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: Citra Dewi Ratansiani


: 13E10986

No. Absen

: 12


My grandmother often feel illness on her stomach, and sometimes she found blood on
her urine. We afraid that she had an kidney disorder. Premilinary diagnosis from doctor in
public healtcare centre

that she got nefrosiliasis , so he suggest we must bring my

grandmother to better hospital in order to getting better medical check up.

One day, on my vacation My parents and I taking the time to accompany my
grandmother to Surya Husada Hospital. We pick her up at 8.00 A.M because the distance
between my grandmother house to Denpasar is far enough is about 2,5 hour by car, so we
dont wanna back home when night come. I brought some mineral water, telon oil , and her
scarf to make her comfortable during the way to hospital.
Finally, we arrived at Surya Husada Hospital. We go to registration room and got
number 10 in the waiting list. A hour passed and the nurse told me to accompany my
grandmother to radiology room. There are two room inside radiology room. the first one is
for the patient waiter and operator it called preparation room and the second one is for taking
X-Ray imaging it usualy called dark room. My grandmother must have an abdominal X-Ray
imaging to monitor her kidney so that the doctor could have a diagnosis continuance.
The radiology operator told my grandmother to take off her jewelry and wear a
hospital gown during the observation. While waiting the imaging process, I have some
explanation from the operator. He said that Radiology is a medical specialty that employs
the use of imaging to both diagnose and treat disease visualized within the body, in your
grandmother case we use that technology to know that the size of the nefrosiliasis crystal are
getting bigger or smaller.
He explain that my grandmother will lie on a narrow table that slides into the center of
the X-Ray Scanner. She lie on her back with her arms raised above the head. Once she are
inside the scanner, the machine's x-ray beam rotates around her. then A computer creates

separate images of the belly area, called slices. These images can be stored, viewed on a
monitor, or printed on film. Three-dimensional models of the belly area can be made by
stacking the slices together. He told that the person who doing X-Ray scan must be still
during the exam, because movement causes blurred images. In other case they may be told to
hold breath for short periods of time. The scan should take less than 30 minutes he said.
Once the result of radiology is done, the nurse brought it to doctors room. Doctor
said that my grandmother must have kidney surgery because the mineral on her kidney was
2.5 cm in diameter it may be dangerous if it does not have a surgical removal. Doctor explain
that the operation not as scary as it heard because the hospital have a modern technology
called ESWL (Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy) which allows the crystal break by
shock wave from outside the belly so its small flakes will came out with the urine.
A half day passed and my grandmother has finished her kidney operation, my
grandmother look pale, but we are happy that her illness were cured

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