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Net Online Training :

Course Name : MS.NET

24*7 Technical Support

Faculty : Realtime Experience

MSR Trainings:is a brand and providing quality online and offline trainings to students in world wide
Highlights in our training service:
Every faculty has Real Time experiance .Trained Resources placed in countries like Australia, USA, UK,
JAPAN, SWEDEN etc.Any critical issues faced by resource resolved using Teamviewer, webex.Supporting
the resource with Top 100 Interview questions.Resume built in best corporate standards according to
the job description.We will market the resume for top technolgy countries.After each week a status
exam is conducted.offline online trainings are conducted everyday.Weekend trainings for job
goers.flexible timings in accordance with the resource comfortability.If version related to any Tool is
upgraded. We will send the upgraded information via email.we will develop the Aquintance with
Production,development and testing environments.Real time scenarios covered accross Software
Development Life Cycle.for every 10 hours One hour catered to resolve the doubts.Explaining bugs and
critical issues and development activities 24*7 technical supports sevices.
. Net online training in Hyderabad, India, USA, UK, Australia, New Zealand, UAE, Saudi
Arabia,Pakistan, Singapore, Kuwait
Course Content:
The .NET Framework Introduction
Architecture of .NET Framework
Types of MS.NET Applications
MSIL / Metadata and PE files
The Common Language Runtime (CLR)
Common Type System (CTS)
Common Language Specification (CLS)
Types of JIT Compilers
Security Manager
MS.NET Memory Management / Garbage Collection
MS.NET Base Classes Framework
MS.NET Assemblies and Modules
Installing - Visual Studio.NET 2010 - IDE

Visual Studio.Net IDE - Introduction and Shortcuts

C#.NET - Language Basics

Variables, Constants, Data Types
Operators - Arithmetic, Relational, Logical, Bitwise
Operators - Assignment, Casting, Parsing, Concat, Comment
String and String Builder
Boxing and Unboxing

C#.NET - Console Applications

Entry point method - Main
Command Line Parameters
Compiling and Building Projects - (Implement 24 Programs)
C#.NET - Control Statements
Logical Programs - Psedocodes , Programs - 1
C#.NET - Procedures and Functions
Prototype based
Call by value / ref based
Param Arrays, Optional Args, Named Arguments
C#.NET - Arrays
Dimensional Arrays - Single and Multi dimensional (C++/.NET)
Dimensional Arrays - Static and Dynamic
Why Array index starts with zero?
3D Arrays and Jagged Arrays
C#.NET - Object-Oriented Programming
OOPS Concepts in Real World
Object, Class
Data Abstraction, Encapsulation
Inheritance and Polymorphism
Simple Class Implementation
C#.NET - Working With Class and Objects
Declaring a class with state and behavior
Adding Variables and Methods
Inline Methods
Nested Methods
Const Methods, Friend Functions
Properties , Indexers, Initializes
C#.NET - Shared/Static Members
Memory Allocations - Stack, Heap and Global Memory
Static / Shared State and Behaviors

Static Class
Object as Args and Return Type
C#.Net - Constructors and Destructors
Default, Parameterized, static Type
Memory Management and Garbage Collection
Polymorphism - Static
Method Overloading
Constructor Overloading
Partial Classes & Methods
Inner Classes
C#.NET Inheritance - Simple, Multilevel, Hierarchical
Interface, Dynamic Polymorphism
Deriving classes
Simple, Multilevel, Hierarchy
What is the need of virtual functions?
Virtual Functions C++ / .NET Solution
Pure Virtual Functions & Abstract Class
Diamond Problem - multiple Inheritances versus Interface
Implementation/Interface Inheritance
Class Reference and Sub Reference
Visit and Execute - Constructor/Destructor
Calling base class constructor/method
C#.Net - Delegates
Function Pointers in C++
Callback in C++
Delegates - Simple, Multicast, LINQ Based
Event handling and delegates
C#.Net - Exception Handling
Handling Exceptions using try and catch
Raising Exceptions using throw
Pre-defined Exception classes
Custom Exception classes
Using Statement
C#.Net - Win Forms
Introduction to windows forms
Controls - Label, Button, Textbox, Image

Controls - Combo box, Radio Button, Date Time, Timer

Menus and Context Menus
Menu Strip, Toolbar Strip
Grid View, Data bounds
Drag base versus Code Base Designing Control
SDI and MDI Applications
MS - SQL Server 2008 - Quick Tour
Introduction and Installation
DDL, DML and DQL, Key Constraints, Stored Procedures
Create Real time databases - Bank, College, Super Market
C#.NET - ADO.Net Framework
History of ADO.NET - Native API, ODBC, DAO/RDO, ADO
Managed Providers .NET
Working with Connection, Command, Data Reader
C#.NET Dataset - connection less
Working with Prepared Statements
Working with Stored Procedures
Data Tables, Data Columns and Data Rows, Constraints
C#.NET - Working with Components / Assemblies (Priv/Pub)
Developing 3 Tier and N-Tier Architecture Application (Industrial)
Creating a Simple .NET Framework Component
Revise ADO.NET in depth
HTML - Basic Controls, Forms, Frames, CSS, POST/GET Methods
How to create and deploy your own static web site?
Java Script and Jquery Basics
Client versus Server
Client Side Scripting versus Server Side Scripting
ASP.NET Introduction and Architecture
Static and Dynamic Website - Architecture
Client Side Controls versus Server Side Controls
ASP.NET Basic Controls
ASP.Net AutoPostback

ASP.NET Web Form - Lifecycle

ASP.NET Field Validators - Required, Range, Compare, Expression
ASP.NET State Management
View State
Query String
Cookies - Temporary and Permanent
Static Class
Simple Login, My Account Logout Page Implementation
ASP.Net Login Control, ASP.NET Custom Control, Panel Control
ASP.NET Web Services
Web service as Producer and Consumer
Working with UDDI
Web service as Consumer
ASP.NET Master Pages, Skins, Themes
ASP.NET Menu, Navigation, Tree, Ad Rotator
Download from templates and Implement
ASP.NET Authentication and Authorization
Windows Authentication, Forms Authentication, Passport Auth
ASP.Net Data bound controls
Data from Pages, Collections
Data from Data source controls, Data views, Repeator Control
ADO.Net integration with ASP.NET
ASP.NET Website Deployment on IIS and Windows Deployment
MS.NET Threading and MS.NET 4.5 Framework
MS.NET Advanced Features Overview - WPF/Silver Light, WCF, MVC, SharePoint
C#.NET and Sql Server 2008 - Technical Assessment
HTML, Jquery and ASP.NET - Technical Assessment
Project Based Lab Assessment - State Management/ADO.NET/Master Pages.
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