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University of Maryland, College Park

Department of Spanish and Portuguese



Spring 2015
Instructor: Prof. Onate, C.
Office: JMZ 4102
Phone: 301 405 6556

Schedule: MWThF
Office Hours: Th 2-3pm
E-mail: [email protected]

Bienvenidos a la clase de espaol!

Spanish 203 will reinforce your knowledge of the basic communicative functions,
vocabulary and structures of the Spanish language. The course emphasizes the skills of listening,
speaking, reading, writing and cultural awareness so that you can continue to understand, speak,
read, and write Spanish, as well as learn about the cultures of the Spanish-speaking world. As
you know, language learning is a long process, so don't be discouraged if you are still not
anywhere near fluent at the end of the semester; fluency in the early stages of language learning
is not a realistic goal. Language learning is an ongoing process, which requires your active
involvement and participation. In order to understand Spanish you must be in class to hear
Spanish; in order to learn to speak, you have to participate and speak in class; in order to learn to
read and write Spanish, you have to actually read and write in that language. In view of the need
for active involvement, attendance and participation in class is essential and will be graded as
explained below.
You will continue to use a lot of Spanish in this course. The class covers chapters 11
through 19 of the textbook (except for chapter 18) and has a content-based approach with a lot of
interaction and tasks. In other words, you will be a very active participant in the learning process
in this course! Your textbook provides a detailed outline of each chapter. In general terms, some
of the topics you will learn about include: animals, clothing, travel, professions, the future,
physical appearance, and technology. Among other things, you will learn how to describe
personalities, talk about pets, give and follow directions, and talk about hypothetical situations.
You will learn the most important vocabulary and grammatical structures needed to talk about
the above-mentioned areas, such as the present perfect, the conditional, the future, the
subjunctive, and reflexive verbs.
The Department of Spanish and Portuguese is committed to helping you succeed in
learning Spanish. We are counting on you to take an active and serious interest in your learning.

Course Materials
1. Gente. 3da. Ed. De la Fuente, Martn, Sans. Pearson, 2011. ISBN 978-0205783434
2. My Spanish Lab packet, Pearson. Password in your textbook packet
Course Code: CRSKLY2-8021175


University of Maryland, College Park

Department of Spanish and Portuguese


Evaluation Procedures
These will be assigned on the following basis:
Average of 2 Tests
Final Exam
Compositions Gente que escribe (4)
Oral Presentation
Oral Interview
Participation and classwork


*Homework includes assignments in My Spanish Lab (Practice and Preparation activities) and
any other tasks assigned by the instructor.
Spanish 203 uses the following grading system:


Percentage (%)



Percentage (%)
59 and below

EXAMS (20%): Two tests will be given during the semester. The average of these tests will
count for 20% of your final grade. These exams evaluate a variety of skills and information
including listening, reading, and writing.
There will be no make-ups without a proof of a serious emergency. As stated in the
undergraduate catalogue, an instructor is under no obligation to give a student a make-up
examination unless the absence was caused by illness, religious observance or participation in
University activities at the request of University authorities upon the students return to class.
The Department of Spanish and Portuguese requires written proof of any of the above in order to
provide the student with a make-up quiz or exam. In extenuating circumstances, certain forms of
written proof may or may not be accepted.
WRITTEN FINAL EXAM (20%): The Written Final Exam is cumulative and comprehensive
and will assess various skills. The Final Exam will be given only as indicated in the schedule of
classes. Check for Final Exam schedule.
ORAL PRESENTATION (10%): You will give an individual 3-4 minutes presentation in
Spanish in class. The presentation will be scheduled by your teacher and must be given on the
assigned day.


University of Maryland, College Park

Department of Spanish and Portuguese


ORAL EXAM / INTERVIEW (10%): You will have an oral interview in Spanish with your
teacher and/or another instructor during the semester. The interview will be scheduled by your
teacher and will be given at that time only.
GENTE QUE ESCRIBE COMPOSITIONS (15%): Gente Que Escribe is taken from
Gente textbook with specific focus on the writing process. You must write the assigned Gente
Que Escribe composition on a separate sheet of paper, double-spaced and with an original title.
You will be assigned a total of 4 (four) Gente Que Escribe compositions for which you will
write an essay with at least 20-25 complete sentences each, unless otherwise noted by your
instructor. Due dates are specified in the calendar.
PARTICIPATION (10%): This portion of your grade involves:
1. PARTICIPATION: Participation takes into account your use of Spanish, your willingness to
participate in class, your cooperation in group and pair work, your respect and attitude toward
your peers, etc. Remember your active involvement is essential in this class. Simply coming to
class is not enough.
2. CLASSWORK: You are expected to complete all classwork and to take an active role in the
classroom, in individual, group and pair work. Please note that class time is used to practice the
materials in the textbook. The instructor will expect that you come to class prepared in advance
to complete different types of learning activities.
HOMEWORK (15%): In order to practice what is learned in class and to help you prepare for
class, there will be a variety of homework assignments including daily homework from the text
and My Spanish Lab (MSL). The homework may also include any other tasks assigned by the
Remember that you are responsible for completing all exercises assigned by your instructor on
their corresponding due dates. No extensions will be provided.
Note about homework assignments:
Your instructor will explain the specific expectations regarding homework. The instructor will
not give credit to incomplete assignments. Doing the homework in the correct manner and on
time makes a big difference in your final grade.
Policies of the Department of Spanish and Portuguese
I. ABSENCES: Participation in class is crucial to your learning, thus, attendance is important
and your instructor will monitor your attendance daily.
In accordance with the UM policy on attendance (see the Undergraduate Catalogue:,
Department of Spanish and Portuguese has established the following policy for this class:
a) You will be allowed 4 unexcused absences (1 absence = 1 day of classes). You do not need to
provide a reason for your absences.

University of Maryland, College Park

Department of Spanish and Portuguese


b) In addition to these 4 unexcused absences, you may present a self-signed note for one, single
absence in this course this semester due to MEDICAL NECESSITY. (See below.)
c) If you are absent more than these allowed class sessions without valid documentation, such
as something signed by a health care professional or evidence of a court appearance, your
grade will be lowered as follows:
6-8 absences: final grade lowered by 1 letter, e.g. A B; A- B-; etc.
9-11 absences: final grade lowered by 2 letters, e.g. A C; A- C-; etc.
12-14 absences: final grade lowered by 3 letters, e.g. A D; A- D-; etc.
15 or more absences will result in your failing the course.
NB: Please review the following details regarding absences for illness:
* As noted above, except during a Major Scheduled Graded Event, you may be excused from a
single class session per semester for a medically necessitated reason. You should make a
reasonable attempt to inform your instructor of your illness prior to the class, and present your
instructor with a self-signed note attesting to the date of your illness. This note must include an
acknowledgement: (a) that the information provided is true and correct, and (b) that you
understand that providing false information to University officials is a violation of Part 9(h) of
the Code of Student Conduct.
*If you are absent on days when tests are scheduled or papers are due [or other such graded
events as specified in the syllabus], make sure to notify the instructor in advance, and upon
returning to class, bring documentation of the illness, signed by a health care professional.
*A prolonged absence or illness requires written documentation from the Health Center and/or
health care provider verifying your dates of treatment and time(s) when you were unable to meet
academic responsibilities.
If I am sick and miss one class, can I present a self-signed excuse?
Yes you can. Remember that this excuse will count as one of your specific
number of absences that will not affect your grade.
If I am sick for two consecutive days, can I hand in two self-signed notes?
Yes. Remember that two self-signed medical excuses count toward the
specific number of absences that will not affect your grade.
If I am sick for three consecutive days, can I hand in three self-signed notes?
No, three consecutive days is considered a prolonged absence or illness and
requires appropriate documentation. See the details above.
If I am absent, but was not sick, can I still hand in a self-signed note?
No, self-signed notes are for single medical absences only. However,
remember you have a specific number of absences that will not affect your
grade. See point (a). Remember that a self-signed medical excuse counts
toward that specific number of absences.

University of Maryland, College Park

Department of Spanish and Portuguese


If I have been absent the specific number of times I am allowed according to my

syllabus, can I still hand in additional self-signed notes?
No, remember that once you have been absent the specific number of times
noted on your syllabus, whether excused by a self-signed note or not, your
grade will be affected accordingly. If you have valid medical or other
documentation, you may submit it for consideration.
Tardiness: Coming late interrupts the entire class. If you are up to 10 minutes late to class you
will counted as tardy. Four (4) tardy notations will count as one (1) absence. After 20 minutes
you will be considered absent.
Unless otherwise directed, students are expected to remain in the classroom for 15 minutes in the
unlikely event that the instructor should not arrive on time. After 15 minutes, it may be assumed
that class will not be held. For more information see:
Religious observance: Please inform your instructor of any intended
absences within the first 2 weeks of the semester.
Unless otherwise directed, students are expected to remain in the classroom for 15 minutes in the
unlikely event that the instructor should not arrive on time. After 15 minutes, it may be assumed
that class will not be held. For more information see:
II. RESEARCH: The Department of Spanish and Portuguese is actively involved in both
teaching and research on language teaching and learning. Much of the research conducted in the
department takes place in the language classroom context itself. The language classrooms at the
University of Maryland offer a diversity of teacher and learner types and backgrounds that can
provide valuable information about the way people teach and learn languages. For this reason
we may ask your participation in our classroom-based studies, under the following
Participation is voluntary and anonymous.
Neither participation nor outcome affect any students or any teachers evaluation.
All outcomes will be reported in the aggregate and students will not be identified
individually. In the event that students must be identified for the purposes of
discussion, a code name or pseudonym will be assigned.
All projects have been approved by the University Human Subjects Committee.
Participants have access to information about the research project and researcher and
may opt not to participate at any stage of the research project without penalty to their
evaluation in the course.
Participants may review final report of research project upon request.
III. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: The University of Maryland has approved a Code of
Academic Integrity ( which prohibits students from
cheating on exams, plagiarizing papers, submitting the same paper for credit in two courses
without authorization, buying papers, submitting fraudulent documents, and forging signatures.
Plagiarism policy: all quotations taken from other authors, including from the Internet, must be

University of Maryland, College Park

Department of Spanish and Portuguese


indicated by quotation marks and referenced. Paraphrasing must be referenced as well. The
following University of Maryland Honor Pledge has been proposed by the Council and
approved by the University Senate: "I pledge on my honor that I have not given or received any
unauthorized assistance on this assignment/examination." This pledge should be handwritten and
signed on the front page of all papers, projects or other academic assignments submitted for
evaluation in this course.
There is to be NO collaboration apart from that between student and instructor unless previous
permission is granted. In this way, the integrity of the work and its authorship remain entirely
within the bounds of academic honesty. Where written assignments are concerned, students must
not receive help from native or advanced Spanish speakers, use online translators, download
texts from Internet, get assistance from tutors, etc.
IV. LEARNING ASSISTANCE If you are experiencing difficulties in keeping up with the
academic demands of this course, contact the Learning Assistance Service, 2202 Shoemaker
Building, 301-314-7693. Their educational counselors can help with time management, reading,
math learning skills, note taking and exam preparation skills. All their services are free to UMD
students. You may also visit their website at for more detailed
information about the services they provide. Students with disabilities should contact the
instructor at the beginning of the semester to discuss any accommodation for this course
V. ACADEMIC ACCOMMODATIONS: Please note that is you have a documented disability
and wish to discuss academic accommodations, the Department of Spanish and Portuguese will
be glad to work with you. However, it is your responsibility to contact your teacher as early in
the term as possible.
VI. COURSE EVALUATIONS: are a part of the process by which the University of Maryland
seeks to improve teaching and learning. Results are also used for promotion and tenure decisions.
Your participation in this official system is critical to the success of the process. All information
submitted to CourseEvalUM is confidential. Instructors and administrators can only view group
summaries of evaluations. Instructors and college administrators cannot identify which
submissions belong to which students. Participating ensures that your opinions will count. By
completing all of your evaluations, you will be able to see all campus results posted to Testudo.
VII. CHANGES TO SYLLABUS: This syllabus is subject to change. Students will be notified
in advance of important changes that could affect grading, assignments, etc.

We look forward to you studying Spanish with us this semester.

We are confident that it will be an excellent learning experience.

My Instructors Policies


University of Maryland, College Park

Department of Spanish and Portuguese


Keep electronic devices not used for educational purposes out of sight, such as laptops,
cell phones, iPhones, pagers, blackberries, etc. at ALL times. If you dont comply, your
participation grade will be lowered.
Any kind of inappropriate written and spoken language will lower your participation
grade and will result in a referral to the College.
It is absolutely prohibited the use of online translators to complete homework or writing
assignments. Please, be advised that this falls under Academic Integrity Rules followed
by the university.
In order to have an excused absence, you must provide documented proof of such
absence within five days after returning to class.
Compositions that are submitted late will be penalized with a 5-point reduction every day
after the due date.
Food and drinks are not allowed during class.


University of Maryland, College Park

Department of Spanish and Portuguese




Lunes, 26 de enero
Mircoles, 28 de enero
Jueves, 29 de enero
Viernes, 30 de enero

Introduccin al curso
Revisin de temas
Revisin de temas
Captulo 11. Gente e historias (II)

Lunes, 2 de febrero
Mircoles, 4 de febrero
Jueves, 5 de febrero
Lunes, 9 de febrero
Mircoles, 11 de febrero

Captulo 11
Captulo 11
Captulo 11
Captulo 11
Captulo 11
Entregar Gente que escribe 1: Un evento memorable (11-21, p. 194)

Jueves, 26 de febrero
Viernes, 27 de febrero
Lunes, 2 de marzo
Mircoles, 4 de marzo
Jueves, 5 de marzo
Viernes, 6 de marzo

Captulo 12. Gente sana

Captulo 12
Captulo 12 **Comienzan las Presentaciones Orales**
Captulo 12
Captulo 12
Captulo 12
Captulo 12
Captulo 13 Gente y lenguas
Entregar Gente que escribe 2: Artculo informativo (12-22, p. 212)
Captulo 13
Captulo 13
Captulo 13
Captulo 13
Captulo 13
Revisin para el examen

Lunes, 9 de marzo

Mircoles, 11 de marzo
Jueves, 12 de marzo
Viernes, 13 de marzo

Examen I (Lecciones 11, 12 y 13)

Captulo 14. Gente con personalidad
Captulo 14
Captulo 14

Lunes, 16 de marzo
Mircoles, 18 de marzo
Jueves, 19 de marzo
Viernes, 20 de marzo

Receso de primavera
Receso de primavera
Receso de primavera
Receso de primavera

Lunes, 23 de marzo
Mircoles, 25 de marzo
Jueves, 26 de marzo
Viernes, 27 de marzo

Captulo 14
Captulo 14
Captulo 15 Gente que se divierte
Captulo 15

Lunes, 30 de marzo
Mircoles, 1 de abril
Jueves, 2 de abril
Viernes, 3 de abril

Captulo 15
Captulo 15
Captulo 15
Captulo 15

Lunes, 6 de abril

Captulo 16 Gente innovadora

Entregar Gente que escribe 3: Una resea cinematogrfica (15-23, p. 266).
Captulo 16
Captulo 16
Captulo 16
Revisin para el examen
Examen II (Lecciones 14, 15 y 16)
Captulo 17 Gente que cuenta historias

Jueves, 12 de febrero
Viernes, 13 de febrero
Lunes 16 de febrero
Mircoles, 18 de febrero
Jueves, 19 de febrero
Viernes, 20 de febrero
Lunes, 23 de febrero
Mircoles, 25 de febrero

Mircoles, 8 de abril
Jueves, 9 de abril
Viernes, 10 de abril
Lunes, 13 de abril
Mircoles, 15 de abril
Jueves, 16 de abril
Viernes, 17 de abril



University of Maryland, College Park

Department of Spanish and Portuguese

Lunes, 20 de abril
Mircoles, 22 de abril
Jueves, 23 de abril
Mircoles, 29 de abril
Jueves, 30 de abril
Viernes, 1 de mayo
Lunes, 4 de mayo
Mircoles, 6 de mayo
Jueves, 7 de mayo
Viernes, 8 de mayo


Captulo 17
Captulo 17
Captulo 17
Captulo 17
Captulo 19 Gente que opina
Entregar Gente que escribe 4: Cmo naci? (17-20, p. 302)
Captulo 19
Captulo 19
Captulo 19
Captulo 19
Entrevistas Orales
Entrevistas Orales
Revisin para el examen final

Lunes, 11 de mayo

Revisin para el examen final

Jueves, 14 de mayo a
Mircoles, 20 de mayo


Gente Lecciones 11 19 (excepto 18)

The final exam will cover Gente Lecciones 11 19 (except 18)

Final exams will take place during the week of May 14th and May 20th.


University of Maryland, College Park

Department of Spanish and Portuguese


Presentacin OralInscrbete!
Lunes 16 de febrero
Mircoles, 18 de febrero
Jueves, 19 de febrero
Viernes, 20 de febrero
Lunes, 23 de febrero
Mircoles, 25 de febrero
Jueves, 26 de febrero
Viernes, 27 de febrero
Lunes, 2 de marzo
Mircoles, 4 de marzo
Jueves, 5 de marzo
Mircoles, 11 de marzo
Jueves, 12 de marzo
Lunes, 23 de marzo
Mircoles, 25 de marzo
Jueves, 26 de marzo
Viernes, 27 de marzo
Lunes, 30 de marzo
Mircoles, 1 de abril
Jueves, 2 de abril
Viernes, 3 de abril
Lunes, 6 de abril
Mircoles, 8 de abril
Jueves, 9 de abril
Viernes, 10 de abril
Lunes, 13 de abril
Viernes, 17 de abril
Lunes, 20 de abril



Un da inolvidable
Mi ciudad natal
Un viaje inolvidable
Un accidente
Mi comida
Mis hobbies
Mis pelculas
Mis deportes
Voy de compras
Mi msica
Mis programas de televisin
Un evento memorable
Mi trabajo
Un personaje que admiro
Mis amigos
Mi pariente favorito
Mis pelculas
Mi ciudad favorita
Mis libros
Mis parientes
Un accidente
Un personaje que admiro
Mis pelculas favoritas
Voy de compras
Un invento prctico
Mi ciudad natal
Mis hobbies
Mis programas de televisin

SPAN203. Instructor_____________
I, ___________________, hereby certify that I have read and understand the
requirements for
Spanish _________ class as stipulated in the syllabus I received at the
beginning of the course. I
Spring2015/ 10

University of Maryland, College Park

Department of Spanish and Portuguese


have also read and understand the specific classroom policies of my
I agree to come to class punctually, turn in all my work assignments in
a timely fashion, and follow the all classroom policies as stipulated by the
department and my instructor.




Current Semester ______________________ Class ____________Section
Name _________________________________________ UM ID _______________________
Telephone _______________________


Major __________________________
Highest level of Spanish Studies? (Please, list the Spanish courses you have
taken and where/when you took them, on the other side of this form)
Why are you taking this class?

General Requirement ______


Requirement ____



Spring2015/ 11

University of Maryland, College Park

Department of Spanish and Portuguese


Spring2015/ 12

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