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Secrets of Tarot Numerology: Lesson 10

By Gary Meister
A person can spend a lifetime studying the Tarot, and still never know all there is to know. But you dont have
to spend a lifetime before you can start doing meaningful Tarot card readings for yourself and your friends and
relatives. You dont even have to memorize all the meanings in the Little White Book (LWB) that comes with each
new deck of Tarot cards. All you really need to know to get started is one meaning for each card and know it well.
This series of articles will show you an easy way to do that, with Numerology.
But, this series isnt only for beginners. I didnt learn this system until I had received two Tarot Master
Certificates from two different sources, and after nearly 30 years of Tarot study. And, along with some other
systems, I use it to this day. So if you are a newcomer to Tarot, this might make your learning curve a little
faster. If youre a veteran reader, this could be a new technique to add to your arsenal.
Okaya quick review of where we are right now:

Secrets of Tarot Numerology Tables

Table of Elements:
Major Arcana = Spirit = spiritual growth
Pentacles = Earth = finances, money, material things
Swords = Air = thoughts, ideas, attitudes
Wands = Fire = imagination, creativity, intuition
Water = Cups = love, relationships, the emotions

Primary Number Tables

0. Infinite potential
1. Action, Beginnings
2. Cooperation, Coming together
3. Creativity, Expansion
4. Reason, Practicality
5. Changes, sometimes crises
6. Peace, Harmony
7. Success, Learning from ones mistakes
8. Success through hard work
9. End of a cycle of life
10. Completion, Perfection, Endings leading to new beginnings
11. Extreme creative action on important new beginnings
12. Creative, Cooperative beginnings
13. New beginnings, Creativity, with reason and practicality

14. Practical beginningswatch out for big changes

15. Begin making big changes away from materiality, toward spirituality
A quick reminder: the adding Ive been doing, and continue to do, is numerologys way of rendering a compound
number into a single number value. For example, the number 16 would be reduced to the number 7, as 1 + 6 = 7.
This is called the Fadic System.
Number 16, The Tower: Action + Harmony + Success
Firstlets look at the picture and see what that tells us. A tall stone tower is being struck by lightning; its
crowned top is blown clear off the building. Two people are seen falling to the rocks below. A pretty scary
picture. But lets not forget Tarots symbolism... As Ive said before, the pictures on the Tarot cards stimulate
the subconscious mind to connect to psychic impressions. The Tower is no exception.
Basically, The Tower reflects the material edifice we tend to build in this worlda hard, solid image in our minds.
This tends to blind us to the fact that we are spiritual beings using a material body to learn and grow spiritually,
and not physical beings who happen to have a soul! The Tower symbolizes a big shake-up in our lives that can
open our eyes to the illusion we have created for ourselves. When this happensif were paying attentionit can
lead us to a greater awareness of our spiritual selves and lead us into an attempt to begin a spiritual program of
some kind.
Now: Number 16: Action + Harmony + Success When we have experienced this shake-up, it is time to take
action to make the spiritual changes we need to make.
This will lead us to trying to bring more harmony into our lives. Harmony with all there Is, and harmony with the
other people in our livesthose close to us, and even our acquaintancesafter all, they are spiritual beings, too!
In the sight of Universal Mind, Infinite Intelligence, God, The Goddessor whatever title you give to the Divine,
we are all a part of the One Great Whole. Lack of harmony between any parts of the Whole throws all of the
whole out of balance. Justice has to go to work and fix itthen karma takes over.
1+6=7 Seven is the number of success through learning through our mistakes. We need to look at ourselves
honestly and openlyidentify our mistakes of either thinking or doingand make an effort to learn from them. In
this lies spiritual successand, most often, material success as well! The parts are all oiled and in working order,
and it can be unbelievable how much we can accomplish when we are in balance with the universe...
Thats how I read itwhat do you think? Youre the reader. ;o)
Number 17, The Star: Action + Success through learning from ones mistakes + All around success
On The Star we see a female figure kneeling beside a pool of water. Water in a Tarot image represents spirit. The
woman is nude, showing she is hiding nothing, symbolizing that the universe hides nothing from us if we really
work on our spiritual program. She pours water from two pitchersone onto the land, and one into the water.
Again, symbolizing necessity of balance between the spiritual and the material. We may be spiritual beings, but
we still have to live in this material world until we have learned what we came here for. Then, and only then,
well pass from this world into the next, where well decide where and when to incarnate again, and what
lessons we need to learn this time around. The Star is another card which calls for this balance.
Okay: Action + Success through learning from ones mistakes + All around success
Heres how I see itThe Star intensifies the meaning of the previous card. If we take action to work on our
spiritual selves, while maintaining a balance between our two selves, spiritual and material, it brings about all
around success for us. Rememberwe create our own realityand there are really no limits as to what we can
accomplish! If we can believe it, we can achieve it!
Until next time, Id like you to work with these two cards. Choose what meanings feel right to you. Practice them

out loud and expand upon them. And then write them into your Tarot notebook while saying them aloud again.
During the month, you may have other meanings or nuances of meanings pop into your mind. This is Spirit at work.
You may even have very interesting dreams come to you in your sleepagain, Spirit! Write it all down in your
notebook. As time goes on, your success with Tarot will grow by leaps and bounds!
Every reading helps you to better work with the Tarot. You can easily do readings with the cards you have studied
up to now. There are only four more cards to go, and you can do meaningful readings without them, for practice
purposes. Id like to hear from youlet me know how you are coming along with your study.
[email protected]
See ya next time. :o)
Bright Blessings ~ Gary Meister, CTM

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