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Gavin Christopher Newsom, Mayor


Thursday, March 18, 2004 - 2:00 p.m.
The Regular Meeting of the Recreation and Park Commission was called to order on Thursday,
March 18, 2004 at 2:05 p.m. by Commission President John Murray.


John Murray
Gloria Bonilla
Richard Guggenhime
Jim Lazarus
Rebecca Prozan

Gordon Chin
Larry Martin


President Murray stated that at the meeting of the Finance Committee the request for a fee waiver for the
San Francisco Jr. Glens Soccer Club to conduct a soccer camp at The Beach Chalet or West Sunset
Playground was denied because of the current budget situation.


♦ Renovation at Hunters View: The Department is working with the Housing Authority and the
Department of the Environment to renovate a community garden on Housing Authority property as
part of a revitalization effort for the Hunters View Public Housing Complex. Department staff will
work on the renovation project and turn the long-term maintenance over to a CBO under contract with
the Department of the Environment.

♦ Construction of Concourse Garage: Once construction of the Music Concourse garage has
commenced in the area we are proposing to close the Concourse bowl to the public. Construction of
the bowl itself will not start for approximately another year. However, construction will commence on
three sides of the bowl with the only access for the public from the Band Shell. Debris and dust from
those activities as well as the associated heavy equipment will create at best an unpleasant environment
and possibly unsafe situations for park users. We have received objections from several individuals
related to their desire to access the site for monitoring the construction activities and for casual
recreation. At this point, staff is recommending that access should be prohibited once construction

♦ Reconstruction of Fairway at Sharp Park Golf Course: The Recreation and Park Department
through the Golf division is requesting Permit Approvals from the City of Pacifica to begin the
reconstruction of the Twelfth Fairway at Sharp Park Golf Course that was lost in the El Nino storm of
1982. The initial project will be to accept soil and rough grading from Peak Engineering using the
original plans from DPW archives.
♦ Harbor Advisory Board Disbands: At its March 8, 2004 meeting, The Marina Small Craft Harbor
Advisory Committee voted to disband. Chairperson Courtney Clarkson raised the item as new
business. Voting YES to disband were: Courtney Clarkson, Tim Breece, Al Cavey, Jack Kaus, and
Jim Robbins. Voting NO were Emeric Kalman and Joan Girardot. Gloria Fontanello abstained from
voting. Prior to the meeting, Ms. Clarkson received written resignations from Chuck Kimball, Ariel
Poler and Christine Kaplan. David Miller’s position was still vacant. Les Goldner was absent.

♦ Aquatics Scrip Tickets: Aquatics scrip tickets may now be purchased on-line with a credit card from
the Department or City’s websites.

♦ Permits and Reservations Now Accepts Credit Cards: The Permits and Reservations section now
accepts credit cards at the Pioneer Log Cabin.

♦ The General Manager approved the following trips:

The staff of the Tenderloin Children’s Playground is planning to take a group of 40 children, ages 8-14
on a weekend trip to Disneyland on May 14th.

Twenty-five children drawn from our Latchkey program at J.P. Murphy Playground will attend our
fifth annual overnight ski trip at Sierra-At-Tahoe March 28th – 30th.

On March 5th Project Insight took a group of Blind/Visually Impaired youths for an overnight
sleepover at our Wawona clubhouse.

General Manager Goldstein explained that the Marina Small Craft Harbor Advisory Committee at their
last meeting voted to disband the Committee and will update on this subject the Commission at future
meetings. She updated the Commission on the legislation regarding the PGA amendment that passed at the
meeting of the Board of Supervisors. She introduced Phil Rossi to give a report on the West Niles Disease.

Phil Rossi, Integrated Pest Management Coordinator gave a report on the West Niles Disease. He spoke
about: 1) staff awareness, 2) site abatement and 3) public outreach. Commissioner Bonilla recommended
that staff post signs at areas where mosquitoes are present for public safety.

Michael Frank gave an overview on the golf fund. He spoke about: 1) subsidized recreation programs, 2)
golf round information, 3) comparative usage information, 4) golf overview, 5) clarifying myths, 6) old
golf program versus new golf fund, 7) beginning FY 2004/05 costs budgeted by Course, 8) Course
estimated FY 2004/05 financials, 9) Harding Park Course, 10) variables depressing Harding revenues and
11) future golf fund issues. He concluded that: 1) the golf fund has allowed all related costs to be captured
in one place, 2) the golf program is picking up a greater share of costs than in the past and 3) once
Harding‘s grow in and clubhouse are complete, the golf fund should be able to make full debt payments to
the Open Space Fund.

Reola Freeman stated that pull carts and roll carts are two important revenue sources the Department
should consider. President Murray explained that the cart rentals are included as a proposed revenue
source. She also stated that the public should know that reservations are needed not only at Harding Golf
Course but at all the municipal golf courses and that she be informed when there are golf events for kids.


Agenda Item 4E, Harding Park and Fleming Golf Course was removed from the Consent Calendar as
requested by staff.

On motion made by Commissioner Bonilla and duly seconded the following resolutions were adopted:
RES. NO. 0403-001
RESOLVED, That this Commission does approve the minutes of the February 5 and February 19, 2004
RESOLVED, That this Commission does approve the following animal transactions for the San Francisco
Zoological Society which were processed under Resolution No. 13572. RES. NO. 0403-002

Donation To:
Bronwyn Keterwas 0.0.2 Peach-faced lovebird
120 Pierce Street, #6
San Francisco, CA 94171

Exchange To:
Safari West 1.2 Nyala $4,500 grp
3105 Porter Creek Road 1.4 Common eland $ 500 grp
Santa Rosa, CA 95404
USDA #93-C-0579 Total Credit Due $5,000

Exchange From:
Safari West 1.2 Scimitar-horned oryx $5,000 grp
3105 Porter Creek Road
Santa Rosa, CA 95404
USDA #93-C-0576

RESOLVED, That this Commission does approve “Boston Properties’” request to produce Fall Fest 2004,
a gated and ticketed festival of food, wine, chef demonstrations, and a request to modify the amplified
sound policy and permit amplified sound for jazz between the hours of 12 noon to 4:00 p.m. and a request
to sell beer and wine at Justin Herman Plaza on October 2, 2004 to benefit the Meals on Wheels charitable
organization . RES. NO. 0403-003

RESOLVED, That this Commission does approve a conceptual plan to improve Arguello Boulevard in
Golden Gate Park to accommodate a new bike lane in the south bound direction.
RES. NO. 0403-004

RESOLVED, That this Commission does approve of a resolution to submit one application to the Bay
Area Ridge Trail Grants Program in the amount of $180,000 to fund improvements to the Bay Area Ridge
Trail located within Sigmund Stern Grove and Pine Lake Parks. RES. NO. 0403-005

RESOLVED, That this Commission does approve exceeding the San Francisco Zoo Africa! Savanna base
contract by 15%. This amount includes 5% of approved change orders 4% of pending change orders, 4%
of potential change orders; and a 2% contingency to bring the project to construction completion.
. RES. NO. 0403-006



Rick Thall, Department of Public Works explained that the agenda item wording when submitted to the
Finance Committee was changed to award a construction contract to NCCI, Inc., for the base bid in the
amount of $1,347,000 for the Harding Park Clubhouse – Phase I Project.

Bid Information:
Of the six bids received, NCCI, Inc. or LC General Engineering and Construction, Inc. was the lowest
responsible, responsive bidder. NCCI, Inc. submitted a construction base bid of $1,347,000. This bid was
$47,000 over the proposed engineer’s estimate, which was set at $1,300,000. LC General Engineering and
Construction, Inc. submitted a construction base bid of $1,427,000. This bid was $127,000 over the
proposed engineer’s estimate, which was set at $1,300. Upon Commission’s approval, staff will initiate the
contract review and certification process, followed by the start of the 140-day construction period.
Project Description:
Harding Park is a 163-acre facility located on Harding Road at Skyline Boulevard within Assessor’s Block
7283. The park is a triangular area of land that extends into Lake Merced, in the southwestern corner of
San Francisco. The Harding Park Clubhouse Project is part of the overall Harding Park and Fleming Golf
Course Renovation. A new 20,000 square foot clubhouse facility will be built north of the renovated
parking lot with access from Harding Road.

The Harding Park clubhouse involves constructing a two-story steel structure with plaster siding and a
standing-metal seamed roof. The clubhouse facility replaces the existing temporary facility on-site. The
previous clubhouse was demolished as part of the golf course renovation project. The clubhouse includes a
pro shop, dining and kitchen facility for 150, an event room (locker room for PGA tournaments), an
upstairs assembly room with a view and deck overlooking the 18th hole, offices and storage.

Phase I construction includes general site and utility work, construction of the basement and structural steel
framing and decking. Phase II construction will include the remainder of the building and the finish site-

The temporary clubhouse facility will remain in operation until the new building is completed.

On motion made by Commissioner Guggenhime and duly seconded the following resolution was adopted:
RES. NO. 0403-007
RESOLVED, That this Commission does award a construction contract to NCCI, Inc., for the base bid in
the amount of $1,347,000 for the Harding Park Clubhouse – Phase I Project.


Sandy Lee presented this item to the Commission to approve a musical event at the Polo Fields in Golden
Gate Park on September 11, 2004. She asked the Commission to consider the possibility of the date to be
changed to September 12th due to scheduling conflicts. President Murray asked staff to address concerns
raised at the Parks and Planning meeting. Sandy Lee addressed the following issues: 1) potential damage
to turf, 2) impacts on parking and transportation and 4) recreational users displaced during the event.

Description: Another Planet Entertainment will be arriving by 8:00 AM on September 8, 2004 to set up for
this event. Break down will be completed by midnight on September 12, 2004. The maximum number of
attendees will be restricted to 50,000-60,000 people only.

The Dave Matthews Band will headline the show.

The professional platform stage is approximately 120’ wide by 56’. There will be hospitality tents and
trailers in the backstage area for talent and VIP guests.

Another Planet Entertainment will provide a number of food and beverage vendors as well as a limited
number of craft vendors.

History: This is a first time event, however, Greg Perloff and Sherry Wasseman, the principals of Another
Planets are former principals of Bill Graham Presents and have done several successful events over the
years in the Polo Fields including Laughter, Love & Music, the Tibetan Freedom Concert and WOMAD.

Martin MacIntyre stated concerns regarding: 1) the collection of fees, 2) the staging of speakers and 3)
the distribution of tickets. Chris Duderstadt, Alliance for Golden Gate Park spoke about the letter the
Alliance sent to the Commission stating their concerns. He also stated concerns regarding: 1) bad weather
during the week of the event, 2) enforcement at the event and 3) staff communicating with Muni prior to
the event.
Commissioner Lazarus asked staff to explain if the Department was in compliance with the park code on
the purposed fee. City Attorney Virginia Dario Elizondo explained that in the fee schedule community
non-commercial event which is a non-ticketed event the base is 1,200 for $10,000 participants then goes up
proportionately for the number expected participants plus the additional costs and for over 10,000
participants fee is a minimum of $5,000.

President Murray stated that while staff checked if the fee were calculated correctly the Commission
moved on to the next item.

After the Lake Merced item staff explained to the Commission that fee was correctly calculated.

City Attorney Virginia Dario explained that under Section 12.22B Community or Non-Commercial
Events which is what this event is determined and is free to the public with over 10,000 participants pays a
minimum of $5,000 plus additional fees or costs determined by impacts to the park. She also explained
that the fees were calculated correctly and the fee for this event is $100,000.

On motion made by Commissioner Lazarus and duly seconded the following resolution was adopted:
RES. NO. 0403-008
RESOLVED, That this Commission does approve “Another Planet Entertainment’s” request to produce a
gated, free, ticketed musical event at the Polo Field in Golden Gate Park on Saturday, September 11, 2004
and a request to modify the amplified sound policy and permit amplified sound between the hours of 12
noon to 6:00 p.m. and a request to sell beer and wine.


Edgar Lopez, Department of Public Works, Project Manager presented this item to the Commission for
approval of the Financial Plan for the reconstruction of the California Academy of Sciences. As requested
at the Finance Committee he provided a schedule of pledges to the Commission.

President Murray stated that this item was heard at Finance Committee and there were no problems with
it. He explained that the Committee decided not to put it on the consent calendar because of the size and
significance overall giving everyone the chance to hear the presentation and ask questions.

In August, 2003, the Board of Supervisors approved reconstruction of the facilities in Golden Gate Park
operated by the California Academy of Sciences (the “Project”). The Project entails substantial new
construction and renovations, the demolition of eleven existing buildings totaling approximately 311,400
gross square feet, the substantial renovation of one building, Africa hall, and an overall increase in floor
space and a consolidation of exhibit spaces, resulting in a reduction in the overall footprint of the
Academy’s facilities. The $379 million budget for the Project also includes design and construction of
entirely new exhibits for the museum and a $20 million increase in the California Academy of Science’s

The Financial Plan has been developed by the California Academy of Sciences, in consultation with
Recreation and Parks and Department of Public Works staff. Administrative Code Section 2A.160 requires
CAS, before it commences construction of any buildings or additions to buildings, to submit a statement
satisfactory to the Recreation and Park Commission of its ability to finance the proposed work to

The Project will be financed through a unique combination of public and private funds. CAS is confident
that it will, through its ongoing fundraising efforts, successfully raise all of the funds to complete the entire
Project, including spectacular new exhibits and the proposed $20 million increase in the Academy, with the
proceeds of the General Obligation Bonds approved by the City’s voters, already has, in hand or pledged,
sufficient funds to construct the building itself, and to open to the public a fully functional museum,
aquarium and planetarium.
On motion made by Commissioner Guggenhime and duly seconded the following resolution was adopted:
RES. NO. 0403-010
RESOLVED, That this Commission does approve the Financial Plan for the California Academy of
Sciences pursuant to Administrative Code Section 2A.160 regarding the reconstruction of the Academy.


General Manager Goldstein recognized Larry MacNeil the new CFO of the Forty-Niners and Mo Fowell
Director of Stadium Operations.

General Manager Goldstein presented this item to the Commission to approve a rent credit agreement
between the Department and the San Francisco 49ers.

The Department maintains the Candlestick Park Stadium. The Department and the 49ers have identified a
short but costly list of needed repairs and improvements to Candlestick to insure the on-going health and
safety of the public and staff using the Stadium. These repairs and improvements include:

• The repair of the light towers

• The replacement of the sound system
• Elimination of mold
• Repair of the advertising band fasteners
• Replacement of spalling concrete on the upper concourse
• Repair of elevators and escalators
• Repair of the Jumbotron

As the Commission will remember, the Department has sought several different types of arrangements with
the 49ers to bring additional money to fund Stadium repairs. The Commission and the Board of
Supervisors approved one of these mechanisms, the Advertising Agreement. The funds from that
Agreement are put in a segregated fund for mutually determined Stadium repairs. The 49ers and the
Department have agreed to dedicate these funds over the next few years for the repair of the Jumbotron.

The other mechanism that has been proposed by the Department has been the Naming Rights Agreement.
The Commission approved this agreement. However, the Board of Supervisors did not adopt it. In the
absence of this funding mechanism the Department is faced with pressing capital repairs at the Stadium.

Section 1 of the Eight Amendment to the Stadium Lease between the City and the 49ers allows:

“With the prior approval of the Commission, repairs and improvements undertaken by the Lessee may be
deducted from any rents due to Lessor pursuant to this lease…. Any and all improvements and/or equipment
purchased by Lessee and thereafter deducted as a rent credit shall become the property of City upon the
purchase of the equipment or improvements and at such time that Lessee and Commission through the
General Manager, mutually agree that the equipment or repairs have been delivered or completed in
satisfactory condition.”

The Department and the 49ers have negotiated an agreement to fund the repairs and improvements that are
deemed essential. The 49ers have agreed to undertake the following repairs this year in exchange for a rent
credit in fiscal years 2005-2006, 2006-2007 and 2007-2008, the final three years of the 49ers lease for the

• The repair of the light towers

• The replacement of the sound system
• Elimination of mold
• Repair of the advertising band fasteners

The terms of the agreement also include:

• Rent credits will be based on actual expenditure.
• The 49ers also charge the Department an interest rate of 5.05% to compensate for their cost of funds.
• This list of repairs is all-inclusive except in the event of an unexpected failure.

Commissioner Lazarus stated that there are numerous advertising panels that are vacant at the stadium.
He suggested that staff looks into the resale of the vacant advertising panels on the grounds of Candlestick
Park or if the panels cannot be resold the Department could find a way to advertise using these panels. He
asked that the July General Manager’s Report includes a follow-up report on status of the repairs and other
annual maintenance issues in preparation of the August season.

Mo Fowell, San Francisco 49ers thanked the Commission very much for approving the agreement. He
stated that the 49ers understand and appreciate the Department’s budget problems and this agreement will
give the 49ers a way to do some safety repairs at the stadium and hopefully get them through the term of
their lease.

On motion made by Commissioner Guggenhime and duly seconded the following resolution was adopted:
RES. NO. 0403-012
RESOLVED, That this Commission does approve an agreement between the Recreation and Park
Department and the San Francisco 49ers, regarding a rent credit to pay for various improvements to
Candlestick Park.


Marvin Yee presented this item to the Commission for repairs to damaged sites at Lake Merced.


On February 25, 2004, a 200-500 year event storm occurred causing extensive damage to the newly
constructed Fishing Pier and Parking Lot project site. Ed Lee, the Director Public Works issued an
Emergency Declaration for this and other damaged sites around Lake Merced on March 3, 2004. The
Declaration allows the City to pursue multiple avenues to make repairs and mitigate the existing unsafe
situations caused by floodwaters.

The Fishing Pier and Parking Lot project was awarded to Ghilotti Brothers and Pan Marine Joint Venture in
the amount of $862,523 on November 19, 2002, and substantial completion was issued to the contractor on
February 28, 2004. The contractor is still working on finalizing the punch-list items prior to final

Under the circumstances staff has a couple of options to contract for the repairs,

1. Issue a change order to Ghilotti Brothers and Pan Marine Joint Venture: Under this
option, staff would negotiate a change order under the existing contract for the Fishing
Pier and Parking Lot project. Currently, the Department has expended all of the
allowable 10% construction contingency to address the unforeseen conditions on the
project. In order to modify this contract, to cover the repairs, staff requested that the
Commission authorize the increase of the change order limit from 10% to 305. Although,
staff does not have the final bids from the contractor, staff believes this increase is
adequate to cover all anticipated costs.

2. Issue an emergency contractor to another contractor: The Emergency Declaration by the

Department of Public Works allows for an expedited contracting process. We are able to
solicit bids from up 3 contractors for the desired scope of work and negotiate with them
for the lowest price. Under this scenario, staff is asking that the Commission direct the
General Manager to receive bids and award an emergency contract not to exceed
$150,000 to repair erosion damage caused by the storms.
Due to the timing of the storm staff was unable to include in this report the final bids for the options
described in the above. Staff will have the bids for both options and will make a recommendation at the
meeting based on the information gathered.

Commissioner Lazarus suggested that staff look into the City’s emergency reserve fund for the damages
since the Director of Public Works issued an Emergency Declaration. General Manager Goldstein
explained that staff would explore Commissioner Lazarus’ suggestion and with the Commission
authorization staff will substitute funds later.

On motion made by Commissioner Prozan and duly seconded the following resolution was adopted:
RES. NO. 0403-013
RESOLVED, That this Commission does authorize the increase of the change order limit on the Lake
Merced Fishing Pier and Parking Lot project (Project Number 0488J) from 10% to 30% in order to issue an
emergency change order to repair erosion damage caused by the storms on February 25, 2004 and increase
the contract duration to 430 days due to the unanticipated delays under the original contract to allow for
this change order work.


Sandy Lee presented this item to the Commission to amend the Recreation and Park Department’s
amplified sound permit policy for Sharon Meadow.

Currently, the Recreation and Park Department’s sound policy is incorporated in the Recreation and Park
Department’s Permit and Reservation Policy amended May 15, 1997. Specifically the policy states that
“Permits for events which require amplified sound permits issued by the Police Department shall also be
allowed at Sharon Meadow, but only between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.; provided, however, that
amplified sound shall not exceed one (1) continuous five (5) hour period during these hours.”

The Department is in the process of reviewing the Permit and Reservation Policy for revisions including
sound permits, site permits and performance bonds. Changes in City Law now require RPD to issue sound
permits. The last amendments made to this policy were in 1997. Staff will be bringing to the Commission
other revisions to this policy over the next few months. This item is specific to the sound policy at Sharon
Meadow. Sharon Meadow is located near the east entrance of Golden Gate Park surrounded by Kezar
Drive, Bowling Green Drive and JFK Drive. Sharon Meadow is currently used for events ranging from
Opera In the Park to Now and Zen.

Over the last few years, there have been complaints about noise from these events. Staff has been working
with the Park Police Station, SFPD’s Sound Bureau, community members and promoters to try and resolve
these complaints. In addition the Department hired an outside-certified sound consultant, Charles M. Salter
Associates to study the sound problems and make recommendations on how to resolve these.

President Murray stated that today the Commission received detail feedback on the proposed policy. He
asked that Staff and the City Attorney review the proposed changes and make recommendations to the
Commission in a month. Commissioner Guggenhime suggested that staff meets with the neighborhood
leaders and come back to the Commission next month.

Martin MacIntyre stated that concerns regarding the amplified sound policy for Sharon Meadow. Mary
Helen Briscoe, PROSF stated concerns regarding the amplified sound coming from concerts in Golden
Gate Park. Doerte Murray stated concerns that the new amplified sound policy was not different from the
old sound policy.

Due to audio problems the remaining meeting and testimony was not audible.

Taken from speaker cards from the public who testified on this item.
Ted Loewenberg representing Waller Street Neighbors opposed this item, Ron Miguel representing PAR
stated his concerns with the policy, Karen Crommie representing Cole Valley Improvement Association
(CVIA) stated opposition for the policy because the events had over amplified sound, and Joan Downey
representing Cole Valley Improvement Association (CVIA) also addressed her concerns.

On motion made by Commissioner Guggenhime and duly seconded the following resolution was adopted:
RES. NO. 0403-009
RESOLVED, That this Commission does amend the Recreation and Park Department's amplified sound
permit policy for Sharon Meadow in Golden Gate Park, directs staff to meet with community members for
further review and recommended amendments. This item is to be heard at the Parks and Planning
Committee of the Commission in May.


Michael Frank made a presentation the Commission for approval of the San Francisco Recreation and
Park Department’s 15% prioritized contingency list for Fiscal Year 2004-05.

Fiscal Year 2004/2005 Budget Context

The Mayor’s Budget Office projects a deficit for FY 2004/05 of $260 million to $330 million. This range
assumes current spending levels and no new wage increases for City employees. In addition, the election
of a new governor, the State budget crisis, a bond measure to help balance the State’s budget on the march
ballot, and labor contract reopeners all contribute to a climate of uncertainty as we move through this
budget process.

The Department has been asked to absorb employee benefit cost increases within existing subsidy levels.
This amounts to $1.7 million. In addition, the Department must submit a prioritized State contingency plan
equal to 15% of General Fund support amounting to $4.8 million.

Lastly, the Recreation and Park Department must address the one-time measures used in FY 2003/04 to
balance the budget including the Downtown Park Fund and Open Space Fund monies. These amount to
approximately an additional $2.0 million. The total reduction target for FY 2004/05 is $8.5 million. The
following chart summarizes the targets needed to balance the Department’s budget in FY 2004/05.

5.5% Reduction $1.7M

15% Reduction $4.8
Prior year one-time measures $2.0

There has been a 25% reduction in General subsidy in the last two years. Departmental revenues have
increased despite significant decreases in existing revenues as a result of the economy and tourist related
income. The amount of operating funding coming out of the Open space Fund has increased. The
challenge for FY 2004/05 is that most fees have already been increased and the number of new revenue
measures is limited. In addition, the Department has utilized most of its one-time and gift funds and these
are no longer available to assist in budget balancing.

It is important for department staff, advocates, and the general public to understand the approach that the
department and Commission are using to base their budget balancing actions. During the FY 2003/04
budget process, the Commission approved the following budget balancing guidelines. They set policy
framework for decision-making by staff and the Commission.

Prioritize core programs supporting the Department’s mission

Maximize revenue-generating opportunities
Continue Department improvement initiatives and efforts
Maintain preventative maintenance levels, particularly on new facility
Maintain funding that leverages external financial and volunteer resources
Strive for geographic and economic equity in reductions
Pursue public/private and public/non-profit partnerships

• Focus on partnerships with expertise outside of the Department
• Enhance customer opportunities, experience, and service

Mary Crespo, stated opposition of the lay-off of gardeners because the Department lost enough gardeners
from attrition and retirement.

Taken from speaker cards from the public who testified on this item.

Ernestine Weiss
Emeric Kalman stated he opposed this item.

On motion made by Commissioner Prozan and duly seconded the following resolution was adopted:
RES. NO. 0403-011
RESOLVED, That this Commission does approve the San Francisco Recreation and Park Department's
15% prioritized contingency list for Fiscal Year 2004-2005.

Taken from speaker cards from the public who testified on closed session.

Chris Duderstadt and Emeric Kalman spoke on this item.


On motion made by Commissioner Lazarus and duly seconded the Commission adjourned into closed
session at 5:20 p.m.

The Commission reconvened in Open Session at 5:41 p.m.

On motion duly made by Commissioner Prozan and duly seconded and unanimously carried, the
following resolution was adopted:
RESOLVED, That this Commission finds it in the best interest of the public not to disclose its closed
session deliberations.


Taken from speaker cards from the public who testified on this item.

Jerry Schimmel spoke about the Bernal Heights Improvements, Courtney Clarkson spoke about the
Marina Harbor Advisory Committee, Lawrence Casey poke about the Randall Museum, Elliot Katz,
DVM spoke on the condition of the elephants at the zoo, Ernestine Weiss and Emeric Kalman.


The Regular Meeting of the Recreation and

Park Commission was adjourned 5:59 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,

Sharie Canja for Margaret McArthur

Commission Liaison

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