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Labor Law Review |Sobrevias | August December 2014|Page

Sukhothai Cuisine v. CA
Date: July 17, 2006
Ponente: Austria-Martinez, J.
Digest Maker: John Michael Vida

PLAC-Sukhothai filed a Notice of Strike on grounds of ULP.
This issue was submitted to voluntary arbitration, however
during the pendency of VA proceedings, Sukhothai
dismissed some employees on bases of disciplinary
measures. This led to PLAC-Sukhothai holding a wildcat
strike. The Court held that strikes staged in violation of
agreements providing for arbitration are illegal, since these
agreements must be strictly adhered to and respected if
their ends are to be achieved.
Strikes and Lockouts wildcat strikes
[NOTE: taken and derived from earlier Labor 2 digests from last
years pool]
Sometime in March 1998, majority of the employees of Sukhothai
Cuisine and Restaurant (Sukhothai) organized themselves into a
union which affiliated with Philippine Labor Alliance Council
(PLAC), designated as PLAC Local 460 Sukhothai Restaurant
Chapter (Union).
The union later filed a Notice of Strike on December 1998, on the
ground of ULP acts of harassment, fault-finding, union-busting.
In the conciliation conference, Sukhothai and the Union entered
into a submission agreement that there will be no termination of
employment during the pendency of the case with the
reservation of the management prerogative to issue memos for
violation of company policies. A strike vote was conducted.

The parties submitted the issue of ULP for voluntary arbitration.

During the pendency of the VA proceedings, the company
dismissed a union member, Eugene Lucenter, due to a petty
quarrel with a co-employee. Subsequently, another union
member, Jose Lanorias, was dismissed for undisclosed reasons.
The Union Vice President with other union members staged a
wildcat strike (or a strike that is unauthorized by the union).
A notice of strike was re-filed by the Union and the protest was
converted to a sit-down strike. The next day, it was
transformed to an actual strike.
Sukhothai then filed a complaint against the Union, seeking to
declare the strike illegal, and to declare the respondents Cayno,
et al (those who participated in the commission of illegal acts),
to have lost their employment status. Having arrived at no
amicable settlement, the parties submitted their position papers,
together with supporting documents, affidavits of witnesses, and
photographs, in compliance with the orders of the Labor Arbiter.
LA: ruled that the strike was illegal, as the Union failed to comply
with the mandatory requisites for a lawful strike. Also, it was
ruled that that the issuance of memos by Sukhothai to instill
discipline on erring employees is a lawful exercise of
management prerogative and do not amount to acts of ULP. Also,
instead of resorting to a strike, the respondents should have
availed of the proper legal remedies such as the filing of
complaints for illegal suspension or illegal dismissal with the
NLRC. Hence the appeal to the NLRC.
NLRC: reversed the decision and ordered the strikers to return to
work on the ground that the company violated the submission
agreement and dismissed a union member during the pendency
of the proceedings.
CA: denied the petition and affirmed the NLRCs decision. Hence,
the appeal to the SC.

Labor Law Review |Sobrevias | August December 2014|Page

WON the wildcat strike was illegal. YES.
The undisputed fact is that at the time the strike was staged in
June 1999, voluntary arbitration between the parties was ongoing
by virtue of the Submission Agreement between the parties. The
issue to be resolved under those proceedings pertained to the
very same issues stated in the Notice of Strike: the commission
of unfair labor practices, such as acts of harassment, faultfinding, and union busting through coercion and interference with
union affairs.
Article 264 of the Labor Code provides:
Art. 264. Prohibited activities.
No strike or lockout shall be declared after assumption of jurisdiction by the
President or the Secretary or after certification or submission of the dispute to
compulsory or voluntary arbitration or during the pendency of cases involving the
same grounds for the strike or lockout.

The Court has held that strikes staged in violation of agreements

providing for arbitration are illegal, since these agreements must
be strictly adhered to and respected if their ends are to be
achieved. The rationale of the prohibition under Article 264 is that
once jurisdiction over the labor dispute has been properly
acquired by competent authority, that jurisdiction should not be
interfered with by the application of the coercive processes of a
It is among the chief policies of the State to promote and
emphasize the primacy of free collective bargaining and
negotiations, including voluntary arbitration, mediation, and
conciliation, as modes of settling labor, or industrial disputes. In
Alliance of Government Workers v. Minister of Labor, Chief Justice
Fernando declared that the principle behind labor unionism in
private industry is that industrial peace cannot be secured

through compulsion by law. Relations between private employers

and their employees rest on an essentially voluntary basis,
subject to the minimum requirements of wage laws and other
labor and welfare legislation.
The strike is also illegal for failing to exhaust all steps in the
arbitration proceedings. The alleged dismissals of Lucente and
Lanorias, both union members, which allegedly triggered the
wildcat strike, are not sufficient grounds to justify the radical
recourse on the part of the Union. If the union believes that the
questions about the dismissal are connected to the alleged
breach of the company not to dismiss anyone during pendency of
the VA proceedings, these matters should have been raised in
the VA. If the union believes that the dismissal had nothing to do
with the issues under arbitration, they should have availed of the
proper remedies such as filing cases of illegal dismissal,
submission to the grievance machinery, or simply terminate the
VA proceedings and complete the procedure for a lawful strike.
The Union should have availed themselves of any of these
alternative remedies instead of resorting to a drastic and
unlawful measure, specifically, the holding a wildcat strike. Good
faith cannot be invoked as a defense because the union knew
that VA proceedings were ongoing.
Although the union admits that they failed to comply with the
requisites for a valid strike they contend that they may conduct a
strike immediately because of an alleged ULP on the ground of
union busting pursuant to Art. 263 (c). However, even this
immediate strike recourse in case of alleged union busting has
mandatory requirements notice, strike vote, and seven-day
report period which the union did not comply with.
The strikers also engaged in prohibited acts during the strike
such as intimidation and harassment of customers to turn them
away and discourage them from patronizing the business. These
acts comprised of statements such as "Huwag kayong pumasok
sa Sukhothai!" and "Nilagyan na namin ng lason ang pagkain
d'yan!" as well as numerous other statements made to discredit

Labor Law Review |Sobrevias | August December 2014|Page

the reputation of the establishment; preventing the entry of
customers; angry and unruly behavior calculated to cause
commotion, which affected neighboring establishments within the
mall; openly cursing and shouting at the president in front of
customers and using loud and abusive language, such as "Putang
ina niyong lahat!", toward the rest of the management as well as
their co-workers who refused to go on strike; physically
preventing non-strikers from entering the premises, as well as
deliberately blocking their movements inside the restaurant, at
times by sharply bumping into them or through indecent physical
contact; openly threatening non-strikers with bodily harm, such
as "Pag hindi sila pumayag, upakan mo!"; and shouting at the
security guard "Granada!" which caused panic among the
customers and prompted security to report a possible death
threat to management and the security agency.
In the determination of the liabilities of the individual
respondents, the applicable provision is Article 264(a) of the
Labor Code:
Art. 264. Prohibited Activities (a) x x x
x x x x Any union officer who knowingly participates in an illegal strike and any
worker or union officer who knowingly participates in the commission of illegal
acts during a strike may be declared to have lost his employment status:
Provided, That mere participation of a worker in a lawful strike shall not constitute
sufficient ground for termination of his employment, even if a replacement had
been hired by the employer during such lawful strike.

In Samahang Manggagawa sa Sulpicio Lines, Inc.-NAFLU v.

Sulpicio Lines, Inc. the Court explained that the effects of such
illegal strikes, outlined in Article 264, make a distinction between
workers and union officers who participate in the strike: an
ordinary striking worker cannot be terminated for mere
participation in an illegal strike. There must be proof that he or
she committed illegal acts during a strike. A union officer, on the
other hand, may be terminated from work when he knowingly
participates in an illegal strike, and like other workers, when he
commits an illegal act during a strike. In all cases, the striker
must be identified. But proof beyond reasonable doubt is not

required. Substantial evidence available under the attendant

circumstances, which may justify the imposition of the penalty of
dismissal, may suffice. Liability for prohibited acts is to be
determined on an individual basis.

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