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From Clinton Cash by Peter Schweizer

The Lincoln Bedroom

Goes Global

sk Team Clinton about the flow of tens of millions of dollars to the Clinton

Foundation (the formal name is the Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation,
originally called the William J. Clinton Foundation) from foreign governments,
corporations, and financiers and you typically
get an interesting explanation: its a sign of love. As president, he was beloved
around the world, so it should come as no surprise that there has been an
outpouring of financial
support from around the world to sustain his post-presidential work. 1
Ask Bill about the tens of millions of dollars he has made in speaking fees
around the world, paid for by the same cast of characters, and you will get an
equally charitable explanation: its evidence of his desire to help people. By
giving these highly paid speeches, Clinton says, I try to help people think about
whats going on and organize their lives accordingly. 2
Millions of dollars as a sign of pure affection; millions more for helping
people think about their lives. By this logic, politicians who raise millions of
dollars a year must be the most beloved people in Americaand the most
The reality is that most of what happens in American politics is
transactional. People look for ways to influence those in power by throwing
money in their direction. Politicians are all too happy to vacuum up contributions
from supporters and people who want access or something in return. After
politicians leave office, they often trade on their relationships and previous
positions to enrich themselves and their families.
The law dictates how much politicians can collect in campaign
contributions, limits their ability to make money on the side, and requires the
disclosure of those contributors. Hopefully, politicians are also limited to some
extent by their conscience. A sense of decency and good judgment ought to
prevent politicians on both sides of the aisle from engaging in certain
transactionseven if they think they can get away with it.
But while there is ample debate about which transactions should be
limited and how, there is near-universal agreement that the game, however
muddy, should be exclusively played by Americans. For this reason, it has long
been illegal for foreigners to contribute to US political campaigns. In 2012 two
foreign nationals challenged the constitutionality of that law. The US Supreme
Court decided 90 declaring the law not only constitutional, but eminently
The Clintons, however, often take money from foreign entities. And that
money, donated to the Clinton Foundation or paid in speaking fees, comes in

amounts much larger than any campaign contribution. Indeed, the scope and
extent of these payments are without precedent in American politics. As a
result, the Clintons have become exceedingly wealthy.
The big question is whether taking such money constitutes a transaction.
The Clintons would undoubtedly argue that it does not. The evidence presented
in this book suggests otherwise.
Any serious journalist or investigator will tell you that proving corruption
by a political figure is extremely difficult. Short of someone involved coming
forward to give sworn testimony, we dont know what might or might not have
been said in private conversations, the exact nature of a transaction, or why
people in power make the decisions they do. This is why the Federal Bureau of
Investigation (FBI) sets up sting operations: to catch suspected malefactors in
the act.
That is also why investigators look primarily at patterns of behavior.
Imagine, for example, that you are exploring whether a politician is doing favors
for a major campaign contributor in a manner that might be illegal. If
investigators were to find that the timing of major campaign contributions
occurred immediately before the politician made a highly favorable decision for
the donor, and that this pattern could be well established, such timing would
certainly warrant further investigation.
This was precisely the approach I took in my 2011 book Throw Them All
Out concerning stock trades and members of Congress. Were members of
Congress engaged in insider trading in the stock market? I looked at both their
stock trades and their official activities such as voting on certain bills. I
discovered that politicians from both parties had curious patterns in their stock
picks, often buying and selling at opportune times. During the 2008 financial
crisis, for example, some politicians sold stocks or shorted the market (bet that
it would go lower) shortly after receiving secret economic briefings from senior
government officials.
Was this proof that insider trading had taken place? No. As I pointed out in
the book, we could not know precisely why the politicians were making these
particular trades at those particular times. But the patterns were highly
suspicious. Shortly after the release of the book and a 60 Minutes segment on
my findings, politicians from both parties cooperated in passing the STOCK
Act, which was designed to outlaw congressional insider trading. President
Barack Obama condemned the practice during his 2012 State of the Union
Address and later signed the STOCK Act into law. (The law was subsequently
gutted by Congress and the White House, but thats another story.) I can proudly
say that my findings were attacked by both Republicans and Democrats.
In a legal sense I could not prove that insider trading had taken place. I
didnt know precisely the motivations at work when stocks were being traded.
But the pattern and timing of those trades raised questions so troubling that
even members of Congress could not ignore it.

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