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Syopianti (131006963211041)
Prodi administrasi bisnis, STIA setih setio Muara Bungo
Abstract: The language in everyday life plays an important role especially in the disclosure
of a person's mind or the means to think, reason and appreciate life. English is the foreign
language instruction worldwide and used everywhere. English in the Guidelines 1999-2004
placed in a position that is very important in the context of national education and has
touched a wide range of vehicle in relation to the political, economic, social and cultural. In
the Guidelines mandated that all foreign language ability needs to be improved to expand
ways of thinking, strengthen the mastery of science and technology, as well as improving aircommunication capability in the international community. To be able to communicate with
people of different cultural backgrounds and statehood, English has become the main option
that is often used in communication.
Keywords : Importance of English, education, communication.

Language is an important means of communication in the era of globalization of
business, economic, social, tourism, technology and so are becoming increasingly easy in the
can. English is an international language that is very important for the smooth interaction
between the different countries. As well as other foreign languages (such as Japanese
language, Mandarin and other languages). Currently, many movies and comics that have
sprung up in a foreign language, especially English are flooding the country.
Departing from the development of science and technology and the demands of more
advanced age and the modern, it takes a mastery of English language skills, especially as a
means of international communication. It is intended that we as citizens of Indonesia can
compete in the international arena and able to socialize with the perpetrators of the free
market. And many opinions that say that learning English is very important for anyone. Both
young and old. Ranging from school children, ordinary people, workers, businessmen,
students, even housewives.
With the above mentioned fact, have encouraged us to make observations on the
English language as an object of observation which is an international communication tool.

Because we never find in one of the internet sites that learning English in the era of
globalization it is very important for all people, both children, adolescents and adults.
The entry of foreign elements is historically consistent with cultural contacts between
the Indonesian nation with the nations of influencers such as Sanskrit, Arabic, Dutch and
English which runs until now, one of the contributing factors is the more intense the
relationship between science and technology Indonesian nation with English user community.
Foreign elements has added a large number of Indonesian words into Indonesian so
progressing in accordance with the demands of the times. And it comes in line with the
development of language problems, in particular the absorption of words of English.
Absorption with adjustments generally refers to the original word utterance. Thus there will
be in the spelling, aligned with the rules of Indonesian.
The United Kingdom is the country of high civilization, for example in terms of economy,
Indonesia is far from another country to modernity and so forth. Some of the reasons why
English is used as an International Language:
1. The United States is the country that most colonies are controlled most of the oceans and is
the largest occupiers. Its inhabitants migrated and settled in several major continent in the
world that causes them to have a lot of colonies that continue to use English as their official
language or as a second language (countries of the former British colonies).
2. English is the language that is widely used and spread in various parts of the country.
According Braj Kachru, distribution is divided into three parts. The spread of English is also
supported by the various discoveries made by those English. All these findings were
announced by using the English language, causing the English language more widely known
and famous English country become a superpower, superpower and a superpower.
3. According to the second reason, we do not need to create a campaign that is too difficult to
make English as an international language, because it has been preceded by the presence of
these countries.
4. The strategic and political reasons, because countries such as the UK, Ireland, USA,
Australia, New Zealand, Part of the Caribbean islands and some populations in Canada are
mostly countries that have high levels of income greater than other countries.

And according to many opinions, learning English is very important for anyone. Both
young and old. Ranging from school children, ordinary people, workers, businessmen,
students, even housewives. Geography, communication, access to information into three
plausible reasons behind the necessity of learning English for Indonesia.
1. Indonesia is surrounded by countries that most of the population uses English as a first or
second language. These countries are Singapore, Malaysia, the Philippines, Australia, New
Zealand, and Papua New Guinea. Geographical factors become the first reason why the
people of Indonesia need to learn English. If at any time a citizen traveling abroad, sufficient
knowledge of the English language will facilitate a person to communicate with local
citizens. It is also the case in the Netherlands that encourages high school students to learn
and master a foreign language given the Dutch language is not used by the surrounding
2. English should be studied for use as a language of communication breadth International.
To be able to communicate with people of different cultural backgrounds and statehood,
English has become the main option that is often used in communication.

In this era of globalization it is important to learn or be able to speak English or other

foreign languages. But if we forget our identity as a nation of Indonesia, then the confidence
will be lost and the nation will not go forward. If you can speak English, then you can talk to
more than 1.5 billion people around the world. If we master the English language, there are
some benefits of learning English, namely;

We can chat with people who come from other countries.

Write a letter and around the world by using a foreign language.
By learning a foreign language can help improve memory skills, reading, writing,

speaking, listening, creativity, the ability to analyze and solve problems.

Accelerate career advancement.
Because most international business is conducted in English. If you want a managerial

positions at multinational companies, will most likely be required to be able to speak English.
A number of prestigious companies even now set minimum TOEFL score for potential job
applicants. The world of technology, aviation, tourism and diplomatic relies closely to
1. Open the window wider world

Many of the books in foreign languages are only translated into English. If you can
read English, you will have the option of reading a much more diverse; the same is
the case with the film.
2. Conquer the Internet
Many think that in part on the internet website has been translated into Indonesian.
But the fact is, 80% of electronic information is only available in English. While 20%
are not all dominated by Indonesian, but also foreign languages other non-English,
such as Chinese, Japanese, French, and so on. So if we learn and master a foreign
language, especially English, then we do not susah- more difficult to translate words
on the Internet by using the tool / dictionary english translator.
3. Being a scientist
Researchers and scientists around the world to communicate with each other in
English. Scientific conference is held in English and the research results are also
published in English language journals. More than two-thirds of scientists around the
world to read in English.
3. Pursuing opportunities abroad
There are thousands of programs to learn, work and volunteers around the world, but
almost exclusively only offered to those who master the English language. A world
full of opportunity opened when we can speak English.
Learning English is not just familiar with grammar, vocabulary and spelling.
But we also learn to know other cultures. And it will make us more positive attitude









The ability to learn to speak English is not only able to increase our understanding of
other cultures, but also the culture itself that makes us more aware of the language and
culture of our own as well as increase knowledge, ability and understanding. We
learned how to learn, master, and use the English language. Because English is
actually not just words to be translated, but also to be understood and interpreted.

From the data above observations and descriptions in the discussion can be
a. English was chosen as the International Language as the United Kingdom is the country

that most colonies are controlled most of the oceans and is the largest occupiers. The spread
of English is also supported by the various discoveries made by those English. All these
findings were announced by using the English language, causing the English language more
widely known and be known by the nickname "superpower, superpower and superpower".
b. English knowledge for the development of the Indonesian people into something that is not
inevitable. Like it or not, English became things that need to be learned by everyone in
Indonesia. Even if we had not had the opportunity to get out into the country, knowledge is
still required as well. At a minimum, we are not confused when watching the news that speak
English or confused while reading books in English because it is not a translation. But one
thing is for sure, we all have to have the ability to learn and communicate with other
c. Many of the benefits of learning English one of them: By learning a foreign language can
help improve memory skills, reading, writing, speaking, listening, creativity, the ability to
analyze and solve problems, and so on.
d. English influence on the Indonesian apparent that the use of English greatly affect the
structure even Indonesian vocabulary. Many said that changing. The changes that occur
sometimes can cause confusion in its use.
a. In this era of globalization it is important to learn or be able to speak English or other
foreign languages. But if we forget our identity as a nation of Indonesia, then the confidence
will be lost and the nation will not go forward. So, as an Indonesian, we should be proud of
Indonesian language than English.
b. Foreign language other than English is not only a language of extraordinary importance in
this era of information and communication. When we are able to master a foreign language,
this will greatly determine how we can interact globally. That must be considered is not until
we become strangers in our own communities.
c. Due to the limited knowledge I have, I hope there was criticism and input from readers.

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