Nautical Notes: Principal's Column

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May 7, 2015
Volume 1, Issue 34

Nautical Notes
Principals Column
Inside this issue:
CIS Orientations

Field Day

Cafeteria Procedures

Parent Requests Letters

Nurses Notes

PTO Business Partners

PTO Corner


Exits during arrival

and dismissal are
RIGHT turn only.

Our year is quickly coming to a close. It is hard

to believe that our 4th &
5th grade students will
be leaving to start a new
chapter in their education at Chapin Intermediate School. It is an exciting time. Dont forget
that they will have an
opportunity to check out
their new school at the
orientations later this
month. (See page 2 for
We still have a lot to
look forward to as we
wrap up a wonderful
year. Our spring Book
Fair is coming May 18-

On May 26th we will have

our annual Field Day. Our
PE teachers have worked
hard to organize a funfilled day of games and
activities for our students.
They are still looking for
volunteers. Please check
out page 2 with their volunteer request form.
We are already planning
for next year. Soon we

Neighbors to our
school have asked
that parents not turn

Calendar of Events

in the entrances and


make U-Turns back

toward the school.

20. We will have a special

family event on May 18th
from 4:00 to 6:15 pm.
This will be a great time
to select some wonderful
books for summer reading.

One lane only entering

the school until cars
reach the double lanes

(at the parking area).

Thank you for your help in
making our school safe.


PASS Testing Science

Dining for Dollars
El Poblano
PASS Testing Social Studies
Nurses Day
SC Book Awards


Book Fair Family
Event 4-6:15 pm
Book Fair
Strings Concert
8 am
Rising 5th Tour at
CMS 6 pm

will begin preparing class

rosters. If your child has
any special needs or circumstances that we need
to consider, please send
a note or email to Mr.
Hainsworth explaining the
situation. This information is due by May
15th. See page 3 with
more information.
I hope you can get outside and enjoy this beautiful spring weather.
Have a great weekend.

Page 2

N a u t i c a l

Field Day! Field Day!

Calling all volunteers!

May Newsletter from the Library

Media Center

May 26, 2015

K-2: 9:00-11:00
3-5: Noon-2:00

Topics include information on the upcoming

SC Book Awards Celebration, May book fair,
summer reading programs, and book suggestions!
Book Fair Hours of Operation
*Family Evening Event (5/18) from 4:00
6:15 PM
Prize drawings held at 4:30 and 5:30.
Winners receive $25 to spend in the book
Mon. 5/18 from 7:15 AM 3:00 PM
Tues. 5/19 from 7:15 AM 3:00 PM
Wed. 5/20 from 7:15 AM 3:00 PM
Shop our ONLINE fair through 5/28.

N o t e s

Field day will be Tuesday, May 26, 2015. Everyone will have field day
on the same day this year. Kindergarten through Second grade will
be outside participating in 24 games 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Third
through Fifth grades participate in the 24 games 12:00 Noon -2:00
p.m. We need volunteers and a few donated items for this event to be
a success.
Please consider volunteering. This is a perfect volunteer opportunity
for students who have returned home from college for the summer,
grandparents, parents and community leaders. If you can not volunteer you can still help. We need cases of water and icee pop's to be
donated. We also need to borrow tailgate tents and cornhole games
just for the day.
If you can volunteer or donate an item please complete this online
sign up form on Mrs. Plemmons' webpage. You will need to cut and
paste the webpage address below into a new internet window. If you
have any questions contact Mrs. Plemmons, Mr. Nellems or Mr. Russell.

Mrs Plemmons' Webpage Address:
What: 6th Grade Orientation

When: Monday, May 18

9:15 10:15 am

Field Day Volunteer/Donate/Loan Form

Please completed the below form and return to Mrs. Plemmons



What: 5 Grade Orientation

When: Wednesday, May 20
9:15 10:15 am
Where: Chapin Intermediate
(Currently Chapin Middle School)
130 Old Lexington Highway
Chapin, South Carolina 29036
This is an exciting opportunity for
rising 5th graders attending Chapin Intermediate School for the
2015-16 school year to tour our
beautiful campus and to learn
about various opportunities that
will be offered at our new school.

Volunteer Name _______________________________

Child's Name __________________________
Teacher's Name________________________
Email __________________________________________________
Check all that apply:
I can volunteer:
____ 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. (Grades K-2)
____ Noon till 2 p.m. (Grades 3-5)
____ Can volunteer all day.
I will donate:
____ Icee Pops
____ Case of water
I will loan:
___ Tailgate tent
___ Cornhole game boards

Notes from the Nurse

Parents of 5th grade studentsImportant immunization information
SC DHEC now requires all 7th graders to receive one dose of
Tdap on or after the 7th birthday. This vaccine is typically
administered during the 11 year old well visit. If your child has
already received this vaccine you may turn in proof of vaccination to me. If they receive it over the summer, it may be turned
in to the intermediate school in the fall. Although this is a 7th
grade requirement, it is highly recommended to provide proof
of vaccination at the time it is administered. If you have any
questions please call the health room at 476-4609.

Parent Request Letters for 20152015-2016

Dear Parents,
We have arrived at the point in the year when we begin
to make plans for the upcoming academic year. We will
soon begin the process of preparing class rosters for next
year. Time and effort are invested so that classes meet the
instructional needs of children.
If you feel that your child has a special need or circumstance that you would like for us to consider, please put
your request in writing and forward it to Boyd Hainsworth through delivery to the front office or through
email to [email protected]. Please include
PARENT REQUEST in the subject line of an email. Mr.
Hainsworth will send a reply email to your request indicating that it was received. Include in the letter the grade
your child will be entering and the characteristics/needs
that your child has that would require consideration.
Please do not include a specific teachers name, areas of
certification, physical characteristics, etc. Request for a
specific teacher will not be considered. The purpose of
our request for the letter is to share things that we need to
consider about your child. All letters must be received by
Friday, May 15, 2015. Please understand that letters from
prior years are not considered. Letters must be submitted

Boyd Hainsworth
Assistant Principal

Dear Pa rents,
Head lice will be a problem from time to time in schools and it is important
to work together as a school community to minimize the frustration caused
by the problem. You should routinely examine your child's head at least
weekly. Head Lice are little bugs; a full grown louse is about the size of a
sesame seed. They crawl quickly when touched. They lay lots of eggs (also
known as nits). Nits are usually at nape of the neck/behind the ears and
close to the scalp. Nits are oval; white or grey in color and about the size of
a knot of thread. They are firmly attached to the hair shaft. To determine
whether or not you are seeing a nit try sliding it down the hair shaft using
your fingers. Nits will be difficult to move, whereas dandruff and other
items slide easily.
If crawling lice or nits are found, all household members should be examined for crawling lice and nits every 2-3 days. Persons with live (crawling)
lice or nits within inch or less of the scalp should be treated.
To eliminate head lice successfully, it is very important that all treatment
instructions and steps be carefully followed and completed.
Both over-the-counter and prescription products are available. You may
wish to contact your health care provider or pharmacist for additional information about which product they recommend.
Head lice can be a nuisance but they have not been shown to spread disease.
Personal hygiene or cleanliness in the home or school has nothing to do with
getting head lice. For more information visit the CDC website at or contact your school nurse.
Attached you will find recommendations and information about head lice
from the America Academy of Pediatrics. If you have any questions or concerns please contact the health room at 803-476-4609.
Tips for preventing your child from getting head lice:
Discourage head-to-head contact and sharing of hats, scarves, hairbrushes
and combs.
Tie long hair back.
Always send your childs own sleeping bag, towel and pillow to sleep-overs.
You cannot prevent head lice by using head lice shampoos or products
use them only if you have head lice.
Check young school age children weekly for head lice; more often if there
has been a known exposure to someone with head lice.
What to do if your child has head lice:
Notify your childs school nurse. The nurse can give you specific instructions for the treatment of head lice.
Check the heads of all family members.
All family members with head lice should be treated at the same time.
Tell all close contacts of the person with head lice to check their head.
Important points to remember:
1. Be sensitive to your childs feelings!
2. Lack of cleanliness does not cause head lice.
3. Both children and adults can get head lice.
4. Short hair does not prevent the spread of lice.
5. Head lice do not live on dogs, cats or other animals.

Cafeteria Year End Procedures

As the end of the school year draws near, we need to start preparing our close out procedures. After May 1st,
no one will be allowed to charge a school lunch for the remainder of the school year. This does not mean
that we will deny any student a school lunch. Students will still be able to get a sandwich with milk if they do
not have money in their accounts. Their accounts will still be charged for the sandwich and milk. Please be
sure accounts are up to date and make every effort to pay on negative accounts.

Human Capital Solutions, Inc

219 Shores Edge Drive
Chapin, SC 29036
Phone: (803) 407407-2620

PTO Business Partners

S D 5 L R C

Lake Murray Elementary School

1531 Three Dog Road
Chapin, SC 29036

Lake Murray Elementary Vision Statement

Phone: 803-476-4600
Fax: 803-476-4620

Our purpose at LMES is to educate, empower and

encourage students in a safe and
nurturing environment .


Lake Murray
Elementary School

Claire Thompson, Principal

[email protected]
Boyd Hainsworth, Assistant Principal
[email protected]
Kelly Reese, Admin. Assistant Principal

Chart the course

Lead the way.

[email protected]

PTO Corner
Thank you to our
Business Partner Patrons.
Please support these
businesses, as they have
contributed to our
Platinum paw
AVSX Technologies
Human Capital Solutions
Integrity Insurance
Zesto of Chapin
Tims Gas Depot
Gold Paw
DK Nails

Sign Up Now
Dining for Dollars

For the

May 7th & 21st

El Poblano


May 26th
Grouchos of

Rewards Program

Earn valuable
bonus points
toward much
needed supplies
when you shop at
BiBi-Lo and use your
Rewards Card!

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