s08;
typedef unsigned short u16;
short s16;
/* uart globals */
static u08 *uart_data_ptr;
static u08 uart_counter;
/* signal handler for uart txd ready interrupt */
if (--uart_counter)
outp(*uart_data_ptr, UDR);

/* write byte to data buffer */

/* signal handler for receive complete interrupt */
register char led;
led = inp(UDR);
outp(led, PORTD);

/* read byte for UART data buffer */

/* output received byte to PortB (LEDs) */

void uart_send(u08 *buf, u08 size)
/* send buffer <buf> to uart */
if (!uart_counter) {
/* write first byte to data buffer */
uart_data_ptr = buf;
uart_counter = size;
outp(*buf, UDR);
void uart_init(void)
/* initialize uart */

/* enable RxD/TxD and ints */
/* set baud rate */
int main(void)
outp(0xff ,DDRD);
outp(0x00, PORTD);

/* PortB output */
/* switch LEDs on */

/* enable interrupts */

uart_send("Serial test##n", 14);

for (;;) {

/* loop forever */

2) PWM generation example
/* ========================================================== */
EXP05_2.C : PWM Output by OC1A Pin
/* ========================================================== */
Designed and programmed by Duck-Yong Yoon in 2003. */
#include <avr/io.h>
#include "c:AvrEditOk128cOk128.h"
void LCD_4d(unsigned int number)
{ unsigned int i;
unsigned char flag;

/* display 4-digit decimal number */

flag = 0;
i = number/1000;
if(i == 0) LCD_data(' ');
else {
LCD_data(i + '0');
flag = 1;

// 10^3

number = number % 1000;

i = number/100;
if((i == 0) && (flag == 0))

// 10^2


else {

LCD_data(' ');
LCD_data(i + '0');
flag = 1;

number = number % 100;
i = number/10;
if((i == 0) && (flag == 0))
LCD_data(' ');
else {
LCD_data(i + '0');
flag = 1;

// 10^1

i = number % 10;
LCD_data(i + '0');

// 10^0

int main(void)
{ unsigned char i;
unsigned int duty;
LCD_string(0x80,"Period = 1250*2");
LCD_string(0xC0,"Duty = 0000*2");

// initialize MCU
// wait for system stabilization
// initialize text LCD module
// display title

TCCR1A = 0x82;
TCCR1B = 0x13;
TCCR1C = 0x00;
ICR1H = (1250 >> 8);
ICR1L = 1250 & 0xFF;

// Phase Correct PWM mode(10)

// f(PWM) = 16MHz/64/2/1250 = 100Hz

{ for(i=0,duty=0; i<6; i++, duty += 250)
{ OCR1AH = (duty >> 8);
OCR1AL = duty & 0xFF;

// set duty ratio = duty/1250

// display duty


3) Timer interrupt example

/* ========================================================== */
EXP04_2.C : Timer/Counter0 Interrupt(250Hz)
/* ========================================================== */
Designed and programmed by Duck-Yong Yoon in 2003. */


volatile unsigned char interrupt_count;

PORTB = PORTB ^ 0x80;
if(interrupt_count == 0)
{ interrupt_count = 250;
PORTB = PORTB ^ 0x40;
int main(void)
LCD_string(0xC0,"250 Hz Interrupt");

// interrupt counter
/* OC0 interrupt function */
// toggle LED4
// 250th interrupt ?
// if yes, toggle LED3

// initialize MCU
// wait for system stabilization
// initialize text LCD module
// display title

PORTB = 0xC0;

// LED4 and 3 on

TCCR0 = 0x0E;
ASSR = 0x00;
OCR0 = 249;
TCNT0 = 0x00;

// CTC mode(2), don't output OC0

// use internal clock
// 16MHz/256/(1+249) = 250Hz
// clear Timer/Counter0

TIMSK = 0x02;
TIFR = 0x00;

// enable OC0 interrupt

// clear all interrupt flags
// global interrupt enable

interrupt_count = 250;

// interrupt counter


// wait interrupt


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