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What Is Plastic Money?

Plastic money is a term that is used predominantly in
reference to the hard plastic cards we use everyday in
place of actual bank notes. They can come in many
different forms such as cash cards, credit cards, debit
cards, pre-paid cash cards and store cards.
Cash Cards - A card that will allow you to withdraw
money directly from your bank via an Authorised Teller
Machine (ATM) but it will not allow the holder to
purchase anything directly with it.
Credit Cards - Again this card will permit the card holder
to withdraw cash from an ATM, and a credit card will
allow the user to purchase goods and services directly,
but unlike a Cash Card the money is basically a high
interest loan to the card holder, although the card
holder can avoid any interest charges by paying the
balance off in full each month.
Debit Cards - This type of card will directly debit money
from your bank account, and can directly be used to
purchase goods and services. While there is no official
credit facility with debit cards per se, as it is linked to
the bank account the limit is the limit of what is in the

account, for instance if an overdraft facility is available

then the limit will be the extent of the overdraft.
Pre-paid Cash Cards - As the name suggests the user
will add credit to the card themselves, and will not
exceed that amount. These are usually re-useable in
that they can be 'topped up' however some cards,
usually marketed as Gift Cards are not re-useable and
once the credit has been spent they are disposed of.
Store Cards - These are similar in concept to the Credit
Card model, in that the idea is to purchase something in
store and be billed for it at the end of the month. These
cards can be charged at a very high interest rate and
can are limited in the places they can be used,
sometimes as far as only the store brand that issued it.

After the year 2000, financial sector had greatly
reformed as a result of privatization of banks and the
restructuring of financial institutions in Pakistan. Large
number of private investors targeted banking sectors
for investment. According to the Economic Survey of
Pakistan 2012, the financial and insurance sector has
seen a growth of 15% despite the fact that interest rate
spread remained highly variable in recent years. Flow of
Foreign Direct Investment is also towards banking
sectors in Pakistan. As a result large number of new
banks have been established in the last three/four
years. Thus Pakistan's banking sector has robustly
engaged in consumer financing by offering a variety of
products, services and packages to the consumers. Now

banking sector in Pakistan is facing a close competitive

market that's why banks have increased their liquidity,
Range of products and services.
Now, all the banks are competing for the same pocket of
consumers and are engaged in providing new and
convenient products and services. Among those
moderate products and services Plastic money is also an
important product offered by modern banks in order to
attract the customers.
Plastic Money:
The Plastic Money is generally a card with a magnetic
strip offered by banks and financial organization for
withdrawals, payments and purchases. People carry
them in their wallets and purses and can use it where
they want. Such cards generally contain name of card
holder, card number normally of 16 digits, and validity
end date, issuer's name, signature, magnetic strip and a
Plastic Money is a term used for all types of bank's cards
such as Credit cards, Debit cards and all types of Smart
cards for E-Payments. These are of alternative to cash or
standard 'money'. Plastic Money refers to credit cards or
debit cards that can be used to make purchases
anywhere and any time. In other words Plastic Money is
a term refers to hard plastic cards which can be used as
actual bank notes. These are of different types such as
credit cards, debit cards, cash cards, pre-paid cash
cards, ATM cards and store cards. Electronic facilities
and equipments are provided by banks for using such
ATM/Cash Cards:

A card which allows its user to withdraw money from his

account through Automated Teller Machine (ATM)
anywhere. These are generally known as ATM cards.
Credit Cards:
Through Credit Cards users can make purchases directly
anywhere at a restaurant, super store or a petrol pump
where the credit card payment facility is available.
Payments made by issuer bank and user str required to
pay back the amount on a specified date each month
along with a pre-determined rate of interest.
Debit Cards:
Through Debit Cards users can use the money in their
bank account for purchasing goods and services. User
can also withdraw cash up to a specific limit or to the
amount of credit in the account.
Store Cards
These are like a Credit Cards, they are specifically used
for purchases in specific stores and chains where bills to
be paid at the end of each month. A high rate of interest
is charged on these cards. Such cards are issued by
specific brands and chain stores used.
Origin of Plastic Money:
For the first time Plastic Money was issued by a
restaurant in the form of Credit Card known as the
Diner's Club Cards in USA in 1950. Then Diners Club in
collaboration with American Express launched their own
charge cards, a first ever formal Plastic Money.

Thereafter In 1951, Diners Club formally issued credit

cards to 200 customers useable at 27 specified
restaurants in New York. Subsequently in 1970 proper
standards were developed i.e. Magnetic Strips etc. for
Plastic Money.
But the practice of using such products resulted in some
difficulties of the payment system. Cardholders were
unable to shop outside their geographic area. The
merchants also were unable to sign up without their
banks. Bank of America took a step to overcome this
difficulty. Bank of America made licensing agreements
with other banks outside California, later in 1976
changed its name to Visa. This arrangement worked well
for banks that obtained the Bank America license.
However, many banks were left out. In 1966, 16 banks
together in Buffalo, New York, formed their own
network. This association was called as Inter Bank Card
Association, which was the grandfather of Master Card
International, as known today.
As the Visa and Master card organizations gained
prominence, most banks no longer tried to enter the
credit card field, but joined one of the two (Master and
Visa) that were already in existence. The banks agreed
to issue card displaying both the individual bank name
and symbol signifying that the bank was part of a larger
network of banks agreeing to interchange transactions.
And now trillions of dollars are transacted worldwide
through plastic cards
In Pakistan Plastic Money was first introduced by Habib
Bank in 1990 which did not go well because of lack of
awareness about Plastic Money. Then Allied Bank's
Master Card was launched which became popular

among people. Then Citibank made an major

breakthrough in plastic money in 1994, when they
introduced their VISA Card. It was the significant
achievement in Plastic Money market in this region.
Citibank did a marvelous job to enlighten Pakistani
customers, as well as the players of financial industry,
Plastic Money and its worth in today's domain. After
Citibank, MCB, NBP and Bank of America, launched their
own credit cards. Now round about all local and
international banks in Pakistan have entered in the
plastic Money Business and doing their best.
But, even after more than two decades plastic money
industry in Pakistan is one of the under developed
industry and not gaining as much feedback as it is
expected. According to SBP report the number of Plastic
Money is increasing but at low pace and majority of
people are attracted towards debit cards only. Currently
there are limited number of customers in Pakistan using
Plastic Money while large number is not even aware of
the services. The large number of Pakistani customers
do not consider it useful and are reluctant to use and
adopt it.
This research study is undertaken to address those
issues which are associated with use of Plastic Money
such as Credit Cards, Debit Cards and Smart Cards etc.
Mis-Perceptions About Plastic Money:
The study suggested that customers have several miss
perceptions about Plastic Money which act as fallacy
and tends to stop customers from using Plastic Money.
Firstmisperception in the mind of customers about
Plastic Money is that it is theproduct of elite class
only and it require extra ordinary amount of money

and maximized bank balances and middle class or

below are not in a position to use Plastic Money.
Similarly it is assumed that the use of Plastic Money is
a complex activity whichrequires high degree of
education, care and attention which is beyond the
capacity of every customer
Another misperception about Plastic Money is that
most of customers do notconsider Plastic Money as
a service, They think that it is a burden in the form of
extra bank charges.
Somecustomers think that after all it is plastic and
cannot take the place of moneyin hand and with
Plastic Money options become limited.
Customer's Awareness and Education:
The study also reveals that most of the customers are
not aware and educated about how to use Plastic
Money, Even well-educated and card holders also
sometimes face difficulties in using different types of
Somecustomers were observed during study that they
feel problems in side ATMbooths. They feel
difficulties in operating the machine. They even don't
know how to insert card in the machine or enter
People spent a lot of time inside the booths
creating hazards for other
customers waiting for their turn.
Somerespondents complained that many times more
than two or more customercomes inside the booth
which compromises their privacy. That's why they are
reluctant to use Plastic Money especially ATM card.

Alarge number of customers do not know how to use

credit cards for onlinepurchasing thus they are
worried to use it.
Mostof respondents commented that Plastic Money
products are activated througha complex process
mostly requiring telephone calls and they fails to
activate due to inappropriate of the direction from
the customer relationship officer.
Banking Services:
Servicesassociated with Plastic Money are also one of
the dominant factors affectingthe use of Plastic
Money. Although commercial banks provide a sound
range of services but some customers still are not
satisfied from those services. In this regard the study's
outcomes are as follow
Customers' complaints are not properly handled.
Telephonic service associated with Plastic Money is
complex that's why customersare reluctant to use
Inmost areas ATM machines are without uninterrupted power supply whichcreates problems in
case of electric failure during transaction.
Mostly on weekends, starts of the months and on any
special occasion ATM is out of
Cost of Using Plastic Money:
Bank charges, annual fee or interest charged on the use
of Plastic Money are its cost. During the study a number

of respondents showed negative attitude toward Plastic

Money due to its cost. In this regard respondent's
comments about cost can be concluded in the following
Onmost products of Plastic Money the bank Charges
are not transparent. Hiddencharges are always
included in the cost.
Sometimes payments due become late which results
in further increase in cost andcontinuous late
payments damage credit rating.
Afterthe card gets lost or stolen it can be missing used
by someone else. To preventsuch things, customers
call the phone banker and file a request of block
existing and issue a new card. Thus customers again
end up paying for things.
Interest is one of the key ingredients of cost of Plastic
Money and it is againstIslamic laws. This is also
considered by some respondents as a barrier in using
Plastic Money.
Spending Behavior of Customers:
Itwasalso noted that customers paying through Plastic
Money often results in overspending and
customers lavishly spend on those products which
are not usually purchased. Thus at the end they face
financial problems.
Similarly the limit provided by banks for using Plastic
Money was also consideredby some respondents
against their spending behavior.
Though Plastic Money has number of benefits, most of

them usually come with complicated terms and

conditions, which might not understand or comprehend
initially. This is considered by some customers a reason
for not using Plastic Money.
Geographical Differences:
Customers belonging to Urban areas are more likely to
use Plastic Money than Rural Areas because such
facilities are available in Urban Areas mostly.
Security Issues:
Although Plastic Money is considered a very secure
mode of transaction but in this study some respondents
pointed out some issues which varied the security of
Plastic Money products.
Plastic Money is insecure during online payments
because data provided bypurchaser can be
Hackers now the days can access the data used in
transactions and can use resourceillegally.
As discussed that Plastic Money has become the need of
the day and contains innumerous benefits for customers
but customers are still not enough motivated to use
Plastic Money due to above mentioned reasons.
In this study the findings were examined and studied
very closely in order to get the insight of the issues.
Environment for Plastic Money was compared with the
international environment where Plastic Money is
considered an important part of life.

Issues of Pakistani customers were tallied with the

issues of cards users internationally. As a result the
following recommendations were made on the basis of
findings of this study:
Banksoffering Plastic Money Products will have to
extend their efforts in order tochange the attitude
of their customer towards Plastic Money. In this
regard it is recommended that awareness programs
should be arranged to educate customer about
Plastic Money.
Seminars, workshops and conferences should be
arranged to overcome themisperceptions in the
minds of customers. A practical training should be
given to customers about the use of Plastic Money.
Moreover, procedure of using and activating Plastic
Money should be simple anduser friendly.
Security of Plastic Money transaction should be
Banksshould also overcome their service failure and
electricity failure through un-intercepted power
supply arrangements.

PlasticMoney Products should be promoted through

aggressive marketingprograms, middle and lower
class should be targeted especially. If possible Word
of Mouth and Buzz Marketing techniques should be
Feestructure of Plastic Money products should be
customers. Banks should avoid hidden charges for
Before offering Plastic Money to any customer, banks
should at least check thecredibility of the customer.
PlasticMoney Products and services should be
extended to rural areas also.

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