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This years theme features the significance of quality education in molding dignified future for todays
rising generation. School as the basic tool of quality learning.
for tonight. Im delighted to be here to our 6th Moving up Graduation Exercises, the high point of the academic
year because tonight, we celebrate the accomplishments and achievements of our grade six and fourth year
students as they commence in their next lap of educational marathon.

Please watch them together with their parents, guests, board of trustees, our vice-president, PTCA
officers, and the members of the faculty and staff in their PROCESSIONAL.


May I request the public to please stand for the ENTRANCE OF COLORS to be followed by the
singing of the Philippine National Anthem through a multimedia presentation.

4. I am asking everyone to take your seat and find yourself comfortable as we move on to the next number of
the program.________ And now, for the welcome address, a round of applause for KORINALYN C.
PITOGO, fourth year student, with honors.
5-7. Up next is the presentation of candidates for graduation of the Grade- six class and the confirmation of
graduates and a message. To do the honors respectively, Let us put our hands together to meet both our
principal and our schools Area Consultant, Mr. Andres C. Erasmo Sr. and Mrs. Araceli A. Cabahug.
8-10. Thank you Maam. At this time is the presentation of candidates for graduation of the fourth year class
and the confirmation of graduates with a message. To do the honors respectively, Let us put our hands
together to meet again our principal, Mr. Andres C. Erasmo Sr. and


Well done Sir/ Maam!!! Thank you so much. My dear graduates, congratulations!!!
You have just been confirmed and for sure you are now eager to get hold of your diplomas. I now invite
back on stage, Mrs. Araceli A. Cabahug for the awarding of diplomas to the Grade-6 graduates. She is to
be assisted by our active principal, Mr. Andres C. Erasmo Sr.
To call on the names of the graduates of Grade-6 class, its now my pleasure to turn the podium over to the
class adviser, Mr. Clyde M. Briones.


And to award the diplomas of the Fourth year graduates, ______________________________________

is highly requested, and he/she is to be assisted again by our active principal, Mr. Andres C. Erasmo Sr.
To call on the names of the graduates of the fourth year class, I will give this microphone to the classer
adviser, Mr. Ervin B. Conde.

13. We will then proceed to the next, well have the pupils message, of course by our Grade-6 class First
Honors, Christel D. Pahuriray. A round of applause please.
14. At this very moment, we will give time to our class valedictorian, to express his thoughts and feelings
tonight for making it on top with flying colors. Let us meet, the class Valedictorian for his Valedictory
Well delivered GIO, thank you so much.
15. At this juncture is the awarding of Presidents Medallion for Academic Excellence Award. And to do the
honors, let me call in the the vice-president of the school, Mrs. FILIPINA B. CAPACIO.
**** The Presidents Medallion for Academic Excellence Award is given to:
Grade-6 Class First Honors--- Christel D. Pahuriray.
(daughter of Mr. Romeo Pahuriray)
4 year Class Valedictorian--- Gio B. Taboada.
(son of Mr. and Mrs. Arnel Taboada)

17. Now, let me call on Teacher Emmaculate Villanca to do the honor to introduce our speaker tonight.

---Thank you for that wonderful message Maam!!

19. At his juncture is the Awarding of Medals to the Honor Graduates of Grade-6 and fourth year class and this
is to be awarded by the schools legal counsel, Mr. Nieve P. Diaz.
***Christel D. Pahuriray
--- first honors (daughter of Mr. Romeo Pahuriray)
Selwyn Sam P. Pitogo
--- with honors (son of Mr. & Mrs. Baltazar Pitogo Jr.)
Gwen M. Loviano
--- with honors (son of Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Loviano
Ella Luz P. Domael
--- with honors (daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Manuelito Domael)
Threcia T. Branzuela
--- with honors (daughter of Mr. Ronal Coyoca & Ms. Divina Branzuela.)
Gio B. Taboda
--- Valedictorian (son of Mr. & Mrs. Arnel Taboada)
Korinalyn C. Pitogo
--- with honors (daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Panfilo Pitogo)
Krishia B. Arriesgado
--- with honors (daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Leo Arriesgado)
Anne Therez M. Taneo --- with honors (daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Sergeyevich Taneo)
Ritche P. Pepito
--- with honors (son of Mr. & Mrs. Oliver Pepito)
20. At this point, to give us an inspirational message, please join me in welcoming the legal counsel of St.
Isidore Labrador Child Development Center, Inc., Mr. Nieve P. Diaz.
21. And now is the awarding of medals to the grade-6 pupils with academic excellence and special awards by
our schools guidance counselor, Mrs. Alicia Erasmo. Please come up stage with your parents when your name
is called.
22. Up next is the awarding of medals to the 4th year students with academic excellence and special awards.
The graduates are hereby requested to come up stage together with their parents for the awarding of
medals once their names are called.

23. We already recognize the students who have excelled academically, we need to give credits to the persons
who have been at their back to support financially and morally, these are the people whom we wanted to
be called as the parents of the year.
To give the award let me call in, Mr.Andres Erasmo Sr, and this is to be assisted by the adviser.
****And the Grade-6 parents of the year, Mr. Romeo Pahuriray.
24. And to award the 4th year parents of the year, let me call in our Barangay Chairman, Hon. Elver Ali Abucay
to be assisted by the adviser.
****and the fourth Year parents of the year, Mr and Mrs. Arnel Taboada.
25. And now, lets hear it from the graduates. To lead the graduates in reciting the pledge of loyalty with honesty
and sincerity, May I call on Krishia B. Arriesgado, 4th year student with honors.
26. Lets all sit back and enjoy as we watch the graduating class perform to sing their Graduation Song, trained
by their respective advisers, Mr. Clyde M. Briones and Mr. Ervin Conde.
Good job guys!! Well done.
27. Finally, the time has come when these children could express their love and gratitude to the persons whom
they owe much, and these are their parents.
Now is the pinning of corsage or lie to the graduates by their respective parents, relatives and friends.
(Parents, friends, and relatives of the graduates, you can now go to the graduates.)
28. Ladies and gentlemen, weve come to the most awaited part of this program. Lets put our hands together
for the graduates, as they perform their graduation dance, trained by Mr. Clyde Briones and Mr. Evin

29. This time, let us hear some important announcement, to be given to us by our guidance counselor, Mrs.
Alicia V. Erasmo.
30. At this very moment, is the words of gratitude to be given to us by our active and ever supportive principal,
Mr. Andres C. Erasmo, Sr. a round of applause please!
31. My dear graduates, congratulations for your accomplishments tonight. I also want to wish you well for your
upcoming undertakings, and may you have a life filled with prosperity in God.
That concludes our graduation ceremony tonight. Thank you for coming and
enjoy the rest of the evening..!!

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