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Peggers Super Summary: Principles of ATLS

1. Primary Survey
a. Airway and C-Spine
b. Breathing
c. Circulation
d. Disability
e. Exposure
2. Adjuncts to Primary Survey
a. Monitoring
b. Catheters
c. X-Rays and Diagnostic studies
3. Secondary Survey
a. History
b. Head and Skull
c. Maxillofacial and Intra-oral
d. Neck
e. Chest
f. Abdomen (including back)
g. Perineum/Rectum/Vagina
h. Musculoskeletal
i. Neurological
4. Adjuncts to Secondary Survey
a. CT
b. Contrast X rays
c. Extremity X Rays
d. Endoscopy and US

Primary Survey:
1. Airway and C-Spine
a. Assume C spine injury in:
i. Multitrauma
ii. Decrease consciousness
iii. Blunt injury above clavicle.
b. Immbalise spine with hands until
blocks can be administered 2
person technique
c. 15L of o2 via Re-breath bag and
2. Breathing
a. Inspection and Monitoring
i. RR and Sats
ii. Colour of Patient
iii. Accessory Muscles
iv. Symmetrical Breathing

b. Palpation
i. Trachea
ii. Apex
c. Percussion
d. Ascultation
i. Airway Obstruction
ii. Tension Pneumothorax
iii. Open Pneumothorax
iv. Massive Haemothorax
v. Flail Chest
vi. Cardiac Tamponade
(Muffled HS, increase JVP,
Hypotension- Becks Triad)
3. Circulation and Haemorrhage Control
a. Inspection and Observations
i. Level of consciousness
ii. Skin colour
iii. HR, BP, Capillary refill,
b. Palpate
c. Auscultate
4. Disability
a. Pupils
c. BMs
5. Exposure
a. Control Temperature
b. Assess for other injuries
Adjuncts to Primary Survey:
1. ECG
2. Catheters
a. Urinary CI:
i. Blood at meatus
ii. Perineal Ecchymosis
iii. Scrotal Blood
iv. High riding Prostate
v. Pelvic Fracture
b. Gastric
3. Monitoring
a. Observations
b. ABG
c. End Tidal CO2
4. X rays
a. C Spine
b. CXR
c. Pelvic
d. Diagnostic Peritoneal Lavage
e. FAST Scan

Peggers Super Summary: Principles of ATLS

Secondary Survey:
1. History
a. A: Allergies
b. M: Medications
c. P: PMH
d. L: Last ate
e. E: Environment
f. T: Tetanus
2. Head and Skull
a. Visual Acuity
b. Pupillary Size
c. Penetrating trauma
d. Contact lenses
e. Battles Sign/Pander Sign
f. Haemotympanium
3. Maxillofacial and Intra-oral
a. Crepitus
b. Deformity
c. Mal-alignment
d. Respiratory Problems
e. Hypermobility of upper/lower jaw
4. Neck:
a. Image anyone with
i. Age >65yrs
ii. Dangerous Mechanism
1. Fall >1meter
2. Diving/Axial Load to
3. MVC > 60mph
4. Recreational Vehicles
5. Bicycle
iii. Limb Paresthesia
5. Chest
a. Inspect
b. Palpate
c. Percuss
d. Auscultate
6. Abdomen (Pregnancy in Females)
a. Inspect
b. Palpate
c. Percuss
d. Auscultate
7. Perineum
a. Inspection for bleeding/bruising
b. High Riding Prostate

8. MSK 3 S Stop bleeding Splint and

Stabilise Pelvis
a. Reduce
b. Splint
c. Check NV status
d. Compartment Syndrome
e. Pelvic space 2cm increase = 1.5L
increase in volume
f. 5cm increase = 5 L increase in
9. Neurological
a. Spinal Shock
i. Flaccidity, decrease reflexes
and full bladder
b. Neurogenic Shock
i. Hypotensive, Bradycardic,
Paradoxical Breathing
c. Focal Neurology
i. Tone
ii. Power
iii. Reflexes
iv. Sensation
v. Plantars

Adjuncts to the Secondary Survey

1. CT
a. CI:





i. Rigid Abdomen/Guarding
ii. Non Responder in Fluid
iii. Unstable Patient
iv. Positive DPL or FAST
v. Penetrating abdominal
vi. Free air on CXR
Contrast X rays
a. Damage to hollow viscus or major
Extremity X rays
a. AP and Lateral
b. Pre and Post Reduction

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