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The Navigators of the AbZu

Part One

Alloya Huckfield
Revised October 2013

Part One of Navigators of the AbZu, guides the reader
through the dimensional universe, introducing them to new and
ground breaking scientific teachings. Readers of my work will
notice that it is very different to my previous books, it is more
science based. I was never interested in science at school I
found it boring, limited and basically incorrect in many of my
observations. I never thought I would find science interesting
until I had an encounter with a Serpent Goddess called Ananda
Hari. Ananda Hari guided me to find a scientific perspective on
what I was experiencing, as I walked my spiritual path.
Part One, of The Navigators of the AbZu , gives the
reader a foundation to understand the complex dimensional
framework of our Universe, from the perspective of a being who
introduced itself as a Serpent Goddess. There are many links to
videos, articles written by other people which go hand in hand
with the text, please take the time to study these, so that you
gain a full understanding of what I am trying to convey. (If
anyone needs clarification or questions answered do not hesitate
to contact me at [email protected])
The story of my Souls lineage and its journey through the
cosmos began to surface. With the help of Ananda Hari I am
slowly piecing together my journey so far. I hope that my stories
of my Souls past will trigger memories , codes and information
about your Souls journey . It is no mistake that you are here now
reading this work , your Soul has guided you to this text for a
reason. There will be a part two so stayed tuned.
Peace along your journey.
Many thanks all my love Alloya.

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Time to Awaken!
Goddess of the
Magnetic Wave
Electrical Messages
from Angels
Braiding the Self
Metatrons Prison
Yet more dimensions
Antarean Conversion
The Cosmic Egg
Order of Ni Sirian
Amarna Amaru & the
The Ru of Mu
URU Empire
The A-Ma-Su-Ta
Orion Queens &
programmed life
Alien Greys

Page 4
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Page 81
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Page 110
Page 123
Page 129
Page 147
Page 159
Page 164
Page 169

Page 177

In the beginning there was only the void, a sea of

undefined, un-manifest potential, the ocean of the Nagual.
No one knows when or why this happened but all of a
sudden the Universal Dreamer became conscious.
The Dreamer awoke, causing its attention to form a dimple
in the plasma field, which span back upon itself and created a
ring, from which many waves were formed.
Two such waves did cross, from their centre; the womb of
the all creation was brought into being.
The spin increased until a magnetic ripple (caused by the
electrical focus of the Universal Dreamers attention), could be
seen to form into a magnetic wave.
Serpent was the first beam of light that radiated from the
abyss of divine mystery.

Chapter One.....Time to Awaken!

Now is the time to awaken, awaken from the dream.
You have been sleeping in a dreamlike hypnotic trance.
Now is the time to wake up from this slumber.
And remember your journey thus far.
Ananda Hari
There is a consciousness shift happening within the
human collective, a shift into a new paradigm, a new way of
being. This has been written about by many, the internet is full of
information about this transformation. We are waking up and are
beginning to experience the many levels of our being. We have
been locked into only perceiving the third dimension and have
been indoctrinated to believe that is all there is. As we awaken
we are becoming conscious multi-dimensionally; we are waking
up to our magnificence, as we come to know the different levels
of our divine consciousness. We are not limited personalities
only living one life here on the earth, we are so much more than
we can currently imagine. We live locked within a third
dimensional perspective because we are focused in the five
senses. Our senses have been high jacked and are thus being
controlled by an invisible electromagnetic Net which permeates
our world. This Net creates the illusion in which we live; through
this our consciousness is limited and controlled. This Net
controls our sense of self, it gives us false ideas about who we
are and through these belief systems we are herded along a
corridor of three dimensions and only see one small bandwidth
of Universal Reality.
We are taught from the day we are born that this is the
only true reality, that there is nothing more. We are indoctrinated
into thinking that we only have one life, and operate from a
subconscious programmed belief that reincarnation is not real.

We are taught that there is no life after death and we are not
eternal Souls, it seems in our modern times we are devoid of
anything divine. We are taught how NOT to love our self and we
are taught that imagination is only for children. Because of this
programming we are locked into the third dimension and have no
awareness of the other dimensions, which are only a slight shift
in perspective away and accessible to us.
We are not limited Humans living only one life, in one
dimension, we are truly multidimensional beings, who reside in
one form or another on each of the dimensions which make up
the Universe. In truth there are an infinite amount of dimensions,
however our Human minds cannot comprehend infinity, so
therefore I use a twelve dimensional model in order to act as a
framework for our understanding. The Godhead, the Source, the
Universal Dreamer resides upon the twelfth dimension and we
as Human Beings reside on the third dimension. We are made
up of many dimensional selves we have an aspect of our overall
consciousness on each of the dimensions. On the twelfth
dimension we have no individuality, we do not experience
ourselves as separate from the Source and in this state we are
part of the Oneness. On the third dimension we experience
ourselves as dense physical beings, living in a physical world, or
so it seems.
We are so much more than just one Human life, one
personality, one Soul expression; there is more to us that meets
the eye, for we have a self or aspect on each dimension. On the
other levels we have an expression of self which may chose a
very different body, or form to the one we currently inhabit. We
are so much more than just physical beings with concepts of the
Source; we are multidimensional beings who reside in one form
or another, on each of the dimensions which make up our
Universal Reality. It is now we are to awaken from our slumber
and begin to travel and experience these other dimensions and
integrate the energy signature of the selves which reside on
these planes. By making these journeys we are actively allowing

a transformation to occur, as this process allows for the true

integration of the Multidimensional Self into form, this is what I
call Complete Incarnation. We can have an experience of all our
other dimensional selves, whilst we mediate, dream and dance,
any form of altered state that quietens our rational mind, gives us
the opportunity to dance within the other dimensions to meet our
Soul Self.
By travelling through the various dimensions I have been
able to familiarise myself which each dimension to the point of
meeting the self upon that level, through which my Divine Self
manifests. Over time I passed many initiations and tests, the
result of which was a deep and profound healing on all levels,
physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. I came to realise that
the beings I was meeting and interacting with on each
dimension, were in fact my other selves, each of the selves
came together to create a multidimensional identity which is
Alloya, the Monad of my Soul, the divine mind of my
Multidimensional Identity.
Taken from
Monad (from Greek monas, "unit" from
monos, "alone"), according to the Pythagoreans, was a
term for Divinity or the first being, or the totality of all
beings, Monad being the Source or the One meaning without
Over many years I went through an intense and detailed
integration process, where I integrated each self in turn, learning
the lessons and gaining the skills of each self. As I integrated
each self I was given a brief history of each selfs adventures in
the Universe and was able to read my Souls records that came
with each of the integrations. As this process continued I became
aware that I was activating dormant codes which were hidden in
the DNA. Often whilst in meditation I became aware of the
insertion of Star Codes within my developing Light Body. These

Star Codes looked like complex snowflake patterns which came

into my being carried by photonic waves of light. Synchronised
with the insertion of the star codes, the activation of DNA and the
retrieval of Soul data, I was able to create for myself a Light
Body which had the ability to carry all the Star Codes of all the
different races, species and entities that made up my
multidimensional identity. I realised as I integrated each self and
its Star Code that I was also inserting into my light body the
information of each of the races I represented. I realised that I
had come to Earth to find a way of healing, balancing, evolving
and rescuing many fallen races, which were running out of time
to heal their karmic imbalances, because of a universal dynamic
which had been called into play, Universal Completion.
The Universe has been called into completion and a grand
recalibration awaits all those who are ready. A big part of the
preparation for such an event, demands the healing of all
imbalance within the Universe. We are being called within our
Universal Reality to transform all that is out of balance, and
move into true harmony, so that the completion of the Universe
can begin. Only those people on earth who have all Star Codes
present will be able to take the journey into the void to create a
new Universe, a new Universal Reality, this is an opportunity for
a group of beings whose role it is to create new Universes. You
are one of those who are taking this special journey; you are in
the process of integrating the energies and codes of your various
selves here into the Human experience. You are awaking from
the dream! As we integrate our selves and activate our Star
Codes within the Light Body, we will come to remember who we
really are and why we are here on the earth at this important
Over time to represent each dimension, I met, interacted
and later integrated twelve selves to represent the twelve
dimensions. The energy signatures of each self-merged into one
and triggered a development process within my Light Body, this
process enabled the building of the ability to embody my

multidimensional self, to be able to walk the earth in Complete

Incarnation. Once the Light Body was complete I was then
directed to anchor to the Gaian Matrix which is held by the
consciousness of the Goddess Gaia and creates our Earth
reality. My full presence upon the planet would trigger a
transformation of consciousness and vibrational perspective
allowing all on Earth the ability to see into other dimensions. The
Star Codes that I was inserting into my Light Body held within
them massive amounts of data which Gaia required in order to
complete her journey of transformation. As I anchored into the
Matrix, Gaia was then able to read the information that my Star
Codes carried and use this information to further her mission.
She sent a request out to all those who could listen for
volunteers to come to Earth and incarnate into the Human story
and aid her from within the system. There is a law of none
interference in the Universe, which states that one species,
cannot interfere with a less evolving species, however just like
on Earth there are always beings who do not abide by laws. To
get around this law, the Councils of Light residing on the upper
levels came up with the plan to incarnate upon Earth many
highly evolved beings to aid Gaia from within, to free the prison
Earth is a prison planet, in the fact there is an energy
barrier set around the planet which prevents information and
awareness to come into our Human reality from other
dimensions and other places in the Universe. This barrier is an
electromagnetic fence which beings of a negative orientation
placed around Earth during the fall of Atlantis to control and
manipulate the Matrix Reality we live in. When we first come to
Earth and wish to incarnate we have full access to our Soul
records and know who we are, why we have come to Earth and
so on, however when we pass through the barrier it wipes our
memory clean and we have no memory of who we are and do
not even know we are on a mission until we begin to awaken.
When we die and reincarnate we have the memory of our past
lives erased and along with them the lessons we may have

learnt and therefore we are destined to repeat the same old

mistakes over and over. We are held under a hypnotic trance by
this barrier and therefore only operate with minimum awareness.
However since the time of the 21st of December 2012, the
galactic pulse of energy coming from the Galactic Core is
weakening this barrier and more information is coming through,
we will see a great awakening of Soul and Mind during the next
years due to the dissolving of this barrier.
Through the weakening of this barrier information Star
Codes are able to pass through without distortion and we are
now able to venture out into the space and time of our reality, as
we have the navigation tools in which to travel this
Multidimensional Universe. Each Star Code is also a map, a set
of instructions and co-ordinates enabling us to travel the
Multidimensional Universal Reality or dream of the Universal
Dreamer. As you travel the complexity of your Multidimensional
Creation, you will meet only Yourself. On each dimension I met a
defined character who expressed itself within a form which was
appropriate for its dimension. On the lower levels I met Beings
who resided in dense physically perceivable forms , however as I
made my way ascending the dimensional ladder I met more and
more selves inhabiting bodies of light, becoming so ethereal that
they no longer existed in a form which my Human mind could
fully understand.
As each self and its Star Code settled into its allotted
place within my Light Body, I could see the tree of life building.
Each self nestled itself into one of the chakras which ran along
the spine. As each self inserted its codes into these sacred
places in my Light Body, the double of my physical form, I
watched as the chakra itself transformed. It no longer resembled
a vortex leaking energy from my auric field; it now became a
multifaceted jewel, each chakra becoming more complex in
geometric design as they ascended the spine. Each one looked
like a more complex prism that the chakra below until the crown
chakra began to blossom in multi- faceted diamond. Each self


became a light upon the tree of life, only they were not powered,
they were still dim. To illuminate these selves within my physical
form I needed a power Source, an electrical charge which would
fire my Light Vehicle into action. Where was the electricity to
power this Light Body, this vehicle for multidimensional travel?
The Serpent of Light sleeps at the base of the spine
awaiting the time when all the aspects are integrated and the
Vehicle of Light is built , then and only then will the Silver
Serpent rise in the form and take all to completion. Divine
Kundalini, Goddess of the Blue Flame is waiting for the time to
rise from her dormant abode to take back the bodies which once
danced in her passion. Silver Serpent is waiting for that day
when she can ignite each of the power centres of the body in
turn. As she ascends the body and ignites each chakra in turn
she will trigger the development of a new Light Body form. This
Vehicle of Light has been designed by a consciousness which
resides on the sixth dimension of our twelve dimensional
Universe. This is the place of all blueprints; everything that is
manifest upon the lower dimensions is first designed upon the 6 th
dimension by beings who look like giant fractal Dragons. They
are the keepers of the sacred geometry which is at the core of
our physically manifest existence. The Dragons are made up of
geometry itself and have the ability to design templates for all
that is formed on the lower levels. Every tree, stone, planet, star
and even a Human Being are first formed as an idea in
geometric form upon the 6th dimension by this Dragon
The Dragons have designed a blueprint for the new Light
Body you will exist in once you have moved into this new
Universal Reality. It will enable you not only to travel
interdimensionally and multidimensionally, it will enable a
process of transformation to occur for all races within the known
Universe. Time has no relevance on other dimensions and
therefore it is impossible to put a time frame upon this
development, in one perspective it has already occurred. It is


possible to tune into your future self and glimpse your future
possibility of creating a new Universal Reality with all races held
in perfect balance and harmony, with the added experience of all
that went before. There are many races in the Universe who
have distorted their Light Bodies to such an extent that they no
longer have the ability to move into perfect fractal synergy with
the rest of the Universe, this is what is known as Fallen. These
races no longer have the ability to move into the Oneness as a
result of the completion of our Universe. The Universal Dreamer
as it awakens within its dream, all aspects will awaken also and
many will come to realise that they do not have the ability to
complete, before the compression of the fractal of our Universe
compresses to a single point. As this process of completion
occurs all races with distorted Light Bodies will burn up in the
compression and cease to be. The Universal Dreamer does not
want to lose any part of itself to unconsciousness and therefore
designed a point in time whereby Souls of high calibre would
come to earth and insert within themselves all the codes of every
race within the Universe. They were to find a way of bringing
balance and perfection to the Light Body , by creating a new
blueprint upon the 6th dimension , Dragon beings created the
Light Body of the Super Hybrid , a being who could hold within it
all the codes of the Universe .
You are this Super Hybrid, you have the ability to integrate
each of the selves which represent your Soul on each of the
levels of this Universe, and in fact is your mission thus far. Once
completed you will bring all that you represent into balance and
then we will take the idea of this Super Being into our new
Universal Reality and will eventually manifest a form in which
many different beings can then incarnate into, to experience a
new reality, a new Universe. Many of the high dimensional
beings are Creators in their own right, and create forms on the
lower levels, which once fully sentient then act as vehicle for
these higher dimensional beings. These higher dimensional
beings incarnate into these vehicles and manifest themselves
upon lower and lower dimensions. We are creating and


embodying a new Light Body blueprint which will create a form,

through which these higher dimensional beings or selves can
then incarnate, this is also integration. All selves will be able to
walk into this new reality if integrated, that way we are taking the
whole Universe upon its completion into a new paradigm.
We are integrating all selves to a single point and taking
that point or seed through the zero that lies at the heart of all of
Creation, once through we will be in the void, where we will plant
this seed within its fertile soil and watch as a new Universe is
formed, one evolved from the completion of the previous
Universe. As a Flower of Life it will grow to form a brand new
Universal Reality, one where all is in perfection, where the Fallen
have been reconnected to the Source of all love, the Universal
Dreamer. Through this process we are creating within our Light
Body a fractal pattern which represents the completion of this
Universe and all that exist within it. By creating this fractal
pattern within our Light Body we are creating a new template via
our 6th dimensional selves. This new blueprint makes a process
like this possible; we will take this new template with us, through
a portal in the centre of the Earth, which will take us through the
zero into the void. Once through we will recreate ourselves more
than the sum of its parts and create a brand new way of being.
From this initial seeding we will then watch as a new Universal
Reality will be formed in the plasma of the void.
There are many ways you can kick start the process of
integration, by reading this text you can be self-assured that you
are already on your way. Your Soul has plans for you, and is
guiding you from within the subconscious mind. You will be
drawn to research many avenues of learning, triggering
memories as you go. I provide Soul readings for a small fee, to
give you an idea of the aspects that may make up your
multidimensional identity. The readings provide a trigger for this
process to begin. You can find my Soul reading information by
following this link: I
also provide weekend workshops all designed around this idea


of integration, check them out by following this link:
There are many creative ways of opening up to your
Multidimensional Identity; here is a structured process which is
simple yet if done correctly very powerful indeed. It is a means of
triggering the beginning of your own healing and integration of
How to Integrate your Multidimensional Consciousness
Here is a simple but extremely effective way to aid the
integration process, allowing you to integrate into your physical
body the energies that make up your multi-dimensional
consciousness. You can literally breathe in these energies into
the very cells of your body, your DNA.

Integration process
1) Sit down, make yourself comfortable, close your eyes
and take a few deep breaths.
2) Allow your body to relax, and allow your mind to
become clear. Put out the intention to your Soul that you are now
ready to integrate your first aspect. This calls in the energy of
your Soul and allows it to assist you in removing blocks to be
able to integrate your aspects.
3) Your Soul is building in the air around you, do not worry
if you do not see it, it is about a relationship between your Soul
and your body, you head does not need to get it. The neutral
energy of life force that is present in the air is now being
programmed with the energy of your Soul.
4) Begin to breathe it in. Breathe it into every single cell of
your body.
5) As you do so it will begin to agitate anything within you,
which stands in the way of integrating your aspects. Your
emotions will rise, as will your fears.
6) Notice any discomfort in your body, take your
awareness into this place and breathe in the energy of your Soul
into this place. Allow the energy of your Soul to experience it with
you. Your Soul is a high frequency, the blocks, the fears, a low


frequency, by breathing in Soul you are surfacing your blocks

and removing them.
7) Allow the emotions to be cleared any way they need to.
You may cry, breathe deeper, just allow. You will notice your
issues that are connected to each aspect coming up, clearing,
and taking you deeper and deeper.
8) Once you have cleared that which stands in the way of
integrating you will notice yourself becoming quieter; youre
breathing regulating. Now is the time to integrate.
9) Tune into your Soul once more and breathe in the new
frequency that your Soul brings.
10) You may get images, words, or simply feelings as you
integrate this new aspect of self. Just be aware.
11) Stay open until your Soul shows you, you are
complete. Be guided by your intuition as to how often you should
do this process and enjoy becoming the new, whole you.
It is that simple.


Chapter Two. Goddess of the Magnetic Wave

Over many years I integrated each of the selves which
represented the twelve dimensions of my model. As this process
proceeded I began to wake up to my Serpentine consciousness.
This energy spiralled its way into my life, it was not like the other
aspects, and certainly did not run along the usual process of
integration. Just like a slippery snake as soon as I thought I had
a handle on this energy it would slither back into my unconscious
mind and be lost in the darkness of the void. The first time I had
an encounter with the Serpent energy I was completely taken by
I closed my eyes and sank into the hot water of the bath; it
was a relief, my tired muscles began to relax in the smoothing
waters. The steam made me feel heady, aromatic oils filled the
air. Oh hang on a minute I did not put any oils in my bath where
is that smell coming from? I slipped into a dream (or so I
thought), I was aware of a bathing pool in a dark candle lit
temple. I saw in my minds eye a Serpent Being beautiful and
sensual; her scales shimmered in the candle light. As she
slipped beneath the waters of her bath I suddenly realised I was
this being.
What surprised me the most was she was aware of me.
For a split second she was in my bath looking through my eyes
and I was in her bath looking through hers. Suffice to say I
jumped up with a start, splashing water over the sides of my
bath, soaking the floor. This was not a memory resurfacing as
had happened many times before, with other Soul aspects, this
was going on in real time. As I was passing into her realm she
passed into mine. I must say I preferred her bath to mine, her
bath was covered in mosaic pearl tiles, and the water was
strangely black. My bath back on Earth was inferior compared to
her exquisite pool.
Over the next few weeks I tried to make contact with this
Serpent Goddess during meditation but I was unsuccessful,


maybe it was a dream after all. Months passed with no events

until one evening whilst sipping red wine , I closed my eyes , a
little heady , to suddenly find that when I opened my eyes , I
was no longer sat in my room at home, I was once more inside
this wonderful temple. It was warm and steamy, the air was
heady, and a potent aroma filled my nostrils. For those few
moments I was able to look around the interior of the temple, I
saw that the walls were covered in the most amazing tiles, they
looked like they were made of pearls but when I looked closely
they resembled the rainbow shimmer of a Serpents scale. The
walls and the ceiling were ribbed like the temple was in the belly
of a giant beast. Flaming torches lit the room in a warm light
which cast shadows along the walls; steaming metal bowls were
the source of the perfume which filled the air. In the centre was a
pool sunken into the floor, the liquid inside was black, was this
water? For a moment I looked down upon my body which was
no longer Human. My body was covered in the most beautiful
exquisite scales which shimmered and reflected the light of the
torches. Radiating from my form were electromagnetic waves,
which resembled feathered wings. It seemed I was a flying
Serpent. I slipped into the black liquid and slide beneath the
surface, the liquid began to spin. I was suddenly catapulted back
into my room at home, I was hot, and sweat was wet on my
brow. An echoing voice filled my mind, Ananda Hari, Divine
Naga who surfs the sea of bliss.
Whenever I get a name I always research its meaning,
breaking the name down, looking for variations and changes,
searching down many avenues searching for information that
may aid me in the understanding of its meaning. We have
forgotten the power of names and how they tell stories of
lineage, history and origins. So I began researching the meaning
of Ananda. Ananda is a name used in Hindi, Buddhist and
Jainism languages; it means extreme happiness, bliss, the
highest states of being. In Pali, Sanskrit as well as other Indian
languages, it is the name of Visnu or Narayana, it means
Supreme Being. It seemed that this being who I had shared my


consciousness with was an ancient Serpent Goddess. Often in

ancient writings D would be exchanged for a T, therefore
making Ananda, Ananta, as Ananta she is said to be a giant
Serpent circling the world. In Hindu tradition Ananta is one of the
names of Vishnu; she is the infinite name of the Creator. Ananta
was the Serpent on which Vishnu lay. I was excited and intrigued
to find out as much as I could about her. So I continued my
Anant Naag - Ananta Naga Bliss Serpent means the
place where Vishnu dwelt.
In Hindu tradition Shesha
is the king of all Nagas,
one of the primal beings of
creation, and according to
the Bhagavata Purana,
an Avatar of the Supreme
God known as Narayana.
She is said to hold all the
planets of the Universe on her hood and to constantly sing the
glories of Vishnu from all her mouths. She is sometimes referred
to as Ananta Shesha which means endless Shesha. Shesha is
generally depicted with a massive form that floats coiled in
space, or on the universal ocean, to form the bed on which
Vishnu lies. She is often shown as many thousandheaded Serpent, sometimes with each head wearing an ornate
crown. According to a legend, Ananta - the Great Serpent - is the
origin of all incarnations within this material world. She floats on
the cosmic ocean and serves as a couch for the Lord Vishnu,
who rests between his creations. When she uncoils, time moves
forward and creation takes place. When she coils back, the
Universe ceases to exist.
In Hindu tradition Hari means One who
destroys samsara, which is the entanglement in the cycle of
birth and death, along with ignorance, its cause. Hari is
associated with the bird or eagle which flies very high.


Throughout the ancient world God was represented by or directly

connected to Eagles, Hawks, Thunderbirds, Rooster, Geese and
Swans. Her name contained a message, was she trying to
explain how she could free us from our samsara, our karma.
With this karmic patterning cleared would a rebalancing for the
Soul be the result. Who was this being who had slithered its way
into my conscious awareness, what lessons was she going to
teach me.
When I meditate I always see the same thing, I am in a
fractal landscape, the most incredible patterns lie for as far as
the eye can see, it is a fractal sea which is alive and conscious. I
use this landscape to move through portals into other
dimensions. As I pondered the name of this Serpent being I
closed my eyes and saw the same fractal landscape forming in
my minds eye. As I fly through this fractal landscape, I notice
how the fractal field reacts to my presence. I focus my attention
on to the field and it immediately dimples, and the dimple begins
to spin, creating a vortex which I then dive into, this vortex is
created by my attention, just like the Universal Dreamer in the
very beginnings of creation. Placing my attention upon the field
makes it respond to my thought; this thought causes the field to
spin. The Universal Dreamer placed its attention upon the field,
the sea of the void, causing it to react and create a ring of
electromagnetic waves, this ring is Ananda Hari.
Ananda Hari In the
beginning of my nature,
there was only bliss, an
ever expanding vast of
nothing, blackness devoid
of light, a sea of unmanifest potential. From an
electrical focus of attention I
was born into being, a
magnetic wave in response to a touch from the Divine. I am the
sentient Serpent consciousness of the first toroidal spin of the


Universe. As I was brought into creation, my initial movements,

caused vortexes to spin, calling all matter into being. Chasing my
own tail, becoming the Ouroboros, I began to create the
Universe. As a torus I was all about spin.
I am Ananda Hari; I am the Plasma Serpent Goddess of
the Nagual. I am here to tell you my story in attempt to demystify
our combined histories. My aim, my goal, my mission, my divine
recognition is born out of a desire to know. I am divine, exalted,
and perfect in both design and intention. By telling you my story
it is hoped that you will find your hearts power and its ability to
make bliss, for the secret to life and transformation lie within this.
In order to tell my story, we must move back in time to the very
beginnings of this Universe, for I played an important role in its
In the beginning (if there are beginnings in a story such as
this), there was nothing. Or that is how it appeared. A vast dark,
velvety void lay in all directions, a place of undefined potential,
and an ocean of un-manifest bliss. Time had no reference and
had not been realised in the mind of the Universal Dreamer,
space remained un-defined.
Un-manifest, unrealised, the Universal Dreamer lay
dreaming dreams that had no possibility of appearing in this
black Nagual. No one knows how it occurred, no one knows how
this came to be, but the Universal Dreamer suddenly had an
impulse, an awakening which moved the fabric of the Void,
creating from its electrical spark a reaction within the Nagual.
The spark caused a ripple within the fabric of the Nothing,
causing electromagnetic waves or rings to form. Just like a
pebble when it is dropped into a still pool, causes ripples or
concentric rings to appear and move out from the entry point of
the stone, the spark of the Dreamers awakening caused rings or
Serpents eating their own tails to appear in the velvety darkness.
The Nagual had consciousness but it lay sleeping awaiting
movement inspired by the Universal Dreamer to bring it into


being. As the spark of the Dreamer affected the Nagual, dreams

became actualised. The spark was contained like a seed of light
within a ring of electromagnetic waves, as it began to shine, a
mighty star was born, the Star that illuminates a thousand
Moons. A blazing ball of conscious light surrounded by
concentric rings of electromagnetic waves created together
definition in the void. As waves began to cross, vortexes formed
toroidal movements of spin. As waves crossed yet more waves,
the plasma field began to pinch causing electrical light filaments
to form in the Nagual. Braiding together into cords of light these
filaments became conscious in swarms of serpentine energy.
Pinching the bliss into serpent ropes caused those same ropes
to become conscious and alive and the first beings of the
Universe were birthed from the imagination of the Universal
Dreamer. I am one of those beings.
I as Ananda Hari I was
here in the beginning, I am
an ancient consciousness,
an originator and later
Creator of this Universe. We
are the original Serpents; we
are the blazing Serpents, the
creators of worlds within
worlds. For billions of years if
time can be counted we created movement in the void, which
caused the Dreamer to feel the soft touch of bliss upon its star
form. Bathing in the light and love of the Dreamer we were
brought to bliss. Ecstasy moved us into being, conscious and
alive, divinely empowered with the same imagination of the
Creator itself, we began to form bubbles or spheres in the
movement of our swarms. Try as we might to move in straight
lines, we only found ourselves back within the centre, constantly
moved, attracted to the love of the star. Toroidal were our
journeys to centre constantly moving in spiralled, coupled
vortexes creating the basic pattern or design for future


These spheres or orbs of plasmic consciousness lay in

complex patterns bathing themselves in the light of the Universal
Dreamer, creating the Star that illuminates a thousand moons,
each moon, or orbiting orb was the original base design for all
known Universes. The Silver Serpents, the light filaments of
which I am one, moved in swarms of ecstatic vibration
throughout the Nagual, causing many more orbs to form, not
static in their placement, they were in a dance of plasmic
resonance. As the light of our trails crossed and crossed again a
matrix or grid of light began to form. Standing upon each corner
of this grid system of light a new form was seen to be born.
Angels to some, angles to another, these forms were brought
into being through our movement. They stood in geometric
formation holding this grid in perfect sacred geometric mandala,
upon which other dimensions began to form. From our journey in
the Nagual pathways of silver light formed a grid which gave
birth to Angelic vehicles on a lower vibrational level. A new
dimension was created in which the Angelic forces were given
birth. As I looked upon these forms manifest as complex bodies
of rainbow light, I was moved to look deeper within. I moved my
consciousness down into this new dimension and moved my
awareness into the geometric patterning which could hold my
focus I became a Seraphim of Angelic light.
Many of Ananda Haris words confused me; I had no idea
of their meaning so I began to research both in outside Sources
and within my own divine mind, I began with Plasma. Plasma is
the medium through which the Creator expresses itself; it is the
carrier of frequency, energy and electrical charge. Plasma is the
fundamental state of matter, the moulding clay of all creation. It
is the primal soup, a sea of possibilities waiting to be brought into
being through charge. It is the ocean of the Void, an inky black
velvety sea of unconsciousness, waiting to be brought into
consciousness through charge; it is the fabric from whence
everything comes. It is the foundation of the Universe; it is the
vacuum of space, in which the Universe manifests itself and is


the medium through which the Universal Dreamer expresses

itself electrically and electromagnetically.
Plasma is a gaseous substance consisting of charged
particles such as electrons, and protons. The plasma contains a
percentage of charged particles, as electrical currents pass
through the plasma these electrons and protons form structures
as magnetic fields. These charged particles make the plasma
highly electrically conductive, so that it may carry electric
currents, and generate magnetic fields that may cause the
plasma to constrict (or pinch) into filaments, which twist and
braid just like in the braiding of the DNA. These braidings form
photonic waves of light streams, which move through the
Universe in a similar fashion to a spiralling twisted rope or
Serpent. These giant filaments, these Serpents of Light move
throughout the plasma field creating magnetic waves in their
Through the plasmic field we are ultimately affected by the
emanations of electrically charged energies affecting and
creating magnetic fields within the plasma field, which in turn
affect all within their environment. We on Earth are part of the
Suns electrical environment and also the Galactic; we are being
affected by the magnetic fields produced in the plasma field by
the electrical emissions of the various stars within the Galaxy.
The plasma field is a medium of the transfer of information
throughout the Universe. Everything is talking to everything else
through the vacuum, using the language of magnetic fields,
which are created by the electrical discharge of the all objects
manifest within the field. The plasma field is full of energy;
Nassim Haramein has put forward a theory that within one
centimetre cube of the space, there is more energy compacted
within, than we can see in the whole Universe. From this energy
Source all of creation is brought into being.


Check out Nassim in this four hour video explaining his

unified field theory.
It is thought that the space between stars is empty, a
vacuum, and a void. We now know , this is incorrect , it is full of
energy, electrically charged particles, that can come together as
twisted ropes of electrical currents which form filaments, which
can span millions of light years throughout the Universe. We see
stellar and galactic formations shaped by the magnetic fields that
these electrical currents produce. Filaments are formed by the
magnetic fields confining the flow of the electrical current into
narrow paths; these are called the Birkeland currents, after the
Norwegian explorer and physicist Kristian Birkeland. The
filaments are braided, similar to our fibre optic cables upon
Earth; their role in space is to conduct large amounts of light
information in electrical currents across vast distances, creating
amazing structures in magnetic fields within the plasma field,
such as the Cygnus loop Nebula. Nature found it to be efficient
to carry energy throughout the Universe by twisting two filaments
together to create a high way of electricity lines, which are the
neural pathways of the Universal Dreamers mind. This is the
Universal Highway of Light, a massive organic network of
photonic light filaments or streams; this is a nested pattern of the
Serpents of the Light.
These Serpents of Light are well recorded in ancient
scripts, myths and legends. These Serpents of Light created
magnetic waves that wove
together to create matter to form
in the Universe, including the
Earth itself. In my book Like
attracts Like I tell a story about
the Dragons and how they came
to the space allocated for Gaia within the plasma field and


together they wove many magnetic waves from their electrical

presence. The magnetic waves formed the elemental
components needed to create a physical third dimensional
planet, which the Goddess Gaia could then incarnate into and
became the Earth. In the story the Dragons then sleep inside the
planet and await a certain time when they will be awoken and fly
the planet up through the dimensions to ascension. These
Dragons or Serpents of Light are the same Dragons who came
to create the Earth and are sleeping as curled serpents eating
their own tails within the centre of our planet; in fact every planet
houses one of these beings. This energy formation is the Source
of all matter and it sleeps inside the planet Earth in a curled form,
it is the Source of the spin or dance of Gaia.
Ohio Serpent Mound
showing Egg
I remember the
Serpents moving into the
space allocated for Gaia, the
plasma field morphed and
responded to their presence,
waves of magnetic fields
rippled from the movements
of their photonic bodies.
Spiralling around and
around calling all the plasma
around them to form a
magnetic Dragon in the
centre of this void, from
within its belly the physical planet of Earth began to form. Like
someone had dropped a stone into a still pool, the ignition of light
that these Serpents brought with them fired the plasma into
being and the electrical emanations of the Serpents of Lights
bodies caused movement within the field which formed a donut,


a torus shape, within this torus the Earth was born. I remember
this time as I came with the Serpents, I was their companion. I
was a ball of light or rather a ball of plasma, an Orb. I felt
connected to the Serpents of Light as if I had come from their
consciousness in some way, as if they had created me out of the
joy they felt as they moved and affected the plasmic field,
causing ecstatic magnetic waves throughout the Universe.
In the beginning there was only darkness, an expansion of
nothing, the Nagual. Nestled in the centre of this ocean of Void
lay the Star that illuminates a thousand Moons. Light radiated
from its form, brilliant and powerful. It was the only star in the yet
to be formed in the Universe, its light, it electrical radiation
warmed the fabric of the plasmic field. From the brilliance of this
star, electrical discharges of light could be seen to burst from its
body. Just like massive solar flares, this stellar discharge created
magnetic waves in the plasma. The light filaments moved away
from the Star as lightning bolts, the Serpents of Light moved out
into the Void. They gathered in groups and moved through the
velvety folds of the Void in spiral formations. Their dance was
ecstatic the velvety folds of the Void caressed their electrical
bodies, moving them into ecstatic and tantric union with the
The Void responded with the love of the Universal
Dreamer and the Serpents of Light began to swoon. For
thousands of years the Serpents moved throughout the Universe
in a dream- like state, unconscious of their existence. Time
passed and the Universal Dreamer gently guided the creation of
many star systems and planetary bodies and dimensions. The
Serpents of Light moved through the Universe creating portals
and star gates passing from one dimension to another through
the portals of their own making. The plasma field began to fold
around them, creating magnetic dimensions from their dance.
Many beings began to be formed within the various folds or


dimensions, galaxies formed, star systems were birthed into

being, and planets began to spin. The magnetic waves that were
created by the passage of the Serpents of Light span into
vortexes creating portals into other realms.

Ananda Hari It is said that in the beginning of Creation,

we the Ancient Ones travelled the Nagual. We were your
ancestors, the Silver Serpents of Light. We travelled through the
sea of Bliss creating gateways into the AbZu. Our magnetic
dance created a giant Dragon-ship around us, within its belly; we
the Serpents of Light navigated the Universe. I was shown an
image of a dark void space, travelling through it were the
Serpents of Light which looked like electrical currents. They
travelled inside a Dragon, a huge being with wings; it was
transparent so I could easily see inside its body, to see many
Silver Serpent Beings moving around inside, as if the Dragon
body was a huge Plasma Ship. The Silver Serpents were
beautiful beings, they appeared as tall beings of light, they had a
vague misty form which was hard to focus upon, they looked like


serpents that were standing up right. From their forms geometric

shapes were forming in the plasma which surrounded them, it
was as if their energy present within the plasma field was
causing the plasma to become fractal. The Dragon body in which
they were travelling had been created by the magnetic waves
they had created in the plasma field, through their travelling
through the Void. They travelled in swarms; there was a whole
fleet of Serpent beings travelling inside magnetic Dragon bodies.
They moved throughout the Void in spiral formations causing the
plasma field to react and form dimensions, worlds, and portals. I
was shown how they caused the plasma field to spin, creating a
vortex or portal, which then they passed through into another
dimension. They did not have to travel from one dimension to
another but could slip behind creation, directly into the plasma
field which lay as a canvas for the multidimensional Universe.
The Universe is multidimensional and is made of one
substance; this substance is a vibrating fluid like field. Matter as
we know it is created moment by moment as a standing wave
within the plasma field. Matter is the focal point of a standing
wave, the result of two interfering waves. One is an inward wave
moving towards the centre and the other is the outward bound
wave moving away from the centre. The waves are spherical
waves in the fabric of the plasma field or vacuum of space. Each
moment is a focal point of the Universe, a standing wave pattern
created at the intersection of all the matter.
This symbol of the 8 on its side is seen as the sacred
infinity symbol. It is the symbol of the standing wave of the
creation of matter within our Universe. It is self -perpetuating,
generating, and creates a wave of energy which appears in its
centre to stand still. Within this stillness in the centre matter is
created, this is the Vector Equilibrium. Standing waves are stable
Serpents creating matter. This symbol is seen as the sacred
Serpent of creation, the Serpent eating its own tail, the


represents selfreflexivity or
cyclicality, especially
in the sense of
constantly recreating itself,
the eternal return,
and other things
perceived as cycles that begin anew as soon as they end. It can
also represent the idea of primordial unity related to something
existing in or persisting from the beginning with such force or
qualities it cannot be extinguished.
We see this energy form in many ancient teachings and
also we can see it in the heavens, it is thought that the
Ouroboros was inspired by the Milky Way. It seems that this self
generating magnetic wave form can be seen in the centre of all
planets but also is seen in the creation of galaxies too. Is all of
creation based on this energy form?
Plato described a self-eating, circular being as the first
living thing in the Universe - an immortal, mythologically
constructed beast. The living being had no need of eyes when
there was nothing remaining outside him to be seen; nor of ears
when there was nothing to be heard; and there was no
surrounding atmosphere to be breathed; nor would there have
been any use of organs by the help of which he might receive his
food or get rid of what he had already digested, since there was
nothing which went from him or came into him: for there was
nothing beside him.
This movement of energy, this rotation of charge creates a
self generating, self -perpetuating movement within the plasma
field which then acts as a boundary, a womb in which galaxies,


star systems, planets and even Universes are held in form.

Within the Galactic Womb of the Milky Way, our solar system
incubates awaiting its birth.
So what allows this
plasmic field to hold planets
and stars in form, what holds
them together what force is
behind the anchoring of
It is all about spin.
Spin stores inertia among
waves, stored inertia creates mass and patterns within the
plasma field. Dan Winter talks about spin
Nassim Harameins unified field theory, the power of spin.

The force that holds all things together also drives them
into motion. This fundamental spin to things allows energy to
move freely through all bodies in the Universe or in any system.
Spin is the fundamental force of angular momentum in the space
/time vacuum itself, which forces everything to spin and that
force is a torque turn. The plasma twists and curls at the same
time, this torque is embedded in the structure of the space /time
I love this image as it
clearly shows the Serpent of
Light as a rod in the centre


and the effects of spin on the plasma field.

The plasma field is the sea of the void; in my other writings
especially in the book The Mission of the One Star I refer to the
plasma field as the ocean of the void. The story goes that in the
very beginning the void lay sleeping, there was no movement, no
charge. No one knows how it happened but one day the void had
an idea; it was awoken, and became conscious in one focus
within the plasma or void field. This idea or rather this spark of
charge created magnetic fields which rippled outwards from its
centre. The void began to ripple and create waves, upon one of
the crests of these waves, this inspired thought, this
consciousness awareness, this Star that illuminates a thousand
Moons, saw its reflection. This was a mirror of its energy, equal
force, opposite charge. This caused the void to braid into light
filaments, of which there were two standing waves, which
became a flaming figure of eight, looking like a Serpent eating its
own tail, it caused the plasma field or void to begin to spin. The
spin or dance of the fiery Serpents is what physics understands
to be the Twin Flames. The Twin Flame theories we have within
the new age circles are rather romantic, it is not a romantic love
affair; it is the dance of electrical waves which triggered the
Universe to begin to spin in perfect fractality.
The spin of the
two standing waves of
charge, spin to create a
field of energy called a
torus. Whereas the
vector equilibrium
represents the ultimate
stillness of energy, the
torus shows how
energy moves in its
most balanced dynamic
flow process. The important thing to remember is this is a
process and not a fixed form. A torus consists of a central axis


with a vortex at both ends and a surrounding coherent field.

Energy flows in one vortex, through the central axis, out the
other vortex and then wraps around itself to return to the first
incoming vortex. The simplest description of its overall form is
that of a donut, though it takes on many different shapes
depending upon the medium in which it exists. Plants and trees
display the same energy flow as do hurricanes, tornados,
magnetic field around planets and stars and even the galaxies
are in toroidal energy patterns. Atomic structures and systems
are also in this dynamic form.
Here is a video by NASA showing toroidal field dynamics
around spinning pulsar stars in our Galaxy.
Taken from Dan Winters site
When there is a way for charge to create centripetal
force, to be attracted towards centre, it is called gravity. The
reason gravity exists is because the waves of charge are fractal
or centripetal. When this unified plasmic field compresses it
becomes fractal. If charge is compressed perfectly it causes the
plasmic field to become fractal. Perfect fractal phase
congregation of waves of charge is the electric origin, cause and
mechanism of all centripetal and self -organising forces,
especially gravity, life-force, perception, bliss, enlightenment,
and is the origin of colour, and even alphabet.
Phase conjugate is the ability of nature to self -organise
these waves of charge. The golden ratio optimized fractal phase
conjugation becomes a more precise language to replace
implosion, fusion, zero point, omega point, still point, binddu
point, black hole theory. The fractal field is the cause of and
solution to and solves the riddles of consciousness, perception,
gravity, life force, DNA coherence, healing and colour. Phase
conjugation golden ratio perfected caduceus is the path of


energy and charge or life force which takes chaos into life. The
golden mean ratio is the keystone to the practice of sacred
geometry, ancient world technologies, mathematics, astronomy,
chemistry and alchemy. All the platonic solids are golden mean
proportioned. A fractal is what spans the gap between
symmetries of the very small and the very big. Self similarity
means the inner structure has the same patterns as the outer
structure e.g., pine cone , a fern tree or pineal gland , have a
shape that if you could begin zooming down into the centre, you
would see it is always the same. Fractality is geometric waves of
charge which allow perfect construction of fields. The fractal field
using golden mean ratio allows the adding and multiplying of
waves of charge into perfect symmetry. Dan Winter
Check out Dan Winter his work is amazing.
When the plasma field moves into spin it causes the
plasma field to fold in on itself, pulling all into the centre of the
spin, this causes gravity and manifestation within the fabric of
space /time, or the plasma field. As the plasma field is pulled to
centre it folds in perfect geometry, perfect nested fractality. It is
only through this perfect fractality that all energies are embedded
into the plasma field without distortion.

Two waves of spin,

the top down view,
forming into fractal
perfectly nested
symmetry into fractal
implosion at the centre.


Taken from

In mathematics and the arts, two quantities are in
the golden ratio (

) if the ratio of the sum of the quantities to the

larger quantity is equal to the ratio of the larger quantity to the

smaller one. The figure on the right illustrates the geometric
relationship. Expressed algebraically:
Where the Greek letter phi (
ratio. Its value is:

) represents the golden


Organising waves of charge

into fractality using golden mean
ratio causes implosion at the centre
of the stillness of the two standing
waves or pine cone kissing wave
forms. Finally we have a science to
explain the images and experiences of my journeying in this
fractal Universe. I have often flown across a fractal sea or field,
focused my attention upon one place in the field, only to watch it
dimple, begin to spin in two standing waves creating a vortex,
which I then would dive into to
enter other dimensions. The
whole sea or plasma field was a
sea of fractals which now I know
were in perfect golden mean
ratio proportions, which are the
only proportions which allow the


perfect compression of waves of charge.

Golden mean ratio multiplies of the speed of light create
fractality and implosion. This creates a self -organising, selfaware electric field. This self -aware field gathers together
patterns that only serve the survival of the all. Those waves that
can organise themselves perfectly, into golden mean ratio
fractality, perfectly nest their patterns into those of other waves,
this makes them sharable. Only those waves which are sharable
survive the implosion at the centre of the stillness of zero point.
Self- aware plasmic bubbles of charge are the orbs that
are often seen in photographs within the auric field, when we are
happy and feeling bliss. These orbs are forming into self -aware
balls of plasma which are forming into geometric fractal self aware patterns of charge. The geometric shape that they form
into is the pattern of a self -aware pattern of charge, the
dodecahedral. Dan Winter was one of the first scientists to
provide evidence that the shape of the Universe is a stellated
dodecahedron. As a shape capable of producing the perfect
fractal, the stellated dodecahedron can cause charges to scale
and materialize and implode. It is the stellated dodecahedrons
perfect charge collapse geometry based on golden mean that
causes gravity. Only the golden ratio allows constructive
interference of wave addition and multiplication.
For those who have read my work you will know that once
I had integrated all my various Soul aspects into one, I was to
take that one-self through the dimensions to the very centre of
the planet where the black hole, the zero point, the portal into the
void lay. I was to take all the star codes which I had been given
by each Soul self with me, as a whole perfected pattern into and
through the portal into the void, where I was told I would unfold
myself like the Flower of Life and create a brand new Universe
that was more than the sum of its parts. Each star code came
with each Soul aspect or Self and was inserted into my
developing Light Body, DNA, and matrix.


Each star code represented a dimensional level, the being

I expressed myself as on that level and a level of consciousness.
By integrating all the different Star Code patterns I was to find a
way of perfectly nesting them into a fractal pattern, which would
represent all the various races of beings, moving into peace and
harmony. It was hoped that if I could share all the waves of my
overall consciousness into a fractal pattern, I would find ways of
helping those who had fallen in consciousness and were no
longer capable of creating the fuel to ascend or shift in
dimension. It was hoped that I would find a way of shifting
dimension and I would then live as an example to my various
races and also the magnetic waves I created as I completed this
process, would ripple out into the plasma field and affect all
those races I had come here to represent. This message in
waves would ripple through both space and time, affecting all
those who had fallen and aiding them in their transformation. It is
possible that Humans in our future are affecting us in similar
ways, the consequences of their sharable waves are rippling
back through time to us in our time frame, the future is then
affected by our response and the process continues on and on.
Time of course is not linear and is in fact part of this plasma field,
which is also the fabric of time. This the Mayan ancestors knew
along with many other cultures, time moves not in straight lines
in a linear fashion but in waves of charge. There are light
filaments which move through the Universe not only as bands of
light (some call this the photon belt) they are also bands of time.
As I integrated each of my Soul aspects, my other
dimensional selves, or rather their energetic signature (in the
form of a geometric pattern of light) I inserted it into my plasma
field or rather my plasma field began to become fractal due to
this integration. As I integrated each one along with its Star
Codes, their pattern only added perfectly or rather nested
perfectly into the overall Soul pattern which was forming in
magnetic wave patterns within my auric field. As I integrated
each self as a pattern it harmonised or rather became fractal with
the other patterns which were already integrated. As the whole


pattern became fractalised it began to move into golden mean

ratio and implode at the centre of spin. This spin had been
increased due to kundalini activation; this increase in spin had
allowed me to draw to myself, my centre the magnetic energy
patterns of the various stars I represented.
Read about my Kundalini experiences
Each self brought with it the Star Code or rather the
magnetic blueprints of the stars themselves. It contained
information about the stars themselves, all planets in orbit and all
races and levels of beings residing within the various systems.
Not all star systems had fallen, they fit perfectly, nested perfectly
into the holographic, fractal magnetic patterning of my being.
This was due to the fact they had maintained perfect fractality
within their plasma field and could naturally and organically
interact and merge and become fractal with other systems within
the Universe. There were others however who had lost their
ability to become fractal with other patterns and therefore all
within the particular star system had fallen, they had bled charge
from their spin and had caused life to move back into chaos in
their sector. It was hoped that by working with the damaged Star
Codes representing the various Soul aspects, by integrated them
into the whole, the repair of this pattern would be the result. It
was told to me that the Human body and especially being here
on the Earth was a special place. That Gaia was the most fractal
being in the Universe and even those who had fallen in
consciousness and had damaged their fractal Star Code patterns
could find a way to embed and nest within Gaias fractal world.
She was such a complex shape all could find a place to fit within
her pattern. I had been told many years previous that Gaia was
the densest, place of gravity in the Universe, no wonder she was
special. Gravity is the ultimate compression of fractality.


It was hoped that by integrating each fallen Soul aspect

and taking on board the damaged Star Code, I would find a way
of addressing this problem, find a way of repairing the pattern as
a whole, so that I could become fractal in my whole
multidimensional self. As I represented everything in the
Universe, every level or expression of being, (as is expressed in
the name Alloya, meaning All of you), it was hoped that if I
integrated each self, all aspects of the Universe, I could bring
that pattern into harmony, i.e. become fractal. Then I would find
a way of moving through the implosion at the centre of the fractal
and pass through the zero point to recreate a brand new
Universe, one with no wars, caused by fallen races and systems.
The Zero point was the place of implosion, the gateway
into the Void. In my first book The Mission of the One Star I talk
about my experiences meeting the keeper of this gateway in my
story about Lucifer. As all Soul aspects are integrated they find a
way to become fractal with the rest of the Star Codes within my
plasma body, once this begins to move into golden mean ratio, it
causes fractal spin which in the very centre is the place of
implosion, the coming together, the making the many into one,
into one seed, which I call the Silver Seed.
This is the place of ultimate compression, ultimate
compaction of all the patterns into one single point, the point of
singularity. As this seed I was to pass with all my compressed
information through the zero point, where I would open up from
that seed in a Flower of Life pattern and recreate my Universe
into a brand new form, a form which contained all the information
of the previous Universe, more than the sum information of all its
parts. This is called Universal Evolution; it is how beings such as
Ananda Hari choose to evolve. There is an impulse which has
been sent through the Universe, telling all within that it is getting
near the time of Universal Implosion. That is the plasma field of
the whole Universe is going to begin fractalisation, nest and
eventually implode at the very centre of its being. As that being I
am pulling in my entire plasma field, packing it perfectly into neat


patterns without damaging a single wave, as I pack along golden

mean ratio proportions. I keep packing my plasma field which is
in fact the whole Universe until I am one single point which I
seem to remember was who I was in the beginning of this
universal story. Once I am one single point I will pass through
the black hole through implosion at my very centre and take all
into a new Universal Reality created from the void itself. All those
races that have fallen if they do not find a way of becoming
fractal with the rest of the Universe once implosion comes, they
will cease to be, if their Star Codes no longer are able to hold
charge, they will literally burn up with heat which is caused by
friction within the implosion point. If the Star Codes of those
fallen races do not find a way to perfectly embed with the other
patterns, then come implosion they will be wiped out of
existence. So as you can see I am on one hell of a mission.
There were many symptoms to the integration of the fallen
systems within my plasma field, during the night I would awaken
with my body burning up, this was the heat produced by the
fractal process that was going on within my plasma body and
DNA. As each damaged pattern leaked charge into my field it
produced heat as friction. Each Star Code, each pattern of
charge oscillated until it found perfect equilibrium with the other
Star Codes and moved into golden mean ratio fractality. What
was the energy which allowed this healing, this repair to occur; it
was the love of Gaia, the bliss that being grounded to her
brought. It would seem that bliss was the key. During this time I
was integrating fallen races I developed allergies to sugar and
often woke with what looked like burn marks on my face and
around the eyes especially. It looked like radiation burn which
now I know it actually was. It was the friction caused within my
plasma field through the healing of the Star Codes of the
integrated fallen Soul aspects. There were other times when I
was freezing cold; maybe this was also something to with this
fractal process.


This process of integration and compression of fractal

charge waves, was the process whereby I embedded infinite
amounts of information into a finite space, this was God waking
up in matter. By finding a way of perfect embedding, perfect
nesting of my Star Codes into one, I had created infinite
dimensions within a finite space. The prime atom comes about
when all Soul aspects as one fractal pattern are able to
compress into one single point. Our cells have infinite amounts
of information within them due to fractality. They have
compressed the whole universal pattern into the finite skin of a
cell. As this integration process continued I became aware that it
was also going on within the DNA, I was magnetising my junk
DNA into repairing itself and becoming part of the DNA ladder.
As this fractal compresses, the coming together of all my selves
and their codes within my plasma field continued until I became
aware I was repairing my DNA. If I did not achieve ultimate
compression and implosion then my DNA would not complete its
restructuring. I was to compress my fractal magnetic field to one
single point, what I call in my book The Mission of the One
Star, the Prime Atom. This one singularity then passed through
the Zero Point.
Space folds itself into
geometric shapes, the Star of
David into infinity within a
finite space. This eventually
compresses and folds in on
itself until it is in singularity.
This is the geometry which
allows for perfected charge
distribution, which is life. This
is the geometry which allows
the compression of charge to increase in velocity. Within this
geometry some of the energy released in compression causes
acceleration, this called gravity. The more I integrated the
various selves and their star codes, I was not only bringing my
plasma body and DNA into fractality; I was increasing the


velocity of my journey to the zero point. I was heading for a black

hole. I was creating gravity the closer I got to this zero point , the
ring that pass not , the portal or black hole into the void.
Is the astrological birth chart a magnetic map of my ability
to become fractal, was I born at just the right time to aid my
mission by bringing with me the star map of my birth which had
perfect fractality? The reason I ask is my birth chart has two
grand trines one on top of another creating a six pointed star.
Was this star within my chart the magnetic map or blueprint of all
the star nations within my Soul matrix coming together in perfect
fractality? Was this six pointed star in my birth chart a magnetic
trigger to activate the integration process in the first place. When
I was born the stars and their magnetic waves were in the
perfect formation to be able to magnetically imprint upon my
plasma body, the ability to become fractal. I had often been told
that I did not really need to do anything on the Earth I was
achieving what I came here for by my presence alone. Now I
was starting to understand why. Interestingly enough I was born
at the time of a big electrical storm, was this me as a Serpent of
Light impregnating the plasma field of Gaias body, as I arrived
as this pattern of light within her plasma field. I as a Serpent of
Light had created magnetic waves within the plasma field of
Gaias body, these waves formed into the six pointed star which
then began it process of fractality.
Dan Winter
Fractality is the key
to the Universe.
I was bringing
all of my Star Codes
into one fractal
pattern; I was going


through a process of compression, compressing that fractal into

one. Golden Mean ratio allows for none destructive compression
of this phase conjugation of magnetic waves. As this fractal
electrical field which is compressing got closer to the black hole it
accelerates. This acceleration of charge is caused by gravity,
gravity is fractal and fractal increases charge. Temperature also
is lost in the acceleration. I had noticed when I was integrating
fallen aspects and waking in the night in sweats, I had also
noticed especially when working with the higher dimensional
Soul aspects that I was cold to the bone. I remember one time in
particular I could not sleep as I was so cold; I put on many
jumpers but was still like ice. I remember getting out of bed and
then returning to find I knew where in the bed I had slept as it
was colder than the rest, I was actually emitting cold. These
times always corresponded with the integration of my higher
versions of self. I am sure you have all wondered why you are
always cold whilst downloading high energies, now you know the
science behind it. It is the acceleration of the fractalisation of
DNA, as it moves into subluminal speeds to pass through the
black hole centre of every atom, planet, star, and Galaxy.
Fantastic animation of the toroidal flow of the Universe,
and the atom
I have had many
inner journeys, upon which
I flew through this fractal
plasmic field; I have
travelled through many
star gates and black holes.
As I passed through the Stargates or black holes, I was squirted
out; I found I had come through a white hole on the other side. I
could turn around in mid-air and watch the stargate close behind
me. The Stargates opened like the most incredible roses with a
black hole at their centres. As I came out of the other side I
opened myself out and just like the Flower of Life I was


unpacking my fractal. In a tantric moment of bliss I close my

eyes pass through two red rollers which seemed to squash me,
once through the other side I travel down a black and white
chequered time tunnel which opened through a very mechanical
looking opening. Once outside I find myself in space orbiting the
Earth. All around me there is space and stars, I head for the Sun,
I enter it and watch the fractal rose of its stargate open. I then
pass through this solar gate taking me to any place in the
Universe, or dimension within this Multiverse. Not all the
Stargates are the same some look very natural , like roses, some
crystalline like snowflakes, some mechanical like a Swiss watch,
the one thing that makes them all the same is they all have a
black hole at their centre. It seems that black holes get
everywhere! There are mini black holes inside every atom
including our own bodies, there are black holes in the centre of
all the planets, this is the gateway that the sleeping Dragon
beings guard. There are black holes inside the stars that act as
gateways and there are black holes inside every Galaxy, even
one giant one in the centre of the Universe.
Now it was all starting to make sense what I have been
experiencing. During a ten day experience of being in a New
Planet reality (you can read all about this in my book The
Mission of the One star), I experienced walking consciously
through all the dimensions, from the highest to the lowest,
integrating all my selves as I went, to finally compact the pattern
of them or rather the fractal plasmic electrical pattern of charge
into what I called the Prime Atom. The Prime Atom was the
ultimate compression through the zero point or black hole. I was
told during this wonderful experience that I had found my way to
this new reality and others would read my pattern my fractal and
also know how to pass through the black holes that they had in
the centre of their being. It was said that after some time all the
fractals upon the Earth would be called into compression and as
Gaias Prime Atom they would implode pass through the black
hole at her centre and pass into this new reality. I was to return
back in time to aid those who wished to also walk this path.


Compression was coming and it was hoped that as many as

possible would be able to perfectly fractally compress and pass
with the whole of Gaias family through the black hole to a New
Planet reality.
Check out this Torus animation
Watch this video about the Torus.
The Universal Dreamer by focusing its attention on to the
plasma field brought into being through toroidal movement, the
Serpent Ananda Hari. This attention or focus had become the
centring force which caused the plasma in the field to spin and
become toroidal. I had seen this clearing in my many journeys
through the fractal field, the moment I placed my attention on to
the plasma field it would dimple and spin. Her dance within the
folds of plasma field created one core recurring pattern, this
pattern can now be seen in every scale. This torus energy flow is
the base pattern of all creation. This energy pattern enabled all
systems to be self -sustaining, eternally revolving through the
bliss of the Universal Dreamer. Ananda Hari through her spin
created atoms, solar systems and galaxies all spiralling around
the attention of the Creator.
Imagine if you dropped a stone into a still pool, ripples
would form in the water. The stone is the attention of the
Universal Dreamer as it looks upon the Void. The ripples are the
magnetic waves created in the plasma field which form the body
of Ananda Hari. Through her, the- none -manifest, the hidden
face of the Creator can be seen. Ananda Hari is the fabric of all
existence responding in bliss to the attention of the Universal
Dreamer. Ananda Hari responded to the attention of the
Universal Dreamer, just like a woman would respond to the tingle
of a lovers touch.


When I was a small child I could not sleep, I would sit up

all night in the dark pretending, thinking about the Universe and
my existence. During one of these sleepless nights I clearly
heard a voice in my head say to me , You are a dot in space ,
you imagine all that you see , all that you hear, all that taste, all
that touch, how do you know your world really exists? . I saw
myself as a single point of consciousness floating in a sea of
blackness. From this single point I imagined my world and
everything in it. I remember being pleased with this new concept
as it proved to me that I was making up my reality. It was not
until I was much older that I came to realise how profound this
information was.
This first point of focus created magnetic fields within the
plasma field, where two waves crossed it formed a Vesica

The Vesica Pisces is the pattern created by two interfering

waves creating an electromagnetic light lens. Through this lens
the Universal Dreamer was able to project its consciousness into
the Void or plasma field. In my book The Mission of the One
Star I talked about how I met and integrated each of my
dimensional selves , I took the reader on a journey from the
highest dimension where the Universal Dreamer resides, all the
way to the very centre of the planet Earth , to the Zero point ,the


portal into the Void. On each level I met another Soul self or
aspect all of which came together to make up my overall
multidimensional identity. On the eleventh dimension (within a
twelve dimensional model) I met the Antari. They were the
consciousness of two points of light. They existed in this form
only to show me in story and visualisation their level of
existence. Astrata and Astrea were two mighty stars in a void of
blackness, at this point in the story there were no other stars in
the Universe. They radiated light from one to another as they
were the mirror of each other. As they reflected their light at each
other, they formed a pattern of light in the centre which became
the child Astara. Just like the two intertwining circles of the
Vesica Pisces they created a third pattern or child.
The Vesica Pisces is the womb of the Universe.

From this picture you can clearly see the various stages of
creation. It began with the Void, which is represented by the
black hole in the centre, then came the attention of the Creator
which moved the Void, represented by the red dot. The dot
created waves which moved out from the centre to interfere with
each other to form the Vesica Pisces, the womb of creation.


Fantastic animation of the Vesica Pisces
From the Yin and the Yang, the first male and the first
female, there became the first Light. The Vesica Pisces is the
womb of everything, all that is springs from the Vesica Pisces,
unfolding, spiralling until it becomes the physical Universe.
Through the centre, the womb or opening is the entrance into our
physical or rather manifest Universe. The first light was the
Serpent, a Serpent of light.
If a magnetic field and two plasma filaments, aligned along
the magnetic field lines, and each carried an axial electrical
current opposite to the magnetic field (i.e. a Birkeland current),
the two filaments would produce circular magnetic fields around
themselves, which interact with the current in the other filament
to generate a force attracting the two filaments together.


It is said that the Snake King allowed the Devas (gods)

and the Asuras (Demons) to use him as a churning rope while
they looked for the ambrosia of immortality. In divine dynasties
on Earth, the now dreaded Reptile was regarded as the first
beam of light that radiated from the abyss of divine mystery.
Astronomers report an unprecedented elongated double
helix nebula near the centre of our Milky Way Galaxy, using
observations from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope. The part of
the nebula the astronomers observed stretches 80 light years in
length. The double helix nebula is approximately 300 light years
from the enormous black hole at the centre of the Milky Way.
(The Earth is more than 25,000 light years from the black hole at
the galactic centre.) The black hole is the womb or rather one of
the many wombs or portals into our physical manifest Universe,
the Vesica Pisces. From the womb of the creation DNA spirals or
filaments of light, Silver Serpents are manifesting themselves as
the first light in this Universe.
Galaxies clusters are embedded in a large scale spider
web-like substance of filaments. Extensive Galaxy surveys also
show that structures resembling filaments characterise
distribution of galaxies. According to Hans Alfven Noble space is
filled with a network of currents which transfer energy and
momentum over large distances. Astronomers are finally
detecting a universal web of light filaments they calculate that the
filaments contain five times more mass than all the stars in the
Universe. This is because these light filaments are made from
the pinching of the plasma field, the plasma field contains more
energy within a centimetre cube of space, than the whole
Universe so that would stand to reason, that theses filaments
which stretch across the Universe as a spider web, holds more
mass and energy than all the stars in the Universe. Plasma
naturally forms filaments in response to electric and magnetic
fields. The charged particles are guided by the magnetic fields
and accelerated by the electric fields. The filaments may pinch
(or converge) magnetically to form stars. A star is a massive,


luminous sphere of plasma held together by gravity. A stellar

magnetic field is a magnetic field generated by the motion of
conductive plasma inside a star.
Hubble Telescope light filaments


Chapter Three. Electrical Messages from Angels

Many years ago at
the beginning of my
journey of integrating my
Soul and its many
aspects, I attended a
Native American Indian
Medicine Wheel workshop
in my local town. I had
little money at the time but
something urged me to attend, something was driving me,
something beyond my everyday consciousness. I did not know
why I was going, but the first evening, as we sat down to chant
and drum, surrounding a camp fire, I began to vibrate in my
bones. We drummed and chanted until the early hours until the
Shaman spoke of the ancestors who were sacred to them. We
were asked to pick one ancestor which we resonated with and
when we went to bed we were to call upon this ancestor and ask
them to give us a dream.
I went to bed that night, sharing the room with others who
were much more used to meditation and ritual than I. They knelt
on the floor in a prayer pose and called upon their ancestor with
all the reverence which should be given to the calling of a sacred
ancestor. I was exhausted the energies were overwhelming for
me I was new to all this energy work and I was too tired to mess
around with complicated rituals or prayers. I got into bed and
very un-ceremonially I called upon one of the ancestors (the only
one I could remember I might add) Black Lightening Eagle.
Hey Black Lightening Eagle, give us a dream will you
mate? I asked , not for one minute thinking I would get anything,
I was not being ritualistic enough or even honouring the
ancestors by the way of my asking , too tired to care I fell asleep.
I awoke in a dream (I say I awoke because the dream was totally
lucid I was fully awake).


I was in the garden of the seminar centre where I was

staying; all over the trees and bushes was what looked like angel
hair. You know the kind of cobweb like hair that you decorate
Christmas trees with. As I was wondering what I was to do with
this angel hair, I suddenly realised I was not alone and stood
behind me was an Angel. It looked more like a glowing radiating
geometric pattern which when I focused on the light radiations, a
face came into view, a face which I knew. This was my guardian
Angel, (I now know that these beings are often the Angelic
aspect of a person, at this time I did not know this and still
thought of these beings as guardian Angels).
I asked what we were to do with the angel hair and she
suggested we gather it up to a pile on the lawn, which we did.
Once we had a big pile I asked what to do now, the Angel said
You are the weaver, weave. As I took a piece of the angel hair
in my hands it turned into multi-coloured thread, which I then
used to weave a kaleidoscopic pattern of many colours. As I
completed this, a huge black symbol (which actually looked like
lightening burns) appeared on the multi-coloured banner. Once
complete we proudly, the Angel and I walked around the garden
holding our banner aloft.
Soon as I awoke I knew this was significant but I had no
idea what it meant, I instantly drew the black symbol. When we
all went down for breakfast the Shamans asked us if we had any
dreams. I left it until last to say anything as I was shy. Finally it
got to my turn, I told my dream and showed them the symbol,
and they were open mouthed, gasping in amazement. They told
me in awe oh wow you are a dream weaver. Everyone else
seemed to know what this meant, I was new to shamanic
practices so I did not, too shy to ask what that meant, I nodded
pretending I also knew what they were talking about. I had no
idea what it all meant, but I knew it was something special. I
returned home and made a huge banner out of coloured fabric in
a kaleidoscopic pattern with the black symbol on top.


Many years later I sat down to write my book The

Mission of the One Star , in the first pages I read back the words
We are the Weavers , the Dream Weavers . At the time I
thought that symbol was a calling card if you like of these beings
called the Dream Weavers and I had been given it as a way of
making contact with them , little did I know at the time the full
significance of this symbol, only now am I coming to realise.
Many years later I began to have this same Angel turns up
in my meditation, her name was Shektah. She often manifested
as a wonderful rainbow coloured energy burst, it was my mind
that gave her shape, and realised that this being was an Angel.
She moved into my meditations daily working with my energy
body until finally one day I began to communicate with her. She
took me on a journey of healing, which I desperately needed, I
like many others had a broken heart she healed me and taught
me I was loveable and whole. She took me on such a journey
which climaxed with her telling me that she was my Angelic
aspect, she was me on a higher level. Of course this took me a
long time before I could finally accept this and finally integrate
her energy into my body, this was the beginning of my journey of
the integration of my Soul. (She was the first aspect to integrate,
many more aspects came you came read all about this in my
book The Mission of the one star.)
When I finally integrated
her energy and she confirmed
this I then had the symbol
tattooed on the back of the
neck. I always knew this
symbol was important but
never really understood how
important or why. I pondered
this symbol a lot wondering why my Angel would pick this as its
symbol. I thought it looked a little like a person with its arms up,
and the base looked like tail feathers. If others asked me what it


was, I told them it was an Angelic rune for protection that was
much easier than telling them it was the symbol of my Angelic
self or aspect. The years rolled by other Soul aspects, other
guides turned up and I thought little of the symbol even though I
was walking around with it tattooed on my neck. What caught my
attention was when I was watching a documentary on the Dogon
Tribes and their many dances and rituals. I thought to myself,
that the headdresses were very similar to my Angelic symbol.
It was not until I watched David Talbots
fantastic documentary Symbols of an Alien
sky that I came to understand what this
symbol was in its importance.
Perhaps the most compelling discovery comes from the
sciences. Independent investigation over the past 12 years has
confirmed that the celestial formations Talbot reconstructedall
from historical evidenceprecisely match the behaviour of
electric discharge in the plasma laboratory and in remote space.
A convergence of historical evidence and plasma science has
occurred. The converging research points to planetary instability
and intense electrical events in ancient times. A challenge to
some of the most cherished assumptions in todays theoretical
sciences. David Talbot.
Plasma scientists are now comparing electrical discharge
formations in the laboratory to rock art images around the world.
Anthony Peratt, who is a leading authority on plasma
phenomenon, has been researching unstable formations that
develop in high energy electrical discharge. The more
elaborate discharges forms are now called Peratt Instabilities.


Within a communication with David Talbot, Peratt became

intrigued by the similarity of ancient rock art to the discharge
formations he had been recording. He noticed that he was
seeing the very same formations painted on the walls of aves, as
he had seen in his laboratory experiments. Peratt then got
together a team of 30 people who investigated over 25,000 rock
art images .The squatter man configuration depicted above
occurs when a disk or donut-like torus around a linear discharge
column is bent by magnetic fields induced by intense current
flow. From the viewpoint of the observer, the edges of the upper
disk may appear to point up (forming "arms") and those of the
lower torus may appear to point down (forming "legs"). The
underlying hourglass pattern, with many subtle variations,
occurs around the world. What is plasma instability? - A point at
which high density plasma or electrified gas can no longer hold
its charge. The plasma then changes its shape according to the
nature of the current running through it. There is an array of
resultant shapes. (See Peratts paper or just Google plasma
instability images.) They include - beads, bullets, and strings of
beads, sausages chains, ladders, serpents, eyes, feathers,
feathered dancers and serpents and so on. Plasma is scaleable,
i.e. what happens in space can be recreated in a lab for detailed
analysis. The image is lab plasma and constitutes the form of the
Squatting Man. It may also be the origin of the archetype of the
Holy Grail
After lengthy analysis of the
petro glyphs, scientist Anthony Peratt
concluded this phenomenon; of giant
plasma instability had appeared
across the globe and appeared about
50,000km high. Electricity in plasma
discharges create rapidly morphing
shapes; rotations, pinching,
spheroids which flatten into disks
with outer curving edges, creating
bowl shapes which may appear as
limbs along the discharging axis.
When the formation reaches a
saturation point, the formation breaks
apart, very explosively. The plasma
event giving rise to the Squatting


Man image may have lasted for up to 1,000 years as visible

phenomena before it faded completely. The rings, columns,
spirals, ladders, snakes, feathered serpents, beads and strings
of beads and dragon shapes which rolled and rotated with
varying degrees of luminosity and transparency were interpreted
as gods. Carved into rock for immortality and mythologized,
Humans levied worship on these awesome sights.
So the symbol given to me by an Angel in a dream was a
plasma discharge out in the cosmos. This discovery made me go
back into my studies of Dan Winters work about the two families
of Angels.There are two families of
Angels the Seraphim and the
Ophanin. The Seraphim were
thought of as huge fiery Dragons, the
High Winged ones. The Ophanin
were the Bird Tribes, the
Thunderbirds. The Seraphim were
symbolised by the twin serpents
wrapped around each other. The
Ophanin were symbolised by the wings, both together create the
famous caduceus. The twin Serpents spiralling around a centre
column is the light filaments that are pinched together to create
Birkeland Currants. The plasma filaments weave around each
other and then create a toroidal movement which causes the
plasma field to doughnut, which is the beginning of the spin,
toroidal movement creates arcs or wings. The Caduceus is the
combination of the Seraphim Serpents entwined and the
Ophanin Wings.
The Seraphim created the spin, the means by which to
impregnate the plasma field with an electrical charge (which is
life) but there was no way of steering this life igniting lightning
bolt. As life evolved and the Serpents danced around each other,
they created spin which began to implode upon itself, within this
implosion the wings of the Ophanin could be seen to form. Now
this life giving tornado (the Seraphim) had the wings (Ophanin)
by which to steer itself. This combination of electrical discharges
(the Seraphim Serpents and the Ophanin Wings) within the
plasma field creates a self aware, self steering; life giving
Angelic feathered Serpent, a chance to create life in the cosmos.
So these two tribes of Angels are really electrical currents


needed to create self aware life. Angels or angles, they are the
electrical movements of the plasma field as it becomes self
organising and self -aware.
The symmetry operations of these Angelic forces of
creation are highly charged light language, the language of life.
They created life by setting up patterns of many doughnuts,
charge domains into a spiral and thus the caduceus was formed.
It is said in myth and legend that the two families of Angels
fought in the heavens and to create peace between them they
combined their energies together to create the feathered Serpent
or known by the Maya as Quetzalcoatl. This feathered Serpent
was also Shektah, my Angel; she was a highly charged plasma
discharge pattern. She burrowed her way into the plasma field
just like a sperm enters an egg and created life in our Universe.
This is how she incarnated herself into matter, from this electrical
discharge within the plasma field; she was able to create
galaxies, solar systems, planets, beings. The caduceus was a
visual representation of how life became in this Universe and
how Angels incarnate into matter. This symbol on my neck was
not only the calling card of an Angel as first thought, but was also
a graphic interpretation of how to create life, and how to
incarnate into matter. By giving me this symbol not only was I
learning a lot about how life came to be in the Universe, I was
coming to realise that this symbol was a way of embedding that
Angelic energy into the cells of my body, this was true
These lightning bolts caused life to form in the plasma, it
caused DNA to form. The Angels through their language of light
formed symmetry to form in the plasma along which, DNA began
to form. The plasma had to be able to hold this charge it had to
know how to swallow the charge, swallow the Serpent in order to
hold charge and create life. By tattooing this symbol on my neck
I had imprinted or rather burnt into my energy field the symbol of
my awakening. (You can read how the Goddess Lilith
experienced the lightning bolts of life in my earlier book Her
Perspective .


Thunderbolts of the Gods David

Talbot. These
electrical fields became self -aware and self- organising; this is
the initial start of life. These electrical fields, these Angels
embedded themselves into the structures which were forming
through the interaction of the electrical discharge within the
plasma field. It is possible to embed or incarnate into other
bodies, not just the Human physical body.
Angels inhabit or
embed themselves into the
plasma body of galaxies,
solar systems, stars, planets
and Human bodies. Was
this what Shektah was trying
to do embed herself into the
cells of my body, into
plasma within my fieldYou
thought that you could only
inhabit a body, did you know
you can inhabit even the
stars. Angelic beings are
plasma beings the size of
stars. Ananda Hari
This symbol , this angelic rune which Shektah gave me
was the shadow that Ananda Hari cast upon the lower dimension
as she projected her consciousness down and manifest herself
as a geometric Seraphim/ Ophanin Feathered Serpent , and took
up her place within an angelic grid or fractal field and became
part of the Angelic hierarchy.
Dan winter - Angels (and people) get a (plasma or aura)
body when their field effect becomes centripedal- that is to say
begins to implode and attract toward centre. Angel ALPHABETS
appear to be shadows of field effects whose VORTEX SHADOW
ANGLE- or symmetry elements allow them to fuse implosively
(centripedally). It is simply a certain series of donuts or vortex
that learn how to approach each other at the right angle to
implode and 'make a heart' (fractal centre). (Note how John
McGovern- apparently now able to translate most any rock


petroglyph globally- calls these ancient alphabet letters: "Plasma

Ananda Hari As I spiralled around and around, causing all
to spin, my centripetal force moved all to centre, as this vortex
cast out its shadows, the angle of the shadow caused a pattern
to be mirrored into the dimension below me and formed a vortex
shadow angle or Angel which held the Angelic grid in place in
perfect balance. All these shadow angles of Angels created a
language of geometry, Angelic Alphabet.
Dan Winter Angelic alphabets call our DNA to embed in
longer waves and
bigger tornados- our
plasma fields into the
stars when we see
the intelligence of living
plasma on a stellar
scale- we must come to
realize how much love
and mind is also present
there... if we are to
qualify like them to learn
to inhabit stars - with
our aura. This is the so called status of becoming SUN GODS so
revered by our ancestors.
One of the greatest scientific achievements imaginable
would be the discovery of an explicit relationship between the
waveform alphabets of quantum theory and certain Human
states of consciousness. -Nick Herbert, Quantum Reality
The Enochian Alphabet - Language of the Angels - Vincent Bridges
& Dan Winter Winter Ophanin -
Dan Winter Angel Science


Ananda Hari It is said that there were two families of

Angels, the Seraphim and the Ophanin, one with wings and the
other with no sight to see.
The Seraphim in terms of physics are light filaments with
the power of the Creator. These mighty and huge Serpent beings
move throughout the Void in silent retreat. Their ululating
movements are sensual and with ease. They appear as if they
move slowly through the blackness of the Nagual, however this
is an illusion as they do not really move at all but are
everywhere, as they are the Nagual itself. They spiral around
each other in a perpetual movement of ecstasy, as theirs is a
world of sense. Electric crackles in their wake as they are the live
wires of the Universe. Plasma discharges in the waves that their
constant spiralling motion creates. The Serpent is blind as it
looks only within to dream dreams, blind is our Serpent with no
sight to see. This is the Seraphim, those with Serpent scales.
In terms of physics the Ophanin, are the Whirling Ones,
the wings of energy discharge as the spiral vortex of the
Seraphim bends to become the torus, that which creates all life.
The Seraphim are two spiralling Birkeland currants, they have
the life power to create, a gift from the Creator, however they do
not have the ability to self- steer their tornado. As they moved
throughout the void creating vortexes of spin, the spin evolved
into a toroidal wave pattern.


Just like in the image of the caduceus, there are two

spiralling serpents ascending the middle pillar and there are
wings on top. The wings represent the Ophanin, the Bird Tribes.
They are the intelligence of the torus. Before this new phase of
evolution the Seraphim/ Serpent/ light filaments could only create
spin brought about by the attention of the Universal Dreamer.
They did not have the ability to steer or navigate their way
through the dimensions forming below the Nagual. It is said that
the Bird Tribes had passion, and compassion, the ability to self organise, self- steer, self- direct, its own sentient consciousness.
There was no war between these two beings only a process of
plasma experience, joined into a life creating torus, the Seraphim
and the Ophanin came together to create, the Feathered
Serpent. Now they had an energy form in which they could steer.
They designed the folding waves of charge that they had created
in the Universe. Through aligning themselves with the passion of
the Creator through the Bird Tribes, they were then able to then
fold the electromagnetic waves into beautiful geometric,
mathematical masterpieces, which they then projected their
consciousness into and became geometric entities.


Ananda Hari As the Feathered Serpents we were Angels

as big as Nebula. The Ophanin were the
intelligence that sustained the bedrock
of life. Through their inherent make-up,
they can redirect/reprogram photons
and higher-dimensional energy fields
and/or redirect/reprogram the genetic
code of all life forms.
Amazing childrens film which
explains the geometric signature of
other dimensional beings, very nicely.
The last Mimzy


Chapter Four . Braiding the Self

When I first woke up and realised who I was on the other
levels, the first aspect that I integrated was my Angelic self,
Shektah, this being acted as my guide and advisor, as I
navigated the dimensions and integrated all the different Soul
aspects that came together to create my multidimensional self.
This being introduced me to who I was on my highest level,
which was the Star that illuminates a thousand Moons. On this
high level I was the Universal Dreamer manifesting itself as a
great Sun, which was at the very centre of the Universe. I was
taken on a journey through all the dimensions and came to see
the whole Universe spreading out from this centre point. In the
centre was a huge rainbowed lit Star or Sun. This is what others
call the Source of all Creation.
The energy that emanates from this Star creates a matrix
which extends across the Nagual, which the other Stars and
Planetary systems exist within. The Sun of our Solar System is
connected to the many central Suns which are in the very centre
of each and every sector of Creation. Our central Sun is called
Alcyone, which is present in the Pleiadian system. There are
many central Suns which all orbit the very Grand Central Sun or
what I call the Star that illuminates a thousand Moons. Our Sun
illuminates our world, bringing us light and all the other
frequencies, we cannot see with our Human eyes, to feed the
planet to create life. Our Sun not only feeds light to the plants on
the planet enabling them to grow, it also feeds us spiritual light
directly from the Creator itself, the Universal Dreamer. In truth
this light is the love of the Creator filtered down to manifest itself
as a three dimensional energy, which our planet needs to
enhance its life. Our Sun is fed its energy by the central Sun
Alcyone in the centre of the Pleiadian system. This central Sun is
part of a huge network of light, which connects all other central
Suns and thus all Solar Systems into a huge matrix of solar light.
All of these central Suns all come together to orbit around the
very Grand Central Sun, the Star that illuminates a thousand


Moons. On my highest level, in my highest expression this is

who I am, as is everyone else on this level, as on this level we
are all One.
The Star that illuminates a thousand Moons radiates light
through the other central Suns and solar Stars bringing the living
light library to touch the cells of our bodies, this is what is
causing not only ourselves and our planet to transform, but the
whole Universe is transforming too. Many on the Earth want to
ascend, travel up through the dimensions going from the third
dimension to the highest level, where they finally get to meet this
grand Star. I however have always known that I was not
ascending, but in fact I was descending. I dropped down through
the dimensions integrating the various Soul aspects or selves, as
I made my way to Earth. When I arrived I had to get into my body
in the third dimension , this was a challenge , to bring down the
highest light from the Star of all Creation and anchor this into the
cells of my physical body , it took me many years. Once I had
made it into the third dimension I dropped further down and
entered the second dimension, the underworld. The underworld
some could call hell, a place of demons. Many challenges were
brought my way , the challenges climaxing with me meeting
Lucifer and healing the pain he carried and moving through him
and removing his mask, to discover he was not a dark being at
all but a being made of the ultimate light. He guarded the
entrance into the void, a portal which I came to call the Zero. I
passed through this zero point, taking with me all the aspects
that I had integrated. I passed through the zero and voided
myself. I passed into the void and recreated myself more than
the sum of my parts and entered what I came to call New Planet.
I spent ten days experiencing this New Planet reality, or
(New Universal Reality) knowing that this was where Gaia was
taking the whole of Humanity and also the whole of the Universe.
I was totally aware that I was the Universal Dreamer awakening
in my reality , there was no separation between me and my
world, I was the sea, the shore and the love that passed between


them. It was the most intense and amazing experience I have

ever had and it lasted for ten days and nights, I was truly
enlightened. As each Human who has integrated all its aspects,
passes through this zero point, they will cease to be as they
were, a being made up of many aspects, they will merge all the
selves and recreate themselves something more than the sum of
their parts. Once there is enough on the other side so to speak,
they will act as an anchor and will pull the rest of the Earth and
the Universe into the void, where it too will go through this
To be brief when I was in this New Planet reality I
experienced being at one with everything, this was not a mental
idea but an actual experience on all levels. I walked past the sea
front near my home and experienced what it mentally, spiritually,
emotionally and most importantly physically felt like to be the
sea. I could feel the sea in my body, I could also feel myself as
the shore and the bliss and love that went between them, it was
so intense I fell to my knees unable to walk. I experienced being
able to communicate with all life telepathically as well as knowing
to my very core, I was in fact god waking up in the matrix. This
experience went on for ten days none stop it was totally
When I was in New Planet I was asked if I had everything I
wanted in this new reality, I was about to say yes, when I
realised as amazing as it was, I was alone. I wanted to go back
into the old reality and show others the way. I volunteered to
come back and walk backwards along my path retracing my
steps, so I knew the way, so I could guide others to New Planet.
Little did I know that once I had returned I would fall into a deep
and life threatening depression.
I screamed at my Soul what have I done wrong, why am I
back in this reality? It was as if I had forgotten I had requested
it. When I had made this request my Soul had told me that I was
not really back in the old reality but it would appear as if I was,


that I would make this journey over and over again, in every
second of the day but my conscious mind would not recognise
this and I would think I was back in old planet reality. This was
an illusion, I would be dreaming.
When I first came back into the dream of old planet , big
Alloya ( as I came to call her for short) showed me that this
journey , walking the light paths from the highest dimension ,
through all the dimensions , to pass through the zero point to
enter New Planet reality ,was going on over and over again . I
was shown the way slowly, step by step, and then the process
was speeded up until it was not clearly seen anymore and I
began to think it had stopped. I do not know why I felt so lost I
was still in New Planet but was choosing to enter the dream of
the Universe and create for myself an old reality. I was supposed
to stay awake and show the others, I thought I had failed. The
process became so speeded up it was now a blur and I could not
see myself walking the path over and over. This process was no
longer conscious; my conscious mind became preoccupied with
the illusion of the old planet dream all over again. It did not
matter how many times big Alloya told me I was in New Planet , I
was not aware of it and I am sorry to say I began to doubt.
Doubt is an awful thing, it instantly creates a deadening of
reality, my powers of creation began to dwindle, I no longer even
felt like the Star and in my darkest moments I started to think I
had been on some crazy trip and it had all been in my
imagination. In a way it was easier to think it was a trip, rather
than look at what I was really feeling, which was a deep feeling
of failure. So as the years passed I almost forgot the steps to
New Planet, as I was no longer able to recognise it going on in
my everyday reality. Yet big Alloya kept telling me, no you are
walking so many to New Planet, you would be amazed. I think
even Alloya got tired of telling me this, as I dropped further into
my depression.


At the very centre of the earth there is a Black Hole, this is

the zero point or as Lucifer called it the the ring that pass not .
He guards the entrance to the the ring that pass not , so all
those who have still not transformed all fear and judgement, will
halt at the sight of Lucifer and be unable to pass through, as they
will not be able to recognise the divinity in the face of Lucifer and
also will not be able to integrate him as themselves, yet another
aspect. When I met Lucifer I was terrified, I shook from head to
toe and even made a strange pining sound just like an animal.
He manifested in front of me as a huge demonic being. He had
the typical devil face with two horns one red and one black
protruded from his head. He asked me in a loud booming voice.
Who are you? . I answered Alloya , he said and what
does Alloya mean? I answered all of you. Lucifer said so if
you are everything then you must be me too. As he said this
something lit up inside me, I had the biggest realisation, he was
the Creator too, and if I was the Creator then I was Lucifer too.
As this realisation hit me, Lucifer pulled what was actually a
mask from his face. Behind the faade of evil was an image of
Christ as a baby, with the most incredible white light surrounding
him, he whispered come with me we are going to do something
that has never been done anywhere in the whole of creation, we
are going into the void We passed together through the zero
point, the black hole in the very centre and I recreated myself
more than the sum of my parts and created New Planet reality.
The void welcomed me home. The void was the fertile soil in
which I planted my seed of Creation and New Planet was
manifest, I then returned to walk with others along their journey.
After this point I often had people write to me and tell me , that I
was in their dreams and meditations guiding them , I had no
conscious recognition of this what so ever .
As more and more people walk this path and enter New
Planet, a hundred monkey affect will happen pulling the whole of
Creation through into the Void. All the different aspects that I had
integrated, representing all the other levels and the beings that


reside on those levels, will pass through too. All races of beings
are represented in my overall multidimensional identity. As I pass
through the zero I take all others with me. Now some of these
beings or races of beings will have problems with this. They will
stop, unable to move into love for Lucifer and therefore are doing
everything in their power to stop the process. You would think
that it would be those of the dark realms which wish to stop the
process; however this is not the truth. There are ascended
beings that are refusing to love the darkness and pass through
the zero point. These beings artificially ascended themselves
into an artificial heaven, which has now become their prison.
They are cut off from Source, the natural organic light of the
Creator and exist on artificial light and are creating artificial
heavens. These heavens are not heavens at all but prisons. The
Ascended Masters are teaching Light Workers on the planet
ascension techniques which are not designed to aid you to walk
through the underworld to find Lucifer, and pass into the void, no
they are teaching the Light Workers how to ascend to these
artificial heavens, which the Light Workers believe are on the fifth
dimension, when in fact they are low fourth. Once they ascend
there, they will become prisoners and become spiritual light food
for these Ascended Masters who are incapable of walking this
path themselves, because of their spiritual egotism.
They are not the only ones who are having a problem with
passing through the zero point. The Annunaki are also resisting
walking this path, they do not want to give up their power over
the old planet reality, and they also fear their annihilation. They
are ego beings in the extreme and are not willing to surrender to
the process, this is why they are doing all they can to stop this
transformation. They are building mobile phone masts, electric
pylons all across the Earth to create a false matrix, so people will
not wish to move on past the illusion and pass into New Planet. It
is not working.
There are various races, such as some of the Draco
Reptilians, they have messed about with their DNA, so much


they no longer have a body which is capable of passing through

the zero. They would cease to be, very sad. I believe this is why
they are desperately breeding Reptilians with Humans, they are
trying to create for themselves, a body they can project their
consciousness into, so they too can walk this way to New Planet.
Many think they are in bed with Lucifer , this is incorrect , the
being that most are referring to when they talk about Lucifer is
not Lucifer at all but an imposter , he is in fact a Reptilian /
Annunaki hybrid .
There are many Reptilian races in the Universe not all are
aligned with the dark, as many of the Draco are. There is a race
of Reptilians who have lived with Gaia since the beginning of her
creation, this is the Crocodile clan. When I was in Egypt I met
and fell in love with a Crocodile Humanoid, he was a Nubian
man. His kind had not evolved from apes but from a crocodile
species. This species had been manipulated by a group of
renegades coming from Sirius B, their DNA was messed up and
they were unable to pass through the zero point. I felt such
compassion for this race of Reptiles; I wanted to do something
for them. I gave some of my DNA code and in the fourth
dimension they created a hybrid being which had part Star
Human DNA and part Crocodile DNA. The being was amazing
looking, a mixture of myself and my Nubian lover. I left Egypt
with a heavy heart, as I did not want to leave my Nubian man but
I knew my mission was complete that I had given the Crocodile
clan a great gift, and they would now be able to pass through the
zero point and come to New Planet with the rest of the Universe.
I live in hope that the other races having problems with this, will
also relinquish their egos and come with us too.
Time passed and the years slipped by, fascinated with the
illusion of the old planet dream, I almost forgot that I was
constantly walking backwards and forwards from old to New
Planet reality. Little did I know that unbeknown to my conscious
mind I was still making this journey. It was not until recently that I
realised once again my path. My friend and I were doing some


Soul searching and I talked to her about how I get this strange
vibration that runs through my body at night, it seemed to be
coming from my bones themselves. As I talked to my friend
about this strange vibration she suddenly went into channel
mode or what I like to call the zone. She said are you
connected to a Star? I said well yes I am a Star on the highest
level, I am the Star that illuminates a thousand Moons, she told
me she could see clearly when I talked about the vibration, a
huge Star in the very centre of the Universe that was going
through some sort of transformation, she did not know if it was
just being born or was going super nova. She said she could
clearly see this Star in my upper chest, in the place of the new
chakra which formed whilst I was in New Planet. This chakra
was turquoise and when it pulsed it created immense bliss in my
She then moved more fully
into the zone and her face
changed and for a minute she
looked like the image my Soul
had shown me, in the mirror
when I had first asked what did
my Soul look like. I knew this was
truth she was speaking as my
whole body went into the
vibration that I only usually got in
the night in bed. She then went
on to say this Star was passing
through a black hole. Suddenly
my hair felt like it stood on end and the realisation of what she
was seeing hit me full force. My god I thought I am still waking
backwards and forwards and I now know that the highest
expression (that I am, as this grand central Sun), is passing
through the zero into the void. She told me that the vibration was
because I had integrated this aspect of self, this Star into the
cells of my body and everything this Star was going through I
was experiencing in the cells. For a moment I was catapulted


inside the cells and saw the same process that was going on. It
was amazing. She told me that there were many monitoring this
Star, as it moved into the black hole and, those monitoring the
Star were also monitoring me and thus the Star, those
monitoring and myself were forming a triangle of energy. I
suddenly remembered the image or glyph big Alloya had given
me when I first integrated her; it was a triangle with a Star inside
I cannot tell you how over joyed I was, not only to be given
this information but to experience it first hand , having for a
moment experienced myself as the Star moving into the void and
calling all other aspects with it . This was a big confirmation for
me not only to know we are still on track we are still moving
along the path that was planned but also to know I had not failed.
I was relieved. My doubt healed in a moment. I asked her who
were monitoring the Star and I, she said oh lots of races of ETs,
our Earth scientists and Gaia herself. It seemed my Star and I
was of great interest. My friend looked at me and said my you
are a Star in deep consciousness , these words lit my heart and
I felt elated.
If you are reading this, you are no ordinary being. If you
are reading this you are on a very special mission. Together we
are trying to do something that has never been done before
anywhere, in all of creation. What we are about to do is
exceptionable indeed. I trust if you have found your way to this
book that you already know my work and know about the
multidimensional self and its integration. You know that our
mission was to integrate all Soul aspects into the third dimension
and then travel into the underworld through the lower
dimensions, to finally pass through the zero point and then
recreate ourselves on the other side, as a brand new Universal
Reality. Well we are well into our mission now, we have
completed many phases. Now I am going to tell you what the
next phase of our mission is. We are about to graduate from this
Universal school we find ourselves in.


You see you are not originally from this Universe, you
come from outside this Universe, you are from an infinite amount
of Universes. You represent these Universes, as ambassadors,
yet in truth you are these Universes. These universal
manifestations are your dreams as Creator Gods. Each of you
reading this is a Universe in the spectrum of the multi-verse.
You as consciousness decided an adventure was needed, so
you entered this Universe and began a detailed exploratory
investigation of life in this place. Your mission on entering the
Universe was to experience every manifestation of this Universal
Creators dream. You projected aspects of yourselves into the
various dimensions and sub-dimensions that made up this
space, experiencing every facet of this Universe.
You animated yourselves within every form, within every
expression, even living lives in density. You walked paths of
polarity, the light and the dark and integrated all aspects as self.
You lit up on all dimensions and the all that is was then
manifest. You were universal in consciousness yet fragmented
as was the nature of this particular system. Your
multidimensional consciousness was exactly that, a
consciousness of many, a collective, a multi personality with
facets which argued and challenged each other for dominance.
This was reflected out, on to the dimensions themselves and in
the lower planes, many wars and conquests abound.
You carried within your Soul signature the codes of all
beings, all entities, and all races; you were the walking libraries
of the Universe. You planted the seeds of all beings within the
warmth of the Cosmic Mothers belly and watched as forms were
created in the Universe, forms of all expressions, all your dreams
were made manifest, the Cosmic Mother birthed them all from
her womb. You stand here as your Human selves with all
aspects integrated, all selves, past, present and future in all time
lines, all parallels and all realities have now been integrated. You
are no longer a being made up of many , separate and often with
imbalanced personalities with their various agendas , you are


now a new kind of being , a Super Hybrid. Now when you look at
your Soul signature you can no longer see all the individual
letters or selves which make up the signature, now it is a wave of
energy. You have taken into your selves all dimensional aspects,
as each aspect is added to the whole Soul matrix, new patterns
are created as various aspects come together, new forms and
races of beings are designed. These designs were recorded by
many of the races, who are yet to pass through the zero point to
create a completely new universal light reality. These races will
use the information available in these Star Codes which we have
created, to learn how to transform their particular race. All races
are represented within the Super Hybrid matrix, as we pass
through the zero, they will instantly be able to record the findings
and use these findings to educate themselves, on how they can
bring themselves to the point, where they too can pass through
the zero point and recreate themselves as whole beings in the
darkness of the void.
As you integrated each aspect into the physical body, the
presence of the Star Codes activated codes within the DNA, the
DNA itself created a template which was capable of holding each
Star Code which represented each dimensional expression or
being. Once all aspects had been integrated a morphing process
began, where you merged all the star codes to create the
ultimate Universal Seed Code and you became the Super
Hybrid. This Super Hybrid Soul matrix then anchored into the
DNA and finally you began to wake up in your reality. This was
not the end of your journey; the next phase of the mission was
then to begin. This was to call all aspects, all energies, all
dimensions into the Prime Atom, the original core atom of your
body. The mind would continue to create a normal reality and a
normal life within the controlled matrix on the Earth but on inner
levels the dimensional selves were beginning to compact in on
each other, until only one aspect remained a merging of all
others and their codes into the Prime Atom. This would create a
Super Seed.


As each of you go through this process you also reflect out

into the Universe this process and the dimensions are now
beginning to fold in one each other and compact. You have
already integrated and compacted all the different dimensional
selves and their codes into the Prime Atom of your bodies,
compacted yourselves to a single point, the one of yourselves.
You now act as a force of gravity and will begin to breathe in the
Universe and one by one the dimensions will compact. The place
of the Star that illuminates a thousand Moons, on the highest
dimensional level is going through this process right now, just as
a mini version of this process is going on in the cells of your
body. You are a microcosm of a macrocosm. You are calling all
selves into one, all atoms into one, and calling all other atoms
within this field into one, you are calling all into the Cosmic
Mothers Silver Seed. Contained within this seed is the
information of the whole Universe. This seed would be held
nestled inside the Universal Mothers womb silently waiting its
The Star that illuminates a thousand Moons has gone
supernova. After the core of an aging massive star ceases
generating energy from nuclear fusion, it may undergo sudden
gravitational collapse into a black hole, black holes of stellar
mass form when stars collapse in a supernova at the end of their
life cycle. Taken from Wikipedia.
The Star has folded in and collapsed in on itself creating a
black hole. At the centre of this black hole or gateway into the
void lies a gravitational singularity, a region where the spacetime curvature becomes infinite. The singular region has zero
volume and thus becomes the zero point. This zero point
becomes the ring that pass not The singular region can thus
be thought of as having infinite density ,as it is the Prime Atom
containing all of the codes of creation , the codes of all the multiselves compacted into one , the Silver Seed. The Silver Seed or
Ecka Seed will pass along the umbilical cord or serpent rope into
the void, where the Ecka Seed will suddenly and instantly burst


forth and like a true Flower of Life synergy, it will create a new
Universal Reality.
I Alloya, the Star that illuminates a thousand Moons, have
inserted into Gaias matrix, the information that she needs to
transform herself into a star. As I go through this process on the
highest level, my Human counterpart here on the Earth is also
going through this process. In each and every cell of her body,
there is a mini version of a process that is going on in the
Universe, as the Star that illuminates a thousand Moons
transforms, so do the mini stars in the cells of the Human body.
As my Human counterpart experiences this process in the cells
of the Human body, Gaia feels this through the connection
between bodies and gains knowledge on how to transform
herself into her stellar self, to ignite her Light Body.
As with all developments along the integration process a
code or symbol is given to wear within the light body. This star
was symbolic evidence that I am in the beginnings of the process
of becoming my Kristed self. This star is the one and only
chakra, vortex of power within the light body. No longer will you
experience the fragmentation of your multi-self, no longer will
you require the various chakras to express yourself through in
your fragment, you will experience yourself as a Kristed perfect
whole being. This star in light body is a hologram of the Solar
Logos process of transformation.
I looked at the star burning in my chest and saw that it was
an eight pointed star within a circle. I researched and discovered
it was symbol of the Sun God Ra, and represented becoming the
Solar Logos. It also represented the alignment in space and
time, the divine cross above and the mundane, terrestrial cross
below, as above is below. It was also the Star of Inanna, Ishtar;
Goddess of the Light bearer .It also represents realising balance,
the eight paths of the Buddha. I remembered this chakra (that
this star represented) and its activation, from the time I was in
New Planet. It pumped bliss; it pulsated with energy so strong I


could feel what felt like warm water pouring out of it into my
blood feeding my body and Soul with power, light, truth and bliss.
It was turquoise and silver, I do not know if this is the colour for
everyone as my Soul colours are turquoise and silver, maybe
others would see different colours depending on which colours
correspond with their Soul signature. With this chakra activated I
knew I could open it up somehow and step through it into other
worlds and dimensions. It was my own Stargate.
Whilst in New Planet I felt like a small child learning to
walk, you would think if you knew you had such an ability you
would want to use it, however I was so aware of my light body
and its Merkabar and how easy it was to crash your space ship, I
refrained from trying anything as adventurous as dimensional
travel. This star burning on my chest was like a device within my
Light Body which activated my Merkabar vehicle , once I had
mastered this I would have the ability to walk through Stargates
again just like I had many eons ago.
This appearance of the star in my light body was a good
omen. It meant I was on my way to compact the dimensions into
the Silver Seed and take that seed through the serpent tunnel
through the zero or null point into the void and recreate myself
and my Universe into something which was more than the sums
of its parts. I saw this amazing Silver Seed passing through the
labyrinth of the serpent tunnels to pass through the ring that pass
not guarded by Lucifer himself ( not the perverted version feed to
us by Annunaki lies , no the real bringer of light the Morning
star). To pass through into the void to instantly burst into the
flower of new life, and a new Universal Reality.
As the dimensions implode on each other they pass
through the zero point and the consciousness enters the next
level. I became aware of the layers of manipulation which are
occurring on the earth, how I am often being manipulated by
those with various agendas. There are so many energies and


entities affecting us and manipulating us on this level, some even

think they are helping us evolve yet manipulate never the less.
As you explore the 4d reality all codes, information and
experience records will be uploaded to your sixth dimensional
self template and will become a library for other beings to gain
access to information about how all the races transform, they will
gain access to the 4d constructs data. As you read the 4d body
lots of control mechanisms will fail. Lots of beings who are
connected to you on this level will cease to be in your reality and
their influence will cease. The Annunaki grids will no longer have
an effect on you, you will not need to rationalise to know, you will
have clear access to higher wisdom. You will be more openminded, you will no longer have Annunaki doubt and confusion
codes. This will free up restricted parts of the brain and
information will flow easier and the headaches will cease.
Thinking of the self will no longer be negative as often these selfloathing thought patterns are implanted by the Annunaki artificial
matrix, called the Net, which holds you all in an illusionary
controlled matrix prison. Formulas for living in truth will be
spontaneous and free flowing. The electromagnetic pollution will
no longer affect you and the poisoning will cease. All electrical
imbalances both within and without the body will balance, and no
longer have a negative effect. Many programs will be shut down.


Chapter Five..Metatrons Prison

The Halls of Amenti are the dimensional passageways or
rather a labyrinth deep inside the Earth entered by a portal in the
Great Giza Pyramid complex in Egypt. Initiates pass through the
portal or stargate present in the Kings chamber and enter this
series of tunnels, passages ways deep inside the Earth. It is
possible to ascend through walking these dark ways, only those
of a certain lineage could open the Stargates and pass from one
level to another. The Halls of Amenti provided passageway to
one who has to pass through on its way to ascend out of the time
dimensional reality, Metatrons cube. Within the Earth there are
hidden within the Secrets of Amenti, the mechanics of the
ancient Halls of Amenti Star Gates that sleep in Earths core. It is
written that the sarcophagus in the King's chamber was used for
the adepts as one of their final tests. The pyramids were built
precisely along powerful Earth energy lines known as ley lines
and used by the gods in their ritual workings. Beneath the great
pyramid is the Halls of Amenti, the womb of the Earth. The adept
would lie in the sarcophagus in the correct position so a powerful
beam would hit the third eye.
This was exactly what had happened to me when I visited
the Pyramid in this lifetime. To make a long story short I had
entered the pyramid and the caretaker made everyone leave but
me and two friends, then he had lead me to lie in the
sarcophagus , instructing me to lie a certain way , which I did. I
felt my whole body being flooded with information , my body
twitched and rushed with energy I could feel things popping
inside the cells of my body and when I asked my higher self what
was going on, I got told to lie still they were activating the Star
Codes in my dna. To this day I was not sure what had happened
to me that day. Was I being used as a key to open the stargate
into the halls of Amenti?
It was at this point that I had a dream where I was talking
with Buddha. I woke up at the tail end of his lecture. He said to


me there are two paths to transformation, one is correct and

leads to complete and organic transformation. This
transformation is possible through the Star Fire and the other
way, is to pass through artificially created Stargates, which take
you to a fallen artificial matrix which the Annunaki and many
others are currently trapped in. The Star Fire in your blood,
opens the organic Stargates and allows stellar magnetic energy
to flow through the bloodline, bringing all into the path of
Solarian, this gives you the ability to magnetically navigate your
way through the solar highways.
Things were starting to make sense. I had known for some
time that I was made up of many different races of beings, in fact
I was made up of them all, being a super hybrid; all were
represented in my Soul matrix. I knew that as I cleared the
karma of the various aspects that made up my Soul matrix then I
was also clearing the karma of each individual race. I knew that I
carried the signatures of all these races and as I walked through
each one of the Stargates in the halls of Amenti, I would be able
to record how I did this and send this information to all the races
represented within my being, so they too could find ways of
transformation and thus continue their races development. Time
is running out for many of the fallen races, realities are
collapsing, they have to find ways of moving through organic
transformation quickly .When the whole Universe moves into this
new expression, if they do not have the correct Star Codes within
their Soul matrix, and pass through the zero point into the void
and they will cease to be. Many races were counting on me to
show them the correct formulas to organic transformation.
Maybe this Star Fire was the key.
It was a complicated business braiding all the different
lineages together; it had taken millennia of planning to get Soul
family groups back together within my DNA, to now take them
back to the stars to bring them to the point of superluminality,
would we succeed. The mission is to bring them to the point of
being able to organically transform themselves through


implosion, the nature way to completion, rather than through

inorganic artificially created Stargates. Many races had already
attempted inorganic ascension and have ascended themselves
into places where they were now trapped, the Annunaki being
only one of these fallen races.
Asyhana Dean calls this organic ascension, a fast path
EVAC called Star Fire, which is an Inscension (in toward the
Core), as opposed to an Ascension through the Outer Domain
Star Gates Instead of ascending myself through the higher
dimensions via the artificial Stargates or wormholes I was to turn
inwards on myself and compact all selves into one and thus take
myself through the core, ride the waves of Star Fire to a new
In Ancient Egyptian cultures a substance called Star Fire
was considered to be the life-giving extract from the divine
menstrual blood of the Goddess. Star Fire was the menstrual
essence of the birth Goddess. The Oxford English Dictionary
describes the menstrual action as an alchemical parallel with
the transmutation into gold. In ancient Egypt, menstruum was
ritually collected from priestesses, known as the Scarlet Women.
These women were known in the original as beloved ones, and
via various translations, as whores. (But these women were
never considered to be prostitutes or adulteresses -- the contrary
interpretation being a contrived strategy of the Roman Church in
their bid to denigrate the Scarlet Women.)
When I had the dream during which I had talked to
Buddha, I was shown two paths one contained lots of artificial
Stargates or wormholes all guarded by what looked like
Annunaki security guards. The other way was a river of blood
with naturally forming Stargates which appeared as stars
throughout the blood, I knew when I awoke from this dream that I
was to find a way of ascending or rather inscending by riding the
Star Fire in the blood, Star Fire gave me this ability to open


Taken from Asyhana Dean and the Guardian Alliance text.

(Planetary Star Fire Cycle) because the Star Burst was
not a large enough reset to protect the Eckasha/Ecka level from
the Budhara Gravitron technologies Star Fire was initiated in the
grids. Star Fire is a cycle of pulling inward on the Inhale of
Source, into what is called the Jhardon of Edon Middle Worlds.
In simple terms the contraction/inhale back into Middle Worlds
Source is the Star Fire process. Star Fire, as Star Burst, is
natural part of our Creation Cycle (within the bigger Star Born
Cycle of the Cosmic Light Body) which we would normally cycle
in, in an extremely long period of time. Star Fire Cycle allows for
a very big leap in time which takes us directly into the Middle
Domain Worlds if we can hold the frequencies necessary to live
in such a system. As the Star Fire progresses, the planetary 12
Star Gate system will need to be progressively closed due to the
high frequency of the Hub pulses associated with the Star Fire.
In their place, Arc of the Covenant Gate system will be coming
back on line. Before Star Burst and Star Fire we were travelling a
path of Ascension that took us vertically up the Star Gates
(SGS). - The Ascension path through the SGS can be
progressive and slow or as we found out in Hetharo/Hethalon, it
can entail leaps along the way of our ascent. Star Burst
represented a very big leap to the other side of the Hub into our
Parallel Ecka system. When Star Fire was initiated we learned
there was also a very fast, intense through the Centre route that
took us into the Middle and Inner Domains. This is a quick path
inward toward the Core rather than the much slower path
vertically and the inward to the Core of Creation.
Star Fire in the blood This sentence imprinted itself upon
my mind and I could not let it go, it rattled around. What exactly
did Buddha mean the correct way to ascension was through the
Star Fire in the blood? What was this star fire?
Star Fire is the San Graal, the song of the blood. It is the
blood song which gives you the ability to magnetically dance or


navigate gene pools and all corresponding Soul families through

the stellar vortexes, to travel through the serpent cords to
inscend to the stars by walking the Solarian way. The Solarian
way is the ability to navigate through stellar Stargates, the fuel
for this is within the blood, it is your star fire. Excite the passion,
ignite the fire in the blood, bring a moment of bliss to the heart
and the Universe begins to sing. The many Silver Serpents
entwine through harmony and become the serpent rope, which
turns in on itself, creating the serpent tunnels through space and
time, travel these highways of light to the portals in the Sun.
I could see pictures in my mind of my dna in the blood
creating patterns and these patterns somehow were affecting my
Universal Reality , creating vortexes within the fabric of the
Universe, vortexes which I as my consciousness could travel
down to come out at another star system via , a Star Gate which
was within the Sun. Whenever I had wanted to astral travel
around our Universe, I had always used the portal in the Sun, I
was instantly magnetised to the Sun and passed through on my
way to other dimensions or sectors of time and space. I thought
it was a cool way of beginning the process of astral travel; I had
no idea that this was a set path way for other beings that were
travelling here from other dimensions and other sectors of the
Universe. It seemed that this was the organic way to travel, other
races needed space ships and wormholes or artificial Stargates
created in order for them to navigate the Universe, they did not
have the ability to pass through the stellar gateways, as they had
lost their ability to ignite the Star Fire in the blood.
I wanted to make sense of what I was seeing in my mind. I
was shown how the DNA was affected by the patterns that
formed from the harmonics and patterns that came from the
heart. So I began to research on the internet and that is when I
came across the work of Dan Winter. I suggest anyone who is
here on the mission of finding a way to New Planet so they can
record the DNA route for all members of their Soul family to
follow, read and come to understand fractal science, of which


Dan Winter is a master.
His work is amazing and even though I do not usually
have a head for science, this science I already knew on some
level. As I read his work something began to happen to me. It
was as if I had a screen next to my right eye, and upon this
screen I was being shown a visual educational informative video
which was being played alongside the information that I was
learning via reading Dans work. Within this video I was shown
the land of fractals and patterns. I began to see Dans theories
as fractal patterns and processes. I understood these concepts
totally as if I was already a master of this language and
dimension but had somehow forgotten. Whenever I was not sure
of what I was reading I would look to the screen and instantly
see the fractal pattern or process organically growing and
moving, and instantly I would know what Dan was talking about. I
thought to myself this language of fractals is more complete and
more at ease than any other language or method of learning I
had ever come across. This language is how beings from outside
the cube communicate. Within each fractal I was shown such a
wealth of information it was far too much for my mind to explain
to anyone else, I thought Dan was a genius as he had found a
way to inform.
This fractal space and its symbols must be the sixth
dimensional language I had heard so much about , I knew that
this 6d was a dimension of codes, Stargates, patterns , and
fractals and that Alustra my dragon self had full knowledge of
this language. He was somehow made up of these fractals he
was the vehicle which carried my awareness through this
dimension of fractal landscapes. He held in his body the star
maps and co-ordinates of my travel. I always thought of him as
being my personal space ship, my Merkabar. I began to see him
not as a flesh and bone dragon as he has appeared to me
before, now I began to see him as a fractal pattern, a pattern of
perfection. He has the ability to navigate his way through this 6d


space of fractalisation because he was a perfect fractal himself

and thus used magnetism to travel from one place in the
Universe to another. Like attracts like, this is a universal law, the
law of attraction. Alustra had the ability to travel to anywhere in
the dimensional Universe he so pleased because he was highly
attractive pattern and therefore he was compatible with all other
patterns in the fractalised universal 6d reality.
Star Fire is in the blood, it is the ability to fire the blood
with the energy of bliss.
Perfect sharing proceeds perfect branching which leads to
perfect nesting, which creates progression, evolving Soul groups
leading to the golden mean of phi.
When the heart is experiencing bliss it creates an
electrical charge which creates frequency pictures in the sound
harmonics of the heart. When someone is feeling bliss this
electrical charge has the ability to embed itself into the DNA.
The spectrum emission of the heart, braids the DNA.
It is true, the heart really does sing. If you are moved to
tears of joy then the emotion of this plays the heart and thus the
heart begins to send out from itself sound waves. The harmonics
are created by the rhythms of the heart- beat. The heart has
seven chambers which is plays like an organ to create
harmonious sound waves. These sound waves move out from
the centre of the heart and weave around each other. Long
waves that come from the heart harmonics entwine the short
waves of the DNA and sound waves mechanically braid the
DNA, into geometric patterns and this creates a sacred
geometric ladder. The harmonics are perfect at the moment of
bliss and because of this harmonic perfection an amazing
process begins to happen. The sound waves create patterns,
sacred geometric shapes, which become fractal. They are
perfect geometry. These shapes are in perfect harmony with
each other and because of this they are just the right shapes to


compress or implode on themselves that is they fold in on

themselves to create perfect compressed geometry. This
compression occurs to the fractal pattern which was created by
the harmonic sound frequencies which were coming from the
heart, at the moment of bliss.
Emotions are the weaver of the long and short waves of
the DNA.
Bliss is the heart harmonics which braids the DNA.
If you look down through the DNA spiral from the top, you
can see a hole in the centre where all the geometric patterns
have compressed or rather embedded themselves so
compatibly, and so in such harmonious structure that they begin
to implode to create a black hole. This compression is made
possible because of the harmonic attraction of the geometric
shapes, Dan says that the heart become a fractal attractor at the
moment of bliss. The way the DNA forms or braids into
geometric patterning is a direct mirror of the process of
integrating all the different Soul aspects which made up the
multidimensional identity. Each strand of DNA, the short waves
represent the many aspects that make up the Universal Identity.
These short wave groups of DNA codes came together through
harmonic attraction and create compatible sets or nests of these
short wave DNA codes. These nests are representative of the
Soul families coming together. The short waves represent each
of the Souls; the nesting which then occurs through bliss
enhanced attraction is the Soul families coming together. The
DNA spiral then branches in perfect sharing harmony called
branching, which is a representation of the perfect harmony
between Soul families. This perfect branching goes on to create
the Tree of Life, which is the pattern created through the
harmony between all star -nations. All brought about through the
bliss of the Goddess.
The heart harmonics at the moment of bliss implode upon
themselves and create a magnetic donut shape at the centre


point. The heart harmonics ascends the ladder of frequencies

climbing all the donuts within the DNA spiral, imploding as it
goes. The DNA begins to braid to form a ponytail affect. If you
plait someones hair eventually you will get to the point of having
two small strands of hair in your hands, as these two strands
cross they create what is called a Magnetic X. This is the X
chromosome, the presence of the Goddess within the DNA; this
is the point of bliss. From the mouth of the X of the Goddess
comes a cascade of harmonics which pushes the wave lengths
of the DNA braid through the hole in the centre at the speed of
light. The frequency signature of the heart harmonics at the
moment of bliss are so perfect in their fractalisation that they
catapult the wave through the black hole at the centre of the dna
spiral at the speed of light, the wave becomes superluminal. This
is called the superluminal worm or the Silver Serpent.
The wave which gets catapulted through the centre of the
fractal is like a Serpent which rises up through the middle
channel which runs up the spine, it is called the Sushummi. As
the Serpent rises up through the chakras which lie along the
spine to the crown and as the wave catapults itself through the
middle of the fractal, it too is seen as a Serpent with an eye
which has the ability to look and steer its way through time and
space. The Buddha for example has this Serpents head with a
single eye on the crown of this head at his moment of
enlightenment. The wave created by heart harmonics on the
moment of bliss which affects the DNA and eventually implodes
into itself, then catapults itself through the imploding spiral of the
DNA and in this process becomes aware, becomes conscious,
and has the ability to then make decisions in its journey through
the space and time. This Silver Serpent then begins to lucid
dream and time travel.
The symbol in the upper chest of my Light Body is a fractal
of the Star that illuminates a thousand Moons, Dan winter
teaches that at the moment of compassion the heart harmonics
are so orderly that they create a perfect fractal pattern that is so


like the outside pattern, that is starts to implode on itself due to

fractal attraction. This turns inside out the hearts magnetism,
this is made possible by the fact that the inside is now so similar
to the outside. This is called becoming self similar. The
appearance of star in my upper chest indicates to me that I am in
a process of becoming self similar to the Star that illuminates a
thousand Moons. Through this process I am becoming a solar
being here on the Earth.
This process of compression is going on fractally within
my DNA. I am going to superluminally send myself through the
centre of the DNA spiral at the speed of light to lucid dream
myself into a New Planet reality. I am weaving all the Star Codes
of all races of beings in the Universe as the Super Hybrid into the
braid of my dna , I am imploding my dna inwards to create a
wormhole through which I will take all the races represented
within my Soul matrix to awaken in the lucid dream, into a new
Universal Reality.
Remember how this notion came about was, when I talked
to my friend about the strange vibration I felt inside my bones
during the night. Was that strange vibration, the catapulting of
the Silver Serpent through the DNA hole at its centre. Was my
heart racing in harmonic patterns, the braiding my DNA, and its
implosion and the travelling of the Silver Serpent through the
A Coherent wormhole enables superluminal (faster than
the speed of light travel) through the centre of the DNA.
The heart is a fractal attractor at the moment of bliss
So what makes the bliss in the first place? Electrical fields
become self- aware and self- organising and then nest to bring
on perfect fractal compression in the moment of bliss. The agony
of separation causes there to be compassion which is the
moment of bliss which causes the start of the braiding of the
DNA, which results in magnetic inversion in the DNA which


creates the wormhole and thus takes all back to the stars
through the Solarian pathways of light.
So that is why I choose to come to Earth because here
was the most separated point from Source, and thus the most
agonising place to be . The agony of separation causes the
compassion (which the fallen races have lost so therefore they
no longer have the ability to create the moment of bliss and thus
the process of ascending via the stars is not open to them and
thus they have to use space ships to travel in through the
artificial Stargates and wormholes to travel interdimensionally
and time travel). By coming here and experiencing the agony of
separation I was able to feel the compassion and create the
moment of bliss when I felt myself as the Source for the first
time. This moment of bliss created the heart harmonics which
kick started the process of braiding the DNA and creating Soul
embedding. This braiding is the weaving together of all the Star
Codes which I had contained within my Soul matrix. These Star
Codes are the codes of all the races which make up my being
i.e. everyone one of them as I am a Super Hybrid. I came here to
Earth as the conditions were just right to do this DNA braiding
and I weaved my Soul and all its various aspects into the DNA
braid. This braid moved into perfect fractalisation and created a
ponytail affect which came to a single point to the magnetic x,
which then kick starts the compaction and later implosion of the
DNA. This makes me magnetic to solar origins and I then have
the ability to ascend myself through the stars. I am mapping
myself home through the stars and taking all the races which are
contained within my Soul matrix with me. The various races
which I represent will then read the radiation emanations I leave
imprinted on to the Universe, as I go through this process, to act
as star maps to navigate their way home too. So by finding my
way home I am lighting the way for all those other races to walk
the same path home. No wonder I am being monitored.
EnSoulment is the result of braiding the DNA.


The Solarian symbol in the area of the thymus (upper

chest), this catches the sound of the heart, it is the skin of the
speaker or the skin of a drum, the vibrations makes the sound,
and from this comes the geometric shapes and patterns which
are the harmonics of the heart. The Solarian symbol shows that I
have successfully squirted myself at the speed of light through
the wormhole to magnetically guide myself into the Sun, as a test
to see if I can navigate the stars , like a practice run. The Solar
symbol is a fractal of the perfect god Source fractal when the
DNA was braided inside the heart and the heart was playing
perfect harmonics during bliss. It is the bridge between
hyperspace and the endocrine system and the serpent juices
Dan explains that fractal recursion creates both selfawareness and gravity as the attractor and ultimate centring
force .Compassion embeds these waves during glandular
magnetism. That is to say that love and compassion act as a
magnet to draw waves of consciousness to it and thus this
creates gravity. It is our attention here on the Earth and our love
which compresses our fractals, to create the density of Earth. It
is only through compression of the fractals that Earth exists at
all. The Earth is a grand fractal attractor; this is brought about by
our attention and love for her, our compassion. Gaia is a
wonderfully complex fractal; she contains all the other fractals or
patterns in the multiverse. Beings come here as they know they
will move into perfect fractalisation with Gaia and thus through
compassion they will be able to compress their dna , to
eventually implode and move at the speed of light through the
wormhole. Gaia is the only place in the Universe where all
fractals can come and find a place to anchor into the flower of
life. Was that why I was here? I am made up of all fractals, all
beings throughout the Universe. Did I come to Earth with all my
different fractals, hoping to find a place for me and them within
Gaias fractal, so at the moment of Gaias implosion I will be able
to implode with her and take all of ya (Alloya) through the


wormhole, to create a brand new Universal Reality which is

made up of all the fractals of my Multidimensional Identity.
The heart ascends the ladder of frequencies
So it seems that my mission is to squirt myself with all my
Soul groups and their DNA shamanically through black holes
(wormholes) to the stars. The skin of the cube (Metatron) or egg
is a barrier of the speed of light, in which we need to break
through to escape the cube. When having tantric bliss we are
squirting our DNA through the skin of the egg to go to the stars.
Fallen races needed a pace to create a safe haven for the
possibility of the star family re-birthing themselves in the stars.
The fallen races do not have the ability to squirt themselves back
into the stars and therefore needed to create a being that did
have this possibility, so when we break out of the cube we go to
the stars and take them with us. I am one of these beings, are
Many of the fallen races are stuck, they artificially
ascended themselves through outside technology and chemicals
and thus they do not have the organic ability to move from the
place they are stuck. They have lost their ability to implode the
DNA, they have lost their bliss. They are stuck in astral planes
and thus need a food source in order to survive. Many of these
fallen beings exist on the emotional energy which we Humans
create, such as fear, anger, sadness and even love , joy and
light. Not all the beings stuck in these places exist on fear, many
feed off love and light that is coming from the Humans on Earth.
Many of the Ascended Masters are feeding off the worship and
love energy of their Light Worker fans. They have created astral
milk houses, these are places where Humans go when they
sleep and dream and even when they die and pass over, these
are astral prisons which store these people in their astral bodies.
They are then used as an astral food source. Also when
incarnate Humans on the Earth follow many of the ascended
masters teachings, they often find that they are designed to


allow the siphoning of energy from the worshipping Light

Workers. These fallen beings have to eat the sticky stuff of our
emotions as food because they cannot make their own gland
bliss. St Germaine by getting addicted to the Mono Atomic Gold,
Manna, Spice made himself a technological immortal astral
body, but he cannot go any further as he is stuck. Ashtar
command and many of the Ascended Masters could not make
enough bliss gland juice to break the skin of the egg. So they are
stuck and have to feed off our emotions as a substance to
There is a lot of information about mono atomic gold on
the internet I suggest anyone who is interested do some
research of their own. I found out about this a few years back. I
spent many days talking to the Goddess whilst I was in America,
(you can read about this in Her Perspective ). During this time
the Goddess explained to me how many of the Ascended
Masters had artificially ascended themselves through eating a
white powder made from gold. She showed me what this powder
did to the aura and how it messed up the fractals. (Of course I
did not know about the fractal implosion necessary for travel at
this time, so I saw them more like patterns) She explained to me
how it allowed them to cheat death and become immortal and
live in a higher dimension but it was no short cut to true organic
ascension, that it had a serious price. St Germaine was one of
the many beings who ingested this powder and now is stuck and
can only exist if he feeds of the energy given to him by his
worshipping Light Workers. These beings are fooling many to
follow them and give them their energy, but more dangerously
they are also teaching others to follow the path they themselves
walked to get to their false astral heavens. This powder is very
dangerous and I do not recommend anyone take it, it is no short
cut, perfect implosion is impossible once you have ingested
enough of this powder. Many of these masters are instructing
Light Workers on Earth, to work with the death star Merkabar
mechanics to not only take themselves into a fallen system these


astral milk houses but also to take whole systems and planets
into the fall.
True organic compression will enable a recalibration of the
geometric shapes that make up each persons fractal self , but
also all the beings that they carry in their Soul matrix will also be
given the chance to bring themselves in harmony with this
process , so they too can then compress and implode their dna.
That way when we finally implode and move down the wormhole
we will be able to take all of them with us. These geometric
shapes represent galactic files, and records, stargate codes for
opening star gates, navigation maps for navigating through time
and space, genetic banks, ascension codes, planetary, solar and
galactic history, all of this will implode into a single point or
vibratory tone. All races of beings on all levels will become
healed, as we move down the wormhole to a brand new
Universal Reality. So can you see by integrating each and every
one of the multidimensional selves and their star codes( their
fractals ) into the Soul matrix , the fractal , and then going
through compassion into Gaias fractal and then imploding to
travel down the wormhole we are healing the whole Universe,
taking all with us.
The Holy Grail is in the blood
Accept the entire spectrum of the freewill Universe
Lets just go through the braiding of the DNA and the
process of catapulting it through the zero point one more time, so
we can get it clear in our heads. The person feels bliss, this
affects the heart which then beats a certain beat, which creates
sound harmonics which vibrate out from the heart and are
caught by the thymus gland, in the upper chest, the place of the
Solar Logos symbol. This then begins to braid the DNA
according to the law of phi and the golden mean ratio, (perfect
harmonics). The braiding continues until it is a magnetic x, which
then implodes, becomes perfectly fractally embedded or nested,
it compresses to a single point and then one single wave comes


from this compression and is squirted at the speed of light

through the imploded black hole at the centre of the DNA. This
single wave if converted into 3 dimensions becomes the Holy
The Holy Grail is the DNA folding itself into a perfect map
of what is outside into the inside. The magnetism (emotions) of
this configuration of the DNA energy wave creates a perfect map
of what was outside is now the same inside. This is perfect self
similarity that is to become that which is on the outside. This
Holy Grail cup or energy wave form is then a perfect mirror of the
outside fractal pattern which is Gaias grids. The Holy Grail
energy wave has the ability to create climate and embed into the
grid of Gaia the perfect fractal morphic resonance.
If you braided the DNA in life forms with enough perfect
fractality you arrived at magnetism in blood which was
embedded or fractally attractive. The result was a creation of
morphic resonance leverage on magnetic spins across great
spectrum of scales. Essentially, you could in this way create a
Human wave form which had enough magnetism bending ability
in the spin geometry of their DNA, to bend stars in the blood with
the magnetic rush of feeling. DNA in this way became so
psychokinetic that it is possible to magnetically fabricate
ecosystems with the scale of stars.- Dan Winter.
So what Dan is saying is that we have the ability to braid
our dna during bliss in such a way that it creates a wave form
which when converted into 3 dimensions becomes a mechanism
by which to become self similar , to that which is in the fractal
pattern of stars in the Universe. He is saying that we have the
ability through bliss to anchor here into Gaias grid or fractal, the
fractal pattern which is coming from the stars. It is possible to
embed the star fractals into the Earth fractal. We are the means
of bringing the stars to Earth.
The cup contains an inPHIknit amount of spin, it never
runs over, it has no inside or outside, it solves the problem of


separateness. It is the San Graal, because it is the song in the

blood, because your ears ring with the magnetism of the land
when the arc of your torus and the land are. One... Dan Winter.
Was this what I was hearing, when I heard the ringing in
my ears? Ever since I had moved into my new home I had, had
this ringing in my ears. Not a high pitched tinnitus ringing, no a
deep and resounding hum. I thought it was coming from the
electric station up the road and had even called the electricity
board out to look at it, thinking it might be faulty and that is why it
was making this hum. No one else could hear it, now I am
beginning to think it might be something else entirely. Was I
embedding my sound waves, my DNA signature, my fractal into
the fractal of Gaia in this place? Was I and the land One. I had
worked hard on aligning my new home and garden, had I
unknowingly embedded the fractal of my DNA, into the fractal of
Gaia in this place? Was the Holy Grail formation in the
harmonics of my DNA magnetising to Gaia.
The grail cup is the
Perfect spin density,
Perfect information density,
Perfect recursion,
Perfect embedding,
Perfect implosion,
Perfect gravity
Perfect data compression,
Perfect connectivity,
Perfect symmetry,
Perfect damping,


The perfect way to turn inside out (Labyrinth),

Perfect phase conjugation,
The perfect magnetic monopole,
The perfect scalar wave,
The perfect "singularity",
The perfect superstring connector (black hole),
The perfect geometry of bubble expansion,
The perfect (& only way) a wave can re-enter itself nondestructively (self
The perfect balance between equilibria/ between
The perfect way to SORT anything (magnetic, liquid or
The perfect way to SCALE anything,
The perfect way to SYMBOLIZE (or embed) anything
The perfect way to get physical (PHI-cycle),
The perfect (and only) SELF ORGANIZING PATH OUT
The perfect (and only) SPIN PATH TO THE ZERO POINT,
The perfect self-awareness,
The perfect pining,
The perfect intent,


The perfect time wormhole (antennae geometry),

The perfect Heart Beat harmonic signature for disease
The perfect Brainwave harmonic signature eliminating
addiction & attention Deficit
The perfect Planet ScHumann harmonic signature
eliminating climate chaos &
Atmosphere loss,
The perfect DNA braid to make "Soul". (Spin memory to
survive death),
The perfect sharing,
The perfect compassion and love,
The perfect fractal,
The perfect grail
Dan Winter
Dan explains how he believes this is how wave forms
become self organizing and self- aware. The Grail is the
geometry of nesting for waves to become perfectly 1.) Fractal,
"2) Self-embedded, 3.) compressible, 4.) distributable/shareable
as a wave. The point may be that this electrical spin path to
perfect embedding may well be what happens in DNA when
braided by perfect ringing sonics in a heart's EKG feeling bliss!
Many years ago I put out a request to Gaia to bring me my
Twin Flame, I asked from a romantic stand point, as at this time I
did not understand the true function of the coming together of the
Twin Flames. I asked her to send me my lover and later that day


I was doing a tarot card reading for myself asking when my Twin
would show up. I dropped the pack of cards by accident and they
were all right side up apart from one card, I turned the card over
and said ok this card now represents my Twin Flame and the
coming of him into my life . I then put it on my altar as a
reminder to the Universe that I wanted him to come into my life.
It was the Aliester Crowley tarot pack; it was the king of cups. On
the card it had a knight riding a white horse carrying the Holy
To cut a long story short a man did come into my life and
he turned out to be my Twin Flame and we went into a very deep
process together. He came to my home and saw the card and
without me telling him anything about what the card meant, he
told me that the card represented him and when I told him what it
represented he agreed. He came into my life at a point where I
had not anchored myself into the matrix or grid which is Gaias
fractal. I was not Human yet if you like I was still in Fairy body
and had not created myself a pattern which I could embed into
Gaias pattern. My Twin Flame helped me anchor in, he gave
me something I did not have myself as I was unable to perfectly
nest with Gaias fractal, I was incompatible until my Twin Flame
gave me the Holy Grail cup of love. He opened my heart filled
me with bliss and the rest you know, the bliss affected the heart
harmonics and the rest is history. He did not stay in my life, he
was not meant to, he was only to stay long enough to give me
the Holy Grail. He had given me a piece of the puzzle that I
needed to change my pattern, so it became compatible with
Gaias fractal and thus I could become magnetic and grounded
into her and thus the process of perfect nesting and perfect
embedding could occur. His name was Jon.
Perfect branching or nesting, of the Grail cup the ancients
call the SCION or Zion or Jon.- Dan Winter
Where there is a tingle this is the focus of tantra


Dan explains that the best way to generate bliss is to hold

the field affect with your attention in wave cascades where the
charge does not leave the body. Being able to move in a
continuous flow holding the charge or the tingle of the wave
without it leaving the body, this is the principle of many of the
martial arts especially Tai Chi. Tai chi, braids charge affects. It is
not the only discipline that achieves this, many dance forms do
also. One of which is belly dancing. I knew that my new found
passion was doing something more than just learning to dance. It
was changing my patterns or fractals, it was making this pattern
compatible or sharable with Gaias pattern or fractal, this dance
form was anchoring me here. Each of the movements seemed to
be a language, representing codes which all make up my unique
yet sharable fractal pattern. I was learning to hold my focus on
the movement of the body especially the hands and through the
constant focus I could bring my body to an elevated level of bliss.
The hand movements especially were compressing my coherent
waves in none destructive manner.
I am dancing the braiding spin path of my DNA fractals
into the zero point, the black hole.
When you feel the tingle when you hug it is the voltage in
the DNA, it is the voltage of the wave of creation. Anyone who
has read my work will know that each and every self which I
integrated had its own unique dance patterns or style and
through dancing especially with certain hand and arm patterns or
Katas, I was able to integrate each one into my Soul matrix. Now
I am rearranging my fractal (which is made up of all the various
multi-selves) with the fractal of Gaia through my belly dancing. I
move my body in focus and thus go from infinite motion to infinite
stillness in grace. This is one way of bringing the self to bliss
through dance and movement, another way is through touch and
tantric sex.
Certain touch expresses certain emotions. There are
different pressures to represent each emotion. This we call the


squeeze rate. Certain pressures especially love builds and then

peaks in the middle of the period of time that it takes to hug and
this embeds the love or bliss into the DNA. When you first hold
someone to hug them with genuine love, you start off with light
pressure and then build it to the apex of the hug and then slowly
release. The building up to the climax of the hug and the release
are at the same rate of pressure, this expression of love in the
physical body embeds love or bliss into the DNA. You can touch
with all emotions, and the pressure rates are different for each
one. By touching in certain waves of emotion, it is possible to
translate the alphabet of emotions coherently into the braiding of
the DNA. This can bring about healing if you. Emot coherently,
dancing in bliss means a good immune system and no infection.
Only embedding creates and only love embeds.
Electrical fields become self-aware and self organising,
changing the matrix.
Infinite compression is fractal.
The first
phase of the mission
was to integrate
each and every one
of the Star Codes.
These Star Codes
contained the data
of each and every
one of the races of
beings who reside in
this Universe. Some
of the Star Codes
represented races of beings who resided in lofty positions, and
other codes represented those that had fallen. I have each and
every one of them represented in the fractal of my true being.
The next phase of the mission was to anchor this fractal, this
pattern into the pattern or fractal which is the Earth. I had been


given the Holy Grail by my Twin Flame Jon. What was I to put in
this cup, what was its purpose? Its purpose was to hold the life
blood of the Goddess which I was becoming here on the Earth in
a physical body. This cup was to hold my menstrual blood. The
electronic nature of menstrual blood is so grounding, so
embedding it allows one to inhabit the space magnetically.
This is what had happened to me during a ritual in
Cornwall, at the Men an Tol. I went there to watch a ritual, as a
woman poured wine over the stone I bled. When the blood
soaked down my legs and I ran home in embarrassment. I have
since found out that, at that exact place Aleister Crowley had
done a black ritual there to start World War 2. Was I embedding
myself into this place, to bring about a healing to the land, to heal
the rifts and tears in the fractal fabric which had been caused by
Crowleys ritual? This was not the only place I had unknowingly
I went to Egypt and fell in love with a Nubian man; this
man is from the Crocodile clan I talked about in the previous
chapter. I lived with him on his boat on the Nile. One evening he
took me to his village in the desert. It was the time of my period. I
asked to use the toilet which of course was a simple hole in the
ground, I thought to myself oh my where am I going to put the
tampon, I cannot throw it down this hole, it would be impolite I
had no idea what the Nubian women used when they
menstruated, I had not seen western tampons for sale in the
shops, where did they put their sanitary products I did not know.
All of a sudden I felt the presence of the Goddess, she said go
out into the desert and bleed into the Earth. I walked away from
the village as if I was looking for a special place. All of a sudden I
felt a tingle and feeling of magnetism in the soles of my feet, I
knew this was the place. I sat on the Earth and allowed my
menstrual blood to flow into the Earth, it was one of the most
overwhelming bodily feelings I have ever had, it was ecstatic. It
is only now that I have come to fully understand exactly what I
was doing that special night in the Nubian Desert. Now I


understand what I was doing I was embedding myself into the

Earth fractal of this place, I was magnetically bending the lines
that make up Gaias grid in this place to inhabit it.
Perfect embedding results in the magnetic fields becoming
self -organising when they emerge from chaos by becoming
perfectly fractalled.
Where menstrual blood touches Earth such a suction is
created no Shaman could escape the worming re-directing of his
attention, thru the woman's genetic memory arcing to Earth
(embed). Dan winter
(As I was writing this during my lunch break at work, my
supervisor came in and gave me a delivery receipt he had been
given. On the top of the page it read Magna power magnetic
processing technology- I wanted to laugh I love it when my
outside reality mirrors my inner processes. This happens to me a
lot when I am in the zone, when I am in full flow with my spiritual
processes. It is like my reality is talking to me. )
The overlords who ruled over mankind in ancient days had
a simpler way of acquiring this fluid. Their ancestor-gods, the
Annunaki, had endocrine systems that produced large amounts
of this and other beneficial substances, so they drank it straight
from the Source: the menstrual blood and vaginal fluids of the
goddesses themselves. This they referred to lovingly as "Star
fire" and drank in a ritual ceremony called the Black Mass, after
which the Catholic Mass is said to have been modelled. Later, as
direct contact with the Annunaki ceased, the fluids were
collected from sacred priestesses referred to as "Scarlet
Women," or "Grail Maidens." According to De Vere and others,
ingesting the fluids of mundane women has only a slight effect,
certainly not enough to maintain a royal Dragon family in the
manner to which theyre accustomed. And after a few thousand
years the genetic purity of their Grail maidens began to
deteriorate, so the Star Fire lost its potency. This reportedly
began around 1960 BC and is equated with the time that an edict


was handed down to Noah by God demanding that the

consumption of all blood cease immediately. (Gen. 9:4) Thus, a
substitute had to be found, and so the alchemical process was
created as a means of artificially creating the Elixir of Life, the
Philosophers Stone, also known as "potable gold." This is
created using a black powder known as occultism, the universal
solvent which has the power to transmute metals.
The drinking of menstrual blood, symbolized as "red
mead" or "red wine", goes back to the dawn of history and many
ancient calendars were based on the Moon-menstrual cycle. The
Greeks called it Ambrosia ("supernatural red wine" of the
goddess Hera), while in India it was Soma (the food of the gods)
and in Persia, haoma. They believed the menstrual blood was
sacred and the life essence that could bring immortality.
"Blood Royal" or Sang Graal in the "womb of the Dragon
Le Serpent Rouge" - the red serpent or the serpent blood.
The geomantics of creating perception by creating focus
on the land...
Dragons Egg...
The skin of the cube or the egg is the barrier of the speed
of light, which we need to break in order to escape the cube.
When we are having
tantric bliss, we are able
to squirt our DNA through
the skin of the egg to
travel to the stars. First
we must navigate our way
through the Sun; it is
actively enabling this


ability within our Light Body.

The light is coming, like a wave it will crash and wash into
our consciousness, quickening our cells, bringing us to Solar
Inscension, a dimensional shift in consciousness.
In April 1983, the Medicine Teacher, Harley Swiftdeer
declared that, "144,000 Sun Dance enlightened teachers will
totally awaken in their dream mind bodies. They will begin to
meet in their own feathered serpent or winged serpent wheels
(Merkabah) and become a major force of light to help the rest of
Humanity to dance their dream awake."
When I was four years old I had a recurring dream. I was a
grown up in the dream which made me think that it was a future
dream, that somehow I was prophetic dreaming or even time
travelling . I would be in a numerous different situations,
sometimes I was in my home, other times I would be outside in
nature. Everything would be normal until all of a sudden the
people would start screaming and panicking and as I looked to
the sky it became evident what was alarming them.
The sky was full of coloured waves of light the whole sky
was covered in Aurora Bolaris. The sky began to billow and roll
in coloured waves of light, as the sky became brighter and
brighter. I could see a wave of light coming towards the Earth
from the Sun. The wave of light swept across the planet. As it
struck me it did not pass around me but passed through my
body. As it did so I could see and feel the light entering the cells
of my body, it was turning to light, and just as I saw the last cell
ignite I woke up. I continued to dream this dream over and over. I
did not wake in fear but in excitement. I did not understand the
dream other than I knew one day this was going to happen to the
Earth. It was not until much later in my adult life when I read
about the Solar Maximum, that I came to understand the
symbolism of this dream.


The Sun has cycles just as the Earth has cycles, in fact
everything in the Universe has cycles from the smallest grain to
the largest galaxies, they are all under constant change and
move in cycles of this change. The Sun is no exception, the
energy output of the Sun changes approximately every 11 years.
Every 11 years the Sun moves into a solar maximum period. A
new Sunspot appeared on the Sun in the later months of 2007,
the appearance of this Sunspot signalled to NASA that the quiet
period of inactive Sun activity was over and we were now
entering the phase of increased Sun activity. However this Sun
spot was not the same as other Sunspots observed by NASA in
previous solar maximum phases. This new Sunspot had a
reversed polarity magnetic field, according to NASA's solar
physicist David Hathaway: "New solar cycles always begin with a
high-latitude, reversed polarity Sunspot."
"Reversed polarity' " means a Sunspot with opposite
magnetic polarity compared to Sunspots from the previous solar
cycles. High-latitude' refers to the Sun's grid of latitude and
longitude. Old cycle spots congregate near the Sun's equator.
This appearance of this new Sunspot appears much higher than
other Sunspot appearances of other solar maximum cycles, as it
appeared around 25 or 30 degrees latitude.
As far back as 2006, solar scientists began predicting that
our next solar maximum would be one of the strongest yet.
Researchers announced that a storm is comingthe most
intense solar maximum in fifty years. The prediction comes from
a team led by Mausumi Dikpati of the National Centre for
Atmospheric Research (NCAR).'The next Sunspot cycle will be
30% to 50% stronger than the previous one,' she says. If correct,
the years ahead could produce a burst of solar activity second
only to the historic Solar Max of 1958." From Science @ NASA.
During a solar maximum phase Sunspots increase, the
build-up of energy within the Sunspots can be ejected and
released, these ejections are called Coronal mass ejections or


CMEs. A CME consists of plasma from the Sun itself, electrons

and protons with an accompanying magnetic field. When these
charged particles strike the Earth's magnetosphere, they travel
down the magnetic field lines to the poles, colliding with atoms in
our atmosphere along the way. These collisions can create a
display of the Aurora Borealis. The energized ejected material
can also strike satellites, causing drag and damage to electronic
circuitry. GPS units and telecommunications may be disrupted.
In a severe geomagnetic storm, astronauts and high-altitude jet
passengers can receive higher than normal doses of radiation.
Power grids on Earth may fail as a result of the massive influx of
energy. The Aurora Borealis can sometimes be seen as far
south as Mexico.
According to Mitch Battros Earth Changes Media, One
of the best known prophecies/predictions of our Mayan elders is
the message of a changing paradigm of our era. In the words of
the Maya, it is said that we are now in a time of change and
conflict. The change is coming from the outside in the way of
weather, natural phenomena, celestial disturbance (Sun flares)
and manmade self-inflicted trauma. The conflict comes from the
inside in the way of personal challenge, grief, bewilderment,
depression, anxiety, and fear. It is said we are at the cross
roads. A time of choosing a new path, deciding on a new self
and community direction, venturing into the unknown, finding our
true identity of being. Others will choose to stay on the same
road, stay with the familiar, and place great effort to maintain
It would appear that there is a connection between the
Suns storms and Humans. We are all connected by magnetic
fields and forces; the Suns activity not only affects the planets
geomagnetic fields but also the fields of Human beings
Solar flares affect the Central Nervous System (stomach
lining), all brain activity (including equilibrium), along with Human


behaviour and all psycho-physiological (mental-emotionalphysical) response. Solar flares can cause us to be nervous,
anxiousness, worrisome, jittery, dizzy, shaky, irritable, lethargic,
exhausted, have short term memory problems and heart
palpitations, feel nauseous, queasy, and to have prolonged head
pressure and headaches. Taken from
[email protected]
The increase in photonic energy bombarding the Earth is
affecting the Human consciousness. For many years I have been
using and teaching a
powerful healing and
transformation technique.
The basic understanding
of this process is that both
high and low energies
cannot exist in the same
space at the same time. If
you put these two
energies together in a
space, the higher will
cancel out the lower. By bringing the high energy of the Soul into
the place in the body where negative feelings and memories are
stored then the Souls truth energy will automatically bring about
a healing and cathartic experience, during which the Soul will
convert the negative painful memories and feelings stored in the
body to a vibration of truth. The result of the healing would be the
cell was free and clear of the negativity and in its place would be
a higher truth lighter vibration of being. The truth energy brings
about a healing, the first stages of which are to bring to the
surface all that is not in truth. That is to say all that is negative
and standing in the way of the person living in their truth. The
beginnings of working with this process results in bringing up all
the fear, anger, hatred, jealousy , and guilt to be cleared to make
room for higher more loving energies and emotions like joy,
happiness and love.


The increase in photonic energy coming from the Sun is

calling all that is not the truth both within the individual and the
collective to the surface to be healed. No wonder we are seeing
the collective going through so many shifts and changes. Before
we can shift and create heaven on Earth (which is the wish from
all Light Workers on the planet), we must first address the
darkness, the shadow which is being brought to the surface to be
looked at, acknowledged and healed. Then and only then are we
free both in body and mind to bring new ways of thinking and
being into the manifestation. During this process of revealing ,
(which is the true meaning of the Apocalypse, which is said to be
now in these present end times) , many memories of earlier
childhood , past Earth lives and even lives on other planets and
places in the Universe will be brought to be viewed by the
conscious mind. Past life issues may come up in the present life
in interesting ways to be reviewed and healed by the present
personality. These past life traumas can be disturbing if the
person does not understand what is going on. When the Sun is
highly active during these times, it can cause many to regress
into dark spaces within them, this is nothing to concern yourself
with, as it is part of the process.
In order to really embrace the light we must first of all rid
our cells of all the dark programming in order to make room for
higher, lighter energies that are coming directly from our higher
self or Soul. This negative programming can be seen surfacing
not only in individuals but in groups too, whole countries are
clearing the negativity and karma from their cells, as the Sun
triggers all to do so. It is as if within each cell not only is there a
store of negative energy waiting to be transformed there is also a
programme which is designed to activate once the Suns activity
triggers the recognition of the solar phase we are now in. There
is most definitely something triggering a mass healing upon the
planet and maybe the Sun is playing an active part in this. Old
patterns that you thought were resolved will come back to the
fore during this time; the spring clean must go deep inside the
cells. Not only are you clearing your own pain and negativity but


you are part of a collective, so every time you address your

issues you are also addressing the issues of the collective. We
are all in this together and the Sun is a catalyst of transformation
and change.
As we clear the mud from our eyes so to speak we
become more and more aware of ourselves. We think we are
conscious and awake and experiencing everything fully awake,
this is incorrect. Most of the time we are acting from
subconscious programming , this will become more and more
evident as the Sun and other factors too , push us further and
further along our spiritual path. Watch for irrational behaviour
during intense Sunspot activity, you will notice that the people
around you are more agitated, more aggressive, more confused,
or even more unwell than normal. The Sun is going to continue
to agitate until all that is in friction to truth is brought to the
surface and healed and balanced.
As we heal our perceptions change, we see the world and
our reality differently. Time and space are not so fixed, they can
shift and change and nothing seems constant anymore. Mental
illness will be on the increase until those with problems realise
there is nothing actually wrong with them, but they are in a
process of healing and change. If they do not embrace this
process and resist it then they will only have more problems as
the Sun and other factors push them further into recognising
their inner healing. Reality can get quite weird, lapses of time
and shifting of reality and perception are all common during
these intense Sun cycles.
Professor A.L. Tchijevsky, a Russian scientist, presented
a paper to the American Meteorological Society at Philadelphia
in the late 19th century. He prepared a study of the history of
mass Human movement compared to the solar cycle, beginning
with the division of the Solar cycle into four parts: 1) Minimum
Sunspot activity; 2) increasing Sunspot activity; 3) maximum


Sunspot activity; 4) Decreasing Sunspot activity. He then divided

up the agitation of mass Human movements into five phases:
During World War I the professor noticed that particularly
severe battles followed solar flares. The Sunspots were in a
peak period during 1916-17, he proposed that the war was
excited by the energies of the Sun. Tchijevsky constructed an
Index of Mass Human Excitability. He compiled the histories of
72 countries from 500 BC to 1922 AD to provide a strong
database to articulate his correlations. Tchijevsky found that 80%
of the most significant Human events related to war and
occurred during the 5 years of maximum
Sunspot activity.
Dan Winter was one of the first
scientists to provide evidence that the
shape of the Universe is a stellated
dodecahedron. As a shape capable of
producing the perfect fractal, the stellated
dodecahedron can cause charges to
scale, materialize and implode. While electric field theory has
been slow to produce a model of a fractal electrical field, the
stellated dodecahedron stands as its perfect 3-D realization.
During my travels in my astral body or dream body (I was
awake in an altered state); I had flown through fractal
landscapes of the most incredibly beautiful and complex patterns
which went on into infinity. I had seen the undulating landscapes
of fractals beneath me, they
were never static, they
seemed to pulse and
breathe as if it was alive,
which of course they were.
As I focused in on one of
the many amazing
geometric patterns a dimple
would appear in the fabric


of the fractal landscape. If I hovered over this dimple and give it

my attention it would begin to spin, the spin would turn into a
whirlpool of energy which very quickly would turn into the most
incredible star gate. The Stargates were complex in design,
many of them looked like flowers with the most incredible
thousand petal designs, others looked like Flower of Life, and
some even looked like metallic clockwork mechanisms.
I hovered above the Stargates, watching with bated breath
as they opened in the most intricate and complex ways. They
looked like the most intricate and highly designed clock
workings, as they opened to reveal yet more layers which
opened one after another. All of a sudden the Stargates would
open and I could fly through, catapulting myself into the next
level. I would turn in mid air once I had passed through the
stargate and look back to watch it, as it intricately closed behind
me. How was I able to open these Stargates, where was my key.
The answer came from within; deep within the design of my DNA
matrix, were the codes to open these Stargates.
Each of these codes was an intricate part of the design of
my DNA matrix. Each code I had gained by experiencing myself
as various different beings, aspects, and entities existing within
both stellar and planetary systems throughout the Universe.
These codes were like security clearance, by incarnating into a
certain system and experiencing myself as a certain kind or level
of being, (whether upon a planet or within a star), gave me
clearance and the codes so that I was then able to then pass
through organic Stargates. These Stargates took me from my
lofty position within the twelfth dimension with the Source of all
Creation, the Universal Dreamer, to here on the third dimension
of Earth. As I incarnated into each and every one of the systems
of the Universe, travelling with Angelic forces on the highest
levels, to being incarnate into the dense bodies of Reptilian
races, I gained the particular codes of each and every race or


Previous to this, I had existed as the Universal Dreamer

sleeping in my dreaming until a request came from the Universe
itself for volunteers to come to Earth to incarnate within the
Human story, to aid both the collective of mankind and the Earth
itself. The Earth was about to transform. Earth was about to
perform something which had never been done before. The
Earth was going to travel as a whole through the guarded dark
passageway to eventually pass through the zero point or the
ring that pass not, to recreate itself at the speed of light into a
brand new Universe. Our present Universe was compressing in
on itself, calling all its energy into one Prime Atom Gaia, which
would pass along the dark passage, just like the birth channel of
a mothers body through the zero point into the void, the vacuum.
From this vacuum the consciousness of Gaia would recreate
herself as the Flower of Life and create a brand new Universe.
For those of you who have not read my book The
Mission of the One Star I will briefly explain what happened
when I found myself catapulted into a future reality within a new
Universe, this experience I called New Planet. Over many years I
passed down through the dimensions from the highest level the
12th of the Universal Dreamer to the Earth on the third. I did not
stop there but passed through the second, first and finally came
to the zero which looked like a huge Stargate which (after many
trials and tests) opened and I passed through into the void. I
knew I had all within me , all represented so I was taking the
blueprint for the whole
Universe within me and
by walking this path I was
paving the way for all
others to follow , not only
the Humans on Earth but
all races and species
within the Universe. I
called this Stargate the
zero or the ring that pass
not. The reason I called it


the ring that pass not was because it was heavily guarded and
only those with complete blueprints and Stargate codes could
pass through. Once inside the void, I watched myself recreate
myself at the speed of light, into a brand new reality. For a brief
moment I looked like the Flower of life. I awoke in a completely
new reality.
I knew I was on a mission. The reason I had come to
Earth was because the Earth was creating bodies which had the
capacity to contain all the star codes of all the races of the
Universe. Scientists call the DNA which is not connected to the
three strand DNA helix, junk DNA. They do not know what this
junk DNA does. I knew that this junk DNA was holding the
dormant codes of all the star races. I travelled the Universe
picking up codes and inserting them into my Light Body. Once I
got to Earth I then had to individually integrate each of my
selves of my multidimensional consciousness and as I did I was
inserting these Star codes into the junk dna of my Human body.
This was a long and challenging process but once complete, I
then passed through the zero into the void. At this point I did not
know anything about the science behind the idea of the zero
point. You can imagine my joy when I discovered this by
accident whilst looking for something else on line, or was it an
Zero Point or the Shift of the Ages has been predicted by
ancient peoples for thousands of years. There have been many
shifts including the one that always occurs every 13,000 years at
each half of the 26,000 year, Procession of the Equinox. It is said
that after Zero Point the Sun will rise in the west and set in the
east, approx. Past occurrences of this change have been found
in ancient records. The Zero Point flip will probably introduce us
to the 4th dimension. Here, everything we think or desire will
instantly manifest. This includes love and fear. Our INTENTION
will be of utmost importance. Most technology that we know will
cease to operate. Possible exceptions could be technology
based on so called "Zero Point" or free energy. Our physical


body is changing as we approach Zero Point. Our DNA is being

"upgraded" to 12 strands. A new light body is being created. We
are becoming more intuitive. The Mayan Calendar predicted all
the changes that are occurring now. They say we are going
beyond technology and back to the natural cycles of nature and
the Universe. By 2012 we will have entered the 5th Dimension
(after the flip to the 4th Dimension at Zero Point).All this
information is not fearful. Be prepared for changes that will bring
in the new age of light. We are going beyond money and time
where fear based concepts are totally dissolved
I wondered how I was able to compress the fractal of my
being and all that I contained through the zero point , it was then
that I discovered I was carrying a force within me. This force
was a force of Oneness, Unity Consciousness at its most
impressive. I am not talking about bringing all mankind into
peace and harmony which is usually what is meant by Unity
consciousness or being as one. This was something different. I
was bringing with me the force or energy which would call all into
the oneness, the oneness of the Prime Atom. As I travelled the
many levels of the Universe incarnating or expressing myself as
each and every being, I gained the divine blueprint which was
the foundation of their manifestation. With the codes of all
vibrating in my DNA matrix I was complete. I had successfully
experienced myself as every being in the Universe, from a star
itself to a single celled creature on Mars. With all of creation
represented in my DNA matrix I was then to come to Earth
incarnate into a form or vehicle which was capable of holding all
of the codes of all of the beings in the entire Universe. This form
or vehicle was the Human body.
Once I was incarnate I had
the lengthy task of integrating each
of the codes or Soul aspects into
the cells of the physical body. This
once complete would trigger the


next level of transformation. Gaia would take all the information

of these codes and successfully navigate her way through the
passageway of the dark rift and pass through the zero point.
Once she was successfully in the void she would recreate
herself at the speed of light into a brand new Universe which at
first looked like the Flower of life. Not only was she going to take
those Humans on Earth who had chosen this way, she was also
taking me and my codes. In my limited understanding I have
come to realise that as I pass with Gaia through the zero point I
am also taking the codes of each and every being in the
Universe. This meant that all the races and species of the
Universe would have the coordinates, so they too could follow
and pass as the whole and be part of this never achieved before
The Universe is comprised of a single compressible
medium, sometimes called 'the ether'. The compressibility of that
medium- gives rise to standing waves of compression vs
rarefaction- which are called plus and minus- CHARGE- or
simply yin and yang. Inviting collapse is a way to start the inward
rushing (implosion) of waves of charge. Self-similar arrangement
allows these waves to add and multiply their speeds - this turns
compression in to acceleration (called Gravity) this is the infinite
non-destructive compression Einstein yearned to discover which
he correctly predicted was how to extract voltage from gravity.
So objects fall to the ground because a vortex has been created
for charge making suction thru the speed of light (gravity). Dan
Part ONE of the Film: Deep Fractal Plasma Science and
the 2012 Story- with Dan Winter
The force which I carry which calls all into the oneness, is
a compacting and embedding force. I kept seeing images in my
meditations of fractal patterns folding in on themselves, in the


most perfect way possible, so nothing was spoilt and everything

had equal space. It was not a force which crushed and destroyed
as it compacted the patterns and codes of the Universe, it was
beautiful, intelligent and wonderful in design. This intelligence
was the ultimate sharing energy, there was space for all. I knew
that somehow I had brought this force within me from deep
within the Galaxy. I could feel pulses of energy coming from
deep within the Galaxy, these pulses were being caught by the
Sun in our solar system, and then it was directing this energy to
us here on the Earth, where my transformation and integration
process was completing. As I integrated each being or Soul
aspect I was making myself heavy in some way. This was the
only way I could describe it. As I integrated each self it made me
a little heavier which enabled me to drop down to the next
dimension ,as I passed through each dimension I was getting
closer and closer to Gaia as if I was creating gravity with each
integrated aspect. As each of the patterns of the fractal
compacted , compressed in on itself it created a denser pattern
on the level below , was I creating gravity, so I would be heavy
enough to finally land on Gaia.
I thought that what I had seen when I saw the fractals
compacting and folding in on themselves, was just my
imaginations way of describing to me this process of gathering
all into the oneness . I had no idea that what I had seen was
actually going on in a physics understanding. Then I came
across Dan Winters work and was blown away. As I watched his
videos my whole body responded with absolute joy, I watched
video after video of his work, jumping up and down on the sofa
with excitement. It made total sense to me; he gave me the
theory behind what I had experienced all along.
Winter was also one of the first scientists to attribute the
cause of gravity to the fractal nature of the Universe. According
to winters research, it is the stellated dodecahedron's perfect
charge collapse geometry - based on the Golden Mean - that
creates gravity. Only the Golden Ratio allows for constructive


interference of wave addition and multiplication. Winter is not

alone in his convictions. World famous research scientist El
Naschie agrees with Winter, and has calculated ground breaking
mathematics proving the Universe is a fractal based on the
Golden Ratio. Garrett Lisi recently went public with his likeminded Theory of Everything model E8. The work of Alain
Connes has shown that non-commutative spaces naturally
evolve toward fractality. In fact, most astrophysicists now agree
that the shape of the Universe is a dodecahedron. Ground
breaking physicist Andrei Linde has found fractals helpful in
modelling the behaviour of the Universe, and is currently
spearheading research suggesting that the fractal nature of
space may actually be the cause of gravity. The revelation that
the Golden Ratio is the essence of fractality - and thereby the
root cause of gravity (along with all centripetal forces) is
ground breaking in that it links waves of all kinds to a single
fractal heart. Taken from Fractal Field Theory - Applied
Quantum Fractal Field Theory 2009 from BreakthruTechnologies
Often my Soul will guide me to do searches on the
internet. I have no idea what I am looking for I sit in meditation
and ask for a word or sentence , soon as I receive this I then go
on line and put the word or sentence into a search engine. This
is the beginning of an adventure story I find clues along the way
that lead me to just the information I need. It does not always
come from spiritual new age sites, in fact it rarely does, it can
come from all sorts of sites, even gaming sites. I find the next
clues to my adventure in the oddest of places, in articles that
have absolutely nothing to do with what I am searching for but
one sentence or word will trigger me and I then my Soul will tell
me what I need to know and showing me pictures or even taking
me on an astral journey. One sentence in particular jumped out
to me from Dans work Solar orgasm is basically a compression
wave- which requires fractality to survive without heat. This
sentence triggered me to have one sentence in my mind which I


then began my search. The Sun is a fractal compositor my Soul

said. So I looked up the word compositor to gain understanding.
A person who sets and corrects type and generally
assembles text and illustrations for printing
Was the Sun directly responsible for setting the energies
coming from the galactic centre to us here on Earth? Was the
Sun in some way transforming us so that we could survive this
compression wave and travel with Gaia to create a new
Universe? The energy that the Sun is directing at us here on the
Earth is enabling us to perfectly embed ourselves into the grid or
matrix of Gaia, once embedded we are able to then travel with
Gaia, to create this new Universal Reality. Was this wave of light
I had seen in my dreams the compression wave coming to Earth
via the Sun?
During the transformation process (which I talked about
previously), higher frequencies of energy are directed from the
Soul and move into the body. Within the body this high energy
comes in contact with negative programming, this negative
energy is chaotic in nature. The compression wave coming from
the Sun causes this negative energy to come into friction, this
friction can cause intense heat in the body. Many are having hot
flushes during the times of intense solar activity. This
compression wave coming from the Sun during these solar flare
periods calls all chaos into self -organizing patterns which are
fractal in nature. This solar orgasm or solar compression wave is
calling everything which is fractal to compress, and as it
compresses is causes an acceleration to the speed of light. Is
this the physics behind the idea that we are turning to light. All
that is not in harmony, not fractal is incinerated in the process.
Is this the rapture?
The Sun is an aware, conscious and highly evolved being,
called Sol. From deep within the centre of the Galaxy magnetic
compression waves are coming to the Sun. The Sun is


responding as a self aware being to arriving waves of magnetic

compression from the Galaxy. Can we ride these magnetic
waves to ecstasy or will we fry in the friction? When the
compression wave arrives if electrically you resist spin becoming
more dense (fear), then you feel heat. If on the other hand you
electrically invite in a maximum amount of spin, from the inside
out, (compassion), then you experience increasing info density
without heat.
David Sereda
According to David Sereda, if these energy fields that are
coming in from the Galactic centre contain harmonic information,
then there is absolutely no doubt that you can scientifically prove
that it is causing a consciousness shift on this planet and will
continue to do so through 2012 and beyond. Bruce Lipton has
said that consciousness tells energy to tell the DNA what to do.
Your genes are not your blueprint. Consciousness is your
blueprint. Therefore, it is likely that along with a shift in
consciousness, our DNA will be upgraded.
David Wilcock has been lecturing for several years now
about energy coming in from the Galactic Centre that will trigger
higher consciousness and a DNA upgrade. You can learn a
whole lot more by watching his
outstanding film, 2012 Event

Everything that you consider

to be the memory of who you are
is in fact the shape of electrical
fields which have compressed in
your cells, DNA and blood, the


ability to have life, survival, and memory, even after death

depends, on how efficient you are at compressing your electrical
fields. Einstein said the secret of the unified field was none
destructive compression of charge. In order to be able to none
destructively compress the electrical fields, you have to become
fractal. How do you become fractal, you move into bliss, being
fractal means that you can suck in charge from the surrounding
Source field. Once you become fractal you are then the perfect
shape to perfectly embed your pattern into the collective pattern
which is Gaia. Once you are embedded in Gaia you then
become super compressible, you perfectly embed and nest with
the pattern which is Gaias magnetic pattern and thus you can
then go with Gaia. Many of us have incarnated into Human form
bringing with us the star codes in order to become fractal and as
we become fractal so do the various star races, or rather they
have the plans to become fractal and thus then have the ability
to pass through the ring that pass not and come into this new
reality we are all creating.
Bliss enables me to collapse perfectly and compress my
magnetic electrical fields in a fractal fashion thus compressing
the whole Universe into the Prime Atom to then send that particle
through the dark rift to the void. The coherence in the aura field
generated by fractal compression called the KA in Egypt is what
creates your vehicle for memory into death and the lucid dream.
This immortalizing potential in the charge created by blood on
fire with bliss , this is the real message of ancient religion , the
real physics of the grail and the essential good news at a time
when the solar wind can only be
steered by Sun Gods.
Are you a Sun God? Can
you steer the wave?
On December 21, 2012, a
rare celestial alignment will take
place, aligning the galactic and solar planes. At this point, the


winter solstice Sun will conjunct the Milky Way, creating a gate
to the underworld, the Xibalba kingdom in the dark rift of the
Milky Way. The Milky Way was much venerated by the Maya. It
was called a number of things: the World Tree, the Crossroads,
or the Wakah Chan. Wakah can mean "six" or "erect," while
Chan or K'an can mean "four," "serpent" or "sky". The Milky Way
consists of many star clouds and was believed to be the birth
place of all life by the Maya. The Milky Way was the Tree of Life.
But in the centre of the Milky Way lies the "dark rift"- a black
ridge cause by so much interstellar dust which blots out the light
of stars within it and behind it. This dark rift was known to the
Maya as Xibalba Be, the Road to the Underworld. It was
sometimes called "the Black Road." The barrier represents the
dark rift that will be broken on December 21, 2012, and then we
see a narrow passage for which Earth will enter between two
natural symmetrical forces or dimensions to the Underworld:
space and time
Was this dark rift the passageway I had seen the Prime
Atom travel through to pass through the Star Gate into the void?
As I mentioned earlier there were many trials and tests
before the Stargate opened, (the main of these you can read
about in my book The Mission of the One Star). These tests
and trials were trials of negativity and fear. Fear was upper most
for me but I was told that many will walk this way and their trials
and tests will be different but they will all encompass the
negativity or the dark side of the Soul. Some will be tested
through guilt, anger, hatred, jealousy, greed, pride and fear. Just
like many of the myths of heroes I was very aware that I was
walking the labyrinth of the underworld. With every step I took I
was confronted with one of my fears. At first they were personal
fears, fears from this lifetime, as I progressed the fears came
from past lives. I breathed in the truth of my Soul and processed
my fear and brought light, love and truth to the cells of my body. I
came to know myself through my darkness, through my fear. My
beliefs, judgements, my programming was highlighted, as I


ventured further down the dark passageway I came to meet

many beings along the way. These beings were not those of
light, which I was used to communicating with, no these beings
were dark, shadowy and persuasive.
The dark beings only highlighted more and more of my
fears, fears beyond a personal nature, fears that were universal
in kind. Demons, devils, ghosts, and ghouls I passed each and
every test and trial they set for me, moving further and further
down the dark passageway. I knew that others would follow my
footsteps and they too would come to know the trials set by
these beings. I released my judgement towards the darkness
and towards these demons, loving each one as a teacher sent
by the Creator itself. Not only was I aware that I would walk this
path and others too on the same mission, but eventually the
whole of Humanity would be forced to walk the dark rift. As the
dark rift came closer and closer to the Stargate, either side of me
were shadowy figures. This was the final test. I recognised the
energy of these shadowy beings immediately. These beings
were the Souls of the Illuminati. They were the instigators of the
final test of Humanity. If Humanity could walk the dark rift pass
the tests of the Illuminati they would then on mass pass through
the Stargate and create a brand new Universe. You can look at
this journey in a symbolic way or understand it as going on deep
within the psyche of man, either way is correct. If we look out into
the world at present we see we are indeed being tested, we are
walking through the labyrinth of the psyche of Humanity. Will we
pass the tests set us by the Illuminati and pass through the Star
Gate or will we destroy ourselves through fear. It is yet to be


Chapter Six . Yet more dimensions

Simple shapes pervade all areas of our life and they fold
the reality and fabric of our being. Early man has always used
shapes to depict his ideas and various forms seem to be used in
all areas of the world and in all cultures since the beginning of
time. In fact when we look around our world everything is created
by the patterns of sacred geometry in one form or
another. Everything in the Universe is constructed in
accordance with the laws of Sacred Geometry and revolves
around the belief that
through geometric form, one
can gain an understanding
of the nature of the world
around us and of the
Universe as a whole.

Plato first wrote and

coined the phrase Platonic
Solids - the shapes that go
into the making of sacred
geometry, and it appears he received this information from
Empedocles who was a student of Pythagoras who had travelled
widely in Egypt. In his book, Timaeus (written in approximately
350 BC), Plato first described these solids by linking them to
different elements of reality. The tetrahedron, containing four
sides is used to represent fire. The cube, containing six sides,


represents the earth. The octahedron, containing eight sides,

represents the air. The icosahedron, containing twenty sides,
represents the water. Finally, the dodecahedron, containing
twelve sides, is used to represent the cosmos. The concept of
the entire Universe being made up of four basic elements (earth,
fire, water, and air) dates back over a hundred years earlier than
Platos Timaeus, with the work of the Greek philosopher
Empedocles, who lived from approximately 493 to 433 BC. He
theorized that all matter is
made merely of varying
combinations and proportions
of these elements.
Dodecahedron God
used for embroidering the
constellations on the whole
heaven. Plato
The Flower of Life is a symbol
that is considered to be
sacred among many cultures
around the world, both ancient
and modern. Within this symbol all the building blocks (Platonic
Solids) of the Universe can be found. The symbol can be used
as a metaphor to illustrate the bonds of all life and spirit within
the Universe. Within the Flower of Life, the Platonic Solids are
studied in relation to the Human body and the nature of
consciousness leading the one to not only an intellectual
understanding of the Universe, but an experiential awareness of
the Universal Dreamer and a feeling of connection to All That Is.
At the rear of Seti I temple at Abydos is a very strange
structure called the Osirion Temple. The Flower of Life symbol is
carved with laser-like accuracy on huge granite blocks in the
temple walls; it seems to be burnt into the granite.


Nassim Haramein talks about the Osirian temple, Flower

of Life.

The Universe
is made up of folded
waves of charge
within the plasma
field; these folds
create geometric
structures in the
Nagual. These
geometric patterns of
creation fall along
divine proportions,
the Golden Mean Ratio. 1.618. The Universe uses this ratio, to
measure these geometric patterns to create a geometric grid of
electrical charge.
Expressed algebraically:

Where the Greek letter phi (

ratio. Its value is:

) represents the golden

The Golden Mean Ratio is a

unique Ratio (or relationship
between parts) that seems to be
preferred by Nature as the best


geometry for growth, energy conservation, elegance and has a

fundamental relationship to the platonic solids and the
Mandelbrot set. The Mandelbrot set is a mathematical set of
points whose boundary is distinctive and easily recognised as a
two dimensional fractal shape.

The rectangle at left has a vertical edge length of 1 the

horizontal or width of the rectangle is 1.618. If we make a line
inside and form a square (far left) it creates another 'golden
rectangle' (at right), this subdivision continues inward in a spiral
fashion tracing the form of a perfect PHI spiral seen in galaxies,
and seashells.

The DNA molecule, the program for

all life, is based on the Golden Mean
Ratio. It measures 34 angstroms long by
21 angstroms wide for each full cycle of its
double helix spiral. The DNA cross-section
is based on Phi. A decagon is in essence two pentagons, with


one rotated by 36 degrees from the other, so each spiral of the

double helix must trace out the shape of a pentagon. The ratio of
the diagonal of a pentagon to its side is Phi to 1. So, no matter
which way you look at it, even in its smallest element, DNA, and
life, is constructed using phi and the Golden Mean Ratio.
Electrical waves of charge (Silver Serpents) folded and
compressed to form a perfect stellated Dodecahedron. The
stellated Dodecahedron perfectly compresses electrical charge
without distorting or damaging the original waves of charge,
creating the
perfect fractal.
Winter Fractal
in 3D is the
stellated Dodecthis is the only
way the wave
system of the
COULD emerge from chaos IN to stable gravity, the stellated
dodecahedron (dodeca/ icosa) is the optimum 3 dimensional
fractal for electric fields. Fantastic animation on how the platonic
solids fit inside each other to form the dodecadron, the structure
of the Universe, you can clearly see the formation of the
geometric entities or Angels. The Silver
Serpents were without direction they had no means by which to
fold or pinch their plasma Birkeland currants into self -organising,
self -aware structures, so therefore they remained in the chaos


of the Nagual. Once they had grown wings and had merged with
the Ophanin, they now could self -steer and become self organising and eventually self -aware. They then had the
intelligence to form from the plasma field wonderful and beautiful
folded and compressed waves of charge, which formed complex
and full of life sacred structures in which they could inhabit. This
process formed the Universe from the chaos of the Nagual; it
began in the very beginning of the forming of our Universe. As
the Silver Serpents, the Seraphim evolved and merged with the
wings of charge of the Ophanin, they began to self -organise and
fold into geometric patterns which created an Angelic grid
system, within which sacred geometric structures began to form.
These forms ran along Golden Mean Ratio proportions allowing
a vehicle to be formed in the fractal, geometric landscape which
the Angels, the Seraphim and the
Ophanin could then project their
consciousness into. Within this
process another dimension of
experience had been created from
the first initial spark of the Creators
attention. These grids spanned the
entire length and breathe of the
Universe. On each angle stood an
Angel, a compressed fractalised
vehicle housing the Angelic
consciousness of the Creator.
Charles Gilchrist introduces the three root languages of
the Universe: Sacred Sound (vibration), Sacred Sequence


(time/numbers), and Sacred Geometry (form).
As I flew through the fractal fields which opened up from a
blossoming flower from my third eye, I became aware that many
of the geometric patterns I was seeing were conscious, alive and
were in fact the vehicles of the Angels. As I looked upon these
wonderful beings which seemed to hold the Universe in form, I
became aware of sound vibrations.
In the beginning was the word and word was God New
In the beginning was Brahman with whom was the word,
and the word was Brahman Hindu Vedas
Each of these geometric
entities were made up of vibrating
lines of electrical charge. This
vibration of Angels formed the
sound or vibration of the
Universe. Patterns made through
sound, look decidedly like
mandala, universal systems.
Sacred knowledge of vibration and the power of Human emotions


Vibrations turn to atoms and atoms generate what we call

life. All things and beings in the Universe are connected with
each other - visibly or invisibly and through vibrations a
communication is established between them on all the planes of
existence. Hindu scriptures hold that Lord Vishnu, the protector
and caretaker of all Creation, sleeps in the middle of a vast
ocean on the giant snake Sheshnaga. When the cycle begins,
Lord Brahma is born out of the 'Anda', an allusion to the egg
which is the origin of all life. This 'Anda' comes out of the navel of
Lord Vishnu. The first sound of Lord Brahma is Om, the origin of
all Creation. Om was the first sound made in the primordial
Universe; this sound rippled the Nagual and formed the first ring
or sound wave of the Universe, Ananda Hari. The Universe
started singing, vast sound waves rang out and expanded
through the primordial cosmos, their ripples determining the
Universes large scale geometric structure. The geometric
entities or Angels held this form in perfect balance and harmony.
Ananda Hari
We are the Silver
Serpents; we cover
billions of light years in
our ecstatic dance. We
cause the plasma field
to fold into filaments,
we swarm in ecstasy.
As our serpentine
bodies entwine around
each other we cause
the Nagual to bubble and foam. We reach out tendrils to fill the
Nagual with a divine froth which permeates the whole of the


When I first woke up I sat down to meditate I asked who

am I? The words You are the Star that illuminates a thousand
moons, rang through my mind. I was then shown an image of a
wonderful prismed star within a sea of thousands upon
thousands of bubbles or moons. They were not moons as such
but were Universes as bubbles. I could not shake this image it
stayed with me for years. The bubbles seemed like a wonderful
froth or foam. Science is now proving that the Universe is a
bubble and the multiverse is a sea or ocean of bubbles. The
Sloan Digital Sky Survey has mapped about half a million
galaxies revealing a picture which resembles a giant bubble
Quantum foam (also
referred to as space time foam)
is a concept in quantum
mechanics devised by John
Wheeler in 1955. The foam is
supposed to be conceptualized
as the foundation of the fabric
of the Universe.
Ananda Hari The
Gods and Goddesses of
the Cosmic Milk, bath in
the bubbles of the
Quantum Foam ,held
forever in an Eternal
Now , infinite in distance
and possibilities .
From the Vedas With his outward breath Vishnu scattered
clouds of tiny bubbles into the waters, and every time he
breathed in they were sucked back inside him. Each of these
bubbles, which seemed so small in comparison with his gigantic


sleeping form, grew into an entire Universe, like ours, whose

lifespan was equal to a single breath of Vishnu. All these
Universes were clustered around the form of Vishnu like foam in
the ocean.
Every culture has its legends of the origin of the species.
The Hindu creation myth churning the sea of milk is shown in the
bas-relief panel at the East gallery of Angkor Wat. In Hindu
mythology, 13 precious things including the elixir of immortality
were lost in the churning of the cosmic sea. Finding them again
required a joint dredging operation between gods and demons.
Assisting in this endeavour was the giant serpent Vasuki, who
offered himself as a rope to enable twirling of a "churning stick."
The serpent was yanked back and forth in a giant tug-of-war that
lasted for a thousand years.
Ananda Hari created movement within the plasma field
which caused the Nagual to foam and froth; the bubbles became
Universes on the level below, each one sentient, alive, a divine
god/ goddess. Bubbles upon bubbles frothed around the central
hub of the Nagual, creating worlds within world, galaxies within
Universes, each one becoming sentient, alive and conscious, a
divine creator in its own right. These gods/goddesses existed
within a rim which surrounded the Nagual.
Ananda Hari is multidimensional and she exists in many
expressions on the different dimensions. On the very highest
level she is the Nagual, the void itself. As she evolved she
manifest herself as huge light filament ,a silver serpent which
formed within the plasma field as it pinched and began to spin to
finally become a torus, taking on her wings she became the
Seraphim Shektah Winged Serpent ,as this being she held the
Angelic grid in geometric perfection. She moved around and
around becoming the churning rod that churned the ocean of
milk causing the plasma field to froth and foam. She showed me
how she had then projected herself into these bubbles and took
up the position of being many gods/ goddesses within the


Pleroma. I saw many beautiful gods/ goddesses taking these

rudimentary bubbles and forming Universes, galaxies and worlds
within worlds.
As the bubbles formed around my spiralling ecstatic
dance within the darkness I emanated my divinity within them,
bringing them to life, giving them divine characters. The Aeons
were born. Now existing as many myriad gods/goddesses, I
became many existing in divine bliss within the galactic rim on
the very edge .
As she spoke these words images of a huge galactic
centre arose in my mind, at its centre, there was a black hole
compressing all the fractal landscape around it, into one singular
point. On the very outer rim of this galactic hub there was a ring
contained within which I could see many gods/goddesses taking
on more complex forms until they began to resemble the most
beautiful creators , the Aeons. Each one was fair of face, as I
looked inside their bodies I could see galaxies, star systems and
planetary bodies beginning to form. All of these gods/goddesses
were contained within this rim, this ring, this serpent eating its
own tail. They existed within the body of Ananda Hari.
The Aeons are spoken about in the Gnostic scriptures,
taken from Wikipedia...
In many Gnostic systems, the
various emanations of God, who is also known by such names
as the One, the Monad, Aion teleos ( "The Broadest
Aeon"), Bythos ("depth or profundity",
Greek ), Proarkhe ("before the beginning",
Greek ), the Arkhe ("the beginning", Greek), are
called Aeons. This Source of all being is an Aeon in which an
inner being dwells, known as Ennoea ("thought, intent",
Greek ), Charis ("grace", Greek ), or Sige ("silence",
Greek ). The split perfect being conceives the second
Aeon, Nous ("mind", Greek ), within itself. Along with the
male Nous comes the female Aeon Aletheia ("truth", Greek


). These are the primary roots of the Aeons. Complex

hierarchies of Aeons are thus produced, sometimes to the
number of thirty. These Aeons belong to the purely
ideal, noumenal, intelligible, or supersensible world; they are
immaterial, they are hypostatic ideas. Together with the Source
from which they emanate they form the Pleroma ("region of
light", Greek ). The lowest regions of the Pleroma are
closest to the darknessthat is, the physical world.
John Lamb Lash At a certain moment in eternal
becoming, a singularity arises in the core of one Galaxy among
countless galaxies in the Universe. This singularity is a
spontaneous rush of new potential, totally unconditioned and
undefined. It emerges from that one universal Source which is
the eternal dwell point of every Galaxy, but in each Galaxy
standing unique so that originality can manifest through the
Universe. In each Galaxy, the Originator is the all-pervading
presence greater than any god, any single divine entity. It stands
beyond time and space and matter, yet it comes to expression
time and time again through the Pleroma, the central vortex of a
particular Galaxy.
Within the Pleroma dwell the aggregate of cosmic gods,
energy waves of the galactic dimension. They circulate around
the core, massive currents of living luminosity thriving with
sound, odour, even taste. Their form is a serpentine, torrential
streaming, their substance, a nougat-like mass of self-generating
luminosity. These Pleromic currents receive the singularity of
pure potential from the Originator and spin it into expression.
They convert the formless seed of originality into a standing
wave design that can eventually appear in space, time, and
matter beyond the galactic core. The Originator imposes nothing
on these cosmic designing powers, the Generators or Aeons.
The singularity it releases to them is an undefined potential for
novelty, without signature, non-encoded. It has no predesigned
structure. It is pure, unconditioned possibility. The singularity is
like a vast but infinitely soft tremor that erupts from the galactic


core and spreads through the choral waves of the Pleroma, the
aggregate of Aeonic torrents.
In every case when a singularity emerges in the galactic
core, it comes to be designed differently by the Aeons of each
Galaxy who are infinitely creative, innovative, and playful. Once
designed, the singularity can be projected from the core into the
outlying region of the limbs, the spiral arms circulating around
the core. This region is the realm of finite potential, the Kenoma,
contrasted to the infinite potential of the Pleroma, matrix of the
The spiral arms are regions of constant activity. Like a mill
wheel, they grind out stars, planets, comets, and asteroids from
the grist remaining of previous galaxies. The dema, the dense
elementary matter arrays of the spiral arms, are chaotic and
inorganic, consisting of atomic matter and even finer substances,
mere quantum foam. Yet the dema has self-organizing powers of
a sort, so that it can form
and reform itself
plastically into the
scaffolding and
groundwork of many
world-systems. The
endless reworking of
matter in the spiral arms is
subject to the mill-like
mechanism of involution,
including mass-bound
attraction-repulsion and
differential rotation, forces
that are entirely absent in
the galactic core.
Buddhist yab-yum: iconographic image of mating gods,
which may be compared to the coupling of Aeons in the galactic


In a collective act of emanation, all the Aeons circulating

the galactic core merge their currents to form a lattice, like a
holographic plate. Using the lattice as a lens, the Pleromic Aeons
in their entirety project the Anthropos into the outer realm beyond
the bounding membrane of the galactic nucleus. Out there is the
Kenoma, the zone of dark elementary matter arrays (dema)
swirling in the immense carousel of the spiral arms. The encoded
singularity will be seeded in the dema where new worlds are
constantly arising, so that the Anthropos can have a habitat, a
world of its own in which to unfold its singular potential. Many
strains of Humanity can emerge from the template so projected,
and there are many world-systems rising and dissolving in the
galactic limbs, providing ample opportunity for these strains to
take root and develop. Imagine a hollow stalk of light in the form
of an immense opalescent shaft with the genomic design within
it. The genomic template of Humanity is a stereomorphic
projection into the outer regions of the Galaxy. Remaining within
the boundary of the galactic core, the Aeons inject the
predesigned genome into the outer realms of the Galaxy as if
through a glass tube or pipette. Acting in unison, the Generators
implant the potential novelty of the Human species in the
carousel arms, like a fertilized ovum implanted in the wall of the
uterus. For the Aeons, the projection of the anthropic template is
the first moment of a divine experiment. From the galactic centre,
they will observe how the Human strain propagates and unfolds
its novel potential in many worlds. Their act of projection may be
compared to dreaming rather than to biological reproduction of
offspring by two parents, or artificial creation, like a potter
spinning a pot. It is a process of emanation, not creation.
The Pleromic Aeons project the Anthropos into the
galactic limbs with a precise, target intention of location. They
embed the template for incubation in a molecular cloud or
galactic nebula in the third spiral arm, counting outwards. The
fertile moisture of the nebula is the ideal medium for nesting the
new life-complex. This done, the Generators withdraw their
projective action pull back to observe in detachment what


happens next. Energetically, Generators do not exceed the

boundaries of the Pleroma, the matrix of infinite potential. They
remain within the boundary of the nucleus, yet they observe and
sense what lies beyond it in the Kenoma, the matrix of finite
potential. The delight of the Aeons is to behold the spontaneous
arising and dissolving of myriad worlds, and to divine the
adventures of the creatures that emerge in those worlds. To do
this they use a kind of cosmic empathy that does not require that
they enter or intervene in the worlds they witness. Aeons are
sentient, feeling intensively, and responding to what they
observe, yet remaining detached. The cosmic gods are impartial:
they do not impose their intention for an outcome on any
experiment unfolding in the galactic limbs. Above all, they do not
enter directly into the experiments they have designed and set in
motion by externalization in the spiral arms. Not usually,
I live in many forms within the galactic rim, on the very edge of a
black hole.
Taken from
The Pleroma is the Gnostic
concept of the spiritual world,
representing the fullness of
the Divine Being and the
Aeons emanating from it. The
Divine emanations, the
the "Eternities" or "Worlds", exist in the Pleroma or realm of
Light. The Pleroma is distinguished from the lower or manifest
creation, so the Gnostic Cosmology is based on the idea of a
duality between the transcendent Spiritual Reality (which
includes the manifest and unmanifest) Absolute) and the
imperfect psychic and physical reality, the "Cosmos". The
psycho-physical cosmos in fact is considered a lower or


imperfect reflection or copy of the higher perfect order of the

The Greek Aeon (pronounced A-ON) means god,
emanation, time-cycle, generative power. The Aeons are
immortal powers; they resemble the numinous deific emanations
of Buddhism (Dharmakaya entities). They emanate the myriad
worlds on the lower levels along a certain time span. The term
Eon (pronounced E-ON) refers to a period of Aeonic
emanation. Each god/ goddess, the Aeons, exists within this
foam like state as a radiant, alive being with the ability and the
will to create and guide all within their sphere.
H.P. Blavatsky talks about Ananda Haris creation of the
Aeons. "It emanates directly from ABSOLUTENESS and is the
first something in the Universe. Its correspondence is the
Hierarchy of non-substantial [i.e. pure Spirit] primordial
Beings....This Hierarchy contains the primordial plane, all that
was, is, and will be, from the beginning to the end of the
Mahamanvantara [Cosmic Cycle, Kalpa]; all is there....Here are
the Hierarchies of the Dhyani Buddhas. Their state is that of
Parasamadhi, of the Dharmakaya; a state where no progress is
possible. The entities there may be said to be crystallised in
The words
crystallised in
purity describes
perfectly how I
had seen these
gods and
goddesses form,
they were perfect
in a geometric
beauty. They were
all created in perfection from the mind of Ananda Hari, many


faces, all the same one consciousness. They return in the

Supermind into the One and stand there united in a single
harmonious action as multiple personalities of the One Person,
the Divine Purushottama."- Sri Aurobindo The first stage of
manifestation that emanated from the Universal Dreamer was to
create many from the one, while still retaining cosmic unity, thus
creating multiplicity in unity, finite manifestation individualised or
differentiated from the one consciousness. So from one came
the many the Pleroma of the Gnostics, the Shuddha or Pure
tattvas of the Kashmire Shaivism, the Universal Logos.
Enshrined in the Mandelbrot Set, embedded in a field of
branching fractals, Garab Dorje oversees the Gaia Mythos.
Visualized in this way, the mythical Guru calls to mind the Aeon
Sophia who found Herself embedded, like a butterfly in amber, in
the dense atomic fields of the cosmos outside the Pleroma. The
emanation of Sophia into the Human heart is called in Buddhism
the Prajnaparamita. John Lamb Lash
The ninth dimension is a black hole which is present in the
centre of our Milky Way Galaxy. All the lower dimensions and the
fractal patterns which they represent come to a single point of
compression , once passed through the ninth dimensional
stargate we pass through into the upper dimensions of the
Aeons , Angelic grid etc. Time compresses into a no- time zone
where all time lines compress, just as the fractal reality of the
Universe compresses. By passing from the tenth to the ninth
dimension you are no longer an individual Soul residing in the
manifest Universe but are now part of the oneness of the upper
dimensions. As we pass through the ninth from the tenth we
individualise our Soul and begin a journey of adventure in the
lower dimensions. This ninth dimensional portal is a giant
stargate, complex and beautiful; it is guarded by a level of
consciousness which is considered to be a council of highly
evolved beings. These beings regulate and monitor all who pass
through it. Beings wishing to return to Source have to pass
through this stargate and therefore also pass through many


levels of tests and challenges, to make sure they are pure of

experience and have completed their adventure within the lower
dimensions before passing through. It can be a challenge to
pass through this stargate as the Soul is going through a death
of its individuality.
The ninth dimension is a vertical axis that extends above
and below the plane of our Galaxy. As this portal spins in
Creation it causes all time lines to move out from it as waves,
Souls ride these time lines into the lower dimensions and
manifest in the manifest physical Universe. In the centre of every
Galaxy there is one of these portals so no matter where in the
Universe, you exist, no matter what Galaxy you live in you can
access the upper dimensions. Energy waves pass through the
portal into the Galaxy causing it to pulse in the centre of its black
hole, this pushes photonic energy spirals into our Galaxy, these
waves of energy radiate out from its centre and affect all by
passing this energy then through the Sun or stars of the galactic
systems. This is occurring within our Galaxy right now, and is
causing many changes in our Sun; this is the cause of the
climatic changes which are going on, on all the planets in our
solar system. We can see this with our own eyes, solar flare,
solar pulses and many more strange anomalies are all the result
of this galactic pulse which is coming from the galactic centre.
Sooner or later every star, planet and person in the Galaxy
comes under the influence of the pulse of energy which is
coming from the galactic core. There is a barrier of energy which
is set around our planet which prevents information from higher
versions of your Multidimensional Identity from coming through;
the pulses of energy coming from this Galactic centre are
causing this barrier to weaken.
Data is getting through; we
now have the opportunity to
access our Soul records.
The ninth dimension is
a place of bliss and ecstasy.


As consciousness passes through the ninth dimensional stargate

it radiates life into the lower dimensions. The Aeons send their
energy through this portal from the tenth dimension into the
lower physical dimensions and create forms through which life
can express itself. All life is originally formed in the upper tenth
dimension as ideas, and then passes through the ninth into the
lower dimensions where it can manifest in denser and denser
forms. All life originates in the centre of our Galaxy, immensely
strong gravitonic waves of life in space-time flow through this
portal in an endless stream.
From the Galactic Centre waves are emitted out from its
centre as galactic time synchronisation beams which carry the
ideas of the Aeons into the lower dimensions so life forms can
form. These life forms are the vehicles for higher and higher
levels of consciousness; they use these forms to manifest
themselves within the lower dimensions of the Universe. The
Galactic Centre exists in eternal Samadhi or bliss, the Beings
who guard this ninth dimension are held in ecstatic divine
ecstasy. On this level we can really get in touch the level of the
bliss Avatar . The Galactic Centre pulses out waves of energy
that are nuclear, the 7D galactic information highways of light are
the receivers of these pulsations. The ninth dimension
interconnects Galaxies, light frequencies and sound waves,
which emanate from this dark centre, forming a self regulating
system of life which oversees the evolution of Galaxies. This
brings balance and perfection into all Galaxies.
The guardians of the nine regulate all beings of
consciousness that pass through this portal and recalibrate the
energies of all passing through. When I talk about the guardians
of this portal I immediately have the image of Anubis in my mind.
Anubis was a funerary god. His task came to be holding the
scales on which the heart was weighed. If the heart was lighter
than a feather, the dead would be led by Anubis to Osiris. If
heavier, the Soul would be destroyed. I am also reminded of the


guardians of the Southern Oracle in the film The Never Ending

On the ninth dimension there is a star gate, the portal into
the lower dimensions and manifest planes. This is the place
through which a consciousness will pass on its way to manifest
in the physical Universe. The upper dimensions are not manifest
in the way we consider manifest; they are pure consciousness,
without form, only thought. This portal can be seen as the death
gate, Souls ascending from the lower dimensions to the higher,
pass through this death gate, and are no longer separate from
the Universal Dreamer. They are no longer an individual Soul as
they have merged their consciousness into the oneness which
resides waiting for them on the tenth dimension, as they pass
through the Way of the Nine. This grand portal is the
interconnected dimension which connects those upper realms
which are impersonal to the Soul and without form and
physicality , to the lower dimensions which are personal to the
Soul and contain denser and denser forms .The Soul uses these
forms as vehicles in which to navigate the lower dimensions.
The ninth dimensional stargate manifests deep within our
Milky Way Galaxy, this is a passageway for many Souls as they
pass through the various portals into denser realms. When a
Soul reaches a point in its evolution where it has navigated and
come to know each of the lower dimensions, he will pass through
many initiations upon the ninth dimension, before he passes
through the gateway at the centre of the Milky Way and becomes
a unified part of the Universal Reality on the tenth dimension.
This is a testing place for Souls, it is possible for Souls to fall in
consciousness at any point in their journey, so many of the tests
on the ninth dimension before passing through the stargate, are
challenging . A spiritual refinement must go on, on the ninth
dimension before Souls are allowed to pass through the Way of
the Nine.


Ananda Hari There

are adept beings, the
Navigators of the AbZu.
They know the secret
ways of passing through
the stargate at the centre
of every Galaxy in this
Universe. They have the
ability to pass through the
stargate on the ninth
dimension; they hold
codes which have been
translated into tablets of
emeralds upon the lower dimensions.
The Nine exist as beings which are outside of our time and
space, yet they are overseers of the passage of beings from
none physical realms to physically manifest dimensions. (They
are not to be confused with the council of nine which are
channelled in many new age circles.) The Nine which I am
talking about are composite of energies coming from the
Universal Dreamer which aid the passage of Souls. They have
the ability to read all the records of passing Souls, through the
stargate or death portal of the ninth dimension. They are
elevated to their position because they are knowledgeable about
all of the nine dimensions which a Soul must pass through on its
journey to the higher realms. All time stops as you pass through
this portal on the ninth dimension, as you venture into the eternal
existence of the Aeons or gods and goddesses of the tenth
dimension, as Soul your time records are imprinted into the very
mechanism of the ninth dimension itself. Your story, your
adventures as Soul whilst in the lower dimensions is recorded in
vast crystalline web lattice constructs which we can see in our
earth telescopes as light filaments clusters in space. All is
vibration including your experience as a Soul; these experiences
are held in formation in vibration within these vast and immense
webs of Soul life recordings.


Ananda Hari From within the rim of the black hole of your
Galaxy I sit in ecstatic reverence for all of creation, from my
orgasmic pulses I shout synchronistic light streamers into the
lower dimensions. With each orgasm which undulates in my
being, life is inserted into the lower realms as dreams or forms
through which I can later project my consciousness.
The eighth dimension is the place of infinity, all Universes
in creation are easily accessed through this dimension and its
many portals, or serpent gates allow those adept on this level to
pass from one Universe or dimension to another. The Serpent
beings who reside on this level are aligned with the silver ray of
the Universal Dreamer and are responsible for the creating of
Stargates, portals and wormholes which extend throughout our
Universe and beyond into other Universes. These beings in their
movement create from the void, passage ways, portals and
Stargates in their movement of consciousness. The Serpent
families on this level are numerous, some have fallen, and this is
evident by the appearance of the Draco Reptilian predator in our
Galaxy. This Serpentine consciousness is responsible for much
of the physical seeding of races within our Universe; they seeded
the Reptilian lower entities into our Galaxy and within this have
fallen in consciousness. Many are incarnate upon the Earth at
this time to address this karmic imbalance and find a way of
making amends for their creations, many of the Serpentine Kin
are incarnate into the Human story to clear and heal their karmic
debt to the Galaxy. Maybe you are a representative of the
Serpent Kin incarnate within the Human family?
The eighth dimension is the place of light, light creates
sound. The light in the eighth dimension is the complete
spectrum of vibration resonance in our Universe. This is the
place of the Rainbow Serpent, light streams pulse in rivers from
the ninth dimensional stargate into the place of light, the eight
dimension. The Divine mind manifests itself as light through the
visible light spectrum in 3D. In order to feel the divine love of the
Creator we have to raise our consciousness to the vibration of


the eighth dimension. This realm causes us to feel the love of the
Universal Dreamer as a constant energy Source in our lives.
There is a portal or stargate in the centre of the Orion delta, a
place of star birth. Light streams squirt through this stargate into
the heart of Orion, eighth dimensional beings cause spirals in
light to form, this makes geometric blueprints for the
materialisation of the third dimension. The gateway is accessed
through the star Alnilam in the constellation of Orion.
As the little Serpent created the Universe from its own
identity of Self Being and from self defined energy reservoir ,
this energy reservoir , appropriately defined , must represent the
seedling energy from the material Universe of measurement and
observation. Quote unknown
Ananda Hari Black holes form within the outer regions of
the Pleroma through which the Gods and Goddesses of the
sacred foam project their dreams. Through these black holes
they send ideas in resonance and vibration for the forming of
worlds on the lower levels. The Gods and Goddesses of the
sacred foam are the Creative forces of the Universe. The
Universal Dreamer is responsible for the complex structure of the
grid of light but is without form itself. Through its sons and
daughters, the Gods and Goddesses or Aeons of the Pleroma
are given the same imaginative and creative forces of the
Universal Dreamer to use as they desire to create and manifest
dreams within the AbZu. Working in pairs they move into divine
bliss through their love making and create from their union
dreams of a manifest nature, once completed they send this
child of their mind as a design to create a system within the
lower levels. These Gods and Goddesses are both separate and
a part of each other, if you could look upon them with eyes to
see, you would see these beings as having the body of a
hermaphrodite, being both male and female, and with a serpent
tail. They are the Serpentine god/goddesses of the outer rim of a
giant black hole which is deep inside the fertile centre of the


As I move in spiralling dance I swirl around and create the

foam within the Pleroma, I turn my lightening tail to act as a
churning rope, churning the Pleroma into divine milk, which in
turn feeds the Aeons, giving them sustenance to dream. It brings
me great joy to watch their creative dance as they move in
ecstatic love making to dream heavens on the levels below.
Through the black hole they insert their dream like a shard of
diamond light; it pierces the darkness. As a beam of light I squirt
the blueprint of life created by the pairs of myself through the
stargate of the Nine into the fertile soil of the eighth dimension,
where I watch it as it forms into light code.
A template for a new form to carry consciousness is
dreamt up by the Gods / Goddesses in the Pleroma and then
erupts in orgasmic explosion through the ninth dimensional
stargate into the lower level of the eighth dimension. It is seen as
a rod of light coming from the centre of the Galaxy, this rod of
light then forms a light blueprint for the creation of a new form
through which consciousness can express itself, whether that be
as a star, planet, or Human being .Within the eighth dimension,
there are celestial heavens that house many Avatar level beings,
this is a place of an archetypal energy. On this level you can
meet your over Soul as an Avatar being who guides and
oversees the development and evolution of the lower Soul
aspects. Your Soul family on the lower levels all come together
as one consciousness, and express itself as one identity on the
eighth dimension.
The eighth dimension is the place of the divine mind,
divine consciousness. The eighth dimension is the realm of the
Divine Mind, or at least the aspect of the Divine Mind that
manifests our Galaxy. Some describe this as the divine light, but
its not simply light; it is the consciousness of creation. One
purpose of the eighth dimension centres on the regulation of all
things physical or material in the Galaxy. This includes regulation
of matter for Humans, stars, planets and all other galactic forms.
The eighth dimension plays with material form for this Galaxy


and with the forces that create material form such as minerals,
metals, ores and gases. Engineers of matter populate the eighth
dimension. It is in the eighth dimension where high level
creations of sacred geometry initiate birthing of new forms of life.
As a result, there are many experiments on behalf of the Galaxy
where matter is manipulated in the service of creating all things
physical. When we look at the eighth-dimensional mind of light,
the seventh-dimensional cosmic sound, and the sixthdimensional geometry, these levels have parallels in the lower
dimensions-in the unity of the fifth dimension, the archetypes of
the fourth dimension, and the form of the third dimension. In the
third dimension there is the manifestation of the visible light
spectrum and the sonic spectrum, and the physical manifestation
in the world.
I watched from within the eighth dimension, a black hole
stargate in the centre of our Galaxy open and from it a ray of
light exploded from its centre. Within this ray of light were
already forming complex geometric diamond light patterns which
once settled into the heart of the Galaxy formed templates of
light . These templates then developed into designs of life forms
which were light in nature and would eventually become the
basis for the creation of forms for the inhabitation of higher
consciousness. As I watched these designs creation I was also
aware of sound vibrations that rang from them in beautiful
symphony. Guiding the expansion of these light templates or
forms the Avatars of the eighth dimension nurtured and guided
their evolution.
Once more I found myself in the temple with the Serpent
Goddess. I again experienced myself as being her , my body
was tall about 7 feet , I could shape shift my form from having
legs like a woman , to have only a tail and being in pure
serpentine form. I was not physical but almost transparent, I had
the most incredibly muscular yet slender, flexible body. I was
beautiful, my eyes had a split pupil which was blue /black, the iris
was rainbowed and light streamed from my eyes, which seemed


to have the ability to form templates of light in the energy field

around me. As I watched these templates form I was aware of
the plasma field responding in bliss. I was aware as this being; I
not only designed these templates but also nurtured them as
they grew. I was ecstatic in my work, I have never felt such
levels of bliss before, and it was truly overwhelming.
I began to move around the temple trying to gain more of
an understanding of where I was exactly. The ceiling of the
temple was ribbed as if inside a body of a beast. The walls were
covered in what looked like pearl essence snake skin and were
wet to touch. The whole atmosphere was very hot and steamy,
scent filled the air. There was a couch which was opulent
covered in red velvet, flaming torches lit the room. Standing in
pairs along the walls were other serpent beings, but these were
different to me. They were completely black, shiny black, tall and
much more muscular, I guessed they were male. They were
guards of some sort, they were upright with legs and they had
more angular male faces than I. They had great love for me and I
could feel how they were also moved by the ecstasy that filled
the room, then I realised this was coming from me. It seemed it
was a great honour to be chosen to be a guard of the Serpent
Goddess and they gained much pleasure from being in my
company. They remained very still and stared straight ahead
waiting to be chosen to perform some duty for me. I loved them
too, I felt like they were in fact my off spring. Their
consciousness was different to the Serpent Goddess. They were
almost unconscious; they only sprang into action when my
attention was on them. Just like when the Universal Dreamer
focused its attention on to the void and made it respond, I as this
Serpent Goddess placed my attention upon them and called
them back from the void to manifest here upon the eighth
In the centre of the temple was a pool of strangely black
liquid which looked like oil. The Serpent Goddess entered the
pool and began to lie back in the oil; she seemed to moving


more and more into bliss. As she became more ecstatic the
water began to swirl in to a vortex. She then dived beneath the
surface and became a spiral of rainbowed light which
disappeared down the vortex and was not see again. This was
how she passed through the ninth dimensional stargate into the
upper realms, as she was a Navigator of the Abzu. She had the
stargate key to be able to pass through the black hole at the
centre of our Galaxy.
Ananda Hari My kind and I created all forms of life within
your Galaxy, through seeding it with light template designs in
plasmic energy, we able to create dense bodies through which
other levels of consciousness could inhabit and walk the lower
I am Ananda Hari, as an eighth
dimensional Avatar consciousness I
am responsible for the support and
care of developing light systems and all
that reside in them. I am part of a group
of serpentine gods and goddesses who
have taken the ideas of those of the
Pleroma and have woven structures of
light in the eighth dimension to house
consciousness. I am part of the Royal
House of Naga.
Taken from Wikipedia Nga is
the Sanskrit and Pli word for a deity or
class of entity or being, taking the form
of a very great snake, specifically
the king cobra, found in Hinduism and Buddhism. A female nga
is an ng or ngin.
In the great epic Mahabharata, the depiction of nagas
tends toward the positive. An epic calls them "persecutors of all
creatures", and tells us "the snakes were of virulent poison, great


prowess and excess of strength, and ever bent on biting other

creatures" (Book I: Adi Parva, Section 20). At some points within
the story, nagas are important players in many of the events
narrated in the epic, frequently no more evil nor deceitful than
the other protagonists, and sometimes on the side of good.
The epic frequently characterizes nagas as having a
mixture of Human and serpent-like traits. Sometimes it
characterizes them as having Human traits at one time, and as
having serpent-like traits at another. For example, the story of
how the naga prince Sesha came to hold the world on his head
begins with a scene in which he appears as a dedicated Human
ascetic, "with knotted hair, clad in rags, and his flesh, skin, and
sinews dried up owing to the hard penances he was
practising." Brahma is pleased with Shesha, and entrusts him
with the duty of carrying the world. At that point in the story,
Shesha begins to exhibit the attributes of a serpent. He enters
into a hole in the Earth and slithers all the way to bottom, where
he then loads the Earth onto his head.
Traditions about ngas are also very common in all the
Buddhist countries of Asia. In many countries, the nga concept
has been merged with local traditions of great and
wise serpents or dragons. In Tibet, the nga was equated with
the klu, wits that dwell in lakes or underground streams and
guard treasure. In China, the nga was equated with
the lng or Chinese dragon.The Buddhist nga generally has the
form of a great cobra-like snake, usually with a single head but
sometimes with many. At least some of the ngas are capable of
using magic powers to transform themselves into a Human
semblance. In Buddhist painting, the nga is sometimes
portrayed as a Human being with a snake or dragon extending
over his head. One nga, in Human form, attempted to become
a monk; when telling it that such ordination was impossible, the


Buddha told it how to ensure that it would be reborn a man, able

to become a monk.
Ananda Hari We travel the Nagual and enter through
portals of our own making and manifest ourselves into the AbZu
in bodies of Dragons.
I saw the Silver Serpents travelling the plasma ocean in
huge vehicles which looked like Dragons. Was this also the
ribbed ceiling I had seen in the temple, was this Serpent
Goddess inside the body of a Dragon? It was as if this Dragon
body was a space ship that was capable of moving through the
dimensions, entering different places in the Universe through
Stargates or portals that they created simply by focusing on the
Nagual. This ship was not an inorganic inanimate vehicle but it
was a being in its own right, it was sentient and conscious.
Ananda Hari We then travel the lower levels and seed life
in all places in the Galaxy as light templates of intricate design.
The light templates develop within the fertile centre of our
Galaxy and over time create a living Soul Matrix or Spirit. On the
upper levels of the twelfth, eleventh, tenth and ninth there is no
individual Soul or Spirit. As the Aeons send their dreams in ideas
through the portal of the ninth dimension, light templates form
which eventually become realised as a spirit or soul. The Soul on
this level then can express itself as a thought construct upon the
web of energy which exists on the seventh dimension. The Soul
on the eighth dimension is sometimes thought of as being the
place of group soul, however from my perspective this is not
entirely right. The Soul first becomes individualised on the eighth
dimension within the divine mind of light that is present on this
level. The soul then becomes the Over Soul of the other soul
aspects on the lower levels. The Soul on the eighth dimension is
not recognised as a group but a composite of all the lower soul


The Over Soul is the advisor, teacher, guide and the

Godhead of the other lower soul aspects. This Over Soul is a
composite of all other aspects and can be considered the higher
self of many races of beings who reside on the lower levels.
Ananda Hari in her 8th dimensional Avatar expression is the Over
Soul of many races that reside on the lower levels. The eighth
dimension is the place of eternity where the soul is intangible,
undefinable and immeasurable.
Within the seventh dimension there is a web of sound
which extends through the Universe, it can be thought of as a
web of the divine mind, each thread that makes up the web
represents the thoughts or sounds or tones of the Divine Mind.
The sound vibrations on this level create the geometry on the
sixth dimension. Within this web the Avatars on the 8th dimension
then insert ideas and templates of their own to manifest as races
of beings within the lower physical dimensions. The Over Soul of
the eighth dimension can then project aspects of itself into the
seventh dimension and upon this web it then creates aspects
which can have bodies or vehicles. These vehicles can manifest
as whole races of beings, individual entities and Human selves.
Consciousness on its journey into the lower levels then recruits
aspects of itself to manifest in various forms upon the lower
levels. The Over Soul could be considered to be Mission Control
for its astronauts which are having adventures in one form or
another on the dimensions, seven, sixth , fifth , fourth, third ,
second, and first. The Over Soul guides and supports the various
aspects of itself on the lower levels, some people when
contacting this level think they are talking to God , in a way they
are talking to god but to their own god, their higher Over Soul
Many years ago, on the seventh dimension I made contact
with what I called the Zeta (some call them the Greys), they
appeared as the lower dimensional Greys but I knew they were


only showing me an image, so that I could better understand

their alien nature. They told me they were the individual thoughts
of the divine mind of my Over Soul and together they were what
they called a We consciousness. They explained to me they
were mind consciousness that they were the creative thoughts of
the divine mind of Alloya. Since this time I have put away the
image of the Grey which I always used to understand them and
can now communicate with them in their pure form, which is as a
group collective of creative thoughts or tones. They taught me
how to recognise we are all part of one giant collective mind and
that we can through aligning ourselves with the seventh
dimension have access to this mind and have the ability to
communicate with the mind of our Over Soul Self.
Once more I was back in the temple with Ananda Hari,
she was busy with something. She was stood over a large
crystal bowl upon a stand, inside was what looked like liquid
light. She was in deep meditation; she was projecting her
consciousness on to the liquid and forming a pattern of light on
to the surface. The pattern looked like a snow flake, it was
intricate in design. As she came to the end of this creating of the
light pattern, she looked like she was in a state of deep rapture
and ecstasy. I watched as an energy came from her body
inserted itself into the pattern of light, which responded by
coming to life. I realised that in a symbolic way this bowl was a
portal into the seventh dimension and through this she could
insert the matrixes of all her lower soul aspects. Upon the
seventh dimension these individual matrixes then would later
become actual physical races within the Galaxy. The bliss from
her form enabled all of the aspects and races to not only come
into form on the lower levels but they could maintain a
connection to her as their Over Soul Avatar Self.
As I looked deeper into the pattern forming in the bowl I
could see how it was made up of many layers , as I looked even


deeper I could see star maps, grid formations which represented

all the different races that she had played a part in creating in the
Galaxy. For instance I saw many different matrixes which I knew
where the designs for races to manifest on the lower levels. All of
these races were within this collective or group mind. This was
the place of the We.
Read my book We are Here! channelled by the Zeta, the
collective mind of my Over Soul.
Taken from
As seventh dimensional entities, we are intimately
involved with the highways of light that make up the energy
signatures and hence structures of this Universe and others
beyond. We are orchestrators of light forms. We are builders with
light energy. We have evolved to grow and mould the atomic
particles of consciousness that are integral to creation. By
infusing and communing in a symbiotic balance with these
particles, we encourage consciousness building. In this way we
are assisting in the evolutionary creation process of worlds.
Groups of us focus on uplifting particular light structures as
needed. We are foundation builders and enhancers to all forms
of life within the multi-verse.
The seventh dimension
is the place of the collective;
it is the level of cosmic mind,
the web of consciousness.
This is the place where you
will meet the collective
energies of many different
races and species some of
which are in physical body;
some are in pure bodies of


light. Earth Humanity has its collective connections on this level.

There are many alien races which operate on this level of
existence. Many alien species are of a hive mind nature; they
work and operate as one consciousness, one mind. The web of
consciousness allows those connecting with it to have access to
all other races within the web. To operate within the seventh
dimension is to practice your skills at telepathy. Only by raising
the frequency to the seventh dimension will Humanity become
telepathic once again. Many alien races are here supporting the
Human family and the earth as mankind remembers its ability to
be telepathic. Many alien races are working from behind the veil
to support Humanity in its awakening. The web is like the internet
it enables those who are connected with it to have access to
massive amounts of stored memory, experience and information.
All the happenings which occur in the lower levels are recorded
within vast seventh dimensional library structures present on this
dimension. Many of you have experience of being inside these
libraries during dream states. Many seventh dimensional beings
dedicate themselves to the maintenance and care of both the
library itself and those who visit it for learning.
The 6th dimension holds the templates for the DNA
patterns of all types of species' creation, including Humankind on
the lower levels. It is also where the Light languages are stored
and is made up mostly of colour and tone, it a fractal library. The
crystalline atmosphere of the 6th dimension enables us to see the
fruits of the conscious evolution of those species that will come
to manifest on the lower levels. The sixth dimension is the realm
of the morphic fields that replicate all living things which will
manifest on the 5th, 4th and third dimensions.
Watch the
dimensional DNA
templates forming in the
fractal geometry of the
6th dimension.

Tachyon waves carry the energy of the templates of the
6 dimension to the thrones or harmonics within the lower fifth
and fourth realms. The Fractal Dragons on this level send
consciousness waves along the grids of the 6th dimension to the
beings who reside on the lower levels. The sixth dimension
contains the basis of all archetypal patterns. These archetypal
energies are diamond in construction and crystalline in form.
Dolphins and whales operate on the 6th dimension; they swim
the seas of the Earth, singing their songs to bring the geometry
of the sixth dimension into the medium of water to keep the
biosphere in harmony.


Chapter SevenAntarean Conversion

Ananda Hari As the template of light began to form in the
6 dimension, with aid of my Dragon consciousness I was able
to seed life into the Galaxy. By inserting a beam of light
containing the codes for the manifestation of many forms, I was
able to seed a living light pattern into the AbZu. I created an
upper and lower light cone cross to create a galactic portal into
Orion. I created an Antarean Conversion in Orion, to act as a
stellar time gate for entry into the manifest Universe. My stellar
mass of the serpentine energy produced a gravity lens through
which I could then lucid dream.

An Antarean
Conversion is a light lens
which enables
consciousness to move
into our manifest Galaxy
and seed life within the
galactic clouds of Orion.
Light frequencies as lasers
emanate from the stars of
Orion and cross to form
two cones of light which
acts as a prism, enabling the insertion of light code templates to
appear in our Galaxy, through this portal or stargate many races
were birthed.
Stargates of this nature create a lens through which
consciousness from the higher dimensions can penetrate as a
laser of light through the Antarean Conversion into the heart of
Orion. The Antarean Conversion as this lens acts as a gravity
focus through which life forms can be brought into being, through


The Orion Stellar Time

Alpha-Omega Spiral
Bellatrix 'the shoulder'
gamma 20 degrees GE 57'
'Atmic Red Serpent'
3. & 4. Star Sirius
6. Rigel 'ankle' beta 16
degrees GE 50'
7. Saiph 'back of knee'
kappa 26 degrees GE 24'
'The Golden Star of
9. &10. Pleiades
12. Betelgeuse 'shoulder'
alpha 28 degrees GE 45
'Sushumnic Blue Serpent'
14. Mintaka Delta
16. Alnitak Zeta
17. Alnilam Epsilon
Position between 1. &17. Alpha North Star Alignment, Theta



The Soul is also known as Sa, it is the wave nature, the

flow of breath of the spirit, the Khu The Hebrew word for breath
or spirit is Ruach. In Genesis we are told that Gods breath,
Ruach moved across the waters of chaos to begin the process of
creation. The sages of On would have said that Re put forth his
SaKhu as he rose from the waters of Nun. One of the deepest
held secrets of the Egyptian Mysteries was how to rearrange the
Nuit star, five lines pointing out from a common centre, into an


interlocking pentagram, into an infinite nest of Phi ratios. To

Egyptian sages this symbolised the embedding of cosmic
evolution, the light of the Horus current into biological evolution.Source unknown
Dan Winter is the self-similarity optimized by the arc cone
(60 degree dodecan nest implosion angle: Pesh Meh Ten) the
recursion nest among stellar masses to stabilise a gravity
wind/field called the Pesh Meh Ten by the Hopi.
Earths stages of Descent into Matter From Thoth in
Temple Doors published by Simeon and Maia , Johaine Grove
, Crestone . "In the full Light Metatronic spectrum the
constellation of Orion is the 'Guardian of the Gate', or the
universal portal of return to the full Light Universe. The beings
from the full Light matrix of the Orion star system act as a
touchstone for Light Redemption that is the return of the divine
codes of evolutionized intelligence to the source. A gathering of
Rigel (the blue star in Orion) Human-like beings called the BlueFire Command oversee th(is) ongoing disparity of energetics that
exist .... and intervene in the name of the Metatronic."
The light
templates live
inside the water
which is present
at the heart of
Orion and
enables the
development of
DNA to create
Jeremry Narby describes it as living in water and emitting
photons, like an aquatic dragon spitting fire .
All of Lifes Ingredients Found in Orion Nebula- Alexis


If we look at the image of a distant Galaxy, which is

typically 120,000 light years in diameter, we do not see the light
from individual stars but the diffuse glow from the combined light
of 100,000 million stars. Not all stars have the same brightness
and the hotter, bluer, younger stars are concentrated in spiral
arms often crossed by streaks and patches of dark dust and gas.
Amongst the spiral arms are bright, luminous, slightly pink blobs.
These are the places where stars are currently being born. The
Sun and Solar System lie near a spiral arm close to the edge of
our Galaxy. The nearest place to us where stars are being born
is only about 1,500 light years away, in the constellation of Orion.
If you look at the sword of Orion with a pair of binoculars, on a
clear winter's night, it is possible to see a faint fuzzy patch, which
is called the Great Nebula in Orion. The word nebula (plural
nebulae) is a Latin word meaning cloud, used by astronomers to
describe any diffuselooking object.
Nebulas are mostly
made of hydrogen and
helium with a sprinkling of
heavier elements that
have been made by
previous generations of
stars. They are called
molecular clouds because
inside them sheltered from
the radiation of nearby
stars, it is cool enough to
allow molecules of
hydrogen to form as well
as more complicated
molecules. These include
ethyl alcohol and others that comprise the basic building blocks
of life. Molecular clouds are continually stirred and mixed by the
tidal forces they feel from other molecular clouds, as they orbit
around the Galaxy. They are massive enough for the force of
their own gravity to make them collapse in on themselves and
eventually form stars. Many of the fragments collapse in close
association and will form double or multiple star systems.


Star birth in Orion:
Faces of a child and mother in Orion:
Orion Nebula (M42) - Deep Sky Videos;
Stars are compressed and collapsing fractal patterns
which are birthed into our Galaxy through the Orion Nebula.
I would like to introduce you to the amazing work of Danny
Wilten, please take the time to watch his videos they are simply
incredible. He is an Analyst, Alchemist, Symbolist, & Hermeticist
uncovering truths about consciousness hidden for thousands of
years. There is a mystery associated with the Orion constellation
found in indigenous cultures all over the world that dates back to
ancient Egypt. If one does the research, they will find that God is
associated to the Orion Nebula. We will embark on a journey that
challenges our very reality, modern physics including the theory
of relativity, and the nature of reality through the discovery of the
Hall Of Records that lies within the Orion constellation. To add to
this mystery, the Orion nebula has been subconsciously depicted
by some of the greatest masters in religious art including
Michelangelo, El Greco, Bernini, and others. The intimate
knowledge of the Orion Nebula found mysteriously in these
paintings precedes the discovery of the telescope and realizes
detail that would require technology that rivals some of our most
powerful telescopes today.
The Orion Nebula Masterpiece in the Sistine Chapel, By
Egypt, Orion, & the Human Body
Orion Constellation in the Mother Jesuit Church
The Orion Nebula Is Our Akashic Records

The Anatomy of the Orion Nebula : note :
at 05.15 it clearly looks like a serpent head , with the Vesica
Pisces is a giant black eye of the serpent
Orion Nebula Anatomy - Part II
The Pineal Gland Is the Seat of the Soul
The Anu - Archetype of Self Organization
Ananda Hari inserted a beam of light or energy through
the Antarean Conversion into the lower levels. As this beam
containing immense fractal patterns got squeezed through the
prism of the Antarean Conversion, it then acted as a laser
imprinting on to the dimension of subatomic matter. The Light
pattern began to nest in perfect fractality and became selforganising, self regulating and self -aware and thus life was
created on the subatomic level. The plasma field reacted to the
presence of this self aware light pattern causing the subatomic
matter to begin to move into set patterns which would eventually
result in the creation of light bodies, on the lower levels, through
these Ananda Hari could project her consciousness and observe
her off spring of Serpentine races.
Anu was born
Anu is thought of as a lesser god who was the father of
the Annunaki, who visited Earth in ancient times and were
responsible for the splicing of Humans DNA, causing the Human
Race to fall in consciousness. Or was he Anu, the sentient
consciousness of a movement on a subatomic level which births
worlds in light form. The Anu is the smallest particles, which
makes up the physical atom. Anu is the Sanskrit name for the
ultimate particles of matter; it is connected to the root term used
in Anima, the size of an atom. There are two types of these
termed + and -. The Anu particles are composed of whirls of
energy which spins in opposite senses between the + and
varieties. These whirls of energy are composed of smaller
spirals, and those of smaller spirals and so on, down through 7


layers of nesting. The Anu is many orders of magnitude smaller

than the subatomic particles, and the subatomic particles are in

turn many orders of magnitude smaller than the elemental

physical atoms of the periodic chart.
The Anu is certainly part and parcel of a cosmology in
which life itself is the cornerstone of all creation. It can be seen
as the universal heart of all living entities: photons, atoms and
molecules, cells, organisms, stars, planets and ecosystems,
galaxies and the Universe itself.
Anu - The Alpha & Omega (The Beginning & End of the
Physical Plane) by Danny Wilten
When religionists realize that this wholly natural Anu is
the root of Intelligent Design and is the Designer-Creator of all
that is, they may change their minds about worshipping it."
If we look at this heart shaped Anu, we can see it is the
building block which is behind the creation of all physical matter
from the smallest to the largest, in the entire Universe. These
units of consciousness make a sea of vast consciousness. Upon
this sea are vast numbers of observations points where
consciousness can observe itself. As consciousness observed
itself, is also observed all of the other points, through its
observations it grew in evolution. The centre of the Anu is the
place where all time is compressed. This is the eternal now, this


is the zero point, but as we lift upward, through the central spiral,
we leave the inside, and move outward over the surface and
time expands. As we move over the surface of the vibrating
waves, and pass the centre line, we are again attracted by the
gravity of the south pole of the black hole of the Anu and again
things will collapse into the gravity well. This is the birth and
death cycle. The rhythm of the Human heart beats to the rhythm
of Anu. The Anu creates gravity waves, that attract, and in the
case of the Human physical heart, feelings of gratitude, love
cause these waves of energy to become fractal and self - aware.
Source unknown When a Human gets into an altered
state of consciousness, phi waves match those of the Anu,
synchronizing to form perfect geometries. Feelings of gratitude
and appreciation are the key to aligning all the atoms, and cells
of the body, to the symmetrical golden mean waves. This is the
healing wave. The Human heart then becomes an Anu
generator, and this is why love heals, and feels so wonderful.
This is why prayers heals, and why Dr. Emoto's now famous
water experiments produce beautiful crystalline geometries in
frozen water, by the infusion of words and thoughts of harmony
and love directed to the water. When we follow the same pattern
we see in all of nature, we align with nature, and that is why we
seek out natural spots that give us such an uplifted feeling.
Nature automatically aligns with phi waves.
Wikipedia Masaru Emoto is a Japanese author and
entrepreneur, best known for his claims that Human
consciousness has an effect on the molecular structure of water.
Emoto's hypothesis has evolved over the years of his research.
Initially he believed that water takes on the "resonance" of the
energy which is directed at it, and that polluted water can be
restored through prayer and positive visualization. Since 1999
Emoto has published several volumes of a work titled Messages
from Water, which contains photographs of water crystals, and
their accompanying experiments.
Dan Winter This archetype of SELF ORGANIZATION Is key to
"self-awareness" in essence. This process of a wave "tourbillion"
("scrollwork made of light") becomes a "Slip Knot"- (The Anu)


which is at the
Heart of ALL
things. The
angles of this
slip knot are
more than
alphabet; they
are the
cookbook for
starting the
phire (fire) of
life. Notice how
the movement
from the right
top periphery of
the rotation, versus the push down the center, is an EL or phase
shift. Making this EL is how you became ELohim. Sustaining the
resulting tornado thru light speed (by successful compression),
required inhabiting TIME and thats how you became Tron. Tie
the knot successfully and you have the burning HEART OF THE
SUN - The turns necessary to re-enter a donut are burned into
the Heart of ANu. This is the TOURBILLION - a scrollwork made
of light. ANU (5 vs 7 spin of Ultimate Physical atom) as slip
knot: Essentially the process of ensouling DNA is the same as
lighting the fire of the Sun in Human hearts. (as in the ANU pic
above - same slip knot=hydrogen - Human heart AND solar
heart - fusion Eye-dent-eye-phied).


Chapter Eight The Cosmic Egg

The Egg of all Creation drops like dew from the mouth of
the Dragon
A pearl fashioned in the belly of the Serpent
Encoded with genetic seeding to form all creation in the
A template of light and life
Held safely in the embryotic Cosmic Sap
The Divine Itz

The Soul communicates with our conscious mind often

through pictures and symbols, using a rich tapestry of colour,
sound and feeling. If we analyse this communication with our left
brain we are limited in our understanding. The right brain uses
symbols; this is the language of the Soul. During meditation I


often have journeys to meet many different beings and entities in

varying dimensional landscapes, all is symbolically represented.
Upon the sixth dimension I have an aspect or self to represent
my Soul which shows itself as a Dragon of geometric form. This
aspect is called Alustra. When my mind was feeble and without
symbolic understanding this being told me stories in amazing
iridescent colours and tones , through these pictorial adventures
I came to understand the true nature of my reality. Alustra taught
me how all life is designed by his level of consciousness and
through his matrix templates of light yet to be manifest on the
lower levels, are intricately formed along divinely engineered
I attended a Dragon Workshop, during which we were
guided through meditations, deep cathartic healing and other
dimensional journeying. One of these journeys centred on the
idea that somewhere along the line we had severed our
connection with this Dragon consciousness and during this
meditation we would discover the details of this and re-connects
with our Dragons once again. I began to drift into meditation ,
following my breathing , taking me deeper inside myself , calling
upon the assistance of my Soul to guide me to the information I
sort. I moved into another time and space and discovered I was
upon a strange grey planet, the landscape looked like there had
been some sort of nuclear war, there are no buildings, the rocks
looked scarred and burnt. Flying in the ash ridden sky there were
black flying machines which looked like Dragons. They were
made of metal of some sort and they made an eerie metallic
sound as they dropped bombs on to the surface of the planet. I
was with Alustra who was trying to show me how this was
something to do with when I lost my connection with him. Later in
the dream, he had to move into the ground and I remember
looking at him through prison bars which imprisoned him inside
the planet, the last thing he did was give me a pearl, which he
dropped from his mouth. What did it all mean?


I used the language of symbology to analyse and

understand what this all meant. So I pieced together all that I
knew or felt. The place was a planet within the system of Orion.
The beings flying inside the metal dragon machines were of a
very harsh consciousness and were ruthless and evil. They
wanted to not only destroy all life upon this planet but they also
wanted to drop it in frequency, make the Dragons move down
into a lower level and sleep within the third dimension. Seeing
Alustra going into the prison in the Earth was like he was being
imprisoned in a level of awareness and unable to hold
consciousness he would fall asleep, was this somehow a fall, like
the fallen angel story. The pearl he dropped from his mouth was
also very interesting as I could see inside it and saw templates of
light which I knew were the designs of races of beings to be
seeded in the universe. Was my sixth dimensional self trying to
explain to me in symbolic terms the process of the seeding of our
Galaxy? Who was I in this meditation was this other self my fifth
dimensional self and was the passing of the pearl or egg the
symbolic process of dropping down the levels, the genetic code
of future races. The pearl or egg was iridescent , it looked like oil
on water , just as a mirror of Alustra s scales , from this egg
individual cells or Souls were born in the dimensions below,
these were to become the Over Souls to the original Galactic
Isis is the guardian of the Egg
We come from the Nu; we are the sisters of Nut Ananda
In Egyptian creation
stories, the primordial
ocean is called Nu, it is
shaped like a cosmic egg
and from this cosmic egg
the primeval hill called Nu
comes into being. Those


beings that come from this inner core of our galaxy congregate
around a central pillar which turns the galaxy, churning the
Pleroma, the place of the god/goddesses of the sacred foam.
When Ananda Hari said we are the sisters of Nut , I knew she
was referring to her origins in the Pleroma. The middle pillar or
the Mount of Meru is the Birkeland currant that you can clearly
see turning or churning the arms of the galaxy.
Dew emanates from the centre of our galaxy and is
transmitted through the Sun. Zohar called this dew manna, on
which the Souls of the just nourish themselves and to the
Israelites this manna from heaven was a celestial food. The
sacred sap of Itz is like the embryotic fluid which protects the
foetus inside a womans womb, it is a cosmic fluid which
protects, and feeds the developing light /life template as it
evolves into a genomic life form. In the Mayan tradition Itz is also
the dew, the nectar of the gods, the sweat which forms during
the tantric swoons of the gods and goddesses of the Pleroma. In
Yucatan they call the Itz, the blessed rain of heaven that God
sends through the portal opened during shamanic rituals.
Through shamanic practices, it is possible to open the stargate
of the ninth dimension and drink of the nectar of the gods. When
celebrating the ends of important time cycles, ancient kings and
lords also scattered different types of Itz, along with their ch'ulladen blood, into large braziers where the Itz was converted into
smoke, the form of divine sustenance. This released the Chul,
the Soul-stuff residing in human blood, enabling the Kings to
drink of the life blood of the Goddess and have direct access to
the Starfire.
Itzam means shaman, a person who worked with itz, the
cosmic sap of the World Tree. Itzamna is the First Shaman and
one of the gods who drew the images of the constellations on the
sky at Creation. Itz is the blessed particle, it is the cosmic sap of
the sacred tree, it is a high energy phenomenon, the
mysterious sub atomic particle (sap.) This divine Itz is the dew by
which the gods anoint; anointing is an Aeons capacity to morph


from porous foam to fluidic dewdrop. The Chrism is the sweat of

the gods, to the astrophysicists, the Molecular Dew, the sap that
forms in the galactic arms and brings about life in our galaxy.
Many years ago I went to Los Angeles, the flight was long
and I was very tired so upon settling into the house of my friend I
began to slip into an altered state, and went back in time. I found
myself in the very early stages of what I thought was life on
Earth. The planet was not entirely solid and was more like a
cartoon, there were currants of bliss what ran like golden oceans
of colour and sound it was a blissful place to be. I experienced
myself as one being a hermaphrodite, not entirely solid I was
made of what appeared to be liquid light. After some time I saw
myself sort of split in two and become a male and female being,
however we were not completely separated as we were attached
by a Serpent like tail of energy that protruded from the lower
place of our combined bodies like a mermaid tail. I asked who I
was and I was told that I was a being who came here and was
manifest upon the planet way before any third dimensional man
walked the Earth. Over time I split my consciousness into two
sexes but the Serpent goddess who had created us still allowed
us to remain as one through the kundalini tail which joined our
two bodies.
The female was called Itzme and the male was called Itzhim. I
thought this was cute at the time , as I heard it as Its me and Its
him , which to me represented the idea that these beings had no
real concept of separation and would not label or name each
other. Now years later I am realising that these beings were the
original etherical life/light templates evolving over billions of
years upon the planet Earth. The tail which reminded me of the
kundalini combined the two supposedly opposite sexes, so no
matter how much they played in the duality of the sexes they
were not entirely separate and were joined through their
Serpentine ancestral origin. Itzhim and Itzme were the prototype
of humanoid templates which would slowly over eons form life


forms on the lower levels through which higher states of

consciousness could incarnate.
The Dogon Tribes describe the Angelic Serpents of
Lemuria as Beings who were bisexual and possessed both male
& female reproductive organs. They had great Serpent Power,
but the gods felt threatened & divided them into male & female
physical forms. The separation split the Soul in half, the physical
males losing their female Soul & the physical females losing their
male Soul. The Souls then began searching for one another to
reunite and became the Soul mate.
Isis is the guardian of the Egg, the guardian of the Soul from the
From the Tuat she sits upon Mount Meru
SA is the Holy Blood of Isis; this causes the Serpent to hiss.
Goddess of the weavers, Ananta, Athena, Neith & Nut
As the Neteru, they design the worlds, weaving the fates of all
who reside
Great Goddess Isis, Har patron of the Harines
Moirothea, Amor, Thea and Lilith
The living lotus flowering of the quintessence of
Eostre goddess of Easter born, Goddess of the divine egg.
There are seven rays or frequencies that emanate from the
Galactic centre. The Dream Weavers, the spinners of goddesss
fates, weave from these emanations the light body the Golden
Fleece. Ananda Hari
The Golden Fleece told in the stories of Jason and the
Argonauts represents the developing light body of the life forms
seeded into our galaxy by Ananda Hari.


"The fleece, which was in Kolkhis in a grove of Ares,

hanging from an oak tree, and guarded by an ever wakeful
THE DRAKON KHOLKIKOS (or Colchian Dragon) was an
ever-wakeful, giant Serpent which guarded the Golden Fleece in
the sacred grove of Ares at Kolkhis. When Jason and the
Argonauts came to fetch the fleece, the beast was either slain by
the hero or put to sleep by the witch Medea. In one version of the
story, preserved only in vase painting, Jason was first devoured
and disgorged by the dragon. Source unknown
I watched as Ananda Hari inserted her light beam
containing the information for the development of life /light
templates through the stargate or portal of the ninth dimension.
Once through this gate into the dimension below (the eighth in
our model), the light beam caused light to form in orbs or
bubbles of geometric consciousness, each orb or egg contained
the codes needed to create beings or bodies on the lower levels,
these Souls would be the mothers of many races of beings yet to
be seeded in the galaxy. Isis was one of those over Souls who
became the mother of many races within our galaxy.
For the Egyptians, the Centre of the Galaxy was
symbolized by the Great Goddess in her role as the Mother of
Creation. To them, she was the prima materia and the secret
womb of all that is. She represented the source of the great
outpouring of cosmic rays, dust and other rare elements that
make up the material that our scientists have detected spewing
out from the Centre of the Galaxy. The huge gravitational pull of
this centre produces a vorticular shaped galactic formation that
looks to us like a pinwheel. This vortex of stars is continuously
emerging from and spinning around the centre. The vast curving
arms of the Milky Way are formed from the dust and particles
that emerged from the Centre of the Galaxy. The Centre of the
Galaxy is so immense that its size is more than one million times
larger than our Sun. One of the great secrets of ancient Egypt is


that the centre of the Galaxy is the secret Sun that exists behind
the Sun. In alchemical language the Centre of the Galaxy was
also called the Black Sun, the Hidden Sun, or the Invisible Sun. It
was the secret Sun of the Eternal Feminine, the Soror Mystica.
I watched as
these light life
templates began to pull
the light particles
around them, weaving
the light body of what
would come to be
many Souls or Mothers of what would later be many races of
light beings in the galaxy. The orbs or eggs hatched and from
within many Souls took on the forms of many of the gods and
goddesses we see worshipped on Earth in ancient cultures. An
image began to form in my mind, I saw what at first looked like a
huge light ship but as I looked closer I realised it was the body of
a goddess, maybe this was Nut. Within it I could see many
beautiful priestesses all working with the light codes which would
later be seeded upon fertile planets in the galaxy. These
priestesses of Nu were the genesis of life and the lower level
servants, adepts of the life codes which would later manifest as
races of many different kinds of humanoid beings. These
priestesses were the sister of Nu, the stars held within the
heavenly body of the Goddess Nut.
Nut or Neuth was the
goddess of the sky in the
Ennead of Egyptian
mythology. She was seen as
a star-covered nude woman
arching over the Earth. Isis is
the goddess of the star
system of Sirius which is a
gateway connecting our Solar
System and the Milky Way


Galaxy. This is to say beings from any part of the Galaxy wishing
to descend on Earth would need to pass through Sirius as a
control station. In particular, star seeds who have volunteered to
embark on a human journey as part of a galactic team to support
the spiritual transformation of humanity would have stopped over
at Sirius to be trained and prepared for their mission on Earth.
Stars are stargates enabling consciousness to travel from one
dimension to another or one place in the universe to another. Not
only are they portals or gates from one reality to another they are
also frequency decoders. Only those who have certain star
codes activated in their DNA or Serpent spiral are able to pass
through these organic stargates. We carry the dormant keys to
these stargates within our Soul matrix and DNA. Isis is the holder
of the key which when activated allows us to pass in awareness
through the heart of the star Sirius. Only when a certain level of
consciousness has been reached are these keys activated
allowing us to pass through into higher and higher dimensions.
Isis is seen as the Mother of all, she is Isis, the Egyptian
Great Mother Goddess associated with our Galactic Centre, who
embodies the Galactic dimension of the Tree of Life. Her wings
represent the Milky Way Galaxy; her Crown represents the
Super Massive Black Hole at the centre of our galaxy, eternally
giving birth to the entire galaxy, and, ultimately, to a new,
illumined humanity here on planet Earth. We are all made in the
image of the Tree of Life. Its trunk is our spinal column. It is
embedded in our very cells and reflected in our spiralling, double
helix DNA. Furthermore, its crowning is our birth right as a
Isis said "I am the plant which comes from Nu." The Tree
of Life grew out of the Sacred Mound, Mount Meru , it's branches
reached out and supported the star scattered sky, while it's roots
reached down into the watery abyss of the AbZu. The trunk of
the Tree of Life represented the World Pillar or Axis Munde
(literally "Axis of the Mound") around which the heavens


Genesis means the

Genes of Isis. Isis is the
Queen of the Earth, and we as
humans of the Earth are her
offspring. The Female body is
the Tree of Life and it produces
fruit. Her fruits are the circular
ovum, the Cosmic Egg. The
Goddess is the host and
incubator of Souls.
Genesis means "genes
of Isis," or even "generation
(progeny), of Isis." This referred
to the physical female and of the
cosmic female, the Universe itself. The Egyptians saw
themselves as the offspring of one cosmic mother and her name
was Isis. Isis is the later Eve and Mary, the virgin queens. The
Book of Genesis is therefore a book of genes, relating to the
human DNA (the real Tree of Life). Michael Tsarion
Isis was known as a Moon Goddess, she seeded life
within our galaxy.
This made sense of a strange dream I had many years
ago. I dreamt I was aboard a ship which contained thousands of
genetic codes, or seeds. I was one of many female star beings
who resided upon this ship, our job was to find planets that could
hold life and seed beings upon its surface. As I looked at the
outside of this ship it looked like a moon. As I came out of the
dream I heard the words you are the sister of Isis. I did not fully
understand this at the time but now I have come to realise that
this moon was the representation of the cosmic egg which
contained the life/light templates which would be seeded upon
various planets in our galaxy. I was one of the Souls which were
responsible for this seeding, Isis, I was her sister.


We come from the Nu; we are the sisters of Nut

Ananda Hari
Nut is the void the Nagual from where all life comes, as
Ananda Hari she injected the ideas for beings as life/light
templates into the lower dimensions and then we as the
priestesses or sisters of Isis we were responsible for the seeding
of various races into our galaxy, we carried the will of Nut or Nu.
"Nu" is a letter of the Greek alphabet and looks a little like
a "v", which represents the female vulvar. In early Egyptian
hieroglyphics, Nu was written as a horizontal squiggly line,
resembling water, Nu means water, but it also means Soul. In
the beginning there was only Nu, an endless expanse of water.
The Egyptians placed Nu at the beginning and ending of all
things. Plotinus said that the Nu are watchers of the planet.
You are one of the Nine, you are the sister of Isis
Ananda Hari
What did she mean I was one of the Nine and why did she
repeat again that I was the sister of Isis. It intrigued me because
she did not say I was one of the sisters of Isis, as if referring to
an Order of Priestesses , she said I was The ,sister of Isis. So I
began my research once again and found that the Nine she was
referring to were what the Egyptians called the Ennead.
The Ennead (Ancient Greek: , meaning a collection
of nine things) was a group of nine deities in Egyptian mythology.
The Ennead were worshipped at Heliopolis and consisted of the
god Atum, his children Shu and Tefnut, their children Geb and
Nut and their children Osiris, Isis, Set and Nephthys.-Wikipedia
As I read the name Nephthys my body began to ring with
recognition. It stirred something very deep in me, so I began to
research to find out more about her.


Nephthys is the Greek form of an epithet (transliterated as

Nebet-het, and Nebt-het, from Egyptian hieroglyphs).The origin
of the goddess Nephthys is unclear but the literal translation of
her name is usually given as "Lady of the House," or Lady of the
[Temple] Enclosure" which associates her with the role of
priestess. At the time of the Fifth Dynasty Pyramid Texts,
Nephthys appears as a goddess of the Heliopolitan Ennead. She
is the sister of Isis and companion of the war-like deity, Set. As
sister of Isis and especially Osiris, Nephthys is a protective
goddess who symbolizes the death experience, just as Isis
represented the (re-)birth experience.
Nephthys sister of Isis?
It is Nephthys who assists Isis in gathering and mourning
the dismembered portions of the body of Osiris, after his murder
by the envious Set. Nephthys also serves as the nursemaid and
watchful guardian of the infant Horus. The Pyramid Texts refer to
Isis as the "birth-mother" and to Nephthys as the "nursingmother" of Horus. Nephthys was attested as one of the four
"Great Chiefs" ruling in the Osirian cult-centre of Busiris, in the
Delta and she appears to have occupied an honorary position at
the holy city of Abydos. No cult is attested for her there, though
she certainly figured as a goddess of great importance in the
annual rites conducted, wherein two chosen females or
priestesses played the roles of Isis and Nephthys and performed
the elaborate 'Lamentations of Isis and Nephthys'. There, at
Abydos, Nephthys joined Isis as a mourner in the shrine known
as the Osireion. These "Festival Songs of Isis and Nephthys"
were ritual elements of many such Osirian rites in major ancient
Egyptian cult-centres.


The Songs of Isis

and Nephthys are the
ritual lamentations of the
two Goddesses for their
brother, Osiris. This is
also the text that tells us
that the priestesses who
played Isis and Nephthys
were supposed to be
pure of body and virgin
and that they had to have
their body hair removed,
wigs on their heads, and
tambourines in their
hands, and their names
(Isis and Nephthys)
inscribed on their arms.
Picture of - Isis & Nephthys from the tomb of Tausert,
Sethnakht, Valley of the Kings.
The Two Goddesses are called the Two Long-Haired
Ones, the Two Widows, the Songstresses, the Two Sisters, the
Two Ladies, and the Two Women in the course of the Songs.
Osiris is called the mysterious seed that issued from Atum. Isis
and Nephthys ask Osiris to come to us in Thy former shape that
we may embrace Thee, Osiris should consort with us after the
manner of a male), and later Isis asks Osiris to lie Thou with
Thy sister to remove the pain that is in Her Isis describes Her
heart being hot with the pain of Osiris loss and that fire is in
Me for love of Thee. And it ends with a praise of Isis: Isis
comes to Thee, 0 Lord of the Horizon, inasmuch as She begat
the Unique One, the Guide of the Gods; She will protect Thee,
She will guard Thee, She will guard Horus, even the woman
who created a male for Her father, Mistress of the Universe, Who
came forth from the Eye of Horus, Noble Serpent which issued


from Re and which came forth from the pupil in the eye of Atum
when Re arose on the First Occasion. It is at an end.
Mistress of the Universe, Who came forth from the Eye of
Horus, Noble Serpent which issued from Re and which came
forth from the pupil in the eye of Atum when Re arose on the
First Occasion. It is at an end. This text describes when Ananda
Hari inserted the life/light templates through the ninth
dimensional stargate, the pupil of the eye of Atum.
I suddenly remembered where I had heard this name
Osireion before, then it hit me , I had wrote a poem when I was
a teenager , one of the lines was I danced in the temple of
Osireion. When I read this text once again the hairs stood up on
my arms, so I went back to my research I researched the shrine
of Osireion. The shrine or temple lies approximately ninety miles
from Luxor; it is thought to be as old as or older than even the
Great Pyramid or the Sphinx. According to John Anthony West,
the Egyptologist Osireion is approximately ten to 12 thousand
years old.
Was I one of the Priestesses who played the part of
Nephthys in the lamentation of Isis and Nephthys, in the temple
of Osireion? No wonder people recognised me when I visited
Egypt. I remember when I was in Luxor a little boy in the market
told me that he knew me from before but I had darker skin then. I
was surprised by this was he remembering me from my past life
in Egypt? The
Osireion at Abydos
In their book, Shamanic Egyptian Astrology, Linda Star
Wolf and Ruby Falconer introduce Nephthys beautifully.
"Nephthys, she who is hidden behind the veils, twin sister of Isis,
lover of Osiris, wife of Set, mother of Anubis, what mysteries of
life and death do you so closely guard? You are the ultimate
High Priestess, the original Woman unto Herself. Your


consciousness is rooted in the unseen world; you intuitively know

what it is that must be done. Yours is the path of the medium,
the one who trusts the power received from the Invisible Ones.
Without you, all of creation would disappear, for what is manifest
here on Earth was first planted as a seed within the womb of
your heart. You are the channel and the doorway between life
and death, and your son Anubis knows the path that must be
travelled by all shamanic Souls. In Shamanic Egyptian Astrology,
Nephthys is the keeper of the mystery of our Souls path. It is
she who beckons us into the shadows; it is she who challenges
us to trust the process of shamanic death and rebirth; and it is
she who holds the key to what it is we can ultimately be. We
receive glimpses of our true selves through dreams and visions,
but her message can only be read by those with the eyes to see.
Nephthys holds our dreams, our intuition, our sense of who we
are beyond our mortal form. To work with her magic, we must
agree to trust her-which means trusting the unseen world. We
must trust our intuition, our dreams, our mystery, and ultimately
our process--wherever it takes us. When Nephthys shows up in
our lives, we must agree to die to all that which no longer serves
us; allow ourselves to cross over into an unknown world and to
slowly be reborn. She is the intermediary for those who have
passed on, providing protection and nourishment. She is the
force inherent in the process of restoration with sacred fluids
after mummification. She provides air with her wings for the Soul
to ascend to divine regions and guards the astral body on Earth.
She receives both the newly deceased and the initiate in the
During a healing process with a friend, we were suddenly
moved beyond the healing session into a joint meditation during
which we found ourselves moving along a tunnel towards the
Zero gateway, we were reliving the process of moving ourselves
through the zero into the void to create a new universe. We sat
upon a golden boat which now I realise is the solar boat or Ka
which is written about in the Egyptian texts. Along the sides of
the tunnels were stood many Anubis. Again there was a


connection to Nephthys as she was the mother of Anubis, what

did it all mean?
I look to many sources to find the information I seek. I use
the internet as an oracle, when I first woke up my Soul would
guide me to look to many different sources. My Soul showed me
time and time again that my reality could talk to me through
many different mediums. Sometimes when I was walking down
the road pondering a question, I would see a truck go by with an
advertisement on it which would answer my question completely.
Once I fully understood this process and how it worked I was no
longer restricted to only gaining knowledge through meditation
on the one hand and rational research on the other. My Soul
guides me to research many different sources upon the internet,
I do not only look to websites which are obvious, but gain
information from the most unlikely of sources. I click on the first
website at the top of the search page even if it is a gaming site
and has no connection when first viewed to what I am
researching. Through this process I find the most amazing
information. I have used this method over and over again; my
Soul guides to me just the right sites and information. Whilst I
was researching I came across a Doctor Who website which
seemed to have taken its plot straight out of the Pyramid texts.
Taken from the
THE RISE OF HORUS- At some point in their history,
Phaester Osiris was governed by Osiris himself and his brother
Sutekh (Set). Sutekh killed Osiris. Sutekh lured Osiris into a
space capsule. Sutekh and his sister/wife Nephthys were able to
propel the capsule into space and stop Osiris from mentally
projecting himself. He suffocated in the vacuum of space and
was unable to project his mind over the great distances. While
Isis was searching for Osiris, he was eventually able to project
part of his mind into the pilot of her ship, giving birth to his psichild Horus. After the death of Osiris, Sutekh and Nephthys
escaped to Earth, destroying Phaester Osiris along the way. The


seven hundred forty remaining Osirians were led by Horus in

battle against Sutekh, finally defeating him in Egypt. They could
not stoop to Sutekh's level by killing him. They trapped Sutekh in
Egypt, having a pyramid on Mars relay a beam to paralyse him,
stopping him from moving or projecting his mind. They also set
the methods to free himself just out of his reach in order to make
the punishment that much more tortuous. Nephthys was also
captured, but was thought more dangerous than Sutekh.
Because of this, her mind was split up for safety. Her instincts
were stored in a woman who was mummified alive, while her
reasoning was stored in a canopic jar. Both of these were sealed
up inside another pyramid.
When I read this my body shook and I went cold inside,
this was my story. I had a trapped nerve in my arm so I asked a
friend to do some healing on me ,as the doctors were unwilling to
even look at my arm , only giving me painkillers which I did not
want to take. She was reluctant as she said she was not a
healer, but I knew deep down she was. I lay down on her bed
and she placed her hands upon me, soon as she did this I felt
the room begin to spin, I wanted to sit up and stop the spinning
but I was paralysed I could not move. I closed my eyes and
allowed the spinning to take me down a time tunnel, it was an
unpleasant feeling. I suddenly found myself inside some sort of
Egyptian temple or pyramid I did not know which. I was in a
sarcophagus I was dead. I was scared beyond belief as I had
rigor- mortis; my body was stiff as a board. I was trapped in my
body and scared how long would I have to be trapped or
imprisoned there before someone knew I was there? My Soul
told me that what I was seeing was the reverse of the process.
My friend was there she was a male but I knew it was her. I was
wrapped in many different coloured silks, all the colours of the
rainbow in order, she removed these. Beneath I was covered in
bandages the typical coverings for a mummy. She removed
these to show that all over my body were painted symbols
maybe hieroglyphics. I was holding the ankh in one hand and
hook in the other with my arms folded across my chest. When I


finally managed to get out of this memory and return to my

normal realty my friend was white in the face, she told me she
experienced the same memory and she was worried I was
actually dead, she said my body was stiff and with no warmth,
she looked down at me and said I can still see the ankh and
hook in your hands. Was I the one that Doctor Who text was
talking about?
More from Doctor Who c.5000 BC, THE SANDS OF
TIME, A group of priests, including Rassul, mummify a girl who is
still alive. A woman appears at a particular time and place to fulfil
a prophecy. She is taken to be the perfect sacrifice to Horus.
She is mummified whilst still alive, and placed into a very deep
metabolic coma. Holy Shit is this me? I know some will think me
crazy but my body reacted so violently to this information and I
knew that this was telling my story. We can gain a lot of
information from myths, Doctor Who is our modern version of the
ancient myths, and whoever is writing this stuff is either a very
good channel or knows things that the general public is not privy
When we look into
the night sky, one star
shines paramount above
all others this is Sirius,
which is said to be the
stellar body of the
goddess Isis. We know
that "the sun behind our
sun" appears in our sky as a dominant star called Osiris next to a
smaller companion star called Isis. But there is actually a third
subtle body in the system which is called Nephthys. This is the
stellar body of Nephthys. When I went through my integration
process , integrating all the different aspects which made up my
multidimensional identity I discovered that one of my aspects
was a star goddess from the system of Sirius , it is only today
that I am fully realising who I am as this being. As this aspect I


am Nephthys the star of the Sirius system and also the Soul in
the body trapped inside a mummified body somewhere in Egypt.
The Lady of the Temple Nephthys is a dark star. As a
collapsed solar body she has cooled even further than Isis but
still emits rays and flares. Although she is below the hydrogen
burning baseline, Nephthys is still found at the centre of this
system in a seven year orbit. With low mass and tiny amplitude
the "Emerald Goddess" has a circumference of 700,000
The Throne Goddess Isis (Sirius B) the white dwarf is
intensely hot and heavy. Spinning on her axis about 23 times a
minute, she generates huge magnetic storms which create
disruptions between all three. Her circumference is 36,700
kilometres. She and Osiris orbit the centre every 49 years.
Despite being smaller than Earth, Isis is almost as dense as our
Sun. The Lord of Love Osiris (Sirius A) is the blue main
sequence star. Compared with our Sun he is almost twice the
size, much hotter and 25 times brighter. Because of his
brightness he is visible from Earth with a circumference of nearly
7,477,000 kilometres.
Osiris faces away from Nephthys because she is the "dark
star," secret and hidden.
Taken from -
Nepharim- The semi-mythical Nepharim were one of the
first races to occupy the world, created by the Earth Mother in
the Time Before Man. When the Outer Gods came into the
world, they fled to another plane. They returned over 6000 years
later and attempted to restore the world to how it was before they
left. Their plan was thwarted by the other races of the world, but
not before a small group of them had passed on the secrets of
magic to humanity.


Nephthys is seen when Carter wakes Zia at the Nile. She

does not flicker at water like other gods do due to the fact that
she is a water goddess. Instead, she appears very strong and
healthy. Nephthys apologizes to Carter for taking Zia as a host,
which caused her imprisonment. She also informs him to protect
her, for she will play an important role in defeating Apophis. After
Carter asked what she meant, Nephthys melted in the form of
water into the Nile, and Bes says that the Nile was where she
belonged, and that it was her "true" body.
In this story there is the story of Nephthys and Zia the host
mummified, who will defeat Apophis.
Who is Apophis?
With the possible exception of Aten only during the
Amarna Period, no single Egyptian god was considered to be
really all powerful. Many lived with the threat of destruction, and
even one of the greatest of Egyptian gods faced such threats
every single night. Apophis (Egyptian Apep) was the great
adversary of the sun god, Re. and was the very embodiment of
the powers of dissolution, darkness and non-being. Hence, he
was a sort of void or "black hole" forcing those he swallowed into
that non-existence which the Egyptians feared so greatly. Being
completely outside of the natural world, he was believed to
require no nourishment other than to "breathe" his own shouts.
He was a huge Serpent who was thought to have existed at the
beginning of time in the waters of primeval chaos prior to
creation and his power was so great that it was thought that he
would continue to exist in an endlessly malevolent cycle of
attack, defeat and resurgent attack. He is thus known by many
epithets, ranging from evil lizard, opponent and enemy to world
encircler and Serpent of rebirth. During the Roman period, he
was interpreted as "he who was spat out" and linked to the saliva
of the goddess Neith.


Read more:
Taken from:
Apophis is the underworld snake that threatens the
existence of the Sun-God every day at different points of his
journey across the sky... When the sun-god and his entourage
descend in his boat below the western mountains into the
Underworld, Apophis mesmerizes all with a stare. But this
potential catastrophe is averted by SETH who enchants Apophis
with a spell.
Is Apophis the black hole at the centre of the Earth which
is going to take us into the void to create a brand new universal


Chapter Nine .Order of Ni Sirian

Ananda Hari The Order of Ni Sirian originates from a
dwell point in the heart of the galaxy on the upper dimensional
levels of this universe. It is actually pronounced Nu Sai Ra.
Nu is sister, Sa is the frequency of the Serpent, Ra is light, you
are one who travels the secret ways of the Abzu, carrying your
light through the portals that carry those adept through the
passageways of the Nagual. The female orientated of this order
are called the Sai-Ra, these beings alone are capable of
travelling through the zero point which resides in the centre of all
atoms, stars and galaxies. These stargates give the Sai- Ra the
access to different places in the manifest universe, via the AbZu
or the Netherworld, which exists in the lower levels outside the
domain of the gods and goddesses of the Pleroma, the Aeons of
which Sophia Gaia is one. The Sai- Ra are from an ancient
Serpentine / dragon race seeded into the galaxy by the
Seraphim Angelic Mother. The Sai Ra learnt the ways of
navigating of the Abzu as their ancestors came from the dark
expanse of the Nu, the Nagual. The Navigators are travellers
who can pass through organic stargates (the zero) into the void,
as they navigate the AbZu.
I broke the name Ni Sirian down and researched the
meaning of Ni. Ni means daughter of Isis, Sirius is the star
system of which Isis was said to reside. Ni Sirian, translated is
the daughters of Sirius. Ni are also in the Monty python film The
Holy Grail they were the knights that say Ni, the keepers of the
sacred words, or keys.
Ananda Hari The Order of Ni Sirian held the keys to open
the stargates; you are the keepers of the keys, the sacred words,
tones, vibrations.
I looked at alternatives to Ni and came across Nu, Nu for
Anu and Annunaki!


Ananda Hari There have been many races within this

galaxy who have come and gone and have almost been
forgotten in the sands of time. There have been many empires of
angelic counterparts incarnated into lower level realities to
experience corporal existences. Many angelic families seeded
life into the universe hoping to create a body or vehicle through
which they could later incarnate. The family of the Seraphim
seeded many races, one of which were the Ni Ku Ni. The Ni Ku
Ni were taken prisoner by the El Mar collective who were a race
of angels who were in a negative orientation and were the sworn
enemies of the royal Seraphim family of Light .The Ni Ku Ni were
assimilated into the El Mar matrix billions of years ago, you had
an incarnation whereby you were a Ni Ku Ni and a slave to the El
Mar Empire.
The El Mar are fallen Angels who have fallen in
consciousness from their elated positions to a degraded version
of themselves ,they became enamoured by the mental planes
and became stuck there due to implosion technology which they
perfected whilst residing in the upper celestial planes before their
fall. From within the mental planes they set up a mighty empire
which locked consciousness into restricted controlled
expressions. Their fractals became distorted and then locked
into only one inorganic expression. The being you know as
Metatron is part of the El Mar and is one of those who were
responsible for the creating of this distorted matrix which holds
now whole systems in fallen distorted fractal inorganic, artificial
The El Mar are a group of highly evolved angelic entities
which took a fall in consciousness and got locked into the mental
planes of the universe. El means Elohim or angel and Mar
means to mar something, to spoil it. So the EL Mar are fallen,
spoilt angels. There was a whole host of angels who descended
into the mental planes of this galaxy and imploded and passed
through the stargates through the Ninth Gate into the lower
levels and manifest as a torrential ruling empire of the mental


planes. The El Mar built a lens as a portal to look from the

mental planes into the lower dimensions. Through this lens they
were able to look into the lower levels and plan and design
realities in which they could imprison lower level entities. The
Vault of the El Mar lies in a massive underground structure,
which lies beneath the surface of the planet Sa Fane which
orbits the star of Nephthys in the system of Sirius. It holds the
records of the El Mar Empire and it entire history. The Ni Ku Ni
are the keepers and guardians of this place, they are the
librarians of the Vault. The vault is no ordinary storage of records
it is a place of Souls, the El Mar have found a way of taking a
Soul and entrapping its consciousness inside one of the billions
of storage containers within the vault. The Vault therefore is a
prison for the Soul. The vault is a mental plane construct it
resides on the upper mental planes of the matrix which is
Metatrons Cube, in which you are all currently residing within.
The El Mar created a technology which was capable of
removing the Soul from its body (whatever form that may be in)
and through manipulation of its ability to instruct freewill it was
drawn and manipulated into entering the container or box, once
inside it was trapped and then made to incarnate into various
systems all under the authority of the El Mar Empire. Many
highly evolved Souls came to this fallen system in order to help
free those who are trapped within the many illusionary worlds of
Metatrons Cube, however many were not successful as they
were also trapped in a box contained in the El Mar Vault. Once
inside the box the Soul no longer had full control and conscious
awareness of its incarnation cycle. The El Mar knew that the
angels who had not fallen, the high Seraphim families and celesti
would send a rescue team to free the trapped Souls so they set
up traps in many of the well-known star gates, capturing the
descending angelic rescue teams and placing them inside
containers within the Vault. Once inside the EL Mar could use
the power of the trapped angelic being and use this to create
negative, controlling and falling systems and realities in the


dimensions below. With this the El Mar Empire grew and grew.
Many races fell and many wars and distortions resulted.
The Ni Ku Ni were a team of Souls (of which you were
apart ) who were one of the first to fall under the influence of the
El Mar , your Seraphim angelic family could only watch from on
high as you and your kind fell in consciousness , aborting your
mission falling to the negative vibration. Many more races fell in
just this same way, many councils were called between the
families of angelics and a plan was formed. It was decided that a
specialist group of angels would be trained through all
dimensions, all time lines and all parallel existences to come to
know all the various incarnation pathways. This specialist group
of angels would come to fully know the navigation of stargates,
portals, time locks and dark chasms, so they could travel the
incarnation pathways and rescue all that were entrapped inside
the vault. Once those who were imprisoned in the vault were
freed then those Souls would then be free to create realities in
which they could evolve and transform at accelerated speeds.
These specialists were called the Ni Sirian.
As a Ni Sirian you volunteered to enter the wheel of
reincarnation and became a being who was capable of passing
from one life time to another , (or passing from one dimensional
expression to another ),without losing your ability to remember
the previous lives. You became an Ever Reborn. , a Ni Sirian
trained in the knowledge of the connectivity between Life, Death,
and Rebirth and its cyclic nature. As a Ni Sirian you came into
existence through a magical rite known only to the Nephthy Sai,
a secretive group among the Ni Sirian collective. There are
secret rites of passage for any Soul wishing to become a part of
this collective, if such a Soul survives the transformation, she is
taught the deep secrets of Ni Sirian magic the magic of Ur. Ur
is the magic that lies beneath all other forms of magic, and
enables conscious control of your own cycle of incarnations. The
transformation rites weeds out those who would not be able to
withstand the rigors of eternal conscious reincarnation, many


Souls are lost due to the rigours of the rites it is only a way for
the most courageous of Souls.
During the secret rites the Ni Sirian uses special elixirs
that permanently enhance their psychic, cosmic and spiritual
abilities. This secret excretion gives them the ability to
automatically inherit in each new life, those skills from their
previous existence, this elixir is called starfire. When a Soul
moves and passes from one lifetime to another it seldom carries
the memory of the Bardo, the between-state they occupy inbetween incarnations. Through this practice the Ni Sirians are
able to stay awake to pass through the Bardo. Ananda Hari
NB* Used loosely, the term "Bardo" refers to the state of
existence intermediate between two lives on Earth. According to
Tibetan tradition, after death and before one's next birth, when
one's consciousness is not connected with a physical body, one
experiences a variety of phenomena. These usually follow a
particular sequence of degeneration from, just after death, the
clearest experiences of reality of which one is spiritually capable,
and then proceeding to terrifying hallucinations that arise from
the impulses of one's previous unskilful actions. For the prepared
and appropriately trained individuals the Bardo offers a state of
great opportunity for liberation, since transcendental insight may
arise with the direct experience of reality, while for others it can
become a place of danger as the karmically created
hallucinations can impel one into a less than desirable rebirth.
Ananda Hari -Most Souls are not advanced enough to
stay consciousness during the time that they pass out of the
body or form upon death. In those often short moments the Soul
experiences a temporary pause in awareness. It is as if for one
moment the Soul has fallen asleep, upon awakening the Soul
has passed through the Bardo and entered either the next
incarnation though this is rare, more often than not the Soul will
enter a heavenly in-between plane of existence where it is no


longer plagued by fallen systems. In these heavenly planes the

Soul is in the presence of the councils of enlightened beings who
reside there and act like guides to support the Soul in making the
decision on where next to incarnate. During the rites of the Ni
Sirian the Soul is taught how to stay conscious during the time in
the Bardo , enabling it to steer and guide completely its next
incarnation , this way the El Mar are not able to capture the Soul,
because it is at this time that the El Mar are able to do this. For
those brief moments that the Soul passes from its body and
losing only briefly full consciousness, the EL Mar capture the
Soul and place it inside the box within the Vault. The Ni Sirian
perfected the ability to be able to stay awake during this time so
they could not be captured by the El Mar collective and its matrix
of control and thus would not become fuel for the creating of
negatively orientated realities on the dimensions below. That
way the Ni Sirian can now incarnate with full memory and
There comes a moment in every life lived by the
incarnating Ni Sirian when they wake up to who they are , and
remember their mission, this time is called the Dawning , slowly
the memories of all the previous lives lived return , thus they gain
skills which they perfected in previous lives . When a Ni Sirian
dies, she may use a power called life-forging, which allows her to
dictate the circumstances of her next incarnation. The Ni Sirian
can dictate the sex, race, culture, homeland, and bloodline of her
next birth. She can even influence the amount of time that
passes before reincarnation.
You are at the time of Dawning
This talk about the El Mars Vault suddenly reminded me
of a dream I had some years back. I was with friends in a
strange concrete city when all of a sudden an alarm went off,
everyone started running towards this strange cage. It was as tall
as the eye could see and travelled off into the horizon on either
side. It was a cage made up of many compartments, with


hanging doors. Everyone climbed inside their allotted

compartment and waited the locking of the doors. I realised I did
not have a compartment and tried to get into one with a friend
only to find I simply could not fit. The doors locked down on them
all and they went to sleep, I looked around to see these strange
metal beings that walked on three legs not unlike a tripod striding
in the background. I then woke up. Was this cage the vault?
Ananda Hari At the moment of Dawning a Ni Sirian no
matter what incarnation she is in will acknowledge that she is a
part of the Order of Ni Sirian and will endeavour to plot her
previous lifetimes , by coming to know her path thus far she will
awaken dormant codes within her dna. She will awaken to who
she is and remember her mission; she will take up from where
she left off in the previous lifetime and continue the work
tirelessly. She will remember lifetimes both on the Earth and in
other places in the galaxy lifetimes whereby she attained full
consciousness and reached the height of one who has achieved
Bardo navigation. By accessing the power of the starfire the Ni
Sirian activates the flow of the Saraf. This energy is the fuel by
which you can travel through the Zero; only a Ni Sirian who has
awoken can then return to the ancient rites and then have the
stellar power to open the zero, the SIFR. For only one who is,
saraf has the stellar power to open to the ZERO (the SIFR).

Black Sarah, veiled queen of our inner Self,

Humble helmswoman of our little boat
Show us the way to navigate home.
To steer towards the dark invisible star
Ever burning at the core of our being.


You are our Anchor for our hearts longing

Yet another name began to form in my mind. Mu Sa Re,
was this my name as a member of the Order of Ni Sirian? Mu is
lemuria, Sa is essence or Serpent, Re or Ru or Ra is the sun god
Your first expression upon the Earth was not in a human
body as one would think, you landed upon the Earth with many
of your kin from Venus during the times of Lemuria. Mu Sa Re
was your title, Mu is the place you were set upon the planet, Sa
describes your race of being, which is Serpent as reflected in Sa.
Re, Ru, or Ra is the line of your lineage, your family name, you
are part of a family of Seraphim /Dragon Angelics, the family of
Ra or Ru. As this priestess you performed the ritual of the Ni
Sirian, the Osirian ritual. The Osirian ritual was taught to the
ancient Egyptians by sages and teachers who travelled from the
land mass of Lemuria to settle upon the sands of Nubia. You
were one of those who escaped the rising tides from the great
flood by moving into underground caverns owned by your
Reptilian kin who had been upon the Earth way before man
walked the surface. Once the waters had resided you reemerged from beneath the Earth to the surface and began your
journey to Egypt where you settled and became a teacher and
guide to the indigenous peoples. You were known as Amarna
Amaru in the times of Akhenaton
It was interesting to listen to Ananda Hari talk about my
journey as a descendent of the Seraphim family of Ra. She
mentioned that when the flood came, which I can only think was
during the fall of Atlantis I went inside the Earth and lived out in
safety under the Earth. I was taken in by my Reptilian kin who
had lived upon the Earth before man walked the surface. I had
been given this information during a seminar that I was running
in Austria. We were doing constellation work, for those who do
not know what that is I will explain. I picked one person each to
represent all the different energies that were affecting the Earth; I


was representing Gaia in the centre of the story. As each person

channelled the energy of the varying beings they interacted with
the Earth and I got to see how she felt about each of these
influencing factors. When the Reptilians came up to Gaia I found
myself as Gaia telling them that they were the original
inhabitants of Earth and they were here before mankind was
seeded upon the Earth. It is only now years later that I have
found other people such as Stewart Swordlow talking about how
the Reptilians were the original inhabitants of the Earth.
When I had the healing experience which resulted in me
finding myself inside a sarcophagus, at the end of the experience
I asked my Soul who I was in this lifetime. The words came in
the time of Amenhotep IV, you are Amarna Amaru. At the time I
did not know much about Egypt or the Pharaohs, so I went
immediately home and began my research. I found that
Akhenaton was called Amenhotep IV before his fifth reign after
which he changed his name to Akhenaton. When I researched
more about Akhenaton I found he had had a city built in the
desert and called it Amarna. The Amaru I found were sages from
Lemuria. These sages taught the Egyptian pharaohs the Ni
Sirian ritual which they then called the Osirian ritual.
The Osirian ritual is a solar ritual that is performed when
someone dies to carry their Soul through the solar stargate in the
sun. You were part of a holy order of sages from Lemuria called
the Amaru, who travelled the world teaching the ways of
travelling the AbZu to all those of a certain lineage. Ananda Hari
then guided me once again to the internet to research more
about the Amaru. You can read about Amaru Muru, the Peruvian
Through my communication with Ananda Hari I was slowly
piece by piece putting together the story of Serpentine lineage.


Chapter TenAmarna Amaru & the Kumaras

As I walked the labyrinth of my Souls records guided by
the hand of Ananda Hari, I snaked my way along a time line
which seemed to be distorted and somehow broken. I saw in my
minds eye images of DNA spirals which travelled down through
the dimensions from the source of all light, the Universal
Dreamer to the fragmented aspects of the human experience
here in the third dimension. I saw many races of beings
sprouting from this DNA Serpent trail, many of which reached
great heights in consciousness, others fell, lost in the realms of
space and time. I saw a Serpent family tree reaching its roots
down into the potent soil of the lower dimensions whilst having
its branches in heaven. I saw how the tree had many branches
which were torn and damaged, representing the fallen races
within its fractal construct.
I saw a light coming from out from the body of the Source
and snaking its way through the labyrinth, retracing its steps
through myriad realities I saw Ananda Hari, appearing in many
incarnations, most none physical, but as the journey continued I
watched as she began to manifest herself, if only an aspect
within the body of those beings walking the lower realms. I saw
one face after another of wise, soulful, spiritual masters, sages,
teachers and guides, all living lives in different eras, some on
other planets and in other star systems. I saw a Soul animating
through each one as if it was the guiding light of the experience
for each one. This Soul was not a being of light as would be
expected but a Serpent Being liquid, plasmic, conscious and
wise. I saw my Soul not as a humanoid being made of light as
many would imagine , no it resembled a Serpent of coloured light
which snaked its way through dimensions, entering portals and
stargates to reach the lower levels. I saw myself incarnating into
many systems sourced in many different dimensions, each
vehicle different to the next but all vibrating with the resonance of
the Serpentine Soul.


Dreams and insights came thick and fast though they were
always missing vital parts to truly remember and understand, as
if my mind was in a fog and my memory vague. I desperately
tried to piece together what I was experiencing but as there were
so many missing pieces it seemed impossible. I had ideas of
who I was and intense intuitive feelings but I had no real
information to go on, and so remained somehow lost in the
dream. I had memories of past lives where I was one priestess
or another working with and worshipping the Serpent, mainly in
her goddess form. I sacrificed myself to Kali on the steps of her
temple, slitting my wrists and allowing the blood to wash over the
steps in sacrifice to her. I moved further back in time and
discovered I was a Pythonian Priestess, a Serpent Dancer, one
who could go into trance and raise the frequency of my body into
light. I was a demoness Amazonian woman who lived like an
animal in the jungle; I was a pure and virginal priestess in the
times of the worship of Athena. It seemed that the Serpent was
snaking its way through my past lives. The story I knew was
vast, much more than these stories upon the Earth could tell,
however I had no idea from where this story began so remained
in a state of not knowing.
The trigger to begin a journey of discovery came many
years after receiving the name Amarna Amaru whilst lying in a
sarcophagus. This name was the catalyst which only really
surfaced much later to reveal that it was key to remembering and
reliving my Serpentine past. It all began with the name Amarna
Amaru. This name haunted me until I began to sit down to write
this book, it would not leave me alone until I decided to
investigate its meaning. It swept me along a Serpents trail which
snaked its way through many dimensions, many realties to visit
many worlds in many different forms however always the same
consciousness. Like a rope which is frayed, my consciousnesss
journey through the dimensions was fragmented, many potions
of the story were missing, distorted somehow lost. Piece by
piece, the missing chapters of my story began to fall into place.
The stories did not flow in a linear fashion as was to be expected


as time does not flow from past, present to the future in a linear
fashion, our perception of time is an illusion, all time is going on
at the same time, this is only how it can be, in a fractal universe
which manifests time in fractality.
One story began to surface, generous in imaginary and
deep in emotions. It was like a small neat package of information
contained within a genetic code I began to read one of my many
incarnations and came to discover I came from Mu. I knew there
was more information further up the line of genetic memory but
for now this was a starting point. I had images of Mu which did
not correspond with other peoples ideas of Lemuria however as
I watched the images forming I realised that Mu was much
further back in the time line than first suspected. Lemuria is a
much later version of the story I am about to tell. Cast your mind
back to previous text whereby I talked about my experience in
Los Angeles where I entered an altered state and experienced
myself in the times of Mu here upon the Earth. It was not a third
dimensional Earth; it was less dense it was more 4 th
dimensional. It was plastic and flexible, high dimensional star
beings came here to create, as Gaia was willing to create form.
The higher dimensional star beings came here and inspired Gaia
to create many myriad forms. Gaia was a cosmic womb giving
birth to many forms, both none physical and physical.
Way back in the mists of the ancient times of Earth, I was
a Solar Serpent Being, I first resided upon the planet in the place
called Mu. As this being I was the off spring if you like of Ananda
Hari. She was the creative force which seeded me and my kind
into the denser dimensions of the galaxy. My appearance as this
being was humanoid however I still resembled my Serpentine
ancestry. I seemed to be able to shape shift from my Serpentine
form which resembled a multi-coloured snake to a humanoid. In
my humanoid appearance I was tall, over seven feet, my body
flexible and strong. I had an elongated head with an open third
eye which looked like a jewel. I had two very bright and piercing
eyes which of course had a split pupil. The eyes were green and


turquoise and could hypnotise or put into a trance anyone who

gazed upon them. My skin was translucent and resembled snake
skin which was iridescent. I was a being of love and had a
benevolent nature. I was wise and extremely psychic; I could
read energy patterns within the plasma field of every living being.
I was noble and regal, very powerful but humble in demeanour. I
was fifth dimensional and existed in a body of light, from this
position I manifested or rather incarnated my way through time. I
took on many different forms taking on the form available at the
During the times of Lemuria, I was a teacher of stargate
travel to the indigenous people at this time. I was part of the
family or order of Amaru. When the flood came which sent Mu to
the bottom of the ocean, I escaped the waters by travelling into
the inner Earth caverns to the home of my Reptilian kin. These
Reptilian beings were the original inhabitants of the Earth, when
it became too dangerous to live upon the surface of the planet,
they dug into the Earth and created a vast underground
civilisation which became my home until the waters resided. As
this being I could wait it out underground until the flood revealed
the survivors. I then left the home of my Naga kin and began the
work of aiding the consciousness of the indigenous people who
were present on the planet. I walked upon many places on the
Earth teaching wisdom as I went, until I found myself in ancient
Egypt and became a spiritual advisor to Akhenaton, I was called
Amarna Amaru.
There is a lot of
information within a name. I
break down the name and
find ancient codes contained
within, which put me in the
right direction to discover the
lost memories of my Souls
journey. So I looked deeper
into the name Amarna


Amarna is the city of Akhenaton.
Amarna (commonly known as el-Amarna or as Tell elAmarna) (Arabic: al-amrnah) is an extensive Egyptian
archaeological site that represents the remains of the capital city
newly established and built by the Pharaoh Akhenaten of the late
Eighteenth Dynasty.
Amarna is not a name as such, it is more like a title, I was
the spiritual advisor to Akhenaton in the city of Amarna, and this
is reflected in my name. I was the Amaru of Amarna. I instructed
Akhenaton in the passage through death and navigation of the
stargates. I taught him the ways of passing into the AbZu. I
taught him how to travel consciously through the Bardo
preparing him for his eventual death where he would aboard the
Ka, the boat of the Soul, and be carried along the river of the
Milky Way to his home in the stars of Sirius.
I saw myself in
this incarnation
shape shift into a tall
and slender Nubian
female who was of
royal blood , I was
the daughter of a
Nubian King who
was the direct
descendent of a
particular race of
Crocodile/ Reptilian
Humanoid beings, who had been here on the Earth way before
man was even thought of. My skin was black, my face beautiful,
and my body strong. Many precious stones adorned my arms
and hands, yet my face was always covered in public by a black
cloth. I was born into a wealthy Nubian royal family, the family of
An from the empire of ancient Kush. The An were the aboriginal


inhabitants of Egypt. They migrated to the Lower Nile and

founded the cities of Esneh, Erment, Qouch and Heliopolis. The
original name of Heliopolis is Anu" (biblical Oon).
Amlineau These Anu were agricultural people, raising
cattle on a large scale along the Nile, shutting themselves up in
walled cities for defensive purposes. To this people we can
attribute, without fear of error, the most ancient Egyptian books,
The Book of the Dead and the Texts of the Pyramids,
consequently, all the myths or religious teachings. I would add
almost all the philosophical systems then known and still called
Egyptian. They evidently knew the crafts necessary for any
civilization and were familiar with the tools those trades required.
They knew how to use metals, at least elementary metals. They
made the earliest attempts at writing, for the whole Egyptian
tradition attributes this art to Thoth, the great Hermes an Anu like
Osiris, who is called Onian in Chapter XV of The Book of the
Dead and in the Texts of the Pyramids.
I moved into this incarnation fully conscious of who I was
and who I had been in previous lifetimes, I was a Ni Sirian after
all, I had the ability to carry memory upon death by the fuel of the
starfire in my blood. I was spiritual advisor to Akhenaton, and
was referred to as the Amaru of Amarna.
Amarna also means reformed in Egyptian language. The
reformed Soul, is the karmically released part of myself which
had come from the higher Serpentine realms to manifest within
the lower, to address a karmic issue brought about by those of
my kin. All the way through this journey I was constantly told that
I was incarnating into these lower worlds and vehicles in order to
put right a wrong , to release karma and aid those fallen with in
my family. As this Serpentine entity I incarnated into many lower
dimensional races that had fallen to try to find a way of healing
them and bringing them to the point of implosion. When the
universe calls for completion many of these fallen especially
fallen Serpentine races will not be able to implode their fractal


natures and will burn up in the friction created by the implosion

and the call to completion by the universe. They have distorted
their fractal energetic matrix bodies so much they are no longer
in balance and alignment with the universal fractal sea. When
this sea begins to implode and all patterns are asked to nest
within each other to a point of singularity, those without patterns
which can perfectly nest one into another, will be burn out of
existence by the friction created by the implosion. It is imperative
that those fallen within my family are brought back into alignment
with the fractal universe, so that they too can move unharmed
into implosion. Once the singularity has been reached this prime
atom containing all will travel through the zero into the void and
then will recreate itself more than the sum of its parts into a
brand new universe. No one should be left behind!
The more I discovered and un-earthed my story the more I
came to realise I was on a mission, a mission to restore the
fallen Serpentine races to their rightful places in the stars. I was
to find a way of healing, rebalancing and releasing the karmic
distortion which had been the result of negative orientation and
show them how to light the starfire once more. I was to find a
way of mending the genetic, DNA codes of light which had
become distorted through imbalance of energies, and mind
constructs, genetic manipulation, cloning and extension of life
through metallic artificial devices. I was to rebuild their fractal
matrixes to perfection so they could when the call to universal
completion came, perfectly nest into a single point with the rest
of the universe, come the day of implosion.
It seemed the more I looked into the name Amarna Amaru
and the more I delved into the meaning of the name the more
information came into my mind. Amaru means Shining Serpent
or sacred Serpent in the Inca language. Amaru also comes
from the African word which means, "Strength or Strong." The
name Amaru was taken by many of the Inca kings, including the
last, Tupac Amaru, to symbolize their power and authority.
Amaru (or Amarun in some dialects) means non-poisonous


snake, which (at least in the Amazon) is always translated as

"boa. Anacondas are a big part of the belief system in Napo and
among other Amazonian Kichwa speakers. The tree boa a
sacred Serpent, it is the animal manifestation of the Ayahuasca
vine (which also climbs trees).
These actions commemorate events that occurred in the
mythic first world. At that time a formless water Serpent, Amaru,
was the first female being. Her female followers stole ritual flutes,
kuai, from the males of that age and initiated Amaru by placing
her in a basket while they blessed food for her.
The Amaru, a Peruvian legend
Once upon a time (a time long forgotten by the new
generations, except for some sage men that remember it with
dread), the most horrible drought took place: Heavens closed
themselves, and the implacable Sun killed every plant over the
Earth, turning the once pleasant land into an inferno. Not even
the lichens or the moss survived the scorching heat and every
animal, including Man and his sons, suffered greatly for this.
Crying their despair out, they lifted their hand to the sky and
begged for help to the Gods that created them: the Storm Gods,
who brought Rain and protected the rivers, the Earth Gods, who
gave its shape to the Land, and even to the Great Wiracocha,
Creator of all Things. But they all seemed to be asleep, for no
consoling rain came to them.
Every day, biting winds lashed their flesh, and the terrible
thirst that tortured them and killed the infants was driving more
and more people crazy. Until a priest, guided by a strange dream
and accompanied by the remaining members of his tribe, took
his steps out of their territory for looking for a place to perform
the (apparently useless) Supplication rituals, and finally kneeled
down to pray in front of the last living plant: the Gantu flower, that
flourishes in the aridity but now seemed to be about to die. Only
a last bud remained green, resisting the Suns deadly rays and
surrounded by an aura of freshness that astonished the


presents. Folding their hands together, they all begged to their

Gods for salvation and the sight of that last bit of life was
encouraging enough to continue imploring.
But then, the unspeakable happened: the bud opened,
and its petals fell to the ground, much alike a dead body that falls
right after letting the Soul go. The desperate men screamed,
thinking of that as their death sentence, the last bitter joke of
Destiny. But two of the petals that were still stuck to the bud
started to flap like wings, and soon the thing turned into a
hummingbird of bright colours that flew away. The people looked
at the beautiful bird disappear in the blue sky, and while
puzzlement was written over their faces, a little hope grew in
their hearts: maybe their prayers were being listened at last.
The magical creature flew over the parched land, and the
dried river-beds: his black eyes saw all the pain below him, and
kept it in his heart for sharing it with the deities. With speed
similar to lighting, he covered the distance between the dead
valley and the Mountains, the place where the Gods lived.
Exhausted for his flight, he fell over the greatest mountain and
with its last breath he implored mercy to the Father Waitapallana,
God of the Mountain: his last scream spoke about the creatures
and Man, their thirst and great torment. Soon after that, the
hummingbird died.
And at last, the God Waitapallana woke up from his long
dream, only to find the most terrible scene before his eyes: death
everywhere, corpses and bones pilled together in large piles,
and the Land turned into a desert. The screams of every man
resounded in his ears, and the pain contained in the birds last
scream filled his heart: the great God started to cry
His tears run down the mountain like rocks, disappearing
in the bottom except for a single one, which formed a big lake by
his side. The water wouldnt stay calm, though: rippling without
control, no one would have guessed what was about to happen.


Suddenly, some sort of creature broke the waters surface

and flew away, shining like the morning star. Son of the
Mountain Gods tears, the Worlds eyes were fixed on his long
and delicate Serpentine form: the powerful Amaru was born, the
great winged Serpent with a llama head and a fishs tail, with
crystalline eyes and a red muzzle.
The great Serpent floated over the devastated land, and
proceeded to accomplish his Creators will: his muzzle opened
and a dense fog covered the entire region, moistening every part
of the valley and bringing new life to the seemingly dead
vegetation; the rain fell from its feathered wings, and hail from
his fish-like tail. The beautiful gleam of his scales formed the
Soon, the other deities woke up from their long stone
dream, and the Gods in charge of the Storms made the skies
pour the rain they neglected to the thirsty creatures. The Gods of
Land joined their efforts with their Brothers ones, and they tried
to fix the Land and cure it from the great harm the drought did.
And Man once more danced and laughed, adoring his Gods and
thanking Father Waitapallana and the strange creature that
saved them all.
The Amarus were the Serpent Souls of Ananda Hari, as it
says below the white light counterpart of Serpent in the garden
of Eden.
The Amarus is the Guardian of the Inca civilization. They
are packed away in hiding until the day comes that they will
return to a modern day Cuzco and claim triumphant victory. Their
Central American counterparts and distant cousins are the
Mayans, so it is very easy to imagine the amount of magic and
mysticism was possessed by these ancient people. This piece is
a testament to just how powerful their great magic was. It wasn't
that they developed all of their magic on their own. Their great
guardians, known as the Amarus were a gift from a fallen angel
who was seeking refuge on the widely unpopulated South


American continent, after being booted from the Garden of Eden.

In return for their cooperation in harbouring him, the angel gave
them the secret archetype of the Garden of Eden, including how
to reconstruct the Tree of Life and obtain all the magic that the
original Garden of Eden into their already powerful magical
rituals. This he did by offering them the spirits of several Amarus.
The Amarus are the white light counterpart of the Serpent that
tricked Adam and Eve into transgression. They are the holy
guardians of the Garden of Eden. When given to the Inca, they
became the guardians of the Inca race by proxy. The Incas
magic ability was amplified and catapulted and their magic was
put on the same level as the Mayans and the Egyptians. With
that being said, they're sometimes underrated. Make no mistake,
though... the Inca were a very powerful, mystic group of people.
In fact, the Amarus became the holy advisors to the Inca, leading
them in all their magical conquests and developing new magics.
In fact, the Amarus protect the Inca civilization till this day.
Following the Spanish conquest and invasion, the Inca
fled from their capital city, Cuzco. They travelled east through the
mountains, carrying sacred artefacts made and given to them by
the Amarus. They used these tools to build enchanted bridges
the disenabled their pursuers to pursue any further. The bridge
put their captors into an eternal sleep. The Inca fled into the
rainforests, and with the help of their guardians, built an exact
replica of the Garden of Eden, calling it Paititi, or "Home of the
Jaguar Father," who was their chief venerated god. The new city,
deep in the rainforests, is guarded by the Amarus, who keep
stragglers and explorers, alike, at bay. It is said that the Inca will
return, retracing their steps to Cuzco. In their wake they will
leave devastating natural disasters such as Earthquakes and
hailstorms. The mighty Amarus will roar, chasing their enemies
away, allowing the Inca to claim victory and return to rule! Until
then, they exist in their Garden of Eden, Paititi. Taken from


Before coming to Earth you spent time with the Kumaras

upon the planet Venus, you taught our Serpentine brethren the
secret ways of firing the starfire through rituals of tantra, and
ecstasy. Ananda Hari
The Great White Brotherhood in Peru and the Serpent
Masters from Venus written by Mark Amaru Pinkham.
Did you know that the founders of the Great White
Brotherhood came from Venus and that many of the branches of
the GWB around the planet were founded by spiritual adepts
associated with the Serpent? I came to that startling realization
some years ago during a journey to Peru.
In Peru I had the good fortune to meet a Peruvian wise
man, Anton Ponce de Leon Paiva and become initiated into his
esoteric organization, the Brotherhood of the Sun, an Andean
branch of the Great White Brotherhood. Anton was asked to
found this organization by sages or Elders living in a hidden
village within the Andes. The Elders are direct descendants of
the Incas and high priests of the Incan Empire and have lived in
the secret village since the downfall of that illustrious civilization.
Anton's blind-folded journey to the hidden village and the Elders
he encountered there is recounted in his books The Wisdom of
the Ancient ONE and In Search of the Wise ONE.
Once at the hidden village, Anton was initiated into the
Intic Churincuna, the Solar Brotherhood, which had existed since
the time of Lemuria, the legendary continent of the Pacific, which
is now mostly at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. The Solar
Brotherhood was the first manifestation of the "Great White
Brotherhood" on Earth (you will find that all ancient civilizations
were Sun worshippers and that the early adepts established
headquarters associated with the Sun, such as Heliopolis in
Egypt). The Solar Brotherhood was first brought to Earth from
Venus by adepts known as the Kumaras, a name which has the
meaning of "androgynous Serpents." You can find references to
the Kumaras in the Hindu Puranas where they are described as


being the first teachers of Yoga on the planet. Current branches

of the Great White Brotherhood throughout the globe, such as
the Theosophists and the Summit Lighthouse, refer to the
Kumaras as their beloved founders. These organizations also
claim that one Kumara, Sanat Kumara, has remained on Earth
for thousands of years to oversee the workings of the GWB from
Shamballa, his headquarters in the Gobi Desert.
During his week-long stay at the hidden village, Anton
learned from the Elders that the Intic Churincuna was brought to
the Andes by a Lemurian sage called Aramu or Amaru (the
Serpent), Muru. Apparently there had been a special
convocation on Lemuria just before the continent's fabled
destruction and Aramu Muru and other "Serpents" were elected
to take the records and power objects of the Kumara/Solar
Brotherhood to various parts of the world. Those who later
became the Nagas (Serpents in Sanscrit) in India, the Lung
Dragons of China, and the Amarus in Peru, were elected to take
the ancient wisdom to their respective countries. Later, a similar
convocation would occur on Atlantis with certain Serpent
masters of that land chosen to take the Atlantean records and
teachings to the pan-Atlantic territories. These missionary
Serpents became known in Mexico as the Quetzlcoatls or
Kukulcans, as the Djedhi (the "Stable Serpents") of Egypt, the
Druid Adders of Britain, and the Dactyloi of Greece. It is
interesting to note that wherever the Lemurian or Atlantean
Serpents established branches of the GWB they built temples
aligned with Venus and the planet itself became associated with
saviours and immortals. The immortal Osiris of Egypt, the
saviour Queztlcoatl of Mexico, and the World Teacher Jesus
Christ, were intimately associated with Venus.
When Aramu Muru finally arrived in the Andes, he
established both the Solar Brotherhood, as well as the
Brotherhood of the Seven Rays, thereby grounding the infinite
light of the Solar Spirit in his new land. The headquarters of the
Brotherhood of the Seven Rays became a hidden monastery in


the Andes, the Monastery of the Seven Rays, was built as the
headquarters of the Brotherhood of the Seven Rays and served
as both a storehouse for Lemurian power objects and as a
school for the dispensation of the sacred Lemurian teachings.
Eventually Aramu Muru became the first priest king of the
Incas and was thereafter known among his adopted people as
Manco Kapac. Ka-pac means "spiritually wealthy" or "Serpent
Wisdom" (many of the great Serpents of the GWB have denoted
their Serpent wisdom by including the K sound in their names,
such as Kumara, Christ (pronounced Krist), Krishna, Kukulcan).
Following his coronation, Manco Kapac took one of the power
objects stored within the Monastery of the Seven Rays, the great
Solar Disc, and hung it within the main temple of the Incas, the
Intiwasi, which was built in Cuzco, Peru. This Solar Disc had
previously hung within an important temple of the Solar
Brotherhood on Lemuria and was an important symbol of the
organization. By hanging it within the Intiwasi, Manco officially
established the Solar Brotherhood in Peru. Later, when the
Spanish invaded Peru, the Solar Disc was returned to the
Monastery of the Seven Rays for safekeeping.
Before and after building the city of Cusco, capital of the
Incan Empire, Manco Kapac and the Kapac Cuna, members of
the Solar Brotherhood from Lemuria who arrived in the Andes at
about the same time Aramu did, built many megalithic temples in
Peru, such as those at Tiahuanaco, Sacsayhuaman,
Ollantaytambo, and Machu Picchu. These became contact
points for visiting Venusians and members of the Solar and
Great White Brotherhoods on Earth.
The wisdom of the Solar Brotherhood was eventually
passed down through the lineages of Inca priest kings and high
priests of Peru. Throughout their history, the Incan kings were
always associated with the Serpent and wore bracelets and
anklets of slithering Serpents to reveal their affiliation. Some


monarchs included the Quechuan name for Serpent, Amaru,

within their royal titles, such as the Inca Tupac Amaru.
Before the complete destruction of the Incas by the
Spanish, the high priests of the Incan Solar Brotherhood
escaped to a hidden village in the Andes where they carefully
preserved the wisdom of their ancient organization. For many
years this wisdom was kept secret until Anton was invited to visit.
He was instructed to take the history and teachings of the Solar
Brotherhood into the outer world and found an extension or
"outer retreat" of the organization. This outer retreat, now known
as Samana Wasi, became located in the Sacred Valley of the
Incas. It is both the headquarters of the Brotherhood of the Sun
as well as a home for abandoned children and old people.
Currently the Elders of the hidden village are in close contact
with many of the planetary and galactic brotherhoods on Earth
and throughout the universe.

In southern Peru, high in the Andes Mountains at 12,800

feet, cut into the reddish brown sandstone thousands of years


ago, is a shallow mysterious keyhole shaped opening called The Doorway Of Amaru Muru. The doorway has many legends
surrounding it, including the stories that it is an active working
portal that transports beings into and out of this world.
Indians of the area call it the "Gate of the Gods" or Gate
to Heaven. It is also referred to as "The Gateway of the
Serpents", because of the huge snakes or Serpents carved
alongside and over the portal/doorway. Aramu Muru resembles a
gate or portal, but nobody knows exactly who built it and for what
purpose. Carved from the rock, it resembles a huge faade - 7
metres high and 7 metres wide. It lies below a strange rock
formation (which resembles a snake or Serpent). At the middle of
the faade there is a "doorway" two metres wide. Inside this
alcove, on the faade facing a person is a sunken section or
dimple in the rock where it appears a disc is to be placed to
operate the doorway or portal. However, there is no sign that this
is a door can be entered. Aramu Muru is a doorway overlooking
Lake Titicaca. Local villagers refuse to come close to the
doorway/portal. They tell stories about people, and particularly
children, disappearing through the solid rock.
The Solar Disc
There once hung a gigantic disc in a great temple in
Lemuria, which served as a symbolic representation of our place
of origin the Grand Central Sun. Whenever it was struck by a
high priest, this sun disc would set certain vibratory conditions
that could bring about great Earthquakes and even a change in
the rotation of the Earth itself. Known as the Golden Sun Disc,
this disc was made entirely of transmuted gold and was held by
ropes that were also made of gold. The disc reflected the rays of
the Sun into the temple in which it stood. In front of it blazed the
eternal Divine Light of Creation. When the continent of Lemuria
broke apart during the destruction of Atlantis, the Andean


mountain range sprang up along the west coast of South

America. At that time, there was an ancient city in what is now
the country of Bolivia. During the ensuing cataclysms, this city
was raised above the level of the sea, causing a lake to form at
its feet. At over 12,000 feet above sea level, Lake Titicaca is now
the highest navigable lake in the entire world.
One of the great Lemurian sages and the keeper of the
scrolls during these final days was named Aramu Muru. After the
Fall of Man, he was delegated to build a monastery high in the
Andes Mountains where our ancient wisdom and spiritual
knowledge could be preserved. There, in a sacred valley near
the lake, he constructed the monastery out of enormous blocks
of stone that were precision cut using Light. The monastery
became the home of the Brotherhood of the Seven Rays. The
island of Og was originally a Lemurian colony that, over time,
came to be under the control of Atlantis. When Atlantis and
Lemuria finally sank into the oceans, the Incas built their spiritual
society atop the ruins, in Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru. The
Brotherhood of the Seven Rays became the leading force in their
spiritual life. So, over time, Aramu Muru gave the Incas the use
of the Golden Sun Disc. The Incas placed the Golden Sun Disc
inside their Temple of the Sun, in the Peruvian city of Cusco.
They used it to receive information directly from the Sun god, Tiki
Viracocha, the Universal Mind at the centre of the galaxy.
This enormous disc stood in the Temple of the Sun until
the 1500s when the Spanish conquistadors landed in Peru and
destroyed the temple. At that time, Aramu Muru moved it to Lake
Titicaca where it remained hidden beneath the waters, in a
subterranean temple at the monastery of the Brotherhood of the
Seven Rays. The indigenous people of South America are now
patiently awaiting the Pachacuti, the return to Unconditional Love
the Return of the Inner Sun. There is a mechanism that will
allow us to rise to the level of Unconditional Love. Its an energy
vortex that takes in one form of energy and weaves it into
another. These weavers are solar discs, which are located in


various places around the world. They are objects of perfection

that were once used to regulate the synergy of the fundamental
forces of the Earth with that of mankind and the celestial realms.
The Atlanteans used base-12 mathematics. So they
constructed twelve major solar discs, one of which will, in turn,
be activating all of the others. And that disc is the ancient Golden
Sun Disc that was hidden within Lake Titicaca so long ago. It is a
perfect battery for both receiving and transmitting the higher
dimensional energies that are required for Earths ascension.
These twelve solar discs emit zero point energy energy of pure
Unconditional Love that can only exist in the fifth dimension and
above. They are spiralling strands of DNA the DNA for the new
Terra Nova Earth. The Golden Sun Disc was recorded in the
year 2010. It was activated on November 11, 2011. That was the
triple date of 11-11-11. On the first New Moon of the year 2012,
an energy that was first received within the Great Pyramid was
transmitted to these
twelve Sun Discs.
There have been
additional coded
influxes of energy
released on the
equinoxes, eclipses
and solstices of
2012, culminating on
the 12-12-12 triple
date. These energies
have increased exponentially in potency. On December 21,
2012, the composite frequencies of the twelve Sun Discs came
together as one, in an event that was felt throughout the
Cosmos. Taken from


Amaru Muru. (Serpentine Father) Amaru Mayu

(Serpentine Mother)
Before the final destruction
of Lemuria, Sanat Kumara,
grandfather to the Solar
Brotherhood assigned his heir
Aramu Muru and 12 other
"Serpentine Lords" to take the
records and power objects of the
Amaru to various parts of the world
for safekeeping. Source unknown
Amaru Muru Kings and their
servants from the stars, depicted on
rock wall in the American Rockies.
The Zohar is said to have passed from Adam to Noah
and then to Abraham, who immigrated to Egypt. The Zoharm or
the Books of Splendor was the original texts of the Kabbalah. An
earlier priest cult in Egypt was specifically formed to take care of
the Royalty that went by the title of Messah or Crocodile Lords,
who also lay claim to the Adam or Amen (Sun King) as being
their Kamara.- Unknown
Amaru Muru in the final
days of Lemuria established the
Rings of each of the Children of
the Sun, the Solar
Serpents. Each Ring there was
then appointed a circle
comprising of 13 priests, and 13
priestesses, the head the
spiritual leader or Amaru. Each
Ring was then instructed to
take their records of ancient
wisdom to their respective
regions and hide the items at


specific locations, deep within the chambers of ancient

mountains; until it was the time of the Awakening! Each Amaru
had direct contact with the being known as Sanat Kumara, the
first Kumara, the Aten-Adama. Akhenaten received his teachings
in the Brotherhood of the Seven Rays, from the Amaru in a
secret school.
As I researched I discovered Mark Amaru Pinkham and
read his wonderful book The Return of the Serpents of
Wisdom. I was totally blown away when I read the following
words They dwell within immutable, physical bodies which
survive for hundreds of years, although they experience the
world primarily out of an immortal fourth dimensional dragon
body, an ethereal sheath which surrounds and permeates the
physical body. If they so desire they can extricate the Dragon
body from its physical sheath and travel within it to distant
locations in the universe. At the death the Serpents of Wisdom
can detach the Dragon body from it material sheath and relocate
within it to one of the many Paradise Realms of the Immortal.
This made sense of the strange visions I had been having when I
saw Serpent beings of light travelling the dimensions of the
universe in giant plasma bodies of Dragons. What I was seeing
was the offspring of Ananda Hari, the souls of the Serpent
travelling in astral bodies of dragons, seeding planets with life.
They created forms within the lower dimensions upon fertile
planets, forms which eventually they could incarnate into and
then walk the planet in bodies of density.
Mark talked about how below the Angelic Serpents, the
Seraphim (of which I am one) came the many Serpent Extraterrestrial races. As interplanetary, intergalactic, interstellar
Serpents they moved freely inside of immortal Dragon bodies or /
space craft. They travelled the universe supporting newly
developing species through their evolutionary processes. For
millions of years these Serpent Extra-terrestrials visited our solar
system to assist in its evolution. During their visitations they built
interplanetary bases, often in pyramidal form. They built
pyramids on Mars, Venus and Earth. NASA has found pyramids
on both Mars and Venus though it is keeping this information
from the public view. They could monitor the species


evolutionary cycles through these structures and often returned

at times of change to help usher in a new paradigm or shift in
consciousness. One such shift came in the times when two
landmasses upon the earth divided into two and became the two
Dragon Lands, which we know as Lemuria and Atlantis.
Lemuria was known to me as Kumari Nadu, Motherland of
the Serpents of Mu, of which I was one. I was here in the
beginning before the planet was as solid as we know her today. I
was part of a race of Serpent Souls who travelled here from
another dimension to aid in the seeding of life upon the planet.
Serpent Extra-terrestrials began arriving on Lemuria from all
corners of the universe to partake in a divine seeding of a
paradise planet. The Serpents designed the landscape
according to the divine minds plan. All solidified form inherited
the spiralling imprint of the Primal Serpent Ananda Hari. When
the work was over some of the Serpents chose to remain behind
upon the earth as nature spirits and devas, so they could monitor
the evolution of the planet and its many species from within the
planetary reality.
One such nature spirit was Ayahuasca. I took an
Ayahuasca journey during which Mother Ayahuasca spoke to
me, she said to me do you know Alloya, you and I are the same.
I did not understand what she meant so she went on to explain
that we were both Daughters of the Vine , that we both came
from this serpentine dna rope which extended from the source
of all light , the Universal Dreamer to the realms of the lower
dimensions. From this vine many races and species were bought
into being. She showed me a huge DNA spiral which was made
of two serpents entwined around each other. One serpent was
Mother Ayahuasca and I was the other. She explained that she
had stayed behind as a sacred vine to monitor and assist those
upon the earth to remember their origins and fire their starfire to
take them back into the stars from whence they came. Mother
Ayahuasca is one of the Serpents who chose to stay behind in
the form of a sacred vine to assist mankind in its shifts in


consciousness; she was one of the Serpent souls who chose to

remain behind as a nature spirit.
Ananda Hari You are a Serpentine Soul, you are a true
androgen, a perfected merging of male and female as one. You
first walked the earth in a dense physical body during the times
of Mu, Lemuria which is recorded in many ancient texts is a
much later story in this time line, however if we follow your tracks
we will also find you there. You incarnated into a dense physical
body when the Goddess Gaia created forms in which you could
inhabit. Many forms could not contain or withstand the vibration
of your serpentine spirit and therefore it took many mutations to
finally create a form that was capable of containing your
serpentine / dragon soul. A hermaphrodite form was chosen from
within the waters of Gaias planetary body, this form was
rudimentary but able to hold the immense high energy
frequencies which you naturally carried in your Serpentine Soul.
It was a perfect body to express the androgen of your nature; the
hermaphrodite form enabled the perfect balanced merging of
your male and female polarities to be expressed in a physical
form. Itzhim and Itzme were the male and female energies
combined which created the androgen Serpentine Soul, for
billions of years they lived as one, only later in the story did these
cells or souls divide.
As billions of earth years passed your Serpentine Soul
passed from one form to another, one vehicle after another, until
you began to walk the earth in a humanoid body. You became
known as the Amaru, a holy order of sages and priests/
priestesses who built the civilisation of Mu and what would later
become Lemuria. You lived in many places in Mu and later
Lemuria, constantly travelling from one temple complex to
another, teaching and instilling your serpentine knowledge to all
who you encountered. Many schools of learning were set up in
the mighty land of Mu; many Serpent Souls now walked in
denser bodies and were now able to directly impart their wisdom
to the indigenous people of earth. As time passed you took on


more of a human appearance, but for the most time remained in

your serpent / dragon form upon the higher levels, only
descending to manifest in the third dimension when called to
play the part of teacher or guide to the human population. With
the ability to shape shift your form you incarnated yourself into
one form after another, never forgetting your previous
incarnation as you walked the way of the Ni Sirian and were able
to pass through death and the Bardo with full memory and
consciousness intact.
You were part of the Solar Brotherhood, and before
coming to earth you
walked the halls of
Sanat Kumara upon
his heavenly home of
The Elders, the
Merus, Meropes,
Muras, A-ra-mas, (
andrognies , the first
Serpents) , the
Amarus,were an
important delegation
of androgenous
interplanetary adepts
who came to Lemuria from the planet Venus, they were called
the Kumaras.
Ma is the female principle of creation and Ra is the
masculine spiritual force , the Ku is the sound as the two
polarities come together to create the divine Androgen. Ku
contains the letter K , a sacred serpent code , an archetypal
symbol of the Serpent ,as is the S of the Sai Ra, another ancient
Serpentine race who also visited earth millions of years ago and
were the original seeders of many of the lesser reptilian species
which flourished in Earths jungle climate. The Kumaras were


masters of love , if you repeat their name over and over Ku Ma

Ra it will open the heart and move it into the resonance of
unconditional love. Kumara is a sound vibration of love which
glues the male Ra with the female Ma into the Androgen of the
On Lemuria the Kumaras established schools of learning
to teach their wisdom teachings. Sanat Kumara sat upon the
Dragon throne of Mu for many thousands of years. The Kumaras
set up thirteen schools of mastery , each school was more
advanced than the previous . The iniate would pass through
each school and each life resurrecting its soul through walking
the way of the Ni Sirian for thirteen lifetimes before he was
considered a master. The iniate would on each of his thirteen
deaths pass through the Bardo fully conscious and reincarnate at
will into a new body and continue its study within one of the
thirteen schools, until it completed all thirteen and then it was
considered a true master. Once they had reached mastery they
were ordained to be a Kumara, and then able to then become an
androgen Serpents of Wisdom. They then lived out the rest of
their incarnations as teachers, priests and kings to the earthy
people. Many of the Lemurians were highly advanced souls and
they existed in the higher realms in their Dragon bodies of pure
C.W. Leadbeater and later adherents of Theosophy such
as Alice A. Bailey believe that Sanat Kumara came to Earth
18,500,000 years ago (A.E. Powell gives a figure of 16,500,000
years ago) from the etheric plane of the planet Venus (Elizabeth
Clare Prophet of Church Universal and Triumphant does not give
a specific date but says it was a minimum of 2,500,000 years
ago). In Theosophy, the beings that helped Sanat Kumara
organize the expedition from Venus are called the "Lords of the
Flame". C.W. Leadbeater and Annie Besant said that Sanat
Kumara brought 30 "Lords of the Flame" with him from Venus to
help him set up his colony.


Sanat Kumara is regarded as the great guru, saviour of

Earth. Believers in him see him in all the major religions, as
Skanda/Kartikkeya in Hinduism, Brahma-Sanam Kumar in
Buddhism, the Ancient of Days in Judeo-Christian traditions, and
identify him as Ahura Mazda in Zoroastrianism (although the last
of these claims is contested from a lack of information on the
subject). It is also considered that Sanat Kumara is Al Khdir
(green man) known to Sufi Muslims (according to
Dakshinamurti). It is maintained in most of these versions of
Theosophy that Venus, The 'Planet of Love', is the most
spiritually advanced planet of our solar system. The beings living
on the etheric plane of Venus are said to be hundreds of millions
of years ahead of us in their spiritual evolution.[12][13] It is said
that the governing council of Venus the Seven Holy Kumars
sent one of themselves, Sanat Kumara, here to guide us.
According to Theosophy, once Sanat Kumara arrived
here, he directed the construction of the city of Shamballa on the
etheric plane above the Gobi Desert to serve as his
headquarters. Elizabeth Clare Prophet teaches that Shamballa
was built physically on the White Island in the Gobi Sea (now the
Gobi Desert), and was only later withdrawn from the physical to
the etheric plane.
The main temple of Shamballa is topped with a golden
dome and is surrounded by seven smaller templesone for
each of the seven rays. These temples are located on a number
of wide boulevards resembling the Champs-Elysees. According
to Elizabeth Clare Prophet, George Washington was divinely
inspired by the Ascended Masters to choose city planner Pierre
L'Enfant to create the city plan of Washington DC which, it is
claimed, he unconsciously modeled on the plan of the city of
Shamballa. Theoretically, the existence of Shamaballa is
scientifically verifiable because, according to Alice A. Bailey,
those who are adept at white magic can travel there in their
etheric body by the technique of etheric projection and see it for
themselves. Wikipedia


Sanat Kumara Long ago, I decided to commit myself to

the mission of holding the light for the evolutions of Terra.
Leaving my home on Venus, I came to this darkened planet
arriving in the place prepared by those who preceded me,
Shamballa. Of those who read these words today, some of you
are among the first to arrive with me from Venus, one of the
144,000 of high Venusian masters, committed like myself to the
welfare of the inhabitants of our sister planet, Terra. - by
Elizabeth Ayres Escher
The Hopi tradition describes the gathering of 144,000
"rainbow warriors" or sundancers who will unite the earth. At
that time, people will have their choice to accept or reject the
Creator's plan for peace on earth. This is prophetically seen as
the return of Quetzacoatl who in the ancient Mayan tradition is
also the God of the planet Venus. In ancient Persia, Sanat
Kumara was revered as Ahura Mazda who appeared to
Zarathustra in the presence of six other beings of light
(kumaras). It is said that in their presence, Zarathustra did not
see his own shadow upon the earth, owing to their great light.
The Solar Brotherhood are all part of the Amethystine
order of the violet flame. Amethystine means "Python" or snake
.The Brotherhood were brought to Earth by Kumara who was
originaly a Pleiadian that traveled to Venus and brought the "Sun
beings" (Angelic Pleiadian beings) to the earth. Read more:
"The Primal Dragon of the Pleiades. Karttikeya (from
Krittika - the Pleiades) with his six heads - the six visible stars of
the Pleiades. It is he, Earth's first dragon, whom we know as
Sanat Kumara, Tawsi Melek (the Peacock Angel) and Lucifer,
the primal Dragon King of the World. The Dragon Mysteries
preceded all others. they are primal secrets regarding all human
evolution. They are the signposts along the primal path of


alchemy leading to Gnosis. The first masters on Earth were all

Dragons and Serpents. They did not come here to deny wisdom,
but to bestow it. Enki, Sanat Kumara, Lucifer. They were all light
bearers and Lords of Alchemy and Gnosis.."
Elizabeth Trutwin Some thousands of years ago Hibaba
originated on Orion. Lyra Humans used to live on a Planet which
orbited Sirius. Sirians remained living in their etheric bodies. The
Kumaras decided to remain incarnate in bodies and moved to a
Constellation in Orion where there were Reptilian humans. It was
Sanat Kumara, the hierarch of Venus who led the Kumaras to
Orion. The Kumaras are all hybrids. They did this so they would
remain incarnate and combine all the DNA of all 12 races. In
time all the Kumaras has incarnate into the 12 races of man and
this lead to the 13th hybrid race which is a mixture of DNA from
all 12 races of man. We are the thirteenth. The Star seeds have
learned it is not the species which defines the person, but rather
the Akashic record of their Soul. This was a compassionate act
of love to combine all the races of man. By doing this it brings
peace. Each One can see there is a part of them in each One.
We Are All One Tribe. The Council of Kumaras have kept the
lineage of Anandas.
Mark Pinkham The wisdom of the Solar Brotherhoods
was passed down through the Royal lineages of Inca priest kings
of Peru to other cultures in the Americas who interacted with the
ancient High Priests and Priestesses of the Amaru and their
descendants. A particular branch of these Kumara became
known as the Viracocha, who were the hybrid children of the
Amaru. They were said to be very tall, perhaps twice the size of
a human of the 21st century; having reddish hair, and blue or
green eyes. Throughout their history, the emperors of the
Viracocha were always associated with the serpent, and with
possessing the knowledge of the Dragon Lords.
I have red hair and blue eyes!



Chapter Eleven .. The Ru of Mu

You are Amarna Amaru, Mother of the Mu Ru, the
guardian of the cosmic egg.
Amaru is Arabic for moon, Muru means grain, as in an
individual grain of corn, muru also means seed or egg, a
Dragons egg.
I had a very strange dream or at least I think it was a
dream. I was aboard a spaceship moving through the myriad
stars of space. I was a strange serpentine being whose
responsibility was to care for the genetic material which was
stored on board. The ship was filled with an immense amount of
genetic data; small glass draws lined the walls each containing
the living light templates of thousands of different species. With
my kind we travelled through space looking for life supporting
planets which we could seed with life. As the dream came to an
end I got a glimpse of what the ship looked like from the outside,
it was just like a moon.
Taken from Moon Matrix article by alloya
The Moon was originally a mother ship to the Pleiadian
collective a group of higher evolved star beings who originally
came from the system of the Pleiades. These higher evolved star
beings resided not upon a planet but within the many stars which
make up this system. They were responsible for seeding much of
genetic life within our galaxy, including the original inhabitants of
earth. The Moon was a hyper dimensional ship whose sole
purpose was to travel the galaxy through the various dimensions
looking for newly forming planets which could house life. Once a
planet was discovered it was monitored by those Pleiadians who
were experts in this regard. The planets were seeded with life
form blueprints which then developed into varying life forms
depending on the kind of planet being seeded. Held within the


ship were laboratories and genetic storage facilities containing

genetic information needed for the seeding.
Moons are often used as seed banks to store genetic
codes, life light templates, needed to seed the planet, it is
orbiting. Not all the moons in the galaxy are natural some are
moved into position by various ET races to aid their mission to
seed planets with life. Our moon originally belonged to a
collective of high dimensional angelic Pleiadian beings. As Star
priestesses they used the moon as a mother seeding ship and
travelled extensively throughout of galaxy until it was captured by
negative Draco forces.
Ananda Hari Imbedding myself into the space time
continuum I incarnated myself into evolving worlds, I created a
multitude of energy patterns, precursors to the DNA molecule.
These precursors, these light life templates descended the levels
passing through the ninth gate to the density of the eighth
dimension. At that point, I was able to create intricate
configurations of light codes, which you now call DNA keys.
These DNA keys were the actual building blocks of life as you
know it. I scattered my seed throughout the Universe, going to
many regions of the ever-expanding galactic clusters. As the
clusters differentiated further into individual galaxies, I began the
process of imbedding myself into the fractal of several regions of
each galaxy. I created many souls; I lay many dragon eggs
within the fertile magnetic dragon pools and watched as
androgynous serpent souls began to hatch. They then ventured
out into the galaxy and began to seed forms on other planets in
which they could incarnate.
I lay my divine dragon eggs in the belly of Gaias
magnetism and watched as my serpentine kin awoke in bodies
of light now only waiting a physical form in which to inhabit. With
many mutations failed finally Gaia created a reptilian form which
could house the high frequency of my serpentine kin. The
Serpent Souls walked into and inhabited the reptilian forms and


the first sentient beings walked the earth. The Saurian Reptilian
race are the original inhabitants of the earth, they were the first
ensouled beings on the earth. They were called the Sa Ur Ru, or
Saurus (tyrannosaurus). Over thousands of years they evolved
to be intelligent, fully conscious, sentient beings that had the
power of language, intelligence and invention. They lived during
the time when the planet was embraced in a deep purple light,
there was no real day and night but instead a constant twilight.
The Purple Dawn of Man-
Yet, even before this Golden Age in which man enjoyed a
tranquil existence devoid of want and bathed in the perfect light
of a perfect and timeless sun, there was a primordial dawn of
eternal twilight, a distant age wrapped in a sea of celestial
purple radiating a dense and global warmth from a single orb
permanently stationed at the far north of the heavens.
To primordial man, this was the time of the Purple Dawn;
the Great Dreamtime of our distant past celebrated in the oral
and written traditions of ancient peoples the world over. At that
time there was no Sun as we know it today. There was no way
to tell day from night. No stars could be seen through the dense
atmospheric purple haze and there was no moon from which to
tell the passing of time by its phases or from which the Earths
oceans could be influenced in great tidal movements. Man lived
in a perpetual state of dusky darkness. The warm and bountiful
purple hue permeated all existence and the nocturnal thrived.
Like an eye looking onto the world from a swirling purple
chaos in the heavens, primordial man would have seen one pale
disk of light radiating its benign presence from a position locked
at the celestial North Pole. It had always been there its presence
an integral, yet silently ethereal part of the Earths landscape and
mankinds experience. Looking back from today we can identify
this primordial sun as a brown dwarf star which would have
radiated more energy than bright light. When taking into account


the descriptions that have come down to us from the ancients,

we can determine that this particular brown dwarf star typically
would have provided a far-reaching hemisphere, or plasma
sheath, which extended out into space in a giant egg-like cocoon
embrace of the Earth. This would have uniformly bounced the
stars warm radiation back onto the planet producing the purplish
primordial glow related to us by these ancient traditions.
To the Ancients of the Golden, Silver and Bronze ages,
this sun-like disk was routinely identified as the god Kronos
(Greek) or Saturn (Latin). It was said to be the original and the
best sun. It was the first sun before the coming of the red star
we today call the Sun. Today, this very same disk seen by the
ancients is now firmly established as the actual planet Saturn, a
former brown dwarf star and now a distant spot of light at the
outer reaches of our current solar system. The journey this disklike orb of light took from being Earths primordial sun to
becoming that distant ringed gas-giant is the story of the known
Ages of Man.
Ananda Hari Within the heliosphere or plasma sheath
which extended out into
space in a giant egg-like
cocoon , my eggs incubated
and I awaited their birth.
Finally large reptilian bodies
walked the earth with the
Souls of my Serpentine kin
inside their skin.
I saw images of an earth which was not as dense as we
find it today; it was fluid and plastic in its ability to morph and
change. I watched many high dimensional beings came to the
earth and inserted the light life templates into the fertile soil of
Gaias magnetic body. I saw the Serpent Goddesses laying their
eggs within the fertile magnetic pools that lay on all major leyline
crossing. I watched as these eggs hatched and from inside


climbed the Serpent souls of light, mini version of Ananda Hari

herself. I watched as they inspired Gaia to create a form that
could hold their energy without degrading , I watched as many
forms were created , many of which failed until finally I saw the
souls of the Serpent walking in dense bodies of reptilian form. I
watched as thousands of years rolled by as the Reptilian Ru
established themselves upon the earth.
Ananda Hari Millions years ago, the reptilian race
containing the Serpent souls built a culture that spread across
the planet. These reptilian sentient ensouled beings were the
first root-race of the Silurian or Devonian period, this was Homo
Reptilia. These were beings with one heart unlike the two hearts
of the Draco. They had the ability to hold soul within their form,
they were ensouled, they had the ability to fire the starfire in the
blood and through this were able to astral travel and merge with
the consciousness of Gaia herself.


The Dinosaurs Had a 64 Million Year Head Start

Stenonychosaurus has been credited with being the most
intelligent dinosaur. Compared with most others, it had a
relatively large brain, although the excess brain volume was
probably not concerned with reasoning and other activities that
could be called "intelligence." Stenonychosaurus had large eyes,
slender flexible fingers, and a light body. The brain was probably
concerned mainly with its highly developed senses, fine control
of its limbs, and fast reflexes, which were used in hunting small
and elusive prey.


In 1982 Dale Russell and R. S_guin (Ottawa) published an

article on Stenonychosaurus. A new partial skeleton had been
discovered in 1967 which provided the basis of the first skeletal
and flesh restoration of Stenonychosaurus. The detailed work of
building the model was illustrated in their paper. In addition to the
restoration, they indulged in an imaginative experiment, posing a
question: What might these intelligent dinosaurs have evolved
into had they not become extinct near the end of the Cretaceous
period about 64 million years ago? Stenonychosaurus proved to
be an interesting choice for the experiment because it was one
of the largest-brained and therefore presumably one of the most
intelligent of all dinosaurs. The result of the experiment was a
creature named "dinosauroid."
One interpretation of the habits of Stenonychosaurus is
that they were lightly built active hunters of small prey perhaps
small lizards and mammals. The long grasping hands, and the
large eyes which pointed partly forward and therefore gave
reasonably stereoscopic vision, may indicate that these were
nimble predators which were active at dusk or even at night
when many small nocturnal mammals would have been active.
Dinosauroid was constructed by extrapolating from these
attributes. It was visualized as a highly intelligent and
manipulative dinosaur. What it might have lacked in speed, it
would have made up for by its superior intellect. This would have
allowed it to avoid potential predators by outwitting them rather
than by running away. As a predator it may have been able to
catch prey both by endurance running and perhaps by making
simple weapons such as primitive Homo sapiens would do 64
million years later.
But let's take the evolution of the Saurian a step further.
Let's say, for the sake of argument, that Stenonychosaurus did
not become extinct at the end of the Cretaceous period and
actually had a chance to evolve into something close to the
Russell-S_guin model. It is remarkable to note that the Saurian
creature bears a striking resemblance to descriptions given by


witnesses during a number of UFO encounters! Long, claw like

fingers, large, elongated eyes, reptilian nostrils, three-toed,
clawed feet, lizard-like skin, small stature and absence of ears
are all features people have reported as belonging to UFO
occupants. Scientists do not know most dinosaurs became
extinct; they assume it because few relatives exist today in forms
recognizable as dinosaurs. But what if one or two examples
actually survived and managed to evolve into highly intelligent
creatures capable of building not only simple weapons, but
sophisticated craft to explore the cosmos?
The Sauroids would have a 64 million year head start on
Homo sapiens. They could have built their empires and space
craft and disappeared among the stars millions of years before
humans ever evolved to walk upon this planet! Or if the Saurians
are not from planet Earth, why not from another where evolution
might have followed a similar pattern with similar, if not identical,
creatures, including dinosaurs, at about the same cosmic time50 to 70 million years ago? While it is fairly certain life does not
exist on any other planet of our solar system, we cannot rule out
the existence of life on any of the billions of other planets that
have revolved about billions of other suns in billions of other
universes for billions of years before humankind ever existed.
Let's face it: When we finally arrive on some distant planet
inhabited by sentient beings, whether more or less intelligent
than ourselves, scientists and intelligence agencies are going to
insist that specimens be returned to Earth, dead or alive, for
study. Knowing this, should we be surprised or outraged if
creatures from other worlds arrive here and begin taking
specimens of earthlings for their own scientific studies? The
requirement for the complete and successful examination of any
living organism is to reduce it to its smallest parts and look at
each cell or atom under a powerful electron microscope or
vaporize small samples in a spectrometer to determine the
elements of which the creature was comprised when it was alive.


Sample parts might suffice for some studies but whole creatures,
alive and dead, will be required for others.
These sample creatures will be acquired for study by
abduction and murder. Period. Those in government agencies
whose business it is to plan and coordinate these missions have
known it all along. It is possible that they are practicing and
honing their skills by abducting and dissecting their fellow
humans from time to time. At the same time, they may be
building their own secret parts bank for the generations of space
travellers who will need spare kidneys, livers, eyes, hearts and
lungs on Mars about three decades hence.
It's a thought, isn't it? Another thought is that the creatures
who crew UFOs might not be from another planet, but might
have been genetically built and incubated right here on earth in
one of those secret underground laboratories, and not by aliens,
but by human tinkerers. Suppose the future astronaut is not a
warm-blooded mammal (human), but a cold-blooded intelligent
reptile (saurian) who can tolerate cosmic radiation better than
humans and who have shown to be able to survive mass
extinctions with little change or effect in their subsequent
behaviour and evolution. Suppose the saurian is not a creature
that lived before us, but is the creature, by genetic manipulation,
some of us are soon to become. Some reptiles, remember, have
an uncanny ability to regenerate lost parts, often two or three
parts. This would prove a real benefit for explorers on a planet
several million miles from home base where spare arms and legs
are not readily available. Some reptiles can survive days or even
weeks between meals while warm-blooded mammals can hardly
exist more than a few hours! Some reptiles appear to be
unaffected by cosmic radiation that is killing human beings by the
thousands. Some reptiles can hibernate for months and years at
a time without suffering adverse effects.


Cruel experiments on
humans in Germany during the
second war helped put
American and Russian
Cosmonauts into space only two
decades later. Those
experiments haven't stopped
simply because we have no
announced plans to return to the
lunar surface soon. This country
is planning a journey to colonize
Mars in less than 30 years!
Imagine what it will take to get
us there and keep us there!-
Sa Ur of Ru are a terrestrial race that evolved on earth
long before humans and still live here unnoticed to this very day.
A Saurian is a reptile humanoid whose ancestor is believed to
belong in the Omithopod class of dinosaur that looked very much
like a miniature version of an Iguanodon.
The first root race was "ethereal", i.e. they were
composed of etheric matter. They reproduced by dividing like an
amoeba. Earth was still cooling at that time. The first mountain to
arise out of the stormy primeval ocean was Mount Meru. The
second root race lived in Hyperborea. The second root race was
coloured golden yellow. Hyperborea included what is now
Northern Canada, Greenland, Iceland, Scandinavia, Northern
Asia and Kamchatka. The climate was tropical because Earth
had not yet developed an axial tilt. The esoteric name of their
continent is Plaksha; they called themselves the Kimpurshas.
They reproduced by budding. The second root race has no
present-day descendants.
The third root race, the Lemurian, was black and lived in
Lemuria. The esoteric name of Lemuria is Shalmali. Lemuria,
according to Theosophists, existed in a large part of what is now


the Indian Ocean and included also Australia and in addition

extended into the South Pacific Ocean; its last remnants are the
Australian continent, the island of New Guinea, and the island of
Madagascar. Lemuria sank gradually and was eventually
destroyed by incessantly erupting volcanoes. In the late 19th and
early 20th centuries, it was thought by geologists that the age of
the earth was only about 200 million years (because radioactive
dating had not yet come into use), so the geological epochs were
believed to have occurred at a much later time than is thought to
be the case today. According to traditional Theosophy, the
Lemurian root race began 34 million years ago, in the middle of
what was then believed to be the Jurassic; thus, the people of
Lemuria coexisted with the dinosaurs. The Lemurian race was
much taller and bigger than our current race. The first three sub
races of the Lemurians reproduced by laying eggs, but the fourth
sub race, beginning 16 million years ago, began to reproduce
like modern humans. As Lemuria was slowly submerged due to
volcanic eruptions, the Lemurians colonized the areas
surrounding Lemuria, i.e. Africa, Southern India and the East
Indies. The descendants of the Lemurian root race according to
traditional Theosophy include the Capoid race, the Congoid race,
the Dravidians, and the Australoid race. Helena Petrovna
Many high dimensional beings came to the earth and
inserted their living light templates into the fertile soil of Gaias
body, over millions of years many of these light templates
created forms within the Gaian matrix , many of them failed but
many managed to stay within the form Gaia had created and
many humanoid beings were created. The Sirian star beings also
came to earth and inserted their light templates and created a
form in which they could then incarnate. These beings were
aquatic, amphibian, the source of many of our earth stories of
For thousands of years these two humanoid races, the Sa
of Ur and the aquatic Sirians lived in harmony side by side. That


was until the Draco heard that their reptilian kin were living side
by side with these beings and so sent hostile forces to the earth
to make a contract with the earth reptilians of Mu to bring them
into their mighty empire. The Ru from Mu were not as hostile or
negative as the Draco Reptilians and therefore did not want to be
forced to join the Draco Empire. The Draco infiltrated the Sa of
Ur and mind controlled them through advanced technology, over
many thousands of years the Sa of Ur mutated into a
representation of their being which was not in the plans of the
original Serpent Souls. The Draco split the androgen souls into
two; they formed into male and female beings and then caused
discord between the sexes which we see the result of this in our
modern era. Many of the Serpent souls took their forms deeper
into the earth to protect themselves from the weapons of the
Draco. Many nuclear explosions were exploded on the earth (
many of which are being recognised by our modern scientists) ,
these caused mutations in the forms and many of the serpent
souls could not inhabit the body and wished to leave the earth
but they could not because the Draco set an electromagnetic
grid around the planet which prevented souls from leaving .
Many of the Sa of Ur now walked the astral planes of earth
without a form; these beings in anguish and under the mind
control of the Draco became demonic in nature and began to be
known as demons in hell.
Sheldon Nidel Dinoids from the Bellatrix system in the
Constellation of Orion and Reptoid colonies from the
Constellation of Sagittarius arrived later to inhabit the Earth. The
Reptoid and Dinoids allowed a mammalian species to evolve to
sentiency. These mammals were called the pre-cataceans. The
pre-cataceans provided food for all 3 colonies in exchange for
technology which in turn improved their production rate further.
These 3 civilizations co-existed in harmony trading among one
another for over 8 million years. All 3 civilizations developed
advanced forms of space/time travel. The pre-cataceans
developed their spiritual side, such as psychic abilities,


A Dinoid/Reptoid Alliance from Bellatrix, believing they

were superior to the pre-cataceans, came to Earth to cease all
cooperation with the pre-cataceans and wanted to put them
under their control. Over time, the Earth Dinoids and reptoids
became more and more influenced by the Bellatrix
Dinoid/Reptoid Alliance. The Pre-cataceans, through their high
psychic abilities, began sensing the aggression against them and
came to see the threat presented by the Dinoid/Reptoid
civilizations. Being given permission for the Earth Spiritual
Hierarchies, the Pre-Cataceans decided to implode their fusion
reactors located in the Ural Mountain Range. The Pre-cataceans
divided into two groups. One group evacuated out of our solar
system to the constellations of Pegasus and Cetus and the other
group altered themselves physically so that they could enter the
oceans and find haven. This group is now our present day
cataceans such as the dolphins and whales. The entire
transformation process occurred over a period of 4 million years.
When the transformation was complete and the later sector was
safe, the first sector imploded the fusion reactors, destroying
98% of the Dinoid/Reptoid civilizations, the survivors evacuated
to the planet in our solar system, Maldek.
Stewart Swordlow - Stewart Swerdlow, in this lecture talks
about the real history of planet earth and humanity. Many
subjects are covered including the creation of blue blood elites
(Illuminati) and new world order agenda
Complete interview with a Reptilian, Lacerta
Around 65 million years ago, many of our un-advanced
ancestors from the dinosaur race died in a great global
cataclysm. The reason for this destruction was not a natural
disaster - an asteroid impact as your scientists believe falsely but a war between two enemy alien groups that took mainly


place in the orbit and high atmosphere of your planet. According

to our limited knowledge about the early days this global war was
the first alien war on planet earth but it was definitely not the last
(and a future war is coming soon, while a "cold war" - as you call
it - between alien groups is on-going since the last 73 years on
your planet.) The opponents in this 65 million year old war were
two advanced alien species, whose both names are again not
pronounceable for your tongues. Im able to say them but it
would hurt your ear if I tell you the names in their original way.
One race was humanoid like your species (but much older) and
was from this universe; from a solar system in the star
constellation you call "Procyon" today in your maps. The other
species - about which we know not so much - was a reptilian
species, but they have nothing to do with our own species,
because we have evolved from local saurians without exterior
influence (accept the successful manipulation of our own genes
by us. More about that later.) The advanced reptilian species
came not from this universe but from a - well, how should I
explain it to you. Your scientists have not really understood the
true nature of the universe, because your illogical mind is not
able to see the easiest things and relies on wrong mathematics
and numbers. This is part of the genetic programming of your
kind to which I will come later. Let me say, that you are nearly as
far away from the understanding of the universe as you were 500
years ago.
To use a term you will maybe understand: the other
species came not from this universe but from another "bubble" in
the foam of the Omniverse. You would call it maybe another
dimension, but this is not the right word to describe it correctly
(by the way, the term dimension is generally wrong in the way
you understand it.) The fact you should remember is, that
advanced species are able to "walk" between bubbles by use of as you would call it - quantum technology and sometimes in
special ways only by use of their mind (my own species had also
advanced mental abilities in comparison to your species, but we
are not able to do the matter-string/bubble changing without


technology, but other species active on this planet are able and
this looks to you like magic as it had to your ancestors.)
Back to our own history: the first species (the humanoids)
had reached Earth around 150 years before the reptilians and
they built some colonies on the former continents. There was a
large colony on the continent you call "Antarctica" today and
another one in the continent you call "Asia" today. These people
lived together with animal-like saurians on the planet without
problems. When the advanced reptilian species arrived in this
system, the humanoid colonists from "Procyon" tried to
communicate peacefully, but they were not successful and a
global war started within months. You must understand that both
species were interested in this young planet not for his biology
and undeveloped species, but for only one reason: raw material,
especially copper. To understand this reason, you must know
that copper is a very important material for some advanced
species (even today) because it is - together with some unstable
materials - able to produce new stable elements if you induce a
high electromagnetic field in the right angle with a high nuclear
radiation field to produce an over-crossing of fluctuating fields.
The fusion of copper with other elements in such a
magnetic/radiation field-chamber can produce a force field of
special nature that is very useful for various technological tasks
(but the base for this is an extremely complex formula you are
not able to discover because of the restrictions of your simple
mind.) Both species wanted to have the copper of Planet Earth
and for this reason they fought a not very long war in space and
orbit. The humanoid species seemed to be successful during the
first time, but in a last battle the reptilians decided to use a
mighty experimental weapon - a special kind of fusion bomb
which should destroy the life forms on the planet but should not
harm the valuable raw materials and the copper. The bomb was
fired from space and detonated at a point of your planet you call
"Middle America" today. As it detonated in the ocean, it produced
an unpredictable fusion with hydrogen and the effect was much
stronger than the reptilians had expected. A deadly radiation, an


over-production of fusion-oxygen, a fall-out of different elements

and a "nuclear winter" for nearly 200 years were the result. Most
of the humanoids were killed and the reptilians lost their interest
on the planet after some years for (even for us) unknown
reasons - maybe because of the radiation. Planet Earth was on
its own again and the animals on the surface died. By the way,
one result of the fusion bomb was the fall-out of different
elements and materials created in the burning process and one
of those materials was Iridium. Your human scientists today see
the Iridium concentration in the ground as an evidence for an
asteroid impact that killed the dinosaurs. That is not true, but
how should you know that?
Well, most of the dinosaurs died (not all in the detonation
but in the bad things which came after the war, especially in the
nuclear winter and in the fall-out.) Nearly all dinosaurs and
reptilians were dead within the next 20 years. Some of them
especially those in the oceans were able to survive for the next
200 to 300 years even in this changed world, but these species
also died, because the climate had changed. The nuclear winter
ended after 200 years, but it was colder on earth than before.
Despite the cataclysm, some species were able to survive: fish
(like the sharks), birds, little creepy mammals (your ancestors),
various reptiles like crocodiles... and there was a special kind of
small but advanced dinosaurs which had developed together
with the last large animal-reptilians like the species you call
This new reptile was walking on two legs and looked at
little bit like your reconstruction of an Iguanodon (it originated in
this family) but it was smaller (around 1.50 meters tall) with some
humanoid features, a changed bone structure, a larger skull and
brain, a hand with a thumb which was able to grab things, a
different organism and digestion, advanced eyes in the middle of
the head like your eyes and most important...with a new and
better brain structure. This was our direct ancestor. There are
theories that the radiation from the bomb took part in the


mutations of the organism of this new breed, but this is not

proven. Nevertheless, this little humanoid-like dinosaur evolved
during the following 30 million years (as I have said earlier, a
species need generally more time to evolve than you think, if the
evolution is not artificially induced like in your case) from an
animal to a more or less thinking being. These beings were
intelligent enough not to die in the next millions of years,
because they learned to change their behaviour, they lived in
caves instead in the cold nature and they learned to use stones
and branches as first tools and the use of fire as help to warm
them - especially to warm their blood which is very important for
our kind to survive. During the next 20 million years this species
was divided by nature into 27 sub-species (unfortunately, former
reptilian species were prone to divide themselves in a more or
less illogical way into sub-species during the evolution process.
You can clearly see this in the unnecessary high number of
animal-dinosaur species in earlier times) and there were many
(mainly primitive) wars between this sub-species for dominance.
Well, nature was not very friendly to us and as far as we
know from the 27 sub-species 24 were extinct in primitive wars
and in evolution, because their organism and mind was not
developed enough to survive and (as main reason) they were not
able to change their blood temperature in the right way if the
climate changed. 50 million years after the war and after the end
of Dinosaurs, only three (now also technological) advanced
reptilian species were remaining on this planet together with all
the other lower animals. Through natural and artificial
crossbreeding these three species were united to one reptilian
species and through the invention of genetic manipulations, we
were able to "eliminate" the dividing-prone genes in our genetic
structure. According to our history and belief, this was the time
when our final reptilian race - as you see me today - was created
by use of genetic engineering. This was around 10 million years
ago and our evolution nearly stopped at this point (well, actually
there were some minor changes in our look toward a more
humanoid and mammal-like appearance during the coming ages,


but we have not divided again into sub-species). You see, we

are a very old race in comparison to your kind, which was
jumping around as small monkey-like animals in the trees at this
time while we invented technology, colonized other planets of
this system, built large cities on this planet (which disappeared
without a trace in the ages) and engineered our own genes while
your genes where still those of animals.
10 million years ago the small simians started to grow and
they came down from the trees to the ground (again because of
the change of the climate - especially on the so-called African
continent.) But they evolved very slow as it is normal for a
mammal and if nothing extraordinary had happened to your kind,
we wouldnt be able to sit here and talk because I would sit in my
comfortable modern house and you would sit in your cave
clothed with fur and trying to discover the secrets of fire - or you
would maybe sit in one of our zoos. But the things had
developed differently and you believe now you are the "crown of
creation" and you can sit in the modern house and we must hide
and live beneath the earth and in remote areas. Around 1, 5
million years ago, another alien species arrived at Earth (it was
surprisingly the first species since over 60 million years. This
would be more surprising for you if you would know how many
different species are today here.) The interest of this humanoid
species - you call them "Illojim" today - was not the raw material
and the copper, it were to our astonishment the un-advanced
ape-humanoids. Despite of our presence on this planet, the
aliens decided to "help" the apes to evolve a little bit faster, to
serve them in the future as some kind of slave-race in coming
wars. The fate of your species was not really important for us,
but we didnt like the presence of the "Illojim" on our planet and
they didnt liked our presence on their new "galactic zoo" planet
and so your sixth and seventh creation was the reason for a war
between us and them. You can read about that war for example
partly in the book you call "Bible" in a very strange way of
description. The real truth is a very long and difficult story.


Chapter Twelve . URU Empire

Ru often shows up in many of the names given. I
wondered what it meant so back to the research. Ru is the name
of the original reptilian Serpentine Empire of our galaxy. There
are ancient words or tones which have travelled through time,
encoded with the information of your galactic history. Billions of
years ago there were many reptilian and Serpentine races
seeded into the galaxy, many of which fell in consciousness
through the control of the El Mar or Amar Empire. One of these
races inhabited the constellation of Orion. This was the mighty
empire URU. The URU Empire extended throughout pretty much
the entire galaxy and even beyond. It was ruled by the Orion
Queens who resided upon a palace planet in the very heart of
Fallen Seraphim Dragons attempted to purify themselves
through the heat of the three suns shining- Ananda Hari.
Did she mean the three suns or stars of Orions belt?
Orion's Belt is an asterism in the constellation of Orion. It
consists of the three bright stars Alnitak, Alnilam and Mintaka.
These stars form a stargate which is called the 11.11 stargate it
is a lens through which higher consciousness can project
themselves and manifest into duality. By passing through the
stargate beings from higher dimensions can access our galaxy
and the lower dimensions, once they pass through they are split
in two and for the first time experience being male and female,
two separate but joined consciousness. Many fallen Angelic
entities passed through this gateway to recalibrate their Souls on
their way to Earth.


three stars in
Orion's belt
anchor what
is known as
"the Zone of
The upper
half of the
is the
location of
the Lords of
from its chief
the lower half of the constellation is the location of the Lords of
Darkness, governed from its chief Star, Rigel. If you follow the
outline of the main stars of each half, you will see that each zone
roughly forms a triangle and where they overlap they form a
combined zone, which is diamond shaped. This is called the
Zone of Overlap. The Zone is anchored by the 3 Stars that form
Orion's belt.
The Sumerian name for Orion was URU AN-NA, meaning
light of heaven.
According to Alex Collier:
"I want to talk to you about Lyrae and how the human race
colonized our galaxy. Based on the age of the Suns and the
planets in our galaxy, it was decided that the human life form
was to be created in the Lyran system. The human race lived
there for approximately 40 million years, evolving. The
orientation of the human race in Lyrae was agricultural in nature.


Apparently, we were very plentiful and abundant, and lived in

peace. Then, one day, huge craft appeared in the sky. [Editor
Note: This scenario is the theme of the movie Independence
Day, to air in the theatres nationally on July 7, 1996]. A large
ship came out of the huge craft and approached the planet Bila,
and reptilians from Alpha Draconis disembarked. Apparently, the
Alpha Draconians and the Lyrans were afraid of each other. I
told you before that the Alpha Draconians were apparently the
first race in our galaxy to have interstellar space travel, and have
had this capability for 4 billion years. Well, when the Draconians
came and saw Bila, with all its abundance and food and natural
resources, the Draconians wanted to control it. There was
apparently a mis-communication or misunderstanding between
the Draconians and Lyran humans. The Lyrans wanted to know
more about the Draconians before some kind of assistance
was offered. The Draconians mistook the communication as a
refusal, and subsequently destroyed three out of 14 planets in
the Lyran system. The Lyrans were basically defenceless. The
planets Bila, Teka and Merck were destroyed. Over 50 million
Lyran humans were killed.
It is at this point in history that the Draconians began to
look at humans as a food source. This is how old the struggle is
between the reptilian and human races. Now, I must make the
point that not all the reptilian or human races are dark. There is
a mix. When we start meeting these races, you are going to have
to trust your gut instinct. But, they are coming. Hale Bopp is on
its way here. It is not a comet. The Draconians: AC: The
Draconians are the force behind the repression of human
populations everywhere in this galaxy instilling fear-based belief
systems and restrictive hierarchies. I asked Morenae about
them, and he said, The Draconian race is probably the most
understood race of beings. I have witnessed a deep respect for
this race. The Andromedans consider the Draconians the
ultimate warriors, in a negative sense. Moranae continues,
The Draconians are the oldest reptilian race in our universe.
Their forefathers came to our universe from another separate


universe or reality system. When this occurred, no one really

knows. The Draconians themselves are not really clear on when
they got here.
The Draconians teach their masses that they were here in
this universe first, before humans, and as such they are heirs to
the universe and should be considered royalty. They find disgust
in the fact that humans do not recognize this as a truth. They
have conquered many star systems and have genetically altered
many of the life forms they have encountered. The area of the
galaxy most densely populated with Draconian sub-races is in
the Orion system, which is a huge system, and systems in Rigel
and Capella. The mind set or consciousness of the majority of
races in these systems is Service-to-Self, and as such they are
always invading, subverting and manipulating less advanced
races, and using their technology for control and domination.
This is a very old and ancient war, and the peace that does not
exist is always being tested by these beings, who believe that
fear rules, and love is weak. They believe that those they
perceive to be less fortunate, in comparison to them, are meant
to be slaves. This belief system is promoted at birth in the
reptilian races, wherein the mother, after giving birth, will
abandon the offspring to fend for themselves. If they survive they
are cared for by a warrior class that uses these children for
games of combat and amusement. So, you can see that the
reptilians are forever stuck in survival mode. This means they
have no boundaries in what they will do to other beings.
Morenae continues, It is engrained in them never to trust a
human. They are taught the Draconian version of the history of
the Great Galactic War, which teaches that humans are at fault
for invading the universe, and that humans selfishly wanted the
Draconian society to starve and struggle for the basic materials
that would allow them to exist.
The Reptilians enjoy human flesh, and human children
best, for two reasons. The first is that children don't have the
accumulation of pollutants in their bodies that adults do, and


when children are put into a state of fear, their energy and field
and andrenylin just explodes. The reptilians get a "rush" from this
The Draconians and the Paa Tal:
The Alpha Draconians, a reptilian race composed of
master geneticists, tinker with life - which from their perspective
exists as a natural resource. The Draconians look at life forms
which they have created or altered as a natural resource.
Apparently, the Alpha Draconians created the primate race,
which was first brought to Mars and then to Earth. The primate
race was then tinkered with by many other different races - 21
other races - resulting in the primate race having been modified
22 times. This primate race eventually became Homo Sapien
Sapiens. - who we are on a physical level. Yes, we used to have
12 strands of DNA. Ten strands were taken out by a group from
Orion in order to control us and hold us back. Why would they
want to hold us back?
The reason the Orion group wanted to hold us back was
because they found out that we were on a soul level. Again,
according to the Andromedans, we humans are part of a group
of energies that they know of as the Paa Tal. The reason that the
Andromedans use the word Paa Tal, which is by the way a
Draconian word, is because the Draconians have legends about
warring with a race that was creating human life forms that were
opposed to Draconian philosophy. The Paa Tal created life forms
that could evolve on their own, with free expression. The
Draconians, on the other hand, created races to function as a
natural resource for their pleasure. So, you have two very
different philosophies."
Commentary from Dan Winter: The politics of the
interventionist Draco trading colonies (see Dune - whose
Arrakeis - the home star of Dracos and Dune - is correctly
located in Alpha Draconis) - definitely became represented by
Enlil / Yahweh / Michael side of the An - Annunaki family. Also


should be seen as the roots of insurance and banking on Earth.

The Templar followers of the MAG (Draco matriliny) line are
often credited with 'inventing' insurance and banking for the
west. This is absurd - since they had already installed such
industry - so close to fear and extortion - to HARVEST
COLONIES on hundreds of planets. The "skull and bones" Orion- origins of the Piracy and Extortion story is an example of
insurance and banking that loses its public relations budget.
Later - as Enlil / Yahweh under the name of 'God"
Michabo (Michael) installs genetic rules in Aboriginal Australia
and the America's he is following the Drac tradition entirely
focused on preventing change - and facilitating harvest of
colonies- like forests whose only purpose is to be cut down. At a
deeper level we should investigate the connection between loss
of DNA implosion - the physics of loss of soul & access to BLISS
- called NEPHILIM which befell these Draco (lost Seraphim)
families. Loss of fire in the blood created loss of lucid dreaming,
loss of "ensoulment" and LOSS OF LONG TERM MEMORY.
Part of their problem was loss of ability to navigate in time travel
('`Guild Navigator' in Dune - star navigating time travellers, able
to warp space from within) - due to this loss of DNA coherence.
Not unlike one of their resultant cultures - TIBETAN - who are
intensely aware that there is no steering their collective cultural
direction (time travel) without a leader who IS able to remember
past lives. This is exactly what Draco lost. It is profound to
compare this to Zulu shaman leader last week bemoaning to us
how his grandchildren lost the ability to lucid dream just after
they suffered being immunized. This is an example of how Borg fallen Drac empires treat DNA. By not loving their genes enough
to set them free - they blind their children.
For more information on the Draco
Taken from above the inner Earth provided a
subterranean locale for the Reptilians to regroup and formulate


plans to retake the surface. At this point, the Reptilians were

completely cut off from their home in the Draco constellation.
Their spaceship, the Moon, was in human hands. They were
alone, isolated on a now hostile planet. They needed to defend
themselves. They developed a plan to insidiously retake the
surface by blending their genetics with the genetics of the
surface humans. Because the human prototype already had
Reptilian genetics, it was easy to access the mind-pattern. The
Reptilian frequency was already established in the brain stem as
well as the Reptilian brain section of these hybrid humans.
The population of Sumer was chosen as the starting point.
These humans were primarily descendants of the Martian,
Maldekian, and Lyraen refugees. The Reptilians have a
preference for the genetics of blonde-haired, blue-eyed people
whose mind-patterns and genetics are so easily controlled. They
abducted members of the ruling classes, including political
leaders. Using these humans, they began a new hybridization
program that took several generations to perfect. Their goal was
to reach a human/ reptilian genetic 50/50 split. This would
produce a human-looking Reptilian that could easily shape shift
from Reptilian to human, then back again. Shape shifting was
accomplished simply by concentrating on the genetics the hybrid
wished to open, or lock up, whatever the case may be. For this
program the Reptilians engaged the help of the Sirians who had
the technology to implement such a program. The Sirians knew a
lot about genetic alterations and mind-programming, which they
freely shared with the Reptilians. Once the hybridization program
was complete, the Sumerian leaders were now shape shifting
Reptilians. The new Reptilian hybrid became the elite of that
culture. Their blood, because of the increased Reptilian DNA,
contained more of a copper content. Since copper-based blood
turns blue-green upon oxidizing, these Reptilian hybrids were
called "Bluebloods".
I remember the beings from Sirius B well. I attended a
past life regression workshop during which we moved back


through time to the times of Atlantis. I found myself to be a

powerful black skinned shaman who could communicate with the
plants and animals. The landscape was a jungle paradise; upon
the horizon was a clear crystal pyramid of huge proportions. We
were asked to go to our death in this lifetime and I found myself
in this incarnation looking to the sky to see many space ships
coming in to land. The crew aboard ship stepped out on to the
surface of the planet; I intuitively knew they were from Sirius B.
They appeared humanoid, not too dissimilar to modern humans
but they had cone shaped heads, similar to Akhenaton.
Their skin was a greyish white it looked like they did not
get too much sun, their eyes were a silver grey, cold and logical.
They descended from their ships with slaves in tow; small grey
alien beings who I presume were the Greys, were enslaved by
these Sirian Beings. Each Sirian had a Grey chained by a wire
around its neck, I somehow knew that this was not only a binding
device but it was also a device of torture. The Sirian master
could send extremely painful electrical frequencies through the
wire to torture and ultimately mind control the Grey being. The
Grey beings looked totally hypnotised, their eyes lifeless, their
bodies limp unless given a command by its Sirian master. I
remember having such compassion for these enslaved Grey
beings I wanted to free them. I even think I tried because the
next thing I knew I had been prodded by what looked like a cattle
prod which not only caused me immense pain, it also somehow
activated some part of my brain and through this I was
entranced. I saw myself change or rather shape shift ever so
briefly into a reptilian being. The torture device had activated my
reptilian brain through pain and fear and through this my mind
control imprisonment began.


Chapter thirteen . The A-Ma-Su-Ta

The Goddess, The Great Architect of the Universe, can
manifest as a being in a universe of her creation.
Ananda Hari There are always evolving forces within the
universe, once beings and star races have evolved past a certain
point, they may become overseers of their own universe and will
be responsible for what is created within it. They become the
Designers or builders of that particular universe. Each universe
has their own Designers; each universe is unique, based on
goals set by the Serpent Mother Goddess. The Daughters of the
Worm are the ones who initially seed plant, insect, and animal
life on a young, non-inhabited planets, and eventually they also
seed more intelligent life, life that is fit for interdimensional travel
through both space and time. Most of the time the Mother
Goddess does not insert herself into the universe , instead
watches from the Pleroma as her creation evolves within the
stars. Occasionally if impulse asks it, the Serpent Mother
Goddess will enter her creation through the mediums or vehicles
of soul she finds in her creation. She will choose a soul who is
able to navigate the stargates and passageways of the AbZu,
who can walk the way of the Ni Sirian and become awake and
aware in her creation. You are one of those souls; I choose you
as my vehicle so that I could inhabit my creation and guide it
from within.
You are a daughter of the worm , you are a serpentine
soul who has tracked its way through many dimensions, and
realities , many worlds have been your home, now you reside
here upon the earth , representing many races as one being.
Many races have arisen from the design which resonates deep
inside the codes of your DNA, many races have fallen, unable to
ascend back to the stars, they are lost, you are their only hope.
As my journey continued with Ananda Hari, she showed
me my serpentine lineage, which seemed to be appearing
randomly as memory accessed from my soul records. Images of


other beings, other worlds and other realities flashed by my inner

eye, triggering old memories and feelings. I began to put more
pieces together. I came to discover that I had visited the earth in
my astral light body of the dragon and had seeded life upon the
earth , the result of which were the Saurian reptilians in the times
of Lemuria . I had incarnated into many forms along the way, the
principle incarnation being, the one I lived in Egypt as Amarna
Amaru, spiritual advisor to Akhenaton. I was an eternal being of
serpentine lineage, one that incarnated and manifest itself upon
the earth in many different guises. My journey as this being did
not start there; I also visited Venus and spent time with the
Kumaras, the ancient Dragon clan. I tracked the serpentine line
further back in time, reaching out into the galaxy, following a
signal of some sort to my destination in the stars of Ursa Major.
Within the stars of Ursa Major I found the next chapter in
the story, I discovered a serpentine/ reptilian race that had once
been mighty empire in this sector. I found a race of highly
evolved female dragon priestesses who resided and seeded life
within the stars of the Bear. I discovered I had been one of them.
My name was Ta- Ra- An, Life-Radiator of An.
Ananda Hari A mighty empire of Reptilian humanoids
inhabited the stars of Ursa Major. The female of the race of Ta
Sum (Ta life, Sum- language) were the A-Ma-Su-Ta, the place
of the Serpents of life . (Ma = place or dwelling of, Su = serpent
and Ta = life.) The A-Ma-Su-Ta were the life designers ,
supreme geneticists they were the creators of many ancient
cultures , they propagated and controlled life within the system
.They were highly telepathic , they were the high Dragons of
Ursa Major .
There are seven major stars in the Ursa Major system,
Merak, Dubhe, Megrez, Mizar, Alioth, Al Caid, and Al Cor. I
seeded races of serpentine beings into all but one system , that
being Megrez, as it was unstable, due to fractal distortion caused
by fallen Seraphim interference. I watched as many seedings


failed in both physicality and in ensoulment, but after many

billions of years forms capable of holding charge began to thrive
in the sacred places of my seeding.
The race of A-Ma-Su-Ta were hermaphrodite reptilian/
serpentine humanoids that I seeded upon the inhabitable planets
in this system and they developed, evolved and spread far and
wide. They were of a feminine orientation, and therefore had a
direct connection to the higher dimensional Dragons of which I
am one. They were divinely guided and directed by the Seraphim
Dragons of the Sacred Flame. With their DNA codes still intact
the A-Ma- Su-Ta, had the ability to travel through the lower
dimensions, 1st, second, third and fourth, and had the ability to
navigate the Abzu. They carried in their DNA the keys to
unlocking many of the stargates on the lower levels and used
these stargates as means of travel within their sector. They held
complete power and authority over the stargates within all the
sectors they inhabited. They at one time held the Pesh Meten,
the ninth passage.
Terra Papers, Robert Morning Sky A 'Star Lane' known
as the PESH-METEN (Ninth Passageway) was a vital superstarway linking the inner Central Stars to the outermost edges of
the galaxy. By controlling this Star Lane, the ARI-AN Queens
maintained power over their Empire, collected revenues, and
influenced the political affairs of the Central Stars. Beings
millions of years old guard the galaxy passageways.
They guard the PESH-METEN
A place of travel
It is known as the ninth passageway
It is a highway for star ships
The ASA-ARR-U are the guardians
Of the ninth passageway


The PESH METEN and this circle of bodies

Have belonged to the ASA-ARR-U for many TEBU
The PESH METEN and this solar system is theirs
The PESH METEN was given to the ASA-ARR-U
By the ARI-AN beings
The ARI-AN are born of the CHER-BAH
They are the SSA
The Milky Way, the streams of the stars is a stellar
highway which connects Orion to Earth. Robert Morning Sky
says the royal court of Orion was comprised of the Royal Court
of Nine, the nine females who helped the Queen rule. Since the
Milky Way led from Orion to Earth, then the Pish was the
Stream that led to and from the Royal Court of Nine. The Milky
Way was thus the Stream to the Nine and the Stream of the
Nine. Now in the Sumerian, the word for nine is ilimmu, so the
Milky Way was the Pish Ilimmu, the Stream of the Nine. There
is another word in the Egyptian language that literally means
path in heaven. It is the word meten. That would be an excellent
word to apply to the Milky Way. Maybe you could use the
Egyptian pestch for both nine and stream and the word meten
for path in heaven, the Pesh Meten, the 9th Passage Way
The Pesh Meten- the Golden Pathway through the stars to
the heart of Orion.
Ananda Hari Over time the A-Ma-Su-Ta genetically
created male reptilian humanoids to aid their pleasure. Living in
total devotion to the female deity which is the administrator and
governor of this particular galaxy, they lived in a sister hood, in
constant communion with the Divine Mother, only using the
genetically created males for sexual magic. They did not need
the male for reproduction purposes as they had the ability to


reproduce themselves through the process of Parthenogenesis.

This is a form of asexual reproduction in which growth and
development of embryos occur without fertilization.
The A-Ma-Su-Ta could reproduce and give birth to males
through the process of Parthenogenesis without any exchange
with the males. They could give birth to many hundreds of males
at one time, laying large batches of eggs. A female however
could only be created (not with the introduction of male sperm as
may be thought) but through the arousal of the serpent fire which
the A-Ma-Su-Ta carried within their soul matrix. I inserted into
the living light template which I created as the design or blueprint
for the eventual creation of the A-Ma-Su-Ta, a secret code of
fire, the Agni. Through the activation of this sacred fire a female
A-Ma-Su-Ta could be born, one who was ensouled and able to
carry the fire of Agni. Only through the activation of the Agni
could a Seraphim from the higher dimensions inhabit the reptilian
body and manifest within the lower dimension as an A-Ma-SuTa. Once born this reptilian form would be the home to a highly
evolved Seraphim Dragon of the fire of Agni. The A-Ma-Su-Ta
were easily able to
preserve their genetic
line and were able to
multiply their numbers
through genetics and
their ability to clone .They
were master geneticists
and life generators ,
creating terra-formed
planets to house their
mighty cloned empire.
The A-Ma-Su-Ta spread
far and wide inhabiting
Ursa Major, Hyades,
Pleiades, Orion.
Agni (Sanskrit:


) is a Hindu deity, one of the most important of the Vedic

gods. He is the god of fire and the acceptor of sacrifices. The
sacrifices made to Agni go to the deities because Agni is a
messenger from and to the other gods. He is ever-young,
because the fire is re-lit every day, and also immortal.Wikipedia
Ananda Hari In the beginning of the history or should I
say her story of the A-Ma-Su-Ta , the males were content to live
alone in large groups with no presence of the female , unaware
of the source of the power of the female , they remained ignorant
and considered the A-Ma-Su-Ta the Goddess of Life , the AmShee. They performed the sacred rites of the A-Ma-Su-Ta, in
sexual ritualistic magic, aware that those they served were
immortal unlike they themselves. With correct practice the A-MaSu-Ta were able to extend their lives to many thousands of years
through the activation of the Agni, only upon the murder of their
body did they become mortal, if they protected themselves from
such travesties they could live an immortal existence. The male
Ta- Sum worshipped the A-Ma-Su-Ta, as the Goddess and lived
lives of complete blissful servitude. They partook of the sacred
menses of the A-Ma-Su-Ta, which moved them to bliss, and kept
them in a passive, compliant subservience. The A-Ma-Su-Ta had
the ability to create oil like liquid from their skin when they
activated the Agni. The oil was intoxicating, nourishing and
healing to the males. As the A-Ma-Su-Ta performed their sexual
ritual magic the male was taken to great heights of ecstasy and
heightened consciousness.
The A-Ma-Su-Ta did not see the males as slaves as such
but they were aware that the males were not completely
ensouled and were unable to activate the Agni, and therefore
looked down upon the males as inferior. They took care of the
males and considered themselves responsible for their welfare
and care, however as they lived lives in strict devotion to the Am
Shee, they insisted their laws be obeyed by the male reptilians.


Many more races of dragon beings were seeded into the

galaxy and for a while there was harmony within the species, but
as time passed a terrible war, a war of the sexes did arise.
Fierce and highly arrogant dragon races jealous of the A-Ma-SuTas ability to steer the Agni , began to dominant the A-Ma-Su-Ta
, wishing to pervert the sexual rituals of the A-Ma-Su-Ta for their
sexual pleasure , they perceived the A-Ma- Su-Ta as sexual
objects. Disgusted by these turns of events, the female A-MaSu-Ta withdrew from the males and prevented them from tasting
the delicious menses oil and locked themselves away from the
males, creating purely female cities in which they inhabited as a
sisterhoods. This only increased the anger of the male Ta- Sum,
which resulted in a split between the sexes and a mighty and
terrible war began to wage through the reptilian races.
Many of the A-Ma- Su-Ta were captured and were
horrendously tortured, the males found terrible forms of torture in
order to feed off the terror of the A-Ma- Su- Ta. Through these
means the males attempted to gain immortality and the females'
entire body of knowledge, which was contained in their genetic
code They wanted to harness and control the serpentine power
of the A-Ma- Su-Ta , they too wanted to be creators of clones.
Many A- Ma- Su-Ta were destroyed in the wars in the light
of the stars of the Pleiades.
Anton Parkes All the "Life Designer" priestesses studied
in this high place of apprenticeship. By their own dogma, they
were the miracle workers of life, the great transformers at the
service of the Original Source -- the primordial and universal
Divinity. A few of them had the privilege of planning life on the
planet Ura (the Earth), situated in the prodigious stellar system
Ti-ama-te (the solar system). The enigmatic doctrines of the
priestesses and the Kaditu (Life Designers) were terribly feared
by the males of our race [the Gina'abul].


Chapter Fourteen .Orion Queens & programmed life

Ananda Hari
Your Serpentine
journey did not start
here upon the earth
, though you have
walked the earth in
lizard body , no if we
track your path
backwards in time
and space we find
ourselves moving
beyond Venus, home of the Kumaras to the Nebula of Orion.
You existed in many different forms within the cultures of Orion
from the very beginning of the seeding. You traced your way
through many lifetimes, embodying many different vehicles or
bodies of many species. Many of your lives were of a positive
nature, but as you had been sent on a mission to incarnate and
understand every aspect of the serpentine family. You had to
incarnate into both elevated and fallen branches of the family
tree. The universe is coming to completion and time is running
out for all those races that are incapable of imploding to pass
through the zero. You have been sent on a mission to incarnate
into all branches of the serpentine family to gather information
about how they have fallen and find a way of correcting this
before the completion of the universe. You incarnated into the
Orion Empire over many lifetimes you ascended to the power of
an Orion Queen.
The Orion Queens were the matriarchs of the mighty
reptilian empire. They were reptilian in form and before their fall
they were beautiful indeed. Their bodies were strong and
muscular as is all reptilian form however they were also sensual
and fertile. They lay many hundreds of eggs which later hatched
as male reptilian warrior or slave. Female reptilians were brought


about through sexual ritual. The male reptilian was first used for
sexual pleasure and then eaten alive by the reptilian Queen. This
brought the Queen to heightened states of ecstasy and through
this a female reptilian could be born as a virgin birth from the
body of her Mother. It was an honour for the males to be chosen
for this ritual and they went willingly. The males were sedated
not by a drug but by the oil like liquid which the reptilian Queen
excreted from her skin, when she was receiving pleasure. The oil
of Messah was an intoxicating, mind altering elixir which was
excreted by the Orion Queen which was activated by the firing of
the starfire in the blood.
The excretion of the oil is a gift from my seeding of their
DNA, I gave a part of myself to each of my serpentine family, just
as a Mother passes on her genes within the spiral, the gift of
excretion was the heritage of my kind. Just like I am able on the
upper levels to bring my male Serpent attendants to heightened
states of ecstasy, so could the Orion Queens bring an
awareness of the Goddess to the male reptilians. The Queens
were able to channel the Goddess force of the universe through
their bodies activating the fire of the star within their blood, which
in turn created the most exquisite, intoxicating, potent elixir.
The oil of the Crocodile
Contained within the excretion of the oil like liquid, were
potent and powerful hormones excreted by glands within the
body of the Orion Queen. The hormonal system of an Orion
Queen is different to both the males and the young daughters of
the Orion Mother. The males do not have the ability to create the
oil of the Crocodile from the Abyss. They do not have the ability
to connect with the Goddess of the Universe which is I Ananda
Hari. They do not have the ability to pass through the zero point
to navigate the AbZu. They do not have the ability to time travel
organically through the activation of the star fire. Passing through
the AbZu is the most ecstatic and enriching experience for any
Serpentine being such as yourself. By learning to navigate the


AbZu, you will encounter waves of bliss which will ripple through
you and activate the star fire in the blood enabling you to travel
in a heartbeat to many distant stars. The males did not have this
ability and could not milk the hormonal secretions of the potent
oil like the Orion Queen was able.
The younger female reptilians who had not reached the
heights of Orion Queen were taken instantly they were born into
an order called the Assa Arni. Ni means daughter of royal blood,
the Assa Arni were the daughters of Orion. Rituals were
performed to bring the new daughter to initiation and make her a
member of the sisterhood which is Assa. The daughter was fed
not from milk like a human baby but from the oil itself. The Orion
Queen took many male victims as food to sustain her whilst she
nursed her daughter. Once the daughter was one year old she
then began to nurse her upon the blood of the male until she was
strong enough to eat the normal food of the reptilian culture
which contrary to popular belief was not meat but mainly fruits.
The Mother to daughter connection was severely severed once
the child was one year old; she was taken from her Mother and
did not see her again until she was seven years old. During this
period she was training in telepathy, astral travel, star gate
navigation and dimensional exploration, the training was hard
and came with cruel punishment and often terror was used as a
driving force. Those who survived the tireless training and death
rituals were then taken to the Orion Queen where she was mind
scanned. The Orion Queens had immense telepathic abilities
and could look deeply into anyones mind, for those who had
feeble minds it could bring about a sudden death. For the
daughters it would not kill them but would be the most painful
experience of their entire existence.
The daughter would sit at the feet of the Queen, feeling
like she knows the Queen as of course she does as it is her
Mother. Reptilians do not make the best mothers, they are not
caring and loving like human mothers, they are known to eat
their young males in frenzy at birth. The Queen will look at her


daughter with utter contempt, she explains to her if she finds

anything in her daughters mind which does not adhere to the
rules of the Orion Queens she will kill her body and then trap her
astral form in a permanent torture. The Queen has this ability to
take someone out of their body, hold their astral body in a
holding cell which is brought about through mind magic, within
this cell the Queen can torture the astral body for what seems
like an eternity. The daughter must show no fear to the Queen
and must remain looking deeply into the eyes of the Queen as
she begins to scan her mind. It is the most painful experience,
every nerve is on fire, and the body feels like it is going to
explode. A cold metally ice creeps through the bones looking into
every nook and cranny searching for anything that may be
considered against the Orion Queen. The whole experience only
lasts for several minutes but it feels to the daughter for a
thousand years. The mind is tortured beyond anything a human
could withstand and the body is thrown into a coma state. The
comatose body of the daughter is then dragged by the male
warriors and thrown into a bath of the oil of the Crocodile, where
she remains for many years.
Whilst in this state the daughter is a metamorphose state,
broken she is now open for the transfiguration to begin. Whilst in
the coma her body is transforming, the star fire begins to activate
and hormonal secretions begin to change the form of the coming
reptilian Queen. At approximately 30 years old the daughter is
taken from the bath and prepared for initiation. She is taken
through a ritual of budding. Elegant clothes adorn her body,
jewels and symbols of power decorate her as she enters the
sacred caves of initiation. She is allowed for the first time to sit at
the feet of her Mother, the Orion Queen allows her to see that
she is her Mother and a re-joining occurs. This re-joining triggers
the budding which is the first time the new Queen secretes the
oil herself. Only those most loyal to the Queen are allowed to
drink from her, it is a highly sexual experience and only the loved
males are gifted with such an honour. These males will become


kings to the new Queen. She is then trained over the next 20
years to eventually take the place of the Orion Queen.
The Orion Queen is shown her coming death and
prepares for it .She then performs the Skull tap ritual where she
gives all her knowledge and ancestral heritage to the new
Queen. It is a tense moment, it has been known that this has
killed several new Queens as the electrical charge of the
memory is so powerful it can literally fry the body and cause
death. The Old Queen taps the new Queen on her skull at a
point at the nap of the neck transferring all her ancestral memory
directly into the mind of the new Queen. Once this is successful
the old Queen is taken from her throne , stripped naked and
thrown to the gathering crowds of male reptilians, who eat her
alive. Gruesome I know but that is reptilians for you!
The new Queen is then taken upon several more rituals
before she is announced Queen and if not murdered is capable
of living up to thousands of your earth years.
The Queens, fierce empire of the Uru.
Highly telepathic, they are the ASSA.
The ASSA from URU (Draco), live in the place (DIN),
which is Orion.
DIN ASSA URU (Dinasoar)
The Queens were highly telepathic and could read the
minds of the males and soon developed a hive like mentality, the
Queens held a strict net of consciousness which regulated every
thought of the male reptilians. As the reptilian empire advanced
in technology they began to venture out into space, the male
warriors started conquering neighbouring territories and took
them over. These territories were then ruled by the males who
conquered them, and they became known as the Black Ne Khu
Kings, they were those who had originally drunk from the virgin


Queen. The kings ruled their Kingdoms with an iron fist.

However, in the centre of the empire of Orion, the Queen
remained the ruler. The conquest continued, and the Orion
Empire expanded.
The mighty SSS of Orion, the Queens ruled with a cold
hearts and controlling minds. They were known as the SSS due
to their hissing sound when they talked. Although, the Queen on
the home world was called NEKH-T, where 'T' stood for Queen,
one of her many titles became SSS-SSS, both at home and on
other worlds. In Orion, if you were a person of rank, you doubled
your name; in this case from SSS to SSS-SSS.
nekht might; nekht strength; nekht might; nekht
power; nekht force; nekht strong man (strong individual);
nekht strong men (strong individuals); nekht troops; nekht
forces; nekht fortress; nekht fortified place; nekht, nekhta
giant; nekht, nekhta mighty man; nekht-a strong of arm;
nekht-a warrior; nekhth strength; nekhth strong; nekhti
strong; nekhti mighty; nekht-t strong woman; nekhu to
protect; nekhu to guard over [Egyptian]- Robert Morning Sky
Heru-ka-nekht, the mother of the Horus of Orion
The Queen controls the hive through pheromones while,
her reproductive material acts as the genetic grand central
station for her offspring quotes from Buying Queens: What do
You Need to Know, by Walter Clark.
Remember in DUNE, when the dying Reverend Mother
Queen, passed her memory to her successor? The skulls
touched, and sparks of memory inhabited the dream space of
the younger queen. After that, all of the life memory of the old
queen flowed in the young. The queens blood continued. The
eggs of the females of the line contained the whole. The seeds,
the males contained the part. Fractionation existed in the males,
not the females. This was because the egg born in a woman is
born with her mother, with her mother.


So a memory of foldedness survived in the perfect

contained, embedded, fractality of the geometry of perfect egg. If
you could visualize the spin path into the egg of your mother,
inside her mother, inside her mother.... Then you could
remember like a wormhole into a fractal, your reason for being
and imagining yourself separate in the first place. This was the
key visualization necessary to group/hive memory together in the
advanced Merkabbah/fire breath mediation. Only the pine cone
spin path to the zero point, back into the memory fractal could
keep your collective dream whole, instead of fractionating into
separateness. Dan Winter
Ananda Hari The Orion Queen was highly telepathic and
worshipped the Goddess she had the ability to connect with the
Khaa and have pure telepathic communication with the
Goddess. Through all her reptilian minds she could rule both in
the exterior and interior of her empire. She was thought of as
the Goddess as she was every present in the minds of her
reptilian kin. Just like a Queen Bee in a hive, the Queen ruled
through the addiction to energy emanation that she also exuded
from her astral body. The oil was a more potent version of the
same power of the Queen of Orion. Through sending waves of
pleasure by telepathy she was able to subdue and control her
empire. All fell into line. You were one of those Queens you were
as cold as ice, but with a fire in the blood. Your name was Nekht
Te, Fourth Queen of the SSS.
During a meditation session with a friend we gazed into
each others eyes and I found myself taken back in time. I was in
a temple, I was a reptilian Queen, I was so cold and cruel it was
hard to remember such an existence. In the centre of the room
was an altar; strapped upon it was my friend she was a human
unlike myself. I was performing some sort of ritual upon her, I
was opening her mouth with an instrument, she was terrified,
and I was inserting something inside her, some dark energy
which came from my body. I did not truly fully understand this
memory but I knew it was something to do with interbreeding and


trying to create an Orion Queen hybrid with a human woman,

who was my friend now in this life. This human woman was not
from earth as she was much taller than an average earth human,
she had red hair and very pale skin just like I do now in this
lifetime, I think she was from Lyra. Something had gone wrong
why were the Orion Queens no longer able to create daughters
from themselves, why were they experimenting on these Lyran
What befell the Uru?
Warriors always want metal!
Ananda Hari It is important to understand the reptilian
mentality. They are a very fierce and ruthless species, they were
seeded in the most hostile sector of space in your galaxy and
they survived. Only a species so fierce and unafraid of death
could have withstood the hostile environment of Orion. Orion is
the place of star birth it can be a dangerous place for planet
inhabiting species. These conditions meant that they evolved
into fierce and dominating race. They have a controlling
mentality and did not like change especially when it came to
DNA. They think they were the first born into the galaxy and they
are correct, they think they are made in the Goddesss image,
correct again and are superior to all other life forms, first mistake!
They consider their DNA, their genetic code to be pure and
untainted and therefore the true code of the universe. They
consider species who change their DNA to be mutants. The
reptilian biogenesis scientists monitored the genetic inheritance
of the Orion Empire carefully. It was a little known secret that if
any reptilian was shown with any mutation in their DNA, they
were instantly destroyed for fear of contamination. It was not
spoken about and especially not to the Queen. Humans were
considered the lowest of the low because of the constant
mutation of their genetic code.
The reptilians are ancient compared to humans, the
human race has only been in your galaxy for a moment


compared to the reptilian forces, so they were mighty advanced

compared to the humans they conquered on other planets. Many
wars were fought with resistant human forces in the Lyran and
Vegan star systems, eventually the Lyrans fled making their
home in the Pleiades. The Orion Empire had almost taken over
the whole galaxy, only small pockets of resistance remained.
Many races were conquered and assimilated into the Orion
Empire and the Orion SSS mentality. The Orion Queen set her
scientists to find ways of expanding her telepathic prison upon
the other species of humanoids which were falling prey to their
Not only were the SSS constantly at war or conquering
worlds they spent much of their time within metal space ships
and space stations. They began to create metal worlds on their
home worlds too. They implanted everyone with highly advanced
mind control devices. After many warrior generations, they
welded themselves to so much metal it began to cause a loss of
charge fractality to form in the DNA. By immersing their DNA into
too many metal structures, by living in such artificial
environments, they lost their ability to implode their DNA. This
not only stopped them from being able to navigate the AbZu
organically but it also brought aging much sooner to the Queen.
The loss of the skill to
electrically ignite DNA TO its
FALLEN ONE). Dan Winter
Ananda Hari Originally
their queens were called MAG
meaning the matrix of charge
ignition (AGni) in blood. After
living in such artificial


environments and implanting metal devices into their bodies they

began to lose the ability to charge the Agni, the starfire in the
blood and in order to extend their lives they became addicted to
Gold Powder - the Manna, Ormes, Spice. Now no longer able to
navigate the AbZu through organic means via the starfire in the
DNA, they had to resort to metal space ships and the taking of
the Gold Powder which enabled them to open the zero stargate.
Loss of blood implosion - loss of the AGni in mAG and
drAG- eliminates independent thinking - tends to create the hive
mind tendency: the return of the Borg. Having forgotten how
DNA could become implosively self-steering ignited and gravity
making - all they could do was - pass rules to PREVENT DNA
FROM CHANGING. This is how a deep cultural conviction arose
on the fallen DRACO Nephalim star system ALPHA DRACONIS.
(Home of DUNE's ARRAKEIS, the star map at Ankor Wat, and
the shape of the Arabic letter EL, whose logo and star battle craft
hex shape became the flag of Israel.) The mistaken (and very
characteristically reptilian) cultural notion was that ANY DNA

Ananda Hari The Queens needed more than simply the

gold powder to travel the AbZu , now they also needed the S -Ma
, ( or Soma) an elixir which extended their lives and enabled
them to give birth to a new Queen. This elixir was made from
warm blooded nutrients, those of their human captives, blood
rituals began to take over the mind of the Queens and they
began to fall further into the darkness, lost in their own
foolishness. This blood elixir was the Queens fountain of youth
and it came from her human victims. It was thought that the
Queens scientists could recreate these nutrients through genetic
modification but they failed time and time again. It was
discovered that the heightened emotions of the human created
hormonal secretions in the body. After tasting the sweet liquid
fear of a tortured human the Queens began to become blood


sucking vampires. This corrupted the Orion Empire and after

time the males began to eat their human captives and they too
became addicted to the blood just like their Orion Queen.
Humans were then breed for food and the fruit eating reptilians
of the past were no more.
The Orion Empire expanded taking under its control many
systems within the galaxy. The Draco Borg collective as they are
sometimes known infiltrated all strata of the various star systems
and used mind control, and implants to control their victims. They
then systematically eroded the collective soul matrix of many of
the races, the Greys being one of them. They assimilated the
various alien races into a group memory complex, replacing the
soul history of the various populations with Borg programmes,
which in affect turned them into drones. They genetically
modified many of the races, inserting implants into their nervous
systems, gaining control of the group collective consciousness,
because many of these races were of a collective hive mind
nature already, it was easy for the Orion Queens to commission
their scientists to develop highly advanced mind control and
genetic manipulation technology and methods to control and
take over their collective soul matrix. The beings you know as
the Greys were completely taken over and used as the drones of
the Orion Empire. After thousands of years of modification and
manipulation many of these races no longer have the ability to
ensoul their form.


Chapter Fifteen Alien Greys

We are
beings that reside
on more than one
dimension; in fact
we are operating
on twelve
dimensions and
have an aspect or
self to represent
ourselves on each
dimension of the
universe. As this multidimensional identity I exist in many
different dimensions I have many different selves, some of them
human, some not so human, some are even alien. My overall
soul identity is made up of many different dimensional selves,
aspects or energies, on one level of my being I have an alien
aspect which currently resides as part of a collective upon the
seventh dimension. The beings that made up this collective
originated from the Zeta system and therefore I called them the
When I began the integration of my alien aspects it was
during the initial stages of my integration process. I had
reoccurring dreams, night after night of other planets, other
beings many of them alien looking. During these dreams I
dreamt that I was an alien being. I could recognise the
consciousness as if I already knew it well. The alien minds were
very different to our human minds, when I woke in the morning I
had a voice in my head saying things I did not understand at the
time. I often woke in the morning with the words you are we
consciousness, expressing itself as a single point For months
this went on and I wondered what on earth it was all about , then
the alien beings started to manifest in my waking hours. They did
not appear totally physically at this time, I could only see them in


the astral, often I would feel my consciousness shifting into a

different state and I felt like I was hypnotised. I would then see a
vortex appear in the air and through this I could see many alien
faces. Many years previous I had asked to see what my soul
looked like when I looked in the mirror and I was shown an
image of my soul (can be seen above). I was told that the image
represented many aspects of my soul. The shape of the head
and the large eyes reminded me of the beings I was seeing in
my dreams. I wanted to know more and started to meditate upon
these strange dreams and my ideas that I was an alien being on
another dimension.
My soul talked to me I was able to make contact during
meditation , my soul explained to me that part of my soul identity
was made up of various alien consciousness. I was taken to
another planet in my meditations and I was introduced to what I
later came to know as the Greys. The more this process
continued the clearer the memories became. Not only were
memories flooding into my consciousness but feelings began to
arise. I felt miserable I felt lost here on the planet as it did not
feel like my real home. I explored these emotions because I had
no choice but to feel them, by exploring of my memories and
feelings I came to understand that I had a soul aspect which was
not from the earth and came from another reality. I asked to see
clearly what I looked like as this being and again was shown in
the mirror a clear face of a Grey.
All through this experience I could remain calm about what
was happening because I fooled myself into believing that this
was only going on in my imagination. However that was all to
change. One night, when I went out dancing, all of a sudden I felt
the same hypnotised feeling as if my consciousness had
changed. Out from the other side of a column upon the dance
floor walked a Grey. I clearly saw it right in front of me, then laser
lights changed colour and it was gone. I rubbed my eyes and
thought to myself I must be tripping. This began to happen over


and over; every time I went dancing I would see these beings in
the crowd only for brief moments.
Not only did I see them in the crowd but I started to
recognise their energy in other people, they were like me they
had a connection to these beings. One friend in particular even
would shape shift from a human to a grey and back again, whilst
in this state he would mimic my exact body movements as if we
were one being. We also started to have telepathy, this freaked
my friend out and he tried to stop it but he too would have these
shifts in consciousness and feel hypnotised especially when he
was with me and could not stop the telepathy. Other strange
things happened, people started buying me small gifts, they had
no idea of what I was going with me as I told no one, every gift
was an alien. I had pictures, key rings, cups, many gifts every
single one a little Grey.
I also had missing time, several times when walking home
I would see shooting stars and lights in the sky and when I got
home I would be over 2 or sometimes 3 hours late. This process
went on and I began to recognise the energy of these beings and
that I myself had been one of them and thus started the
integration process which lead me on to write the book We are
here!, within which there is a different perspective of the Greys,
compared to the common scary stories I found of other people
abduction experiences, much later on the internet. I wrote this
book before I had access to the internet and therefore could not
be influenced by what other people were saying about this Grey
race, which I called the Zeta. The beings I was in contact with
during my time of integrating my Zeta self, told me they came
from a far in the future time line and originally came from Zeta
Tauri in the constellation of Taurus. They appeared like the
commonly described description of the classic Grey; they were
short about three to four feet tall. They had elongated heads with
large black wrap around eyes, small mouths, no hair upon the
body, long spindly arms and legs, with hands with only three
fingers with the middle finger much longer than the rest. Classic


description for a Grey you may think, however there was one
important difference, this was not really their true form; they were
merely vehicles they used to be able to move around in the lower
dimensions. They told me they operate now upon the seventh
dimension of our universe and are a collective consciousness
which is tapped into what they call the Web, which is basically
the universal mind matrix on the seventh dimension.
They were amazing beings and even though they were not
emotional in the way we are as humans understand emotion,
they were beings who knew love and expressed this to me many
times in their Zeta fashion. They even had humour, they had the
ability to put images in my mind to back up the information they
were trying to get me to understand. They seemed to learn from
their interaction with me, they used images that they borrowed
from my subconscious mind; they used visual jokes to get me to
calm down when they were around. Their energy were intensely
mind orientated they used symbols to communicate with me ,
some of which I understood as they were symbols I had seen
upon the earth, other symbols I did not recognise but some part
of me did understand them, I think this must have been my Zeta
self. They took me through many amazing experiences where
they showed me that our reality is an illusionary world which we
are creating moment to moment.
They also saved me many times from other negative
beings, often when the matrix was becoming aware of my
presence and was attacking me, they taught me to change my
frequency so that I was no longer resonated in the same energy
as the negative beings. They showed me many memories of
various planets whereby they had existed in one expression or
another , they showed me how I had been one of them many
times in other time lines. They were totally telepathic and
communicated in tones, symbols and packages of star codes
which opened up inside my third eye allowing intense downloads
of information that seemed to come directly from the Web to
enter my mind. Often I thought my head would fry. I spent many


months feeling more and more like them, I felt my emotions fade
away to be replaced by a higher intelligent perspective on my
reality. My mind expanded until I thought it would pop.
They showed me so much that I could never really find the
words to convey, if only I had a camera inside my head, and then
I could record the visuals that I saw as they were truly amazing.
Often I saw what looked like complex geometric shapes which
were organic and had movement and sound radiating from them.
I would see these patterns coming down from above my head,
then it would hoover above my head. I would feel a pulse starting
in my crown chakra and then a strange metally tone would ring in
my ears. Shortly after this, the pattern would enter my head, it
would instantly translate into a pulse which went from my right
and left hemispheres of my brain. Once the pattern had settled in
my brain I suddenly would have an overwhelming urge to move
my arms and hands in certain encoded patterns in the air. I felt
like I was weaving some sort of code into the matrix. I was
shown how I was restructuring my reality, preparing the matrix
for the insertion of more data inserts. These inserts seemed to
enable a raise in frequency for those who came under their
I met different Greys, most were short about four feet tall
and seemed to be the lesser class of a much taller Grey. The
little Greys seemed to be the workers and I thought maybe they
were robots. I was shown inside this Grey body and saw that
they were not robotic their bodies were biological, they had
internal organs but they were simple compared to ours. They did
not have red blood like ours but it was an intense green. They
had many metal implants which seemed complex and crystalline,
running alongside their nervous system. They had devices
behind the pupil which later when I fully integrated my Zeta self I
could feel myself in my body. I could feel my nervous system
changing, its vibratory rate was increasing, I found I did not need
much sleep or food, human bodily functions started to seem
alien to me. As the process continued I became just like them, I


felt like I was an alien temporarily existing in a strange human

body, I could feel my human body on one level and my Zeta
body on another. I felt more at home in my Zeta form than my
human. I felt very strange towards my human body and often
questioned its basic functions. I became what I called a Zeta /
Human Hybrid; I was both Human and Zeta. I could be both in
my consciousness I could focus on the left hemisphere of my
brain and I was human, operating in a human consciousness. If I
focused on the right side of my brain I was totally in the Zeta
Web consciousness. I could sense a relationship building
between the human and Zeta side of myself. Often they would
pulse what felt like some sort of Morse code into my brain it
would make my eyes flicker, which hurt if I tried to resist it. Over
time the codes harmonised and I could feel my mind opening up.
From that day on I could do soul readings much easier and had
access to information which was outside of my human knowing.
I also met tall Greys though there were less of them than
the short Greys. They seemed to be of a higher dimension, they
would appear in a shimmer and I could not stay conscious so
much when they were around. They came more often in my
dream states and I had communication with them during my
dreams but try as I might I found it very hard to bring the
information back into my conscious mind. I felt like the smaller
Greys were the workers if I talked to them they would talk to me
as many voices, the taller Greys seemed to have more
individuality, not a personality as such but more sentience
somehow. They showed me that I was originally from the race of
tall Greys, my kind had genetically created the smaller Greys,
they were clones.
I would often close my eyes and almost immediately I
would open my eyes to find myself aboard ship. Most of the time
I was in a small craft which could only house three people. I
clearly saw inside the craft, it was grey and the walls and floor
was strangely rubbery, it flexed and was slightly soft. I did not
see that much technology, I got the feeling it was not entirely


third dimensional and therefore there was no need for wires,

equipment and the such like. There were tables with benches
which were moulded into the walls and floors, on top of these
tables were consoles which lit up with touch. Upon the consoles I
saw what looked like interdimensional navigation maps. I saw
geometric patterns and maps in silver light which hovered one
upon another. The Zeta had the ability to look at more than one
map at one time, they could look into not only the co-ordinates
and star maps but they could look into time lines, wormholes,
stargates etc. They showed me how they could enlarge the
maps and bring one forward and send one into the back ground.
It was very complex. I seemed to be a master of operating such
technology, I often found myself waking up totally in my Grey
body operating this console. I never really rationally understood
what I was doing from my human perspective but from my Zeta
mind I was an expert at reading these complex maps. I became
aware that not only were they monitoring the earth and all its
parallels , time lines and realities they were also monitoring all
forms of life , from many different levels, I could zoom into the
very dna structure of a single cell in the body of an animal on
earth. They were monitoring the other humans on the earth that
were like me who had this Zeta element to their soul. I saw maps
of the earth which all the other people like me were lit up, I could
also read the energetic readings of each of these Zeta/ Human
The Zeta could totally manipulate matter and mass. I saw
the Zeta manifest things out of thin air, not only aboard ship but
also back on earth. I often saw them enter my room directly
through the walls. After some time I could sense them coming
and I could see the wall become spongy and flexible, then all of
a sudden they would be there in my room. Once when they did
this they left an imprint which was clearly seen by others the next
morning. I lived in an old cottage the walls were very badly
plastered, to disguise the bad plaster I sponge painted it. I
painted the wall a solid light grey colour and over the top I dipped
a sponge in a darker blue grey and then sponged this over the


top of main colour. When the Zeta walked through the wall, they
somehow changed the paint on the wall and created a very clear
image of a face of a Zeta. It was unmistakeable everyone I
showed it to could see it. When I moved house I wanted to take
this piece of plaster from my wall. So they most definitely had the
ability to pass through walls and distort matter.
They had the ability to process information a thousand
times faster than the average human. They could instantly create
what they called pictures of reality. They manipulated my reality
many times to prove how adept they were at shifting reality and
dimension. They had the ability to travel time and pass through
stargates into other worlds and realities. They set up what I
came to call cosmic set ups, they seemed to have the ability to
change my reality. They could change the people in my life as if
they were characters in a play, I would have interaction with my
friends and family in a normal fashion , however at the same
time of experiencing this third dimensional reality , I would also
be aware of a different dynamic which was going on , on another
level. It is hard to explain but it was as if my friends represented
different levels of my being and through my interaction with them
I was restructuring myself. The reason this was possible was
because I was operating on a level of We consciousness. The
Zeta explained to me that they were a we consciousness, they
were a telepathic collective. Humans operate as an I
consciousness which is individual, the Zeta operated as a we.
Over the months they showed me that we are all indeed one,
and that there is not real separation if we choose to operate on a
seventh dimensional frequency , if we choose to operate on the
Zeta level we can clearly see the interconnected and oneness of
all consciousness.
After some time they started to manifest less and less in
my room, I did not need them to manifest outside in my reality as
now they were a constant in my mind. They explained to me they
were now the higher selves of the collective of their kind and no
longer needed physical forms, bodies or artificial vehicles in


which to make contact with me, as they had since increased the
vibration of their soul collective and were now living outside of
the physical dimensions and were now existing within the pure
mind of the Universal Dreamer. Once I came to this point in my
interaction with them they no longer showed up in my room at
night as little Greys but communicated with me from the seventh
dimensional mind of the Web. I realised that they only used this
Grey vehicle in order to gain my attention, and walk within my
reality. Soon as I had integrated my Zeta self I no longer needed
to see them outside of me, as I recognised them as a part of my
overall soul identity and communicated with them mind to mind
without the need of a Grey body.
They explained to me many things but one important thing
which they told me which is now starting to make more sense as
I write this book. They told me they were system busters who job
it was to free all those beings on the lower levels from mind
control, manipulation, rational constructs and limiting belief
systems. They explained to me that there were members of their
race, their collective, who in past times lines had been controlled,
programmed and enslaved. Their mission was to free these
members by time travelling back in time to pivotal points in
galactic history to undo the wrongs which many of their collective
had been subjected to. And I was going to help them!
The first part of my mission was to discover more people
like me who had this Zeta connection within their soul identity
and awaken them to who they were on the higher levels. I began
to travel the world, running seminars on soul integration, during
which I met four more people who were like me. I also came to
know more people through the internet, those who requested
readings from me within which I discovered they too were
predominately Zeta in their soul matrix. At the time I thought this
was all that I needed to do for my Zeta mission and after my
work and direction changed to include more earthy ventures, I
simply thought my mission had been completed. I moved on
through many more integrations of my various soul selves and


my interaction with them got less and less until they were no
longer part of my everyday experience. It is only now since the
experiences of the past few months have I come to realise that I
am still on a Zeta mission of different phase and the hardest part
was yet to come.
During my integration with the Zeta and for a few years
after I had strange memories and experiences which at the time
made no sense. Now they are fitting into place and a story is
beginning to reveal itself. During the time when I had the
experience of being dead in the sarcophagus I also had another
experience running alongside the life in Egypt. When I first
closed my eyes to receive healing not only did I have a sense of
spinning and entering a time tunnel I also had a vision of many
Zeta eyes looking at me. Towards the end of the experience I
had a flash memory which seemed totally out of context. I saw
myself as a Grey, I was a clone. I had been created and
gestated within a pod like chamber. The walls were a membrane
which looked opaque and was flexible I could easily move
around inside it. Inside the pod was a bright green jelly like
substance which seemed to nourish my body, as I absorbed
nutrients through my skin. There came a time when the pod
burst like the skin of a soft egg and I was catapulted down a
metal shoot. This I now realise was an experience of being born
as a cloned Grey.
Shortly after this I had a strange dream whereby military
men dressed in black uniforms came into my home and took me
from my bed. (This dream is similar to the dreams I had when I
was a child). When I awoke I had an intense pain in my left wrist.
It seemed like the vein was enlarged and blue. The strangest
thing about it was it pulsed in a completely different rhythm to my
heart pulse. I thought nothing more about it but as the weeks
past it gave me pain, the pain was strange and felt similar to
when you hit the funny bone of your arm. It would pulse different
pulses which sometimes seemed like Morse code. It felt alive
somehow, intelligent, I asked my soul what it was and was told it


was a Zeta implant. I could not get any more information other
than that and never found out what it was for. For months on end
it could not be seen or felt, then all of a sudden it would start to
pulse its codes and the pain would come. As I followed the pain
around my body I noticed that in my shoulder blade on the left
side and the base of my skull on the right side also had this
strange metally , nerve type feeling. I could feel the codes that
the thing in my wrist was creating sending messages into these
points on my back and head.
I looked inside my body with my inner vision and I saw an
implant in my skull and shoulder, the nerve pathways between
the two creating a circuit, both of these implants were controlled
by what looked like an organic computer in my wrist. I was
scared at this point as I could not be certain that these were
astral or etherical implants or if they were actually physical and
third dimensional. I noticed that they activated at certain times,
especially when I was near governmental and military bases.
I did all I could to remove these implants in an energetic
fashion but I was unable, I thought I was successful but weeks
later the pulse would return and so would the pain. As my
integration process continued and the Zeta were not upper most
in my mind the pain had disappeared. I started to think the
implants were something to do with the Zeta integration and
once complete there was no need for further pain. That was until
a few months ago.
Whenever I went away from home to do a seminar often in
another country, I could not sleep. At first I thought it was
because I was excited about the coming seminar but it really did
not feel like excitement. I was not awake all night tossing and
turning like I would if I was worried or excited. I lay in a semi
hypnotised state. I was awake as I occasionally opened my
eyes and looked around the room but when I closed my eyes I
was in a strange state of consciousness. There is a stage just
before falling asleep which is without thoughts , it is a strange


state to remain in as it is often only experienced briefly before

falling off to sleep. I did not see anything or think anything; I was
in a grey space with no thoughts and no other feelings than an
uneasy feeling which by the morning would give me a headache
and a feeling of sickness. The uneasy feeling was because in
this state I felt somehow manipulated. I had no idea by what or
by whom I was being manipulated, it was only evident by the
uneasy feeling.
Several times when this occurred I also had some strange
things happen. After several days of no sleep I would fall asleep
but only for seconds before awaking again and not really
recognising that I had been asleep. I remember one incident
when I lay in bed, thinking I needed to get some sleep as I had a
full and busy day running a seminar the next day and needed my
rest. I kept looking at my watch , and was thinking to myself , oh
no I only have two more hours and I have to get up, oh no now I
only have an hour and half before I have to get up. This went on
all night. Normal you may think, however when I did get up in the
morning I realised I did not own a watch. All night long I had
been looking at my watch so was this a dream? Did I spend the
whole night dreaming that I was not asleep and looking at my
watch? Strange but of no real significance you may think. When I
was a child this happened to me all the time, I would think I was
awake all night but was I really asleep and dreaming I was
awake. What would be the reason for this and what would be the
purpose. I also had many dreams within dreams, whereby I
would dream I was waking up, only to find myself in another
dream, sometimes I would have to awaken in the dream several
times before I finally really woke up, or so I thought. All my life I
have had a problem in recognising when I am asleep and
dreaming and when I am awake.
I remember a night in Austria which was strange indeed. I
lay in bed not being able to sleep or so I thought. The door to my
room opened and in came two men, one had short cropped hair
and was tall and skinny, the other man was stocky built and had


wild, curly black hair. They took a typewriter from my room and
then left. I lay there puzzled and thought to myself, I must be
asleep then and dreaming this, how strange. I lay there for the
rest of the night, not really knowing if I was awake or asleep, I
could not tell the difference. The dawn came and I went about
my day, in the evening after the seminar I went for dinner with
friends. As I sat in the restaurant eating my food, the door
opened and in walked the two men who had been in my room
the night before. I do not know why this made me feel so scared,
but I was terrified. They did not even look in my direction and
went and sat down to order their food, they did not look at me
once. I asked my friend if she could see them as maybe I was
hallucinating. She assured me she could see them and
described them. They ate their food as normal people would and
appeared to not even look in my direction as if they were
oblivious to me being there. What did it all mean?
This kind of thing has been happening to me since I can
remember. My dreams were always strange, we all dream
strange dreams from time to time, but I could not find anyone
who was experiencing this strange space which I seemed to
enter. I had heard about lucid dreaming and experienced it often,
you know when you wake up in a dream and find you can control
the dream, you can fly, breathe under water etc. But this was
different , in the lucid dreaming I was aware I was dreaming , it
was a cool thing to have happen as soon as I woke in the dream
and realised I could control it , flying was first on my list. It was
always obvious I was in a dream, the colours were not the same
as my awake 3d world, I had super human powers and strange
shifts in time, classic dream material. These strange occurrences
which happened several times in my life were very different, the
reality I was in looked normal, totally third dimensional.
Everything seemed normal as if it was the third dimension and I
was awake. I always felt disturbed when this happened it was
freaky not knowing when I was awake and when I was asleep.


I had a dream when I was four years old that I had been
taken from my bed through a whirling vortex in my wall above my
bed and once outside I walked around my neighbourhood in my
pyjamas. When I woke in the morning or so I thought there was
grass all over my feet and in my bed as if I had been outside. I
could not climb out of my bedroom window so where on earth did
the grass come from? Mom thought I might have been sleep
walking, she made sure she locked the front door at night how
on earth did I get out of the house. I had several dreams of flying
in space craft and often told my mom that at night I flew with the
little bald people. I remember clearly flying down the street with
what I now know were Greys, looking in my parents window as
they slept. Mom told me they were all dreams and as I grew up I
started to believe her, what else could they be.
Up until the age of about 14, I dreamt these kinds of
dreams nearly every other night, I had several dream realities in
which I existed and played out dramas which always seemed to
have a global significance. They always involved the Greys; they
were my friends and often rescued me from horrific scenarios,
which seemed occult in nature. I was often captured by
aggressors and was imprisoned and tortured in terrible ways. I
was never allowed to watch anything scary on the television and
still do not to this day, as my mom was worried as I had an
overactive imagination and would dream myself into a dream
based on the scary images on the television. Waking with a
scream with sweat pouring down my face was a constant in my
Not all my dreams were horrible I had dreams where I flew
in space with the Greys and one dream I remember they taught
me how to fly a small craft. I sat on a small platform in the centre
of a three man craft, I was crossed legged, I was no more than
three or four years old. In order to control the craft I had to keep
very calm and think about keeping my emotions calm and
tranquil. The moment I got excited about flying the craft it would
veer off at a dangerous angle and the Greys would take the ship


back under their control until my emotions were calm again and
then they would give me back control of the ship and I would
continue to fly it. I had many dreams of this nature, all of which
occurred way before there were any images of Greys in our
media, no films or outside influence could have affected my
dreams. I did not see an image of a Grey on the outside until I
was in my twenties.
These beings were my friends and I felt more at home with
them more than I did my human family who always seemed
super strange to me. I had little connection to them, I often told
my mom that I did not come from earth but came from the stars
and was not a human before. She must have thought me a
strange child. When I was not dreaming these incredible dreams
I was an insomniac. I would sit in bed for hours, colouring in my
colouring book under the bed clothes until my mom would come
and catch me and insist I try to sleep, which I did not want to. I
became afraid to close my eyes, not because of fear of dreaming
alien dreams, or even the nightmares, I was fearful to close my
eyes because as I told my mom the bad men come in the night
. It was not just aliens who came in the night but bad men too.
Men in black uniforms would come into my room through a
vortex which would appear by the wall, they would freeze me or
that is how I described it to my mom, I could not move and could
not resist their advances of taking me from my bed. I was scared
beyond belief but could not fight them off or try to get help. I
remember one night my mom heard me and came to see what
was going on, as she came to the doorway she too was frozen
by the bad men and she stood there in mid scream. The men
would take me through the vortex in the wall and then I would not
remember another thing , all I knew was that I then spent hours
lying in this strange state just before sleep , not a thought in my
head , no emotions in my body as if I was on pause somehow . I
knew I had not fallen asleep and simply did not remember my
dreams, I somehow knew I was awake but somewhere else
other than my bedroom. I did not have to lie in bed for long
before the men would come; I learnt to keep myself fully awake


by colouring in my colouring book under my bedclothes. Only

then did I have a night without the strange men in the uniforms.
Often in my lucid dreams I dreamt about being on another
planet, often escaping or even rescuing strange beings and
animals which could talk. My father was always in these dreams
with me, often I had to rescue him or try to stop him from being
manipulated and controlled by negative beings. I was not very
close to my father in the third dimension so I thought I dreamt
about him because of this. He was never in my more normal
dreams he was always with me when I was on other planets on
missions of one kind or another. I dreamt that my father and I
came from a parallel earth, one which had been through a
nuclear war and the place was devastated, buildings destroyed
and many people dead. The remaining population was now
controlled by robotic looking armies which patrolled the skies
with drones, everyone was micro chipped to monitor their every
thought. My father and I were part of the resistance, and had
some sort of technology which could open time tunnels, through
which we had escaped our earth reality to the one I find myself in
today. Police men had been sent also through the time tunnel
after us and were looking for us. We had to remain disguised not
so much in physical appearance but in energy. If we could stay
hidden in some sort of energetic way we would be safe. These
dreams caused me to live in this reality and its story more than
my everyday third dimensional .I would imagine that I saw these
police (who wore suits in order to fit in and not be spotted) as
they secretly looked for us. My mom desperately tried to
convince me they were all dreams and were not really going on
in my third dimensional world, at first I could not believe this , but
as I moved into my teenage years I became depressed and the
dreams , and encounters all stopped, so I started to think maybe
she had been right .
I felt suicidal for most of my teenage life, I did not want to
live, I longed for something or someone but could not quite
remember who it was, none of my feelings really made sense


and I had no real reason to want to kill myself but I was

depressed I thought it was my only way out of this horror of a life.
I thought about it a lot but did not have the courage to actually go
ahead and do it. I no longer had alien dreams or strange things
happen to me so I thought maybe my mom was right and I did
have an overactive imagination.
I left home and eventually moved house with my new
husband, going to Telford a manmade purpose built city which
was so uniform I thought I would go crazy there. All I could see
out of my window was rows and rows of red bricked houses; it
was a soul destroying place to live. Shortly after moving to
Telford the dreams started again I was 22 years old. Night after
night I began to have dreams about being with my alien kind just
like I did when I was a child. Alongside these positive dreams I
began to have severe night mares too. I dreamt the most horrific
dreams of being tortured by terrible men. Then I foolishly
watched Nightmare on Elm Street . The plot revolves around
several teenagers who are stalked and killed in their dreams by
Freddy Krueger, a nightmare character that can enter your
dreams. One of the themes in the film is the idea that the
teenagers do not know if they are dreaming or awake, it is only
when something awful happens they realise they are asleep.
This film triggered me and I had what the doctors called a
nervous breakdown. I was scared all the time, I did not allow
myself to sleep and would spend the night cleaning my house
obsessively trying to keep hold of my own consciousness. With
night after night of no sleep, not being able to eat as I was too
scared to keep my food down, I began to get ill. They said I had
a breakdown and was hallucinating as I began to have visits
from the men in the black uniforms in my room at night. They
would once again come through a vortex in the wall and they
would do something to my husband, they had a device which
they sent a signal from which would make my husband sleep
deeper, he would begin to snore. Then they would freeze me just
like they did before and I would not remember anything more


that night other than knowing I was in some strange grey place
with no thoughts or emotions but I was definitely awake.
All my memories of all the dreams I had when I was
younger came flooding back and I knew that I had to get out of
Telford, and go somewhere the black uniformed men could not
find me. I convinced my husband that we should leave and then
moved to Cornwall well away from the rat race of the rest of
society. Soon as I got to Cornwall, held in the safety of the
energy of the land I relaxed, healed, my dreams had stopped. I
began to spiritually awaken and over the next ten years I
integrated all the different aspects of my soul, one of which was
Zeta. I was happy and spiritually awakening more and more
each day. I pieced together the story of my life and was content
to finally understand some of it. I have an aspect which is from
Zeta Tauri in a future time line, this part all now made sense.
What did not make sense however were the encounters with the
men in black uniforms and the feeling that the dreams of being
with my father in another parallel earth reality were not dreams. I
desperately tried to push this idea from my mind as it disturbed
me. I am usually curious about such things and will not allow fear
to hold me back but every time I thought about the other earth
reality , my father , the men in uniforms my body would respond
in deep fear I would sweat and my heart rate would increase at
the slightest thought. This made it easier for me to push it away
and not think about it.
I thought I had put all this nonsense back into my
imagination which is where I was sure it was from and then my
father went mad. He covered all his reflective surfaces windows,
glass coffee table and mirrors with newspaper as in his words
men in suits are coming through the mirrors. He was shortly
after taken into a mental hospital where he stayed for the rest of
his life and died at the age of 52. He no longer recognised me.
The death of my father made everything come flooding back and
once again I desperately tried to bury it in fear of what it all


Years rolled by and I awoke to the New World Order

agenda and the Illumanti. The Illuminati are an occult secret
organisation which controls our world and reality. They are in
total control of our financial, education, scientific and media
institutions. They are an elite group who are into satanic occult
rituals, working with Demons, Reptilians, Greys and the alike.
They use a form of mind control to control their family bloodlines
this is called trauma based mind control.
Taken from Vigilant Citizen Monarch Programming is a
method of mind control used by numerous organizations for
covert purposes. It is a continuation of project MK-ULTRA, a
mind-control program developed by the CIA, and tested on the
military and civilians. The methods are astonishingly sadistic (its
entire purpose is to traumatize the victim) and the expected
results are horrifying. One of the first methodical studies on
trauma-based mind control were conducted by Josef Mengele, a
physician working in Nazi concentration camps. He is mostly
known for performing grisly human experiments on camp
inmates, including children, for which Mengele was called the
Angel of Death. Mengeles research served as a basis for the
covert, illegal CIA human research program named MK-ULTRA.
Project MK-ULTRA ran from the early 1950s to at least the late
Monarch programmers cause intense trauma to subjects
through the use of electroshock, torture, abuse and mind games
in order to force them to dissociate from reality a natural
response in some people when they are faced with unbearable
pain. The subjects ability to dissociate is a major requirement
and it is, apparently, most readily found in children that come
from families with multiple generations of abuse. Mental
dissociation enables the handlers to create walled-off personas
in the subjects psyche, which can then be programmed and
triggered at will.

I was totally fascinated with MK Ultra Mind Control; I
began to research this and really did not know why. My friend
asked me if I thought I had been somehow programmed, of
course I said no but as I spoke these words my heart began to
race and sweat formed on my brow. Torture is my biggest fear I
have dreamt about being tortured all my life, especially with
electroshock. The more I read about the New World Order and
the Illuminati mind control the more memories of torture dreams
came flooding back. One evening my friend said she wanted to
regress me and see if I had had any real alien abduction or
encounters with the Illuminati or was it all in my dreams. I agreed
not for one minute thinking that anything would come of it,
however as she counted me back I began to disassociate. I
recognised this state as something I had experienced many
times in my life. Whenever my emotions became too scary I
would suddenly go blank, I would not have a thought in my head
or a feeling in my body. I would see myself suspended somehow
in a grey box, I was comfortable but numb. I would totally trance
out and even when my mom shouted at me I could not respond,
she just thought I was being awkward and rude. As my friend
counted me back I moved into this space again and realised it
was the same place that I went to shortly after the men in
uniforms took me through the vortex in the wall. It was also the
same place I went to on the nights before my seminars when I
could not sleep. What was going on? I did not experience
anything else other than the dissociative space and the constant
tapping of my fingers in a strange rhythm.
A few months back now I did a seminar in Belgium I
stayed at a friends house. Even though the actual seminar was
some days to go I could not sleep. I found myself once again in
that strange dissociative space. In the morning I felt disturbed
and angry as I was fed up not being able to sleep just before a
seminar when I needed my rest the most at this time as I had a


full weekend ahead of me. The days rolled by and the seminar
got closer and closer still not a wink of sleep. At this time I also
had a strange vibration in my body and often felt like I would rise
up from my bed and float up to the ceiling but something was
preventing me from leaving my body and this was causing a
vibration as if something was trying to shake me free from my
physical body but could not . The vibration would suddenly stop
and I would find myself in this dissociative state.
The seminar came and went and still I could not sleep. I
had always thought it was something to do with the seminar as it
always stopped after however I realised that I usually went home
to Cornwall the day after and could always sleep well at home.
This time was different I was remaining in Belgium for some
more days to come. One of my friends talked about his fear of
aliens, especially the Greys so my friends and I decided to do a
constellation process to see if we could find out any information
about this for him. We thought we could see if he had been taken
when he was a child, I hoped that if that was the case during the
constellation we could elevate his fears and bring him to a place
of healing. We all decided which characters needed to be within
the constellation, and we all took our positions. I was to hold
myself as a three year old child, when all this alien stuff began.
My friend who was scared of Greys was also to hold himself at
an age when this started for him. One more of my friends were to
hold the collective consciousness of the Greys themselves.
Other people were also there holding the space waiting to see if
they needed to hold certain energy later in the constellation.
I sat on the sofa and made myself comfortable I had no
fear; I was only curious and did not really think of myself much
as I thought the constellation was predominately for my friend
who was scared of the Greys. I closed my eyes and took a deep
breath and asked to be taken back to when I was roughly three
years old when all this alien stuff started. All of sudden my heart
began to race and it felt as if someone had poured water over
my head, I was ringing with sweat. I began to make this rhythmic


tapping of my fingers on my leg and I could not stop. I heard the

facilitator of the constellation say where are you? All of a sudden
I found myself in a metal room, it was clinical and sterile and
uninviting. I was sat on a dentist looking chair strapped in, I could
not move much. Around my head was some sort of device which
electrodes on my scalp. In front of me was a large screen with
images being flashed so quickly on the screen I could hardly
make them out.
The door opened and in walked a man dressed in a
modern version of a SS Nazi uniform. He had cold eyes, he was
young and very healthy looking as if he had access to some sort
of regenerative technology. He did not look at me but sat on a
chair and flicked through a small flip chart which I could see was
a series of symbols. It was the same symbols I was beginning to
make out being projected upon the screen. Shortly after the door
opened once again and in walked a woman dressed in a white
lab coat. I had an extinctive feeling she was not an earth human.
She looked slightly Chinese but there was something about her
energy which told me she was not from earth. She seemed just
as scared of the SS officer as I was. She would not have eye
contact with him. She took my foot and injected something into
the sole of my foot, in exactly the place that I have a strange
hard lump which has been there since I can remember. I felt my
head spin and for a moment I thought I would be sick.
All of a sudden I heard the facilitator of the constellation
ask my friend who was scared of Greys where he was. He said
he has not incarnate yet and is not ready though he can feel
something against his will forcing him to incarnate. I suddenly felt
that I was connected to this in some way and that whatever they
are doing to me was affecting my friend. I communicated this
which was hard as I felt so far away from the actual third
dimensional room performing the constellation. Suddenly the
Chinese looking woman in the lab coat turned on a machine
behind my head and I felt the first painful electroshock pulse into
my brain. I am in trance I cannot get my eyes off the screen and I


am clearly seeing the images being projected upon the screen. It

is a blue circle, a yellow square, a red triangle and a .. I
suddenly go into immense fear I have the feeling that if I manage
to see the last of a four sequence series of symbols something
really terrible will happen but I do not know what. I get the feeling
they are using my psychic abilities to make certain souls
incarnate, my friend being one of them. I find myself shouting out
loud do not incarnate, they want to control you like they do me .
As I say this, the SS officer walks over to me and back hand
slaps me around the face, the pain is immense. I am now sitting
with my clothes stuck to my body and sweat dripping down my
face. Luckily the facilitator recognises I am going into shock and
suggests that I call upon my Angel to assist me. As she says this
I clearly felt my Angelic selfs presence and suddenly I move into
the disassociate feeling again and instantly feel I want to move
my position in the constellation. I tell the facilitator that I want to
move and she asks where and I find myself saying I want to sit
next to the person who is holding the energy of the Greys.
At first I go to sit and get some comfort from them but then
I realise they cannot really recognise my fear and shock and
therefore will not be able to comfort me. However this is ok as
the sweating has now stopped and I feel calm, totally
disassociating from what had occurred in the metal room with the
cruel SS officer. The Greys share that they have no choice but to
adduct children as they are made to by these SS officers who
are possessed by demonic forces. The Greys tell us that they
are all implanted and have been for thousands of years and are
being controlled and used to do the bidding of these demonic
forces. They talk about their implants and how painful they are,
as they speak I realise that I too have these implants and know
the pain well. We also come to understand that many humans
are also now implanted due to their abductions and all are
connected to a mainframe computer which we believe is
somewhere in our solar system , maybe Mars.


As I sit next to the Greys I realise I am on a space ship

and so is my friend, we are both sitting around a table with a
group of Greys. My friend and I are discussing with the Greys
that we have found some way of freeing them from their
implants. They are sceptical at first and take some convincing,
we are the same age we are now, so this memory must have
been recent as I have not known my friend for a long. Then I see
a series of memories like a film of many times I have been on
board this ship before. I seem to have a job on board, one task is
to awaken the other human children on board so they can
remember later they were on board ship. I clearly see my friend
when he was four or five years old, I am trying to convince him
that what he is experiencing is not a dream and he is actually on
the ship. I take his face in my hands and keep saying to him look
in my eyes we are really here this is no dream. I see myself
performing this task for many other children who are also there.
All of a sudden the energy changes and I find that I am no
longer aboard ship but am in a metal room upon a small hard
bed with only a small dimly lit light on the wall. I am scared and
exhausted as if I have been through some terrible torture, my
body hurts and I am confused. I think I am in some sort of
holding cell; I am scared that any minute the SS officer will walk
through the door and the torture will start again. I realise that I
am no longer three years old but I am the age I am now, this
makes me think this memory was recent. Suddenly the room fills
with a spiritual light and I clearly see my friend in his light body, I
am relieved as now I have comfort and I am not on my own. The
facilitator realises that my friend is out of his body and asks him
to return to his body, I know that I will be alone if that happens so
I begin to cry. The facilitator decides we have found enough
information to be going on with and brings us out of the
constellation. Everyone goes pretty much back to normal and is
fine; I however am in a confused and scared state. I hide my
feelings and pretend all is fine.


I am scared to sleep that night instead I spend the whole

evening scratching myself convinced of insect bites, a tactic I
remember also using when I am was a child when emotional
pain got too much or I was preventing myself from sleeping. The
next day we all talk about our experiences and decide we will go
on a mission to unplug all the implants of the Greys and
abducted children on the astral levels. I am scared to death
because I realise that when I am disassociating I am not able to
remember the full torture procedures. I realise that if I am to be
any use in this mission I will have to remember and not
disassociate because soon as I move into that state I am
controllable and no longer have sentient control over myself and
my energy. Everyone else is excited I am terrified and feel very
Once more we begin to work on a constellation healing
procedure, using shamanic drumming and chanting to get us into
the energy. I close my eyes and instantly hear a demonic voice
in my mind, telling me that I am a fool if I think a bit of drumming
will do any good, that everyone else will not be supportive and I
will be taken into immense fear and they will leave me there. As
the process continues it tells me that once this is over they will
kill me and then torture my astral body for ever which apparently
they can do. I then see this demonic face it was black with red
split pupil eyes. I am terrified. One of my friends recognises
something is going on and gets up and stands behind me,
instantly this demonic energy is catapulted to the corner of the
room and a strange grey veil is placed around it to prevent it
coming back into our reality, which it is desperately trying to do I
can clearly see it trying to push through the strange stretchy
Suddenly my memory is opened wide and I am no longer
in the room I am back in the horrible metal room. I am scared to
death as I know this time I cannot escape by disassociating from
the trauma. I will not tell you how they tortured me as it is too
horrific, suffice to say it was more terrible than I could ever have


imagined. Every time I thought I would disassociate I could

clearly hear my Angel telling me it was with me and to stay
strong. At the same time one of my friends would sing the most
incredibly beautiful tone just like an Angel, whilst she toned I was
able to stay strong. I began moving through the trauma and was
in a deep healing process, I was crying and at one point I
screamed for what seemed to go on for ever. Finally I broke
through the pain and began to breathe in my truth. I suddenly
remembered we were supposed to be on a mission to free the
Greys from their implants and I better do my part whatever that
may be.
I suddenly found myself in an underground installation, a
secret military base. I was in a huge room, filled with many small
beds. Lying upon the beds are hundreds of Greys, they are
lifeless looking, and all of them implanted and plugged in. It is a
very sad scene, so I thought to myself I will pull out their implants
one by one. Then I realise that if I am one of them on another
level then I too am part of their collective and therefore if I move
into their resonance I can free them all in one go. All of sudden I
feel myself become intense light and I move into all of their
bodies at once, I feel the implants in my body and feel the pain. I
then have flashes of memory of when I was implanted as a Grey
being. I clearly see myself in a strange grey room with a huge
metal machine in the centre of the room. I am a Grey and I am
strapped to a couch in the centre of the room. I get the feeling I
have not been born long. The machine inserts extremely
painfully implants into my body which meld with my nervous
system and I feel any resemblance of individuality fading away
as I become part of the Borg collective.
Breathing in my truth I push the implants out of my body at
the same time all the Greys in the underground base are
released from the implants too. I expected them to then wake up
and be free to move around however that is not what happened
at all. They walked from their bodies in their etherical bodies of
light and disappeared from this reality through a vortex which


appears above them. I begin to cry not in pain this time but with
tears of joy I felt I have really freed them.
All of a sudden several Reptilian Dracos enter the room,
they are the same beings who also aided in my torture, they
explain to me that the reason for the rape was because they
needed certain codes from within my dna, they knew that the
completion of the universe was coming and if they did not sort
out their degenerative codes they would burn up in the friction
caused by the implosion. I told them they were free to take what
they needed, as I said this they walked through my body and out
the other side and disappeared also through a vortex of light
Suddenly the SS officer is there. I see an etherical none
physical Reptilian phasing in and out of his body, after some time
it stands side by side with the SS officer. Again I do something
energetic I am not sure what and they leave through a vortex of
light. Once this is over I suddenly recognise the SS officer as a
soul mate of mine. I recognise his soul and I take him in my arms
and hold him as he cries. He was just as much controlled and
abused as I had been; I forgave him and felt such compassion
for him. He died in my arms and I saw his soul leave his body, he
told me he would reincarnate and put right all he had done, he
would do better next time. At this moment I heard the facilitator
say get ready to come back into the room and I slowly made my
way back which took some time before I was truly grounded in
my normal 3d life once more. Since that time I have had no pain
what so ever from my implants maybe they really are gone.
This story of the Greys or the Zeta is a multidimensional
drama that is going on here, it seems to manifest itself in many
dimensions, many states of consciousness and many different
time lines, no wonder everyone is confused when it comes to the
Greys. I was shocked to read about the horrific abduction
experiences of other people as mine were so different. I
convinced myself that the Zeta from Zeta Tauri must be


somehow different to these hostile Greys, maybe they were not

even the same species. There are numerous descriptions of
Greys; some are short, some tall, some with grey skin, and some
with green and even blue. Some are hostile, some not so but all
seem devoid of empathy and emotions. There seemed to only be
negative stories of peoples experiences with these beings,
everywhere I looked, surely I thought they cannot be the same
beings who are a big part of my soul family, as my experience
was so different. I found a wonderful book by Lyssa Royal called
Visitors from within., it was a welcome break from the fear propaganda on
the internet. At least there was one other person who did not
think they were all bad.
The Zeta explained to me that when they wish to manifest
to me in a concrete form in a way I can perceive they take
images and beliefs from my subconscious mind and wrap
themselves up in these images as if they are clothes. Only
through this process of borrowing images and ideas as clothing,
are they able to show themselves to me. They said that when
people were in fear they created fearful scenarios from the
images and fear beliefs in their subconscious mind. The Zeta
had no choice than to clothe themselves in the beliefs they found
in the persons subconscious. No wonder there were so many
different and often contradicting experiences of those who
encountered these beings.
The Zeta showed me that they came from a far in the
future time line and were no longer in a physical body or form of
any description. They explained to me they were now operating
on the level of pure thought; they were now purely mental
beings. They existed on a seventh dimensional frequency and
they called this level of consciousness the Web. The Web they
explained was the cosmic universal mind matrix which extended
through all the lower dimensions from seventh to first. By being
now part of this level of consciousness they no longer had any
bodies and they said the form they showed me in the beginning


of our communication was only a vehicle for their consciousness

to reside within, whilst they were predominately operating in the
lower dimensions. Once they returned their conscious
awareness to the seventh dimension, their home, they were
instantly merged back into the Web and had no need for a body
any longer. They then explained to me that they were the higher
selves, or guides to those alien races on the lower levels who
were somehow connected to their original genetics.
Not only did the Web extend through space and
dimension it also extended through time. From a place within the
Web they had the ability to insert themselves into any time line,
within our galaxy. They had the ability to time travel. They told
me they came from a future time line where their entire race had
ascended or rather transformed in energy, to a higher
expression. They are a task force whose mission it was to free
all those beings trapped on the lower levels. They had manifest
in our reality to help system bust us out of this energetic prison.
For earth is a prison planet, not only in our governmental
structures, laws and customs are we imprisoned but also we are
held in an energetic matrix prison. Our consciousness is
controlled and locked into a third dimensional vibration only and
through the artificial construction of the rational mind we are held
prisoner. They were inserting themselves into past time lines in
order to free all those beings who were prisoners of this
energetic consciousness prison. Controlled by other forces they
had contributed to the creation of this prison so it was only
karmically fitting that they help free us from its confines.
At the time of integrating my Zeta self I did not fully
understand this I only saw complex images of time lines and
insertions in my minds eye, I could not find words to describe
this to myself or any other. It is only now am I coming to more of
an understanding of who these beings are. It would be very easy
to only look at the fallen Grey that we are having experiences
with in this time line now and think that is all they are. This is
incorrect we are only looking with a limited view upon these


beings. If what they tell me is true then the beings I was in

contact with and I am a part of, are from a future time line
whereby they have balanced their karma which they incurred
during their Grey existences within our reality. They are new and
improved versions of themselves, they have transformed into a
higher state of consciousness. I believe that the constellation
that my friends and I did, set up an energetic pattern within our
reality which allows for the possibility of this transformation
occurring. I am sure there are still people experiencing negative
encounters with these beings in our here and now, but this is to
soon be over. How long it will take to manifest into our reality is
impossible to tell, but I have a deep and powerful knowing that
these beings are transforming on other levels as we speak and
eventually that will filter down and manifest in our reality and
people will begin to experience these beings in a completely
different light.
Since the constellation experience memories have come
flooding back and more information about this Zeta phenomenon
is surfacing. I remember another time when I was on board ship;
I was sat as my human self upon one of the moulded benches
which surrounded the walls of an indentation in the floor. I was
confused I felt like I had only just woken up, I was disorientated. I
was in my early twenties. I was dressed in pyjamas, seated next
to me were many Greys. They were having a conversation which
if I tried to understand made my head hurt and I felt nausea. The
Greys seemed to be unaware of me until I regained more
consciousness. Then one of the Greys looked directly at me and
telepathically spoke to me in my mind, not in words but a symbol
rotated in my minds eye which seemed to mean something to
me as I suddenly became very calm. I sat there for some time as
they continued to ignore me I wondered what was going on.
Suddenly there was a tall Grey standing above me, and I found
myself walking towards it as if I am hypnotised. I was not aware
of myself controlling my walking as if I was in a trance; I was not
scared at all I felt calm and slightly sleepy. I followed the tall
Grey over to a table with a console in its top. I am telepathically


told to sit down and I look at the console. I see a map of the
earth; all over it are several lights which are flickering all over the
earth. I am telepathically told that each light represents an
awakening light worker. Each light represents a human waking
up and raising their frequency beyond the confines of the matrix.
I watched as one more light lit up and then another and another,
this was beautiful to see and made me feel very excited.
I also began to recollect many more experiences which I
did remember but did not recognise them as being alien
encounters, there was missing time and strange lost memory. I
remembered one time I was walking home at midnight after
having babysit for a friend. I remembered seeing a huge owl
sitting on a gate; I remember stopping to look at the owl amazed
that it did not fly off. I thought I only stood there for a few
minutes, but when I got home I had two hours of missing time , it
should of taken me ten minutes to get home , how long had I
really stared at that owl. I have since realised that this was not
an owl but it was a false memory insert. I have since read many
other abductees experiences and seeing an owl is quite a
common false memory insert that the Greys insert into the mind
so the abductee only remembers seeing an owl and not the
Grey. They both have big eyes, maybe that is why they choice
the image of an owl to hide themselves.
I have never wanted any children, do not get me wrong I
love children but my biological clock never did tick. Little did I
know that I had children on board ship. The hybrid programme of
the Greys began for me when I was about 18 years old. I would
have the feeling that I was pregnant, I would have a period at the
right time and everything would be normal but I still felt like I was
pregnant on some level. I had dreams after dreams of being in a
clinical building, very white and I would be undergoing some sort
of operation something to do with lights. Later when I was
integrating my Zeta self I remember being taken aboard ship and
shown images on a screen of all the Human Grey hybrids that
did not make it, all the failed experiments. Then they sat me


down and placed a grey human baby into my arms. This was
quite freaky as they telepathically told me that they had been
taking my eggs during nightly abductions and were using them to
create these hybrids. The child in my arms was from my genetic
information it was my child. I remember looking down into its
eyes and then hearing it telepathically speak to me in my mind.
The most disturbing thing was it was more intelligent than I. The
Greys explained to me that it was born with full consciousness. I
remember seeing inside a large room with various hybrids in
various stages being formed in large glass tanks with the same
green jelly substance I had seen myself living within in my pod
as a cloned Grey.
I asked them what they were doing and they explained
how they were creating a new race from the genetic material of
certain humans , and these hybrid beings in the future would live
upon a planet which looked very much like earth but much more
pristine . Later I met someone who I recognised from this planet.
Had I come from a future race of hybrid beings, had I had a past
life on a future planet, the home to human grey hybrids. Yes was
the reply.

Stay tuned for Part Two coming soon, love alloya
[email protected]

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