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International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT)

ISSN: 2249 8958, Volume-1, Issue-1, October 2011

FPGA Based Efficient Implementation of Viterbi

Anubhuti Khare, Manish Saxena, Jagdish Patel,
Abstract It is well known that data transmissions over wireless
channels are affected by attenuation, distortion, interference and
noise, which affect the receivers ability to receive correct
information. Convolutional encoding with Viterbi decoding is a
powerful method for forward error detection and correction. It
has been widely deployed in many wireless communication
systems to improve the limited capacity of the communication
channels. In this paper, we present a Spartan XC3S400A FieldProgrammable Gate Array efficient implementation of Viterbi
Decoder with a constraint length of 3 and a code rate of 1/3. The
Viterbi Decoder is compatible with many common standards,
such as DVB, 3GPP2, 3GPP LTE, IEEE 802.16, Hiperlan, and
Intelsat IESS-308/309.


A structure and short overview of the basic Viterbi
decoding system is illustrated in Fig. 1. This figure shows
three basic elements of the Viterbi decoding communication
system: convolutional encoder, communication channel and
Viterbi decoder.

KeywordsConvolutional encoder, FPGA, Register Exchange,

Spartan XC3S400A Board, Viterbi decoder.


Figure: Viterbi Decoder Communiction system

With the growing use of digital communication, there has

been an increased interest in high-speed Viterbi decoder
design within a single chip. Advanced field programmable
gate array (FPGA) technologies and well developed
electronic design automatic (EDA) tools have made it
possible to realize a Viterbi decoder with the throughput at
the order of Giga-bit per second, without using off-chip
processor(s) or memory.
Motivation for low power has been derived from needs to
increase the speed, to extend the battery life and to reduce
the cost along with this the main objectives of this paper is
to design an efficient Decoder by providing Efficient
Decoding by providing the most perfect predictable output
that was most likely to be transmitted, Fixed Decoding
Time, Increasing the Efficiency of the System, Eliminating
the effect of noise in a wide variety of system including
Mobile, Satellite communication etc, Simple to
The A.J. Viterbi developed an asymptotically optimal
decoding algorithm for convolutional codes. The Viterbi
Algorithm, the elegant 41-year-old logical tool for rapidly
eliminating dead end possibilities in data transmission, has a
new application to go alongside its ubiquitous daily use in
Cell Phone Communications, Bioinformatics, Speech
Recognition and many other areas of Information
Technology. Viterbi Decoding has the advantage of fixed
decoding time. It is well suited to Hardware implementation.

A. Convolutional Encoder
Convolutional code is a type of error-correcting code in
which each (nm) m-bit information symbol (each mbit
string) to be encoded is transformed into an n-bit symbol,
where m/n is the code rate (nm) and the transformation is a
function of the last k information symbols, where K is the
constraint length of the code.

Figure: The rate Convolutional Encoder

To convolutionally encoded data, start with k memory
registers, each holding 1 input bit. Unless otherwise
specified, all memory registers start with a value of 0.The
encoder has n modulo-2 adders, and n generator
polynomialsone for each adder (see figure1).An input bit
m1 is fed into the leftmost register. Using the generator
polynomials and the existing values in the remaining
registers, the encoder outputs n bits

Manuscript received October 25, 2011.

B. Viterbi Algorithm

Dr. Anubhuti Khare, Reader,Department of Electronics and

Communication, University Institute of Technology, Rajeev Gandhi
(Email:[email protected], Mobile:+919425606502).
Manish Saxena, Head of Electronics and Communication Department,
Bansal Institute Of Science and Technology, Bhopal, (MP), India (Email:[email protected], Mobile: +919826526247)
Jagdish Patel, M.Tech (Digital Comm), Bansal Institute of Science
and Technology, Bhopal, (MP), India ( Email:[email protected],
Mobile:+ 918793495989, 09404816550)

A. J. Viterbi proposed an algorithm as an asymptotically

optimum approach to the decoding of convolutional codes
in memory-less noise. The Viterbi algorithm (VA) is knows
as a maximum likelihood (ML)-decoding algorithm for
convolutional codes. Maximum likelihood decoding means
finding the code branch in the code trellis that was most
likely to be transmitted.


FPGA Based Efficient Implementation of Viterbi Decoder

Therefore, maximum likelihood decoding is based on
calculating the hamming distances for each branch forming
encode word. The most likely path through the trellis will
maximize this metric. [7] Viterbi algorithm performs ML
decoding by reducing its complexity. It eliminates least
likely trellis path at each transmission stage and reduce
decoding complexity with early rejection of unlike
pathes.Viterbi algorithm gets its efficiency via concentrating
on survival paths of the trellis. The Viterbi algorithm is an
optimum algorithm for estimating the state sequence of a
finite state process, given a set of noisy observations. [2]
The implementation of the VA consists of three parts:
branch metric computation, path metric updating, and
survivor sequence generation. The path metric computation
unit computes a number of recursive equations. In a Viterbi
decoder (VD) for an N-state convolutional code, N recursive
equations are computed at each time step (N = 2k-1, k=
constraint length). Existing high-speed architectures use one
processor per recursion equation. The main drawback of
these Viterbi Decoders is that they are very expensive in
terms of chip area. In current implementations, at least a
single chip is dedicated to the hardware realization of the
Viterbi decoding algorithm the novel scheduling scheme
allows cutting back chip area dramatically with almost no
loss in computation speed.

The major disadvantage of the RE approach is that its

routing cost is very high especially in the case of longconstraint lengths and it requires much more resources.
4) Traceback Method and Register Exchange method
In the TB method, the storage can be implemented as
RAM and is called the path memory. Comparisons in the
ACS unit and not the actual survivors are stored. After at
least L branches have been processed, the trellis connections
are recalled in the reverse order and the path is traced back
through the trellis diagram The TB method extracts the
decoded bits, beginning from the state with the minimum
PM. Beginning at this state and tracing backward in time by
following the survivor path, which originally contributed to
the current PM, a unique path is identified. While tracing
back through the trellis, the decoded output sequence,
corresponding to the traced branches, is generated in the
reverse order. Trace back architecture has a limited memory
bandwidth in nature, and thus limits the decoding speed
The register exchange (RE) method is the simplest
conceptually and a commonly used technique. Because of
the large power consumption and large area required in
VLSI implementations of the RE method, the trace back
method (TB) method is the preferred method in the design
of large constraint length, high performance Viterbi
decoders[1]. In the register exchange, a register assigned to
each state contains information bits for the survivor path
from the initial state to the current state. In fact, the register
keeps the partially decoded output sequence along the path.
The register of state S1 at t=3 contains '101'. This is the
decoded output sequence along the hold path from the initial

C. Viterbi Decoder
The basic units of Viterbi decoder are branch metric unit,
add compare and select unit and survivor memory
management unit.
1) Branch Metric Unit
The first unit is called branch metric unit. Here the
received data symbols are compared to the ideal outputs of
the encoder from the transmitter and branch metric is
calculated. Hamming distance or the Euclidean distance is
used for branch metric computation.


Programmable devices are those devices which can be
programmed by the user. Various programmable devices are

2) Path Metric Unit

The second unit, called path metric computation unit,
calculates the path metrics of a stage by adding the

A. Field Programmable Gate Arrays

'Field Programmable' means that the FPGA's function is
defined by a user's program rather than by the manufacturer
of the device. A Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) is
a semiconductor device containing programmable logic
components and programmable interconnects. The
programmable logic components can be programmed to
duplicate the functionality of basic logic gates such as AND,
OR, XOR, NOT or more complex combinational functions
such as decoders or simple math functions. In most FPGAs,
these programmable logic components (or logic blocks, in
FPGA parlance) also include memory elements, which may
be simple flip-flops or more complete blocks of memories.
Each process is assigned to a different block of the FPGA
and operates independently.
FPGAs originally began as competitors to CPLDs and
competed in a similar space, that of glue logic for PCBs. As
their size, capabilities and speed increase, they began to take
over larger and larger functions to the state where they are
now market as competitors for full systems on chips. They
now find applications in any area or algorithm that can make
use of the massive parallelism offered by their architecture.

Figure: Block Diagram of Viterbi decoder

branch metrics, associated with a received symbol, to the
path metrics from the previous stage of the trellis
3) Survivour Memory Management Unit
The final unit is the trace-back process or register
exchange method, where the survivor path and the output
data are identified. The trace-back (TB) and the registerexchange (RE) methods are the two major techniques used
for the path history management in the chip designs of
Viterbi decoders. The TB method takes up less area but
requires more time as compared to RE method because it
needs to search or trace the survivor path back sequentially.
Also, extra hardware is required to reverse the decoded bits.


International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT)

ISSN: 2249 8958, Volume-1, Issue-1, October 2011
the output of encoder is given to a SPARTAN FPGA
through a 2:1 multiplexer for performing viterbi decoding.

Figure: FPGA Internal Architecture

Figure: System Block Diagram


Table: Encoder parameter


The Spartan-3A family of Field-Programmable Gate

Arrays (FPGAs) solves the design challenges in most highvolume,
applications.Because of their exceptionally low cost,
Spartan-3A FPGAs are ideally suited to a wide range of
consumer electronics applications, including broadband
access, home networking, display/projection, and digital
television equipment. A Xilinx Spartan-3A (XC3S400A4FTG256C) 400 K gate FPGA and a Cypress Cy8C24894
PSoC Mixed-Signal Array are the primary components of
the Avnet Spartan-3A evaluation board. In addition to onboard processing functions, the PSoC device provides
offboard communication via a USB 2.0 full-speed interface.




Code rate

Constraint length

As said earlier there are two methods for performing

viterbi decoding so as register exchange and traceback
method. In this project both method are implemented on to
FPGA board and results of two are compared.
B. Coding
VHDL is the VHSIC Hardware Description Language.
VHSIC is an abbreviation for Very High Speed Integrated
Circuit. It can describe the behaviour and structure of
electronic systems, but is particularly suited as a language to
describe the structure and behaviour of digital electronic
hardware designs, such as ASICs and FPGAs as well as
conventional digital circuits.Using Hardware Description
Languages (HDLs) to design high-density FPGA devices
has the advantages of Top-Down Approach for Large
Projects, Functional Simulation Early in the Design Flow,
Synthesis of HDL Code to Gates
The Behavioural VHDL module describes features of the
language that describe the behaviour of components in
response to signals. Behavioural descriptions of hardware
utilize software engineering practices and constructs to
achieve a functional model. Timing information is not
necessary in a behavioural description, although such
information may be included easily. The VHDL process
construct is described first. Processes run code sequentially.
The statements allowed in a process, referred to as
sequential statements, are listed in the module.
The Behavioural VHDL module ends with a
comprehensive example using the quick sort routine.
Although a detailed understanding of the algorithm
implemented by this routine are not important for a full
understanding of the VHDL constructs presented in this
module, the example serves as a vehicle for highlighting
many of the VHDL features presented in this module. The

Figure: Spartan-3A Evaluation Board Block Diagram

A. System block diagram
The figure 6 shows the hardware design of a viterbi
decoder. The convolutional encoder is realized by a
hardware using XOR Gate and Flip Flop. The 8 bit input is
given through a DIP switches the shift register is used to
serialized and provide this input to convolutional encoder


FPGA Based Efficient Implementation of Viterbi Decoder

model also illustrates the similarity between processoriented VHDL descriptions and other general-purpose
high-level programming languages.

of functional design elements (unimacros and primitives) for

different device architectures
1) Synthesis
First, an intermediate representation of the hardware
design is produced. This step is called synthesis and the

C. Vietrbi decoder algorithm Design flow

The algorithm can be broken down into the following
three steps.
1. Weigh the trellis; that is, calculate the branch

Recursively computes the shortest paths to time n, in

terms of the shortest paths to time n-1. In this step,
decisions are used to recursively update the survivor
path of the signal. This is known as add-compareselect (ACS) recursion.

Figure: Xilinx Design Flow

result is a representation called a netlist. In this step, any
semantic and syntax errors are checked. The synthesis report
is created which gives the details of errors and warning if
any. The netlist is device independent, so its contents do not
depend on the particulars of the FPGA or CPLD; it is
usually stored in a standard format called the Electronic
Design Interchange Format (EDIF).

3. Recursively finds the shortest path leading to each

trellis state using the decisions from Step 2. The shortest
path is called the survivor path for that state and the process
is referred to as survivor path decode. Finally, if all survivor
paths are traced back in time, they merge into a unique path,
which is the most likely signal path

2) Simulation
Simulator is a software program to verify functionality of a
circuit. The functionality of code is checked. The inputs are
applied and corresponding outputs are checked. If the
expected outputs are obtained then the circuit design is
correct. Simulation gives the output waveforms in form of
zeros and ones. Although problems with the size or timing
of the hardware may still crop up later, the designer can at
least be sure that his logic is functionally correct before
going on to the next stage of development.

D. Design entry using xilinx ISE 10.1 design Suite

In the design entry process, the behavior of circuit is
written in hardware description language like VHDL.
Simulation and synthesis are the two main kinds of tools
which operate on the VHDL language. VHDL does not
constrain the user to one style of description. VHDL allows
designs to be described using any methodology - top down
or bottom up. VHDL can be used to describe hardware at
the gate level or in a more abstract way. Xilinx ISE 10.1
design Suite these software manuals support the Xilinx
Integrated Software Environment (ISE) software
complete design entry is to be done by using the same
software. Xilinx maintains software libraries with hundreds

3) Implementation
Device implementation is done to put a verified code on
FPGA. The various steps in design implementation are:
1. Translate
2. Map
3. Place and route
4. Configure
The full design flow is an iterative process of entering,
implementing, and verifying your design until it is correct
and complete. The Xilinx Development System allows
quick design iterations through the design flow cycle. Xilinx
devices permit unlimited reprogramming.

Figure: Viterbi decoder algorithm Design flow


International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT)

ISSN: 2249 8958, Volume-1, Issue-1, October 2011

Number used as logic

Number used as a route-thru
Number of bonded IOBs
Number of BUFGMUXs

A. System level Verification

In system level verification the 8 bit binary input will be
feed through DIP switches to convolutional encoder which
produces a 16 bit encoded output
DIP switch output:
0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0
Convolution encoder o/p: 00 11 00 01 01 11 10 01




4) Testing of Viterbi Decoder by Traceback Method

under Noisy Conditions
The functional verification of Viterbi Decoder code on
FPGA done by designing a Test Bench. The Simulation
result shown in waveforms below has two resultant output
waveform for input stimulus i.e. Convolutional Encoded
data without error and other for Convolutional Encoded data
with error. This Simulation result is based on the Test Bench
designed to test the ability of Viterbi Decoder code to Detect
and Correct the Error. Figure shows that output of viterbi
decoder is same for both.

convolutional encoder output will be feed to FPGA

through 2:1 multiplexer the FPGA performs the viterbi
decoding of this data by utilizing maximum likelihood
method and recovers the output that is most likely as it was
been transmitted.
FPGA output:
0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0
B. Experimental Analysis of Viterbi Decoder
Implementation using Traceback method:
The developed Viterbi Decoder using Traceback method
is implemented using VHDL and Synthesized and deployed
on SPARTAN 3A XC3S400A target FPGA platform. The
implemented module is tested and verified by simulation
and the area utilization of FPGA is evaluated through the
Synthesis Report
1) simulation result

Figure: Test Bench Simulation waveforms

C. Analytical Verification of Viterbi Decoder
Implementation using Register Exchange method
1) RTL Schematic

Figure: Simulation waveforms

2) RTL Schematic
Figure 9: RTL Schematic of Viterbi Decoder using
Traceback Method
3) Advanced HDL Synthesis Report

Figure: RTL Schematic

Device Utilization Summary

Logic Utilization
Used Available Utilization
Total Number Slice Registers
Number used as Flip Flops
Number used as Latches
Number of 4 input LUTs
Logic Distribution
Number of occupied Slices
Number of Slices containing
only related logic
Number of Slices containing
unrelated logic
Total Number of 4 input

2) Advanced HDL Synthesis Report

Device Utilization Summary
Availa Utilizatio
Logic Utilization
Number of Slice Flip Flops
1,910 7,168
Number of 4 input LUTs
2,922 7,168
Logic Distribution
Number of occupied Slices
Number of Slices containing only
related logic
Number of Slices containing
unrelated logic
Total Number of 4 input LUTs













FPGA Based Efficient Implementation of Viterbi Decoder

Number used as logic

Number used as a route-thru
Number of bonded IOBs
Number of BUFGMUXs




[1] Iakovos Mavroidis, FPGA Implementation of the Viterbi Decoder,

University of California Berkeley, Dec. 1999.
[2] Milo Pilipovic, Marija Tadic, FPGA Implementation of Soft Input
Viterbi Decoder for CDMA2000 System, 16th Telecommunications
forum TELFOR 2008.

D. Comparison of Experimental and Analytical Methods




Number of

133 (3 %)

Number of
Slice Flip


Number of
4 input

Number of

Number of

Number of


2381 (66

[3] Inyup Kang, Member IEEE and Alan N. Wilson (1998). Low

in Spartan



(1 %)

1898 (26



182 (1 %)

2906 (40


(7 %)


(5 %)








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of Solid State Circuits. IEEE. Vol 33. p.p. 473-481, 2010.
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] John G. Proakis (2001). Digital Communication. McGraw Hill,
Singapore. pp 502-507, 471-475, 2010.
Hema.S, Suresh Babu.V, Ramesh P, FPGA Implementation of
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WSEAS Int. Conf. on Electronics,
February 2007.
A. J. Viterbi, Error Bounds for Convolutional Codes and an
Asymptotically Optimum
Decoding Algorithm, IEEE Trans.
Inform. Theory, vol. IT-13, pp. 260-269, Apr. 1967.
John G. Proakis (2001). Digital Communication. McGraw Hill,
Singapore. pp 502-507, 471-475.
Viterbi, A.Convolutional codes and their performance in
communication systems IEEE Trans. Commun. Technol ,VOl
.Com 19, no ,5, Oct.1971, pp.715-772.
S.Haykan, Communication Systems, Wiley, 1994.

[11] C. Arun, V. Rajamani, Design and VLSI implementation of a Low


Hence because of the large power consumption and large

area required in VLSI implementations of the RE method,
the trace back method (TB) method is the preferred method
in the design of large constraint length, high performance
Viterbi decoders
In this paper we presented an implementation of the
Viterbi Decoder with constraint length of 3 and code rate of
, The proposed solution has proven to be particularly
efficient in terms of the required FPGA implementation
resources so as Chip Silicon Area, Decoding Time and
Power Consumption. We have developed Viterbi Decoder
on Spartan 3A FPGA by utilizing both method and
Synthesis result shows that Traceback method is more
efficient in term of Chip Area Utilization so as will be
Power Consumption in comparision with Register
Exchanged Method. We have also tested the functionality of
the Viterbi Decoder Code implemented on FPGA by
designing a Test Bench for performing Error Detection and


Probability of Error
Viterbi decoder, First International
Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology,
IEEE, 2008.
Kelvin Yi-Tse Lai, An Efficient Metric Normalization Architecture
for High-speed Low- Power Viterbi Decoder, IEEE 2007.

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