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List of Lorien Legacies characters

This is a list of characters appearing in the Lorien Legacies series of young-adult science
fiction books, written under the pseudonym Pittacus Lore.

1 The Elders

2 The Garde

2.1 Number One

2.2 Number Two

2.3 Number Three

2.4 Number Four

2.5 Number Five

2.6 Number Six

2.7 Number Seven

2.8 Number Eight

2.9 Number Nine

2.10 Ella

3 The Cpan

3.1 Hilde/ Hessu

3.2 Conrad Hoyle

3.3 Henri/Brandon

3.4 Rey/ Albert

3.5 Katarina/ Katar

3.6 Adelina/ Adel

3.7 Reynolds

3.8 Sandor

3.9 Crayton

3.10 Daxin

3.11 Other Cpan

4 The Mogadorians

4.1 Setrkus Ra

4.2 Andrakkus Sutekh

4.3 Adamus Sutekh

4.4 Ivanick Shu-Ra

4.5 Dr. Lockam Anu

4.6 Rexicus Saturnus

4.7 Commander Deltoch

5 Humans

5.1 Sarah Hart

5.2 Sam Goode

5.3 Malcolm Goode

5.4 Mark James

5.5 Emily

5.6 Hctor Ricardo

5.7 Maddy

5.8 Wade

5.9 Devdan

5.10 Lola

5.11 Agent Walker

5.12 Agent Purdy

5.13 Emma

5.14 Ethan

5.15 Senator Sanderson

6 Chimras

6.1 Bernie Kosar

6.2 Olivia

6.3 Dust

6.4 Stanley

6.5 Biscuit

6.6 Gamera

6.7 Regal

6.8 Bandit

7 Pikens and Krauls

8 Other Loric

8.1 Pittacus Lore

8.2 Julianne

8.3 Four's Grandfather

8.4 Lara and Liren

8.5 Arun and Lyn

8.6 Loridas

8.7 Pilot

8.8 Devektra

8.9 Nine's Grandfather

8.10 Erina

8.11 Raylan

9 The Secret Wars

10 The Phoenix Stones

11 Lorien Objects

11.1 Loralite

11.2 Healing Stone

11.3 Lorien Crystal

11.4 Xitharis

11.5 Macrocosm

11.6 Joust Rod/Pipe-Staff

11.7 Diamond dagger

11.8 Red Bracelet

11.9 Sustenance

11.10 Dark Pair of Glasses

11.11 Tree Branch

11.12 Pair of Dark Gloves

11.13 Duplicator

11.14 Hidden Blade

11.15 Obsidian Flute

11.16 X-ray Pebble

11.17 Purple Pebble

11.18 Green Crystal

11.19 Liquid Loralite

11.20 Leather Pouch

11.21 White Tablet

11.22 Loric Salt

11.23 Loric Chests

11.24 Loric Pendants

12 Possible Legacies

12.1 References
13 External links

The Elders[edit]
The Elders were Loric Garde that acted as the protectors and/or politicians of Lorien. Originally there
were ten Elders, but due to the Secret Wars; the conflict between the Loric and the Mogadorians, the
tenth Elder had supposedly died during this time. Soon after the Secret Wars and when peace
prevailed, the Elders discovered the Phoenix Stones, this soon rewarded Lorien with the Legacies
and the Chimaera came out of hiding; but there was also a prophecy that an unknown evil that will
destroy and take Lorien by surprise. This soon led to Pittacus Lore's evacuation protocol for the nine
Loric children that were supposed to assume the Legacies and Inheritance that will exceed their
predecessors; this would happen when the time comes. When the time was near the Elders left
Lorien; Pittacus Lore at this time went to seek out Malcolm Goode, he told Malcolm everything he is
needed to do. Soon Malcolm describes in The Fall of Five that Pittacus Lore died later that night
from fatal battle wounds. It is revealed in The Revenge of Seven that Setrakus Ra, the leader of the
Mogadorians and sworn enemy to the nine Garde is the tenth Elder of Lorien that 'died' during the
Secret War. It is suggested that each of the nine Loric children will assume the Inheritance and
Legacies of one of the Elders, therefore one of the nine Loric children will assume the title of Pittacus
Lore. the original Pittacus Lore; the immortal of about 10,000 years old, has apparently been living
on Earth for the past 12 years and is the predicted to be the author of the books, many other
Pittacus Lores after him have taken on the title as becoming an Elder with eight other Loric. Many
believe that they do not live up to his name and some believe that they exceed the original by far.
The Pittacus Lore that Malcolm had talked was most likely to have been the Pittacus Lore that had
assumed the title at that time, it is also hinted that Number Eight's friend Devdan might have been
the original Pittacus. Setrakus Ra was banished from the Elders and Lorien for his psychotic nature
and plans for the future of Lorien, he soon changed his genetic code to look more like a Mogadorian,
so that they would accept his plans for the future. Pittacus Lore gave Setrakus Ra the purplish scar
around his neck once the Elders found out about Ra's plans; Pittacus and Ra were able to
communicate with each other.

Elders known (so far):

Pittacus Lore - The leader of the Lorien Elders; it is said he had 'all Legacies', meaning he
had every Legacy known to Loric. Number Four, Nine and/or Eight were originally thought to be
Pittacus Lore due to them being able to communicate through dreams to Setrakus Ra, as
Pittacus did. It is most likely that Four or Nine are Pittacus.

Loridas - Loridas was an Aeternus like Ella and Ra, the Loric to assume the title of Loridas
supposedly gave his life to get Ella off Lorien was proven to be a lie told by Crayton, it is
unknown who will take the role of Loridas out of the nine Garde. It is revealed in The Revenge of
Seven that Setrkus Ra was also cast from Lorien and also has Aeternus. It is not yet revealed
which Elder Setrkus Ra was, but it is highly likely that he is really Loridas.

Setrakus Ra - Ra was the tenth Elder of Lorien before he was banished. He is an Aeternus
like Ella and Loridas, and is the grandfather of Ella and father of Raylan. Even though Ella is not
apart of the Elders' plan to save Lorien and Earth, she will most likely assume the role, Legacies
and Inheritance of Setrakus Ra.

The Garde[edit]
As they're described in I Am Number Four, the Garde are the protectors of Lorien and the ones who,
in their teenage years, develop Legacies superhuman powers to aid them in defense. When
Lorien is conquered by the Mogadorians, nine Garde children are sent away from their planet to
Earth, as well as a tenth being sent separately, and before the original nine are separated, a charm
is cast upon them that protects them from harm by the Mogadorians, and ensures that they must be
killed in order, one through nine, as long as they are kept apart. It is revealed in The Power of
Six that they were chosen by Lorien itself to follow in the footsteps of the ten original elders. In The
Fallen Legacies, Adamus counts how many of the Garde were boys and girls, but Number One as a
ghost finds him and he never reveals how many. Based on evidence throughout the first three books
and their prequels, it is assumed that five of the ten Garde are female and five are male.
If nature is left alone to run its course uninterrupted, the ten garde will eventually grow into legacies
that will far exceed that of the original ten elders.

Number One[edit]
Number One, a 14-year-old girl, was killed in Malaysia, according to the back cover of the novel, I
Am Number Four. In the film, One was mentioned but not seen as she died when Number Four was
at the age of nine. Her history is revealed in I am Number Four: The Lost Files: The Fallen Legacies.

One was discovered by the Mogadorians as her picture was taken by the police, as well as her ankle
mark, after she attempted shoplifting to impress a guy. She was known to be rebellious as said by
Hilde. She was followed by the Mogs to Malaysia, where she met her end. She developed her first
legacy, but it was too late as her telekinesis was off and earthquake powers did not last long,
because she often skipped training lessons to spend time with Wade, a boy she liked. She was killed
when a Mog came up from behind and stabbed her with a sword. Her deceased body was taken by
the Mogs to infiltrate her memories to find any information on the other Garde members. Adamus,
the son of a Mogadorian General was selected for the infiltration due to his similar age with One.
During Adamus's infiltration, One appears as a ghost and controls what memories Adamus sees.
After Adamus' three-year coma, One still appears as a ghost in Adamus' mind. She convinces
Adamus to switch sides and try to help Number Two and Number Three although both Adamus's
attempts fail. She continues to appear to Adamus, who survived the events of "The Fallen Legacies",
in the "Lost Files: The Search for Sam" but her ghostly image is slowly fading away. She tries to
convince Adam to find the Garde but fails to convince him. When her condition worsens Adam
attempts to save her by returning to his kind in Ashwood. After a failed attempt to be infiltrated into
One's memories, Adam finally succeeds after One convinced him to "go out swinging". One reveals
that there was no way to save her and that she needed him to see the real side of his family so that
he can go join the Garde. She also gives Adamus her legacy and shares a kiss with him after he
professed his love for her, strongly hinting that she has feelings for him also, and fades away forever.
In The Forgotten Ones, her memory lives on through Adamus, who misses her and acknowledges
that while she maybe gone, he will fight on for her. She was known to have tan skin and long blond
hair, which Adamus notices as he "checks her out". Her Legacies include:

Earthquakes - In the Fallen Legacies, she created seismic quakes while battling the

Telekinesis - Like all Garde, One can move objects with her mind.

Enhancement - All Garde possess enhanced physical strength, speed, reflexes, endurance
and durability.

Number Two[edit]
Number Two, or Maggie Hoyle, a twelve-year-old Loric girl who is known to have glasses, freckles
and reddish brown hair, created an Internet message in an attempt to find the others, likely in
desperation after her Cpan was killed by Mogadorians. Because of this, the Mogadorians found
and murdered her in London, England. She was too young to have had legacies. In The Power of
Six, numbers Four, Six, and their friend Sam talk about Number Two's post. The post read "Nine,
now eight, are the rest of you out there?". Six says that she and her Cpan Katarina responded

saying, "We are here". Seconds later, Two dies and Six and her Cpan flee for fear of being caught.
Four also reveals that his Cpan Henri saw the post and tried to hack into the computer to delete the
message to save Two, but he was too late. Seven almost responded, but decided against it, wisely
as it turns out. When the posting was deleted just after Two was killed, they had assumed the
Mogadorians deleted it. But in the Fallen Legacies, it is revealed that it was Adamus Sutekh, a young
Mogadorian boy who tried to help the Loric, who deleted the blog post to save the other Loric who
responded, but sadly it did not work as Six and her Cpan were caught. Adamus had tried to help
Two by posing as a Loric. However, even when Two learns that he is a Mogadorian, she doesn't
attack him because she believes he is there to help her. Adamus' brother, Ivanick finds Two and
Adamus (he believes that Adamus was trying to trick Two) and stabs Two in the throat with a dagger,
killing her.
Even though she was only twelve years old, Two displayed any addiction to reading all kinds of
books, in "The Fallen Legacies", when Adamus is trying to rescue her she questions him on a lot of
books, Adamus then finds in her packed bag more books. This might have been the start up to
Legacies such as Heightened Intuition or Super-Intelligence.

Number Three[edit]
Number Three, or Hannu, a fourteen-year-old Loric boy and the youngest of the original nine Loric
who were sent to Earth, appears at the beginning of the first book being hunted down by the
Mogadorians in Kenya and is killed soon after the death of his Cpan. In The Fallen Legacies, it is
revealed that Three was found when someone noticed his scars on his ankle. Hannu greets Adamus
and Ivannik in the African village he lives near and says he has been in Kenya his whole life,
meaning that he and his Cepan stayed in Kenya even after Numbers One and Two died, although
this may just be a cover story. Adamus tries to tip off Hannu when he recognizes Hannu as a Loric
due to his high socks which cover his scars, but Ivannik interrupts Adamus's attempt when he is
invited to play basketball by Hannu. In I Am Number Four John says that Three was completely off
the grid when the Mogs found him. Three and his Cpan are killed when the Mogadorians ambush
their shack in the middle of the night. His Cpan was killed when he investigated outside when he
heard a noise. Three manages to get out of the shack just as the Mogs got in. He ran at incredible
speed while a Piken chased him. He made an amazing leap over a cliff onto the other side, but the
General was waiting there. He choked, then stabbed Three in the chest. Three was defiant until the
end, telling the General he would never win. In The Fallen Legacies, it is revealed that Ivanick,
Adamus's adoptive brother, was the one who saw Three's scars, which led the General to him.
Three's legacies included:

Possible Super Agility because even the Piken couldn't catch up to him and he was said to
have made impossible leaps and turns, but it is not proven. That could have just been because
of his training.

Enhancement - All Garde possess enhanced physical strength, speed, reflexes, endurance
and durability. Three used it to jump over the ravine in the book.

It is unknown what other legacies he had.

Number Three is portrayed by Greg Townley in the film adaptation.

Number Four[edit]
Number Four, or John Smith, is 16-years old (as of The Power of Six). He is the protagonist and
narrator of the first novel, I Am Number Four, half of The Power of Six and The Rise of Nine, and
one third of The Fall of Five and The Revenge of Seven, John is Number Four in the sequence
protecting the ten Lorien children living and hiding on Earth. He is described as being a fit, very
attractive young man with dark blonde hair. He has three circular scars on his right ankle,
symbolizing the three dead Lorien children, and a scar similar to the pendant all the Lorien children
wear, signifying the charm that protects them. John falls in love with high school junior Sarah Hart in
the first book. Four also has a friend namedSam Goode who travels with him and Six in a search for
his father who he believes to be a prisoner of the Mogadorians. His Cpan was named Henri, who
dies at the end of the first book.
In The Power of Six he develops feelings for number Six as well, although these subside in the third
book, and his feelings for Sarah take over. At the end of the second book, Four and Nine go North in
an attempt to find Six (and Seven and Ten and Crayton, although they don't know that Ten, Seven
and Crayton are with Six at the time, as she went to save them from a few hundred Mogs). It is
revealed in the third book that he may be the Garde who inherits all of Pittacus Lore's powers, with
Nine and Eight as the other two possibilities since they all have visions about Setrakus Ra, the Mog
In the The Fall of Five, he locates Five and brings him to the penthouse. After Five takes all the other
Garde to Florida, John dreams a vision of the future where the Mogs rule Earth with Ella (as
Setrakus Ra's successor) and Five (revealing him as a traitor). As he wakes, the Mogs attack and
take Ella. After the fight, John meets Adam. Even though John is suspicious of him, He takes Sam's
and Malcolm's word about Adam and recruits him.

In the Revenge of Seven, He leads Adam, Sam, Malcolm, and the Chimera to attack Ashwood
Estates. He fought the General and was almost killed by him (Adam saved him by killing his own
father). John gains more respect for Adam and convinces him to keep his dad's sword. When the
remained Garde arrived, Agent Walker appears to join the Group and takes John, Sam, and Nine to
NYC to intercept a rogue senator, but only to find him betrayed by the Mog enhancements. John
uses his Healing power to full extent to save the senator to try to get him to expose Setrakus Ra.
However, the fleet arrives. John and Nine arrive at Setrakus Ra's presentation and exposes him for
what he is. After Five tells John about the charm placed on Ella, John prevents some federal agents
hurting Setrakus Ra. Also, John was unable to rescue Ella, but was spared by Setrakus Ra for two
reasons: 1) for helping him from the Feds and 2) to watch the Earth "BURN". Later, John and Sam
try to make their way out of NYC with some survivors. When a Piken almost killed John, Sam saved
him by using his own newly developed telekinesis.
His Legacies include:

Lumen (Pyrokinesis)- Four's first legacy: The ability to produce fire, heat, and light from the
users hands, and a resistance to heat, fire, and burns throughout the entire body. Four's
grandfather had this power. In recent books, he's been using it to create fireballs, etc. at

Animal Telepathy - Four's third legacy: The ability to communicate with animals. Although
technically his first legacy, he discovered this Legacy later, near the end of the book one.

Retrocognition - Ability to see events of the past, (Four has shown this ability a couple of
times, e.g. seeing the destruction of Lorien, but it is unconfirmed whether or not this is one his

Precognition - Ability to see the future (Four has shown this ability a couple of times, though
it is unconfirmed whether or not this is one of his Legacies).

Healing - He develops this legacy during the fight in The Rise of Nine. When Sarah and Ella
were shot and dying, he concentrates on how badly he does not want Sarah or Ella to die and
heals them. In The Revenge of Seven when he is healing the Secretary of Defense, he focused
his healing legacy so much he started glowing.

Telekinesis - Like all Garde, Four can move objects with his mind.

Enhancement - All Garde possess enhanced physical strength, speed, reflexes, endurance
and durability.

In the film adaptation, Number Four is portrayed by Alex Pettyfer.

Number Five[edit]
Number Five is a boy and is about the same age as Four.
In Rise of Nine Number Five is seen by Six in a fantasy that she creates while in an abandoned
grocery store in New Mexico, desperate for food. She sees Four, Five, Seven, Eight, Nine and Ten
all sitting with her at a large table as she prepares a meal for them all. Five is seen socializing with
Nine, talking about the places they had been and seen. Later Five gets up and retrieves a chocolate
cake for all of them to eat. Five was likely on a plane traveling over Brazil, landed in Jamaica, and
might be crossing the Atlantic Ocean.
In "The Fall of Five", Five is found after burning his symbol into a corn field. After reuniting with the
Garde, He tells them he buried his chest on an island off the cost of Florida in the Everglades, so He,
Six, Seven, Eight, and Nine go to retrieve it. Once there, Five reveals himself to be a traitor, having
been working with the Mogadorians ever since his Cepan died of a disease. He attempts to kill Nine
but instead kills Eight (who have teleported in front of Nine to save him) by stabbing him through the
heart, fulfilling the prophecy which was thought to be avoided. He was then attacked by Seven, who
develops a new Legacy, and takes out his eye. His current whereabouts are unknown.
In Five's Legacy, he is thirteen years old with a skinny build and long hair. He lives on an island with
Albert whose real name is Rey, and eventually develops the power of Telekinesis. When Rey dies,
Five stays on the island for a while until he sets sail. His destination is for Martinique, but he ends up
flying to South Beach, Florida. He meets a cute girl named Emma and they work together as
pickpockets. Eventually, they meet a Mogadorian ally named Ethan. Ethan makes Five (who is under
the alias of Cody) and Emma work for him. One day, a job in a warehouse goes bad and Five uses
his telekinesis to attack Emma's brother and a few other men. Emma knocks Five out with a pipe,
then Five is taken under the care of Ethan. Five and Ethan spend the next year living in a luxurious
mansion. One day Five discovers that Ethan is working with the Mogadorians. Ethan reveals that
they have Nine in "custody". Five later goes to an FBI building with Ethan the next day. He meets a
Mogadorian who gives him a folder with the picture of the person he must kill to join the
Mogadorians. The book ends there.
In Five's Betrayal, the person he must kill is Number Nine in order to prove himself. He is promised
greatness: a commander among them, to be the ruler of North America (US and Canada), and to be
the "Right Hand of the Beloved Leader". He was even tested when he was made to kill Emma, but
still passed (letting her live) when he decided to make use out of her brother. During Nine's escape
with Four, Ethan was severely injured from green lava. Also, Ethan is believe to have helped in

Nine's escape, so Setrakus Ra has him kill Ethan to prove himself. After killing Ethan, Five makes
preparations to infiltrate the remaining Garde. Also, he finds a letter from Ethan stating that he'll
probably be already dead by know when his usefulness is up and that Five should continue to live
on; putting himself first before anybody else, including Setrakus Ra. At the end, it is revealed he
plans to get the other Garde to join, except for Nine, whom he holds a personal vendetta against
since his escape caused Ethan's death. Five is regarded the Mog's "most valuable asset", their
secret weapon (double agent, etc.) and the Right Hand of Setrakus Ra.
In "The Revenge Of Seven", Five is first seen depressed over Eight's death while Six, Marina, and
Nine were invisible. He somehow knew they were there, saying he's sorry. He allowed them to take
Eight's body, killing Commander Deltoch in the process. He later arrived on the Anibus with Setrakus
Ra and Ella (also revealed to be Ella's "betrothed"). He was used as a guinea pig to test out Ella's
Dreyen power. Right before arriving in NYC, Five got tired and sick of this conflict and tried to get
Ella off the ship and run away. However, Setrakus Ra intercept and fought him, dubbing him his
greatest and last mistake. During the fight, he was using his Externa without his two balls, stating his
missing eye is now being used for storage capabilities. When Ella used his Telekinesis to almost
throw Setrakus Ra off the ship, Five took the chance to stab him (in his shoulder), but it turns out
Setrakus Ra's charm on Ella transfer all injuries to her. Setrakus Ra grabs him, beats him up and
throw him off the ship. Five recovers in arrives where John and Nine expose Setrakus Ra, knowing
what will happen to Ella if they try to kill him. After telling Four, He and Nine were last seen fighting
each other at the end of Revenge of Seven.

Flight - Ability to fly

Externa (Elemental Mimicry) - Ability to take on the qualities of whatever he's touching, i.e.:
metal, rubber, diamond, etc.

Telekinesis - Like all Garde, Five can move objects with his mind. Compared to the rest of
the Garde, his Telekinesis appears to be the strongest as he was able to subdue Six, Seven,
Eight, and Nine.

Enhancement - All Garde possess enhanced physical strength, speed, reflexes, endurance
and durability.

Number Six[edit]
Six or Number Six, also known as Maren Elizabeth (formerly "Sheila," "Kelly," and "Veronica"), is
16-years old. In I Am Number Four: The Lost Files: Six's Legacy, her Cpan Katarina names Six as
a Warrior. She is perhaps the most developed in both battle technique and military strategy of the
Garde we have met thus far, due to the need to fend for herself for the last three years, but is a close

tie with Nine. She is the only other Lorien child in I Am Number Four apart from Number Four/John
Six is described as very pretty, with long black hair, olive-toned skin, hazel-blue-green eyes, high
cheekbones, a wide mouth, and being two inches shorter than Number Four. In The Rise of
Nine preview she bleaches her hair blonde. Her Cpan, Katarina, died three years before the novel
begins. It is later revealed that she was once called Maren Elizabeth, though Four and Sam still call
her Six. Both boys like her, though it is unknown who she prefers. She confessed that she liked both
the boys and kissed John on his lips and Sam on his cheeks before she left. At the end of the
second book Six, Seven, Ten (Ella) and Ten's unofficial Cpan Crayton's goals are to locate Five,
Eight and their Chimaeras, then meet Four and Nine in America.
In the third book, Six and the others discover Eight and try to have him teleport to New Mexico, but
are separated. Stuck in New Mexico Six is captured and to an underground base controlled by Mogs
and the FBI, where she is forced to fight Setrakus Ra, the leader of the Mogadoriens, and is
defeated. She also meets Sarah, who was also held captive, and understands that Sarah was truly
the one for Four and did not turn him in. The girls are reconciled and mend their friendship. During
her confrontation with Ra, he transforms into her and has Six pinned up on the wall covered in a
black rock. After the Garde, except for Five, manage to hurt Ra, Six escapes her prison and reunites
with her friends, swearing to kill Ra the next time they see him. Six meets Nine for the first time.
In The Revenge of Seven, Six had to keep Seven and Nine on a tight lease, since they were filled
with rage on what happened to Eight. Later on, it is revealed that she and Sam are becoming more
romantically attached to each other. She, Seven, and Adam takes Eight's body to the Mayan temple,
Calakmul. After Eight's body is possessed by Lorien itself, she argued with them to do something
about the Mog Invasion after all theirs hardships and sacrifices.
Her Legacies include:

Invisibility - Her first Legacy, developing in a Mogadorian dungeon, which she used to
escape. In I Am Number Four, she uses it to find Four in the school by sneaking around the
Mogadorians. It can also be used to turn other people and objects invisible via touch. Four's
grandfather had this power.

Weather Manipulation - The ability to control the weather, inside or outside. this includes air
pressure, strength and velocity (demonstrated in The Fall of Five during the training session).
Due to writer Jobie Hughes leaving the series, and partially James Frey changing some details
throughout the series, many people have been confused with Six's Legacies being Elemental

Accelerated Healing (Healing Factor) - Six discovered this legacy after Setrakus Ra the
Mogadorian ruler beat her up and threw her into a cell in The Rise of Nine. She had cracked
ribs, a deep cut around her neck, and wounded knees. She recalls that after just five minutes
when she couldn't even stand, she was able to move around, and suspected a new legacy. This
has not yet been confirmed, though it is highly suspected.

Telekinesis - Like all Garde, Six can move objects with her mind.

Enhancement - All Garde possess enhanced physical strength, speed, reflexes, endurance
and durability.

Six is portrayed by Teresa Palmer in the film adaptation.

Number Seven[edit]
Number Seven, or Marina, is a few months short of 18-years old and she is described as being tall
with a lean build, with long dark hair and solemn, thoughtful eyes. She andAdelina, her Cpan, have
stopped moving around, unlike the other Cpan-Garde pairs. They have lived at the Santa Teresa
convent in Spain for the past 10 years. She becomes best friends with seven-year-old Ella in The
Power of Six when Ella was brought to the monastery. The Mogadorians apparently located her long
ago, as John finds a note saying that she was being "trailed in Spain", but due to the number-order,
she could not be attacked until the charm was broken or One through Six were killed. Seven
believed that Four was a Garde when she read about the Paradise High School explosion. Her
beliefs are confirmed by Six. When she and her Cpan are attacked by Mogadorians, Ten and
Crayton reveal themselves as Lorics and Six arrives to help fight off the Mogadorians. Seven's
Cpan however is killed along with Hector, a human Seven befriended who attempted to help her
escape. Seven, Six, Ella and Crayton intend to find the other Garde members and their Chimaeras,
before they go to America to find Four and Nine.
In The Rise of Nine the gang is revealed to be traveling to the Himalayas, where they discover
Number Eight. Marina finds him attractive and ends up having feelings for him, hinting a love interest
for her. They discover a cave of drawings that reveal past and future events, one of which showing
Number Eight being stabbed in the chest, which upsets Marina. After Crayton is killed by an ambush
by Mogadoriens, Eight uses his teleporting ability and escape, but end up separating from Six in the
process, appearing in two different areas. They met up with Four and Nine in New Mexico where
they find the entrance to a secret base and try to rescue Six from Setrakus Ra, but are tricked by
him as he takes the form of Six and stabs Eight in the chest, causing one of the drawings to come
true. Once getting back their powers from Ra, Marina is able to save Eight from death and she

shares a kiss with him. The book ends with entire Garde, except for Five, banding together to
escape the underground base.
In "The Fall of Five", she and Eight start developing romantic feeling for each other. She and Eight
join Five, Six, and Nine to recover Five's Chest in Florida. However, Five reveals this true colors,
wanting to kill Six and Nine, but offering Seven and Eight to join. After Eight sacrifices himself for
Nine, Seven becomes enraged at Five and discovers her new Cyrokinesis Legacy, taking Five's Eye
in the Process.
In "The Revenge of Seven", Seven desires vengeance for Eight's death. When wanting to kill Five
when he was alone, Five allowed them to take Eight body, when it was ordered to deliver Eight's
body and pendant to Setrakus Ra, She let her hate go (a bit), stating that he is lost and alone. She
kept Eight's body close, even taking it to the Mayan temple, Calakmul. She helps begin the process
of restarting Lorien, which in turn, appears to be resurrecting Eight. However, it was actually Lorien
itself, stating that Eight was lost and his body can't hold him for long (as it begins to crack). After
Lorien is finished with it's speech, Eight did seem to come back to life and he and Seven shared a
kiss, only afterwards, Seven falls into despair when Eight's body dissolved into light. However,
Seven sensed that Lorien was already spreading it gifts and that the Garde aren't alone anymore.
Her known Legacies include:

Healing - She can affect humans, plants and Loric, including herself though it tires her a lot.
She heals Hctor's mother of a degenerative incurable disease. When she uses this power, an
icy cold sensation runs through her fingers and body.

Night Vision - She has the power to see in the dark. This Legacy has not been officially
named, as of the second book.

Underwater Breathing - Marina discovered she could breathe underwater when she almost
drowned in a lake.

Cryokinesis - The ability to manipulate, create and control any type of ice, Seven also shows
in The Fall of Five that she was radiating cold, which made Five shiver, and his tears freeze. She
used this Legacy against Five after he killed Eight by making large icicles shoot out of the
ground, one of them impaling his foot and another ripping out his eye.

Telekinesis - Like all Garde, Seven can move objects with her mind.

Enhancement - All Garde possess enhanced physical strength, speed, reflexes, endurance
and durability. Like Nine, her speed is greater than most Garde. She can run as fast as a
speeding car.

Number Eight[edit]
Number Eight, or Joseph (also known as "Naveen" and "Vishnu"), is a boy living in the
Himalayas of northern India. He's already developing powers, such as Telekinesis, as he was seen
moving rocks with his mind. Eight is one of the most powerful Loric so far, after Nine, and has deep
emerald green eyes with long-ish, black, curly hair. He had to learn how to control legacies on his
own due to his Cpan dying. Locals think he's the Hindu god Vishnu reincarnated, apparently
because he can change his appearance into that of beasts and other beings. Crayton also mentions
that he could be the chosen one who inherited Pittacus Lore's powers thus all of the legacies and
can kill Setrakus Ra. It is said that Pittacus Lore had "All Legacies" and was able to take on Setrakus
Ra (which resulted in Ra's scar on his throat). Eight was originally named Joseph and also
possesses a heightened intuition which acts as a sixth sense. (This is shown in The Rise of
Nine when Eight can feel that Six is in New Mexico, though it is unconfirmed whether or not this is
one of his Legacies yet).
In the Fall of Five, Eight goes with Five, Six, Seven, and Nine to retrieve Five's chest. After Five is
revealed to be a traitor, a fight ensues and Eight, teleporting between Five and Nine, protects Nine
from Five's attack, but is stabbed in the heart, killing him. This fulfills the prophecy that was believed
to be avoided, he is after encased in a solid block of ice by Marina, when she'd tried to heal him. He
is the first member of the garde to die out of order.
In "The Revenge of Seven", his body was preserved by the Mogs in order to be delivered to
Setrakus Ra, but Five allows Six, Seven, and Nine to take it instead. Seven was very protective of
his body, wanting to give him a proper burial. His body was taken to the Mayan Temple, Calakmul,
by Seven, Six, and Adam. When the team begin to restart Lorien, Eight appears to be resurrected.
However, it was actually Lorien itself, using his body, which won't last long. When Lorien was done
talking, Eight seemingly was brought to life and he and Seven shared a kiss. However, Eight's body
dissolved into light.

Teleportation - can move from place to place instantly without actually traveling the distance
between them.

Shape Shifting - able to transform his body into any creature he imagines

Hydro-locomotion- Walking on water

Precognitive Dreaming - The ability to see the future through dreams, this may not be an
official Legacy, but Eight has demonstrated it when he talked to Four and Setrakus Ra through
his dreams.

Extrasensory Perception - This Legacy acts as a sixth sense, it allows the user to determine
or predict events that have, will or are currently happening without the user knowing, or being
told. Eight demonstrates this in "The Rise of Nine" when he predicted that Six, Seven, Ella and
Crayton were going to arrive in India.

Telekinesis - Like all Garde, Eight can move objects with his mind.

Enhancement - All Garde possess enhanced physical strength, speed, reflexes, endurance
and durability.

It was then found that he met an old man that was able to teach him after his Cepan, Reynolds, was
killed by the Mogadorians because he was betrayed by the woman he loved. It is unknown whether
this man is immortal Pittacus Lore (10,000 years old Elder), but he is not the Pittacus Lore that was
given the title, because he has been confirmed dead in The Fall of Five.

Number Nine[edit]
Number Nine, or Stanley Worthington, is roughly the same age as Number Four. Nine is one of
the most powerful of the ten. He is rescued by Four after being held in captivity for around a year in
a Mogadorian base in West Virginia near the end of The Power of Six, which incidentally is the same
base where Six was imprisoned. Nine is described as taller than Four, and muscular, with long, dark
hair. He's also very familiar and knowledgeable about the inheritance his chest contains. Displaying
hints of an aggressive nature, coupled with a thirst for revenge against the Mogadorians, Number
Nine operates with a ferocity that Four did not know the Loric possessed. Nine and Four intend to
head North to Nine's "hideout" in Chicago. Nine's Cpan's name is Sandor. Nine uses a pipe-staff.
In The Lost Files: Nine's Legacy it is revealed that when Nine and his Cpan first arrived on Earth
they tried moving around a lot sticking to small motels but were always found by the Mogadorians.
Sandor then decides to use their immense wealth from the jewels that they brought from Lorien to
live in luxury and hide in plain sight. Nine and Sandor were living in Chicago in a penthouse suite at
the top of the John Hancock Center. In their suite Nine trains almost non-stop as he does not go to
school. Nine had fallen in love with a girl named Maddy. Maddy however was working for the
Mogadorians who had found Nine after one of their scouts disappeared in his area. Maddy was
attempting to rescue her parents after they had been abducted by the Mogadores after her father
"saw something he shouldn't have". She and her family however are not allowed to leave and are

killed by a piken. Using Maddy, the Mogadorians capture Nine and later find his Cpan snooping
around a newsletter office in Ohio they had been monitoring. Sandor is tortured to get Nine to break.
Nine eventually breaks through the force field barrier and steals a Mogadorian dagger and with
Sandor's urging, kills his Cpan.
In The Power of Six Nine is able to escape when Four and Sam break into the base and set him
free. In The Rise of Nine Nine and Four team up to survive and possibly find the others. Nine and
Four struggle to get along due to the differences they have. They take shelter at Nine's old
safehouse in Chicago and later journey to a secret base in New Mexico. Nine is shown at the end of
the book fighting Setrakus Ra, the leader of the Mogadoriens, and finally meeting the entire Garde,
except for Five, where they all swear to kill Ra the next time they see him.
In the Fall of Five, he and Five never got along. He saw Five as a fat-bot or hobbit-thing. After Five
reveals his betrayal and witnesses how Eight saved his life, Nine becomes enraged and wants
revenge as much as Seven.
Later, in the Revenge of Seven, he follows John, Sam, and Agent Walker into NYC to expose
Setrakus Ra. He is last seen fighting Five during the Mog Seige on NYC.
His known Legacies include:

Antigravity - Nine can walk on all surfaces, including walls and ceilings as if he were upright.

Animal Telepathy - The ability to communicate with animals. He discovered this at the end
of The Power of Six, when Bernie Kosar/Hadley told him where to find Four's SUV. He also
shares this Legacy with Four/John Smith

Super Hearing - Nine can hear noises from a much farther distance than an average human
or loric.

Legacy Transfer - Nine temporarily shares his powers, or an ability of one of his chest items,
to Maddy in "The Lost Files: Nine's Legacy", to Sam in "The Power of Six" and to Marina in "The
Fall of Five".

Telekinesis - Like all Garde, Nine can move objects with his mind.

Enhancement - All Garde possess enhanced physical strength, speed, reflexes, endurance
and durability. Like Seven, His speed is greater than the other Garde; he can move as a blur,
faster than Seven.

Ella is 11 years old (as of The Rise of Nine). Despite her young age, she already displays signs of
enhancement in being unusually agile, quick and athletic for her young age. Ten was introduced as a
new orphan and sent to the monastery Seven was living in order to find Seven's chest. Ella has an
unofficial Cpan, Crayton, as she was too young to be assigned one on the day of the Mogadorian
invasion of Lorien. In The Power of Six Ella appears as a 7-year-old at an orphanage and befriends
Number Seven. She also helps Seven find her Chest. Later on, Ella and her Cepan, Crayton, reveal
themselves as Loric and that Ella is Number Ten. They defeat the Mogadorians with the help of
Number Six. The book ends with Ella, Six, Seven and Crayton intending to find the other Garde
members and also their Chimaeras.
Despite helping the Garde and being Lorien, she was not originally part fo the Elders' plan- she was
sent to Earth in a human-built spaceship which her grandad, one of Lorien's oldest and proudest
inhabitant (excepting Pittacus Lore, Lorien's ruling elder), when the Great Expansiom occurred. This
was mentioned in Crayton's Letter.
In The Rise of Nine Ella, Crayton, Seven, and Six find Eight in the Himalayas. Crayton dies after an
ambush from the Mogadorians and the group is separated after Eight teleports them away. Ella goes
through the grief of her dead Cepan but manages to push them aside. Later, Ella, Seven, and Eight
rejoin Six along with Four, Nine, and Sarah Hart and fight Setrakus Ra. The book ends with Ra
escaping and the entire Garde, except for Five, promising to finish him off in the future.
In "The Fall of Five" Ella begins to have nightmares about Setrkus Ra telling her to hold his hand
and showing her the death of the Garde and humans at her hands. When she reads the letter that
was written to her by Crayton before he died, she learns that her father, Raylan, was a very rich man
who began to resent the Elders because he felt it was his birthright to be one. He became a recluse
because of this, and had many Chimaera for company. He donated a fuel-ship to the museum
because of her mother, but when the invasion came, he hurried Ella to the ship, along with the
Chimaera and Crayton, his gardener. Later, in a dream, Ella learns that she is Setrkus Ra's "heir".
She is kidnapped by the Mogadorians and is currently with them, but they won't kill her because they
want her to rule alongside Setrakus Ra for reasons unknown
In "Revenge of Seven", its reveals she is Setrakus Ra's granddaughter and is currently located on
the Anubis, the Mogadorian Flagship, orbiting Earth along with the entire Mog Fleet. During her time
there, she was put to reading Setrakus Ra's book, having a mysterious charm on her, and learning
her "betrothed" is Five, revealing him as a traitor and killing Five. Enraged, Ra allowed her to use her
Dreynen on him. Later, when Five tried to bail her out, she later learn her legacies can't affected by
Setrakus Ra's Dreynen. She also learned that the charm on her will transfer all injures on Setrakus

Ra to her. During Setrakus Ra's Announcement to Earth, John and Nine intervene, where she tries
to help. Setrakus Ra stops her, stating he'll kill her for her treason.

Aeternus - the ability to change between ages. Only one of the Ten Elders is supposed to
have this ability; Ella is Loridas's successor.

Telepathy - The ability to communicate with other Garde with Telepathy using her mind, even
across continents as well asts sensing others thoughts even mogadorians.

Dreynen - The ability to cancel or take away another Garde's Legacies for a period of time;
this can be put through charging an object and throwing it or touching. During the fight with
Setrakus Ra, she picked up a broken sword, which then glowed with red energy. She then threw
it at Setrakus Ra, which nullified him and restored the Garde's powers. She's not sure how she
did it but revealed to Setrakus Ra who she was. She again uses this against Five, aboard the
Mogadorian ship, the Anubis; Setrakus Ra starts to teach Ella how to use her powers, when it is
revealed to Ella that Five is a traitor and killed Eight she uses this power when Five is about 40
feet in the air; she throws a Dreynen charged wrench at him.

Telekinesis - Like all Garde. Ella can move objects with her mind. She shows this when she
and Marina are talking, and Sarah and Sam open the door, Ella uses her telekinesis to slam the
door shut.

Enhancement - All Garde possess enhanced physical strength, speed, reflexes, endurance
and durability.

The Cpan[edit]
The Cpan are former inhabitants of Lorien with no Legacies, resembling normal humans. Each
Garde has a Cpan who is charged with hiding, protecting and training their respective child as well
as pass on the knowledge of Lorien and the Legacies.

Hilde/ Hessu[edit]
Hilde/Hessu is the Cepan of Number One. Her original Lorien name is Hessu. She was an older
woman, in her fifties, and always was strict. They had to relocate from place to place some many
times because of One's rebellious attitude. Hilde decided to leave America after One was arrested
for shop lifting and headed to Malaysia. She was the one who woke One to tell her that the Mogs
arrived. She was a good martial artist but was quickly overwhelmed and shot in the chest by a
Mogadorian. Her death allowed One awaken her Earthquake abilities. Hilde's last words were to run

and survive. One described Hilde like a mother to her. Hilde's body was left to rot in Malaysia by the
Hilde makes a small appearance in The Last Days Of Lorien right at the end. She is shown grieving
over Lorien's destruction and questions whether they will survive on Earth. When she states that
they are all going to die and that it is useless to hide, she is comforted by Sandor, Nine's cepan.

Conrad Hoyle[edit]
Conrad is Number Two's Cepan. He and his Garde were living in Ireland but soon had to leave due
to some unknown reasons. Then the General and his Mogs found them after Conrad killed a Mog
scouting troop sent after him by the General and burned down their house in the Scottish Highlands.
He headed for London, England and met Two at a safehouse. The Mogs found his bus and started
to attack, and despite Conrad having two SMG's with him, he is eventually killed. He and Two are
possibly related, him either being her older brother or father.

Henri is Cpan of John Smith, or Number Four. His original Lorien name was Brandon and was a
Cpan at the Lorien Defense Academy. He was in love with Julianne, who was also his wife. With
Julianne, they had a child on his home planet of Lorien, but he left them to protect John when Lorien
was destroyed. He was John's Cpan and also trained and taught him as his legacies formed. Henri
is like a father to John since he was forced to leave his family behind on Lorien as well. Henri dies at
the end of the first book, protecting John from the Mogadorians. In the second book, it is revealed
from a letter that Henri wrote, that Henri knew Sam's father, Malcolm Goode, and that Malcolm was
the whole reason for him and Four coming to Paradise.
In The Last Days Of Lorien, Henri recruits Sandor, Nine's future cepan, to attend the Lorien Defense
Academy. He shows back up at the end of the book, helping the Cpans and the Garde escape
Lorien as it is being invaded by the Mogadorians. He is the one who chose Sandor to be Nine's
Cpan. He is even the one helps train Nine and Four together while Sandor goes through some
training himself to be a Cpan.
In the film adaptation, Henri is portrayed by Timothy Olyphant.

Rey/ Albert[edit]
It has been confirmed through The Fall of Five that Albert is a male and is the oldest of the Cpans.
He later dies on Earth around the time Number Five states that he was found by the Mogs within the

first six months he arrived on Earth from Lorien. His death was caused by a "vile human disease", as
said by Five, not by the Mogadorians like the rest of the Cpans. However, his real name is revealed
to be "Rey" instead of "Albert" in "Five's Legacy". He might be the "Kentra" mentioned in "The Lost
Days of Lorien"
He actually died on an island when Five was thirteen, days after Number Two's death. Five cries
when he dies, and regrets each time he ever thought that he wanted a new Cpan.

Katarina/ Katar[edit]
Katarina is Number Six's Cpan. She was more cool-headed than Six and tried to temper her
volatile Garde. According to Six, Katarina was very thorough with her forgeries as well as with Six's
training and that she had multiple lovers back on Lorien. When Six was 13 Mogadorians caught
them both. The Mogadorians killed Katarina during her and Six's imprisonment in the Mogadorian
base. She was tortured, and then killed in an attempt to force information out of Six.

Adelina/ Adel[edit]
Adelina is the brown-haired Cpan of Marina, Number Seven. Her original Lorien name is Adel.
After wandering aimlessly through Europe she entered the Santa Teresa convent in Spain with
Marina. Adelina had lost faith in their ability to restore Lorien and had grown accustomed to the
religious life at the convent believing that one can save others through religion. As a result she often
told Marina to "stop believing in fairy tales" and doesn't train Seven. After a Mogadorian attack she
feels remorse for denying Marina's heritage and sacrifices herself to help Marina escape, being killed
by a Mogadorian stabbing her in the heart in Book Two.
Adelina makes a very small brief appearance in The Last Days Of Lorien. She is seen on the space
shuttle by Sandor, Nine's cepan, as they head for Earth. Her nickname is revealed to be Adel.

At the mention of his Cepan, Eight becomes withdrawn and avoids the topic, indicating that his
Cepan is dead. It is revealed that Eight's Cepan is named Reynolds, and he and Eight were
betrayed to the Mogadorians by Reynolds's girlfriend on Earth, Lola.

Sandor is first revealed in The Power of Six at the end of the book when Nine tells Four (John) that
his Cpan was killed. He is further revealed in The Lost Files: Nine's Legacywhere he revealed to

have had a gift with working with technology as he creates endless amounts of drones and other
machines that Nine fights in their practice gym, the Lecture Hall. He also says that he was young for
a Cpan and worked with older Loric engineers. He also had made a Mogadorian tracker covered
with an iPod Touch case called an "iMog" by Nine. The screen shows a simple white dot in the
center which is Nine's location, and any red dots that show up on the iMog screen are Mogadorians.
After he and Nine are caught and imprisoned, Nine mercy-kills Sandor to save him from further
torture by the Mogs. His favorite comic book hero is Batman and he often called Nine "young ward".
In The Last Days Of Lorien, Sandor is the main focus of the book as it explores both his youth life
and the planet Lorien before the invasion by the Mogadorians. In the story, Sandor is forced to go to
the Lorien Defense Academy for some wrongdoings with his engineering skills. During the course of
the story, he meets several key players in the future books
like:Brandon/Henri, Hessu, Adelina, John/Four, and of course, Stanley/Nine. Sandor also meets a
Garde named Devektra, who is famous for her music and dancing. It is implied that he has feelings
for her, especially when he kisses and hugs her. The story ends with Sandor saving Nine during the
invasion of Lorien and becomes his new cepan.

Ella's surrogate Cepan, Crayton was assigned to Ella because she was too young to have an official
Cepan, however the two seem to be close, Ella calling Crayton her 'Papa'. Crayton helped to fight
the Mogadorians when Seven left Santa Teresa along with Hector, Ella and Six; equipped with only a
briefcase of weapons. When Seven first met Crayton she mistook him for a Mogadorian because he
was always watching her and misread his clue concerning his book with 'Pittacus' in the title and the
fact that he spoke to Hector. He first tried to approach Adelina but she threw him out once she knew
who he was. He decided in The Rise of Nine that they are going to find the boy in India, believed to
be the Hindi God Vishnu reincarnated, and their Chimras, before meeting up with Number Four.
Crayton later dies in The Rise of Nine by a blast while trying to recover Eight's and Seven's chests.
He was the last Cpan to die. In the Fall of Five, it is revealed that he was the butler to Ella's rich

He is the original Cpan of Nine but due to Sandor tricking him and stealing his identification to be
able to get out of the LDA, he was not able to go out and get Nine. He died during the invasion as a
result, and Sandor took his place as Nine's Cpan.

Other Cpan[edit]

Number Three - The Cpan of Number Three was killed in Kenya by a sword through their
door, shortly before Number Three himself. In the film he is played by Reuben Langdon and was
killed by a piken. He was said to be in his fifties.

"Kentra" - This name is mentioned in "The Last Days of Lorien" as being a Cepan. Kentra
may be Three's Cepan.

The Mogadorians[edit]
The Mogadorians are the main antagonists of the series. Mogadorians are aliens from the planet of
Mogadore. They set out to conquer Lorien for their resources after their own planet started dying
from a lack of it. The Mogs follow the teachings of Setrakus Ra through his "Great Book", which
intels violence and respect for the strong. They often say "By Ra" in respect to their leader Setrkus
Ra. Mogadore is twice the size of Lorien and around a fifth of Earth's size. They hunt the Garde out
of fear. They are planning on conquering the Earth after destroying the Garde.
According to descriptions by Katarina and Henri, Mogadorians soldiers/scouts have white albino-like
skin, black eyes, and serrated teeth, which are actually vat-born/clones, made by Setrakus Ra and
his scientists to increase the Mogadorian population problem and made stronger, faster, but not as
smart as a Trueborn Mog. Trueborn Mogadorians are effectively identical in appearance to humans.
All are gregarious and share a predilection for cities and crowded places. The Mogadorians are
having a harder time conceiving children. And even if a child is born, mothers often die in childbirth.

Setrkus Ra[edit]
Setrkus Ra is the leader of The Mogadorians. He is seen by Four in visions, and arrives on Earth
at the end of The Power of Six. Setrkus is twenty feet tall(normally seven foot, but when using his
Legacies he is twenty foot), tanned with short hair, and a chiseled jaw. A "purplish scar" circles
around his throat, likely given to him by Pittacus Lore.[1] He was the author of the Good Book, which
the Mogs follow faithly and is about how war is a way of life and to conquer, consume, etc.
everything in their path. According to Rex, the Mogs have been gaining more and more power in the
American government in the past few years.
During Six's fight with him, she noticed Ra had unique scars around his ankles, possibly hinting that
Ra may be one of the Original Ten Elders, like Pittacus Lore and Loridas.

When Setrkus fights Six in the "The Rise of Nine",[2] he uses his shapeshifting skill to "mirror" her
features, which fools the Garde when they come to rescue. Eight believes this so much that he
teleports over to him and hugs him. However, Setrkus gives his disguise away by stabbing Eight.
Eight nearly dies, but Seven saves him just in time.
It is revealed in The Fall of Five that Ella is his "heir" and that she comes from a prominent family
connected to the Elders. This most likely means that Setrakus Ra was actually the tenth Elder that
"died" in the Secret Wars considering the scars on his ankle (which is based off that previous Elders
had the same ankle scars related to the more recent Garde.)
In the beginning of Revenge of Seven, he reveals to Ella that she is his granddaughter. He is
currently with her aboard the Anubis, the Mog Flagship, along with the entire Mog Fleet, orbiting
Earth. It is revealed later in The Revenge of Seven that Setrakus Ra was the tenth Elder that 'died' in
the Secret Wars; he says that the other Elders did not agree with his plans for the future of Lorien,
and he was soon banished. He later changed his Loric genetic code to make it look like he was
Mogadorian, Ella describes his face as an old Loric architecture ruins being rebuilt over by a gross
Mog. He went to the Mogadorians and they eventually trusted him for 'progress' that Setrakus Ra
wanted. He places a mysterious charm on Ella and had the intentions of have Five to be married
with Ella. However, things changed when Five tried to sneak Ella off the ship.
It is revealed that Setrakus Ra's Dreynen power doesn't work on Ella. Also, the charm Setrakus Ra
place on Ella transfer any injury inflicted on him will be transferred to her. After throwing Five off the
ship and healing Ella, he was about to make his presentation on Earth's Surrender. However, John
and Nine exposed him for what he really is, a monster. When Ella helps the Garde out, Setrakus Ra
grabs her and intends to kill her for her treason. When John prevents anyone harming Setrakus Ra
after learning of his Charm on Ella, he spares John for two reasons: 1) for helping him and 2) to
watch the Earth BURN. He escapes with Ella still in his custody.

Telepathy - It is assumed that Ra can communicate with people through his mind;
communicating with Numbers Four, Nine and Eight. Also due to Ella being the Garde
supposedly to inherit Ra's role and Legacies, Ra would then have Telepathy like Ella.

Aeternus - Like Ella Ra is an Aeternus, this is revealed in The Revenge of Seven.

Precognition - he is able to communicate to Four, Eight, Nine and possibly others through
their dreams. It is also pointed out that Pittacus Lore and Setrakus Ra always communicated
with each other this way.

Telekinesis - Ra stopped bullets in midair. Also, after Six was encased in black rock (via his
whip), Ra hovered her to the ceiling and kept her up there like a magnet.

Magnokinesis - The ability to manipulation at will metals of all states, Ra shows this when he
partially returns the broken sword back into its original state.

Super Strength - Ra is proven to be a very strong warrior.

Super Speed - Ra is able to move as fast as a blur, just like Nine.

Healing Factor - Ra can heal all wounds, even fatal ones, leaving behind scars on where the
injury occurred. It could be actually caused by a charm he created that causes any injured
inflicted is transferred to another (ie: In The Revenge of Seven, he uses a charm on Ella and it
was fully revealed when Five stabbed him in the shoulder, only for Ella to suffer the injury).

Dreynen - Like Ella Ra, in the form of unleashing blue lightning from his fist, can take away
the Garde's legacies. However, this ends when Ella threw a sword fragment (Which is later
confirmed to be her Legacy of Dreynen). His power doesn't necessarily work with the lightning,
Ella defined when he uses his Dreynen its like he's charging up the molecules around him.

Personal Weapons:

Golden Staff (Eye of Thaloc)- Ra carries a golden staff that has a hammer head and a black
eye. When the eye glows red, it can rip a person to shreds. When it glows purple, it helps Ra
with his shapeshifting powers. Also, when it just touches another person, it can bring a numbing
sensation throughout one's body, as if they were drained of their blood. In "The Revenge of
Seven" the staff is broken by Nine - this is what helped Ra shapeshift

Fire Whip - With every swing, it unleashes a wave of fire. Also, when the whip hits someone,
the injury turns black, becoming heavy and slowly spreading throughout the person's body,
encasing them in black rock. At the end of "The Revenge of Seven", it appears the whip can
separate into three whip ends.

Andrakkus Sutekh[edit]
Andrakkus Sutekh, also known as "The General" or Andrew Sutton, is the commander of the
Mogadorian Forces. He is a strict and fierce individual, both to his troops and his family (his wife, his
son Adamus, his daughter Kelly, and his adopted son Ivan). His main base of operations is Ashwood
Estates in Washington. He raises both Adamus and Ivan as brothers, but considers Ivan to be his
favorite. After the death of One, he gives permission for his own son to be used in an experiment to

infiltrate her mind, which would set of a series of events in the future ahead. It is revealed in The
Fallen Legacies that he is the one who kills Number Three (the beginning of I Am Number Four). He
resents his son, Adamus, who switched sides with the Garde, and shows great anger towards him in
the "The Search for Sam", going as far as to grant permission for him to be killed in an experiment.
His fate is left unknown by the end of the story, when Adamus destroys almost all of Ashwood.
However, it is later revealed that the General is alive in The Forgotten Ones, having survived the
destruction of Ashwood.
In the film adaptation of I Am Number Four, he is simply called the Mogadorian Commander. He is
portrayed by Kevin Durand in the film. He kills Number Three (just like in the novel) and leads the
investigation to find Number Four/John. After finding him to be in Paradise, Ohio, he leads his
soldiers against John and Six, only to be killed when John overheats his ammo and destroys it.
It seems that he survives because in the Revenge of Seven, he battles with Four and Adam at
Ashwood Estates. He possesses a sword that drains the energy of the environment around him,
absorbs fireballs from four, and fires a dangerous blasts. He also wears very strong armor under his
uniform. Despite having his hand shot off by Malcolm, the General overpoweres Four and almost
strangles him to death. However, Adam uses his sword and stabs him in the back. When the general
dies, some parts of his body disintegrated as they were enhancements provided by Setrakus Ra.

Adamus Sutekh[edit]
Adamus, also called Adam, is The General's son and narrator of the Fallen Legacies. Originally
possessed of bloodlust like the rest of his kind including his half-brother and best friend Ivanick, after
he witnesses One's death and enters One's memories he has a change in heart. In One's memories,
he not only sees her past but is visited by One's ghost. He comes to see how evil his father, the
General, and his kind is and sees the aftermath of Lorien. After a three-year coma from the memory
infiltration, he learns of the second Garde who was found in London and decides to try to help Two
escape. However, he fails as she is killed by Ivanick. Over the next few years the third Garde is
discovered in Kenya, Adamus and Ivanick are sent along with the General to find number Three.
Adamus tries to help Three and tip him off of the Mogadorian presence. Ivanick, believing Adam is
trying to take a chance at the glory, stops him. Adamus tries to convince Ivanick to change sides but
is branded as a traitor. He manages to defeat Ivanick using moves he learned while in One's
memories. After Adamus watches from a distance as Three is killed by the General, Ivan sneaks up
from behind and pushes Adamus into the ravine. He reawakens on a beach in California with One
desperately trying to wake him up and push him back into the real world to prevent him from dying.
Throughout the book it is hinted that he has a crush, surprisingly, on Number One. While inside
One's memories, he notices a feral looking boy with long black hair and a blonde girl being carried

by her Cepan. The boy is Nine, but none of the Garde have blonde hair, so it is unknown who the girl
During The Search For Sam, it was revealed that he survived his fall in the ravine. He was rescued
by a local and mistaken to be a volunteer. He spent a few months there doing volunteer works. He
decided to return to Ashwood when One told him she is fading away as he was desperate not to lose
his only best friend, the girl he loves. Only his mother greeted him with love, while the General and
Kelly, his sister, know about his betrayal and treat him like a hostile. He makes a deal with his father
to make himself useful in a week, or else he will be killed. He was then assigned to Surveyor work.
He meets Dr. Zarkos, Dr. Anu's successor who improved the mind transfer technology. Seeing this a
perfect opportunity, he created a ruse that would make his father give permission to Zarkos to turn
him into his lab rat. It was revealed that Malcolm Goode is alive and has no memory of who or where
he is. During the first attempt, when Hilde was killed, he felt something he never felt before. And as it
happened, he felt the floor shaking. He woke up back in the lab. Denying he remembered anything
from the experiment, Zarkos revealed that he can extract the information even if he didn't remember
it. He would just have to kill him, but he has to ask the General's permission. He then created
another ruse again when One grew weaker. Before Zarkos could kill him, he wounds the doctor and
awakens Malcolm Goode and performs the experiment. During his dream-like state, he lets out a
massive shockwave causing an implosion inside the underground complex. One transfers her
powers to Adam and reveals that there was no way to save her and that it was all about convincing
him how evil the Mogadorians are and that he needs to find the Garde. During the emotional
moment, Adam professes his love for One and they share a kiss before she disappears forever. He
awakens with Malcolm Goode by his side and they band together to survive. Over time Malcolm
becomes his mentor. They go back to Paradise, Ohio to search for Sam only to reveal that he has
joined the Loric cause and went with the Garde. Adam suggests that they go to a secret government
base in New Mexico, which he found out about back in Ashwood. Sneaking into the government
base, they find Sam and set him free. Adamus sacrifices himself, so Malcolm and Sam could
escape, and battles several Mogadorians including Ivanick. Using his newfound gift Adam kills
Ivanick and a few of the Mogadorians by causing an earthquake. The book ends with Adam
concluding he will survive the battle and join the rest of the Garde.
In The Forgotten Ones, Adam survives the collapse of the underground base that he caused and
uses his earthshaking powers to escape the rubble. He discovers a young Mogadorian commander
named Rexicus Saturnus, aka Rex. Needing information and a prisoner, he helps Rex to the surface
and finds shelter at one of the buildings that didn't get destroyed. Adam also meets a Chimaera
whom he names Dust and the two form a quick bond with of each other. After spending a few days in
the nearly destroyed building, waiting out any Mogs who might be looking for survivors, he forms a
connection with Rex, who knows who he is and wants to kill him. During their time together, Adam

learns that the Mogs were doing experiments on Sam and trying to obtain the Chimaera
shapeshifting gene to add to their Vatborn soldiers. After revealing that the Chimaeras are at the
main research facility in Palm Island, New York, Adam forces Rex to agree to take him there and
they leave the next day. While trying across New Mexico, they stop in a small town, where they steal
money from a thief and manage to get themselves to a train station. Realizing that they are being
followed, Adam buys tickets for another destination and smuggles himself, Dust, and Rex on a train
for another city they need to go to. As they journey across the country, Rex and Adam grow closer
together, while they do show conflict as well, and Adam asks Rex if he ever questions what they do
is wrong, only to earn more conflict from him. Once arriving in the city they want, Adam is attacked
by Mogs and believes that Rex has betrayed him. With the help of his powers and Dust, he manages
to defeat them but is knocked out by one last surviving Mog and is saved by Dust. Waking up in a
stolen car, Rex is revealed to have saved him and never betrayed him, although he did hide from the
fight. When Adam asks why he is helping him, Rex replies that he doesn't know but that he is only
fulfilling what he promised and that while he does like Adam, he also still believes in the Mog's
cause. When arriving at Palm Island, disguised as a prisoner, Rexicus fulfills his promise and breaks
Adamus out and leads him to the Chimaeras. Adam then escapes with the Chimaeras and Dust,
while Rex stays behind to rejoin his fellow Mogadorians. At the end of the story, Adam, along with
Dust and the other chimeras, drives for Chicago after learning the Garde have been found. He calls
Sam and warns him that the Mogs are coming. Adam remembers One and begins to miss her.
Realizing that One is truly gone, he finally allows himself to let her go, while honoring her by keeping
on fighting.
In "The Fall of Five", Adam manages to warn Sam about the Mogadorian attack and rushes over to
Chicago to help the Garde. When he gets there, the fight is over and the Mogs are all gone, thanks
to Four giving them Ella. Four mistakes him for a soldier and is about to kill him when Adam
introduces himself. Four is suspicious, but tells Adam that he is going to help win the war.
In "The Revenge of Seven", He leads the John, Sam, and Malcolm to Ashwood Estates to take out
the Trueborn Mogs. However, the Trueborn were gone, except for a Salvage team and the General.
After a big fight, Adam saves John from the General by stabbing his father in the back with his
father's sword (which he keeps later). After meeting with the other Garde, he slowly grows on them.
He later joins Six and Seven in going to the Mayan Temple, Calakmul. After taking out the Mog
forces, he was able to pass through the Lorien force field and follow the Garde into the Temple to
restart Lorien. While inside, he was surprise that the map of the whole universe was inside (being
greater than the current maps of the Mogs). He became even more surprised when Eight is
seemingly resurrected.

Earthquakes - inherited from One, he can create earthquakes, especially when angry

Ivanick Shu-Ra[edit]
Ivanick, or Ivan, is the adopted son of The General and best friend turned rival of Adamus. He was
the son of a fierce Mogadorian warrior named Bolog Shu-Ra who died in the battle on Lorien and
was taken in by the General. At the beginning of I Am Number Four: The Lost Files: The Fallen
Legacies, he and Adamus studied and trained together over the years. As time flew by, Ivan became
competitive to Adamus and wanted to prove he was a better and stronger than Adamus was to the
General, which Adam comes to ignore. He cheers when One was killed exclaiming "That was
awesome!" After Adam awakens from his three-year coma-state, Ivanick and him travel to London to
find Number Two. Ivan kills Two, thinking Adamus didn't have the stomach for it. Later, the two travel
to Kenya to find Number Three. Ivan stops Adam from warning Three, at first thinking he was trying
to beat him for the kill, but then discovers Adam's betrayal and brands him a traitor. He and Adamus
fight resulting in Adamus winning and knocking Ivan out, but he later pushes Adamus into the ravine
once regaining consciousness after Three's death.
In the I Am Number Four: Lost Files: The Search for Sam, it is revealed that the General and Ivanick
covered up Adamus's betrayal and made it look like he died by the hands of Three. Ivanick was
promoted and was stationed at the government base in New Mexico. Ivan meets up with Adam, who
has completely sided with the Garde and now has powers, and a battle emerges. Ivanick is killed by
Adamus, who caused an earthquake to happen, which results in rubble collapsing on Ivan's head,
beheading him.

Dr. Lockam Anu[edit]

Dr. Anu was a Mogadorian doctor who created a machine that would let the user see a dead Garde's
memories. Adamus is the first one to use this machine to see Number One's memories. Dr. Anu had
bet his life that the machine would work, but due to the supposed failure of the machine since
Adamus did not wake up from his coma, he was killed by the General. Adamus' mother later reveals
that the General never liked Anu and was surprised that he wasn't killed earlier.

Rexicus Saturnus[edit]
Rexicus Saturnus is a young Mogadorian commander, who appears in The Forgotten Ones. After
the events of The Search for Sam, Rex survives the collapse of the New Mexico underground base
and meets up with Adam, who helps him to the surface and find shelter. During their time of
recovering from the incident, Rex realizes who Adam is and desires to kill Adam for his betrayal,
despite that he saved him. After providing information that the Mogs are attempting to harness the
Chimera shapeshifting gene and adding it to their Vatborn soldiers from the captured chimeras who

are being held at the main facility in Palm Island, Adam forces him to take them all the way to the
main research facility in Palm Island, New York. While Rex does want to kill Adam, he also forms a
small friendship with him and begins to like him. After an attack from the Mogs and hiding during the
battle, Rex rescues Adam in the aftermath and takes him to Palm Island. When Adam asks why he
hasn't killed or betrayed him, Rex replies that he doesn't know and that he wants to fulfill his
promise. Coming up with a plan, Rex pretends to take Adam as a prisoner and infiltrates the facility.
Later on, he breaks him out and they find the Chimaera, setting them free. After saving the Chimaera
and making sure that Adam is free to escape, he stays behind, still believing in the Mog Cause and
hoping to rejoin his fellow Mogadorians. His fate is left unknown.

Commander Deltoch[edit]
The Commanding Officer of the Mog Base in Virginia where Nine was held captive. It was him who
put Five in the task of killing Nine. He also arranged to have Five kill Emma due to their past
relationship. After Five nearly crushed Emma with his telekinesis and spared her to make use out of
her brother, the commander said he passed "with flying colors". He and Ethan never saw eye to eye
on preparing Five. He also didn't agree with a human like Ethan having a high position among the
Mogs. After Five killed Ethan, Deltoch appeared and saluted him, signifying Five proved himself and
is now a commander. In the Revenge of Seven, Five kills Deltoch, in attempt to make an excuse to
allow Six, Seven, and Nine to take Eight's body.


Sarah Hart[edit]

Dianna Agron

Sarah Hart is the only one person at John's new school in Ohio, other than Sam, that offered to be
close with him. John and Sarah officially became a couple after the Haunted Hayride in book one.
Sarah is portrayed as an intelligent and extremely beautiful teenage girl with straight blond hair past
her shoulders, ivory skin, high cheekbones, and soft blue eyes. Originally a cheerleader, she
dated Mark, John's rival at school. After her parents realized what a bad influence Mark was, they
sent her away for the summer. Upon her return, inspired by the sights she had seen during her time

away, she quit the cheerleading squad and broke up with Mark. She is passionate about
photography and animals. She became friends with John when they met and soon started a
relationship. After John saves her from a house fire, she realizes he is not human and John is then
compelled to tell her the truth. Despite knowing that he is not human, Sarah finds herself deeply in
love with John and confesses it to him, which he does the same. After the Mogadorians try to kill
John, he leaves her, unwillingly, at the end of I Am Number Four, promising to come back.
In Book Two, The Power of Six, Sarah appears only once (but is still mentioned throughout the
book). While passing through Paradise, Four, along with Sam, contacts her and they meet in a park.
Although they start their meeting with joy, Sarah starts to tell Four to turn himself in and checks her
mobile phone several times, though she claims it is just a text from a friend. It soon becomes clear
that Sarah is jealous about Four's relationship with Six. They have an argument, leaving Sarah in
tears. The FBI suddenly appear, Sarah is whisked away, and Sam and Four are arrested. It was
implied that Sarah is the one who betrays Four and reveals his presence to the FBI, by
communicating with the police via her phone.
In Book Three, The Rise of Nine, it is explained that Sarah did not betray John and was captured by
the Mogadorians after the FBI took him away. They drugged her and forced her to repeat whole
conversations word for word. She has been held captive by the Mogadorians and even meets up
with Six, who was also captured. Sarah and Six become close friends. After John, Nine, Eight,
Seven, and Ten find her, John and Sarah have a brief moment with each other before they battle
Setrakus Ra, who is holding Six captive. She is currently with the rest of the Garde (except Number
Five) looking for a way out of the government base.
In Book Four, The Fall of Five, she is still with the group when Sam joins them and spends a lot of
her time with John. Despite Four's protectiveness, she learns to shoot in order to protect herself.
While Six, Five, Eight, and Nine all leave to get Five's Chest, she stays behind with Sam and his
father, Malcolm, to take care of John, who was pulled into a coma-state along with Ella. When the
Mogadorians attack their hideout, she helps to fight back, but despite her and Sam's best efforts,
Ella is captured and Malcolm Goode is almost killed. She is last seen helping Sam and Malcolm
escape, while John stays behind to find his own way out.
In the beginning of "The Revenge of Seven" she is currently in an abandoned warehouse with John,
Adam, Malcolm, Bernie Kosar, Dust, Sam and the Chimaera rescued from Plum Island. Later on
Sarah and Bernie Kosar go off to meet with Mark James to find more information about the
She's portrayed by Dianna Agron in the film adaptation.

Sam Goode[edit]
Sam Goode is John's best friend in I Am Number Four. Sam is a devoted believer in aliens and alien
conspiracies who believes that aliens abducted his father from his truck. He first suspects what John
is, after they are attacked on the Haunted Hayride by Mark and his friends, but is convinced by John
otherwise. However, when he sees John fight the three men in Athens who write the alien conspiracy
magazine, They Walk Among Us he finds out he was right. He is a gangly kid with glasses, though
they are not his he explains to John that they belonged to his father, and he wears them in an
attempt to connect with his father. He has a crush on Sarah's friend, Emily. During the battle against
the Mogadorians, Sam saves John's life by killing one of the soldiers, and also saves Six by carrying
her back to his truck after she is injured. He decides to accompany John and Number Six away from
Paradise by the end of the novel.
In the second novel The Power of Six, Sam remains on the run with John and Six. It is later revealed
in a letter from Henri that Sam's father, Malcolm Goode, is one of the people who knew about the
Loric and welcomed the Garde and their Cpans when they arrived on Earth for the first
time. Henri originally went to Paradise to meet with him and talk about the rest of the Garde, but
found him to be long gone. Sam takes in the information and accepts it, motivating him even more to
find his father. During the story, Sam forms feelings for Six, who also has feelings for Sam and John
at the same time. While Six travels to Spain to find Number Seven, Sam and John travel to the
Mogadorien's secret cave headquarters in West Virginia, to find Six's and John's chest. They end up
discovering Number Nine and set him free, but are discovered by the Mogs in the process. John
loses contact with him while escaping Mogadorians and is trapped inside.
In the Lost Files: The Search for Sam, Sam is revealed to be held in a secret government base in
New Mexico and kept in a cage. Sam's father, Malcolm Goode, and a rogue Mogadorien, Adamus,
find him and set him free. Sam and Malcolm are able to evade the on-coming Mogadoriens with the
help of Adamus, who stays behind and fights them. This happens during the battle against Setrkus
Ra, in The Rise of Nine.
In the fourth novel The Fall of Five, Sam's capture is explained and also repeats his escape by Adam
and his father in The Search for Sam at the very beginning. The book is narrated by Sam
intermittently and shows he has escaped the base, along with his father. Sam and his father catch
up on lost time, even leave a message to his mom, and plan to reunite with the Garde. They later
find John, Six, and Sarah in Arkansas, along with Number Five. They join them in Nine's penthouse
in Chicago. Sam finally asks Six about having a relationship, which she replies that it isn't the right
time, leaving him heartbroken. While Nine, Eight, Seven, Six, and Five leave to get Five's chest in
the Evergreens, Sam stays behind with his father and Sarah. By the end of the novel, Sam receives
a call from Adam (actually where Lost Files: The Forgotten Ones ends), who warns him of the

coming Mogadorien attack, thanks to Five's betrayal. Sam, Malcolm, and Sarah hold off the Mogs
and later escape, while Four stays behind.
He is currently in an abandoned warehouse with John, Adam, Malcolm, Bernie Kosar, Dust, Sarah
and the Chimaera rescued from Plum Island. He follows John into the Ashwood Estates battle and
later into NYC to expose Setrakus Ra. After Setrakus Ra's exposure, he and John try to get out of
the city. When a Piken almost kills an exhausted John, Sam saves him with his newly developed
Telekinesis, granted by Lorien itself. Sam was so surprised, stating "Did I just do that?".

Telekinesis - Sam develops this Legacy after Six, Marina, and Adam bring the necessary
items to the Sanctuary. Lorien talks through Eight and he says something like those who are
worthy will receive, which indicates that humans will get Legacies. Sam is one of those worthy

In the film adaptation, he is portrayed by Callan McAuliffe.

Malcolm Goode[edit]
Malcolm Goode is Sam's father and one of the few people who knows about the Loric. He is said to
be one of the nine people assigned to help the Loric start their lives in earth and show its cultures
and way of life. In Henri's Letter to John, it is said that fate is not the reason that they went to
Paradise but because Henri was looking for Malcolm. Malcolm disappeared one day and Sam
believed that somehow the aliens abducted him causing his disappearance. During the Search for
Sam, it is found out that he had been experimented to extract information about the Loric that
caused him to forget who and where he is. He was awoken by Adamus so he can perform the
experiment. When Adamus woke up he found Malcolm beside him. The two teamed up together to
survive. As time progresses, Malcolm became Adamus' mentor. They went back to Paradise, Ohio to
search for Sam only to reveal that he has joined the Loric cause and went with the Garde. Adam
suggests that they go to a secret government base in New Mexico, which he found out about back in
Ashwood. Sneaking into the government base, they find Sam and set him free. Adamus sacrifices
himself, so Malcolm and Sam could escape, and battles several Mogadorians including Ivanick. Due
to his time as a Mog captive, he is the initial suspect of giving over information to the Mogs, but it is
revealed to in fact be Five. Four allows Ella to be captured in order to save Malcolm's life at the end
of The Fall of Five.

In the beginning of "The Revenge of Seven" he is currently in an abandoned warehouse with John,
Adam, Sam, Bernie Kosar, Dust, Sarah and the Chimaera rescued from Plum Island. He then
relocates with the others at Ashwood Estates, and stays behind with the other Chimaera.

Mark James[edit]
Mark James is the quarterback for the school football team and a bully. He is at first bitter when he
sees that Sarah has begun a friendship with Four. After trying to hurt Four and Sarah whilst they are
on a Halloween ride, Four defeats Mark and his friends and warns Mark to stop messing with them.
Mark is sufficiently intimidated, and a truce is made. Four helps Mark when his house burns down
during a party by saving his dogs. Mark discovers a video of Four saving Sarah and his two dogs
from the fire and shows it to Henri. He then is brought by Henri to the High School and fights
alongside Four against the Mogadorians.
In The Power of Six, it is reveals that he adamantly denies that Four started the house fire and is
willing to take the blame rather than place it on Four.
At the beginning of The Revenge of Seven, Four, Sarah, Malcolm, Adam, Sam and the Chimaera
(Bernie Kosar, Dust and the ones rescued from Plum Island) are hiding in an abandoned warehouse;
Sarah comes across the site They Walk Among Us, her and the others read the page. The page has
written positive things about the 'Loric heroes' and very negative descriptions of the Mogadorians, it
is first assumed that the editor is one of the ones captured by the Mogadorians; but then Sarah finds
the editor's username is 'JollRoger182'. Sarah smiles widely and explains that it was a name used
by the Paradise High School quarter-back; this suggests that Mark James is the new editor and the
next few chapters will follow one from the book I Am Number Four: The Lost Files: Return To
He is played by Jake Abel in the film adaptation.

Emily is Sarah's friend in Paradise, who makes a few appearances in I Am Number Four. Sam later
reveals to John and Sarah that he has a crush on Emily, which Emily as has a crush on him as well.
During the party at Mark's house, Sam finally talks to Emily and is suggested that they are in a
relationship, as it is also implied that they had kissed. However, the relationship doesn't last long as
Sam goes on the run with Four and Six as fugitives to the US government. Despite not being seen in
the rest of the series, Emily is mentioned a few times.

Hctor Ricardo[edit]
Hctor Ricardo was the town drunk of Santa Teresa and Marina's only human friend. Hctor helps
Crayton fight off the Mogadorians and protect Marina and Ella. He was killed by a Piken during the
events in The Power of Six. He was grateful to Marina for healing his mother and helped her, Ten,
and Crayton escape the Mogadorians.

Maddy was a new girl in town when Nine was living in Chicago. She and Number Nine started a
friendship after meeting at the Windy Wall and later became a couple. She had long black hair with
bangs. She chose to go to a planetarium on their first date. On a second date, Mogadorians show up
causing Nine to participate in a car chase while trying to escape them. Nine loses them but Maddy
gets angry and leaves after Nine kisses her. Later, she accepts his apology and Nine meets her at
her house and spends the night, but does not sleep with her. In the morning Nine wakes up
surrounded by Mogadorians. He takes Maddy and tries to escape, but she tazes him. Its revealed
that her parents were taken hostage for two years because her father had seen something that he
shouldn't have and the Mogadorians wouldn't let her see them unless she finds Nine. They are taken
to a base in West Virginia where she meets her parents. After reuniting with her parents, the
Mogadorians release Pikens into the room thus killing Maddy and her family. Her last words were
begging Nine for help.

Wade is a surfer around sixteen years old whom Number One develops a crush on and stops
training. He is rebellious like her and shoplifts. One chooses to shoplift some records to impress him
and is caught and arrested by the police. He is one of the main reasons why One stops training and
is found by the Mogadorians.

Devdan is a friend of Eight who helped him to master his Legacies. He is mentioned in Rise of Nine.
He is in the hands of the Mogadorians. He was used by Setrakus Ra to taunt Eight. Devdan was
originally assumed by most readers to be Pittacus Lore; but due to Malcolm Goode explaining the
events before the invasion of Lorien to the Garde in The Fall of Five, Pittacus Lore is dead. This
might be the Pittacus Lore titled Loric, due to the fact that nine Garde on Lorien were chosen every
1,000 years or so to assume the title of the nine original Elders including Pittacus. Devdan could
possibly be the 'original' Pittacus Lore (the immortal over 10,000 years old) who is the author and
one of the first nine Elders. This is just a theory.

A woman who Cepan Reynolds fell in love with on Earth. Due to her jealousy of Number Eight,
Reynolds's Garde, she betrayed them to the Mogadorians in exchange for a large bag of gold.
However, the Mogadorians stabbed her in the back and then her "bag of gold" exploded on her.

Agent Walker[edit]
Agent Walker is a redhead female FBI agent who is tasked in capturing the Garde. However, after
what happen to Purdy, she joins the Garde in exposing Setrakus Ra. She reveals that the Mogs
came 10 years ago and, in exchange for advanced technology, medical enhancements, etc., the
Mogs were allowed to use their resources to track down the Garde. Also, she reveals that about 15%
of the USA's military, CIA, FBI, etc. are MogPro, along with some foreign officials and the Secretary
of Defense and the Vice President (the US president is kept in the dark).
In the book "The Revenge of Seven" she and her men, John, Sam, and Nine to NYC to intercept
Secretary of Defense, Senator Sanderson, only to find him betrayed by the Mogs as his
enhancements turn on him. After John heals him, Walker takes the group to where Setrakus Ra
makes his presentation to Earth.

Agent Purdy[edit]
Agent Purdy is one of the FBI agents who are tasked to capture the Garde. He later dies of a heart
attack, which in reality, he is killed by his Mog enhancements. This makes Walker join the Garde in
exposing Setrakus Ra.

Emma is a Hispanic girl who became partners in crime with Five in Five's Legacy. She is described
as being deeply tanned with black hair and dark eyes. She is Five's friend and romantic interest.
Their friendship is destroyed when Ethan sends Five and Emma for a rigging job, Ethan at this time
knew Five was Loric, and he set up Five. A group of henchmen attacked Five and Emma, and Five is
forced to use his Legacies, this results in Emma in seeing him beat up the henchmen in self-defense
and the injury of one of the henchmen who turns out to be Emma's brother. She is after shocked and
furious at Five, calls him a 'monster' and knocks him out with a pipe. She is later said to having
moved after her brother got out of the hospital. They moved to Tallahassee. Five misses her. It is
hinted that he has romantic feelings towards her.

In Five's Betrayal, She was brought forth to Five in Virginia to test Five. She was nearly crushed to
death by Five's telekinesis after she mentions the word "monster". Five managed to spare her by
making some use out of her brother. She is later moved to another location, safe and sound.

A human working with the Mogadorians. He took Five under his wing and managed to have him join
the Mogs. He was ordered to become Five's best friend and mentor. He and the Virginia base
Commander Deltoch never saw eye-to-eye. He considers Five's powers to be gifts. During Nine's
escape, he was injured by green lava, destroying half his face and his right hand. Suspected to be
involved with Nine's escape, Setrakus Ra orders Five to kill him instead of Nine. Five and Ethan had
their final moments together back in Miami.
While Five was preparing to infiltrate the remaining Garde, Ethan left a note in Five's box. It states as
Five is reading it, he's probably dead as he saw it coming when his usefulness was up and that Five
should do anything to survive; putting himself before everything, including Setrakus Ra. Ethan was
one of the Greeters that welcomed the nine Garde and Cepan. But he had lost faith in the Loric
cause and started to work for the Mogadorians, in exchange for his services his life will be spared
when the Mogadorians take over the Earth. These events take place in I Am Number Four: Th Lost
Files: The Hidden Enemy.

Senator Sanderson[edit]
The US Secretary of Defense and one of the MogPro traitors. It was initially believed that he was
supposed to present Setrakus Ra, but betrayed as his Mog enhancements turns against him. When
he was to die for being a fool, John heals him. Afterwards, the Senator reveals that the Mog fleet has
already arrived, ships hovering over almost every major city (London, NYC, Shanghai, etc).


Bernie Kosar[edit]
Bernie Kosar, also known as Hadley, is a Chimra from Lorien. Chimras have the power to
morph into other animals or beasts. He has been following and protecting John and Henri ever since
they came to Earth. John remembers that in Florida, there was always a gecko staring at him while
he ate breakfast. While they are in Paradise, Bernie takes the form of a beagle. His name on Lorien
was Hadley. John has a few visions of him back when they were on Lorien. In the second book,
John realizes that Bernie Kosar is Hadley. Bernie helps John, Sam, and Six when ever they are in
trouble with the police or Mogadorians. In The Rise of Nine, Bernie continues to help John, along
with the newly found Number Nine and is shown to be fighting alongside the entire Garde, except for

Five, against Setrakus Ra at the secret government base in New Mexico. At the end of the book,
Bernie and the others survive Setrakus and are trying to find a way out, while at the same time
looking for Sam, who has been captured by the Mogadorians at the end of the second book. In the
Fall of Five, BK helps fend of the rest of the Mogadorians at the end of the book and is unknown as
to whether he survives or not. It is revealed in "The Revenge of Seven" that Bernie Kosar survived,
but barely, after the fight he was found severely injured, Four/John healed him but a piece of his ear
was bitten off. Bernie Kosar was sent to go with Sarah in finding more information about the
Mogadorians with Mark James.

Olivia is a Chimra from Lorien. She has been with Ella/Ten since she came to Earth and was
introduced in book two. There is supposed to be more Chimra like her that made it with Ella. At the
end of the Power of Six she is killed by a pack of krauls while protecting Ella and Marina/Seven from
harm. Her lifeless body is seen underwater, having died from the bite wounds that she had

Dust is a Chimra from Lorien. He was captured in Dulce by the Mogadorians using him as a test
subject to find a way to get his shapeshifting genes into the Mogs' vatborn. Dust finds Adam and Rex
in the desert of Dulce by the watchtower looking over the base. He starts to get friendly with Adam
but has a hatred for Rex, keeping an eye on him to protect Adam. He travels with the two to Plum
Island and fights the Mogadorians and helps Adam free the other Chimra. Now he is traveling with
Adam to Chicago to help Sam, Malcolm and the Garde in the fight with the Mogadorians. Dust went
with Adam, Six, and Marina/Seven to New Mexico, to the Sanctuary and stayed outside to keep any
more Mogadorians from interrupting.

Stanley is a Chimra sent on the second ship from Lorien. All Chimra, excluding Bernie Kosar,
are the property of Ella's father, Raylan. Stanley is one of the Chimra that Adam rescued from
Plum Island in the events of The Forgotten Ones. In "The Revenge of Seven", Sam befriends one of
the new Chimra who is very attached to Sam, taking its form as a fat orange cat. Sam then names
him Stanley (Nine's alter ego), as he believes the fat cat has a resemblance to Nine. Stanley is
currently in an abandoned warehouse with the other Chimra, John, Sarah, Sam, Malcolm and
Adam. Stanley was one of the Chimra being experimented on at the Mogadorian facility at Plum
Island. Stanley is left back at Ashwood Estates to protect Malcolm.

Biscuit is a Chimra from Lorien, that Sarah named, he currently has taken the form of a Golden
Retriever, he is a very playful Chimra. Biscuit was one of the Chimra being experimented on at
the Mogadorian facility at Plum Island. Biscuit is left back at Ashwood Estates to protect Malcolm.

Gamera is a Chimra who was a the second ship that came to Earth. Malcolm named this Chimra
Gamera, based on a monster movie that he had seen. Gamera was one of the Chimra being
experimented on at the Mogadorian facility at Plum Island. Gamera it's left back at Ashwood Estates
to protect Malcolm.

Regal is a Chimra that has taken the form of a hawk, he is one of the quieter Chimra's. Regal
was one of the Chimra being experimented on at the Mogadorian facility at Plum Island. Regal is
left back at Ashwood Estates to protect Malcolm.

Bandit is a Chimra that has shapeshifted into a raccoon, he sits next to Regal. Bandit was one of
the Chimra being experimented on at the Mogadorian facility at Plum Island. Bandit is left back at
Ashwood Estates to protect Malcolm.

Pikens and Krauls[edit]

Pikens and Krauls are Mogadorian beasts that are seen at the battle of the school in I Am Number
Four and in Santa Teresa, in The Power of Six. They are used as living weapons by the
Mogadorians. They are able to think for themselves though, as John was able to convince a piken to
turn against the Mogs in the First Book. Pikens are large, destructive creatures, while krauls are
smaller, deadlier beasts.

Other Loric[edit]

Pittacus Lore[edit]
Pittacus Lore is Lorien's ruling elder, and the author of the Lorien Legacies. He has been on Earth
for the last 12 years and is trying to find and reunite the Garde. He was the one who gave Setrakus
Ra a purple scar around his throat. He is the only Garde at this time to have "all of the legacies",

making him the only person to stand a clear chance against Setrakus Ra. It is at first believed that
number Eight is the garde who will inherit his legacies but it is later revealed that it is more likely to
be John or Nine as they too have had visions of Setrakus Ra, who can communicate with Pittacus
It is hinted throughout the series and out of the series that Pittacus Lore is with Number Five and
possibly heading for New Mexico. It is also rumored that Numbers Four, Eight, Nine, or possibly Five
might be the one Garde to be granted all of the legacies, just like Pittacus. However, by the events
of The Fall of Five, Five is revealed to be not involved with Pittacus and is instead working with the
In The Fall of Five, Malcolm Goode, Sam's father, explains to the Garde that he was "supposedly"
visited by Pittacus Lore, who told him to prepare for the Garde before they got to Earth and to make
sure they have the needs to go into hiding. He also says that Pittacus was wounded and that he died
the same night, explaining that the huge skeleton in his cellar is actually Pittacus himself. Whether or
not this is true remains unknown, as other evidence suggest otherwise, the skeleton of Pittacus Lore
in Malcolm's cellar might of been the Garde who had taken on the title of the ruling elder, this might
not have been the original Pittacus Lore (immortal of at least 10,000 years old).
In The Last Days of Lorien, Pittacus Lore is described as the most mysterious, yet most well-known
Garde on Lorien. He is also the most powerful of the Garde and the ruler of Lorien itself. Many myths
describe him as an immortal of at least 10,000 years old, while others believe that he has been
succeeded by many others.
His Legacies included (suggestions and predicaments):

Empathic Mimicry - The ability to mimic any type of Legacy by thinking of the user of the
original Legacy who which you mimicked it off. What Peter Petrelli has from the NBC TV
series Heroes.

Power Mimicry - This is what might have been meant by Pittacus Lore having 'All Legacies',
the ability to mimic or 'copy' the Legacies of other Garde (or he may have just inherited every

Omnikinesis - The ability to have all the kinesis powers, e.g. Pyrokinesis, Photokinesis,
Geokinesis, Hydrokinesis, Cryokinesis, Biokinesis, etc. (Again this is just a predicament)

Telekinesis - All Garde can move objects with their mind

Enhancement - All Garde have enhanced strength, speed, senses, relflexes, endurance and

Julianne was the wife of Henri when he lived on Lorien. She was also known to be a Cepan. It is
assumed that she perished when the Mogadorians invaded Lorien. When John/Four asked
Henri/Brandon where his family was on the day of the war he said "not with me, not on that day...."
which indicates that Julianne never got on the ship but had been killed on Lorien among most other
Henri described her to be the most beautiful woman he ever saw, even watching her sleep and
waking her up early in the morning when he couldn't wait to be with her. Julianne and Henri were
deeply in love, one that lasted even after she died.

Four's Grandfather[edit]
Four's Grandfather was a Garde and good friends with Henri, it is likely he was killed when the
Mogadorians invaded Lorien. His personality is described by Henri has cheerful, funny and outgoing,
unlike Four's Grandmother who was quiet and more 'behind the scenes' type of person. Henri also
describes a prank he pulled on him.
His known Legacies included:

Lumen - Just like his grandson, Four's Grandfather had the power to produce heat, light and
fire from his hands and could manipulate, create and control it in anyway he wanted to. This also
would have made his entire body resistant to heat and fire.

Invisibility - Just like Six, Four Grandfather could turn invisible at will.

Telekinesis - All Garde can move objects with their mind

Enhancement - All Garde have enhanced strength, speed, senses, relflexes, endurance and

Lara and Liren[edit]

Lara and Liren were the parents of Number Four on Lorien. It is likely they were killed when the
Mogadorians invaded Lorien. They were good friends with Henri (Cpan of Number Four) and
Number Six's parents, Arun and Lyn. This is one of the main reasons why Six and Four develop such
a strong bond.

Liren's Legacies included:

Weather Manipulation - Just like Six, the ability to control the weather. John sees this in his
vision of the Mogadorian invasion on Lorien, he sees his father fighting.

Telekinesis - All Garde can move objects with their mind

Enhancement - All Garde have enhanced strength, speed, senses, relflexes, endurance and

Lara would have had Legacies and definitely Telekinesis and Enhancement.

Arun and Lyn[edit]

Arun and Lyn were the parents of Number Six on Lorien. They were known to be good friends with
Lara and Liren, Four's parents. It is likely they were killed when the Mogadorians invaded Lorien.
Arun and Lyn would have other Legacies including both Telekinesis and Enhancement.

Loridas was the last remaining elder on Lorien. An Aeternus, like Ella, he was able to switch
between times and his age, which was how he survived the longest. Later though when the
Mogadorians invaded Lorien, he sacrificed himself so that Ella could escape with his powers, and
become Number Ten, (This is proven to be a lie told by Crayton). They escaped though on a second
ship. He does not appear but is mentioned in The Power of Six by Crayton to Marina and Number
Six about his history.
Loridas makes his first but very brief appearance in The Last Days Of Lorien. He is seen by Sandor,
Nine's cepan, and is revealed to be the one who put the charm on the Garde before they left Earth.
He does not speak in this story, but provides a very important part that will help the Garde for dark
future ahead of them. This Loridas would have been the Loridas to assume the title of Loridas.
His Legacies would have included:

Aeternus - The ability to change between ages that the user has already lived through (This
is not an actual Legacy, some Garde are born with this natural power)

Telekinesis - All Garde can move objects with their mind

Enhancement - All Garde have enhanced strength, speed, senses, relflexes, endurance and

The Pilot is the pilot of the ship that carried the nine Garde and their Cpan to Earth. He is not one of
the Garde, otherwise, he would have been fighting. His whereabouts remain unknown.

Devektra was a Garde on Lorien. She had the ability to sing, dance, and read minds, along with
communicating telepathly too. She is mentioned in Nine's Legacy and makes a few appearances
in The Last Days Of Lorien. She meets Sandor, Nine's cepan, at the night club known as
the Chimaera and grows to like him. She later invites him to come to the Chimaera again for the
Quartermoon. It is revealed that Devektra likes Sandor because he is different, just like her. It is
implied that they both have romantic feelings for each other, because of the kiss and the hug that
they share before and during the invasion of Lorien. She says goodbye to Sandor before she heads
off to battle with her other Garde. Later on, she saves Sandor and Nine from a Mogadorian, but she
does it from a long distance away, which provides more hints to the feelings she may have for him. It
is highly believed that she has been killed during the invasion of Lorien.
Her Legacies included:

Sound Manipulation - The ability to manipulate sound waves, she used this Legacy to
manipulate her voice on stage.

Photokinesis - The ability to manipulate light in any form, she used this Legacy while

Telepathy - The ability to communicate with others through their mind

Telekinesis - All Garde can move objects with their mind

Enhancement - All Garde have enhanced strength, speed, senses, relflexes, endurance and

Nine's Grandfather[edit]
Nine's Grandfather was a Garde on Lorien.

In The Last Days Of Lorien, he is seen with a young Number Nine, living in a hut just west of Lorien's
Main City (City Centre), along with their pet Chimaera. By the end of the story, when Lorien is being
attacked by the Mogadoriens, Sandor comes to take Nine to the ship that is evacuating the rest of
the Garde children. Before leaving Nine's grandfather reveals to Sandor that he is Nine's Cepan
now. Using his Legacy to see glimpses of peoples destiny, Nine's grandfather also predicts that he
will become important to the Nine and will play a role in the war against the Mogadoriens in the
future, but at the last second, he also predicts Sandor's death by saying "you will die". Nine's
grandfather died during the invasion of Lorien.
His Legacies included:

Precognition - Ability to see the future. Nine's Grandfather described it as having rare
glimpses at the threads of destiny, this is how he predicted Sandor's role and death in Nine's life.

Telekinesis - All Garde can move objects with their mind

Enhancement - All Garde have enhanced strength, speed, senses, relflexes, endurance and

Erina was the mother of Ella/Ten and wife to Raylan. Due to Raylan isolating himself with his
Chimaera and Chimaera keeper, Crayton, away from the Loric city, after Raylan's complaint about
the Secret Wars and his heritage being the rightful heir to the Tenth Elder after the Elders reduced
their numbers to nine, Erina was sent by the Elders to keep an eye on Raylan. She played and flied
with the Chimaera's creating bursts of currents of electricity (one of her Legacies), and Raylan would
change the colour of the electricity with his Legacy of manipulating the spectrum of light. They fell in
love, and Erina had Ella hours before the invasion of the Mogadorians, Raylan was planning to leave
Lorien with Ella, but got into a ferocious argument with his wife, Erina, so he agreed to fight and told
Crayton to be her Cepan and take care of her. It is likely that she died fighting when the
Mogadorians invaded Lorien.
Her Legacies included:

Elecomun - The ability to create, manipulate and control electrical currents in any form.

Flight - The ability to fly

Telekinesis - All Garde can move objects with their mind

Enhancement - All Garde have enhanced strength, speed, senses, relflexes, endurance and

Raylan was the father of Ella/Ten and husband of Erina. Raylan was very wealthy due to him being
the descendant of the Tenth Elder of Lorien before the Secret Wars. After the Tenth Elder was killed
during the Secret Wars, and the Lorien government covered it up to protect Lorien's image as a
utopia, Raylan was angered when they reduced the Elders' numbers to nine, so he isolated himself
from the Loric city - along with his Chimaera and Crayton, who tended to his Chimaera. This proves
that Raylan's father is actually Setrakus Ra (In The Revenge of Seven Setrakus Ra says that Ella is
his granddaughter). Setrakus Ra might have been the Tenth Elder that was supposedly 'killed' during
the Secret Wars. . Raylan was planning to leave Lorien with Ella, but got into a ferocious argument
with his wife, Erina, so he agreed to fight and told Crayton to be her Cepan and take care of her,
most of his Chimaera died protecting Ella and Crayton as they made their way to the second ship. It
is likely that he died fighting when the Mogadorians invaded Lorien.
His Legacies included:

Photokinesis - Ability to manipulate light (Although it is not said that he had Photokinesis,
manipulating the spectrum of light is very similar, and might just be a trait of Photokinesis)

Telekinesis - All Garde can move objects with their mind

Enhancement - All Garde have enhanced strength, speed, senses, relflexes, endurance and

The Secret Wars[edit]

The Secret Wars were a series of conflicts between the Loric and the Mogadorians, but it was
covered up by the Loric government to keep the image and idea that Lorien was a utopia. This all
took place before Lorien became its full potential, before the Garde received Legacies and the
Chimaera came out of hiding. At this time ten Elders of Lorien were present, but some time during
the Secret Wars the Tenth Elder of Lorien died; this has then been proven to most likely be Setrakus
Ra, due to Raylan (Ella/Ten's father) being a descendant of the Tenth Elder that 'died' during the war.
After the war, and there was peace once again, the Loric were gifted with the Phoenix Stones which
led to them being gifted with Legacies and the Chimaera came out of hiding.
It was later proven in The Revenge of Seven that Setrakus Ra was in fact the Tenth Elder of Lorien.
He was banished by Pittacus Lore during the Secret Wars, due to Ra's ideas and nature for

'progress'. He explains to Ella in The Revenge of Seven that the Loric people were too peaceful and
lacked the motives and harsh nature to use their Legacies for conquering and demolition of other
planets and races. After his banishment, Ra sort out the Mogadorians who had already used up their
natural resources leaving Mogadore as a husk, in doing this Ra slightly changed his Loric genetic
code to look more like a Mogadorian so that they would accept him as one of their one. He started to
help the Mogadorians' problems including energy, construction and the trouble Mogadorians had
with giving birth, thus creating the vat-borns. They eventually agreed to work under his rule and he
soon planned the attack on Lorien.

The Phoenix Stones[edit]

The Phoenix Stones are objects (not really stones) that the Elders discovered, post-Secret War, and
that gifted Lorien with the Legacies and the Chimaera. The Nine Garde that came to Earth each
have a Phoenix Stone inside their chest. The Phoenix Stones are a way to jump-start Lorien's
ecosystem when the Garde return to Lorien. The Phoenix Stones are currently not known what form
they are in but some ideas include:
Brittle Leaves Tied with Twine - This is found in Number Four's chest; in The Fall of Five, Four
touched it and a breeze from Lorien filled the room, he says that "this is a reminder of what we fight
Liquid Loralite - In Marina's chest she has a vial of water, but when she touches the side of the vial it
glows blue and follows her finger along the glass. When she pours a drop onto her palm, it instantly
solidifies into a loralite stone.
Curved Antler - Eight's chest holds the Curved Antler; this acts as a totem to them, In The Fall of
Five Bernie Kosar starts to go crazy when he is around the antler, in fact it attracted the other
Chimaera too; Bernie Kosar said he was "calling the others"
Leather Pouch - In Nine's chest there is a Leather Pouch containing a rich, brown soil, not much else
is known about this item.

Lorien Objects[edit]
Most of the Loric objects can be found in a Garde's Chest. Some are stones that are found in,
around, or on Lorien.

Loralite is the rarest and strongest gem on Lorien, only found at the planet's core. It is used to make
the Garde's pendants. It can also increase Eight's range of teleportation, allowing him to teleport
from continent to continent. He can only teleport to places that already have Loralite crystal, and he
cannot control where he will go. Eight has so far found Loralite in New Mexico, the coast of Somalia,
Easter Island, and a few other places.

Healing Stone[edit]
Healing Stone is a black Lorien stone that heals injuries caused with the intent to hurt or kill, but
when used it causes double the pain of the original injury. A healing stone would not heal older or
accidental injuries. It is assumed it was dumped into the well at the Sanctuary at the end of "The
Revenge of Seven"

Lorien Crystal[edit]
Lorien Crystal is an oblong shaped stone that is perfectly smooth. According to Henri, its tied to
their legacies. John's Lorien Crystal is clear on the outside and cloudy in the middle. When John
touched it, it activated his Lumen. Henri used the crystal to spread his resistance to heat and fire
over the rest of his body. It is assumed it was dumped into the well at the Sanctuary at the end of
"The Revenge of Seven"

Xitharis is a stone that is a piece of Lorien's first moon. It allows the Garde to transfer a Legacy to
another for a short period of time. It appears to last around an hour; the exact time seems to depend
on the Legacy being transferred. The only known Xitharis stone was lost by Five in "The Fall of
Five". It was seen when Six transferred her invisibility legacy to Four and Sam Goode so they could
retrieve his Chest in the Mogadorian Cave. In the book "The Revenge of Seven" it is revealed that
Five indeed kept the stone, then transferred his flying legacy into it trying to help Ella escape , it is
not mentioned if it is still in Ella's possession after she went unconscious.

Macrocosm is a small sphere shaped object contained in some chests of the Garde, when touched
it gives the exact location of the Garde that activates it, and the locations of the other Garde with
their Chests open. (this is how the Mogadorians found John, Six and Sam in Florida and Marina at
Santa Teresa). However, some Garde's chest contain a small red rod that when spoken into, those

who have Macrocosms active and open can hear him/her. Nine and Seven are known to have the
rods, while Four is known to have the sphere. All the others' are unknown. It is assumed it was
dumped into the well at the Sanctuary at the end of "The Revenge of Seven"

Joust Rod/Pipe-Staff[edit]
Number Nine has a rod that extends to be very long and can be used to kill Mogadorians and
Mogadorian beasts. In I Am Number Four: The Lost Files: Nine's Legacy, his Cepan Sandor
mentions that there used to be competitions on Lorien with these red rods, called jousts. This rod is
Nine's primary weapon. However, it was broken by Five during the fight in The Fall of Five.

Diamond dagger[edit]
In the Power of Six, Four finds a dagger in his chest. When Four uses the dagger, the handle wraps
around his wrist. Four is the only known Garde to possess this object.

Red Bracelet[edit]
In The Power of Six, Four discovers a red bracelet in his Chest that he does not recall learning
about. Later, when John battles with government officials in, "The Rise of Nine" the bracelet expands
into a shield. Four is the only known Garde to possess this object. The red bracelet is destroyed in
"The Revenge of Seven" by General Andrakkus Sutekh when John a.k.a. Four encounters him.

Sustenance is a yellow cube that Nine found in his Chest, and claims that is satisfies one's hunger.
It is a small yellow cube the size of a jawbreaker. When Four looks for one in his own Chest, he finds
a blue cube rather than a yellow cube. When John puts it in his mouth, however, it is revealed to be
a water substitute, rather than a food substitute. It is assumed it was dumped into the well at the
Sanctuary at the end of "The Revenge of Seven"

Dark Pair of Glasses[edit]

Marina/Seven finds a pair of glasses with dark shades (not sunglasses) while exploring the
objects of her Chest. Crayton, Ella's Cpan, does not seem to know what the function of the glasses
are. When Ella puts them on, however, she sees everything nearly three seconds before it actually
happens. For example, when the group is in the truck, Ella shouts that there is a missile heading for
the truck, but no one else sees or hears it. Now screaming at the top of her lungs, Ella forces
everyone out of the truck, and it explodes a second later. Hence, the glasses help the wearer see

what is coming before others. The use is not confirmed, because later Ella accidentally drops them
and a tree branch crushes them. The name of it isn't confirmed, either. Marina is the only Garde
known to possess this Loric object.

Tree Branch[edit]
Marina/Seven also finds a tree branch that looks like an ordinary tree branch but somewhat different;
smoother and more straight. As she is walking in the forest, she learns that the branch can control
the trees as if they were a marionette. It was dumped into the well at the Sanctuary at the end of
"The Revenge of Seven"

Pair of Dark Gloves[edit]

Marina/Seven finds these in her chest. At first it was only noticed that the gloves glittered when
touched. But in 'the Revenge of Seven', in an SUV, Nine claps his hands (with the gloves on) and
they produce a thunderclap sound that makes the SUV bounce a few feet into the air and it's
windows shatter also.

In The Rise of Nine, Eight (with the help of Seven), finds his Chest and takes out a small yellow rod
the size of a pencil. He nicknamed it, "The Duplicator." After it expands he walks in and starts doing
jumping-jacks. When the real Eight walks out, a copy of himself remains inside, still doing jumping

Hidden Blade[edit]
In Five's Chest, he has a sleeve that he puts on, when he flexes a blade shoots out. The first time
Five uses this he almost's stabs himself in the eye. This is the weapon that Five used to kill Eight
in The Fall of Five.

Obsidian Flute[edit]
Five has a flute that can be used to control certain beasts. He uses this in The Fall of Five while in
the Everglades to control a Mogadorian beast.

X-ray Pebble[edit]
Nine has a pebble, that when squeezed it makes wherever he has pointed transparent. He
demonstrates this in The Rise of Nine, when we gives it to Sam to find his father in the Mogadorian
base, West Virginia. It is assumed it was dumped into the well at the Sanctuary at the end of "The
Revenge of Seven"

Purple Pebble[edit]
This pebble belongs to Nine, and when he puts it on his palm, it phases through his right hand and
comes out his left. This is shown in the events of "The Fall of Five". It is assumed it was dumped into
the well at the Sanctuary at the end of "The Revenge of Seven"

Green Crystal[edit]
Eight has a green crystal that emits a strong gust of wind. In "The Rise of Nine", Eight, Marina and
Ella have teleported to the Gulf of Aden near Somalia. Marina discovers that the Loralite stone is at
the bottom of the sea, Eight throws the green crystal, and it instantly produces a strong gust of wind,
creating a large air bubble that the three Garde go in.

Liquid Loralite[edit]
Marina has a vial of clear liquid in her Chest. When she touches the side of it, it instantly glows,
similar to a Loralite stone, it follows her finger as she moves it along the glass. She later pours a few
drops of it onto her palm and it turns into a sold Loralite. It was dumped into the well at the
Sanctuary at the end of "The Revenge of Seven"

Leather Pouch[edit]
The Leather Pouch contains a rich chocolate brown soil, this is hinted to be Nine's Phoenix Stone. It
was dumped into the well at the Sanctuary at the end of "The Revenge of Seven"

White Tablet[edit]
This Tablet acts as a GPS for the Garde. In "The Fall of Five" the remaining Garde and Sarah use it
to locate Number Five.

Loric Salt[edit]
Loric Salt is a small pebble which slows and numbs the effects of Mogadorian weapons. It also
grants a burst of energy, but it does not last long and will fade if the person happens to be a Garde
and uses his/her powers.

Loric Chests[edit]
All Cpans received the Loric Chests from their elders for each of the nine Garde to keep until the
children grew into their legacies. It also is a locator to find others if one of the Garde has opened
theirs. If a Garde member is killed, the chest and the objects inside become useless and

Number One - It is revealed in the Fallen Legacies that the Mogs took One's chest after she
was killed.

Number Two and Number Three - It is unknown what happened to Two or Three's chests
when they were killed.

John/Number Four - Four's chest was taken by the Mogadorians, until Four and Sam
recovered it. (All taking place within The Power of Six).

Number Five - In an exclusive scene from The Fall of Five, Five retrieves his chest from a
swamp. His chest contains a whistle that makes Mogadorian beasts sleep.

Number Six - In the first two books it is explained that when the Mogadorians captured Six
and Katarina, they took her chest and have had it since. It was also assumed by Six, Four, and
Sam that the Mogadorians were able to open Six's chest. In "The Lost Files: Six's Legacy" it is
contradictorily revealed that the chest was buried and not in Mogadorian possession during the
time of Six's capture.

Marina/Number Seven - Adelina hid Marina's chest from her for 10 years, with Marina never
knowing the location or what was inside. Marina found the chest, with the help of Ella, and was
able to open it by drugging Adelina. (The chest can only be opened by both the Cpan and the
Garde, unless the Cpan is dead.) This action gave off a signal that showed the Mogadorians
she was in Spain.

Number Eight - Number Eight's chest was believed to have been stolen by the Mogadorians
as revealed in Eight's Origin Story, but the Mogadorian that was supposed to have escaped
using a ship, succumbed to the wounds inflicted by Eight before his escape and crashed. The

chest was later found in the submerged ship by Marina at the bottom of the lake close to
Eight's Home.

Number Nine - Nine's chest was hidden in the Mogadorian cave until Four and Sam
recovered it along with Four's chest.

Ella/Number Ten - It is revealed that Ella does not have a Chest in the Fall of Five, as she is
not one of the elders.

Loric Pendants[edit]
Each Garde member receives a pendant to wear to symbolize as a member of the Garde.

Numbers One, Two and Three - Setrakus Ra currently has the pendants of the First Three.

Numbers Four through Nine - Four through Nine currently still have their pendants with
them. In Rise of Nine, Setrakus Ra took Six's pendant or the large one she found in the Power of

Number Ten - Ella does not have a pendant since she is not really an Elder.

The symbols on the pendants of Four, Six, Nine and Five are revealed in the books. In
the film adaptation, all of the pendants are shown, and are inspired by actual crop circle designs.

In Four's vision at the close of The Fall of Five, Setrakus Ra is shown to have seven of the
pendants, Five and Six still having theirs.

Possible Legacies[edit]
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section by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged
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These are just a list of the Legacies that could potentially be inherited by the Garde, confirmed
Legacies on the Lorien Horoscope or Legacies that relate to Loric Objects founded in the Garde's

Force Field Projection - The ability to create force fields of any size or thickness. In Four's
Chest he has a bracelet, and when snapped on it creates a force field around the user when
under attack. This is shown in The Rise of Nine and The Fall of Five.

Sedation - The ability to control or seduce another being through the users voice, (similar to
the Greek mythological Siren). In Five's Chest he had a flute that he used to control the
Mogadorian beast when he reveal he was a traitor at the Everglades.

Plant Manipulation (Chlorokinesis) - The ability to create, control or manipulate plants and
vegetation of any type. Marina/Seven has a Tree Branch that controls the movement of the
trees, (This is demonstrated in The Power of Six).

Duplication - The ability to create physical replicas of one's self, (The extent of this Legacy is
unknown). Eight has a gold-looking rod (The Duplicator as Eight calls it) that mimics this power,
this is shown in The Power of Six.

Intangibility - The ability to phase through objects of any density or size. Nine has a purple
pebble that imitates this ability, by passing through Nine's right hand and coming out his left
hand - it is shown in The Fall of Five.

X-ray Vision - The ability to see through any material or object no matter its density, size,
length, etc. Nine has a red pebble that he gives to Sam in The Power of Six to find his father in
the Mogadorian base.

Aerokinesis - The ability to manipulate, generate and control air (pressure, flow, velocity,
strength, etc.). Eight has a rock that produce a strong gust of wind, Eight, Marina and Ella use
this in The Rise of Nine.

Hydrokinesis - The ability to generate and manipulate water in any form; this includes the
water flow, current, speed, strength and size. Marina had a tube of water in her Loric Chest,
when she touches the side of the glass it glows blue (very similar to Loralite glow).

Super Strength - The ability to have unnatural strength above any Garde

Adaptation - The ability to adapt the inside and outside of the user's body to the environment

Super Agility - Possibly gained by Number Three, allows the user to have their level of agility
above any other standard Garde.

Rapid Cellular Regeneration - The ability to regenerate limbs and heal any type of injury
(major or minor), at a very fast rate.

Longevity/Immortality - The ability to increase or decrease your mortality, and/or live forever.

Super Sonic Flight - Different from normal flight, super sonic flight allows the user to fly with
great speed and velocities.

Classical Elemental Manipulation - The ability to only control the four classical elements;
earth, fire, water, air. All elemental manipulations would be very limited in potential and power.

Chronokinesis/Time Manipulation - The ability to stop, fast forward, reverse, time-jump

and/or travel through time.

Magnetism/Magnokinesis - The ability to create, manipulate or control various types of

metals, with varying properties and alloys.

Cosmokinesis - The ability to manpiulate the cosmic energy and matter.

Illusion Generation - The ability to create illusions through dreams or physical reality.

Erebokinesis - The ability to manipulate, control or create darkness in any form.

Terra/Geokinesis - The ability to manipulate or control the earth, this may have been linked to
One's/Adam's Earthquakes.

Hypnokinesis - The ability to control the dreaming state, this may extend to Mind Control, or
be an extension of Telepthy

Plasma Generation - The ability to create, manipulate or control plasma in any form

Icy Cobalt Blasts - The ability to shoot Cobalt Blasts from the user's hands, In One's
memories, Adam sees a Loric fighting a Piken while protecting the nine Garde and Cepan as
they make their way to the ship.

Sensor/Empathy - The ability to feel and control other people's emotions

Technokinesis - The ability to control or manipulate technology of any sort

Super Intelligence - The ability to have intelligence far beyond any other standard Garde.

Mind Control - The ability to control other beings' minds, this might be an extension of

Density Control - The ability to control one's density, e.g. making yourself heavier or lighter
by will

Killing Touch - The opposite to Four's and Marina's Healing Touch, Killing Touch is deadly.

Impervious Skin - Skin that is indestructible, the user will still be vulnerable to internal

Convinco/Persuasion - The ability to talk whoever into doing whatever.

Thermokinesis - The ability to manipulate, create and control the temperature. In The Last
Days of Lorien Sandor hears about a Garde who accidentally froze herself to death in the bath
tub, because of not knowing how to control her new Legacy.

Optical Laser Beams - The ability to shoot laser beams out of one's eyes. (Similar
to Cyclops and Superman's Heat Vision).

Resurrection - The ability to resurrect one's self or others

Hybrid Physiology - The ability to change or meta-morph between Loric and a certain type of
animal, beast, etc.

Heightened Intuition - The ability to know extensively how all objects work. This could have
possibly been one of Number Two's Legacies.

Empathic Mimicry - The ability to mimic another Garde's Legacy by just thinking about the
Loric with the certain Legacy.

Power Mimicry - The ability to mimic another Garde's Legacy, but within a range of distance,
unlike Empathic Mimicry.

Elecomun - The ability to control, manipulate or create currents of electricity, Ella's mother,
Erina, had this power

Photokinesis - The ability to control, manipulate and create light of any colour, intensity or
brightness, Raylan and Devektra have this power.

Tactile Telekinesis - This ability is similar to Telekinesis but very different in some ways, it is
also often confused with Telekinesis. Tactile Telekinesis creates an invisible force-field around
the users body protecting their limbs, head and anything they where, it also enhances every
physical trait of the users body - this includes their senses.

Omnikinesis - The ability to control and have all kinesis-based powers - this Legacy will
most-likely have been Pittacus Lore's Legacy, and most likely be developed by one of the

Gravity Manipulation - The ability to change or manipulate the gravity around ones self, this
might be within a certain radius or distance.

Invulnerability - The ability to be invulnerable or indestructible (externally and internally) - this

is different from Impervious Skin, due to Garde that acquire Impervious Skin are still vulnerable
to internal attacks and telepathic control.

Telescopic Vision - The ability to see over and beyond great distances, this is not from the
Enhancement that all Garde receive.

Microscopic Vision - The ability to see at microscopic detail.

Infrared/Thermal Vision - The ability to see someones thermal signature.

Elasticity - The ability to stretch, flatten or shape any part of one's body, this might be an
extension of shapeshifting

Absolute Resistance - The ability to have the users body be resistant to anything extreme,
e.g. heat, cold, toxin, etc. This may not include the inside of their body.

Shockwave Emission - The ability to create shockwaves through any kind of movement, this
might be apart from Earthquake Legacy. Marina has a dark pair of gloves that when clapped
produce a strong shockwave; this is demonstrated in The Revenge of Seven.

Power Sponge/Absorption - The ability to absorb energy or kinetic based attacks and redirect

Energy Projection - The ability to create and direct any type of energy, e.g. kinetic,
gravitational, etc.

Reality Warping - The ability to 'warp' or change slightly, or for a period of time certain
objects, functions, etc. in reality.

Primary Elemental Manipulation - The ability to manipulate or control the four primary
(coming after the classical) elements; plasma (fire), sonics (air), plants/trees (water), stone

Secondary Elemental Manipulation - The ability to manipulate or control the four secondary
(coming after primary) elements; lightning (fire), psioncs/thought (air), ice (water), iron (earth). All
elemental manipulations would be very limited in potential and power.

Tertiary Elemental Manipulation - The ability to manipulate or control the four tertiary (coming
after secondary) elements; light (fire), gravity (air), shadow (water), magnetism (earth). All
elemental manipulations would be very limited in potential and power.

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